The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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January 4, >»** H * .."' mm » t -.;.-•■-,■ '.' «'■*-. OllB CHICAGO UiTTHll. .•,.•■..;.•';•"•••"• •> . » :. ' ■ ■ •■■ " ' .-. .mosi ornt owk conREsi'ONDBJtr. ,.„....r,, ■;■■•■ a... i .. i ■ i~-i UV.lprn'Btir^u Al tb« N. Y. Clipper, CnteAfiO, Dec. 28, 1007. ' Several Important, changes tiro In Hue' for .«*. los^l'houses for Hie New Your, principal „ooiiK wtuW.urc: "The night of Way," with THE t <» 1263 ■Hush' besides all -the chauses In vaudeville, stock, melodrama una burlesque, at the other irmtses. • Millfy performnniS's were given «1nr- Ififj'tttft'weHc for .the Christmas festival, both ■|h Itfiilres mid nl. the various bulla alone 1 ■' Michigan Avenue, and other sections of the •its. Tne'.elly Is nllvn with Interest over 'the sev'ornl Now Year's entertainments which • 'Will anew at sundry place* on the eve of • I lie ■young year's advent, line} gnyoty premises m hr no stranger. were given nt nil : ' theatres Ohiistmns l-Hy,- Powers' mirt the l.u Mille giving' speelnl mnllnees on that ilay, Itnd ev«rj jiotiHt> was sol'l.out for both after- •nowi'ftnrt evening performances. JiJ.lxois'OV'Hl 'J. Davis, .manager).—Klslc '"•JiirflV lit '"■I 1 "* Hoyden," seems to have citptl- m ted the entire city, and Joseph Oawthorn • r MMMriO bivVe done the best work of his ('flTerr nt her chief comedy support. Miss ■Janls'. laipersonntlons, already eelebrnied jtmudi/t&S,iM havYi been enjoyed more lltaA ■ ever, firirtfh'e young star has-been accorded a hearty reception nt- every' performance. "Tho HoRT'a Brothers Jn runiima" follows Jan. fi. PnwKWi' i Harry J. Bowers, mannget-l.- mj'ppotted "by. ■«"'■'rtne ■ vastyio remain two ■ Wee 1 !!*. . - miinn-K /llothott C. Dure, mnnnger).— 'MnrenyetAnglln nod Henry .Miller hnvn been dupltcfttinjf. iheir MUMM In olher cities by . ; |Be aJfe'ndnhce which they hflvn drawn In 'OTie .Great Dlvld' 1 ". here, and the line Ritp- porijna company had coino In for rniiimoridii- '. lU*. 'also.- The i-ngn-tomcm; him one week • '-'hirtre lov'rim.' To follow,"The ns yet unnamed n'lai ot 1'aiiL Arnjfllron4,,which will, have Its "'iiivfmffrn anrt. fl. ' r • \ ;cdwi)itAK (George W. Lodercr, manager). ■•' WAtls/ono. pnsslng t.y this theatre eun see a iniig line (n the'lobhy u( almost any lime of •UlR day. upd Hie snlo fox "The Merry Widow" \*Con lit as Hv,ely n tult ris the opera u'.ti-lf, 'which Is ns delightful n cnnrncilon as ■ bns'evei' been heard here, and lhe Klnglni; la n mnrvi'l. Mothlni; eonld be more nenrly per- feet t,linrt' this offerlnir In Mints details, and i ii has :i long life liefore It In ilils rli.v. ' SxmiiF.rakcr (I'.dwanl .1. Sullivan, mana- ger).—Kolb and'Hill, In 'Tionesonio Town," . inline lh«lr loenl Klellnr debuls fills week, unit .unnejjd good .iiKjIo.nees. There Ik lllrie to the Mory,' (he runln theme being I'hnt.llio , Ifthnbltnelsof a small C'nllforliln 1nv.11, hav- ing the gold fever, leave the luwn alone unit two' traiiipstjilte hold «f It hnd run II: to milt ihetnwlves. ;• Kolb and inn, as the two irAnilWv njiwdeivtl the. "Kind's llngllsh" In •' • irl|ft"nitteli->nmedliui style, and Soger Mhlge- ' le'y iinm" i.lerlle Ciirllsle were able nsslslnnls •'ioM.Be enntedy. moments:. The pleco la well staged'-iiwl 'there tire some protlv miisleal ri'umilera; The eoneottlon Is by Jmlsou C. '•■" Itrnsle, iind Is In two acls. The run Is In- definite. * ; .... •'M/iViCRra's (George C. Warren, maoager). ' —True to Its trust, "In Old Kentucky" came ; . t j.: nils, 'house, agalh .for. the-two holiday vivi'lov. arid, mpiirlty, IiuhIiii'ns has ruled, as •- tl'filwaya doeii for this attraction.. The com- ' 'plinv'lH'n ;wod iiiiv, andithe various sreiiiw •' lire, haridsomfily sot. Kebls O'Bitlllvau wl'l -SS a HS.. h0,, i*»- '* the'New Year's bill. The Village -PnntniMter". Jan. S. . .. u . Howard's (Howard * Kllroy, mapagflrs). rifefrSffi ,, 'P f ti" T*\ m " <h appreciated H5H! %£?*' . ttn,, ihe tn'»tness was etcellent. <,il°rT 1 J M 5 n ,n .^ cw „ Y . ork -'' Nnw VearV week, Bhould do well. Following :.l,anra Alberln, M a Mnek star, who wlir nppror In muny of the plays wh«relo she won u line renutadon when she was a stock favorlle at the old American Theatre. Maukowh (Charles R. Marvin, mannger). -- A .stranget 1 in a Slraogc Mind" made a big: .laughing"hll this week, and.the-Chrlst- nns crowds en.lnved It grently. "Sky |.-nnu" is- the Aew Venr.'s bill. '.-l'Mnchon the Crlck- ti .(sit. It, ( Trkjx fnobert T. Metis,: manager).— l ansmn is booming alnns tn knueaM here, with Harrison Mlewsiri, Mat Mnrshall, Ahhle .Mltahell. Jerry. Mills nndlhe other clever People making Individual |,|t K . Nothing m.u-e tuneful baa been heard here In n long time, and 'the; great chorus of colored people Is fllnglnt? to ihe Uest ndvanliige. ■ . -'.MIUMma (l.ymnn It. (Hover, manager).— 1U.II week of nee. Wl Inelndes: lllehard iiofden and i-ompnnv, Mdw. ClflTke and 'Widows, U Hrlcn and Hftvol company, Mnson nntl Uarl. Jlerry and Berry, .liillus Tnnncn. taiey and I.ucler, AUbln-l.eonnl. Willy Klmmermnn, I eddy Trio, Casey and Crnuey, Cycling Zn- noras,:and the klnodrome. - •. Or.YMric: i.Vlie Jacobs, mnnnger). — Jllll week of ::<> Includes: Kdwln Stevens.and com- riniiy, •.•'Sunny. Souih." Snyder mirt ll'ucklev, Montrose- Troupe, ilrnee. Ilmuird, I'aul Itarni-s, holly nnd Vlolelle. I lie Orsous, Jeonelte Ad- Inrinitd cninpony, Tops anil Topsy, mid the lilnodrome. DwJiARKtyr (Wllllnm V. Nenklrl;, mann. gor;.—Kill week of :»i Includes: RUflnne fil- rnrdiif, O liana Sun, Honker* Arabs, O'llJt (ionlon, Iflll/nlielh Murray, Conn. Downey nnd Wlllnrd, (lien Biul. Welch And Karl, l're,| I,inn re, Hdnn. i.'nmnbell and comptiny, Ai'PItokii'M t-Mllward Adnms, nmnnger).—p Bill .week of .".0 includes: May Beffort, l.nln« H'Kvc. Utlly rlexmore, U. (!, Knowl's, Cln- qitevalll.' the night Vlullnns, Kilts nitd Wlml- ruin. Julliin Kose, nnd the mollou plelures, . ST,vt: IT. J. Ciirmody, ninnagcrl. —- ttlll week of .'10 Includes: llelpltlno nnd [lelmorn, l.llllnn Ashley. P'rlln, the yodler; Henderson mid floss, jrrM Sosmfln. Schorl'Troupe,-Mile. Martha, Thomns ,J. -(julglcy* and i lie kloo- drome. AcAiiRMt (William . .llpche,: manager).— "Ilrondwny, After Dark,:' seen this. week. Is full of the thrills jvhlch the /i.ihi/ncs .if this house enjoy, nnd tlie business has hern Trend. "Convict rwfl" tor New ycar'a^weck. '"KlkhC Hells" Jan. 6. Hum; (Wllllnm ICoche,' mannger]. •— "A Child of the Regtmant," which was seep-here Inst year, relumed lo line huslnens this week. "Through Heath Valley" Is Hie bill for New'Year's week. "Mtlle Heroes of the Slreel" Jan. r..- CKftKiiitiv (JOhn H. Hognn.' manager).— '•Through l>enlh Vnlley" was full of e-ielle- ment iiud'plnviHl lo Hue huslhcss Ihk week. '•l*nrled on llor Itrldnl Tour" will dro* good buHlnesa New year's week. Lottie William* pnys her nniuinl visit to Ihe North Side -week of Jnd. ti. 'Crti.i'Mnus (Weber Hros., mnnngersl.—f.ol- tle Williams, In -Mosle, tlw l.lllle aludcapr" played to (Inn business thin •reek, nnd Ihe principals of Hie company did «plendl<l work. "The Ninety nnd Nine" Ni w year's .week. Cole and Johnson," in ™I!mI Shoo-h'ly "Itegl- nient," Jan. 0. , Ai.ii.vmiuiv (Weber Ilros., maDagers).-- "Con'vlet Dlltl" did H.llne buslncfs thl* week, ■und the production wns n tine oee'. "A Child of,the Heglment" New YenrlF week. Hurty Clhy Blahny, tn "The Boy DMcctlvo," next, • •/CM.iijmt. (Jolui 3'.''Connors,' mtinnget).-{— Which Is one of the linildsoinest ever huh- brother-in-law bns vnhinblu mining Interests - In that vicinity...' AnilJ" A«1ams was a mako Ida 1 AmerlcRti stcllhr demit hero Jim. IL In "I'eggy Mnchrcc," supported by lOlsa ii.viui mid a cninpeiciir company. I'rlil.iy the '...vnnniuil ciirlstmns mntlnre occurred, and poor !•.. children from nil over Iho city saw the play, -nnd presents were distributed to them. I'.iavn ( Harry -Asliln. RUUUA-g),—ICleaaor i' flnbson, In "Salfany Jan<j." baa on^, mop) -,*p«lc lo run, nadi the hnslnoss has been line, ns Hie production and tho supporting enm- poiiy deserved. Tho principals are splendid, min the mlhor characters arc every bit .as Kood in .their snvofal,parts. .Kara,Kendall, , : Jnn"Tho I,nnd of Dollars," follows Jan. 6. ■; Clliaxdo OraitA HotlSH (I'ranh S. Rivers, • mnnnger).—Wllllnm .Hodge, In "Tho M|tu . From. Homey with iheililcntlenl citaf which made It so popular during lis long run at Hit .Studctinker. Mr. Hodge ;ind tlie other , inomhe'm were .given many ourtilla enlls tho . opening, night, sml the stnr vn obliged to mnke n short speech. Tho ndvnncc'snle Is . benvy, and Hie play will undoubtedly be .with us for some' limn tn come, us it deserves. Gpliir SniiTiiiniN- fKred ('. Kborts, mana- ger).—"Ilnp" Word, In "Not Yet. Hut Soon," . the ridiculous offering which made so ninny laugh Inst senson, returned fc." the Ohrlsi- . .inns holidays, noil duplicated Ihe record of Inst. year, having a very good company wllli , hlro.. There |r one iotip laugh while tbo jovial stor Is before tbo footlights. Utile Chip nnd Mory Marble, In "Drenm City, come for New i'car'R week. Charley ilrmpewln, In "Tho Awakening of Mr. I'lpp," Jnrt. ti. ;:• . •£*.• SXi.r.n (Mori ir. Singer, mnnnRpr).-- ; - "The Girl Question" passed Its two hundred I h :t pijrfonorineo Monday night, 2.1, with hand- • ,. some sonrenliN of a gold stick pin, inotinted with a penl'j, inn) In Ihe Rhapc of tin ititerrn- , giitJon point, being given the remain portion nf.fho iiudienrc. The muslirnl come<ly bowls along In merry style, nnd the iillernllons havo mliterlaHy, Increitse.d lis drawing powers. "' Wihtnrv (SRin P. (lersoii.iniinuger).—Tho . , four hundredth performance of "A. Knight for a.Hay" will occur New Year's week, with l'4dle Redwav and l>onil l'am In Hie roles of Jonathan and Tlllle, respectively. Miss CULWM with tho road company and mtder- ■Miidy. to both >llss HHfl and Allss A'nken. nnd hn i mnde n distinct hll In the part, nnd Hcri- w& well Hkefl 111 Slnrln'n old part. . . X'oiAKfli: .<r-'.ltznheth Schobec, inatiager).— '•The.Cricket on the Honrlh." with Morris McHugh nn Coleb Pluoimor, hos been pleasing big crowds (his week, nnd Is truly a-(Inn i-^iirlstmns offering. All Ihe ehnraclers In 1 hl.-s beautiful Dickens story lirn well |inr- trnyenl hy.-the clever slock company. "Hiit'ld Mlofuro," Willi Mr. Mellugh as the clever Dntld, and Beryl Hope ns Alary Blake, will ,l»e tho bill. New Year's week. . . Hn«rf (I'idwtn r,." Barker, manager).— .,. ,;"Aloilisl' invo the eompnuy a lino nppor- i HiliHy. lo display Its ability,- nnd no effort: was ■inching. ■ Blanche Crrmler. who has recently closed a MieewfUl slnrrlng tour In "l,eoa BlverH." mnde her debul ns the new Ingenue, alid-. Itumedlnlely made hundreds of friends .,hy,,l>er cleverness'and personality. Alary HUl also made a big-hit on her llrst nppear- once, nnd Ihe company Is grcally stren^lh- caeii by HieiM two clever women. Miss Kelm HD.awarded grant applause for her emo- tional ncllng. "Wlien We Were Twenly- .lute," with Mr. Unas na Dick, nnd Mr. KIU nmMlM as the Imp. Is the New Year's bill, ■• '.'Almn. Snns Geno" .Inn. 5. /NTrtf.jtivfinNAi. (Hills V. Gllckdinn. mnnn- (rer)>^"r,a fllneonda" Is Iho new bill an- nounced for Ihe closing week of the ftensou, 'Which has been lo a certain extent success- ful. 1 The .performances, however, deserved ' hftW-'piitronllge than they received. Mr. Ahrnmson, dire, lor of the compony ulnylug Itete, v savs he will return next season with a beiJep efpilpmeiit «t singers, seencrv and cholits, nnd will try to break down Ihe re- rnnlhdor of the wall which he found net up tignlnst him on Ids entree this season. ..■-FROrr.'K'M' (Prank Benl. mnnnger).-!-"Tho • Night: Before Christmas 1 ' wns bath wel . Played- nnd llbefl ibis week, '"llie I'nlal .W.efldlhg," seen here many times In tlie melo- Hsfc.-d by a wig concern,. aMtSntUM -lielug fully llliistrnltsl with cuts of nigs ami half In varlohs forms, Is'ftill of llistrneitrtn which Is liivnliinlile to' the perforaier. '.Mr. Ne- gresenn hits conducted a ' very aggrewlve irdvertlslrtg rnmnnlgn In tho cnlubms of Tin: Oi.ii+rr 1n the pn«t eight' mouths, a Ml, finds that the returns nre splendid, .and'lhc present rnlitlogue was niaiU- passible partly ihroiigli The resiilfs ■ whl ii Tilr. Ct.lfiuui brought linn, tin the cover, which Is ait cf teetnetr handsome design, he states "Welch the Wlggerv •nds.' hi every liistie of TttR Ni:W YonK Ci.irfKn," thur proung his faith la Tun Oi.n itm.iAiit.i: The Chicago Ttl- : mllcr .■eii . (Atifly and Jenirle- Adnrms) were Iri the city fo^nhe holidays, and wontd open ImmWIniely (i, and reported that he and his wife •A ad, following. -Berne Shsrpsleen (of the Borne rtharpstem Comedy ca.l cnlleil wtlh him. Toe roniiMny Is laying off for the holi- days, null will reopen In Michigan Jim. d. They extended Hie season's gr.eilngi'. ■••... Howard fc Ihiyle, Ihe hooking agents, at OB •WnshlliBlou Street, have lieen doing some line bookings uf bite, lioth In Hie dramatic nnd Vnlidevllle Held, and report thin biislners Is much letter than It wns some weeks ago. I'm Inerense of rrmllnVncc has compelled liemilosls Institute, of Al I.b Salle Street, la Loxln J. Hnwnnl. the aggressive manager, tn a most worthy institution, which tins h»en Iherease IHs ofllee staff, nnd he has slso fur- henellted In tho past by performances glvcu hIVhed his oNpandcd oilier*, lbs' now In various local meat res, ami ihcv now Iksii.. .Hi<>y niv ns line as uny bonking nfllcc« in. Ihe a immplilet conbilnlng lnformntlnn . InViUilii- «ly.... .(lit* Simon was a caller 211. b-ivlng Jili> In members of Hie profession and outers, Just returned from n Ibnsi muiiibs' nip to who nre nltlleed with this disease. Such the 1'nelilc const, w-hoi-e he has Iss>d ndver- an Institution, governed us this Is. should. Hslng fur W. I-:. Long & Co, Mr. Simon wns have the assistance uf (lie whole ellv, for Ihe it 'itu tnl.ct- of the l.lllliun Ian Co., for benellls which may lw> derived from' l,h" p'iy- , line, was private seoroinry to lien, Cmnje slclnns attending lliere are beyond value during Hi.' liner War. and speaks live differ- llnrr.v Mini, representing llie Kllroy lliiliou-:enl liingimgos. and Is n clever diminutive nltrnetlntis, nnd also general represent nt Ire comedian.... Bruce Illmililn wns a culler 2(1, of the Carl Ilugenbcck und (Irent' Walliic«..w|irhlng the compliments of the sennon, ond Shows, combined, Is in (own itsaln. nnd meet- suited ihnt Mrs. Ilinnldo, wliu nii-l. iv-eiii a ing nrnnv liiindreds of bis friends. Mr.-Kllfl prions operallnn at one of the loenl 'instil- ls also a r'liiir, of which he Is very prowl, ..inN *nnii- time ago. was recnvcrlng r.iiihlly nnd docs everything In his power to further:'.anrt i.lmi they would soon be nble io resume i lit; ends nf thill most worthy iissnmbiage of" I heir vaudeville bnbklngs. . Ilt-llilley nllll rpilil and pen men. He Is an Itiilcfnllgublo. ..I.cona nre bllM reh.nirslng u new nc| by ihe worker, and wheihor In Ihe. i-Jly Oft.illl llie ■ liro'lltlc Jack Huriieti. which will be a distinct roiut, nlwnys hits "something up hls-.sleevc"' novelty In vaudeville. They will carry which will mean dollars-In Ihe people ho-, nr.specln) sel. The nci Is entitled "The I-ami represents Kmncls Wilson. ..Who :J*..of.!Jlohemla;" nnd hi Ir llie lwo will hnvn sliirring bore In -"When Knlgnt* •■ Were -plenty of opnuriually to illipnly llielr hne Uoltl." nl Powers', hns supiiiIlteTt the .-.voices. In fact, It Is seldom I lint such line scennrl-r of ti play lo i"bni-l«ls 'I'mlimnn, voices are heard on the vaudeville singe. Ml** which I'inr mannger bah n/cppbsl,.'..i..-.uls" l*rnin i* ti siilemllil nlnnlsi, und will tll'«> Hanve.v. of llnnvey, clnrk and l-rbleniii.'give nn e\bl|.||lon uf her uhllliy In this ill wiiios' frorn BntHe Creek thiii "III* Ro.vs .rectlnii. The net will he hnndsnntely cos- Who Cnn sing" are qtectlng nTlh.grenl so.-', tifthed... .11. J. Lancaster, for several years .•ess, und -linvi* made many friends .In 'Hint dnorlender nl Ibc Tolly i'hentre, died Hec wi-llon of t1p> enimtry...,. 'I'heT'ltnmns Hrr '"0 following an opei-nllmi nt n hospital In chesirn heneiit, scheibilerl for Jan. J>, 7. UK: fttu city. He Was n hrnilier-ln-lnti' of Mr. Oniieslrh Hull. nromlM>s in he a great hlg Blllln, one of (lie prime mover.* Ill Ihe iVeil- success, nnd muoh of.tho.wortVif-'lHtanglng etu wheel of Imrlesoite. Ills loss will he Tell It Ik iituler the chhrgp. nif'."ilos^' 'f.lnden iineply hy ninny In the profession, M he otis .Smith, of lloslon. Ills wife Will have e.lmrg* ,w*ll liked nnd knew many thousand* lif'pap. of Ihe rccfltsl deserlptlfiu,s. J3r-.tbi:.:-tVU|i: scones M i. IhiIh on and off (he singe,' IVof. I'. nnd liionil episodes.... .'.VMbitiW Hiynnii; 'J.. Illilge, prnprlelor of Ihe Ureal Western abend of the «iertrude .BwfnftMlit, in, Snnlb- Hrnmnlic School, hns sent this odlre Ii line west Texhs, wrlhw I hot Jle-'nud « imrrpw es-t .cabinet iihoiouripli uf hiiiiseJf with host cape from ilea Hi recently Uiv.-l'febin'ne. 'roc. wishes lo us for ihe cniiipllninnt* of Ihe A man.mimed Mnson-Jind coojmltt^i.ipiirder. .scjison Among bookings for Towers la In Ihiit IhWu JitsC' nrhnr ta'Mr.'-Bre««n's-«T- follow "The Rlghl of Way are "Tlie Squaw rival, and the'key.Tnle*', nnd.. imp" nnd Mnrle Horn, who mnde siudi u n<-r- been cspeelnllv ehiisttitvlnr-l Wrfttng bp the. sonul lilt lns( yenr whin niilng n» lending crime. Brenen tills phpeH npiro In Indy lo William i.lllelto at litis sntne bouse, his iisiint'li'uslnnss-llhe nfhnne'C alii) (iW:ed far ....If Is niiiioiiiussl llml Kdille h'oy will the is 111 or.. ("me of Hii; •fjwjh''. t» ;lhn. room he swu In this eliy In Hie Siuiiiu for one renclted for bin hlfi' Jtoekri, Laj't .demnnded .performance ns llie inelnncholy Ibine. In ihe nature nf flrenon's vTsll.. "I'he.lnlier held -iiumlcl." Tlie "A Knight for a Hny" bis hands lo Ills coal: poetei.-t forliiinilely, Co, enjoyed a Chrlsliuns dinner ill a local for, ns It dflcrward deyAlbju'd.-.tlto', editor hotel, nfler the I'hrbilmii* night perform- ihoiufht llreuon wns llie ..nitiM-erer, wjio' was niice. una InlkMl over the long distance nllll nl large, for ilm rei.enihlnjwe'.bi'lWeeii 'plume wllbmeiuliers nf I ho cninpnny tiliiyliig liiem wns so stiiklnk. .and lie. :inld:;Brenoii ■ nt .Wnlmek's, New Vork I.lnn Alinrha- lb/it hnd he mnde if nioVoIWhlch could pos-■• nell gnre a pnrly nl bet* liolcl in Ihe pHli- sllilv hnvn heBti lilter'pl'otrtd' nff "reaching elpnls of "The Merry Widow" •'»„ t'lirlsi inns I'nr'a' gun," he would li"n\*e--k-fllAI kiln htghi. ilnp Ward a«ve his company it Christ- inji<• supper, wllbii wns very cnlnynlile. on Ilin spot, ns Mnson was liiinivii lo he a very des|ie.rule mini;,'..-, .s-Jurllii.."The Olrl on Her Toes," writes front Mexlito Hllyv. Mexico, wlterc she hns.bifn NVftiy jiiw-ccssful fts'thc i>r<mtrrc aaRMtwIa iii' ; l.luU J'iick, tliuti she will remain there itntHJim. 1,. anil thou- experts to relurn toCnl/irgu lo. take up In Ol II M SIHAt.lAV II I'TCll. '-■'• mill tint OWN OOnRKHI'ONIII'tXT. Sviixkv, Nov. 2(1. „ Al Her Mnjesly's Til'litre, on (snl nlulu, "The lllne Monti" entered upon. lis Until week, when Hie various lli-nis were mlny bookings on Hie Wcnlcrii;V«tfd«»llh>'.Mnmi gcrs' Asso-intlon time.;'..The milciigo phap. ler of the Aciots' Church Al Hani); will hv .warmly encored by " good iluilleiicc (In next tmnellted tlu-nngh a jierfprmalicV -in,' tm given Hirtunlny, J. C. Wllllnnisoii will proiluco bv iKninhl' Ilohcrtson nt MuSfc" llnl), Jnn. 7, "Jwidy Madcap." "filii |e llerpi^ olftua itrvot.'' wo<a',s|ilfciid il alfractloa litis wivih: Uitlle .Wl'.llnnid, In "JoHtc, the I.lttlo Mndenp," 2B-Jan.'i i./'Tho Thief, the Banker nnd Mle <Hrl"" 2-4, "Through Death Valley" G-8, "No Mother lo (julde Her" ft-11. Btisluess continues line Bert. ■'■ J Ki.-son'S (Sid J. Kuson, rannager).—Tho Casino (;lils did a Hue business this week. llie (Ihy Morning Cilorjos will provide the New Year's cuterlalnmtint, wlili n rnmpiiny full of prettv women, clover comcdluns, and other good people. The burlesques, "I'lenh- nres of l'arm" and "lforhiddcn tectilt," nre wild to be very funny. Thi) olio Includes : Snltj: Moore and Clara Raymond, In "A Self- made Mnn;" the Kngllsh Belles, Hill, Cherry und JllU, Smith and Brown, and .hums und Lucia Cooper. Krltlny (HniHteun night l«;a weekly Innghfcst hefe. The "New York Suits Jan. 5. Vol-'-'*' ('John A. 'I'cnnossy, manager).-— Sam 'Devere's company bits been playing to overflowing bouses this week. The Vtushln''- ton Society flltis On. In on for New Xear's week, anil nromlsos a riot of-fun nf the right kind. Tbeie nre plenty of musical numbers and plenty of singer* to handle Ihem. Ib- jrnther with it good of coinedliinH to keep Iho fun going nl a 2 MO gall. There Is plenty nf novelty promised, nnd pretty gltia tn llie chorus, and ptvlly women among the prin- cipal* In nrouse interest. ' i. TiiocAOnto (i. M. Welngnrten, mnnnger). —The liny Mnsquermlcrs did llnely thin week, nnd plensed the iiudloncfs. Ilohle's Knlcker- honkers form Ihe hill for New Year's week, nnd luive ihe exlrn nllrnelion of Cleo, Ihe (llti lit KM, The burleknltes nre "The Ar- rival of Prince llndjl" and -'Murphy's MIs- ba|is," belli of which hnvn a good supply of comedy nnd Jlnkle, wlllt clever people lo In- terpret Ihe chnrnt'ters. There nre forty pen Al Ihe Theatre lloytl (here wim.ngnlu n line tittendtiiice on Halitrdny, Himn the imnlntly comical scheme uf "llri>n'i>ler's Mil- ITOns" wits blluyhtilly unfnlded hy Thnmns Kingston, Mrs. Itohert Jh-ougii, Oregnii Me- JMaboii anil others of I be Wltllneisnn flrn- lunth: Co. The proiliii'llou or Sutrn s "John (ilsdje's Honor" I* (lxisl fur Hi'.-. T. TJio eilh'l lalllilH'lltH of ..lllnh'i niirlh llllll ■uivsierv. provldi.d by iTIuitirs J. Curler,' at Iho I'lihirc Tlieiiire, urn iiltriietlng good nildl- juifi-'jn- being ustoiiildiHl nt lhe won- derful fcnls porfni'ineil. The Illusions Include: I'iyio. the mysteries of I,. Ilnssn, Ihe Mngl- I'til lilviircc, the Asinil .'land, mid llfieen ntlniites With tho Chinese Wlxnt-d. The As- tral Hand, roslltig on n sheet of gins*, an- swers rpiesllinis by IHliplug Oil llie glass, while In the Mngtcnl Itlvoivu, n figure disap- pear* Inslnullv nt the smttid of n revolver . shot. Abigail 1'iien's "Tbnughl 'JriiusCcr- Klkhnrt, Oosbtui, Anderson. Li.gunsport anil ence" wag'llie sulijeil lif tiuich iiivstlfleiitlnti, l'ruiikfort lo follow I.'nllowlr.g the en- knfl'a remarkably olevsr IttTB wait, pill luiby casemeat of "Tin: (Ireat Dlvhle" tit Ihe flnr- Allan Hhnw. the coin ninnlpiilelnr, . rick, n iie-v piny, hv I'nul Aimslrong, will lie.--At (lie Tlv.dl Theatre, tbo progmmme sub- seen for Iho llrst lime on any singe. The milled by the management, on Hiilurdny nf- Snn i'arlo (ipnrn Co. wns scbeiliiled lo roi-• terauon. was ol exceptional merit, and the low Ihe MOW! pluv. bill Iho engagement Wns house was go cr.'wdeil lhcrt> w«a IMt Iransfe.rred tolhe Auditorium. ...The Waidis- ' £jw(i standing wlien llie ciirliiln rose, nor tin. nppenred In "Chosts," at Powers' The grenl'Mi - nllrnelion wits "Lit Sylphe," n Inst Mondny iniitlnoc. To-morrow Ihey will. yoi"l>."l dnn.iniiso, who, ••■lining direct from be seen Hi "I'VosI: Im l-'riiehlhig." hy "The Alliomhm. I.oiulon. crntiled n /«iwe, inn Lriift Illsa llynn will he ihe lending. J»d to appear iigiiln nixl ugnln l» miienlnl woman for llenls O'HnlllViin when he com- encores. Slocc (bo days icf Is.le P idler, few inenci's bis slnrrlng lour III M.'Vlcker'H Jan. nerforiuers Juice nppeni'.vi behind the font when "Sigurd, Hlumde" will he given for the llrst tlnie In Amcrlcn. A roeaHMli' to Willlntu ■ Jlislge, 'sfnr of "The 'Moil I'fbni Honie," will niso he fclven In l lie Aililllnrliim I'iu-iorn, afternoon of l*cc. :to—Karl Htan- ley writes Ihnt be is wltJt Ihe Kriuik I.. Long Stock Co.; plnvlng nt Schfnrtx Opprn Jlnnae, wuuikcgan, HI., ChtisUniis Week..... l.uclllo Spinney, who, MUM her «ar«r la Ihe profession some yearn ago was gltirtetl, hns plsvcd every vnrlciy or female • roles, from Ihitl of Ktllllin, hi ••Kdltlln's llurglnr." to loads ntid henvles In llrst cluss ninnnlsa- llons. Is nt present lending woinnn nl' tltc slock company nt the MaJ.^sllc Theatre, in- dlnnapoIlM, ii ml Is meeting with great suc- cess.-. . .Tha Tbroo Blvnrds (l-'runk .K., ls>na Mac nnd Burr ID.wiiie that they nre play- ing dule* through Indiana, being 111 tiroiul llnplds. Mich.. Clirlsrnuts woek, .und nt IM Civiitnl, Mni'lon, Hid., .New 1'enr's week, with MASSACU1 HUTT*. ■ »Bg«o1i.^i-Kxcy.[rtlilflhll.v gootl lilfls nrojiro- vltlrd nt the loexl plnynhops this week. Three ltnpoi'tnnt noreitk* nre: "The DnlrymaliK' lit the Park; l-'rnnrln Wilson. In '"When KhlglrtH Were Hold," nt Ihe llollls Slreel, and '"Phe llnad lo Yesinrdny," with MInole lblpreo, ill Ihe Mnjestlc. Krmcte Novell!'Will appettr in the. Mnjestte, In repertory,' at spectnl mnllnees during Ihe current fortnight. Coil tin lied nltriiclbitis nre: Montgoineryriinid Stone. In "The Bed Mill," tit tho Cnlofilnl. nnd Lew Hockstnrter nud bis iiilnsirehV.iii Ihe Hluhe. There nre good holiday hills .pre- sented in the stock, vaudeville iiiiiI liurlcsipie bouses,'and new feature* are offered al tlin museums nnd moving picture re«iiis. Busi- ness innlnlitlncdn giuul average last week. I'.mik (i'hns. Kmtiiiinn, lllch A llariis, num- ngersi. .-'•Tlie I in I ry in it bis." new lo Boston, Is the allrao.iliin here opening nn exiendcit stny Isr. Mil, Priimlneni are : Eugene ii'ltiuii-ke, lldiinr Alelilsmi My, langrord Klrkhy, Mnbcl Itiilllns. Bessie He Vole, Hon* Ho|H' nud Km |''rnuels. "i'lie llypocrlle'i'' clos.-d 2S, nfler MIX weeks, nf evenly gootl business. 11 hi. i.i a Sti:i:i:t' (I. II. IHcb, Mithnger).— frinicls Wilson, In •'When Knlghis Were llulil," opened ,'in, for a lwo wmuf engnge. liiem. 11.' follows n prosperous fortnight f»r Xnrc. liiSHlwIn, In'ivpotiiiry, which ,lne|nd- e*l "The Mnslcr Hand, ii new piny, by Car- rol! I'Meinlng nnd l-'loreiui- Miller. M\.ii:miii' I A. I.. Wilbur, mnnugerL—"The Ittitt.l hr V.'sr.'i-il.-iy," with Mlllllle Ibiprce, for a forttilgjii. |u llie si|pportlng rompnny ar. : lloheri Iswpsier, MnrKlinH"\velch, Mien- nor .Moi-eril, WIIIIiiiii fin riv,.. J til la Bbnic nnd Ksther li.voiis. 'Flic Snn Curio flrnnd Opera i'o. hnd ilir.'e weeks of gratifying hiutoeii ending 2K. c.ii>i\i\t. (finis. I'rnhinnn, Blek It Harris, The reiiinrkahly successful en- gagement of Monfgflpiei'.v nnd Stone, in "The KmI Mill." will come to i close on Jon, *. The nliu h week of .'iipaclty hiislnnsa will then hiiv.. eiuled. "Tlie Hound I'p" II. . • Ji.niiK" iStnlr, Wllhnr A. Nlcitlal, inann- gel-wi.i—Lew Hneksindef nnd his merry mln strel laud hold o'.-er for nnnlher wm>k. Busi- ness tm. been good ilia, fur, i lillANIl IM'lUt.l llousit itleo. W. Milgec. nam men. .'"hie ilpllnvt's cbrlslnins" Is the ciirl'eni .a(i|-ncH.iir, fa !■•' follovvi'd. Jan. (I, hi "The li.iek.v Moiuilaln Express.'.' I hiring I'hrlslntns' week big irmyds enlluised ovef "It's Never "Win Late-l<i Mend." ' •' . Ho.srox (l.ltitlsny MoiiMin, manager).— "flkMh Hoys, Cheer" bus proved u highly pivepiiiluo holiday lilll nnd will be cniittnued diliiiig Hi' citi-reiit lavs. S, II. <». ntgn I* niueh III evidence. i 'iHTl/i. ' Sip .Hit: ( Ihvstun Singe SoCletV. mniunini'e).—"I'lti' MUttido" I* enntlnued by I lie slock olieni cnui|llllly until Thurnhj evening of this week, when "llnmeo und Juliet" will be prrucnicd. "The HondolUrn" will lie the olfetiiig for week of II. I'tttrnlt- me litis been good Unwinds Hi)>'um Hi. I'. I.illnop, malin- ger). The LnlhrO|ii. Sluei, Co. Is seen (bis week. In "Ksenpnd from Slug Slhg," led hy liiiu'inii.. Hum noil' Arrbur MnlUnnd, l>Ur big Tin* ptlSI Week tho jilinuia turned nut lit gonilly iiumls't's Jo ivlttiess "The Bnndli King.'' 5 Kkith'n III. I'. Kellh, mnnnjterl.—.'Plie slciiltiK curds ihl* w-'ii mo: i:vu Tnngiiny. litigntK' Jepsiui nud cnhipnuy, -M»S Toutlillloii Truitpi', the Siindwinn*. Hillou Bros.. i)i|ln- Inn und Mark, Mr. nnd Mr*, tictin Hughes, ■T'hc C. am I it Chelr." LIU In Hip, .Mont- goini'ry and Moore, ilic Pelnls, Crouch And lllrhiirilg. the Nnliretas, Henry and Kitincb*, nud newest uintlou plctut'es. Ilitslness con tlnili'S ill top notch. <•/ iiiti'iu:i-.M (Percy (I. Wllllninsy mnnnger). -'--Itopble Willi liov'ully I* the bill fflfWTek of lii'e. ,i0, Tim en ids: Lily Lena. Ilytlais ■mil Alclutyre, Hlnley'H Trnlisforiilnllon,'Ko- nornIt, Mine. Mlulle's horses, linslon and lircnii,. l'Ti'dcrlek Bros, and Burns, Artnur Whltelnw, Les Jnrdys, and the kliiclngrnjili. |.'i'W vnennl sents urn wen here. . In "Peggy Mnehroe." Tim Apollo i -lull t.'Mve "The Messiah" ill i ii r-lu-.l in Hall nlghls nf Clnislmss nnd 27, Willi ibe iiksIsi* nnce nf Sibyl. Sntnmls, Aiihur Mlddleion; f'brlsllue Miller mid lleod Miller. The lights, whose gmee, tnlenl nnd jieamy can compare nilh "tit Hylplie." Hneley und West, entiled)- muntcbins ; Hie I'lve Willi el.'.i >-. Ilmirl Ahiaadi r mid Tom Iiuwkoii eiiusnd ns iiiilcb lilletent us over, the Inllnr iiiiiklng a hll of I'bnnuis Orchestra played, aiid Arilnir Dun- JM song, "1 in Lnlng lo Sing a Hong lo inn lisnl obviated at the oi-giin. with Hnrrlson, taw t.yenlng. M. Wild, lending II I* stilled thai. Joseph ,.,.U Ihe Nnllonnl Ampul henlre on Sa ur- Sheehnn will organlxe mi Kngllsh .imnd . dVy;, lliei-e wns also a crowded nitdlence, when iiin comtmnv. of which Ihe chorus Opertt 0a. on the plans of the old ensile lll'don. "Lntjier.ic of Mngc," iniidn Ills Syd- tMmiit^nSr^^tSwoiStW, WtJ Si uare Opera Co.. nnd give the sinndiird and *k> <h'but. Severnl of HI* Irclm were not crniul operas til Ihe Inlernailnniil Thenlre, «ww l» Sydney nudlenens. but the whole per- linmedlnielv following the close of the I lliliun foinuiu.-e w;is i clmni.'lnrlwsl by grenl dex- tlrnnd Opera Co. nt that house. ..... I'm*, 'iwliy. A itinlMI reeeptinn was nccorded lo pe-ls nre thai Ibe Molrnpnllifin tinind Opera" * r-nnlon. Ihe coon sung dnllniiiinr, while Co. will he lienrd nl. Ihe Auditorium In the Ityn tan and her lwo iilekiotliinles, nlenseii (lllheti and ITo Mtllotl: hre mnaJUJ Ihe prln- clpnl istople llsliil ns entertainers. Snm Mcrlbner's Big Show Jnn. r.. RatPfBH I Wllllnm Singer, mntingijr).—The Meri'v Maker* hnve indeed made merry nt .Ibis West Side hnnec this week, nnd did ti good business. The (Inlety (ilrls come for Ne»v Year's grenl.lugs. nnd tire assured of good business', fur tin' cninpnny Is a grent favorite, and Include ninny well known peo- ple In (lie burlesque field. New songs, dnnens, jokes nnd u Inrge'-ehnrus fire promised. l.oNini'i DlMC! (W. J. Sweeney, mnnnger).—The holiday business hns been line, und tlie ninnag.-ment made all Ihe per- formers happy .by giving Ihmil cash present* Chfbtlnws IMiy. The,.foi|nwliV{ nre In tho iiirlo hull: Mntliini Bowman, clny fnudelei 1 ; I'amplin, juggler; Prlncii Mnnan M l«i p'orln's nlilgnfors, nnd.Venn's Punch nUn Judy. In Hie theatre: Bessie St. Clnlf, Myrtle Hny, Susie liulhrle nnd the Oriental dancers, i CLAIM Sthi:i:t M'.'skiiji (L. M. Il"dgcn, ■mannger).—Business hits hew gowl during 1lio holiday seilson. 'lite all rati Inn* are well worlh n view, nud Hie many rami visitors during the heavy shopping sennon Imve token advantage of litis opportunity. .»t-Ti:HSt.*Tit.—The Western Bureiiu of Tint New York Ui.i l'i'iiit 'has received many ex- pressions of gisid wishes for tho holidays, and among the Chrlstmns and New Year's greetings, acknowledgment Is made of lho following from: The Krlurs, I'Tod noughts, Waller P. Botto, l.ollle Wlllllims, l.orlti J. Howard. Jn<* Biirncll, Krank S. Itlvers (man- ager Chlcngo Opera House), Nan Venom uress ("Tha County Chairman" Co.), L. 11. Taylor, mannger of the Taylor Trunk Works ; John Nash, Frank He Leon, Chnndns llrcnoii. Lord and Thorans Advertising Agency, Lu- cille Splnnev. i'. Itlchnrtls, Blanche Cronler, John Heron, Will J. Sweeney, Al.': O. Krone, 'J'. J. CnrmoiJ.v. mnnnger of the Star Theatre; IL D. Klfr.pntrlcic. mnnnger (Inlely Theatre; Sid HiiROn, Master Slater, Miirgnrct Sever- ance, Miss Sanders, secretory. Chicago Chap- ter Actors' Church Alllniice: Md. Rowland, (ienrge K. Wood, J. Negrencou. Clarence K. Witney l*o»t*r Printing Co., and Prof. P. 1, Itldge. of the Western nramatle'Rrhool The Wlggary (J. Negroseou, proprietor), of. ]U2 Sinie Street, has Issued a new catalogue, Spring, nnd tilso Hint Huniiucrnlciirk Miin- liiiiluii flriiiid Opera Co. will he lieuid there. There I* nlso n pnssibllliv of "The Hound Vp." "Ilnn-Htir" nud olhor inamninili proilui'- Ihuis Isdng seen there. Kuril year nfler this JClflw *': Jlrlaiihcr will give ti Chrlslmiis pnn- tomlme nt the Auditorium on the order of. Mngltsh riuntomluies, and plans am now under way for mammoth productions dining the lain Spring nnd Summer moni lis. of mieh spec ■4ne jieopb' irifs, itiiunli's, pie . vnsilv. Olle'r* nre: Wslly Mi- llie deserlpllve ver-nlhil : Mnslcr llllll, the iiAv singer: Mminlnr mid t'tttnt. strung :m*n: Ward l,cnr, Hu> coiemnn sisters, Curl- ton und Snllnn, Utighlle Stnllli ami Frank Vork. At Ihe Criterion 'I'hentre, oi Salurdny, Wm. Anderson's Drttmnlln Co, jiroilureil "Tha ' Hold," nn Australian piny, written Land of li»,,fjenrge lurreli, whb'ii wns n grext silc iii< ; ren"n*i"iire now seen til. »ji«* • 111 cirwul rome. i *-«jl*«. In the enst gre llugenle Unggon, Ada Ne«' York Mrs. f'.itrlrk Cnntpiiell may JJW seen linre during Iter coining engsgemciix nl. the finrrlck In "lilecthi," ihe inm-Milon being mmle from (lie liertunn by Aiihur sy- iii. uis which II of mi i nns I it hi adapted for tlu- (lei'intin singe Muster Sinter, a-clever. Ciilir.ud. Ada cranvllln, lien Jlnlley, Oenrge .Cross, Lnureiicn Hunluir und ICduiuiiil Dug fin i ' ■ ■»*» vuicnit. .... Norfolk.—Al. Hie Academy of Music (Olio Wells, local mummer i "llrewsler's Millions," voun; perforiner, was on llie opnnlnir bill of the Itew lloselnnd Thonlrci unit .was given bin H,.c, "«, 21. to olegnnl: relurn*. Kelcey nnd cusloninrv narwHl reception nnd. npplntisc ' Sluuuinn followed 2!l, lo very good relnilis, for bis refined gel -.I'ora ■ Jniltig-, "Mndnin Hullerfly." nt mlviinceil prices, de blood Corsnti mid her ftexleite hnve ls*en nluy lug an ongngemniit In tills city nud .ihtpllcnt- Ing the success which Ibcy. niiidiv.lbrough- oiit the West. Mbts Cors.m hll* Jiisl .recov- ered from n very severe i;o)d, whlclt uanie near -making her cnneel her IIme. They pluv Wheeling. W. Vn.. New Year's week, with Wilmington. Del.: Trenton,'N. J- and Kee- ney's, Brooklyn, lo follow.... iililsln Jnnls, slar of "The Hoyden". Co. playing'nt Iho Illinois, wns given n surprise, pnrly-Chrlsl. inns night, when,she came from her .dressing room to mnke her enlrnnce-ln t)ie third mi, nml found it brilliantly Illuminated Christ- mas tree on the stage. Jt-wns hs tnmii nf a u,,,, in the regular slock noMlffl Who play Ibis surprise lo (he audience, nnd Ihey nppinitded house week t»f MO, nre Terry nml Arlington, the little slur lietirllly, A/ler llm ner/<>rm r ,n,iwnrd and Mtiy, nnd Archer nnd Burr, unco the whole compony enjoyed the soela- A»'Ut: tWIIkerwin A MnrWIe. mnnagers).— htllty <if the tnonsneinnnt (llid Iheslnr s. gnisl. people for week of .10: l-'ninkforl and Liinrl, nature lofln A. West, '•TheirMuslcnP Jhhnsnn.and Henlx. Allen aiid Oeorge, ITor- Brownie." wns a cnller an. nml wished a m ,.„ Kdwnrds, Pearl Jhivls, May Itoncfi, .Milt Jlnnpy New Year (o nit good people I'rankfort. nnd i'ltomni Little. Kelly nnd VIoleLte, "The Fashion Plntes of Manhattan (Crlhnlnti Bros., mnnngers),-- Vnudevllle,". will rellrn from the singe follow- penpie for week of :»D: ,Tbe l/iwrvs, Mnv Ing their engngemenl. at the Olympic, week, Lemuels, Downey mid Leonard, llin latsi'elles,' of .10; and will go (o Meiier. Clty.jH^re MB TSJIj Young, May Harvey, and llelen l.nm- Kelly will become a milling broVet, aa his b«rt. lighted a well tilled house '.'I. Credon Clitrke, I'.'i, plnieil to very good business. Mury Mnn- neflng Jnn. II, Al. II. Wilson 7, "The Linn nnd Ihe .Mouse" H, !). cumvt it. (W. T. Klrhy, loenl mnnnger).— Week of Dec. .'lit : l.'agiin und llyron, l.u lloso nnd coiupstiy, Sum Wllllnm*. 'Irani und Hung, Julio Siihno, Swlfl. utiil Buckley, und Hello Hiiiluiwiiy's monkeys. Buslnnss Is remarkably glHMl. fliiAsnv (Olio Wells, local mnnnger).— "PUT I Pniril Pniirill" week of .'lb. Business Is highly Miilsfaciui v. iii.tnr i.Mih. siiilth. mnnnger).—In nddl- I TllBMrtMT. IJilo 1 . II. Schoeffel, mitntlger),— The snnsnn of itdvilnced vniidrVllle, ns |\r<- seutetl by KIliW fc plrltlllgcr, will close le ,. on niiiiii'ih.y night, I. Tlie current hill niinihs: froNlltl, lluws-in nntl June. Jnmipbtlin lohun nnd conipiiiiv.' Ileule King, Collrell Ami Powell, Ida Kuller. Hill and Hylvlnnl, itiul new aiiliniiti'd pIMurns. Cttiis. I'lohaiiin. Hick ft lluii'ls have rcemcii nn Itiieresl In the lenso <ii ibis bouse, und will present. Ihe h»if sl.aii ciitne'ly, "Tent 'Jones," heglntilug 0. t I low-vim tJny Hunt, business uinnngerl ,— The iluer Lilies Ibis week. 'Concerned' In llm fnii nre: .MmI'm nud LHiinu, Ciirrle Mvlor ilnil .lusie Wehh, Jnt-k Irwin, Mr.' anil Mrs. Hurry MllsWorth, and others. Hco P. Mllipliy lii-itds His e.uiipaiij. The Mow aril's own 1)111 on'oc: Snlhlnl und lirmiiil, l.u Millie anil Lo Milli-o, Aerial Sliaws, Lulu lllgger and Aitllii .Meek, Build Hros., McLutli Slsler.i. Itlliy C'hnsn, Hen Howe, anil tin- llovvtiiilMcoiie. The lliibembitis did well |u-i week. Next week, I In* Cherry Hlossoms, l*AI..U'U H 1 . II. Wllldroti, inaiingeri —Tie- Dainty Duchess Co. Oils wivir, The olio In tiuiles: Morris nnd Ivranter, Kiwler and HnW' ley. Si ii iilnii und Stevens, anil nriiera. "Chile con Curne" Is Iho chief lutrlesniie. ■ |N| bouse* enjoyed Ihe e-icelhuil nhoiv given b> Ihe Mnrill 'Has llnrlesgners Inst week. The Tin Hi. A l lamb's iieii, coi.i'MiiiA ill. IS, l''nrrnn, mnnngeri.—Tim lliilii'inlnns move up fruui down lawn till i ivM-k, The iiuiinula'iM Include: Hni'diier nnd NIcOlill, Mlllllle K'llil, the Mlislcnl Slewin-ls. Joe Ifnit■ .ii. Id'vere, l.nwluti nnd Vork, Titus. II, Miielde, Mbd Ciii'ew nml Mnyes, The Merry Miitdi'lis did a hlg week bisl week. The Bt'oatl- wiiv ilnh-iv iiIi-Ik nre dm- tl-l I. f.Vi'tll'M (0. II. Haielii'ller, manager!. — Tills week'* tniigiiel I* III..' A Ilitrioli's Hlg lltilely Co, 'I'hern urn IW'i tilirbwpteil nild il good nlbi oliVi-nil -. In iiililliloii Mpe.inl feu- i nre* aru provided liv Hie niiiiiugeinenL Tim linn bill presented hv I'hll Sheridan's Cllv Kpiilis nltriicied big crowds Inst wnnk. Next week, llnriy Brynnr'* I:iiinviigiiii7ii Co. ApWin k HTo.>Jr.'n Musri'ii 'A. B. While, mnnugnri.—Tim lionsn wn» ritrongod ■ la.n. week mid the following eurln hall llr.i proved a winner: The Ran) fingalw Troupe, Ho- nelle, |rapew wonder; .lay Page, elny renuji) pi';. John \lniulv, inm skull marvel; rapt, liillienden, Indlnn war veteran i-Trillin, nnftke Oilneu, nnd "llendltir," Hie hlg stiiike. In llm ihntiii'i. : Tnin 'Meadow's CumMly Co., Stotin olid Nina's iierlivieii pictures, iiiiiI a long nud varied Mil of spcrlnlllc*. Nli'KtMiinais HV. II. Woiffc, mnnnger),-- Mol'iindl. one mail band; Hen. Hartford atid moving [ileiiires nre curio hull fnutiires Mils week. Diilllc I'llffortl'H Buriesqncr* hold slugo iiiiciiil'm. Olio presents: Viola Meehan, Nun Hliitw. Mny Cro'iby, Murk* nnd Woodinun, alid lieimle llroilerliii. W.M.khii's Mihi:i'm IL. B. M', iiinnn- geri.—The usuiil number nf euiin hull fen- Hires dro In hi' seen here this week. Wnllc- i.-r's lliiiiesquei'H will be Smn in new Kit It X In Hie theatre, mid special motion plelures will In* presented, NfiTi!s.--i'hn Muslim SvinphiiiiT flrebestrn gave ii cniicorl In Sviniihoiiy Dull, Siimliiy nvenltig 2d. In alii of lis Pension I'ltnd.... W." II. if. Shirk, fnrnioiiy tyler nf Ibe lloston iMlgi', It. P. O. L'lks, died til. (lie Mlks' Homo In West Virginia hist week Sotiso tlnd Us htind will iippeur In Symphony Hull, Wed- nesdny ttflcriiniiii and evening, K. ' ' « SprlimOclil. Al Ihe Coitrl. S.nmrn (D, 0. minifies, mannger) Blanche Wnlsh, In "Tim Kmiliser Siinnlu," Dee. 20. The star g:iye n good necnitnl of herself, nnd Ihe coin- ptilty guve her Mil* suppnrl. Mr mete Nh- velll •ii, 24. Llllluii Kussnll, In "Wlldilre," ".'., uuve .lusl on Mrenlng iii>rfiiruiuncn nntl Mood them up. Miss ituncii wns ns charm- ing us ever, nnd delighted Itm- audience. Her- itor!: (.'MilieU wns nei-n In n good udvitntngn, nnd Will Anble wns applauded. "Tlie lint- gomoster," 20, drew a good house, 0u« Wtlu-.