The New York Clipper (December 1907)

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1220 THUS JSM&.W ■4*naaaU» I II r MM I > T ii V- >i ' .-'. WOLDE* CATS) GLKANIKG8. Special Dttfmtck to Tiro NSW York Cttw-CT. sin FaArfertco, Ifce.. 17.-r 1 At the Van Kens, tbH la 1 foe MW ""» ,»P wCck •» iiaiph Stunwlh "*r»BfJKBrt' r • ..,„„„, <;hwrtr. Novut.TY.— Sunday, 3C (matinee) OMfiiNl. ttt« opeulug of. tha uei-oiirt and hist UKUttn _MU*Msd. lUv OPfiUiug '-. MM m Marie CHliftV hi "J«£ViM »»«% . riliiMi—"A Cowboy's Girl. Ali-AX.m.~- "Hearts Aflame. , , Au«niCA,\\—'"ThcAlaskjiu" la In If* *ec unit and (nut \teak.' ■ ■ , '• „ . Obmiki.'si.— IIM weckoflO: I^l'*"^"*- hart aud i-oinpany. Lotto ClndRtoiie, the TuSllng McBanns, Bar I... Bo yce. Zellfl De. inSiim, Ml* Alba. iioV" 1 «'«* ! » oV,h ' ntwl ILLINOIS. Peoria—At thn Oram! (Cbuuiberlin, Har. rlngton * L'o. managers) Otis Skinner. In "Mo Uonor at the Fatally,". Dec, 4. bad ex- reller.t bnabiesa. Tainting tba Town," U, 7. fil*«»«ii "The Iflsh Pawnbrokers," 8. tail » crowded bouse. Whi. H. Crane. In *.'Ff.lhcr and Ma Koj-a." 8. did line hnslne**. Friurdt Daniels, In "T tnr a big hnnsc, land," u, cam ■a, V. dlcl nun lilisuiesa. I' riiriK '■J be I'attti 1 Man." 10. plated w. De wolf Hopper. In ■'flaiw- ame la «. R. O. Blfbard Carle IB,. "LiltI* Johnny Jotte*" 14, "Hooligan In m« MiimdJd supporting company, wan cur. riillllps, and Power k cntneragrapli. *'.„.. v....fa" ir ..'II... U..t.nn. U 17 i!o. .„ • .»,- ... . ■ '- ............... I. 1 ,hoi Wnr. - CBCtM.^iCday (matinee), 16. moving plctticoH ami lliuatrnte.1 snugs. _„ . rVMtab-"A Madcap Princess" In re- In '•teraiiuiaif' IrollHliiM to continue for two years M Unst of jtiPxt January.. .... He DMta 'I'uratrc, an Jt<-AI'l^wBtiMf, um boon orrk-rifd dowd Ti»!0«.u«e It U cl«rm«il mat tlie liou»« la not: *a(!«i in raw K llff. < n '" '■ < i» ' ' •*'. • CALIFORNIA. Loa Anitelea AtttieMflson Opera MM Sl'lrvlng. Id "TUo lilrl Who lUa Kv'ry- IIWJ feriiir. la '.'Bmwi atHarvard,' " '*mto»V™ (Si>:irk» M. tttJgSgS&i —Tta Mtor.k caaaaa*(*S?W«S "JSETm^ »f Bm ^. , rufl!•• v.-iis thulr ottoftpg 9 and week. «:»ii»city t>u«lrn'»a l» iiniinlscrl. nSuM (Join. II. illacawwid. ■tfMM). .-"fii jn&onrl.- bT 1 Ji o at • .ck com I "i».v. »' '"r Z JSSaf-- waa the .offfriiw of J>« <*to«k i% 'i f- JCcW York" 15. "'Hie Hijnaw Man" 17. Sa Tlllu'i "Hinni>ty UiiDiply" St. "Hajari «f Buonir" 'l'i. -Kluwfcr i.rilii- KanrU" as, irt. iU.iKSTic (Win. "PreeWr. rwidenl rnuna- WX)*»- ItufW ll'lvll]-; In "SU IIopWln«." B-7. playfil to rp.iR-di'ii how. Ornrc Mart'ltt. In "\Vhnn Kjilehthor.a Wna In Flower.'^ 8-11. did capacity, (.^orgr (jl<ln»'y 12-14. "Hhsdown on Ibc Ilrarili" 1318, little Wlllfaini IH-LI1, ileulnh 1-oriilpr 211-Z.. M.'.ti Hraem- fUavis-Cbuicblll On nit. managera),—Hill for week of U: „tj«*irj(e ".rMitf. Rawla and Yna Kaufman, linker iromiav, Clayton, J«nklna ami Jasper, tain calln at every iii^rfprraaniT. Mthel Bar I). ifttMWpRMfela -Ilcr Hlsfr" 1«--'l. , . cityr—At lUc troUlrea (Will Col M«T iT. C. Camiihell. nianap-r).--- . * ma * n|t ., cr , thr . fu-war 1'iHnre Oncra, Co and- Daly, Hit Madman, tinrl Ilia klnodriMue. iKMPHHV'a (It H. Ilruwb, iiiunajeri.—'Knr week of v: (ilndilcn nad Bahli. Otrla Mc- Kidulit, l>e<muiid HlntetH. and Ullbett Knruny. wkaht'h (Clias. I', liiirrtun, ntmaK^r).— Weak of l»: Stock linrtcs'me, In "Tlic Lmia- diy 8ltlk«<'" and ''The Iiinoicut EJd;'' Iler- ftett Jlatcaii, Alberta. DaTennort.'ianrI. mov- ing ptOtUtPS. . StA» (M. .Crowe Jr.. innnngerh'r— DnrlnK tlin week of H "Jfexleo" waa Bitten bjr the Hlock toiiipnuv. AliARAMl. -At (he Mobile (1. Tanneubnitm _ k .1. Well*. maanireM) "The Holy City" i-nmo i.-|ynn. Wolpcrt frlo. tile Iloldswurtb^ Frlmi Pec. I and seured Wf. The new "Black R nd Uownbi?. Adelo Palmer and cobd.™ Imllcllnrj hot lieon enllruiy remodeled, the criMik," B, matinee nnd night, bad Rood IuikI- <:r floor »eatlnjt nbonr Lflftfl jieople, while nea*. 3'n.ul (lllinore, In "The ttTieal '« T,oiv." 0. to a liirjfa audience, llobcrt II Tlie SirvtRvlfild.—At Ihe Majeetle (Karl J. ICaim, "Juat Out of College"' drew crowileil'l'ioutaa Dee.. »-8. "The Cutest Olrl In Town,".S, ft, wan well received. "Cimy Ia»y, the Ma»!iiirtd Man," 10,11; "TnO Ninety and Nine" 13-14. tM.uif.Tfo.N'N (i.ino. W. Cliallai'tnn, man- aaer). — "So ' Mm her tn Otddo • Tier,"' S, tileUkcd. Ktank Itunlcln, in "The Tat faced Man," I»; Kitbellk ltt, W. II. Crano 12, Illeli- *rd CnMe U. ■ .^ ' Uius'rr . (Burton A Rmllli, rauiuutera).— Wecfe nf»:'Arlliur Dantttg; th" Mnal Chll- driii, Bryant • and Ravtlle,. lldnderMiil and Itoxt, liflnib'a maalklna, and kluetexcopo. - l.rcui'At (W. •!.. Kugem, mnnniter).— Hot- lug plcitii-es dally. CliutiRO . twice a week. Cnntlnuous perfurmaucc. pins'0 and week. In preparation *«* ltt uni1 vfeck.'"He'crct Service.' . .' •Monfnnjo'a Briih.WK (Oliver Moroaco. man- ««.)•).—"Uunilav" wuk printed to thu u«unl Uaaloeatt by tbe slock cotapaiiy week'ending 7;-A revival of "In Ibe Blahon's Ciirrlajte watt their o(fcrlti(t R and week, tnili'ihiii'd fill' V, and week. "A Bachelor a Iluimunr. *!uam> (»i'i:«.v IIoCsk (Clatenea Drmru. man- iiijer).—Lee Wlllnrd and hi* eompnny. In. A Texan llaBifer," drew capacity biiHlnesa week rncllnp T. '""Owi ."' l n /i 1 V„.V , "V; r l SfnrS tfrwluctlon «. Black CMTMUm^Mc Caw roctlan-of W: W. XMfcwWa. J W» m um % K> „_ - "j;,,,!,,,. H..ntliorii 8klea" nlavcl (lie pataHM; .if tl,U. hum B and rat. l» t0 fovX ri.tflrti« 8. llal.el MeCunfe li. "tic anil week, XIarray and Mat:lt will t>c tuc a> y*&SpJuma» tC'ort * lltflllg. wauajcr).— Daft fnj'two wcokK. ■ • ; Oapl(BU5t.-»lll HI and week : NrniceO Nvlll, la "Tho Emt*f th« lour OOldeii flraeoH, Muypie KenilnKlori mid her hack Buster Krowpjca.-Bona Aug. Hkff l-eat(e and coin Altvii.—-At tlie iniiiuDfer i "liiiHt l.yiinc" fjli-aaed 41 K«od lionae lie.:. -I, "A Woman »f Mystery'" fi'l•ollllctlOll ... It. 1). to good Temple (W. M. tjaurnse, Kood bonce luid 11 icood played to big retunia tlirougliout the week, 'r»o work of BcksIo Btownliilf. Ilnael lldnu. l'leice nnd lloxlyn, and the Five Unnaneltla won ih«m mm-b well earned appreciation. '"Xhe VI win In n" Ki-'Jt. , W«riut Uaiii>k.« (A. (.'. Hariibnin. mtina- foci.—Thla maniiiiotl: plnco of atau-otaetif. forotcrfy BrnakeH' Wlnler Oarilen. npOMl its ,Konw>n T. . hnvlaa the Winter (Jardeii (»p:rn CO. aa tho attraction. In a nilendld prcrienlutlun i>t '" big Imlidll lower lloo (Be haleoifr. where llisht rufreHhrneata . arc •erred tltirlas th'' pertocmance. will ncconi- landate about lialf Ihat number., The liuM- neBrf for tbo nnat week waa good, and tlie tnaungontent fe«'l sttte of a aaeemafnl aea- Bon. The company lniludc-<: Ada Meade, Josle Intriiplill.; Al. Bushy. Ijiauilc AlUKden, Maurice D'.YtxyV Jcllin Warner, l»au Young. Katlicflne Naefa. Bthel Intrnpldl. SntHh I.yona, I.auni (toloinott. Gao. Nagle, (.'. I.. 8luue. (Jeo. t'ulnii'I', Wanda Kruuz, ChnN. lllllmah. and Alexander Ilraderann. for week of 13. 'The Beggar Studctit." The Ikuihg ftalT Ik aa follows: A. V. llarnliuin. nlntiagiT: lioht. Arninnt. tre4l«urcr; Mlaa A. K.'gnn, pTftxii reprcMuntatlve: lieo. Mlche. or- chnatra leader: I'lian. SiMnlnn. utagc director; A. .1. rikitrrim. maul or of properlica. tumuxi (John W. Barry, aianagerl.— "Forgiven," iw ptmm llud by the Barry-Burke Stock Co.. wmfc <it x. liriivinl an excellent nt- tracllon.. and opened to 8. .11. (».. having a MB wcek"B rotiirnf. The speclaltlea of Htt W'altcr. the clever' coavillnn. and .lore Hau- fijrd. w<ai ii|iiilun.«e. For week of IS, "VVom> an Agfthiat Woman." For week of '22 Maua- |}ec Barry ban Kiei'ilred Maurlen Vreeman, who will Ink.; Frank lliirkc'R plitce ns leading raah, tho latter living compelled to lata a much needed rest, owing in throat trouble. Mr. l-'roctuan'x opening bill will lie '"flic Three Mu sk f i epra." CnnH.vw.vt.n (lly. Ureenwald. manager).— The N'cw York Stara opened S. to the ea- fin'clry. and ili-ew good crnwda nil week. Tlie ' The .feiwy Miles 1341. Bosc "Tlie l«le of Spice." 7. came loac**! alzed liouse. and gave wiUefactlon. "Ileilda Oat>- ler" Id. Louis James 17. Brlnmn Moving Picture Show W. "Yankee I>oodle Boy 23, "Queen of IV -lee" 2S. «i< Atlanta.—At the Orand (H. I. k l Give, managers) "The Mon and the M 0 ,7J* Dec. 13. if "The Virginian" pleased li* hauaca .0, 7. Cyril 8cott,-.ln "3* iffiE Chap." waa the offering p..ill. to llb« r ,i ' 12. waa cneea Of lluiir (Juke WIIIm. In "A I ••In Day Xcw iinriiKt'M (I'M. Kuhti. and appreciative audiences bill ti-14: Vesta and Ted tthd Banyinorn, In "Hor sister-' 11 t received with decided favor hv'ii.H f Ualterbig^MporllonK. yaMI "ic Uellx. manager). — y-,t \, Lucky laig." id S. It, o., I..,} York COlUes 111-21, ' luaiiagfr).—Ur» saw tV fnlioslni ly. Hcntwnttb. Jo» and tnoving pjlcliires otipui;, fllrf Over 'J'lierp" (return dotcl, in : riii'rley "fcaw plenacd. The Jeiwy Miles 1341. lb firapcwtai, hi "The Awakening >.f 3Ir. I'lpp'.' Mill ( ••■ X- -"«• 14, •"I'lie rat Pawnbrokers" IS, ' Jhm.. Sunt- JJi.ankV.s (J. V. McKlea. manager), ley. hi "Billy, iho Kid," 21, "Kbhdows' on the "!,nclo Tom'a Cabin" has lost none of pan*, Hlstera Utma, Ototlta-and Dancer, ana' umtlnn plcluvea. . ,. . . t'siQi'M iltents * Zallce, Tiianagi:ra). ; -l;«a-r iiirea » luul vuek: Bobertsm and iiiltmi.. Mile. Stantmine, Altmno Japanese aerobali-y Tracy McDermotl, nicliard Cnminbigsi and linlqua Players, In "The Loan of a Wlli!, titnl tho UnHjiiCMi-woiic. nmutl (Sullivan * Consldlne, luiinu- eefat.—Features M nful wk: MrsiM Thumb, assisted bv Count nnd Baron Mngvl:. uuTVT»Mdcvllk acta, tlliistratMl songs, and new aketch.liy Jamea P. Lee's Stock C.u. .. KKPinte (Billy niuiktf. realdaht inniingar).- •—Features- U and week Include lllusirated son'gs.liy Loum Banks, new acts hi vnudc- rllle 6llo, tns elncinatugrnpb, and sketch by Km>lre Btork Co. . ■ ■ • -~_ FlaciiHR'M (A. K Fls'Aer, J&**agg}sr£!t lures 0 aiid Week inclmfa Miss Willis TVlll- lattu, piano playing Hpeolally.moving plc- turaa, and nSBuft Comsdlonn will proarttt Nbtiw— -Calyc ulnar* at Shfhio Aadltorlum, under the local direction of L. 11. Bebyiaer. 17,' *th0 ainliio Auditorium t» a largo new htulttlnc In oai otttoftbu-way location, but having a great Heating capacity, and likely l«i bu .oiiod by many lending at tractions J«hn lr. Blackwoud, uiaiutger of the, Belusco, has returnetl' frota fin. Bast, where hu «e- curcd the B(trrlcc« of Katherbio Ennneit as lending" lady.... .,Th«' Los Angeles 'llicatre Is dart Wt two w«.ek«, whsn Florence KalierlH has an avpvnrance ....'. .Local mwi r lgata ar- restca diuhg the past several weeks fur vio- lation of the cliltd labor laws will have .to stutid' trial, aa tlielr dern>in-ers liana basn- ovefruled. • ffiirrtt* 2l ' Sauvtge. miuiager).—-The fol- lowing drew big bouses lAst week': ileyar and ltona. fiimeau nnd Clark. Cycling 55nnovns, Blchanls nml tirorer, mid tlie blograph. I''iiic f.Murray A Hallway, mapngers). —The Hiree changes u week policy Im'ii ^aod one, iiig houses daily. ' ' ' ' l ' liiiiunr. —At Ibe Powers firaad Ofiera •Mouse iJ. F. tUvea. luiiaugcrt.—lie Wolf Ifnnncr. In "IlHniiyliiniL'M'icv. 10. and Klch- Ita populaylly bcre. ns was shown N-14. when tlis BiildwiB-Mclvllle Ktoek Co. urcscnU-d the ♦nod old piny In n inost. ux<«llcnt. ninnner. .Wanngar Baldwin will present a new pair of stiirs week of 1!»—William Furiium dint Jane Oaker. They are (o reiibien Alunrlee Free- tuan nnd 'J'iials Mngiane. Thomas Bale will also leave l,be compmiy 14. Maungitrs Bald- afd Carle. In ■'Tlui Spring Clilcken." 11, do- ugh ted fall bouse*. ''Thu Ituiali uf Bhoug," 12, did a gooil hiiKir,,.". William II. I'ruiiM T3. "Tho Irish I'liwnhrokovs" 14.' '-'rhe Hijunw Man" lft. IlauUm's " llMiaHal !XI Brjiir (A. Slefrled. luunagcri.—Bill week of t»: Raberts, Ilsyes nnd Roberts. Fiddler hml Hhelton, .lol.n Ncff Hale. Itobert Do Mont Trtp aVd the Bijoudmnie. . Xovb. —Qeorgc Dunstoii,'a baritone slncer of mora'thu Uiriil reputation, will join the lien Carlo Opera Company the last wsek In JnuOnry. . ■ v^AA^^.W^A/.^^ws/sywsA/ Notice to Correspondents All natter lntAaded for lniri- iion in clip Pf.ns dated On. 'is anil Jan. 4 must reach this o/11< ,• not later than the morninji of . JJec. 4L a ml Dt.r. is, letpectlrely, t» Insure fataertlon. 4 e» Hl|... aori tbe.Mimse" bad excellent nttendaiiM b-f. •The Worn Wldaw" till, "Arlxoua" 15-18. Marie tluWTl and Sarah Trual toltoaf. Lnearx nt. w. Biaii I.lberlv stock company, the Finnic." druir exe... endl'Ug 8. Mine. Calve, in concert, had n oapaclty boaso 0. The. regular stock com- pany, in "Shu StoOiw (o Conmier," Iti-lh: ''My. Frteatl Itoai India" in.follow. IDORA I'AUK OfBIlA Hniisis (It. W. lllsliop, MBMgW) -fiy* Idora (Ipsra Co., In "Tbn Islo of inUMaWMF W(M wank), drew well week ending 8.' 'The Mascot" lot two weak*, cpmaieucrag t). Or.riikV!.; (tiro. Uls-y. itwldeut tuatiager). -•AttrHcfloilK wetfc or 8': Bert Leslie and enuipany. presenting "Hogan's Visit f Three T'ruia Slaters, HM W'tatnua. Lotln Glad- aioaa, Hlaters 0 T Meer«, Is» Bcllo tllcrlla, Anna Eva Kny. and tba latest motion, ple- tiireN. ltiislnebs was heavy last week. Hem. '.lid. noniun. mauuger).—Feiiturea woek of 1): Kldoana Dlxou and company, hi •'HI* Klrat Homo lYihilug;" Mike Oiiliiu and hie doff "Girlie." I lie Five Kullys. Will Duvls, Short and Udwards. rliirty B, Blehrode, the Coluu)blw<i?sui' (seiwul week), and the Hello- grorni. Business to capacity hist week. Xoroutft (Tony Lubclskl. manager).-—Bill ■weak uf Wr Weaser. Jones nud Bryant, Valde Trio, Frances Booley. Bawuda Troupe of Japanese Acrobats, Jolly Zub. Worth and Del- mar, nad the pnijcetnaeope. Buslnnss Wna eicvilQnt last, arotk. • . - . Notk. —The Columbia.nnd Kiuidi'o nieiKith •dark. The lux, Bljoii Dream and Lyric, with moving pictures, aw nil doing it heavy bnst. neat*, 1i:sm;s>*iii:. \imbtllle. - Al the Vendome (TV. A. .Slieelji. innnsser) Kdward Baxun. in "Peace- fnl Valley." was greeted by a large auilleuee Dee. ti mid jilutii-....!. Tbla being Mr. Saxon's obi home, lie wns ,waru»ly greiited. '"llio Sijimw -Man," to good busioess, 7. "Foity- hvu Mluutca From Broadway.!' It. drew - ca- paeliy aud gave a ikdlghtful performance, liraoe George, la "Btvorcons." cahie 1ft, 11. lr. good basliices. "Tlic Pi-luce of I'llscn" 12; Florence- Gear, hi "Glipld nt Vasaaf," 14. Bl.ino (Geu. 11. Hickman, luonagtr).— "f-upcrbu," wet'k of II. lo. big business. Week Of Ml. "A Contented Woman." ItpiV (Miss L. il. Korhardt. manager).— BuMlness continues big. l«at week's hill in- cluded : Brink and ltuah, llappy Doc Uoi- lund, Flo Xellur, moving pictures ami illus- trated songs, CaBHCBKr (w. l». Iteady, manager),~-'Wcek of 0 opened to good business, with JRavreond anil fluvpcr, Gene Davis. Fred Ilc,wHt. Slari- Oakluii.l.—At the Mucdoiioiiab (tniaa. P. all, mnunger) "The Alaaklln•' drew very Itlat'actorv business Dec 1-L "lh« Llou ecllcnt ntteiidatiM b-i. ill, "Arlaoua" 15-18. i-Trunx CollOW. «■■« iiuiper, in'iic imvis. j' rco nuvm .iinri- .jj . . . uliup, nmniiger).—The M ami Itosulle, moving tncturaMai llli)s- Ki.'./ii - , In "The Mutli and tratcd «ougs. • • .- ■ ESRi « silleot Imslnesa week , KitisKsroKg fC G. Kynn, manager),— mnnd mil 1 win nnd McSIca auuouuce that beginning wook <it 15 tbey will lunugurute «i new policy by airing hlgli class romantic plays. "Borneo and Juliet" will lie the bill 13-31, lutmduclng Wm. .Fnnntw mul June O'aker. '•The.Throe Musketeers" next, . ... SMiuEKT (T. C. Campbell, manager).— "WInu, Woman nnd 8ouS" 13-21. Blanche Beta*'32-88. .ftfnttdc (Martlu Beck, general manager). —Tlie big Urplieim Koad Show scored heavily week of 'J and drew big crowds. . ' «»» IOWA. tlarMiin;ton,— At the Grand (Chamlier- Hn. I larrbjgtr.n: * Co., mauiigers) '"The (ilrl from the .Sunny Hotith." liec' 0, pleased. "Hedda .Gabler" II. De Wolf llopper had good advance for 14. "The Irish Pawnbrok- ers" 2M. Kthel Fuller 21. -Vium Carreno 23, MUrtced llollard 27, "Bust Lyime" 28. • GitoncK (.1. If. K'jct, maiiugor).—Bill 10- 1R: Art Adair, Coyne aud Dlnlau. Adam Me- ntal Hairy Newman. BID' 10-21: manikins, Adams Bros., Grace Ar- . a .. M.intell, In Khakespeare, 7. pleated. "The Lion ami the Mouse." It, In. had good busi- ness. Florence Ihivls. In "A Doll's House." 11: Cyril Kentt. In "The Prince Chap," 13; "The Virginian" 14, I.tbii: ((iaston Xenbrlk. manager).—Bill week of J»: Colette Powers aud company, Cnron and Farniun. James F. Mardouald, Jlarlon and Pearl. Charles De Cotao and do; "Cora," nnd 1-Umeraldu. David Dlsptwm, baritone, 14. i a Montgomery.—At the Grand (Illrschcr Bros., managers) Bobert Mantell, in "King l,car," pleaaed a good house Dee. ft, "The Virginian." to good business, 10. Cyril Hcott, In-"The 1'ruicn Cb«p." to K, it. O. house. 11. •'Tbe Lion mid tlie Mouse." to gnoil returns, 12. Blhel Barrymore, hi "Her SIsler." 14. MAjrjirric (Wm. Stlckency, aanngcr).— Vaudeville nil the week. ' ■ e ■ ■ Iluiilsvltfr.—At the Xer Klkt Tlieatee (Tbos. P. Llttiejoliu, manager) Al. G. Field's Minstrels Dec. 10. Iluntsrtllu being at one lime Mr. Field's home, of course be had a packed house, every chair In Ibe theatre being taken. The show wns enjoyed more by the theatregoers than any attraction that has been here this season, it being Iilgh class In every form. John Urlffith appeared In a tihakcsiiearcaii production, 11, to a good honse. nnd every oiie was well pleased. Mr. Griffith displayed some good acting. Troy.—At Foluiar's fFrank V. Fulmar, manager I John Urlflltb Dee. 2. lni«lness and performance wry good. Thos. Jelferson, 3, gave nn ejiwllent performance to tbe lareest house of the season. Mr. Jeffersou ui.-ule a )>crsoiiiil hit. "Pne Sweetest Girl In Dixie" I ft, "ls>r.a lllvers" 18, canceled; Donnelly & Hatllcld Mlestrcls 22. Deester.—At the Lyceum (Thomas Polk Llttlejehn. manager) Al. G. Klein's Minstrels pleased one or tlie largest bouses of the sea- son Dec. !). John c.Srlttltk, la "King Bicbard HI." more tlun pkascd. Seimii—.tt the Academy of Mnslc (Long A Itccss, managers) Florence Davis, Dec. 5, iileiised. Punl Cllmore drew u full bouse 11. 'Tbn Virginian" 12. "The Prince Chap" 14. "Lena lllverH" 21. "Wine, Woman nnd Soag" 27. Cadet Bund 81. Sew Decatur.—Atlbe New Payne (Bruce Conrjucc. mnaager) Fiad G. Conrad's "A Dan- gerous Friend" pleased Dec 12. ■ ♦»♦ nflODis islaxd. Providence—At the Providence Opera Buns'! (Felix H. Weudelschnefer. muuagcr). —"The tt'jsc of the ltnneho 1 ' ployed four nigbls and n mutliice. to bh; bouses Dec. B- 12. B«u tireet's Players were seen In Shake- spearean roles the last twoidghtsof the week. Lrmetc XovelU nud company opeaed 16 fot a week's engugemeut. "Tho Itnad to Yes- terday" 23-23. Harrison Grey Fiske an- nounces that Mrs. Flsko will give- a first per- formance of the new play, Ibsen's "Itosmcr- suolai," the same week. SJ5* 1M .-Cl'lt 31 * Xatbaason. managers). IT „,'"; Kl1 !' ".'i' 1 *inmn of Gamblers" thiuied good audiences wee* of ». James 8TAn..(J. B. Thompson, manager) thKi. ness contl'mei: gold nt tltlst resort. The Vu was: Dollle Dn Mctt. .the Hallys nJS Kemner, Mr. nml Mrs. John B;,Wrigi t . iiji, und ltluslc. McCnll Trio. Cod. and Beth) vti lou, Miss Gmmltt, Vlrgle Wesf. and uiovli, plctnres. ""• Xorgt*. — Ixiubi Both and Mcrcedej. i. Monte were married at Bos lock'* Ym,? I'ohee De Leon Park, lu n den of Hods ni.' 0 Tlic first seven isirformances a'l tl. Orplicuni. week of n, were given as j \»„. lit to the widow 6f Policeman Manlcr wi» «*as nnirdereiUa few days ago Kth-i Barrymore and company, of, tbe-Grauii it-i Kat SI. Wills and enrapany, of- Bijou -ncre gnosis! of the Orplieum nfteruaoa olll. a— '—'• — — Valilosin.—At the Vnldostn (\Y. L. nicks nuinager) t'obum's Minstrels had tV bannfr house Of the season. "Dr.-Jckvll ahd S Hyde" Dec. 14. " " Xotks. —Van Ainbcrg's Clycus has nrrlrtd and will Winter here until the middle 4 f April More, the magician, comes Uw. 19, in Lyceum course. , * • .. ■ Anstnsta.—At Ihe Xcw Grand (llirr» Bernstein, rnauager) Osman Stock to.' plats] lo good bouses one week, ending-Dee. 7. ThV Jelrcrson. In "Blp Van Winkle." drew'a full koa»P"ll. "Coming Thro' the Hyp" 15 "Forty-five Mtnntes From Broadway"'IK tr- ril Scott. In "Tbe Prince Chap.'! 21. Itome.—At the Borne Opera llim-a, u„ Spelgelberg. manager) John GrlfOlh, in "Id- j- .irtl III." pleased Dec. (1. Tbe IhrPcwBcr- dette Stock Co.. tl-14. did well. Paul oil more, la "The Wheel of Love," 16. —:— « " » . W£ST VIHGI5IA. AVIieullitr.—At the Court (Eflwarji L Moote, mnnager) '"'Tie' Colleae Widow," Dtr f». 10, pleased. "The dlrl In the Barcacto." billed for 13. canceled, and the house 1111 dark. "Tlie Honcvmooners" 30. flUX" Opkua DOCM (Chas. A..Fclnkr. manager)—"The Beauty Doctor," 9-11. bad good returns, "On fun Bridge nt. Midnight." 12"-14. bad good bitslacRS. "The Wav of tbe Transgressor" 10-18, "A Fighting Chance" 10-21. * Wo.viiBni.vxn (II. W.-Bogers, raanag»r).— Business In sill! keeping up to the standard Bill for week of 1(1: Paul I/adrew. Ute »nd company. Edgar Foretnan and company, (,11- more nnd Cassell, Chevalier aud company, and the moving pictures. Buoir (Geo. Shafer,- manager) .—Bill fur week of 9 gave good satisfaction to gdvd rr turps/ BUI for week of 10' Mystla Manjur. the Great Du Boise and eompany; Mclvni? and Conway, Gllmorc SlBters-Brlc and lea Belmont-nnd Pulton, West'and Fowler, M> sonette and Newman, Leonard and Kctti. tho Cunninghams. John Foster, Mile. Carclnv and her trained bears, and the moving pic- tures. ■»>» —-. OREGON. Portland.—At the Helllg (W. T. r«U|l«, manager) Marie Ctiblll did line business Dec. 1-4, In "Marrying Mary." Calve hsd a tm house 5, Surah Trucx did, good bcsluess tl-e. , In "Tbe Spider's Web." Frltzl .Stbeff.-U-ll- Kcuneiiy, formerly u member of the lCmolrc ,n " Mllc - Modiste." "The laind of Nod" 15 Theatre *5loek Co., will renew old acquaint- Mi "Th* Lloa and the Mouse" ley ami Snow, Harry Ala rah all, Miulckl By- ron, and the Dcgrcnus. , j^iuei-oiiri-^uHire was given-a naauxj on l>. und pbiynd to a capacity bouse. re Gear, in "Citpld nt Vaaaar, ecored ' 11, with busliiciis good. Crest off Clarke 9nn Dleafo.—At thti Gurrlck (Charles He Liicour. muinger> "Arizona." Dec. 2. did snltmtld bnslmiss. "Liider Southern Skies" pi avert gond bouses 0, 7.. "Bullies" did ca- pacity business? t>. Florence Motets 10. U. "KirmcsC (loDul) H. "Unman Henils" 1(1. KllflfS Band 17. apnea '•PllllmsteW (local BlliS) JS-21). "Tbe College Widow" 21. Pickwick. (Palmer Pros., managers).—The Pickwick-Stock. In "My l'ardtiur." packed tile bouse wook ending 8, Same company of flayers. In specialties. P-to. "Prutly Peggy" o follow. , . Eupibb (H. n. .Botley, manager).--(..arid wnslc and latest inovlug pictures. Business ahraya the hcut. , _ EWCTKIVOX.—Muvlug picture show. 8. It. O. at all times. .,, - ., »i» ~- m CJiAitLua Jacous,. 11 member of ibe Suai Dovere Co.. and Badlc Yorke, 11 nou-profos- dlcDal. of Jamestowu. N. Y., were married on tic stage of. tho Lnfaycll,o Theatre. Buf- fslo. N. Y., after the regular performance at (ho thcutre night of Dec. ft. The Be v. Piper, of the Grace M. K. Church, that, city. ,»fA- elitltid, and the wembets of tbe compaliy were all gathered orr tbn stng>'. . . • HTiJUiso. Afu Tiicot. write (wm Breslau, Gertnnnv. whore they «re making their usual bit tit frtfili 'IliCRtre this month. . Cavs-fAj. (Wnt Wasauinn. mtinnjterl.—MlM Ilnushlr. Miss. VVetister. JIlss Itnymer, mov- ing piclni'cs nnd illustiuled songs. ■ » ■ . ' a ■ ' KimjLVlllc.— At Staub's (Krlta felauh, ittnuageri a Steinwny concert, dellghled all IMr. o. Ethel .ilarryinutn was glvt'h-a hearty reception * triii mt heavily 3 j, with rmslness goi 12, "Forty-live Minutes from BroUdwav" 14. Francis McMillan, vlollntsl. Ill: Paul Gllmorc it. "The Lion aud the Mouse" ll»: "Brew- titer's Millions" 25. AaeAlir, (Karl C. Way. mauuger).—Tha pulley of tills house, whlth hds l-occntly opened, will 1« the playing of vaudeville una lairlchune, and. It will bu under the nmiiuge- of Kail C. Way. who is .a iiiun of thorough experience In managing bottsea of (Ms cluractor. rt.n bill far week of 0 In- eluded:. Morris and Hemingway. 'Florence Turner, Burl Way. Mamie Burcavr, Blimey and chapman, and Dniilc Gregory, ami with theso clever people on the programme, good Ileuses ruled. ltsiiAMt-AMi tA. C. O'Connell, innnogerl.— Business cmilhmcK Urst class. Kill for last week : lhhuouds. Clias. Hocy, Levee Quar- tette. Geo. (Villus Nlld Tweedy mid llobcrU and vltagrrtph. ■ Ai'iirrvnti'.M ttrxK (J. A. narrlty. munn- cri. —Hoddy, nerlullsr. and Muoio pictures drew good houses hist week. i. ' . » t ihnt tanoown.—At the Albert li)icra House ( Paul B. A'liert. manager) llobcrt 11. Maoteb played lo a large nudlonce Dec. 2. '"the Tlr- clnlini" scored well 3. "T'lie Suunw Man." 4, planned. John Crldlilis. In "Uicfjonl Ill.l' •iioyed to a huge audience 7. Piml Glltnore 10. WEl.ts lliyoi? (G. A. Seal, mauuger).— "Me, 11lu> find I" idayed to S. ft. O. week uf Xov. 25. Nol M. Wills Dec. It!. Hiitoi.komk Skati.w Hi.<ck (Mr. White, luanngcr) baa nMed for tbe season on ac- count of poor'busbies*. XortiS- — The Vaudeville Tbeulro (Plclch V. Catr"ii. li'ianapir) Is doing good business. ......Gentry Bros.' Shows, which nindc their IVinter atinrtern here (ram Oct, 20. "have moved hack to tlnlr old Winter qtiarlen in Indiana. • . >-'■.- . ■■'■ ■ ■ a Meninhln,—At the New Lyceum f Frank Gray, leasee) "Before aud After," Dee. U. 7, cMue to very good busluess. Grace Uoorge. in "Dlvorcona, 0, t>»cked the house, Miss (leorge gulned it host of friends, anil every one expressed appreciation of tbe production "Korty.tlve Mlmiles Krmn Broadway," with Kvuktik.—At Ihe Grand Opera House (D. u Uugbvs. manasnr)"'l1ie Isle of Spice," Dec 10. played to the capacity. ■ LMwln Weeks Concert, Co.. 11. under tho auspices of X". M. C. Aj. drew good business. Constance. Craw- ley. In "Hedda Gablcr," bad a good advance sale for 12. "The. Girl Over" 10. "The Wny'uC the T'rniwgressor" 28, Klwyu Strong's Plaiers, lu repertory. 24-28. ijouiiK'a (C. 11. Dodge, miuiagcr).—Good houses last week. Bill Week of 10 : Morrlssey and ITootor. Lutz Bros.. Kmmelt und Bose- ni'.ire and 4 "iliiix Hnymond. . SoTR«.— \m Sallo Is presenting moving pic- tures to good business Elsie Wvmnn Slsxivcll, of Cwistuncc Crawley's comimiiy. came on abend of the company, and was tlie guest: of schuolnialc friends here during tbe uugageatent Manager C. II, Dodge was ft business visitor bi Chicago last week. ■ . ■ Dull no tie—At the Graud Opera liouse (Win. L, Bradley, manager) ''Tlic Isle of Spice." Dec, .",. pleased. Otis Skinner. 7. de- llghled 11 large liouse. Olgu Xtthcrsole, II, e. tlie nt inlraiiced prices, pleased a large nudleuc ltt "Snplio." Louis James 12. "A Girl of tl _ acijunlnt- MR* m l -" rlu * a week of repertory 10-21. „. n,r ,.I? rrl . ble Sc(- rel : or, the Man Monkey," Jo: "flic Dancer nud thn King" 80. KBnmt (Charles I.ovcnbcrg, tnauagcr).— Sir. and Mrs. Sidney Drew, in •'Blllv's Tomb f t0U( '- ,!l csia ,he b111 wec k of 10. others being: Biro and Provost. Dooalsdny, Callu- bun and M. .George, Sabery D'Orscll. Murrav Mstcrs. Hawthorne and Bart. llappy Jock trardncr. ibe fcmottos, Ilobcrts Children. Oe Vo.c Imo, llugaa and Westcott, aud .JS^b^L 31 /?,? or ? c l l "atcheller. man- necr).—Rose Syilells London Belles pleased good houses week of 0. The City Sport" fo? billedisaSV UuU '" oUw " ! ' "orton ¥e°les are llwPHStij '^S n V \ mi n>aiiager)._The ii "... ^T ' • < ?. lrlH - wl, ° V av * • sattsfuctory *JEk*Hr7if'*S k I i'° 1 f. W! ' a aienujer of -rhe Lose of the Baucho" Co.. dlsnnpearcd urter Ihe performance at tbe Opera Bouse 10 and was muwlugfor forty-lwo* hoar'Then he*?* ranted to his hoanlliig house with uo memory of where he had been. He bad been auSer- 11; severe y from the K ,.|p. and It Is suTOoVcd I.' : r 0 hVjr»r:V V WWV &«»>«wlljr unl?lUed in mind. Hi s place, was ailed by Oscar Eagle. WISCONSIN. «..?,'""'"",7 s "— At l!le Davidson. Manager Shi finun Hrown presented William Collier 11 1 aught In the lialu." last week. W H '.hilotnuis week attraction. Hofteute \'Iel- SJ!"* W. presenting Ib.scn's ".l Do | ; , Bin iSS?'. '"»°W"i' Kchvla Tbanboiiser wcck J ! ,V : Gllnton and Jermon. Terley fctfr« tt "", ll , , i rv,!J '' ,u '' Uoldsc-hmldt Bro* ALJi.Minia very good uusiness . wecK ui i »«u «•'. Pasha." The compauy will rettiru.wwt 01 22. presenting '"i'lie Toyaiakcr.;: "tJulBc; Adams Sawyer" week of 15,-"Arliooi" v«k IlHmllti, terior. direction of Lois Steers-Wynn Coman, 10 ; Max Flgman, 22-2C, lu "The ana on the Box." MAnQUAM Gbasd (S, Morton.Cohn. uiiaa- {fair).—Primrose MlUHtrels.'had two pack™ louses 8. The San Francisco Opera Co. dM iery good business .week of 1 with "Saw Pasha." The company will returu.weet of 22 Adams tin of 21). B.tKEn (Geo. L. Baker.- manager).—The Baker Theatre Co. had two packed bousrs » to witness "Sag Hnibor." "The Daughter* of Men" was productive of very good butt; nets week of I. "The Thyec Musketefr* will be put oh 13. 'tA Midnight Bell" j!- KnpiiiK (Mlltou-W. Scaraan, mauasiri — "The Holy City" hod two fine houses H-'}"? Tonson" did vtrrv good business-^veek-aj • "Tlie Girl of Iho Streets" 15. *f»f OltU Leavo Home". 22, "Are Tou Craayr" v«» of 2I». " -' > ^-. r.Ymc (Kcallug & Murphy. nianageTs).- The Allen Slock Co., week of 9, la.'.Cnnther hunl 'UI." . , :\ Stab (James II. Errlckron, .luanagen.--- The 11. K. French Stock Co., week"«n>, P 11 " seutlng "The Lighthouse by the'Sea... Gband (James II. ISrrlcksuo, mnuqeeJ 1 :- Bill for week of »: M^adamc Xaynon. Iji Bell' Ksletlltn, Mr. and Mrs. Mark •MonrocrJa* ■Lylo, Carl Herbert, Joe Thompson, and ^wea- tletl) Century motion pictures.' . - _" Pantaous' (Jobu A. Johnson, niannuft ■ —Bill for week of II: The Buckeye Ouarlellr. .11m Cooner. l.ncrettii I/:opards,. t'red BJOEt. Dan J. Harrington, Albertas add Altus, an" motion pictures. -' '. ♦.«. —"—. COLOMAUOC^.. Cnehlo.—At the Grand Opent Bouse in- F.. Gmendlcr. manager) "AC the Old tr«j Beads" did good business Dec. J-.V 'W. 2,™ neky" pleitsed" 3. "Tlic-Msyoa ol w it week. Toi,,-Lyons. In n hit. "The Little Prospector"*, rCheck". ..scorfj scorl'o &,™t ,n SR t, '7; Hu, «' KAM< I°- •*• Morris, nil vvX j^wi'-M'" iI b ,V H °y **■ otV: Tlje Three Ollfans i.r'aw™ Jwwle,Mao Ilalt. In "The Watson. Wallace and I 13A1U, (G. M. Morris, maaqgerji—-Bill wi= Walters-aud Hi"; Kcltb. aud l«rdl« Snuuy Saiith" IK, "Tbe Floweret Ibe Bahch" iir.nni (Jake Boscaihal. nianager).—Full ho us es if nud areek, with Cook and Bullion. Stoddard nud Wilson. Leonard aud IaiuIs, ?- ru /' y - , 1 *' W,W! ' • l '. r H? tf0 ", ..^•.Tlerney, in II- . ;.r i.yons. m n mt. "The Lltt Itistratcd songs, ana lie klnodrome. iwrta" ?< 1 hi. Vm?^"!' wee J? 0 . 1 J5 ' uuo "S«- M>. "The Blue Moon"-14, "Od fhe'l'roplier Lvuif lUruulcy fc Muclay, mauugcr«l p *i|? , 1 ,,, */j f'l u , rl, ,'. maa o(r crlng. 15! ..' ,. .,•.- _. opeueii its doors for the tlrst time Dec 9 «?,"!: ".'ouii u. Pierce, manaeeri u,.,. li.t... in. \t » AM .i. n. n 'ntf>l—Bill <*(•» Moving pictures und songs coustltulo the |2sL5!■ iV.-T culertainiucnl. The tbuatro is a gem In pink {522 i'wii..-.V~ i. "« u «*• . e,lo,fle 1 Mdd,,TTo,,r" e rVf., 1 - 1 ,-. ,lnd " r »«- "flP* ~Sm¥ viSm* . L„, ■ ' , StIb li- 1 1. .,- »or Christmas week X.itks The Zoo (VI u BuroeR;. owner 1 DiiAeni.ort. Ai the Burtls Operu liouse tti.Jv it.ii.?., T fflBWJ"»fty)>-^ll- coii'luuous performance' dally and butlntO (dlrtxilion Cbambclllu. Kludl & Co.) Con- big buslnew XhV i~.t y M nS ^^ •''"fed to la very good The several moving I' , {haw Crawley, la "The Honor of the Faml- week of 15 mid ih» A,.£fT ,T. h ? r o«8hbreds lure shows lu towa arc doing a'pros.peroiH ly." Dec, 3. Luwreuce Pvert, hi '.We Are of "•■ c Arellue Girls for w^iek business Kluj." is, drew a good home. "Hooligan In Glvirfr tn n «i»._.. New York" 11. U& Xotheisolc II. Fiuuk in™"'" m l $L.hJ*Z22L .""M»ger).-Frank Daniels 12. Bono Melville Ml, J I. "The Flower 6f. the lieiich" 13. Umls Juiues 1(1. lie Wolf Hopper .17. "TV Girl OVtfr There" 22. "The UnuibliTs" 24. "The Man of (lie Hour" 25. KUrr. (dlrcctloiiChns. Ilerkcjli.—For II and me*; The Mozart*, the l«rella Twlus. Nlbbe ami Bordeaux. Daisy Ih-onnlc. Beev-CH aud Kenuey, 1;. C. Stiicklaud. Uiuu Kline and moving pictures. . FAMtt.r (dlrectlun Munto ft Ocikers).— For. 9 nud week: Joe St. Claire, the Mu- settes, John Reed, the Bcaneo Family, the Griff Bros.. Kmlly Nice, John Powell, and moving pictures sad cumpuuy. Three Gypsy Fortune Tel era wL|r.pb"" m,Hh - JUfl " ellc »«^. ""d ("ryl: G1U.X0 ('Thos. D. Bates, manager) —W«b ' C«u-.riUbl«.^-Attlreenn> Opsra House i'n.ra.ovluiTict.Ires , " ,r0 •" , ' HM,t^lc,, Ml,rtlrt ' (John B. Henderson, manager) Otis Skinner, ., IVutg.—Vcek-of Id; Ida Best, t'asey and nt 1'JtINCL- AXn VtKOIN'IA. PlStoT s.- FisKi: axu McDoxofi;n.'(ncw act), tor's. JIoiiA ami cour.vxr, Paslor"*. :. " .'=«j BLTH ALLlt.V ASU C0MPA.VV (new — Street. Tin: Baxu'WiS'as. Colonial. ., •. PAiar IKiVlk; Cnlnn'Hijourc. lint '•