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TH3S NEW YOBK QJLIPPER. s&,'. penssylvas »%, . 4rr enriched.to a considerable extent...... l»bli«rfri|Uilfc.—Thanksglvliur we«k woa Too .bill at toe (Jcrjajui .IJwMr?. *«* « 2 * veritable gold mlno to " them doing biij business tn: rmiront wo.-e angufctite TtFifiBJiiiiu j —— —. Hi" Broad t "Tito Dairymaids," ,ams ' who- '» :i Homy Miner and Margaret c 1 0l 'P? r8, li l, L l M Ureal Divide," ni the Lyirc. }"« '$™LT* nd Ailmiis, In "l'lnylng too the si roots crowds in town to see the Pcnnsylvnnla.Cor ncll, nnd (he Army and Navy football game* 'llic new offerings In town tlic current week Include': XIaxlic Elliott, in "Ditder the Green- wood Tree," at the Itrond : "The Dairymaids," fit the' Harriet; " Anglin, In "The uou Vorkc and Ponies," at the l'nrk. . IlnuAK (Nixon ft Zimmerman, managers).— Maxlno. Elliott, ill Tiider. I lie iireenwnort Tree." Dec. 2, for the Urat llino locally. The engagement In for two weeks. Lillian Rus- sell; Ta "Wllrttlro." did miicesHftilly last week. UAiiRtcK (Nixon ft Zlui'ncrmau, managers). —"Tlio\Dslrvniolds" linn Its first Philadelphia view 2, Mr, A fortnight'* stay. "Brewster's Millions" departed Saturday, niter a moit successful two weeks' slay. CHESTNUT StnERT Ol'KSA llOl'Hn (NIlOU A Zimmerman, managers).—-Roger Ilrotlicra be- gin their third And Hunt week 2. Last week's crowds were . a du])llcate of the previous wet*. "Mndaui Butterfly" 0. ■Lyric (Messrs. fjhubcrt, managers).— Henry Miller, and Margaret Anglin, id "The (.treat Divide," 2.- for lite first time In tills city. '.Hie engagement continues until. 14. A succession of capacity houses wltioaaa u "Tlio Warrens of Virginia," ending 'Hi, The play has been votijd tiy tin; pross mid public .one of the. distinct successes of the.season... jAtiELCtll ' (Messrs.. Nbubilr.t, uiiuingcrs)— F.jhHp-Foy. In ."The Orchid." 3. This show made a big hit last, season, mid the ndvnncn su> Indicates.big business.. Corl.oUn Nlllson, Irj.'Tbe Tliree of Us," coucludid a successful three weeks' slay. (Walnut (Frank Howe. Jr., manager).— "Varuu" starts In. on Its tilth week. 2. and the.prospects arc good for a run of consid- erable length. Tilt) limieliif Olrlp continue to be the pleasing feature, Willie tlio vocal efforts of Nelja Webh and the other members of. the company, add materially to the suc- cess of the show. i tn asp opiika IIOfRr, (Htnlr & llavlln. mali- ngers). ■—F.rhest Ilogan, In "The Oyster Alan,' - . 2w : 'Tiff I PaftT I! l'onf! !: enjoyed prosperous returns Inst week. "The Honey- Dtnoners" >). ■ J'akk (F. G. Nlxon-Nlrdllnger, manager). —Yorke and Adam* gave the tlrst local view of. "Pitying the Fotiio» lf 2. "The Mayor of i-nugblaiKr drew big and well pleased nouses lost week. "On Parole'' next. BtiNr.Y's (J. P. Feknardt, manager).— "The 1'bautem Dotoetlv*" this week, l-nst neck "Tli* Mnoty and Nine" drew tlie usual blst houses. "Shadowed by Three" fol- low*. 'National (,l. m. I>«J|y. manager).—"The Four earner* of the Earth" 2 and week. "Nellie, the Beautiful C'lcuk Model" played to' Excellent returns |be previous week. ••Chinatown Chaiifo" 0. ... .UiRAiin (Miller ft Kaufman, managers).— "jUe Uawbier of the wwt" lor the current \vectt, -following a week of flue business done u* Florence WodWr, lit "The Street Blnger." '•IJlie Spoilers" follows. ''I'uol>Mi'K (P. •). Nlxon-XIrdllnger. maun- 9W). —'Xlils house's return to .melodrama, of- icr^n sensuii of vauacrjllc, drew, big lest Week. The nudtenres followed with keen '.merest the triumph of vtrtua nnd tho down- f«U of vice In ''ll's Never Too Lnte lo M* lankBiiTins we«k wan TM.blU'it the yerragn. "rawtre weex or z to tte tiStrea all of cone its of: "lion .C^sar," Ibsen's "Uhosts" a»° %e regular then- «««« ""'« Klcdermnn*?.. ..Csii-ollne Hayes; anfetited br the bit 1 well known profesBlOhnl, whose Inst cn- thTpcntsyTvnniaCor- tngemem was & Ooldcnrod In "Miss Hob i*.,J» »SJK«ii£m*i White." wan mtfrried on Nov. 2(1 to Itob»rt nRement tvas as deldenred '.n "Miss Rob —Ite." wan married on Nov. 20 to Hobert ft. MItier. n non-professional, and wilt re- tire from the stage Charles 8. Will- lams, who lies' been plnylng the part of n 'il "The Warrens of Virginia." at Theatre, was found wandering on . i In n dellrlniin condition last, peek, iind on being ndinlttcil to the Medico- (.liliurgleal Iluspltat tvaa UlBcovereil lo be suffcrlii'; with an acute nlfscft of pncumnnln. He In liuw lu n critical condition nnd Is not expected to survive. The sick man Joined the company In New York, but beyond this rntlilne concerning bin family or whc.ro bis home Is can bo' ascertained. « i lMttsl>tii-K. — At the Nlxou. this week, itlchard Carle, In "The Spring Chicken." Last week, "Bed-Hnr" played to capacity. Anna Held,, In. "The Pnrlslmt Model." 0-14. OiiAsw.—This week: The Btunnlug Grena- diers, Taclann, Julllis Tanueu, Knfll Hoch and company, MeUcttl Troupe, Great Scott, Armstronjr and Clark, Italian Opern Trio, Collins nnd lirowh, Mnzcllo and Woitlfe, Mai- vnna and Thoaian. Kitty .lohnson. Claudius und Scarlet, and the clnematogrnpb. Dri/i'r.Hxc.—This week, Mary Kraerson, in "On Pnrol'j." l-m-t week,, Cptaete Kovelll pt'escnlcd a hlgti gi'iide of sliiiwH tbnt were iinu/rcclntei] by packed houses nil week. Clara Hliiodgopa -'-1I-. ! 11 Bnnoms t r! nreciU IMITATriltS. ItEtVAItB ! Samples I of OCR Bketcbcs, Acta. Monologues, !'»•- adieu, etc . nt HALF PRIOR. Tliime who | hnvo rccrlVCTl WST8 Order SOW. LVAUDEVIUISDPPtYCO., 52 I'BARL 8T„ BUFFALO, N.Y. J NBtV jtbhIby. , s*nia^^JH.J3n.3awtif, (Geo w t,.,, icer) Maude A^ftmii, In "Refer hlWL^^tefajger) Satri Beruard UHTMlT / Nov. 25. rttflBlfthed ft neW «t- "JA* Tflbn Mr. riocgenhelraer." iMn'.t J record for this,house.: Wm. H. SW" drew Wg bolliiy audience, In "fhi Fnther nnd the Boys," Dee.*?. R***, 11 *! Sonata.". 4itd "TJie Strtlgbt-ftogd ' Mnndo Adams Dec. 0-14. ■ J "^ • Paoc*6n's TIL C. Stuart, resident msn« cer).--Thls week: llnsann Ron All', S; Frederick nerner and company. Kmplre cut Four, Bronkaway Barlows, Lambcrtl" • At.vjn.— This' week, Mary Marble and Llllle t'blp. In "Uremh CHj.'-" l<a»t week, "Wine, Woman and. Soug" played to capacity. Jauise O'Neill H-X4. . Uijoij. —This week, '"riic Convict and the Olrl." r^tat week, VFaltuM by tho Wayside" proved very much to the liking of the BIJou natrons, and was appreciated by large houses. Tile Four Huntings, la "The Fobl House," 9-1L Bi.Axuv's.—This week, "The End of the Trail." Lnst week. "A Child of the Regi- ment" wan very entertaining, and was greet- ed by large houses. "The Way of the Trans- gressor" fM 4. fuTHT,—.This week, tho Boe Ton Bnr- lesnaers, Last week, Itl.'o ft Harton's Hose Hill English Folly Co. nlayed . to capacity, ahd gave n m entertainment. Mr. ltlce being a I'lttsluirger, Uls many friends tumed out In force to aee hltn. Acntn-Sautley Co. I)*14. •- ■ Ai-Aur.MV of MtiBic—This week, The Kol- llckers will return for n week's engagement. Ed. Morton, "the man with the musical Voice." la a feature. Last'week the New f'entury Olrls gave plenty of good hearty laughs. John V. McCabe, tuc diminutive Irlstimoii. was tbe chief fun producer. Ed- mund Hayes. In "The Wise Guy," with the Jolly Girls Co.. 0-H. •KSmily;— 'This week: Areher-Cbase Trio, Khvewsbrook and Berry. Lampe Bros... Las-' tarlo and Rhej. Gee, Van, the Howards, tar- roll Sisters, Howard Dotson, Will Elllck, Marronlphonc, In moving pictures. SI.UKHTtc—This week: Clyo and Itochelle. Cui.i miiu (G. Nelson Toi'ls, mannger).— Al. Itcnves* Show 2J. Dainty Duclu^s "•'. Irwin's Hlg Show li-ll. Harry liry.tnl's Show 12-14. HushiesK la good. HtAB («>1lvcr C. I'alten. manager).—^Twen- tieth Century Maids 2-4. High Jluks 3-T. ltcllly nnd Woods 'Jll, Champaign Girls 12- 14. Business U good. ubpiikuh 13. Siillltr. manager).—Week of 2: Ktate stitk, Grace Ma Dill, and the Two He.'iDlgb. Business shows ail Increase. Ht-B<lliiB.—At tbe Academy of Music (Cly 8. Hill, managcf) "ComlnK Thro' the Uye 1 ' pleased a large audience Nov. 27. "Buster Brown" bad capacity 28. "The Great Divide" drew excellent attendance 20. "A Midnight Escape" had good returns. 30. Mrs. Patrick Campbell Dec. 2. onriiKi-.ki (C. F. Hopkins, manager). — Week of 2: llim. Hurnuann, .Higgling Dc Lisle A. I*. I mil's anlronh, Wynn and Lewis. Black.and Jones. Harry and rialvers, Bubo Wnlcli, Kilty Francis and company, and the klnelograph. ' '. " , GkANii Oi'EJtA. Housn fUly 8. Hill, mana- ger).—Earl.Burgess Co. had a successful en- gagement week bf'Xtiv.' 25. " .Bijou (L'pdcgraff & Brdwnell, monagere). —Phil Bherldan^s Big City Sports had profit- able business 20-27. ' i ■ Lancaster.—At the Fulton Opera House ((.'has. A. Icekcr, manager) "Simple Slmtm Simple" drew a eood bouse Nor. 25. "The County Sheriff did well 20. "The Secret Orchard" hnd very good butliiesa 27. "Stronghcart" proved n strong Thanksgiving attraction 28. Crenton Clarke, in "The Power That Governs." drew well 20. "The Old Clothes Man"' pleased a large audience SO. . Cartotta Nlllson. In "The Three of TJs." Dec. S; "Lena Hirers" 4, "My Wife's Fami- ly" U. Family (Ed. Motart. manager).—Current attract Ions Include: May llerdelle and com- pany. Orr, Ott and company. Hall and S»n- ley. Krltx Hlrkb. Miller and Hutael, the Leffel Trio, and the moving pictures. The Thanksgiving week's business was excep- tionally good. ' i M on ess en.—At the Star Family (Wm. Mothaffrcy. manager) week of Nov. 2D: Geo, snssocm. at. i.ouis.— At the Olj-mplc (Pat Short, general, ranno ran." week of tendance Crnne. In Cf.stcrv (Pat Short, general manager).— Mrlnrvrc anil Heath, In 'The Ham Tree." did excellent ImMness week of Nov; ■ 24; "Tlie Prince of lllsen" Dec. 1-7, Francis Wilson 8-14- ..:'. (JiiAs-ii Oit.ra Hoi'Rt: (Johtr B. Fleming, mannger).—(»t-orgc Sidney. In "Busy Issy, erly 1-7. Imi'kwal (R. E. nussell. manager). — "Texos" proved n great success,last week. "Lottie, the Poet Saleslady." 1-7. Stasdabu (Leo Retebenbacbt manager).— The Oriental Cosy Comer Girls created quite n sensation last week. Olio: Bruce nnd Dignciii, Smith and Arado, Belle Treves, Ssndow and Lambert, Frank Reiley. 1'aakce Doodle Girl* 1-7. GAKeTt (0. T. Cinwfora. mah'ager).—the Casino Girls Extravaganza Co. last week, with Deeley and Austin, Nolan and White, Lillian Washburn. Crawford and Manning, Moron nnd, W.'sser. Graham and Randall. RobIc"3 Knickerbockers 1-1. G.miuick (Jacob Oppehhelmcr. manager). —Geo. Evans, who hernial the bill week of Nov. 17. Was M-ta.'ricd for another *e«k. Others on the bill. 21-.'(0. were: Cottrell and Powers. Woodward's'trained seal's. Rawson nnd June. Olle Vouns and Brothers, Wilton Bros., and Carroll :iua Cooke:.• . - Colcubia (Ftank Tate, .manager).—The hcadllno attractions week of 25 were John C. Rice and Sally Cohen. Others were: How- Flynn, Lowia ahd Orccn. and Elsie Beehil •CoLrMBM tGeo. C. Jacobs, manner! Florence Bindley. In "The Street Sltigir? "Tho Phanioin J-cek. "Th e managerj.- mt. tn "The Burglar aid the "Kidnapped for ffcvebge" r V tentlon last week. "The ■£ The Shoe- James J. Corbett. m "Th6 Bur Mdy," 2-7. "Kidnap eclved good attention maker" 9-14. WAi.DiMkN'3 (T^ec Ottolengul, manager) — The. City Sports this week, supplemented i,r Terry McGovern mid Young Corbett Thr. D,°,cbb 9 S S y c C o U 944. PSCkWl • ,!lCm '°- ^ Eiipibb. (U. M. Uyams. manager).—This house again changes Its name and style of en tertalntocnt. The Ktaw & RrUng'er MtsdnS TBudevllle was discontinued Nov. aO sad „m Ded. 2 the name Empire Theatre was imm and the bouse enters the Empire circuit or Western wheel. .Tom Miner's Bohemian liiir tamers open the house; mid smoking, tint n& drinking, will, be thcriilc. fc ' nut at) NotEK.—^The largest ball the Theatrical Kaiployces". (.'tub has ever held, occurred at Krueget's Auditorium. Def, 2.,:.,. The local Elks held the annual lodge of sorrow In Sk iVcwark Theatre, Sunday evening, :Dec. 1. .•.•.- • a i , _ " EHsabetb.—The .New Ljceum '(iJaaW^l FJroy. manngera) "The Original Cohen" cauie NoJ-.25-27,_to_ excellent return*.. "Billy the ard and North. Seven Madcaps, Firrtll and Kid" came^'"8-30 ouenlnt loesniiiiv"™'i= Iris" Dec. 2. "The Convict's Daughter" Tl •The Honeymooncrs" 4 (benefit Elliabeii! ^odgc of Elks), the Torvidor* Borlesonom 0-7. "The Great Will Street Mystery Vn nockstarler's Minstrels 13. "HI* Terrible fe-' cret" 14. FnocTott's (F. W. Lloyd, manager).—Tlie bill for week of Nov. 26 was: Gllniour and Latour, Ey)e-Dutton-Ksi>e, Ronnie Thomten FoV and Clark. Young American Quintette' WcWr Trained Scull. tVlll H. Mijrphr Blanche Nichols and company, and motion GLobe (H. F. Klce. manager).—The main feature week of 24 was the Four Hardon Family. In "Cnelo Rubin's Birthday." Other attractions were: Schooler and Do Langcs, .lohn B. Foye. Happy Harding, Lulu Bussell- mnn and moving plel.ires. Ooeox. —The German Stock Co.. under tlio management of Helnlman nod Webb, pro- duced "Die Dnppelebe: or; the Double Mar- riage," to a large nadlcncc. Sunday, Nov. 24. M'eek 24-3H are: Lyman U. Howe, for five performances, Nov. 28, 29,. 30 (matinees 28 and .291: Jan Kubellk, flnaJ appearance, Sat- urday matinee, Nov. aO. Trained Seals. WH1 H. "ilurphr; -Oipiny. ond motion' pjetures, Tbte bill provcf highly enjoyable. KngilRb'Acrlnl act, the-Dcbacos, and moving this house. Claydc's Honor;" and Otis Skinner. 7 in "The , Honor of the Family." Mr. Hackctt, tbe first Austin and company, Gilsou and Countess, P art of th ,c week, pleased Immensely, to good Lewis and Lessitigtou. Giles Button. Dar- ' nigh Leslie. Chris. Clinton, In Illustrated songs, and the Staroscope. Avbnub (A. Goldberg, manager). — Life motion pictures and Illustrated songs con- tinue, vaudeville has been discontinued at Wednesday. 27, was devoted to what Iskrovii at-*. . ft.. M " tr ' out " night. When tho following were itsfiSS! 9'«^'— A t the WHIIs. Wood (O. Introduced: Efdrldge. Imitations: Itarrv D-•Woodward,'mahager) last week was dl- Swirl, athletic beil'lroy: LoontlnV Hun n£&3S?SX JSSa&l®^ ln " Jolln S0l ° 8 : J - Wallace Mackey, SB tHS Marlon Husscll and company, in sketch" r, Matld." . Hnrrlev Gllmore. In' 1Q0„- ■Dublin Dan," 2t7, to be followed by."Ninety and Nine. ]lLV»tT'n (John W. Hart, u Slidplgllt a!'Strr— Hired . OUESre-LT uiauager).—"A pictures. Uiwoiikomi:.— This week: Louise Rocks- more, Martin Dlxoli, Jas. tjchesguen, tho La Roy Sisters, and the latest Passion Flay pictures. IhtAuN'H AcniTOBtiiM.-—This week: Bar- ney Preiton. t:asey and St. Clair, Myrtle Grif- fith, Dodson, Smith ami Thompson, Kdha Smith. Daisy Shipman, nnd. three changes G& OI'ESA Housn (A. N. Sliustcr. mah- nget').^^'"Phc Minister's Son." Nov.. 21, was weir receive*. Mary Emerson 20. canceled. "Nobody's Claim." failed to appear. "The Lily and the P ' Kitty'" 2R. "Th "Cousin Kate" 0-14. houses. Tile play by Sutro Is one of the i^-st this drgm&tlsi has done, and Mr. Haekett end company dd excellent work. The staging and roslqm.e8 Were cBcctWe. The.latter part of the week Otis Skinner, In "Tlio'nono* of tbe I amily." drew well. Mr. Skinner did his usual artistic work. This week will be di- vided between Walker Whiteside and Wm, Favarsham. NcXt week. "The Grand Mogul." Obaa-d (Hudson 4 Judah. managers').—Last week Nat M- Wills. In "A, Lucky Dog." ode Sweethearts," supported bv Bobcrt Fraifi Hooker, William Bohncll. Madge Buiifltb Thomas Marlow and C. Farrlngton. 'lb'a^ specialties were plcasldg. Tip. —Manager William Drake, of tlie JCMr Lyceum Theatre, is Ih the hospital, where a successful operation was performed. ' ' * ' Treuton^-At the Taylor Opera House (Montgomery Mdscs. manager) Cresiou Clarke. In 'Vflic Power That Uovcrhs," Nov. 27. made a big success. "Coming Thro' Ike Rye" plsyed to standing room only. "Tbe dclglit tfscape" 2. IliiRsell Brothers were of pictures Busluess Is good St long drawing cord last week In "The NoreB.—At the Kast Kad red Girl's MIllToua." ' ., sarlas's roosters, Lcona Vet (Uiant .l.afertj, maaager).^ The Orpb'eum sto<u essays, the cun«ut week nttuip revival.of "Zaza, " Mtl tV'ieadliia 1 role. with Lillian Law- 'My Friend from India", was given" a"; bresy 'Interpretation 1 asi week by (he ctpablc uienibois Of tbe coni llasleton,—At the Grand Opera House (Geo. Albert Haley. lesldcnt manager) Howe's moving pictures pleased Nov. 25. Murphy and Gibson•Mlnittrcls 28. "Peter Pah" drew.a Fell pleased audlehw 27. "Tbe. .Flight bf rlncess Iris" 28. "Lena Hlvers" 29. Family (Knoblauch & Hcrskeiv nroprle- Curoondalle^—At theGmnd Opera House tovt)i —Oood business ruled weak of 25.' Tbj? nd Casino: Sas- 'enettp. and the moving pictures. At the' Alleghany Ca- sltl6: T8UJI and Yama. L*van and Laval- cttc. moving pIctuiQs. Dualness to ry good. OfiPiick'H (Martin Uliman, resident maha- eet }i~ r- 05 ' neck's bill bad Zellc De Luanda as the headllner;. and .business was big. Mis* De Lussan was jplendldly received at Han liorformance. TBI* Week: Joseph. Baurta Crickets," G'Brlan und Uavel, Ernesto SIs- "The Prodi- turned away. iiauy, uud drew packed Uoubcs eal Daiigh'tcr'' .0. • I'outi-Aui.n'H -(Miller k Kaufman, mann- Hfta). —"The Wire T-tppin'," a new play, by Gweu Davis, receives It's premier, 2, nt tho bauds vt Hie Mlddlot'ju-Harblcr Stock. •'Faust" wris given In cap.ililo style last week. Cabin" had n bl io fine houses, Atjra Alunlee oncj Ucorgc W. Week of Dec, BarblCr, as MarguerUo nipl Mcplilsto, ro- epectivejy. nrhelvqO dlHtlncc successes. "Moute CTlsto" next. Hxamiaiiii (Darcy i Speck, mauagers).— The .stock offering week vt ,2.1s "A Beautiful Fiend." —.'TJie .lliHd; Slaves of New .York" ■was .the, thriUi* Hint, p cased big crowds last week.. .''Porglveu" Ml :K«pikk, ■HiiaNkhoiId (Stamford*; Western, mnnagi'rsi,—-The slock, which continues to ruulntaln. Its jiopiilni'lty, nriHlurcs "Murch- lilif .Through Georgia," 2-4, und "A Great Temptation."- 0-7, "A 1'lgUt for Millions' Ick, Brokers ahd Burns, Edwards Darls ami tympany. Clark. Bergman and Mahonej, $11- vern and Emerte. aud Irene Franklin am! Burt Green. •--:-■■ 5C - 'STAWSTBiiKT (Frank B. ■ Sbakers, maua- ger).—Joseph Saotley, In "B)lly. the Kid," Nov. 25.-27. played to good.business, gelma Herman.. In.' "For Her Chlrdren's S»k»," ■"^vc's moving Djr- usfcea's. Edith Martin's "L'ncle Tom's songs and klnetogrjnii. Athto\' T,u,l.. n t> nA I.',... . 1 ■ ' ^ . Ig liOUke night of 20. For _. the Murray and Mackey Co. will give twelve repertory plays at popular {IrlcCs. They have strong vaudeville features letwecti the acts. "The Passion l'lav" 9-10, "Una Rivera".11. ."For Mother's Sake" 11. lF.vmilv (K.. L. IWalr. mauagxr).—Uurlui; week of: Nov, 25.n strabg.bli) was presented IMtiston— At the Broad Street (H, Sinclair, manager) Martin's "uncle Cabin" came to big business Nov.'20. II. Stull Repertory Co. 2(1-30/ Whiteside Strauss.Co. Dec. 2:i. mMd B $M« " nd ' Moore ' dit>toa Mid ,er " p UiaaiiL n ifjt .fi.' f d RHviiam niii.«.i- r... cenrann, manager) capacity bouses last wee! ^™P«feVl^Prlfi|!W^,'£ ^^.^wcck.otD At the Empire (A. M. Biug. i, Tom's Kgth'rvn Ilotli d.V well andini«in ?},i. Glr> Hal Stephens and cOmuany. HowarJ Watt« w&wf^^^^&yffijjy* and Iloward, fhe^anettos, ATsace and. Ly the Poor Saleslady." ..T?!.^ 1 " ,ttlft ' -y&^tVB&"*m resident manager). -STMSSJ•«Bcdtoi*« ,0< Hm!?i ^ ' JilPti -Week'bf ,&v.' '.JK' Dhp,,. . Bowers aiifj- «/«VlJc TS?'««5S?.*Sw *J lh . "' and "Under Two Klugs" were received, Inst wit with many uiuulfestallonis of approval. KctTU's .(II,, T. .Ionian, manager>.—Wm. Courtii'lgli und vompuiiy, In "Pcaclies," und Ethel Levey are the big curds week of 2. Others are: Gcnimro'ti Vcneiliiu Hand (second week). Urbanl (second week), Edward Clarke and company, Lulgf Uo«m|. .\lr. and Mrs. Fd- WHi'd Kemp. Jumca Hari'laun, La Maze Bros., !'rlund>and Doivnlng, Do Chnuut, Willie Hale ralnc. Cook ahd Stephens, Doomsday ar.d tbe klnetograpli. •• Lycsvu (F. J.' Gilbert.' manager).—''Tie ; (M. Jacobs, manager) .—Williams' fd gQbd'UbUsi!S.lVov.'2rii27: Europfua i HiirileafiuersTiail browdcrT h6ukes2»- and the klnetogruph lost week, Capacity buslneaa vuled i'uiiiiBs-r vNlxon is Zimmerman, managers). AddmS Is the big "feature 2 ami week. Suzoiuiu Ofbefs tfi Tho Waltbdurs, Jolinnj Jobns, Evn Mudgc. Collins and Hart, .lean Clermont. Clifton Crawford, Fi'en Kanjo' conipany and animated pictures. Big bualncss continues. Tnoi'.\ui:i!0 (Fred .'Wjllsow. manager).— The Cherry Ulossums 2->. Their two skits urc: "Hoostar's Mlllloiis' 1 and "Dr. Dlppy's Sanitarium." The iTiauipuuiie Girls enter- tained croudod houses last week. The Lady Birds 014. , Biroi; (George W. lllfo, niaoageri.—Wat- sou BurlcHjgers, heudiid by (IHJy Watson, 2- 7. - The olio names: Swan uutl Buiubard, the Mlllersblp Slslcrs, BIJou Coined; Four, and Bonnie Whitman. Mlper'n Hulieuilaiis gave lively eiiicrtalumciit to bju returns last week. The Tuesday iilghf bbxlug shoWa have Ik' Notks. —Mrs. G. W.- Lo'wder. wife of the malinger of the Grand Opcru House, was ad- mit ted to I lie Emergency IIospllul on Tbauhs- glvlug Puy, and there was no enjoyment for either of thorn on that occasion". Mrs. IloWder Was suffering cxeruelatlug puln, und it Is like- ly that the knife will be flic only relief for uppcndlcltls or tumor. At this' Writing the case is being diagnosed. .Manager F. L! Blair, of the i'aniily Theatre. Is suffering from a severe attack of la grippe John Mc- Gowan. who succeeded Harold Case as treas- urer at the Grand, has proved himself vory competent and efficient. He Is also popular. -Mr. Case Is preparing by study for a good position In the West. Will lam spurt.—At the Lycoming Opera House (L, J; ITkk. manager) Creslon Clarke pleased a big house Nov. 25. Minnie Dupree and company delighted n large audience 20. "The Choir Singer" had good returns 'J8. "Simple Simon Simple" UO. Martin's "U. T. C." Co. Dec. 4, Mark E.- Swan, la "A Uood Fellow." 7. I'aaiiit (Fred M. I.a made, manager).— Looked for week of 2 : Lament's dog. monkey und cat drama, the Wynwoods, De Renzb and La Due, and Ten Inky Dinks. Johnstown—At the Cambria (Harry W. Schcrer. manager* "The Lily aad the Prince" drew woll Nov. 20. "The Minister's Son" played to good houses 2(1. ICdgur Selwvn", In "Strougheart." had a largo audience 27. Frank Deshun and company played "Miss Hob White" and delighted two crowded houses 28. "A Cowboy's Girl" did good busi- ness, two performances, 29. "Sis In New York" pleased. Innlliiee ami night. SO. Dud- ley's moving pictures Dee. ", Uermauln Qua.-- (ctte Club silver Jubilee concert 3, Murdl Cms Beauties -J, 5, "Muute Crlsto" 7. Paiik Familv (Harry. W. Seherer, inann- uerl.—Following bill drew crowded houses week of Nov. 2u: The Three Gems-(Perry bisters). Ed. Eslus. Doreuxo and Laduc, the (Sharpies, illustrated songs aud moving pic- tures. Dill week of Dee. 2: Aubrey und Lowers, the Cbttuieroys. Juliet Wood, the Musical Simpsons, illustrated sougs aud raov- lug pliluies. Majlstic (L. It. Cool, manager).—Till* week's bill proved exceptionally good and played to packed bouses lost week. Intro- dliclng: Bedlui and his' dogs. Hibbcrt Olid Wan an, Bcrnkrr's .Marionettes.. Josephine (jnssman and her pickaninnies, Fainicr D'e- .^^S-SiJSfl^V V lS!SSm,J!S& v «y "'"I cumnuny. Searl and Violet Allen LSSS stt BJ!SSt QrB?„l I,a ;W... ( L i« company, Paul (fonohos, and moving p. C,„!. turcs. Bill week of Dec. 2. McMahons Minstrel Maids and Watermelon Girls. Camllle Trio, May Duryca and Chas. Delaad, lied ford and Wibcbeetor. Dorloh aUd Hussell, i.ee Toug Poo, and Madga Foti. Colombia.—At the Columbia Opera House (John B. T?l«Flnger. raaua-jer) "The County Sheriff"- pleased Nov. 2. London Gaiety Girls 2d, "In Arizona," by local taleut, matt neo nnd night. 28. "The Cireat Divide" bad a good hoUse SO. Moving pictures Dec. 2, S, "Mv Wife's Famliv" 4. uiuvlng pictures R, "Uuiler aoiilhera Skies" 0. "The l/rtwrltteu. Law" 7. AT TltK AliHORV KOLLKH RlVK. the El Ray Slaters pleased good crowds last week. " For. Mr Ideals ha'd i (*ensutlon Hii'r.lcsnuen.'hall trbwdccT h6iise»2, 30.' High Jinks'UciT.-.2-4, Twentltth Century Malds.Tj-7. ■ -' - : " ■■.:-'■ v . Norea—''The Eiirl ahd Hie filrl"'closed here.NOv. 2iS. uftcr ailing a three days' en- " use......"The . Joseph's Oper- atic Society (local), at the: Ppuru Hcus-. Nov. 23. 26. to capacity bouses.. The local lodge of Elks havo booked '"Tho ■ llvuei- muoncrs!' for a benetlt performanco to be hwa at tho Opera House. 0. • . i s m i l i "i Wll - . Jeniey City.—At the Malostlc (F. K- Henderson, maliascr) "Pitr: Pnlfl I Huuflir week of Dec. 2. "The Wizard Of'0«" 9-H. "At Yale" closed a good week OTy. iiO. A'CADEJft (F. E. Henderson, manager).— "The Ufe of: an Actress" Dec. 2-7, "Tbe Phantom IVtective" follows. "The Rocky Mountain Express" bad good business last week. Bos Ton (T. W. BInklns. manager).—Tbe • TutM.M,"Tie t»- it.-. ' n H wr MB** week of 2. Broadway Gaiety ' —"■»-<?• W« Ufy»^ i . n ' a . D °8e'').-T!iis Clrbj next. Tbe Cherry mSffi list Week. big business. "The KuiTft 4 PsocroR'a.—Week of 2: Shields Majcttic^ (.Clinton Wlhson,'-' man'aier);-^ J*sl. week. Roble's Knlckerboekcrs. wliu Jack aaTafc^Tt^wS^^^^JS ' ">*■ ^ ««« ! raders Neit w^ek The'\r^.,, , ^V I i Ma . 8quc " Eagement at the Opera House Sparks Thha^rf Weir ^, 0, ?; l,;3 'i °*'■*■" ■■"»* PWscrtteiVby St. Jos .i!S2"ci n " , .? ,gcp ''. ) '^" rbl ?. week: The Bors- i. ?f: s J,"", |lc 00 " Cole. Cowley and Doll; La Petite Colson, and Leslie Pomeroy. '.'.'..' ! i l 11 * '"' 1 " "* SprlnuMeld:—At the Baldwin (Geo. 01 en - dorf. manager) Otlk Sklhnet canceled his ilo tc of Nov. 2". "Little Detective" plaved 22. box Against Sex" eonceled dnli; of 24. "Filled by '\oungei- Brothers in Missouri." which Played to good business. "The Moonshiner's Daughter" 27. "mien We Were Friends" 28. In the Bishop's Carriage," matinee cad night -M. "My Dixie Girl" Dec. 1. "Cuder Southern Skies" 4. "Tlie District Voder" hSaSfc'*^ T "»««n.hy:8. • nnata (F. w. house continues to do Old Plantation." last week, proved' . oxliig come a regular feature nt. thin house, aud al- ways draw ciiuncity. Tiger Lilies next. Casino (Kllas & ICoenlg, mutineers).—The ltehman Show 2-7. The Iluoslor Zouaves con- tinue to bo the main feature, while the bur- lesques hove tbe services of Pute Curlcy us Hip big funmiikcrs. The Dulniy Duchess Co. bid siilendld returns last wook. »NCW Gavutv (CharlcB L. Welters, mana- ger).—Horry Bryant ■ Co. tills week. Vaude- ville numbers are by the Stella Troupe, ('hurley Harris. Dunnudy, Lillian Slcgcr. El- llott. Relulr dnd Elliott, John J. Hlacl; mid Wllkca-Barro At the Nesbltt (11. A. Browo. manager) - "Tbe Great Divide" had 8. It. 0. "Peter Pan" Dec. 2. 3. Mrs. Pat Campbell 4. Carlotta Nlllson 6. 'The Mayor of Laughland" 7. Kclcey and Shannon 10, "Rip Van Winkle" 14. Oiia.ni> Opuii.i Udi'sb (If. A. Urown. mnna- g(i).^-James J. Corbett end "The Four Cor- ners of the Earth" had good houses last wick. "Chinatown Charlkr 2-4, Barney Gll- morc 3-7. HKWBnBws! W%^^ms?$z , Altuounr— At the Mishlcr (I..C. Mlsbler. manager) Helen Grayce and a capable com- pany, In a'repertory of high class prbduc- tlons. drew largo houses week of Nov. 23. with Mogul" Dec. U. Walker Whiteside 7, Sed«ll«.—At the New Sedalla (Geo. F. 0 endorf. manager) W. E. Whltecar..lii "An Old Sweetheart of Mine," ^o v . 23^ '*lstrlet fader." .24v 25. ; did nice bualhessv "Wtoe V i 0m S".2? d ;?. o 2* ^?'." In the Bishop's Oir- 'age' 20, Flslre OTInra SO. "The Grane No complaint as regardb business. Emhiuc (A. M. BruKgemanu, propricion -Week of Dee. 2: Mr. and Mlu llobyns, Charles and Fannie Tan. the FlnfccyB. cham- pion swimmers: Mike Foster, and his doe;. Three Lelghious. Arthur, Wbltcfrw, aud "f a Spcclul feature; Willie Paatser end corn- Grand Pany. ( Bualnes* continues mrothbreaklDg. IglH Owls had plenty Al. Itearea Co. next. fhos. \V Diimont. munager).— Munugci' DunyoHt right bcblud Davla Holubco ta n producer and has already ovolv«d a new burlesipie, "Thii Warrens' of Old vlrnliilu," whlcli will be produced 2-7. "Toddy's New Eaxlc" Is ccntlnued. While the tlrst part will disclose settle new sougi aud lottos, >Nixtii asd Ahcu SOWBCN (T. >■'. Hopkins. uiauager).—The curie boll attract lout week of 3 arc: The Uuyfotfty 'fra-upo. tbe Hoi- brooKs. i lie Suiiluiiknc the Soiilh Sou Isliind- ei"» and Dngati. lu the. tbontre are t Hall sum ami Collins, HeruburJy,. Jarrow. Dunbar's joats aud Lubln's cluoogrupli. vNorcv.-maoiea McCout. for mauy years a 1'bpuliir member of Duiuont'a Mln»;rels, sev- ered Ills CDilliei-llon With that organisation last week. AIM will lirirutiflcr engage In the hoi el bu>ilu»K4. He pim»jin»M a hart tone voice ■>f due rang< "ml his wlllidtawal from tho stag'i Is rwretti'd by Ills bust of frlchds... Local No. I. of the .Bill -Woslora and Blllars .Mllnuce of Aincrlca. Iield Its unnual ball at. the Votiiic Maciincrclior lla|l on Nov. 23. A blj crowd was protein ai^d tho local's tieus- coutlnuos Hue. Svrnntou.—At tha Lyceum (C. M. South well. niunug<VrV -Mrs * Wa s. J'utrlck Campbell Due. ters. In "Tho Mayor of Laugh- riirce'of Us" Wood's (Dr. II. W. Wood, manager).— Mrs. Flske, in "Leah Klesclma." Xov. %8 U.viql-b (Gey. F. Cldrk. manager).-iiTbis house opened Nov 24. with vaudeville, Mar- 1-^°' »il! arlip I lfc .>i Mfiit0 S* : »lnstrated song. Tr,^ p vr. r an , d KU, «i r* 1 " 0r8at Cummla^ Trio, Wava. I^na and Irma. ' NdTKfl,i-«F.lectrlc Thcatie (W. d. Malone manager Illustrated song and moving n\c- . ttires. Standing room..... Nickelodeon das. "Kin* of Tramps" 2H. "Tho County Sheriff' Capeii. manager) Illustrated songs and mov- SO, "TheMayor of Luughlaod" Dee. 2, Howe's lrt * Pictures. . standing room at a premium for both per- formances on Thanksgiving Day. The Mardt Gras Beauty Burlcsquers Dec. 3. !). Maude Adams, In "Peter Pan." -4, 5 : "Monie Crlsto" <;. "Tha Isle of Spice" 7, Hlmuelein's Ideals t) arid Woek. VorrUtiro n.—At the Grand Opera House (Herbert Lynch, matinger) "My Wife's Fam- ily." Nov. 23. pleased. ''Buster Brown," 2R. pier licascd. Around tho Clock." 28, did well. 'The Old Clothes luad," 0! "Tho Three' Of Us" 7, Sjuipbqu.v Orchestra I).. Kelsev and Shannon nil! play ,i rcturu date. 11, lo "Bridge." "Fetor l'au r ' Nov. 28^10, was Wall received. Ac'AeXiiT (C M, Sonttwetl. manCBCi-).— "The Cowboy nnd the Squaw" Doc. 2-4. "Chluatown Charlie" 3-7, Barney Gllinorc li- lt. Jau)os J. C»rbett, in "The Hurglir aud (lie Ladv," Nov. 2S-ltO, tn largo houses. Poli's (John II. Docking, manager).—BUI week «t Dec. '4: Win. II. Thompson. Titos, II. luce aud company. Warren aad Blanc-hard. .Tamo* and Jennie Jcc. Henry Lee. the Perots, aud Robt. Dalley and company. Uusiures pictures 8, 1» M. C. A. 5. Man" r. Sheuaodoali,—At tbe New O'Hara (J. W. Malor. resident manager) "A Good Fel- low," Nov. 2.1. gave godS satisfaction. "The Kinp of Tramps" 2d. Uurrt Uearsi o brother of Tern Hears, tho lazy juggler, 4i» SOUTH CAnOLlXA. 0 S .W e, , r *r At Ul ? Academy of Music ( J. d. Smithdaal. manager) "Bhctlock Holmes " for b*n«Bt, t jf f. 0. Eagles, Nov.. 25. Tbeatobicm (,T. L. Gray, manaxer) — .Mot. ^^SX^S^^S^^ ^O'«tures andl.lt,, tr a,eo-;,oy ) - *^ Ch»rt«, ? k.^f the'Acaasni^ of Music (Chas. R, Mktthewa. Mah'ager) "The Vlr- ' Cnmacri^-At the Camdcni (M. W. Tay- lor, manager) ."Lcdd Rivers." Nov. 21-33. had sotlsfaetorl. business. "A Millionaire's Be- venCe',"'2357: did record breaking ba6loes5- "Chinatown. Cborlla" . 2S-30, I tua w ll Bros-, Dee'. 2-4, "Edna, the Prettj* Typeivrltor' 3-"- >NEW BhbAUWAV (John C. Peeblee-. rosiia- ger).—Chester D'Aaion. with bis- marrelou? power Of "psychromaucy;" gave a clever ex- blbltlon here, last week, others 'were: The ltorfiandtts. Deirorelll and Gllsssr.d«, Marlow I'lUnkelt Co., Four Casting Dunbars, »U a Barry and Woolfdrd. , m> • . CttAs. T. O'Hasa, of this city, hat leased glnlan" pleased a good house Nov. 27 "The lb* AUboy Theatre. Perth Attlioy, N. J., and Siuaw Man'.' .had good busineva 28. with nflcr remodeling It tUoroughlv will reopen Thanksgiving matinee. "Leiia Rivers" had the heu»c as o first class vomlcvlllc theatre, good house 'jp. "The Bwcctest Girl hi Dixie' - Carrie RUchle Fred Swift, and the Lyro- under the uutuc of the Uljou. enjoyed good house 00c graph. AltKAMSAS. :_- . * • Hot Sprlnsr»r--At the Auditorium (f n S, "tena Hea.d. mauacir) "tnelo Joih spruceW esju? NoV.-2S.au3nletr»d. "Tho-TIoir, tM Bg end. the QM/'ai}. had good busdajs?.. J}' RttJaJl of Bhjmg/' 2Ti "pleased- , "fflO \ C Z dttt? 1 - 28. matfaee and ulgbt; "M/s >«*. lldkObnd" Dec. 2. "Par»lf.ir 8. ''B*l»r» i™ AfteF' 4, "DlVdrcous"-«. : . • .','.. _„,,, LYMc (Howard. Fogg, mahagerj.-rnji:' Pauline Kclblo* Lydcl end Wt&BSSl