The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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tm: ' V- •jgsna wsw ¥gbk jAKUAfcT 4. wV J ' >_ -' I ETWqt Oliit LONDOir LBTTBR. TT10M OUR OWN COMEBPOKMHT. Clipper »nreB«, . 14 Leleeotor Street, Leicester Square, _ Jr ; *" Dm. W. We have hnd n milil seniatloo till* week. —. . ■ _i..i... i_ ....... 1 . . ,. nrii.ilr liut;.l ihc cast of "The Bubcs in,tli<t Wood. .A serious accident to ttioVWjr • «W«I oflc »Ur as the reneoii, and Afrnes IJMg Mi ''«'■ engaged to piny MfM boy Mr the nr»t ifine In h« life. Hbh was ono of IV latter day Savoy Res. and almio .ibedlsruptioflMif. alcat comedy, also In h ake.tcli it" lho.A.nnct> the- well known couicdlnti, «to J***™""^ the well known ««*w M ^?«^jPJKr&iS iho Drury Lane company. Jt If* SfiSfiK^iSP Lclghlon bad h fall fnTher dressing rorifn, ind, conilng lu enuLict with a stove,, wm i ' Nut only »l Driiry Lane lum an iniklud.fatc revised tho cnsl. of llifl. iiknuimltavi /,.i<jW Aruudale. who was to halo..ployed IWIhSBX! Kill nt tue Lyceum, la-Ill. Ilnheratund-iNora anu. comiug l^ghton" was not /iviHe ..ff*"^, *&& 'AS part n tbin pantomime.' The-foot « '""."i" role -of Hubfn Jioo4--.l* MM of. tbo ui> hi no distinction iiwi'.lR "prUiciiml ^TjIJ*; 'l'ho hold outlaw mm not f^JMJ**** lilu as Aln.lclln or Dick Wblttuigton. or <;nnem or Rol>ln«ou CJWM doee. And 4M situation w«s aggravated ut 5BK7.fcStrSJ mm ■ hy the kSnta or Meredith'Meredto i > ihc cast. The American girl came MUMB her, and at. oryo engaged nor j«*iffB?jB vcar's. The newsnapcM, lit rocoMUjf tlitf fact, declared tbol >ir«» ■•ncredro IfflJE gaged foi> thf i-ole of principal boy. .Vn««n« Kclgblon- ot mice wrote 'round, saying inn* till" couhi-not l.o tbo vasoj SMS*JSH5S& covering several vears.dlst nelly _»««hJ her an principal boy. Months MM.IH Mini the scheme of the utiiitouilroe w«» puh- ItNhcd. It ntnled tlrnt the -Ing'-ml or MoW.rj llwd woiild • bfe Incorporated' with Wt» "I'h" Baben In tn« Wood;" that QujMilB Lclghton wotiiii piny ItoWn. nun i»rnye ti> i>o toe i-Jglrttnl l-Jarl of Htntllnglon, wbllo Mm- dltli Meredro wimW figure. n» tlie iWiifp">B oarl, ItoWir« onliit.'onlKt ttirougbout Jtoj i>«n- tomlnn!; Thla wwned i» bo-an Irtgrnloiin wny of Mi'oniaiodiiUng-thu.ladlM with pnrta ot •Imoal egiml Int«ewf.,.leivvlnif Ui^iu 1(» llrfnt It out. All thin mar imvo a oMtlng on tuo of Wedneaday. or, ,Jt-;miiy iwtj oueanlo Lelgbtou trttrror wmo tune at;tuo ilalety, am" UMU' iKi loolc to tlm rin;lety «tage. when* hIio ><ln«H »<ong« that trii, u Htury— ukv for liMtancc In wMdUdw con- iraaU the DUUIlc .Mrfomai»e« and the Uo- uieatlc clicuinHtiinrcs ot iwpulnr M^foruiera. tiUBcombc Wearclle In donil. 'lo lilid be- long* tlio creUlt 1 of obculog tin ■ Africa -to vuudeylll*'. H<> cohtrollctr tbn ; niimlc hall Btagc our tlinrvat »>io tlair, and Ii.mwuh v«i-y rich. Tbeu he weut ; broke nod never quite refcovertifli-.hlK vofjltlou. ' ills, titrly^llro V*» »Pent In New.ZH'iluw), In hl» tUno be toiwd i-very klml «rf. dr«uiatlc und unl»leul colobn y. Up IMBUMN olrariin llild. VJO» pofelry/ lie carried dlaimaehiol* Affhiaii. Tla*. mid Wild (Hjudcmned.iO deo|.b by lsiMiK«jr. jlo wn« part mttbdr, t\-llh HlK w'fjwler .JVIlchx. uf. • i Atl»»«Jj. - ' and h.i|^(l,t]io p.vodu(!tluii;.<if the'ptuy lu London next year MUM jWiujtktl him.-.-' > • •'■•>•.•• •■ •;■"!>'•>;' Nutpuly it Orurjf l;nii« huauu u^iklud-fiKe in-lpiil N i > r n O'iy will unpwir.- ' ■■ " .' ■•' i .y\ '" ,'.••• ■ A HtutlKtllhin imlDuiiteH.lhnt WAjfM .ikjin •T.GOO.OOU Ih Hpeculnted by Ml*. KnglMl !«««• Bifora/lb pnlitunilnio prnrtuclloUH. . ' \ *'. Fanny JpMHS baa «'SpCraft with thji w»- vents bcr npWBrainre, HMbwlBM wltbm ?wo miles of tbut oMHWi Hnppy 1'nnny li mi- nbtmora to appear nt.lbe Adulphl, Ju-it jibiwh tlio cond. In pantomime. tli«-llvo'l iwolile nppealMl to Ike' Mnnctf. wW«h .held .Hint Kanny's routiaol with UoNirt Arthur, being to order aud ot an cnrller dut* than .thai: eu- ttMUfin for the Ttwllf -hup wunf ' n '', lu with Artkur'H renulreuionta aud appear «t the Attelphl.. When I'unuy nhiir«d tli« coiitract with'Arthur wUo »upuosed:H was for the """MomJi' of the t.'hrlaluum fnteilalijuteutH have got lu nbyad of tloie. On Monday night Charlea I'robuian revived "Voter l»«ft, urthelnihe of YOrk'a 'PJientci', once inow, with t'aullnelliusuaa Heter; Hilda rrojfl- van o« \v'«n(ly, and Bob iinrwood us -Mr. llook—thU U Ucmld an Muurler'a part. |W,t he la loimaroMO fruin. "BrowatWa MllllonH, which coutluuea to plenHO utthe UIcUh '^hc- otre. Ou 'I'tieadny. ufteoioou ■Krank-t.urioa Insullvd, ut thn Pnim o( W;b 'ibcuire, ou "edition" of-".Via* Hoolt of llollnud, 'pre- pared for perfuvniaiioa by cblldrcp.- It, It of attrprltlDK excellence. The; original ror- Hlou uialntnVua tin iioaltlon In lh« : avenlng bill. -At llif Apollo, oii-M«nul«»-at|«rum»», Mevmour HIckM will revive' "Alice Irr \>,olt> tb-iliiud." By tBo wny, when ''Thti Now York Idea" in wlthdmwu from lUtat atom, It will Immediately bo ropttduceil at the tiueciia Theulro. n fow yinda away; Uiot l», ou Monday next. -■• •■ •■ _.• '.' . Jt ia urged iiBallist Alesandru Von UeldvrH play. '"J'ho Tenth of. Augual," tentatively pro- ducwl ot the New Thcalpo on Momlay o/to- noon, that It (leaW. yiltU .an old h tuatlon-^- lhat, namely, of a wlf* neglected by u h«fi- bantl cngroascd lu ntudy, nnd solaced by iii« fburmlng young relative. What Via* llorder haa tried to do le lw. giro a'now style nwl circumstance to tlila olcTatorj'. '• b» llWHM im aatronomur, enirnats'lho lnvew with f«uie. Importapt'Btaf gn»lng. and <biw« u Ot.wo*" In lufntde* uiWii their awret._ All end* won, but tlio luterlpdo Ih ,o< a farclOHl dutnotdtloo. Mint Bduclcaiili', who him Hot muila jo ultiuy uppearanccH in public uf lulu, wua.cluirmlng. «n tha heroine. JtraoM ltobertuhavv wuh Urn baabtaCi Mdlcolui Oberry„the lover. :Even- ing pi-rformailccn ot "'l'U« New Boy. ut thla bouae. bare 'already Man almadouetl. •l-rau Tovi'v and .Itilla Xlejaan relum Iminedlalely with "Flic Rfcarlot 1'lruiinmol."... • .• t'.'hHrlc* Hiiwtrey'u nasocbulon with the Yuudo>'ll|e (o.eirtitluuo whan "iho cuckoo" l« shortly wltbdrH>vn. Charlea Iteookfl'eld. who nmiuh to.'have dedultcly ubnniloned< favor of playwrltlug. baa prupared a inMJ'-al .plw* called "lieui 1 Old ('bat He," which 'la cnrdfully'coutrlved to vaplolt the |)or t iHiialliy '•( tb« I'niui'dliin. It itlll be iirodnri.'d Oiirly lu llnj um.JMf, With >lra OJturiea Calvert, Muriel llenrtmonl. lloU 10UU Clurka mill Churlua Gruvea among Ur. llawuey'pi auppoitera. • ■ . • ■ • • 'In l'ebiunrv R II. BontOn brtuga bin Sbiikespearena"tourlue company to.the nub- urban wirouot Tboafrb, for a «ov- enil wwka' duration. ' Ills- .repertory ywlll.ljt- cludo audi playa aa "Kbc Htciipa loConipior and'"l'ho fouutry lild" Mr., lleuaun ..»«<» a .MutlnitntnluHT sclwiliir of Oxford University In hit % - outh. Ho touk-n pwullnobt part ,lu Ibu rollata rivals, and when tlio. Una cume, luslend of cnt«?rlog the church.- ue the tradl-- tlou o( hid family Is. M.CWBM a theatrical cutupapt. of kindred iplr|to, which ut the oul- Not waa operated 1 on what Ih- culled the bn\o Melnlngon piluelpal of freely lnlcrcoiUl|hl| cliaracwrit. Mr. Benson would hlmeelf play tlamlct otto iilghl. utid Hoaeocranu tbo next. 'I'lila pollev wub modified lu the course' uf time, aa HeiMon'a virlue tus a Mar islretietli- i'ued. lint tlio eoniltuuy Ih atlh WfttdM a« a moat uatifur trutulU; achoul. Its nieinbOM inulutaln their lutfreat lu. aclio»t gnwtvs aud IVotball iniilehea, golf iournameuls and what u»l mnrk Its pruaiiHS through .Ibu lounlr*.- His. Luttg(r«'«. old butiiv.lbo Impurutl rjic- olte.receulTy iurreudeied W tbo We»- icy sp-MetheaUit owim-TS, will IB ■ put >vv :toc ■ale by ptiWIc uuctlon early In iho new year. Wecdon Ur'oMnltli will revive hlg_ onro farce. "Tlio Night of the Parly," at the Apollo 'Iheatre, on Monday. , • ,, , Charlea VVymlbum linn received a gold cig- arette cnite im a memento of hl« recent pcr- formanec before tbo king; Mnry~MMrc, a illnmdnd breoch, I .V , Arthur llourrhner idmlta that I* in snrl- ouilv conslilerlng the question of sub-lcaslng llu! 'liarrlcl: Tbratrc. olid taking an cii(fnge- uient^r-ku baa nmny plfera. ••« !la pmialble that a 4l»thjgtilah«d■ revival ot '.'Diplomacy,'* at Hhe < larrtck,' Ma old hoiof, mny form a part olf Jajlm JIaro a farewatl. -Srvniour tllokx nr<fl.lKa of ploying the title i'olrln "JMilMird.liI."' C* ,. ■ Beerbobto Tree, Jiavlng ended hl» tour of the province*, la faking.a vacation ere re- nroa(teln(f"Kdv(ln BboOd". at Ilia MaJtHty I Theatre ^n U& i. ■ , . .II. 11. Irving I» looking for r>>London iho- atre nt Wlilrh tn?|iroduco,"OiOKjtr Horgla," > .An ncMiin In Ine law courts fixed Little •llch'H HulAry C^lfiiSWtt week—an enormous future for Knglinul.' TBero was a dlapute. aa tu-wbat .ngi'nt colild elilta cOtnVtlRalon. Ueo. )f(i«ei'. lately In Amefleawlth Hnrry. Lauder, recovered Wt». Tlch tullt for Mouth Africa to-day/ ••■•> n\ V! "'• ' ' •'. -!!'• I'ermlaslon, M ntnoko'ma* bow bo obtained In rranpci of certain t#arl>lon thultrea;-accord. In* to a. recent dcnbiliin of the County Coun- cil; " Tlio movement. wn» engineered frohi the outlying rwnisci", na ft act off lo drflroallc fkHehea in manic hnllH. TUentrea tnkbig their' license' from Hie Lord (Hiueilierlaln eHiinol eifjoy lite lirlvllecc Iteerbobm Tree Hay« thot nmoklng lu HI* Majeaty'a Tb/'itro would lie "uulmaglnnblo." ■ l/cna whweu tnlrfi* the Idea la 7 'horrId." Cyril Miwnn la utterly ; otipo»ed. .to ; It.. Krederlo JtoWge thWiatooat'co'rimoio would drlva the better iSeofrg ftoa tile theatre.: CbarBs-lVyndbntn thhtka iuhI. on audlciiiie enjoying a ploy could rioOnJoy tobacco *lmultaneou«l.w - ' (WO. Kdwai'le* would regard kiiioIjImk In his the- uttOK aa "the beirlnnlng Of tha end." Arthur ItnufcNler fmlfevcs It .would drive the- con- Molmeut to 1'arln for Ida entertainment, 'lit ths' ovent,: w« "hall probably ftOt-.f little areoklnir at the rough bousea, which feel thu i-oiiipetttloi! of tlu' iniiib- liullrt, never at the UentJiouaeK l» Iho Weut JXntL ■■ • ! • '• Mra..Brown I'otler. who In Just now tour- liig tbo;MU>llMialtH with a Hkeich, founded on-. "Tile School, (or Mcaoditl,": Utlnta tlln variety'tXicntre Itaii DccOmo a grtMt'.-Mtfca* llouiil. faclor. . ' . •;. . . Frederick Mclvillu called at Tun-L'i.>i'P«« Buii«iii ! to-ilny, ;llo Uaa comb.-oVer to annar. interui the sulptueet of Hhckia, tho'indlan Jugal^r, to hlHJMtUv* land! but hook mem norelllcl In vaudeville while- he la MI8S01HI. . it. loaila—At iher Olympic (Pat Short, mahage»»i Wfc» Uon nnd the^llouae"' (retara cngagetjieijt) weei of: »ee. i!2, wlt-h Oliver I mad Byron. Olgh Nothcreole, supporteil by her- own- London company, Including r-niik Mlll.% will be t!ie ntttactloa New : VaAt a T/eck: Ut.JH NotberKOlo prcaentH a rejierlory. Otl» Hklnucr, In '"l'ho Honor of the Family, .i-QtiMftrjSt (Pat Short, manager). — Ray- mond. ftltc1i<«rfc, assisted by an excellent «omp«ny> produced "A Yankee Tourlat" !>*- fore- large and appreciative audiences week of-iil. Adflie Itltchlc. In "leasclaatlng Klora," w«k.DfT20 r •■■ OiAsWOpcn* llousn,—Kellar and Thura- ton, Wdalclana of great note, pleased the clientele'uf this lionse week of 22. .-"Check- ers ,r -.TTcek of 20. M here. An. h'-t lun In In .prugrcHH between leta Mdrgari iiurt .Prank MucXnughlr Nau'ghlon'a inuiiager thought tlio girls work H4'v*til'rt' <XVm. tiarctt.manoger).—-"Pnllcn by th* Wayside", waa the attroction Week of •£t. "Brondwuy After Dark" !!!• and week. lupeatir. (Hi K. HuHsetl. manager).—Jo- aenb Bdntley, who takea the leading part In "Billy, the! Kid," created aulto a Bennatlon week of ts. "Anita, tho Blnglag t.lrl," week BCUCplm (Leo Relchenbnck, manager).— Tbo Colonial fllrla gavo.a line performance lart wfi«k, -and. draw crowded houses. The olio consisted ot iTranklc—Heath and Cttto —l'udge. Jledlnl and Arthur, Thi*c Slaters Lea. McIi'nrlaiM) nnd' McDooabh Rags, and Clius. 4'flike. Xbe 8trnllInr:Mayera 'J8 and week, v. • • " ' ' "•' ',' ; CMyr.TV (O. T. Crawford managen.— Kcrlbner'i* Ble Show plajed to giod IWVVUM week; of 2L','.-Tboae In vaudeVIIlo wero: Bowcn urtilLUmii.Tour Hodge«. thirtlnrund Blossom. C'oltnh cnii D;irro.v, nlid Iffllafdo. .New York Stars,' with special features, 29 ajid-week. ISaksick (H. N. Oppaahelmer. manager). —Owing to popular Jumiinil, the managc- tucnt held over Baraold'a animal actms, Which Includes the dog with n Jag. for a secotKt week. Tide net la one of the Btealest acta in ratidcvjllc. Others: Sidney <H'««r, Cartra"ll atid Harris, Jordon and Hnrvey, Podr Ijestersi Xii Troupe Carmen, Harry Booker and company, now animated pictures. BuMhesi continues good. • :GoMisiB|x'(rranlt Tate, manager).—Edwin rUov<iri». assisted by Times Marshall, In n playlet entitled "An livening with Blckeus." xlmroil liouni'M with 0 llunn Sun apd coin- IMtny, ns neudllnn atlraclldhs of UUs house l!S-J8. Others: O'Brien, Huvel an<r«»mpnuy.'s Arabs. .Iiillan Rose, Kelly and Vlo- lilte, yula»at, Oeorge W. Day. thekluodrome. (JlOBk ' (B. H Itlce; manager*.—John U Iltipp,heniled-Hie hill week of 22. Others: WJII (Jcaflley. Senrles .and Joyce, Br LUlu ItiifisctlniaD, and moving pictures. jrcsH between .the Bis- Ion.. Mac iiniuliihli: to' the .audience at Hartlepool -1_ * - T , ail— .il^.ln 'I'li^.i' nlnSr bin;] WJll (Jcadley. Senrles and Joyce, Brooks, plct t)bE0»i'.^— "In Kansas'.' wiis" tjta attraction staged-by tbo Dlrecifor l\'elb_ nnd rant; down the curtain. They claim tblit their reputation Is Injured, but the. iudgo thinks be can obly. do«l with the question of a week's sulury. '■'' ",' .' ' MawJiall. 1UUI. tin: dlsllnjriilshed la«vyur, oijgagwl on IJih- Camden ..'Cowu laurdprjpasc preatded i)i-a recent tneotlng or lite ISajfgdCf* llliilv \yhfiix : Kdwunl Uarnett.. wbosft, "TJto Kroajdiig Pollit,"', was scored by the wiisor, >*ad. a paper ittlucklng that 6tllcial. J(r. Hall- adopted |V .ridiclul attitude on tbe pc'nsowiiilji i)ucstIon, bilt spoltu. kindly of Onr- hdtt'* Way. .,.-;.• , • .: .{. ■ i. ■ V'tieii >!urcUllh i Mnrwlro has completed licr.'eogagciiWiili lii tluV Drury Lane panto- tnluie, alio wtlI:.n|iucAr ul the Palace Theatre n«»T« the 'Vlllcr'Olr!s«. • ,. 7£, n La>C'(nl«VTi the eomlc opera. In wjihlli Chevalier Kcojel «a|ablltbed ■ hla popplarll.t IwiKi .h'o'ii" ■Uftci'ii .vcM'K' ago, U probtfctfld for next yci'v. ' ■" '<li»<> -huudrcil perfoimnuccH of "Tlio Gay (iiji'donsV have uoW*bcen pat on.rccbrd.nt (iioiAnwyoV irji'aaup. ■ •■\\ \ ■LIly'BrAgton I 1 ''I'Sklcd nt, thu annual Indian' tliuner of till) rihygours .Club, at,.Iho Hotel Ceclh ou'.'SlinilHjv.. .:'•••■ .' : Jouuv .hoi; ("Jo") und ln-r clover daugli- ti'iv'.Kdni Burnett,.are off to Australia, i It J'wki. us. IhmigU the Coliseum were about to. achieve «' belated success undon the revised cmiititUiii.'-. -With the backing of a.'now ant of;»tocklipldiirH. Oswald J^toll reoi>eiis this mic.hou'tui on Monday night. Tho stage bus bcon coiidcn,scil an. as lo hiring tho tierforni- ijrs. Into cloHiir communion with . tho uudl- uiiiv. Stupendous *pcrtai:ulur. prodiiettons Will be avoided. A programme of straight vaudeville ; will- be. played, aflenioon. And i veiling, and will bo completely chpuged once i very.. wc»k. -Luw prices, of, admission nt- i rHctcd an enorpioux crowd on tha opening iiltlbt, a,ivl this.statu of Ihlngs hus-coutlnued ihroutfbout'thu week. It Is ajiretty custom, (f-'tliv'Stoll funilly for Mrs. • Stoll.senior to lake the 'first money lu every hiiuso In which 1 vr Hon Is Interested, and so tbe old lady sat hi the .imy-lxix of the Colhjeuiu on Monday night. JHio stur of tho occasion was Albert riii'vullor, who'had a pcrfeetly enthuslaslli: reception. Irene irfo. exploited her '.'Ksndy Kids".with great success, In.sand nnd Habot dancing. A' continental Illusion,. known as tuo Living. Ball, is also to he noted.-:'. i. Harry Louder,wiko rcuubed ltuniu lust week, slaved. In. -Liverpool, and at once .began ru. l)PJtrsutn \>f the punlotiiline, In which bo t« eu- migcd'tliei'v. Ho stya he iias been invited to revlHlt. Nowl'ork at a salary ot $C,tXH) a week, i Uort Vickiutni. u «troug man, gives a hcii- tjn'ilonnl sbovr willi two motor cars. He gulps one wlUi each hand: the chauffers start In opposite direction!-', but VVlckbum holds liiuiu. Itotli. At a Coveutiy hull, the Other eyuuiog' there wus a mlsumici'standtng—one ear-drove Wlvkbam against tho -oUifetJ and hurl bini, but not Horloimly.' "'• I Tbeivjiru I'xb'iislvcly iidvortlslng the fact that Ailulllia Alonec, tho dancer, Is tu iMtr M weak at tbii Umptra, where -her engage- ment Una l>«ati vittnded. ■ At- n. "c.uniul meeting of the Variety Ar- IIkIh' t'isle hi thin. bt'Id. on auudny night, sov- urni -iiuchticus -of great Impoi-uuice wore coh- Ultlcictl. A now variety urtlsls' buaftvureut (unit - bus: recently been Instituted -a* an ddjuiict. vC tint Music Hall Artists' :B4l.tatr Aritotdutlou, in Bupcicebiton of the old miioic ball beuovolcnt fund. Which died of inanition litter tboktrlkc. Tho performers steadfastly ro- tWd to suppoit it board on which nmnugei h wero largely veprosented. contending that the ileeils uf profesalonals, and ifce relief thereof, should lie suered to their actual comrades. The federation, wu*. fcaltllu bo loo busy, and not wholly suited for the work, so lbs. roll- ray utu-nclniloti. which wild formwl. to. 'dr- lUUilO tbo travellUC nrruu.wments of loud Iurtlwi, was aetecleu. -It fs.a neutral und welt regulated courorn. .'l'ho KedernMoulisLs on suiidur deckled- that whim members ot the society woru invited to assist lay eliorltlea, rhov Nuouhl -only do. so mi the condition that 4 -iu'ixieutngo ut tho . gross proceeds' weru handed over, to )irofessloiuil uhurlttes.' A rule won uleo passed TOijulrlug iniuiugcrs who should iiesdv the assistance pf performers at their poisons) benefits, or nt "eouitnemora- !lon«, , '!*Milfl riot proffer the Invltat Ion to tbo iK-rfornHH ultect. but through thu fcderiitlun, Ifluullv. there attack on the present i.vatroi ol nguniT. So fur, the ugent inn been n r much , more. Important factor lu the com- mrrc of. the varlely stuge hero I hah Is tha case in Ani'-rli-.i. Ills traditional tec bin* for many jeara beau ten p«r eout. The feaera- ikiu mnv ainrniH live per cent, as tbo proper a* for ageuclva. . .;;• ■ • . . Jack Juyeo, who made u hit at the VuUec Theatre sticuit a y«a; a ago. with his aipoal- ilon of th« lasso,, reaehod town ln«t week, with rwo bucking borecs, whleb he eJalais to lie the ,ouiy aalm.-ils of that class Utosen to singe work, Alfred llutt at uuuc gave hlni a Ijlnco in-thu IVIavu progrannue again.' Ho did hi» rntaj.ticLwiileii went ns weltaei'Tcr. The iwrfunuuuto wlUi .the liuekltof borbes was atrcvd ouutcIiius; But It'seoinod lo{»lM*«J'i' ttermant Stock Co,. Dec. 22, lakbig one ot the leading parjs, tbnt of Keldman. an old finbier. Har- vard tiles Club gave a recital Bee. 24. 0.' T. Crawford pave a series ■ of, moving picture show*; Including "Ben-Hnr, "The Life of Christ;" Dec. 2.t-28. If rands MaenvlU on, sup- ported by tile Hi. Louis Symphony Orchestra, under the personal direction of Max Zuch, 'appearnil 26; ■ L'LiryKB) noh. —It has been announced that MuraRers Opjicn-lielmer luivo sold their h)t,er- csr, In tho Milwaukee, Kansas City and Louis- ville houses, which leaves only the (iarrlek arid'XtiWMAmorican on their staff for tho pr^ijmit: work ;oft'the New American Theatre is rapidly muring completion. It 1* expected to' oiioiiftlio Iioiiko about Jan. 1(1 or 2R, with vaudovillo. ' i . - - ■ v-' i: -i »' ' " Krtnsii'a t;i<>.—At- the Willis Wood <0. B.I'WootBrqrd.'.-uiiinaaer) Last week, k'ruuk Onijlcls, 'lx»: "Tho ..Tattooed... Man," opened with a Christ mas matinee und continued the runt of llie .week to good business. Ho.wss ably. usslutcd by Frank . Davenport, Harry ClarUphd Nornlu Copp. This week, William Collier. Ill, "Canghfc In tho Rain." Mrs. Lea- He Carter .Ian. 8-11. fifiwu Opium Hoi'sk (Iludslia & Judah, rrthMgeN).—'l"he' ever popular "Cheekera" pl'tyeil Its i iniiiiil engagement her last week, aUii- baldness, aji usual, wae great. Cdmptny coutliiudo - la bo excellent, < liana Kobort, I>nvu Hnvlinin Jr.. Lydla Htcksou and Joseph AVI Ikes are the old members, uud tho-unw ones nre Slt-iiliiinle Longfellow, Geo. ' Sevbuli, t.'co. »- AJUler nml Geo. Mcrrltt. This week, George .Sidney, In "The Moatuua Man," Next week, "i»tip<irbM.v. -Gb?iiucm (Martin Lebiaiin. resident mnua- get) —Th)« w^ek: Hope Booth and company, Itnse De Haven Sextette, Ulympta Uenval, Ferry . Corwoy, Howard jirutlicrs, William Tompkins, Sisters O'Meers, Madame Burtbol- dy.'s CoDkatoos.. ■••■■ '• Bhvbbdt (Thos. IT. Davis, resident manu- ser).—Tblo week: BamoM's animals, Geo, KolW, (lolden, Blducy Grant, Lo-ltov and Claxton, Prince Kokln, Carthicll and Harris, and the k'our Losters. . (Inus -(14. H. Brlgbam, manager) .—Last week the fiiuurt Set had good busbiess. 8. H. Dudley wns as big a favorite as ever. This wook, "BUI/, tka Kid" Next week, ''Broad- way After Dark." AuiiunitiuM (d. D. AVoodward, manager). —Loat week.'-'Anita, tho Singing Girl," This week, "Shadows on tbe Hearth." Next week, "Tin> sinuing Girl of Klllarney." tiKNiL'ur (Jos. Donuegan, manager).—Last wock, tho< Strolling Mayors. : This week. III- alto iltoundera. Next wuek, CampbeU'u Xlght- liigaltH. ... MaJi'.S'iic (Clinton AVIlson, manager).— Last week, XUt. Vork Btars. This week, Clark's .Voritey Lilies; Kext week, Koso Hill's liuirllah Polly Co, •• ■ •: ' . CLlniniNoa.—All Ike theatres gavo spe- cial uiutlJiecs Cln-lattnas Day ...... Hum Brady Is- In the cltv spendlug "Muzutna" tor <4eorge Sldauy. lu "The Maauma Man." <:hrVstina« whs celebrated'In the usual way. At IJih Grand, Manager Judah followed the fcou:c'H old enstpm ot presenting turkoya to all. the .married .employees, and furnishing goods to tbe young wen. At the Willis Wood a dirlniiaMj? trcn.avns set ap lu tbo tunnel. und all. tha house employees were pleasantly remeuboicd by Mr. and Mrs. Santa Clans Frank trnod ward. V.-'. - . n <»» MliraBSOTA. • Hlnueuiiollit'.—A'E'tli'o Mletropolltan Opera llottiiO (I,. N. Bcott, msungeri William It Craua Dec. 2D-Jan. 1. i!-o. l-lke.ucrvci of. ibbi nudluaco. De AVolf Hopper 'The Sunn w Mun," -Dec. 22-25, and Frltcl Wehefl'. 'itl-.H, had very good' business. Maude I'ealy o'-tt, Diiri'lson uud Howard U-J1. Btjon 'Orrnti llni'su (Theo L. Hays, uiuu- .igur).—"Teotas" 2l» and week. Harry Clay Blancy, la "The Boy Detective." Sa^ud Week, did aood buHluass. FIske O'Uaru, In "Dion O'Dare," next-week. Onfiiinui (d. 10. Kayuioud, resident mana- ger).—Bill fur 2!) and weok: Minnie Scltg- uuui and William liruiuwrii, Six Musical Cutl.vM. Violet Dale, churieno and Charleno, Adolf Zluk. Geo. Austin Moore, und Kronc- nisuu Brulticrs. very, good business last week. . LvoBUH (Christine Hill, manageress).— Chrlslluo Hill Stock t.'o., In "Charllo's Auut." 2U und- week. Same company, in "Al the I'oot ot llic Tbrouo; or, the-Lite of Joseph." by Mv8. Armftlnmg, local writer, played to largo bouse* 22 and week, this being its sec- ond week nt this house. imoui! (j 0 bu lllllott, manager).—Bill for ( :;u ou«l week: O'Neill's College Boys, Bella and AViisiiburn, Alice Mortlooi, Slgnor Rob- lu't*. and HuguBo White. Very good business 23 aud.week. IMwnv (Archie Miller, luaaagcr).—Ken- ttictty Iiclle,- 2tl nnd week. The Nightingales Co.; 22 and week,' to very good business. Avenue Olrls next m -. Apimi-onium. —Moilday and Tuesday even- ings. llt>, (II. United t'ralerulty llluslrets, b/ local' l.lleul. tiudyrtho dlrbetlou of the Kftfc Giubbs 'MJiatrw-Hyadleate, CWcsgo^ - ••JfcTffiiK— At the Metropolitan Oporn Hodse (li. N. Scott, manager) .Frltal Schffj in "Mile: Modiste,* 1 lud capacity huatatyi Dec. 2&2r,. and saored n big jaWMfsv 'The Btamw.-Maa". had bLj baslness 2«-28. Do AVolf HOpper, la "lftppyland,!' M.Jan. 1. AV. If. CraflHi la VKutfaarisnd the Boya," 2-4. Joseph E. Jloward and Mnlwl Barrhjon ploy p.. return eiigarement 3-8, In "The KloWer of Iho .Ranch.''.. Maude Fealy, «n "The Stronger SMC," 0.11. ■ . - ,„ .'. GBANP (Theo. L. Hays, manogei).—-Christ- mas Wetk wltnesstd a big revival of business nt tills theatre, nnd '.'T?xn«" came In for largo houses week of Dec. 22. l;or;-week ot •-ij.VlsKo O'Hiun, In "Dion O'Dttte." "Fallen by tbe Wayside" next weok. Oai'MFlint <C. N. Sutton, manager).—Bus - ness was big week of ,22, csiieclally nt mati- nees. The bill- for week ot 20: Master tla- bflel, Curzon Sisters, AVard and Currnn.Cor- btfey Twin Brothers. Tlvoll Quartette, 1- lo Adler, Harry De Cue. and tho fclnodroinc. MA*ra*TiC (D. Jack Bondy, mauager).— Christmas week witnessed fad- to good even- ing attendance and very big matinees, peo- ple for week of 20: LU K>raiake. Marelay, hone and Severance, Salas nnd halas, BlgbH, Hello Belmont..and tho eameograph. <, Staii (J. a Von Koo, manager).—Big busl- nosa with the ThorougbtircdH week of 22, I'ot we*k of 20. the Avenue Girls. Bam Do- tcre company next week. . ; ■ •WJ.NOHon (Arthur B. White, m.iuagcr).— Ituslness waa vory good Week of 22. ■alJBP- km, Xuaeilrtfti-^At tlie Mnson Ojiern Honso (IL «'. Wyatt, manager) Henry AAowl- raft*. In "Brown, of llarvanl.". Dec. 10-18. drew ftood huolncdB. "Tlio College AVIdow' 23 anil week. Shtrio Cahlll "10 and Week, In "Mnrrylog Mary." ' l■ ,' Al-oitokil-h (Sparks M. Berry, manager). —"The Sign of the Cross," by the stock com- pany, closed tbe second week of Its .success- ratinu, «1. Kor ono week, beginning 23, the Kerr!*.-Stock Co.. hi "The Trodlgal Daugh- ter.:' "A Gold Mlna" next ' ■■=■ Bklahco (J, H. Blackwood, manajer).—Xko stock company presented ."Secret: Servlcr},'.' to good bttBlncss, wceit ending 21..... ."Lord and Lady Algy" 23 ncd week. A revival of "Charleys Aunt" New A'ear'a week. , MoritiKCo'H BuKint.vK (Oliver Morosco. man- tiger).—-"A" Bachelor's Uouanoe," by tho mog company, dfew well week ending -L "Barbara -rreltelile" had capacity 22. and week. "The Prince and.llie.raapor" 29 and week. -■ (Iiianp i»i'i!i;A Hoi;sb (Clarence Drown, luunsgor).—Murray & Hack's "Sunny Side of: Broadwav": continued; a second week, be- glanlng 22.- Tbev drew crowded bouses dur- ldgi tbelr first week ending- 21. "Kerty Gow" ;:o anil week. ' •-' " ■ • (Cort & Helllg, managers). —lciorcnre Roberts opened her. ongagement 22, In "SSIrii. 1 ' "$hatn"- was also given dur- ing tb" latter pint of the week, beginning 20. ClarHBUSt (Clarence Drown, -1008,1 mana- ger).—Ventures 80 and week: Anna Urn Pay, Ktty L. Royco, the Three -Westoiis, Miss Alba, Howard aad North. Vlolu Gillette and tleoigc J. 3lncParlanc, Ben Welch, nnd mo- tion pictures. UniqUu (Hentz & Zullec. proprietors).— l-'i-iiturri: 28 and week: Tracy McDermott, In new-satigs: new acts In vaudeville olio, sketch by Unique Players, und the L'nlque-o- Hcbpc. • Pr.orLc'H (Sullivan & Coosldlnc, proprie- tors).—For 21! and week: New vaudeville nets, new tongs and dances, uud new motion pictures. ' •• • , -Httrna (Hilly Bauks, resident mauager). —Ventures 28 and week : Tbe- Zanfreullns, i,att|Dgei' Lucas and company, Billy Crumby, Law-n Bank's, with new Illustrated songs, new moving pictures', aud tho fcuvplro stock company, In ''Ufa in the AVIlii West," VlHtatun'M (A. E, Kfscber, manager).— "Tbo Stolen Kiss" As the licadlluer 28 aad v.i'ck. by Klsclier's Comedians. New vaude- ville acts and Illustrated songs complete the bill. ■•..'•■ • ROra—Klre wli'ch broke out on Tarry- town^n-tlic-l'lite, Uiug Heach, on the morn- ing of Dec. -28, destroyed tie new-theatre which was to have betin opened to the pub- lic ou that evciili!!* The llimii'H completely destroyed hotli the building und Its contents. The .Iohh-Ik eslln\ited nt SIS.OOO. It la be- lieved that tho ftrst Avaa oflneendlarj- origin. Ihete was no Insurance. . U I.VITI K \ . I.ouiai lite.—At Mucaulcy'a (John T. Ma- cauloy,' manager) "The Man of tbe Hour," Dec. 23-2S, attracted largo audiences. Orrln Johnson and'Robert A. Fisher,- two Louis- ville buys,■■ displayed much ability and re- ceived an ovation. Others deserving mention •wore Harold Russell. Samuel <', Hnnt Vran- els Ring and Thomas Melgban. Macmlllun :i0, Raymond Hitchcock 81, Jan. 1, Richard Carle, in "Thn Spring Chicken," 2-4. Avunujs (Chas. A. Shaw, managor).—"Tbe Hanker, the Thief and the Girl,", week of 22, attracted largo audiences. Joe Morris, as the Impersonator of a little Jewish banker, inado u most decided hit, and showed considerable development since his last appearance. "From Slug Nlng to Liberty" 20 and.week. Mabomc (Chas. A. Shaw,, manager).— Tbotuas I'!. Sbeir presented u repertory, week of 2U, tbat drew, big houses, Kor week of 30, "When'-Knighthood-Was In Vtowor." ■ Hoi'kinb^- (-Win. Relchman, manager).— The Christmas bill wus ono of the best that has boon given this seasou, and the public's appreciation - was showu by tilling the theu- trc. For tyeek of 20: Guycr aud Crlspl, Kmlfe Stiber, Six Juggling Normans, Dorothy Kenton, Ul) Brown, Four Arconb), Ferrero and his musical dog, aad the klnodronic. lUnv Amjlhson . (Max Vrledburg, mauu- *et)-—Bertha Kalleh eamo 2, r »28, presenting "Mnrta of the Lowlundu" to big attendance, Tbo piece was haudsomcly staged. - Mme. Kalleh,.wus, given an ovation, The moat notable members of the cast, asldo from Mme.- Kalleh, were: Edith Taliaferro and Henry Kolkcr. A'audeyille again. takes the boards week of 20, with Alexandra and Bert- tl. ,Uie GraudscboildtB,. Vases,. Prellc'a- Bijou Circus, Dave Lewis, the Four, thirds,-and sulniated plctuyes. . BtcKiNditiM , (AVballen Bros., managers). —Thp Cozy Corner'Girls, week of-22, drew crowded houses. Fo? week of 28, Yankee Doodle Glr)s. Merry Makers next. I 'Nox(;s.<—Anno K. ■ Metager, of this city, made her debut ut Hopkins' Theatre, 20. making a decided laipresslou with the largo r.udlencc. Miss Me tiger has decided 10 en- ter « career on the operatic: ctuge.. . , . . . Frank Cushmnn, the well known minstrel, A7hp died Jn-this city, 10, was burled hern 28. ...... H. B. Burton, who has been connected lor the pus', ten yours with I he Hopkins' Auiuteuieiit Co.. has resigned uls position, aud will leave 24 to arrange with James L. I/ederer for a tour of all the principal- cities of tbe United States and litiropo, for Anna K. Metsger. Mr. Burton Will devote hie en- tire time to her mnuusomcot. /■ . . . ! *»». ' Majksth: (Fred Itucianan, raansgwi,— Tbo bill offered weqlt of'<W»o; 22 proved to bo ono of .the beat ofer shown In,this city. Win Tnmklna' monologue waa novel and tnter- tainlng. and woo grtnt applaui»; Maude dan Mary and company, ;in -ihc Magpie m\d Ue- .lay;" Jus. unit-Sadie Leonard..nrjd Rlcliaiil Anderson, In VWiion Cteaar C'b^ Her;" Sulli- van' and Piisquellnn. In ''A >ewaboy's Ap- peal :"'■ Sisters'O'Meers., Teddy Trio, and tin- Four Dainty Dancers all mot with success! Bill week nf,20i Rose Coghlun snd company AVatsoh. Hutching* and Ldwnrds, the Vsusar Olrls, Three, O'Kabe Japs,. ("etching Bros., nnd Dlxira and Fields. . , K.Meiiii: (Ruben Bros., managers).—This bouse Isi now under above management, and three performances nre being given dally. Tho Dun nnd Mac Gordon Trio headed tlio bin week of 211. Introducing their "insnn.- Moving ■ Pedestal" for the ttrst time. Bill week i>t 110: ilersli'at's Hum ply Dnmptv dogs. Rath-Srvernncc nnd company, Rankin asd Leslie, Howard and Germain, and Claire May- nard. f -..•.- ».-• .- ■ ■♦» » . ' " ■ .''.','" . rAJTA*^.-"-'" .Montreal—At His Majesty's (H.G.Brookj, manager)- "Paid: In Vnll ' had good nttend- ance Dec. 211 and week. "The Three of LY' 30-lsn. 1,. Lillian, Russell Li and week. . Acit'UMV OK MBBic (Wnlter Greaves, inan- ager)."Arotmd Uto Clock" came to big busi- ness Cbristmaa week. ."Wo-Arc King" at). Jani 4, •'.'The, Honeymooners" 6-11. - i RHxijiE-i'r'J* (A. .A. McVenn, manager).—, b& houses ^Dcc. 28-88. The bill.; Fritz's dogs, Mile. Nadjo. Harry Jofcon. Orthetlne illojes and Sable Johnson, Walter ?lcltrodo and two. Mulvey, Paul Lacrolt, owky'a Quuitettc, Stuart Barnes, "Faradlis» Attfiy' and the Bcnnottoscone. [jiiaSfig (P.,.W. Lo Clair, manager).— "The Great AVall.Btrect Mystery" came to •pod business 23rtnid week. "The Cowboy's Girl'' current. "Undo Tom a Cabin" Jau. «. tU .•.•.-, .. . r-: r ;.•:••■ . 1t0T*t« (U. C. ligerton, manager).—(JuoJ alteiidance greeted the. Twentieth t'cnlurr Girls last weok. Rcllly & Wood Dec. 80 and wetb, Tbo Americana next. ' . ,D«s HouveautcS' (R. -J. Denicra. mana- ger).'— The permanent French atock *pin- pnnr, In -'.(La Mas«lcro," to good business, last week. ."Lea Surprises du Divorce" 30 and week. jNATtojut. Fbakcaih (Paul Cazenouve. man- IOWA. - tint Mulnrs.—At (lie Auditorium (\A'm. Footer, malinger) De Wolf Hopper, lu "Utip- nylund," showed to big houses Dec. 2S. Fred Mucc, In. "The Circus Mnu," Jan. 1. VoHiKit'u oiTitii UotlSU (AViu, Foster, man- ager).—Amelia Bliighum showed to a good elaud audience Dec. 2'i, "The Three ofTTJa'! waa thoroughly enjayed, by two good bouses, CV WRIInin Collier. In "Caught in the Ram-.' 1 nlttaeled n large honso UlS. Louts James ,'iO, 81. Tint Mnrpliy Jun. J. '■ >Gn.i.\u.OruRA (Wm. Foster mana- gcrii—"Lo*l lu Im* York"'tared wu'l Due. 22-21. "The VVuy of the Traiisgressor" played to big business 25. "My liisin .Ulrl" 27, as. "Tu.viuud" up, ill, "Tlie-singlus Girl ofJAUttraoy'i Jau. I, 3; .-.•.■•.♦•.. .. ger).—The permanent French stock com muiy. lu -'Monte Cristo," to good attendonct, 23-28. "Romoo.ct Juliette" current llniullton.—Ar'fn'c Grand Opera Uoiias (A. li, Loudon, manager) "Mrs. Temple's 'Tulc'grnm," Dec. 25, bad fair business. "The Fatal Flower" was greatly liked by good sited houses.' Martin's r, Unc!e Totn's Cabin" 2S. Henrv Ludlowc, In "Richard HI" hud "Tbe Mercliant of Venice,". 30, 31: "His but Dollar" Jan. 1, "Dora Thome" 2. Blanche Walsh, ln"Th« KrotttMt Sonata," 3, 4: "The AValls of Jerlcbo" C, "My Friend Frltx" 10, ' Sivov (J. G, Applcton, manager).—BUI for week of 80: Bellman and Moore, Quaker City-'Quartette, Three Livingstons, Berthia. Jordan and Harvey, Casey and Le Clalr.'ind Bean and Hamilton. • Di;snkit's (G. F. Drlscoll, manager).— Attractions for week of 80: Torcat,- Pfill anil Nettle Peter*, John B. ' Hymers and Elsie ivent, Dora Ronca, Charles Leonard Fletcher. lOllnore Sisters, and UHlotfs dogs. • .- - ♦'» , . MAnlfLANU. UoKliuorr - At Ford's (Charles E. Vord, manager) Viola Allen. Dec. 30 and week. In "Ireno Wychorly." "Mrs. Wlggs of. the Cab- bago Patch" had a prosperous Christina* weok. Rose Stabl, In "The Chorus Lady," noxt.week, ;«.) . | ■■ • ■■ . Hum & ZiMiiBnMA.N'a Academy (M. J. Lehmayer, manager).—Mary. Manncrlng 30, lu "Glorious Belay."- "Tbo. Rogers Brothers bt Panama" did big business week ending 28. Lillian Russell next.. ■ . .- Alhauuh'h (J.- Albert Young, manager). Tlio Stewart Opora Co. enterB upon Its second weok 30, when "Plnatoro". will be beard. "The Pirates of Penxanco" was well done 23- 28. • .• -■ ■1-Maiivi.and (J. L. Kcrnan, manager).— Burr Mcintosh.will be tbo leading feature 30, with views of the Tuft tour. Ned Wayburu's "Hide Show," Fred. Bond and company, tbe Seven Mowatts,-. Frank Vogarty, tuff Three Lelglitonn, and Alsace and Loralue will coui- pleto a very: strong bill. ■•■•! . -..:•, Auditorium (J. U Kernan, mauager). - "The Cut aud tbe Ftddlc"-30, fullowTBg tbr two good weeks of "Wine, Woman-nod Soug," which closed 28. ' ■■• .•.'■,•■-•-• UoludAX (Geo. W. Rife, manager).— "iho " iv and the,Squaw" begins « week's stay 30. "A Rnca Across Die CoutIncut" eluM'il Cowboy and the,Squaw" begins a week's stsy 30. "A Rnca Across the Continent" cIom-iI a. very big week" 28. Blanbv'h (O.'.M. Ballauf, manager).— "King of the Wild West" opens 30. "Kid- napped 'or Revenge" had packod houses after Chrlstman, 5 ,...:;..-.. ■,: ■liAvkTv (AV, L. Balluuf, manager),—Tbe Cracker Jacks appear 30-and week.- Vred Ir- win's company had a big week ending 28. Now Monumental (Sam, M. Dawson, mali- nger).—For Now Year's week, the Kmplrr Hurlsscpiers will: be In evidence. The Jolly Girls, with Edinoud Hayes -In "Tho AVIse Guy," drew full boukes last week. ,■■>■ '» • .- MJIIItASKA- tmiHiia At Hojti'w (i;. .). Monlghan.niiin- uaur) Jan. liubelllt was tho attraction Dec. 2B. Tim Murphy 30, 31, "Tho Clansman Jan. 1, 2. Wui. Collier did big business Dec. 22-25. De Wolf Hopper had large audiences 20-28. ■• ■ unrtir.u.M (Carl Better, local manager)..— The past week a good bill drow crowded houses. 1 AVeek of 29 : Job. Thornton, Berate s horses and. "Maud;" Linton and Lawrence. Maude Hall M«cy and company, Gen Jw.-La- vino, "Cbinesh" Johnny Williams, and Joe La Im, •vuuo ("Doc" Breed, manager),—ItosoMcl- tIJIc, In "Sis Hopkins,'.'-20, HO: tbe Smart Set 31, Jan. 1,-,"Tho Singing Girl' of Kit- larnoy'/ 2>A, "Billy, the:'Kid,!? r>,.0:. "Tb« Mazuma Mun" did good business Dec. 22-2o. The Way of the Transgressor" bad good busi- ness 20-28. Hustlkiu*.— At the Kerr Opera House (Tom Kerr, manager) "The Mayor of Toklo played to a packed house Dec, 20. "'Ike Devil's Auction" had a good house 21. "llie Vendetta," 25, pleliBed.' "My Dixie fflrl Dec. 28, Jnno Corcoran Jau. 1. Rose Mel- villa 8, "We Arb King." 11, "The District Leader* 13. . , <i» » ■■ . -' Wl'IS'l VIltlilMA. .. VVlncllHur.- At the"Court (Wward U •Moors, ha&nagcr) t'Bcn-Hur." Dee. a3-28.-bad big rctunis. ; "Miss Bob Whltn" 80;-*'- t»- VU'ld's Mlnstrcla. Jan, 1, 'M'lfty Miles -Vi-oni Boston" 2 (return date , "Xbo Glugcrbiead Man" -4, ■ ' ,"' -Gbamo Oi'Bit* Hotisi: (Oiaa. A. Dernier, manager).—Chester De Vnndc Co., Dec. .-J- 28.- In roiterlory, to big returns. AVunuuiii.ami (II. AA'. Uogcrs. luuuageri.-- ItiislnebB wua big for Christmas wuexy una tbo show gave good satlsf action...• ,•-■■' Buou (Geo. Sbufcr, manager).-r-Blg biir ■ uess for week ending 28,- and bill for week of-30' will- be: Blllle Moore; Gladstone Bis- ters, Devator Trill, Raymond and Hemr, Tegijl and Daniels, :Lols,. Devern nnd Van, t we- mob's gohts, Wortnser's Tots, the Wowlwards, Mnsienl Coles, llerrltl Kenttey aud tho mov lag pictures. **f -. . A'. 0. Pff.tiKK, 'manager of Couvoullon Hull. Btlca, N. .Y., .Infoiw "X that ho bus b«h' bolillng. rtulkhig mutches aiuil Uptl uffain, at that pI«c»,wltU'wurled iiUiuew.