The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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JANUARY 4. THE NEW YOEK CUPPER. 1275 wt AVK pSKSp film rental IP WE OIVK YOU TWO 10 INCH RKEI.S WITH SIX CHANGES FOR $12 H WEEK AND A COOO SERVICE AT THAT—KO REPEATERS inli offer at end « good wli liln 1,000 miles of New York City. All that I• reunlred I■ A DEPOSIT OP 800.00, WHICH WILL UK RETVHNBD WHEN SERVICE IN DISCONTINUED AND PILMB RETURNED. For Sale—A targe list of Slightly Used Films it half their value, pit up In 10 licit Rials. Mr*. Srnltlier's Boarding School. •SO. Utile Tioii. Tommy at Play. •SO. ti Scheme that Failed. •so. The Bigamist. Shooting Expedition. Flghla of All" Nations. •SO. The Black Beauty. Jill Hard Fever. •SO. Circus In Towd. •so. A Winter Day In the Country. •18. The WlBh Bone. •SO. Anna 1 * Lore Story. •SO. The Waif Terry on the Roosevelt. •IB. Climbing the American Alps, Oeorgla Camp. •SO. Ladles of the Whip. After the Ball. •SO. Besides the above named tervlee. we can alio farauh you with a service of the La buy. only NEW and the LATEST Productions, communicate»itr ns an '- '•"««.»» Ski Competition. Bob Blelgblng. •10. OranU Hotel to Big India. Ureal International Cross- country Run. •so. Pompeii. In the Haunts or Rip Van winkle. •so. Dog Snatch er. The Hero. •17. Herring Fishing. Man wlthont ScniniM. •18. Distress. Police Inspectors Hvpnollzed. •SO. The Fencing Master. Rogues' Tricks. *HARBACHS* AIL UTEST, NEW • Hi HE Hit* * EDISOI DHIVEBSAL AID EXHIBITION -American PE01ECTOOBAPB. THE FLICKEBLES8 HACH11E — Clneograpb, 1907 and 1908 — Opllgrapb Ho. 4- Power's CAUBAOBAPB—1«. S, Etc., With or Without Fire lagailnes-BLEC- TBIO or CALCIUM; alio 20th CEHTUBY IABVGL. • 17. Hew Song Slides,PerSeU5.00 S. B. 80H6 SETS, $3.00 DP. «*%*%%%%%%*% AISO IAHY USED MOTION PICTOBE MACBIRES SEND FOR tyi SUPPLEMENT * * MOTION PIOTITUE MACHINES. FILMS, SLIDES AND ACCESSORIES REDUCED PR10ES. we buy only m r - * ■ LOWEST TERMS on FIRST RVN Subjects. :•*•'■■ li» METE, 302 B. 23d St.. New York. TeL, 6871 ORAM. WANTED QUICK COMEDIAN hi produce burlesque, Sketch Teams, Musical Act. SISTER TEAMS. Lady Single Acta. Comedy Team. Buck Dancers. SPANISH «1R SKNHA TIONAI, DANCERS. PIANO PLAYER, ORIENTAL DANCERS, Novelty Acta, CHORUS Ml It I.N and HUSTLING ACENT who knows the country. Rehearsals January 10; open IS near Cincinnati. Address CLIFK. W. (1RANT, Manager "Little Egypt's (lately Girls," 901 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. - P. B.—This show will play all Summer. mTwiTOvSWj PflSSION PLAY FILM. I PASSION PLAY. 4810 FRET iltW.OO OAOMONT PASSION 1'I.AY (NEW ONLY) | 2184 FEET J2M.00 '8>»%»%%«r%^8>%% FILM, $30-$40 S. kuii TO 1.000 FEET ON A REEL MOSTLY FEATURE. LIST MAILED, Only the very Latest and Beet. FOR RENT . Rates on Application. DEPT. C. HARSTIM * CO. "THE NEVER CLOSED HOUSE," lilt* Unsf lftla St. NEW YORK CITY. Phones - ^sigjStuyvesant At Liberty Jan. I, CLAUDE BOAROMAN, COMEDIAN. DORETTA M0RR!S, CHARACTERS. One piece, stock or good repertoire. 2210 N. Jefferson Ave., l'euiln, III. AT LIBERTY, Rarl-Tlie Bennetts-Leila Strong B, F. in Acts, Singles, Double Id brasa. Address K. v. SKETCH TEA! Change for week .Br Illustrated Songs, Work In aots. FAKE P.andO. Singles. ENNETT, Berryville, va. Wanted, Dancing Soubrette, To Juki Ooim-dlan in Vaudeville Act, Prefer one who i.'«u do eccenulu dancing and tough char- acter. Address W. A, ('., care of CLIPPER. ESCAPE PBOM ANT PACKING BOX NOT FAKED And Five otber Koz Acts, all, ooc. Brook's Mystic Trunk Secret, 25o. QUAKER NOV. CO., 22U6 N. f ourth street, Philadelphia. PAD fiAl Kg 1 Lnbln Machine, 1 rVIl SALE gelt*Machine, 1 Edi- son Bihlblllon, S Edison Universal, New anil Used Vlaacope. Film, and Slides at n.ri.ln. IDEAL FILM EXCHANGE, 112 ft Randolph ftt. Chicago, III. MB Dior* Frrza TheBRADFORDS COLORED SINGERS and DANCERS. Working all th e time. Add., cure N. Y. CLIPPER CATALOG of Professional and Amateur Plays, Sketohes, Mono- logs, MluHtrei Jokes, Recitations, . Make-UpOoods, Etc.,sent FREE. OBRALD, 20 Ann Bt„ New York. FOR SALE, Tent Poles and Stakes, CIRCUS HEATS, TENTS. Larue assort- ment, lowest prices. Write for list. PEARL VAN, Xortuvlllc. N. Y. Waslii flllialt Good Singing and Dancing, Black nanus nines, Faoe comedian up id acts, and change for week. Salary low, but sure. I pay nil after Joining. l)R. F. H. MILLER, Clifton Romcdy Co-, Taw neylown, Carroll County, Md. AT LIBERTY, A8ENT Oue night or good rep. Reference? yes. Write or wire Wm. W. Richards, 26 Price Ave., Lockport, N. Y. HANDCUFF ACT and TRUNK MYSTERY. Big bargain, Only one. R. II. MfiaiLL, fl Qrand Bl., Albany, N. Y. Retiring! FollowingForSalocheap: fourlD.liand bells, Eugllsh crickets, bagpipes and others. Send stamp for price Hat. PROF. NANOIT, IC1 W. with Bt., Chicago, III. For Sale FIBST CLASS PIANO PLATEB. Open liec. no. Six shows a week. Solid enguite- mem, for one year. Address. E. o. ROWLEY. 1016 South Cherry St., Canton, Ohio. BARGAIN in Blot Machines, 10 Regent Drops, 10 Mutoscopes, 10Phonographs, -i Illustrated Songs, Miscellaneous candy, Postal (.'aid, Peannt, Horoscopes, Punching Bags, Etc. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE IIVHUI' AMUSEMENT COMPANY, 4jlMark«IJII.. Wilmington. Del. LADY MUSICIAN WANTED, To Join a recognized Musical Act, that Is working every week and hare a lot of lime booked. Must. have appearance and pluy something In BRASS. Would consider a goon amateur. Add. ARTHUR K. COL1NS, den. Del., Wheeling. W. Vs. P. 8.—A good opportunity for the right party. FOR SALlfoR RENT, MOTION PICTURE MACHINES and FILMS WANTED, 809 FILBERT ST. '•» ., PL FOR SALE, Also CHEAP STEEL FRAME CHAIRS, suitable for MOVINO PICTURE and VARIETY THEATRES, We can make a very low price. Address Dent. U. 8TEEL_F0RNir0BE CO.. Qrand Rapids, Mich. Schuylkill Haven Pa. GRAND OPERA HOUSE, Seating capacity 1,000. flood show town. Posses- lion Apr. )., 190*. or sooner If desired, soon as Improvements completed. Those meaning business address. 0. W. KISSINGER, r>M Washington St., Reading, Pa. 31 Reels of Second Hud Film, 50 Sets ol Song, Slides, 1 Edison, 1 Vlasoopo Machines (Litest). 1 C. B. Columbia. 5* In. Horn Phonograph, I Edison Gas Outfit. All Kinds of New Supplies at Half Prices. Send lor list; Prices are the lowest ever made. MERII1IA N FILM E XC HANG E, Meridian, MfaT. 1 Want tlie Name and Address OF EVERY MEDICINE MAN In the II. S.. Canada or Old Mexico. % have a big offer liar yon. It la worth a •tamp to >»nif)' your curiosity. Write io-day. I am writing a biography, 11. O. PATRH, II. 6., 101 North Clark Street, Chicago, III. YlffliLM to failire Songs ALSO ILLUSTRATED. One who plavs Piano, alio, ! preferred, for Opera House work. No continuous ! shows. Age IB to 'X>; two or three nights a week. ! To live at liomo of employer. A home and good i position to tight party. Address B. M , Box 4SS, Pottatown, Pa. ! SCENEBY, ALSO 18ft. WINS. Address 0. II. TURNER, Mgr. New Music Hall, St. Johnsbury, Vt. CABS STORED and REPAIRED R. J. CAR WORKS, PASBAIO. N. J. MILLER, GOSTUMER, ISO N. Seventh St., Philadelphia. COSTUMES AND WIGS TO HIRE. Write for Oataloa and Estimate. WANTED-VAVDEVILLB ACTS All Kind, at All Times Hippodrome, wi Main St., Ihiffalo, N. Y. II. A. Bl'SH.VKM,. Mtrr. DAYIES' Theatrical Exchange FOR QUICK RESULTS. SOS, 130 Dearborn St.. Chicago , 111. WANTED, FOR THE Una Lehr Co., TWO OENEHAL BUS. MEN, i Thoxe dolus specialties preferred. Co. never | closes, Address INA LEBR, Lake C'litrlcs, l.a., Inilcilnlte. care of Ijrlc Theatre. L.OOKI! OONOORD OPERA HOUSE OO. Booking A No. 1 one night stand shows for loon and 1S09. Open time. 11. II. HCNQKIlFOltl), Manager, Concord, Mich. Wanted. Vaudeville Acts Ail kinds at all times. Parlor Theatre, Omaha, Neb. W. F. STOECKKR, Prop. SONGS (end us your songB and instru- mental pieces for Inspection. We arrange, compose, revise and PUBLISH available manuscripts. Write us today. Victor Kremcr Co., 200 Marine Bldg., Chicago, 111. OLLIE YOUNG AMD THREE BROTHERS. Keith ii Pi-oetor Circuit. FOR SALE,DOGS'ACT,$600 Cash required, Five Genuine European Dogs. Sure work. Working here six montbs. "J. 0.,» rare of NEW YORK CLIPPER. AT LIBEBTY, SLIDE TBOMBONE, P. A 0., OR PROPS AND PARTS. Join on ticket. One night or rep. Address II. E. LOCHARD, Union City, Mlcu. .1 in great demand because it contains the foods. Now In second edition. Threa neat, wo comedy sketches each /or two people, i'lve monologues. Price, GO cents, mouey or- derorstnmps. IWOOICLYN I'LAY IHJIlBAU, 74 Enst 7tb 6t., Brooklyn, N. Y. AT istberty. MAT. E, SOLOMONS, MUSICAL (Dill.) PIANO. Have been pl.ylng following operas for "Beggar Prince" Opera Co., "Fr* Dlavolo," ••Mascoltc," "Said Pasha," "Chime..-' Address NAT. E. SOLOMON*, Care Con'l Delivery. Jucksonvlllo, Fla. BERT- BESSIE Two Strong tommy Maslcal Aels Carry 18 Instruuienu, Saxanlione, Coiner, Bllde 'i'rouibone, Clarinet, Kunjo, Mandolin, Oultar, elc. Fake piano. Sketches and Higgles. Up In acts. Prefer Med. Co., making large towns. 2H1 Vv. Monroo St.. Chicago WANTED, qUICK. SOBER AND RELIAIILB PERFOHMER8. Change for one week. Salary nure. FONDA UUMF.UV CO., Osgoode. Ont., Canada. AT LIBERTY. AGENT lowing to closing of Co.| BILLPOSTER (want to locate al once). CLARKNCE AUSKIN09, Ml. Vernon, Ohio. 9 TOT din Ans. OfTer. bargains once in a while, and ynn may always depend on litem. Here's one, and lUrHili K man will get It. Tlie AAIEHICAN P1IO.I&CTOORAPII. New York model, complete, and BRAND NEW, never used. Regular iirl, e, HI5 vuu. Our prli<e, 11411.00. Recollect, thl. machine Is NEW. Now don't write and a.k ua question*. If ILL machine I* not si r.pre a.ntnl you will have your money refunded cheerfully. H I. brand new, with aalomatlr abutter and electric •>, complete,lor $140,110. This I* the only place la tbl. city to buy an American PrnJectoRrapli for less fhan Ita own agent pay.. If anyone thlnha till. Is a bluu", tilu.on will call It. SprsU .inlrk I We have twelve reels of film, read)' for ase, all headllnerat price, Inrlndlag reels, tSSO.OO for the entire lot. We have bushels of coadenser* in stock while ethers have none, During the stringency In the money market we bought, when others were retrenching, and here we are with the largest and rao.t complete stock of supplies anywhere, and we ship on the dayorder arrives. WE ARE BOLE AGENTS FOR I»CrWE>R'» CAMERAGRAPH And GENERAL AGENTS Bur EDISON KIXKTOSCOPRS They're both here for immediate shipment, complete machine, and pari* Air both. The only place of Its kind In this city. Have ynu tried the Vk/A A B :rvioi If not, do so at one*. You'll be pleastd. LEWIS IYI. SWAAB * CO Lead/nc Dealer and ONLY EXCLUSIVE House 338 SPRUCE STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. WANTED. FOR THE TENTED SEASON OF 1O0S, PEOPLE IN ALL BRANCHES OF THE SHOW BUSINESS. Leapers, Acrobats, Aerlullsls, Cymnasts, Rider* with ami without stock, (,'lovcus, and any acts sullalue for a Circus, for THE HANO-lfi A No. l Experienced Musician*, including C Clarinetist, tor orches- tra work. FOR THE SIDE SHOW-lit Colored Muslclune and Minstrel People, also Uag I'uucliers Musical Team, impalement Act, Snake Euchautress, Fortune Teller, Hau to do Punch ami lUaglo whu can manage the inside. Six Oriental Dancers and Two Oriental MiisIi.Iuiii, and any novelty net amiable for a side show. 1'OK THE TRAIN- Master of Transportation and Four I'olem. FOR TTIK STOCK - Boss Himiiit and Four, Six and Eight Horse Drivers. FOR THE CANVAS-lo Experienced Sent Mm. FOR PROPER Tli:s One Unas and l'> Experienced Property Men. FOR I,Id Mrs One Ross and Six Experienced Men. FOR THE COOK HOUSE-Four A No. 1 Cooks and 'Ju E\poi icm-ed Wallers, iil<o an Experienced Steward. FOR THE SLKEPINC CARS- six White Car I'orlcrs. FOIt THE A IIVANOR- Local Contraciors, Car Managers, Special Agents, Itouto Riders,'.'! Hour Men, ami •.'.", Solinrami Hi II tittle Hill Posters. Tills allow opens early in March. WE HAVE FOR SALE One Male and Two female Lion Cons,six mouths old, also Una Alrliun Llou. Mule, six years old. Musicians-Address A. It. WHEKI.ER, Jacksonville, Florida. Side Show People anil Colored Mn slclans—Address ROUERT K. KANE, llox 1, Vsldosta, Oa. Heat tnd Cauviu Men-Address T. H. TUCKER. Bovl. Valdosta. On. All others address .lEIlllV BlUniVAN, Manager Van tMBUHIl SHOWS, Ho. I, Valdsala, Oa. Show and rtslcHrootns arc clcitn, well venlllnied uml Invliliii;. culurlng to llic I,rut people. 162 State St., Chicago. Klfth fUuif --ICI.'VOlor. T NE WIGGERY and (JKOHGi: i|;hl'H (jreal Ai- KCKRl/aud IMTI'UKK, unci the l.ttKA T (ItOWLKV. in vswtevlllt. It. Ill (JHrX, willi Mnipliy & (liljson'fl Minsln-lH, eingiui; I cu \V. Writf lanlic City wait/ unng, "KITTIE MOORE" Professional Copies anil Orchestrations for 1c. sUtni|n for mailing. t^otoieil^Hllilei. depicting vlawa ,>r ilie grrai aeasltore rr.nrt. »fi.oo tlepo.ll. GLOBE MUSIC CO.. 83d and Berks St., Philadelphia, Pn. WANTED, OPERATIC STOCK PEOPLE IN ALL LINES Company now orgsnl/.ed and playing Dixie Theatre, Jacksonville, Flu. The New COLONIAL OPERA COMPANY UIRN'KS, DANKER .V MORIMUNT. Managers. DIXIE THEATRE, Jacksonville, Fla. BIRNES, DANNER A MOItDAUNT, Lessees and Managers. Now Boohing Spring and Summer Stock t'o». Mend Open Time Cheap for cash. Will pay cash for long biaggage and one longer Pullman Car, Moat be Mrat claas. tJIIAS. UKVKH, Lealugton, Mo. NOTICE.—My writings arc the beat, my prlccHare lower thuti others. I make tills asser- tion without fear of couirudlctlon. I write the goods (no Junk), money rufuudod If mil an. SIX Oreat Funny Parodies on popular songs, all fur micoiik WALTER STOCK, Playwright, 41» Broadway, Camden, N. J. vaudeville nuilurlal io order. (YKH, always Imsy,; ] AT LIBERTY. Tall Comeulaii, S. and D. SpioUHIes, PLAY llBSPONMIUI.K PARTB. <I70 tiCEEN ST., East Toronto, tint. AGENT at Liberty Only, tan Join on wire. II. Thoroughly e.x|M<rinnrsd, aolieriiu.l rillalilu. Can use iiru-ii ir uuci'ssary. Kxpcrlmxisil with on,, nlglu, rep. and Inil'lesiiiie. lU'lialilii managein McPIIILLIi'S, Stat* Hotel. Chicago. AT LIBERTY, AFTER JAN. 4. HOWARD REED, General Business. S99 E. 00th ST., CIHCAHO. ILL. WANTED, YOUNG MAN TO BINU IM.IKTHATED SOWIM. MAKE AN- NOUNCEMENTS AND WORK THE EFFECTS. Musi have good TENOR VOICE and lornlsli references. Long, pleasant engagement to llio right party. Tell II all llrst letter, giving age, height, and send plinlo, which will lie returned. Address V. ALBERT COOK MOVINO PICTURE CO., caro of Fugle Show Print, Satnloga Springs, N. y. P. H.—Must join on Jan. it positively. WANTED, DIRECTOR witli scripts, and CSBPCL PEOPLE, for permanent slock. Two hills a week, fcalary to suit the times. Make It low. Address MARION OPERA IIOUoE, Marlon, HI. N. It.— Specialties glvon preference AT LIBEHTY, FLOTE and PICCOLO Boehm system. Is also Al PIANO Faker. Read some. Ticket ovor wo miles. R. HEAR, Hi H. Hanover St., Carlisle, Pa. WANTED, MEDICINE PEBFOBBEBS 8. and D. Skcteh Team, one must double piano, also Single Performers that doulil': P.orO. FRANK M. KENT, General Delivery, i<ulucj . hi. PAR till V Handcuff Act, Trunk Mystery, Second I "ft BAUu~*»Tglit Act, Spirit Caliiuet. Black Art outfit, l-cg Iron*, Oalatea, Magician'* complete Outfli and loooiher hargalns. circulars for STAMP. GEO. A. RICK, i Underwood su, Auburn, N, V, m v Films, etv Sons With, i'iv llafliiiii's, ftv Supplies, Ion Kii^land Film Kxehange, as* Wathlhgtan SI reel, Ho.ion, Mas*. Tel. OX. 30IX llepl. M. WANTJHD TO BUY Owner* and Manager, of Moving; Pic tare Theatres ! HATE TOD A BAOHIHE.OIt OBAIBB. Anything pertalalna; to the Moving Picture Bust net* von want to ull? Write us. We will buy. F. NJOHM.QW | CO., Box BB1 Mirltllin, WM ROLL TICKETS. DON'T D8E A STOCK TICKET. 0,000 of your own special tickets, Rnrferaled and numbered on tha rail. >r 11.^->| SO.00O, SS.60| 80,01)0, 810.00. Ca*h inn.t accompany the order. Oet the aamples. NATIONAL TICKET CO., B hantohta. Pa. ffth It Nil ,sV. Succe.Hful Comedy JTVJ* OAjUsu.--Orau,aandALLNEW SCKNERV. Fine for "Rep." strj reasonable. Address letters only, E. C. KANADV. ■I'y.i Fourth HI reel, Jersey City, N. J,