The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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.TAN0AEY4. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1271 Singers! Singers! Singers! DUDLEY « CHESLYN HUMOR AND HARMONY COMBINED FEATURING WHEN YOU LOVE HER AND SHE LOVES YOU COMEDIAN WITH SPECIALTY, ALSO UNION STAGE CARPENTER Allmnrat letter. THE CLARA turner CO., Merlden,Conn,,Dec. 30-l»n. 4; Woonsocltet, R. 1,. Jan.s-n Wanted, for Fred and Edd's Comedians, Al Heavy Man, Man for Character* and General Business, with, specialties and also manage staue- Man for Juveniles and Light Comedy, raw t do specialties; Woman for Juveniles. Sot brette,Kienuei iXd Boy Farta that can and will do specialties; Woman for Character* tha cari look: wVdo JuvcMte, wn»n necessary; met: have good wardrobe and he able to act. Win positively not toicrawbooJ? Salary snro. bat make It your loweit. Management pays expense;). Enclose photos Van C1 Z^Ja 6 c'k FVrc 8 ?e ^ r™vJr r |. P^eBent • ™ BD * £uD ' 8 COMBDIA» P S, BDSSEY, imgrams. OWA. FILM and SONG SLIDES. Seventy-flve thousand feet of One stook, large and small subjects, 2c. and nn no Jtritir nn mn? SELL FILM NOT FlTTOUbE. All are serviceable. Two hundred set of Song Slides lSeea?l?allrtJ HAVB YOU SEEN THE WW ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDE? fStWt^^^lBw^SMr^ Send2o. sump for sample. Genuine Imported French condensers 90u. "acli b»thedo? sop i ' xi h<\ BOY FILM AND SLIDES, IF 0001). G. F. OALLOT, TO Christopher Sis'lCUy LEATHER OID TRUNKS. LIGHTER THAU STEEL. Bend for New Theatrical Catalogue. BO TIMES STRONGER THAN WOOD. LKATHEBOID MFQ. CO., KttB'way, N, Y„ near Spring St SKETCHES AND MONOLOGUES WRITTEN TO OllDEH. ■ i SH^FI&mW 1 : . h ■«"» terms If desired. I. HOW LAN, 118 So. 12Hi sircet, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED, ' FOR MUSIC A I. FAROE COMEDY, J^PEST SISTER TEAM ■ ' One to Play Good Juvenile Part. JUVENILE WOMAN, Tliut can do Singing Speclaltv. MUSICAL DIRECTOR, PIANO. State all la Urot letter (pay own). Will return photos. Show runs all Summer. Address DWITE I'EPPLE, Lexlngton.Va, Jan. 2, Harrison- burg, va., Jan. 3, Staunton, Va.. Jan. 4, WlucheHter, Va,, Jan., t>, Uagerstown, Mil., Jan. 7, (( H Pith* Latest Complete Hond Colored PASSION PLAY Juit Imported from Paris, France, with the Mliu song, "TI1E HOLY CITY," to rent by day. week or Sundays, or will share »ou on percentage, and I will furnish you cornplelo billing for name. All lltno upon, commencing Jau. 1. 01IAB. P. GILNOHE, Oswego, N. Y. WANTED, THEATRE CLEVELAND, 0., Sister and Sketch Teams, alio Slnglr and Novelty Acts. Can give two weeks.. No Sunday shown, J.C. ZIEKATH. Mgr. Arch Theatre, Cleveland, 0. TO BE OR NOT to be up to-dnto with your comedy material Is a question that every sensible pciforiner answers In tho afllrmatlve. Tno auswor Is a copy of Pit ICE, ONK DOLLAR MADISON'S [ "Is BUDGET No. II which contains n of James Madison's famous monologues, 12 tine sketches for 2 males and I for male and (emale, Including several splendid Dutch and Uebrew acts; 29 high- grade parodies (no Junk), 2 comedy after- pieces full of fun and actlon.besldes hundreds of bright stories and "flll-ln" nag*, comic poems, and toasts, elo,, etc. Price, ft, I buy back at full pnrchaso price any copy of Madison's Budget not entirely Hstlsfuctory. JAMES MADISON, 1404 Third Avenue, New York. Pant tssurs out of print except Madtson'.i lluayct Xo. 10. rrtce while AT LIBERTY! Banks Are Now O. K. 2,000 folding chairs, leo nickelodeon chairs, our folding organ, folding torches, crank electric and spring motor tilanos, fog horns, megaphones, ono lax 13. 21x00, 18X44 black tents. SEND FOR FREE BARGAIN BOOKLET. For Rent, Thro* Story Bldg. suitable tor museum, etc. Fine location. R. I). AKMMKUiSTEii, Sprlngtleld, Illlnol;. AT LIBERTY, for One Piece, Stock or Rep,, fiflini 7(1tiF 80CBRETTES, INGENDES, OULUfl tunc, SING1N0 SPECIALTY. CARLOS INSKEEP, Joint engagement only. years old, If yon want her. Sings and parti. BLUE 8U1RT OR BABY FIUNOEB, life and parti, DARLINGTON, INDIANA. H anted to Purchase HIGH SCHOOL AND MANAGE ACT HORSE. Alio HIGH JUMPING HORSE. Slate lowest price In first lotter. Would like to hear from John L. Werner. Address C. a. gDINTARD, care of CLIPPER. AT I.IRPRTY u ""<' O, LEADER, Vlo- •»• sisaiuni i, i| naU( i Trombone. An auger. ''•".rarv unexcelled. Experienced, strlotly borjor. Leading WOMAN, quick and reliable sludy. vt srdrobe, appearanco and ability. PKOF. I. P. MOORE. 1020 S. Fourth St., Terrc Haute, Ind. AMATEURS Wei lustruet and prepare yon for the stage by mall, and tecute engagements. Write for pattloulan. THE DUSUANE SCHOOL, South Deed, Ind. AT L1BEBTY, Onsical Comedian, Double brass, alao work In acta. Sober and re- liable. Address GEO. J. OREOOR, m Franklin Ave., Nutley, Esbbx Co.. N. J. Now Vaudeville Act, "The Crazy Plumber." oaem.onof. lomln. One big soream. Pricotl. Mo „ney back If act don't mako good. W. LEE, ltij, s- oth 8treet, Richmond, Indiana. WANTED, rr I*iajtxo I'latyex' com Mod. Biz. Join on wire. Salary sure. Others, write. Pippin, wire. SHakphteenMED.Co., 604 Ashland Block, Chicago. TROMBONE, AT LIBERT/, B. anit 0. .""'"J Piano also, prefer Trombone. Travel or locate, a. F. of M. Responsible managers only. Address ALV1N G. FACS.PortOHnlon, 0. Wanted mum medicine people to nnniLV uuibn, change for week. All around comedian that fakes organ. State very lowest SHI £ , . t ? r - PKor - OKO. DELMONT, Madera, ciearfleld Co., Penna. JOS. N. MACHAN LEADS, CHARACTERS AND HEAVIES DIRECTOR with Scripts EMMA MACHAN Al LEADER, SIGHT READER AND ARRANGER LITTLE UOSKLYN MACHAN, 11 years. Child parts and feature specialties. Per- manent stock or recognized repertoire. Managers only address JOS. N. MACHAN, Daly Homo, Tor- ino, Can. P. s.- I Dint engagement only. MONO WITH WALTZ OHOHUS. A Hong That Appeals to All. BIG SUCCESS. SEND 10c. J. E. STROHM, Pub,. 136 W. 96th St„ H, Y. AT LIBERTY, YOUNG, RELIABLE, PIHST CLASS /l€3EIM-|-„ Strictly sober. Salary, your limit. Join on wire. MAX C. ELLIOTT, care of Hit. Syptierd, It. F, 1)., No. 3, Korrlatown, l'a. THE TWO FAMOUS diok SKtiL.DI\GS joe America's youngest and bent Dancing and singing Comodluna. Breakers of all box olllce records. Booked solid on the Empire Circuit till Hay. A Merry Christmas and a Happy Now Year to all the profession and our many friends. THE TWO SKELDINUS. A>V WBEHTY. CEO. W. STILL, CHARACTERS AND GEN. HUH. Soberand reliableMaa Mgr. Address 111 MORHBLL AVE.. Ottomwa, Iowa. Singing* and Dancing* COMEDIAN. Silly Kid part. Send photo and programs. EDWIN PATTERSON, Falrbury, Neb. I WRITE SKETCHES, Etc. To order at low prices, with ea.r terms. Address BILLY OR ROSE Playwright, Uen, Del., South Bend, Ind. At Liberty, Mrs. fi. E. 'I Men CHARACTERS. SIT POI'LAIt ST., Chattanooga, Tennessee. Can Place Han with Picture Machine ALSO SILENT ACT. OTHERS. WRITE. STATE ALL IN FIRST LETTEfl. NO BOOZERS. GEO. P. WOOD, The Albus Co.. Uolly, Mich. Al Libert,, Young Lady Pianist, sight Reader. Thoroughly experienced In vaudeville and or- chestra work. Address -pianist," CLIPPER OFFICE, 504 AaWaad Elk., Chicago. NEWOraOLE, 0 - New Tear's and Ssi'y. YORK ft ADAMS P! " v,(o I'wavAOCth St. Era. 8.18. THE pomnrg. -THE— DEWEY E. 14th St Ladles' Mat. Today. ROLLICKERS. Musical Extravaganza. BIG AMATEUR NIQHT EVERY THURSDAY. -THR- E. WthSL Ladles'Mat.To-day. Watson's Bnrlesqaera. Krau'Ctneyer's Alloy. Vaude. Big Amateur Night Every Pilday. GOTHAM j ii ii Characteristic March and Two-Slop. BIG HIT. Full Orchestra and Piano, lie. Piano Solo, loo. Full Bund, (juartct of Baxaphones, 15c. J. E. aTROHM. Pub.. 13tl W. 86th St., N. Y. WANTED VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT FAMILY THEATRES Schenectady, Amsterdam, Little Falls, Herkimer, Rome, Malone,Carthago, Watortown.Ogdcnibnrg. Oswego, Fulton, Cortland, Auburn, Bloghamton, Seneca Falls. Geneva, Buffalo. You must make good, send photo. OH AS. P. OtLMORE, Oswego, X. Y. P. S.—Write me for prices on Films and Song Slides; also supplies iron, machines down; every- thing In stock at lowest prices ever knoivn. DRAMATIC tUm WAITED Man and wife for Cnrlylo and Miss Corney, Lady Piano Player that can double small part, to open Jan. 18 near Kansas City. State salary. ALSO WANT Actors that can double braes for BEEUHER tSi STANLEY'S HIOTKNT SHOW lor Summer season. Show opens S'Okane, Wash.. April 26. Address WALTER J. McDONALD, Mgr., Abilene, KatiS; AT IVIB^RTY AFTER JAV. 4, 1908, HARRY A. WHEELER. Agent for one night or good Rep. Good press worker, close contractor and an all-day worker. Salary yonr limit. UARRY A. WHKKI.hlt, 41 Osgood St., Salem, Mass. r. 8—Regards to my friends. WANTED, ATTRACTIONS For New Opera House last Opened In a good Sliow town of Inhabitants. Seating capacity :ino. Am ready to book for coming season. II. W. FHBKW.AN. Manager, Grant Park, HI. SKETCHES AND SONGS WHITTCN TO ORDER For Advanced Vaudeville. F. M. SPAHLINO. HlayrUlit. Hammond. Ind. CASEY TRUNKS. Less in price than all others. Uilafanlccd live yours. Write for catalogue. 153 West 23 St., NY. AT LIBEBTY, J. FRANCIS MARLOW LEADS, HEAVIES, CHARACTERS, Join on ticket. SO. HUSTON, Va. Regards (Friends). Rest wishes. AT LIBERTY, BEULAH M. PETERS, Heavies and Juveniles. WIUL JAY PETERS, Characters and Character Heavies, Specialties, Alto In Rand If necessary. Prefer ono night stand. Rnsponsllilo managers only. Address MARV SVILLE. KANSAS. BARRIE STOCK COMPANY WANTS MAN far JUVENILES and LIGHT COM- EDY, with SPECIALTIES. Must bo competent and good dresser. Long engagement and sure salarv. No attention paid to loiters not stating LOWEST salary and full particulars. Address BARRIE A- (HUHAM. Dec. 3o-Jan. 4, Waco, Tf x.; Jan. o-ll, Terrell, Tex. POB MUSIC ACT. Partner with capital to have his or her special (patented) Instruments made, and knowledge of at least piano or violin. In brief seiuou on road In- ventor lias puzzled musical audiences with partial aduptlonsand more youthful learning ability. Full use of the novel methods can bo made. Am reli- able performer on o to 8 tnsls. Ago .11. B. caroof Klcmme, 1280 Noslrand Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. AT I/IBBRTY (ACCOUNT CO. CLOSING) WILL. H. KENT. CHARACTERS, GEN, MCI, 711 Anderson Si., Ilerron Hill. Pittsburg, Pa. WANTKD, I "AIM THE raiBECK" Juvonllo or Heavy TO DOUBLE IIHA8H. Address 0. It. RENO, Sumter, Sooth Carolina. AT LIBERTY, ■AH AHD WIPE, FOR IDY. LISBT OR GCORITRIO CODEDY-oOtlBEETTES, M6EIDB8, REBPOISIBIE PARTS. Address RELIABLE, 32J W. .lull St., New York City. NEW OPERA HOUSE Right on mam street. In business center. Beats too. Open Jan. t>. Good coo., write. Business big. sort. r. T.. 3un. m. p., -a iim. s. w., all complete, For Male Cheap. E. B. WRIGHT, New Opera, ilotmo, pu I pa O U I m. AT LIIJEHTY, SOENIC ARTI8T Add. FRANK C. AMBOS. 7«8 W. state St., Columbus, Ohio. RESTAURANT CHICAGO i Mr. Abe Frank, for the past five yean sole - Manager of the Sherman Home and College Inn. Chicago, which connection he has severed, announces his ttsociation with Rector's, Clark and Monroe Street*. Chicago, as part owner and Managing Director. Mr. Frank extends to his friend* and acquaint- ance* among the profession a cordial welcome to Rector's, assuring them of a continuation of hi* personal solicitude for their comfort and entertainment WANTED COMEDIAN and SOUBRETTE with Strong Specialty. YOUNG LEADING WOMAN, CHARACTER WOMAN, FEATURE VAUDEVILLE ACTS State, all first letter, Including age, height and weight. Must Jnlnnnwlrc. Address < 0. 8. SULLIVAN, Manager Sullivan Stuck Company, Inc., Owossn, Michigan. (OWINU TO CLOSING alfred THE BRIDGES "" ECCENTRIC AND LIGHT COMEDY INGENUES AND JUVENILES Neat. Rollned Single and Double Specialties. Tho nest Singing and fianrlng Act. In the BnalueM. Write or wire Care of THE HKVEltK HOUSE, Chteago, III, isabeuollaMileT Teo*w. luilv At SOUnilKTTE anil INGENUE With Specialties. At MUSICAL DIRECTOR (Pianist). Both thoroughly competent and experienced. Absolutely sober and reliable Addreai 303 1-3 EAST MAIN ST., Columbia*, Ohio. WANTED QUICK, for Myrtle Vinton Company, REPERTOIRE PCOPkC IIM ALL L.INES. Profer thnsn doing speclalllos. Must lie HOHER, reliable anil hnvo w \ n liuoiil; rnr BOTH STAOR and STREET AND WEAR IT. htato all In first letter, I'av your own. No nam to i■iirrespiiMii. Address II. P. UULMEII, lllgr., «)msi. Del.. Unseman. Montana, "WA. BaT T jES jT3, Competent Repertoire Stage Director OTHI >I_K In All Linos. Write quick. Send photon. Iiuinfftlatn tmajnarnionl, ELMKR WALTERS, J»IK Tribune I'I<Ik ., ClileaR., Ills. AT LIBERTY, OwTNa TO OLOBuVO OF 00„ 9 Leads, Heavies. Height, Oft. inMn. rXS 9 Leads. llelRM, OR. 4)jjln. Ability, Feature Wardrobe City stock or first class rep. preferred. Joint engagement only. Address UAILEY, MICH. "ON THE BANKS OF THE OLD H0G-HDCKIN6 RIVER" IS THE TITLE OF k NEW 80NQ THAT WILL NEVER GROW OLD : Words und Muslo by O. E. STUMP, LL.B> Author refused ( [or the copjr'Kht. Bound to lie the most famous song or Modern time*. Pro- fessionals aond program for copy, outers reinll as conls. Addreaa THE O. E. STUMP MUSIO OO.., III. FOR JOINT KNtlAOKHKNT, owing to suverlog conuicllons with ConiAd'Kccu Stock Co., CHARLES J.' CONRAD LEADING MAN. J ALIA BEITH, 1NGEHDES, 1DTERILE8. Height, ert., lOijln.; weight. Ut> imuni'H. Height, 5ft., iiijin.. weight, no pounds Ability, wardrobe, experltncu. Stock, rcpcrtolro or o 10 ploco. Addross man BROWN ST., Phl'u,, Pa. WILBER STOCK CO. WANT8 TO MEAR P-ROIVI RELIABLE REPERTOIRE IR ALL LINES At once. FRED W. HOHAN, week of Dec. 80, Burlington, Vermont; week of Jan. fl, No. Adtina, Has*. MUSICIANS WANTED! ' ' ' Must be Ur.t dais, sobot' and reliable. No km eker* or kicker* wanted. Need FRENCH HORNS. CORNETS. CLARINETS otlmr. write quick. I.OU1S OHUNTHAL, Dandmaatar, Jarksonvllle, Fla. A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! THE ORIGINAL MANNINGS-Dan G. and Ida WITH BOB BARGDEBTER'S CRACKER IACKS GOIPART EH ROUTE. CHAS. H. CLINE, Obaraotors. HATTIE CLINE, Fourlh Women Parts, E.xporlcuce, ability, wardrobe, tirst olaas. Reliable Rep,, Stock or One Night. Permanent address, SAOHETTS IIAUBOR. (V. Y AT LIESERTY AOOOONT OO. OLOBINO, Btrletljr aober and reliable and all day worker. A No. 1 Hep. or oae nig tit .(and. Write or wlr. OEO. DIANTHLL, iaa Carroll Street, I'ltt.lon, Pa. WANTED, AMATEUR MINSTREL DIRECTOR. F.xperienced In llebearatng, Directing and Staging Amateur Minstrels for lodges. Piano player pro. ferred. State everything In drat letter. NATIONAL aMUSKMUNT bureau, Fort Wayuo, lud.