The New York Clipper (November 1907)

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1012 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. November 2. HOPKINS ft ALLEN WILD WEST REVOLVER 82 or 88 Calibre. Only $4.60 Writ* lor now Catalogue of Shot Gum, Rifles and Revolvers. Frat. UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN .COPYRIGHT! PATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS YOU FMrt^'FlKATES. And make yon a fortune. If you have a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT. bONG or BOOK that It worth anytulnar, yoa should copyrlirht It. Don't take chances when yon can secure our wn- small co«t. Sendfor our SPECIAL OfftR TO INVtNIORS before applying for a patent, it will pay you. hVWDBOOK on falenti mitt fMl. We hWm If patenta- ble <ir not, TREE. Wo Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small fee*. Consult U. YVORMELLE & VAN MATER, Manager*, CoIuboI j Copyright 4 Patent Co. Inc., WASrlttCION, D. C. wsm. 0 A LAUFCIJTY,: PRESIDENT 852 8i4 BftOACWiY: NtW YORK" MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES fovm/ui/$r$*r£B, «, srrm /GOO '■">& ■■<AZ&J&0rf0Mffli . . G':O: ; S;SfeG.0y, . t ^g»jg|pf M T large Stock 80ft and Under New and Second Hand. Wrltn THE) CHARLES P. SHDDIGR TENT AND AWNING CO., Successor! to the T. W. Noble Co., Tent Dept, Detroit Bug and Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. SEND FOR CATALOG G Giving Hat of otar latest Alma. Our Booklet, FILM R!NTAL FACTS, Fm OB receipt of nmne nnil address. a. N. Y. FILM RENTAL FACTS 24 UNION SQUARE. W. Y. CITY. Floe Magical Apparatus, ILLUSIONS, THICKS, Etc. (imiui End of Contury, fully llluxtratod. UOOll Cata- Louuk, Mo., froe by mall. Catalouuo or Parlor tricks freo MAKT1NKA ft CO , Nfre., 493 Sixth Ave, N. Y. BLOOD POISON FOR MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS Wo have nindo tho cure of III noil Poison a specialty. Ulood Poison Permanently Cured. You can bo treated a i linmu under tlio same guaranty, capital, *Mu,uuo. Wo aollolt iho most clistluato caw*. If ynu liavo ex- hausted ttto old moltioda of treatment and still huvo in: he* nnd palm). Mucus Patches In Mouth, Hnre Throat, rlmploa Copper-Colored Bpotn. Ulceri nit any part iif the body, Hair or Eyebrows falling out, write for proofs of cares, loo-page Book Free. COOK REMEDY CO.. 1111 MuonloTtmpI*, Chicago, lll.,U.8X III. hrrel. HM Steel. HOPKINS ft ALLEN REVOLVERS are widely used by stage peepl. because of their hlrjh quality and low price. Toe above model— WILD WEST BEVOLVEE—!s especially desirable for melodrama and Western Shows, because of Its showy size and pistol-like appearance. DESCRIPTION—A long barreled revolver—large and very ehowj large stock and blued octagonal barrel, a half foot long. Makes a great show from the front, and especially with 88 calibres, a very loud report when blank cartridges arc used. la double action, self cocking; hammer re bounds after firing, obviating the possibility of accidental discharge. Barrel la twist rifled, and cxcelltnt for target practice. The revolver I* safe ac curate, reliable, and made of best material throughout 88 calibre. S> ahota 82 calibre, 6 shot*. Sent by MAIL. POSTPAID, anywhere In toe D. S., for 14.80. 8AFH DE LIVERY AND SATISFACTION^ GUARANTEED-If not found at ntare«t gun etore. BanT. Em, with triple nickeled barrel frame and cylinder, CO cent* let* In either 82 or 86 entlon calibre wanted when you write. THE HOPKINS A ALLEN ARMi CO.. Theatrical Dept. Norwich. CVjMh U. ». A Laroesl Manufacturer! of High Oraao Popular Price* firearm* In the World. Order either Vesta or Hose. They will be sent to you with the understanding that If they are NOT PERFECTLY SATIS- FACTORY to you In EVERY RESPECT: If you do not consider them the GREATEST v ALUES EVER OFFERED, you can return them to us AT OUB EXPENSE, and we will cheerfully refund your money, together with any transportation charge* you may have paid. YOU DO NOT RISK ONE PENNY IK SENDING YOUR ORDER to BELLAS HXSS & COMPANY, Nov York City, New York. No. HC3.III.- Ladies' Finest Quality, Fare Silk, Black guaranteed fast black, double toes, double solea and high spliced heels. This same quality of silk hose ordinarily cells for Jl.BO. We have bought an enormous quantity and are going to sell them a* long as this lot lasts, for tho • pedal price of ¥1.00 per pair, or ihreepalr forf/.OO. No. 14 C 045— Ladies' Imported Pore Spun Silk Swiss made by Europe's most celebrated maker of allk un- derwear, and lm- forted by us direct rom Bern, Switz- erland. Guaranteed pure silk of tbe Driest quality, trimmed with fine silk ribbons at neck and around the arm-holes. Conic In pink, cream white or light blue. Sizes, 82 to 44 bust meas- ure. Order as many of these allk vesta sb you desire. You run absolutely no risk In doing so. Price, 91.00 each, or three for 92,00. We Employ No Agents BellasHess&© We Have No swiAOWAY. prince 4 crosby sts Branch NEW YORK CITY.N.Y. Houses DENTOZA GO ON ON YOUR SCENE WITU A PURE BREATH FRESHENED BY THE CONVENIENT DENTOZA TABLET Tho Theatrical Profession finds Dcntoaa Tablets practically Indispensable because they purify the breath and mouth, clcunxo the tcotli and cause a healthful flow of saliva. Between the acts or on those "early morn- ing Jumps," when there la lit tic time for mouth ablution, Dontoza Tablets are most hsndy, for they can be carried In pocket or wrist bag and used with or without a tooth brush. Miss Lillian Russell says: "In the convenient and efllclont DENTOZA mouth TABLETS we singers and players have at last found what we have always needed." Prloe 2«o. per package at all drug counters, Uepner'B Emporiums or the manufacturers. LIBERAL SAMPLES SENT Olf HEQVEST. DENTOZA CHEMICAL CO., 39-3* Frankfort St., I*. T. No. 10.806 under Pure Food and l»rn«r Act TABLETS iRhta ea.OO, 'Cotton Tight*. 1.00! Allk Tight*, from t*.M wpi MlWuline Slant., 9* on "~,00i ''Kb! ittlrt. to inatrh, all .am. prlci tlajht.i ramp* un o.nt.i Oalt- era, 8I.OO1 Elastic nnpportor* SI .Out Cloth Bn|i|iortera. as c.nt* and ibr catalofzno and s.mpl.i of tight*. Ire*. Positively a de- poult r«»qntr*d. S«t1afa,nt1nw irn*«w teed or money refunded. SPICER BROS. 80 Wood ill lie Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; New York Ol llcc, Lincoln Bldg,, 1 Union Sq. SHOW PRINIERS-LI lKOGRAPHERS. ENGRAVERS 611'tr.'l Si • I 7. ELM St.,. ST.'LOtJ IS; M 0, StocR lit wo Graphs *W Post ens rop oaAMAtic, MiNstnri./.vAUocv'iu'r., MAO<Ci HYPNOTISM; MO VI NO. PI CTUfU9, RCPCRYOlPC, STOCK, CIRC US,W|i.DWt9T, raiRs. 'carnivals^ auto RActs roUer • K ATI NO. .a » picnics,»aces Ire. SPECIAL'PRINTirlO ANOLlTHdCR ARMING or ail kinoi.;. arNo roAijATALoauc. W'ant«tl,hirtiiiT„T,S s AST Write to J.J. i.kkm AN, care Thos. It. Hoilbron, 861 Eastl62d Street, Bronx, N, Y. WASHINGTON. *«»«•••—At the Grand Opera Houae (John Cort, manager) Jessie Buafey and com- pany, presenting "In tbe Bishop's Carriage," week of Oct. 18, sustained the very favorable Impression created on their former appear- ance. "Cbeckara" wcek of 20. Isabel Irving, in "The Girl Who Has Everything." week of 27. Olga Nethersole, In repertory, week of Nov. 8. "The College Widow" week of 10. (Russell ft Drew, managers).— •'A Message from Mars." week of Oct. 13, had big attendance. "Raffles" week of 20. "The Heir to the Hoorah" week of 27. "Un- der Southern Skleo" Nov. 8-6, "The Three of Us" 7-0. Tnian Avenub (ChaB. A. Taylor, mana- ger).—The Taylor Stock Co., In "Dad's Girl," week of Oct, 13, had big houses. "Ten Nights In a Bar Room" wcek of 20. "Beacon Lights" week of 27. Loir (Alex Pautagee. manager).—The Pan- tages Stock Co., In "If I Were King," bad crowded houses week of 18. The work of William C. Bowman, the new leading man, as Francol* Villon, waa worthy of special mention. Couiirjii (D. O. Inverarlty, manager).— New people week of 21: Dear**' manikins, Miles and Raymond. George Smedley, Boy Mc- Hratn, Mike Qulnn and his talking dog, the Great Elvertori, Morgan and McPerry, and moving pictures. Pantaom' (Alex Pontages, manager).— New people week of 21: Barton and Ashley, t,d. and Nettle Masse, Alison and Tolon, Wal- ters and Hill, the Musical Monarchs, Arthur Elwcll, moving pictures. Stab (Frank Doncllan, manager). — New people week of 21: Lewis ft Lake Musical Co., In "A Day at tbe Race*;" Major Doyle, Gab- bert and Garrett, and moving pictures. Ohphbum (T. J. Consldtne, manager).— New people week of 21: Lyndon, Woren and Arbuckle, Faust Bros., Odsr, Nick Conway, Sloan and Louden, Geo. Keane, and moving pictures. Ltbic (L. N. Rosenuaum, manager).—New people week of 21: Ada Gautler, Chas. G. Carrolton, Dunbar and Dunbar, McQee and Collins, Quby Bros., Virginia Hayden. Myrtle Vlctorlne, and moving pictures. Family (John Lord, manager).—New peo- ple week of 21; Grace Huntlngton-Harry Keenan company, Vernon Meamer, Roacoe, Family Stock Co.. Three Fierce Children, Art Raymond, and moving pictures, Odron (8. Morton Cohn, manager).— Moving plcturea and illustrated songs. Eh)EN Mused (Floyd Thompson, mana- ger).—This house closed 20 for an Indefinite period. Lona Pabk (Obaa. Looss, manager).— ltuslness is fair. .Votes. —Manager Consldlne's horses carried oft several blue ribbons In the second annual horse show held In tola city 16-10. Aurel Batonyl, a well known New York society whip, was one of the Judges... .Bessie Fuller, cashier of the Odeon Theatre, committed Bulclde 16 Virginia Hayden will ihorUy Join the Taylor Stock Co. Wm. Lang, vaudeville agent, will close his Chicago onlce shortly, and Join forces with Mose Goldsmith In his booking arency In this city. * Spokane. — At the Spokane (Dan L. Weaver, manager) 8. Miller Kent, supported by Itoydon Erlynne aa Captain Bedford, and barah Leigh aa Mr*. Vldal, waa a welcome visitor Oct 14, IS, when he presented "Rallies" before two large audiences. This was Mr. Kent's drat appearance In the Pa- cific Northwest since the days of "The Cow- boy and the Lady." "The Prince of Pllsen" 20-22 "In the Bishop's Carriage" 23, 24, laabell Irving 26, "Tho Heir to the Hoorah' 1 26, "The Alaskan" week of 27. Colombia (George M. Dreher, manager). —Clay Clement and Kathleen Kerrigan scored In the former's play, "The New Do- minion," tbe week of 14, packed houses be- ing tbe rule. They were supported by tbe Curtis Co. Among those whose work stood out were: Monte Carter, aa Poly; Noel Truvcre, as Charles McVeigh, and Marie Van Tasaell. aa Martha. The last named was especially strong. "The Bells," with Mr, Clement aa Manilas, week of 20. AtlDiToaiuM (Harry C. Uayward, ruann- Ser).— "jl'wo Little Sailor Boys," with Jessie hlrley aa Tom Yorke, was tbe play wcek of 14, Laura Adams also scored as Lola Grev, while Jack Amory scored for his comedy work. Ethel von Waldron, as Mildred; C. F. Ralston, aa Cyril, and George McQuarrle. aa tbe captain, played their roles well. "Tbe Rocky Road to Dublin" week of 20. Pantaobb* (B. Clarke Walker, manager).— The Morton-Jewell Troupe, club swinger*, headed the card the week of 14, others being the Southern Quartette, the Wallace Sisters, songs and dances; Nat Bennett bones; Lar- kln and Burns, comedy sketch: Leo Whlto, balladlst; Weaver, Dalton and Weaver, com- edy playlet and the blograpb. Business blx throughout the week. Washinooton (George C. Blakeslee, mana- ger) .—The Great Elverton, assisted by Mabel irvln, In a gun and baton swinging turn, headed the Hat the week of 18. Others were : Morgan and McGarry, singers and dancers; Mike Qulnn and his dog; Miles and Raymond, comedy sketch; George Smedley, Instrumen- talist : Peter Dunsworth, Illustrated songs, and the moving pictures. Large houses. Ithms. —Elbert Hubbard, of East Aurora, delivered his lecture, "The Spirit of the Times," at First M. B. Church, before a large audience the evening of 18. Mrs. Hubbard spoke In the afternoon Maud Powell, assisted by Maurlco Eisner, pianist, delighted a large audience In First M. E. Church, 17, at a Wagner club mus'.cale. Her featuro num- ber was a concerto by Vleuxtempa. Charles Muehlman, assistant manager of the Spokane Theatre, announces that Florence Roberts will make a tour of tho Pacific North- west early next year Lillian La France, a reader of promise, has gone to New York to study two years In a dramatic school.... "Jim" Hutton, ahead of "The Prince of Pll- sen" Co., was in Spokane a few days last week. He will join the forces of the Savage English Grand Opera Co. in a few week*. . Tnooma.—At the Tacotna Theatre (C. II. Herald, manager) "A Message From Mara" Oct 20, 21. Oiiand Theatkb (Dean B. Worley, mana- ger) . — The Cummlngs-Thornton company, Pope and Knight, Alice Wlidemere, the Hasa- man Trio, Hi Tom Ward, the Uaacagnla, Sidney Forrester, and the Grandltcope, week Savoy Thbatbh (P. Gevurtie, manager). —The Stock Co., In "ICj Friend Btom In- dia," week 31. Perfect FOOT COSFORT Sure Relief for WEARY FEET A Sara Remedy for Corn*, Uunloni and all other aflOlctlon* of the feet JOHNSON'S BORAX, IODINE AND DRAN SOAP Manufactured only by THOS. OLLL SOAP CO, Inc* Dopt, O, 711 Kent Ave Brooklyn, N. Y. At all Drag and Department Stores: Large Cake, 2ft cents, or this ad., roar dealer*, nam. and addre.. nod SO cent*, in coin or BtampB will bring it to you. Agent. Wanted, XMAS GIFTS DiamoMscndit Wl rhritrmn PmUntC: *Sf Lo .'A'' 8 j£ em .", ?IfMIconvonloaco. Icen.Mcj you tomakol>Mutimia]i(iT«lu. IBI LUIloUPS TIBSOOIa »blOBl(to«UhouttboootUj ofmuchMAdjmom-T. A imall aubDoymont. and jou o»nglTO»"ioT«xlon8"y(mrob.olceof tho Dint dlimondi, wttcliei .nd other articles ot high gnxJo Jewelry, Old Rellibli. Original Diamond 1 we win J^aVh 8JS -" ?T ' ON8 N °^ ,rom oorX«..e.Wog. lUFTSS ar.a naten = ilHouto. BHM85.4C0. dial, m AHT.92StalaSI., Cklcasjn.1 II. nd thorn, with All express charges raid, foryonrln- spectlnn. K you llkolhein.tiay 01,0 nrtu on doliTorr; balance la S equal monthly payments. Wi II* for Xaaa Calal*t» **diy. Stab Tiiratrb (John McCabe, manager). —Star Stock Co., In "Tho New Magdalen," week of 20. Note. —Week of 14 the Tacoma broke the record with "The Prince of Pllsen." ■+«» SOUTH CAROLINA. Columbia.—At the New Columbia (F. L. Brown, manager) "The Umpire," Oct. 18, pleased a large audience. "The Tourists' 1 pleased 18. " 'way Down East," 21, to good business. "Peggv from Paris," 22, filled the theatre. Amelia Bingham 26. '"The Holy City" 20, "The Man of the Hour" 28, 20, Yorke and Adams SO, 81, Oscar Flgman Nov. 1. Notm.— Hagenbeck ft Wallaco's Circus Nov. 2 The South Carolina Agricultural and Mechanical Society holds Its annual fair Oct. 28-Nov. 1 The Johnny Jones Carnival CO., on city streets, Oct 28-Nov. 1....Frank G. Long presents ''Sherlock Holmes" Nov. 8, for benefit of F. 0. E. (Congaree 1,840). Fiaaut and Baao. comedy cyclists, are still the feature with the Rents-Santley Co., and are doling the olio. Winter Festivities 1 ICause every woman to wish to ) look her best. LABLACHB will efface any barm bcr complexion may have suf r fcrcd by exposure to sun r and wind. Ure tbia wonderful r beautificr and your skin will be soft, velvety and free from wrinkles, and without the tendency » become red, rough or chapped.- KtJ\u» mbti'iMu. - They may be dtafemu. FlMh. White, link, or Cream, SSo * BOX, cf OnCflstt rbymalL Stud H)o for tamptt. BEN. LEVY I ' F ^ nc !l Per^nrne