The New York Clipper (November 1907)

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NOYEMBER «. THE 2STirVS£ YOtfcKr ®m&&3m. 1061 r*? "No Mather Is.Qatdc Her" (Kulsoti a. iMfe DirwnoVt, la., 10, Oaleiburg. ill.. 11. Cintm 13 lUonoJngron >«■ Contlae IS. Stwator to. ■■Vobodv'i CUlm." Ksitern U. M.Jacobs, ragr.) —Berwick. Pi.. 0. BK>otn»mir8 7, Huleton 8. Ulltea », Nnntlcoko II, .NortbttmbittlaUiaV 12, ' iOO reborn i _ Hi Claim." Western lit. B. I* Ror. Slgr.) -l-Jtum'jmin. Mian... (1, Kenyan. ■'. Otfotciim. 8, Ulltca B, Nnntlcokn 11, Sorthumberlanr! 12, iilhaaor City IS. Bhiiaoklu 14, Les-iitowp IS, Biroreboro 10. r . '» X ;»J '" , . . Barm ■ NoMsl: ajAra.»-^t4gara Falls, ». Y„ o Philadelphia, wilii. mt St. Peter 9, Albert l,ea 11. O • iilrolt. Cbauncey (Ausuetra Pllou. nigr.)—Grand K«pl(l*. Mlcli.. 0. Detroit 7*. Hlt&burg. V»„ 11-28.. O'Neill, Jnmei (Edgar Forrnt, aigr.)—New Ha- vcu. CVuin., 4-0, I'rofldefcce R.-L, 7-9. Baton. Mass.. 11-10. u'lliri. t'*l«ke (i-'na*. E. IHiuey Auiuse. Co.. tngrO— Detroit. Mich.; 3-H.'Cleveland, O.. Vi- lli ' • tsman Slock (Jobu Ohiud. nigr.)—(Ireeuvlll.,, H. C. 4-fl. • * ihir. New Minister" (.loeenli Oonvens. ingr. I— Valillrilnn. Juil . 0, Jollet. 111.. T, Ann,... H, Morrison II, ClIBton. !>., 12, Prlnrlon, IH.,13. stAim urotrtwi io. . ••nntlaw's Christmas" (I". If. Sullivan, insr.l— Meaarthle.' Two.y 4-0, St. Louis. .Mo., 10-10. "OrlainPl Onben," Rowland & CllfTonr« (IV.-T. ■ Siftklli. ragr.)—Louisville. Ky., :!-», Plttsl.hrg, !■«.. 11-IB. - • ?i •ulrl Arkausaw." East. 1-resl tturniond's (L.'E. Falwirde. mir.)—Lewlavllle. Iml.. it. Greenville 7. New Castle 8. Ilninlllorli 0.; :>, Liberty. Infl., 11. Ilrookvllle 12, Mirtlhavlllo !•". franifort 10. • old Arkausaw." Went, Kreil Itiruiond's (O. W. Blekiiell, nigr.)—Boulder, Colo.. >>. Lougntont 7. Loreland 8, Fort Collin* I), Ureeler 11, Raw- linn. Wyo., 10, Bock SrrliiKs Hi. • Olc OUoli" (Oeo. Conway, mgr. i—Waverl)'. N. Y.. 0. Wutklns 7. Seneca Falls 8, Newark 9, riyue 11, I ajajl Ma llTllsan II Little Fslts I.",, Gsiversvlllc 10. •(M' Parole"—Jamestown. X. V., 8. "Old Fcroter Hopkins." East (Wlieeler & Fiiok. iiigr*.)—Salamruca. N. ¥., 11. P Power*. James T. (Sam H. it Lei* Siiubeit. Inc.. luzn.)—OionUo. N'ctir., 3-0. Sioux City, la., 7. Atjchlron. Kan., 8, 3t. Jose.n, Mo., 9, Knn.ia» Clly 11-10. •prliiw of Pllwu" (Henry W. S«T«|{0. nyir.)— I,b i;rmif. Wl>.. 7. Albert Uii. Mltiu., 8. Red Wine ti.Mlhnennolts TO! 3.'81. Paul 14-lO.v' ••IMrT! Pat:! Pout!-::" B. 0. Wbitn*.7»—Bed- ford, i Ind., 0, Coluiubun 7, Hamlltoa, 0., S, Cincinnati 10-10. ] 'I'arslfar' (Mcrtlu £ Emery, mrrs.) —Troy. Ala.. 0, Enfnula 7, Vloiitgomerr.8. Selmo 0, I">eiiwrolK 11, Meridian. Mls<.. J2.'kfobl!t.:Al'i., 13. It. F.lloxl. Ml*s.. 15, Hattiealiiire 10." i'hnntora DetcctlTe." Rowland le Clifford's (Dave Seymour, our.)—Toledo, (J.. 3-0, Akron 7-9, llnffalo, N.Y.. 11-10. '•I'lilntlr-B the Town," Cbas. If. Yale's—Oruui! MaohU. Mich.. TU. Chlcico. 111.. 10-10. .. "Parted On tier Bridal Tour" (Chas. P.. fllnney Auiiikc. Co., ingrs. i—Cuiturt). III.. 3-10. "Pau Handle Pete" (Abo Lcry, luKr.)—East St. Ix>nl9, IIU, 4-C. lutllonapolli. lud., 7-D, Clncln- iiatl.-O., 10U0. "Pair nf Country Kids," Kant (C. Jay Kmltb. nigr.)—lluntlugilon. Pa., 0, LcviiMonn 7, JIW- ■llolown 8, Colirnbla 9, Lebanon 11. Slatlnfton 12. Tamaqua 13, Steoandoab 14, I'ottsvllle 15, Potlstown 10. . . -. ■ Q ■gnlncv Ailaoi* Sawyer." Wenteru (Jolio 0. Slew- iirt. uiei.i —Untie. Mont.. 9. Anncooda 11, Dll- l<iii 12. Idaho Falls, Ida.. ):-:. SI. Antltony 14, RlarkfiMt IS, Pocatello 10. H Ituljsoti. Eleauor ll.lelder & Co., mp-s.l—Clucln- iiall. O.. 1-0, St. Louis, Mo, 10-10. ItiKsell. i.llllaii (Joseph Brook*, mgr.)—Cleveland, i).. -lit. BurTalu. X. T., 11-J3, Uocbestcr 14. Itbncn 13, Syricu-*e 10. liobeils, Florence (Cort lc Itarrls, roars.)—She- boygan. Wis.. 0. Milwaukee 7-0, Si. Paul. Minn., 10-13. Minneapolis 14-10. Itoluoii. .May (I. rl. Sire, ragr.)—Montreal. Can., t-0. K. V. City II, Indefinite. Roy. John r.nd Emma (E. D. Stair, mgr.)—Boa- ton., 4-0, Brooklyn, N. Y.. 11-10. r.osar-.Maion Stock (Rosar & Mason, mgr*.I — Cirrlerllle. O.. It. Oreenfleld 11-16. •Roae of the Ruiicho" (David Belasco. mcr.)—N. V. City 4-0. Boston. Mara:', IFM "Round I'll" inlaw i Erlanger, ragrs.)—X. Y. City 4, Indefinite. "Rogers Broa; lu Panniua" (Qua & Max Rogers, infra.)— X. Y. City 4-0, Newark, N. J.. 11-10. "Road to Yesterday** (8am S. & LeeSbobert. Inc.. mgrs.)—Wasblnstou. D. C. 4.0. Annapo- lis; Mri., II, York, Pa., 12, Heading'13. Easwu 14. "Klalit or Way'" (Klaw & Erlanger, nigra;)— X. V. City 4. Indefinite. "lied Mill" (C. B. UllliiiKtiaiu. nigr.)—Itiaca, x. Y.. . 0. Geneva 7, CornliiK 8. Elinlra 0. WIIIUmspuTt. Pi.. 11, Wtlkes-Uurrc 12. Setaii- toii 13, llomellsvllle. X.-.T., 14. Jamestown 15: Eric, Pa.. 10. "Kuee Across the Continent," A. H. Woods' (II. I'. Wlnspiaii. mirr.)—Kansas City. Mo.. 3-9, Atehlsou: Kkn.. 10. St: Joseph. Mo.. 12. 13. OniaUa. Xelir., 11-10. ' -• : " "lloyal Slave," East." Clarence Beuoell's (Alfred Rowland, uurr.)—Mluonk, XII..- 0. Falrbury 8, Irfxltigton' 9. Rantoul 11, lUwsvllle ISC, Oxford. Iml.. IS. Moutledlo 14, Wliamac 10, Laporte 10. "' - :•••.■ "Rural Slave,": West. Clarence Benuelt'H (Horry A. Du Bols. ntgr.)— Itlilio Fatfe. Iday, 0, Ullfby 7. RexburgS. Pocatello 0.-Blaekfoot 11. Ixxran. On 12, Preston. Ida.. 13, Franklin 14. Malad 15. llrlgliaui, U.. 10. "lloyal dicf" (H.^ H. I'ritee, uurr.)—Fresno. Cal.. (I, Stockton' 7. San Joae S. Sacramento 9. San Francisco 1D-1U. "lied- Feather" i Jos. M. Oallea. mgr.)—Meridian. Miss., O, Jackson 7, Nateues .8. Vlckiburg 0. Memnlila. Tenh.. 11, 12, p|ne Bluff. Ark.. 13. Little Hock 14. Hot Springs 15, Sbreveport, IX, 10," "llocky Mouiitiln Expreag," Kllmt t GaxJolO's— Brooklyn, X. Y„ 4-0. •rtedcctlouB From the Heartii" (P. E. CirHfian, mgr.)—Chester, Pa., «, Towei' City 7. Wlllllus- iKirt 6 • ■ i "»l|i Van Winkle." Hale's—Guthrie Center. It., 0. Sluart .7, Karllunt 8. Attel ». Uussey 11, Unssell 12. Lran it. Iluuieston 13. •' "UabUt's Foot" (Pnt Chapuelle, ittgi.)—Rose- dJakt, Alls-., 0. Or,-enwooa J. Greenvllfe 8. I.Mltigtou 0. Ynioo Cltjf 11; Calilor/12, Haslr- hum 13. Summit 14. Magnolia 13, Brook- haven 10. .-. ■ Sotlu-iu. K. H. (Sum 8. k \xc Shubert, Inc., mgrs..i—Fort Wayne. lud.. 0. Goshen 1 South Bend 8. Grainl Rapids. Midi.. 9. Detroit 11-13. Krlc. Pa., It. Rochester. X. Y.. 10. 10. Miloticr. Otis (Charles Fmknun. uigr. I—Dalian. }eg.. 0. Gainesville 7, Fori Worth 8. 0. i.lttle Rock. Ark., 12. SiUetr, Frltal (C. B. Dllllucbam. mgr.)—Bait Luke city, C. 4-0. U>s Angeles, Cal., 11-10. ■binr, Mary— ciiiclunall, O.. 4-B. ' Mlpnuii, (Jertrude (ICrnest Shtpmau, mgr.)—' Putnam. Conn., 0. 'luunu.ii. Must.. 7. Newport. It. I.. H, Attlehoro. Mobs.. 0. Brucbtou 11. Nil River 12. FJtdtuurg 13, Marlboro 14, Mil- . ford 15, Bouth Frainlngliam 10. "eotl. Cjrll (Samuel Claggett, mgr.)—Cleburn*. le\.. 0, Dallai 7. Waco .8, Taylor 9, Temple 11. 8«n Antonio 12. 18. Austin 14. Houston 13. Galveston 10. ■ Miet Thiw. E. fCoban & Harrla. mgra.)—St. Paul. Minn., 3-0. Minneapolis 10-10, ^povner. Cecil (Cans. E. Blinay Amuse. Co.. nigrs)—X. Y. City 4-9, Trenton, X. J., 11-13. Palerson 14-10. s 'dney, (.;«•. (stclr & Nlcolal, mgrs. I—Cincin- nati, o., 3-9, Hunilltou 10. Cutnmltus 11-18. Iiajtiii; 14-10. 'wniley. JuHjpb (H. H. Hancock, uurr.)—Water- littry. Conn.. 0. Spi-liigllel.l. Mass., 7-9, Xewirk, X J.. 11-10. ^all FrnnaiHco Oiiera (Frank W. Ilealy. iugr.)— I'orlland, Ore,. 4-23. *"<»» uihI his Rami (John Philip aousa. mgr I— JM Sprliifrj. Wyo.. a Clicvenne 7. l'oeWo. • "In.. R. Siirlug* H. MM 10, Trini- dad II. Kingman. Kan., mat., and Ilulcbltmon 12 WlHilla 13. Tonclui 14. Alcblsou 13. l.lo- , —In. Xelir.. 10. s ":"rl Set, rius Hill's—DeUvlt. Mlrti.. 3-0. Iraad Uapliki 10-13, Fort Wayne, tail,, 14. Wabaak !-. Uatayett* 10. • v »vnn. Kilwanl (W. B. Alclil.wti. nigr.)—Coiiim- l*ia. S. C, (I. Charli'slmi T. .InvauMh. (lu.. ff. ^•••dtl.- May U. R. 1'llne, in«r.l—Victoria. TVt.. •i. Kle.-ui|4i 1. Cinrkrlt II, Pnle-'tlne 12, Na- ••"LibM-liw la. 14, Cnrlliasp 1,": Mmirvlew 111. M'lll. Waller II.— Mount Carme'l, Pa., 4-9,' Phlla- rtfll'liti 11-lfl. "S'ulal Whirl" (Sam 8. It Lee Skuberl, - loci SttMna Oruedy (Hairy Stevens, mgr.)—Doe Ron. Strong, Edwin, and all Pliyem (Walter Bikldge, tngr.l—Ran-lolpb. N'ebr,, 40, WayM t-0. Ruira+M Btock (CI. U. Rp»oi«t«. np, I—Fort JVlllTins. Orlt, Cart.. 1». Keftor. Ol-lO., "Soaaw Man" (Uebler i (»., mgrs.)—l.ltlle llock, Ark., 0, Helens 7. Meapuls, Tenn. 8 ». (Ireenvllle, Mlsi.. 11, Vlcksot'rg 12, Mbliroe. l.n.. 18, Xstrltei. Ml**.. 14. Baton Rouge. La.. 15, Jackson, Mis*.. 10. "Shepben! King" (Milton Roh'ee. rugr.i—Terre Hani*, lud.. 4-0. Kvanavllle T-0, I*ilnr;on, Ky.. it. 12, Kootvllle, Temi.. 14-10. "Hbadow* on the Hearth" i Arthur 0, Alston, ingr.i— McKee, rv-it. Pa.. 4-0, Heaver Fills 7, llreenvilie 8. New Castle 9, Yodngstown. 0.. 11-13. Akron 14-10. "Sluce Nellie Went Away," A. II. Wood*' (J. K. Rolietts/mgr.)—Caodeii. X. J.. 4-0.. WllnilnK- lor. Del.,'7-9, Philadelphia. P*.. 11-18. "Sbadoareri l>y Three," W. F. Mann'i (Claren'.-e Bunllck. mgr. I—Montreal, . Can.. 4-9, Ottawa 11-13. I'tlca. X. Y.. 14. Bcbenectndy 16. ' Slidenlaker," Co* lilll's— Wllmlntton: Del.. 4-0. Brldrcton. X. J,.-7, Hurltogtun 8. New Bruns- wick 0. X. Y. Clly 1110. "Secret Orcherd" (Hunter, IiMilfonl A- Reed, nana.)—Chleaeo. 111.. -I, Indefinite. '■Swccfest (llrl In Dliie,' 1 BnUtbc?H; A iC. 8. Ruble, mgt. 1—KlngSrher. Okla.,'«, t-eary 7, Anadarko 8, Holjal-t 9, Lawtoii II,,"fe\.. 12, V.VuIUm f.iil 13, Denton 14, gtepbenvllle IS," Brownwootl 16.". '.. "Sweetest Girl In Dixie," Northern (Will R. Hoiilie*. mgr.)—Lawrence. Karl;, d. l^aran- wortb 7. Atchison 8, Holloi 9. Maohattin II. Abilene 12. tflnneapoll* 13. Bclolt 14, Con- cou'la lO.'Clal'-OeMlcr 10. ' ; ' "Sweetest Girl In Dixie." Western (Ednla Pat- tcrsoo. mgr.)—Portland. Ore...3-9 Corvallls 11. Eugene 12, Roseburg 13, Grants Pais 14, Yreka. Cal. IS. ... "81s In New York," Bast (Frank Hopkins, mgr.) —Washington. Pa., 0, Brownsville f, Mononaa- hela Sj.Charli.-rol 9. Scottdale 11, Mount Jleaa- nnt lJT, .Morpsntown 13. Contrellstllle' 14; T3reB- tum 13. dieanallnrg 10. • ! -:.'' '•8I» lo.New Yt)fk, r *-"-We»t (Frank Hopklni. mgr.t —Snnfi'Marie. Cat;. 0. 8an Luis Obispo 7.. Paso Rohlc* S, 1J* Onto* l>, Siu Jove.10,-Witlon- vllIe/,11. Monterey 12, Holllster.'13, Petilnma ll.-.HeaMslntrt 13, I'klah 10. "Sis in; New' York." South (Frank HOpkln*. mar ) —t-iraham. X. C. 6, Tarhoro *, llslelgli 8,.Dnr- li'sdV 51 Wilson 11. Golilsboro 12. WBmlnglonMS. New Berii 14, Suffolk. Va.. HJ •Singing Girl of Killarney." AuNrey Mlttentbal'* —Clndniijll, 0-. 3-H, Chicago. III.. 10-lu. "Sandy Bottom" (Odaranlee Aaillie. Co.. OiSts.l —Orrl. Keiir/, 0, Hpauldlng 7. Prlrarose 8. Cedar Rfpiil- $.:• ' T. ■ ■ :•. "Saivad-From the Slums" (P. E. Corrlgan. mgr. i —Norrlstown, Pa.. 7. T Thompson. Deumin (Franklin Thompson, mgr.)— I-eeksllll. X. Y„ 0. Cttsklll 7. FlttsOeld. Sins.. 8, North Adams 9. . TrViil. Sirah (John Cort, mgr.)—Billings. Mont., U. Llvlngstoc 7, Boseman 8. Auaeonda 9. dullc 10, 11. Helena 12, Mlssonla 13, Wallace, Ida., 14. .Spokane;. Wash., 15, 10. Thornberg. Samuel (P. H. Sullivan, mgr.)—N. Y. City.4-9. Wilmington, Del.. 11-13. Taylor Stock (H. \v. Taylor, tagr. I—Berlin. X. H...4-9, Sherhrookr, Que. Can.. 11-10. Taylor. Albert:: (Ownr: Klx. mgi-. I —Gainesville. Tex.. O, 7, Henrietta 8. 0. Wlcblta Falls 11, 12. Seymour 13, 14, Chllllcolhe In, 10. "Tom Jones" (Henry W. Savage, ragr.)—Wash- ington'D.'-C, 4-9, X. Y. City 11. Indefinite. 'Talk of New York" (Cohan & Harris, mgrs'.) — Chicago. III., I, Indefinite. 'Toorlsta" (Bam S. ft Lee Shubert, Inc., mgrs.) —Selrnu, Ala., d. Petwncnla. Flu.. 7. Mobile, Alu.. S. Hattiesburg, Miss., 9. Memphis. Tctin.. 10. "Three of lis"' (Waller X. Lawrence, mgr.l— Seattle. Wash.. 7-u, Spokane 10. Missoula. Mont.. 11. B»"e 12, 13, Anaconda 14, Helena 15,-BozcnunlO. • i 'Top o' in' Worfl" (Sim 8. « Lee Shubert. Ino., ingrs.i— N. Y. City 4. Indefinite. "Tempest nod Sunshine," W. F. MiAb's (Richard Chapmin, mgr.)—Rochelle, III., 0, Ottawa 7. PuiUtac 8. S-.reator-n. Aurora 10. Kankakee 11. Milford 12,-Oibson City 13, Danville 14, Green- up 15, Olney 1G. 'Too Proud to Beg." Lincoln J Orrter's—JInr'on. Iml.. M. Hartford City ti. Bluiftou 11, Portland 12.- Dec'atbr ,13, Delpbos. 0 , 14. Kurt Wayne, ind.. 13. 10. "Texas," Broadhurst & Currle's—Snrlugneld, III.. 3-0, Peoria 7-0.. Ottawa 10. Himoirjttil; lhd.. Iff, Racflie, Wis.'. 18, Kenbsha'14.--■■■-■:•'*• - "Thorn* and Orange BUiiuoms." East. Rowland ft Clifford's (Ed. Weyerson: mgr.)—Vpndergflft. Pa;. 0, T.irentnci 7. WasTilngtod 8, BocUalter p. "Thorns and Orange Blo8sMns•,"■ ■ West,'- Rowland i Clifford's (F. C.■ Walton-.' mar. 1—Redding, Csl.. 0, Red Bluff 7. Woodland 8.' Napa 9. ,Pe- tolnma 11. Holllater 13. Han Jos> 141 Modterey 13. Sun Lnls Ohlisno 10. i . . ir'wa J "Two Mlarida" (M. M. Thetse, mgr.)—N. T. City 4MndeoHl»e. . .•...- a, . "Through Death Valley" (Jos.- D. - Bartotf ft Co:, mgrs.)—X. Y. Clly 4-0. Toronto. Cau., 11- W. " '-, ' "Texas Ranger" iCIiarlea It. McAdtms. mgr.)— Orange, Te\.. 0, Lak« Cbarles, Lit, 7,-Eunice R. Crowley 9. Onelbusas 10, Xew' IberU ' 11. Lafayette 12. ITihklln IS,. Morgan Clfy It. Hauroa 13. Trlbodaux -HI. ■ " ' '"JeleRrnpb HtaiioK-.'Xlt • (Rapier *. MaUhew*. mgra.)—Eddyvllje, -la v 0. p;idon 7. Keoaauqua 8.. Farr 1 - Mefidot "Under Southern Skies." Esslern (Harry Doel Parker, iugr. i— Unlonlown. Ala.. 0. Selma I. tftrlon StfMngs H.'-'ColiftnUtre.-'Oa.. u. Americas 11. Cordelu 12. Albany 13. Macon 14, Atlanta 16-10. "Under Southern Skies," Western (Harry Doel Parker, mgr.)—Seattle. Wash., 3-0. Belling- Mm 7, Everett 8. Ccntrallh 9. Aberdeen 10. Hoqiilsm II,: Tacouut 12. Portland, Ole., 13. Cprvallts 14, Albany. 15. ' ■ ■ "LTider Southern Skies," Ceiitnl (Harry Doel Parker, mgr. I— Watertown. 8. Dak.. 0. Brook- ings 7. Huron 8. Aberdeen 9, Redtleld 11. Madi- son 12,. Sioux Falls 13. Mitchell 14. Yankton 13l Elk Polot 10. "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Al. w. Martin's (Ed. B. Martin, ingr.)—W-irsaw. Ind., 0. Saglmnv. Midi.. 7-0, Bay City 10-13. YpcllanU II, Te- cuinseh in. Aily'.nu 10. "Unclt Tom's ClaMu." Al. W. Martin's (W. Vin Andu. mgr.)—Lnr.castrr. Pa., 0. Coateasllle 7. Phbtnlxtllle 8, Norrlitown 0, Pottitown 11. Itorer-lj.c' 12. Allen town 13. South Betlilebcm 14. Lebanon 15. Reading 10. ' Uncle Toer , « Cabin: " Stetson's, Western (WW. Kibble, ingr. I—Greenup. III. 7. Chnrlnlon 8. Decatur' 0.' Clinton 11. Peoria 14-10. "I.'nele Tom's Cabin." Stetson's. Northern— Marlboro, Mats., 0. "Umpire" (Askln k Singer, mgts.l—Brooklyn. X. Y...40- "Under Susjnciuu" IJaa. D. Barton ft Co., mgra.) —Evnusvlllc. Ind.. 3-0. CI nttrnooga, Tenn., 11-10. "Uncle Tom'* Cabin," A, D. M'.-I'ilee't—SI. Calh- erlnes. Can.. 0. "Uncle Josh Perkins," Eastern (Taos. Roe. mgr.) —Pltl*toii. I'n., II. V Van. Blllv n. IP. M. Sullivan Amuse. Co., tnjri.) —N.'Y. City. 4-10. Van Dyke & rcaton (F. Mack, mgr.)—Cklcago. HI., - MX ■ , "Vlrglnlah" (The Klrke Lu Shellc. Co.. mm.I— .famestown, X. Y.. 0. Youngstown. O., 7, Xew Castle. Pa.. 8. Akron. O.. 9. Canton 11, East Liverpool 12. Washington. Pa.. 18. Wheeling, W. Va,. 14. Parkersbnrg 13. Charleston . 10. "VolunKer Organist" (W. W. Newcomer, mgr.)— Kansei. City. No., 3-9. • "• - W Walsh, Blanche iWagenbsls ft Kvmuer. mgr*.)— Brooklyn, X. V . 4-9, Bnltluore. Md.. I1-1A - Willldras. Hnttle (Charles Froumau. mgr.)—Wa»h- Inaton. D. O.. 4-0. Warield. David (David Reliico. mgr.l—N. Y. City 4. Itideflnlle. Wilson. Francis (Charles Frolioan. mgr.)—X. Y. City 4, IndeBcllc. Webijr's All Stars Uostpb Jf. Weber, mgr.)—X. Y, City 4. fodeflnlte. Wilson. At. II. (Sidney R. Elll*. n<gr.>—Philadel- phia. Pa., 4-9, Kaston II. Pottivllle 12. Wilkes- Barre 13 Scran ton 14. We»t. Blancs (IUne«t Shlpnian. mar.)—Jonesvllle, Ml.-I,.. II, Marshall T. Ilalllr Creek 8, Juci.-Hr.ii II, ThIkIo. I».i • II III. ■ " - • Wllliniti*. Initio ICIiii*. I:. Iilnn-'v AmiMe. i',,., insr*.) -Oh-vi-'miil. (I., 4-9, Detroit. Mh-li.. Ki- lo. . r Ward, Hap IE. U. Slalr. mgr.l—New Orleans; Li.,:; 9. Ilemplil*, Tenn., 11-10. > Ind,. 13. [ndlinipolls 14-lu. jr».)—Eddyvllje, la.. 0. P:idon 7. Keosauqua . FarmlugtoD 9, Dallas City 11, Cajrtbago.n. efiCbn m Cl|ytor> ; I4. 7 Moudt Staling \ 13. imp Point lo. \': '... -.;. JT J "irolllni I'laj-frs (Lottli M Uraiill. mgr.l—In- „ dianupolls, iii.i.. Til. Chicago. In., lu-10. - 8«f,8brJv> RlfU (W. reniltiiy. Ingjr.I—IfDatoi,. Maaa.,,49; N.,Y. I'lly 1110.. ^ . , .; . r . Sain UnrlHtieFs Big Hhow (Mfltrll WdlhiloekV.luJr. I -•I'ltlsHttk. I'a., I 0, Coliuuliui. <).. Il-itl. , •rrk*s..a.tUtitrr ' fitlrtrstiitMs ' llldrtlg ; * Sunnti. tom;[H-%li»s«r. X. T.i 4-9. Albany 1MII, ■frtins-Atlllitlc •rlg>fj Mies' i* i-o. !«««.,, 14-10. I . ... u««t-|irrsl*, X. T. AHaMiy 7-U. X Y.,l'!l.v. 1110. ■rrocatlerns (t'lias. tl. Walllrou. ingr.i—Kruuss •>cl(r.iplt«, CEwri v / ''..« thbtpblblirrda (Ffilik.U. tlirr, mgr.),--'Moulrtal. t'« v -*li,> T ror;ii}.H-IU. , TvifnllerU UtiiS&fh ill IHatiry.krfU*j*kr.l-- ilostou. Mas*., Id. Ptuvldenee. It. I., 11 - Ml. V«rtlly Fair iTjaPfM Milll'liealer, mgr.l—RutTtlo. X..Y., 4d). Rocliesiar. 11.111. .•■. » • , Wiirlu,,lie)il>ri\(].yltfrlk'tt\MaFk, «igr.l~Bt. Ijniai*. Sfd . ay |ilillali.|iolK 1ml,. UK). it*»ii'»,Biirle«Jrtei«.:iW. U. Wglaoils .rigr.l ClsvelaM 0., 4 n. nttiMH W.i'0-i*, Wataori'».hiirj»«ajlei*.'lW. 11, Wilaoti. ,llj|ir,)- iwMl o., 4-n. HriMM P«.,y-lo,, Wafhlnainh 8*1 sir Ulrls (Uw Wa sort. rtu)Kl HI-HV Wills MittlcaV Corned* (John- B. Willi, Infr.). smnter. 8. 0,| (l, *. OMBfehurg 8, 0, OWrl'i- ton ll-lll, Georgetown 14-1U. William* and Wifker Uaek Bbheuakerj mr.i- 81, Loula, lilt., 3-9. Chlclgo, 111.. lOlifl. Whytf Ptamatle (Cha*. R Whytl, Bat.)—Man- M, Okln.. 4», Rlk filly il-lfl.. WlllAhl'i Comrdlani itlenry h, Wllllnl, mgr.)— Thomaarllir. da., 7-0. Bilnbrldge 11-lrt, (Jalney. Fli,7Tl-10. Wlnnlnger BrO«.. A IJo* Wlunlllger, mgr.)— Dan- ville. 111., 1.9. Wolford Stock IK. L. Paul, mgr.)—Lia Vegai, X. Hex.. 3 9. Sante Fe 10 10. WrKslruff Stock—I.afajetie. Ind.. 4-9. Whitman'* Comeillan*—Abilene. Tel.. 4-9. Hnkell 11-10. wiieeleck I'. 8. Indian Band (White C*>ud.<«er.) —fliuevllle. «li„ *, KfiMvllle IT "Wooaiahil" (Henw w. Havige. air.)—0«v»a- port. la.. (I. Rock Island. 111.. 7. Mnlliw », Clinton, la.. !i. Diiuuquo 11. I.u CrOske.Tfagj. l2."--Wtnon«,. Mlnji.. 13. Ktox Clilfe, WICH, lhilullt. Minn.. 13. Hi. . MilWiliiL-T... Wa}-,-Do«n &ift" (Win. A. Brady, nigf.)— Vaukie. lkjftrtle IliWath, X. Y.. 4-ft, lllea 11. Alhauy I? 10, lulu. MHul Wbfteiicr. Mass.. 1M0. :. ' . "W«J"Ar«'Kliig." l.'eiltrnl (A. W. L'ross. mgr.l — 1'arls. 111., 0, Olcitlfl-tisi 7, Mntlr.on 8, tMtlltir ii. Sprint.- Yalief 10. Bloonilugton 13.Jpalteti li;:Ullroni 11, Kankakee. 1R. 'Atitorn lit. ' "We Aie King,'' Xurtllvrti (A.'W, Crnis, mat.) -Pitcher Creek, Alia.. Cm., tl. ilnlltaoi* 7, Fertile. II.'«V «V Oranbrwik Ik, l'lir*ul« • 11. rtreliwooir IS. Grand Forks ill; NrtrHlfvcrt, Wash.. .14. Rossliiild. B. <".. Cm,. 13. Nelson 10. ■Wjjaril of 01" (lluulg ft Hei-oioii. nigra.)— Toronto. Cai)., 4-0. Buff.ilo. X. V., 11-10. "Whit Money Will Do" (Many Sltamioli. mgr.) —Washburn. III.. 0. Roanoke. 7. Ula«fnrd 8. Mackinaw n, Pekln 10, Cubs II. Clllitoll 12. Kt. ASsilmntlon It. T:i)lorrllk- 1.1. Kdlflbur.' 10. "Wine. Woniitii ami Song" (M. M. Tlielse. Iugr.) —Chicago, III.. 4. IndeBiilte. "Wliard ,nt-Wall..Htrvel" (Lew Vlnlen, -«itat.)— Taylor, Tex,, tl, Caldwell 8, Calvert U, Mart 11. Whitney .1% Waco 13. Henrietta 14, Wichita Falls 15, Senuour Id.. . (•'*. .' "Wliat Hippitud to Joins" (X-L. Jelritko, mgr.) —Logatutfort.liul . u. L.tiwite 11. Naluiliee 12, Mlchbfan Clly/IO. \ . ;.," ' "Wjintetrby: tUe. I'ollce"-;-Balllmor«. Md.. 40. •P. ■ >■■ I'.,. > a"''.'-.. I '; , ; Yarte and' Ailaliui (B. E. Forrester; aigr.)—Nor- • rttk. V*„ UrlO. • ji -. ■■ • >; - f.VHihliifAnmc.S'i I»« AiratvtcM k *i-l«..-. , Y.nkec IkaSdle Stock, Uurgess 4 HlninSkrcJ*'* IW. YoM'l lloblt W.,Vog(J| tagl-J—MaoHM Fi l«. X. De Holll*. ntgrT—'Newbnrgb. X, Y...«.». Cohofa T». TMMmrl arlWdd(p. Osaegqll, Fill ton l"l-l«.-^ ;..- ' ..;. •,-• -_- a i- ;-•■ ^ .fa, lAftlihd 13, XorS'fi 14, (Jlntihla 13. Hi^i^X 1 > " lo « k '■'• t- , "-"' n -io. 'Cottk Wilts kiUvt.kiiuo.-A, u, rla.('r. 'W.:,l)!nkUj»: rogt.i I, MUiinWll* lO-lll, II11(8TilM I.h. .... Iluckaudet'i: Lew I). .Wllsnn. nlgr.'l Stfl.ouuy. Mo.. 3-jVJklliih. III.. 10, 8|H-liMl|i Hi PtyWit, 12. Illuitoliiaton l:i, Terre Hmt luJ..!U. IlblbinilliollH- i.T: io. •■ , .-. lusnkjllk t UiUalil 1 ,—Mm loo. 8. C. (I. Darllnk liin.,f. 1'lofoM'i- 8, Ouiiltni H. Noatieitj 11. I.allrens l3.-tlleeuwei)<1 JM. M;iiin»f, \\f., \\ . jolil itdte. Ir". W-..«tiff*. tTlllll«|M>r).—Big 41IUI- An«s,i*UhoflOc,!inl„.«eoU l.f (Jet, 28. Bill Tor Weft of NOT, 4: llBtry L Wcbli. JOcli K.v- inoiifik. I.llllflii Asliloj, Hie Knur MUOIlk, Klltlrrtne Ileeiu, Hlnalraleil songs ami motion illt'tllfe*. • . .' ■ . . - ■ M h a - I'rtM MMMs* -4- At the Ma If si lc iJliuis Kii-kbT. ntatltKcr) Ann'i'lcnit Htuck Co. gave snUsficllttri werk at AM. 28, eioetit 00, when Ibcj' gii-e way to •'Bfew«let'i i Millions," vrbo pfeUfld M. II, o. Not. fl. "The (ilimorbifdl Bflrtf, He Wiiir'lttippef 8. -, ii CITV OpMA Uoibm {I.. T. n«inotl, ia*n« itcH-r-riihi Mark».l.'ii„ week-ot-Oct. zl.tdM gOOrt litlalnPti."'-' . i •■■{" ' ■■ ' ■ ■ •■ " ■- treeU, -Al lllr- I'oKt (K. II. HUillli. 'Jlrntvuler'n Mllllnrm*' |il«»8»a -it Hi'l. 'M. 'Adelaide Tliurttoii A lion * 1 lotynn^ plesvocU if, lis. "" "tlofolhjf V«r H-itle dOOrMI well ; vrJifflit BuHltnl- ■ n ,M:J». i UaXilr iJjale" (Vr*lek¥l i'Xi'latt. rfign.i--tliwsgri iM'lettu lu. i-Km., II. trorTovvllle 7, ludfiiertdenre Si Inli.l). fr>nce It, Ottawa 1.1!.. I'noll.iH. ' tHilly tie Itrati huir.i- 10. Litwretiee II. Ottawa ill. l'nold i ■Crt'etsMr Hi Cllntuti, Mo., 10. Sedalln Id. OV lluf Bros.' Illllljr be line, mgr.l — Deny, S'. H-iJf- lS*wporl.7, Cinreaion! 8. Windsor, VI .K'WrlHgaeKl.n. (I.imtttigUs 7. Tlirtsi luvcr. 8. A'lie" 9. Mle gun CTtyMini.. 11, Vdliwrilfso III, llMniiliiitiil . tlfJeun,. 111. in. ... Ill ileiiM.'s-s-Fi'l-i llli!.. 111. i'lll'11b«e>. fleo. IL—Hlv-eralili- lintlke .. II all. _ niiiiibommis Nov. «. i "t>ofotb.v v-ej-bpii orjltolifoininll" rt. '"IIip Cut arid t> I'ltWIc" Ir, taiitiniwy Olciill 12. lie Wolf HoppOrTiii. Illjlll' t\\, H. nullerllejil. ntitntntt'i-).—Bill (di fdi'k of -I: M. A. limn nnd comUin.v. Ven'Sboj's' Ti'lo. ,i!Iioi-1i'h Wi'avi'r, ('.' I'ortri' Nai'ton, mill tlljoiliicupo. :■ . . ..i i, i ; i | m VUrlMii. -At lllr I'l'DdWoll Opeiu lluuse If. L>. Hardy, hinniiBCf I "Painting the Town,'' Oct, 111. pleased rtt'ellcni iitislnetts. carl Cook Stock Co. Wepk of Nov. 4. ■> Bi.kiI- (!■:. tl, lloKalr. uintiageri.— rui'ireek of Nut. ,4: Sllnulilllig urn) IJttOrrr. Olatlys Catl''e.v.,MI|l«liI Bfoa.. nriil Frank ilill. 'v. : I'ttnaPjiMT !tWill, Tltuiiii', roanBgcrl.—Mhv- lllg>plctllri'H.ait(l s'ollgKjlve doing big billirloss. I. Par. - (|nl..'-U. Piilll'ilta Yodhes. Hr,Wllmot—Ranfrett. Oat.. Qali.. <-9- "Ytilikee iBetreiit". (II. H. F.ra<#e, agt.)— Tort- land. Or*.. 8-0. AberdMti, Wish;, T, Ticowa.8, 9. Senltle 1910. '•Vjmii.'" Alfred -K. Aaron's—Piilladllphla, Pa.. I. ImlrbllllC. "Vnnltee Tonriil" (Henry W. Sarije, mgr.)—X. V. City 4-9. DlHLKSQll; AND VAIDEVILLE. Americans (T. Ii. McCreary. mgr.)—X. Y. Clly 11-10. Avenue Girls—Albany. X. Y.. 445. Troy 7-9, Montreal. CAB.. 11-10. Boston Belles fO. II. Batchrlor. nigr.)—Cleve- land. 0.. 4-9. ButTalo, X. Y.. 11-10. Bryant's Extravnraua (Harry c. Bryant, mgr.) ; —Alhanv. K. T.. 40, Holyoke, H**«.. 7P. Boston .11-10. ..--..■• Blue Ribbon Ulrl.i. Junes Hyde's -Toledo. ')., 3-9. Cleveland. 11-10. Bov»*ry.BdVlesquers (K. M.'Rosenthal. Utgr.l— Reailltiar. 'Pa.. 4-0, Scrantoii 7-9, Newark. X. JV. 11-10." lloliemlatts (Barney -tllranl. mgr.l—WIlmliiglMi. Del., 4-11. X. Y. Clly 11-10. Bon Tons (Weber i Rush, ragr'.)—Scrsnion, Pa., 4 0, Reartlns; 7-9. lliilntlplplila 11-10. Brigadiers (Cbas. Cromwell, mgr.)—N. Y. City 4-9, scrnoton, Pa., 11 ■ 13. Piteraon. x. J.. 14- 10.. Beliman Show (Jack Singer, mgr.)— StirlnlBfld. Ma**., 4-0 Altiany. X.-Y„ 7-9. Brooklyn 11-23. Barchelor Clfib (Cbas. B. Arnold, mgt.)—lodlsn- ai-.lls. lhd.. 4-9. Ci'Icugo, III.. 10-10. Broadway Gaiety,Olrls (James II. Citrtln. mgr.) . —Paterson. X. 1.. -4-6;- Serifllob. Pa., 7-U, Troy, N.'Y., 11-13. Albany 14-10. City Sport* (Phil Slierldau. mgf.)—Brooklyn, K; Y.. 40. X. Y.,Clty 11-10. Cracker Jacks (Harry Leoal. mgr.)—X. Y. Clly 4:9.'rrflvUleiiee.-B. L, 11-10: Casino Girls (Jesse Burn*, iugr.)— New Orleau*. La.. ,1.9. Cherry Blossoms (Will A, Pyue. iugr.)—N. V. City 4-9. Jersey Cliy, X. J.. 11-10. Colonial Belles (Clin*. Falke. mgr.)—Chicago, III,. 8-9.-Milwaukee, Wis:. 10-10.. Cluinpacne Girls (Phil Flaher. mgr.)—Plttslmrg, Pa., 1-9, Washington. D.' C. 11-10. Dnlnty Ducheel (Weber ft Rjtib, mgrs. 1—Boston. Mils., 4-0. Brooklyn. N. Y., 11-10. Dreamlanil- BurlCsquirs (Bert Kendrlck. mgr.)— Phlladelnlila, Pa..-4,-9. . • • - l>ercr<5's. Sim 'J- 1- Sloioiids, mgr.)—Albany, N. Y.. llsftl, Troy 14-10. liniplre Bnrlesqder* (J.'-'FeUnessy, nigr.)—Kvaui- ville."IHil.; SO, Cllrtgo, HI.. 1010. Fay Foster'.UokepH Otipenhelmev. inltr. I—Philadel- phia. Fn.) 44). N. A\ Olty-11-10.' Ureator,Xew lork Stars I Jacobs *k Jermou. mars.) —Wsslilnaton. D..C.; 4-9, Pittsburg. Pa.. 11-10. Coy Morning Glortel (Weber'ft Ituib, mgrs.)— Cdlnmrmin'O.,' 4», L Clncli)natl 10-10. ' ■■ Uey Mas.iui'MHilers (Geo. Turner, mgr.l-Cluclu- nitl, ()„ oTllj HK'nlngluDU Alii.. 1110. Uiilden Crooks (Jaoulis * Jcnnon. mgl'i.)—Knlisi'S City, Mo., 3-9, St. Louts 10-10. (Ili'l I-roin HiPiiyJand (Joe Hurtl,t, mgr.l— Mil wail- kec. Wis., 8-9, Chicago, HI., 10-10. tiay Toreador*.(Geo, M. Hale, mgr,)—Providence, II. L, 4.9, Boitoi), Masi., Il-l'l. •. > llnle'ty Girls (Pat White, mgr. I---Hcrauton, Pa., 4-0, ralel'ion. X. J., 7-0. High Jluks' (Robert -JIllls.' mgr — Washlhgtoti.U. 0., 4,9, Baltimore. Mil.. 11-10. High School Girls (T. ,W. DluHits, mgr.)—Jeney Clly, X. J., 4-9, I'hlledelpliln. Pa.. 11-10. Ilnrdceu Vaudeville (Klaw 4 Erlanger, mgrs.)— Kansas Clly. Mo., »-0. llcckftrd, III., 11-10. Invlu's Big Show ("Fred Irwin, mgr.)'— Provi- dence, R. 1. 4-9-, Boston, Man.. 11-10. Imnetlaia (11. W. ft Sim Williams: mgrs.)—St. - JTo-efli. Mo.. 7-0, Kainas-City 10-16. Ideals (H. W. ft aim Wllllums. mgrs.l—Bnltl- irwfe, -Md.,4-0,-Philadelphia. Po„ 11-10. Jolly Olrla (qua JLlciilug, mgr.) —Chicago, III.. 3-9. Indlisapolls. Iml.. 11 ill. Jolly Gfass Widows (Otis W. I logs 11. irtgr,)—N. Y. Clly 4-9. Piteraon, -K. J.. ll-i:i, Scrantoii, Pa., 14-10. Jei'sey Lilies (J.'Frobslu. mgr.l—Boltlinuie, Md., 4-9. Wisliington,, D. C 11-10. - Kentucky BcUes (Robert Uonk-ii. mgr.)—Toronto. Can., 4-0, Buffalo, X. Y.. 11-10. Knickerbockers (Louis Roble. mgr.)—Birmingham, Ala.. 4-9,. New Orleans, Lu.. 10-10. " Lid' Lifters (II. 8. Woodhull, mgr.)—Detroit, MIMi..' 3-9. Toledo. O.. 1010. Lady Birds (Air siL Herrlogtou. nigr.)—Cluclu- nntl. O.. 3-9. Cleveland 11-10. Merr) Mtiluetlb (C W. Diulels. mgr.)~.N. Y. CltJ. i-9. ' Miss Xew York Jr. (I. M. Ifcrk. iugr.)—St.Louls, Mo„ 3-9. Evanivlllc, Ind., 10-18. SIsA'*tl<x-(Fr*xl Irwin, ragr.)—Newark. X. J.. 4- 9. X. Y. Clly 11-10. Merry Maker: (Joku Grieves, mgr.l—St. Paul, Minn..■ u-fi. Dalutb 10-10. Xew York VkttaKVIlk (Earl Gray, mgr,)—Aihland, K»„ 44», 1 . Night Owls (Cbas. Iloblnsoii. nigr.)—Brooklyn. X. Y.. 4<10. ' ■-■ Nan Oentnry Girls (John J. Moynlbau. ui'ir.)— Loulatllle, Ky.. no. Cincinnati. <>.. 10-10. Nlgl'tlngales (A. Jack Faust.- mgr.)—Buffalo. X. Y.. 4-9.. Detroit. Mich.. 10-10. Oriental Cosy Corner Ulrll (Sam lloblimon. iimr.'i —MbineuMl". Mien., 3-9. SI. J4setaa. Mo.. 14- HI. 1'itrlilun Widows (Welter ft Rush, mgrs.)—Phlla- delplii'i. Pa.. 4-0, Reading IIH. Scrinlou 14- Purislnu Belles I elms, K. Tnylor. aaar.)—Kansas City. MO., 3-9, ML Lotlli 10-10. Itolllokers; lit. i'„ I'atton, mgr..—ludlanipolls. . Iml., i-0. Louisville. Ky.. 10-10. . limiawiy Girls 1 Peter S. Clark, ingr. 1— Chicago, III:. U-U; Milwaukee. Wis.. 10-ld. I''«»e*' Beauty sjlos' (Al. Reuvea. uurr.)—Huston. Mess.. 4-9. SprlngBetd 11-13. Alliuny. X. Y.. li- lt;. Itosc IIIII KliglliJ Folly lltlcc ft Bnrloti, Higri.'l —Pbllidrlnbla. I'u., 4-9, Bnlllmore. Md.. 11-14. Konlx-Huiitley (Al* Leavllt.'nlgc,)—Brooklyn. X. V.-. 4-li. Sr+arttnn. Pu.. 1tl;i. Itesdliig 11-10. IlliK) ft Harlon's Bis Csloly - Co'i'dl'O, HI., '19. IVtroll, Kl.-f... in 1.1 niAe'll* -IrfSKlhu llellee j\V. K. I'miiuliell. niai.i— N. Y. Clli 4-U, PlillnUeliiMiii. I'a.. Il- ia. lletlb- A Wissl's (lira. F. l^ohant. mgr. i- X. Y. •ORy.I'lfA Bwtont^-Hi.s,,: 11-10. - Hanclsee, u-fii'dileo Ml, iHtHVH Win. 11. .(BaUford 8; ttlMby, iflir.i-'Siii - NcpajlJ. Valltjo . tI:xt 81 Cole'.Utu».'—Hoiic,• All«.. 8. lingo, lud. Tvl'..':'. FOJebltligli ft aell* Rro*.'—Hbnuuloiit. Te«.. 0, l.nke .He*. La.. 7, CrbWley.8. N«* Iberia 9. I.ifn- * 1(1. ()p»lo(l»9* II, ;AI-i«ii,lrli III, Win- [ 13, Mlndeti 14. Caiktlen. Atk-, 13. Plh* Dtdff.lO, wmiM end*. - Hiu*nhec)c ft Wlllice's—Fiytltetllle, N. C. 0. WHoil 7, WebWli 8, Pfiersbd.g, Vs.. 0. 1164- iilikf' II, Hcdibn elld*. , RlHJiliia Brni.'—kbicioikO, MU4.. 0. Aberdeen 7. XU||»fn *, lllrulllghain. Ala..'tl. SrU»;Fkiia's--U>hlkl)Uili, .. N. .SleN.. 3. Ttits-ili. AflJt.-. i), Yluaa 7, lUKllautli Cut.. 8, Venice 10. s*Snni elnls. ... • .. MlsttiiliLArifalOlH. litlliot. StMjw-- iSilion. X. Y:. 4ill. . l-'lllir-Ali-. and Mrs. Herbert ti, (tl. I,, Flint, unit. 1 t-IniflUlgit'ii, lit.. 4-0, kcuin.'u. III., ll-lil. 1 cnrni* Conn sbouier* (II. La Site, n),K)—Cll* City. Mich., 0, Clifford T, Yassik. Sanduakr f). tMotgli ThiUbailotirs 1 Win. JlfCiitic. itigr,)--Ui'i«- il.r, Li., 7, Ida (Irovo «, Iliittle (;r«k II. Ode- boll !I. Sac Clly 1-J. lliintlf.t- Klitcrlalner* (HeU A. Hllillley. mgf.i-— Hijwiril Wis,, 4-9. Hire Ls'i* tl-IU. . Lietnliail. Nell Trio— limbnrli. Vti «. Catlliire. X '-L',, Si 1,'lmlaHon 9.. B»orleU«»lli», tt. C. II, Cl'*lt(!rf>ld IS, Cross Hilt 18, llnnea Pilit 14. Blltlby-Tjl. Woulh Bo*lpb, Va.,10. ' Lliciri-Oe Donn r Cohiblli*Ho« IT. K. LWey. lngf.I-— I Ikefclil. .tiliin.. 0, Mountain l,ak« 7. Ml, l.inie* .<- rfprlilkBelil II, walnut, Grove 12. lollonwuod ill. Al'fileion 11, Ortdttvl le Id. MiMI!!, Fred W, ft Co.—i,)-nbi-ui)k. X. Y.. 40. Xi'ttltllort 7-P. 5 "^f!x g m ww\%, T'--'' ,m - i'ri»Wle liilil K.ilht Mdy Mtloon IF. tV. Mlgoott. , Uatr.'l—Rtliilfotd Falls. M».. in, HkgM.'tb* (PK Hlbgefos, figr.l— Galteltoh. Tm„ ?.n,.Hoil»ll<0 11-10. ■ T • WMttkla OVnlier (!. Mick. mar.. -Chicago, 111,, SpdlkV'' HUiitr— IlltlgdJIJil. S. C,.~ 8.. TliMn|iNin'a ICntftlilnors (Frank II. Thtinlbsoii. IBBI-. >—Bait Fslmtuglon, Wis., 0. 7. IUcmTi 8. if. Centurla 10-12. 11 ,",,■ ' i mm I : ! : .,:?{■:■ MiCHWhS. Detroit. At the Detroit ojiura House ill. '(.'.. wiiiiney, tuanuger) Kli'iiuur llubsoti. lu "Hotoioy Jane." played to lurge and an- ni'eclatlvo n tulle noes Oct, i.'8-UO: Ildltlc VAII1- lucis, lu "Tim Little Cherub." closed the week to good patronage: Du Wolf Hopper, In "Hap;iyiandi" Ndv. 40. Cbauucey Oli'oll T-l). LvL-ri-'M (K, U. Htulr, nUiliiger].—Kellar ntit) Thurston idolised large houses Ins! week, i-aike O'Uara, In "Dion O'lttre," Nov. :i-l>. ikVFAYKTTi: (Dr. C'ompliell, luanugcr),-- ,'lie Ulfayettc I'lnyors presented "Moflia'' to well lllled houses lust week. The name cum- pany, ln."\Vomnn Agnlnsl Womuu," ML. VVincGiy (B. D. Htalr. mrttiogerl.—"flic Cos/toy U|rl" played to eopiclly last week- The BinartHet week of 4. TmtPUl f.f. U. Moure tiiuiiiiH.'ri. — Lust week's hill, us uguul, wits good, mid K. II. 0. n-UH the rule. II 111 week oil I Included : Gen- nuro's Venetian Gondolier Bund, Mayub Gebrtie and company, Benale. Winn. Scarl nlid Violet Allen. Marm-lla. the A. K C. I). Ulrfa, Snilrl and Keisncr. Great Heott, the London Firemen, and the klnetugruph pictures. OAynTv (H, II. Hedges, manager).—The Blue Itlbbon Olils offered nil entvi'talmnent that pleuicd good slzi'd crowds last week. The LIU Tm of HI. The Lid Lifters ll-ll. Illco titid lint ton week AviiviiK (Drew & Cunipbell, inanflgers).— The StrellltiK I "lit vers ouught the regular pa- trons, and attendance was good las! t*eek. The Rlullo Itoundcrs week of U. Day Citr—At the Waablbston (W. J. liauur. manager) ttabg's Minstrels, booked Oct. 2(1, canceled. Lyman II. Howe's movlnij pictures "_'8 had a good liousre "Drewster's Millions" drew a large audience 29. Ade- laide 'Diiirstoo, lu "The Olrl From Oti( Yon- der." pleased n good house HO. tie Wolf Hooper Xov. 8. Al.VilMfX) fW. J. Daunt, manager).—'The Cowboy Olrl" Old good business Oct. 24-20. The American Htoek Co. week of Nov. 3. Btjor: 13. !>. I'llnioro, manager).—Mil v.eek of Oct, 28 Included: Spanldlng and Du- nrec, John I', lleed, Tops dtid Topsy, Com Kolsom Sallabiirf, and the DUOUscope. Busi- ness was big. 1 1 Urn ml Hapliln. — At the New Powers I Harry. U. BOUroei's & t.'o.. tMaalMai "The .Man on the Box," Oct. 27, pleased. Adelaide Tburston Nov, 'J, 3, (.'llulincey Olcotl (I, James K, Haekelt 7, K. II. Holheni I). De Wolf ilutjper )2, MiJt.'s-rn lorln Stair. uiunuKerl.—Mur- tln'a'"Uncle Tom's Culiln." Itl-N'ov. 2. pleased. KeDaraindThurston 3-tl. "l'alnllng:the Town" 70. OltAMi lii'jiii.i liotMK (Davis k C'lillfclilll, uiituagcrisi. —Week of 4 : Ciirlta, Ittith Chand- ler, elms, and .Marin llecldw. Valmorr. arid VVInelierman'Hj'uvara and monkeys. a •.ngflnaev. — At th* \tademy (Cbas. W. I'orter, mnnager) "Br^wattir's . MllUons" played fa H. II. 0. Oct.. ii. Adelaide 'Jlnns- tnn. nt. lu "The Olrl from Out'Yoiifiei:" "I'alnlloir Ik* Town" Xov. 4, Iff Wolf Hop- iM>r. in llapnylaad," (I; '.'Mrs. Wlgas of'tbn Cutihhire Polrn" 13, "Tim.Mug) nf TRn Hour" It), '.qinhithy Veninn'l 21. ' \ , jrI'hkhk fi'Iiss. W. l'orler. mnhageiO.- ■ "The i'owImi.v fllrl'*' In Lond , Iioimm- UfliJU. "The Htreet. Miiarrr" bud kikmI patronage %, ii\. "Fniisl." to hood litislness. "T)n L(Vst Trill" XoV. 3-0,'tlucle Tott'g Cahlu' 1 ilaltlkf, . tllhjlni, -inii linger) A tie I 'I'liut'iton, In kilt At Ilftlrtl'H Optra House (Fred Ighletl Towk Cat a.. JJ1.. . I. Ilqb.toii, niUnager).—VuUUe- ;»A v M>*,TrUtaiOut, Jolider." .ticllglilrtl a'bli lidilfie (IK. 30. "t'nltltlng Jhe Tow!?' IVoV ."V.'.ljs? V(o\t vjob-fer ll.Hhe Cat alidahi Ulb" 11 "llon/liinli v IIIJjli: (D. .1. lFc_. rllle Uinivs pnikcil houses " " ■ ' »»' ■) Wl-sfOXHIN. . iilli*anka»e. — The prlncliial tltcatrleitl (•tem..tif U10 rjaal wn-jk whs thn.apMarance of Mcie. Calve, at the Athnotbia Theafte. Mohuay erl-liillg, Oct. US. Hbelity packed tbi- lioil.'e 10 tlir trhill. Munaaer Jus. A. Itlgle.- oljelt'fl "Hay New Vorll" fol'.thil.fekl of.(Be Acaro, who ritplaeed Tilgle Fl'lgania, seotert the hit of Hiu uerrornianiM. The I'rcss t'lub's Stiulial eitlertalniiienl I, n-lth Jas. K. Hoekfli icsuiiilna "John Olnyd's Honor." KiiMge- tuent mils for throe nights. Klorenee HooeriH 7-B. '"I'lic .Man of the Flour" wnek of 10.:; . H|l I'lltit 1.- -Manager Kilwlrl Tiiaiiliausnr con- tinues to offer advanced vaudeville to ra- pacity oi tend 111 ice. 1 Leon WaeliHtier. manager )-- -Tin) iitlaa-"hiii wi- Jet. 8V, una Will put on ';fjer tlbalrotupttsl;" Hii.ndqy, NOV. H. Tile dcaapn im&tr*** 1 * ■ present. Oct. 80,. and w"l '. Ilia .luen eieelleni to dale & "w 8t*8 (Kriiik II. Ti -'■TiTf Merw MakeTs, with (Mo. A, n*.Bn added attraction, did Al biilnoagni neck, and .were well received. Waililngton III, HKe 4 waif a bl» I (fill lYom I eottinnii. maniBCii. A. Htawait . Waililngton Mbclely olrls week of 3. and Colonial Belle* wMk of 10. .:::, 'QAfmv.--MaiiOKi't- S, It. HIidod had one of hla big attractions of the season last weak Dartoti'M Unyulv CO. Tits ibow* bit and did great hitsluei*. '.VClie <(111 I'ruui UuiipyJiiiid" week of II, and Clark's ltdtlnwav fllrU week of 10. 'llnvMlAL.—Manaeei- W, 13. Winter off»rs ih»■following people week of 4: The Haven Trio, .Tenner te Harror. iloldeii and Hughes, .losllr- Allen, Hortilce Howard and company, and. Hie Cryatalgrnph. m.<i , Khpiub.— People week of 11 Include: Dud- ley add D. Armotid, l-.mtnetl and Me'frfll, Lu Hell Urn*. Ilitnsou and Draw, and Hpauld- lng tiros. Monaster II. Trlnt reports lino bualiioai. "Notlh. ■■ IV. 11. cuiniofi, proprietor and itiaeoger of the (ilobe Theatre, la preseutlu*" vaudeville with two changes each week, anil t'CPOTtH liunlntas as Iterond expectullons.., lfcrjlllu's Hand In iiuttlntr In a highly satis- factory Heuse.11 ut the. Iflppodrouii;,. . .Mme. (ladskl Is lo appear at Ike I'tlbnf Theutre, Nov. M, In cotniectlon with the Ailon Musi- <ai\, flub.,... .Thu Davidson Is the first the- atre 111 Milwaukee' to;eiiulp Ha seats with tin Acotiititon. ., . .Kubollk Is adoounced to 01s. IsJit at the Davidson Nov. iil, ■ jj I ■ » 1 11 1 I 11I1 1 Miei.ojgan,—At.the Opera (louse (W. II. Htdudard, mkniger) "An Old Hweeljioart of MHIe 1 ' (let. SB. "Temuest and Hdiishlnc," 87, liaid'.gooil liualneHH. "Koi'ty-llve Mlnlltes from Broadway" 28, .Mildred Holland. In "Dl- Voft-dtm,' J)1. llNKjur, (Arthur Lnlie, toanugor).—I'ropln for: wuik Included : Leonard Kuuo, John Mil- not. Allaire and Llnd. Kdwuiidlnskl. lioldcii and lluitlicM, Julia llonialue and company. Wilier Duiileht. Uouil hill anil bunliieis. t:nVHi-Ai, 110. A. Klein, ntsimger).—Moving picture* and Illustrated songs. " . *.• . *• flood return*. Omul.a iituitaaor) .lames u;i B .> '. m:hha*ka. -At Boyd', (ltd*. 1- Monlghan, Hues T.. I'owors, hi "The UlUn llilonr" opened a fOuV nights' engagement Nov. U. .Mme. ftolvo 7. "The Hello of Mav- fair" iiii;i. Ivinw A Krlanger's advanced ruutlevllle draw good houses all tho past week. ..- Oni'iitfif (Curl Heller, resident manager). -The paat Week u good bill drew large nod!- enec*. Week 0/ Nov, 8; Maion and KcHer. tlin OkltO 1'umllv tlio UlipncllK, Emma Frau- ds and Arabs. Ifarrell-Tuylpr Trio, Kwll HuIhth, Dflhlman Cowboy Quartette, and kino. drADie. ' ' ) . Km'.'1 ("Hoe" IIreed, monagor), — "Loiitt Hirer?-' y, 4, W. ii. Pulton. In 'The Hlow Poke," B, l):,"A righting chahce" 10. Davlrt illgglns, In "Ills I.usl Dollttr." Had gftlid liiillse* Ool. 27-»0. "The Hnd uf tb«, Trail" did'gutid DUslnosH .11 .Nov. 2. . Ilt.nwooti (fulled Tlleulr.'H Co,, uiuiiugOM 1, •--lliislilok.'l 'the jiasl week has been good. Week of Nov. I i I'reslon Kendall. .Vcllln Kit- ing iiml'cohipuuy, Hills and I'taka's llqwallhu TroU|H', AriiiHtrong mid-Hully, Olluiore a|ul f'Kl'c.'.lo "Allinnii. Itulght unit Dean, Laid 1;. II lck«. and moving pictures, , , , s)»» vutt;i >i a. Lj iH'btinra—At the Academe of Music fC'orbla. Sili It Id. manager) Lee. the hvpno- iInI,* Oct. 'Jl-"'l, h»'d amod r«tu''n» I'larsr i-"li-uiuu. In "The Lightning Conductor," 2ft. liliil'ii * (■ -' J.^i'su". 'IraeS ('••arire, aaMafsaJ bv t'rnnk Wnrililug, 211 (at advanced prlcea). i'rc«lr«d much piulse-fmiu one of, the Inrgesr/ itidlent.'H or-tiid Kaaaob. "Oenrge WashlOg* ton. •»-*" 31, wag .wall, rendered,. "I/rBj ElMWjiANovh.niMtlOflaT Mtaiittj sSJt.l Li