The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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jANTTiBT*. THE ITESW ^CXRK ■GOX91EEL 1269 Car rink TtsWrn (Chaa. Frohman, mnn- RC( , r) —on Christinas night Mnxlne K.llott end company apwarefl lj the first New York nrescntaflon of under the Greenwood Tree, n'nlay, 10 four acts, by H. V. Esmond It was originally Intended to present the play oh Monday, but, owing to Charles Cherry cnr'alnlne his right hnkle, n postponement of iwo-days was necessary to give-his nndcr- t tndr, Dallas Cairns, opportunity to "get up" In the role. The story revolves around Mary Hamilton.' ft thoroughly up-to dnte y^nng woman; the posswor of many millions of dollnrs, and,'c'onseqliently. many nultors, be- sides being a. mart for. ail sorts of begging efittrprlses, worthy and unworthy. Shu tires of It all. anid to get away from It,- she huys from a wandering ityp^y his wagon, and, with her amandensw. she Installs herself -In It She. adopts the .gypsy dress, 'ond In other i MMi except- as regards fond, •lie trie* to live a gypsy life. She Is heart .fee and considers herself Invulnerable to tae shafts of Cupid, but ,T. G. M. Ilylton, Km, J. .1'., happens on the scene. It being ins grounds on which the wagon Is, and she •uccnmhs at once. Jt Is, .In fact, a ease of invc at first, sight with both, and although he believes her to he » gypsy, he nstts.hrr to.. marry him, arid all ends well In' the good- old fashioned',way. There Is little to he said about the Play further than that It Is a good vehicle f°f Miss Elliott, who looks as hand- •owe as ever, and carries the hole to success. Mf.ry Jerrold was capital as Peggy, and de- sotted the recognition extended to her. Mr. cairns did'.well as J. G. M. Hylton, andRrle Maturln gave aaood account of himself as Sir Kenneth. The others did weir alt that was asked of them. The play was hnndsomely staged, the two 'scenes being fine examples of-the scenic palnter's.nrr. The east In full: Sir Kenneth Prlarly. 'Uric 'Maturln; Mr. iinapton Bowies, Arthur Claremont; J. 0. \I. Hylton, ES.rt., J. P-. Dallas Calrna; Dago, W.. .1. Veldham:• Dawes, H. T. Stevens; (irlggs,'Pellt Rdwarde,s; Gamekeeper, Clins. Wfllesley: .Mrs. Knnpton Bowles, Mlsa II. M. 1 truster: Peggy lngledcw, Mary .Terrbld; • A ilypsv Woman. Ada Klngsley; Mary Hamil- ton, MoxIne'EIIIott. The executive staff-for MI--I Elliott Includes: Geo. J.- Appleton.m'nn- irger;"Felix Kdwnrdes, stage manager: Ceo. Wothorsnoon, press representative; William Rail, master carpenter: T. Tully. properties; 0. Palmer, electrician. The second week began Monday. Dec. 110. • Hurray If III Theatre (J: Herbert Mack, manager).—Hyde's Comedians and Blue Rib- inn nirln were last week's attraction. "The Broken nrokcrs"- was tne title of. the comedy, with Barney-Williams'and Rlchy W. Craig In Dutch comedy roles, and Tommy Odell as ill. 1 Irish nldertdoo.'' Harry Nlemever, The- tesa. Weston. Anon Mack, Dorothy Blodgett, Mary Crawford and Master Alnrtln completed the cast. The chorus Included: Georgia L'anacar, ClssiQ Vincent, EsMa Harrington, E<lpa Harwood, Nellie Vincent, Lilly de Roche, C6nnel''Dyk>, Estella Hastings, I*e Dupree, Edith. Gill, Leah Adams aud May (toden. M«y Crawford and Dorothy Bloil- g'ltt. contributed several' catchy songs, VI Holmes and her eight lively dnheca were encored. Hlchy Vf. Craig played musical instruments, and with his back-talk grapUo- phone Indulged In conversation; the March of All Nations, by the girls In suitable cos- tumes, was n pretty ■ number; the Weston Sisters sang, danced, coinedted and boxed In pleasing succession and Were recalled repeat- edly ; Nlemeyer nnd Odell, In while and mack lace comedy, were entertaining. Lawrence Crane and company,, with his magic, sleight of hand and Illusions, inade his usual nit. Ed. Dunkhorat and English Jack O'Brien wrestled ns an extra attraction. Jim Mack it stage carpenter; Edward Hastings, elec- iili'luii: It.. P. Grcenhalgb, musical director. 'Phc Lid liiftrre, opened. Monday, .10. The title of tbe opening act la "Ob, What a Night," the Jolly story of a "night out," with Man Jess,; Lee Hickman,' Prank Collins, Prank Wakefield, Ben Walker, Arthur Kelly, Hurry Bartlett, Pete Kelly, llnltle Mill*, Ulllnn Thelma Alton, Maude Elision, Dale \YII«on, Hiellit Adam *, Anna: Iloninlne und Ulllnn Nulty In.tbo cast \ The olio.Includes : Drank Collins and Ln Belle, dancers of lively Hleps, Introducing Ibelr upnldo-down dances; ■i'"'.- and Hickman, comedy net; lloitlc.MlUs, In-character sopgs; Kelly nnd Harriett, knockabout, acrobats, with table and cnalr work of .the, funny kind, and Wake- field nnd Walker, parody singers and come- dians. "The Devil Dodger" is the burlesque on the "Charley's Aunt' order. John Jess, a* the mint, was genuinely, funny, and was •well assisted by the enmrmny. Next week, the.Mardl-Grits Beauties.- . Sinoy Tiu'iitro i l.'rnnk McKce, manager). •The Man of the Hour" began Its llftyisev- foih week Monday, Dec. 30;>«enm (Lleblcr * Co., mann- ers}.—»rnnld. Daly. In "Candida," began k fourth nnd Usl week Monday, Dec. 30. A«tor Thratre (Wogenbals & Kemper, mn;mijerB).-v'Tpm JoneaV began Its eighth nnd Inst week Monday, Dec. 30. Next week, 'The Necret .Orchard.'' . «>raad (iprra House (John H. Springer, manager,).—HatUe Williams,' In "The Little ibenib," la the current attraction, opening in Ihe usual large attendance Monday. Dec, '"'• N>xt week, Nat Goodwin, In repertory* hi J., ii Theatre (A. C. Campbell, mana- Keri.—Mme. Alia Nttzlmova, in 'The Comet," opened Monday night, Dec. 80. A review of lne ; plny will nppear In our. next Issue, i A < nd.-m> of Unfile(Clliuora & Tompkins, manager*).—"The Rose ofthe Knncho.v fea- turing Prances Starr, opened a limited on- pseinenl at this house Monday, Dec. 3D. 'The large stage of the- Academy gives nmpic 'op- ponunity for the display of the beautiful MJeiile efi'eots of the production. Aflss Starr nnd the other principals repealed the success «chloved mi their former visit to the city. -Broadway Theatre . (Lilt * Dingwall, oionngers). —"The Round dp" began Its eleventh week at this bouse Monday, Dee. 80. .Hockett Theatre (Jnmes K. Ilnckett, maiiagcr)>r-Jnlin Mason. In "The Witching flour,' began his seventh week Monday, Dec. Fourteenth Ntreet Theatre (J. Wesley nUMenqiieaf,: manager).—' Rrnest Hognn, In • npQiMcrman, Is the current attraction. I'ltlrd Avenne Theatre. —This houie was opened Dec. 21 by A. Malorl, for n sea- son In Italian renortory. Tho Initial perforni- nnee of "Oihello"- drew a good house, nnd ihn ?V,' , 'i 1 "'"."^ ,a9t week wns satisfactory. The hill is cbnnged nightly. Atlantic Garden (W. Kramer's Sons, awniiBers)—The Imperial Troupe of Japanese Acrobats, Mnrznlo and Woulfe, double comedy nor and wrestling act: Dudley and Cheslyn, rouiedy sketch team r.lane Elton, vocal char- acter comedienne; Phil Cllssnndo, musical '•omniiun: Joe. Weston. In lllustratod songs; t'naiore, (lying ring act, and new moving plc- lOTM are (he uttrnctlons for this' week. HaherV Niunm. (John II. Anderson, niotingcr).—An excellent lino of freaks and utiles are trf'be seen "In the curio halls this ZS\b an Manager Anderson has provided one oi the best bills of'thc season. The house Is racked an da,. j n t h e theatre a finely ar- ranged programme Is given to good attend- ance. • TUalla Theatre (Sullivan & Woods, man- agersj,— The Ooicbop attit the Bquaw was 35 w l«h'» attraction, with the following catit: Robert Westermnn. Chnrlea Dartllng; «'ld Hawley, E.Imond Soroghan; Pete Riy- nond Prank . Dear: Ray Tarbell, Kverard {jovett: Bbaky Bill. J. J. Power; Yaller Tail, JJrJ. Baxter: Boar's Tonth. nugh B. Thomp- ■JO; Ike Tartar, R. F. Sullivan : Texas Jake, flfol CUyWHoon: Richard Tompklna, Al- ,'«» St. John: Kustler Dick. J. Sneeden; Bnth tompklna, Marie Palls; Silver Heela. Doro- n.!., L K>5?: Bridget MtGlnnls, Wloona T.i 1 ??. : PJfolrle Wolf. Sadie Handy; Idaho Xui, Alice. Wayne. Robert Dalton la maaa- ■iSt r<M . n v lctor, gtage manager. Thll week, *«w, tfte Beautiful Oloah UoitU 8 ssSd^^ byR ^^ u «»ST?Vot,; ■eta ana twelve scenes was slwn it. a*.* T£ i. r$[J& '"e.P'y tefia how Gideon Stoat fJL ll P' ottl ?R 'o defeat Frederick Reading &LM* 0W| of the Colorado ft Oren! ^ m?J1' r v A "lstcd by Jose Montilvo SSL Mn , r ««rt t ,> bc succeeds in making lite very miserable for Mr. Reading and blS daughter Blanche, until Torn We"fon fend? a n.h P . "riih.". 11 '° *^ m * and. afte? .hard Dtm, rights everything. After the Metlcnn I5i;. q . flni ",°K L 'h* papers he Is hunting, plots .to wreck the Rocky Mountain gTrnmS ,"{»:»'»' ««• ^'sf«red mall CwbKK tnlns lhe papers. Tom Weston and norne 2SS"* BP ' «n <!>« track, and an englSe stnrted on n mad Journey by Jo*o llnalll stolen, however, and Smnlley and the ,\fMi le? reS,™."? """"^ " y '"< ™*4» »3 \- ley returns for money and Is killed. Rev fSSSJPSS J'e»l™n,.gave a, creditable per- tSlnfit' and » Uwr «"« , e Wllllnnis, as Smnlley, IvilLhlK.' 'K! ™ fi '• Jark H«y™w>, as Bolomerl Wlsehelm, was very entertaining; and offered 4 single specialty, and also one with Lydlrt Jlnyman "that look the house." . Robert B. O Conner; Earle Sterling, Cnthetloe Chnlloner. P«!!t HSffSSi ""'J" 1 S,l!, ' ld, W«3 their Parts well. The cast: Tom WnUoi. Robert E. laraa; Bill Haatie,-F.flrle Sterling; Solomon M sehelm. Jack Haymnn; Frederick Reading* \\llliam Lewis: ,To9e Montalvo, Roy. Foster • £""V ^n "f^l«yj Tlnl . Tom aiiirphy; Tip H. V. Hllgerth ', Tad, Bert Melvlo; Butch. C! Sorensen; Sam, Harry Thompson; Stotlon l*v: "Mike" Kd. Tallman; Antonio, Max Murslnna.; Miguel. .Clarence. Handel; Her- nando, Howard Bnllry; Snnrho, Jas. Russell • Jiisiib, Thos. Murray; "RalDey." ivn Ulch- ards; Blanche Bending, Onlherlne Challoner : Margaret, Kva Lewis; Mary Brady, Martha Shields: Jennie Brndy, Lydla Ilnymnn; BeeH. ffiSPr. 8 ? vln £i V*"\ I-""»tn Ciilloo; Una J'-'l.a Cottle: flladys, Madeline Lewis; .Tuani: ta, ^Catherine Ryan: Inez, Bertha Brndy; Isabel, Carrie Gardner; Marie, Clara Dickson. 'Jhe Card ffjMf of the Coast opened Monday, Dec. 30, nnd will be reviewed next week. Him vmiini Theatre (Dnvld Belasco, manager).—David Warlleld. In "A Grand Army Man,' 1 began his twelfth week Monday, Dec.. 30. Harlem.—At Keith & Proctor's Harlem Opera House |K. P. Albee, general manager) "The Man on tbe Box" Is the offering for New Year's week. This house waa the last of the Harlem houses to give amateur per- formances, and Thursday night Is set as-the day. All.of 1he house favorltesare east In this week's offering, with Beatrice Morgan nnd John Craig In the leading roles. Others are: Oraycc Scott, Louise Randolph, (leorga Howell, Dudley Hawley, Charlie Seay, Wm. Carr. Wm. Norton, Robert Lee Hill nnd Mar- tin Panst. The vaudeville: Ruth Alvoy and motion' pictures. ■West Bnd (J, K. Cookson, manager).— "Wine, Woman an,d Song" opened to a great audience Dec. 30, and unless all signs fall, should have a record breaking week. It is n novelly to the patrons at the house, and reports are thnt Hie advance sale Is the best so far this season. Next week, "The County Pair." , Mr,Tr.orot,iS (Sam Hurl's, manager).— Ccnaro and Bailey, in "two, the Hootlnck," this week. Next week, "A Child of the Street." Krith & Pnocron's Onh Hundred amp TWEXTV-Pirm Bffltm (It, P. Albee, general ruiinr.ger).—Tbe headllner Ihls week Is Will- iam Burress and bis Song Birds, a compony of fifty people ; Plclds and Ward, Coin's does, Ruth Allen and company, Livlne-Clmaron Trio, Johnny .loans, Pred Zobcdloand new • motion pictures. Star (Wm. T.'Keogh. manager).—"Since Nellie Went Away," n ncnsntlonal melodrama ■ of the present day. was presented .10 for the first time In Harlem, to nn audience that ns usual packed this house, and It should prove a big box office winner. .M.TiAiimiA (Percy Williams, manager),— It Is always the name here, holidays or not —the houses are packed from top to bottom with a bill that can not be beaten. This week's bill: Ilohe'rt Hllllard and company,. "Valonl," Ihe comedy act, "Motoring:" Wa- terbitry. Bros, and Tenny, the Urassls, thai Katlbanzl Troupe, Lew Bully, and the ICuaplre City Quartette. .... ■ llunTioft. Sramox'r Mttnic Haw, (Ben Ilur- tlg, ninnngerj. —Tlic Tnuis-AtlniilW made tbclr first Harlem appearance Dec. 30, and the audience evidently enjoyed the show from first to last. It Is one or the best constrict- ed shows of. Ihe season, and In brimful of good things. Next week, Vanity Pair. iIotiiam '(Sam kraus, manager).—Wm. R. Watson's Biirlesqiiern come to Harlem 30, with the best of advance reports. Mr. Wat- son la a comedian who always makes good, and Is also a great favorite.ln Harlem. The company presents a fine appearance, display licaiitlful wurdrobe and good comedy. Next week, tho Lady Birds. Family (C. D. McCoy, manager).—Thta house Is doing a full share of tho buslaoss, apd the attractions are above the averago for the prices demanded. This week's bill: Do- rane, the Prederlcks Family, James Weston iiml company, Jim (Jormnn. Dlnsmore Bros., Harry Green and the Famllyscope. Brooklyn.—At the'Montauk (Edward Trail, manager) riddle Poy, In "Tbe Orchid," litis week. -Tha Little Cbcrnb" last week. "The Red Mill" next. Majkstio IW. 0. Krldley. manager).— "The Wizard of Oz" SO.Jun. 4. Cecil 8i»oo- ner closed a siiceessfiil two weeks' engage- ment iH. Next, (,'hnuncey Olcotl. CitAMU (W. -T. drover, manager).—"The Bohemian Cilrl" Is the presentation of the AImu'ii Opera Co. It) and week. "Kobln Hood" plensed. Next, "II Trovnlcre." Buou (Wm. IIjilo, manager).—"The Shoe- maker" opened here 30, for one week. "Since Nellie Went Away" did well, Next week, "Deadwood Dick's Last Shot."' Coi.ii.muia (Chan. II. Wuerz, manager).— "Shadowed by. Three" Is the current attrac- tion. "The Candy Kid" drew big business 23-->8. OnpnrtiM (Percv 0. Wllllamf, manager). —Another Interesting bill Is neen this week, with Mr. llymnck, tbe celebrated Kogllsli comedian,' as tbe headllner. Karno's com- pany. In "A Night In nn Kngllnli Music Unit." Is. also here. Others are: Spencer 'Kelly nnd Frederic Rose, Rice and Prevosl, L.'iddlo Cliff, the Dollar Troupe, Mtyme (Sebrnn and company, the Gllto Muslcsi Pour and the viiiigriipli. Packed bouses all last weeh. .Kkrnf.y'b (Oeo. Sloane, • manager).—Mr. Keency Is doing everything he cun to give hla patrons what they want, nnd this week shows he has spared no eipense In making up bis bill. Frederick V. Bowers and his company of fifteen people head It. In a mu- sical comedy. "College Days." Others are: Ed. Latell, Brail Hocb and company, tbe Italian Trio, Harry Thompson, Mareena, Ne- varo and MareeiiB, and Keeneyscope. Good business past week. ■Star (Edw. Behman, manager).—Rosetty- dell's London Relics 30 and week. Tbe com- pany Is the same as seen -In this borough. several months ago. Patlilcn Widows drew crowded house's. Next, Phil Sheridan's City Sports. - — . .-. • ' • i»LY»trtc (XIck Norton, manager).—W. S. Campbell and Al. Reeves presented, for the first time In Greater New York,.at this bouse, .10. their new show, the Mnrdl Crns Beauties. The show Is large atid one of the best seen here thin season. ' Castle Bernard, an at- tractive little woman with a sweet voice, and who dancet clwefly, aaare,s Orst honom with Harry M. Stewart, a'Tery funny comedian. Tbe chorus- la composed of eighteen wall trained girls. The costumes, of which there are a number of changes, are very pretty. "Tom and Jerry" is the title of the comedy, and It ta full of witty lines, catchy music, and Is well staged. The olio Is strong. . Ed- ward Blondell and company are seen In.a WtV*' J.' Tnp 1,<wt *»»•" and others are: White City Quartette. C. R. Relyea, Omega Trio, Inm and Lorella. and Harry Marks Stewart. The High Rollers 28-S9. • Noxt ltice ft Barton's Big F.xtravaganxa Co. ■ Park (James R. Olllillan, manager).—Tbe rhampagno Cilrls SiO-Jtin. i, with a largo com- pany nnd a big olio. Wrestling- Tuesday n ,' Bht - „. H1 S h -'Inks Biirleso.uers drc# well.' Next. Watson's Burlesqnors. TELiEn'M Bno.\nw.u (Leo C. Teller, letaee). —P.. I). Sotbern, In n list of plays, which Include: "Lord . Dundreary," "if I W«M King.' "The Pool Hath Said There Is No god and "llnmlct." Good houses Inst week. Next, "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage ratch." .„!' 0L, ' V (Henry Kurtxman, manager).— "Shore Acres," with Dlgbs Bell ln the cen- tral character. Business last week was'sat- isfactory. Next, "The Wizard of Ox." Oayety (James Clark, manager).—Weber 4 Rush's Parisian Widows this week. The olio; Fields and Welly, lhe Six flogllsh Daisies, Jeanne Brooks, "This" Quartette, Itussell, Crystal and Lnckwood, Mortimer !'. ox • rS*"* Yea mans, and James Dalv. The Ulaglbbons-McCoy Trio and La Toy Broth- ers are spectaL features. Satisfactory busi- ness last week. . ... n Novri.ty (Benedict'Blatt. manager).— This week's bill: Valadon, i;isle Harvey and the Field Boys. Gilbert and Katen Jack t.ardner. Stanley and Cogswell, Valonl, Stel- llng.nnd Revellp, Renand and Brown. Busi- ness continues satisfactory. ,...'?. I ,' ANK T.' H .-'■'• J - Williams, manager).— nllllnm 11. Turner, rupportcd by Edith Yen- Sift a ^ rt n , k , ra Ppl>lo company, this week;. In •Ills Terrible Secret." Next week, "China- lawn Charlie." ■ PAYTors (Joe Tnyton, manager).—"Theo- dora this week. SsHsfaclory business last week. Next, "The I'll ee of Ps." tloriiAM (Edgar i\ fllrard, manager).— fhls week's bill: Hurry Tlghe. nsslKled by his collegians; Mat O'Keefe and Tony Pcnrf, /Iska nnd King, Major I>oyle, Mnlvene and I horans, John Larl:l:is., Tennis Trio, nod Cook and Cnrlln/ Buslnciia Inst week was satis- factory. ••; ■ Lyceum (Louis Phillips, manager).—"Tlio tjiieen of Chinatown" Is this week's offering. ],nst we;-k, "The Courterfellers" did well. 4l» NEW YORK STATR. Buffalo—At Ibe Star (P. C. Corsell, manager) r.loncbe Walsh. In "The EreulKer Honaln," Dec. :iO-.Tnn. 1; Frltzl Scheff 2--1, "Brewster's Millions" (1-8, Rose Stahl, in "The Chorus Lady,", delighted a big attend- ance throughout ibo week. Religious ser- vices are conducted here Sunday nights, Shea's (M. Rhea, manager).—Roster for New Year's week: Mario Lloyd. Walter Jones. .Marie Devo, Frank Bush, aud Mason and'Keeler. Suit rim was a hit tSHt week, Irernemlous business ruMng. Tuck (J. II. Osliei, manager)*—-People New Year's week: Trlxle I'rlgnnzn, llar- dcen, Collins and Herl, the Georgettes, Mantle Scott. Jnck Mnrworth, lllssel and Hcott. Margarlte and llnnley. Clni|nevalll wns last week's winner. Little Itltu Feder- lein supplanted Dane D'Kve, who did not appear. Business Is good, 'nils Is the last week of Klnw & llrlanger's "advanced vaude- ville" nt Ihls house. Lyiiic (John Lmighlln, manager).—Thos. R Shea, In repertory, this week. DavidUlg- gins, ln "His Last Dollar," follows. "At Yale" met with decided favor BMC Garden (C. K. White, manager).—World Beaters Ihls week. Golden Crook next week. Bachelor Club wns a hit, nnd drew W*lli '■■Lapayrttb (ft M. Bagg, ninnngerK—The Hay Toreadors nppeni-s week of ;I0. The Twentieth Century Molds follows. Star Show Girls did well. ,- . . <P. C. Cornell, manager),—Bar- ney Gllmore, In "Dublin Dan," for New Year's week. "It's Never Too Late to Mend" follows., •Panhandle Pole" proved a worthy Christ- mas week offering. . Notes. —Marcus Moses Is back borne look-. Ing after his picture show Interests and pro- ductions of "The Passion Play;" liud While and Orover Rngg have been Initiated In Local 18, T. M. A..... .Walter Damrnseh comes to Convention Halt 'J, with'the New York Symphony Orches*tra, ■' VUca.—At tho Majestic (N. C. Mlrlrk, mnnngcr) Ilnrney Gllmore was Ino Christmas attraction. Ciiarlottn Nlllson presented "The Three of lis," to ii good house 20. , Blanche Walsh did well '27. "The Old Homestead" 26, "Hooligan In New York" .10, Marie Doro, In "The .Morals of Marcus," 111; Jqs. J. Cor-. bett Jan. I, 1', Beatrice Noycs,. ln. "Lena Rivers," II, 4. . "" OitPHEL'M (Ford Anderson, manager).— Christmas week was a merry one for- the Children, and good houses were tho rule. This week, "The Passion Play," and a vested choir will play a return dale. Keitii'8 (Fred Rcrger, manager).—Christ- mas week business was good. This week: Hal DiivIh and company, la "A Race for a Wife:" Howard nnd Howard,.Lambert), Mc- Keuzle and Shannon, Olga Lorraine, l.'lemo and Casaell. the.Pour l.ukenj. ,«, Xorr.s.—Lillian Appel sang the new song written by .Manager Uerger nnd Heo. t;. Stoddard, "What is Lovef' at Keith's, Inst week, lo great success.....;Stephen P. But- ler, who tins been .tinging the songs at the Ornheuni, has lioen appointed manager of Ibo Bijou Theatre, nt MUUIlelown, N. V. It Is not every ilfalre tlml has a mimager that enn sing his own songs.. ....The Theatrical Mechanical Association tins opened a hrnnch In ITMca, with sixty members. The following olfjcors were elected: President, Walter Ktu- I'nther; vice nresldent, llnrry Curtis.;'trenn- urer, T/lucolu llnlroyd; secretary^ J, O. Brooks: financial seeretaTy. Ford 8: Ander- son. Trustees: N. C. Mlrlck, John 1 'Napier, William K. Roberts. Past President Sum 'iutsl iai installed ilio offlcors. Roehesler.—At (he Lyceum (BL R. Wolff, munageo "Ilrewsler's Mlllloni*" played to capacity house* Dec. 2t)-'Jel, opening wllh matinee LTi. Piny and company scored u huge success-. LMwnrd Alleles, In Hie lend- . Ing role, made an emphatic hit. Tbe entire support Is deserving of the highest, praise. Bosc Stahl, In "The Chorus l^dy," :!0-.Tnn. 1 ; WJIton Lnckayc. In "The Bondman," 2-4. NATioxAi, (P. It. Parry, manager).—Busi- ness still remains large. As n.Christmas at- traction, Lew Welch. In "The Shoemaker," proved a winner. Bnslness fine mi-ifi. Bar- nev (lllmore. In "Dublin Dan, lhe Irish De- tective," uarl a most profitable stay 20-20. Star aarLiplay were accorded a line recen- vlon. "Ninety and Nine" 30-Jen. 1, "At Ynlc" 2-4. Baker (Richard Baker, manager). — Tbe BellowR-Spcncer Co. bad a most conspicuous opening Dec. 2.",, when "In the Bishop's Car- rlagn" liegan a week of big business. I.nuru l.ang. In the leading role of Nance Olden, made u decided success. Fine support was offered by H. Sheldon Lewis, Arthur Bu- chanan, tlcorge Honlc Rpcncer~ and F<dwln Powler. Prouucllon wns most complete and praiseworthy. 'Her Great Match" "0 and week. The continued success of the Bellows- Spencer Stock seems to lie assured. The open- ing house, 23, showed an auditorium entirely redecorated and renovated, and everything moved most smoothly. Cook Ofcra IIoiish (J. H. Moore, mana- ger).—Paul Conchas was the magnet, that drew 8. R. O. houses entire week or 28. Rill reek of 30: Qlayton White and Marie Stuart, fca HfflWrgft iwty i$ tight let m beam be brigbi RU a wag of good cheer be btmnnins, fortftt heart that is light will come out all t\w With the happy new Year that is coming, every cloud has a lining of silver, thev sav, Chat Wigs us a world of good cheer * may Eire's golden ray banish each cloud away M he yours tbroushcut m n«p VearT Ceo. feist WANTED FOR TERRY'S BIG TWO CAR UNCLE TOM'8 CABIN FOR TENTING (SEASON OF 190B) 2SHl n l f:2SL'«,il?.ir h ri rR , , ' e " d .^ an J' i*'" 1 ! 10 98L B HN! Br *** » nrt Stage or Orchestra. Must b ■ £^H&$!*SEPJ2E U L&£3£ Pp .°P. le ' u , n( ' k flnrt m °* l>»»oen» and Caek Walkers, Season open* APRirai. For Sale, iioft., with HON. middle ploee.; toft, woo Wall chanlng Sacks, Tom TS&hJS&SC&WVl a,HMl T " n ' ""K". H ■«• SbethiDd Ponies, h Bmiill Steam Slllw i%?"D%i s ; ^""'.'u. 7 ?"',^? 18 * 8 " ** r ' Mn" have o-wheal truck amistenl wheels. FOR HAI.K A ar,f i. Baggage Oar, a-W Heel Triicks, new steel wheels. In A No. l shape. W. O. DIOKBiV g CO.. Bo» 13d, l.lttle Slonv, ll«rrlioi> Co., Iowa, Agnes Scott and Horace Wright, Klmrr Ten- ley, Tiiclnnn, Itelft Rrns,, Ancllottl nnd his mind rending dog, 1a Troupe Carmen, Rnd- ford nnd Winchester, and moving pictures. Corinthian (II. C, Jncohs, malinger).— The Olrls Prom ll.ippylnnd, with Nut PleMs, Harry Ilarvcy, 0. II. In-own, Sum llynms and Carrie fje'.ty, prove** to he a lively nnd meri- torious entertainment week of 23. Business good. Clark's Runaway Olrls Co. ;iO and week. . Notr. —The live hundredth nerfnrmiinre of "Brewster's Millions" occurred on Ihe singe of the Itfceum Theatre.-S7. Kdwunl C. Ahelns tendered the entire company n linaqnel after lhe performance. Seventeen of the original cast are'still wllh the company. Alltnuj.— Al'Il.-irniiinus Itleeckcr Hall (II. K. Jucob>, ninna^'cr) Christmas allrnctlon, Dec. 2r>,: was lllnnche AVnlsh, In '"Ilio Kreut- Jier Sonata," to a big holiday audience. "Tbe Old: Homestead," 2U, paid us nnolher visit mid drew well. Curlotln Mllsnn, 27, 2K, In "The Three of l.'s," closed the week In good returns. Wlltnn iJtckiiyc, flO-Jon. I, In "The Hondmnu;" William Kuversham, 2, In "The Hn,utiw Jinn;" Marie Horn fl, "I'nld In I'till" 4, Minnie Ihipree H, 7. I'tloCToii's (Hnwnrd Graham, resident manager). — Holiday crowds ruled al this popular thentre nil Inst week. Ton liners were. Jean Marcel's art studies and i.n Veen and Cross, lo whom great applause wns di- rected. Kor Dec. 30 anil wi-elc: Jolly funny nice, C.irlyle Moore, Mlbelyn I'nlinor und company. Mod, Four Itlanos, tha Klnsnnn, Cnai. IT. Carter, thissle Taylor and company, Kemp's Tales M the Wild. lO.Mriiin (.Ins.' II. Rhodes, manager),—Iltir- lesque of a high or/ler amused crowds ■ all Inst week. Rice & Ha rlnn's Itlg Oalely Co.. 2.'l- 25, and Rose Sydctl's London Relies, 20-2K. gave excellent performances. The Olrl from Ilnppyland UU-Jan. 1, i'hll Bbcrldan's Clt) Sports 2-4. Oairtk (If. Ii. Nichols, manager).—ltd!!) * Wood's Big Show, Dec. 2.1-25, drew crowded houses. Hilly Watson's Hiirlesuuers, 21128 In equally largo business. Miner b American* .'10-Jiin. 1, l.nilv Birds 2-4. Nothh. —William I*. (Inrlln, singe managei of the Kmplh'' Tbeiitr.'-,' was prexmled by tin attaches of tho Iioiihj with u beautiful Jew oiled Klks' watch chiirm. Mr. Cnrlln Is nni of the promlnertt. memhers of the local lodge No, 4li KmployocK of lhe dainty The atre gnve Mrs. Agnes Barry u hiuUmime hand bag, and Manager II. B. Nlcliolu u set ol I-ilLs cuff buttons, nn which were curved 111! heads, bearing Hie loiters H. ft O. B„" and between Ihe antlers on each link was a dia- mond. Mri>. Harry's gift was a Chrlstums turkey to each attache Al the conclu- sion of the performance nt the (Tnloty, Christ' mas night, Jack Joiiuson, the colored heavy- weight champion, who concluded his engage- ment, Invited bis manager, Ham Kltzpstilck, out In a Utile supper, in the midst of the festivities, Johnson presented Mr. I'ltzputrlck with « handsome gold watch.. Mr, rlizpat- rlck responded ln a feeling manner All the employees of the Auditorium Skating' Rlidt were presented with aCbrlstmns turkey. Troy.—At Hand's Opera House (II. T. Thompson, resident manager) "The Old Homestead" drew well Dec. 24. "Other I'eo- plc'H .Mimey" pneked tho house 2r>. Iteatrlce Noycs, III "tmm III vers,", had a good house 20. -William .Morris, In "Mrs. Temple's Tele- gram," drew well 27. Blanche Wulsh In "Kreulzer , Sotinlfi," pleased 2S, James J. rorl-eii. in "The Burglar nnd tin! ididy," 110; William. Kaversliom,. lit "The Snunw Man," Jan.- J ; '-The l.'onvlrl's Daughter 4. 1'kopi.k'h (fiuv (', i J raven, resident mana- ger).—Hill fur Dec. :i(» and week: Thomas J. Kynn-Itltchfleld anil company, Myrtlo C. Byrne and company,-Wilson Bins,, fjeon Ro- gee, Kramer nnd ITellrliilra, tha McCarvers, und tbe lilg City h'aur. I.rcniiM (It. ii. Keller, manager).—Wat- son's HurlesriuerH drew well 2il-2n. Itcllly ft AWiod's Big Show had good houses 27-20. flatly Birds llurlcsflucru 30-Jaii. 1, Miner's Americans 2-4. A BUUTirol PHOOUGTION OF THE WIL12" From Henry W. Savagi's Production, THE MEMf WIDOW For Sets. This waltx has eight pages of music, printed mi the best niiiile paper, with a lianilminn three color title page, Money refunded If am -all-, mctory. Semi slump for return pnitage, 8. GRANT ELLS, BOOM 214, U31 B'WAY, NEW YORK CITY, To all readers of the CLIPPER we extend best wishes for 1908, To every one who mails uti name and address on a postal ire shall send FREE a short story. entitled: "The Autobiography of an Elderly Woman." Write for it now., Union Square New York City AT LIUBItTY. l,otU 1,'tmpln, H.nndO. Ho~ 'iretle, imslnteil by Mailer Joe. seven year old corne- lian, In a week, OliMgi'xnf sleinliesniiil singles, 'ake platin. Prefer m«i|lelnn en. or wink staml ■hows. Tlnkel. AMNMDU wires) l,ellt Cliaplll, isre of nun. Pel., Uiieunta, N. v. •HOO buys big war cydorania. •-'■'> big palutlug.. loqd fur parks, pleaiute resorts, side shows, mu 'Oiiiiii or thiuitros. I". H.—Will nxchiinge. I,, Bn\ Ml, Jamestown, N. Y. rtIR »AI.I^6oloo rem FiittT.^d^ndTtkm', to. and un. WYNIIIIAIt. its Waveiley Place, .4. V. N. II—New book 1111 Piiuiiinit (mini, M>. rtll SsLK OH KXCIIASKIF. IIIoTlOle Colt'sOrlUirlnn HtnreonlIcon, 1 rl|ik<dlsunlt an Kli<i' trie Lump, -j Hets Kurloi Leases, nature Msohlbx Atlaahtneiil, i» lot of lleclianli-»IR1lilas,ei«. I11AI order. Wauled, lute Passion Piny. tlllAH. I OYK, IMHovoilth H>„ Monroe, Mich. ytlll HAI.K- -Minis, A (llrl froin Montana, $V<; Tho Tony Kxnrois, |iwj- Train Koiibery, *W; M« pliMo's Hon, t;iu:Tliu Teddy Ileum, |ir>: lieiilliu, 170; Passion I'luy, '.'.OUOrt., »i-.n: Life lu Imlln, $:il; Rillaon Machine, Kx, Model, fno; (ixylltba iliiuli, Umliii II, ISA, with burner. Add. UJIAH. KAY, Uiuuherlanil, Mil. AT lilUKItTvTMovln'g'pioiiirofllieruTiir.wrih Kdl«on luacbllia mid :i,Onofl. of good llliu. Hulaiv |ls per weei-. 1 desire poiliion with repertoire no., I urn u lonor salolsl, skh "J, neat dresser, blond slid considered (rood looking. Add. IIAKRY WKAVKIt, Box .12,1, lliiiiilierliiinl. Mil. VOIt HAI<K--Xew White Mm re Mllkolcne Herp." lUnce Dress, »«; Pose Oullll Milk Dress nnd Velvet Oioak.flO; Black Art Outfit, $18: (screen of Plenty, iif.. dot of Tricks clinnp. Knclose stamp for answer. MltH. WM. IJAItb, '.'SI tin art HI., Koch estor. N. V. • Binvhaniton.—At the Won* Opnm House (.1. I'. I!..Clurk, manager) "Kip Van Winkle," lice, 21, pleased. Kirk Drown Up. had good business 2:1-28. Heme company ,10-Jau. 4. Ann on v (Weber k Itusli. managers).—Dill week of Dec. .'Ill: Kdwardn I tnvis nnd com- pany, tbe Orcit Itlcliards, Harry Jol.-ion, Mcliech Urol hers, Melville nnd lllgglns, A. 0. Diiiiriin, and ilesslo Valdarc Troitne. , ♦ «» NISW ji:iini:v. Jt-rmey City.—At the Majestic (!■*. I-:. Henderson, manager! Al. II. Wilson, In "Met* lii-fhe Alps, New Year's week. "Doro- thy Vernon of lladdon Hall" follows. "The Durglaritnd the I.ndy" closed 11 good week Dec. 28. AcAmuir (If. 1;. Henderson, manager).— "Chlnacowu Charlie" week of 30. "Tile t'nndy Kid" next week. . Florence lllnilley's stay was profitable, week ending 28. Ilo* 'TOM <T. W. Dlnklns. manager).— Williams' Ideal niit'lesquers Is the New Year's offering. , High Jlnlts to follow. Kay rosier Co. had a' good week. KeitiI A 1'nnirroit's.—Week of 30: "Robin- son Crusoe's Isle," the Dunedln Troupe, Ray- mond arid Cavcrley, Wllllnm A. Dillon, (lul- l's ill's monkeys, and Mignonette Koktn. .hfOTHB.—All the employees of the Bon Ton bail-tuwey for dinner, nt lhe expense of the house, Christmas Day Tbe Jersey City WANTED JOIN ON WIM, Many Attractive Leading Women. Wardrobe, aoo.i tooki, Dramatic Ability Absolutely.Dementia!. TALL VKRSATILK (\\\\l\mii illTOK Must double. •<»<• ia.ll. Othera write. JEWELL KELLEY STOCK CO.. Poplar BluHs, Mo. WAH1ED, FOR RKl^KR-rOIRK PLAYING CITY TJHK, Leading Man and Woman, Juvenile Man, (inaranter Woman, Comedian with Hpeolally, Uau with Hcrlpi, People wltli Hpeclaltlcs, etc., ate. Htaie full particulars, photon, programs, etc. Addres-. KI»tt r I.N I'. WKNWOIITU, llooslc Falls, New York. WAITED—MEDICINE PEOPLE. HAH WITH M. P. and m.MH. lilt. JOHN H.tKIIK, Royal Uak Hotel, Toronto, (Janadii. Lodije of Klks paid a visit to Keith k Proc- tor's, 27, In limine of lie Cole Krcd Lewis nnd ' Mabel (.'liunln, two clever per- formers wllh lhe l-'sy KOsler Co., closed 28, nnd left for their home at Chicago. Mlstreit of the wanlrolrf, Mrs, Chapln, also- clnied. -