The New York Clipper (December 1907)

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trnqMsM «T£ > » J#r\Tvf *tfR:£ i^I^lSl. 1211 ■♦« ' » ' THE FRANK HUEErf PUBLISHING CO. (LlmlbJrii •rsonumniiB,' . AliBftBT .T.DOME, rDITOlilll. 1NO BDHUNT.H» SUKICIM. Br r SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1007. ftew tf Ihc metropolis. Rt HANK, ^WN^VWN^^/ ^K/N raMtcd'Jon« 2*. is'-'. »' f» Po*t bflina it ron? Yolk, .N. X., tl scconil did iu«ttcr, uuo>r ti» act vF March K 187». - j ■'■■, "■■ ■■■■' ' ' " RATES Real a to. At the Orplicum Theatre, Ynnfters, V V/., last week, a novel olid Impressive net Was ahown ov Itoststo. ■■the" man who cannot be electrocuted," who literally Sefles rhe light- ning, nnd permits an enormous voltage of olecfrlcltyto pas3 through hlj bodv without ii'ii'i™ Rosa* imitation. Cha*. .1. Ross, who, wltu hi? wife, Manet ronton, toot: n flier in vaudeville AC the Twenty-third Street last -week, while Wehef's Mua'cTlnll ivi9 dark for rorjoarsnls, gave his imitation of Harry" Lander, singing "8W's ST, ..' '■ ,** J"». T lt.-«*« ;"• electricity 'to pasj through hlj body without My Daisy." in his sumcd. -Just Like a A4TertJ»tnJenis-^2.S0 per inch, single coloma. dlscorarnoliog- him la the least. .It Is claimed WmSS? and tallied a hie hit with It. Ho AdT«rtl»»men(a.ff.« with border, 10 ptrct. extra. giWUJffl MffgWtt that onnnhn volts are has used this imitation at Weber's, but last a .!*.„,,,,,,->e*™. generated by the machine which la. used on —' JK -— "—- ■* Is In.frequent contact with this machine .the jet •!« nicely arranged, nnd. Is" ffortli looks like, a man In llnS early twenties, nqd .here i;: an apparent effect upon' film of thn various |*al* to which he Is sub- jected. Ho does n number of tilings which sh'h'w thai; I lie run-cut really phssoa through hl.i hoar, but nooe nf die Utile thing* Is ho' ef- fective ns the light lug of n piece of paper ihnt. In pressed iignhist his cheek. He ITrcs off a little cannon Jus! by tnnchliiir Ihe powder ir.iln, holds a lone; glass lube In his .hand and ennuiinnlcaloH. ibe light IJial flli-kcV-s ami neatly presented testH allows the itudlehre that a high voltage rhusi really pons through him. . , .The (Irtish of. Ibe act, wtjlch show* fteslajo standing, with outstretched arm*, and loaned down' with colored fi|Bes that are nntrpi>nrted all over Ills body, nnd which light Up bril- liantly ritt the current la passed through Mm, Is remarknhlv pretlv. 'Ihe net l«t a cnplfal novelty, arid lis. very strong. ■Ceil, upon I lie nudlem-i! !•• <»» .MA>- Irwin. of New Vork o'reuri'cd nl Ihe Colonial hist week, nnd' (he people of the upper West side of town "pror-vl flint they worcnnxlnus to see her, for ITti> theatre was parted (wlco a day during ihe. entire week. She sumf rave/fal, snii/K and "spoke n piece" or, two, lieitmnlrtg her Net with it fiflr negro Honp, and endlrig Ir. Inxt Prldiiv after •honiK ncnln nnd iigatn. One of bar lifts of verse vvaa.about nor dresH of other days, which she tried On only to llnil that. Iho "hnolis nnd ey^s Ihni • once were MciiOh would hieet again no m,ore." Mla« Irwin' tll- wnys noil a way of poking fun at herself to -e*4- <<l<H'njiiilknii'N l'ilr<n<lon." Jaa. .ViVVoli'h anil crtmhahy, .at.Pastat'a Irist •' weelr,' (rave Ihe ni|(llerii:e- a tnlxluro tif 1'itrcei dnnclrit} nhiMiurle-io,iie boxing, In llielr rketeb, ■ "Klannigiin'a li'llillilloniV and cdh- titfM ro make ibinitH hitereming, Thn hit- ler por I Ion of Iheli' enierialnment wna ihe liWr,v'tlte "old-fashlnned" dailclng of Jnaiin and - Fra'blt' Welch Mn/r very good, and llielr pnnehlhg of each olh v la a bom, whli<h led i Mem greatly exblHlNletj at IN finish, cnplnred the lailglis. • • . .. ■ . ■In (lie farce II aeeiilslhal I'.indofa raw- u Pi i (mi iCBSCHlPtlOJT. .. dni year, In idv»n.;c, f I; «u inooths, $3; ttire* monthi, 1.1.,- Foreign Dostnge extra. .atngle coplei Bill W atnfV postpaid, on reoelpt of 10 cents. «. --.'-■ liar Tcrm« arp t mU. IVtl OtlPPEIl Is Iwoe* every.Wednesday roori- lug. The Inst rear (mltctusing) pages (10 To PBBSS.Ion, 3»»Way.,at ii._A.-M., and the otaer Jiges on alONDAl- and TKlS&AT. " ' .The Ifnnna Cloiln's Prnnaptlr> Tnea> «lr«y nt 10 o'clock A, M, - ' ptM«V remit try eiriress; oioa^y order, cheek, p, 0. order or registered letter. All cash encloa«i with' letter la af.tho tlsk ot «ender v ■ Addrem All roiilmimlcntlona go •eao kkw v6Ek rfiippBH, 47 yefit 2Sth Street, New Tort, Rtf<itj!rod Cal)I»' Atdtclt, "AtrrnrtaiTV." THE WBSTBllN BUREAU at Imc CulJi'ii I" lornlcd « Biran nu«, Ashlanl Block,, Chicago, /oho 1'. I'rlnoe Jr., manager anil iwrrnpoddent, Whete advertisements and luliacrtp- tloaa are recelicil at our regular rates, •PHB LONDON B0REAU ■ IiKnted otll U-Iecn'ter Street, Leicester flfimre, 'lofidon, W. C, Henry Ortorg* nilihert, manager, wUrre adtertlscmeata and oithserlptloaa are r<- 1 reived af nnr fegitlnr rates. ... . Ilia Oi.irrrn can nu or nlirm Wnot.ErULi AND i!i.-rAir, nt tiit agents,.nreriiano'a news depot,. Vt Avenue ite I'Opeia'. I'nrla, France; Diamond. Nena tin., 12" Prado, llavnna; Mnnlla Bonk and Hta- tlorlery C<i, jil».li*«jllii, MaDJbL P; I:; Albert It »n«, m70nn King SI., .^rdeey, Aiurttnlia. ; •tUP. NI-TW Vbllli < IIII -Hit tin nllali -h «nJir <"»' ciiit ion, mill timt u dated 7rJ>iik SB* Vorar. ■ a.. !1 J. .J..I..I wk, ..I'iLLUr- ' J-^u. Ko lieplleai l >r Mnfl «> r Tclritrnpli. aiinnrsnes on wilEaa^notrTH. Ko( olviff. Ai.l ik gnisr nu- aui:ii nunni.n mure to xnosa wiiou i^tir hlbic, ly.oiim or 'till'. CMPPKB t'Osr (n-l/C.e. ,m.i. i.rri rim win. nu *uvi:in'm4n oNa wniK only. If tiiu notiTu of ani . riUATstnau iiOHPAKr m SOi.'llUT, itnirint TO mm list or KOCtih . UN ANOrllUlt fAON. \VU 1-S1.NOT Hk\ll KUDOS 111 UAII. On Tltl.KOBAril., .... ., —~ ——— '• mmurir i . I', M.i J'asloii, —JV'.lm-ve no knowledge pf the pre.ffiii wlu'ri'iibo'i'iiionf .(he (tii.riy. Ad- rtriAs ;rc.,l('ilor In '.i*ji*<*.i>f--il\ls. oilier nnd Wn will -advertise II; In. Tin: Cl.IIT'Kit letter' IIki. Lji t;.. Waci;, ■>,.. •Miss M., t WirynfilHirrf." ' .. ' Miss N. XI.-I.V, FoMlhrtm, ' • . '».. B.." Chicago,- ..-:■>, ••.ConnleT/iPotKvllle; ■ ■',.:' II. 1*. ft,CO.. St. lellllS. '. H. Ihlhsl. Cfjj. Co.. St.,'Joseph, and ' B. 1 ll.r.L.,' Shenandoah.—See.naswer la |'. M:*abnvi". •' '■• »■'"••. ' , ,B, 0. I.., Saginaw.—We have no' record nC 'Ids rVwrn, Jtmtt'im a Iciter In our care nail we will adve.rllHe It III. Tnr. Ol.ll'Pr.K letter ' list. ' ■ 0. .1. K., IMrnll.—Watch otir rniilo list each week. . II.. I'. Q,„ Xew York.r—We never nnawcr i;n«rles concerning Iho prlvnlc affairs of any- one; , ,. J C. R XI.. Onlhoun City.—We do not know. C: C, San. Antonio.—She ranked among the best o( Iho American netreaaea, hut nor. iba leading actress. ■ ■ "■ W. V. D. W., New Tork,—Consult a lawyer. W.P.iN., Astoria.—He la.alive. Address blm In .care of the Actors' Society, New Vork illy. ..■■■'• K. Jl., New York.—wo thn only" advise you to wnlch our route list each week. K. If. If., Trenlon.—Delia .Pox appearM In 'Tlie Utile Trooper." • St. J. II., rallulvra.—Ken' route In this IbsuV. Mint. W. S., Wheeling.—We havo no rec- eorfl o* the i|t>(>'tli nt the party. . i ■ C. J. S., Cleveland.— Margaret Anglln iicvei' appenfed In the play you mention. ■ J.. R., New York.—We liave no knowledge of ihe ••litcrpi'lse you meatlon. M. M„ Now York.—Not to our knowledge. J. II.. Boston. .— Address Qua Kdwaras, 1512 Brondwny, New York City. W. C. Now York.—We cannot aid you further than to suggest that you takri a course at on? of the leaning dramatic adhoola. .Q E. H., Hyde Park.—With the nutneroiis atock tii'odiirtio'ns In tlit past «lght or ten years ft la almost ImposBlhle to give thn inni. performance; of the play. . J. P., Bay City.—Our flies do not Bhow aay records of the ovents., AbVANCH.—1. We do not. understand the question. Try again. 2. It Is not. usually done. OAR**. O. J. C, N'atlek.—Smith Is entitled to sec- ond prize.. Jones |s out nt It altogether. '!'. |T„ San niego.--A wins with low. W, R, It., Hikiinri. —B hntf no show as ho passed. MISf'KLLANKOr.N. li. ti. t>.; PreinOni.—"Heel nnd Tofi" Is a straight walk anil was indulged Hi hy (ha early pedestrians, Including l>an O'Learv and B. P. Weston. The "gn-ns-yoii-please" In- eludes walking, "iog trnttlng." or running, and iirsi cnulc Into proajlnensc when Charles llowell flrgt appeared In tbla country. Wa hate on. I'licorrfs tor walklp/T under Ihe, condl- i Ions you mention. »-lli *.i -il i'iii- il l 'iii i < liieliiiintr« lllnk ClrruN. Pfefl N'nll'g "(Mritlenscd Circus," the Cin- cinnati novelty, opened nt thn Now Rink, In thai .i!lly. Hob. !). There were threo rings. Maude Ilurhaiik and her thoroughbred l>y- namo.. thp Wolloy-Plors '1'rln, and (be l»o Marcos iippeured, and fleorgc Moix led Iho clowns. A twenty minute show thus proved ii cnrlnln minor lo each night's pastime on roller Hkntcs. ' ♦a» I'.ri, > i.i.Nes Salt Awiiinot Sluih.-rt. Prank fj. perlcy lias lost his suit Tor S2.1.000 agftlhst Lee Shubort l'or alleged breach of t-etil ruel. .1 ml lie Amend last week dlamlssotl the couiplatut on the gruunil that Perley's evldonco had uot suhstnntluted the spend sightseeing in T.unilon, l'livls and Ilur- lln; and thn trip Is lukeu solely for rest Ki-KS '.iV" r"""2T,.."."^** •"j"^" «" w*«k was the first tlnie that randerille ssw •he stage during The exhibition, and ReSW.i It- Mr- Ross puts on 1 a kilt, flohs a wis and Mttle Scorch car>, arid mils his r's itist Ilk' ',»fii ?-».« J. s P*< ,,n <'» >■>{ ry'nt of view, tin Under did in the sons;. The Imliniinn ffa well as from (he viewpoint of a novelty. >fho tine' one, aHd T.niider'a fntinv little" sinmhles i i v iu K f «lmw why .iindeggoea the ordenl over |he straps that hohl hla sword, nnd tils neai-atterhpts at dnhclnrf life also shown. Mr. floss,who never does anvlhlng by halves, made" onrf af the biggest trbimph«i oft an \in usually goud hill Inst w,eek, nnd Unas and p'er\(On' proved Ihat (he yenra linve not dimmed their ynlue as cnterlnlners for the "souaed" busbrtnd nod. Ihe wife who endure* it all were ns funnyaa over, The 4:enr(retly Trnnpe, A ftiiroprnn nerobatle net, the ileorgelty wllhla li: to it similar Inl.e held by nnntb'er Troupe, made llielr debut In (his ivtuntry nt wuinu il vi u sminiLi- i uue neiti »y nnnroer i niiirs-, nnuie ineir neoui in mis emtnrrv or map, und la a a"inl»er U effectively arranged Iho New York Theiilro last week, with e.xeel. lent MMM ; ThO bov of the tronpe, who- Is bustled around like a sa.-U of sail, Js a little wonder. . , There are fonr pernons In the act, two man, a Woldnrr and a hoy, ihe opening show- ing the womnn nnd nnn of the men sitting at a. fable, and the other man whiting nu them. Thn boy enters, dressed In green livery, nnd the nrrohfltlc work begins without shy more jirellmlnnrv The fen'ls:are all lolling one*. Ihe vnnngsrer being turned nbont nnd Inndlnir on (he hands of the men. turning somersaults and being caught: on Ihe niil si retched timids of the im- otin i AntotoH if .ttbw. moii otrri 9Tf n rofjirtarAifriRirt, Clipper Binreitt't ' 14 I rloester Slr<yrl, . . I.elrcater S<ioar«. I.nndou, W. I'. fM:c. 7. In wrlilng "Angela." Ihe onn play novelty of the week, produced at the Comedy .Theatre on Wednesday night, Cosmo (ionion l.ennov'-: main Inieni was clearly to III Ills wife, Marie Tcmpnst, with'a part. This he has done to ptrfectloni 1'bc other qualities of "Angela" are not. remarkable. It has a Trench origin— "Wt • Mlnults d'Atref—bur Is neither n translation nof an adaptation. Mr. Lennox has taken an Incident'and c-bborated II In his own taste nnd fancy. Angela la a vmvn: ■ a-idow—impulilve, oplnlated, ehntmlng; of,,a dlaposltlon • to "manage" her father, a eoro- plarnnt old gontleman. iiihrr innuliers of the> family circle decide thai It would be bet- ier for nil Ihe parties were Angela to marry iiialn. One or twm suitor* nr» mnnipnlated p/frhortt sneofss. Hut eventually Angela Is Ingeniously plncod . r/.i-n-rls .with a suitable youngster, and they, full In love in thn most natural way. Hcally, rho play in little, more mail, a diverting dialogue, Miss Tempest Is delightful In every phnse of Ihe character. .VIInn Ayiic.snvonh Is adnilrntile as her lover. At. one time II. wat fell, that Ihe seal nf siicecsa had,been set .upon a serious produc- tion only when II oe-urred lo w»iae less de- flate imimiic'i- in liiirlesipm II. So, old ••Johnny" Toole. In "Paitttt. and UKise." puked hiii in "h'rleiid" Irving. In "|Cant.L" ilin travesty Is altogeiher oui of fashion In Hie "regular" ilicitre.s, fi seems Ihat the variety houses are, it.n disposition lo revive this once popular form »f i>ntertalnmcni, which,.Indeed, serves-very well io All a sec- tion of « vaudeville programme, wbcroa* it 4s held to be too much /or a (nil bill. '.'A liress Rehearsal." which Seymour Hicks, hi- slnllcd at: the 'i'lyoll Music [fall, nil Mnnrlav illghl, Inirodiipe.s Hei>rl<uhni Tree as Ibe niiVn- LITTLE ORE SUFFERED i i i.-.j a, I or (>r*r A V.-Or-IIelilan Ohio l.lUr Foaooiit Covrrcd Ii'nrts nnd NrcU- Mntbrr l -».t I ulth In «»_• t.^iju .*. .' ,, , . ... . . i.ini(iiii.'vni'inr nrifiun-ij lltllltix »n |||i> IIII- >lay ItWtM rellirn (-> Ihe vaudeville stage iierslnndcr. Thowork' Is ttnlak. nnd the hand V.iitr \ lie!' r.ii.nllnlnH ■> I IIia / ". . I.... I.. I !,.,.* .1 . _a _j ■ .. ._ . ..i. . .... ••_ . tb hnud fenlsaro hrltllanl." The act ran almtit sk minutes, inf thi^fult alage. ' • — ... "- # ' *» ' I i -. •' . , !sl\ tlili-rleilll lliiii.eiK A s*tfetle> nf gnotl dancers, threo nien and threo girls,, opiieiii'.d at the one. Hundred and Twemy-llflb Hireor last week. In a terfil- noim wlih the song ilbinil the man who Wua cliorean novelty that capltvntoil the patrons (ifralil (o come home lu the dark* so lift re.- of Keith &• I'roclnr's uptown wiitinvllle whined- nway all nltflit*. Till* sung cmtglit , house. The throe glrtu, llstello nad Adolnlde the hiiiise. and she was comiiclled to sing rhe I/ivi'nherg and I'e.irl Iianfnnh, appciirod llnst as American ■rtvatullrrr*, and scored nicely. Then followed Uhan. Connor, "The Streniiotia 1'alnier," who made nil Individual .snreoss, . Messrs. Pui'elln anil irilrlen, li.-id llielr Inn- ing III Adouls ensriiiae, i-onlrlhiitliig a pltins- ing feature, and Mien nil sit dancers Unlshed ihe deiichi of ihe it'iidleni't'. nhil she'known ■■the net In whirlwind manner, In what iuiv Jilsl how lo She held ihe stage fur rtM "the J v arrol. i iihou'l. (lflreii mlnuleft; ItvofiA.- and Challenge Unnce/ 1 which .was u capital il.uiclng niimlHir. The nfferlni; mud- n ■■■.inplide siiccess. • .. . . - '. ' w 4 s >i ' .",. j .. .. , , '< , I. , • Simiuiie lilnnii. ,. 'i TJia Vaw York "I'lientre n'semiiini i.i.-1. week v.-lih npplnnse f<ir Miiie. Siixmine AiTums, who hna lemporutlly. forsakep .niiem lonlve *.'ml- vaiiced viinilevllle" tin npiiortiinliv HI iihlino llself on sefiirlllg tine of- file mrnw sthrs of the hlg Ojiem honsiv loeaied a Illlle lieliiw, en.ihe in iin ilHii-iiughfire of Ihe meiropollK Xline. Adams' sting (ho .Jewel, song from )'Kitiist" ilellghtfully, following fhiit. with n anerod minis In Kagllslii and that In tirrn'f'omljijt'J1iro'_ the Rye." "Home, Rw»et lueket: a aitige-Nlruck rMrW(plhyed by Celln illnWil"'wttiflhi'Tl iVhdered In il Welch i, wrlles n nnin t.ti Theotlofe, l^ansflidd, iimlliiee favorlie, as.'diig Inni lolakft i«'a wllh her. , Par/Horn lust uddre.-tses iho 1 envelope ■'J'. F„" andTlm I'Tanalgan, plumber, gets It. Tim prcinjiiiv accepts the litvltallnn. Pan- dora .thinks tliaf he is Hit', Hively Theodore, eicveriv disguised, and Ihe complications real: Upon these errors. . The act ran rthout twenty minutes, on tho full stage. .. 'o» ; : „'; » >*'' ' . • ■ . i.^' , ,' Marty tlnylOn and Llllion Drew. ,"A Knight in nom>." iireiieut.eil gt Pnatof'a last week by Murry t'Myton and filllldn iitfvl, wna a biir!'osf|iie. In a' geherul wny on Ibe loito-rhd heroefl.nnd heroines'nt o|i|, nlid Ml'. Clayton, wlthlflngViip-tlirned nose, ndd nrrayed its a Unman,' was draped In tao eds- n.-uie nf the I hue .if Ca>sftr. unci looked funny. MlftK Drew's slnglpg iyiis the hesl: purl or the. ortctlng, which needs to have some mora humor In livh',1 Into lift dialogue. Both mem- ber;* of tho team pthy well, but their material la not Quito strong enough In. lnilgh-mnking possibilities. . . Thorn Is a good Idea l:cre, and with proper working over the skit . iionM he made very effective. It ran fourteen minutes, on the full Riage, ., - , ., ' , ■ ,<>«» • ■ ' " ' ■■ Willie Hale. liiaiul. und Iho admirers of good music— (mil ihey are legion—gave her in understand Ibn' iipiirtvlatlou in' the li.'M Iri VOi'dl elfni'lM does nor lie onllrely With Hie onera-tnera. ' Thn applause) which came front nil parts nf the house miiat have been verv gratlfvlhg to flie singer, and clie abowad plainly that she appreciated (he recaption given her. • ■S-i— "a )* * ' — ,; i Cprrl*' Scott. ' "The tough girl," Carrie Bcotf, talked thn Pastor nudlences Into. liking her vnry mutll Insl Week, nnd lliey gavn her soverul henrly encorns. . ■ . 81* Megnnlicr work wllh a pleasing song, nnd tberl Introduced her tough girl specialty, whlnh she enlivened with .llltln "iiaarHo- hrtart'^ tnlka with "tlin boys" out. lu from, getting them in good humor with themselves and all the world. Her last number, In which aha wits aided by n singer In one Of tho upper boies, found her bearers In such gnnd mood.that they made her sing a number of choruses, the young man who lifted up his Voice In her behalf also coining In for n rhnre of too honors. Miss Scott occupied tho stage nbont tweaty minutes, appearing In one. . — •■■ ■-■ < - v # , -^ nun nit and Colllna. Harry Martlet r and Lethe Collins, the utter of a ■ninedv house, drilling such an odd hat as Unit - cnlnc, Chcrgwlu. l|ie llrodu'i-s I'nlliskl, l.ewli Waller, I'hyllls Dare, Mnrtln Harvey. Hurry Tate and.lienrge limn lay. Most of Hint* pans arc played by Cyril .t'lcirsy, n i-leyef young mimic, "A [inaM llcliearsnl" Is a >nccfss, anil ivlll proluihly have iiiaiiy. Iniliaiors ••(.'oiiKclenco. ihn mlmndroinn which Mr. Illilr nriMlul'isI at Ibe Palace Theulrc. oil Man- ilny night, Ir* a severe I'otapresalon of n diiuili show, which hnd nchleveil great po|iuliir(ly fni Hie Coniliir-tii, occupying Ihe i-oniplolc pfco- praninti'. , In Kninrn und Italy they will cnin- iilnccniiy niTopi u seven tier tlmmii In pave pjinliinilme- im art of which II must bo mi- ni 11.1 cil Sevorln In ipilte (he most brllllnnl i-tiio.siinr KKiaiil. . Ilui I'higllsh miillences ilii.l thirty inlniiies ahum, as iniu-lt as ihey can itiilnre. Sovui'ln lluiires as u I'rench wnrkinua ai' art evil dliiposlfiiiii. who bus knowledge ait a miiniei' •oiHiiilued.hy a distinguished llnii.n- i-lor. He lilKckmiills lbe nnhappv hanker, hrtil lends n dissolute life wllh his 111 Boflfll wins. Then ll la liroiiglll home in dim Mini Ids own Inilmnle. friend Is under siisplclnit, ami lively io MirferJOn dealli is'nnllv, lenv- int a deV.ftotl iilfe nnd a prcliv ■•lilhl. Ai'dr ii . di's|iei-i)|,- , 'iniagle wbll •■nnsell'liec, i be hliii'kiiinllfT 'domiiincaa Ibe baiiher, ami nl (ill iiiM"i vlndli ales all Innocent man. Ott Tuesday lllglll the Hfiecnllk antilvei-snl'v nf ,|Im iipi'iihi-j- of ihe I'nlai'" 'Plicntro will Is- ci»niiiii'iiiiirali'il. The building l-t rnlber tuuni ih.'iii lli'leea voir.- old. Willi a roniin ■ hi.tilr niii'm' (Hlhorr tiiifl Snlilvau's operas, ii'oyjv ('arte luiMimiiil (he (loyal, l-lngllsh ('lpe)-ii House, In he ibri splendid llniiie of nriern. at .my rale enncled, In Jlngllsh: for lln? most: part, by Kagllslt composers, iils.nollle 'i-In-nie failed utterly. Then Angus!im Hnr- tls, who had quarrelled wlili his old,fflon)ls ill ihe IJiiipIre, foririrsl (|p\ I'nlarn t.'oiinnitiv Irt run f-omblnoil vaudeville and ngtrnvngdnKii. The failure nf 1/ie I'alni-e seunied |llto|y -p, ho liiore illsasiroiiM '(Inni the fulliira of Iho (ipera bad baen. You eiaild gel aloMc for. a ijiinrlerl finr a few lirnvc spirits stuck lo the ship. They used Charles M6r- to», already n vary old mat), tin [heir flgurc- liwd.-made n lift with Kllvanl'a llvlnff nlc- Inrcs. .J'roia (hat llmc.forth the Pnlncn Iran lirogl-eased. Wi«/>n Alfred Hutt succeeded Chus. Vlorion. began to boom. Mr. mitt wtnl Jot big people—money no olijeel—and IhrVpaliry has paid. Hl« American fngnie- irtentM, nolhbly of Host Sin Id,' Wnlier ftelly CUTICliftA REMEDIES CURED HER '*M^ baby's face nnd neck were covtrrc) witU itching skin similar to eczema, arid she suffered terribly for ever a year. 1 took her to a number of doctors; and also to different, colleges to no avail. Then CuticuraKemedirs. were rrcoinmcnfled lo me b*- Mis'a Q-* —, who wao tellinjr me how theylieipet! hrr. i did not inc. it ai lirji as 1 bad tried so many tdlier renrte dies without Bttjf f.tvrirahle results,. Al das't I tried Cnticura Spa'u,- i.Tuticufrf Oirit ment ami Cutionra Resolvent Pilln, aid to my siirbrisc noticed an iinprovomi'm. Af|ef using three hoxr.S of tftc .Curicura Ointment, togetlirr with the Snap ami Fills, ( am pleased,lo say she is alto- geiher a illrTercnt clilld and the picture of thealtli. . Mrs. A. S. .nrcsdiu, 171 K. Lincoln St., Chicago, 111., Oct. jo and 30, 190O." ■ ■ ■ ■ - 1 IlooVgo Alexander addressed n.nieollnir of women wnrltera foe iu» Tnrv imrty In Klig llsli. poll lies, yesterday nftcrniion, . I.owls Waller irtiirnetl to tnnti on Monday, nnd ronvHwd. tho l.yrh- Theaire with "Mnn- olritr llcaiirnlre.". in 11 week or, nvo h" will rovlvn '■Rohhi Hood - .' no his Chrlafnigj al- irneilmi. In January he will do Milton llov/e's play, "The rtqiinvv Man," hut under anorher iiiime. Ueorge I'aweeK will piny Hlg ' lllll.-Ihe ciiwbiiy.. . Vi-dreniio A Marker proaike a revival nf .Shaw's plny.i ".Arms and the Mnn." If wits ill" pi eninn 1,,n ihercol' m the Avenue Theatre, ' sumo ren yenrs'iigi". that llrst got xhaw Inlkeii HlMUt us a ili-aiUalUt. I'revlounly lie was known ns-nn ecmnrlit wrllrr mi imlllh-s, mill as 11 fniitiivtlc erlilc ( .f plays nnd niiislc. 1 Weilncinbiy.sees the lust nf •'The Hlns or Soiletv" at lifury, to hereyl.vitd. how ever. In Ihe rtnriilg; llkawlae of "Tint Ohrls- thin," at iliu Vvcetioi, 10 l,n Irnnsferreil hu- ineillnlely lo the Shnfinshiirj-. ■ I'tmries sugden nnd his wife, who lifted to he known ns Alias Viiiw. luivc .aapufwi ilu- hitirilsli rights far "Zaw." and innm lo Ilka on iim raail laiiueillaiely niter Christ mas. • . 1 . Tinilulti Iho 2001b perfnrninnro of ,, Thi> lilrls i|( UotienlM-rit" will be recorded nl (lie t.'ah'ty. . . ' Itcerbohm Tree announces his lnienll.ui or lelebriiiliig n "Hliiiknriiieiiri' b'esllvlir in. Ills ..Mniesiy's 'riinnl.rp. lor yea is. II was 11 le- in-inlcli tit I.Aiiilun (bill lis nl' Sltafte -twill, llll |li'l -t'l.lli'lapeet H'a-I lUMlgnllll'lllll, CI (III ■ (nilWl with Hun. of lliii piovlnelnl ellb's. II. II. Irving, who has heeii plsvldg 11 ta>- leeiimi i'i.iiii pis I'lilher's ro|iiTinrv Ml irnir. brings his 'fiei-egrhinllnas lo mi end nl Ilu- lloroiigh Tlieiitrh, Simll'uhl, an l.'tisievn ill»- irlef. nf I.iunion, novf weak. t'niilrnlw lo |iiihllslp<d sliileinenls thai -MOi'mIIHi .Marciirn would no( nrrlye In Loudon llll punrnmlme shniihl he Imminent nl limn l.nlli'. aha has Insui here a week and Is al- ready |e||er perfect. (Icnrge Kilwardo, of the lialely, has blsl rei.iii-ited rrom Vl-nmi, lirliiglng wiin lilm conlriicla for two new opnru* by IfrahzTeliar. tho eoni|i<aier of ••The Merrv Widow," nful lor iwo new nneras, by (lsear Kirnuss, tin cu;ii|ioser of "The Hretitrt WillUt" likewise. The I'hillnr ITIitccis," bv Hr. l-'als. who nor, gave a comedy coaching, gave an act of great variety last n £t.which they called "Hpjclalty Perfection'' week at the Union Squire, with all ports of ft Pastor« Inst week, and contrived to make Willie Hale, aided by his son, a youngster former a1 reninrkable contortionist, and tho 10 shows the results of his dad's careful latter a light-footed performer, act which thr- nt Pastor's In It Intereatlng. Mr. ihu-tlett, all tied up In knots, cntera with a big false-face on, nail as he is com- pletely doubled over he appears to he only half his slae. After Ihe removal nf this laco, Mr. Harriett does some nimble dancing, nnd Miss Collins nlda lilm in thin very n lent v. Tho act ran about 1'ourleen minutes, on tlie full singe. — ■ ; •»» .SMIll lion ley. "The little man with the big voice" Is Ihe way the programme a I; I'lismr's, luat tv.ielf, ilitsci'lhed .stun Itowley, who aang In deep- cheated tonen nnd illicit In ihe time between his vncnl ofTortH with rather entertaining talk. ■lie wna dressed In an odd eostinno of while, with green topped shoea, anil the "big volco' 1 thnl. Hie progiamine told of was there in eariipsl. Mr. itowley has soma ngrceuhln mil- tnrinl In Iho net, mid will nnd It to his nd- vnnlngn lo add morn good chatter. He held the stngc ulicnit twelve minutes, In one. I bins*—hoop rolling, Juggling apd playing on II musical Instrument—-to vary tho offering. The boy did a great deal of work, und did it -cleverly. Hts juggling was linn, Ills hoop rolling Wag cnmmendnhlc, mid his xylnphomt playing, which concluded the act,' brought him tho warmest kind til' applause. Mr. Hale also int lino tho game of higgling with il vim, and lie and the hoy were fug favorllea oh (he bill. The act ran shout twenty minutes, open- ing on the full state, showing u parlor set, and closing In one. • ' il 4 1 » ; " . Wl.llll 1.11.1 l,l»H«Oll. A cnplta! dancing act wan contributed at tho Ijnlnu Hqiiare Inst week by Wood and isiwsoii. The mini of the I earn la one of thn shiftiest performers wllh his fact that Now Vork linn seen In rt long time, null he goes nt his Work: with great enthusiasm. Tun girl dresses neutly and slugs agreeably, and tho net wiih one of the big successes of the bill. It.ran.about ten minutes. In one. . , Hon Voyatfo t<» Oeornte Colmn. A large delegation of Ilia frlniida of this popular'acinr-aiithnr useembled at tlie pier from which ho sidled for Muropo Saturday, nm>. 14, to hid lit 111 and bis young wife boa- t'u/j»i/i\ In the parly were ninny of Mr. Cohn'u's political friends, members «f iho snotiliig fraieriilly, mid 11 host of theatrical people. If Is Mr. Cohan's, Intent dm to re- main abroad for six weeks, which he will allegations. ' « M » i ' I'l-oiik Sylvester In Cincinnati. l-'riink Sylvester has returned to hla early love, Ibh p'.iri'piingh Stock Co., In Cincinnati. He iiniites his.' reTipin'ilrnnce as Lord Dclln- courl, In "Jim the -Penman." ' ' «»»■ '■ — TnnlN besin III. .Tunis Dean, manager for tlavld Belascn. nf "The Olrl ol the «oldeii West," has been ihreotennd with pneumonia, and was rou- tined to his room nl ilia IJuruelt House, ('III- ilnbntl, Inst week. "" p *»» ' ' ' ■ ' ■■ "A I lac- for Ml.-." "A flare forXlfle" will be revised and put out-for. a,short Spring tenson! nndpt:the ninii- agemint of I'. H. Sullivan imueement Co. and rocreutlon. I'roinlneiit In the party on the pier wns Victor Moore, Mr. Cohan's unw star hi "Tlie Talk of New Vork," wbu nave Mr. Cohnn n hnuquet nt thn Knlckci- bockM- Hotel on I'rldny nlglit, prior to Ida ili'/mrlilre, when over a hundred gnosis were MnrJOrlo Costlgan. Mr. Cohan's cousin, will a iiupnny the voyagers on ihelr lour. •> —! 4-H* — ••The Slalrn Kim," Tria I". If'. Sullivan Amusement Co. will shortly produce a new rdoy by .Theodore KKerter. entitled "The Stolen Rlss." It will bo aveay ftom the ordinary melodrama. Teh chllnrcii with apeaklbg parts.will be In Ibe cait lb importtint rp'len. Special musical numbers Will be featured. nniiiiiitn.i, 1 iieniie, Sew Tork, Rise* Vaudeville. Thn Manhattan Theatre, tlilr. city, a policy nf vaudeville will he Instituted this week. Those who will have charge nf tho perform- ances are Follx Isinnn, Jack Welch, William Oann nnd Areata 1.. Hlinpanl. ICver sliico William A. llrady withdrew from tho iiinu- ngeini.'iii al' the Incise, Archie I,. Hhepard conducted II, giving his moving picture ex- hibitions. Tin- viinilevllle acts will now he used, In' addition to Ihe plclurim, Ilelween ouch set nf plelur-s vaudeville will Isi offered. These acts will no hoiked through the Sulli- van & Consldlne uflloes. 1. «■» IJenlry Ilr<itli<-rs Own llolli Sli.uva I tmilii. .The rhnitnr nroihers are again Is posses- sion of 1101 li tin:'r dog and isiny shows. Iho transfer having been made by Henry W. Savage Inst: week,, a( (thattannngn, Tenit. Henry II. 1,'cniry made Ihn minoiitieenii'iil, A year :lgo Savage honglil both hIiows, the contniet iirnviilliiB thai tho lientrya would operate one nnd Sovage nnanta Hie other. At the close "I Ibe season Sit. SnrHge made a proposition lo sell hark. II Is unnetstood that Ihe Oenlrys will put both 'Lows on Ihe road, remodeled and enlarged for next sea- ion. and-Marie IJtessler,linve been inoni slirpf-saitif. Mrs. lihutflry's li'linncy of the imperial The- tit/elsnl an edit. Iloiiblless'aho Is verv glil.l. I'fhrrt nrar to Inst, It- must have nnkt hern fori nil.-. It aHis In a n)i,.| dlinpbhiieil eon- dlllon when shel look It over from (ho pfa- ptlelors of (ho Westnilnsler Aiiuurlum. SJio made It gorgeous, but never bail a niicrcM 1 he re. nor did any of.lier.ienatiM. Megnwblle the A.puirliim was purchased by 11 rcllgliiici community, which pulled II down, and prnh- alil.v will not hesitate In .demolishing the the- atre now. The Imperial nun built, rather more than thirty: years ago. Henry Lahniiehere was Interested In it nt thn onlsri. .Marie i.iiUin made n hit here -with revivals of old comely, hut the place has never bow a success, and all wondered at Mrs. I.ang- try's temerlly In taking It on, "Allen In Wonderland" generally Hikes. an appearance about Christmas time. Them will bu a scries of afternoon performances u t the Apollo Theatre, conrorrerifly with '"Dtin New York Idea." Mnldln Andrewa will play Alice. Oeorge flmssrhllh Jr. leave* the f.'alnly InuneUbilely, being under cngngeincnt Willi CharlM I'Vobmnii to flgum la "|e|iiffy Unities." He salts fur tOiff Vnrk next week nu' Ihn Mnuretanln, nnd proposes lo xlny In Ainerlen three nuniihs. Uetirgo <ii<issinllh ihn llnst. was a reporter In How Htrrs-I pollen eanri. Ilu used atari lo deliver 11 serln-cmnlc leciurf, tn which be was assisted by tils sun—then known as Oeorge flruitsnilili Jr., and destined to heroine the popnltir favurlle of the Savny. It was when he left the Savoy, and returned ro his earlier imlU'r of tut entertainer at Ihn rilniin, Mini ilrmuimlth amassed n fortune Hoili bin sons, fieurgo, the Junior of today, nnd liiiuremv, are on ibe slage, . Mrs. ilrowa Cotter, who has lieen louring ftfiiuli Africa fur some iiinulhs, wllh 11 riiper- lory nf nneleul and modern plays, reached borne by Ihe Tlntaie'l Castle lust week. Hh« will now proceed on the Moms I'iiiIiIim lour, playing Ihn screen scene, from "Ni'liiinl for Hcamlnl," sh 1111 Hem nf a viinilevllle pro- Km mine, fin Hunilny evenlrtg, J. T. firetn, an erudite I int. liiiiiin. who for Ivvanly-llve years bns criticised Iho theatrical pro.luoilon- of I.all- don. was enterlntued nt dinner by four linn- ilreil lllerary mid t hea I ilea I folk. T. I', O'Connor, M. 1'., preilded, mi.I dullyered a eulogy of (ireln's pioneer work In bclnilt of Ibsen, rtlmw and so forth. 'Ili.-i-e Is a (liealr.cnl, but especially n Shakvspearenu flavor nbnilt Hut l/rlsui Cliih, till old wiit-ld llole.'ialaii coinpuiiloiislihi, Wllll.'h llllles liiltelller frolll 1 III..- Ill lithe. It has Just celebrated li-. iifileih anniversary. Among lis founder* were Henry Mnrstou mi. I l/>wl. Hall, two line old a-lavs: John ||ol- Iliigshetid. Sterling Coyne, ihn drmoatbf, mid Itolstrl llrniigh, Ihn hurlcsque writer—all dead. John Oxenr.ird, the famous critic nt The '/'bars; Cenrge Auguslilf, Sain, Sir Cil ward Clarke mid Sir Squire lianeiiifl have Is'i'ii aiming Us jiresld'iils. .niyiupln, NewejislleonTyno. has been burned in the ground. If km, n vasi build- ing, owned Ihdennndenfur hy itiebard Tliorn- (on, nf llo- Moss, Tbnrnlon ti Kloll syndlei(ie. II. was chiefly used for political menllngs, sporting cnnipellllons nnd moving picture shows. A valuable collection of early editions of Shakespeare, made by Ihe Karl of Ifonv-. will lg» offered for sale by auction nl nothny's on Wee. 21. rights In lid snya the compctl'liul lot- Vleniiesa aural Ilea Is very konn, and tliui.-he was watched like ir revoluilonn.-v by ngents ami manngnrs, W. IV l'lem|iKiiy, a vocal coinedlan. alio. . libel ngnlnst' If. II. Hptana, innnnglng iitr«c- liir nf a number of bcaeli concerts, fliielfci caused the slnfier to hn rioted down, 4nd wroln a strong letter to ids ngonls at •in th,- lona nf his songs. Therein biy the alleged llbe), rtilt .luilge Diiillng, III lln< cntirl of King's llenrh, Held -ihnt Ilia letloi' 10 Urn ngcnis whs privileged, and •••mill nnt be con- . Ktrnei! as llhnl, Itellovllig (hilt Ihey would hn In possession of'ihe (Vrilhd Theiiir,-, Inllngton, nun nil- Inln dille,' ihn .llritelortiie of Iho Mniplri-. Cantberw.Hli • etig-itred the lAtrenc/. Ti-iuipe j bin,, falling In seeiire Ibe Iheatre, could not eainlny tire laiffArmiiVs', who have recovereit KI7B, • • i tieorgn Alexander has (he prnmls.i of Henri llernsteln, the' nuilwr of "Thn Thief," In write lilm n piny, csiieelnlly designed for th« Mr. Jatnes Theaire, llernsiein bad an Ping gllsh edtiitalMp, though be Is Kronen. i.etm Ashweil now thlnkii of producing u piny hy Stiherlnud nnd Hit In succession lo "Irene Wyehorly." Their work has previous, ly been lu lbs department of rnmnnllr; melo- drama. A. W. Plnero, the drnmntlHl, In going through a slreniious cniirso of physical cm lure, tinder lha direction or Kitgeni. Hnrnlow. "Threo Weeks," ail iiltr.ipnkslonale novel, Ui tl sister of Ijidy linlf Oordnn, writing a a "I'lllnor Olynu," has been dnunnflvml, aim Will llrst be done 111 America hv flm Sim herrt. A Hoineiioii from I'lorciien St. John's Jerai- ry will be offered for utile by auction at Clirl'ity's on Wednesday. Klnrnnee Hi. John used (n be Hie HUwut uf eonilc owrra, f^tileiv sin- lots run «l(,-ii h.-- lu vnud'-vill.., Adelbm J'iiiiI, who formally look leova of lite singe a j-enr ago, resorvm lo Iterseh" the rlghl to sing nt it bcnelll. She h|ipeafml nl i lie Albert Hall mi ii'rldny of last; week. In support of her ..hi manager, I'crcy Har- rison, and sang quite brilliantly, being on I tin way to nl try-live. I'lrtrh Hutl: mid her husband, Keancalv llu'mford, are upilni-Hiood la have made %Wtfim hy (Ifteen enniteria In Anstralln, All'ri'il Motile, lutlllimlliK (lll-eclnr of llll. lAiiduii Albntnbrii, litis jusr returned from it trip to ihe cnnilneut In search nf uovcllr. lleerliobm Tren innile n Hpooeh nt Newcni.ilc on-Tyne on Monday In filvuv of the prnvlrlnu of rati.mill eiiterluliiuieiit for Ibe tinopln 1,11 Sunday. . Arthur riavfnlr litis returned lo Ills nnrl.r habit of mimicry. At Iho Umpire, Lafleealei Square, on Mmirlay, hn prnduceil nsklt i-ulle.l "Tim Noiiseniinr." Jlcrein bo iiilmles n mini- her nf popular performers, while another de- ter, representtng the nnasnr of plays, angrily Iniei-riipis. Hum inure provincial tlientrn Is M be turnod lulu n variety bouse, namely, ilia Theiilnt llnyiil, llnver. Mm-rls (Irmiln mid tils lioupe of Jugglers nnd coiiiedlaiii are due al the Kniplrn The- aire mi Mnmlny. Newell und Nlblo ni'e resting a while nu llielr return from lite conllneni. They have n good run nf «:nrk ahead here. Xi«l Shin- laer I bey visit Itilhshr. (laby Hcslys, Hut Illlle t-'reneh nrllst whom I'le.tirge lodwardc Impuried fur "The New .Mail.tin." I,, doing an net nl. (be Allinrdhrn. reitilnl'icciii of "l.a Coupee." VfndnQiolsalle litis a luiMhful bov lover, so -lie tiik/ia tic place of a inccliniil.'iii doll, nnd In that ruler slugs and dances o, lilu, when she llnds Mint to Ihe doll be Is plea>tiiiily iinre, irnlnci) she dlsclotii'ii herself, mid he fnlhi Inl'n In-r arms. liscar Asehn iiiimmnees a special perform- ance of "As Vml I.IUo II," ai Ills Mnleatyi Theatre, on MhndlV ffternoon, Dec. Ml, In iiiigiiicntntlnli of ihi' 1'und for Crippled Chll- ilren. In Whlrb r,ord Mayor Tr^lonr look in treat nn Interent.