The New York Clipper (December 1907)

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1196 TH3S JST3BSW YOJIK tfeCMfeEfc 14. In or<lff i>« "Void mUlakri unit to Gilbert. Wolff CMwy. llarvyll <h,lli*nlew Ado.p (InlliiKlicr, Oeo, (Illllllll), I'.arl (Hi riidfi.' J Mm Gcltluan. E. Frauds Gc.'mnu. .look Golden. Dill/ re tbo proiup letters ailviTllita In (hU Hit, on niVelniie plainly nddrcsaeil must be ■cut for cneli 'letter, and n written . order for the letter, sluTtied with tlie iiayea, Tommy (nil nnme ana iiililri-nn nlid tlie line n,. n t. Dnvl* of b(Mlin.'M fallowed liy the sender, Halln, Frank II. in tint filio he enclosed. Henwroe. Frank ' Please mention the dnte (or nam- Howard. R. her> of the CLIPl'lilt In which the Holdaworth. letters lent fop were advertised. LAWKS' LIST. Alfletln, lawin Aliniltb. Mary Allaire. Fatinlc Aldrlcll. Muriel Aver. Marie I.. Allju, Mra. K.8 Arnold. lira, Wm. II. Alljn, Amy Artaond. Allco Addle. IWse Artuuaat Mattlc Allaire. Aline Hull. ISIUel Bell, Crystal {MIX-, lllliutjotb graililau. Nellie alls. Mra. V. Barnes Uaihrlue Hcliuwit. May llriilirtl. Jim la JUaker, Mule Hrauiwcll, Mm. II. 8. llryuht. Violet lliamliui. I/,lilt- llolw. Francos Hurler, Aiiiiii llrown. Theresa Ilealrlee. M«y llnell. Mnrlon liouch, Peart I li w r, Alum llnieliiiiuii. Marie I.. Iirnlv. Mra. llj r ryinorc, Jean ll.l'IIOtl Ml«s X llell. Mlimle Hover. Klhol Hrowii. mi«h c, Hurkluirt. I.llllau Cnrlnuc. Bias I rimTunl. ' Josephine Crancy. Hue v'nniemuu. l-IIUou Cleveland. Jlurloii C«rc«e. lira. Kdwln Clayton, I'.lale (lOODOr. MjIkMIb Omwur. Miss Ufouieiil. I'linM 1 . Lc.Ha i.liivtnii, Mnv (iilvln. Mni y • kill Ina. Miss Com I all, How Ctiauilwru Lhtilc Crawford. MlHK N. 1). Cutluk. Kaye Cbrllli. •■ JninbiM Chirk Marie Champion, : ■ Mark- S. Clayton, Mario (liilnlmn. Mao Cur, Itllu IHiiKie . Mnrniiii'1 iinvl.-. Mrs. Hal DvMurrtl c.irlne Honnallv. Moll! llrrw, Helen Doyle. 11,.|in Dttter. Nettie lutUKhia, Mnml limmle. .May P'Alillullll. Illillielie HitVla, I>i>gKli> lie .l.iini, Delhi Purlins'. I'uy Us l.,i I'an. Ucrlbu llnveninill. , Mlaa U. I'UWc. PIlVllIll i:)fiMni Isahellf Unrlw. Del In Kstello, Illiiliehe lllll.ili. Minnie llliliiHill. Lillian Karl; Virginia. K*III01U|, Ill' l.nnmrt. I.lllliin Kdwiu'dca Kthcl Cnwlcr May belle Florence llenovlevc flllClle, l.otllc Knrr, 1'rHiicou KlUuatrlck. Iicrtha Foster, Helen Fennel. Anna. Fox, Del I a Pabcr, MnuiMte Grace, hell liurliinil, IloaO Qurilner. (llailys Greene. Uotly Gardner. Uladys (liillllim Alberta Hill. MIkk IS, llnrtaii Ml«s Joe lllll. MM. Wim. Iltihbnrd < 'lunula llcrson, Oell !Inline, Grace B lerl-erl. Hiuab lumen. MHIIe Hoffman Minnie Howard. Helen Harding, Carmen A I Inline. Elliel llolloivuy. lieu. Iliiwiml. Aoua llurtmnii. liretelicn Hailiiml. Vlrglnln llawley. Mm. K. Vreii. IIiikvh Uiirguiei Howard. (Ilviiny lliiiitvr, IllDlllll li. McAror. Ix'Halo Miirellu. May Murray Cliaa Hnreourt, Kraok llerrnian. Guy Ilonard, Bert Handel. E. Herbert. Arthur EllailMiu "ovey. O. II, Muiliie llnvlhml. J. B. Mr». Bleb. C. B«n«li. John Marliury. Jane I! 1 "™- Jfr," 1 „ Mow Mra. C.E. "».»>«• Will B. Mlllnian. mr,l Harrlimlon K. MeUotwugh, IJ«»M. Unliy Jeanne mH (lUaa. Monroe. Trlxle Ho". Henry MorrlsHpv Kittle J"*r. Cbaa Miirlln. Jl«. W, Irwlii. i-'io Junaeii, Klin .liintiiiiiili. Aline JunlHU, Alice Il'llllllllOI l.oltli- Iveeley, lulu Luw-ell. Mlaa IS. Uimolne. ClirlHlena I/eiiuiiil. Heinle l*ivN. I'eurl li Hue, (Iraro U'rvi'll. Iiluuelie Umlwt. Mile. I.« Vlllu; i.'ailllllf M'wl", RnillO I.mi,I. lCleiiiinr Lynn, Rather nn Carroll. Mile i.ywi. Ksilier l.nele, Mual l.u Halle. Roanmorul I.a Ih'unp [''icilu l«ivl«. Mllliin Dudley, l'rancoa |«vunl. Mra. W. M.H IX'Ci lien,- I.Hi, llertluii I. inn-. Ulkru La Momlu. mile Mnuk. Hulk Miinnlng Twin Hl»tern Murlowe. Mlaa I /ill Monlngui.-, i Borllis Marabnil. Miirluli Maleum.i Ilemlo Mnri'uy, Amu MuynaiiJ Nevada Mnr»eli, Mnrlon Mlllu-nrd. Aiiiiii Miirllnea, Mlaa MayiMitl Heal rice Murtell. Mario Mevllle, Keiilm M ihiiiIiij:. Ait Mielilen. ,Mii| v Morellti, Joinilo Murlell. Jtilltli May, Helen K. Mlaaon. Adele Noyer. Mrntrlro O'Brien. Matllo Orvllle, I. linn l'antxer. Illllilme. Frank Hnner. John B. Iloriin Henry II. Hartwell. Frank Hammond. F. H Herman, li. a. Howard. Kddlo Herman, I,. II. Mra. Carl Harvey Htctiheii Poloier. I>ralle Iluldcrman. I'elli'lifi-. Dora Pater Mra. 11. J Ilnaacll Hunt. F. H. .owera Katlierl. Heiiellu. Joe I'lckerlll, Fnye J!" 1 '- K' 1 ?? Cole I'erklna. lAtlle I'rcaton Miss A. Mae l'hllll|iK Sl»ter» I'aul. Il.itle I'erle. Kltlle N. I'arker. Ituac IMIIanl. Mrs. A. ItyiVr, Kvrlyn Howard. Frank Havena & Wife, Waller A Hanley. K. llofnn, V. J. Ilarni. Fred T. Hendei'Koii. Tlieo IMtvlev. FrankV Hart. Wm. 8. Itnlilmon I<jul«e !! or "»"; HarryB llcevea Flareiioa H nrt : fVS u S lleylinlila, Onrrle JJawleT K Fred Hoinicy Hlaters Howard. Com Mice. Mra. J. 0. JOT ""*}' ,"„ Hp.nliiml. Adrle V'' , "\ k ^ bf }*>P Syinomla. "In. Iillrle. Arlh, Alfarretto |Wi J'*n „ Kehall. Delln owk.ii. I'liaa.F Mulllsrai>.' Mna allncii. Hllllo Baylor, OIk« !»?■ 'a <*: Hlnrer. Clara '/»''• '''»"» Kwavely. .Icimle Jonlon, John Bnow. Mra. A.B fMgi lod«' flmltli, lWlo JiirnbH, Jaek Slniilelou, Lllll* Jordan, flreut Bparrler. Jacoliy. w. J. Clara Belle J«Wsn, .Jlarrr MliilWu. J/oiyrn. I'ete J. Kameraldn. frm 110"'^ '!. Seymour I, Milan Jnliiiaon, Clina. Hyhester Loulae Jordan ajllirvei Heyioxiiir. JoUiimiu, Jiw. f. • Pauline Jemilmra. .Tack Kavlllo Hlslere Jeleiiko, II. fltmirt. Mary Kee-ne. F". Karlc Sheiiriiiun. HW «»■ . _ Mra. Iloticrt King, Frank R. 8li»well. limnin „ ,„ *, B<, " I|! Kline Knlll. Mllo J. 81, Ulalr. Slclln Kopn, Clias. Htone, Unlet ««". M. Turner. Wllla Kengh. Tana. Tumor; Florence Ksnney. J. J 'Irlnnry ijueenle Kennedy ciiaaK Tliuralon. h!' 1 "."*;'. Q Uo "■ Otrtrmlo Kimball * Tnylor.. Iiora „ Donovan Taylor. Mnvft.T $<""' w >«' J - Vernon. Mra.D.U I;«'« - «*. •]«»■ W. Venln, IMMIe Kte Una] h. Vincent (irnce A Kibble.. Win. Vaidtillea. Kuufiuan Wnllle Mra. Frank 8W" W A,9*L Wallace. Oliver !?«"/• ,V I ,"» ,, '. J - Wnlb, F.uilly Ixrvl. llr-liemlu Wolaler. KIiibiIihi. Ilex i Kdna Mao Kl«« * StaiiKO Wealev Fkireiice "°? r "°r; *>'' 0 ■lilllti Knliu Mr. & I.iiVeeu, flasuwl l.uN.-le. Bd. l.n»t. b.' Miintell. Harry MeMlle Howard Meek, Donald: Maedouald. ' Norman McFnll. Vrof. Myeta. Sim Melvln. W. B. Melville. Geo. D Mornby. Hurt Mel hum Hurt 10 Milton, Walt. V. Molea, Harrv McDowell, 0. .Mae. John MeGreeny, John Melllnl. Fred Michael. A. J. McOlbent, C. 0. Mom roar. Mra. Miller. 8am C. Moaelr. M. A. Mitchell (ho. W Mercer.' Mnbler. )«1 Mnrlln. John J. Mailoox llichard Maaaiul Bros. Morel I ok. Tin- 3 Muerx, Tony McAvoy. Thna. Morgan. Dr. Mel,eel Kennelt MncAulay.- John Morello. 1'eter Mac Car Hi r. ■ Frank MeOaw. Knl«ton McDnnnld Bruce Miller. Wm. 11 Meugnn. I'M. Mnrahull. Jack Myera, Kdillc Mohr. I). ll. Moiitenrlffo Big. Mndilen Hicll. J. MileSell. Harry tlaaon. Joh. A. McCnrlhy Fran i Mn.ll">', Clma. Miller. Fred P, Slnrbev fi Momr Moran. 0. M. Miller, Win. II. (I'IiiiiIhII Sewlnn. Billy 8 Nelaon. Arthur Newman. Victor Nernro. J<w. Nonell, Wai. Nornin. Ollle North, ll.l'h.'e Nowlln. l>«ve .Vowton. (TIiiim. .'liven. S. Filivln i|i|ienheliiier Jns drnuirda>c. Oeo. Irvllle & Fi-nuk ililrien. Morrla :»walev. Jua. It. ihvaley. I'lin )"Dea. Arthur t M ■■•<. I-luii. Kilck, Fueciip K< ii lucky Sue Co.. Agent KeniHHly. Kit. Kvmiae. Otto II. Wlnclierinan Mra. ST. F. Wulah. I.enh Shirr Wilton. Helen Wlillauinii. Mnrlon Leralienfelt. WolforU. I'uiTlo , J". Arthur WiIhmi .lowniiiio ;<» J! 0 "*-., V ro . r : Voinig. Klity P. Jr lh '- w "" M Yeaililllia. Amilo l-lwilD*. <«jw, Voiinii, llell ICalilu, Mile. Arnold. Haiti A. Angell, JOe Ail Hires..The Allbrlght, Mr, Ainieiilo. A. ah™. Pert AllHllll. Villi Allen. Aiehlo Arilialniiu:, Henry W \-lllllli:, Jua. Aivi-H, (1, W. Ah'xandvr. Mr. Arnold,! AiIiiiiik. Kiigeno Alalallnli Jliuiul .Mlial.v, Jullll AHiert. LuUlH AriuitrullK & I a- no In Alehboii, Kdga AlinnuolT, A. Allicrl, bW AllUIIIH Mlll-Hlllll Andrew*, Parte Murpli; Alilo. MUX Mluli. Tlioi. Uowvua. Joe Bllti. !•'. li. lllHi'l.. .lull!! J. Brown, TIiob. Bra»u. Wnlter ItiiMi-n Jack Hi'iiu.-tl Mualci Burns, Hoi L llrelumll. Jua.L U.vruu'H Miihlrnl Vive llarbeii. Fnul J. Ilarlnw lire".' Mliiulrola HlllikH. lieo. ri, needier & Muye (lie.I llecchet * Stanley Brown. Ueo. H. Hojee, John <1. Black A Jonca lkimla, Y. M. llolltiutcr. Percy Bell .VWnahbiirn ItelnmlU Hoj-lllC HrookK. Ji|K. llnlKler, .luck HiiU-s, JiH' llnriiK, .1 ii h . II. Il.-aill, Uill.v llniiell. I'ouy Ilnw«i>, I'd. Bond. I'. H. Hramli'ii 1 Iowa id 11. Iluikei. John Drown. Todd Bllti, P, II. Parloii. Itiili'li Blgelow. Ktuervuii Beniiir, (ileal jlovi-e, Claude KM. Kd. K. Itmwn. Will A. Ikuwdlrt Win. ,1 llnrrctl. v.. I,, llyrd. lid. Itiookn. Ilnrvey I' Mas,, .T, 'him en U-iiinlei UlSNTMaDIKlV'H l.IHT. Anckrr. houla Ailniii". l-'niiik Irlglilon, Allien inrlh. Auiniat llhKv, A If rial leiiton. Wllford kllllUV, Wnlter Emu. k. l„ tolliut'i'. Al. Jovay, J, F. iell I'niiih a. laker, I'hiiK .unit, Muur. J. ,'vmlll. 8. Jarliey. D, 0. Jouturler, Carter Jnrler. II, irclglitiin. Clnis. M lllrTonl. Wilt Jiiiniuirii, Frank Hiiiiiii. AI rnli Jolllna, Dan Jhndvlek'a Trio 'linn, lluglioy Juulilng & Merrill .'ullenlielii. It. Vnuor. W. I], lllttord. tlufry Irnwfori) A Meeker HlllMllllll .Inn. II Ihaiiln. lien I hook, Hit. f). 'Iiui'lll'ill Iti.y K oiadaml. A. A iluirlene. Mr, t'lMllhl. II, K UiuaiiU-li. (lurry t'iiiii'iiinii. F. c ilii|-,i»'i-ll. Hay Chirk. It. M. Pllflou. Will. (ii me. JI in Ootlway, Hugh ikilllna, l.iv Cli'iiluua, Lou ciuyiiui. Frank Cnnnodv. Jnit.r Coyne. Mike Curler tninford Cmtslnu. Jack ('lurk, (leu. Conn, Hugo Cowley. .Ian. A Cniurer He (kiln CiiKlelluuv. Tony Cli'velanda The I'urrnll. .I.ia. !■;. I 1 ,,lies. II, Cane, w. w. (.'iiIIIiih. Whllne) roilslu.'., l-'ri'd l.'l'uwTuiu. M. K. riiallr. Jlini'ii Cljn *. Iloeholle IJi i Ir. H. 11. M. De 1,UI«. v'm. Douiijhue, ,1. W. D», John A- Dnruiiil. Hert Dolau, Bit. Dnle. r.ilwlu Dunne. Tlim. P. l>owin.'y Mniirlee Dnvenporl, Cnl De Cleii F. Dniideou. •linuu I'raiil' W.ipiew. Iltlirlcv IJuHlWln. lieu hildwlu. In'j !Doaojhua,.J..W.,dur, aeo. lienui|rn-|. C. M Duly. PriiuelH I'olliiliue. Joo II. Ikm-llnu. J. J. Dunn, Frank Hanson Hurry U'lnmi-ii. Kdille i.nilii. F.ugeiic l.ufnvetle. Great I nnu kv Fred I .a lleinie, 11. - lire, Henry Lahardln lliihprl Lnuitry, una. Irfuivy, 'I'lloa. (.'. ]x>gan. Steve l.lvhlKStoil F. li Lnin'i'i, Frank tessH^.Kffl'!' rar-j'ss iMHi-oll. Milton billy, Jink t» Aiium I'lK'tiler Diailiui', W. J. I Hut, Flieene k'luio)'. W, litiU'M. John illaliiolnl. .lai-k . 'I'i'l'. J. •'' innliaiiuli. Doc Unit. Harry Iinvl.. \v llur. Ualley. I'reil J. Kvrnioii. Ueo. W Kiidalcy Frank 1' Kriial, Kimtnii Klllult, Mmj C. Knrlv. .I.ienh ICrln .« I/-,. l*u. Fi-nuk la? Hoy « Wlnaolll I nil, I, Jnlill I.yneh, »lrent Luce. M. F. l/epalge. Burrow lain reu,-e. 1. B. l.u Belle. Cbas. Fee,-*tee jnri. Henry rConiicll. Will. iiMainua. Veaa I'IiIIIIuh. Alfred I'hoculv. Kred ?erry, Altwi-t Pierce, Wm. J. Cetera I'&N'ettle Perry, Harry II. Perry. Will 'arineiit. Bare Palmer. Austin Povrrra. John T. Palmer. Kavorc I' ('. I'rotKer. Ueea V t'olrelrea Three Plnuiitiera, Foil, j'yle,' BeOj. l-erle.v Frimk L. I'al'Tln. Ij-e I'oliuuller II. K. Perry, v.. I.. Potter, P. II. Perry Harry II 1-iliii-:. AUk-iI Pnliner. Hurry Peters. Phil W. ,'IIelicr. Karl I'liolli), U. I!. I'nlnier. AllHllll Qulnhill & I liuvaril Qulnlau. Hail Itobertaiai Iteeii Ityan, Hurry I'. nice. Dan KlIKNCll. WlU. P. ltayiiinnil. Melville II Ratal Miik. -Five llolfe, Tom l,i lla.vnu'iiil. Mr. Held, .liiiiuii.v Itlnilua, The 4 Itnynor, i-:, ii-l lllley. Win. F. Itlel:iilil'->il Walter Itii.vnuiiiil Hurry Itvnn. Mr, Itlihler. olio lliildii. I'liul ItolH'rta. C. W. Itciiwcllnr W. K ItulHion. Hilly llolker. Ainl.v Itoalyn. Fred A. Itlce, li.'i'iin A. IUuh'. Jhiuiiy lllell. II. A. Iloiunlii. Manuel Woe. 'ITitw. Ilii-liuril. I'lek r-lrehrldce, Ike m-riru, iisrrv Hiliier.?>Fri-d M. Biediuacbewakl T. Pnlllvon, C. A. S-, nun, Byron Hntion, Jack Siiiiii-. A. Bernd. Schreyer, A. M. Surteila, Mr. Kliorl, Wm. B. Sloekwell. Id!. Scabrlglit. Franklya Stanley. Mr. A Mrs. I.ew SldonlnH. Mr. Krven.-alLi Walt Scliaefer. If. J. atarlt weather, H. A. Wintf (c Biirlou Somen. W. V. Scliulior Eugene Staiiwooil DavH Hlnger, Mnrlln Smith. Cbrla. Struck J Merlon SinNiirue. Tho». Weamon. Wilt. Sylvester, rico. Havuril. Itoy Sliennnn, Robt. Htnuley. Clias. <^M, SweatmW. Wills P. Slit-an Mr. Seurlea. Arthur Seegrtfls, Toto Sutter, Jack Smart Set Co. Sloekwell, Edwin Sinllli, Walt T. Slddcns. Freil Skills. J. W. Slondcns. W. T. Sinllli, Uliua,, Sol Sullivan .IcrrvD siinulilliiu F. 8. Slctaon, llerry St. Leon, Alf. Tralnnr, Jack Tliuralon. Oeo.H TlioliliiiKiii, W. O Trapnrrl, Harry Thomas, Oeu. Tay'or, I.eivl» Tvrell. Al. II. Tracy. DIcV Taylor, H.H. Trevoll Tultle. Percy Tenney. Chen. B Vunce, pari Vnnneraon. Wm. Vniiirlm, Ban Vano Vlnne.v. Mr. Vnn Cook. Inlev Tamer, Ed. VmililliiKS. The Van, Mr. h Mra. Willis Vim'a Hoc k Pony Show Vannervon, VV. Villi, "li-... M. Von Heck Arthl, W<illea. Musical Wllwu ft Vincent Wlllitir. Cnryl Whltrrar'WraiA. Wright. Win. Woodward. Harrv William* FredF. Wllllama & Thompson Wagner. K. C. Weill, Chan. II. Wnnllcr. rtalph Webb, Wm. Wiiimui, Fred Wolfort. Kil. Ward * llaymond iviuiielii. ileo. Wouey, Harry Wanl, .luck WlnliTi. Kid Wend. Milton Weluh. I/W J. Wllami. 111. Walleri. Fivil Wlegrl. Frnl Welllnaloli Wall Weltli. Ben Wilbur, Bert K. Warilen, Wm. Wei-la * Jmltfc Wlgglii. II. I.. Whltlmaiiii Sinters Wlillnker. Hay WIIIIiiiih. C. S. iVIdllier. II. II. World .V l.'in- U'ehh. I .1-1II,- P. Werulierg. Ilegnl Wnltvra, Wyliler Window. I.iiwrenec Wllllnnis. F O. Woodworlb. II nrly Wi~t. Defori'Kl WM tin no.. Henry Wnnle. Hnrrv Wells, Mai Wnnl. Hilly A. Vonuir, Dew I It Vernier. 8. M. Voiiiib Lconxo A. Vhianj A. M. HOLDER GATfU Cf,EAT«!fOg. HpCCiql AiAMtcft fo.TllB KM JrOBK-CMPrM. 8an FiAKCiaco, DecJa-r-At % V«ul«e*a, Bundny, Dec. 8T marked thS MHIrJll two weeks' cnvugciucnt o( Italpb Stuart, la "Stronghcart," OKKAfgg Novbltt— MarlcCahlll, la"Marry Ing Mary," be^an a two weeks' engagement Sunday, 8. . ' Oii.tTiUL.—"Why He Divorced Her." American. —"The Alannun" i« here tor two weeks, opening 8. Nrw Alcazab.— "The Education of Mr. l'lpp." Obph F.I'M.—mil week or 8: Zellc rJe liOa- ann, tdna Aug. n«y I.. Bnyce, Young and De Vole, the Oklto Family. Ben Welch, Henri French, Gillette and MctTarlaDc, and the fclno- dromc, ■• Chutes. — Sunday (matinee), 8, moving pictures mill Illustrated songs. k.— Monday, %> began the second week of "A Madcap Princess. Note. —Calve will give <wo concerts at Drenmlp.m! l'nvlllon Hlnk evening of Wed- nesday, Dec. 11, and Sunday afternoon, Dec. 15. e»» MICHJJjiAA,.. Detroit.—At the Detroit Opera House (B. C. Wbllney, mannger) "Madam Butterfly," presented by the cntlro Kngllub Grand Opern Co.. made a decided hit Dec. 'Sri. Kdna Wal- lace Hopper closed the week. In "Fifty Miles from Boston," to crowded houses. "A Knight for a Day" 0-11, Mrs. Leslie Carter, in "l)u Barry," 12-14. Lyvkum (E. D. Stair, manager).—Thomas Shea, In standard plays, entertained good sized houses week of 'J. "The Volunteer Or- ganist" next week. 1 r iAKAYETTH (Dr. Campbell, manager).—The Lafayette Players, In "Tbelma," -were well patronized 2-7. The same company, In "The Holy City," week of II. Wurman (B,D.Htalr,manager).—"Through Dciith Valley" drew the usual crowds 2-7. "l'inliandlo Pete" next week. TiiiMi'Li; (,l. li. Moore, mnnager).—Bill week of B-: Wllllum Burress and company, Wlllard Slmms and company,' Jack Wilson and company. Volla, Frank Fogerrv. I'milton iiiul Dolcy, Clara llnllerlul, Ollle Young and Brollier. Last week's bill was of a high or- der and packed Iiiuihoh was Hie rule. Uayktv (II. 11. Hedges, manager)'.—The Bachelor Club HurlcKijiiera drew well 2-7. World Beatei'H next week. The Golden Crook compuny week-in. Avknuis (Drew iV Campbell, managers).— The Avenue Girl llurlcsiiueis bad liberal pat- ronago 2-7. Ham Devcre'a company next week. Sg^OS of Pol. "" huilat'i' 0»knliK»ai«^-At tbo Grand Opera, House nhtye^ to larp j h«WMiA..i'j w (A I' Owefla. manager) thi Fl nts (hjp- lage,",.l)ec. 1-*, dellglitied large .olists) WSS&t»»<ffi , JWi8*?&W& WZ& e , » r, i, r7^ ut Jf ni ^ 0a ^^^Z wa Brlgide Bund Dec. 4. 1K«ymond Wcb> ^ u f«f' 8 J'a.< &gtg&*m 12-H. "Hbudow. .. 6-7, canceled. Kltncr WaIter«,Vm: "A en tlie Henrtli I5;18. u< ™« Iowa Co.. p Millionaire Tramp," <!. "Ka«t Lynne" U "The Girl From Over There" 18. -"The Girl of the Sunny South'' 2S. "Nobody a Claim 20. Parkers' Players 30 and week. . Notes.— The Orient (Cart C. Struble. mnna- ger) did remarkable business with "The Pas- sion Play" Week of Nov. 25. Manager Strublo linn opened a branch theatre of moving pic- tures at Buxtoa, la., with "The Passion Play" as the first series of plctuicg. Struble A: Tuotcr, of the Orient Co., will open on ice rink in the near future The Alcazar (Parker & House, managers) played to crowded bouses during week Oskaloosa baa added a new roller skating rluk to amuse- ment places. J. J. Snyder la manager and owner. i s ' ' Dniiuuuc. -At the Opera House (Wm. L. Bradley, manager) Mildred Holland plensed a good'house Nov. 26. Walker Whiteside, rantlhee and evening, bad two large audi- ences, 28. Elks' memorial services. Dec. 1. were largely attended. J. Francis O'Donncll gave rending of "The Sign of tbe Cross,!' to a packed bouse, undcr_the auspices of^St. Joseph's Acndemy, 1. Otis Bklnuer 7. • Bijou (Jnk'e Ilosenthal, manager).—Bill week of 2 includes: Howard and Oennnlne, Charles Lcdegnr, Camlllc Personl, Roberts, Hayes and Roberts, Al. TIcrney, and the klnodrome. '.' ' ■— The I.vtiic (Bradlev & Maclay, managers! MAIM Strbkt <Dnvls-Churchill (i r ,;„i, managers). —Bill fur week of i • '£''' »ertys, Bootblack Quartette, Ivn liminei. Biidd and Wayne, Peter J. ^Smltb, uuu hi klnodrome. " luc DRMPBBY'fl (B. II. Brash, manaceri Wed; of 2 : Kccly and Kel. v , Levin" „,?,.'iV vine. Peter .1. Smith. Mcany and An,h mZ Wbast'8 (Clias. R Barlson, inanaiirT Week of 2: Stock burlesque. In "Unclr■ Sct'ir and "Two Old Sinners : ,vi Alberta fiaVerSm Milton and Emmons, and moving nlcturea Stab (M. Crowe Jr., manager).—For li.i week's bill, "Jesse James" was given bv ti,i stock company. ' "" Cuusin.'M.— Boiisa'a Band, 30, Dec 1 nova three concerts, to targe nttendence. ' Bloomla«tori. — At the Grand Oner. House (Frank M. Raleigh, manageri "Si-'. New Husband" pleased n good audience Ke 4. "IIumptyDurupty"8, 7 'When Knlgl ibli i. as In Flower" ■ 7. De Wolf fGS&arEt Marguerite Clark. In ".llaupyland.'' y• Wn' H. ^rane 10. Richard Carle, in "The s„i Z- "■ 12; Charles Grapcwin. hi --ffi Chicken,' Isle of"Spice" D; Aw^nkciiW of'Mr. Plpp," il";""riie ■('ilii'ijp CastLb (Guy Hurt In, manager).—Bill week of 2: Jimmy Bardell. Browil Bros" \ unc » Bice, the Dancing Delaceys, Carlla, Felix and Mack, and the Castlcscopi!. u Grand IinpldM.—At the New Powers (Hnrr.v G. Sonimers Co., managers) "Class- inutes," Dec. 1, "2, jilnyed to good buslncas, "The Belle of Mayfalr," 3, pleased. Frank Daniels 0.7, "Fifty Miles From Boston" 10. 11. Mrs. Leslie Carter 18, "The Red Mill' 1 25, 20, Mrs. Patrick Campbell 30, and "Tbe Man of the.Hour" 31. Majestic (Orln Stair,'manager).—"Hap' WuriL 1-4, played to crowded houses, ns did "Panhandle Pete" 5-7. David Higglns, In "His Last Dollar," 8-11. "McFndden's Flats" 12-14, the Four Mortous, la "Tbo Big Stick," 15-18. (in and (Davis & Churchill, managers).— r55'lNIR«luEu ft ... " (taut ( 1 " uiiflloim THE SEW YORK CUPPER ' '"Will n issukd PIB. 22, 1908 •rioas for lita: ortn . lln.UO. . . 1I6.0O. Address all coiiiiiniiilciilloiisui TUKNKW VOI.IK UUPPBR,41 W. J«hSt.,Ncw York 8I/.F. ■1<{\3<; SIZE 4 XI . I.e I'nlcr IliirronjUiiaaella'Ariel l£c<it<i. The I.oi'ialii.- \ 'Slielliiinu IXeb, Jollv iiom-ii, mIhiw. Mlf.ltSsva. Kiiwlu 810111 Mi I ll 1. AT IIMAIl (II LIST. Week .if II; Albct'iln. tin- Musical. Beusous, the Four Mnsuiis, Nellls Nelvou mid Lucy Wnlfken. . ■ s i—— Aim Arbor.—At the New Majestic Tbe- ntrc (Fred Mi-Olnbcr. hutmigrr) upunlnir of this line new theatre Due. 10, with "■Tlie Girl of I he Golden Wesi." Nori.'M.— Theiilorliini ((lllliinl Bros., nian- ngcrs) moving iilctures doing hlg business. Cusltio (Alher & Hoi'iilng, mahugcrs) moving pictures, Ulnatrated songs, oaovnudc- vllln ncl, plenseil good biislueas.. ..Wonder- land (Dave Cumplon, manager) illiiHtriiled songs, moving iilclures pleased Inrue houses. lllj.iu Tln-nlie (lliirolil Plielus, iiiimn- gcr) week of Dec. 2: Todteind l-'rli/ie pleased the sluricnts. Ilnrold Plielps suug well. Mr. JiirolniN In Illustrated songs; moving pic- tures ; big business. a BiMllo Creek—At the )'ost(K.R. Smltb, :iiu iinijri i "Miiutniia" pleuMul Nov. ;io. "Our Now MlnUter" had good business Dec. I. The llliiiinelelii Imperial Stuck Co. pleased large Iioiiki'b 2-7. Uiirn Kendall 10. "Tempest und riiinshiiie" 14,'"The Governor's Pnrdon" 1 IB, opened week of 2 with moving pictures and Illustrated songs. The Olive Mead String (jnartcite, nsslsted by lime. Bertha Lincoln Heustls,' soprano, appeared Nov.- 21), under the auBplces of the Friday Music Club. '•_: 4 ■» • TE3CAS. Hoiiatoii—At tlui Houston (M. C. Ml- chcals, manager) "The Tourists" had big houses Nov. 28. Blnck Pnttl pluyed to good business 30. The theatre, Dec. 1, was de- sii-nvcd by a Arc that consumed nearly a block of buildings, the Houston Theatre be- ing the last to succumb. All dates booked for the Houston Theatre have been trans- ferred to tbe Auditorium, which has been beautifully remodeled, und which the man- agement thinks will amply do to end the Benson In. Managers Weiss, of New York, and Henry Grccnwall. of New Orleans, have been wired to, and will come to fill out plans for-the prompt building of a new opera house. Auditorium (M. CT Mlcbeala, manager). —Henry Woodruff, in "Brown of HarVnrd," had two good houses 4. "George Washing- ton Jr." 5. 0. "Peggy From Paris" 9, "Tbe Time, the I'lsco and the Girl" 10, 11. Cbas. B. 11 :i ii ford l'j, i;l. Majestic (Frank Sturgus. mnnnger).— Business, closing 30, was excellent. Bill week of 2: Jules Garrison company. Kogcis rind Macintosh,- Tsudu, -Caesar and compuny, Hnrlein Brothers, Joo Carroll and Majesto- grnjili. Two performances daily. KuH'-i'iiii; Park Theatre (H. B. Rucker, malinger). —Business continues to. capacity. The strong sensational plays please, with Hue vaudeville. Itucker's oratory on medi- cine closes the show. Moving picture busi- ness has picked up wonderfully, all doing well. i a Waco,- At tbe Auditorium (Jake Gar- manager) Amelia Bingham, In "A Lady Godlva." Nov. 21), showed un- ■iiMplces of the local lodge of Elks, 'ace George, In "Dlvorcons," to a largo iiudleiice 30. Sclimnann-Ilelnk Dec. '2, Chus. II. Hunford .'1, "Tbe Time, the Pluce and the Girl" 5. Black I'attl fl, "Brown of Harvard" 7. M.vii.MTii' (M. L. Hvaro, milliliter). —W. J. Muck and the Bosards were the star attrac- tions. Business for the week good. The management of this bouse changes, to-dav. Tlie new mnnngerB will be Messrs. Filed- iiindi'i- and Liicilde. '1 hev will conduct the business on a mure expensive and higher plane than heretofore, giving the Waco peo- ple the bonetlt of r good vaudeville show with moving pictures nt very reasonable prices. The attraction, for- the coming week is the Itaymond Teal Musical Cuoicdy Co. Delias.—At the D(illaa Opera House (Geo. Angy,. manager') "Red Feather" played to packed houses Nov. 27, 28. Clias. B. Han- furd. Irt "Antony and Cleopatra" and "Tho Merchant of Venice," was well received 20, Time, tin- Place mid tlie GlrT 30. "The packed Hi ■we" lienn of Mine" 7 Majkktic (B. s; Miickciifuss, manager).— Hill week of 2: Wm. A. Inmnii and company, Anna Dohcrty. Kuiifmun Sisters, Brothers "The Elopement," by the Blojropli, \ m struck a chord la humau cmcllon, and wins tho sympathy, ot the spectator for the yoiiD" couple who are -the lending characters, "nt gallant lover meets with disapproval from her father on account of her youth. Tearful nnd disconsolate, they become desperate, and he suggests elopement, to which bla aweet- heart cheerfully agseuta. That night the young chevalier rides up on the autoiuolilif and takrs ills Inamorata aboard. They have hardly disappeared before iiu gad ma, awak- ened by the snorting of tlie gasoline aleetl start Hi pursuit, clad only in their robede! unit. In another auto. The voting lovers arc spinning along the road. In making a sharp turn in the road, Hie machine - skids anil whirls ni-oiiuil like a weather-vane, and a little further on It-clicks fast- in a heavy ran- rnss. Tbe pursuing auto Is seeu rapidly ad- vancing along the inooullt hlgliwuy, no through tho woods tho lovers make their «ay until tbey conte to a lake, v/herc a motor- boat Is tied tin at The landing. Into (bin tbey leap and are soon swiftly cutting through the waters. 'iVbihi dart'lng along Inward the opposite uhore. Hie RWlorlujiit „,. filodes, hurling them ln,o the'water. Tlie over succeeds In bringing his precious bur- den ashore, rind carries her ]na, strut e form lo a farmhouse nearby, where the old country couple soon revive their spirits, attiring their bodies in suits of thplr clothing In pluce of the wet ones they had on. They stand tie- fore the village panon whom the good old former hurriedly summoned, the bridegroom In. bis hunt's dress-suit, and the blushing bride In a creation of dressmaker's art b? longing to tbe old lady. Tbe hippy pair are marie one just an pa and mn rash Into tbe farmhouse; but oil too late, nnd, making Iha beat of the sltiiotlon, tbuv give the newly- weds their parental olesslng. Thus lerui'l- nates the calamitous, adventures of u pair of determined lovers. ' ■' "THK'PAnaoN or iii.-ncuy Gulch: or, Tar Bight Man In tbo Right Place Mnv Work Wonders," Is the story of a Westorn happen- ing, graphically told by the latest Liililn mm "Only Kids," "A Breeze from the West," "The Making of a Modern Newspaper" and "Oh Me, On My," arc also great drawing cards. • "Savino His Country's 1'ijau" la a pa- triotic contribution to tho list pf pictures lii the Oatimoiit firm. The dim shows a rein- ment In camp being: ordered to tho front, fin the battlefield the company is obliged to re- treat. The standard nearer falls wounded. He hides the flag by wrapping It nround h[s Injured lltnb anil is carried to liie hospital of Hie enemy. On his urgent request Ills wlfn end child lire allowed to^lalt him. Tlie wife secretes the Hag on the'body of tbe Infant and Is permitted to pasa tjie lines to her rkioplc. When the defeated soldiers return to camp they, are cheered by (bo sight of their dear emblem, mid ii salute to tbo grand old eked Hie house Dec. 2, Grace George scored nuc-cjoscs the.series. 113,4. Amelia Blnghitm B, "An Old Sweet- A Tale or tub Sr.i" In the title of o hew set of vlliigrupli DIuih, shunlng Hie ad- ventures of a sailor, stranded mi n cannibal inland. lie i'vi iiiinillv makes bis escape, Is flicked up by a pusslng vessel and returns to lis family. The nsw Enisov pimih Include one rn- tltlod "T.iiugiiing Ciim," which suowm pleturea of a colored • 'mammy," who Is under the In- llneni e long enough to eausr ll uliole lot of :t rouble by her ' explosive laughter. "Tin Night Before Christmas" Is n tlniely siibleil. showing Krlss ICringle In hlB travels frnui Harris, Fruncllli and Lewis, and tbo Ahems. l'atronago continues good here. , . , ', » , ' . ^Galveston,—At the Grand Opera House (puvc A. Wels. niiiimger) "The Tourists" plensed good sized audiences Nov. 211. This compuny closed Its season here, nod sailed WISCONSIN. ■■ • Miivvniike... ,An extra line list of nttruc- P.l.ungli. Doiiohl (Ions was well pillionIzed the past week. Kdiiiouds, W. O. Ii.wnisiix.— "llappyliinil," the opening liulf Cverliuri, Win. 0 f Inst week. Iind good business. Marguerite ICilwarils. J. U, C | nr k divided tbe hnnors with l)c Wol? Hop- iV,'viiT* V r - OlgB Netlicrsnle, supported by Frunk M ".. K .. . Mills and her ICnullsli eonipany, npiieured In ,\ Mil* If rtll lllll" "U ll llllli" 1111*1 **l *ll till Mat ** "At Yale" HI, Mrs. Leslie Carter 10, Aubrey Stock Co. 22-28. Colonial (S. G. trader, manager).—Busi- ness continues good. The bill for week 2- Swam and Osterinan, Miss Hiirvey. Prof. i.Hke, Knight and Scalon, and Mile. Orraa. Bijou (W. S. Buttcrllcld. manager).—Hill for wCek or fl: The llnschcltu Trio, Boyd and Veola, Hanson ami Drow, Lyric Trio, and BIJouscopc pictures. lng an Interesting religions Subject, lege Chums" is a new comic. "Tll'HY Tinkhk" AMD "Nkbvv Nat" arc the two latest dims originated.hy Hie lnler- national Film Mpnufacttirlng Co., of' Phila- delphia. "LAUiiniNr; GAH" U^lelgli 1 " i ''' ,c Awakeiilng. 1 ' "8upho %l and "••'Cunillle,' ICIverfton Hurry M. Mimagnr Shetinan Brown ofcry Wllllo Fr.'iiii-ei !c Ciilller. In "Caught in tin- llalu. 8-14. Croast Siiiiiiriit. —Mnnager Kilwln Thunllanwr nn- Flalier. Arthur J iioiinrcs for week commencing 8 : Four Hards, I'lTiiuiuKt. Biiriiold's dogs, Blllle'M Aunt, Sidney Grant, Ilnrrf- lliinvnrr and ami voliuur. Fllnrrslil. Dick Al.llAMUlt.V (Jus. A. Hlglcr. uninngei').— •jilgurn. Holiert wtlllamH mill Walker presentid "Buiidiinnn BJSgS'B'U Jo * ■' IahkT week uf 1. Urnrriil verdict wns that i,...i il ii.,.'. ' H W « H WW " f I ho best shows ever itrusentml '•owioi' i ™,i. . b" those clovnr comedliuiB. "Hup" Ward 8-14, •rlliclie Vnto followed by "The Yankee Regent." Freeman' flHaaJf .. " ,J0 V.\—*!! ,l, "8 l ' |, .'^°l , .P. *v. Pierce offers . is n Isle Vltosrap' 1 »'!*• showing how the gas affects different jicoplo. under Its Influence. "The Need of Gold" I* n pathetic story of filial devotion, -with l linppy ending. Tho girl, in order to provide Fortes Ii. Frank Harry Clay Blnncv. In "The Boy Detective," Flsliera. Flying week of 8. nnd "The Cutest Girl In Town" Flynn, Kiimnnd 15.' "The Singing Girl from Klllarncj," -with riu'itn. iiiii-ne.v ' several ' good inualcal specialties, scored heavily week of I. P.mist. —This house, under T/eon Wacksucr, Is iirnseiitlng high class German dramatic periornmnccH, and Is being well supported. The German Press Club find their annual benollt. II. "The Female Xklitor" scoring n decided bit. Star. —The Nightingales wus n big win- ner. ■ Miiiinger Fiiinh It. Troltiunn will offer The Kentucky Belles week of 8. G.wktv (K R. Kiiiinii, manager).—The Gulifcu Crook IhlnivHgHu/a Co., week <if I, «as a highly Ka Unfurl or v urTering. .Iiilin 1,, lliitVlsiui Jn» HiiIIIvmu mill .lake Kllruln HtiueMreU ns n ttoti-. Marvelous speeldl nlli'ai-tliin. vVjrt of 8- The Trocn- (ii-nlmin. A. M. deros, nuil w'cek of 15, 'the Casino'Girls. aililni. Mack Cuvhtal. -- Manager F. B. Wlnlvr otters (jotiriiev, K«v- week or I): I^o Cooper anil company. Wurd ran tt (lourlcy Trio, Guibreth and I'm Tel, Helta ltuy tuiindn, Unliy, lllll uinl Jeuuetle Hurrer. Olonw..Jiitin Guano (Thos. D. Bntes, mnnager).—Bill for week of 0: Cbas. Rector, Phil. Clifford, Klwnod and 101 wood, Bulling Trio, nnd Be. ii lrice Mnrlln. H-iir-niK (U. Trliix. manager).—John Kn- uor, Kiiui uud lain Kelly, Louise Campbell, the Mowirt, tbe lleluivlilv, ii'utl Ibe Umpire's tknpe wtrk.of », ; .. ... .. ', JM raao—At tho Crawford (Crawford & Rich, managers) "Tho Mayor of Toklo," to big business, Nov. ML Dec. 1, "Brown nf Hnrvard" 12, Oscar Flgman 10, "Raffles" 2" . 23. the KIHIes Band K. 25, ■' May VHy. —At tlie Washington (W. J. Majbhtic (Frank Rich, manager). — Bill for'lier"faYiier'a wants 'ills nines lis'a an" Daunt, manager) the Bay ^Ity jCv.nphony Or- JH*,««i« && *P« Martclla rhe' Ponies' nnd holds up a stage coaehf b7t 'hI .uplureil chi'slrn (local inlenti. assisted by holly Cole, i l u ', , ",,, n ' ,d EHworth, moving pictures, and and Is about to be lvnrhed. when her s« I" .'fngfylgMg*! tlMJHBMBDBft «J.^Its. Patrick a % r " u ?' /Wm , vl . , discovered, and on 'nor story being known, Campbell 111. Oltl'iiFjijM (Wm. Winch, manager).— Bit she is anonlleil with tba necessary go d W Ai.vAiiAim (W. J. Daunt, ninnngor).—"The J»eelt 4-10 :bany Dancers, Mulfen and Co- save her fntl er'H fe; "^8"» * ' Governor's I'urtlon." Nov. 28-30. uud "Mini- K"'.,; ^nsNlas O'Crmuer, .luggllug McBsnns. uie. Hum," Dec. 1-4. both did satisfactory bind- Mueller am i Mueller, 'Do Coe and moving ness. Kpclluiiin'K Viiudcvllle Show n-eek of M. Pictures. ' • lli.liil.' 1,1. D. I'llmure, uisnager).—Ulll Week * ■ of 2 drew lurgn crowds and plcHsctl. It In- eluded : The Okurti ,lup Fuuilly, Mu Doll ami Corhley. Albcrtu, Jack Symonds, ami tho BIJoiiKcopo. I.viiu: (Ivnil Livingstone, manager).—Illus- trated songs and moving pictures did good business. «•» Fillmore. Artie Frltiei. The Flnley, KM Fields, Harry Finite. II. Fiiuiicr. Waller Primer. Itleti.W. Plvmuii. Mux I'itdie. K. I>. .'iillon. Arthur l-'ne fc Alh-ii ilrllt'th K.hvln 8 I In Ulll. Kiln'111 tloudwln Iten l\ llullloile, Jim flavin, Mr, (Ireenrlelil. rienj nngnaux. I«, llrltlllh, l-'i am. (tnrnan), invl (lljlili. Nick IOWA. ' Dnveiinort.—At the Burtls Opera House (Cbamberlln, Klutlt & Co., managers).—l-:. M. Hollnnd, In "A House of a Thousand Cnndh'S." enme to good business, Nov. 27. "Palming tho Town," matinee and evening, 28. "ICast Lynnu" did well Dec. 1, Con- sinneo Crawley, In "Heddn Guhler," 4. Otis Skluner, lu "The Honor of (lie Family,"- B. Lawrence KVrtii lii "We Are King." 8. "Hnollguu In New York" (». Olgu Nclhersole, In "Sspho." 11. Frimk Dnulelis, la "The Tallnoeil Muu," 12. ejls llopklus," wllli llnae Mclvllli', 13, II. "Tlie Flower ot the Ranch," matinee nnd, evening, lis. 1 F.mth iciuis. Bcrki'll, mMnugvrV — This house laintlllui'N In iliniv UihiiI biiiduesH. Bill week ut 2 : Fred M'llsoli, Wliulen uud Senrles, Burton nnd Buss, Curvi'r and Mnrfy. McCor- mirk. Hurry Booker unit cotupauy, Lena Kline and inov|iit; pictures. Family (Munro & Oelkers, managers).— Bilsllicss Is jond nt (hla playhouse. Bill week of i; • L. Scelris. Katharine Martin, Seclds nnd Hnnson, Llndsoj-'ei dog and monkey show, lOli-inoi- Mullen llllil ninvliiL' pictures. Giianii OfiiiiA lloimn (Cliambcrlln Al 1*0, niiiiuigersl, The llickumu Bessy (V, la re- pi'iiuii-, urc blllid fur 22 and week. 1'arlM.—-At Peterson's (It. P. Meeban, manager) Helen •Grautlo.y, Nov. 20, In '"fhu M.?ff? B M ,,, a l . hc Cat ?: u " . dld Jfood ' business. S,'i lH:I n, Mont S u . ,nc 1 p Jf. -8- In "lilra." canceled, "lie Time, Iho Place and tho Girl" did big business 80. "Peggy from Paris" did well Dec 2 Amelia Bingham 4, with good sup- port, pleased an appreciative audience lyric. —-Motion pictures and illustrated songs continue to draw capacity houses. I Anstiii.—At the Hancbek Qpera Houae • ■ Fannjh . Donovan,. formerly ot Jan. B. and Fnimle Donuvuu, uud Bllllo Macklu, of uer- rliin uud Mnckln, were unlttrd lu niai'i'WSe. before Sipilrc McMaatcrs. ut the t'Uy »*"- Pittsbnrg, Fu . on Tuesday. Ocl. 89. Mrs Muckln will loin (ho tuaui of Borrlnu m Macklu, which will hereafter ls> known « Mockln, Berrlan and Muckln. ' - ' ', Mas. Polly Biinkerii. muthcr of tbe great Bunkerr, tbo- electric duueur, died at nrr homo in Monmouth, III., Dec. 4, from drops} of the heart, aged eighty-three years. »» Bunkerr had many friends In the profession, who. will mourn her. ■ ,._.,. Tub WHANunoODLM CoMbDy Podr eontinuc (Gen Wnllin,. m..!...,, 1.1 e 'Kf'1. " UUDI = TUB WHANODO0DL1 VQHBDT POOH «W""K: to a nnc nouso ^ov. 2B. Grace George 28. Valiltv F«lr Show ^iflsS&ESn : c,'„ ttJSsS&t ■ '*"'»■ wx8& «* p«««t was ', n Z and (ho OlrrY.^iVgiy from Paris" 11 P ' n Zuy — Olympln, Liverpool. .Mnkjlaiid. The wnif «»» mmimiM num. i ,, f ,,r '" ,_ r Al "»' ''Vtud (CLamberllu. liar- liiglou ft Co., iiiuiiugCis) "A Kulgbl for u 11,1,1 Mil M. I'ciirln.- lii 1'H.V. fe»Sg , K ' "'"k"-". K:'ioo«'friar»%'B V aelli;r? 'i' u '..,I- " ' ur ?'' business. Tjiwreuco ISvarl, n li. Al-c King." De,.. j, played to tbo usual bundny honse. Howe's pictures. 3 plensed Otis Skinner, in "The HOnlr of'thc K!"»lly," 4, had ctcellent business. "Palnt- i^wnli^K W TU , e y»h PevrnbroKe,"" fL aWftPffl H. Crane 0, Frank Daniels in De Wolf Hopper 11, Richard Carle 13, "Little Jobnnv Jones" 14, "Hooligan lu Nnw York" 10. "1110 Squaw Man" 17. * ~?f*?5KC i >Vm ; p ,fpctor. resident mana- HrJw»ib# Beaiily- Doctur." Nov. 28. hod B. fe. O. "Aulta^lh. Blui'lug GUI," 2», 80, spectacle, ,i,.,i. Ltverpuui effects with thin production urc reported n he exceptloniilly linpre»stve. He 'has BJJ" reenguged for the iirodiictlou of ."rtic av» • nnchc." ivhleli will be put on at this IMI'I". drome. Munchesler. for tour 1 vrot'ks'^ H'-' o»J cxceiitloniilly KtnwiiBfiil In Hv* spccliilly with May Templetou. also been Hkubbrt Li,ijtn wilt mall for Itiiglsiid,£" r . 14. He will make arriingemeiiU Wwf ;, n « r for Ibe bunking of the "Hupny Hoollaau lo- In Kngland, He will retum In 3tmtWT-'„ GlUFir W1U.IAMB ANO Vanoia MEtstniJ' report that tbey arc sttli .making a big n» with their new act. "Tbe Minstrel lao.JjB Maid," with "The Flight of Princess JW company, Griff Williams la aetlng roanagcr for Mildred nnd Itoaclero, and tho show » doing n nice business. '' % ... ' Tun Hupbosb (Bert and Ocorgln) » r " plnyliig tlie ten cent hoiisee In uud arpiu-u Cb!t.ttgu, uud uiuklug good, •'••_-