The New York Clipper (November 1907)

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^OVEMBfiftlG. *l±fe stew YORK OLlPJPiiB, 10ft" Tombstones," head the bill. CMbers are: oirils Valraer and company, joresomlng .a one art play. "Mean's Darllnir Boy." lor the SS&'Tfiffllft Harlem; the Zannettos, Jap- Ept,-. motion pictures, • Mtrnopot.ts (Sntn Hurtlr>, mannsor;.— •■The Sriotlera" opened to u good house 11. S»ii wmk, I'lorea'co Bindley. ' star (Win. T. Keofth, manager).—"Con- vict I'll!*.'- n- melodrama that tins proven n .-irone drnwlng;./'«rd ht popular priced houses, opened to rapacity 11, and hod a great re- ception. • The cast was above the average, nod the scenic effects a revelation. Next week, "It's Never-Too I.n<e to Mend.'' Aj.itAMUnA (Percy 0. William*, manager;. Business, continues to be of the best, and die ntlrncllon* nro the best thai money can r.h.'itln. Tbls week's hill Is headed by Mail.' 1 lovd, her second and .Inst week here, wm Hilda Spina; and company n close Others are: Duncan and Godfrey, Itoo.ic,, - Sisters, tlte Four IHnnn*. the Four American Trumpeters, lhe Otto Brothers, Hodgers ami Decly and company, In •Ttoblnson Crusoe's We,* ilcnTid A Ssamosc's Music Hall (Hen Jlmilg. mauaprr).—Fred Irwin's .Majesties Ibis week, complete in every respect, and in- troducing several novelties. The company's reception was ot the wnrnifst, ;md they pre- (onieda great,chow Ml Xnv. 11. The nrn- duct Ion Is brimful of Rood things from the sr.irt, and should pack thu house thmugb- nut the week. It Is ono of the most elnbornte productions In lis line. In fact. It is one of. ilir best burlesque prmlitcil«;os of-the M9WH, Next we?k, the Jfcwrey lluriesijaeiv. UoTliAJt. (J)avc Kritun, rnnnngerl.— Tlie, Tiger Lilies opened la the usual crowd 11, iiuil gave a moat satisfactory performance In every wpirt. -,• It b.n well constructed show, with plenty of Inugii-ninklng iniiterinl throughout. It should do lis share nf the business for the week. Next week, Drondwny cnlciy Girls. Family (D. F. McCoy, manager).—Dtisl- i;e?s continues good, the house being crow-led nightly. The 1'oHotvlng lath" hill for this week:' De Vol end. Kvuns, Arthur H. narrow, Jurces II. Wnlte and company, in « om: act I'omedv: Ennis and Fnrrell, Ardrlctta Davis and vi'lnulck, In none act musical farce. -'A Night at the Haven's Nest," and the Fn.^lly- pi-ope. Brooklyn.— At the. Mont mil; (Edward Trail, manager; Virginia llai-ned: in ''Anna Ktirchtrin." the currenA week. "The Straight Bond" played to.big business Nov. 4-0. Next, "The Bond to Yesterday." MA.Tr.STic ttP. C. Frldley, manager).—The llavs, 11-1(1. In "King Coney." ".The I'mplre" The Power That Oovcrnn" next, week, 4-0. BUOl (William- Hyde, manager).—"The •inmhler of the Went*' 11 nnd week. "The Ninety 1 and Nine" had crowded-houses •l-l). Neit, "Around;the Clock." CoU'MpiA (Chns. II. Wuerz, tnonngcr).— "The ■ Four Corners of the I!arth' T thin week.' "A Millionaire's' Hevenge" packed tb'em in 4-D.' ■'•••.' OnTHKOJL (Percy G. Wllllnms, manager). —Alee Hurley end his company of costers head another big bill this week. Others are: Harry Von Tllzer, Covlnne, 'Fmmett De Voy and company, the Rain Dears, i Cooper nnd liobinson, Corson Bros.. Majestic Musical Four, HclfT Bron.. nnrl vltngraph. Standing room only last week. . • tita.-.O Iwl T. Grovei-, manager). — Ad- vanced varidevllle offer* U nnd week, Hetty King as the licndllner. Others nre: Cluque- i-alil, lloni.nn.v Operatic Troupe, the Oaui> schuildls, Wlil Ungers, €hhs. ICenn.i. Undle Furmnit, Coi-tmell and Harris, >!nrclsky Troupe, and animated pictures. Good busi- ness past, wseky . KnuNUV's (Ceorgp Slenne, manager).— Hill week nf 11 • Camllle D'Arvllle, Robinson and Fnnchette, Hussy and l.oralne. Iluv-icy nod, Kronemnn Bios., Knstci- llrnwo, the Itnrmonds, Lenn Washburn's educntc<I elephants, and the ICeeneyscope. Crowded houses last week. • ■ ... STAR (Edw. Behmon, manager).—One of the best burlesque shows on the road It) here 11 and week. Behman. Show and Frank D. Ilryun's Congress of Amerloon Olrln nre play log a return engagement' A musical force entitled "Hey Dlddle-Dlddle," is very spectoc- ulnr. The olb Includes ^ Cnptnln Fox's Zou- aves, Kendls and Pnl'ey, tne Moorci, Ned Dandy, rue ponv ballet, nnd MoIIIp Wlllloms. ''ood business Week. Next, Al. Reeyer.' Show. Oi.viiPic (Nleb Norton, manager).—The Dainty liuehess Co. lil-lft, A line n)In Is prr- MltlOd, Including: Sr-nillon. Stevens, Keeler and llawley, Morris/and liremer. White Cliy •)narlelle, Helen May. nnd Wnntwnrih nnd \UUt, M 'in exfrn :ni in. i inn. Mi-i-li.-i-i Jjlnyd HIM onmpany, nnd lhe vltapfraph. City Sjioit.s did Hue hiivlhess. Coming, Harry nrytnl's KsfMvamnm vo, Kiiow)WAV (hen C. Teller., lesseo).—Rlcb- r.rd Curli-'s lali'st eaudldnte for favor, ••Mary's l,aml>," Is given Its first Brooklyn lii-esenliitloii this week, with Harry Conor In tin" alellnr rule, ltlg Uouses lu-«t week, with "Thfl ttpling Clili-kon." Next, 'Tin! Raiigcr." Fn/.i.v I Henry Kiirt/.iniiii, uiunnt'er).—"1'he Nir.Hty ami Nine." one oC tin; wont, popular nf fnvnrlKv, liegiiu a week s hihv nighr of II. "At. Vali-'' played to large business lust vreeli. Next, 'l*a&y in Politics." (iAvr.TV (James Clnrk, manager).—The Night Owls Co. this week. The olio: Law- rence, Kdtvnrdj) and company. Pnyscr anil llrt- wurds, Chnrles Rnhlnson. llio [nliimallonal Trio, Mildred Flora, Edith Melrose, mid IVrry McGoveru nnd Vonng rnrhetl, as mi extra attraction. Big business Inst week with I >ic Rctitz-.Sontley.t'o. Novki.tx tliene'illct Blnlt, miinnger).—This week's bill: ItoBert Ij. Ualiey. Hie Hmviirds, Burns ,111111 Burns, Mrs. Dnn McAvuy, Siiinp- son and'Dougliis .Max Duffek, Itiignii nnd .Mi-- Hiiiiolil, mid Fox nnd Cliirki'. Big aniNOTi lust week. Hi.A\t!v'R (1...T. IVIIIInnis. niniiager).—"The Cuivboy nnd tne Stiunw this work. Business lns.1 week, with "flu: Rocky Mountain l-!x- liress" was bit/. Next. "('uhUu-'h l,nst l-'lglit." Oothak (Fdgnr F. tilrard, iiiatuigerl.— This ■ week's lilil: KltRgllibuu-Mrf.'o.v 'I rlo, l'niitzei- Trio, MHnnl Trio, the HInlto Comedy I '.iiii*. the Four. Nelson Comlqncs, Wesley nnd .tones, Itoliliisiin, Piiruuette tint! Woods. Frederick Brothers nnd Burns, 1ho Rlnlto ''nraedy Four. Big business ending week of 4, Payton's. (Joe Pnylon, manager). — "81- lierln" this week." Knrge huunea with "Sai- • Ini-bor" Inst week. Next, "The Prodigal Noil." l.vCEttst (Louis Phillips, miinagcrl.—"A Woman's Xtrutxlc" this week. Lust week, "Ruled Off the Turf" did well. Xiitkr. —"The I'mplre," one of the best inu-ica! comedies seen here In n long time, closed lis season at Hie Majestic 0. although It had bookings for thirty-weeks more. The season glrcii. was on account of too ninny one night slnnds the nexl few weeks. Joe Wh'lnhenrt, who nlnyed tlie tjmplre, is one of the best comedians seen here this season. He Will go Into vaudeville. .Most of the company left. New Yo*k. 10. for Chicago.... The Ccrmnn Hospltnl has bought did (be Majestic tor 11, 12, 13 and 14. The Rnys nre pin-lug la "Wag Caacyi'':;. . NRW YOHK ST.VTB. Jln'ffhlo.—At thn fltnr (P. C, Cornell, mnnftf&r) Lillian Russell, in ••\VHiUlro," .Nov. 1M3T Richard Carle, In "The Spring Chicken," -14-101 Harry Conor, in. "Morc'a LnnTb" t6VJ0: "Madatn, Butterfly" 21-23. 'Way Down Ensn did well. . Cosrrj(ti(>N Haw.-' (h. I* Mcech. euslo- dlan).—Pittsburg Orchestra" 18; Paderewskl, ThUDksglvlng night ■ Have YOU Been Handed a LEMON? Wo are cnarstantly receiving Vaudeville Sketch--, and Arte, written br rrrtn'n Au- thors i "i at; -linrs.-iln" Price-. attmtrtfWE can put them In snnpe to \»> I'SFP. Lniter NO CIItCl'MST.vNCLS ran we complv wiiii .-ui-h fsiuosn. if von are WISP. yon will place no.ORDERS with L XKNOWN. or Bo ran In wilier.). Write to ui and w.> will furnish you Willi mir method of SPRn nPARANTHE. NO PAY until ;lie work is DONt;, .mil .-sATISFACTOkY. All Letters Ml'ST contain a 2 cent stamp to injure a INTEBNATIOKAL VAUDEVILLE SUPPLY CO., 352Pml St., Buffalo, h.y. I H— —I ■!■■—— Ill 111 !!■ I I glip per Post Office, . In ardrr (n nv«ld tnlstnLrs find l<> ln«urr> the proirilit <lrllver> of thf lettorw uilvertlsfil In ihi« list, an I'M vi-lii]ii- |)lnllll.« rtilitn-ssfit tnllnt l»r aent for entrh letter, nml n iirlitrn c.rii«-r for lhe l.-tii-r. stirnril Willi thr lull iinme nml ndilrcn* niul ili«- lln>- of hualtit>s» ffthowril liy (he ■rnilrr, mum nKn lir enclnwil. i'i I'lensv mention <hr <ln(e> (or nnni- brr) «f tin- i I.IPfi:it lit which (be le<lcr» «€-nt for were nUvrrllsrit. I..4DIKM' I.IKT Ti!cii (J, 11. Oshel. monnger).—Itil! week of 11 : i?in|re Komnine, Thompcon's elephnniH. Clifton .Crr.wfnrd, DnnUmnr-Hi-hlller Troupe. Fngnn and Myron. Geo. w. Dav. Dolan nnd I.enhm-r, nnd llerlvrt Ftrooks, Sitf.v's (M. Shea, mcnnRer).—This week: Millie Linden, Julius Sieger, Avery nnd llarf. Frank |i. Itrynn's "Humun Ileaiii." I'mtik Fogarty. Frank .Major and company. Bert Levy nnd the Madrons. lUiQlnciu Is splendid.—Pending lltlcntIon. Manager Laugh- lln has stepped n<lde for .Manager l.umhcrg (formerly ,,{ Interna(lonel Theatre, Niagara Fnlls, N. Y. i. who will present the Stair & Ilnvlin bookings, beginning this week with "The Wizard of Or,,'' to be followed by "Bus- ter Brown." The suli 1* soon to be deter- mined ns to v.-lili-b Interests remain In pent- session o:' AeUnmiv (P. C. Cornell, manngerl.^Thls week,. 'Tlifl Phantom Deveotlve." Week ot 18, •Tliroiiuh Death Valley." L.\i.-.M>:rii) iC. M. Bu«g, manager).—Week of II, tin- lientueky Belles nnd ICddle Kelly. The Tlioriiii)!liln-i-ds l.v;:i. <iAlim:.\ ((.*. I'. White, manager I.—Batchcl- ler's HiiNiuii IWIes (tils week. Next; week, Hyde'., Itliie Ribbon Llrls. l'ngland's moving tiiciuros. with high etnas Yinnlevllle. 11-1(1. Albany,—At Ilnrnianiis Bleecker tlnll (.H- R. Jacobs, manager) .Madame Scnihrlcli, in song recital, delighted ti splendid audience Nov. 4. "Lena filter*," 5, pleased greatly. "Cousin Kate" canceled 6, on account of Ill- ness of the lending lady. "Fifty Allies from Boston," 7, with tleo. If. Cohen, had n packed house. "At Vnle," 8, 0, with Clinton Ten ICyck Clny, an Albany boy. In the lending role, plen*ed good sized audiences. "Mudnin Butterfly" 11, " Way Down Fast" l:*, 1,1, ■The Hypocrites" 1«, l.llllnn Russell IS, Al. Wilson ft, H'J. Pnocrou'K (Howard, resident man- ager,!.—Bill 11 and week: K. l-\ llnwley and company, A. 0. Duncan, F.uge'ne Jepson unit compnny. Cnrlnttn. Larine-tlimnrun Trio, Dora Ronca, and Howard nnd Howard. • ItiBnm <.lnmes II. Rhodes, mannger;.— Marry Bryant's Kxtravagtnsin drew big crowds 4-ti. Behmnn's Show followed 7, S. and did nicely. Cupt. Fox's Zouaves led In the olio, with 'the Moore*. Miu-k. Bennett, and Ned uamlv. Trailg-Atlantic Burlesi|uei» 110ft, Al. Beeves' Show H-18. . . Gaietv iHi. B. Nleliola,' miinnger).—The Avenue Girls, •M, amused great crowds. iTlle Tiger Lilies, 7-9. delighted hlg audiences. Snm Dcvei-e's Show 11-18, Broadway i.lnlety fllrls 14-Jrt. No-rr:.—Peter Her.?, prnprlelor of the v/ell known ho:telry next to the ilreen StrcW linlety Theatre for mnny yenrs, and held In high esteem by nil ranks ot the profession, died suddenly from acute Indigestion Nov. 4. Hl.i was a genial nature, nnd his i-omnnhlon- thlp will .he mk.'ied by.j his host of trlends. Ue was a prominent member nf the Order of Bugles, Albany Lodge. No. -Ill, R. P. 0. Elks, nnf'l South lJuil floclnl Club. The members attended his funeral In u body, which was held on 7. The Interment was In St. Agnes cemetery. iiooiicntor. — At the Lyceum (M. B. Wolff, manager) "The Man of the Hour" plnjcd to Immense, huslno-is week of Nov. 4. "Fusclnntlng Flora" 1), 11', -The Spring Chicken" l:t, Lillian Russell l-i, F.. H. Soth- i'iii 15, 10. . National (Frank R. Parry, tnannger).— ".The. Oyitor MnD," with Urnesl I-logan, proved to be n most agreeable entertainment: 4. ami had large and weir pleased audiences. "The way of the Trunsgi-esaor" was well Jatronleea 7-'.), "Kldnappea for Revenge" 11- 8. "Cnster'ti Last FlgbF" 14-18. .:.'•;., a Bakka iHli-linvrt Baker, manager).—Bill for ,11 and week: Joe Hart's Military Girls, Julian Rose, Ralph Johnstone, Mile. Fmmy's pets; Sydney. Grant, Henry end Alice Taylor, i.'anlli-ld nnd Cnrlelon, Mills nnd Morris, the Ucilrr. Trio, nnd movlhif plciitrcs. Cook Oi'iuu rioii.sri (J. II. Mooro, mana- ger).—Bill week of 11 : Master (iiilulel and vcninnny, Senrl and Violet: Allon, Mnr^clla'a Birds, the A. II. (', D. fllrls, Spenner Kclley and Frederick Rose, Kdwin Fnrslierg uifd lompnuy. Jolly John Lnrklns, llrent Scott, unit moving pictures. CoiMN-riiiAN (II. C. Ja'cobR, manager).— The TrnnH-Allnntlc Kurlesmiera Co. gnve a goud show pitsc week. Vnnlty i"nlr Co. 11 i.r.d week. The Boston Belles Co. week uf 18. Note. —The Royal Italian Band gives one performance IV, matlnco, at Cook Opera House. » L'tlM—At the Majestic IN. C. Mlrlck, maunger) "Coming Thru'. I he Rye" opened the week of Nov. 4, to u good house. Herbert Keleey and F.flle Shannon wen- fiivorlles ti. (ieu. M. i.'ohun presented his "Fifty Allies from Boston" to a pnt-ked house uhd numcr- oim eurtnlu calls, (I. Florence Bindley gnve "The Street Singer" to a big Iioiikc 7. Dan Sully, In "The iloldtn Rule.' litis a big nd- vuncc Ktlle I'm- Ihu Klks' tienellt, '■>. " Way Down Fust" II, "At Vnle" I'J, "Custer's Lost Fight" t:t, -Shniliiwed by Three" 14, Pole '.lohusoii IS, 111. (iiilMii:i.-Si iI-'im-iI Anderson, tnannger).—• •"('be PiimiiIou Phil" made u gri-nt run lust week. Sti'iihon lliillii-. Cicnllii ijiilnii, no or- giuilst. niul ten i-liolr hoys mnde tin: produc- tlou perfect. A purrwinanee will bo given Sunday, 1». for the lienellt nf Fttlher Kits- Kiniild, the utlsslDiuiry In tin- Ailll-unduvkx. Cecellii (/iiliui ni.d u Ctutnte. of nJeturm will be the nltruclJeri next week. Kti'i'ii's (Fred lli-rger, tutuuiger).—Lust week n bill wiih iiiiothei- irooil one, mid drew big.': Bill week oil 11 : Mdwnrds Davis und I'oniiiiinv. Miirroii unit HelnH, Harry Brown, ltube Welch, Kitty Francis and compnjiy, (loldsmlth and Hnppe, the Juggling Burkes, t.nd Howard's Pony Circus. ■ Trnjr,—At Hand's ttpcru House (n. T. Thompson, resident ranwiKor) I lie Rosnliele Leslie Slock Co. plnjcd lb good houses all Inst week, except Nov. (\ when "At Yale" lllled the house. Mrs. Leslie Carter. In "Dii Barry,;.' 13; .lobn Vugels Minstrels 10. Phoctoii'm (William II, lirahain, resident malinger).—Bill for II nnd week: Florence Gnltj and company, Lumber!I. Lu Veen and i.ross. Nessen, Huntci* nnd Ncsseu, Smith und Campbell, Jlmnilc l.ucns, Nita Allen and com- Lv'rniiM (B. H. Keller, manager).—The Tiger Lilies and "The (ilrl In Blue" played to 5. R. 0. 4-8. The Aventie Girls did good business 7-0. The Brondwny Girls 11-13, the Sam Devere fUMK'JStrla I . Oswrgo AI (he Rleh'nrdsonfW. A. We*' Icv.-mauaftflr) "The Red-Mill," Nov. 4, drew a.'large house. "Brown of Allaapiirl'^O'. "Com- ing Thro' the Rye.? 0, mndo a decided hit, to B; 11. O. "Fast Lynne" 8. Powers' moving pictures 10. Vngel's Minstrels- 11. "Side Tracked" 12. "At Yale" IS. week of 18 (e*> cepi 19), Rosabele Lesl'n; "The Time, the Place and lhe Girl" Ifl. week (if 23 (except L'Bi, BronetlMnulton ('n.; Mary Mnnnerlng, In "Gloirdu* Betsy," 20. Orphbum (C'bas. P. Gilmore, manager).— Syrarnsr..-At the Wleilns tlpcra House (John L. IvNT, mnnsgeri Bonis Abbott Con- c'-rt Co. Nov. ". Iteiimri. Ki-bey and Fffle Shannon, In "Brldse." vS. U, llisr.iiii.i: (Harry A. llnrtlg. ninnngeri.— "The Oyster Msn" played in irand business 7-n. -.-The M.iyor of l.nughlnnd". 11-13. "Wlrard of Oz" H-tB, OtLVNii O.-tr-i IIMSM! (riias. II. Plummer, manager).—Mil week of 11: Flo Irwlu. ••The Pullm.-in Porter Maids," Neil Wnylmin's "Side Show," Frnnli Fojarly. liny Cox. "Tlie Boys In Blue," La iSrrlrrlla, HiiiMliniuioo. —At (lie Stone Qpcrn House ii.,1'. K, Clurk, malinger) "Side Tracked,:' Nov. 3, (ltd fairly well. "The Gingerbread Mnn," o. Jilonsed. "Ilis Honor the Mayor" I* (return), "The Trnlu llobliers" (1, —Die Bed Mill" 11. AjtuoRf (II. M. linn, rcnideut mnuagcr). —Bill week of II : De Haven unit Sidney. flcnu. tii-uj,, Lie Tung Foo, .Abrnni* und .inlini-, Mnntgoniei-.v mid Moore, Charlie How- ard nnd the Flunej-H. Jaiurstown.—At the New Samuels Opera House U. J.■ Vi'iit«rn, ■ ninnnrer). tleorge-jM. Cohan, In "I'lfly Miles - from Bioaron,''. Nov. 'liJW nine bnstnea;. -MUa Boh White,*' 4, gport attendance. ••The Train Jlobbers"! to lOod, returns ft. "'lhe Virginian" 6, "The College Wjdaw" 7. "On.. J'arolc'' H, "The Lily- nnd the Prince" !>, mntlnee and night: Karl nisrgesn Co. 11-10, esvept Ftidnv ; "The Red Mill 17 IS. <i » 01 II CHICAGO LGTTB1R. null oca wwx foBRESi-o.ins.NT. rtVill-ru Ihireiui uf (lir >. V. Cllpuer. SII4 Anil 111 ml Hl.ioU. .' CltlCAi-.0. NOV. f», P.lflfr. (j.t.ixois (YVill ,1. Davis, rnnnngerl.—Will- iam Collier, in "CniiRlii In the Rain," re- nihlns a potent ntt/iu-llon. This 1hj)iU Inst WPfik. "J-'nllle-: nf 11107" follnn-.s, I'owpns' (II, ,f. powers, mnnnger,).—Was, 11. iVnty? In In his Inst, w-eek, (r.eaeiitliig "J'rilher'. nnd the Boys." Nat C. Goodwin follows,, 18, In repertory.' i?«hKtCk (H.-C. Ditto, mnnnger).—Rrmele Nnvelll Is Jiere for on? week, In repertory. "Fascinating Flora" follow:!. Colonial tdeo. w. I.eilerer, rnnnngerl.— Victor iMnore, in "The Talk of .New -York," continues on die high wave ot presperltv. STt-jwn.iKr.n (l-J. .1 Sullivan, rnnnnger).—- Wm. J'. UodgMi in "Tlie Mnn from Home,' rennlM a hiT aneesn. ■• Mi. VirKRlt'n (Oo. 0. Warren, mnnager). —"Forty-live Mltlnter, fp-im Brnndway Is here, nnd htis rhnilo a sdeeess. GitA.NP i Hurry vUkln. mr,aager).—Robert P. Mnniell, in repertory, Ik doing nlcclv. Great nortiirdn (Fred R, Ktierin, mnnn- ger).—Wllll.inm nnd Walker, In "Bnndnnnu Land," are here, and their offering Is doing nicely. ' Li Sai.ii: (XI. II. Singer, manager).—"The Girl Question" It still winning favors. Vrflitias (Sam r. Gerson, tnannger).—"A Knight for a Day," nlili all the favorites In the cast. Is one of the town's best offerings. Biihii (Edwin L. Baker, manager).—"Hie, Middleman" Is this week's bill. CoLLr.oc (rilsiflbeth Schober. manager).-— "Sweet Clover" this week. Peofl.r.'s.—"Dr. Jekyll nnd Mr. Hyde" this week. SUBLOWIi—"A Bnelielor'a Rnmftnee" this week. ,.,.■. IloWAnr.'^.—"A Ruined Life" this lV»ek. IVTrinNAi'iONAi..— Iinlllllt Grand Opera. . Acinnnv.—"Tho Singing Olrl From KM- larney" rltls week. Bi.ioc—"The IMilof the Trail" thin week. CuLUMntiR.- - ■■Pnlntlng the Town" this week. At.iiAMntiA.—"I'nrled on Her Bridal Tour" this wi'i'i,. cai.imkt.— Hunaell BrolheiM ini;:, "Tho Ninety nnd Nine" 14-lrt. Mi son's.— Tho Girls From Ilnppylnnd this week. • , FuLInf,—The Kuiplre Iturlcnqiiers Ihls week. TnoiAiiniio.—The Biu-lielnr CliibthU week. HMl'ltti:.—Htrnllliig Plnyei-H this week. ILivMAitKiiv (IVIIIIuui F. Ncwklrk, mana- ger).—Ulll far wwk of 11 Includes: May Irwin, World nml Kingston, Vlnler Black unil • ouiiuiuy, Uessli- \'nlil.-iii> Tiniiiie, Bowers, Wniii'i-s nnd Cronker, lOhivmlnll Brotliem, Tlintiiiis .1. Oillgley, Lnrarre und coinpnny, .Musical Wnffes, Mill mi nnd lininiiiiis. Bonnie (liiyloi'il. Pearl Kvelyn. und tin- kliioih-ome. M.i.iwsTii' (Lvninn It. Jiloii-r, luaiiiigei).— Bill for week or II lin-liides : Pete Dallev and cnmpnnv, May Holey. Rice nnd Ciibeii, I bin- ned nnd Nin-lli. "Shi-kln." Leon Morris'ponies, (lasloii nnd Green, l.lutoii niul l.uwreuee, Friiuk Seyimuir nnd P.uuiui Hill, Rebly uiirl (.'nrrlor, Fivilo nml Dai-i'. Xellli; Fli-ldi. Pul- li-i- nnd HiirvlM, mill the klnodi-oine. At lilliiliii'M i Mllivuril AiI.-iiiik, iiuiniiBei'l.— The bill for week uf It bielinl».J: i.'iii-lln nml into, I'oiii .Luki'iis. Trlxlii FrluiHU, Hill mill Sllvhiny, Ollli- Viniiig nml Tlit-eo Brntlu-rs, Minnie llnll-Aliiei , It, It, Kiiiinli*. Moiill- Ittilillnl. .luck Niii'iviiilli, anil Biii'iinlit'i \>\>a und-Monkey Circus. Clli..v.i;'i Oi'iniA Hiiisi: (Frank S. Rivers, inaungrrl.—Bill for wee!: af II lin-liiilek: Leiiu mill llulbi'iink, Stiiniiliig' (fioiiiidlers, Winn id si oi in H iitul eimiiuuiy, Mni-giierllK'.i liiirsr and |muy. Miii-h-.i! llyrous, Jnnlyit, I'lil'-llfcy llroN.. Jiiii-oibv Album-. Kip mill Klppy, Mark .lohnson. Red Haired Ulfl, JouiM mid lliiiiiiinilo, .-mil Hie Miinilroini-. (>i.TMi>rr (tlie .Imolis, Dinnnueri. — Hill for week of 11 Incliiilcs: I'liiylnn White nnrl Xlnrle Sliuirl, Chin-nce Wlllntr nnd compnnv, lltisa. De. Haven S-xttfte,- Atlolpb Zlnk, Take, znwn Jap Troupe. •Boon Renin, t.e ivvre mid Si. .lobn, Mlett'n Dogs. Frr-il Koilniin, Mani- kin, Hie Frogman : Josh Dii-nnn, Two l-'riin- risen, and tlie kinoilronie. I'niTiutjijs. — "Anita, the Slnglna Girl," tli's week . .. . »■ » " Tub ror,».nwixo coMMrNtcA-tiox was - re- ceived front Harry Duetow: "C'hfls. ft Hon*- iiion. well known in circus, variety und minstrels for the past thirty yearn, In now lit the Oily Hospital, Boston, Mans., baring been taken there by upeclnl officer Geo. Smith, of the Hoard of Health, of Homfln. Mobs. Mr, tlnffiAnn Is In need nf funds. All fijvnrs rnn be Miinnger Thos. 1/iihlan, of the Colonial Theatre, Boston, who.will Sec they arc properly used to help this ease along;." T»« fJHUUtli ("Klnnlgan's Friend'.').-.who recently redlmed from the West, modMih New York reappearance at ilw Lincoln Snunre Tltoalre-Vol-. :t. /ind met wlrh bis usual stiei cess, at openrd on lhe Keith ft.Pfoelor cli'i-ult .Nor. 11. lit tlie (irpbeiiiu. Allnhin, <)u. As ft'Kini? teller And.singer of comic sonas Xlr.GIDen ranks ttmong the best, find credit 14 due hint for the rnpid strides' he has romle In the pnitt few yean as a single performer. Anitrnon, Once L. Albrrtson. Lillian Aileltne, Litim AilsniK. Mrs. N. Atrxnuilmffl l!«>ltn Allen Mrs. J.W. .\|i|llclolli /ul'lle N. Allium-. Alma Berioii. lles.'le Brnrtley, .Mnrasret Bnllc)-. Mile nulla Mrs. Fred Boyi-r, Kthel Brown, Ck»l«gh lii-milci, Jenn ItnmeM, Vers lictmnnt. May lbitki i, Mif Hertrim. Jesse Iturlie, lotile llriuiimn, Lenin Bciuillctliie SUIers R<<iuirci!iinli>, ■f itintile ( hnrllalK'l•. 1-inif lllonilrll, Llliy llniwn .MsryAun llk-uer. I.iiln Hoj,'. Nellie Cnmlon. Nellie Cnrr. Mrs. Wm. Chllil.*, Itern.vce Collins, Nlcs Cotton, l.ola Catlln, Mnrcle CMliler,.. Crncr Ciiniird, Liimri i "oil in- r.-ftrl«»le Cnrlottn. Mile. Clayton. Mule Cnlhnuo. . Cstlierlnr Ctelshinti, Anielte (.Vmillt. Mr». Hie Cnminlni*. (ienrgln S. I'nrtls. Emily rnfr«». jtny Ollft'erd.. Helen Crawford Mnrslr Cnsjlc. Ito't Cnlverette. ICilllh-n. Dnvls, .Ileleno Durles, Lilly . - pil'Meat Mrj.A neWolre, Lanier De Vcre, Orsee iinM.-e. Minute Dewnlag, Mr*. W«lt*r nardner, flUtdri nthsoii fteatrlee (Irevlllr. M,iy rlltln. .Minn (•iirouetlii, llMnernlitn i iforee. I%ffe lln«>ii. It,'"-le i:ni»Jean, F.lln tltiffllliltl, t.nnlse llawlie. Rthet liile. Fannie Il-'t-i'ii. Ilertle I Inn-en, .Millie, I -t-lnn lliMnV-r-oti .Mnnil Itcnnlsnn. Corlnne Inusien llinilli llenslinw Ylniite II nines tiiseiitilue i Menpack, Berths A Hurt. Annie llimter. Kli>1lnll jlnui'.tii I'iM'ili'll.L llulil-niU i' llillclll'K II I--M lltiive. l.nurn T. ■ lull, Amu-. Iter. Mis. Win. JranlmfH Alle* .Inline. 11. .\lr.< Onrrnl!, .Inllu Kennuril, Itoie KnvsUw Orayee Kraneilv .la*. 11. Klnc Aitnes Mnck, Stella .McVeigh, Mrs. Nlcliol-, Clrm-e NlcSnls sl«ters Onller, Mile. ii'Nelll. I'niiny Peters Mi«. I'hll Paiernnu, l.nnra Palmer, Clnrn I'lielps, llmbi Plan Sirs, J. P. I'etMinl Cnuillle I'o-nei. Mniicl I'aterson. Mnrle I'siiiuc. Betiy t'aae, M.-tito j\. Itmsell. Mnilit.! Itennter A- tlc.r- woihI. Ml"fn Iten'., Ulnnelii- Hejtnn, Mne lloritll, Mnrle .loMnvei. .MIHSP lleliilniri Mnnde Itllehlc, Mne Klfrf*, Btiea l:ii-' ».J Uiiiiite l(n«.-ell, .l.'-i|o llleiue .r.'-ei'.iiito Itiiiidntl lioroiliy liyni,, Nun lis^l Sl-le.-.-i Itielicr. Mnrle lievelle. Jli-ii.l lii'iinnl. I.01.1 snnoner. N.innle Smith. May W, ■ibielnlr. Ilniel Slenne CnrrafnM <iriluil, .Nettle Iv-biii, Kiltie J <liilct, Mn LI.- Knltn Mrs. CIi«s|Shiitniek (llndys Kimh.'ill. I'ln isioekilsle, Kent, IHlen n, Kelly. C.lnilys l.rmcll. Plnnclw I .inili'ilt, Ollle Lntiton, .May Mitn-tiery Alice Lee, Irene i-oiiiinl ^'elllelt Mn. .1. It. ^'tinmen*. Ii-ms shAW, nii-l.' ^ t'eotl. Mnry )'.teren« Dorothy Mn.-iri. t/>ln <mltii .le"c|iiihie wnn. Olive I Ineelii. norttlnplilner. I'erti l.rwl.1, .Siuiiii-r-. f.i-n.-i Cnpilee Rote Srymniir, Lillian s. Istnrr, l.llllnn iSiemhler. Slide 'Sienntr. 'Nellie f'smlili. yfnv W. Tlldeii. lliiole l.e-jne. Helen !.eve>, r.ihel i.ewN, Kntle i.e Puce.' .\1|h« A. F. Murhi.V. KllrnbetbiTiiris-r, Pw. Uaxwell. Miii-lonlTnbln. Mny May,- Dermis • Tnylor, Merisre. flrnee ! Mrs ilnrrisse. iiln Hurl In. .Mi-X. 0 .Martlne, »«y Iterrll. Alllee Da lleln Bnaenl'iMerrinun, Dnmie. Delia Msrsnret Dtrannt, Dalsf Mile*, Hu . Dniioii. Miiiioe Merrnll, May De I-Wer.-I'mi.ij MeClitfe Mrs. F. Pltvien, Kittle Mnrtln, Castde Uninu-H Miibel ft Mnrlin liloui-liK Delihore. Alice [Scow Ml* tlto-i Dliimomh l*eurl I Morrlmey. ll-nmnnil Mrs.W, Mrs. Wm. K. Iimmeti,Mnn fii.Miirrny, Mrs. Kill*. f'.VV ;Mooney. May llitelle, BI.inchc.Mn)', Olsa ijlllmi,' Itmli iMnusftelil. Helen IMwnrdes. Ivlhet Melfllle. Smile I'ennell. France* Moillen. F.lliel Preivtkln, • IMnrtnnCa I'lhel Irene B. IMorrc««ey Kltte Fair. Petirl" iMeln-e. Flrllrli framri Allen T.. Mcr.'nnh. Drem-li. Marlon ileridilln,- IVnutetnnicber. .\lcVi-y. -Knnnn | . • Between Mlntc- Nellie ■ Ptriicfs A Co. XleAi'ams Te»»l« ■ftnlstl Mtsdeo ilorf a, Bgpslo Cordon Mrs.Wm Mnrilu. l>oretln Oolille, .ler.nto Merl». Anlln nitiflii. IMiimfoni, Miy . KotberlneiMcAiirttuir. Coodman MnrjfC . . Hlnneli Zimmerman. Oritf. Ilenrlettn Mnnlrnse. Cdlib P»irl nibsnn Mrs. Win'Mndiloou rntne ' GKNTLIiniP.N'S MOT'. R'liiih r T.iy),-ir; Dora Vorhtcy, Krtllierlne I'n'tvner l-lijivn.-e Tetlenna A \v-i|. br. MIssM Vlvbine. Flslc Vnlinore, Lulu Vn« Tii"»'l. Mnlielle Vekefi Mmpret Viilmnre Mll.ttej Wnlton; L. Winters. rinrenee wartlien "Elide \ Wnbii. Atlee Wagner, Ailnlnlil Wllllnmn, May Wallers. Molly WUner Plorenre Wnllnee. June A Wllllnms, Mviln M. West, l lillitn tt'sile. Vera Wulrb. >ifv J, 1Ve»toit. I«>ln \V>Mcolt. Ktu Mllllniiwnni Mrs. I. i Wester. Dnrn AlennnderP. Jl.iClnrb Cstrls. fl Andrew, 1->1. .t.hlef llolllng AlvlUe I'eter. .U)rnni»..Arllinr A|iid»(on. I 'iinik AWMI, ItnU-rt Abln, nml AilidtlOll, D. Ail ini.i. I'M. B, Artneml.' Kil. Ai'imld. Setll A. Allen, Kdiou- AllilOII.. Will. All. Mill I Alllnoii, Julia Aiiiuus. 'Hum Aruoili-iiiia 'I. I Alilmtt, Hhni Aln-n'.i.if. .Inet AiiKwii. mile,-1; A lis inn, I'rllK llniek. It. II. ttnldeu, Ilr.rry uyrne, John P. Bslley. iieo. W UoiiM-ell. i .■lias. Kin-It, II. I.. Biinlows Wnrren!. Ilowurd iter i. Perl li reck. J. V. Ilitrtnirn, Jon. Ilnl'i-r, .lee J Usui It ,'. HflllllllOtl llruiuisli'bi Cliut IttuWII. lien. Klllyks, I'rof. ••-.,..-1,, iii,i|,u If Hark*. «r.. , Brady. SRimnrli .. Bent C....I;. 0,. f\ . i.tiriN-ilu-r. .Wm, > ■■:!■ i;»rle B. Cnllnlinii. Jn». A Collins. Unn Ciunpls'll A- Olnrk f'ariienler. I.. D, Cory, II. H. I'lirni'iitv, .1. 1. i:oilliiM. Phil l.'iimvy tc ili-.inl I liuilililo'l. .Illi-ll I 'iji- 'ii. If link ciilert I.eoiiBi'l T I'iir'Vili. Curl J'! On*'. XV. D. Clnrk. Oeo. T. Csllll, ll-il'i'.v (•.in|iir ft liobinson Clvaionii Ciiini-rn i.lirysler. A. 11. "rub/. RleneyW (.'iniiiliigUnui, . A. 0. 'Iillititnn, H, 1r. 'iIIIOm.IV JllH. I'' 'tyiuvr, Fred .'lurk. Hiii. '.'riuvley .\ ..' K Ilk-en '..'l/l'tfC. It. "olliv A .Mny "Ini k, John tnri'.trljtlit Wnll ■.'hfbly. I« «l. ,'hilf. Ilnry MRns ■'' l'l''l' ; kiriiley. Jiih. e' •eii.'e. Mike !nsi*. : AL '.moii.v, !•'. J. .'linriluiii l-'nsl (' lisieln.^. Jm-k 'hullin .. •'IcnlMn. Bnyrt 'iiiiiier. Howard •o H in . Don 'In) loo. I rn irk ■iiMnn (.line.II Amtite. Co, Bsbcnck .OHi'sr J Uiunil, Billy llerry. ■ Toni I'.nlndoi. Henri I'.iiielii'l'ir, it, Bmwnliiu M'ni.K i. n. •:. Itiirklinrdt C. J. liriiuifiinl. Ti I In hit. I'. K. I'mid. Harry Blssntt St Seott BnVns. •Bog Trainer lieiiiii-tt. l-'reil Bnrbi., Joe 0 Itlocksom & Burns Bflirntile, Mr. HoivalJll. l-'fi'd Brook*,- Jal. BIcLiiell. flttter, Kreil I Clarence Deloys, The :t Tkiliatiuon. B. XiUnneaii. J. I'I. Bilrux, Hoi iOorle. .tns. ». March Jotinle j illUon Frnfck V. JVihlow. Jubn Dsyien, flee. Meely.' Cbaa. Durond C Itiuner Beierly A ' pnrty. NM 'itll II Sn,ii RSTlK. D. V. rnniinoiid, i.'eo tieludil-ii. cut. iX-Mdnr, Itoliett I'm null, tinny Osrla, Jack Dculhi, Joe pole, r. A. Ret Dn.v I'lniii. Phil Arthur |i.- lliolckn. r'lln' i«i-. Buy, J. Ijcven llren. lll'M'ii.... .Inek lk)itn|ilhni|, (jco. ii.- Hue. illlly Boner i aMellhi De Bills. Bleli. '(IIII'VOII, J. A. De VIIIiiih llreat Dllllilll, I'i in ||. Dunn. Prank Delaner, Jeri-r [MuHdiue J. W. Ilnaahias Joe i*. Iii-lloii, i'Iiiip. He Noi'n, ti'ri'd IMiiliiiej-. Hurry Denimi, . ttnl Kllerwinid, Il'nm l!lmor». (lee, tllllH, It. Knrthniinke, nulla Hsley, B. A. !''lln..le liny, II. I'mlphe, Miih'k i\... Mir. l-.liier*.i. *. I i .-oiri'-to ''.lit-, Alfl-Cil Kllii't'nW. ,1ml. M Kluiiiell. \fi-, ,v Mis. I.. A. .•'i'Ii-i.i.iii. i:. v, f.vvli.itf. II. M. ".nieiwii. Frsiik 'IVCU'lll Uiv. Vlilllil'll I'll.l-, Tiinls, VV. It. Qirle, ibiiliiiiii ffliru, Barry fri'lrkMiii .Li" ' I ■lilniiM-, B. M. 'CliiiiM.-ri«. Tlie mtr, inins, •Iberle Frnnli K Vviter, 1'ieil Klllolt ft Ifest - IllW'UitOI'f l\-.i'. Klalila,' .Mas |i'ly;in, ICd, li'ern, llnrrv S. I-li.lier, It, H. Fiiilcn, ,lrllinr Knnnllno, Mr. Feyn.ftay H. Iileliler. Sum 11 Fnsler, Joe, FIMI. Barney I'.iflh GM.'-I), r-ni-t. A. Jack foner * Williams l-'Mlils. Harry Kulfteann. Frank Fo», r. B. Knielo,' I'lias. Fi«.. M. Bert b Kent. Cramer Dm |ln«, 1'rnl, Franeisea iim, Barrett, Harry .Delatinnty John Fnley, Rd, llarrclt. M. L. S|i»14..Rrti ilVfyne. ji'jiil: Iii-ilek. .fan. 'TMilm>, Frank FrlnV. n*(l C. Brooks. Hai»ey|Dnlr»mple.> „!;"««' Frank A. llmirn. Pen. II. I i ■ Wilt II. Frosers. 'Jlie llfium Clnn-nceCPIckvn. Cllft iflrejli, J, *(L DellAnlnl M'nliei DnWwin A Mail: flnfTner. Tornmy Hrnwnell. John Deisaik-r. fMm fJHe»,"M.;«. ' k- |)i- notTnand ft I LneMes, Tbn 3 Kobyha. tVrh I^Ctalr. Harry l4i fWe, Louis Usfet-.-L. M. 1/sinanl St ■ . Drake i.eninrd. J.v>. ti Snill- | {amhrlsaers Ze-.i, flua Bee'l, Julian Itoth, Cliss. Iteso. Jimmy Ityifer, John T. IIMuteaa. Htsi-t; l2 '■•«•..W fltrtialn. Mnnu.i Iteelt. 'ilea' Icie... av.JI. Gllmonr i La Tenr Orny, Trnnk (Jraees. Til* 2 ilames, .'.niton UrinMI ,v (inrilner Onfdner fc Conn 1 11 ii if;. Win. lihlri'I. W.. It. i.nnl.i, btt (htmUs Fred cirny, I'ret.k ]lft-,i Dr. J.- W. r..'ml)tliii.;-i;n!*i i.rPHn ('in!'. Vi'l.ntni. Fruik litoliint, .in. i. tienaM & Bnile.i|i.}!e, J.trt: BteliuMs, V. P, (irlnie^.. I.erm Lewis, Ceo. W. MlciiiiM. S. ini,ief ft iVNelllLeonihl. Frank !!•«». Fred (..•iieiy, Frank .l.nier, A. Idiiti, Clin*, firanvllle, Itertil.uhln, tlave llnirsell, Fred noklamlUi, 1<«'. jl.anraaler. .rohtilJtlr-ninnivl K. P. CpcjNoih, The ll.ftHie, (leo. Illoelie. Jnhn City llrn Mlnjt. l/dif.v. J. IHover, archie Hammond, I', lih.civi-. Armlee iiolierui, ilea. HoWnritft: Ilia!»>n I'tu-Il.enillei; FrankM JIM SK , l.'ynii. I.iniij'cl lift is Hilwln I: tJKsfIL 111/, w.iDr. Of w. Itfioiilin-:-ultai Banna, Aihrrt lllrsrii.".elil. t« llaillntnt, J. It Helieri, iiNr ilislisii. W. T. Hyde, Win* llniliie. licit llownnl, .ti..i«e llnrri-. (1, II. Iluytea, II. A Cameron;ItIsliinu, I'rnnl 11.ft Pnron. INI. i.ii llo.e, I'jl.tle lljne, itnipii il.eivl.^. Itiljiar il^nimliu, II. ||j< I!.';'. Nut i.II III I «T l, I. A. ILitinnde, A. A.'lillln. D'l" feo. Frank .Ii".. K.I I.n She. II. Iliiirliuttrn ,t ; .Vli-CI-iln. Ceo, (leiitse .Melieiiiiii. 1'eui ISleprist, I". llowar.1. ft. !■'. iMcMsli. Frnnk iSehmlill Vrct P. Ilarrlnitlon l>. .1 Aleiin. Diiiii.y 'Sefton, II. Ilenrf.11'Asm l«.Miironi, .In*. Han. IMltv .<loit!'.iy, K! llilut, dii.". T. Aiiixv.-eil, I'cul Horn, W. X. 'Miilr.tou, Atli-.- 1 Ilerti;-. I'.nni t M>-lli:iM. F.I. I .-nrniii-i. i;.l, ii. Siitlieilmi.!. Inn. ! Mktuuiii. Clim lUtnliic, ft. It. -Iinir\t, A link .Scnliifitilin 'I'lioll) Nieilirinn, Al. jJfKllb. Atla-i'l St.ill, Malt F... MntjinMii ('.leiifi <ieene. Wm. tt. .SiirK-lln, II. Aiamien, I', i.Mveuii.niii, ivmii I-. I Stanch lie Id, i ,.• i ■'. .Men li. .i. slmii'l-.,. win. li. Ilim.iiil ft Jlolii, Ili.-h |Hli4>, l>. Miinm-i tjuliilan th'Ciilehniii Haiiiixulllriiu, |] nr ri tluft. H.-HI..", K-woll, \V. I>. Ilniiil. \. .1. II. ■■nip" IlllltSaiuulrni. fltnlk lliinildire;, >l!l|ii. i."'iiu>. ;<.;Ht.i|t,i-.v, Cms. Cniiiii.,i )lMli:.l.e, Ini, -Miilili. mn lla.iivi'ril. Mr. A'llrKer. I.. ,S. isiebiert. i>ti.i .Mr... Ilerry Marshall, n-r: fklniior, Veriiiia itiiiiK-i Hen. F. HctrtlL Diiiiii-)- |Seyamf», ucn Hiirii. C. K lUaliler AhrnliSno^linin llrAo. llauley, John K...'jack, Haiti, ft, iSmlili. t;n»«, s. Hermann, It. « Haver, (.Mil ;8tewiiri ftTnriier llnlllmer iieo. A .ilnakril, ram lliinllna;. Tony Mnsea-. Telra Dart. Tony ; Beyer* k Walls llnltinr. IWIicrl-Murray, AitMln Iloivanl, 11. K. MnneU. Mil, 11 nun ni Havers jMcGltl, tiollir.iol:- Cutrenci- n. linker Co. McAilam Arthur lbinnn. J. .1 Hull, P. C, ..imiiM, w, l: Shaw, Lnrry ishfriunii Jnn. (?. .siicaii. Lou Slir.fier •< Shields A. Halt . Hwmniir, I'rnn't .\lelrn»e, Win. I.. St. inure. I'm I Manen MMneslSentroref C, I lllck.y. Ji.lui ;.Meliiwe Frnnli cjumlih. Wnll C. Herman. H, Millet. II. I'. Sulllimi. .Inn. \ llnrt. ii. . mat..mi, Ihive MHMWlpr n May il.iiif. Oen illllei. Oim .Scnnlon, \V. J, llerliert Fred F. Uef-iull,r, I'ltll Mlin|i«nn, lien Itisiien Julia X. ilnnn-il... ten II UmmoiiK. (..., Ilnrrlwin Alhsri iicPlarry. /ii" '"Jaley, Cm, flolme», W. II. MnBnii, Dan isitor. ll'W rimftK, Jne .AlcVrlr. .1. It. IIiiiiiIii.T Tftl.ew MeC-irilir, Clin'- lllli.inn. .1|||.. I*.<.\|l||.,, li. ||, lllmo.v. Will II. Krniiliinrss, ' •<■ 'J. F. l..|Jkirnrri MnrtlnA Mnnre, H.. .Swin. Jack MorilH'ey. P.-- HMti Ilenne Melven AllnnL-ln Sine. Tin.). ||, [ Bns. J. ri.lttlAes. flni steivnri. fni .SIiiim'. Wall ,1 iSeyraonr I". V. (SJilitilli. 'P.. .'Sk.rnir, ii nr ft.lS.liMu, flnr^ r.,*lnlei-, ,i,m. Ili'iii.'. Tltn 11, troii, Turn llmviir.l, I'd, II..I .|ninj.i . Merf, C".|.\ieii..weil, N. Hois". Ilair.r i 'Mocuu. Will lleneiten f. iMrliunnln, IliilaliU John S.lMerti. I Ilornn. F.. \lnhnra, Irani: .'spnrre'll, Iroli, Vliiei.|il iMi-Ornne, t\ A.I , Leonard t. Infel-l. M. |Miller, W. II. HbeUM, Wm. Ifbv. I»a Ktleii. fito. W. i;SlnliiV>ri; Dan Id Irelnnil. fl. H. jUarrlll thai. .vMEfMau, n. II. .liihii-nin. .Hin 'MiiMnlilli.ii i'l'linnv, .Inlin T JiiM'Dli. HarryA. lICDevlii. Jne I'ltyllij, OImi,, |,:, .farelt, Dire '.Ucl'nrlhml. l'lill!Tdf|icf. (}*,. .loniiinn. A, n.. iln.-.i. e:i. Jne T.nint l|»l,. Jobnaon. Moneli. Frank iTrasler. Aran Carroll J-lMnaarl. Cen. stylen ft, Jsmea, Jolin R. Merirnllt, FreilTl Hiisllnre Ji.luiMin. R. ll.'.Mnrrni. Wm. .1. Toiw-r. ftCurrnn Jnlinwui, i'. M. ..lis, <'. U iTenley, iFlmar .(••iinlnia. Mm. 'Mauk. Flnter 'lyhir 'fria JnhnMnn ft [MamMa, ilno.W.Tempesi, y. l„ . naekley^lnrrla. Jns. /IIkiiiiiis. .Inlui Jewel, Jess tlnilin ,\onn. liiTnylnr, II, W, .lnrnceon. Dave iiliirilu. .Inlin II liionuii, At. .1..Iin»6ii AslileyS M.nrl..afi, Don .l.'.'niHon. Jnl. A. Mnrrrni. Driinlr Jen,' John K. jn^lnn. IjeWlii Jelihtiis. Jol'll it ail I. Mllo J Bnnner, Ivnilii fvewiml, Hilly iulieler, Clioa. •uyteil, \v«lr V liretrer. iVl», i» ft ... Jninea l.crslinmn.'fbe Krirner, Onid. Kirk, Leant D, KMineily f'laytuii Kelly, it. I'. I ..-Hi. I'lllla. J. KlVli'l-. II. liil -!.■> ft (Jranven Ke.'iiii. )■:. I.. ICellcy. tC. s U...-llll-|-..llll,i Klita, The 'i Krimi-ii.v Jlintnje Keiil le, Frank K'nlb A Mil Kelly ft Arbby KlllS'lcl', l.'lni... kill. I.i-lei I), Klml-Lii'i-. Ill tl, Knlb, J. W. Kii'ini. Ariliiir Keller. Joh. It Keiiiniriili Mil-ill Kl'il.i. File J, Klin:, John Kin -ue-. Arthur, WlllD.F Kelly. Jns klilll, Mile Kli-rnnii. 4m, A. Kliii-.inii'i' (I. W Kiyee OlMiaierA. Klln-ey. II. I,. Kiiiihiiiiii llioa. linlce. llill H, Khi.^loiv. •Iimdll K„ Kluit. Luiv. It, Keillil 'If I 'inl-.i: KelllliMly, J. (I. I'.'llv. Jin'. T. Iieecli. Carl 14, l^rili Hull Ionia Llrliikiteu .Mark Lilcy ft l.ueli-r U' ll.ii r i.nrlB, .1. Karl l.llll.-, F. II. Lawrence, P.. H l.,lianlil, I'nul Liireitiis, 'Die II l.cwla ft llarr lewis; Curtis Norrl*. Clarence Novell. Win '.'orion It . Nlfhnlinn ,N'el«oti, ilarry Ntelirili riias. H Syn, I larry. B. Nnlnit, .lilinn.( Nelrnn Tnm II. Norm. Irani'. Mewtoa. C. M. : Idle,. 11 line, Owiui, It, B. Owen li I :u iv Iri 0|i«l. Henry Drulirun I',. in. 4 iimi'iii. .1. Howls •atavs The i'|i|i. Friiuk Or.i. Mr. Dwin, L. V. Ifnrker, Bert I'nik ft liiinii'ily Pnylnn. C. H. l'reH:i.|li.. I'Cn-IVill II. f'liidiu. D. 1'i.rL, .lit-. Po|ii". J. (.', iMHer, II, W, I'i. I llll'i'. I III. Inn IVrry Hurry 11. Folk. I'ldlllin ft <''ii-ini.ii MrHWri I'i.ii:. Froil It. I'nllllni*, Aseiit I'nntr. i. ('. faiillii.-. .1. It. fM-livi. F. C. Feint I-' ft Annie IVr.i ft Wllmiu I'eli.linril V. I'. I'He'.l.i'-iler I'nrkliisnii i: i.i.i . (Iiweii. TI (.'. \Viird, lion) lliliili.iiilie.. elm. West, i. A, lUilb. L'lidn. Wniflicr, Win. RiiIm-iih, l/iiile iviflh, iihrrv llnii .hi (Jlnirlle 'U'lllini'i II,' li Ilrleliiiiil t;iin«,i'!\Vallifi<, Ihtt J. ttnln-ll-iill. Wnll, J. W. Tetrlll. Frank Trnfron I'muk (I Terry, Harry J. ■Joraer, li. h. Jiterha. It. a. Trwan Diet Fllmau, H. I,. hsjfMi •t'ltW, Vlelnr V. Van N'oiinnini M.-I-. .lohn ||. Vlcls-t ft Bhicl: Vole*, n'ranli Vb<t(i|lne..»l, tedmar fieri D \ hiu. JaN, Van. Joe Vouiiiee, J. |,. Venoh, J. |i, MVIHi. .Wctler tVlls.iii, Mi.. Wiiiiiiniii Ht. II. Wlmlvn, (lea. ■ M IIInf. Olureii.v tt'aldrntr llraa. W'ulsli. Flunk Woiiil. Oim. A. Wlillller I'nnkl. Weal, Cllnrciicc Wlllliuna. Jin. U'i'i-|... t.'i- Well" ft Weill Warren,' Freil Weaver, Crifti,. Werinr, .limn I,. VVIUlitiiia R.ur^t 'Vllslach Ulaviii ttellliiaioii HtiM Wr.rillcy. It. Willie, nwl C. Willie ft „, . . Uiinlforil Wnldroii hras. Ward .VIlMni.iiirl Wllfni Al. L WVsi, D«iFnre»r Wllllnrt llt'M. Jnhiiiiy Uni/lrr. 'Iu« Itlleldo, Illlly llockwoml llnrri Ityilnr. Urn rv ti, lU-Irt, AL* I! ni*l|i i-, .Inelt llllateltl. Aiken ll'ilne, .ll.«. I',. Wnliliiii.t- „„., Tekln Trio WIHmi, AIM Willie. H...-I WVMi, IV. WIHIam- Fred t> tyarr'on, Win. tt'ardi.. 1,'red Wllllnms I'hslf. .W.ijriz ft .liniji lioiie, fn-d IwilllnnM, f, fl, llvliens RK, 1'. ItCMtaii, Jon ItelH). Jrliiinle AVllliena. Chatlln ltel».a, Set IVmin/. Mill |», llnyer. .Buy 1.. > Vender, It. M. IC'lil. Mlllenl kiiiiininiilii rtrna, LnekWMid (II.'liB Iteeil. F.' tl. Valla Buy lei.v, F. It«n« A Vnek IVoiiln.' Bun'aln leltoy ft r-lnyljin Itlekmnde II. |-.'Ztb...folly l.lbt.i- t Trayer .Itinw!! Vrcl J.,'Zarn ft Stctann HKH rVdflCF. Al' ttWAD OF MOT'.. I.o llnv, Holieit , Le iloy, I'jlilli; jfilil. MlHenl IViwnian. Fred Kilib, llnrrv JIihiIii. int. It Camphell, (lu* CUisie, Wm. Tjiltnont f rliilfllrirfii But' Delaiter Mil' Zim unit, I'nMor's. KyA.tai Lvrrox avii unit, Pnslnr's. Mlt. JMO Man. Liiw Ht'AXLl-v, Faetor's. (!*ii','l'AVi.nn ftjtn i OHI'ftMv, L'nlou Snilare, itt.'oY iLiVMOMi ami Ann ,Iohi:m, I'nlon flnnni'e, FiDMovns a.vii I,n\ I'nlnn Hnunre. Wx. J. Kni.i.v A.HlM-nur.vMY, fi.sih Streut. Mt'liMiy.ANn ,\'aof.i:, Dewev,. Tllttlir K«Nt:BTd Sisti:«h. New York, "A Nnni'l' iv a rm.irt: S/ATin.v," Nerf York. AcfiTiN Walsh. iL'aih Hirnel, . .TUr.'i«.ljiM5ilo.')..lT!fiilt.3iVeei. .-i ..-..• up , 1 ,^1^.^ IpnaCarlui Senniigray. Jiill ;i)«rlet,rh, Don |6f " i Dale,. Bill' otjiwln. W. W, Qsllsibct Wm.A W.W, .Mn/iw l.i«l wrelt beih^enlled thltljor t» tils Ainin.. 1.1*1 weeit, rji-tng caiieo tnitDer liedrlde of ber fatbar, who died Nor, 9,