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The New York Clipper (December 1907)

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1184 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 14, HOPKINS t ILLEN WILD WEST REVOLVER Cil. Barrel. Bl«d Stwl. 82 or 38 Calibre. Only $4.60 HOPKINS k ALLEN BBVOIjVBBS are widely noed bj stage peopH ifcnase of their high quality and low price. The shore model— WILD WEST RBVOCVEK—li especially desirable for melodrama and Write for otw Catalogue Of Shot Gum, Rlflii and Rtvolvtrt. Free. Western Shows, because of Its ihowy site and plstol-Ilke appearance. DESCRIPTION—A long barreled revolver—large ano very showy, large stock and blued octagonal barrel, a half foot long. Hakes a great •bow from the front, and especially with 38 calibres, a very lood report when blank cartridges are used, la doable action, self cocking; hammer re- bounds after firing, obviating the possibility of accidental discharge. Barrel Is twist rifled, and excellent for target practloe. The revolver Is safe, ac curate, reliable, and made of best material throughout 88 calibre, 5 shots 82 calibre, 6 shots. Sent by MAIL, POBTPAID, anywhere In the 0. 8., for 84.B0. BAFE DB LIVBRY AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED— If not found at nearest gun store. Banu Em, with triple nickeled barrel frame and cylinder, BO cents less In either 82 or 88 entlon calibre wanted when you write. THE HOPKINS A ALLEY ARMS CO., Theatrical Dept, Norwich, Conn., V. S. A Largtet Uanufoctvren of High Qrode Popular Priori ftresrsw (» life World. AT LIBERTY, DIRECTOR Tiit t class engagement only. 908 21m 8t-, Ottawa, Kan. Add. AND LOWEST PIES. A 100. Our 1906 STREET- MEN'S CATALOGUE ll now ready for distri- bution. Writs for It to- day. You cannot afford to be without a copy. Milltd frss. BBT. 1880. LEVIN BROS., 80-83 N. SIXTH STREET. TERRE HAUTE, IND. HIGH GLASS MAGICAL APPARATUS At moderate prices. Large stock, Immense variety, niostrated Catalogue Free. New Mam- moth Catalogue lust issued, soo. Jast out, list of new books on Mario and new list of bargains In Maks. A. BOTERBERG. TO Ontario St., Chicago. STAGE LIGHTING Of Every Description. KLIECL BROS., Broadway sjssj 38th Street, H. T. City. MILLER* ttARVFACTUHKR of Theatrical Boots <fc Shoes ■MM and BALLET SHOES a spe- cialty. All work made at short notice. , 3td St. New Yti. Tel. 100 Chelsea. IttlOlM SOAP "rakeri," Oiamiera uRoor prices on soap, they will interest you. Bpeclal Dept. for making private brands with at- tractive labels. Money-getiere of big value for canvassers and fakers, we satiety and hold oar E. M. DAVIS SOAP 00., 40Union Park Court, Chicago. "Tell It To Me" EZRA KENDALL'S 3d BOOK. ALL MEW - JUST OUT. For sate on all trains and news stands, or by mail, as*. Address kzra kewdall, 8 Oadwell AvhAMayneld Heights, Cleveland, 0. MU8ICAL GLASSES. Substantial, loud, pure In tone, easy to tone and play. Photos, references, catalogue, with full Information will be sent on re- ceipt of stamp. A. UraunelBs, aiaasophone Mfg., 434 Flatbush Avenne, Brooklyn, M. Y. Wanted, for Mystic Sliriners, ONE EIGHT, DEC. 19, FIRST CLASS VAUDEVILLE ACTS. B. D. HOROAN, 3303 East 6Jth 8U, Cleveland, 0. MAGIC TRICK5 With Cards, Coins, Ribbons, etc., I explained so any one can do them. I Illustrated C a talogue Included. Address OTTO MAGIC CO., Dept. B., 370 West 39th Street, New York. FOR SALE. AiBStntnt Palace, Moving Picture Theatre Equipped with electric plant, PatheCinemato- graph, eiecuio sign, etc Capacity, BOO people. Doing a dno business. A splendid Investment for the right party. Beat of reasons for selling. CLAIR G. HORRIS, Warsaw, N. Y. A GEEAT BARGAIN IN OPERA CHAIRS 630 Full Upholstered Chairs like this one must go. We have taken them in a trade and haven't room to store them. They are latest de- sign, upholstered in Nor- mandy plush with corded edges. All as good as Call quick if yon want a bsrgala. American Seating Company 19 W. 18lh ST., NEW TORK, Order either Tests or Hose. They will be sent to you with the understanding that If they are NOT PERFECTLY SATIS- FACTORY to yon In EVEBT BB8PBCT; If yon do not consider them the GREATEST VALUE8 EVER OFFERED, you can return them to us AT OTJB EXPENSE, and we will cheerfully refund your money, together with any transportation charges you may have paid. YOU DO NOT RISK ONE PENNY IN SENDING YOUR ORDER to BELLAS HESS <fc COMPANY, New York City, New York. Mo. 19 C SM— Joalitv, ore Silk Black guaranteed fast black, double toes, double soles and high spliced heels. This same quality of silk hose ordinarily sells for $1.50. We have bought an enormous quantity. and are going to sell them aa long as this lot lasts, (or the special price of 91.00 per pair, or three pair foraa.OO. No. 1* C S45- TBB ABOVE 18 A SAMPLE OF OCR 75c. LETTER HEAD HALF TONE We can make a half tone from photograph yon furnish; set up your name, address and act In type, and print soo Letter Beads, Will, for, KJfOXVILLE ENOIIAVING CO., 818 Hay ■!;. KnoiTllle, Tes UNIFORMS BAND, HIUTAOT, IINSTUL OUTFITS CARNIVAL COS., USHERS And All Others Stll fir CsTAlW. lutlis till Wsitei Special Attention Given the Preteulti Western Uniform Go. 314 8. CLARK 8T. CHICAGO FACTOR ACTRESS: oV ORATOR BEST PATISO PROFESSION IN TBB WORLD. We teach yon by mnll in a short time to go npon the stage or speaker's platform. Yon can easily earn from $29.00 to $200.00 weekly. We have thou- sands of satisfied Btudonts. Write for FREE book- let on dramatic art by correspondence. CHICAGO SCHOOL OP ELOCUTION. 1289 Chicago Opera House Block, CHICAGO, ILL. 8 DRESSER TRUNK. Easy to get at everything with- out disturbing anything. No fatigue in pacta g and unpack- ing. Light, strong, roomy drawers. Bolds as much and ooeta no more than a good box trunk. Band riveted; strongest trunk made. In small room serves as chiffonier; 0. 0. D. with privilege of ex- amination. 80. stamp tor cata- log. P. A. STALUaAN, sb W. Spring 8t» Ootambos, 0. Ladies' Imported Pore Span Ribbed Vests, made by Europe's most celebrated maker of silk un- derwear, and Im- ported by us direct from Bern, Ewlti- erland. Guaranteed Sure silk of ths nest quality, trimmed with fine silk ribbons at neck and around the arm-holes. Come In pink, cream white or light bine. Sites, 82 to 44 bust meas- ure. Order as many of these silk vests as yon desire. Too run absolutely no risk In doing so. Price, f 1.00 oecb. or three (or 93.M. CoyRELlASHE5S&!@n^ No laoAOWAV. Munce k Crosby STS Branch Agents NEW YORK CITY.N.Y. Bouses GOWNS CONTRACTS LETTER. HEADS, ENVELOPES. TICKETS, PASSES, CARDS, Etc Write tor Samples. Webb Ptg. Co., 358 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. FOR THE STA6E, SLIGHTLY USED. ALSO STREET GOWKS. We have on hand a large assortment of slightly worn Evening Gowns, Dinner, Reception and Tea Gowns. These robes are perfect In every respect, and are especially suitable for wear la HIGH 0LA8S DRA- MATIC Productions. Wo have a full line or Seal Skin Coats and Pars of all kinds. MRS. II. 8TARR, 807 South State St, Chicago. mtmmtmiu. Large List of New Proles* slonnl and Amateur Plays, Yaudmiiio Sketches, Suae Monologues, Minstrel Material 1 JokM. Itmlcal Plena, Hesita- tion., I>ln1offnrA,Mal.'C-upUood»,ctc» Catalogue f>-e<s T. S. DENISON, Pub., Dopt. 17* Chicago. PLAYS After. Shaving MENNEM'SI BORATED TALCUM TOILET POWDER and insist that your barber use it also. It Is Anti- septic, and will prevent any of the skin diseases often contracted. A positive relief for Chapped Hands, Chafing, and all afflictions of the skin. Removes all odor of perspiration, flet Menceo' s— the original. Sold everywhere or mailed Tor 25 cents. SampU frte. Try llmncn'i Tlofef (Borated) Talcum. GERHARD MENNEN CO. Newark, N. J. Guaranteed under the Food and Drugs Act, June 30, 1906. Serial No. 1642. BEFORE AH AFTER THEATRE, MOUQUIN'S Sit Ait.. Hi 2711 III 261. Sir. K» Yort, HOST POPULAR bTRbbBOH JUCBTAURAJIT. PARISIAN CAFE, t : MCBIC fl.90 TO 1 A. M. PVAN FLIET. -o rinteK WASHIKGTON. Seattle.—At the Grand Opera House (John Cort, manager) Ca've, assisted by Renee Chemet, vToTlnfste; Hon*. Lloyd dAublgne, tenor, nnd Mons. Camllle Decrens, pianist, presented an artistic programme to an en- thusiastic audience Nov. 26. Marie Cabin. In •Marrying Mary," played to crowded houses 28-30. Max Klgraan, In "The Man on the Box," week Dec. 1: Maude Fealy, in "The Stronger 8ex," week 8; Frits! Bchcff, In "Mile. Modiste,' 1 10-18. Siattlb (Russell & Drew, managers).— 'The Royal Chef," week of Nov. 24, proved a good drawing card. "The Rollicking- olrl week of Dec. 1, "Tne Land of-Nod" 8-11, local 12 Stetson's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" 13, 14, Primrose's Minstrels week of 16. Third Avbncts (Chas. A. Taylor, mana- ger).—The Chas. A. Taylor company present- ed ''The Octoroon," week of Nov. 24, and had excellent business. "Married Life" week of Dec. 1. "Camllle" week of 8. Lois (Alex. Pantages, manager). — The Pantages Stock company presented "The Nominee," week of 24, to good business. "The Ensign" week of Dec. 1, Clay Clement, in "The New Dominion," week of 8. Coliseum (D. Q. Inverarlty, manager).— Bill week of 2: Onsttl Sisters, Jack and Bertha Rich, La Belle Estalllta and Garcia, Hammond and Forrester, Gracey and Bur- nett. Preston Kendall, Eddie Eoesch and moving pictures. Pantaqes' (Alex. Pantages. manager).— BUI week of 2: Luculla's panthers and leop- ards, Davis and Walker, the Bustlcana Trio, Coleman and Mexls, Gllllhan and Brocee, Arthur Elwell and moving pictures. Stab (Frank Donellan, manager).—BUI week of 2: Lewis and Lake Musical Comedy Company, Nellie Martini, Musical Bells, Cole and Cole, Roy McBraln and moving pictures. Orfbeum (William Morgan, manager).— BUI week of 2: Murphy-Whitman company, Falrman and Raymond. Rah I Bah I Quartette, Everett Sisters, Augusta Malson, Geo. BXeane and moving pictures. Lybic (L. N. Bosenbaum, manager).—Bill week of 2: Moving pictures and Illustrated songs. Family (John Lord, manager).—Bill week of <t : Landauer Troupe, the Two Orre, John Burke company, Lavern, Klngsley Broa, Jack Grift", Hass? De Varra and moving pictures. Notes— Every effort Is being made to have Manager Cort'a new theatre, "The Moore," completed In time for presentation of 'The Alaskan," week Dec. 29. Much work remains to be done, but It Is hoped all obstacles will be overcome Eden Musee will reopen 18, under the management of W. W. Ely. with select vaudeville and varied attractions. What action the city authorities will take In regard to the enforcement of the Sun- day closing law, Is still In doubt > Spokane,—At the Spokane (Chas. Muehl- man. business manager) "The Yankee Re- gent," with Toby Lyons, John Collins, Wal- ter Smith, Clara Berger and others, played to capacity, Nov. 24-26. Elsie Herbert, In a soubrette part, scored a personal hit. Max Flgman In "The Man On the Box," 27, 28, to standing room. Fannie MarinoOF, a new mem- ber of the company, displayed talent that won Instant favor. Stetson's "Uncle Tom's Cabin," featuring Uabel Hill, as little Eva, drew a packed house, 29. "The Vanderbllt Cup' 30-Dec. 1, "Qulney Adams Sawyer" 3, "The Land of Nod" 4-6, "Are i"ou Crasy?'' x, "Woodlaud" 9-12, San Francisco Opera Co. 13, 14; "The Boyal Ctef 15, 16; "The Rollicking Girl" 20, 21; Maude Kealy 22, 23; "The Man of the Hour" 25, 26; "Yon l'onson" 28. Columbia (Geo. M Dreher, manager).— Wlllard B. Feeley, Maxlne MUes, Blanche Bryant and Robert Barrett scored in "The Man Behind the Mask," week of Nov. 24, the first two named. In the leads, being par- ticularly well received. Business was Dig. Mr. Feeley has lust Joined the company as leading mar,. "The Cowboy and the Squaw." with Miss Miles as SllYerbeels, and Mr. Fee- ley as Bronco Bob, was the next play by the Curtis Comedy company. AuDiTOBiuit (H. C. Hayward, manager). —Jessie Shirley, as Joan Templeton. In "The Primrose Path," showed her versatility week of 24. She was supported by George Mc- Quarrle and Anna Cleveland, a new member of the company, and the Shirley Stock. Jack Araory was well received as Cartwrlght. Business was big. "The Judge and the Jury" la underlined. Pantaqes' (E. Clarke Walker, manager).— The El Did Fonl, Mexican cyclists headed the card week of 26, doing the banner busi- ness of the season. Others were: La Zar and La Zar, Leffingwell, Fletcher and com- pany, the Sharrocks, Hardle Langdon, Leo While, and the pictures. Washington (Geo. C Blakeslee, mana- ger).—Preston Kendall bad the first place on the bill week of 24. Others: The Musi- cal Bells, Jack and Bertha Blch, Gracey and Burnett, Hammond and Forrester, the Four Onettl Sisters, Pete Dunswortb, and the blo- graph. Big business. Items.—c Herbert Moore, Mayor of Spo- kane, gave this statement to Thb Clippke : 'When I was a candidate for ofilec, 1 did not declare for the Sunday dosing of saloons, and I am not now opposed to keeping thea- tres open on Sunday. I believe questions of this kind should be submitted to a vote of the people, but I doubt If Sunday closing would carry In Spokane, our people are lib- eral-minded, and they will not abuse any privilege. While the Washington Supreme Court has upheld the validity of the law requiring theatres to be closed on Bunday, I do not helleve It wUl be enforced In Spo- kane The Boatonlan Sextette pleased a large audience at First M E. Church even- ing of Nov. 20. C. L. Btaats, clarinetist; A. A. Moulton, violinist; Carl W. Stockbrldge, 'cellist, and Melva Clemaire, soprano, scored In solo numbers Harry Wood Brown, baritone, formerly with the San Francisco Opera Co., has opened a studio In Spokane, and wUl present a series of light opera by omateur talent this Winter Dorothy Steele, a member of "The Yankee Regent'' Co., visited her father. Col. Richard 8. Steele, editor of The Harrington (Wash.) OitUten, during the engagement of the troupe in Spo- kane John K. Cordray, formerly man- ager of the Washington and Columbia Thes- tres, in Spokane, has been transferred to Denver, where he will superintend the com- pletion of the SuUlvan A Consldlne vaudevUle Theatre. » Tacoma.—At the Tacoma (C. H. Herald, manager) Sarah Trnax, in ''The Spider's " Dec 1. 2: "Th» ITnl» rM*» >r _i.v Web,' BSth mwY« iT~ *•- ".•- The Ho1 * Clty,' r with Luella Morey, 3; "Qulney Adams Sawyer" 6, Maude Fealy, In 'The Stronger Sex," 6, 7. Q&akd (Dean B. Worley, manager).—BUI week of 2: The Eddy Family, Jack Lyle, Three Kobers Lyndan and Wren, McCreedy and Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Monroe, Alice Wlldlmere, snd the Qrandlscope, . Stab (John McCabe. manager).—The Star Stock Co., In "City of New York," week of 2. o. J*J? <P - ?.S T J lr ^L m « na « e r)-—The Gerton 8tock Co., In "The Christian," week of 2. w»a OKLAHOMA. Oklahoma City—At the Overhoiser (Ed. Overholser, manager) "The Girl from Over There" did well Nov. 28. " 'Way Down East" had good business 29. "An Old Sweetheart of Mine drew good business 80. "Bed Feather" hsd fine business Dec. 1. "The Clansman" did fine 2. Convention Hall (H. Harper, manager). —Mrs. Flske, in "Leah Kleschna, 1 ' did a fine business Nov. 26. People's (Alton & Alexander, managers). —The Chase-Lister Co. closed Dec. 1. The Franklin Stock opened 2, with repertory, and all of these attractions are doing One busi- ness. Just a little on CHEESE is delicious. It adds zest to Welsh Rarebit, Maca- roni with Cheese, Chttse Toast and Chafing Dish Cooking. Lea & Perrins' Sauce TUB OWOIHAL WOStCCSTeRSHIBE BeWARZ OF IMITATIONS Jobs Daaean'a 80ns, Agents, V 1. Qt&Mi**) [LUCKY LSTRIKE^/JM* Jay* CURED by a secret process "LUCKY STRIKE" hai a fragrance and charm all its own. LUCKY STRIKE Sliced Plug Pipe Tobacco Kaj ihe lirgetf rale in the world. Il anokei cool to the end without waste, and does not blow out of the bowl. For over fifty yean the name "PATTERSON" on tobacco baa been a guarantee of high quality. Pocket Size, Tin Box, 10c* CaUbrCocRt&ll TTLID DELIGhV THOUSANDS have discarded the idea of making their own cocktails—all will after giving the CLUB COCKTAILS a fair trial Scientifically blended from the choicest old liquors and mellowed vritn age make them the perfect cocktails thai they are. Seven kinds, most popular ot which are Martini (Gin base), Manhattan (Whiskey base). The following label appesrs on erery bottle: Guaranteed under the National Pure Food and Drosj Aet. AP- proTed Jane SOtb, 1906. Serial Ko. 17I»T. G. F. HEUBLEIN & BRO. Bole Proprietors . . Hartford New York London There is Beauty in a Litholin Collar com lort and economy. Being water- proofed linen they look like Uiieu-an* when soiled, a damp cloth will v>l* them as clean nnd white ns when m«- Utholln Collars and Culls make An Ideal Christmas Giit Collars 25c. Culls 50c. For traveling and dally use theysdd comfort. Do not crack, wilt, nor it-<>- If not il daten, ttaA Byle. iue, numlCT «»■ ' • • with remittance. ud«e«JII nnll.l""*!" 1,1 - , Cittlogue of new x r l«. fret •« W~-<- THE rlHKRLOIll CO., Ut»l. J 1 WtT«r!r J PI., N. T.