The New York Clipper (November 1907)

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SPfs^pp "' .■ ",- -v--'--;-' •;;■;': -•■■:•■.•■ ■ ' '■■. ." "■•"":' $£Hp$^5? ■.". r- BER 2<j. _._^ '4^ 1ST IV* ■v ' ■f * Glilx^PER. U05 U,t^rW.'.",x -« >fJ-:.- '..- .• -.' . .:.-i,i. ••■ tpnr. more' to the demands i>( sti-alylit um- steal ''ConWdy. These Innovations' ,4efi Mr the. UT<u time evening of 10, and isiu present busily • engaged rehearsing (hem. • ., v .;■.:. . ', • -tWiiWNJiV (Sam P. OerHOn, manager).—?A KriicQt tar n Day" goes merrily on to ostib- iWt -a. new local record for endurance per formsnees. It ' s ' stated that May A'okes and Ktidtt JWway will come ia for a week from vbc rodd cotapdny, Supplanting Mabel HI to and John Slavic, who will take their places in tho traveling cottnanv.;oi: Ulllzabeth Schobcr, manager).— "Sifrct Clover" proved a'pretty rural attrac- tion-thl» week, rtnd did welL from business views. . ''Janice .Meredith" will give a view of Revolutionary days week of 18. Next, "A Hoar JteJaUon." ... ..»,-■■ Hfsii (Kdwln I.. Rarkcr, manager).—"Tbe Middleman"- proved Will Corbett'a cloierncts as it character man, he playing Cyril* Blen- kam.wlth it good, clear knowledge of the ro- lailromenta of the part. "On Parole" will give \I1?S Kaini ami Air. IIh.h opportunity for pretty work In the period of the civ!! War. Inif.knationai. t KWU ("lliekmcn. manager). —The Grand. Opera Co. Imk net w'.'li de- served succeyis, for Utougli there ate no high silacteri stars with the organisation, the per- formances Id every Instance have been roerl- ioitIousi Week of 18 they v?M be seen In "La Tiavlaia," which will bring forward Marie IK'-.ftolisa, a native of this city; "11 Trova- tom." '.'Carmen," "11 Burblorc dc Slviulia." "Aloa." "Cavalierla Bustlcann" and "I l'ag- llaccl." The engagement will last two weeks more-, •-. ■• . " • ■ • ettOLU'H (Frank: Beal, manager).—"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Iiyde" was well received as wella, 1 ) Wing cleverly played this week. "The i-wventh -Hour" 17 and week. . IlowAsn's (Howard * Kllroy, managers). —".Tracy the Bandit" did ft line business this week. "Valley Forge" will be given 18 and week, «nd :«* specially- selected company has been engaged for It -..; •■• MiHii'iwE (Charles, B. Marvin, manager).— •A Bachelor's Romance" held rapt attention Ibis week, wltb largo audiences, which en- joyed.(hi clever humor of the piece. For the ilrsi .tlmo.-in Chicago, Lawrence Hajhour's c|over rural drama, "For Old Time's Bake," will hf seen 18.. Tola watt first Introduced to the .Mage laat season-at raylon's Theatre, llrooklyn. "On fhe Quiet" 25. . yfiwixiA (J. V. Jlltchey. manager). -.A charfge"In .the policy of this house la an- nounced, nnd lo_a fchort Ume.u stocl; company wlli'bp seen here In modern plays) of yarlous kinds. .Tho musical comedy company and vaifdefllleJ -have pleased. The bill for week bt 1" Utclndea : Grace Coyne." character change rimllir Iffctte: .Courtney and Jeannerte,i comedy itigglera; Bcb Turpln, "Happy ' Hoollgrin; jOSSS JJtwrence*s dog* and ponies; the Mock company. In "The Wild West," and the Vlr- wntoRotipo. .. . ', - • PCrthf (Robert T. Motts,.manairsr).—"The Man. li'tom Banr," one of the greateat laugli- makets cvef In the city,, has aettTeft down,to '!h ilcgAI 'proaperlty, with .Harrison .Stewart atCtmt hatber,, Sdm.' This • marks the third vlme' rt(n*plileeh'iij been on here, each time with, improvcinuiih,, anil en?h time the busi- ness. hitHixceeded-that of tlie provIdiH eu- li»8|rinfef. Jerry Mills, J. P, Mores. Iaw rence'Chennult, Geo. White, Lottie Grady, May ."Wfifte,"Tearl Brown ahd clever »ttle Lewis lire the principals. Actbm- Gillespie and, ..Collin Or. vis . wrote the book.; - Jan.• T. Uryrata, the music,: with .Interpdlated, uum- Wig; Marlon Cooke, Terry..Sherntali tat ]0'.' Uordiin. J. .Kd. 'Orech. baa CxceJled himself. In tbesm^lnx of'the piece, and Jerry -Mills-has ■ doner wonders wltb . the ..musical mimherjk. -, -.. - » ' " i t\ t .-• wlfUhor-DT (PoweirA Cphn,'' managers).— • 'Slaves' of' the Orient" waa a strong magnet this week, and bunlness Improved. For week of 18, "Work nnd Win." Majkstic (Lyman B.Olover, manager).— The- hill ior the week of 11 Includes; The Thirty Song Birds, lmmensaphone, ■Chasr.'F. Kvana ana company'," the Three Ucnards, Sleyer and Crosby, JohnE.- Uenshaw, Eva Tanguny, .Thos. .1. Qutgley, Josle Allen, Ver- non, Hi:- Mimic Four, and the klnodrome. Olympic (Abe Jacobs, manager),—The bill for IhP. week of 11 Include*: Cecil Lean and Florence Holbrook, Ulcc and Cohen, Shekln, llowunl and N'orth. Fredo and Dare, Harvey lirothets, Joe Whitehead, Welch, and. Karl, Kathleen Oc Vole. Fred lasers. Forgo and, and the kinnlrome. :•.-.: iPVK&no Opbb.v House (Frank. B.^Blvors, mnnagcr).—^The bill for the week of 11. In- iiiidiR' Kdwacd Cooneiy nnd company, Bo- :dia Gossell rtnd dogs. La Gardenia and Trou- hadoum, Coram. Kelly and Kent, Tom Jack Trio, Keno and IVArvllle, Milton ahd Em- mons, the Aldcnus, Musical WoUm, and th«! IcJrlodrome. ... - - . Haymaiikkt Tuv.aibk (William F. Xew- klrk, manager).—The bill for the week of II* InclndcH.: Ned Waybnrn's Side Show, l.«Jn Morris' .ponies, Karrell-Taylor Trio, Ssyrtour nod Hill, Gninslioro Girls, Ilissett .t»d Scott, Viola Dale, Lea and Opp, l'otter and Harris, Iluymond nnd Hall, the Two l-'ranclseos, and the klnndromc. Atni'roiiii.'M (Mllftrtnl Adams, manager), —The hill for the week of II Includes: 8u- Ksanc Adams, C'nlrc llonutlne, Joe Welch, OaYlopdo, Knh Thompson's troupe of cle- paaols'. Mystifying KononUi, llyams iikI.Mc- mtyre, the Six CIlnRer.ntls, Meredith Sisters, "The Doff and the .lag," and I he motion pic- tures..... , - :• SciilNDLf.n'H - (I.ttdwlg Sehindler, mann- g«r).—^The bill for the week of 1J Includes: Hyphen KllJipatrick and company, Robert Dtt Mont. Trio, Maud Kurbank and her borsr* llynamn; Azalea and Fontolh, Billy Mi- Itohle, ltoroihy Vaughn, the Glllsons, and the motion pictures. / ' ■ Oaikty (H. B. I'ltzpatrlclc, manager).— The hill for the Week of 18 Includes: Laura Howe and Dresden Dolls, Bergcro Sisters, tefloud ringing act; Onkes Marheile company, sketch ; Cook nnd Oakes, comedians; Alvla and Kenny, comedy Homan act; Louis Rahs- nuia,* Gorman comedian, mid the klnodrome. Ni'unt Avf.MT. (Caul Slttner, manager). —"The hill- for the week of 18 Includes: The Three llylnnds, Oinlcllor's Acrobatic Troupe, Win. S. Gill nnd company, Connelly and I'ulrchlld, Brandt and Lareno, the Dclzaros, ^nmaon nnd Zncchb, rtnd''he klnodrome. .. IsiJ'kkiai. (T. J. Rchnffcr, manager).—The Mil for ihe week of 18 Includes; Lawrence Trudell, I^h>'s marionettes, Annetta Link, Sititzman and Crawford, Ilcsslc Evans, John Mack and the klnodrooie. NatIomai. (C. A. Svcrinlng, mmiagerj.—The Mil for the week of 18 Includes: Wallace and Honcli, Haase iuid McGulrc, Ozanti. Oxttnl and ilzono, Al. Roberts, Calvin.and Hill, Knlbass and company, and the motion pictures. TEUliy toco, l'owcll. manager).-r-Thc bill (or the Week of 18 Includes: Bates and; Nev- ille; Verrlu'and Cfosltv. the Great Hantell, Knckctt and Hazard, Lillian Burnell. and the motion pictures.' lor.A (l'owcll k Roth, luunasorH).—The bill for the, week.uf 18 Includes: Martinez and Martinez. Wolfe ami Vaughnn, Camotln and l f opa. Prof. Leon's dogs, Grnco Edmonds and company, Jennie Good and the motion pic- tures. Nkw Cmsml (Fred Schnffcr. mnnagor). —The hill for the week of 18 Includes: Almec Hnntard and company, Francis hud Virginia. Hogers, Trof. L. Burns' Dob Circus, iitid trie klnodrome.. AcApt.Mv (Wm. Roche, mnnnger).—"The Singing Girl troiii Klllarncy" wus well liked this week, and did well. Km Wostcott, In "Anita, the Slnslui,' Girl." will be «|re to uavo a large attendance, next week. M she Is very popular with all classes. Harry Clay IHaoey nest. Pilot' i wniism Knciie. manager).—"The !*nd of Ihe Trail" proved one of the most sith- flanlial plays which has ever been peen lit melodramatic houses, and is played with n bupcrh cast, which, together with very hand- s»nlc -muaI. appropriate settings■ and unusual dlftutxe*,« fancy or.capacity audl- eju-cs.rtnd stampc<( forever tho lie that popu- Ik .|n;lc-jd .at(dj<}tjee» would not accept tho ;;«l>* r class playsi when'property. presented. I. ■ wlU be-oao of thegreatest successes of tite season. Jessie May.Hall, in "The Cutest t.lrlln^Town.': 1". "Lottie, the Toor Sales lfi«Jv"'2j. . - ChlTRnio.v tJolin a Hogan, manager).— "Anita, the Singing Girl" made a marked impression' this week. "JlcKadden's Plats," the capacity-playing laugh maker, Is due 17. "The Outlaw's Christmas" i'4. Jt'(t|.ujisfs (Weber Bros., managers).— "Painting the Town" made a hit this week. •The Singing Girl From Klllarney" 1", "McFadden's FlntB" 24. Al.tiAMultA (Weber nros., managers).— •Tarted on Her Bridal Tour" did a,big bus'- ness this week, "The Outlaw's Christmas" 17. "King of the Wild West" 24. . • .Cai.ujirt (John T. Connors, manager).— The Bttssell Hros.. In "A Hired Glrfs Mil- lions." and "Ninety and Nine".divided a ca- pacity week here, which Is the usual busi- ness "Texns" i7-:>o, "Lottie, the Poor Sales- lady" 21-2;:. "Anita, (ho Slinging Girl" 24-27, "Our Friend Frltx" 28-:U). EusoN's (8W J. Enson, mnnnger).—The '■"1 from Happyiand mode n great big bit here this week, and the show proved one of laic most attractive seen this season. The World Beaters come 17, with n lot of novel features. "Lady Qodlvn'a Ride," posed by. .narln l.a Blanche, Is the biggest of the draw- ing cards.. . Ttie olio Includes: Buckley and Manln. the Century Comedy Four, Hided and Hadloy, and Rcld and Maltland. "A Trip to Newport" and "The Isle of Rubbernecks," with Joe Harrington as the chief comedian, arc the two burlesques. The women are led by Marie Buckley nnd I.ueiia Miller. Hast- ings & Arnold Show next. _ Fom.y (John A. Pennessy, manager).—The Empire Iturlesquers, with Roger lrnnnf at the head of the fun brigade, bsd a banner week here, and showed a lot of things new to this region,. The Ueundcrs Is tho bill for 17. and the company comes with many specialties blazoned-.on the dead walls, and the. list of a number of comedians end female stars In burlesque which should draw large houses tor.the week. The strong* and every effort Is made to have the entertainment suc- ceed. Thq Parisian Belles 24. • Taocaimbo (I. M. Welngartcn, manager).— The Bachelor Clnb .was well received this week.. Clark's Runaway Girls Is an <»ttrqc- tlon too well known rn tit is city to need much introduction. "The Main Gazabo" and "A Pair of Klnga'* will be the burlcsquea. enlisting tho -services of Clare Bntg, 3attle BrymoBd, Ernonl Stewart, Buby Marlon, 1'carl Turner, Lottie Livingston, William Wnhl. Milton Schuster, cimi-. Oracle, Lew Reynolds, Frank Peck and others. The olio will ■ ipclude : The Famous Livingstons, the Kuiopcin ltisley Acrobats, Marlon and. Thomp- son, cornettlsts;- Oracle nnd Reynold*-, Stu- art .and Turner, -Mohahan nnd Monahan, the Howerj' Trio and.Fox, Slater and Peck. The Golden CroOk Burlesniiors !!4. . ■ EmU'ijk (William Sinjer, manager).—^Thc Strolling Players,, In. "The Belle-of Avenue A,"-started up business;here again uftor a fill attendant upon the money panic, which seriously-alfccieif iiearly all of ihe West Sltle. Miss New- York Jr.- Is due 17, with a- coterie of.comedians and singers, who hnve been en- tertaining In. good shape this seasou. Tbo bill offered is please, added to which are enough specialties is.the olio to stir the niost Jaded follower of burlesque. - Nw 'he .Nightingales.-.-- .-;' >-.(-.-. 4 London -Diml Mt'scuu .(William J.. Swee- ney, ma'nnger).-r-Duslnes» has.been picking:up Ok. late aim tlie 'attractions.haVe been .good. ■• Oi..iBK' 8TaRET-. StCst!|jM : ' (L. M. Hedges, manager).—Business lifts been hglijing up pretty steadily, anil' with 'the attractions offered, It should come back to Its normal coudltlon within.a short time, Arn:u.M.\ rn.—Kdwlu Walter, who la playing ihe part of Blake in "Forty-live Minutes From Broadway," so that It atahds out.os oue of the best pieces of work In the play, was a caller 16. This Is Mr. Walter's second seaxort, jn the part, ahd fhroughodt tho coun- try, from' coast to coast, Uls not Ices have been M the best..— —.-Tho..Chicago..Musical Col- leg* School of Acting gave Its. flrst public performance afternoon, of 2, In Music ((all, before an'nitdleilce Which tilled every seat. Not How i —— • But Bow GOOD. I We can f'irnlsti you with Acts from 91.0(1 up. and Sketches as low ts ¥2.1)0; Black Face Acts, $2.00; lost out. Moaologx ll.Oo : Parodies, Se All work tiCAHAN Ti:i:n. List and particulars for u '.' cent stamp. "DON'T go clsewhero to be CHHATKD. Send to VS." .INTERNATIONAL VAUDEVILLE SUPPLY. CO., !I52 Pearl St., Buffalo, X, V. I Bias.". ..J. .John T. Prince Jr. has. Just completed aa original three act drama, en- titled. "David Strung." with scenes laid In the Far West, yet without the customary sur- roundings of cowboys, road agents and ihe usual characters seen in plays laid In that Section of the country William Jossey nnd Lincoln J. Carter dea-T/c a niche in the Hall of fume, Ihe former bnlug the wriici' and the latter the producer of "The End ot the Trail,", a leglllmmo mclodrania of dm higher type, which they have placed most su'i- tcr-sfully lu those houses which have hereto. fore known the rougher class of plays. Tho business at the live local houses where the play has been seen, has been to capacity nt every performance, which disproves the old theory that popular priced audiences "wouldn't stand for the hotter class of plays." fc. Git "Jig-steps" Brown was a caller P-. He has been playing Ihla'wcck at the, Qalety, .South Chicago, meeting wltb his usual success, and Is wall booked from how on. Ho Is one of the best known dancers on the Stage, and Is A nro- filict of this city... Waltot Stanton. who has many friends In this elly, writes from I.Ondon. Eng., that he will appear in li|s familiar Giant Rooster act at t'le Henry living Theatre, thai city. In tho Christmas pantomime. The Gloat Booster was one ot the principal featv.reR of "The Land ot Nod" when It was produced at the Chicago Opera House about two yenra ago Adeline pence, Florenst Zlegfeld announces, will bo seen In n now revue of his. called "A Dancer's Tour of! the VMM." She comes from Lon- don. Eng. Commissioner Downey recent- ly refused permits for twonty-flvo rent the- atres, or.; aeeount of the. poor exits and for other reasons which made them lire-trips. He slates- that several others will lose ipeir II* censes when they expire, unless the owners comply more strictly with tho building laws. Donald Uobej-tsou. Is to be credited with having made a number of splendid re- vivals of old plays at the Garrlck, where ho Is giving matinees "off days," nod. also for presenting new plays, all with clever people, ninny of whom ate graduates of bis school. Hi tho nea,- future the company will be seen lr "The Law." n new play by Marv IVEste (.Mrs. Solomon Sturgls, of this city), who Is " Mr. Itohert- ic'lp Avi- L Blot' on the:'Scutcheon," "The Miser," "The Gaunt- let" and "The Triumph of ifoiitb" are all scheduled for performance In the next few WeekJi., "The Gauntlet will also be a new protluctlon Tlie. Son Crtrlos Grand Opern (b.-will he heard nt the Garrlck for three weeks', commencing Jan. 20. ...Ilenrv Miller and Margaret Anglln, In. "The Great Divide." will lie Recti at'the. Garrlck u tuouth from now, and the mill orders have been coming In to the box olllce In large' miailiers Tne.Garrlck, which has lieen Manager Duoo'.s prldc'evcr since he took charge, will he com- pletely redecorated nt-the close of the present season, an entirely new'color scheme of art gray nnd gold being used, tiHd new sent* and dfapeiTes will hn.put In plncc.for the opening In the Fall. The.side' Walls.of ihe hnicnn'lcs will'have large tapestries, and the tapestry effect will lie used for the seal covers Herbert Dnce has received notlllcntlon from Henry Knlker to secure n suitable steamer for him to use next Summer as h lloatlng tlieatrc, when. Be will tint hi to effect the idea which took possession of him When he was nlnylug at the Garrlck last Hummer; In "The ThitMi of Cs." figures on the steuncr and the necessary eqitlnment will be secured by Mr. Dure, Jessica Kay has been playing with the CUuse. Lister Co., through the West since early last offering "The Open Gote," "Waited, a Thou- sand Milliners'' ahd "A Misfit Suit," toe latter. beln(| ,n enrqedy In opfr "Ct^by John T^ Prince Jr., Which was then seen tor the first time on. any stage. The audience np- parehtly liked this little play, as the laughter was Incessant from the the fsll of the curtain. Wm. Cnrl Bntlls ns Mr. Walker, Mamie Stern its Kafhlc, and Irene De Hue a.« Mary, made the hits In the hitter play. The other pupils nil showed the evidence of conscientious xvorlc on the part of J. IL Gll- ih'tiur and Marshall Stedmnn, their instruc- lors. Mr. Prince's three act plajl, "Honor- able Mention," Is now in rehearsal nt the college and will lie seen for the first time on any stage "at the dtudebaker. In January.... Kdwnrd A. Itatsch was a caller 16, and stAtcd thnt he hnd lss>n engaged, by Miles McCarthy to' play (tie character comedy role In bis new sketch, "The New Found Germ." and will open with Mr. McCarthy In Oshkosh, IK, playing the next week In Milwaukee, and Will be seen at the. Star, Chicago, week of Dec. '2. They, will play the big time nil over the country.'. Jnck Kills. who Is playing the title role In, "The Card King of the Coast,", wns a caller recently, with his wife. Helen Citstle, who has been so successful In. the folc of the adventuress in the same play. Miss Castle shows a sure conception of the quiet manner of playing a vindictive character of this type. Mr. Kills lias met With great success........Mar- garet Severance has been appearing locally tu "Now-d-doys," a sketch by Mr. Bath, who Is her partner In the hot. Miss Severance shows an unusual amount of talent hi ploy- ing twin sisters of oh opposite type, with manv changes from one to the other, and rilso "playing a Whv'ey tvne of servant, Which proves her to hove considerable versatility. The sketch hardly calls for much ability as far as the lines lire concerned., hut. Its suc- cess can'be directly traced to Miss Severance, Who lets no opportunity go hy which will Im- Erovc It Bcrtrlce flhepnrd, a Chicago girl, as nnrt with unqualified success In "Frenzied Finance," a sketch owned by Francesco Bed- ding, who Is starring lllss Shepnrd In It; Urn latter plays the role of Molly Moss, on ofHcn girl, with .1 decided pcnc'i.iut for spirts, and particularly the' "mulily arf," of which she renllv knows nothing. The situations fol- low' rapidly, and Miss Shcpard urtisps cverv 'opportunity. _8o (.teat Inn been her.'success In handling the- affairs ot tbo sketch that Miss Bcddlug has placed the re- hearsing ocf nw people And the entire man- ._ * '' --^ _ # . I . .. .. .. 1- I ■■ a t ■ .s . *n h',i \i r, • . ,t j agement of the set lu's hand!.... ,l,m Kttlicllk ailpenreil wish the Thomas Or- chestra nt Orchestra Hall 14, befor? an en- thuslnsilc audience.. ..Sat C. Goodwin may l>c seen during his engagement here, la "The Master Hand, a play which lias, be >,i writ- ten estieclally for him by Carroll Flcmliig and Florence Miller. Air. Goodwin's chor- 'ictcr is sunnoseij to ^ie drawn along the lines of J. I'lerpnut Morgan Brlisu lil- nnldo nnd his wife. Maj:l, were callers 1.1, having Jttst returned from a toiir with the Spfildc:i-P<itge Stock Co., of which Mr. ltl- ualdo was manager, and vhlch; iip to the lime of the iluuu-htl Hurry hnd Ijcju doing excellently. The' company closed,. and the Hldaldos expect to go out shortly with an- other well Known company. ...Itobert Miin- tel| has great, pride la tho tact (bat he wljl carry, dining pis production ' of "King John," the coronation sword worn by tho late Charles Kenri when he appeared In that role In New York; he alsri possesses r, sword worn by Mn.-rendy n.t Othello, and one worn by Edwin-Booth In "Buy t.Mr-.. .common Mturgm, or tins c r.n enthusiastic fupporter of J spn ■ - ■'Tho Irtruder," "A Nig soon,'.' "The \ Wife's Trial," ! . ♦ III. i 'ClrtlttAhn/,., " -"PUtt \l Ian, '• *' Summer. In leading roles, nnd meeting with great cdccesR.' . The proas has given great praise for ner acting as Galatea and the title role of "Voung Mrs. Wlrtthrop," which aro the characters she Is best pleased to play, Tbc company, has-been very successful, and has been entertained socially in nearly every town It has played. Other callers Included: CM. Cbapel, H. S. Sawyer. James W. Thomp- son. Rertrlco Shepard, K. A. Ratsch, Gordon Walton, Margaret Severance, NeUIn Leonard, Wm.'S. Gill, Forrest. Thompson nnd John P. O'Monra...... .Denioan Thompson, In "The Old. Homestead," will no seen at MeVlcker's Inter III the seuson. -— <»» ' j'i:>\s vi.vvm \ ■ I'liiladelphln. — -The Into Gustavus A. Wegeturtb, mnnnger of the Grand Opera House, left his affairs in n very much mud- dled condition, nnd it will he some time be- fore the attorneys will be able to straighten nut his tin airs. Ills will, which was pro- bated last week, shows thnt Ills personal estate amounted to *:i,000, hut nls real estate holdings will show u value' of more- than $2f>.000. After his death it wns dis- covered thnt title In the lot on which the Wm. Penn Theatre Is lielng eroded, at Forty-Brat Street nnd Lancaster Avenue, was held In bis nnme, but action will be taken hy the stockholders, who hold a meeting Inst week, whereby their Interests will he pro- tected. More than $200,000 was subscribed for stock In this venture, nnd In addition there is SU5.000 duo the eon tractors on the unfinished structure, which Is about three- quarters finished. Members of Philadelphia Lodge, No. 2, U. P. O. Elks, were heavy stock- holders lu the rontpauy, and It Is understood that the holding;! of uieaihvrs of this organi- zation amounts to $70,000. The prospects ore that the stockholders will contribute- n sufficient amount to complete the playhouse, whl'-h will probably be leased lu Stair & Hnvlln.. Lyric (Messrs.. Shuhert, managers).—'The Warrens of Virginia," the new piny hy Wm. C. De MJIIc, receives its prrmlrrc on Nov. Iff, The. production will be staged hy David He- lasco, and (lie cast will be beaded by Char- lotte Walker and fnml; Keennn. The en- gagement will be for two weeks. "Tlin Herrct Orchard," ('banning Pollock's now play, scored an emphatic success last week, and drew capacity houses. Josephine Victor, Vin- cent Serrano, Kdwnrd It. Unwsun and Frank C, Dungs add muck to the success of the per- formances. ■ Aunr.FHi (Messrs. Shiibort, managers).— Cnrlottn Nlllsnn made the strongest kind uf a hit In "The Three uf Us" hist week, to big houses. The second And lliinl week odds 2.S. ('IJfcNT.STT HTItBlrr Ol'KllA I Nl.vni « Zimmerman," niniingers).—Rogers Hfos. give their first local view of "In 1'nnaUia," 18, for two weeks. The house was dark Inst week, owing lo Ihe Illness of Atitin Held. ' Madam Butterfly" 2.">. (jAujttcK (I'ratik Howe Jr., manager).— "Btcwstcr's Millions," 18, (or n fortnight's stay. Bom Bernard, In "The Blch Mr. Hog- genheimer." departed 17, after a highly sue* cessful two wrecks' engagement. "The Dairy- maids" Dec. 2. lliio.iii (Niton k /Imnicrman, managers). —Ethel Barrynjore drew large audiences last week in "Her Sister," with good prospects for her (Thai week, ending 28.- Lillian Rus- sell, lo "WIMHlre," 25. . Walnut <frank Howe Jr., monngen.— "Ynma" begins Its third week IS, wllb ln<li- catlons of good business similar lo Ihe at- tendance during Ihe previous weeks. New- comers in the east ibis week are: Clarence Harvey. X"llh Webb nnd F'edeHck Vnjl • Itenssalser. • ' .' Gn.vvn (iphqa llofsi- (Stair k llavlln, man- r.gii'si.--"Tne Isle of Itong llona" 18, foe the 111st lime here, ltoss and Fentnu, In "The social Whirl," drew big crowds that thoronphly onjoyed tho show. "I Iff! I'ttit!: Ponnf:" 2ft. I'aiik (|.\ G. Nlxon-Nlrilllnxe*, manngor). —"Miss Boh While," with Frank Deshon, this week. Ci'eston Clarke .ileisi d line houses Inst week, In "The Power thai. Governs." "The Mayor of Laughlaud" 25. . lii.Axnv's (J. P. lOiltliurdt. managerl.— "HI* Terrible Seena" IS. "The Cnndy Kid" dicw big houses Inst week. "The Ninety and Nine" follow*. National (J. M. Kelly, aiunngcr).—"Dead- wood .Dirk's Last Shot'' comes 18, following a week cf prosperous returns dune by "Sincti Nellie Went Awny." ".Nellie, tho lie Cloak Model,'' next. B (Iiraho (Miller k, Kaufman, managers).- "Fallen Uy the Wayside" 18. The patrons liked "Tho Boy With the Boodle." and turned out In large numbers last week. Florence Bindley, In "The Street Singer," 25. Hart's (John W. Hart, raanagerl,—"A Millionaire's lievenge" ]A nnd week. >>altcr H. Still). In "King of the I'owboys," had fine returns last. week, ltusscll Brothers 2ft. Ciikstniit i urn nt Laferty. manager).—The Orpheum Stock this weok, in "Tho Sign of the Cross." Large bniwes were entertained by Hie talented momliers of tho company last week. In "Because She Loved lllm So." Lillian Lawrence, Wm, lugersoll, Itobert Humphries, .1, T. Dallcy nnd Helen Rclnlcr nil had role* that were entirely congenial, nnd tho comedy was given in n spirited man- ner. "My Friend from India" 2ft. 1-Vmkpa win's (Miller A Kaufman, mana- gers).—The stock will put on IS an ambi- tious production of "Franccsrn da Itlmlnl," with Georgt W. Barhlor ns the Hunchback, and Edwin Mlddlctou ns tho Jester. Edwin Mlddletoa made a big lilt In "Matilda" last week, nuslness was (Inc. "faust" next, BtaniiAbu (Darcy k Bpeck, managers).— The stock, lu "The Banker's Daughter," 18. "An Actor's Romance" wns a good drawing card last week. "The Child Sin vim of .New York" 25. H.Mritu: I'uANKKoitii (Stanford « Weston, managers).—The stock continues to big luit- rcuinpe, excellent inisliiess being done last week In "The Two Orphans." 11-13, and 'The lllnck Hand." H-lfi, . This week, "Ar- rah na Pdgue" 18-20, and "Man's Enemy" 21-23. ' Kkitii's II. T. Jordnn. manager).—Hilda Spong," in "Kit," Is tlie hlg card week ot 18. Others are: Julius Tnnuon. Lnsky Quintette, Kdwtn Slovens, Minnie White, Otto Broth- ers, Otis Edwards'."Ktiiiol Days," Mnrarlc Sisters, Hlack hud Jonas, Brooks nnd Wil- der, the Hiiiilot:., the Kclnos, Malverne and Thomas, liorothy Kenton, the /anollos, and Hie klm-logrnnh. llnslneiss conlliiuns big. FonaKHT tNixnn & Zimmerman, mnmmers).. —HStty King.heads an Interesting hill week of. 18. Others arc: Henry Leo, tlie Musical Cuttys, Jnlhin ltose, the' Seven YulllauK, Maud Hall Maev and comonny. W. S. Har- vey and■ rotnpatiy.' I'lucsro Slstcru, llodlu Furmao, and' animated pictures, nuslness was fine'Inst week; PuoruVS (N'lxon & Zimmerman, mana- gers).—The vaudeville season nt this house comes lo a close at the end of the cur rem week. The bill 18-211 includes: Vllielll's Society Circus, Shenk Bros., Dc ■'aye Sis- ters, Henry and Alien Tjylur, Qulgluy Broth- ers, lminu nnd Lcnliorr, Cnrlwell uud llilr- ris, Willie Hale and animated pictures, "It's Never Too Laic lo klend" 2ft. ■> TuocAnnga (f tutl. Wlllsou. nuuioger).—The Merry Maidens, headed hy Sain lllce, 1R.2II. In the oho are: Lewi* and Thompson, Paul Carney. Trnlnor and Dklc, nnd Lulu Iteeson. Wll'lams' Ideals ttisted the capacity Inst weok. Iti,inr .(Geo. W. Blfe, manager). — The High Jinks. Co. this week, tviih Maud Do linn, Beatrice HarloWe, Oharlos nnrrett, nnd Joe and Nellie Doner, lctvatlcnt httil- ness was done Us) week by the High School .Girls. Miner's llohemlnns 2.5. Casino (Ellas A Koonlg, mnnn|(ers).—Tho .Keutz-Santl6y Co. l«-23. 'their numbers U> eliidn Georglne Hraudon, the' Ulnekcr's, fred Russell, Marshllll and King, Frank Ross. Chsrlcs D. Weber, Jennie Edwards. Unset, uud Sims, Fisher uud Berg, Curl Anderson, and Snnsone and Dollhl. Hose Hyrin'll's Co. did nicely last week. The Dainty Duchess 26. Xniv Gavrtv (Chns. L. Walters, uinnngon. —The City Sports 18. Tb.- olio mentions: The Srlvagtls, Dick Itrown. Thompson ntrl Carter, Mmella llnrtalllii, Alois ■Suurnot, Mlllti ftlsnley and thq Golhnm Cltv (iuiirtette. Tim Bon Tons capable enlcitnliiers Inst work, nnd drew crow<l«d liouser.. The Xlght Owls next. Mi.Kvr.NTii Stiikkt Onnu llorsr. (Krank Dumont. mnnnger).—The skit, "Wnnnmaker's .Model tilrls." proved vory lively Inst week, and 1s continued in ihe hill, which also-In- cludes "The Holloon Ascension" and "How WOuld Veil Like to Be the Milk-Man V" Tho 'first part continues to he up to date with new songs and Jokes, and is always the popu- lar portion of the progrumme. .. , Bon Ton (Lillian Tyson,- mnnogeri.—This house will hereafter lie known by the above Utile instead Of the Lyceum. BUI week of 18 : George tfnnt, Lillian HoH, James It. Kelly, Riley and Smith. Marie ami Daly, Catherine Darroll and moving iilotures. 1 Ninth ano AnOii Mt:sriiii.fT. F, Hopkins, manager).—A trlb^ of Dahomey warriors is the feature In the curio lin'l In addition to Lnntlnl, James Mainly, Phil Smith, Koyce Brother* and Litinotl. In the theatre arc: Hnrle and rttirtletl, Wllloti Moore, McKeever add Snndry, the Kclloggs, nnd Lnhin's clnco- graph. NoTna—The Theatrical Mechanical Asso- ciation holds Us annual bnneili on the after- noon of Dee. o, at Hie Chestnut St reel Opera House, wllh n programme that will include nearly all of the prominent professionals tip- pearlng lu (own thai week The Treas- urers' Club bos received Its charter, which has been prominently displayed in the eltili- rooni Josef liolrmnii gives it recital ut ihe Academy of. Music ou lice. 4 'llis German Theatre Stuck coinpnuy produces "Don Ciesnr" and "Die Fletlermnus," week of lfi. Walter Damrosch Orchestra be- gins Its series of concerts at tlie Academy of Music Oh Nov. 18 The disput" between the Market. Street business men and the proprietors of the moving picture shows re- sulted lust week III nil Injunction being granted restraining thu shows from using music in frdnt of their places, It Is ex- jwcicd. however, that Hie business men wilt agree that the shows can use orchestras anil other musical devices after <l e. >t Leu Arkless is the new leader of tho Chest- nut Street Theatre orchestra, while .1. F. Coco Jr, has been engaged In a similar ca- pacity nt ihe Forrest Anna Held bad a severe siege of sickness that resulted lu the closing of the chestnut Street Opera House for nine dAys. Hue Is now recuperating lu Atlantic City, anil hopes to resume work next week. I'iUshurtf—At the Nixon, Geo. M. Cohan, In "Fifty Miles from Uoston." supported by I'dna Wnllnrp Hopper nnd n strong cast, Nov, IH-'.M. "Ilrewwler'x Millions'- played to good business and. pleased ll-HI. "Orn-Unr"- 2T1 nnd week. . ' . • ■ Gkanu. —This wwk: Mc.VUhon und Chnp- relio sikI their Pullman Porter Molds, Fnitl onchns. Katie Hurry, Wills Holt Wnkeiiebi, Hrnitnn and Derrlck,.Moyme (lehnic and com- pany, the Kemps. He If Brothers, Mnybolle Nlecker, itnrtioy klrst, West nnd Muck, thn Kramers, mid the cinematocniph. BiiovI'ksns. —Tills week. Bertlia Knllch, In "Marin of the Lowlands," Last week "The Bond to Yesterday," with Minnie Dupree. was very entertaining, and played to very good business. Krmele Nnvelll 'Jo-DTl. Ai.nv.—This week CUnuiiccy Olcott began his second week. I.nst week he packed the house. "Wine, Woinnti nnd Song, wllh llu- nlta. 2.1-.10. lli.i<if.—This week. "The Gambler of the Wesi," l.aoi w^ek "Chinatown Charlie" played to ltti-gc business nnd plonscd. "1'nllen by the Wayside'' S04M. ' Ih.ankVs. —This week, "Tho Cowboy Girl." I.nst week "The Original Cohen" gnve a good laughing nhnw lo huge ntioibers. "A Child of Ihe Regiment" 2.'i-:il>. GAVirrr.—Ttiln woek, the Jersey Lilies. Klein. Ott Bros, nnd' Nicholson ore an milled ut tract ion. Lost week the New York Stars gave n verv good show to hlg business, Jnck O'llrleii. or I'hllndelphln, rielna; responsllile for some of the Inrgo houses. Hose Hill's Jlurlcnipicrs 2r>.:ifl. AOAPKUt oi- Music.—T'hls we*'k. Ihe Lndy Birds, presenting one of the besl and most up-to-date liiirlesepie shows of the season, i.nst week Wm, 1L Watson's iturlesquers nluyeii to packed bouses and a good hearty laugh. Tlie Mlllerahip Sisters are oae nf the cleverest (Inuring learns seen here In a long time. New Century Girls 'JB-30. Fa jiii, v.—This week: lngraui Kyle nnd eompniiT, l.oeknn nnd Frank, Florence Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Hughes, King anil Ilsslonp, Jnck Mnrsn, Jns, Chnrltiin, Moignn nnd Crone, and remarkable experiinetils "Liquid Air," by Prof, Van Worn. MAJKsric. — Tills iveek: .Murgle Calllii, TsuJI and Vamn, two Japanese wrestlers wlui will meet: nil camel's at 132 |Miunds; l^on and .Adeline, nnd moving pictures. Hli'iH)i>iioii>:.—This week : August Crauw*. Lu Itose, Alvnrn Sisters, Flot'oncc Stiiuslsli nnd Martin Dixon. Lini'iiTV.-'-Tlils week: Kvn Thatcher, Mar- tini Wcls, Unrt Turner, Lemuels nntl Scolleld, Geo. and Gladys Atkinson, unit ihe Liberie- gralili. Notes. —At the l^nsl HiitlCnsliio: Mdwiirils and Vaughn, Mnrtlm Clmis. ... ..At the Alio glieny Cnslno, Ihe Sorrlses, I'rjult Lo Ro.v. Hi nhwii nnd Young II. W. WlUinnis Jr. lias returned from Now York, llu wits (here ou a busbies- trip Dirk Shannon, foe luerly ot Nhanliuii nnd Williams, has Just re- covered from « severe attack of typhoid fever. He tnnkfs his honie with his mother. In this elly. i llMrrlstiiMir.—At the Lyceum i.M. lie Is. manager) ^blc mill Johnson had hlg business Nov. 1.1. Clnrii Bloodgnml won much praise from a Isrga iiudlenci 1 , In "The Ti'ulh," l!|, and "Coining Thro' the live" hint a Id house. \4. Owing to Hie Illness of Fran Isilnr, nnd Hie. iio-nrrtval uf it pan. ot the cnnlpany. ihe matinee wns cut out. The weea closed lo gund husmoHH wllh "Lena Itlvnrs," the slur, Beatrice Nnyes. '.vlnnlug niueli success, lloive's movlitit plctmes Is, "Tin; DiilrymMils" 21, "IVI'r Pnn" 22, 23. Savov i Shade A Uni.'rlek, uuinagciw).— The rnrnilil upMillijr' of this pinvhonse will •like nlii«s> week of 18. Vnlidevllfcnnd mov- ing plcliires will he feillur'd. Niitks. — Anna l»ny, plnylng In "WTien Knighthood Wits In Flower,'' Willie out riding ut CtinwhorsiMirg, I'm, Hi, ivnsi thrown fhini iin iiiitnnnhtte mi.) slightly Injured.'. .(nines De Wolfe nnd Clinrlcs Hnyes, rep-e- sentlng Froiinifin's ntlrncttiiiis, liece II, Hi....'.. ..George I. Slonil, i uvltone nnd hu- morist, known professionally -is George Hrydc, Is here, n-lienrnliig u new net, He Will open his seiis-oii In New- York f'll.v during week of 2,*>. ' i n i 4 Itenrlliiu. — At the Arailcmy of Music (l.'ly $. Hill, tunnsger) Slitnr.ii and Musoii. In ''Rudolph nnd Atlulpti," tilensed u large audience Nov. 11. "MonU Crmo" had gmsl attendtime 13. "Lsnu Hirers" drew u well tilled house in. Martin's "Uncle Tom's Cabin"'had cnnnclty bilsliiesil in. "Peter Pad" 18, if), Chun Bloodgnnd 20, Lllllnu Kitssell S3.- Oiii»it.i:i'.u (C. V. Hopkins, mnnnger).- - Week of 18: Hi)in Cltrlls ami Allele Palmer. Manuel Homo hie und company. "Haohil," Lewis nnd Qreen,. Ileflffirfl sntl Wlncltestcr, Ander inn and Gulncs, Bertlna and llrex'li- wny, iimf tbc klnetogruph. excellent bitsl- MM (iitAxn di'kua Hot'sr, i Illy H. Hill, mnnu- ger).—"Fropi' HroiulWuy lo the Bowery," with Chuck Connors, hud «. It. O. tt-1.1. "The Utile Organ tirlbder" drew Well H-IO, OlliuiiiiM (Updegfiiff A lttownell, uiuna- §era).r—The Parisian Widows und'tho Ilents- antlej- Co. divided week of 11 to crowded houses. Mcrnniou.—At the Lyreiim (C. M. Soulli- well, inuniiKur) "Tho Dairy Molds" Nor. is. "The ICiii-l sod the Girl" HI, Lillian IIiihsoII 20. "The Time. Ilia the Olrl" 22. I'larn Bloodirooil 211. "Shitplu Hlninn Simple," Id, was well received, Howe's moving pic- tures, IB. to S. II. O. Acapimy <<.'. 111. Moutliweli, miinngerj.-.- "Hhsiiowed by T'liroo" 18-W), "Great Kxpress Ituiilierv" 21-'J.'J. "Kdna, the Pretty Type- writer. 14-10, to good houses. Pom's (J. li. nocking, mnuuger).---Week of IK: Bcvontsnii lluiiiun Flitss, Mitchell uud Otiliin, Kekcrt und Ihirg, Watson's KMrui- yurd. Flying Marlins, Loo Thug Fou, Hnssen lion All's Aran*. Business continues line. CotntniA to. Nelson Tents, inaiiagui'l,— Itoblitsna's Show 18-20, Rose Sydelt 21-2.T. Ileliliuin'H Show 2.1-27. Clly Sports 28-110. Houses conlliilie Urge. S't'Aii (Oliver C, Pulton, manager).—Jolly Grass Widows 18-20, Star Show tilrls 21-211, hay Foster i!l-2«. Tho liilgaclleis. 14-10, were well received. a Krl««,—At Majestic (J. L. Gllson, uiniiti- bm>| K, II. Hoilirrn, ill "If I Were King." Nov. II, wns received by n Inrgo iiudlenee. Florence Heed, ns Kaihni'lnn Pehnnceiles gnVu it splendid renrllllon of the character, unit wns repeatedly anchored. "The Hypnerltns," J"., scored well. "Tbc Bed Mill," HI, played lo large mtendance, Mary Mnnneritig' IS, "Al VMe" 111, "Cousin Knte" 20, "Mnry's Liitnll" SMI. I'AhK OI'bba lltii'Hi: (J, I„ Gllso;i, mimii- ger).—Stetson's "Uneli! Tunis Cubln" plnved to lufge liiisliiJHS I1-1H. "Little llertM's of tlie HtreHs," H-1H, lo good ntlcudniicc "Thorns nnd Oniligc Illnwuus" 18-20, "Must Lyiine" 21 -211. KAMH.r.—Hood btislncKs, with continuous vnlKli^'llle. ■ Lniieo«t«-r. — Al till- Fulton Opern llnilso (Clnls, A, Vecker, maiiagerj "When Knight- IioihI Was In Flower" did well Nov. 11. "Jesse James" liad n lop h'envv. house 12. "Coming Thro' the Itye" pleased a crowded house l.'l. Clttra Itloodguod, In "Tim Truth." drew well 1-1. Ilhinclte Walsh, In "The Straight Road," lo n lili'tje uitdlence. 15. "Monte Crlslii," to good liuslness, III. Graltnme Htocl; Co., In rep- erlory, IS-'Jfl. except 2(», when "Peter Pan'' Will lie the 11(1 I'llct lull. F.isiii.v (I'M. Mi.znit. maniigeri.—Bill week off is : Tin- F!i»renu 'l'roUis>, niiltinwny and HTegcl, Ib-rtliii Noss Itussell. Jennings ahd Renfrew, chrfnlo nnd Cutirolo. Maxwell and Dudley, nnil the moving pic turcs. Haslet on.- --At the tlrmul Opera I louse " "innageri, Week . pleased. "My IK, "Tlie (tlngerlirvnd Mau'" (fleo. Aihert Haley, resilient mnnilgeri, week of Nor. II, Atinrcr Sloek Co. picas, ii iVIfe'H I'mnlly" IK, "Tlie Gingerbread . in. "Mf*<"-('r1sto" so,' Myrn llufrie bfiH cam* pany-21-28.: ■ ,