The New York Clipper (December 1907)

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.'.-.- . .-' . " ■• ?*.■ ; :..; 1102 ,r THE YORK ©KEPPBB. DEtJBMBER 14, . Keith * Proctor's Twenty-third Belaseoi Theatre(IHyld Beluco, Street Theatre (K.iVAIbee, general man- ger).-Klood melodrama Is ''JtVMM Axaertea. M. Warn, jnana- _ .^"fJT-SSSS O&'tt !*%*«* sed week- "The Original Cohen" did well tflhe «M-^W^r e V«^"rM.'irth? , . , t«^- «1^2^hT^rd d ^'M2n.rt M OMn <P*«y O. WlllUms, manager, s&eln ff™'^tte current wfck, opening Monday D*™," began ^f "o'" 1 *"* "" " —A; particularly in* bill Is presented th. SSgS SSSm^TlhSTto £ largeJouse* TW, ,1a ^t UoodCT. P*. >. ■ ^ JtOMtT Hfr jS*iZ*!*^?™" .«* Wlli l4D The them a kilt, dons a Scotch cap nnd elves an 1ml- . thtlon of Harry Lauder, singing "She's My starts out promisingly, gradually draws a Daisy," and does it brilliantly. Tie has Lau- drag-net about_the A "udlcnMji^Jntercs^ ft_na, der's Scotch down famous comedian' team's return f lb the comedy"hlt.""'^~yifla'g ± e"Tawycr~:'' i oi'eTery'Eelaacojjrpductlon, to ■*"•.JJ£[Jf,[ the Romany Oi Jsatlon, with s Mignonette Kokln, tal dancing '~ brought her hoff U Md a aordon"' , m a tbeTr* agreeable'musical chara'acrs'' In~*this "play are rather .well ES"? t act; 8wor Brothers, eiccllent In lmpersona- drawn, and do as you would expect humans ' irder nnd a girl being driven from home, week Monday-Dec »■ . „,._._ _«.. worth, Capt Winston's sea lions, Johnny piny has many fine scenic effects, among Gnrrlelc Theatre (Cb» Fryman, man- n • Burt<m „,,, Brook9 Hi CC0Dono - g tra) J i'bclng a loggrng camp at night. Marlon 8ger).-''pe To^tker of Nuremberg be h Marguerite an^ Hanley^ BtaJey, i Charming as Mary Melrose, gaji Its third and last ^ckXlonaa^iJec^ J Transformation " metropolitan star, nnd carried The house will remain dark unt I it, wnen t^^ess 2-7. skill the mnny difficult sltua- Maxlnc Elliott will appear In Under the " fj^ NEX , B (0e , ■ • • fit.— _•» 4,>llr> Anna I n • Ann n-s,r.A Trm** *•' r\ Z a — — -I. . t* Ith sklll'the many difficult sltua- Maxlnc Kiiioit win appear m «..»«.— Keenex's (George Sloanc, manager).—Bill tibna'tnat fell to her. She was fully equal Greenwood Tree. „ m ' llfli . nn Ho rlnaer 9 and week : _P un V; e GlUnan, Joseph Max- o thc_ emotional requirement.>_of_the_role. Or-nd °R«» ■*B^*£ i^gg. well's ^Jtoffif™^*^ 1 ^^ Lorain'e snd Williams, the Blnaldes, K. ' Hawley and company, and Keenej- some clever character work as a his fourteenth week Monday, Dec. u. —*oti la itlll out oi toe cast. .Edward' Bebman, manager) .—Fred . Majesties are here this week, with a big company. Many changes have been made l?. 0 1ah I h.tron an o , f m ^te«c: Vh^'motion nerforu^aftraYhTnSe'Xt.e. ln%T.y't^ g^Xut town', were excellent Amanda tft r) -"The. Top._o',th' Worid^a^lt. , d .. The ^nelpn..Cure.'" the two burlesques, pictures continue. Its exhibition of Intelligence. letures continue. _ I Paator'a Theatre (Tony Pastor, Bcr).—A Urge attendance greeted the . Vng performance of the current week. Monday afternoon, Dec. 0. The bill was up ' are very good: . The chorus la large and well trained. In the olio arc: La Dora, Bradley and Boms, Fay and Stanley. Phillips Sisters, Gertie De Milt, and Cook and Madison. The Cracker Jacks did well last week, Next, the afternoon. Dec. 0. The bill was up to uu an admirer ol art m tne "<»«« "fW prUe, appeared In her original specialty. The | e ,q Ue oa "'The Thter'closed 8a uraaynigni. Bowery Bur i csque ra. high standard which one expects at. thU well demand, and It Is hard to dad ?a Bl • Jert Kalrfleld. FrankT. Charlton; Har- Dec. 7, and.tpe hoose will remain dark until D H * & beihuk's (Nick Norton, maris- hoiiae. Sam Rowley had some odd sayings, out where the man P™ne to fault- = ld l i, lIton B lgelow Cooper: Judge Melrose, Cbrlstmss wwk. when an eaboratc burlesque .—Batchcller's Boston Belles Co. Is the which he delivered In a. lively manner. He -finding could nut hla finger on, -a, g» '»«^. "j *„„, jjangYrfleld, Wm. Tenny- on "The Merry Widow" will be given Its first * Be ; lng 01 4. The olio is Urge. Including: has a big, pleasing voice, which showed to portion of It that l» exaggerated beyond advantage In a good selection of laughter- reasonable proportions. In one Instance tne drawing songs. Carrie Scott returned", after author has been daring and possibly many son; Spouting Seth, R. B. Theadore; Mfty production. , DaUy Tlarcourt, Boston Belles Quartet Corn- Ned, Jack Regan; Alfred Temple, Frank C. Hudson Theatre (Henry B. Harris, man- Dc | t Band, Edgar Blxley, Rice and Walters, ithoades; Jack Deene, Ben J. Landers; Cat B get) .—Kose Stan!, Tn "The Chorus Lady, ana Rosaire and Doretto. Vanity Fair lost. sevt-ral years' absence, and her reception win object to the course he has token. This j, k1 -j k LeYV . aa i a? her', John B.C1H- K^ n 'heTthlrd*wee'k"and last fortnight.Mbn- coming. Blue RlbbonGlrU. proved tfiat she had not been forgotten. She is in the Qnal scenes where the heroine send* J 0 Vd " ^ d der7 Tom Whalen; Count De Sty^ec U. Etbcl Barrymore, In "Her, Sis- "bboadway (Loo C. Teller, leasee)—Blanche »5„»5 n lS . am .2t'Jl«-. , S ftte Barrie7t bl a C nd Cot ^J'!! 0 ^ 8 ,^?.^/: L&S SSSSl -V^^o^VlcUrAryj^q^ljy^M^B. gg», follow.Jn Cbrlat.nas ulght._, _„ Walsh .this, week present* 'The .Kreotjwr landled In a clever way. falls as the girl's father bids the young ■•W^gSmdt Issue. John F. Clark bad, a hearty reccp- 0 ft,, n been, a welcome guest before the war.- ge 0 D . Macicey, as Jim SUverton, the sherid, tlon on his appearance, and drew much up- Tnli i, | n ^ p rii, 1865, a momentous time, for „ ave s good impersonation. Sophia Petrayer Rlause with his good work. His monologue tne Confederacy Is well Jilgh whipped and ^. a ^ ctl f v inclng as Jessie Moreland, the girl; have ? depressing^effect, and the present «™ w^ber. A oneTact"Comedy, called "A SS* i" »?.52S 5? Kna^nSonCS. Sly Sttus,'Vl ? trodnces a host_of comedian. Is full of bright, new things, which are de- ,, am< j into aubmlaslon. The Union gener-,. jj aro | d vosburg was the convict Other char livcred tn a delightfully Interesting manner. a j §i h 0weT cr, are afraid that If a certain; nc ters and nlnycrs were: HIchard Thornton, One cannot sec such an act too often. Grace Bnp piy train, expected by the graycorts/ Ulysses Davis: Col. Larable, James H. Doyle; lems are Intervatlng, and Its philosophical conclusions are well founded in many in; '°«; il plenty of comedy and much good sing Their efforts were rewarded with ap tS*u vlbs worif,~wittii a mixture of comedy tuat Moused and hold the r"' Bcott, as "The Dancln neat, clever dancln Dc Lisle skillfully . otid received lota of applause. James S, Devlin and Mac Ellwood caused roars of laughter liv their clever acting of the skit, entitled "The Girl from Yonkers." and the young man is used by the Union Green, Albert Llolt; Dan Morgan, generals to further their ends, much.against Milts; Abner, It G. Noble; Wilfrey Beldln, and a well balanced chorus. Good business last week. * * - Novei/tt (Benedict Blatt, manager).—This week's bill: Irene Franklin, assisted by Burt Green; Foster and dog, Charles Kenna, tho Tennis Trio, Caron and Herbert, Irving Jones, Francis and McCurdy, and the Majestic Mu- sical Four. Good business last week. BtANET's (J. J. Williams, manager^— Luiii* 1 '; his will- He (s given leave to call upon her, Tho .IUr_rtogJMB. did, aome jrtllUul and certB , Q bor r g dlsnatcbes. which he car In the decoy dispatch affair comes to light, and Agatha, Infuriated and deeply hurt because It appears .lo .her so strongly that he has used her as a dupe, sends him away They tnado a big''hit" ■ _ __J H _ _„_ from'heri" Five years mtcr, when the bl* sized audience present on the opening matl li - L " ,,do ,^ ^ , , ,c,l, r* ' Ji ™« gt.v "Pgt "W wounds have to some extjnt healed over, Bur- nee. Dec. 9, who gave them a hearty welcome, •ger).— rht AmwfcoM nre this week s at- , on co M a a , n t0 the Wnrren homestead, The oimlng burietts, called "Krouscmeyer's tffS tl , 0 T n, w Uh ^W-*g°P^-**-■?* "l. snd Agatha tolls him that, although she still Alley,* Is full of snsp and glnger.-and was Will Hi Ward, In his Gcrmaacharacter,was , J, m a g h adow of the pist la still « blgsuccess from tho start Wm. successful Monday, Dec 0, and was ably as- sisted by the company, coat to good advan- tage, Several new musical numbers were handsomely staged. Mho olio Included ? The Sisters La Tour, Moselle, a clever tire dan- Includlng Little stances. Sudennan puts forth the argument that honor, like many : oth?r things, maybe Interpreted from any nolnt of view, and that 'there can he no absolute standard. However much-his views may be challenged, he maintains his polnU well, and the story keeps tro.. tne'interest" there are, however, many flaws, and many portions otthe work Qwen Davis' melodrama, "It's Never Too- Frank Burling, Capt. Joe. Joe McKay; Mrs. are marred by halting nciiou. This may, j. te to Mcn( j," tn is week. Big business last SkJtnmeihorn, Mary- Davis; Winifred Win- however, be due to a liberal adaptation, and k "The-life of An Actress" next ters. Margaret H. King: Judy, Llllton Rose- not to the faults of the play as Sudennan go'tjum (Edgar F. Glrard, manager).— wood. Jonn.T. Pearsall Is manager; Chas. originally wrote It. The climaxes of the acts jt. i3 week's bill: Cook and Clinton. Charles If. llerner, business manager; Phil Lynch, are crude, and the ending of the story falls R g^^t Damm Bros., Collins and Brown, carpenter; Arthur H, IUrlck, electrician; A. below.expectations. Briefly. It tells of how (.j^ Bergman• and. Mahoney, Kuhn and Nellie, daughter of the ColUns, a poverty- zgcbnW Euzene Jepson and company, In stricken English fcmlly, Is betrayed . by .^ be Mayor srul the Manicure," and Fanny the .son of an arlstoi/rat, and a price Rlce Goo(1 business last week. . pat upon tbe betrayal by (he wealthy pay-ton's (Joe Tayton, manager).—"Ten- Jather of the guilty voung^man. But Frank usee's Pardaer" this .week. Mit, "Ham-. CdlUns, who nas been educated to better k,H ...... ., ; . .- ■ •-» things; and has clearer ideis of honor, refuses ltcbcm (Louis Phillips, manager).—"The to let lis people accept this money-as .the Burglar's Daughter" this week: "The King price of his sister's downfall. Frapk'eventu- 0 f-the Cowboys" had a big week ending 7. ally wins the love: of Helen, the aristocrat's Notes A large theatre party' will be daughter, bht the ending does not make any riven by the Brooklvn Letter Carriers' Mu- Hefdman, properties. Next week, "The Orig- inal Cohen." , i Dcney Theatre (Sullivan & Kraus, man- agers).— Wtn. B. Watson's IlMr/eacuers Is-the attructlon here this week. There .was a good B. Wat- Old General Warren, however, bids son, as Philip Krousemcyer, nolitlclan.jsboe- moker and musician, made a big hit there, mu ucuTiKi i' Burton "come again," and things look rosy maker and musician, made a big hit. Frank provision, for the betrayed girl, nor Juai.Benefit Association at theOrpheum, 14, for the future of tbe lovers as the iaat cur- Bombard,-as Mlko-Grogan,-a sausage maker; show bow the guilty man was punished. John nn( j a fter the performance a dinner will be talnfa'ls. This makes a tale of old time Fronk Bagan, as Tommy Orogan; .Florrle Craig, as Frank Collins, delivered some long acr y (a a # the assembly. Treasurer William love Interest, with a good background of war's Mlllership, ns Kittle Krousemeyer, were all and difficult speeches with telling effort, and ai C Elfcn£«y of-the Orpbeum. will be a guest Buffalo.—At the Star (P. C. CQmell. man- ager) Nat C. Goodwirt appears Doe. 9-11. "A Knight for a Day" 12-14, Anna Held 16-I!1. bjtion Tfowder.' He l;aa it complete with bomt litt [ g a character that should appeal Krousotneyer, Minnie Remington; Becky. In a sure grip when he was on the stage, fhe.^exceptlpD. of ope lugredlent He falla ttf onBly to the actor, because of Its wide KrojiSemcyor, LllUe Mlllership; Kittle Krouse- fend' LouM Btuiielle, pretty and vivacious, asleep, and In bis drenin Is visited by the „,„««"„f emotions, and Mr. Keensn Just en- mcyer. Fiofrle Mlllcrshlpj Little Phi in had. an important role in Nellie, the lm- - Devil, who gives him. the one ingredient on twe "J| lnt0 tne Bnlrlt or tD „ ro)e wItn en thu- Krousemeyer. Little Philip; Hiram Duffleld, pBtuous, unrepentant girl, who is the causo brands Wilson made a hit ,_,.-.. condition that ha gives th* first powder to ,i„ m . n e ha d a great deal to do, and sev- William L. Swan ; Mike Grogan, Frank Bam- Jf it all, and her acting reflected great credit Cosvektios Hall (H. L Meecb, custodian).' his wife and daughter. In his dream he be- ...t times whole scenes rested absolutely upon, bard; Dr. Cheotem and John Castlna, James upon oiic so young. Wm. C. Carr did some —Sousa 11, Adelaide Norwood 12, ixrwara rich and famous; he has followed v. .hoaldcrs alone That he carried them McGowan; Claiance Fritz Poodle, George L. flne acting as old Collins, and Emllle Mel- Payson Weston 14. Frank Eagan; ■ Lconia, Bertha comes very .. out tho Instructions of the Dtvll. His wife nnd daughter, through their ambition to startle the world, become society women of triumphantly Is a matter of record, and he Do rs 71 Tommy Orogan, proved that the task has yet to be given bin: gf»V lce \, n 9 nn L e "n"™ 11 that he cannot accomplish creditably. Char- Fields ;Bnldv Sailers, Frai Devil, who reminds blm of his promise. Adam falls back, the. fall In Lis dream wakes blm up Just as his. wife and daughter enter the tailor shop. Adam realize* he has neglected his business and brougnt bis family to the v'ergo of starvation, he tells his wife he Is going to give up his ambition powders and Btlck to the tallJr shop, and everything ends dearly. Vna effectively" the'varled emotlona. f" c « 8S •^"'LJi'f ipHy._ Will H. Wacd, as the Gorraun tall- w hi c h •»"»«* '<"> A.M,nt« «n thn,,,^, n > dUns, made good rank Hogan: Scotty Lookmeup Jake, Will- James MncGowan ; chorus: Albert Gil- Cook. Mamie vlllc gave one-of her delightful conceptions as Mrs. Collins,. Dudley Hawley played a bit nicely, and-Robert Lee Hill, Wm. A. Nor- ton and Louise Itnndolph did work that was worthy of special mention. Others in tbe company were:" Scott Siggins, Ray Bever- idge, Clara Belle Greene, Martin J. Faust swayed the character all through the Swan and Bambard, eccentric come- good as usual In their clever Mil w^a^pWed-V^attully .meeting TrUU ^ w iTXg.t n .^.TfoV5d to undergo': «*. .•»«> n th d e ffi ae !S ,p . ct Ute ^kS. , S^ par, wblrh ranges from the comic to tbe 81ie jm not £ nht rl90 t o tho intense scene • "iJRlng and dancing act Krausemeyers pathetic, arid although, the situation is at Xre oh" bea s upon the door of 'the rooS Christentag" closes the show. It again nnd Pearl .-Maya a.newabay.. l'curl Ward did no doubr | mp rove her In that scene, and It ' tM 1 ffi 0 .i- 1 ., t 1 h I Next at- ctever work as the tailor's humble wife and in which all scored. Lady Birds company. Miner's Eluh'tH Avenue Theatre (Kd- "e and M ems reasonable to believe that ere long she.: „."»"":? ~^SST Tom i>7n^. E uguln as the ambitious society woman of his wiu P | ay ]t wlth much grcntC r InteSslty. W J» J?- «"?/■ SJJSffaS! * E,iJt dream; JnmcB i Hayes was an ImpreBBlvo Rmma Dunn known to New Yorkers for her. ? cm ™ n BarlwoHers are paying a return visit Devil. The moving pictures unreeled some ;„i e ndld worlt w'th the hue Richard MaajJ:' 0 this city, and a large house was present interesting subjects. Next week, the Fny „$d iw one of tto ^ Foster Co. , bits ai Mrs \Vurrcu that we h^ave seen In S,*° n > ,Pl c ' »• ^Ttie burlesque. •The Summer Little Organ Grlodsr." with Marlon Ballou Albaay.—At Harmanus Bleecker Hall (H. .d Mrs Chas^G 8 Tralll .I lm «':„ h A 8 ,^«! '"^^^JP^JfiSP a8 . the Btl,t ' Packed this house twice 9. Neither R . JacobsT manager) Francis Wilson, Dec. K heads It, and others are: "The Star Bout, with Taylor Granville; Six American Dan- cers, Martin Brothers, Seven Peerless Mow- ctts. Jimmle Lucas, Stalling and Revell, Hobby North, and new motion pictures. - Wbst Bsn (J. K. Cookson, manager).— "iuo.Old Homestead", opened to «- packed house n. It is an excellent production. Next week, "The. Cat and the Fiddle." MbTROPOLiu (Sam Uurtlg. manager),— The Bays, In ''King Casey?' "Buster Brown." Staii (Wm. T. Keogn, manager).—"The HHEi's.—Week of 9: Eva Tanguay, Thos. J. Ryan-RtchQeld company, the Stunning Grenadiers, Lala Selblni, Bowers, Walters and Crooker, the Klnsons,' Al. Anderson and Jay Golnes. Ella Bradua and Fred Berrlck,.and Hcrras Family. .' •• ■ ' „ '_.'-- Teck (J. R. Oshel, manager).—Vesta Vlc- Fonr Lester*, - Jean 'Simple " next i from Happyland week of 9. Runaway Girls 16. Rice & Barton did excellent business last week. . ' 4 LAFAtETiB (C. M. Bagg,. manager);—Pdt White and the Gaiety Girls week of 9. fol- lowed by the Brigadiers. Bam Deveres-Co, did well. - . .,'■' AcADEMi.(P. C. Cornell, manager).-rAl. W. Martin's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" th s week. "The Boy With the Boodle" next week. 'The- Next week, Way of the Transgressor" was,pointed out last week, to good returns. Miner'. Baweifr Theatre (Gus Hogan, many a •,„„, aay , an d manager).-rSo Jo((u tirau Widows treated" ™al BapllSfa negro mommy, a "ei^TdellLlT IT* 1 ' to i n , d, L„ ,t g!F a, 5L£! n «* JUfoSI^^nH ^l™ Dor "Pense.has.been snared in making £ "w!en''KriTi.fhtV Were"Boid.""made a grest uvciyoody to "A iflgli^Bair Monday, Dec. Ol g a D e wSldron. as LieTiteaant Burton. ha>tH.; »», " , h ? B ™* n <*$V?$ t ? n %**& 5%. S 1 !. 0 ^.^' t £l.P2 , 5..« l, iSfMH. Pf^^^t succeis._ Raymond Hitchcock, 8, 4, in "A }..' ,.,"'' wj t. V. waiaron, as Lieutenant tturton. naaa • •,"„,_"> u,^ T hn „.,,„i nrpttv ohiTnoW ctria *«"l,~;i S*'*B~ r" IT" r™ SSi"*^ ■^•""•^'■""™ buccois. naymona tuicacvo, o, ^, »- — f that tl lo was presented gr Cat d e a i t0 contend with, for the character., gl 0 " J ^i lr ( . c n0 J a h * S B d*th P elr chanYes o ? f cos' % ^ ^"Jli.*. 5 "** "**"• Xhe F ? ur Coraer8 yanke « Tourist." also scored well. Mrs. Les- npony. Gcorgo Hickman, ^ aB an un uauallv difficult one, but he got' "L ln ^"l™ 0 ™ 8 ,' !?°.i2i^.K.?. «k» of the KartW ■ • -■• u„ carter. B. in 'lm Barrv." n eased. Kolb osUaradl, Ch,as. H. Fa ke, w £ h t Into the heartsrof the^audience, and tnm ''' Bln « ,n R anQ pleasing dances made the Ai.hambba (Percy 0. T -»--■■--"- , ■ customary Impression. Andy Gardner.was Fred Walton, the Toy clever and funny as Patsy Bolivar and was week's bill. Others ars when the comedy 61 bv the capable company Carroll Henry, James Uaraai, chob. h. raixe, r (g.h( Ld. C. Coo Jack Dunham Low Hcslln, H. Bta ,ed thero. Wm. M. MeVay, as Gen. 0 Dc ton, Nollle l<rsncli, Lillian Bpvd and Lb- nn ntn aome cap i ta i acting as the gruff u( « telle X. \\ ills worked with n will anu kept Northern officer, ivhilo Raymond L Bond, as tho action up to tbe mark. A profusion of u) ai:e ; c fc n j) e utile, ns Arthur, and Master hfnctlly applauded, as was Sam Barton, WD0 ond nM IaBt wee |t), Les TrombettQB, Grade Man •» o played the part of lommy in ai skillful man- Kamett aud company, Cameron and Plana- factor's I :her. Ida Nicolai, Gertie Hayes, Mabel Ca- ..on. iim and Whlttak-. Fam Ad* m >.. rt, B „.™';t? B8 t...i (Howard ' Crahoni, resident " and week: Julian Eltinge, RUlto Quartette, Dorsch and Harvey, and Frank .. Rhodes, manager).—' Blue Ribbon Girls, 3-4,'gave an excellent per- formance. Lawrence Crape, In the olio, was a llno.of comedy gymnastics, wltl SSeaTaTsmtertar mtAHTmSiSfw£ weri j Z°anrs a howed , "omTc'lev1r ,, aa Std Co ' inen^in^the olte wereT "hllllps'sisters,"« nl-ntv of action, ami Cliotles II. Falke and also verv pretty. The cast: Oen. Warr*^ ' !"P£ *™ B ^ GortiiM (Sam. Kraus, manager).—H. W. and Stanlev, and Cook and Jiadlson. Good ffi^^«r£ l i n .? w ^ B e.^? n .»:^. h ,;SS Frank KeeSaa:>uth Vnt^^mltami.^^^^^^^'^^^'l 4 Sim William,' Ideal. openA to a first sttendanco-sllTeek. 0 Lid"tiftert 9-11, Bow- - Mnd Stampede." that fUs; house 9, and made a good Impreeslop. and was. rec ( lved_with ^f^^^ 6 ^^*^?^!*??! i^ le^quers. Famil* (D-. F. McCov, manager).—Bust- Dixon, Marie Croix, and tbe La Sellc Trio. - and also had were: Murphy v _, Sommers and -& HCNDRiD AXD SlXT^TB 'tam IlSlliVA"t* ^^ keteers (Dunfiam, ileslin and fiaradlj. In a =£," gnd T^nlngbJook. "and' wonder^ ""terertcd with their harmonies; Joe Barton • ff"^ »Rfc CorbeU rind Ter?y Mc'- comedy singing act; Carroll Henry and Nellie ! UB Sl,ti 0 ns aTSSLtST^STmSSSTmi '""^ ^°l h " d Ll"^ m L^\7-H. i»»~S" Uovepn 8S " "Peclnl attraction, opened to a Francis, ln""lfls First Rehearsal;" the Three JX* To enthu iasm at once, and the lat« ^-^"and^KSlt York^ sang"ome^nd W M hcUSe °' Next w ^ k ' Dt ™' W5 -Hiltons, In a Ino.of comedy gymnastics, with Mene . nn lnter i or nnA Bn exterior set. wcM h'^and showedl oom<?clev«^^oaa?teg-^&a- Co ' bmtv of acton, and Chorlcs II. Falke nnd .,„. „'.._ nr€ ttv The cast- Oen Warrtii. 'J 0 ??? an " B j n„,i?S».». ...i.,iS SSU^r, Jd. C. Coe. both well known musicians, whoso Kran k KeeSa^ 'itutb Wa??en. Emma DuS? . ^ '"J"" «% t 0 ^"'» w> 'S^^ 0 ^ playing was In harmony and full of surprises J ntlia charlotte Walker: Arthur. Cecil IH' jSPakft called "Tte Mnd %ampede " that £J*f ■ hon ? e S; and . made *>«' lnP«Mloi: ery Buresauers 12"i4. m the Instrumental line. 1 he second act of a ^„ . ' Bob , Maa(cr nichsrd Story; Betty, *?** a l \' ™bo novel and was received with Next week, Dave Marlon's fi Boseland," pre- Gaiety \H. B. Nichols, manager).—Star tho .comedy, showing the.ballroom during ; m,^ 1 nckford; Miss Molly 1 ntfon. Mrm. g~« d n 0 pp ft ttt £ Te ' N e5t w"k, to ^Cherry feated .by Tom Miner's HlgbTjlnks flur- Show Girls drew crowded ftuseFV-i,.and masked ball, gavolfiie opportunity for giood j^, Wa i aron: C en. Orlfftn. William Mc-' comeily work and display of costumes. Ihe Vay . G „ n )i ard | ngi De witt Jennings: Gen. Highland drill of tho girls, cd by Ed. C. Coe, {£*> \ MUa jjSVtin; Lieutenant BurtoJ p ajlng on a trombone made to resomble nn c . Di W aldron; Blake. Raymond L. Bona SSlFiJS a clmpeau, was followed by a Corporal r>e Peyster. Btanhopo Wheatcrott lively Highland fling, and had some encores. * - '■ ■ —■•- ■ Mr. Coes bagpipe ielectlonc were also a feature of this number. A lousing brasB band parndo wound up the show. nijon Thrntro (A. C. Campbell, mana- ■or).—Mate. Alia' Nnilmova, la "A Doll's Houso." began hor fourth week Monday, D*o. 9. BloSBomB Co, 'lltaber'n Nasesm (John H. Anderson rSv^FSiSisS^ -^^x^r^r-^ s^ss,^-£■'Wo 7 -, wert.'srhTeh .« w-u\tt%»drf "fterSSn and S?J*Sf BPMjr ' ^^ P °°' ey ' 8n4 ^ ThKB K d w M ^' X?LS*«A» n '?.U W ^ack Biggs, Frederick Watson; Billy Pen?yV Wlllard Itobertson; TomDabney, Ralph Bol- lard; Bapho. Mrs. Charles G. Craig. „ Hernfil Square Theatre (Geo. W. Sam- mis, manager).—Lew Fields. In "The Girl Be-. Kt^fr began hi. eleventh week ffi^^W£^^fttJ!» Tpcker, arid Ardb and Edd, New York Hippodrome (Shubert A An Q 1 '.^, c J;L ,S u e ,h^t 1 «-,H O n 0re ' 8 NeW 0^1e ' n, Mus " Hall (George A. Blumenthal. man" "cIsVkS "(A.' "^ir~wmiir~>~--*«Z Minstrels Is the stjractlon, .. «l r ' ; - Th ' 8 w "k =,McOloln and Beattle, Three lesque and pictures? with a change each utlcnl BeaUlc. Leonard and Ward, Sophie week, is bringing good business. _ A1 • BCker, and Arqo and Eddo. Konv-At"the *Audltorlum. roller skatln? Mqnday._Dcc.9..;__ „....„..._ J^gcs' anrLau™hm^e™comedrduo; De _ . . . . * ,; * IlLJ??" 1 "*^^.». stronger hold ,on wttjement , Atlantic Garden (W. Kramers Sons, Academy of Music (Gilmore & Tomp- dcrson. managers).—"Tho Auto Race," "Tht ns. maniigers).—"Tho Llou and the Mouse" Four Seasons" and the numerous arena tea began Its seventh week Monday, Dec. 0, tures licgan their second week Dec. 0. Will ' stnyvenantTheatre (David A. Page, press representative of the New York ager).—David Warlteld, In "A Grand Arm* Hippodrome, will leave the big playhouse Stan," begun his ninth week Monday, Dec, 1). Bee. 14, to toko charge of the business man- ncrkclcy Theatre (Llebler ft Co., mana- agement of the tour of Julia Mnrlowc, having upyh). —Arnold Daly continue the four one- been transferred to that position by the act plays of last week until Wednesday night, Messrs. Sbubert. Wells Hawks, for many whi-n ke .will net on "Candida," years tho general representative for Cbartea Garden Theatre (Holds B. Cooley, Vrnliman, will succeed Mr. Page at tho Illp- mansger).—May Rnhson closed her eugsge; podrome, mi'tit. In "The tiaturdny night, Chsunt. enulllbrlst; Jenole Felma. descriptive Brooklyn. —At the Montauk (Edward »•*«"«» and the season so far has been s Toeallst: Edward Nelson, Illustrated songs Trail, manager) the Rogers Brothers this great ^ccew- ond new moving pictures are the attractions week. E. 'H. Sothern jlayed to crowded houses Dec. 2-7. Next. Brewster's Millions." Rochester.—At tbe Lyceum (M.E.wolffe. Majestic (W. C.Frldley, msnager).—Al. manager) "The Time, the Place and_tne Wilson Is seen In "Meti in the Alps'" 9-14. Girl" bad three good sltid houses Dec. 0. 6. merit of one week at thU theatre Monday Jameo O'Neill pleased last week. Coming, Bbow wss excellent, with a large and wen this week. Aorkvllle Theatre (Frank Qersten, man ager).—Lillian Mortimer began an engage- Fl. Wilson Is seen night. "Dec. "9, as "the" star In the melodrama", Cecil Speoner. " "' trained company, Including: Arthur Denpon. "Bunco from Arlsooa." Btmu (Wm. nyde, manager).—James J. Violet McMllien, Harriet Burt and J Mary Kerr Circle Theatre (Mortimer M Thlese, manager).—"His Honor, the Mayor,' closed Saturday. Dec. 7. The house ' per at. Corbett lo bere again In "The Burglsr and Cecil. The chorus is entitled to Bpeclal men- Mavor, the lady" the current week. "His Terrible tlon. Mrs. Patrick Campbell, wltb a one> will r«- Secret" last, Next, "Chinatown Charlie." supporting company, Including Ben WcHtc'-. Sss^Js5SiiatlBn^A™i » Srv^ MnShotlan Thentrel-Hhenard'amoving main dark unttl B. when Yorke and Adams JL'OLtiMBtA (Chas H. Wuen. -manager).— played to iwoMg audiences 7. Ptes^'^i Ighl,/fjiloI thrhousc U aatfc *' ,|T! A " V * " .' * lllMTllT will mm B "lltilai m Ponies." j -Tte Bocky Mounialu EUpreW U giren 9 K The BtcoiiJ n5! Ttaooerej" and "U«<W« 1