The New York Clipper (November 1907)

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m so. ERBH . 33 fitf aw .-.""r. •■Byutcr, the Thief TaOB IfEW YQBK «3J*PPf»^B- deocfltat List Be* 'InoHier Coiunk. »BAMATIC AMD MajSICAI* A Adams, Maude. (Charles FrolimaD, mgr,)—St i^imh§% n™«7 Miller < H ""? M11 ' lev. ius*:>—-N- St. City 20-30, Philadelphia, Atom Opera (Milton ftSargent Aboxtt, .mga.)— N V. Olty 23. faMtaOnlte. ' ■• ! 4uS3fi ^B^^gr 31^SP^ ^»<™'- Tcx./fr.' MaKl^s 28. llaSoV* '{^S-I^.nb vA^IU^TJ (MiiMf) lt 4W«iab<*> t «: l »- -Wtwm-lull 3ft =^ H3rf.W .«.«..<£».•- Autwir'8.<><l>rxon tf-HfenwSw 4 *.;■ Mc ti«jo»iintif T. (ireat Wall K now, Mlpb. .: bit, wisV.pcC. 2-7 *'„i7»irs Coxaedlnns, a *j.r>. "»»«■.. «*•», •WrrHl^W*. Ark., 23-30. El Dorado D«c. 2' vnttU's CWnedinos, B (Jack Emerson,utfr.)— AMilarko'.' 'Okla.'. 25-00, Alto*' Dec. S^L .rtftirJohn' (Coleman & Follsher. fogrs.l—Bln- r£d N Dak., 29. Cooperatotrn 30. Aneta Dec. S Fifties'3.Hone 4, Pago 0, Wabpetoo (J, A-Soy^Pla^-Blchlann. Nebr.. 25.30. imei-ican fiuMDOM Quartette Concert (»«. F. '%S». rogr.1—Fort SinlUi. Ark.. 27. Col. Ihgtoo, Ten™! 28., Marysvlllo 20.Knoxvitle 3C>. "Alaskan" (John Cort. nip-.)—Snttnrocnto. Cal.. 29" 30, Oakland Dec. X-l, Sou Jose. 5, Santa ••^lf? 6 tlie slhglua Girl" <A. j. Spencer, BUT,) '-S*outll' Chic*'*"' ,il 29. 36, Spft 0-7. "Bfifck Qrook"—Blrinlpgbnin, Alt.. 25.30. S0IB.1 ISM. t, Montgomery 3, Pttsacoll, Via.,'4, Mobile,, Ala.. O. j :. "Siwty p5fctor 1 -—Peoria. 111., 2S. _^ ^_ c " ~ Crane, Wm. II. (Charles Froliman, ragr.)—Lexing- ton. Ky., 27, J/jularUle 2S-30. St. Louis. Mo., . Dec. 1-7. "-, ... . ^' Collier. Win. (Cbirlen lTrohuan. msr.)—St. Paul, fun.. 24-27, Minneapolis 28-30. ibrt), Mts. TatrU'k (LtoHer ft Oo.. tngr*.)— stoC.ttass,, 27, US, uSS, K. Y., 20rserali- U l"a.. J Dec. 0. ..' tji if. Mrs"Leslie—\VOrce9tcr, Mass., 28, New Bedford 20, Full niter Dec. 1, Albany. K Y.YO. Calilil, Mime (Daniel V. Arthur, ui|r.)—Whnt- • mm. Wash.. 2Ti"Scattlc 26-30, Portland. Ore., Doc. 1-4, Salem 6, Sacramento. Cal.. 7, 8.. Corcoran, Jane (Arthur CV Alatofl, togr.)—Clare- more. Oklu., 27. Alutkogce 28, Coffey vlllr. Kan,, 20, Independence 30, Parsons Dec' 2,' Chsnnte :i. Plttsb'tfc i; Fdrt Scott 5. Caftniuic, Mo., U, Wotrt) Cltj- 1. Croslon Clortq (Jnloa Muirj, m|r.)—Trenton, N. I.. 27. Curie. Kk-Uiinl (Clias. Markt, mtr.)—Clnclnuatl, O.. 25-30, Pltlslilirj, I*B.. Dec" 2-7. ,-! Conor, Ifarrj- (Cliurlei* Marku, mgr.)—Montreal, Cuti., Dec. 2-7. 1 ' ' " ' Corbett, Jiinio.? J. (Mltedtlial Urns. Amuse. Co., ' Pa., 25-U7, Bcraulon 28- 30, N'fitirk. N. J.. Dec. 2-7. IhKluv Cllrl" (A. 3. hpenccr, msr.j Ca ^ „ a f„ „. kUaff Ha d Iw; m , r . —T7a»a«li cajp. III., 24-27, Jolle if, Peoria ,f„3 27 t^j/JS -J B , Goaleti 29. Battle Creek lugaeld Dec. 1-4, Dei Molcce, la., _ j|lcb./3p;.flay City peeJS.-i. Saslnaw .{f-J. _ Xt'ttii) 6ltl Cross noa.te" (Arthur C. Alston ,Li"t— Denver. Colo., 24-30, Pueblo Dec. 1 La ilmtb 2, Rocky Foiil 3:, Canon City 4, Vlcroi Victor ..A^SrcL^'ou'HIllWAllento^. P... KffiSwk Ilarrlsburg 20, 30. Balti- nana Mil.; Dee. -2-7. '-;.■•■ . •Aiizoua" (Dnvlrt J. llamage. mgr.)—Los An- ilea Oil!.' 24-30. Santa Ba(baraT)ec. 2, Pasa- Jena 3. San Dlcgo 4, San Bernardino 0, Ba- Cole and Jobnaon (A. I.. Wilbur, ■rtisr.l—Hamil- ton. Ont.. Cita.. 27. Magara Falls, ,N. S., 28, ■Buffalo Dec. -2-T. ' Carpenter. Fraokle (Jorc Qrady, mgr.)—4x)wcl). BraSR.'. 25-80. CUoac-Llater. Norlltcrn (Glenn P. Cbnte. msr.)— Sturtthi S. Dnli., 20-27, Belle Fourcbe 28-30, Lead Dec. 2-7. Clia'Cmcey-KeHIer (Vttil Cbauiiccr. tngr.)—New Castle. Pa., 23-.t0, MeailvUle Dec. 2-7. ; Catfer Stock (Wallace R. Cutter, fngr.)—Cbarlcs. XcrsOeld 6. Fresno 7; ' ; } ton, W. Va.,,23-30. Portomcutli, O., Dec. 2-7. •A» Tolrt in 'the Hills," Western (Macrnlllan & CDappell-Wlntertiotr Stock (Harry Cbapptll, mgr.) '—Sapulpn. Okla.. 2B-30. CUlcagu Slock (Clias. H. IloustCiuB, mgr.)—James- town, N-. y., 25-30. Vftr-T. Carl' W. Cook Stock (Hoscn F, Mayer, mgr.)— Flndlay, Q.. 25-30. : - - ■•' . Cobeland Bros. 1 Stock—Snlpbur Springs, Tex., 25- 2T.-Boobe28. Liurence, mgr.)— 28, Walla: Walla, r>. Blouey Amuse. 24-Di'C. T. Varlcy. mgrs.)—Des Moines. la.. •Arc You Cfaayl" (H. L. Liui Vnlo,n. Ore., 27. La .Urande \</M:. 20, Walteburg 30: - ■ •. ■ '■At Yule" (Jures Morry, mgr.)—Jersey Oty, N ■A m 'erica.n 0 Clrl"—MUSOUla, Mont., 27, Butte 28, ^"$a 20? Helena 30. ' Colonial Opera (Bradford Mills, mgr.)—Jackaou- •ot CrWple Creek," E. J. Carpenter's—Decatur, »ii e> Fla., 25-Jan. 20. ' " • lll..'29. ; ' . '. Curtis Musical Comedy (Allen Curtis, mar.)— Austin. Tex., 27. La Grange 28, SmlttrrTCo 29, Bastrop 30. "College Wldoir." Western (Henry W. BaToge, .mgr,)—Sacramento, Cad., 28, Stockton 20, Sau Jose 30. • "College Wldbw" (Henry W. Sarago, mgr.)—Mas- slUoil, O., 27. ' ' - "Cat and the Fiddle,." Lincoln J. Carter'a—De- troit, Mich., 24-30, Toronto, Out., Can., Dec. 2-7. "Coming Tbro' tbc Rye," A (Tbe Rock Co., n«rs.)—New BrunsWok, N. J., 27. Trenton 28, Atlantic C)ty 29, Baltimore. Md-. Dec. 2-7. "Coming .Thro' the Ilyc," B crhe Bnrk Co.. iiigrsJ)—Luconla. N. u.. ¥['. Franklin 28, Wood- stock. Vt., 20. White Biter Junction 30, Bur- Ilrijtton Dee. 2, Barre 3, Randolph 4, Bellows Falls 5. Kecne. N U.. G, Northampton, Maso., 7. "Cltllil or tbc Kegluietit" (Chas. E. Blaney Amuse. Co, tngrs.)— Pittsburg, P(i,.' 23-30, Wheeling, W. Va., Dec. 2-4, Columbus. 0.. 0-7. "Cow-Puucher." Central, W. F. Minn's (Sinn L. Uuyu.' tiigr.)—Newton, Kan.. 27. Hutchinson 28, Sterling 20, Wellington 3Q. WluDeld Doc. 2; Arkansas City 3, Fouca, Okla., 4, Laruont 5, Blackvi-ell 0. Medford 7. "" "Cow-Puncbef." Weateru, W. F. Mann's (Edwin Ptrclval, mgr.)—MalaJ. Ida.. 27. BrUbam,-U., 2g; Park Clly 20. Beautiful 30, Salt Lake City .Dec.'til, Sandy 0, Lchl City 0, Blugbaui Juuc- tfon 7. -I , - ' _ "Chinatown Charlie," A'. H. Woods' (Dave Pos- her,' mgh)—Wilmington, Del., 20-2T, Camden, N. J., 28-30. "Cowboy and the Squnr," (P. II. Sulllvoo. mgr.) -'—Bujohue. N. X, 25-27, Paterson 28-30 Scrau- ton. Pa., 2-4. Wllkcs-Baric 0-7. "Cilrd King of the CoA8t•. , (Vance &. Sttlllvan, mgrs.)—Alton, 111., 27, East St.'Louis 38-30. "Convict 000," A. H.'Woods' (Louis Kati, mgr.) -^Brooklyn. N. Y-, 25-80. '" ' ? T 'County Chairman" (Marx fi. Nathan, mgr.)—At- Inula, fla;; 23-30. "Cnndy Kid." KUroy t Brlltou's—Hartford, jCohn.. 25-27, Sew Ilavcn 23-30. ' "Child Shall I,oad Them," S.- Fleialg's—Kokomo, Iud,, 27: Goshen 28, South Bend 21), 30. Sag- Iwaw.-SUeh., Dee. .Ml, Bay City D-7. "Cowboy Olrl," ltllroy i Brltton'a (G. A. White, mgi'.)—Buffalo, ».:Y., ! 2B-3rj, Syracuse Dec. 2-4, Uoeljester'G-7.. . ,. v J.- . .j' , a , "Cliolf Singer" Eastern. W. W. NankcTtlle's— Lul'bford. Pa., 27. Williaiusport 28, Mount Car- inel 29. Ijcwihiovn ;ji). ,■_..' "Clidlr Singer," Wc«teru (Al. .11. Hagiui, tngr.)— Hatting*. Neb:.. 27, Sloui Clly, la., 2S, Yank- ton. S. Dak., 20. .; "Checkers" iCoi-nelliiB Cuidlncr, mgr.)—Salt Lake Clly. TT., 2-T.88. Ogdeti 29.' ' . ; ' "Cutter's; Last Flglil".(J. K. Clifford, mgr.l— Montreal, Call., £M0, tvlugslou Dec. 0, Humll- tonO. 7. • '' ■ '' "Couvlct anJ the Girl"—-Ballluiorc. Md., 23^30, Pltt*burg, Pa.. Dec.' 2.7.'"" ' "Cupid at Vassar" (Jules-Murry, mgr.)—Peoria, III., 24-27. "County Sheriff" (O. E. Wee. mgr.)—York, Pa.. 27i Frederick. JItl., 28. Norrlstown, Pa;. 30, Mnrtlusburg, W. Va., Dec. 2, Lonacontna;. Md., 3. I'ledtnbnt, W. Va., 4, Thomas 0, Blklns 0, Clarksburg- 7. '. . "Contenteil Wouian"—Norfolk, Ju., 2S-80. "Cousin Kate"—Canton, 0,. 27. ':Convlct's Dniielitcr." Jos. King's (R. N. Harris, mgr.)— Perth Amboy, "N. 'J., -27. PlalnfleM 2S, Asbury Park 20. Red Bank 30, Klliabetu Dcc.3. "College Boy"—Burlldgton,-la., 28.' :■; ' E. J. Oarnentcr's^—Decatur, "ATthe Wayside Inn" (Miller & Whipple, mgrs.) —Vltltbii, la.'. '27. 28. Montlcello 29,' Oxford Junction ?0. Keystone Dec. 1. " "Arc You a MasonT'—Otlca, N. Y., 30. ■ ,."'"•'•' ? Blanche Bates (David lielosco, mgr.)—R. I, City 23-30. , „. jlariTmore. Ethel (Charles Frqhman, ragr.)—To- lou'lcTi Can.. 20-30, Cincinnati, O., Dec. 3-7. BloodnowV Clara (Sam S. fc Lee .Shubert. inc., rngrs.)—Wnal'lagton, D. C, 23-30, Baltimore, Delicti 1 . Kvr'lc. "n'nd Margaret llllngton ("Chas. Frob- iiinii. iB«r,) -N. Y. City 20. indefinite- _ _ Uvrnard, Sitm (Charles Frobman. mgr.)— N. Y. Clly 2o-30. Newark, N. J., Dec. 2-.. liell Dighy (Sam- S, & Dec Shubert, inc., mgrs.) —Boston. Muss., 25-Dec. 7. lilugluiu, Amelia—rParli,. Tex.,, 3. Durt. Laurn, and Heury Stanford (Erucst Ship- man, tngr.)—togausport. Ind., 27, Lafayette 28. Kpkomo 20, Frankfort 30. Blmller; Florence (B. E- Forrester, aigr,)— Pullailcltibla, Pa., 20-30, Newark, N- J- Dec. "*7. " i ■• Uorcaford.. Harry (C..H. Packard, mgr.)—Mobile, Aiu., :27, Merldlau, Miss., 28, Blrmlnghum, Ala., '29. Illaney. .-Ilatrrj. .<3l(iy (CIibs Co.. 'nigra.)—Chicago, III.. . lX'lobcrAVrlgbt—ChlWeotlie, Mo;, 2.7, Green tlty 2S, {illiiu: 29, Ntivl'ugcr 30, .MurccIInc Dec. 2, Bunlluei' IToinja, ' Biifgcss & Hlnimclelu'a (Roy ApplcKst'e, ingrO-^un AntouW, Tex., 20, in- lirown' Kirk' (J. T.'Macauioy, mgr.).—Erie, Pa.. lleuMeft-MouHon (W. A. Partello, mgr.)—South- brUger Misss., 23-30. - * • r<nn?tt-MouIton (Geo. K. nobinson, mgr.)—Os- wego, N. Y.. 25-3Q, Watertown Dec, 2-7. , l.'enH«tt-Moulton (Ira E. NewbaU,' ragr.)—Nevf fiSlfpril.'Mass., 23-30. . ' .' ' m&SlMMR Co., Burgws i Htameleln'BjA. H. arayblTl, njfr.l—Yonkers, N. X, 8o-30, i i nimmeleih'ii (Geo. M i; Bu vf ffiflffi? &?.jZH®&?mzn*¥, Bht- lac Dec 2-7 *'■ Bt|r«eaa-- Uiarl) Co.,.'BuirfiCSB & Hllnmrtelu'a (0. 0? Hilton', mgr.)— lUatllilft Pa., 22-30, Oueou- In' N Y Dec 2*7, I'.urgL-isUEnVl)-(to.. Burgess & Illmmeleln'a .(Fred Olllen. nigV;)—Flsbklll, N. Y; ; ' 25-30, Pougb- keepsle'Dec.' 2-7. ;■ •-,' . .- ''_•. Uarhc StocS.IU.rrlc ft-Gralinin, mars,)— Chlcka- nbk.OItln,, aj-l'.O, Pauls Valley Dec. 2-7. Bishop,: 'Chester- (fl. U. UelniL'Oldt. mgr.)—Cera- Ing.'N.-Y„ : 23-30, OJeati I'cc. 3-7. . , ,. Beck Stock (Harry L. Beck, n:gr.)---Larncd, Kaa„ 'JO-HO. 1 ■'•'■ :' '' • . Bnm) stock (Jon. D. Glass, mgr.)—Lexlngtou, Mo., 21-30.' Marshall Dec. 1-3, Macoa 0-7; Black Putt! Troubadours (Voelckel & Nolun, mgrs.) -rfitowltt', La., 27. Port. Arthur. Tejt; 28, Bcuuoiotit 89. Houston 30. . "Ilrewstcr'H Mllllobs" (Frederic Thompson, mgr.) —Philadelphia," Pa., 23-30. Bfe\V8tcr's'Millions" (Oolian & Harris, msrs.) " Plr-ua, 0., —JitUicle,. Ind.. 27. Columbiui 28, 20. Zah'esvlilc-30. Hamilton Dec. .4 "Brovste'r's Mlllons" (CliarlKS' Ftohmip, mgT.) —Loiidon, Erig., 23-Dec.'21. 'nen-Huf" (Klnw &'"Erlanger. mars.)—Pitts- burg, F«., 33-30, Clevclundi O., Dec. 2-7. , "Burfil of Maylalr" (Thomas W. Bylcy. mgr.)— Milwaukee, Wis., 21-30. Grand BapldB, Mich., Dec. 3, Fort Wayne; Ind.. 0: "Ilitster Broivn." EuBtcru (Buster Brown Amu-e. Co.'. - " nlgrs.)—-Poltslowu, Pa., 27,' Bevdllig 2S, Alleliluwii 20, Perth Antboy, N. J.,30, N. Y. City-Dec. 2-7. "' "Uuaier. Brown," Central (Buster Brown Amune. Co;, mgrs.)—GreenvlIIe, Pa., 27, Yumigstown. U„ 28-30, Ashtabula Dec. 2. Etyrla 3, Fremont 1, Kcudailvlllu, liifl., 5. EJkliart O.Oosbfn'7. "llu8ter'Bfown." Western (Bnalcr Brown Amuse. Co.. ingrs.l—Clinton, la., 27, Cedar Bapni 28 Waterloo 20, -Martmalltovrn 30, Dos Moines Dec. l-4.0tt)aba, Ncbr.. 0-7. 'lSrown of Harrard',' (Heury Miller, mgr.)—New Orlenus. Lit., 2-l-::o, New Iberia Dec. 1, Benn- innnt, TeK., 2. Galveston 3. Houston 4, San Ai.loulo 0, AustUi 0, Waco 7. "BWfpfd'fi Hoiib" (Stair & Ilavlln, mgrs.)—K«u- , sis City. Mo.. 24-30. St. Joseph Dec. 1-4. 'Berlb'i. the Sewing Machine Girl," A. H. Wooda' , —WabUldgtOb, D. C. 21-30.' ' 'Iioiitile Brief Bn»h" (Slilprrian ft Colvln..mgfB.) —Hallvburg, Ont., Cau., 28, New LUtkcaril 28, robtit'30. ■ ■ . |lur^on(nlitcr" (Win. P. Cullcn. mgrl—Toronto, Out.. Ckn., 25-30,- l'etcrbofo Dec. 2, Belleville , (li'Kliii^ton i. Brockvllle 0, Ottawa 0, 7. , •ilroi'dwoy. After Dark." A. B. Woods' (W. B. ' rugr.)---ToroiiU), .Cau.; 2030, mgr.)— , I rents, mgi'., lug Hearted Jim" , (Hurry Jackson lis' Drew. .Toliu (Charles Frobman, mgr.)—N. Y. Clly SO, IinlePulte. ' Doro. Marie (Cbarlcs Frolimau, mgr.)—N. Y. Olt." 23'. Iiidcllnlte. '■'•' Daly, Arnold' (Llebler & Co., mgrs.)—N. Y City 30, Inijelliilte. Daniels. Frank (Chas. B. Dillingham, mgr.)—lit- dlaiiar.ollc Ind., 35-27. Dayton. O . 28, SprlnK- llchl 20. Toledo 30. Fort Wayne. Ind., Dec. 2, Grand Rapids, Mich.; 0, 7. '.■ ■ : D'Orsuy, LawrCnce.- and CKllla Loftus (Sam S. & Lee Shnliert, Inc.. ingrs.l—London. Ont., Can., 27. Eric, Pa., 28, N. Y. City. Dec.:2, Indefinite. Day, Anna (Ernest Sh'.puin, mgr.1—Brliljejioit. Conn/. 27. New ROcuelle, N. Y„ 28, ifoulh Norwnlk. Conn., 29, Stamford 80, N. Y. City Dec. 2-7. ■ ' <■ ■ ■ ■ Davis. Florence—Athens, Go., 27. Macon 28, Tal- ladega, Ala.. 20, Birmingham 80. De Voude, Chester, Stook (Ed. 8. Daly, bus. mgr.)— Cumberland, Md„ 20-30, Fairmont, W. Va., Dec. 2-7. ' Dopow-Bunlette Stock (Tiios. K. Depcw, mgr.)— Columbia, Tcnn.; 20-30, Auulslou, Ala., Dec. 's-7:-' Douitlicrty Stock (Payne ft Douaherly. mm.)— Blue Earth. Minn., 20-27. Tracy. 28. Desmct, H.r Dflk..'29. Miller 30. Plorrc Dec. 2-7. D'Aineiv'Che«tcr—I'ostorla, 0., 20-27, Kenton 28- 30. JfsHlugs, Nebr., .28, York 20, Grand Island 30, Donuld-Bell Tlicnfre (Victor J. Donald, bus, mgr.) Kramer Pac: 2, Central City 3, Broken Bow 4, —Weston. Ore., 20, 30, La Grande Dec'. 2-4, Alliance 0, Crawford 0. Union 0-7. 7 Jle.Cpre,.nud After" (John Moore, mgr.)—Jack- son, Mls«„ 87. Vlcksllurg 88, Monroe, La., 20, Slirevcport 30. Memphis. Tenn., Dec. 2. 'BoyAyith the Boi-dle"^ (Howard Hall Amuse. Co., ingrs.)—Akrdn. 0.. 20-27, iVbeellng, W. Va., 28130,'CluClnfiuII, O.. Dec.'1-7.. Break fpr Liberty" (E. 0. Uuderner. mgr.l— llilinilbrif. Mo. as, Monroe City 20. Macon Dec. '-!, Moliorlv- 3, Palmyra 4, Canton 3, Kahoko 0, , Memphis 7. 'B»nktr ! a Child" (nhtry Shannon, mgr.)—To- ro.ulo.,p.. 27, Sallncvllle 29. Beaver Falls. Pa., •in. ■ Monoilgalicla Dec. 2. Brownsville 8. Union- ..J')* 11 *• Moimt Pleasiiol il, Siwtttlale 7. . BcA-dnd'the Rio Grande" (Howard k Hall, ragra.) -rPulaskl. Clly. V«.. 27. Watauga, Tenn.. 2«. ■loneittoro 20, Orecovlire 30. Whllesburs Dec. 2, MWlutown 8, New Murkct 4. . " ,' ' Wile--of' Japan" (G. Harris Eldonv mgr.) — Oeage-Cltyf Kau., 27, Atchison 28, HolWu 20, ..Morton 30. , ,. , ■ • ' Biehelpf.s -Hoheymooo" (Oakts & GilsoB, mgrs,) , — 9mm. ' Kan;, 27. Latvreiict S8. ' r WWM|p (Cnaa. H. Wnorx Aian™, Co., ?l"H").-^ M «fl | t<>wdc; Wis., 57.'' Writikesha 28, Merrill 20. AtarKhflelil So, Chippewa KnlW De.-. 1, A«M*nil 2. Strpeflor 3, Dulltn, MlnB., 0, „ Br*semer, Mich., 7- **S Heart*" (riorey ft Taterta, mgr-.l— W. Marrs, <i., 27,' WnpakoUeta 28, TMJ- 39, Mount Vernon 80. Deraoreat Comedy (Bobt. Di.-moreat, mgr.)—Aebe- vlHe. N. C, 23-30. "Dalrytnaiils" (Charles Frohman, mgr.)—Wash- ington, D. C. 25-30, Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. "Darling of tbc Gods" (Baild Belasco, mgr.l— Taylorsrllle, HI.. 27. Alton 28, Hannibal, Mo., 29,, Moberly 30. .. ' "Dream City" (Wells. Dunne A Harlan, ngri.)— Milwaukee, Wis.. 24-30, Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 2-7. "Deadwood Dick's Last Shot," A. H. Woods'— Baltimore. Md.; 23-30. "Desperate Chance." Moslem (W. C. Connor, iugf.)-«-Uuutlai(tou. Ind,, 27. Marlon 28, Wa- I'Mrti 2i». Fori Wayne 30. Blue Islund. III., Dec. 1, Streator 3, Monmouth 0. Gnlcsburc 0, Ke- wauee 7; ■ ■:• - . "Desperate. Chance.". IVestcrn (J. C. Patrick, mgr.)—Coalville. U.. 27, Park City 28, Kvan*- ton, Wyo.. 39. BrlaUam. U.'. (10. 'Ogden Dec 1, Brlgbitm 2, Pecalello. Ida.. 3. JBlackford-4, St. Autkon/,5, Kcxburg 0, Idaho Fall* 7. i_;• .- "Duel.' The" (Wnt. IJ. Shirks, mgr.)—-JTatinga. town. O.. 27; Cuntoh 28, 3aue>?ille 20. Spring- lleld .".i>, Li-xlnjttvii, Ky., Dec.' 2, Unwllng Orc-n 3, .NnshvJUe; lean-, {• Mctnphia fi, Pino Bluff, Ark.. 0, Hot Springs T. ■' .:.' '■WfWH* Adclloir,." Cbas. JO, Yale's—-WAufleld, Kan,, 29. "Down Mobile," Ei&tr'i (6kai. Boircg, mgr.)-— -ItlBWiy-1.... "DahW : Boone 6a the Traill." Robert 11. Harris' THatri KeltMl m|r.)—Tarboro, N. 0;, 2», Wklbingtnn 38, Nan- Bern 39. Klnstog 30, fjflidaboro Dee; 2. Silma 3, FAfetteVIU« 4. "Dou'tjell My Wife','.' (Beyerle * Berry, mgrs.) —Seliloii, Kan.. 27. Smith Center IS. LebMioli 20, (Jnncordia - ! Q, Ellawqrtli Dee. 2, J.vnna 3, fit. Johh 4. Gnrclen Clt> ft,-Dodge 6. Backllu 7. "District Lesiler"—St. Joseph. Mo.. 30. "Dnlchffluu'fl Jrjtopejmooa"—Klncaton, Out., Can., Monti htreet NtfllcrxJr.Vaiico &'a -Paiertoirr ». J.. 23'27" r ~. "GoTerMr** Panlon"-^ay City,, Mich.. S* Jj). . nackett. James K.—Kansas City, Mo.. 23-37, Dea > Moines. la.. 28, Cedar Rapids 20, Peoria, III., 30. Chicago. III.. Dec. 1-14. Unruej. Virginia (Sam S A A Lee Sbube^t, lac, 30. B mgr.)—Brooklyn, -Detroit, SS-Sd. Plttslmra Dec. 2-7. rr. san Marco* 7. r 'Xyiiewrlter.*' A. n.' Wooila' Holland, B. »I. (Jomen K. Darkett, s man, uiA.)— X. Y. City Sn-jiO. i«rt,- la;."27,' Blooililngton, 111,, Edsson, Robert (Henry It. Harris, mgr.) Mich.. 23-30. Ornml ftaplds Dec. I, 2. !Elliott, Maxihc—Phllad»!pl|la, Pa.. Dec. SfcT. . !lwyn, Lome, Stock—Kecne. N..IJ..' Ift-50. •;mplr>" liram.iilc (FrSokllh McNarry, mgr.)— ifmlierrllle, O.. 23-30. Rrartod stock (R. J. Krwood, mgr.)—Kreepori, ''■Pa.. 2.VDCC.-2-''. , Eilsnll-Wlnlhrnpc Slock (De I.o« B. F.dsall, mgr.) —WincbwrcT. V*;. 28<to. "Earl iud J he Olrl" (Sam S. ft Lee Shubert, luc. ingrt-.l—Toronw Ont., Can'.,'35-27,' Pittsburg, IM.. Dec: 2-7. "End or the Trail." Lincoln J. Carter'a (W. F. .Jackcon. mgr.)—Wheeling. W. Vn.: 25-27, .Mc Kersporf, Pit.. I"" " "Btuut.- the Prett; (Rrhl. II. Goodman, iw. "Ell anil Jaiie." (nnfiy (Jreene, mgr.)—West Sa- lem. 111.. 27. Albion 28; New Harmony, Ind., 2(t, Cyntlilann 30, Poscyvllle Dec. 2. Orrtyvllle, Til.. 3, 'Mci-enilsBoW 4, BiiuaMly 0, Benton d, Johnson City. 7.. "' "Elsbt' Bells?' Bros. Byrne— Brooklyn. N. Y.. 2S-30. N. Y. City Dec. 4-7. ' . ''Bast Lyntic." Jos. Kliig'a (A- A, Seymour, mgr.) —IjcaWnWth.' Ka».; 27, Chlllleotbc, Mo., 28. Trenton' 20. Klrksvllle 30, Davenport, In., Dee. 1. Bock lidsnc.1, ill., 3. Molluc J, Alton 4, Louisiana. Mo.. 0. "East Lynne," Jos. King's (Geo. W. Scott, mgr.) —feast Liverpool.-0..' 27. Wooilcr 28, Mount Vernon 20. Kenton 30. "Rast Lvnne." Jos. King's (T. W. Goodwin, mgr.)—Ilornellivllle, N. Y., 27. Frcdoula 28, Kane. Pn.. 20, Olcan. N. Y.. 30.. "East Lyuuc" (Moaea & McDonald, mgrs.)— Elmo. la., ST, Rnckfonl 28, Charles City 20, Mason City 30,: Buffalo Center Doc. 3, Arm- strong 3.' '• ' , . . "East Lyunc," Raymond & Pooitfe—Kveleth, Minn., 27, Illbblug 28, Two Harlwrs 20, Vlr- u-hila 30, Hlbblng Dec. 1. Suncrtor. Wis., 2, Cumberland 3, New Illobniond 4. Stillwater, Mlun., 3, Winona p. I.a Crosse, Wis., 7. '.-•'■ P Flake, ■ Mrs. (Harrison Grey Flake, mgr.)—Ss- 'Ualia. Mo., 28. Faversbitrn, William (Llebler & Co., mgrs.)— Denver, Coto., 20-30, Kansas City, Mo., Dec. FleldV All Stars (Ixttt Fields, mgr.)—N. Y. City 35. indefinite. „ . Flgtttan. Max (John 0>rt, mgr.)—Spokane. Wnsh., 27. 28. Taconia 20. 30, Seattle Dec. 1-7. Fealy, Meade (John Cort. tngr.)—Salem. Ore., 27, Portland 28-30.. Astoria- Dec. "1. Vancouver, Wash., 2. Aberdeen 3, Hoqulam 4, Olympla 5, Fo'v* WaU'(Sam S. * Lee Shubert Inc., mays.)— Baltimore, Mil., 20-30, Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 3-7. • Flgmaii. Oscir (B. A. Well, mgr.)—Atlunla, fla.. 27. Selma, Ala.. 26, Meridian, Miss., '30. Fleming, Mmme (W. H. Gracey. mgr.)—Uolyoke, Mess., 33-27, S|irlug8cld 28-30. ■ FcubcrK Stock, Eastern (Geo. M, Fenberg, mgr.) --Brockton, Mass.. 25-30. Taunton Dec. 2-7. FlUgerald Stock (W. D. Fitigerald. mgr.)— Washington. D. O, 25, indeapite. "Forly-llvo Minutes From Broadway" (Klaw * Erlnnger. mgrs.)—Chicago, HI., 24-30, Logaua- nort Ibd.. Dec. 4. ... "Fascinating Flora" ($aoi S. ft I*e Shubert. Inc., nigis.)—(Thlcogo. 111., 20-30, Mluucapolls, Mlun., Dec l-ij 6t. Paul 5-7. "Follies of 1007" (Flonmc ZlegfcUl, mgr.)—Cld- eago. 111.. 24-Dee. 7. "Flaming Arrow," Itastem, Lincoln.J. Carter's —Nile*. O.. 27. Beaver Falls. Pa.. 28. KUwood City 20.' Butler 80. New Caxtle Dec. 2, Bast IJverpool, O.. 3. Welisvlllc 4, Wellsbutg. W. Vak'f, SteubeuvlUe, 0., 0, Washington,J'a.. 7. "Flamlna Arrow," Southern, Uncoin J. Carter'a —Ptibla, Kuu., 27, Parsons 20. ColumbOH 30. Pittsburg Dec. 1. Oswego 2. Coffeyvllle 3, Clia- uttte 0. Vatea Center.B, Tola .7. - "Faust:" White's (Alga Verne, mgr.)—Shelhy- vllle. Ky.. 27, Frankfort 28. Cyutulnna 20, Blcbmond. Iud.. 30. "Fallen by the Wayaldc.". A. U. Woods* (Fred Heck, mgr.l— Pittaburg, l'n., 20-30. '"Fon'r Corners ot the Bnrlh," i;ilmt ft Gaxrolo's .(Ddnlel- Reed, msr.)—Seranuu, Pn., 23-27, Wllkes-Barre 28-30, I'ltllndelphla Dec. 8-7. "From Sing Sing to Liberty" (Chas. E. Blaney Amusir. Co., niKts.)—St. - Louis, Mo., 24-30, Chicago, HI,. Dec." 1-14. "For Love and Honor" (Albert S. Crnmlall, nlgr.)—Savannah, Mo., 27, Commerce 28, Kings- ton 29, Brookflcld. 30. lamed, Virginia (Sam s, A I mgril—CuiclltuSll.'O., 20-110. Held, Anuf^lFlOrens SSIejffld, N. Y., 25JtJ, . . Illtcbccek. Haymrind (Henry B. Harris, mgr.)— Sew Ilavsn, Conn., 37, SprlugUeld. Mn>-<., 28, lloiyoke 20. Northampton 80, • Alliany. N. V.. Hopper, fae Wolf' (Sain B. jk'fico 8hlihert. Ihfl. , mgrs.)—Chan'.pclgn, ill.. 27. Si<tiugnr|d -'S, , Logansiwrt, lad.. SO, Sontb llend 30.,, ' Wis.. Kc, 1-4, Janesfllle D, Bocktonl, fill., fl, Aurora ■■ Hoiinnn.- Mildred tKiiynfil 0. White, mgr.)— Waterloo. In.. 27, Mason Oily 28. Boone 20, Vort Dodge'30. Hanford, entries It. (Jh\ Lawrence Walker, nigr.) ^-Fdtt Worth, Te^.. 2S, Dallas 20, SO.'»farlln Dec. 2, JVaeo 3, Temple 4, Austin 5,. Brcnham ft, San Mnrco* 7. ' ' •^ mgr.)—Davco- , 28. Ohltago Dec. 1-14. ., / HlMln-, 'Ditlil (Stair A.Mcolnl, mgrs.)—Detroit, Midi., 24-30. TXilnlo, 0„ Dec. 1-4, Adrian, Mich... 0, Jackson 7, Hchtltl-urm, Ben (Wot. Gray, tqgr.)—Sacramento, Cal.: '27, Maryavlllc 28. Aablanri, Ore. 20'. Sulem 30. Portland Dec I-T. . , -■ llortlf. Joe! ft Miller, mgrs.)— East St. louls. III., 24-27, South Chicago 28-80, Chicago Dec. 1-7. HnhTluiW.- the Four (Harry Dull, mgr.')—Toledo, O., 24-27. Grand Ranlds,' Mich., 28-307 Fort way*'*, Iud., Dec. 1. ' ,, • i* _ Jt n n* t' iffiaiW ft Seamon. irigra.)—N. Dec. 3-7. Hoenn. City 20-30. Philadelphia, Pa.. _ Hintoielcln's Ideals. Burgess A Ulinmelclu'e (L. A. Kuril-, mgr.)—DU'hols, I'm., 30-30, Altooua Dei B-14. Hlmnieleln's Iniuerlal Stuck, Burilesa ft Illmme- leln'a lit F- tllmnieleln. mgr.l—Mttskcgou, Mlrh.. 2S-30, Itntlb- Creek Dee. 2-7. Halil'-'MIall Slock ( H a g —*'- JT1MI. mgr.)—Eas- ton, Pa.. 25-30, POttirlllo Dec. 2-7. Horcinrr Cotaely Kaissl K. Hnrrla, mgr.)— ' NutbVia, N, M., 25 30. Hlllmtn, May ikrnest Sehnstiel. mgr.)—Clare- mtYii. N. H., 30-30. M'est Derry Dee. 3-7. Ilrnderron Sto:k (W. J. ft It. R. Henderson, mgrs.) • ' '-^Wlenwood. Minn., 20-37. Alexandria 28-30 Hdtrt pii's Ideal BIock ,F. j>. lilllmnu, mar.)— Hill CUV, Kan., 25-27, Hosle 28-30,. GoodJnud Dec. 8-7, Hieittiian-llesiiey (W. Al. White, BHfr.)—4'erry, la., 25-30, Knoxvllle Dee. 3-7. Hullon-Balley Slock (Geo. W. Bailey, mgr.-)— ' Wlhston-Snladt. N. 0., 26-80. Hnrrlit-Parklnsou sioe.c (Holiert H. Barrlt, mgr.) ' —OnSUbOM, N. C, 25-30. Huftle,. Myra (John llnftle. mgr.)—Went Chester, Pa.. 37-20. Coaleavlll* 30. ' Hill' sto'.-k '.titto A- Hill, mgr.)—Blckuell, Ind., 23-30. Sht'lburn Dec. 2-7. Harkiteas. W. r>.—St. John, S. B., Can., 35- Dec; 7. Hsilrrmstm, .TcrnlC. Chiengn Ladles' Orchestra (iv il. Hnderniunn. mgr.)— Kenosha, Wit., 25-30, Madlnun Dee. 2-7. "Hvlincrlle*" (Cliafles Frohman, mgr.)—Boston, Moss..' 25-Dec. 38. "Hypocrites" ICIinrlM I-'robmon, mgr.)—London, Bog., 35, tnddliilte. "Heir to the lbiorah" (The Klrke La Sbelln Co:, mrrs,)—l.ugun.- V., 27, Ogden 28, bait Lake City 20. 30. ■ . "Hffrt W aiicngp." Lincoln J. Carter's—Rich- ihomi. Ind., 27, Elwoild 28. Noblcsvllle 20. Muscle 80. Hartford City Dec. 3, Marlon 3, I^aunsport 4, Pern 5, Wabash 0. "Heart vt' Maryland" (David Belasco. mgr.)— Gloversvllle, S; Y., 37, Johnstown 28, Water- town 30, Ogi'eiisbuni 80. ' • "Holy City." ICubI, Clnrenvc BciiDelt'a (II. M. Blucknllef,' mgr.)—AKron. O.. 27. Lodl 28. Union -City," Pa., Dee. 2, Dipiklrk. N. Y., .1, Fredvula I, Mngura Falls f>, LoOkport 0. St. Catherines, Out., Onu.', 7. ' • " '•UbU'Cili?' West (Le Comte ft Flesher, mgrs.) —Cwlro Wpoley. Wash., 27. Arlington 28, Hnvhsmlsh 30.' Kent BO, Oljinpln Dec. 2, Ta- coma 3. Aberdeen 4, Hutjulam 0, Klma 0, Cen- trolla 7, - • i "Holy City." South <I.e Comte. Flesher 4 Ishum. tngrs.)—Kufatila, Ala.. 37, .Moultrie, Go., 38, Duvson 20, Union Springs, Ala.. 30. Amlu- luela Dec. 2. Pennacnln, Fin., 3, Mobile, Ala. 4, BUoxl. Miss.. "Human Hearts. .South FramlugbaiL. , lot. R. I.. 30, Wnterlmry, Cono., 30. "Humon Hearts," Western (Wm. Franklin Riley, ingf.)—Napa. Cal., 28, Pclaluuiu 20. Vnllojo 30. "Human Hearts.*' Soutlieru, ,W, K> NaplcvilVis— Vlcksburg, Miss., 37, Natchez 28, Baton Buuge, ensaeoin, Fin., .1, aioruic, aiu., , 0, Unttieahura 0. JuckKon 7. JIaBlern, W. r. SankcvilleV— am. Mass., 27, Holrokc CM. Di-la- Lu„ 20. "Fittty Fells.!' fi'orltaru (C. Jay Smith, mgr.)— "m» HoiH>'r thp Mtiyur" (Win. B. 8111, mgr.)— Prairie City. la.. 27, Pcltu 28, Kddyvlllo 20, s. V, citv 25-Dcc. 2|. 2: Keosaiiquu 3, Moultob t), Mem- -Bhloii- 30, Bonaparte Dec T-'iirmliigton 4, Blopmllcld 0, phbfVMo'..'.7. .. -.:.;-. '-.- "Fatty Felix." 'Southern (Dwlre- Pcpple, mgr.)— 1'ailucub, Ky.. "\: Memphis, Toun.. 20-30, Ampry. Miss., Dec. 2. Abti-deeii 3. Columbus 4. njfcrldiah 5. DemoiKills. Ala.. (I, Uulonlown 7, "Full Mdon,"'-Ko.' 1 (Jacobs & Sloan, mgrs.)— lloiyoke,' Mass.., 27, SprlngQeld 28-30, Lowell Dec. 3. Liiwrencc 3. "Fiitl'Moon," NO. 2 (Jacobs 4 Patctsou. N. J., Dec. 2, 3, I'lolnfleld 0, . "Fuopy lfolka" (Pat Chinpcltc, mgr.)—Chester, '8; U, 27,•Wlnnjl»»Ji8, Columbia 30, Sumter Sloan, mgrs.)— Elizabeth 4. 5, HOoslcr OlrlV (llus Cohan, .iiiur.1—lllrmlogbum, Ala.. 27. Montgomery 2<4. Odiimliuil. On.. 20, AmerlcuH ,30., Albany .Dec, 2, Tlitiuusvlllo 3, Raliibrhlgc 4, Eul'upla. Ala., 0, Union Springs 0, "Uaw ilooligan." Gun Hill's— I'tiliner, MvSS., 37. Fall River 28-30, SUmford. Conn.. Dec. 2, Soulh Norwulk.-«. Dunbury.4, WlusleU 0, Derby 0, Wstcrbury 7. '•.''; "Hlitnau Slave" (Leo J. DhuWm- mgr.)—^)lllls- both, 111,, 27, Collbisrlllo 28, Troy 20, High- land 30, • .. ■ i Uearls of Oold" (Starr L. 1'lxley, mgr.)—llloa, , 30,. .Georgejtiwn Dec. 2 "Fifty MlhV.'.J'rom.B N. V'.. 27. Cortland 28. "lii'1'8 Uulj Acre" ' Boston" (Cohan ft Harris, rjigrs.)—Akron, o., 27, Sprlngflclil 28, Duylou "Fatal Flower" (noirard Hall Amnse. Co.. mgrs.) —Buffalo, N. Y„ 25-30, Montreal, Cau., Dec. 2-7. ' . . "Fighthig Chance," B. E. Forrester's—Bay City, Mich.. 20-27, Saginaw 28-30, Cleveland, O., .$m- , ■ > 0 Grand Opera (Oscar Uammcrsteln, ogr.)—N. Y. Clly 20, ludellnlie. Grand (liiera (Helnrlcb Conrlcd, mgr.)—N. Y. City 20. iiidcflullc. Goodwin. N.' C. (Oeo. 0. Weeden. mgr.)—Cbleaxo. Hi:. 30-30, Louisville, Ky., Dec. 3, 8, Itidlim- npoljs, Iud.,' 4, Dtylon, D., 0, Columbus 6, To- ledo 7. Grace. George (Wm. A. Brady, mgr.)—Houston, Tex., 37; San Antonio 28, Austin 20. Waco 30. Glascr, Lulu (Klaw ft Erlangcr, mgrs.)—Wash- ington, D. C-, 25-30, season ends. . Grantley. Helen (James B. Delcller, mgr.)—Bon- bain, Tex., 27, .Sherman 28, Dealaon 20, Gulnes- vlllc 30., Ardmore,' .Oklu., Dee. 2, Pauls Valley 3','ChIckasba 4; Okluhouia City 0, Chandler U, Guthrie 7; ' ' . Oi'imth, John—Albany, fla,, 30. Olltnore. Barney (Ilavlln ft Nicola 1, mgrs.)— Worecslag, Mass.., 25-27, Bridgeport. Conn., 28, WUterbury-21). New • Britain 30, Phllailulpbla, Pa., Dec. ?-7. Gram-win, Charles T.. (Wells, Dunne ft Harlan, higrO — Loiilsvllle, Ky.. 25-30. Bvansvllle, Iud., Dec. 1-4, Iii'llunniiollu 0-7. Ou'ct's Players (Ucu Greet, mgr.)—Sprlogfleld, Mass., 27.' Grabaioe. Fenllnanil— Pbo-nlxvllte, Pa., 25.30. Grayce. Helen (H. Ai'pcll, tngr.J—Altooua, Pa., 25-SO. ", "Oirl'of the Golden West" (David BoUico, mgr.) —Tlttuvllle. Pa., 27, Mcadvlllo 38, Beaver Falls 20, Wane'ii, 0.. 30. "Gravid Mogul'' (Klaw ft Erlnnger, mgrs.)— Toledo, Ov, 27. 2S. Indianapolis, Ind., 20, UO, Ijogansport Dpc.'D.' ' "Girls of Holland" (Hani.8. ft Lee Shubert, Inc., mir«".)—N. T. Olty 25, IndeOnltc. "Gay White Way" (Bam K. ft Leo Shubert, inc., nigrt.)— N. Y. Clly^'i IndeOiille. "Girl Question" (M. H. Singer,' mgr.)—Chicago, III., 2,5. Indenollc. "Ca,- New York,". «us Hill's (J. U. Sbeldon, iu;;r.>—St. Joseph. Mo.. 24-27, Omaha. Ncbr,, 28-30. Kansas, City, Mo.. Dec. 1-7. "Ore-it Express KobViy." A. II. Woods' (Ilort Honard. ingr. l-i-Hotmkcni N. J„ 28-30 Moo- trt-al. Can.. Dec. 2-7. "Georgo Wisblnewi.Jr." (Cohan ft Ucrrli, mgrs.) —New Orlenus. La.. 24-30. "8affJdor«ftiie'WB.i," A. H. Woods' (Al Blch, m»r.)— W. Y. City M-30. "Oli-1 and-tla stanipfle" (V. E, Lamlwri. mgr.) -,43r*i»U. Kan...27, Wichita 20. Emporia liO., "Ctrl pl.tho SireotsV (0. O. Brnruan.iingr.)— Kl- leosburc. WaM., Dea>-8. Roilyn jL Kveretf I, Mmiht .Vernonif., Heilr/i Wrwlpy 0, Belllnghnm 7. •'r.lnireibread Man"—Yonmrsloivn. 0., 1!*. VGtntjtrlsKad Muu"—yiRlaniatoo. «7, Oluiid (Bcu Crauer, mgr.)—Cadillac. Mich.. 2i. "Huuiply Dumnty" (A. L. Karllle, mar.)—Fair- bury. 111.. 27, Danville 38. Lerny 20, Lincoln 30. Champaign Dec. 3, Chnrlejtfoii 3. Mattoou 4, Sprhigtlcld 3, Blooinlugtou ,0, Clinton 7. ' ' • . •:''' I - .. -.' - Isabel Irrlng; (Llebler ft Co., mgrs;)—Oakland, Cal., 25-3fi,'San KtaO'Ilwo Di-e. 1-7. "Isle of Splcc." II. 0. Whitney's—Cambridge. O.. 27. SSuinwvllItt 2»; Akron g|i, Ounlou 30, Wash- liigtml, I'a.. Dtsi. t. '(V»yne» , ' ui y -I- Tarentnm 4, Vuddergrlft 5. Bni'iieahoro 0, AlbxMiM 7. •■ "In the Bishop's" (LU-iilcr ft-Co., tugra. 1 Qulucy, III.. Wf SprlngllelU, Mo., 30. "IhIo of Spice" (II. II. Fruzee. mgr.)—Omaha, Netit.. 37. Des Moines, la,. 28. "Irish Pawnbrokers" (Joseph W. Spears, mgr.)— Freeiiort. 111., 27, Jlt-lvlilere 20, Rnckfonl 80. "In Old Kentocky" (A. W. Dlogw»H, nigr.) — Denver, Colo.'. 25-30. Victor Dec. 1, Colorado '£'.. Pueblo. H, Hutchinson, Kan., 4, 0. Si. Joseph. Mo., 0, 7. Spring' Wlchft tri Sftfefefe^s&fc '^ 85 P '*l"^~> -T, "»*" 30, M. a .Whltngy'n—Derslttr. ii>. Itlooinlogton Bo. Ottawa 30, • (Will fv.iJIcMTi, i«gr.)— (Acker ft" ■37, PotHtfnwn- 20. Burlliiglnii. K. J., 30. "Kate" (Frank D. Seals!, ingr.)—Freeland, Pn.. 27. Wnverly. K. Y.. 28. Msnslield. Pa., 20. Arnot 30. Wcllnvllli'. N. Y., Deo. 2. Couriers- I'-irt. Pn., 3, Austin 1, Port Allegany 0, Siui-lh- port 0, Kauc 7. . • '1. -," li Lackayc, Wilton (Wm. A. Brady, mgr.)—Dart- ford, OMb., S7. 29. 1 LeHllv, Reyubels (81m Allen, mgr.)—Auburu, N. T,; 25-30. Locker. Tbo.fWIU JJ. l^cke, mar.)—Dnwns l Kan , BfV-27. QaSorne iW ;it>, Bclolt Dec. 2-1, Cluy Center 3>t, Long, l-'riint E., ■I/alte Henvvn, Stock''Hldck'Sad AIU, mgr.)— Wis., 21-30, Sterling, III., Dec. LyHi! Sloe!;—Charlntle. Mich.. 20-110. I^wts ft I.ilke's .Musical Coaicily—Senttle, Wash,, 35-Dtv. 21, ' ' • 'Lion. nin| the Mon-e" t Henry B. Harris, —N. Y. City 20. indetliille. mgr.) -Dec. 21 "Lion —N. y: City 20. imteiliil... •'Lion uinl ihu Mnusc" (Henry Y.. J Harris, .mgr.) —Nashville. Teliu.. an-117. Meuinlils 23-30. "I.loii and 'Ih> Mrttlxo" i Henry B. Il,*rrls, mgr.)— \m AiiueleH, Cal.. 2o-ao. • '• • "Lion *ii<l the. Mouse" (Henry B. Harris, mgf.) —•llurllhgtoii. Vt, 28, Oswegt>. N. Y.. Deo. 2. "Lsrld of TS'iiil" jTIre Itork Co,, nigra.)— Great Falls, .Mont.. 3t, Helena 28, Anaconda 30. Mil- souln 30. Wiirdner. Ida.. |>ee, 2, Orsur d'AJoun 11.' Spnkuiie. Wush.. 4-0. North Yakima 7. "Lily mid tlHi Prliiee" (Frniik llollnnd, mgr,)— Mbimieiv Ta.. '.'7, TUfcdtum 38, Vuuiikvlown, 0., 30. . , I Little Julimiy Jonci" (Jn:i. .M. (Suites, mgr,) — '•Lincoln. Nebr.. 27, Oimilin 38-30. "Loat fit Nnw York" (1. Newt'Si »ron«ui. mgr.) -J-l.nramt*, Wys.i Dee. 2. Rock HrW* 3, ilrnrii River 4. Kvniistoll >'i. llrlghuni. V,, <1, Mnlad, Ida., 7. "Little Organ Grinder" (II. E. Furreslcr. imjr.i-- Hrk.Ww. K I., 2I-2V, BaydSIW 281H), N- Y - City Dec, 3-14. ' "Lena Rlveia" (Hurt ft Nlcolol. mgrs.)—Mllwim- Uee. Wis,. 21-30, St. Paul, Minn.. Dec. 1-7. "« Blvern," St»|tlrorn (C. II. Packard, oujr.) — N*w Bern. Hvft. 27. Omngvbiirg. H. OT, 28, OhSrleaton 30. Kavaminh. Us.. So. ■ "Llttlo Pi-ospeetor"' (Frank-O. King, mgr.)—Salt Luke City. U.. 34-27. "Lottie, the Poor Snlcalady". (Clins. K. Rlnm-y Alnuse. .Co., mgr*.)—Chicago, 111., 31-30, St. LuyJs, Mo. Dec. 1-7. "LobI Trail," Wills Amttne. Co.'a (Anlhouy K. Wills, lugr.)—aineliiiiatl. <>.. 24-30. "Life or an Aetrcts.t' Aiibri'T MUtenUwl'H— Bi-ooklyn. N, Y„ 35-30.-Jersey Clly, E J,. Bit. 2-7. "Little Detective", <Cbii«. Xewloo. nigr.)—Wnhb City. M".. 28. Hfili Hill Dm, 2. Hlgahisvllle u. "Little lieiipos of the Street'' ■ (Viuicu ft Sullivan, ih'sm.J'—Yoinigatowii, 0.. 25-27. Akron £8-110. "Lena Rivers" <L. J..HIcvln. mgr.)—Coatesvllle, Pa., 27, I*barwu 38. Haalrloii 30, Mabanoy Clly !li>. Shenandoah Dec. 2.' H Mautell, Rolierl II. (Win. A. Ilrady, mgr.)—Louis- ville. K)'., 24-27. Fvaitsvllle, Iud., 28, Leilug- ton, Ky.. 2P, Kno»llle r Tcnn., 30. Mnry Mamierlng (Sam S.- * : \*v Hliuhert. Inc. ingrs.l—Syrncuw. W. Y., 37. 28. Allmiiy 20. HO. Motion, John 'Bom S. 4 I.eo Shubert, liici, nigra,) --N. Y. City 25. htduBilte. Montgomery and Stun* (0. B. Dillingham, mgr.) —Boston, Mnus., 25. Indefinite. McIiiLyrr and Heath (Klaw ft I'.rlauger, mgrs.) — St. Loiil.-. Mn., 24-30. Miiridiy, Tint—Wlntlshl, Kuu.. SO. Mcriltt. Grace (Kracsi Sldpti.nn. ingl.)—Toledo, ()., 24-30. Columbiui Due. 2-4. M6rllmer. Lillian (J. L. .Veruieo Amuse. Co.. mgiT.)—Boston. Mass.. 23-80. M'.'lvllle, Rose (J. It. Stirling, . mgrO—Dululli. Minn.. 37. Mabel McCsue (Welter <)• Llnilsuy, msinieer).-- Fnyett'.-; Alo., Dee,' 3, Lexlligtou 3, Muton 1, Mexico 0. .Mabel Monlgoinery—Phils. Tex., 28. .Murray and Muck (Mur.'.iyft Mack AmiiHe, f> . mgrs.)—Portland. Ore, 24-30, Corvallls Dee. 2. Albany 3,. ICngeuo 4, Medrord 5, Ashland II, Iteddlug. Cal., 7.''- ■ " " ■' . . • .- Mortons, the Four (Frank McKre, mgr.)— Olnclu- nail, o,, 24-30 St. t/.uls, Mo., Dec.' 1-7 . Mildred and Itouclere—shstiiokin. Pa., 37, H«7l<- lou 28, Mnueh i Cininl; 30, DnVer, N. J., 3d. roUsuheth Dee. 2, Otnliilng, N. Y.. 3, Peeksklll 0. Danhnry, Omn., 7. Myrklo-Hanlei' Stock. J'.astei-n (W. H. Harder. mgf.)—Btlilgrtoo, N. i„ 30-30, Noff Bruus- wfek We. 3-7. -.' Myrkl*-Ilatiler Stuck, Southern (Lattlinoro ft I«l8h.-mgrs,)—Marlon, Jud., 23-30, Port Huron. Mich.. Dm. 3-7. ' ■ . ' • , .- ' . McDonald Stock (IV W, MiIMIirM, mgr.)—Co- lintibln, Mo., • 20-30, Jefferson Oily Dec. 2-7. Morey MlocU (f^i cmnlii ft iPuishef,: mgru. )— Woodward, Okln.. 25;no, ■ Muftay * M.nckey Slock, (John J.-Murray, mgr.) —pontsvllle,. • pp.. 20-30. Murfty.& Mickey-Cmncdy (John J. Murray, uigr, I —Smihiiry. I'm,, 2,Vsh'. Maxiiiu ft sights' Cuyiei|liiiui (,t. W. sights, nigr.) —Urneevlllc. Minn., 33-30. Llngerivood, N. Diik.; Dec.- 2-7. ■.. ■ . .- , Mniihattiin 'j'licnlrp (Juck Parsons, mgf.)—Cunty, Knn., -85-lM): Maes, Hie t'n-o IMcCull ft BlcOi'Verii, ingrs.l— Rclmoild. >.,' 35-2T, J'srHcl-Hburg Dec. 8-4, Clnt'lfiii o-7\ .-'..", • .- . MuftpyllOHloll (P. II. ^r|U•rs^, mgr,J—ttooklnutl. Me" 25-30. ' ' ".Minlniile liiitlerfly ' llfonry W. Savage, nigr,) —Vital, N. V., 27., *' "Merry Widoiv". (Uehry W.. Snmgu, iiiyr,)T-N. y. Clly as. indehrilte. ilerry Widow" illeiuy W. Savjge. tngr.)—Al- ".- S. 1 -ST» : «8,'Obk'ug», III., Dec. 2. In- bally. N. : age pstcli" (Llejilur fc v. y„ 80-2r.jiufr<i., It'uiilds 2. "Girl of the Sounj Soulh" (J. W. nsrlmau, Jefferson. Joseph and Wm. W. (S. W. Donalds, mgr.)—Itoauoke. Va.,' 27. Lynchburg 28. Nor- folk 20. CharloiRiSvlllo :I0, .Charleston, W. Vs., Dec 2, Utiullngton 3. Irontou,- 0., 4, Marietta 0. i'nrkershurg, W. Vu.,.ll. Wheeling 7/ JciTCrtou. Tbomus—Selmu. Ala., 27, lllrulnghnm 28. AllAlilu, OS.. 20, 30. ,. . - i'.-im«;, Lohla (Wallsw Monro, mgr,)^-Fitrgo, N. l>sk„ 27. Smifrlor. Wis., 28, Dulnlb, Mlun., 20. 00, St, Paul Doc. II. Mlmicsrwlls-5-7. Jueuln Slock—Muncle, .-Iud.. 25-30, New Ciistlo. Dec. 3'7. ,'- "JliSt Out of Collage" (llolhner ft Cainiihell, iiikik.) —Ouiiibu. Nch.'.. 24-27, Des Moines, Is., 31-30, Peoria, III., Dec. 1-1. "Jnlly Amerktuu Tramp" (H. M, J.u Port*, mgr.) - -Cunpiielf. Mo., 27.' Parugould, Ark., 38, Bau-bvlllr 23. Ncwiurt 30. "Josrpa SlmiiVliis"—Wntertowu, S. Dak., 27, Brotklnus 28, Huron Dec. 2. Madtiou 3. "Je«s»! Jaines',^ (John H. Price, nigr.)—Bayahore, N..Y., Dei:. 2. ,Hitrvltlc il. Pnlehi*ue -I, Sag Tlnrbui' 0. Oreeiiuort U. Klverlieud 7. "Just plain Folks'' (Chas- K. Chnnnliu/, mgr.)— Frankllii. Pa.; 28. Oil City 20, Sandy Lake 30, . L'j-4 Aurora, N. Y., Dec. 2. K Ksllclr. Muic. Berlin) (Harrison Grey Flak?, mgr.) —Chicago, III., 20-Dec. 7. Kelee.v, Herbert, and Kale Shannon (tCraast Ship- num. uxr-l-^ncrby. Conn.. 37. New Britain 28, Wliisti-d 20, PlttuUeld, Maas., 30, North Adams Dee.'/ 2. . ■'.: " ' ', ■:■ •••;•-.' Kellur ami Thurston (Dudley McAdow, njgr. ) — Mtiiucapolls. Mirm., 24-301 Chicago, III., Dec. ■ .4-7. ;i -■• ft ' ■ Kendall, Kara (Askln A.Singer, mars.)—Kalatna- soo. Jltch., 20, Oraml Baplds 30. '' " Ivulckcrhoekiir Slack (K. D. Flake., mgr.)—Fill Hlw, Mas*.."3S-.'J0, Lnwreuco Dec. 3'7. " • Kilttni Bnarl (T.-J'-.J. Powor. ragr.J—San Trnn- .-li.eo. Cnl.. 20-Sl). Ban Hsfsel 311, 'Nana Her. 1,■■Viillejo 2, Ksr.ln i.'lurn, Bint., end Hsu To-,. 3, Redwood City, unit., nnd Palo Alto i, Lodl, mot.. 1.11,1 Stoekton 0. Fresno 0, vnnlln 7. "KirKtbt for. n Dny.VjB.'.C. WhlWRy'Sr-Chlcngo, tit., si. ludeniillc. "Kidnapped for Bxireoge" (Cbis. IS. Blsucy deflnllc. "Man'ot the Hour" (Ilrady ft'Orlsmer, mgra.J— N, Y. Oily 23, IntMlillc. ".Man of tlio Hour" (Brady & Orlstuer, uurra.j — Clcveluhd. fi., ■ 3B-Ufr. • • ■ ' "Man or Uiy Hour" (llr«(|y ft tirlsmrr, .mitrO — Alellhno. Knn:, 27; St. Jo»fi>h. Mu., 88, llri Mobies,-In,;-SO. '.- • '• " i ".Mali of the Il'inr" llndjy ft urlsincr, itiiiis.)-- BliMinlugli'iit, III., 37. .' ' "MrM. -M'ltaa or Ihe C-.ilibage 1'nleh" ILIfhlff ft C"., mars.)—Loudon, Kntf.. 20, IndelliilH "Jlvs. wlgss of il* 'Cabbage Co.. iiitrs.)—Itocbcster,' 2S-;;o.< Albany nw 7. "Man From Homo" (Llebler ft Co., mgru.)— Chi- cnijl. III'.. 21. luilellnRe. "Mayor lei Toklq" t,li>n» M. Ooll.'-i. uilir.)—Tin-- nop, Aflr... 37, Blije* 38, 111 l'.in, Ter„ 30, Dec, I. ' ' ... "Mhv. Bob Whlto" (W. (J. I'Jmetidorf. mgr.)— .lohliHown, Po.; J8/ Oreeiisliiirjt 80, WiiHilngiou :;ii. .MeodvJIlo Dec..3..1llalniv|lb 3; Tnrcutiiiu 4. rtcitldaie o; t.'«n)iellsvlllo' 0. L'uliiiiinisit 7. "Man* of LaughlnhJl" 'Jotepb II. Click, mjr.) - I'hlludelplila, Ph., 2M!0, Xotrijtovi'ii Dec. 2. fletlllitMIl 0. . ' ■•-..' "Message Frui'.i Mun" (A. L, IlhlncHlriiin. iiisr.j —Mvirnh. Cal.. 27. rjulicrsllclJ 38, Sun Hcrunr- dlnti 20, rtlvtsrdn'.'in. "Man. on the .Box'' iW.; N;. Lairreiinv, tngr.)— 20-3.V, Kl M' nlrenl, ton t». Can., Klufit'.-ii Dec. 3. llmiill- "Mr». .Ti'injilr's Tt'l'lKt'QM" (W. N. Lawrence, titer.;—Wllsvllle, Cun.. 37. "Mn^s New. Ilusbiilid" (Harry Scott Co., mgrs.) —Onlnelr, III.-. 37. Bellevnie 28, JJIeMsM 80, Alton }J0- Si'rlngMHd ,D"«. !>' TayiorvlUe. 2. Cltilton il, Blis.nilngtoti 4, Ran tout 0, Iltiopei- Idn II, Cliumfmlgn - 7. "JlyslerliniK Xlurglar,'.' ■ Kiitvlmid ft Cllllord'a 'Ffank Winch, gafe) i Uyiaau s *. N. Y., 20-87. "Moonshiner n Tiniiglltc)'." Darlington ft King*- top's—Toiiekn, Knn,, Dec, 1, Hmlnn 2, llollon 3/Newtou 4, Wclllugtju 5, WlOlilth 0, Hutch- Insoit 7.' ' • "McFaddi'ii - ", I'UtsJ'.Gm mil's (Jo* Pettluglll, tmrrt)— citlesg*. III., 31-Iii'c, 7- "Missouri, ill.-)," Baiderii, J'rel Uiivinuud's (lien. Bedfe. mgr.)—W*n P.rancli. Mleb,, 27. MM- l/ihrl 28, Marina 30;'OI«tl-it SO, Mount I'Maaant Dee. 3, Alma 3, Ithn.a 4, Flushing 0. Flint 0. I.lieji;!i 7. . .. .. .... "Jllssoiirl fllrl." V'eji, )>*»il Raynaud"* (tf. II. Xortqn. Ml>Jr^4anfi l!, B ."" _ a 7' J*B>J|0e »*»• 30, '.leVcIT 30 Ihllu 4. "My : Wlfe> Vain JO. BatrOalt Dec, 2, Ksl«u :i. Concohl/a 4, Otbornr r,; Downs U" Crlmeldsr 7. i|y.'" r F.aM- jw. Mcoowao,, 1 Wife's -Fault*.'"'lisgt (W, McOowao. ,m|r.) «0uth DerlilW'tn, I'a.. 28, Irfhjinini 30, Lewis- itn Die'8., MMdMovrn Hi COIdluhla 4; (ifiiiles- toitn-i villi- 0, L:iri'ii'iter 0, "My Wlfe'H I'nmlly." lonf.' ICtili:''l|ii«Vui1l. ms.r.9-*.MnillM>nvHlf, 27. Hopkhiavlllo 28, Pi-lncolon 21). Pathtesli fstli Moyil«ld.IK>r.:8_Fiillau'8, UUlvU Clly 4, (jrl-n- Held 0, Huinlsilltt 0. "Musical Wizard of Wall Street," No. 1 (I'JdMlU York 7. PaiiiII*'.'* Wieili'lll. 'Itevcii-i ft I.Ira - e. h..