The New York Clipper (November 1907)

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[• i ;■ s M :■'■ J***. 1 ■ .' 1st $J.ii 11 K .-'■', . Kin 5 fp \m m •', m > ■. la 3 .,1 IP ■ i m 1 f f :■: ■ It 1 J, ■-'. ; ,iiu.'J ; ;. , %i * ■ - Ml* 1 !± .1 "• Pi- •!. 1112 -33BBE. NsE13r 4JK>IBK $Iqi:b^b^r^. 1111 .. •11 it!'' .1 tffii ; ■ ■ ; jt»i3 Fl 1 ' . "•;<• * I it l( "■'. : w ; mm m • Iff if * ■« •■#£&s» "srrsw Yojftk citVI' ■ "''•' liciiit .v i'rui'<or'» Union fl*unre Theatre (14. I". Allico, ifcucnil manager),— The usual large attendance greeted the own- * lr.E nettormaiico of the current week. Monday nftcroooii. Nov. 18. Williamson and Gilbert did dome Interesting singing and clever con- versation to the liking of the audience. I'.tn- UJctt Dcvoy nnil company prenonled n nrn- lanotlc fantasy. "In Drciinilnml.' The effect* wore cleverly done, and Hi! work of Mr. Do- •voyand lila company wos so good Mat IBM itcclved much well merited applause. H>e nhovoacts will bo more fully reviewed In our mxt Issue. IJetelle Wordclte and company, l.i "A Honevoioon in the Cntskllls, did well, aims Wordcttc, an n younj tnarrlcd womaii. ■full'of-sentiment, and Jiilc? 1\ubbc1 n«i-lno IniBbaod, couBCd much lniisiilei- mid anpljnse l»y their way of allowing tho effect three Jotpi rain has on a honnyuvionliig ample vlillo staying In a lonely hotel In Oie■ Cnta- 1.IIU. The ExpoHltlon Kour played different musical tnatrumeniE. anil succeeded In win- n OK a good reception. Weliih, vjtealy end Montrose, pleased with some clever aero- Imtlc work, which had 'icvcral norel features. Howard and Howard, as The Hebrew Sleaasnger Hoy and the Tlie«plnn. nude n good ImpresHlon on their entrance nod deepened It Willi their good work. The Village Choir sang some now nirangcnjeutfl of lamllldr songs la such n tuneful >«yo« id win them several encores. Tho JMccltnl Troupe did some acrobatic work In an easy ned llpjhlioil wht. Dora Donca, charmloely costumed, played some familiar selections on the violin In a pleasing way. Sbo was well njcelved. Wise Mike, as lOd. Kostor'B dog Is • ■sllcd. did some clever tricks wlilch were well nuprei'latcd. lnncss and Ryan made the iiiksI "hit" with their sluglng and daiiclng net. Hado and Bertman showed a clever ihtle sketch. "Tbc New Girl," In a charming wander. ..... A«i(ir Tlientrp fwagcnhals fc Kemper, inauatcis)— At tbls house on Monday nlgbt, Nov. 11. Ileury VA'. Havage gsve the nrsc incirupulltau production of Tom /ones, a llchl opera. In three nets, founded on Henry rlcldluc'H. storv of- the same name, by Robert courtnoldgc nnd A. M. Thompson, with lyric; l»y Chan. il. Taylor, nnd mu»1o by Kdwarrt Uerman. It. wbr given It* Ural. Arocilcan presentation Oct. 31, nt the Plalnfleld The- irtrc, l'lalnfleld. X. 3. The programme styles It a comic opera, but It really belongs to the light romantic opera class, ft Is a hnndnome production,' with an eighteenth, century *et- cine-ni to rostuwos, scenery, music, qfid It \n one of tbc best of Its cIsbb £haf New lorkci's (save heard for many a day. While, as before stated, the work Is founded upon flo'ldlnc s book, the Torn Joucs In tbH opera boors Utile resemblance to tho Torn Jones In the book, lie bus been ncceHsarlly changed lu character, mill lu Iba Hiaugc the dashing and devil- idiv.vare "Tom" wc have known so loog, hilt dlumipcnred, nnd In his place we see il tun vonllonnl and somewhat Irresolute "Toui" uuout whom the pretty girls talk ad- nilvliiglv, but fm-iiier than this we have no proof t'liot he ts a "Indies' man." We are nmt Introduced t rom" liter hi* rescue of Soplilu. and while lie Is still u protege of Mr. Alltrarthy. Ills love for bnphla. whlcli Is the liasls of tbc work, comes to the usual happy with the lovers being united, van llcmwiluer Wheeler, William Norris, Louise '{unhing nnd llerlrudc Qiilnhin nr« featured with the compauy, nnd lliey are »urrouud- <>d br n CHieliilly Kolectcd coiiipauv and one of Mr. Snvaue's proverbially excellent elinr uses. Mr. Wheeler did goud work ns Tom, Mr. Xorrls gave one of bis delightfully clever comedy crealtous ns UonJ,iniin Part- ridge, and scored n decided success. Ilia dance In tho early part of act two wan a pleas- ing unVelty which deserved the recognition ac- t'ordjd It. Miss tiunulng s«ug and. acted the role of Sophia most pleaslMgly and made nil altogether charming squire's daughter. MlaM Qiilnlnn did excellent work ae Honour. Albert 1'eilMtoil's rich Iiubs voice was liituril to ml vantage lu a quartette, and bis uotlng of Mr. Allwortby was dlRultlcd and qulto In keeping with the role. Henry Nonnaa made it capital Snulre Western, Porcy. Haraono usrd nls excellent baritone voice, nt the open- ing of act i. Tho work of the others In the cast was good, and the chorus work was Clli edged. The cast. In full: Tom Jones, Van ncnstalucr Wheeler; Mr. Allwortby. Al- tierfPcllnton: U1IUI. Vaughan Trevor; Ren- temln Puitrldge. William Xorrls: Squire western, Itonrv .Vorniun : Uregory. .Tobn Bun- ny : Grlt/.le. Bernard tjoit'.v: Dobbin. Henry Tiu-tiln ; Saulre Cloddy, K P. KoStor: Plui- lott, {. W. Bowfniiu; Tony, W. A: Cturk; Air OMccr,, Tercy, I'iii-uouh"; Mrst lllgbwiiy- inai), IE. J. Odeu; Se<:oi)d lllgbwnyranu. T. D; (Vltlcndcu; Post Boy, Wlinaw ijcimau; Waller. Join), Krulisch ; Colounl llauiHtead, Itnnblng' Willis; Tom Cdwui'dci;.. niarles Klngsluuil ; Cokniel Wilcox. • John Hassan ; Soplilu,' Louise Gunning : Honour, Gertrudo Oulnlan; Lady Rellaston. Luurn Vutlcr; lltoff'..Msdge Murutou; Hostess of-tho Ipn, Plorenco Burdctt; Bessie Wlseaprc. MarJorle iralrtmnks: Lcttle Whcatewft. Odette Bor- deaux: Itoslo Lucas: Loulue Mayers; Susan. Lucy Timac: Betty, Kvelyn Smith: Peggy, Anna Hull. The second week began 18. Uljim Theatre (A, C. Campbell, tnaim- Bitr).—A good slitoU uudlcnce was present, nt the revival of .1 Jjolri Housd. by Muio. Xa«»- inova and her excellent compauy. They tip- . plauded enthusiastically the perrormauee which serves to Introduce this clever actress, Dei , «on Mitchell, as Torvnld llelmer, was capital, and gave u Unc ucrlormanee, i'lie cnif: Tomiid llelmer. Uodson Mitchell; Dr. Itunk, Walter Hampden: Nils Krogstnd, War- uer Oland; Mrs. Lludeu. liosKllud Ivan; Anna. Mrs. Jacques Mnrtln: b'llcu, L)lllun Slngietou: \nr. Olndys llulettc: Kmwy, Vlohjtte lllll: Xora llelmer. Alia Xtt^luiova. The FrCHSh Cumpunu »t J'l^um opetveil Its season of Sunday performiinces evening of Nov. IT, «t this theatre, with the comedy, "li'lSnfant du Miracle." by Paul Gavault and Itobert Cbarvuy. A good sized audience was present. Fernand Dharvot played the lend- ing role cleverly. He was nbly supported by ■ .TanV'Dauraii.'Louis 1'. Verande, M. Vlarmanl, the Misses NyuiK, Cugnct. Passedolt. Uheu, lie N'ctny and Itucot. All thraa gets were •h'l'l) without change of stago settings or .owcrlng of the eurtuln, In conipllunee with the present law for Sunday theatricals In iDlsclty. Mel i-ii|i») Itnn Upprn Honsc.—The opera n'nvon npened hero Mmuliy night. Nov. IS. with atrWM Lecouvicur ns the bill. It waH thus east: Adrtaiia Lecouvreur. .Mine. Cavu- llei'l; 1,:i I'l'luclpessii. Mme. Jnenby: Mile. .inovcnot. Mnic. MJtll'eM: Mile. Danirevlllo, Mine. Wskctlcld: Maurlzlo, M. Curuso; L'Almte. M. Luctis: Mlchoiinet, M. Scoltl: II Principe, M. Journei: Oulnault. M. Baroc- i-ii!: Polssou, M. Itulmondl; Mugglordoino, M. Xavarlnl. Of theso MM. Lucas mid ltn- voeel',1 made their American debut. Itudolfo l<'errarl. who conducted, also uiudu his. Urst BtniiMirnnce here. nindUon Sqamre Tlieatrr (Walter X. Lawrence, manager).—This -house closed Sat- urday nlpht. 10, because Manager Lawrence. nmwrN that "The Coming of Mid. 1'at- rick" required revision. Oiluv fSam S. & Lee Shubert. Inc.. muu- Bgersi.—Jefferson 1>«. AngollH. Blanche Illnir and Alexandor Carr. lu '.'The Gay White Way," began their seventh week Nov. IS. Mrs, Claire Oddle jolnod tho company 18. Daly's Theatre (Sam S. & Le« Shubert, Ine.i managers).—Margaret Angllu end Henry Miller, In "The'Great Divide"'*begun^tliclr rweiftii week and Inst fortnight Nov. IS. "WbIIuoWh (Charles Uumhani, m.iiiuger). —Op Monday ulght, Nov. 18. Ouy Huudlmr sad Thsodore Itoberts betsn their third weok fiud IttHt fortnight. In "The Itiglil of Wtty." Bmplrr Theatre (Clias. Vrohttinn. man- ager).—John Drew. In "My Wife," began hi* Unlftt) week Not. 18. "Keith *■' vtotltnr'* I"lftl> Arenac Theatrr (K, P; AjMc.igeneral manager,).— The I'lfth Avenao Players, with -Edna May Hpoonor at their hend. ere playing tho Mar- ine Klllott iMCcess, !/«• Own Wan, tbla week, n finished performance on Monday. Nov. 18, sliowln* the company off to One advantage. SHsa HpfKoier has done no better work on tills otege ilinn she lirliigf to light In the role nf Oeor/lann t!urley. The part Is one thai give* an aetresB line npp«rtnnltlev because In lis Interpretation she 'Is. railed npon-lo run the gnmat of the emotions,- There was great cleverness In Miss Sliooncr's, handling of the role, and her ndmlrerB gave her i rousing reception. Augustus Phillip.", nlw'oyj, U> lie relied upon, gave n manly perform- ance of l.leutennni and Jessie Mc- Allister d'd some unusimlly prolsewnrthy acting »s Bella Hhlnitle, whilo Uen P. Wilson. ns Steven Cnrlay, did some of the beat work be has over contributed- at thin house. .An- other actor who'always renders a good ac- count of hlmsRlf, end who Wns right In tits clement on Monday, was Arthur livers, who nmde Kam Coast n most Interesting study. Tho children's roles were nicely played by Mf.rtcr Morgan Bishop, Illeihor Omlerdonk. ■ T'nul Kelly and Tiny Kelly. Ollvn Grove and Jc-ephlne Fox also came In for marked favor. "Ilic cast: Lieutenant IHchord-Coleman, An- j,-i;>lus I'tall!i[is! Hleveu farley. Ben'P, Wll- •sne: Sam Coast,-Arthur Kvers: Moles, lSdwIu II. Cbrtlfl: A Footman, Warren Uodgers; I'hlllp,: Morgan Bishop; Christopher,-V.lcannr On tie rdonk ; Tools., Paul Kelly: Elaine, Tiny Kelly ; Mrs. I'm lev Olive. Orove; Miss Bella fll'.lrdlc, Jessie McAllister; Mrs. Steven Car- Icy. Josephlno - Pox: Mzzle. the Maid, Lloa- i:or Wisdom ; Gcorglana Carlcy, Edna May Spconor. M Anicripon Theatre (J. M. Ward, mana- ger).— Ttm Candy Kid, a melodrama. In four nets, book by Lem B. Parker, muaie by W. K. Williams, had'Its Urst metropolitan produc- tion at tbls bouse Monday - afternoon. Nov. Ik. It ran smoothly and showed the benefit of Us road production. The scrpes arc laid In Nevr York City and ft, S. of Colombia. Eddy Kdson (the Candy Kid), who has been brought up by an old farmer and bis wife, has met nnd falls In love with Bonnie Bosworth. Emanuel Lopcx, n son of the President.of tho V, H. of Colombia. Is also In love with Honule, whole brother, n enptdln of V. 8. marines, ban been caught In the meshes nf Coral lleevcs, nn adventurens. Tho father of i.'upt. Bosworth Is the' V. S. Consul to Co- lowliln, and scams to favor the insurgents n( that country. Mnrlncs are ordered to Co- lombia under command of Bosworth. and, with l lie help of Coral Beeves, Lopez en- (leavolu to prevent him from leaving, and to obtain possession of his sister. The Candy Kid Is rtlwnya on hand to foil the attempts of the plotters, nud anally succeeds In setidlnf Loptx off alono on n steamer for his own country, flay tlayuond won the heart of trie nudleocc on his first appearance, nnd his clever handling of the many situations which fall lo 'i In- lot of the Cniidv Kid. was greeted with applause all through the play. Wanda Ludlow was a dainty, fsseinntlng young girl bs Bonnie Bosworth. Taylor Bennett gave u good performance In the role of Emanuel l.'ijn/. Win. .1, Maddern, as Captain Bos- worth: ltlcliaitl C. Moddox, or Hlrnm Hop- klus: Alice llalton, oh Coral lteevas, nnd Mat tie Kdn-iirds. as Kitty Hopkins, won well merited appluuse. Ilieie were several musical numbers whlcli were tuneful and clever, among wbJkh were "They Cull Mi: tho Candy Kid. by Mr. Hjiyuiond and churns; Mr. Maddux, in some uurodtuH: "I'd Like to Feather a Nest for You," by Mr. tiayuioud and chorus. mid some selections by the Uegt lit (JujirtoUe. tin east: Eddy Edsou (The Caudy Kid), i:m Itaymond: Emanuel Lope/, Taylor lien mil ; Cuiitnlu Ilobnrt Huuwortli. Wm. J. Mad di'i'ii : llfraui Hopblhs, IHchard C. Maddoi; Ciii-Kul TiONworth, Ed. Y. Bettle; Jglca Kc- t;aod. n. K. White: Tom Tatters, Bert Pate; Mule, Win. Hunger: Clerk, lleuey- S. Sylves- ter; Cabman, waiter WllJIums; Drnymun, Ed. O'Mnus:. Dais, Alphonso Walkor: 3m, Cljile Claybreoke.: Hopuln Boawortli, Waudn Ludlow: Cera) lic-miB. Alice Bolton : Kitty Hopkins, Mnftlc Edwards: Mr(. Flnucgan. Sue Mnrahail: Telegraph Oi>eratoi-, KIobbJc Uliln : Stenographer, Ulslo C. Richmond. SOT* VeA Theatre (Klaw X ISvlangor, niaimgct'H).—The wet weather did not deter tin- thoBtrca:oliig public from crowding the house at the uUenlng performance or the current week. Monday afternoon, Nov. 18. Mile. Llano lXTlvu Is one, of those who sing "risque" songs. She makes her changes of costume In full, eight of llie .audience. She slugs and dances In a lively way, .and wears charming 'costumes, Vasco, tho Mad Mu- sician, plays many Instruments ' in a inu- sh'lmily way. The above .acts will he morn fully reviewed -In -our next lawuo. Hurry Lauder Introduces a new song this week, and continues to please. He obtains such u "grip" on the audience that thoy compel him to liold the stage from thirty minutes to an hour. Paul Clnquevalll docs his usual artistic Jug- ;11mk. lo the delight of tho audience, ills Keith * Proctor'- rirtr-i-igtttb Street Theatre (E. P. Albee, general man- aper).—Anothci- b"l of high grade ncrvd to crowd, the auditorium at this house after- noon and evening, Monday. Nov, 18. James nnd Jennv Jee onened the. hill in their datie- tup. 'Jumping and -cycling on the tight wire, Hnu proved to ho experts In their line. Ha ttrennon, In her neat singing turn, pleased. Hiirry nnd Margaret Daly Vok/is. abetted by Hend Dunn, crested roars of laughter in their muslcsl cut-up. "Watch the Bnrrel. The Big City Quaitelle—ltol>ert l.'-wehn, QieRrey O'Hnra, Fred (i. Hover and tins Uied—vocalized In n decidedly clever man- ner, their singing and comedy work berni: r.pplauded. 'Hie Darras Biolhers thrilled bv their cxpe'rtnefs on the flying trapeze. Mav Tully mode a palpable hit in "Stop, Lrok nod Listen,'' and was insisted by- Jane Ollbert and Prank Itoblpson. Miss Tully s t-fferts In her clever Itnpei-nonatlons of well known celebrities proving her vcrsnUIIty. Smith nnd Campbell, old favorites at this lu«Be, have apparently lost rone of their powers of mousing. "The Planopblends." a act pew to this house, was highly success- ful.' Motion pictures closed the show. Murray Hill Theatre (J, Herbert Mack, manager).— Tho Vulntji uuehui Co. Is here this weeK with an Interastlug show. It In- cludes: "Chile Con Came.'' the.first part, with Spanish surroundings. Harry Kceler and Oeorge Scanlon ore the two Irish tour- ists, and J. K. tfawley presents a laughable character In Hebrew make-up. Pearl Bteveua played the rich widow, and Helena May.waa a.charming senorita, and sang and acted to everybody's satisfaction. Edw. L. Nelson, Dove Krrnacr. E. L. Nelson nud Johnny Mor- ris completed the cast. The numbers were well sung and handsomely staged, especially "The Suhw.iv Express," sung by Miss May nnd Mr. Scanlon. with the chorus In ehar- ncterlstlc movements; a Spanish song, by MIsb May, Ed. Nelson and tbe girls Id showy costumes: "The Witches,'' led by Miss May, nnu" the Hypocrites Waltz, from "The Merry Widow," performed In excellent Btyle, and whlcli received several encores. The olio section presented: Dave Morrln and John Kramer (one In black, the other In white face), who sang nnd eomcdled In clever style, concluding with a clog dance, full of intrleato movement?, which caused teem-to be recalled again and ngiln. They earned their title, "(bo dancing demons. Harry Knolcr and John. HawTey appeared In a comedy net, lu military make-up and sur- roundings, and raised much laughter. Hel- ena May wns greeted heartily anif encored re- peatedly fur her soug3. cleverly sung nud nctcd: the Oreat Kraucellas produced their herculean feats of strength, handling their heavy apparatus with the greatest ease In their sqowy act. The moving pic- tures ■ of Interesting subjects formed a diversion. Then came "The: university Girls," a burlesque oil tho athletic craze In a semi- nary. Helena May was the ■ principal: Pearl Stevens played the heavyweight, "footsie:" ll.-iny Keeler. tras the ridiculous physical In- structor, Josle : George Scanloa was. another impossible female, as Lizzie, (lie ladylike scrubwoman. The chorus Included: Edith Unci. Blaucbe Morley. Emma Gwynette, Bes- sie McKay, Edith Booth, Muzle Howard, Inez llrrgenthul. Josephine Duiand. Dorothy Miner. Stella Brludley, Grace Douglas, Theresa Lachtnnn. Grace Mahon. Vivian Des- moid, Mile. Poyelto and Edith Cruwford/ Phil li. Isaac Is nmuuger of tbe tour; .VI, Wilson, liii'dncM, manager: I'red BrookK musical dl- tettor. Tho concert. Huuday, Xoy.-I"; pre- sented the following bill: Keuuurd Brothers, .John F. BretlKuciilge nnd couipiuiy. Murphy ■ Keith , W proctoKa TBTentr»yW»* Mrcrt Theatre (K. r.ilM fi« n ««f t J ffi»; •ag«r).-tTte bills here. UBder;the vvatehfnl e?e of .Harry Leonhardt, keep up to their formal aver.V excellemce. thTs^eel ^pro- './ »p^fcj»..tI*eMla*. i UlollI» E^Coplay,.«u. c*4V|»hlpa|»rJ.4««f iiBobson U'4 1 de;.fcer.-t!m ,»ctl*polrtin BpWarsjke «s^a "tarjNeHiy i algbt,' Nov. 12^ In.toe-first Serf lorlfbrodu;•■ voftoii of.'T/ia../£e;'ml«iiat<oii of Aiiiit HM, ,, lilav, in tb tea acts, foupded by-AnnaVfarner gramme ^rjag.m q, ^ t ifc&2J&E8& ' W^f*S&^Wtt*W''&£* ; * XncX^ll'mLl^t %SSPS an- ■• WJseene,. are laid «,;« Scvr : WlaridT 1 oni seuted the following hill: Keuuurd Brothers, John F. Breckeurluge nnd ooiopaoy. Murphy i:nd Dunn, tho Two Kings, Golden Gole. tjuln- v' tor, Polk Kolllus nod Carmen Sisters. Vat Itconey nud Marlon Bent, Hurry Ilcruisou and his Ten Telephouo Olrla. Next week, Hurry Bryant's Btirlesquers. Thalia Theatre (.Sullivan & Woods, inan- uirei-B).. —Will It. Vcdder heads the company this week, under the direction of Chas. E. Hlancy. in KUlnupptid for Revenge, a four act drama, with the scenes laid In New York. Tnc'CMl: Prince, a pickpocket, Will II. Vcd- icr: John Lswtton, Alfred Clark; Matthew I'anbrough. John Lclshman : OTaiotby: Mc- i luiinlil, Mart Malloy : lAilgi Dlavola, Itobort G. Vlgnola: Isaac Samuels. Paul Klotx: Dick Speed], Joe Allcnton : Sam IHuxsom, Francis Mcratltin: Glovanl Vlgattl. Walter I, How- ard : IJiiluh Humphrey, David Darrell: Will l l.-nr ron, Will Smith; John Mchorney, Hugh Dlllmun : Cher.Tvui. McKeh'ale : Tony, Itlch- <u'd French : Florence Anson. Lizzie Wtiltauls ; Morgan. N'oruliiu Cliupple : Gibson, Hoy Town- h.'uJ : Grace . Vunbrough. Mildred Johnsou ; llertlia .VignetU. Kuthei-lne Gibson : Julia Luwhuh, Funny Argylc ; Maggie Cassldy Plan- n'lgmi. Sadie Connelly: . Tesule McDonald, Cathryn Howe Palmer:. Babe.. Charlotte David: Agnes Williamson, L. David. Spe- cialties were presented by. Paul KIolz. Mart Mulloy, Sadie Connelly, Joe Allcnton, also by Calhryn (Lowe Palmer, who made a hit with her clever dancing. Phil M. Nlvcn la man- gling, lo the delight of the audience. HlB »g«V Geo. D. Walters, business manager: Bundling of light and heavy articles at tbe Al, Humes, carpenter: Hurry Pan-ell, props. Hume time 1h wonderful. Collins and Hart Next week, "bdna. the Pretty Typewriter Ou'l. R burlesque -two strong men In a clever man ner, and have some new features. That Quartette entertained with some new and old souks, which they sang hi u way that, pleased. May Bclfort has a new song, and continues to please. Her work wins many on cores. Mile. Alexandra and Mods. Berth! do a novel aerial act which catches the eye and wins much applause. Charles Konnn, the Paklr, Introduces o comical monologue In a bright r'.anner. (lis work la clean and easy. Manhattan Opera House (Oscar tlmn- nierstoln. manager). — Thn. bill Wednesday night, Nov. IS, was (Airmen,-with tho same cast as before, except Mile. Oorvllle-lleacho. who appeared In the title role for the Urst limn In .America. Friday night. 15. Qffei; beck's Le.i Oimten D'Hoffmaim was.sung (or tho Urst. time In many years. It was thus cast: Olympia, Mme. iZenpllll; Glulletta, Mnae. Jomelll; Antonla. Mme. Franclsca; Mcklausse. Mme. De Clsneros: A Voice. Mme. Olaconta ; Coppellus, Dapnertutto and Miracle, M. Henaud; Hoffmann. M. Dalmores: Spalunzanl and Crespel. M. Glllbert:. Llndorf and Scalcliuol. M. Crabbc; Cocheullle and PltcUlnucclo., M. Daddl: Praniz. M. (ilanoll- linllcttl; Herniaun, M. Rcschlgllan; Na- tltnnacl, M. Venturlnl; Luther, M. Possetta. Cleofontc Cauipentnl conducted. Saturday inatluee, 10. La Qioronda wus repeated, f'nrtiicn was the night bill on that date, with Mme, nressler-Glnnoll again In tho title role. Helen Koelllng was the new Mlcaeln. Mon- day night, IS, the bill wus Leo 6'oittcs D'Hofl- wu Nil. Olaney's Lliivuln H<|uarc Thentrc (Chas. E Hluuey. manager).— The Utkudo is the ofl'crlng of llie Aboi-n Opera company tor the current week, opeulng Monday, Nov. IK. This opera maintains Its hold on the tkcut re-golin; public. The production Is up to the usual high standard of tbla company. The staging Is excellent, and u well trained chorus of pretty girls sung the' various numbers well. Estellc Wentworth- showed her lovely voice to good advantage and played the purr nf Viun-Vuin in a charming mini- ner. Villi Branson made the most of the part of Tli<" Mlkndo. nud played with dis- tinction. Harold Blake sang tho music of Nankl-Poo lu n pleasing manner. The part of Pooh-Bah was well sung by Harry Luck- stouo. Prltzle vnn Busing's voice delighted all with the music which falls to toq part of Plttl-Slng. The cast: The Mikado of Ja- pan, Phil Branson :.Nnukl<Poi>. Harold Blake: Ko-Ko, JloTlert Lett: WaWKaht Hairy Litek- nlone: I'lshr'i'nidi,. Arlliur JVoolpy:'.Noe-Buu. Phil Pelu: Vum-Yurn. Eiiellc \Vea;v,-oTib: Voep-Ilj, I roue Langt'onl; Pltll-Slnir. Friizle von Buslna : Kittlsha. Huttle Arnold. AuaUi-my of Mimia-T-Gllmore & Tomp- Wus. umnagersl.—"Tho Lion uud tho Mouse" begun, Monday, Nov. 18, Its tuurlh nud last » Colonial Theatre (Percy G. Williams, manager).—The matinee of Monday, Nor. 18. despite the Inclement weather, was of the usual big proportions. Heading -the bill, for her American debut, Lily Lena, an English comedienne, cordially received. Her let will he reviewed In these columns next week. Fmmett Corrigau and company, la his new comedjottu, entitled "Ills -Wife's Picture." scored a well deserved-success: In fact, I.' Is olio of the best sketches Mr. Corrigau has shewn in vaudeville: Bella 1 Blanche, In her decidedly clever- Imitations of prominent singe people, wat applauded and recalled niauv times : Murcel's living pictures aild has reliefs again- demonstrated there Is iiotlilug better In Its way on auy stage; Her- bert Lloyd, asalsted by Lllllau Llllyau. was "all to the good." In Mr. Lloyd's original travesty on vaudeville; Keno. Welsh and Mel- rose . caused uproarious laughter as acro- batic comedians; the Pour T'ords, in their dancing act, were well liked; Warren and Blauchurd, singing comedians., scored well: the. pour American Trumpeters, In their unique musical act, did llnoly In e hard pro- frtiunne posltlou, oud the vltograph closed ho bill. Vlutorla Theatre (Oscar Hommoratolu, managcrl.—There Is an excellent list of vaude- ville talent engaged in the bill here this week. Two big Monday audiences greeted the first appearance here of Marie Lloyd, tbc Kngllsh comedienne. In her songs, and bcr success 1'itiiy equaled that of auy single act which lias appeared here this season. There are also Included lu tho hill this week such sterling nuts as Wtnsor McKay. (Silas), tho well known character artist. In rapid drawing sketches, which were u pleasant surprise to tho audi- ences ; Murphy and Nichols, In t heir scream- ing farcelet'. "Prom S£azu to Uncle Tom:" Cameron and Flanagan, presenting tuclrnovel sketch, "on and Oft'." which scorud Its usual solid hit; Rayiuonq and Cavcriv. eccentric German comodlans, who • created twenty minutes of continuous laughter: Paullnettl nnd Plquo. in their well' liked offcrlnn-: tbe Ptnneys. in mnrvelous aquatic feats: Paul Lr Croix, an entertaining comedy juggler: Uyan and White, expert dancers, and the Vllagrapb. Stnyvcsaaf Theatre (David }gvr).^—David Warfleld, In "A Grand Army Men," began his sixth week Nov.. IS. I UerUeli-y Theatre (Arnold Daly, uiau- ager).-.-Arnold Daly be^uu his eighth week at thle house Monday, Nov. 18. He retains "The Sbtrkeru," "A Japaucsu Lady" uud "Tlie Van Dvek." Liberty Theatre (Klaw & Erluugcr. luau- Ugers).— Henrietta Crusmuu, In "The Chris- tian l'llgrlm." begun her eccouO uud lust week Monday. Nov. 18. Next week, Clmiihccy Oleott, lu "O'Neill ot.Dcrry." e.iidoorS In ap- plauding flic Hat of features for «'»a-wee.r, chief iimonsr which was Wm. II. rhomjiEO'i, In the grlujilng.llttln play, "for Love « Sweet Sake." Mr. Thompson'u flue acting was spleudldlv seconded by Thomaa II. Ince.wno Roared with the star In the reception given the piece. Foy and Clarke, in the C-i-cmy comedy thai Is ever youeg, as Its line im- plies. "The Spring of Youlh," got the laughs as casllv nnd heartily as they usually-do, and the Empire City Quartette were encored (i'-al,i nnd again. -These- /our slnjors have nn set that Is gilt-edged, abd theTt lasting success Is not to be wondered at. Lltlngc made n big hit on Monday,-and he deserved it. He keeps his offering right tip to the minute, and Is artistic .In-Ms work—a com- blnnllon that can't be beaten. Matthews and Ashlev had the audience right with them in their 'capital act, and Lnlsl Bosal, with nia i-emnrkable horse. "Emir." held tbe stage most entertainingly. Irving Jones, the eo.- ored eutcrtnlner. landed solidly with some pood mnterlnL nnd Carletta, ft contortionist, who has on aat that Is most eftectjrern its line, sprung some-novel ones and was voted unusually good. -The molion pictures con- tinue. ■"»_ „ ' : Haokclt Theatre (James Iv. Uackett, manager).—Only--successful dramatists seem • to have tbctomerity to enter new fields of endeavor, and this is not to be wondered at, since there la re So .many obstacles to be overcome lo new lines of thought. Augustus Thomas, in his now four net play. The wttch- inn Hour, handles new Ideas, and preaches a sermon on-thought transmission apd other new tilings in scientific Investigation, and al- though the highly cultured.may vote, his play the filling of n long felt want, audiences of to-dny-arc hardly likely to care very much for !t. Mr. Thomas Is a good many years ahead of tbc times, and eltbough- there may he n great deal in telepathy, the lengths to which It Is curried in this ploy arc absurd, to Bay the least. At any rate tho majority of our theatregoers nrc likely to take tbls view of II. The play was given its first New York production evening of Monday,' Nov. 18, nnd Its first presentation on any stage oc- curred : at the Providence Opera House, Providence, It. I. on Nov. 15. John Ma- oou hi the star of the company.' nud al- though be does not have the opportuni- ties his talents entitle him to, he won n triumph for the . masterly mauuer In wh|cli he handled the character of Jack BrookUeld, n gambler of the right sort, who at-length awoken to the realization that he possesses unusual hypnotic power. Mr. Ma- son Is always interesting, and It Is doubtful whether his role would not have been laugh- able If It had not been for his artistic work. Mr. Thomas makes bis characters use some bright speeches, and the play Is interesting In Its telling. Its story begins In tbe home of Jack BrookUeld. gamblor. who loves the widowed mother of Clay Whipple, a youth who is anxious to ninrry Jack's niece, Viola. Clny has Inherited - an aversion to the stone kuown as the cat's eye, uud In a, temporary fit of Insanity Inspired by that stone he kills tbe wearer al It. Convicted of murder. Cluy is about to be executed, hut his counsel moves for a now trial, mid Jack, who has In the mean- time been convinced that he possesses unusual psychic power, saves him by Influencing (be Jury through thought • transuUsslou. Jack has blocked the attempts of oho Prank Hard- mutb, it lawyer. In the district attorney's office, to make love to Viola, and whenllard- mutb, In vindictive spirit, tries to send Clay to the gallows,' Jack accuses Hardmuth of the murder of Kentucky's Governor. But everything comes out right In the end, be- cause Jack just "thinks the Jury over. to his way of looking at (bo case, and. Clay is acquitted and returns to wed Viola.' Jack then wins the love of Clay's mother, and nil It well. Next to Mr. Mason, tho best work was lluss Whytal, as tbe Judge, who Urst tells Jack of the pew thought transmis- sion idea. Mr. Whytui did brilliant work, and Jennie A. Eustace ran him a close race for ,-econd honors. .Miss Eustace made Cliiy's 'mother a lovable. .Interesting woman. George Nash also won distinction us Uardmuth. Tho part of Clay was not well handled by-Morgan Coinun, who talks too loud uud never modu- lates his speech for an' instant! The cast: Jo, s, KL (lines • Jack Broofciield. John. Ma- son : Lew El I Inner. Wllljnni Sinupsou: Tom Denning, Freeman Barnes: Iturvey, Thomas P. Jackson; Mrs. Alice Campbell.. Ethel \Vln- throp; Mrs.-Helta Whipple. Jennie .A.: Eus- tace ; Viola Campbell. Adulalde Nowak: Clay Whipple. Morgan Coman : Prank Hardmuth. George Nash : T Judge Prentice, Buss Vruytal: Judge "Henderson, E. L.' Walton: Colonel Bay Icy, Harry h. KadflWd;/Mutter, W. E. Butterfteld; Mr. Emmctt,'Thomas P. Jaosson. ' DentMuhea Theatre (Dr. Maurice Baum- feld. manager). :— Htrzogin vrtrtt'te (La Duehesse aes Folles .Bergcre), a farce In five nets by George Peydeau, adapted for the Ger- man by Bcnno Jacobscn, was produced Fri- day evening. 1{S. It Is a typical French force, touching lightly on risky subjects. The Intrigues of tho duchess and Prlneo Merge, at Maxim's and other places, form tho prluclpal theme. The cast;.Prluz Serge yon Ilulhanlcu. Max LIcbl; Herzog Pltscbcnleff. Tfclnrlcb Mnrlow: Die Herzogln, Ella Hofer; Ktuulslttus SlowlUlu, August Welgert: Sabtne, Albortlnc Cassanl; Arnold, Eu-gcne Bprg: MetscUlpoff. Otto Meyer; Bet-ezla, Louis Loch; Erster Oflizicr, Otto Schroder: Zwel- ter Ofllzler. Martin Ahicnds: Drlttor Oflizler, Hermann Meyer: Dlrektor, Jacques Horwltz; Chandol, Hlifslehler. Otto Collot: Klrsch- baum. Sebucler, Carl Mouth: Chopiuet, Bchuelor, Adolph Neuendorf; Dee Shuldlener, Jacques Lurlau; Der. kleluo'llobln, Kletne Hamburger; Irma; Mllll Kcliuann; Eugene, llUdolf Melnert: Clorlnde. Ccelle Wagner; Manola, Emmv Raabe-Burg; Clouchou,- Jonn Crahu : Eglantine, Anltta Herbert; Mathllde, Asta EggAi't; Llaue, Murle Uelchardt : Alice, Hcnrlul-Weldt: Cbowcl. Helnrlch Nccb; Vlro- ilan, Otto Pround; Thomazler, Angelo Lip- plch I Iliiraud, Itnlph Uogers; Cbafloi-d, ltoh- crt Schultzc ; Marloliit. Rudolf Casparl; Balnt Htlciuie. Franz- Hermann ; i Inspektor, -Louis Mam-ball; Prosper, i Hermann - Kom; Koo- ataut, Karl Stelndler; Eln ItoUrai-beller, Otto Suback: Eln Groom, Llse (iergelv. l'iior(evnl!i Street.Theatre (.1. Wesley Ilcseuquest, muuagcr). — Although dlsagree- al'ln weather prevailed, a lurgf audience was on hand. Monday matinee. Nov. 18. tj see il'/io Slneti/ and .Yfne. This play retains Its popularity, and it was well presented by this company. Bayone Whipple, as Kutb.-gave un excellent performance, and wet- with uiurked - success. Wait. Marble Jr. also'did clever work oud won mock favor. Porcy Hil- ton, us. the "hid." "made good." and was-re- peatedly applauded. The work of Geo. >W. Mitchell. J. Angus Gustum. Hugo Goldsmith. Helen Harcourt. Jessie Wclburn and Lnura E. Drskc was erodHablc. The east: Tom Sllvertnu. Win. Muible Jr.: Abnor Blake, Oeo. W Mitchell: Mark Bcvcrldge, J. Angus Ous- tam: Hud Bryson. Hugo Goldsmith : Burton's ''Bed," Percy Helton: Milt Green. Royal Bv- ron : Llgc McLaoe. Alt.. Helton; Fran!; Ball- He. Eugene Wood: Sum Grunt, Gee. M. l>- vove i- Rachel Blako, Hslen Hurcourt: Kate Van pyke, Jessie Walburn: Bedella Dough- city, Funny San ford: Aruumutbu Marteu- heai. Lanr.i E. Drake: rloihtiila Gray. Man 11,-ituu : Sally Carter, Oruve-tipaeth : Cindy 't'lhhj. Ida Ellis ; Buth Bluke. Buroue Whip- ple. Next week, "Shadowed by Three." . Uelunvo Theatre (Da\1d Belasco, mana- ger).—Bluuehc. Hates, in "The Girl of the Golden West," begun her second week uud last tortutglit Monday, Nor. IS. _onm and In a New X'ork City residence. The pluv Is practically a monologue' for Annt Mat-v Wnlklns, with « love Interest, nnd a nepbuw. Jack, who Is always In a scrape, added. .IV first, act opens-at'Aunt Marys-home, where foe different cbarneters present; tbemselve'. The nephew has been suspended from rolled". and hurries home to tell his aunt. There lie meets the girl,-a piston of hla cbntn, who-ie tutomoblle has broken- down. In - the ■■ r»m. After tho departure of tbe';Jarty. Aunt Morr advises Jack that she will for»lve hln.auy thing except the wronging of a woman, 'and tells her own romance. .Their lawyer. ar- rives* with news of n breach of promise suit brought livtlic Kalamazoo tilri. A chance to explain-is denied, and Jack leaves-for his chum's home'In New York: .The second.set opens "to -the chnm's home, several- weeks later. -Not hearing front'Ins annt, a letter has been written, Informins her that Jack Is 111. She arrives at tbc house, and-is re- ceived by the Girl; -mnsqucrtdlng as. a. ser- vant, who makes herself fadlspensabje.durlnc Iho visit. , The boys take Aunt. Mary around the rltv. sb'dw her the'Bights, 1 and take: bcr outomo'blllng. The ICalamazoo Girl visits the house and, no* an Interview with toe- G|rl. who says she will ibavb rioihla^iMore- to'do with Jack. The tWrd-act IS itgaln.-at Aunt • Mary's home. - In the interval, the Girl -from Kalamazoo .has .-bad a chipge of heHit through the kindness of the aunt, and arrives at the home Just after tbe Girl, who has been, sent for by Aunt Mary. They' meet and the trouble is cleared up. Jack comes back- and there Is a reconciliation. Miss Robson was dellphtful In the character of .Annt Maty Watklns, and made her a country spinster fuil-of bright sayings-and a-woman•>with a heart underneath hor acerbity. While Jt.h mostly huinnr there were touches.of potho? uklllfulty done The change from hate of city life to the .desire to have something ftjgge*!- Jng It around her, waswcjl carried out, The character was made a lovable ode and thor- oughly enjoyable to the audience. Nora O'Brien wns charming is the Girl, and realized ,tb». .part of a lovable, impulsive sweetheart. Nina .BaVllte portrayed a country spinster mald-of- nll-work with success. David Proctor,. a« the-nephew: Harry Cowley, as Joshua, and Grace Parks Plske. as u villager, were agree- sidc. The cast: Betty Burnett, Nora O'Brien, Clover, Geo. A. Stevenson: Lueloda, Nina itavllle; Joshjs. Hurry Cowley: John Wat- kins Jr., David Pi-octor.i, Itobert iJBUrticti. Francis Herblln: Mitchell. Jack Storey;- Aunt M*ry Watltlns. May Byb«on j-Mra. Dalay Mul- l|ns. Grace Parks Flake; Messenger Bor. Ilirry Jones:. Mr. Stebbins. William Levis. James. George F. Hall: Meld. Eva 1 Bingham: The Girl -from Kalamazoo, Margaret lire". The second week began 18. . Pastor's -Theatre (Tony Pastoiv mana- ger.).—rThe wet day did not seem lo affect the attendance at the opening performance-of. the current week. Monday afternoon, Nov. 18. A large, audience enjoyed the excellent bill, which was up to. tbc usual high standard. John and May Burke, In t'llow. i'atsy'.<vVcnr. to War," held the attention of all With their clever singing and comedy work. The .Mu- sical Adams won appluuse with some musics I novelties. Mr. and Mrs. John T. .Powers do an interest in,; act, and- were well received. The Three Vernon Sisters sang new songs and did some'dancing. Their, work is Clevel- and was well.received. Dynes and Dynes, us "The. Chinaman and the Professor,", were in- teresting In their work. Franz, Cogswell and Franz, displayed a skillful bicycle net with g. mixture at comedy. The Jumping or a gap while on a "bike" made tho auillonre bold Their breath, Claude and Marion Clu> gland song some duets In a. pleasing manner, and drew inuiiy lauHhs with their comedy. . pally. Boswell and' Lester mudc much fun with 'Life In a. Furnished. Jtopio," and receded lots of applause, Tho alio re acts Will be more lully reviewed In our next. Issue Texarkann and Wdlby made a "bit" with rapid, graceful dancing, and bad to.repeat. Ned PluglUboii was one of the successes of. the afternoon with his singing and violin ploying. . Hurtl- ing and Ah Jild had their customary,' recep- tion. • The comic acrobatic workwan as bless- ing as ever. Mile. (Hive did some Juggling 111 a anility, clover way which pleased everyone :.Devv<.>- Theatre (Sullivan Is. Kraud, noaii- agers).~IL- W; A- 81m vWllllnms" /dcu/« be- gan .the week here at -the- motlnceol Nov. 18. it nu>s. the tirsl |city /ippuaruncc .|hl.. season'of this excellent organization, and h lurge uudlcnce - gnro the- romu'uuy ■ a hearty wereomo. "The iroster Includes clcycr. couie- diauu and. pretty girls. Unudsumc costumes njid Hocilcrv added much, to the iilrcaily ;i' tractive show.. The curtulu raiser wlis a Skit called "A Duv ut the Beuch," In which Jock C. Mngeu uud Hiith Everett arc'effectively placed in the lending roles. The full caut: ' Sure unary, .ok .Murphy ; Abraham Lincoln Crow,'Jack Cruet; Ewn. Soft. Mark. Al. Gruet: Mablo, Kuth Everett' Rose, Eva Allen; Dot Sparrow, Til- Ho Storke. Tho chorus: Beatrice. Louora. Bessie: Baker, Frances. Lgwson, .Georglo.Clif- ford, Kitty Moon, Roso iMyors, Kaauyn Monu, Beatrice Stockwcll. Addle Deltnoic. Marie Gruet. Helen Wler. Lllllon Snow. Ag- nes King, Lellla. Dunfcc and "Broadway Jonese." "Spooney Sam." by-Ruth Everett and chorus; "Tropical Moon," by Somers. Storke and chorus,'were the most successful musical numbers. The olio Included-a num- ber of exeellcut specialties. Somors and Storko In u clever little skit called "javkKon's.-Honcy- nio»n."scoi'edhcavlly; prankMprphyaodJack H. a new act. "The Floor walker aud the customeiV' also fpund favor; l'Tyc- aiui Allen, In "A Simple Lesson," were goodi untl received well 'earned apleuso, aud tbc BIp • Pour- (Jock Gruet, Al. Gruet, Pen-In Somers and Marie Gruet), In "Scenes In n Beanery. were a decided hit. The closing' skit, cp- tltlcd "The Isle of Maulf.' ? Is i a good ouc nud In It llgurc prominently the entire own- puny, it- brings tbc' finely arranged oud meritorious entertainment' to on • cotl, ami nothing but words of praise could'be MM from all who had scon the show. Executive sfaff: H. W.-4 Sim Williams, proprietors: Sim Wllllnma. manager: Emmet woedori, business manager:- Hot.' Ginsberg, musical di- rector ; : Prank Murphy, stage manajger: Mt'k Murphy, stage .carpenter; Mile. Bakerlson. wardrobe mlsD'ess. Next attraction, Miners High Jinks Bortcsquers. < -- London Theatre (James II. Curtln. niiu- agerj.-^I'ho. tihtnu Hloasoms opened hero is with nn excellent hill. ''Booatei J a Millions, a meritorious arrRngement of good materia!, enlisted the services,of Eugene Jerge. John U.: Perry, Mlroa Gllday,.GoiI Phillips, Bob afllo, Wm, Pu'iike, Joe Nelson, Mssle Alcene, Maybello Randoll, lice.llorlln,■• Llllle. Perry, Edyth! Hamilton nud Dot;Uichurds-"lhe oil" Included: Llllle Perry, la a lively aotibrotte act;.'Jerge,'. Alccnc. and Hamilton, singing- dancing aud comedy act: GotT Phlllpa. negro comedlun;. Murk aud, Kittle Haft, C0BM0? act. and Markcy and Moran; The moving plpturcs wcro Interesting. "Dr. Dippy h tim- fnrlum'' closed' the show. Next weeky fue Twentieth Century Molds. : _ '•' ., .Broadway Thrfltre ILltt A Dlngw-itl.. iuanagers).-rr-"Ttio pound L'p" began, (to IJItu xyeek at this theatre Noy;'IS. •>-'■ :'• : Siiv.oy TheMye (Pr.injc McKee. manugerl. -/"hie Jliiu ol'tVu Hour" liegaii Its ijfty.-llrst week-Nov. IS. . . . Gurrlek Thentrc (Chas, I'robmou, man- ogeri.-r-Pruncis- Wilson,' Tn "WJJcii-KnlgblH Wcru Buld." moving over from/another house, began ■ a week'a cugagement here Nov.' is. Next week, "The Tovaiakcr of Nureiabcrg. piaccti in cue icuuing roics. uie run cuui Col." PrQincllius Sparrow. Clayton Fry* :Sui Thing Steve, Jack E. MageciPrltz Cunar. Perrm • Souicr»; Robin McGooic, .'Eriie