The New York Clipper (November 1907)

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■err— "T i rti- mmajfm ■ THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1015 n LEO FRIEDMAN HAS MADE GOOD AGAIN with his Beautiful Ballad, THE SHADOW OF THE The Song is Sweeping the Country, also ED. U L&% Me Hear the Sopgs My Metlier Used to Sing" Tha TTV,»->ie. anil THn+ltn** Snno- nf 4t*A Timor 9*3 The Rome and Mother Song of the Bay-. Both of" th«se Song Hits Illustrated with the Finest Slides You Ewer Uasd mKcKi:]irx.E SL.IDB8, $B.OO e Set. ^PROFESSIONAL COPIES AND OBCHESTH ATIONK. BEND YOUtt LATEST PROGBAM. 'ISO to 164 HARRISON ST, OMICAOO. 74 FIPTW AVE., NRW YORK. _M«t till In the song. "Wambling Rose." She u ireetod with recalls, to which .she griiclous- tv responds, arid the audiences seem unwilling la 'et her go.' Her very tlrst rendition of this lone ho* listed it among tile Indisputable lilt* or the Benson. The Whitman Slatersan-1 Knhlnsori are featuring "Black .llm" and "Bator Babe" from the "House of lilts." The \iiiitorv Quartette, with "Qulncy Adams Saw- yer" are featuring "With You In Eternity" ind "She Was a Grand Old Lady." Gardiner „nd Goldle write that "Who Do You Love 7" nnd "Alwavs Something Wrong" are two nf the best hits thev have ever offered. Sadie Connelly, with the "Kidnapped for Revenge" to writes that she Is making u ble lilt with •■Mi- Tip from Tlpperary." Joe Allen tun, Of. tha same company. Is singing "Kltly O'Neil" Hiid "When Someone ltcally Cares." Kelly nnd Kent arc featuring "I'm Sure I Met You somewhere," The' J. B. Robinson Trio are featuring "With You In Eternity." This is n zrcat auartette none, and a sure hit on nay lilfl Dorothy Randall "The tittle Girl With Ihe Sweet Voice," Is taking two nnd three liow* nt every performance on (he ballad, "With Von lit Eternity." Marie Benuregarde. with "The Girl In the Barracks" Co., him se- lected three songs from the "House of Hits" —"Everyone's In Love With Someone." "Kltt,7 0 Nell" and "Why Can't u Girl Be a Soldier?" Alible Mitchell, who has just arrived from her European trip; Is singing Cole and Johnson's latest hit, "On' the Gay Lunet*." : Nfcw Hits from the F- B. Ilnvllnnd Pub. Co.: Robinson. Parquettc and Woods will feature "Good-Bye, Mamie." a new march song. Molda Duprce is scoring a big liii with '"Monkey Land.' Tyson'and Brown are featuring "Monkev Land." Miss Block is singing "Won't You He My Honey V" Marlon and Ueaue continue to meet with great success with "Won't You Be My Ilnncv?" Mildred Hanson writes us that "Make Believe" and "Won't You .Be My Ilmicv?" are the hit songs of her HCt. Pen- leile and Curr have ndded "Monkey Land" to their clever act. Others who are using Hug song hit are: Mne Taylor. Winifred Stewart. Piemen and Miller, Mabel Simpson. 1'nuline Moran. He Yeau and Hayes, Marlon niid,Doaua, and hundreds of others. Iltitbn- wav and Siegcl arc winning much favor with "Monkev Land," "Make Believe" and 'Won't Yon Be My HoneyV" Among new publications from the- F. u. HuvllandT Pub. Co. are: "Make Believe," a new waltz sorip liv Morse and Drislane. nnd "Miss Mexico, an Inlcrmcxao by Henry Frantzcn, with lyr- ics bv Jack Drislane. Nola nnd Perry are singing "Two Blue Eyes," "Make Believe" and ,r \Von't You Be My Honey V" Eileen Anderson will feature "Won't You Be My Honey 7," "Make Believe" and "Monkey Land." The' Alpha Comedy Pour, Malda Duprec and Mr:' Powers continue to uri! "Wou't Yoii Be My Honey ? " "Monkey Land" and "Make Believe." Marie Eluier Is featur- ing "Dream On,. Dear Heart; Dream On," and "Monkey Land." NOTKS KIIOM MAOIIKE MUSIC I'UB. CO., Pitts- burg. Pa.—This'house is doing u phenomenal business. Their "Little Country School House. Down the Lane/' Is being featured by the Musical Itussell8. Lester and Lessington, Hie. Illesslngs. nnd Haley and Harty. "Give Me An American Girl," Hie beautiful waltz song played by Sonsn, Is being featured by Edith Melrose and Clara Bogardus. who are scoring big hits at every performance. Tub Smith-Bowma.v Tttio write thut thev are very successful with the song, "Much Obliged to You." H...E. Johnson, the well known concert manager, bus announced that Albert Spald- ing, tile, young American violinist, son of J. W. Spalding, the noted athletic authority, will till engagements In London, Purls, Berlin, Stuttgart, St. Petersburg, Brussels and Vi- enna Ibis season. In 1008-Ou Spalding will lie heard In seventy-five concerts In America. Though the artist Is widely known through- out England und the continent, he has yet to make -his professional debut In America. American lovers of music anxiously await the young artist, as general public Interest is sure to ,bc aroused when the young man's ac- complishments and achievements arc better known. J. Pun, HblF. of Ike ilrm of Heir • linger. In au Interview, recently said: "It's :i beautiful thing (In theory) to hear song writers te|l of the Inspiration that leads to the creation of all the modern song succes- ses, but those familiar with the practical side of the business will tell you that song writing, or rather manufacturing. Is far from a series of inspirations, and that the Modern popular song; Is turned out in much the same manner as a piece of cloth or any other merchandise. The music publishers' places of business resemble In many ways the ordinary factory, In fact they are factories —song factories. Everything In the con- st ruction of'songs Is done In this building. The erode material' comes In one door, and a little later leaves in u llnlslied condition by another door. The lyricist will ofttlmos '•ring In a crude bit of verse that hns good suggestion in it, we will take it, aud the »«|ig 'manufacture' Is started. Plrst the lyric is rewritten over and over again, un- til it reaches the standard required by the llrin. Next, it Is set to iiiubIc and let mo lell yon right here that this Is no easy task. as sometimes twenty melodies lire written liefore the right one is reached. When the lyric and music are roiupletc. the song in mined over to ' the arranging department, where it arranged In the proper manner for publication, and In turn passes on to the engraver,' who makes the plates and turn* thein over lo the printer, after they hnvc 'wen correi'ted by the Wad of the or- rM ,ng!'ia; department. The next step In the ordet 6f construction is the cover, "r title page, us' It Is known' In the music publishing business. This is. designed by some well known artist, nnd a cut mnde from which It Is printed. Then the music pages ■'ire inserted, and the song is reitdy for the public. Xow comes the hardest part of the manufacturing; ot a song, the'popularizing of It. This Is also the most expensive. We have "Pent as'high us JIO.OOO dollar* lo Introduce ".single copy, but It bus never been money wasted. I have found from experience the more money expended, the greater the chance* of its success,• such hits as 'When the Whip-poor-will Sings. Marguerite,' 'Wben J ou Know You're Not Forgotten By the Girl i ou Can't jPorMt.* 'Captain Baby Bunting of the Booking Horse Brigade,' 'Sbmeone ralnkii of Someone.' 'Colleen Buwn' and 'Won't You Come Over to Phllly, WillieV u(lhoush possessing nndlspnicd merit, .would not bare reached' their phenomenal sale laid it not been for the advertising campaign' tve larrlM oh. Take ottrhi'o lurest tills',''Every little, flit .Ulded to What You Got, Makes •'"st a Little Bit More.' and "Neath the "la Acorn Tree, Sweet EstclU,' tbese eougs aiv winners In themselves, bul not content with on assured success, we hive spent sev- eral thousand dollars already to boost these songs. What Hie result is' you ran glean from the fact llml In ihlrty-slx New York theatres Inst week the song, 'Sweet. Eslellci' formed nn Important feature of the bill. Besides this file performers all ' over the country are singing It. and the de- mand at the music counters has far ex- ceeded the most sanguine expectations of my- self n ad Mr. Hngcr. Hilt I am getting away from m.v subject. The publicity ■ promoting of a song consists of newspaper advertising, circular distributing, and the circulating among performers of professional copies, the Inttor.o cheaper edition of the words and music that n're given gratis to the singer. After the song lias proved to a certain de- gree that it Is going to achieve, even a mod- erate success, the slide department Is called In. and given .i scenario of the different poses required. Then the house photographer and his assistant, together with'the models, go out Into Ihe country and take a set of pictures illustrating' the story of the song. Sixteen slides lire generally used, but, In order to allow for a selection, nt least one hundred and fifty or two hundred photos are token. Tb» required number are selected, and the staff of artists color and bind them. They are then tried out in a picture ma- chine, made up for the performer, nnd the song filially launched hi nil- its glory." I Uaudetille ami ItlinstKl. Barney Williams writes from the Mon- arch Theatre, Lawton, Okln., as follows: "I send programme of show for week of Oct. 21. It's another one of my musical comedies, It Went big ou Its Initial night. Pete Sey- mour, as O'Brien tile Mick, was the hit nf the piece, 'while Nan Cooper, as the maid, was a scream. Ed. Hilton, as the landlord, was funny: Prnnk Leonard, as John Chase, was fine. The chorus was elegantly dressed. Olllc Clark. Dottle Parker. Eforn Huntoon, Hart. Bell Sampson and Lulu Lnwtoa were at their best. The musical numbers received many encores. The stage setting and electrical effects were great. The Soukb tilri Finish was a 'knockout.' The title of the comedy Is The Jew, the Mick and the Muld." ' Tim Font Flyino Vaj.bntinos closed the season with the Great Parker Amusement Co., and open nt t<be Auditorium Itltik. Jop- iin, Mo. They will play rinks through the Southwest. Thb Great Dr Ci.m states that lie has niude good with the Adam Petzer's Airdomc, nnd will now take up bis stock engagement for the Winter season. He will add a few new stunts to his novelty baton' and guu Juggling act. Owbn Bbadv Is still with Vogel's Min- strels, making his "out of sight high throw" in the street parade. O.N Jiu,i.vx Eltinoh'h opeuing night, at Keith's, Boston, the First Cadet Corps, of winch he was a member, turned out In force and bought up most of -the lower floor and gave hliu u great ovation, after which n dinner was given In his honor nt their armory. Eltluxc has been offered the leading girl role and to piny juvenile In the new cadet show to be put on next year through lllcliard Cork, representative lu Bos- ton. , , ItAKNKY (itJRABD Is working on ihe lyrics and book of a two act musical comedy, that Is already looked upon with favor by one manager who Is willing lo give the piece a metropolitan production with a largo cast and elaborate scenic equipment. • The names of the couipuser and producer, nnd the the- atre where the play will In all probability be produced, will be announced very shortly, as Mr. Gerard will be lu New York shortly and complete arrangements. Moiihis A>rt) KRAMER liavo signed contracts to go with Weber Se Hush's Dainty Duchess Burlesque Co. They Will return to vutidevllle next season. 'Lillian It. Dkkw has retired from the act of Murrnv. Clayton and Drew. The name hereafter will be the same. Mr. Murray call- ing himself Murray Clayton, nnd Vcrnona Clayton assuming the name Lillian Dretv. The act ploys the Orplieum. at Watertown, Tor William .Morris, with Howard, Boston, and Tunv Pastor's lo follow. They will H seen In New York with a new act, using their velvet drop and settings. '■". Job Ecicm. AXD Mrtrara Dn Pm:E arc In their fifth week on Ed. Mozart's, circuit as a special feature act. and'report meeting with great success. They have two more weeks om tills circuit, after which they piny live weeks on Boom's Pennsylvania circuit, with other good time to follow. ■ • Jot: CAimoLt.. comedian und wooden shoe dancer, writes: "After playing "one year in the' Norlh nnd Southwest for the Western Vaudeville Association, 1 aui now playing eight weeks on the Majestic circuit, closing nt San Antonio. Tex., und then opening on Ihe Orpheuin circuit. 1 have been most suc- cessful with m.v single act." ..itt. anu Mas. Jack «:aiison. formerly play- ing leads In "in Old Virginia," have for- saken drama for vaudeville. They are work- ing N. M. Pollard's Koulbern circuit lu a musical comedy skit, entitled "Just From the Matinee." In which they Introduce new freak nnd comedy piano playing. The sketch Is one of Mr. Carson's own writing and is meeting with success. They have been given return dutes In all the houses they havo worked, and are booked aolid for the sea- ton. The team is known us Carsou and lievcreaux. Wvoanii Ann Wyoand write that they arc doing finely with their Dutch conjedy-musical stunt. They are playing through Pennsyl- vania, and are booked until Feb. 17, with I return date at Pastor's, New York. Lemubls a.nd ScoriEi.o. "The Baltimore Favorites," have Joined hands, and have quite a nice bit of work booked abend. George Lemuels Is the son of John Lemuels, the wetl known black face comedian, while Abb.'e Sco- field Is the only daughter 6t Nettle Fields. .•hainploh buck duhcef of America. Thiy will hereafter be known as "Dem Chocolate gvnxsf Dale is in his eighth successful week as a feature act with Guy Bros.' Min- Bebt Howe, "The Eccentric flubc." salla for Australia Nov. 1. booked solid for ten months as a feature act. , NAT Haines Is playing two houses this werl:, being an MUM attraction With the Rose SvilMI Co.. nt the Olvrii'nle Tbcitre BroMil'n. 'limvi:' MiACfl, principal clown and co- median, closed with ill" linrniiiu k Itullov Show Oi I. IT, and opened Uct. - Jli <l. llonkln*' Theatre. Louisville. Ky., with Ills partner, Duuludu, ill ll UUYvl atop UCt. Notk.m vnoSt Kiel oil's Big All Star Vaudc. vlllf Co.: This show Is meeting with con- tinued success through Pennsylvania. Crowd- ed houses are generally Hie rule, and nil the town* we are playing were played laxl year bv the same nmrtnger. but wlfb A new i«m- p'unv. The roster includes ■ II. llictnn. man- ager, juggler, magician, etc.: Sarle Fielding, sours ami foe' dancer; Howard Connor, Im- pel senator ; Lebaot Sisters, soUbrctte* : Chns. Roy, trans, barrel Jumping, etc:, and the I^ng Bros. We carry elgllt people; play big towus and one week stands. Howard Connor leaves next week. In his place comes .1. W. Burke. the hard-headed man. as an outside free at- traction. We needed people about two weeks ago, but the small ad placed In yonr valuable paper brought lots of answers nnd filled up the vacant places. W. J. Holmes, of Holmes and Holllslon, was mnde a member or the .-omctvl|l« Lodge of Elks. No. IT. oh Oct. 3. They arc now on the Snlllvaii-Consldlne circuit. At.. 4<trrks, monologlst aud singer, hna formed a partnership with Titos. Lemonler. 'Ihe team. Is known as Iicmonier and Sterns. Thev lire presenting Ihelr original comedy creation, entitled -'The Tinkers.' This week thev nre playing 'ihe Alfmcyer Then I re. Me- Kr-t-Hport, Pu. I>HHt week they played ths Grand Opera lionae. Pittsburg. Pa. They hnve other K. & P. time to fellow. IiAwnuxcK a;x» Hakvby, who ore booked over the Sullivan k Consldlue circuit for iweniv weeks, opened nt Des Moines, la., Oct. 7. ■Mrs. Geo. Wills, of Wills and Barron, has been ill In Chicago for twelve weeks with peritonitis, gastritis and pcnernl stom- ach (rouble, but is now able to be up, and is our of danger. The team lost twenty weeks' work. Mr. Wilis hns written a new act. en- tlllctl "Only Acting," and they expect to re- sume work about Nov. 4. Mr Wilis baa been in the business for thJrtjMx yours. HAittir HolmaX '"rlnjMxl with the Twentieth Century Maids Oct. •_'. and opVncd In Vaude- ville, nt taucastcr. Pa., Oct. 1*. FnANic anii Etta Clbiimonto have returned from England, nfitr a year of success with the Fourteen Black Hussurs. The entire com- piuiv as If departed trom here, returned In- tact, and ull me in good health. The Euro-' peun engagement was under tho nblo man- agement of Henderson Smith, and the Four- teen Black Hussars net belongs to the Jesse L La sky Co. Notes fhoji tiik Famous Ponos.—Vie fin- ished thirty-one weeks on llieGns Sun circuit, breaking all records, dn many Instances stay- ing 1 two weeks, and opened our company of sensational vaudeville at Parsons, W. ,Yo., on Oct. 7. Roster of company: Don Ford, busi- ness manager; Geo. A. Dcun, advance-repre- sentative: If. S. MRgiiire Jr.. assistant man- ager and electrician-: Famous '-Fords, "King anil Queen of Handcuffs:" Magulre, "The College Boy Magician;" Joe Adnnrs. black face comedlnn: Horn Fuusou, "Dancing Tramp;" SIcAvoy nnd Kelly, comedians, sing- pis and dancers: Illustrated songs Ivy James Kellv, Magulrc's high class moving pic- tures, aud the Faugh Sisters, singers and dieuuers. Wc have elegant special' paper, and packed houses are the rule nightly. ('has. B. Watsox joined Pal White's •iuielv Olrls Co. Oct. 7, and Is doing an act With Al. Bert. WlNNiwid. Can.. Note.— Dr. B. H. Dn Alva has been granted it charter for a new theatre to bo built In Winnipeg lu the Spring. The contract is already let, and the ;bulld- tag is to be ready-to open next July (fair time). The theatre will cost $100,000, and will be devoted to burlesque entirely. This Is to be the first o<f a number ot thcatros built In the West by the -Do Alva Theatre Co., Limited. ' Battel oi- UIII'h Mobile Block Artists Co.: Muy .lllcb, inunagcr; Dave Brinkley, stage manager; Smith and Murphy. _the Brlnkleys, James Martin, Kilty Cones, Mel- vllle Sisters, Lon Harris, leader of orchestra: Mobile Artists' Quartette, and Howard and Ward. The "ghost" walks every week and c'vervbody Is happy. Business through Nejr England was good. The boys receive Tun Oi.n ftMiiAnbue every- week. Bui'-Axn BUM write: "We are meeting Willi success and hnvc' Just llnlslied four weeks nt the Topic Theatre, Billings, Mont. Hnve made many Improvements In our act. Wo opened lie TbenuOpolls, Wyo;, Oct. 14, (or four Weeks." '■ The Sjpdon Bros, write that they Just closed eight weeks of vaudeville time through Pennsylvania and Ohio, und Joined the Black Crook Jr. Co., In Akron, O., Oct. J4. for the season, and are featured wllh the bIiow. Tnii timer Kbltons write thatthelr fam- ily was Increased Oct. 0, by tho arrival of a baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Kelton now Have three children, all of whom arc girls. The Kelton* will start their Winter season Nov. liU. oueiilng on the • Sulllvnu-Consldlnc circuit, nt llutte Clly, Mont. Mil. AND Mas. At,. At. FaiRNli Inform US iluil they will christen their baby sou (born Oct. lit] Emanuel M. Friend, atlcr bis grandfather, who was, up to the time of his death, one of New York's prominent lawyer*. Al. M. Friend and Ills partner, Ham J. Down- ing.-are now playing h. k V. time. Marion llr.AKt: lias 'hoc own show, called Marlon Blake's Blue Cadets, Including Mlsa Blake and ten glrln. The company Is under the management nf W. H. Wolff, und Is mak- ing a decided success everywhere. Macart'h Monkeys Includes an anlinal called "Macnrte'B Joe" that plcl's up and mounts, without help, and rides alone a two wheeled bicycle, all In plain view of the audi- ence. The iiiitnial has no one near lilm and no string ou him, but Is at liberty, and rides anywhere, either straight or In a circle. ; JOHN T. Harrison and Mayiiei, Darcw havs just closed sixteen weeks on the Sullivan £ Consldlne time (return engagements), and Have ten more weeks booked by the same ilrm. They have met with success with their comedy act. 'The Bill Poster." The auhai, Valadons (Lord and Daniel), wire cyclists, write: "We ore In our eighth week of the National Vaudeville Association time, and our act Is one of the hits of Die show. We are featured each week, und closing even- bill wc have been on. The press and public give Miss Valadou much praise for her sensational aerial cycle work on the tight wire. Wc ure booked up solid uhtll March. 1008. In April we will return Bast for engagements which We have already con- tracted for." Wc receive The CLivmt cftch vvcek. It cobic* lute out this way, out It la always a welcome vlsllor." Htsif UHt Rlliott, acrobatic eccentrics, are nt present touring mi the SulllvuicCon- sbllnc clniiii. I Cjiasi. l^iim.i.i. wrllys: "I mo now on (lie fv-iih time dm doing well'. Myaeir'uiiL'wIfe' i Evn Mall'-WHi mourn the dtatb of our child, Dviulu), vu Oct. J, aged two mouth*." Notes raoM tii»I Mkiiry MaikiINH Co.-~ Whlle tiliivliig al Troy and Albiiny. N. Y., Fraukle lirace was the recipient ot many valuable presents by lb* numbers of the com- pany; After the performance Master Frankle Invited all to-attend an elaborate supper in the Gordon House. A horseshoe of (lowers. in v-riiied "The Honey Boy." was presented hy Ihe eompuny. -Having helped to make popn- ltir tbat song has enused the name applied lo liln*,i •' •'.'. ' Tun Ba Bt«K Family write: "We are lrt our slxlecnlh week with the Ja*. Shelby Khiiws." us ihe feature, with our comedy equll- lbrlstic and acrobntlc aet. nnd we arc mnkliic more than good. Wc are booked solid for one year." in; Unit ask Grackta. novelty acrobats, have canceled all bookings with the Western Vaudeville Association, and hnve slgaed with It. W. * Sim Williams' Imperials for thirty- live Weeks, opening' at the Dottey Theatre, Minneapolis. Minn.. Oct. ft. News KHO.H Philadelphia states thut Sam Sr.rlhncr'* Big show, headed by Mile. Be Leon, the "<;iri hi Blue." packed the Unycty 'i'bentre there, ihe entire week of Oct. H. • ■ •■ ■ • . :- ■■ ■ Collins ami Fields r*|iort big business with tllelr new act, "The German and the Sport." They have Just finished playing the Silverman circuit, nnd lu a,few weeks go o» tire Outf Sun circuit. Rose Parker opened nt Lancaster, Pa„ with- the Regal Trio, Oct. 7, and scored a decided rucccss. I3bo-. Fohtbr, blatk face 'comedian. I« do- ing bis special)v nud playing a principal part with the Ln Bade Bros:' Minstrels. ■• Sur Goodwin, coon shonter and Imitator. hns Just closed nn engagement over the Pnll circuit, and has Joined her father's show. Scott & Sllverlakc's Four Car Shows, nnd will rest for the remainder of the season. She reports-making a hit with-her songs, nnd hrr Imitations also met with much success. TriK MabtYnb Sisters clnsed a jileasnnt season in Kansas City with Ihe Great Parker Shows, and have gone South for the Winter, opening Del. It at the Now Allutmbra, Sa- vannah, t'ln, ■•• '■• IjAvink and Lkonarii write from Brussels, Belg.. as follows: "This month (September) we arc playing the Palais d'Etc. Brussels. Next month We play tile Sculli, Antwerp. We were asked to stay over another -month. at Folles Bcrgcrc, Paris, but could not do so Hi account of-other dotes." Harry Burns,- after playing a very auc- ccssfui engagement at Pastor's aud other local' liuuseit, left Sunday. Oct. 20. for'tha West, opening nt the Avenue Theatre, Du- quesne, Pa., on the Sun circuit. Hi To>t Ward, "The Merry Minstrel," writes: "I was on the bill the opening week of the Sullivan ft Consldlno new bouse, tho Coliseum, at'-Seattle:, Waeh. I was made a member of Seattle Lodge, T, M. A., No. 08. M.v act was a hit at cvory performance." . Harry J. Dunbar, of Dunbar's Goat Cir- cus, has closed Ida season In tho parks und at fa Irs, nnd Will rest at his home at Beverly. N. J., preparatory to opening on Ihe Keith ft Proctor circuit, Nov. 11. lie Is not -dead as was reported. Allan <;. Bei.kouii writes: "I am now working alone In vaudeville. 1 intend to give my wife a much needed rest, our little daughter 1* progressing nicely. I will be known, us 'The College Bred irishman,' do- ing-an A No. 1 monologue anil singing turn. I nin now with Bovterta Comedy Co., touring Ohio to-Immense business.'* - ' ltiiNO axi> On/.d write that they arc still op earth and are still Jumping barrels fine- ly. They wcro Jumping them last week In Boston.. . ' ■ Claiia Raymond writes-: 1 was granted au absolute divorce frooi Louie La Cledo by Justice Asplnt.ll. of I'.rooklyn, N. Y„ nnd Was awarded the cnstotly of my child, Cer- nldlne. Mr. I* Cledo nml I were- known by the team name ot Lu' Clod* and Ray- mond. I urn with the Morning Glories Co., playing principal aotlbrette, nnd doing an nrl In the olio with Knit* Moore nod wife-." ' I'nn/. AnAMH Is leading man With Lewis McCord-ft Co„ In "Her \M»t Roliearsal," mak- ing His second season' with Mr, McC'ord, ' Notes! Plinji the' Two Macs Co., McCull 8. MuUovern. managem.-^-Wii arc doing excel- lent business at every place wn hnve played, mid,our nig company Is doing lhie. Every- one around us Is complaining of pour busi- ness, but we arc holding our own for sure. Everyone 1r in good spirits. "Man In white" 'walks regillsrly i-vcrj Sunday., and Tnn pr.D iiu.uulk Is received with a glad 1 hand every week. • . dun Reilly wriles Hint he has recovered from n/t' Illness which occurred In Clihtle*- lown, unit has rejoined thn Hnrrls-Parklnson Co.. as lnitSlcui director. • '...'' Ada Hknry has Just Joined Ou* Hill's "Gny New York" Co.. playing the pact of Mini Sehull*. and reports nmklng a hUl «l" n wenrlng some very elnljnrnte- gowns. Ml** Henry wrllcs: "1 expeW to retuni lo vaude- ville at the clow of ibis censon, dolug an iiii-to-ilatc nud original inoiiologiio, wrltteu by Chun.' t-I.irwurtz." Lavunia Loravnb was compelled lo resign as leading woman for the "Are Yon a Ma- son V" Co.. owing lo severe illness. She was immediately taken to her home In Norfolk, V*.. where her physician pronounced her complaint n severe cusc of typhoid fever. .Miss Loi-aynn will remain In Norfolk during her convalescence, und oxiMcts to be able to resume her old rote with the company at Christmas time. • Martin' Bowers, tramp comedian nnd paro' dy singer, Is In his twelfth week with I. Sfort, Droilson's "Lost In New York" Co., playing the t ramp p,->rt and singing his original paro- dies with great 'success. He reports bmlness a* being good, and the show a* giving the best of satisfaction. Moat: Wennn, who recently closed a* man- ager of the Monarch Block Co.. I* with Bruce Conquer, manager of the Payne Theatre, New Decatur, Ata.. in the c*p»rlty of treasurer. ' In: Ai:niEN, acrlullst, after'tuklng a Sum- mer vacation at his home, opened ula vaude- ville time In September. He l« now being inilured with the Chicago Stock Co. Oueoa B. Nam writes: "Last March I wis culled home, to Callfdmln. owing to the seri- ous Illness and death of my fatber.l 1 little thought the trip would mean my quitting thn mad and 'Tanks,' but such, nevertheless, 'Was the case." Billy Graham, an eccentric dancing come- dian. Informs u« that he is milking u.TH»nlt with the wm. H. West Mlosfrel*. working ns one of the twb principal ends, The cbiupanv Is on (be Pm-lflo cntmt. neRiy*: ■•Tbis Is my sec-owl season With till* com- |*| IIV." "- " ; ' •- '•■ ' NuwfoN. globe elpcrl, <-tmj>d Ids s«-iisun with Goliiunr Bros.' Shows, and open* at the Olobu Tlicattc, St. Louie, Nov..4. Kerry's. m n live Wi:nsi:ii anu Weston, In "Schult* and his Friend." report lucetliig with big success everywhere thev plav their a*t. -Al.. Rei'\i:S wan marrleil to Almeda Fnw- ler, n inrnibcr of lils'coiupiin'y, nt the Metho- dist Oliureb, .Newark, N. J., oil AVedttiaday inoriilnK', Oct. j.'i. the Itev. W» 11. AMtgaii otllclittlng. Andy Lewis was best man nnd Maude-"Ellloti Lewis was brldemunld. The wedding breakfast Wits served' at Hurry's, Neir York. The brhlfl ws* the rcelplej' iuuny ■ hnodsonie gilts, nuloug thenr d 1 sriiiie iTliimotid sunburst, contnlulng curat ceutre stone. Harry Kprvh reports bnvlng played the Avenue Tbenlre. luiquesne. Pa. (this en- gagement being hl.s opening week on the Sun ctrenlti, with fine success. Oi'Kt.. novel iv Jugitler. wriles: "I closed :i len weeks' engageuioni at the Ellin Theatre, Birmingham, Ala., on Oct. Ill, nnd opened my Winter sMUton wllli my own sttW'«l Coalbiirg, Ala., on Oct. M, playing two oljzht stands Througu the mlnliig realous of.Als- bamu. 1 nni ussJsted by Blanche Kstelhv In up-ln time sbUlfs nlul dances, und Prof, Sin- l>«ck's moving plcliires. The show' has been •a'NiircMw since the opening night.'' ' HaiiiIIs anii NhlsiIS, kuni'kiiliout C0n\n- dln'iK, nee still closing lbe olio With Guy Bros.' Minstrels. They write that their act was n big lilt In Canada. '• Misaot'L.i, Mos.; Nbti's.—At the Gem The- atre, the following appeared week ot Oct. 21: McDonnld and Evans,-t.'arberry and Nell- sen Onbot McSofley and Ellnore, A. B. Basco. Maud t-ne, Frankle Evans, Bertlo Von Hank. Pearl Sanborn. Grace Barnes. May Maydlli. Len&a Howard. Stella Clare, .Madeline Ln Verne, and moving pictures. Messrs. O'Grnily ft Copes, owners of tin: Tlvoll, have completed arrangements to open three mure houses In Idaho. In Wallace they will put up a |'Jii;00H structure, and all plans have beon approval for their house In T«fl, it new mining cabtp. Lew Coot'ttft aki> ■iJi:iimu-i liuows. nn-Brown and" Cooper, are producing nn original stflg- liig nnd talking act. They mnUu a hit at tliu American T'hciitro recently. Sou GuLDMttlTH, of Goldsmith nnd Ilopiie, write*: "A pleasant affair took place Oct. IB. In Scrnnton, Ph., at tliu Hotel Schaill, after my mIiow ut Poll's. Myself nud partner. Gn.v llopno, set plates for twenty-four guest* froui the Irwin Ills Show and Poll's bill, who were Invited to celebrate my Iwenty-elghth birth- day. We started the first cotirsn at 11.SO p. M. but forgot the I line of the hint bottle, Still'wo were all In time for the noxt day's matinee. Among those present were: Sheriff Schndt, Murrv Livingston, master ot cafe monies; Will Mahoney, Louie liner, Bill Keno, Chnrley Folnberg, Guy Hoiitic. prank Youni:, Joe Barton, May Sterling, Nellie Dunn. Leslie Lvsle, Lon Jucelyh, Ussel Sanger, I'lo Ivliu bf)h Malid Buchanan, Kitty Watson siKi Fanny -Watson." i'' ■Neo N' wiites: "After having fully recovered from nn illness ot typhoid fever,; I nin ntruln buck In vaudeville. I Just cloned six week* on the Silverman circuit, where, iw monologue In one. entitled 'Ills Lost|Game.' was one of the hits of every bill 1 have worked on. I am ut present on the Royer ft Balsduu clrcull, In mid around PlltHburg. After finishing this time I will piny the■ Ver beck circuit ijirough Wesletli PHimsylvahfii.'' 1'kess Ebnallitlr; anlled fTour HoUtiitttuptuu, Mbg.. Ocl. 28, for New York, nud will open «>u the Klaw & Krlnuger. advanced vaude- ■vllle time Nov. 11. Mr. Rldridgo writes Tliu Cl.iri'Kii under duio of Oct, Is that ho Wyll be glad to'get'"Into harness" again after Ills long nncl pleasant vaentton. v ':'i Haury BttuWK, colored comedian, has Just. returned from Eurojic. and open* ut Keith',* 'ilieiitre, BohIod. Muss. Ho reports having a very successful tour on the other side, and is booked lo return In August,' 1008, IlOi li IV, A, V. EddihiDaily. 'pugilist, who wroto and pl«yn the noveltv comedy act entitled "Life lb * Furnished Room," Is assisted lu the act by Mrs. Lillian KohwcIJ,' Nina Lester'und Eddh Dully Jr. ' • ■■ ■■■■' ' ! A liANOUKT was given nt thiv Hitrly Hotel. llilliKlelphlii. «ict. IN, by Vardoti, Perry and Wllber, and "The tllrl from tlid Oojdcn West" iniiirtstio.. A number of guests were luvllud ffoni- lioih eoiiipuiilcs. un4T everybody enjoyed tc gisnl ilnie. Vurdoii. Perry und AvJlbor rr- jairi n sucecssfrtl mid pldRHnht 'season with the Cracker, .luck Co. • Molijgska, tho Inipcrsouutii; arrived (rani EUrhpe last week, after au absence of hlnn year*, having pbiyed the principal hallil of Orent Britain nnd the continent; ' : ' CiMs. II. KiNu runoits having scored au- other bta hit at Ihe wraplre Tbeptre, Wuter- towir, Wis., In his bitnjV specialty, ind-l* booked for a return date lu November, H* opens ut llio Union Tbealre, Mllwouken, Ocl, 'A. with tbu Empire Theatre to follow 1 . ; Pcabl Kinii, of .Martin and King, who bad in operation performed on Monday, 'Oct.-It, at the hjnle ot her sister. Ut Savanna, ill., Is getting along nicely now. Tho team was booked solid until .Inunary, but hail to can- cel all of Its time. Will camper writes: "In the future my wife nnd I will be known a* Will nnd Mabel Casper. Instead of Caliper and Clark. At. present we ure lining club and concert eii- gtigauieut* lu und urotiud Philadelphia, Pu. After Hie holidays we shall take to the road and produce nn nel. entitled 'Hi I'erklnV Visit to Philadelphia' (Instead of JBpstonl, Introducing our own original burlcvqua mu- sical finish, which wit will feature." JACK Ca.vvun writes: "Owing to Ml*s Can- non suddenly contracting a severe hoursoiios* while playing Pastor's Theatre lust wqek, wc were compelled'to close On Wednesduv tilgUt, and laid off the rcniblnder of the, week," • Hiiaiieu am» SliAnint closed with the John F. Murray Comedy Co.,' arid arc-work- ing In vaudeville through Pennsylvania ami niilo. They report meeting with treat suc- cess lu tllelr Hebrew and straight comedy sltialng itHfl wobdu'n shoe (il'ncing net; B. KuPPi: lias oeceutdd Ihe position of resident manager of the Orphlum Theatre, Porli«(uoutll. O., of which Messrs. Sun ft Mut- iny arc lessees. ■ ■ ' ■*■> ■ OKLAHOMA. DUIultoiiiM City.—At the Ovurhulsec I Ed. •Jverllolker. inimagpr) "The Little Detective" ples^ud Oct. HI. 7, Hls In N«n " good patronage. Dixie MinsTrel*' a'o, fit J(i well, ... People's (Alton ft Jackson, maiiagtut.-'- Comic Opera Co."opened Itt ' .Jj . iib* Very good. with "A Night itt lit*; roit of "wees, The Matinee Girl for, on indellnlte run Hi, Coney Island," three itlgi -A BUsnl Porliicr," Biialii. ' EMi'iiu: ifldille Edwnrdli. iiiniingm). —"Are Von U Masohl" "'I, did good buslnestf., • •'. i CusfKSriiiN-H«i,i, i Hathaway Harper, mini- ageri.- —This house will open Nov. U, with Calve and vvuipuny. Mrs. Fluke 2&.