The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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THE' N3&W• YOEKv QBIPiPgB. J&ANUAK* 4\ in order to avoid miWnJ<>» nml to tnauri- the prompt ilrllv.ery of Min letter* In itiU llssl. 4ia i.lninli ii.l.l c< -nn'il aniltt lie atent lor eneli teller, ortd t» ivrlllf/i order (or lite leller, nlitiird rrllli <Jli«- foil isniise nrtd ndflrt-** isstsl Use M»« ol bn«ln<>* lollowi'd l.y Use aeoilrr, inns* nlxo in- I'Ui'Ioeieil. I'leis»«- nsesslloss «!••- dole (or isiim- ls'pr> of #■* r;l.iri»Kll I" which the letters, HWI f«»r were nil*erll«ed. LADIUS' LIST. Keisuvriy, Joe iireOunhinidi W, Keif, J. W. ,Uil'r|>ininM RalliK Klrwlit, Jan. K. llstnluck (J«>.W KcUcy. T. Mack. R>ilit. 11. Kirtelmer IWsco Mr-nan. Ilrtrr Kik-riwr, Ussaa. 1 Mi.i--.if].i. A. H. 'Mnek Allows,?. _ Alnholle P Abbott, I'linnlo Around, Mm*. Archer. Helen Austin, rio , A.B.C.D. Girls Atddllc. Until Uosl'rt, T.lla Barttet, Alter Ileer. Kittle Bennett, Vtol«t IFarli Bfnasr. Um F.lll jjavysst. Kola lK'iK-.r»'. Ley M. I... 111, I Mr*, Hurry Dunn, ! mini |j.llt'l!(llllli .MImK Karl, l "'- 1 Kl'vla Annette V Rilnli. hlouctie ilfdy, MHO" F.lmlro. Mabel r.piin Burton. Moild 1 M.VIIll. Jnale Hurt*, Alice M 'Forrest rwrothj Brlsbt, K.IHb (forties, Marlo'i i)»li«, Ziif.i iKarnwr.rtii, Mm Bnrrlnztoii, I French, Alice Ethel't'ctmicr. Mary Blake Mrs. C .KlPcii^illil. .tolls Bner. Mobt-1 ;l selfllng, ' JBcll, lili i Mr«. Wsrri JUotiaell, Olnnt, Mate i.lbhlo A. imtorr.' Dora Beck,, Lucllii Unwell. Barns', l'earl Hrockivar, , Mrs. Frank rilanuwrd, V Mildred Rcrslnl. Martha Uernnrd, rauuy DsjBMrqtaM, Mercedcr Brown, Ktln. ■ fcotea,. Jntft ,1ft;,; Mrs. Km ak •Jtenuwirde. ? . Mnrlo llen.aaii '.MarkuiJ 11, nlf I . II. K. .Crawford, .. . Jnaeiilllne Costly, T«»H eimunnn. Put Clarke, rtylvlii Carney, Ida randan. Slaty Chester, llutli Cnrt't. ItlniKhe Creatore. Onrawo rolrnun.. ■MnrtiHret W Chatham Slaters rarleton, Dorothy estop, Blanche Campbell. ..Millie CWy.' Bjrto C.itiper, Mnbol t'pnfc Cnrnlluo V iltUircb, Mi™ A. . I'lMllaim. Hesse '(3*ytan. BWf ''•Sin :, '■ . MrK. fliiii.. I) Male. MJrrtat timiirr .\n«n.i: ll.'rin, I/lltl ijftriwl. Ik-rtha OeiVnrney, liieif', Loulac ilato.. VV.IB lh ,\'i(Uo. Mm jonamiire, Minnie ill, .l.i-l' OHl.ti.. /-Hit flnnter. Ketiobf tti.le flwtnaoljri' Gale, Hutli (.'llniore, krlt* f Hithawny I.llllt' Hathavny. Alice liowanl, Morlc Hugbcs. Mailgf Hunt. Mra-C. A Hurl, s.nlie ' Hdi.l..;i. "■HI" Harilwn. liawtlinrii". ^tcisnte PltWl fiillierlar |Mi»h"« I'loreni'T ILiKhi-H Harrlwui, u.'Imi \llnerva M,iiTi-,.n Mr*. X. MtfAilnBI Winnie Mtirrlri VrH.I»oii ii......... i A'telyn Knrth: llnltle Xvthawny. Lull Netarn llnrluii'a Mclmln. Mi"''" O'CVmnnr, .'.. in.a 0<lell. .Mudl.y ii . OWen, Ma.r A rt'il.y Powell. f!">n Pollock. lMltb Pala*. J.lal*l PaUllr'., . .Mexandra farter. Ml'<« •" Tcrle i.'lllle \. [tltea. Marie I'atPMno. Mar/ Piinlwr BUnohi. I'llC't. Janet l*uil:v'j. Sellle Rofter;.. OlnilT3 Mnnd ftlchnioii'l (Uaoaj IloMell. Matle Hynn. Mnransret Roaeri. Motel Bow. Mario Rnawell, Inea pondall. Mnry Rochester Nina BossDinn. . . Oorothy IIiiv.-ll,'iln-. I In/ell Ml". MO (ll.'liler. Marls- f!|elw\ Mini.. S,-iill. 11.111.' ■wan. (Hire Hllnnim Htnll. rtiiyder, llernlee Halt""", lot tie ll.iu.-li. Helen llnyens. Mr*. Waller .»,, '.'In Julliiu. . ..' ,. (Jerlruite M. .'nlin"..!! Aire. >'■■ lennliiK" iHmvoni .lordnn. Anna .lr.liii>-..iii SnlW Kin-. Rltll tCiM', May teiin.ii. Imr.illt:. Kenrtiill. rinby MariM Knhli. Mil. P. Kulvr. I Mill iMt-ell. MI«H •!• Ki.-nili. rl'.i'hb- Iv.-iiiii'iiiiin tun/; II Itpliii. \ili.|'.l.l<- luwrcui.. Iwaari l<-,lt"V. Ma« T.a Mar. tM.ira l...\vla, I'll'» Leiiii, l'nlln lining I'lClllC l.lltllli.. Ml'K. I.evliw,- Mra, Percy Ml. Mnrlo Ij.Mlle. Itslelle I ii cnrrnll, Mil* Miiyii.ii.l t.lllluu Mlllni.l. .lima Mll|er, ItHljf ■ MljIrW. I'^fllli Mes-ln-r. Mnh-I Miller i;ilail»tl< Itiwala Miller, Mlniilc Miirunrel m. mumiih-.. Alelnmlfii „alo, Ktolyn fijVVero. Kittle BHiniir. Twin 9enm win lleVrre. Mile. lleltMr, Rlllit jlviicf.. Mm -.,,li i' J K wale Send. Klale fHinw. Mnraiiret Slild.MM. Ida Scymonr. I.lllluii .Si-.iH I ."111" Um HI;, Mary H. Mlalfer, Lillian Stuart, .Mnilellne H. Rnminertlll.-. lira. Dohart Slennri. Mra HI Slcrile. IV.'II Townlev. Hello Tlirnei' rlwcn.i" Ttnimi.Hi»ii Rlrlks riii.l.lier. Brit Void. Itoaa Vhielln, Mn'". Wnllter. Helta WU»nn. fai-MO Wnril. t'.lllle Wnlsli, Annie Weat, M.intr.'..-t Wnninr Mra. A I. Wnllninn, A mile Weir, rnrhllne Wnalllinrn. I'll.-.illirll. Wlle'v igitlii'i-yii Wel'-ll. AH'''' Vallara.. Kaler Wrlulit. Mil K. Wext, rhwlie Walker. fin -hi, , ,1.. ...(.• Blew, Healer II - Ml.-, -lit WIM in ill. hi. ' Mrrlto Wnliera. Midllc Yuini'if, J.V'-le Vi'Hnn. I. i'la Kr.H. Uiirielll. All-Tl Klyniiiii A ,',ii'-- Iniil. MIL. .1. Jirausr-. Oil", p. K..||y. riniH. J. KVn.ter. (Imi. W Jjnit, <leo, . Lanren.M', S, A. LMnb'a Mnlilklu Lai'klan. .Iftlin J.:l\V|til..:i' .VI/.ll.' I.inn. K l.amont. ii. * Mamie Lyaler. Alfred l.ennnr.1, 1'ronk |...<-I,ili. «. W. 1.0 Vern. Vern. latnlwrl, K, A. la I'ayelte. Ureal I«», II. M. " La milette, 3.) l/.inbiird Bros. I.mirojter. John ljwanile. Tony Lynn, Mr.ltMra Lnrym. BuAolnli l.lpplncott H. D Iji Dainr.n Tlieo iron, r.lrnrd l.nCkol.. .i?aMl 4 Jen, Loli'.a r. Lesllfl, Wall II. l.nv;lca.«. J. Laldmoii. W. I'. )»'«.lll. Jllel: ft Maanli l.nSr.Ire, This. J,;imneit .V Plerei' X.Orf. II. t JoaMe Lavall. Jas. leMer. I. P. leclalr. H- B. « .Inrrlnatoii ]ju?7 i' Co.. Harry latvlnr. Miarley ,v Jln.iBliieni lee. .lot. II. .Miilyools .Mi-tfnlliini Joe D KlnlllinVH *; Harris MeOmie. Oihi. Allteliell tc l.'nln .ii. ii. i . Clarence Miller, David- Mnllory, Itiirlon McOaulcy. J. M^ Moll HnnilltODB Mmuin. 1". A. Mnck, TniHJp Mnnikl. Ill.'liord Heft, i Vl.-Walers * f , 'l',r?nii tliirnume. Alliui Mj/tL'-H. Than. .\tndvro lie.). ,-l. Nelann. Mil. U Nelson. ,li tin A. \ III.ill, MlHlv'.l Nerr. j. Nenie. I^nrf It, .Mlllnn * l)„lly KelaUI. ^Vm. Neviirn. ,J/H. SHinim, (,'iirl 011. 1. VA. Owen, Wnllaea n'r.uiMiir, I'M. ■;>l,l*-ri.iini Ffnnl: t»rr. Fred . (/Kelt. Prnnli Opel .Nnyelly Juj;Ifr Ottdn. E. ' Jto. Ott&Orn, rwen. .1. Kdnln ittlielln. /Jui ;)r.» ft McKflrey iTNoll, .?«.«. "Uacher Tied •rice, Fred L. I'rltclinrd V..F. I'ri-ilir-r. .I..H, A. inline, J. R. Pbllili^t * Nliineycr i'antror Ti-ln I'billnD'iii. John i.'enrce, A. C. r/.iiifiii'le. A. i-iirter. Watt J. 1'iietcr. B. B. IMIcber, Frea '•aire. Arthur P Piu'linu, A I. I'arMr. llnrl Prn»ili'e"t Hi H I'lnnl-.ell. ii. Pi.vell, F. I'lllT'lB. Ji.i'k Qnlnliiii *■ Semiour. F. V. Hwitlier. Kd^l". Mpia.ner. I', f.. Splllnnn. Can S|ien*-er. ^'filler ,<i»iiU->'l Pftlta H :»inlllK, Tl»., ►iin-.-n.iHi. Ike Ktnilll. l-'-e HI. SliU'li l'-l; •*< i Talnnlt Sjdnl.-. i. It. tSitU. Hen, .sinlrnnl. Hnrry Siitlierlnnil. l-'rerl 4. ftlpronM, Hen rtlierman, i.\C Wllllnm llrnrj- Rife, n Mle,f notice of Week n'r Pec. -J5. '"Hie. IMirlk Cr*ok" .actjred. whom' tleiltU lippencwl In mtr ln*t H-.tie. <ll<"l niddenly abmil. inMnljihl '■» £ W*h ' "''■ » In tin- .liUVrwnt llnsplial, I'lilliiilelphln, lie hnni June I. i*U. M, ""' l ™1> "",'! iiuino his rl.'l.iil UN d 1">>' «1»ik«i'. «*•» J* nf eliTt-n I«»ra, Willi s'linrlr.tle ( ii-hmnii. Knni niinror.1 w:is I he lirM. innn vho »W blnckeil Mr. ftiec'M filee. TIiIh JMJSJJ folk, Vn., in 1Ue TiOa.. lie wns with §ltnfntrl» W*k'o'" nrrf aS. •"r»nt"ftllS:k Crtnk" ,* Week r.f :il. "1"bo ronnly f'linlrmnn. ML-^l>ArlU Pl(t'"'0 »hw.-a nil sttfl Ii jrent hilRlrtew CBrl 5tmn<<, ., _ ji .[.ii... j,-., .a. 1 , ' n -u- ' -^ ^1*??*?^^ CLrlitmag and Hew Year's fireetlngs Mlnatrela. Col ton & .Miirpliy'n f.lns. Miirpi/, i,r -K.:rry U.-w" fame) liaverly'.i MiiNtortrtit MlnMrcla, W«l«b, ll.iKlie.s & White a,,'l hotc|i : tllentret! on WaaJjJnKton' 9 t"«'n thorough, torn nit dolnjf a eSpoclty bualnciss. . S ill » l ',t» -—' ■ .•»..*a'fe OIIIO.' , : ".:'■.■..,: .». /anravtlle.—.« rlln Weller fflT. F, M g . •sort mnn.lger) "TUfl IloneyninMi#r» ,, s3i»ll(t'ht*,| I wn L'nort<j, J.lf(e..ill, "Ate Ymi.a Us «im'. M rhe,<'hrUt'iinA attraction, rtreo- trv;. eapneJlv hdMM,idkl8 pleaiert. ■'"ITan'..Sth"oo-Fli itogimoiit" 28. I'littl lUni'iress SloeJt Cb. !W Jn'n. "I. etijpht, Jlee. Ill,'When. "JHflf. Miles frcm Moslnll• , enrntv. I'lffHMUliU (W. '..'. Qnlmhy. IMUMaw).— JiV.r ClirJjslirhrpi.weelc: OltU* Nnil),.l'llii'.Miu. inhn Torlt-y.,(l. A. TievollT.. Mr. * Mr9.. Mns Taylor, Hinarr altm. F. St tl'ti(4naann, Jlny l'wl, fico. H, Trlta. S. Temiiert. M. L. )'r.-iwlnl» Brr.a. Willi, f. Yun, nins. • Van Mr. Vernon, Knrl Von 0 A Fannie vlct. 3. fi. Vlnlen, f-ew Wilson, J. A. Wntdon finni'tV Walters. Fred Wilson. W. L. Wem»r. St. A. Wortli. Mhuod Q Williams FrodF w.-iiy. Qaa World .'. Look Welaar, M'in.- Waal, nefr.reat Wltellmi. I'. P. Wreis K.V il!2c) Welvt, Andreas cnengetnant trim fratiK j^urnoni a miiij"'w. In Pfclladclphfa. p\* last appearance on tta Fiaze na?i at Dtiraonts ditrln?; tte V4W enr- nlvfil In Philadelphia, lasc Summer. Mr. nice practically Amons those who Ditto pent U3. ChrUn-inag and New Year's greeting WO : Itlcaafd. Pitrot. Cltnrles slrncle. Billy Hart. .™ -p^jj VwIiiiaNl .ttyl' W«Ci»>rjr,""'Ai. Mttri-iy an. Aldejt ,.M«. Iljj »■ .^lor. ,IW» • ^ fl ,,, w6 t f,,^^,,^ X M WIHtOk' nfirt hef i. Utldfc Leslie mMl^^lsm , ,,* rr ,'^ v ^v nleknnlnnlon. Itlial.KIW la Una. sinavn <L. IS. .InlinaoD. mnnnner').—'TIi,. ('.■li'.nl il <rhoir," (.•UrlAtma.a tye.ik r drew tie* Intslness, -, -,; j^yy -, .-,: . SsllTll tAnOLWA. riinrleaion.—Ai llu- Academy (ThAs. IL Matthews, jm^noser) e'ev Itnrt KtHe Shannon D*c. 27. Immenrie b'n'slneas wlrb "'Madam Butterlly" 28. lltsi o£ w«;ek liottse was dark. "Brewster's Ml lions" JnO. 1, Cretr.on .'Clarke 8, "Cupid ai YaB&ir" i'. . . I i Colnrojiia—At the New Columbia (F. L. Brown, manager) Cyril Scott, Dec. 23,6Cored nloelv. ''On the Kennebec," 25, drew trell. K°icey nhd Shannon bad good business 2G. •■llftrtjam -Biitrerfty"-2T > -'"BtiWso>t'e Mllllont" 30. ..:..■- Qnl'.rk-y. Hone. J nil ReU-eilldi'll. Unity Blee,' l-'rnnlt llnhena. .VHyn .lllmii. Ikn I..'". lliivmi Tr|,i it.iii-iin, fiinip Rnaaell. lid. iRnland. Jock. Mnite-nn. B. R.lBnae,'Hnai Mix. f.'linl.''ii L. ncynol.l.i. Lew Monroe. llnrryA liny. J. I. Melvln, H. B. jltlano. .lad; Hoirard'wiiiiilii/ei W. rrai.k O. Morion, l'rc.l UdMh It. II Miui'ii'i'i A.M. Ilmceira, K, MaeKlrnr Jas. K Ihui.tnltiH''. Mtllliiian. •-' W. lirolewine Mi.rrli, 1 in ii- llmil.ln. 'I'll..... '''.--: Alt. ilenu. HI. '.I. Morlnn. s:. W. rtaMn.wii. Win. Meeker, Y.'ji. K„. ii.iu;i. .lack Mnn.-'T. J II. Itouliin.l. Jinin'i .ilmiiiiy, tan. T. KnU-ns k MtfOuitnieM. .|Ff. ItnlHtnii MIIlK, Uoech.-r II Itee.l. Jn< Marry k Aliienn III vera &'llniei- <1.«.S. Iloeliealer McVleker .liillna Rliler, ilec. Mci'nini Arch I' llnla-riM.i. L. 1>, .I'.e lt.,1 l.nn Oltlll fi Mllli'lell. Rlrhil. DlWU Mu.lil, ii ft Hi'iiilwnvHkl Melvln AdnnV Moddot. Aitbert Rnliubniilt, Mnlr, Hnrry, I. Pierre MeDnwell .ln«.U illetaoii. Harry Mri'nrihr, Dun llinria'. tlsii. W MliMU'l.ill. 'Hi" -411111 -i. A I. Maikinii, Tom lleinni, Henry l»m1.1...... ni, 'i. Mnnley. Mr. ' Martines!, J.wo Jhna'i Wnll. J. Slilonls, T. m:i : Miln i: AT lit: mi or t.lsr. Wabh, w. Wil-.ui. M. tV'aeliarav'. ' I'^iirene .tVlnne. J.. I). UVeleli. Frank Wood, "«'.>• A. Wlaeniaii. fleo, Wtlpiit. Win. Weir, Air. wlatoya, S1.1 \Vln«nion. II. F. Will Inst, rhtia. WlllllaiiiK l.enn W-ayne, ,liieli W'l.'iilnii.l. I'. Wlii-eler.ftFriok It. Wi.ller. Ilnl.iiil Will". Hurry V. tt'liseteil, Itnmi Wnhimi, A lev. Wallace ilie^ler W' Buall WheelerM. Itcrl Wlin'on. ltlllv While. Arthur T Wllllnm Alfred «'.,."!. lien. A, While. Tom it; i.i. I.el mid Wlllol *.- Taairne Wvleiiil, A Hit II. 'VeliUer. i'riil Wllla. ,T. H Wi'IHi. I'mnl; \Yll:«n, Tom L. iValklilfi. WnjiA Wheeler & I'l-ank V.'nrren, J. .'. "i "in"-, 'title /.■.In. Hurry I.. Thema'a WBrhurat', who was for nearly Mtty years a well known, theatrical mana.- «r, died on Dec. '23, from t he grip, at tie Fesidence of his sod, 428 tart Plftysecojid Btttet, New York City. He was in h» elentr-flrat year. Mr. A arhurot came to ton country from England when about six years old, and With his parents settled at YVan- piue?r Falla, Putchess County, K.J. W came hi New York City - ngn, and learned the irn fer, and while Wos-klna- - iimateiti' drnraalle club, In which vrye Will lam II. trr.ine, BlUy l'l;.reni;e ntyj. ollierR. UtePJU ntnrted out. doliiK uilwn.-e jynil;. JO' ii elrcns. Sood nrtei- this he beennte tii.i inni'ng"f of the Conilneritnl Old Folks, which Isad been organized hy .Mi>Kpl«- Van CnlL, TliU'tvn* a co-operntlve. onrtidlMUOst> each niciAhar partltltiiitbng hi iJie ItrofllR. The .lomponv.ttsed to nppear In the old Conllnvn.- tttl ftontumea nnd alng old Panlmi as well as home iniidern tuii.ilc. Mr. Wet-hurst was tbe first to exploit Arlemua Wnrrt, nnd later Uo wna the ntafanger of Holievl Heller, the plnn- larnnd mualclnn. For a limn he managed nuo of tlie Haterly, mjnalrel < ompanle-i. and, In that eompanv, lind Hilly Barry, whom lie irn l on I ho end nnd dtnrted on his MMtstafstl career. For nlaotcen yeaw Mr. Warhin-at Bitcceaafiilly mar(!|gotr Blind Fom,, Hie, nerro pianist. He managed him until Tliad Tom w»,s taken from Oen. Jli'ilutnc. who acted us htVi ti'italee. Slnoe then Mr. Warhtlrst had done lltUa In I1io.iIi-1i-.iIh. He l«nve;i two and Iwo diiiiglilei;i. The funeral Mar- vices were.held In /.ion Chinch, Wupplnter FnllB, a'lnirsdity, Dec. 30. lisioa ri.iiin<,.si. former prima ilnnn.i of "tte Whnrd of tan Mle," known In '.private life its Juliet K.iinn l't-ovosl, died nl; the home of •her parents. Mr. and Mrs. .In«. K.'Proynai, Hin Ashford Street, Brooklyn, from a coiupli- i-allon of pneiiiosiiila nnd OM lima, Mlns Thpni- tort was born.; Aug. 22, .-J8TS, hcElnit-ins;lier career at an enrly age. Before she was long miti of her teens.Klie beeiinto one of Frank Daniels' moat poiiiilnr primp, donnas. •Hlio liiilnul the llnlied mn1en and Canudn ."'It'' •variolic pi'iiiiiii-ilini!!. Itccotitly alio., retired front' the .stage for. n snort rent. J'hi> ,inuir- inent wits'on Dee. Q, at KvnrarcMI Cemetery, Now York. Bev. Dr. t!lnrk, of the"lltialiwli-k Avi'tiilo Ciingregalloiinl Chufi'lt, olllclaled. W'lll-il III!-. JSIMt iM't-H i-.-S'l-lvl'iJ l'r.,111 IJie. seer* ■JWIbImi (ieot,po W •a, Harry Wleslierif, .Hwlnic. T. 1*. laxfon, Frits ongb- ', the Corbln iMi. and Mrs. m*moefs' of ' Graham, ;, the dUiS^" aay and Amend, Cllnc and Bessie RoHhlns, Glenn F. Cbase. Rav/ls «n«^»n Kaufrnan Peie B«b«r,-Bun fireep, .fhe. Three Hlll- * xurtK pnn &®Z?4^M$j& Fnrle, iihryii hllHps ilggln, tho Levsrols, Go-WoJi-Go.Mohp>l;, Frank JW p, Mr 'and Mrs. .Tohn B. Wright, Mr. .nnd Mrs. Bart Herbert Joseph D. Clifton and June Aptott Busn' omit, Richmond Kent, Allen, BoWt Manchester, Marco Twins, Grade «nd BernotdS, If. .1. Titus anfl lfl*» , yaamnns TOwv Mm, Cecil, gnilakmap the 'my of Untie Herbert Kel- Ciark Blonilhe • Crii'yd'oiV.'V'mnk" Wrljjht &.<!o ,., Art Adair. Dorothy D. Wnllnee, .Inhn »• "'ills, tho Feneros, lilliotl nnd Net?, Mra. if. Kiinkel. r>>o Coopar flnd company Bonn Wiirdley. *T. II. AVIIIneN, the i»nclss, ijff- rivee nnd, Chorles Di nm0 iid and Miss Beatrice, Fniiny Fleldi, Gilroy, .Mayaes nnd MortgomcTy, and Irmn Lorraine. CON\F.«"T|C<T. C. Snillh, The latest Gaumont films supplied by the Kleiije Optical Co., are: "The Uypaot Ist's Pranks" (comedy), a very amutlilf and entertaining, subject with numerous succetr,- ful demonstrittlons of fake hypnotism. Some of the open air scenes are ludicrous lis th? extreme. Horsas and vehicles are:mndo to ran backward, men do .various. almost Im- possible gnuaastio feats.. 'Tho entire sub- ject cannnt *al) to ^promote •tcrHl* mirth. "Buying- a'Cow" Icnmerfy), a fhrllllhg com- edy, xwo enthusiastic nrbanltea rws Im- bued with the Idea of fresdi rnllli.- nnd *,n Ihev so to the rounlry opd iMit-ehnw a cow which .ihev are obliged to walk into the city. When they reach their home ..limy find that Ihev cannot hnrbor llin animal in the tin,. and while jronWHK Klteniioiin effortR let (nric Jhe Iron gates the ;eow Is.purloined, nnd a little Dorfcr. «ub3t Itnted. Thin they' are per mitlerf tft take Into the home with tllera "The AfOanccd" <dramn), a senantlntlal drama well rendered. '1'ltla Is a story of how an ardent young'lover Is rebuked, by the larhei. The intter Is n'tibspquenlly waylaid by wd- dlts, ; and, hi 11 most kenintlonal manner, rcscupd by the datixijtnr and .hor. Iptef, Reacii- • v. ii... /;, .' I,,.,, ,.U..-.. ■ Kit, iiMuifi/i!iii/-.,i man (/odd Urldjrenorl.-AI Stnith'a. (K IfaSg'ft ]oi'"imm7 Ihh WSS shoWs lils njipreciaHon id ffiltii Dr^Sa; !& 'X PrCn" W. th«. young. mna'« love far .H^dnnsmtcf jjnrns.—At a mceiing nf the Tigers, Jungle No. 12(1, In thlR clly, fi was vblets lo nttend I'olJ'si In n.UoUyUn tfrent Cnptaln Augur,-a y," slmwiiiK how a trading; wills Indians lnaels eklefs tfaugtiicr. fallglis |ove.With lior. tlnd Tntllnit alao lovev ranldoii. (Iltl te.pulsaH Will'kd- aninfiNMiwi i.iwt. Adams. HiiiiiI F.inilcf While litciliiiiii. Ilsrrjr A °„ M £ I'Mgli'ltloritna. thy. i:. .' umalmIcilne, llnrrv llllnhite. Fliyllla At» You u itairlii'ev lima, flininltcli. <'lsa<. >Inann? M«' fi'lcnian. AI. (Irsce.v. W. I'. . .' \. d t (.,...,,..,., 'ii,,, iill.'bi.i,' Ailnin Adonis". S. .1 i Ackenuaii liil, 1 AllfBi'D. AMCC. Hon. Akleii. llerl AUtlftl. Ureilt Aiaoileo Anlonlo Aiwlln llron. , Aflllli i WWW AllcdV'A, t\ Allen. Mint Aiilup * Vgv , KdWlB Beliraan Oen. r Uarite-r il'iilmci male. It. J- . Utjttaud tiliiia.Cl Utrintd, Frwl Byron, 01ms. 3 Btycs*. Jclin . Bensleir. AI. Datlnlck. U. B. rielmnnt. Rid Wooksnn) & Uurnes fllaaealiuin, 0. ilollcv, ilia riyiOii, A. W. Bokrr. Olina. Bantroft. Jack BMa nroj. Bowers, rid. Bixlcv PiU'ir (. Blstold. Jo" Bamnld. Cliaa. Beasent. Claude Boyce, Jn.-lt Brcyn, Harry Bialle, VI»<> Hl-cnvii, G. II. Boirlla A. It. T livrry, Jolm \\. Ilrcckenlifldge, Chaa Bniltts. TUe, Bowera. Walter- • a Crooker llrlKlstiin Albert ilrownlce *ltecd Baxter. Aid iWinold Utmiea. Pemi)' Brlste. Walter BuVneU. Ilnrrla Bklilwin .lei'iy rtuvmnrr. 'I'll""- ltntnlS^ter Fred livvi'i', Hurry I ltryini. Diwnl.l Itrinnr. Vincent 8lltr. ,F. IS . ariiea. sinart ninlr » ''•>•• >'■ illnk.-'H Animal CHnw Ihnlock. W. V r-eli.-i'iiii. Mr. & Mrs. A'lnt Ill1l;.-lli. II. ItMtne. Harry RIsMMI, T.iiit ll...i«'l'. flint I.. lleiH-'licl. K. Cnlliii. Jan. 11 l'J«ir. Call rtii-iiHiii ; Ilnrr; tltfrlon rtii.ii. il-inruit, Hoy W I'rawl.-i-. II.>vn. 'I. W. Cbllda. «eo. A, riindtrlck. J. 1>. CHrli. ijlias, Orowrofl A Ill.'-tllCtl Clark, O. M. , Oorter Cliambtrti (iikiillioa, Tho '.Stalim, Hut, llnrrv afsssjav Hl«t>'nce rarle, I'riiiiU ■.'.luil.itii. I rank (1|iminink Jos.II Itrmbrr. AI. Jos , Mike >rlilr. tt. B. Cndy. i.cwi- .1. 'JOIll.ll'.l .Vi Mclti'Iile Urool.iT, Alfr".l l.'htinhi, Hurry U.rinudl IM. P, .iniuird Mr.s>Xlra i.'.iinni-ll. I'. II. .'nok, Newmii Mill,'ii. ,lna. Sawaon BnlleyJ lie l.late, .1. 0. 'iiiii.nii, (.'lurk U'Alliou rii.'.iicr 3avK Maxim lie Canto, i.has. jBveitpurt 0, M r*ei|iiay, F. Hi Oiu'rnw, Win. [iii.-i.nii, n. u >iini|e, John W. Invl". V. V.. Ktltlll, M. \V. [scano, Sydney 3,illo, Blllla Ilniinl.lsnn. lien ll„i -l.'ii. I'i.ii" De lints i Bi'itb'i Di'lllDllId ii ItClIl D"iy, n. L. Pemi, CJias. loyle, i. A. Ntvls. Mr. tlw»n. tiiivui MttWOM OUat. Dugene Ttlo , slat". I', is. . Mane, llnltlin & T>pe f,|leiv niinnlim Klls«ovlh ll.itrv Kiilnii.lcr. 'D»». Katie svyariMl Fllliill, K. V. Kllrry Chantilnf Kirtssss, i;.i. ,(l-lel-,«1 >V ll.i Id Will .-.ill' n,iv la (.'riiiiels ft Co. Freer, John i'lllk'.-ial I Itlt'b li'lalvla i 1 - Wooloy .'|cMa, W. 0. l-'rt'.-fi, John Fern. Ilnviy S Frank,' llert Felix, tlco. rrltn-lie, til lo l-'ivilerlck, A< Cilnl In I'oni. Harry H. l-'etie. t'wil w, Frtiiii-N. V\'. Fliclicr. I'. V. Fori nor. Win. Fmisi. Vl.'tm l''ii-,l..'ll, Um. Gretorv, Uota aaftt. Will Urpliinu. tlnrry Oriltle. 11. Hrob. IV n i illlOHi.le. A.In in (Itivnansk, il. J Hiirlng. John l>. lilll.'ii. |„ M. l'iOl>TJV lllUV, II liiiBhiilix, The itreniwooil. Fil. lihiil.'in. li'i'aar linl-n. .Nl.l'lll.'lll l! I'nllt ilrn.v. JiiIIiiii llnrr.-lsini J, I*. I'lrt'iiiti Frank liny, lien, II. tliri.luhi. lien (liatdfl'leilil, ilscisr li.irinnn. JllH. Ilullll.wnt. Arell ll'iriin, IMy K. Halls. F. Harris, Olins. K Harnea. AI. Hflll. Bold all. fieo. H. it'.ii.i!. ,-"ii. Ifaya, Etsftmr I) lfnnilllnu lack llaal, I Im 1.1 HtaVi Joha Hawur.1. .Oeo. Howard. O. H. liiil.liard. A. Ii. Itn.tiK, Harry NniVinann, Mat Hill, Mr. A Mra Hnrtlnas, Bell ttnwnrd. II. II. Hoshlh!-. fieo, Heltflt's liniM i list-.', I'll, I all, (Sen. 0. Illckey. Jna. E. Hammoml F. II Herrronn, Corl Herbert Freil T. Ilnrrlsan. .Iiii. Hilton. Wia. Howard * Herlwrf. lien Jfift. nuiv H'tlllHtl. ,1. It. IliiaVey, leitli, il,,iIn11.1, II. Ileywnod. C. R, llnyilen ><- lla.vas ITKrimr i I'., hi. Hi.I Unto. W. J. Ilyi-he,' Mrsieal •iiiiii'i i n I'lma. Ilnmoiid, llrenl lliilln. Frank Hilton. Win. Ilui'vey. F. Hunter, ,la.. lli'inhinarl.T.-:. 1 H>- Hl'OlldV.'.iy, , .Vdw Vn* City. The niaetlno; nt tli.O HerinllilKd, Forty-aec- odil Hired ntld' rtevutli AVOHKV nit'Friday, lire. '.*", win* Iimwi In ihii.uinllor sir ailniid- itnee.,mill enllutsiiasili' in xplrh. '1'he uiit+i.-t wen.: Hnilnlll Jli'lntl, ui "Tin' Merry Widow" I'l.uininiv, nnd iil.'iiin.ii-i' li.ii I., Ihr' .•lilii' of 1'ht Ktm Fo.t tlhhr. Motli « iiiokh cmilleiucn (win. arc I'l-litl's hy the way) de- livered Hpec-lies, il.Mi'ge ll.'tiry Payne, Hie former driiiniiilti ed' nf 77ic Firiiciit 7'Wc- rmtni, in' this city, iMlvereil n Wrtiltaj apeecll, iil whleli lie anil) ..llitil lite professlou nT I In' prens ngent wna nun -,f ihe line sins. Frlnr VletoF Hineraon. jf ll.e Vicinr 'I'nlUliifj Mn- rhliie Cumjiniiy, wait nlao of (he speak- er* nnd Fred Nllilo. ihe well known oionol- iiKlsl. told stories Hint mane -tich nil em- phatic hit that ihe Friar.*, demanded thai ho join the i.rganlrail.ui. II was 'decided by ihe iMarit nf governors ttinr Ihe next h.mnito will he lendcrerl lo AiigiiMii.i Thomas, (lie draniallsl. The date hnii not yel been setllcil, but It will Iw ssoiun lime this monlh. The hoard of governors linvc- oiectesl Ihe following aentlCHIWII mem- liort of the orgnnl?..'irlon : Aellir,- Adinii H. Fox, Arthur F. Wnrd, Krneat Klrklnnd Mar'in. ft. F. StnlTord. Ches- ter it. itii'i', Wllllnm 11, Moton, Arthur K. roanon, F. fi. LLWIdsiin, ilames 1. WllllnniH, Samuel r.envllt, Will F. Gardner, H. p. Wheeler, ClifVoiil Donliam, Carl D. nped, II. F. Wrlg-M, D. G. lnYcrnrltv, Frank L. Whlt- Beefe Fred W. Busey, P. P. s>aft,' Sidney W. Pa&coe. As'oclnte.— .tohn J. Bcrncro, Allen Jenkins, Bex Beach, Joseph P. Raymond,.Geo. Marlon, Fweh .fustlce, Thompson nuctiaonn. P. J. Cnsev, .Inmcs M. Alflson,' H. A- Dykcrann, Join' F. Fnrrell, S. Conn. Little, Fred R Lo llersiinnn. tiwi. Irwin. .1. 0. fcrcoker, ilrlfila, Italph P, I Jntilncr. ptcii Iilrul Vinid. On, Iain.,n. Wilt. tier, Ksflk Jacob's Hug* ones, II. II. 1-ilniS'Hi. C. Hal .oi'dan. J. 1.. .Iiiunei. Mr &Mn {•MBjAn, Mr. ,)h('Ui.hi, i.l.'ini Jncksnna. Thus! Kaufman. Om. Kolb. Alfred Kin Kaii-ii Hilly Kramer, Fred Krifchflelil J. S. KliiR.loii, Her L. Killi'iant. 1-. lilnliurn Geo. P Comre, F. at. Carpenter, Harold Acton Vivian, Cnrl 1>. Lnthrop, iM\v(n K. Helller, Walter flmwne, Frank Hodge. Walter Loftun, M. It. Rickets. ,1. F. Snlllviin, Ki'ticsl. I.uek, .1. 1>. Alinonle. i ' ■ LibV.--W. II. M.'Moehen. The next nnllieililil will lie held at Hie Her- nslhupA on I.'riilny. .fan. R, inos. All Frlaia I n N>w York should in lend. Chl$ me^K'$ ]^W Uaud cvilk J,ct$ T.i An RflVinvKD Ntcitx Wrke. Whit t't'M.ll-Tii. New York. Wfi.rf'a Animals. Hippodrome. Kiii v asmi Massrv, l'nstor'ii. Tut: I'liiTTlR. Pnslor'.'i. Ki:i:nii anii Apam.s, PiiMor's. III.Ai-K AMI Mll.l.KII. I tlliill Stiu.ire. i;i;nrn: l.n t'l.Alll Axn Ptcus, Fnlon .Sqttnre. Tin: UlsAHRIM, .Vltiiiiiii'.-ii. I'liMinn: Hunts., r.Mli SI reel. Ml'M.MIll.N AMI ClI.M'liLl.H -HtevY BCt). 211(1 Slreei. . ... " HiiuHrit AM>Ki:hri:m. (ncwnctl. 2;ld Street. ■ i i .1 i i Ci.villi i:. Axmsmon mid Margaret F.lllson weiv ma fried In lliifl'.tlo, N". V.. on Dm*. IS, lim h are lueiiiliera of Ihe Jli'lpjndler Co, They received mmy beautiful pis'wnis. Hniiiir I'.wiitiit arrived front Ksiron* fsee, 27. nnd njienisl Hee, .'111. Tin: l.iitiniNif. Maxnin'ir, of Hob Mnnelies. ler'n Cracker Jneka rn,. Writs': "We nisi d«- nist spli'tulldlv. lint' net ill the olio la going bk mid we linve prominent roleF In the liur- lenmic alao." wllirv of lite Fraternal, Oilier] of Jopllii' Aerie No, 102, .Ipplln, Mo„ Klnclnir Hint John W. Ilarlnfell tiled hi Hint ellv t'lcl,. «, from cniseer of ,1,110,utomni'H, tmd was burled hy tlicm In jJieJr lot ;ln'Full-view Cemelery, lliflt: idly. M*. .Hnrwoll wustsisn iielnr nt the old mllool. ,lle pluyeil Harry ltari'Is In Hi'' nrlgillitl |,r.nln. linn of "lin.'le 'l.itu'a Ciililn" In Huston. Iiurltig Hie old aloek dnys he was n fninllliir llgure in Hto llienlrleiil world around llnaion. New; York uinl I'hlhidQlphhi, linvlttg plnyeil In i-nuipnnll'n (it ijic eiildbrlltes. During Hie hint, fll'tecn years oC his life lie wns lilenlllleil III rifely Willi Ai. W. Martin, and Hr. il. D. llu.kei'. Mr. Man in failures! him for Ki'vcrnl si'iiHOiip lis lliiiln Tom, wlill.i Or. Hucker fentiireil him iia "Iln> grottiest Simon l.egren Unit over appeared upon the American slaxe," anil ns Joe Morgan In "Ten Mghls." At times he would lake a laynlT from Mr. Mur- 11 si nnd He. Riicker nml ko out ilirongh- Ml.'lilrnu or Iowa ivltli a eosupany thot wan well known nmnng iho small towns aa Hart- well's Comadluiis. Mr. llnrtweil was a ntCDi- Iw'c of the Des Moines, la., F. n. F. lira, u U inn, ai one Mine n ,|lg dancer, dlisl nuddonlv week before laat in Cnmbride'!- |inrl, Moss,,'from Jienri disease. Her daugh- ter, Louise Faulette, wan summoned homo from Cblongn, and nrrlveil In time for the fnnerAI. .. . iiiiriy u-'iiiinsiiH. niice well known an n theatrical manager, died on lie.'. 2fi, itf lilii home, 8flO Greene Avenue, Hrooklyi), nked sixty-nigh! years. Ho was horn In Farmlng- 1on, Mas.*. He wna nt one time n member of the llrm of Thenll & Wllllnm*. pronrletora of ■ now here the Novelty Theatre, in Ditggs Avenue, Ilronklyii. Mr. Wllllnitis retired I wenty yenrs agri. H» leaves n widpW and n fOn. i-nneral iiervlees were held ni his home on Dec. 27. Fcte.r Benin ns lu Ileri'lmnn died at the nartonvllle Insane Asylum, Peoria. III., in. Cltrifitmaa morning. He was known as "Bar- I'.um's I.ightnlutt Ticker Seller," an<l had beeu In the nsvluin for nbotit live years. Mr Ber- rimnn was forty-nine ytars of age. lie la survived br two brothers. The remains were taken to Snrlpgfleld, III., for burlnl, li.Hii-dinnu Carnes, n member of the AI. G. Fields' Minstrels, died from rmeunvmln on Dec. 2p, at Polnl Pleasant, W. Vn., aged llilvly-fou'r yenr.*. lie was wwitant bnslii.'sa manager of ihe minstrel company. vim. Hell, mi nnlmal trainer, dropped dead from he.nrl: dlscuse pn ]ioc. 2ij, In K.nn- wi*CHy, AIo. W iins knotvn as "Texas." 1 III i lllll IIII II 111 I I U I Ill III III I I •rRNM-lBBFlli:. MemsihlWi—'I'ho NViv Lyceum (Frank Gray, nmimgeri was tinrk llni', ;IH-2L "Lli- lie il.iliniH- .li'iii'i" plnyi'd lo eiipiu-ll}' CIlHal- mils niailtH'c and nighl. "The Three nt Us" HO. III. "The Wheel of Love" Jan. I, "'The Virginian" 2. "A Vnnkee Tourls!" It, ■!, Rnh- irl Mantell II S. iliii'iiin ii i.Mnx Fabian, manager;:—Till* lioiise was formnlly opened I.> llm public 2U, lo a very l.irge and iipprei'lnllvo miillonce. The liiea'ti'' 1 lias been freshly dra-orateil, and .ipliears In a bin*.! of nrtlsllo splenilnr. Tho liii*lnc*» of tho enllro week wa*i salUfnelory. Tlie iilteriiigii were- Howard Itrolherts, Ncw- hold nnd Carroll. Paul llurnes, May Wnrd nml Iter Fight DWsjdeu IKdla. Three Yoi<- s'art'.vs, Diim'i'iiid'a Mlnslrels,, (Uympln Dcs- vitl.'iil*o the klnnilrortte. IIi.iiii: (lien|. .11. Sinlnlinck, manngerl,— Xnl M Wills. In "A Lucky 1>or."' entire weok beginning !t:i, nlnyeil lo crowded houses, .dr. Wills Is an old fnvoi'llo here, and his record Ion wna ninsi cordial. For week of •lis. "The Gambler of the Weal." the eqiieHlrlhnne": .Thomas Lynch, sttpei tendon!; nf. Win It. & II. Hhnw: Wllllnm Lit- vine, n fill! blooded Cossiu-k. known In the West ilk "Holtll'snnko .I'clcj" Mul., .7, Hen- i.Niii. Ihe liiiliiinl tminor; John Foley, tho fnmiiits Di'tttli, Vnllcy 'JOnuile iminx driver, nml otliei'4 will ntlend. rllrlcltler tiud Moo- il.'V.'wlio linve lieen la tlie Arrlcnil Jungles for fttocl: for Hie show, will lienil Hie dole. gnloii "Six'cl;," thn smallest, pony In the World, and Ihe pet nl Japir.s A. -Ilalley sip't.ithi' time of his slen lli, died nl the Witt- ier qOarntni of the show hi this city 2CI.-,.. Asillrimcoipenl Is lunsle of tho ensilRfmonl of M«ni" ivoiiuell.v, wliosn singe m»'»e. In Hu- nvint, lo Slanley llunbloti, mniiHgcr of J;ie (inns. The imiri'lnge will lake,plilen at Win homo of'ldii ll,l this clly Is. Ml*n Don- iitiliv wnk.n .uii'iiiber nl tlio lllty Sports-tlo, i....•'Jitck" Shea, well known to tlio profes- sion ns proprietor of "Jack's" cafe, opposite Stnllli's. Is coiivnleseln;; lifler ti nfitlcul ill- ness with Insliilenl pneiimunla "Dw;" Hieorgej l>iivnlng, farmer backer of John l'„ sssiis vnis. mid the custodian of ihe Kichnrd K. .Fox belt won .by Sullivan, lias added ,n. cafe In Now York lo his ninny business venture* Prouilnqnt Baplea of thisJItasVi nnd New York will assemble at r,ap;lt!.s' Home, In this city, ).n, to wltncsB the Ipstallallon of the newlv elected oflicora of tbe local oerle .lahn Fee, Into of the Poll Stock i'n„ Il orgmiltiiiR a minstrel company In this eliy to "barnstorm" the State .Oscnr .lolmwin, endurance bicycle rider, who rode from this prf* to Chicago with a mer,aage from one mayor 'to 1ho other, bns returned from a busbies* trip to Europe, will abandon bicycle riding nnd engage in the harbor hnsl- ■«».»» S'linliniiiinuii. AI the Albert Opera House tl'nnl It. Albert, mnnnaer) "TheUitnt Htvlde" scored Pee. 23. "The Holy City" innte so good biiaiiiess 2fi. Kolcey and Shan- non, In "The Walls of Jericho," Jan. 1; MICHIGAN. Bui He Creek.—At Ihe Post IF.. It. Smith, manager) tbe Aubrey Stock Co. pleased v.2-28. "Oie Oler.on" 2», "The Man of the Hour" 80. "Our New Minister" Jan.' 1, "The Red Mill" 2, "The Rajah of Jong" 4, "The Whirlwind" fi, W. H. Crane 0, Grace Cameron 10. Buoti (W. S. Butterlleld. manager).—Bill for week of Dec. 30: Gnrrity Sisters, Leon- ard and Lonle, Hastings nhd Wilson, Dahl- man Cowlwy Quartette, nnd Bljouscope plc- 111 res. ■ ' in »>», ■ ,.-.- district op foLnmit. Miislilimtim. —At the New National (W. II. Rnplny, nuinngorl. this week, Sam Ber- nard, In "Tlie lllch Mr. llnggorjlietrper." Last waek, Wm. Faversliam, in "'J'tio Sauaw Man," bad excellent liiisllniss. Ilnberl. Kdesnn, In "Classni'iii's," Jan. 17-11, , . Cni.t'MiitA (Lnekeil & Hwyor, manscern). —This w.-ik, "Mrs. \Vlggs ; of; llm Cabbage I'aleh." IjisI week, "Ml»s Hook of Holland" hud good houses. •The Old Homestead" iietf. Hr.i.Asco (L. Slnddnrd Tyler, mnunget).— This week. K. ,\1. Holland, in "Thn House of ii Thousand Candles," Lust; week, Mnry Mnu- ncriilg. In "lilnrloiis Be(Ny," hod largo bual- neas. Julia Mnrlowe, in "Gloria," next. CltAriii'M 1.111s.* If. Wlnnlfred He WKt, rjinnager).—Tills week: t'nrrle Do Mnr, Geo. Abel mul comnnny, Kilty Tramy, Collins mid Hi'.nvi), the Lnbnknns, iho Aslrelln, Keeley Bros., mul the vllagrnpli. Business to Ihe rapacity. Ac.tUK.MY ni' Mi'sio (J. W. Lyons, mann- perl.-—This week. U't> Itussell Bros. Ltuit week, "Kdnii, Hie Pretiv Typewriter" packed the hoinie. "The Cowboy nnd the SojumY" uoxt. M.i.TnsiTO (Prank B. Woslon, mnnnzer). —This week. "A Child Hhiill lA>ml Tliem." Last wsvTt, "The Hoy With the Hoodie" wos :i srrong drawing card. "In Xew Yon; Town" next. iIayhtv (Wm. S. Clarke, mnnagerl.—This week, Fred Irwin's lib Show. Last week, AI. Hooves' Show hail rapacity linslnesg. Cracker Jacks uext. NOTst,—A score or more of motion picture I'll,... Man thinks \vl^ lias really poisoned tWHir, and Is about In slitvat himself whon_ tvlfi'Y (brows ills arm tipwniil, u«»l imllel lotlgf" in coiiiitryjonn in.bedroom just rrfnthflJlfL pie. make up, and count rynuin gets-ovon. ... "The Sii.tnit KjN<i" is the title of tbtl latest Lubin Film. \ $ loll*.tlio,«tory of tli<- ever jsoptilar incloilntriiii, wlierelu Wlirfed Denver Is ruined lit the ,i'ncen. Ills wUfl trios U lndi)ce him lo go home. Bhe |a: Insulted by TieutTi'oy Ware, who Is nftnrwerd* t-Boj bv Spider. Denver,' tMaking too in the trnir- derer, leaves lite cpuntry, A vision'tuvealh to him the real inimlorer. 'Ha rernrna as the Sliver King. RilderM delionneac) us the murderer, nnd Dourer and his fpm|ly live happllv Iheroiiflcr. "Thn Rny'rntlis'Ipilv- Imry" is u drojuiitle Incident of> terest'by llih' siivno firm.' Lnliiii'a Mni'tvi Clneogiiiph (int)8 model) ba$,.bojen;onrjroyed bv Hie beads of the Deportment of Public Safety, who pronounce )r. lo meet All tlie ra^ qiilrements exacted by the'rules for flreniroaf iipparntim. "Biiclt a Cond Jqke. "BiiJj-Wm Don't lie Laugh V" shown how Mr. Brj»t*er- miin, the German baker, while deUjirrlng bread, sites two up.wsboys llgbtlng. The Ill- tie one whips (he tall fellow. This no. aniusts Mr. Brolzelnisin .that he describes tlie Jiicl- debt fo everyone he ineets. It Is vbucu •• good joke" for.Mr.Bretzelmnn. Hv can no' understand why his henrem do not relish the Joko. He gets thrown out by the butcher, tho grocer, tho laundry man. the saloon keeper, and even lib wife doc» not tpprt ditto (he Joke. _. *'«. "MB. (Jay and Mas.," Is Wie new Blocraph film, which tells (he story of lilay'BI neconil VhlldUood, wherein ho Is Biiscoutlble to fa- male nttrnctiveness, much to tlie atinnyflncc nud disgust of his better ba|f. The action Is Incessantly comic. ' : "A Lmi.« Gjhl 'Who Pjd Not B«Lli}Y» in Santa Claus" In an interesting holiday iilm by tbe Frtlson MnnnfactUrlng Co. '•Laughing Gas" makes the operstora as well as tbe public laugh. The Bdlsou Llneto- kcope with attachments la especially Recom- mended to exhibitors by this flrni. ., . ' 8, LrBift's • latest SUBJECT 18 "Tbrouah Darkness to Light." The drtnglijor of a rich tnerchnnt walks arm In arni with her lover towards (he bl* mansion, when oitt comes the father nnd orders rhc lover away. The father Introduces an elderly merdmnt to fiF daughter. She refnsea Jtls pioponfil of mar- riage. Tlie rather ncolds his daiigliler, but eihn remains llrm. Tho lover write* a niM- sage Inviting her (o run nwoy- OhP" ,rpeetii hep lovoi'. who ilrlvoH her In tlio porsoPjH house, MMM limy get niarrled, Thn daiigli- ter then sendn a message to her parentr, ad- vising them nf hor marriage. 'I'ho mother pleads for the daughter, wfilln tlib fntlipt re- fiiees forgiveness. Tlinssi years have pawiii l-ml wn r.eit the young couple In a modern llttlo homo, luippy, vvlili a ciiild. The yoiluj man puts on coat nnd lint; kisses wlfn ana baby, mill leaves for hiis laboratory. To" young chemist at' work In his lahnratoiy. He Is experiment Ing with n now Invention- f.ildilenly a terrlQr .'espliislnu occurM, Inu'hlllK the I'liemlst's face ami.eyes. While Ow.Iihm- bund In unable lo work, tlie .laltlilul wife BupporlB the family. Kho is newlnB to enni a llvlnu for herself, baby nnd himbnnd. Wlille tho little girl goes otlt to nurehnssi gry- rxrlen she loses ni penny,.nnd, lit plcklnj « up, is run down hy ati automobile. • 'Ihe o.- cupants (if (he machine Inaulre for the lltlie girl's ndrlrcsB and bring her. HoimV Or«it snrprlso of the old couple'when WrF. PP.' 1 their dniightai' lo lie Hie mother of the mm Rlr). JtecoQcllhtloa helwooil flatutnter nn" parents. Whiio tlio auiomoblin bvliig;-we motlicr'niid tliiughler to lliplr palatial uosn*. the father -brlhga (lie young huibandl to tno hospital, where he Is niiernied upon, aOfl.j eyetilgbt restored. Great rcjololnfr aft} old home over tlie return of the «W| 'The son-in-law lo accepted with OHtV and the family happily reunited.