The New York Clipper (November 1907)

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:».» •-»-.. •' #_.;>S_i; ..- .■.:..•-- 1024 THE NEW OlilPPEB; NOTEMBER 2. UOOE XTOOE HOWARD and L.EWIS cc *t THAT BIC LITTLE ACT IN ONE. an EN ROUTE WITH T. W. DIN KINS' NICHTINCALE8 CO. m, Rogers nnd Worreu, Lesn-r and Mm and-TIm Ilealey. Tuo specialty bill provided 1>T tho house called for: T. K. Utitchlnr<oii and company, Rowland And Diiruii, the flames. Adams Mid Muck. UuhscII and Rus- sell, Mario D? Itns-^tr, Sullivan and uanill- tou J- M. DinlcH mid Jnsic Sheridan and companv. The sur Shott Glrla, prospered iaww" 1 *'. Twentieth century MUM 4-9. '•ftrCT.USI IG. 11. BatihellC-r, manager).— TkeHehnjan Show and Frank D. Aryan * American .Girls this week.-, on tholr second Boaton villi ft the w»son. ' BnriiMW finn-" ore.: Pete Curiey. Tommy OkwfWi Jil" C. Merron and Mollle. Williams. Olio mciitlon'«i t' Bed Dundy, Seventeen llooater Zouoves. the Moorcs. una Mark Bennett. Bos* Bedell's London Belles luel week, to W« hwlnew. Noil week, Datnly DuebeRS (-<;. Sams A's MuswijL (A. B. White, maiia«cri.—-1M. Mullah's "Life to the Ori- ent." prcstntcil by Princess Lalln and a big MMM&i l« 'the «W*f '' urln lwl1 tontu''e thlH week. 'Anions the others are; Burton and OHI In phv«lttal culture cnltslhenlcs; Punch and Jndy, and Ben-Hur. lli« big .python, who Bdnow lutW, his win -annm!! feast, 'the two his bpeelally bill* lu tli* theafr» lint.: Th" IMi>. WW "nil Windsor, Nelson. Tom Meadows Comedy Co. Palchcn nnd Clifton. InnManhntUm Dno. Florence Lmmutt.. Hayes n?d Juniper, mid movbig plenties nnd Ulna: .WuJuroMuffiu ji <]... b. walker, mat* »«.r'i .-i—NnV«11 IvK • III Di* •■ilrlu hall tlilfe w*»l 2r»': Prof. Downing'* Ghost. SkoavIUIdera, , India iiM' r Mil ? Mike NcdlfT, Ktrigig ibMi,/. arid the happy family cage of rare milmnis. In the theatre hourly shown are (riven by .Will? Uurklev'M Adaoiloss Eden Burlcstjuc and- Vaudeville Co. swungcr Walker's cir- cuit; of burlesque houses now Includes Lowell. Lawrence nnd Htowtatef. ' ' v • ■Mmatmaoaut (W. u. wmirp, rnHnaser).--. In the imrlo hall spci.'Ul fralurcH inclmli': i"Apt. Wutcrx. deop wji diver; AlphoiiKo, lute- bunclicr and physical culliiro exponent.'and m Creole Belle* Win C* In ■ r«e. tliwtra the Silver Hlnr BurU-sqiwrH Hre seen In two liiirlettas and an olio W a half do^en »io* •el«. <liowrll.- -At the l.ondl Opcin ilouw (.Tullns Rate, tniiua«orn ln»t wi^ck 'Hln.:l: Ilfnmv," n four aer piny, <U-nmaUzftl trmu me bonk of that iiiime, by Justin Adams, was titan Iib llrsl iirtMcntntlon here, and vva» ".'rv wen reeelved. Oliver Iloldon. Willi* Itall, imvJrl It Voiinir. feni'l Kvnrw, Kninkie WlHiams ami K«tu 1'owern were (ho most prnmlilenl In the cast. Several niuMcul iimiH t-'rs added pleiisliiRly l« the enlerlalnmenl, and tlio play van hemiilfnUy ."iHced. "lllnck lienmv," ih" horxu. wna <ino ot tuo per- fectly proportioned uiilniiiln ever fchd on tac miiRe her... Mnio. Seliumnnn-Ileiiik Oct. -i- l-SsnbetK'K Stuet l'«. 20-Moj.i Ar.uiKJav hi' Uvhw (Ulchiird h\ Murphy, riiauogerj. —The htuek company jjhvc * very nrtUtle tiertiiripniicK of "A TlttUUi Steer" Inst week, mid rho iiiitycra added to thole Unrr.u, p.«(eelKliv it MeOovcrn. HUjel Klder. Charlc* A. Clark, I.huiu Oakmun, <Aur!e.i WieviuiM nnd Carolyn Friend. 'Wiirrer) K Hill gava the plav approprlatv staise aettlnjiii. Thin week, '■Has Harbor." The motion ufctoM* and II- liiiirrHtod-«vnus continuo to pfea-<e. Q«nUVM% <Jolin 1. Khtumoii. replCent inmiaK«r>.—Another w«ck el ». 11. o. I*Mkj-'a Allllton- Oi-letto nnd D'ellx una Calre were the )dg hits last week Cnrreoj : Alfred Kclcev nnd company. In "A Tale of ft Ttitkav;" 3obka'« Arnlis, Alvolo ami otliello,, nim Iturffiivn-, lly«» *« Whlrt-,. Watef- Jitirj- Bros, and Tenny. Melville and Mb/xta* njid the Ilaihnuwpi'. ...... . UoHtBX iWui. 1'V Lyfius, j-wsldeiit. mmlft:-, «.ri.---Tlin rouily pnirona of this popular veaott wore very .well entertained- last weak by OtolM riurtronUH Tyrolenu' Bmitt^mteriv •Ad. urt .'nscellenl ollu. VVrestlliifi has heroine (Vporniloi' feature here, iiliti weekly concerts ivlll l>« in •irder. T"hlsi w.M-k: Who Cudct* lturlcsiiiirrs. ulln: l"'njraii nnd Merrlnian, jlnntlt-v nnd Wckart, Wflfita and I,nwaon. and the nlwavs popular BM'n bloneope. " ■» .S|)iln«ll«:M. -At tb« Cimrt Square cl>.- •V tlllinnii'. iitaiuiRrr) -'Coming Thru' ihe lire," Otx. in. drew iwo>. largo UntiRuti. Viiink liilor'N wit WM ai» euterlalnlng as ever. Kullle fttunihler, hla parluer In fun, did Uer nlmi-c. "T'he FollleH of UW7," L'H, mnde a (lA'IdiHl'lilt. Mile, tmttfi. In her ibuieluK and d*il aifcliilty, creRtert iouihIk of applntwn. Annaballe Whlii'ord. n» the (lllwon Bulbing •itri,- had t he tlibwin. polm* tt» perfeetloli. >om Haven' wpouriineoiw netlne made her a 8rMI 1'avorlle. ami the ehoruw wan Httraetlve. ^The'HiMl Mill," 24, ::.-., played u> three etod Iiousoi". Ji, P, Ooakley and llan-y Melirlde Old well. Sadh< Klcb.v was plonslus hr Tina. "The Hungers'" 211; Mtne. Sehumanu-Helnk Sit. "Xlt> .Mun mi the Hox" 3", ''The Tbreu of |MM |(3ord«ia 'WrlK-liie.r, aianapar),—The llneat hill <!Vi"r neon here -wan imii. ■»)« 'aft -wiHJ;. Il lueluiled: MulnrOo. WllUinu Huw- rrey and comiiany, iiml Slo-lI»fisan..Wen Alls Arabs. Kvery piivforwanee saw eiviwug ilu-ued away. Card 28 ami weekrAI. LeMh nnd Ida Tiirm HusobiuU-. Klhiore .Slitera, T.aaUy.Bltieh HOMam, lldwln .1. Jluwley aiid oompanv, Klx.Aui»rleun Uancer^, Flying Mar- row, Fostei-..und.Hla dasilltte, j>lectrogi.-i»pU._.. X»!I.kon ■'Walter M. l'epi»er, mHuager).— lixeellent vaudilvllle' crowded ilio- hons«. tliroiiKlioul 11" pasr week.' il ay. Ward arid Her lilKhi'Drosdoji llolln mid Sehcneu■ Bros. ntioii'd .lK>ii»M.wlth Harry Thomson, a great favorite. 1011 sti-Nov. i: Na-IIarua,- l'eltlu y.nuavw, Di^ Knye HIsteiH, llnlhian Bros., Hid- nev lilbwin, Le Hoy and ClHyion, Jiu.nphine 1'eivls. 'I'hniUHK nnd I'ayne and anlmtited Btctvn*. tilt.MOVK il'. F. Slieu. luniiHKer). — The Iteulr.-!?:mlloy CO., «ii.-i. Sl<UR a certainly'de- ll\i>rud the (.iiurts. Anna <Hneke.i' was the tending intern. Ivoulse .Miu-sliiill and UdUM King, two iMUiely nilsxes, did theniKelrea great credit, 'especially in Their ajtcrlaltr. where they uliowcd Ihelr -nblllty aa graceful dancers cuterialner.-. "The Uaui- liler of the V\'i-st. --l-ilft. Uiid jj'nod lionsea. The Maht Owls 28-111. "The C'owbuy and th* ,*'i\tiaw , °S1-Xov. 2. Uehuiiui'K Show 4-tt. Xnt'KH.—'Anna Htone hus left "CouilnB Thro' the ltve" and joined thu "Whie. Woman and Souk" ''« l.nellle Mimlon and Hello Mllli-lre uio uiecilin; wltli marked KueveMH hi i lie pkatlnir minilicr with the Itenlz-SanUey Hhow, and are obllpil in renpvnd '•■ seven aipl eight., encores a perforuinnce. Mlsl Manlon. In aplte of lielng s lni-ge woman, In fullv as graceful as Uer iiarluer In exe- cuting'the ninny and varied fancy slops.... Mr. C'anifv, of t amey nnd Wagner, renewed •■Id- frlcniH during his eiigauciin-ni at ilia Xelfiiu, this city formerly lielng his home. «lciivge Hill is again at his >>ti>M na mniitiR'-r r>f the Carnitine, after n short 111- Two slinvts a day are Minr run In this hatiiii'. .-. .Ifciherl II. ciiirk, ndtertlslnit agent iif the JJPlson Theolri'. is ttr eo to Wnreea- ier. Tanl Bavin, <»' I'oll's. will nraiuno Mr. t'lark'n place, and i.'haR. IlRstluBW will look after the advance work of ihe J'olt hon*«. . ,« » ■ • l.yini. Atilu- l.yim iK. 'J. Harrison, .•uauugeri ibe To.vliu Slink i'n, pleuned week ■if Oei. SI. This week. Leigh Be I.ace,v. com- inc: "Blacl; lleamy" Nov. 441 ; Koster's mov- lnb picture* itrpry itnattay .ifternnnn and •reole«. At'r.ii(inn!-j ([lu: ■■> : fCutt», nionngor).- • lloose plnying !■> cupacltr nearly every »veu-1 In?, good' b'.i:ilncn« nfterrtoons.- Hill .thH week; The Be Vole Trio. Carroll and Baker, (irr.ele EuMDftrl: Watnon and I«rtie, i.owls pud' flrcen, BIHn-Xowllif- Troupe, and the vttagranb. plehiren. ' • ' * ftew (Chut. W. She'afe, E..inng?n.—Qond baiMoe»:<. 'Phin wick; 'Led aud Clara rH»«)e, Anon Qoldle, r-jiuiiion .iw K\ne, Anael Franklin,'Fied-1,. Brlaeoll,- aud lue.Mo«eop« plctiiriw. Mttvini Tui.A'iiiL. Sfilom (fleo. JI. Oh«>t- .liani, ninnngor).--"Unppy Ilooll/r.-ui's !Ttlp Around the World" 25, nnd "Mra. Templ^'K Telegram" 2C. BdRliiess was j»r\- annd; Neil BurgesR, In "The Count? Kijlr." 28. for. the wets. ..... . Hai.t:u,. tialem <'><>. H. riieejum. manu- Sep).—-An.nm>ed- vaudeville jjj- nvetlpg- with good miecosa. <:unent:. Ilariv Hrowit and nemnMjr, Prelle's doga, J»hh*IT. Cl»rk,.V., 1'. Wnodwnrd.- 'feed nnd I^t;.ell, BaUcy and- l'eters, t;iiurles 0, I„nwler nud- Dnnghlers, t'llntou and .b-roiue, and tlwmotlon pletoref. NoitR.- *Henry iloiilbera is biilldlng a ranv. log pleiure ibeatiK on -Monroe Stsvet. this < li>. j iid Hornet Oane will.-.noon -begin work «,n « almllnn kind of « theatre on-tjeatrjl Aveou" niid Wnshlpjton e'trcer. Manager Mark's Iheati-e Conil'jue. tbc..Klectrt<-. Mau- ager Shcnfe, and tltr- Breamland Theaym. Muiiagera lord, Downing .& ilonaman. nra jlotnz ii.tcWJent Imnlnfiini nod 31nnnaer Oito neither, lu WMi.I.ynii„te also meetlnj: vrtch Sood Bneccas with' hi* moving i>lcttirt sliow. .-. ..'.'.James M.- TarboA WlH.soon men his aiur Theatre In Weal Lynne '..All of thn Malum moving, picture" theatres' repojt good huslnens. . • ." , u i ■ 'ScoH-iind-.Uarrv Wright,-BaSe and-Rrovli-.-, nnd ihe Four riveretrp. 5BWJRRSET.' "•" ' ■ A>WHck.—At the Xewark 'Chaatre (Geo. W. Bobbins, manager) Drnman Thompson tbls week, lu "The old Homestead." Ufrtruda <'ngblau. itguln i-ecolved much pralserSy lurjge anolences, In "The l.toivond tho Alouae," wee* of Oci. 21. Lula Claser, In "Lola from Ber- lin," .Nov. 4-0. Xov. 4, benefit to-w\rthur Home, at Summit. X. J. \<t> ■ ■ nodgafn (B. C. Stuarr,'resident n»an«- gefj.—(Jood olt'orlngs each week pack" thla house to Ihe limit. U I4afcy« "U^iblii-. son .CfiiiKie'8 Isle" bonds the current list, and' W, II. ilurphy and Blanche Nlcholn, In "Froia; XpjM to Uncle 'fom ;" 1'rank Fogaj-ty. B>Ton and l.ansdon. IjnMP II. Joe, Five Mo'leal Splllers, Clark, ncrgainnend Mnhonoy. nnd Coeclo and Amato each contribute -well. Hiiwiw.T (11. M. lly&ms, inanagerl.-- Blanche Batea, In "The QUI of tho'tlolden West," Interrupts advanced Tiinitcvtllo, inta week, und promises to' repeat her memorable succcM at lant season here. Huslnens wn* ralrly good, week of Oct. 21. Vaudeville will he resumed Xov. 4. • ■ . ■ f.'ni,TiKni.v ttii-o.. I'. .la/Olis. inanager).--r "Wanted by-the Bolice'' makes Its IbrSt ail lieaitiuee here Oct. 2X and week. -'Broailway n» the Bowery" pleased week of 21. "A'i'ugf* live from JlwrtW nest neck. B).ANi>t'N <J. II. Uuekln, mnmiger;.—Jjli- llnn Mnrllmer makes her llrSt appearnncc horf In "Rauco In Arteonu," week of 2S. "HlnTerr. illile Heeref* drew well 21-^0. -The Kankt-.r. rho Thief and.tlni lilvl" next. Wm.ioiasv'k ( OttiiUingul. niajiagerj.--- 't'he Cracker .lacks reappear this week,- with Bob Vun tlsren. Huliy l.eonl and all the other* whu combine In make thu nhow enterfalplpg. The olio Is well neterlea, sn<l tuimes: Vanlnn, Berry and Wllber, Three Madcaps., tho Mart- ulngs. and Millard'Brotaers.- a'red Irwlnli HlB Show gave genera! satisfaction we^k ot «'J.,-nnd exceeded last. year'n iw^ipts here, Irwin's Majesties next week. .Noi-KH.—The I'ouiitinii counsel "ux ihfs city;. lins.«pjn>Itired i»- comtuitlceno. naerrisn u cen- sorslilp over-nil then 'ilcul and. otlofv ilLsplny lillls'ht la; jsittert ln'thla ei«y..:..;.The The-" nrrleul Employees' Club is tirranglug the hit-- gnat, hall In Its hlglotv, to lie given line. u. Manager .1. II. Buckeo Huh entered' rhe ponies and ludhiDs In-longing ro the "Rimi'O In Arizona" show, hi.the big Hallow- e'en ••elphrallon and parade occurring here (.let 31, and ej(|ieets io lead them ntid win a nine. : • • I'HterNoii,—At the Krapliv i A. 31. Umgge- luau, mniMgoo cnpai-tiy houses prevailed, kist week.. Bill for (.u-t. 2« and weok : Wis. Mori rls nnd ■onipHny. Bossle's musical horse. Amcto. Rlttul-iir. Rroiltera. Rare and Krana. maar Brnthere C'.ms. ,W. rjuloiield. Uooney Slaters, nnd the Ulnetograph. ■'imti iif. ,1. ullbert, muuagerj.—'"The M'ay of ihe Transgreiseor'' rucelved chihI patronage 21-s:t. Raruey Otlmoro was soen to advauisge, lu Ills' new phiv-, "Bnhlln L»nn.- tUe frlsh Boiectlv." w-ae. "A Mllll'jnalrn'a Hevenge" ^'«-ao. "It;!! Never Too Iato to Mi'nil' p 81-Nov. 2. .'.•'- '. I'om.y \Sura A. Meyeiv. lua'nasrhi-). —Cherry Ulpnaoins had read sUcd Jioums. Bef., II *J Tuc Avenue Mlrla enjoyed ie prospei-ons May '^4-2t». Tiger Wllej. £s:n). Knm Di-rero's Co. niftar ? ■ • .- • XoiBft. - - Dave ?<«••* , leading man 'of •'About Tnwuv Co.. playing «i thu Oisirn llouse, 10, received •"•!(•: ntt Injury f». hie left hand while toying with n'revolver...... Tlio well known tenia of Kokwrt and Beri VHs Torc'etl' 1d"'isnti4-]"'thclf-' enganvhietit at the EuiiNi-e week of 21, uolng ro tbe lllneii of. Mr. l^ekart..-'- • ' ' . " ' , " »• - • ■ - ' i. i. . Trcuton. J- At tlio'Taylor 'Op'^Cu Bouse iMuntgomevy Monci*, niniiagerl W. a Hatty In "The Virginian.''- t»cr. at; played to good honses. "1'arada and i'ajieant of Xntlonn". 1 ' by lih-al talent, as«tsied hi the Princeton «iep Clnh, U2'J5. *ircw crowded hnoes evt-ry ul;hc. Kelnvn vngaceueul of Thoiunshcfsky's Co'n- nnny of Yiddish llayerj. lh "Oat»rlel; ni'. X'h«? l«)VO or a Jewish Woiniui.V ii.S; JhK ti'Nrilt. lu /••virgluluB," 2it: Nat c, rtoedwla 21. TnK.N'i' tMoiirgoiiiery Moscf, inaua'i'ei-i.-~ Big bonnes week or.Oct ai. flallilUU--r nisi Burrctt, in "The Battle of Too Sooui" score* a big hit. Madge K.ix made guod lu « new act. The entire bill was good. Woofc i>r'2tj: Ken- nedy und Itooney. Bale nud tWnlley.' Hed* ford nud Wlnehckter. Ilerberi Jjloyd untl i-ompaiiv, I'rumpln Trlu, Atluuia Hpcm-tt imii Itobert Henry Hodge nnd company. Htavk .S'i'iikut (B. F. Mlrolicr?. uiauager). --Barney (illiuoi-u, the Jrlsb netor. Hi "Bub- llu Una, the Irish HelecUve." ^l-'JU, wa» well rccclvod Low Welch, lu "The Shoe- maker," 24-'Jtt, pin veil io big houses. .'.'The Musty aud Xtwr 2S-.'h), J«s> Morris unci <vni-- pany. in "The Banker, ihe Tlilef, rle» t:irl."* Stl-Xur. 2. 4t*M9i City.—iirfh* MklmTi (t'rank It* Jlenderwn, mnhageri-recll Novsmer will dl-. vldo-w*ekjtf Oct. 2H wHh "TIk, Girl flalBw" nod'."Tim" l>onci;r an* the rilnjr." "Wiore Acrff"- follows.'- Hilly B. Van closed a good week 29. ' . A^araiMV '(Fr.lnt' K.' Tlnuderluiu. manager•. —•'A Midnight Ksciipe" wek-of M. Bs-re.-y «:!llu-.or«.. In'-Bnblln Ban," in fnliw. "Piaci .N"lIIe Went: Awiiv." elosed a goyd week 215.' Itr^r-iltuN IT. \V. Dinkinv, ma-iin^ei'i.—Tile: Bnrlcaipiein week.of an. Hlch r>cbf>ol-.''Ir's next. The Aavrlraiis wero ancil la ev-ry way,, closed n good -week's slay 2tV. Kuitu it rnocTon's ir. Buro-*, tnanagerj. -.—Week.of.2S: Sttrltli and Caaipbell, Motpert Trio, -Majr'-Tu'ly and company, Kline Faye and Thos, BIsMtr, l^rlcnnc drnraot and company. Keniey BroOi^rs sort little Ulp. Holiokcu.—At tho I.yrle ill.-B. Soulier. ■agfnri -Tb*" Olnmbler From tbp West" ocu a"-ao» ••nnij-. the- Sii* -skew. 2. 'Broadway Afler Hark" .",-8. "It's 3 h i W| V tm Bate t-o Mend" 10.1.".. Hnninesis, In .spite of the local election'" ascltcacni', remains up to the atanderd. Empikh (A. SI. Brii2»<Baaim, proiirlerari. - -Souvenir week „f Oct. 2S will lisve u strong nffertnc Marie-Wnlnivrlght. hud coMpany. in "Our Baby;" Bord llonea, tiypsv violinist; Watson's Farmyard. Willie Weston, in Imper- sonations; Carter, '|'avl«»r and company, De- vine and Williams, Hauia nnd.Arroo, and Welch nnd Francis. Itu.ilness (Inc. • ■ .. .. .1 KIlaaliftHr-'-Ar the■ Xew l,v<eum (Brute A" Klrby. managers) "The Lightning t'ondnc-' mr" cann»-*)ct, ai. and gnvo evident satlsfac- ilea, The unislc team good end the cast large snd mevltortoiii, "TJio Fart and the Glri"" came a£, and pleased...''Fast Lynne" ar- rived 2.1, to jood returns. ■ Gloving plctnr:'9 24 "The. Way of the •TMusgressor" 25, ^0, •Llie Vlllago Grocer". S8, "The Xin^ty nnd Mne" .•tJ-Xor. '£, "ivinvlet 1)90" 4-C PnoflToa's.—TlieMU for week of. 21 provpd fteollent. and drew large honses, with amli- tenr night oa . Friday; to big returns. Bin for week of 2K: The Famous Boston Ifi- rtcttes, inaU'nurt Byan, Four Casting Hnn- bars. the Kemps, motion pIcHu-es, Mr.' ai-rt Mrs. Barry Thome and eompanT. NOTICE TO COEBESPONDEITS TnrMay, Nov. 3. holag Blection nay, oar corretpondent. are re- <inehtert to have all matter In- rvniled for pabllration In UIK CI.rPPJDR aated Xot. .0, reach - -thla o«l<e not later than S«iur- d»y, Nov. '*. to lii.urr tiuprtlun, , Mial KKXT1CKT, I.»ulnylllF.- At Mne-JUley's ijno. T,. Ma- ciiuK'.v, manugeri Hoso St ah I came Oct. 21-23, presentiug "The Chorus f^idy"t« Inrga audi- ••nces. Miss rJlahl capUvated her hearers at nuee und received a warm .welcome.' in a dill- Hon to ,the ^tar, those; worthy of ..mention' are-Alice T.oigh. Wilfred- Micas, BY* Den» : nlaoa and Amy l,eu. 3lury Mannetlng,- 24^' ad,v presenting ''Olorlous ■ Betsy.V (o good business... "Tbe Grand Mogul" as, il), Mabel Moutiromery SliXoV.'2; M*«t A.vniiaso:,. t*las Fnblsh, runnacer).. - -Kiluu Ana was the. headllner iveek of 2Ai and was well mi 1 !ml The public respuaflcd tioJily to the reduction of tho matinee prices, startiug 81 by tilling Sw house. New people •week . of ,28: Truubolllon Troupe, lierraiau, liiira.'Hope Booth und ';umuani-, Mile. Ches- ter. Olympla tjuarletle, Fields and Ward, ilnley nud Burke, jrrank Bnsb. and animated pleiures -. AVaXMr iChnrles ,V. Shaw, manager).'— "Hartcd on Her Bridal Tour," week of 20. plsyi'd to good liusltiiss. Kathryn Both and Frederick ftsmoml, h\ the leading roles, wel'e wry effective. Baby Barker won thi> hcarca of I ho audiences. Balsy Chuplnld tuul Hntry Magnus mudo a hit with their singing and dancing..-.. For,-week of 2T. '"('he Mvsterlona Bnrglar." Masonic (Charles A. Sbuw, ataajaVT). — "lliwlcr, Susplclnii." week, of 21. was glren a hearty welcome by large, uudlenven. The iilay-gnToentire'sutlsfaetlon. Wallace Wors- .icy.-plnyed.,.Uui.. leading, role -with aldllly. Herjyii Benson wan one of rhe features of rhe ■play.; Lola Lamareux handled her rote -in an easy und graceful manner. Kof week' of 25, "Tlio Cat and the Fiddle." llnr-mss- (Win. .llelAtnuui, manager).-^. Ouix <a' the best headline nets tbnl -has been the hilt at this house was pi-e- souted-.lasi week by-Julius Sieger and-coin- >giny!-ln'' "The Flftli' Commandment"-- It witH<eaneclnlly praiseworthy. Foi- week aC 27:.MUea McCarthy and'company, Arthur Heinlug, .Transformation Four. Harding hnd. Ah'Hid, l.anrti tfiiai. Jjlimilll and Lewie, Ttussoll anil Clinreh.. • Bintrlium and Unble, Allle.- Olfvd. and tlie'RInodronie. . • .GOI.BKS RATR GtiBAXIXGg. '. : J-'/hcVi/I DlAimtcfi to TilH Snw'.yonn.CHrPCT. H.VK B«ASctacr>, Ocl. an.—At the Van. •Xee*, (Uls Is the .seconj iind last 'week of Wm. J?aTe.rsbam,,ln."The.Snnaw Man."' ■• HGi;.vri,:: NovkltV: —Sunday (matlneei 27, •fononewvek. "The Vnndertllt Oip." • • CkmbjI..— "The Cowboy and tbo Sq^ia*-." Ammipa-iu- 1 - "The. Mayor of 'J'oklo.'' N'gw At/^Azin.^—"The Hearr of Maryland." Ob-miki'm.— Blll'.fof the i\-eek opening 21: Xnnee'-iVXeil and company, f^wrs SUIew, *eoU and Wilson, Mnssias OTonhor, the Co- lonial Nnntatte, Hie Four Dnlntv Dancers, 1,11- Jlno Tyco, Betrac'v horseh.itid ilio klnodrome. • CifrtBB.—'T'lghthJi Oie Flnows," vaude- ville and- moving plciurca. IY.initms. —Monday, 28, marka the begin- ning o; the comic opera season, -with "The Morlrtng Bird," by. membfrs of the- compr.ny latefy Appearing on the roast under the dlrce- flon of Torn Karl, and under the stage ill rectorship of «4eorge K. Last. This will Jnangnratc the management (active) ofMor- ris Meyerfcld Jr., head of rhe Orphauja ,clr- ' • -uii . who .lias obtained a. controlling interrct In--this newi.thcntre, ond who tnrends. if piv 5 - alhlo. to follow the, lines of the old Tivoli Opei-a Honse In, this city, by giving cnmle opera wltfi.the best of peopk*. chorus pun. or- chestra, and lot moderate prices. Nirij;s. —Seus-t's Bafid wul give four even- ing nnd' three afternoon concerts nt rireoui- land-'PievHton,- Ijeptnning- Momhry,- BrT."^28: ,*-;At the Colonial- a "Miss Enjnere nnrl her •cmnpany, beginning Thursday evening. GeL 24, :wlll give a series of performances, opening with ."'rhe Ctust Of Society.'".'. .u . -C ■ . ' <' . ♦ • " Hl>'\KSO'l'A. St, I'aol.- Ai tlio Metrouolitan -Opera llbifH- (Ij. X. Srolt. nratiairc-rj Saroli 'J'ruai, in' "Tka Spidei'"* Web," .had good biiilness Oct 2uras. "Foriy-'liTe Minutes From Broad- way" fared well 24-2C. Mary'Cahlll. In "Mar- ryluj; Alary," a7-i!0; Jarpcs" X fowers. In "Xlt*. Blue-Moon." 31-Xor. 2: -The Land of Noil" ;:-«, llax Flgman, In "The Man on the Bog," T-D. • GaAxn ti'Jieo. .L. Hays, manager).—"Cu- pid at Vassal" taide In for good patronage, week of Oct. 20. For week of 27, 'The King and ijaeen of Gamblers." Xest week, Tliorao-* !•:. lfbea, lu "A Soldier of .the. Cross," "The Bells" and "Br. .lekyl and Mr. Hyde." Oiri'Hei'M (Martin Beck, general mansgerV. —*ji. strong bill broajriu ont big Mouses week of 20. Tbo;c who will take part week of 27 are: Viola Gillette and Geo. J.' Macfprlae.d, Fred Bay and-ompanv, fh«- K.tggefens, -Mflkmnn, Kmile Anbers, Baivli ami Wilson, tne Blazers, and the klnodrome. Majestic- d>. Jack Bondy, manager).— Woek of 2tl witnessed very-good business. BUI for week of 27: Harry Zcna, the Mneril- les, the I,a l'ago Sisters. Jreno Little, the Mu- sical Belles, Bush and BUlott, and tbe ca myo- graph.' Windsor (Arthur White, manager)'.—Bttsl- uess was good with'the Wilsons, Lillian' Mil- ler,' II. C. Carroll, and Moron aud Ooraarcst. week of 20. People on the slage week of 27 : Arthur Yule nnd company, Summers and Wln- lers, Collins and. La Moss, and HnroM.G. Moras; who will conclude a most successful engagement as chnraeicr impersonator and singer. "... Stau. (J. C Van Uuo, manager).—-Bnslncs* was very good week of 20, with rhe Oriental f'oiy Cbmor fllrls. Including tins comedy iea- t-nro'her. Van Clove Benton nod—retry' the mule.. The Yankee Doodle Girls week of 27. 't'he Merrymakers m-xt week. •KstPian iSsiu Flak, manager).—Xeir pen-' pie. for work .of 2R: O. Henry. Rubens ond tings, Choi' Ellsworth CnmsnJji, tlic Wli. ■ ■ii\os.-nnd .TackKon^^lie. Wonder. Those'clos- ing are:- The Ut(iahans, JVevimcn and Mowr ard, Be.wle.'HnogAft.; ' .,. •"..-. .. : ; .... - '• .MKC-rto.t. —Bessie Abhinr, .'"pr!ma."dohlmr, from- the. Metropolitan Ofiera .lloajo, New Turk assisted by nine r.tbers will slug, at I'eciplo'n CfcureJi 28. I>» Paehmnnn, -plnnlst. at the Auditorium 24. ■ ■« I. ' 1 Mlun<>al>oll«.- -At thcMetropolitauOpera House 1 }j. X- Scott, mauugerj James , T. Powers, In "Tbe Blue Monn," Oct. 27-iiO- Marie Cahill, In "Marryhis Maty," 31-Xov! 2; •••Ti'erty-Five Minutes From BroadwaV Oct. 20-2,1. aud Sarah Truax. in "The Spider's Web,'' 24-20, report very good business. Max Plgi'ian, in "'Iho Man.On the Bo.t," Xov. :i-fj; ■ "Che ijind of Xod" 7-0. B/joi; On; a a. Howe (Tbeo. L, llays, man- •igert.—"OuRlri at V««s»r" Oei. a7 and week. "Anltu, iho Singing Girl," 20 and week, .to good houses, "King and <jneen of Oamblcis" next week. . Oiu-iikvm (Martin Beck, general manageri. -Bill for 27 and week: Oklte Family, Chris Illchiirds, l-'arrcll-Taylor compaay, Mary Bu- pont and company;.Mme. Allia,.Mlle. Martha, tud fluoge] Brother's, i.iwd business 20 ana week.. . . ■• •"TAt-rTTT ICM-IMfi'iV rjin," mRnagereser.—" .".Vy Mother-In 14W" 27' and.'wwk, "Sweet Nell-of Old Brury" to-very jrood Imunes 20- and week. "Cumberland 'OJ" next, week. UstQi.n (John Jilliott. manager).--^IrrH-for iSLjtM..week: Hleuroy and llusu-l!, tlrtir nnd Um'raili; llorton and I/iitrlsku.TDe Four IllllSi Sadie W-Mtlng, Five l>etateU Sisters.- nnd fJuacjio, While, rrteat IhisI»i«s 11 and week." '. . -• ■ - . ' • -- :-• Bkwk* (.ircliio Miller, ntanagee).—Will- lams' lmporlult;'27 acd week, Charle* Is. Tav. lor's liartsiau' Bones. 20.nlnl week td" verv good business. Oriental ('my Corner -iJlrl's next .week. - t'uHnlcn. •-At the Cauiden <Jl. W. Tay- lor, manager) business cnutlnops very xooil "A Midnight INeuiw"Del. \7-10, "ll'it Xci I'oo l*le to Mnud" 21-a.l. Is>(h Never ycd to suilsractorv liuslnrns. "li'lglttlua Bill, stu-i IfT ••f Silver I'ri-ek" 24-20, Ji* Tornbert, In "Thn Money Lender." aS-llu: —The Great RBHM Hohbcry" Itl-Nov. 2. Si'.w HiiiiAiiWAV (Johni'. Heebies, resldenl inauagei').--If Inst week's business can h^ taken us a criterion, then Mr. Xash aud Mr. Uodgdon have struck a llule mint. At the daily nmituces the house was mmfortably crowded. Beside* .little King mirtieumpmiy.' br« sketch onllUed "The Wrong Howm, rftAr week's hill Included: l,a Rose un^ Frederic, Dudley and Cheslyn, Smirl and Kessner, Altai Ri'cKLNUTiAU iWhalli'ii Bros.,'n^olmgers^. .»'.'^. . / , :■ Z. : ■ ^ . ^Wntsou'i Bnrlcsqunrs, week of at), at-, «»Win'.—At-tlt'c Lyceum (C. "A. MiustinJl, - jnartagcr) "A Texas Steer" Oct. 21, "An Old Sworn heart" Sot.. 12. The stock contranes; Buot; (Joe .Mnithuid, manager). — Full lioyitts are the rule... People for 25 and week.- 'I'ltcce Liners. Kdgar Foreman and company, Hie Mmdcol Bells. Jack nnd Benhatticb, .la*. McClcUnnd, llellmnn, lllustrateil songs and niovlnj plcinres. MirrnoruMtAK (W. If. f,onggrrecr. mana- ger).—Wllllaais' IminjrlHla we#k of 21, Ori- ental Coxy Comer Girls 27 and week. Xoru.—Miss Liioio-. of tho Mack-Leone Co., who.lius .been.under tlie doi:tor's cute for some time, will appear as Polly.Primrose, 27, with the >f ni-i;-i.-ono Co.. at tho Lyceum. »»» ■ . IOWA. lie. Moines.—At Foster's Opera ' l w in. Foster, niutiager) Hthel Bnrrymorc, In "Her Slslciv" showed (o capacity Ocl. 22. "Qulncy Adams Sawyer" fared well 23. A house totally sold out enjoyed Frltsil Sclieff. in "Mile. Modiste," 2-1. Abbott Concert Co. 2», "PJffl Taffl! I'muM!" SH, ltsnford Nov. 1, ". ' ilRANn Opkiia HorsK (Win. Foster, mana- ger).—A well filled honsc enjoyed.-'*Our Now Minister," Oct: 17-10. Mhu Xew Tork Jr. MM to gin*. In traeted hi;; crowds, ibe-olio, has tome >•■«-! oiiterluloei^, among whom ate Bonnb» Whit- -uan, Mlllei'ship Sisters, Swaiui and Bam- MM, the Bijou Trio, Doraey Mcijnwan und l-:e-j^in. For week -of 27, Lndv Birds. 'Wio C-ntury.Allrls Xi>v. ML Xiithu.— ^Tiie in|inagemeut of the "Mary Ae- itcraoa Theatre hns inangurnted 11 new seal* olprhvs for the mattnees, iiegliuHug 21. Ail reserved'pen is wlllnow be wild at the ui:Hon* price of" iwputy-tlv'e evnu for the inathtre pirfornuinces. Tbls will nndonbteOly ndd ta" the popularity of tho.bouse...-. .Chief of Po- lice llaagc!' ejected two boys from Mncnuley'* Theatre, 10, for'rhclr nuisy coiidnet during the pciTenuanco of vBrewster's Mllilcu.i." Or- dew have Utwd-fo oBteers-s^attoucd at tneslTis-to ui.ite ttrrests «-f alt jicrsiu'i rjertea 1 trom BM theatre for unruly coiidnet...'.. 1 Max Fnhlsh, mouuger of ■ the .Mary Ate' iji'i'.-.on Thi-cU'Cix-eelvefl a telegram. I;), fro.n Klaw it l-lriaeger. In New York, stating that .tunica J. Morton aud Hie He MtiniVTrio must be in Chicago le time'i«> nppeitr at '.'■«• mail* are Sunday h-Bci'Iiooii. In order not ;o cor' 'tail the pertnrnmacr at the-MaiyAudei-'onl a special train was engaged 10 talte the pur- torni-'rs ;o '"hlcego after the perfnciiianco Sat- iiids) night, 10 as not to dUappolat II121.oit!«- »i!b: awMenr.'", and nl'o to enable the pep-' formers to Keep their npnolnrmrut for Stin- .lii'.: - maH aee . nig- .'fld- I'Milurnli, —At the Kentucky (Cnniey A' • ioodmnn. maiuigers) Cobnrn's Minstrels, Oct. 2.1, and "Whnt Women Will Do," 2d, were th« ouly ntiraetloaa of the week. 'The t'nwboy Rtrl" Xov. 1, Wilton Lnckurc ij; Murray-Tenney Slock Co, 4, 'Sbbel Mont £»nje»y, In "airn," -7. shbweil to good business 20-2S. Barld HI gins. In "His Last Dollar," S4-2C, "Meieau den's Flatn" 27-"l,- "The : Kerrv «fow" Ndv I, 2. HMi'rnv; (M.- J. Karger, uiannger).—Bill for week of Oct. 28: The Sli BmnnLs, Kp- norah, Aurle Dagwell, J. W. Winfou, Mye- tleua, Froslnl, Kelly .and Aahby; jand_motlon pictures. ■ ■•-'- • • • SmtBF.RT (J, S,: Weller, manoger).—This house.wlil reopen'with, vaudeville Oct, 20, under new management; 'Bernard and Cole- man, Novell and Do. Moe, Arthur Winton Or land and Shafer,.Br6Wn Bros., Frank Wl'vjr" nnd moving pictures are being shown. MxmSTic iFfed Bnchonan. n3»nae<-ri wPi nrnti Nov. IT. * • '"• , ' >' ■' ' a ■ , . f><kalnn<ia— At the Grand Opera Hoc;.. i^A. r.Oa'cos. asslstnnr manngeV) ."Under'hr North Hint" Oct. 14, did nice haatee*; an % lilcnserf. : "Qulncy'Adams Sawyer"- tCentrali matinee and night,, pleo'cd a large nnd npnr -'- ciat'ive aujlence. "Bfg Hearted Jim •"> •'Mn'g Xew HnshamT' aft, "The Tramn aiiii the Lady"'2.1, "The Wltord of Wall Sirr-'" SO, "Xo Mother -to Gulo> Her" Nov. ). Jnw' Hoffinann, under the auspices of Penn Cof ler* Nov. 12. Onin.Nt (Carl C. Slrnhle, manager) .—with enlarged seating oaptclty and belter nccarr. rooddtlonM, this honse continues to plav m capacity hnslnewafternoon and'evenlng 'The management Is considering plans 10 open a branch house ro> accommodate the der.inn-ja of patrons. Notes.—George W. Bharp Joined •'■Qnliier Adorns Sawyer'* Co, (Central), at cvdor Rapids, In., replacing Bay B. Trou?dale. Harry-K. lntffy Joined at the sameplaee, 311c. ccedlng James Coleman. Laura Vi-aer, play. Ing Hilda Masco in foe game company, who was out of the cast for more than a week on account of tllncs, resumed her role here ]'> ... .Assistant Manager Owens; of the fJr^rtL wltl-gtvc-n-i5ei , l?»T)f-"cnrr«!r1s ddllng the w'n! ter, wliB th^ lown'Brlgade Band. , ■ , 1 * a 1 ■ ■ BnrllMglan.—At rhe Grand (Chamlv-riln Harrington i t!o. managers) "tncle Josh Spntceby," as iianal. had a very Large and', ence Oct. 22. The Flints Xov. 4-0. Oaubick (T.-M. Boot, manager). — Good bill drew well past week. BUI Oct. 2%.?.l ■ Jeanettc- Adler and company. -Fred and Miy Wnddell, Lcwilt and Ashmore. .Vov 1-4* >Vharton and -Leroy.-.irg. lionet tc and her dogs, Henry llncthig. Guerdon Calvin, and pictures. liuoi (1^ M;-I.cnt, manager).—This coiv reconstructed tbeorre opened Oct. 21, ar.d was filled at every performance. It gave excellent satisfaction. Cl.irs,—S. Kponherg, ahead of Joseph Shce- Opera Co.. wns m city 28. and nrrnTieed foe his company Nov. 18.-" ■ ■ * ■» ■' ■ Another Ilrunklyn Honse far' Wllltaat*. "Manager Percy U. Wllilams will shoi-H» add another theatre to his long'string o"f houses In Brooklyn. It will bo located ai rbe corner" nf" Manhattan Avenue and Calve- arrest, lirceapoiot, nnd will true a s-vtruig capacity of 1 (RM). .... The foundntl<in Ik prnctlrally completed, ami li.ts.taM the boose one of th<- handsomest houses in Broikl(-n when it Is op" for the.public on >cpu 1, 3P0K. Manager Williams is.'going to present tb» ilucsf acta la vaudeville there, nnd will give the people of tliat >*ct!ou something they have wanted foe ninny year?—a high elass vaudeville Iwuse. . * ■ ■» Georae sIohiii- as Vlnnnnei- of M eeuey'». flcorgi^ Slonne wag appointed loanager of Iveeuey' vaudeville house hv Brookliu, on Oct. 21. Mr. Sloone Is an old time theatrical uutn nnd well known in. Brooklyn. He ms formerly manager ojf Ihe oW Lee Avenue Academy and Kmplre-Theatre, Williamsburg. In recent year* be has Iwenwlth Percv <;. Wllllamo, and last year was manager of Bergen Bench Theatre.'' •••-. ■ - ■ • 4 »♦ " Biufflfnig. Hr»». lu Be Circas Klaga, The Itarhnm 'ji Bailey Circnn Is about to Iwsw.ywider ..the' control : of the Ring- iing Brothers; Negotiations to this end hav» beeu pcndUtg for jomu time. The English stockholders met. last woek and ratified tin- sale of tlio-American-rights In the. show by Mrs. James A. Bniley. . ' ♦.»■■■■ Knperlur Film Supply Co, Opens tniulcvliii. BonklOK Aarracy. The Superior Fllai Supply' Co., Toledo. 0., has opened a new vaudeville hooking agency iti connection with lis lilru supply company. ' ' « i» foil] Ullleii lteturna Kaat. Turn t'llllcn, "Flnnlgan's Friend," ha" Hn- IsIimI his Wesicru time, and returned 10 S*v/ York Oct. 2T. Itelf A Hagrr Heacalas Out. Helf & nsger hnve bought out the Interests of I'nlted Music Stnr<-s. ■■ «»» Florence Herd Recovering. Florence Reed, "populaf for'two atiason-i a» loading woman In Malcolm Williams' Stock ..<'Kucc£«lei. audJotoly as leading wo- man with li, ll.'SOtherrt". has been dnngcrons- Ty III with anntlack of Wood poisoning. Miss Heed'Was s'trlekon with the tnalodv while plHylng lu tlTiioago, and wns obliged to lean Sorhoru's company (Here. After a four weeks' tryhig lllncaa, .ahe-w'H UrobaJily be able to tejhhi Her' company' abont the first of No- vember. The constant care of her mother, together with that of doctors and- nurses, wa* Instrumoiitiil In bringing abouf her Im- provement. . . ■••, - ... ' 1 0 » > -MareuH Kellcrmaa'a Adteu. ' "Incinuat i gave tribute io Marcus B. Kel- lerrunn dr Stntor Heclinl Hall, OeL 2;t. This Ohlnaa goes (•> Europe to accepr an *ugnp-- incut at the Nuremberg Oiiera House. He was assisted l»y Clarl<tt. Clare, Tecls llgnn and I'bnrles A, Granlnger. 1 ■ '.. .. *>« . ■» Viola .Mien Oarc A train n T.iet.Icr Star. Viola Allen,, who Is now in Bngland. will once mom ,>nter tlio -IJcbler fold. She *H' apiKat In'this, country shortly under iholt •iiiinsgcaient, la su adaptation of Henri Bern- s-teHi's. "Le' Bercall." Lonia N. Parlft 1= adarllnj tho play.for MUs-Allen.. ■ ■ « i> Wlll« and Burron Resoini Vt'ork. Mrs. Qaonef W. Wills (Barron) has tvenv DToa from o revere illness of four montlis. and will resume work Nov. 3. Mr. Wills •■■ in hla tblrty-UfUi vcar-hi show baahWav. nines anil BrnjluKton Co-Stars Willi ChmiU A. Mima. Hhiea and Remington have made arrange nienls to go tin tour with the musical eosi fly, "Uiidolph and Adolph," as co-stars with Chan. A. Mason, Introducing (heir vaudeville act as a special attraction, and playing lend lng com'edr parls hi. conjunction with1 Mr Mason. . T'te scbfoii opeps Nov. !>," st Bean lug. I'n. ■■ . ^»4> ■ ■ Belaaco In Broolclya. Dxvld Relasco has engaged the HMMn Theni re, Brooklyn, for-twelva weeks, and w.i give the people of that borough an oppoi 1 unity u> wltnees his productions. Gn r\of. 4 he will present Blanche Bates, In ;Tbe Girl of the Golden West." for one week e»» U.trjit Run was initiated Oct. 2C> by Brooklyn Ledge of Klks.