The New York Clipper (December 1907)

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' ■ %j L b i ('■'—*■ b ' *■ THE 8EW TDtil OlOTER .! i ■■■,-,■•. ' . 1 1 i i ^ - <» m\ . v . n ■■ •■ THE FHANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO.(LlmHtd) ALD15RT J. BOME, 8ATDRD AY, D-CEolBEB 28, J907. " Btiterec. Jooe 24, 187D, M the- Post Ode* at M W. N. T., u second clsis matter, o_4et StW « Match 8. »70. - ' ■ A*nMta«m«nls—»2.S0 per Inch. smglo eolamo,, ^rtttlse-O-ts set with border,10 per et. extra. •irflscnirTioH. One year. In satance, $4; »U months, $3 S thlM n»Mhs. E Foreign ptwliigo Migle copies wttl be «nt. postpaid, on lecclpt of 10 carta. I onr 1'eriin are Cn»)i. *__ CLIPPER in lasucd every Wednesday mor_- lu. The-last four (advertising) pages 00 TO PB_88 co Soturdcy <n ll a. m., aad tie other J55«» UO.NDAY aoj TUHSDAY. The Form* Closing Promptly, Taea- d«r At 10 o'clock A. M. •■ Pleata remit It npiwi, money order. Cheek, 1 0. order or registered Wte. All cash enclosed with teller U at the tlsk ot acudtr. ■ Address All Colnihonleattonn to * T«BHBW YORK CLIPPER, 47 West 2Slh Street, New Totkt " UcgtiUrci Cilblj MtttU, "AOTOOtiTT." , THE "WjBtfTEBN BUBEAW of Im Oucrna IS located at Booni PCM, Aihlinl Mock. Chlcairo, John T. Priuec Jr., miuiter and eerrespoodent, where advertisements tad tabacrlp- Oocl Arc received at our regular rates. •" THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 14 Leicester Street, Leicester. Square, London, -W. ;C where advertise! celvnl at our reguh Tin Ulifveh i'»k no obtained wroUsalb add Mian..-at oor agents, Mrentauo'a news depot, S7 Avenue ue l'Opera. Parka, b'ranee; Diamond Newt Go, 1211 Priuu, H avium; Manila Rook and Bis- tloserj Oo.. 128 Kscolta. Manila. 1'. 1.; Albert 4 tiou, 137-130 King St., Sydney, Australia. TMEI NEW YORK I'MPPRll pnMlthei nnlv one c ill 11 on, nnd that la dated t row W ww YOkk. • . _e_g»g_-~ggg!~- *~~ L H Glance at Mt new to il* mwcpoliJ. ~l UT HANK. DISFIGURING ECZEMA spread irum Kar to Cheek-Be*! Doc- tor* Did Not Care It—Laated VI** Year*, Hat Speedily Ourca Harry Corson Clarke. Harry Corson Clarke, who occupied for a long time aa enviable position' In the legitl- toato field, and who Is welt known through- out the coiintrr because of his work at Utn liosrt ot hit) own company, made bin flrnt met- ropolitan vaitnVrllta aiineirnncc last week, at IM One Hundred and Tw.niv-tlfdi Htrect. Ills nkctcli. wlUch ho wrote lilmMlf. Ib Called ■'Btratcior," and It Ik iih mil of guod "menf in the coniedr lino iih coiilil lw deidreil. lis farcical situations are well conceived, and the actlntt of Sir. Cliirke ami hla leading woman, Maricatri Dole Owen. Is of hucu rs- eellmt rninllly that every llltln point In Iho ill.ilogue and business U cnpltally brought out. Mr. Clarke u artistic In hl» work, nnd In siring vaudcrllle n treat In comedy charac- ter acting. Cloac attention to detail Is shown In the sketch, and rvnl money and a Salt l.ake ncwspajKr arc UHcd. The scene Is Salt Lake City, and the role of Sir. Williams, which Mr. Clarke assume**, Is that of a worldly, likeable man of fifty ycarx. tie Is apparently under tho struug will of ills wife to whom he has been mar- ried for twenty-five years, and who has been doling out to him. In somewhat stinted fashion, the csatt sum of money she deems It necessary (or him to spend. In all these years Intervening between his marriage and tho celebration of Its twenty-fifth anniver- sary, the husband has not been altogether the docile lamb-like creature he seemed. Find- ing himself unable to coun with his wife's strenuous management by force, he early un ••The Ulrl ot the Tlaaea." Josephine Cohan, who metro- politan theatricals lust week, after a long absence, during which time sin' and her hua- bond, rred Nlblo, were abroad, appeared In a new net ht tho New York Thefctre. Mr. KIWo wrote It for her, and calls It "Tho Clrl of the Times." Aa a Kketeh writer the energetic and versa- tile 1'red Nlblo la :i Micccrs. (or be has token Mis* Cobnn'a mensnre nicely, giving; her a clinnre for some I'ght comedy, a hit ot emo- tional noting, and n i>»ng and dance that show tho dainty little lady nff to great ad- vantage. The sketch Is all about a girt who Is anx- ious to make headway In her chosen calling, that ot newspaper writer. Hhe'wants, tn taskc n sensation with a real burglar story, written from actual experience, and she ac- cordingly enters the apartment of Mr. Square about midnight, after drat hearing: from the valet over the phone that Su,uam Is out. But unfortunately for the girl. Square re- turns unexuccvdlr. and la "at home" when his visitor calls, lie traps her, calls up police headquarters, nnd things look had for tho daring femsle writer. However, she catches Square off his guard, gels his pistol, and when the police enter she makes them think that Square la the would-be burglar. Hcfore the mistake Is rectified she slips out of the apartment, and Ins a "story," In sny event, even though it is not quite what sbo figured on. Miss Cohan, looking as charming as over. BY THE USE OF CUTICURA £ I t f . ■■■ — ■ - ■ "1 had been troubled willi eczema lor five years M my enr, and it began to extend on my check. I had been doc- ra dogs. The bring with the best physicians, but found Rui'/ctuS »6 relief whytcvef. As the medicines ,fft koUet worn and salves did me no good, I thought I lit—not fii « hostile- xpitlt-for must would act the 'Magic Three.' .Cuttcura ntsiliipers cherish it sympathetic reel- c,,,., r'mlrnr-i nintmi-ut -mil rutirnra r tho outraged stu.lebts. The Kmplre S?, a P> Wticura Uintl alt ami VAiiiciiM let-ieiT. 'IhoVn doggers" pcrvaAcil tho I'llls, costing'Utc Olie-half of one visit to , Henry C«»rso Bibber^maoaarr, dertook to circumvent by strategy the hsrd played the part with capital effect, and her acts now, but who proves su mil fiacuts and subscriptions are re- conditions of his Insufficient allowance. Ac- song,'"rher« , « Nothing hW Under the Htin." lesentnltvc of Mine* Meg. Ag i^vna oraAtNED wrtotasiLB and 0< > r,llll 5 1 >'' " e Invented a touching story of got the encores It deserved. Her dancing dale* back to extravagant* at Ci ngiy, lid by Ro licpUea by Mall o r Telegraph. AomxasBS oa wiibbbabodts ivot oitin. All ik ucssr or booji shuolo wsitg to mnsa whoii Tterraiaa, IK cms or TUK. OLlPpla Post OrrUw. All i.grnins will bb adveiiisbd o.nb wziui'oklt. lr 'ihv autrrs oir ANt thxatbioai, coiti'iNr is sotoltT, keteu To orjn usxor ftoniss OH U'OIUWI 1-AUa,, \Va CANtlOX UKNU BOOTBS SI HAIL OU IBLtqilAl'M . :■--. ' , DRAMATIC. U. X.. New Brunswick.—We have no knowl- edge of the preKCiit whereabouts of the party. Atldi-e.s'i a letter In care of this ofllev and we'will advertise it In Tun CUctM letter list. . .*-•> >Us. B. L. 1).. Belfast, J. C. V... Hunting!on, U. 11.. ICoBtoii. and Axxiors.—See-answer to O. X., above. J.'B. H.T 1" Taa'liat pcrfornianee at Nib- Id's Garden wo* "My Aunt Bridget," given bytieorgc W. Monroe and company. March 2*67,181)5. .2. "Hhlloh" opened a-abort, en- gageUeut J4n. -3. 1S03. • •'. - TvF. S. V., llillaupfpnlB.—The party to whom Ton refer can best answer your query. ■-SI--T.-E.. Bcrwln.—We believe the com- pany has. closod. :->Yc .do not know where you can obtain a programme. ■ • "Ron" M.. Marshficld.—1. Write to the Librarian of Congress for Instructions. 2. The fee Is flfiy cents, or, If you want u certjll- cato 00c dollar. It. The play <« copyrighted. C. M<: 1).. Clarkkvlllc.—Address Chas. T. Fales. uinuager ot "When the Bell Tolls," as per route In. this Issue, a child "by an early marriage, which he per- suades Ids wife that It Is bts parental ditty to provide for. Mrs. Williams mag- nanimously granted him an extra hundred each month for the support of the child. The wily Williams, while pretending to foi> ward the hundred dollars each month to the guardians of bis fictitious Child, reserved it for his own use, enjoying occasional visits to New York "on business.' On the occasion of their silver wedding, however. Mrs. Will- lams brings eonfuslou luto ctuip by Insisting upou adopting the long neglected child. She compels Williams. In ber usual masterly man- ner, to write a tetter to his sod, Inviting him le live In their home. The-complications orislne from this misunderstanding afford the richest possible material for genuine wholesome comedy. The sketch abounds In bright'dialogue and In the funniest situations possible. It ran about twenty minutes, on the full stage. ♦ «» Flake aad McDonooayh. O. T. Klske and Nellie McDonongh offered their latest, a sketch hilled "Lk'fiBy's Dilem- ma," at Pastor's last week, and Its bright lines, coupled with the eleycr manner In which It was acted, carried it to complete success. Mr. Flake Is Its author, and he has started out with an idea that Is away from the beaten path, and Is-developed along Interest- ing and entertaining lines. , , . The. back drop shows a station Of tho elevated road, with a newsstand right under the stairway. This stand is In charge of Denuy'S sister, who Is bemouniftg Hie fact that Denny is a general good-for-nothing, and Is likely to be arrested for "dolujt tip-' a joung fellow In a rough-and-tumble. Denny's father enters, defends the young man In u dispute with the daughter, and then uenny, with his union card proudly displayed, tells tho sUtei- th«t no member or the union ever dares work. Ho finally begs from the girl oil the money she has. and then offers lier the Joyful prospect of walking home with him. Mr. I<"lskc. as the old gcntlnman, gave a bit of fine character acting, his tpake : up and proved aselever as of yore. Hall McAllister, as Square, gave her Stte kid, and John 'Itn- malne appeared to advantage as the valet. The sketch ran about twenty-four mluutcs, on the full stage. <f— ) "lH/e N«>d Monrj." Rath Allen and ber company appeared at the Twentv-lhlrd Street last week, In a one set play by Chas. Kenyon. entitled "We Need Motiev." The piece begnn well, but its far- fetched incidents nnd flaring Improbability precluded Ibc possibility of Its winning com- ptet4 success. Mr. : Kenyon makes the hero receive a check for $250,000, and then try to run It up Into an eveu million, just because the father ot the girl Insists that it Is a million ot nothing Mfors the ringing of the wedding Christmas Day, nnifuiost of the large bells. Wl.ftt the poverty stricken hero, with accept Ibis., Hut .lloxlng buy Is w only 8250,000 to his name, wanted to worry significance In Scotland, where. Ihoy nbo'nt. Is hot cle.-.r.. There Is a great' deHl of commotion aa the tickers show how wheat, which the young man buys for a rise In tho market, first drops until all the f2'i0,000 Is threatened, nnd the poor fellow has to "dis- pose of his house on Island" to raise more money' for margins. Then the rising prices ou the commodity bring the nwessury million into the hands ot tbe love-sick mau, and the curtain falls as he gets the girl.' Miss Allen, well remembered for good work in Xew York in former days, did nicely with the role of Nancy Hock, tbe girl In the ca«<, and made her meagre changes count for a great deal. Alfred Ivraui made a lilt ns the father, a pari that he played with convincing severity. Ctins. Kenyon mid A. 11. Kenyon also did good work. The sketch ran about twenty-four minutes. 011 the full stage. ,'' << ■• ' r«ts>- Doyle. Palsy Doyle, at tho Union Square last week, made a trlt with his monologue. He nppourg as the "big kid," and carries out the character cleverly In Ills manner of tell- OIR 10RD08 LKTWa, reoAt oct fok ffota sTOrnjghT. "■'**'' Clipper Bareaa. . I 11 LclcrMcr Slreel, . Leicester Baaktre, London, W. C. DM, 14. „ This will be remembered by our music hall uMdagtrs as "brown, dog" week. Recently, a milptured roprcsoulntlotf of n brown dog was croctod lu ono of the suburban parks, with an Inscription, upropos tn vivisection, held to lie Insulting In Hludrnt* of surgorj. Thcrn have, accordingly, liwn demonstrations in Trafalgar Hqtinri', nnd parades of medical stndents, bem-lnt aloft mn woril went mtinil thnt a conili . ••I>e6mtsh boys" meant to raid the music halls --- , ----- on KrHai night, ami exua police weixi and salves did me no good, 1 thougtit I called in—ir- nt the Ifig for was sel... Umpire, and, when 1 bee got ton tsilslerous were rnrrfullv thrown Into tho street by slRlwnrt nttueheH. This week there has been bul oue theatrical "prodnctlon," namcl;* "The Agitator," as u curtain raiser- to ''Brewster's .Millions," at tho Uleks Theatre. It Is by Mrs, Oscar Ber- Ingor, bat does nut fulfill the promise ot her earlier work. It Is too sentimental. Tim agitator Is a khtgbt of labor. The Idea Is that a girl's self sacrifice averts n strike. Mrs. Hvrlngcr meant, no doubt, to mggest that the working women of to-day can match Joan of Arc from their ranks. Wcntxvorth Crake, the touring manager, who teased ''The Christian" to tbe Smith- Carpenter svndlcntc fur the season nt tho Lyceum which turned out so well, Is dis- posed to try the ;ilay "oil Ills own" now. Ho Installed It nt the Shaftesbury Theatre on Thursday, with Mntheson Lang ns Joint Sturm, and Alice Crawford as Ulury tiuayle. A newcomer Is Agnes Hewitt, Who seldom admirable rep- ' nes Htwltt Cremona Oar ; dens. In a general way, tlieolrlcal busliless Is Very bad. Six houses nre said to have con- tained nn atcrugc ot "IGU one night this week. Had weather and the approach of Christmas are Jointly responsible for the trouble. Houses taut make n feature of a Christmas pantomime or fairy play, ore closed down—for Instance, Unity Luue, the Lyceum and the Adolphl. Many other houses would be glad of an excuse to do so. Tho dramatic houses especially nnd the Christmas season unprofitable. Interest In the current attraction Is depressed, and the moment Im regarded, as Inopportune for n revision Ot tho (programme. Some or the provincial pantomimes nro already In full swing. Tbe London tradition Ik, of course, lioxhig Night, which ensues to cities IthoUl have log his jokes. "Tic r KW Butte.—Wc have no knowledge of acting being-remarkably fine for sketch work, -suai IT *» **■«*.• Ai._1_T.ai__ „_J| fT.I-H ■•» limine *1ir» tilVIll **lltl lalll atlnil the colieern, lnqnlre of one of the leading dallles-ot St. Louis. . , ' ■ ■ D.- D.—We -have no means of knowing what, salary he receives. _.-__, W.vX, 0.. Deadwood.—Ccorgc M. Cohun IS flifc author of the play, lyrics uud music. Mihs L. M..J , ltLsburg;—Address Ned Way- Iilirn, Xew Amsterdiun. ThcaUe Building, Xew York. The party you mention is un- us. '■ „-■.,.! , i -., , ., •Mas. .T. S. i'., Danville.—It derives its name principally, from the ltocky Mountains. J/.'it. ,C„ -Lainbcrtvlllc.—Watch-our route lists, :or address :» letter to-C. If. Sweeney, l»M_re of..thb office, and we will advertlso It in Tub CUPI-I letter list. .•;,O.U~' O:, '■■«»• runt a.—Consult a lawyer.- - J. McC, Detroit,—Wm. J. -Scanlan made his lust a'ppi'iirunee on the stage Christinas -nlgbr-j. BH1I], In "Mavoorneeii," at Ibe Four- teenth- Street' ThixUTc; He was takeu tO llloomlugdalc Asylum, Jan. 7, ISfU-'. -.;-:.:; ,i- /BAStSBAbi- ' - -L. -P., J.xoms.~nin.. dates of .the deaths wok-us follows:'Litrry t!orconu, Ocl. 14, 18fil, at Newark, X. J.: Michael J. Kelly, and later, as Denny, the lovul "union man. ho was very funny.. Miss McDonough, as the girl.- did some capital work as well, playing with convincing curriestness. The act Is an unusually good one: It ran about twenty minutes. ... 4 i > Ja> W. Wlntpn. Ohc of the best vehirUoijulul acts in vaudeville was given Inst week ut the New York. by. Jay W. Wlqtou, who Ihen cele- brated his return lo this dty, after a long absence. .r . • . ' Mr. Wlntoors work Is lulcrcstlng and Jiu- mordusV und It lauds solidly.. One ot his dummies, which is made up like a middle- aged baldbcaded man. sits beside him ou a eEuIr, lakes off Its hat, wipes Its head wlih a hnndkcrchlefi lights a match und thcu smokes a cigarette. Wlnton's manlpuln- 11011 or Hie strings thou- makes the dummy kick lis hat. which hns fallen to. the floor, nud the figure's catch llne.^'AIn't It natural.* was voted bv the iiudleucc os the proper sort of description of tho act. . ____ '., The onlv other figure used, a diminutive Nov's t«H"at^Ws-on/MTss."and^Charles "MeOlntyV was made to, alter # ao»c bright ■iTlwwiOul mwr. STmrnSmm S „l?l?P'e. "« * h<> at_«.Sfca?S rserap- with \ BILLIARDS. POOL., KTC. • K.'il. D.. Chittauooija.—B is in error. Ilalo four Of continuous pool reads: "After - tho oponluit stroke, each pluyer must cither ■ pocket a ball, or make at least one object ball, or, the cue-ball, after contact with, ou object-ball, strike a cushion, under penalty of." forfeiture ot one point." As B, W your qutrj^. cotitends that tbe player must make f«'ii, halls strike n cushion, on a play for safety; be is- wrung. 'R.O. S.. Cbuttonuoga.—See answer to h. U. D., above. •■*. ' CARDS. R.-C, Kokomo.—It Is a run of six. 8. J. J., Dolgcvllle—You could uot ante Ciote than live .cuts. > ' . - -L. B. W.. triilcago.—llic dc<:k Is foul and therefore ull hunds are deud. and 11m jilnyerg have the option of withdrawing what Iliiur have pat Into Hie pot or making It a Jack pob'for the next deal. ,..■'"';: M1SCKLLAN liOl S. P, J X„ I'ortlund.—Fllxslminoiis weighed 130U pounds: Dcuipsey weighed 147 pounds. . .:% , w., Atlantic Clly.—We havo no record 1X&M , :- • : .' ■•.'. 1 1 — — * \'.' : MONTANA. •arte.—A! the Broadway (J. K. Ileslet. manager) "The Man of the Hour" Dec. 20, ' 31,-- a The Itoyol Chef" 22. 23. Moudc *caly, la "The Stronger Sex," 24, 25; "Tho Blue Moon"- 2(1. Wlnloti. In which the figure Is finally worst- ed, utter a Imrd struggle, whs vury well done. The audience seemed to be of tbe opinion that WrntuBs eighteen minutes was not long enough, lie worked lu one. 4»» ' ' "All on Account of ISllaa." I,ool8 Mami, a comedian who brings to his aid artistic conception qud painstaking effort, appeared ut the Xew York last, week. In a condensed version of his old time, success. "AU on Account of Kllaa," ojid made otic of the biggest triumphs ever scored on the stage oi that house. • . , ' The audience treated the comedian as though ho were appearing In a regular play, and the calls for hhn ut the end of the little offering were hearty and prolonged. Mr. Maim. In his earnest, entertaining acting as {•'rants Iloehstubl. got roars ot laughter, and never played the purt better. Muriel -Mc- Arthur, as Ellzu Curler, the school mistress, did capital stork." and the others In Mr. Mann's support played their respective roles well, They were: Mrs. Kalhryn Carrol, Louife Svdmoth. Albert Meyer. William h. Carroll, M. B. Pollack and Sidney Atchison. -—1—ait The Kratoaa. With an Improved act of novelty hoop roll- ing, and with some new scenery, the Kratons. nt the Union Square last week, greatly de- lighted tbe audience. Their little story told with hoops. In which the mtnlulurc town Is shown, with Its Jail. Its saloon and Its daiico hall, la a well conceived one, and the rmugbt.v of 15; The (ircnt Nello, howeu «ros„ Knilo Brady, Mclnotlv-Lunole Duo Jas. Me Duff, tDoylog pictures, uud Minnie MiddletunS Military Maids. . .'_... : FXwit.v IF. M. Clark, manager).—Jack Hor«h and Mile. I.a Krlska. the Sliarrocks, tW Dancing Uiinbars, liddlc Wiggins. Iji 7.«n nnd I rt Vnr Wnllpr JpffrC 1 hoops whole hoop fuiLlly was there, and the little hoops were also a part of the show. Ibc act Is a winner. has some excellent material In Die net, nnd gets the audience laughing before be bus talked a minute, lie keeps the fun on the move, too, and his finishing song and dance, with the odd "kid"Heps, winds up his of- fering In slap-baug style. Ills story ot or- dering a steak 4n the electrical restaurant, and seudlpg It back for another "shuck." was one of his best, although all seemed to go well. We was. tn the stage about four- tceu minutes, in one. «» » flu- SLjmdwtna-. The worn un ot lie lru:u known lis Iho Sandwlnus, who nppeorctl at Hie Colonial isst week. Is tall uud powerfully built, uud she bundles the man as .though he were a child. The team, who opened the bill, had a num- ber of telling feats In hand to hand work. The woman, umong other feats, grusped ihn hunds of the man as lie lay extended ou tho mat. threw him over her head, und he then did a hand stand. Other lutrudiivtHius that were equally nn spectacular und that Im- pressed the audleneo strongly were shown, and the act made a hit. It ran about seven minutes. In two. a)»» Jenny Conchas. A novel and very pleasing animal act was shown at l'ustur's lust week by Jennie Con- chas, the uovclly consisting uf "posing" la a cabinet by one of the dogs. Miss Conchas opens her entertainment by showing Ibis dog In various costumes, and the animal also smokes. It looks very funny dressed tip as a sailor and In the numerous other disguises that urc used, and the odd fucc of the bruto seems to go well with the various dresses used. Miss Conchns concludes her act by pulling the other dogu through Uieir pacts, and unu somersaulting dog Is remurkably good ut II. The act Is a very agreeable one. It ron about twelve minutes, on the full stage. ■■4»» J. Jerome Worn nnd Company* The opening m-t nt Pastor's lust week, a magleul act thnt was clean -cut and eulcrtsln- lug, was contributed by J. Jerome Morn. Ho calls It '"Hie KncUanted Casket." because he lakes from the casket In question various birds and auimuls. In u most mystifying man- ner. His entire act Is of a qualify that merlis atteutlou. and he dues ills different tricks lu a pleasing and ugrreable manner, which Ih half the battle In an offering of this kind. He held the stage about twelve minutes. ' *** — Prince nnd Virginia. The Uermap character work and sluglng ut Harry Prince and Floreuee Virginia, ut Pas- tor's last week, seemed to strike the audi- Mr. Prince, In Dutch crambled I'ligllsh to of- sang nicely. Thelv wbieli both appeared the Kallmrlund. was a cornnmndnljlr number, and brought them hcarly applause. Thcv Occupied Ibc singe shout fifteen mlnul»s, fn one. HUtU MUCK-)'. in Is at last to have a permanent ex- ot moving pictures. The Kgyptlun . Piccadilly vacated by the Muske- ft oxttig Day Is ey ll their own special' set. ut holidays, una where halt a duacn pantouitmes are already on tho run. ... A crowd Unit taxed the capacity of the I'aluee Theatre to the utmost assisted at. the Celebrating ot (hu fifteen anniversary on Tuesday evening. One of the "special con- tributors"-to tbn programme was Uvlo Oreene. tho favorite actress in musical comedy. Her vvugs were ao remarkably popular that Mr. Butt at once offered her iiiieiigugeineut.whlcU was accepted, Miss Uheeuo having an Inter- val ut her disposal between the ending of her tour wllh f 'Tlle Lady Dandles," aud the beglunlug of un engagement In a uew muulcal piny by loslle Htilurt. Cecil Raleigh and Henry llumtllou. who wrule ''The Sins ot Society," have ulicudy been commissioned to supply Drury Lane with next year's Autumn drama. Albuu ACwoud undertakes tbe management of Terry's Cni'deu fruni Mouduy week. Ho will produce a farce called "Is Murrlagp a FailureV" by, himself aud Russell Vaun. lu the cast are Ucurge Ulddens, Furrea Son- tar and Itutb Muckay. I^udon ' hlblUoli iiuii in Ivne and Cooke coujuring eulertalnment after a lenaney extending over many years, has been reconstructed, aud as the new Kpyp- tlan Hall acquired by the famous llnu of 1'nthe Krercs, who will run dally plcluru bhows. Sybil Aruudalc, rvho will play principal girl In tbe Lyceum pantuntniu has bceu oil the slugo since slio wus seven yours of age. She made her llrst uppeuruuee ut Drury l.aoc, with ber ulster flrace. and for a luug time tliry figured In vaudHrvllle us the Sisters Aruudalc. Sybil has been especially well trained lu bullet (lumlrg. Ad llnu Hi-nee Is In her last nights ut the Umpire. She guCs lo America lluuiodlulu'y. In nor ( the Umpire 'l-oopli! have enguged Topey Sludon who was ut the (lulcty for a long thuc. Kuglhli burn aud liugllsh irulucd dancers urc tew. Jvrrard ijriint Allen nnd Jcrrold ItoUert- sluiw, the present uniiiiigcrs ot the New 'J'hc- alrc, nnnuuuee a icutatlvc nftci'tiooii jier- lortuancc on Tuesday, of Alexaudcr von Her- der's iiluy, "The 'leutli of August," Niua Boucleauft will pluy Chfrlstluuu Oldruyd. Nutuiiin Roe, ll yoiiugstur of twculy-three, has ucqulred a lease of the lloyully Thrutrv, Ills Imuicilliilo tiusluess In the Introduction of Juliette Steere, lung ubseni from the Lun- don stage, In u pluy called '"the Sphinx." Oscar Asehc aud Lily llruyton, having ended their season at ills .Mule-sty's Theatre, will now prw'ced 1,11 a lour of tile provinces. It will employ them until iho Summer of next year, when fliey will agulu occupy a West Knd house-—not yet named. While tliey are ou tliu road they will make trial of a comic plar iff Frank Staylon, called "Two 1'lus." It will have Unruiaiiy, lu the middle uges, fur Km surrouiiilhtKS. ticorge llrussmllb br. will emerge from his comfortable retirement to give a fow draw- ing room enlcrtaluments ui Christmas. Janes Welch has ucqulred u play culled "The Worm." §»r and La Zar, Walter Jeffrey, an on fdctttres. the. mo- . Piax'STai-- (Wm. R. Krelter, mniisger). —Week of - 15: Stuart ltoache. Virginia F'ra- sejv movLug pictures and Illustrated songs. Attendance excellent. XoTr,.—All eleelrlc theatres doing well. BifcM Mann, monologiat and coon abouter, writes: "I bare been sleX ever alnc* I r«- tamed from the Coast last October, and now I am reeAverlag vsrry fasl, and expect to go on tbe i-ad adoa. 1 have several offers from well known minstrel shows, hnt 1 prefer flaying dates the rent of Ma seaaon, becausa arn too weak to do hard work.' Taolto.v and Taiili-N closed with 1 the Haieabeck-WalUco Circus Xov, 11. After pluyli'g 11 liiuuber of vaudeviUe dates, In- eluding the Pflrlur Theatre. Omaha, Web.-j hparka Theatre, and- Ynl«, Kansas City, Mo.: Grand labind and Kearn'.v, Nd)., they will spend the remainder of the Winter at thelf home In Oreeler, Col. Liratisby Wllllnms has given up his Intern- well situated. Hon of taklifg a t limit re to ptoducn llli-kens' plays in order lu fulllll engugoiuenls lit- fhc rilull hoqses. He will play Scrooge, In "Thu I'hrlstiims Carol," nt (bo Hippodrome., nistt Mr». I^iiiglrv Is bit'to lbs Ulvleru for n. ChrlHliuus vscallun. She proposes lo tuko a theatre and MM 11 play by (Irabum Hill, called "The Polished Horde. Tim line Is from Byron—"Society Is but ono polished horde, consisting of the bores and bored." Jerome K. Jerouin says ho was delighted by bis reception In America. Clmrtes Frohmiui-ls to produce "The Dream Wnllx" In Loudon, ut Easter, but earlier In America. ... __. , ,.-, Lottie Vciinc has been so 111 that a belief she would retire from the stage got around, liul she menus to Work for Charles Frohman cttrly in the new year. A season of opera iu Kngllsh. by the Carl Rosa company, begins ut Covont Uarden, 011 Dee. 20. "I'elcr Pan" Is due nt the Duko of Yorke's Theatre ou Monday, with I'uiillue Chusc us I'ctVr. ' Titesdoy saw the last of "The Xew Boy" at the New Thcalre, the revival having en- dured nu luugcr rliun Hires weeks. Fred Terry and JUlIu Nellsod Will sbotlly niluru to this bouse with "Tho rivarlet I'lmpeniHi." Elleii Terry is looking for a wni Had thentre In which in produce un early Kugllsh nn Saturday next "The New York idea" Will »«■ withdrawn from tho Aisilln Tlu-plrr. The pleee has only colli rived a run of foiir weir". my physician. I cnti truthfully state that 1 found instant relief. When I had, used three boxes of Ctittcuro Ointment and two" cakes of Ctitictirn Soap I foitnd my skin as soft and line as a baby's, I am persuading my friends to Use Cutictua Soap nnd give up the kinds they were usiug. Miss Nctta Aycrs, iji Franklin Ave.. Brooklyn, N. Y.. Sept. 1 ami 15. IS**-" , ■ . ... ... B _j_B_i .. .. ___B___M___ a_WWW Portotdl Is dead. Twcniy-flvc .veors ugo she was the great dancer at tho Alhauibra. not thou a vaudeville house, but devoted In opera and spectacular productions. She Bad long lived hi retirement. A painful,Illness preceded ''or death, at fifly-two. Ucraldlnc Uliuar. who used lo be 11 fa- vorite In comic- opera, notably In "Durolliy." has accepted tbe Sloll tour. Korbea Robnrtsuii withdraws "t.'iesar und Cleopatra" from Hie Suvoy un Hatunlo.v next. Ou Dec, 8« Yedretmn oild. llarkol- will revive Shaw's "Arms und Hie Mnu" here, In the mean time the author Is preiMii-Ing the til ay as a musical comedy, for another aiaii- ngciiieni. Oscar Strauss, ut "Dronta Walls fumi.'. Will provldo the music. . Maurice KOrkon has joined "Miss Hook of Holland." at the Prince of Wains' Theatre. Onirics Wyildhspt Is nolle the most chntui lag, Impressive nud unicrialiilug ufteruuon speaker, of Iho ilay, and the "Savages" wvre foriiionte In get him as the pit-sldent ot their llfllelh anniversary illnuer nl the Hotel Cecil last Sunday. The npnolntmcnl of the "Ju- bilee" Is Bomewhnl arbitrary, for the begin- nings of the Savage Chili are "wropt In mis- Cry," as Thackeray's young gentleman said, llefntrlng to the very llotieinlan days of Hie Savage Club, when the fluor was sunded and the subscriptions uncertain. Mr. Wyinltmni said: "Wc Unite become absolutely res|»ee|. able, arid our club un Inslliutlon waleli euni- biuns thu security of 11 city of refuge with Hie llght-beurted good-felluivsblp or the oil time laveru, where the llou lies down wllh , lllc lamb, where the critic ceases troubling aud the artist: Is at rest." He mciitluiicd thnl King Kdwiiil, the Prlnw of Wales. Iho Duke of 1 'unnuught. Irfird Roberts. Lord Kltclli r, the blshup of' London and Lord Charles Hercsford figured on the list of members. "Mrs. wings' " i-uiiN-i- has come to 1111 end at last. TV Adclplll Is now heeded foe puuiouilme. and so Urn last exposition or the cabbage patch fihllosophy takes plan- to nlglil, the si'hemo fur rcproduelilu; the play at a third theatre having appnicully been ubiiuduned. Uraec (Irlswold, who played Mrs. MrUpru so well In "Tim 4'abbagii Viileh," will pro ilucc her pluy, entitled 'Tils Japanese■ Wffi-.',' on Sunday night, with the aid of. the little society of enthusiast* known as the I'Ibj' uciors. •-.•-■•■ (George Bsiidurrla, who ran a Iruniic ut uimidolTnlatH Ms the. Unndurrtus, Is doiul. He was an old mini, und bad uu adveiilui'uus career. IBs reul nauu was Oooige llalduek. and was soniutltues known as Ueorge Price. Ho was educated for the Catholic priesthood, but in his day figured us thu l'nlclin I'aiu. as a circus proprietor, 11 minstrel manager aud what-not. lie was a Jovial old fellow, and a line mnslclan. In the bravo days of the Lyceum there was U benevolent fund local to the thenlre, Its hunurafy iiliyslclon was law woll known "Ikjctor Toiu. his full and (llgnlileil style lsdng Dr. Turn lloblnsoii. A largu number of old members uf the Lyceum eoiiipaiiy. with • leorgc Aluxaudci- of llielr head, sitioliiuiiei! Dr. Riibhisoii lo I'onferenist nt the St, Jaluei' Thenfre on Thursday, nnd presented hlu with uu Inscribed timepiece, likewise with 11 s'.-riill. ■ Miss Sanderson, un expert fi-ncifr. Is ap- pearing ut. II111 Metropolitan Mush- Hull, uud challenging Ull comers, CoIiiimInsiiUM In fencing are delighted with the show, but It does not strlko Inline lo ordinary uudlciicrM. Ou Saliirduy thu bluscupe Ihstiilliillou fruiu tin; Palace was sent down lu Han >lr I lie bum by Iho king's eoinimind. anil 11 liberal elec- tion of moving plcllires was uperated fur the diilectallou of ills Majesty und Ills guests. The siullcnci- sua- qulle n lot of Itself! Charles 1'rlmn ucqulred flu.- sole <rlghla of pliotographlfig the light, at tliu 'lutloua! Sporting Club, between flniniee Molr 11111I Tommy llurns. 'itiei-e Is an cuuriuous denmuil for the elueniiitugruplilc films, which are lu use In twenty-two of our variety thruiroa. Oile lurge ('(iiislgniueul . wus proiuptly de. spulcbed lo yiuirsldei In rcsisnise lo 11 lieiivy ilenmnd: and others ore in preparation. It Is u ciirluns fact Hint the only celluloid from whloh good i-lni'inulugraph results can bo ob- tained niusl -neods be Imported lo this loan- try front Amorlcu. When It returns, It cur- ries an Intrinsic duty us celluloid, und ad- ditional duty us 11 Dim. . Fregollnn, the baby quick change performer who uinde sneh 11 lift at (he Kuiplie, Is now In the provinces.' Thi'i-i! wild'q brrui 'crowd ut tlte opening of ibe Cimd ilicatre, lllnuliighmu, as a vaudeville jiuusc, ou Muliday. II Is 11 lurne alul viiiiiablo prnporiy In tin- heart uf the eii v. Thu u'licr vaudeville hulls urc not very Humifc goodwill's daughter, Marie, an- nounced lis "lust 11 plain American girl,' uinde quite u lill lit lliu Tlieutro Itoyul, Ifleti- nuind, on Mundiiy. Slat slugs nud ilaiH-en. A akitcb. i.-utliled "A Royal Uliiekmrill." vms pnsluenl nr Ibc Hnekney Kmpli-e--n store hall—on Monday. It Is by Mrs. T. P. O'Connor, und la suld to be fotmiM mi fact. Madge nirdli-sionc flKurcs uu a duehess In the hands of il 'ulhckmfillcr. She hIi-uIh 11 fuuilli Jewel lo pppeiise blm and u suiurl detecilvc getting un the.theft Is not only abb: to restore Tho.gem, but the duku's con- lltlenee In his unhappy lady. . VOsta Til lay,' eschewing pantomime, will nii|*nr at the -Vullici! Theatre during the Christmas season.... ... Jukft Joyro will Introduce 11 wonderful backing horse at the Palace Then ire on. Mon- day, lie ciime 111 Uiildiui, without eoutracfh, uud ut once fixed up with Mr. Hull. Ou Monday night Hu- Collsvuui reopens. Ireno Lie and li'ir "Kandy Kids" will figure nu Ihe. programme, Allx-rt Clioviilti-v !«■ Hn- feature. Osvmld Sloll promises that "notlilug shall lie't-heSp lien', snVe the prli-im." Morris Cronlu and his club Jugglers fill vis- itors to the Umpire wllh "Wonder nud amaze." Zhwco Bllll I'mlouliy, Hie wrestlers, met ut IHe l.oiulou Tavlllot! on TllCsduT aftorii'oon. to decide u wager.- l'adoiihy lost his temper. "nutted" Kbyseo In tbe face, and was dlsipmli- IIcd. 'Hicre is pd«- nn outcrv ngnlust wrcsc llnc ns a "degradation" of vaudeville, and 11 is prooiiblh llinl iimnaaiirK will lie Inclined to give ibis class of acts n long rest. Alfred Monle, of file Allnmhrn. has enmn linlne fl'nlll wllll qllile |l llllloli"! .t. .