The New York Clipper (December 1907)

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' -- IM - 1236 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 28. WHY " Tbe CttampajceoF BolHd BEERi IS shipped to the Philippines, Egypt, India and the ends of civil- *f ization ■ Because High Life satisfies the uni- versal demand for a perfect beer. X/A The World Asks For It That's why we were compelled to increase our capacity to One Million Barrels HENRY C. B0TJER, Distributor 353 Broadway, Long Island City, N.Y. Milwaukee HOPKINS & ALLEN WILD WEST REVOLVER 82 or 88 OaUbre. Catalogue of Shot aunt, RlflM ■nd Ravolvin. Fm. Cii. Html. Mori 8ttd. HOPKINS & ALLEN EBVOLVEBS are -widely used bj stace mo-dIi jr because of their high quality and low price. The abore mS»f— f ^U? ^F 8T HSS*sESS"» aSrable fo? iSeTodraSTano I (Vestern Shows, becauae of Ita snowr ■ te and plitol-llke imMmM DESCBIPTYON—A long barreled revolveVl-bVrgi^ Mcf^re^ah.wT large stock and blued octagonal barrel, a half foot long. Siakeaa m«ai show from the front, and especially with 88 calibres, a've£loud report when blank cartridges are used. la double sctlon, self cocking: hammer » , bound; after flrlnr, obviating the possibility of icctdeatal eSBsm Barrel Is twist rifled, and eaeellent for target practice. The revolver Is a»f. It curate reliable, and made of beat material throughout 88 calibre, B snots THB HOPKINS 41 ALLEN ARMS CO, Theatrical Dept, Norwich, Conn., fj. a. A Largest Uanutactunrt of High droit Popular fbjaaj Wtnmm in the World. Lsatheroid Trunks. LIGHTER THAN STEEL. 60 TIME8 STRONGER THAN WOOD. LEATHEROID MFG. CO., Bend for New Theatrical Catalogue. 53S) fl'WAY, S. Y.. mar Spring St. CENTRAL TRUNKS. Win., IT.BO; 281n„ IB.BO: 801n., JO.BO; tOln.. f 10.80; 401n., $12.00. Clrcni Tronic,24x18x18 17.60. BUI Trunks, 80x28x15, Inside, |12.00. Litho. Trunks, 42tti28ttxl2, Inside, 110.00 Bhrpped on receipt of S8.O0.bal. C. O. D., except over 100 mlleo, then remit whole amount 81M6n8 A CO.. CENTRAL TRUNK FACTORY, Bet. 1804. B. W. cor. 7th and Arch Bte., Palls 1140 BROADWAY, JkT V flfWV « ,a SIXTH AVENUE, Cor.or», iw • JL * Villi Cor. of HStti Street. Lighter and Stranger than any Trunk on the Market to-day. Guaranteed rbi 10 years. Bead lor Catalog. 4it«u M i DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Why handle rooky goods when you can handle goods that will sell themeer? est Electric Belts from II per dos. up. Large variety to select from. Inhalers, Too. per dot.; Toltalo Eleolrlo Insoles, Ho. dos. pairs. Pore Ooooanut Oil Soap, {2.40 per groat. Fine Medical Batteries. BOO to 1,000 per cent profit can be made. Trial order will convince. One-third oaah required. Largest Manufacturers of DeoMo Belts and Appliances In 0.8. A. Established 1678. Lecture andprioe list free, THE BLE07BI0 AgPLl&HOB CO., Ins. En. WILLIAM HBPNEI& WIG CO., LEADING WIG HAKERH. Largest stook In America. Wlga made to order. Fall line of paints powders and oold cream. Bend for Catalogue "0," to either place. 1*4 WEST 88th ST.. N. T.: Ohlcoso Opera Douse Block. ObloaflO, WIGS m SHORT TAMP SHOES. SIZES 1 TO 8 ALSO eHJLL LINE BATUf 8LIPPKRA. 1ND1VIDVAU AJTD EUTOT CrOafFAlOB FITTED OUT i. 0LAS8BEBQ, U Third 4v e„ near WU 8k. Ksw Tort. Send for Catalogas. CALL MoMAEOFS Famous Theatrical RE8TAURANT 4T9 SIXTH AVE. Bet, 28th and 29ttiSts. NEW YORK CITY. Beet of Food, Perfect- ly Cookcd.DellclouBly Served. Prices rea- sonable. Special Din- log Room fur Ladles. MU8ICAL QLA88ES. Substantia], loud, pore In tone, easy to tune and play. Photos, references, catalogue, with full Information will be Bent on re- ceipt of stamp, a. Braunelss, Qlassophone Mfg., 4M Flatbnah •Avenue, Brooklyn, N. T. Mrs.V/.GaUIT BROWNF PLAYS AND-SKETCHES 1166 W, EDDY ST, rHir/ir^ FIdi Magical Apparatus, ILLUSIONS, TRICKS, EtO. Grand End of Century, fully Illustrated. BOOK CATA- LOGUE, 28c, free by mall. Catalogue of Parlor tricks free MARTINKA A CO, litre., 493 Sixth Ave,. N. i\ SANfAl 'CAPSULES''-" Mir3i ofttsm BIABBESL, Relieves i Bah BSjaaa ban 18* BEAUTIFUL IN FIVE MINUTts Many a woman with features disfigured by superfluous growl! - of hair would be beautiful if the unfortunate detect were eradicated It is the simplest thing in the world to accomplish this woiv r fnl and most desired result Use X. Bazin's celebrated Depi! 0 rv Powder. Invented in Paris over seventy years ago, it has be a in use by leading society women and those of the profession ever -net It's the standard. It will never fail to perform its mission. 'Vili remove the hair from the surface of the skin three or four nv-lit*. after application. Directions accompany each bottle. For sale at all first class toilet counters, or by mail, in aled packages, free from advertising matter. w Price, including postage, 50c. HALL & RUCKEL, Makers of SOZODONT. 215 Washington St., N. Y. 1 TY. ALFRED J. GAMMEYER, 6th Ave. and 20th Street, NEW YORK, Leading House in America for Theatrical and Street Shoes All Colors Id Theatrical Hoaliry Theatrical Cataloous ■ailed Free Upon Bequest Can Fit Ont Com- panies Without Any Delay. EltlACtM Piriln CURED by a secret process "LUCKY STRIKE" Us a fragrance sod charm all its own. LUCKY STRIKE Sliced Plug Pipe Tobacco bulbeWtfule bibs world. It SBSSBI cool to the ad without wate. and dos not blow out of the bowl. Fcrom any yean tie iuum "PATTERSON" «, H»cm bu bees a guarantee of biab qmEtj. Pocket Size, Tla Bex, 10c UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN PATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS And make yon a fortune. If too hare a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, SONG or BOOK that la worth anything, yon should copyright It. Don't take chances when you can secure our terr- Ices at srcai 1 cost. Sendfor onr SPtCUl OfFBI TO IrffDflOttS before applying for a patent, it will pay you. IIAWBOOk eit falenUuntfWEL We advise If patenta- ble or not, FREE. We Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small fees. Consult 03. WORMELLE A VAN MATER, asriajgera, Colaabla Copyright a Pateat Co. lac, W4Sr»GT0*, D. C SONG BOOKS The Cha5 K Harris 5ongster: •{- ABSOLUTELY thfrkt ffiWr" MhlMltl! TI $10.00 PER THOUSAND With Company's Kame.UUJO ptr Ihout'd Immediate Delivery Chas.K Harris 31 WfSI 51V 51 V'wYotr. • BORATED TALCUM TOILET POWDER MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES T: ENjT FOR SALE CHEAP 7x0 to 60x120 on bant) n „>U5 w ^L ND SECOND HAND BIBDBE TENT AND AWNING CO., DETROIT, UICH s ANDREWS. lallei' «owm. BlltUlv Wan. FDBa Or ALL KINDS. *J»»Carry QeaUemem'a Hewnd-Hand ciotnini. •M Mat* Btreet c Hie A QO I & Chapped and insist that vour barber use it also. It Is Anti- septic, and will prevent any of the skin diseases often contracted. A positive relief for _ Hands, Chafing, and all afflictions of the skin. Removes all odor of perspiration. Oct Mennea's— the original. Sold everywheie or mailed for ag cents. Sample free. Try iftnwn's Tloltt (Borated) Talcum. GERHARD MENNEN CO. Newark, N. J. ft Guaranteed nnder the Food and Drugs Act, Jane 80. 1906. Serial No. 1542. ESTABLISHED 1846. No dentifrice like SOZODONT. Why? Because its mission as an Alkaline Antiseptic Liquid Denti- frice is to permeate the gums and mouth and penetrate the minutest crevices of the teeth, neutralizing and removing mouth acids, anti- septicising and cleansing the entire tooth structure. Its fragrance is delicious and last- ing. UNIFORMS BAUD, MILITARY, HISSTxEL OUTFITS CARNIVAL COS., USHERS And All Others ^^ Sn4 for CiTUOt IcaiHa Di4 f«('» Sptcltl Attectlto Gives tte Pn»reisl:a Western Uniform Co, 314 S. CLARK 8T. CHICAGO