The New York Clipper (December 1907)

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1232 THE NEW YORK [CLIPPER. Beoembee >i. HTgaWMBBHBMmHBWWBWnnBBBrriTTnMrTBBWriltTB ffiTiJ. l l.UJ I I I . . ' —a™^ig^ ^■^nnn™™ sasnsnasa^avjaanajBisi. n L-WIBIN £ LIFE MOTl7^?l<mi^ • 31 Soutb Elgsa S treet.' A PAY OBB A VERY DRAMATIC SUBJECT WITH A STRONG MORAL. LENGTH, 865 FEET. PRICE, $95.15 The Parson of "Hungry Gulch" "THE RIGHT MAN IN THE RIGHT PLACE MAY WORK WONDERS." An Impressive Story, Graphically Told. A Troe Picture of Western Life. LENGTH, 720 FEET. PRICE, S79.20 ca MARVEL" CINEOORAPH COMBINED WITH Including Kioctrio Lamp. Oalolum Lamp and Adjustable Rhoostat, A HOST BEAUTIFUL and INSTRUCTIVE FILM—FULL OF INTEREST. LEN8TH, 650ft. PBICE, $71.50 OH ME! OH MY! Mr. Frenchman had iaeh a good time: but now ho la ao tired* "Oh no! Oh m;!"_ Ho gala In all hlnda of trouble. INTENSELY FUNNY mm, 310ft. PRICE. $34.10 ALL OUR FILMS CLA88 A. PRICE, I I CENTS PER FOOT. ONLY KIDS Boyish pranks and ots of fun. An Amusing Picture, full of Merriment. LENGTH, 435ft. PBICE, $47.85 A BREEZE FROM* A Beautiful Drama from the Indian Frontier LENGTH, 650ft. PBICE, $71.50 OUR BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED CATALOCUE8 FREE OF CHARGE. 'VITABRAPH FILMS 12 CENTS PER FOOT. LAST WEEK A Tale of the Sea - - - 750 Foot . THIS WEEK-TWO POSITIVE HITS: An Elaborate Holiday Feature, A Night in Dreamland A FAIRY FANTA8Y Copyright, 1007, oy The Vitogroph Co. of America. Two little children are put to bed on Christmas eve by their parents, and dream of a vlsft to the North Pole where many wonderful toys are teen, all Imbued with life. The children have some won- derful adventures In their dream, and finally are chased and captured by two big l'o- lnr bears Who are Just In the act of hugging them, when they awaken to find that It Is Christmas morning, and they oro In reality being hugged tight In the arms of their parents. I LENGTH, BOO FHKT. BEAUTIFUL STOKY 1'ICTUHK A CLOWN'S LOVE STORY Copyright, 100T, by The Vitogroph Co. of America. A grotesque circus clown who Is of a sertoiiB and hon- est disposition, loves tho beautiful daughter of an old performer, She refuses him and accepts tho attentions of the handsome ring master, who later casts her off, and then she finds the true worth of a clown's affection. LENGTH, 335 »EKT. FOR perfect "VITAGRAPH" ADJUSTABLE RHEOSTATS, $20.00 results use "VITAGRAPH" LAMPS, • • - $35.00 THE VITA6RAPH COMPANY OF AMERICA NEW YORK.. 110 Nassau Street. CHICAGO, 100 Hanilolpn Street. LONDON, 10 Cecil Court. PARIS, 10 Roe Salute Cecil*. J IF YOU HAVE ANY PET IDEAS ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT IN THE WAY OF MOVING PICTURE FILMS, TELL THEM TO THE National Film Ranting Company. YOU'LL FIND USABLE TO MEET THEM. IF YOU WANT ANY IDEAS, ASK US. WE WILL CHEERFULLY GIVE THEM. AODREOS National Film Rental Company, 62 N. Clark St., Chicago, III. We shall place upon the United States and Canadian market dating the wees of DECEMBER »3, 1007, a OAOUONT Film entitled TMK Waters of Life ALL COLORED. Length, about mm. Price, • 1103.00 A beautiful, l tlietlo BUbject with a happy end- ing, depleting tho adventures ol an old man In quest of youth- giving waters. Superb act' - iiuatlty and Superb acting, photographic iiuatlty and coloring. A Btory that needs no Interpreter, bat plainly tells lis own tale. DESCRIPTION! The first series of views shows a beautiful young lady waiting for someone. An old man ap- Rears and makes advances to er, which are spumed, where- upon her Knight Errant comes forward and escorts her Into the Interior of the building. The old man bemoans his fate and goes Into the woods to seek solace. He meets an old woman to whom ho gives an aim. In gratification she discloses that she possesses the seoret of youth. Sbo swings ber nisglo wand, causing a soene to become visible, showing two old and bewblskered men standing at tho'brink of a pond. Stooping thoy partake of the water, and are transformed Into two handsome and sprightly young men. The old man Is charmed with the vision, whereupon she hands him her wand and disappears m smoke. The next series or views shows the old man wearily returning home, an Imposing medieval castle, where he is received with deferonce and cordialllty by his children and servants, lie confides to them of his determination to seek the waters of life and starts off on his Tired and discouraged, he Is surrounded by several dancing girls who assist him to a resting posture and then disappear In smoke. Arising, he finds himself before an Insurmountable wall, which touched by his staff, opens up and discloses daintily olad maidens, each one assisting him and Immediately turning into smoke. One of the damsels a pair of wings to his rod with the aid of which he flies through the air and lands at the brink of the nagw pool of water from which he sees a horseman on a flerr steed spring np and as suddenly turn Into a windmill. ' - - ~ Partaking of the water, he Is Instantly transformed Into a young man,and Immediately sets off for the church whore ho first met his affinity. There ho arrives lust as tho wedding pro- cession la leaving the church—too late. Again he la disappointed, and rambling off aimlessly! meets his servants, who do not recognize him. Then later meeting his ohlldren and attouiiita to embrace them, for which aot he is turned away as an Intruder. Beoomlng disgusted at tho treatment be receives In his changed form, so resolves to try to be transformed to himself sguln. Going Into tho woods, he again meets the wltoh, to whom he makes his wishes known. M "he. with a swing of her maglo wand, ohanges him to the stooping and bewhlskered man of old, and herself disappears into smoke. Last scene shows the old man trudging home. He is sighted by the lookout at his home, who notifies the anxious ohlldren of tho return of their lost father, whereupon they all turn out to welcome their prodigal and reBpeoted father, lovingly embraolng him, and escort him buck to his old domicile, happy and a wiser man. »■* ■ in audition to the "Waters or Life" we shall place upon the ntarhet four a pan *u«i • °.*!i er „ ,,xoe " ,)nt OACMONT subjects •• fOllOWSI . A USD HOT DAY Coinmly, . . . . . . Length. 407fl. R .??aV'.B 1 ^S 1 ?^J? , J ,, i Ktt ™ A,B ' H BAUUIITKR, Dramatic, Length, 43J«. NURSE'S TRAVELS, Comedy. • . . . . '. L.ncth, 307«t. THE OAHBKBBPBH'a DOG,' Sensational, ... Length, 40 1 It. 52 5Tm ST. ■ 662 SOTMME.P CHICAGO, NEW YORK. LA pathie BLDC, MONTREAL, CANADA