The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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JANUABY 4. THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. 1277 NEW EDISON FILMS UATEST FEATURE SUBJECTS j, LITTLE GIRL WHO DID NOT BELIEVE IN SANTA GLAUS SYNOPSIS OF SCENES. One i Cold Winter's Day In the Park—A Blch Little B07. with. His Governess. Finds a Poor Little. Bagged Qlrl Cry- loj la th» toow—He Btopa to Comfort Her. much Against the Wight* of HU Gownies*—Ths Poor Llttls Girl to Almost Fw «i?»~^2 Blcl l li tU !l.^? 7 ,?iT M „ He r ft W " m « ^ °"reoat and Inalats upon Taking Her Horn* with Htra^ They Arrive at th.Rleh Little Boy's HoMo-The Playroom—They T»lk of Santa Clans—The Poor Little Qlrl doss not Believe In Bant* Clans— He Never Brongbt Me Any thin g."—The Little Girl Starta for Horn*—Tha Boy GlTas Bar a Warm Coat and Some Candy. - ^infiJ* « "ftlS? SSrftSr**■ ^ eh P 0 ? ■- Home —The Stocking* ate Bung—Ons Utile Boy Sleepa la a Bed of Down. While One Little Girl Sleepa on * Conch of Straw. " ^^ aUdslfbt—The Blch Little Boy Dream* of the Poor UtU* Girl—He Wakea Up—Be Haa an Idea—Downatalr* B* Cm ? t ZL^J*** 0 ^** SfVSS"?? bjtoto* to Capture Santa Clsas-Old Santa Arrlraa with Mia Bag ef Toy*—The Mafic Cbrlstraa* Tree—The Little Boy Hold* Up BanU and Maxes Him Empty Hi* Baa—Then OS They Go Together Up the Chimney and Away. The Exterior of the Poor Little Ctrl'* Borne—Santa and His Sleigh of Toy. Arrive* with th* Blch Uttl* Boy—But Poor Santa la too Big for the Chimney—The Little Boy Ties Santa to the Gatepost and Climb* Down the Chimney Hlm- ■aU sad Lets Santa daw In at the Door—The Poor Little Girl Sleep* on while Santa and th» Little Boy JUl the Boom with Toys, and then Away They Go Back Home Again, Baring Done a Good Nlghf * Work. The Poor Little Girl Wakea Dp—Her Joy at Finding all the Beautiful Toya and Things—Nerer Again Will She Donat that Thera la a Santa Clan*. _ ^ 0ood .9 M . 8 2 ntm Pa ?„ t ?* uta * * ru * d Bo > **** to m * Bed snd Awsy Be Goes Off on Bis Bounds to the Homes of Other Little Boys snd Girts. Mo, 6331. CODE, VEEHENBEP. LENGTH. 860 FEET. CLASS A. PRICE, »189.00 Poor Mandr Brown! Oh, Such • Toothache! SYNOPSIS OP SCENES: The Dentlst'e Office—"ror de Land Bake, Man, You Done Got to Stop DIs Toothache."—Into th* Dentist's Chair— The right—Mandy Takes Laaghlnc Gas—Oat Comes the Tooth—Mandy Delighted—She la More Than Delighted—Sha Begins to Grin—Then to Laugh—She Can't Stop Laughing— The Gas la Doing Its Work Well—She Lsaras Still Laugh'ag. The Street Car—The Car Sires a Lurch—Mandy Land* In a Gentleman'* Up—She Starts to Laugh—She Can't Stop—The Car In an Uproar. The German Street Band—Mandy Stops to Listen to Sweet Mualc—She Lsnghs—They Laugh—Sh* Breaks Dp a Symphony in Q. Th* Street Corner—Oar Friend, the Dago I- age Seller—He Tries to Indnee Msndy to Boy—Mors Laughter—Mirth to Disaster^—The Broken Images—An Angry Dago—The Police Arrest Laughing Mandy and Angry Dago. The Police Station—Laughter Takes the Place of Justice—Mandy Discharged, An Irish Argument—Laughing Mandy the Peacemaker. Borne at Laat—The Dinner Scene—Mandr Brings In the Soup—She Can't Stop Laughing — Everybody Enjoys a Hearty Laugh, Except the Soup, which Lands on the Master's Head—The Breaking; Up of China. Mandy Starts for Church—She Meets a Colored Masher—He Likes Her Sense of Humor—They Both Laugh—Also the Moon. A Colored Church—"Brethren and Sisters, Let Ds Pray."—But Mandy Starts to Laugh—Mandy Breaks Dp the Con- gregation. Merry Mirthful Mandy Laugh* on to the End, Believing "That He Who Laugh* Last, Laugh* Beat" No. 6338. CODE, VEERBOOT. LENGTH, 575 FEET. CLASS A. 186.25 Prlee, imo.oo NO, 6225—THE NluHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS ■ **K)r(tompleteSynoWlsaendforolroularNo.807. Ho. 6045— PARSIFAL (RIctiTd Wagner's Masterpiece) No. 6335—COLLEGE CHUMS - - - No. 6328—THREE AMERICAN BEAUTIES No. 2 no. 6334—THE TRAINER'S DAUGHTER - No. 6333—MIDNIGHT RIDE OF PAUL'REVERE Ho. 6332—JACK THE KISSER - - No. 6331—A RACE FOR MILLIONS- - NO, 6330—THE RIVALS ■ ■ • ■ ""'""or Complete bynope'la lend for^lroular No. 83T, Edison Films depend entirely for their success upon their cleverness. They are never coarse or suggestive* The talent employed is the best obtainable and the quality of material and workmanship of the highest. These new subjects are ready for immediate shipment. EDISON KINETOSCOPES UNDERWRITERS' MODEL - - PRICE, $175.00 APPROVED BY THE NEW YORK BOARD OF riRE UNDERWRITERS: i AND THE DEPARTMENT Of WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND ELECTRICITY. Includes, among other Improvements, a new Automatic Shutter, Improved Lampbouse, Upper aid Lower Film Magazines, New Style Rheostat, New Enclosed Switch, Improved Take-up Device, Code Vaquant. 1,975 Feet. Cltn A. Special Prlee, S335.T5 For Complete Synopsis send for Circular No. 23a. Code Veenwortel. 700 Feet. Clan A.' Prlee, $105.00 For Complete Synopsis lead tor Ciroalsr No. 839. H»ad-Colored Code Veenbaas. 88 Feet. CUuA. Pr'ee, $B4V.50 Complete. For Complete Synopsis send (or Clrcnlar No. SST. Code Veenwerker. 800 Feet. Class A. Prlee, 8180.00 For Complete Synopsis send (or circular No. 838. Code Tetawster. 918 Feet. Clau A. Price, 8137.9* For Complete Synopsis send tor Clrcnlar No. SSI. Code Veenuraok. 75S Feet. Claaa A. Price, |U3.»5 For Complete Synopsis send (or Clrcnlar No. SSI. Code Veenfromd. 07S Feet. Class A. Price, 8l«fl.a» For Complete Synopsis send (or Circular No. 838. Prlee, 8117.00 New Revolving Shatter and Asbestos-covered Cord Connection. EDISON EXHIBITION HODEL, ... 8AIE WITH FILE lAQAZEKES AHD IMPROVED TAKE-DP. EDISON UNIVEB8AL MODEL, $115.00 • 135.00 75.00 Any Exhibition Model can be fitted with tie Underwriters' Improvements at small cost. Com- plete catalogue, describing all models snd parts, with prices, sent on request EDISON MANUFACTURING COMPANY MAIN OFFICE and FACTORY: 71 LAKESIDE AYE., ORANGE, K.J. HEW YORK OFFICE: 10 FIFTH AVE. CHIGA60 OFFICE: 304 WABASH AVE, OFFICE FOR LSITED KINGDOMt JSS CLERKESWELL ROAD, LONDOS, E. C, ENGLAND. CCI11 lift ■ftrUTC. IDE KIXETOOR&PH CO.. 41 Kast 91st St., Hew York, uCLUnU AUElllO, OKOHOB BHECK, B90-8M Grows St., Sam Francisco, Cat. DEALERS IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES. Medicine lea SOAP "Fakers," Canvassers GET ourpnoes on soap. THEY will interest yon. Special Dept. for making private brands with at tractive labels. Money-getters o( big valne (or canvassers snd fakers, we satisfy and bold our customers. E. M. DAVIS SOAP CO., 40 Union Park Court. Cblcatro. Tell It To Me'f EZRA KENDALLS 3d BOOH. AXX NEW - JTJST OUT. For sale on all trains and news stands, or by mall, use. Address EZRA KENDALL, 8 Oadwell Atsj» Msyfleld Heights. Cleveland, 0. Do You WAN f MILITARY GOODS ? BAKU UNIFORMS, ARMY or NAVY SUITS, TKHT8, OUNB and EQUIPMENT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. From Government Anctlon. No matter what yon want In that line I can supply It. New or second hand. Send (or catalogue. B. B. ABRAHAMS, 222 Booth St., Philadelphia, Pa. MANUS.CRIPTlPLAYS i* CHINESE COOK BOOK M^Wr making: Chop 8uey and other popular Chi; nese dishes. While JOY SINO LO & CO While Uoy Isat 60c. postpaid^ ~~ , Dept. 0., Jolfet, ills. Six All'Round Performers, Two Piano Players, One Contortionist woo can change. Long Job. and sure money. CHAS GORDON, Kredrtok, Md. TROMBONE, AT LIBERTY, B. and 0. Play Piano, also prefer Trombone. Travel or locate. A, F. of M. Responsible managers only. Address ALV1N G. FAUS, Port Clinton, O. WE WANT TO FfJRrllSH TOUR riLM SERVICE FOR 1008 And we are going to get It If the best films In America at the right prices will secure It. Everything Identified with the moving picture business carried In etook, ready (or prompt shipment Puttie's LUo of Christ, Ben-Bur and Parsifal rented reasonable. 0. T. Cra»ford Film Exchange Company, QAYETY THEATRE BUILDING, ST. LOUIS, HO. IPMENT Power Cameragraph Edison Kinetoscopes SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. Repairing Moving Picture Machine! Oar Specialty. SEND FOR CATALOGUE F. CL B. HLEINE. etl-eM Slztb Avenn*. New York. mmmm ' With brdl, I ir..i.»., iiibboiii. _1 Ma. cxpIilnM to m, cup nil iln ihem. ItlBtlwiH Cl.lof | lntl.;ii.<lfr»n. ArldrrM OTTO S/rflT 00. I iitm q stew-waaihtuwt , ftgrjgsk, **-% SrSM 8TORBD, BOUOHT AND SOLD. CARS ■»• J - HLJsJMWC, ^■ r,r " ,m - w 044 P«nn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Send us your correct ad- dress. We will mail to you every week the full de- scriptions of all our films. Path* Freres, 41. West 25th Street, New York. AMATEURS IN ALL BRANCHES OP THE BUSINESS, who are deelrons of adopting the stage as a profession, wl 1 do well to send their sddressea to t. H. HUDSON. P. O. Box 270. Madison Square Station, Hew York d ty, N. T. The MOTIOGRAPH No, 1 Model 1908 Motion Picture Machine The Latest—The Best FlicKerless Pictures-Steady Pictures-Brilliant Pictures Designed, built snd especially adapted for the heavy snd exacting work of the Five Cent Theatre as well ss the require- ments of the traveling ex- hibitor. The New Cone Shut- ter saves 80 k to 45* of the non-expos- ure. Flicker eliminated. Haa New Quick Shift Rewlnd.The film la re- wound In 2 minutes from the main crank without re- moval of reels or magatlnes. The Automatic Safety Flre-prool Shutter is the only one thst Is safe and reliable. ., . . Slide Carrier Swing saves one-third of thellght, hence so much briRhter pictures. All Working PsrU Enclosed savea care and wear and gives better results. Ma- chine will last twice as long. A Steadier Picture because accurately msde. Has s perfect Take-up that's different from the others. Arc Lama with all hand wheel adjust- ments; result-better pictures. Has tld-0« Wide Open Lamp House. Both side snd top full open. Is especially adapted for use with Motor. Is entirely flre-prcol. It Is simple, strong, rigid, art 1stk and dur- able, and projects a picture thst is aston- ishingly better than other machines. Is fumlthed with the 01 br*Iter Swlvaled AdJwUbla Iron Pedes- tal Stand. Solid ss a rock—picture projected where you want it. If you have a machine, throw it out and install the Mottogrspb. The investment la about 60 cents I per day for one I year. Equal to I twelve hew pat- rons or twelve present ones re- tained, figure it either or both wsys. Wo are also agents for the Model B Calcium Oas Outfit, which I* almost In- dispensable to the Traveling: Exhibitor, and a great emergency convenience to the 6 Cent Theatre in the absence of electricity. The New Interchangeable Chromo- trope Announcement ia s Five Cent Theatre novelty of great value. Our New Skeleton Double Dissolving Stereoptkon, with right angle arc lamp for dissolving song slides should be mado a part of every Five Cent Theatre equipment. WE SliLL ALL MAKES of Motion Picture Machines, and everything re- quired by the optical projectionist. .Send for our Big Com- )plete Catalog. It's Fret. Amusement Supply Co. 481 Chemical Bank Bld s ., Chicago THE ACTOGRAPH HOUSECLEANINC For the New Year. We are disposing of 300,000 f«*»t*>-fc of second hand film which has worked our circuits, some of which haB been only slightly used. Write for lists of Film, Supplies, Rentals, Etc., and we will send you our New Year's F>r«*»a**a>n < t«a Bottle Of OUT Spoolal LVI. F». OII--F'r«s.e». If you want Al Film Servloe, write us, and we will send you full information of our Unexoelied Film Service. 'FROM 1HE HOUSE OF QUALITY. THE ACTOGRAPH CO., Tel. 3238 Stuyv^sant. 00 Union Square, N. Y t EDISON EXHIBITION M. P. MACHINE, • $100 BIASCOPE, Complete, - ■ • ■ $06 100,000 Feet or rood Film, S to 6 eta. nor root, Song Widen, s: to t . Supplleo, and Kxnert impairing. TUB A.HBRI0AN LII'KOUUA.IMl CO. Mfg. or Moving Picture Projecting Apparatus, 142 B. lltli Street. No *• York rs't. All kindM or Moving Picture ""APIs CO., Inn., Telephone, iwrt Htny vcnarit. Eberhara^ Bclineliler'a MIROR VITAE The machine wlthlOOKcatures I'll ekorlOHH, gtcadr, naro and handy; llncHt In the world. Manufacturer or HpoolultlcH In machinery,llliriH ond alldea, cam- eraa.porroratorH firlntern and onscs Film rent- al and all aup- pllea—Wrlto tor catalogue JEberhird Sohneldir, 109 E. 12th St.. N. Y "Our Sorvloo Speaks for Itself." Films for Sale anil Rent Bargains, H> Keels of 8- II. Ilium, In perfect condition, at $24.00 por rue). MlfsSECY & CO., 217 Sixth Ave. K. Y. City. STAGE LPT E Of Every Description. KLIECL BROS., Broadway and 3t»l» BtreeS, W. Y. Oltyt BOHEMIAN RESORT For Professional People, 26 W. Gsy St., Columbus, 0. UNIFORMS BsND, military, minstrel outfits CARNIVAL COS., USHERS Anil All Other* in! Ut cmiOG. Rdlita Kill Wind Special Attention Given lbs Proftiiloi Western Uniform Go. 214 8. CLARK ST. CHICAOO GOWNS FOB THE STAflE, BMOnTLT D8EI). ALSO BTRBKT QOWN8. W« have on hand a large assortment or slightly worn Kvonlng Hown«, Dinner, Itecoptlon and Tea Clowns. Those roboa are porfeot In evonr respect, and are capeclBlly Huliiitilefor wear In 111(111 OI.AHH DIIA- UAT1U PitoiiutrrioNS. We hare a lull line or Heal Hkln Coats and Pura of all klnda. MUM. II. BTAKIt. 887 Bouth Blate rtt., Chicago. Stock Dramatic Paper Th* Wtnmm* L.lne> 111 tha Oountry. Write for prices. THE DOMLM LITIKIfittAPIIWO CO. MBWPOKT. KBWTUOKY. MUSIC ARRANGED BH»ll PIANO, BAND and OHOIIUBTBA.. Alao MolodlcH written to Song Pooma, with Piano Part, ready fur publication, itereroncea: M. Wit- mark k Hon and V. H. llavlland, W. II. m«,HOrl, 63 W. 28th Bt, S. Y. TOUPKKS, Paint. Powder. Slamp for price Hat. 0. SOUlNUUKUf, 118 W. 20ln St., New York.