The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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1278 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. January 4. The Largest Openings of any Lamp-House Made. PREVENTS TIRED EYES and HEADACHES The rapidity of our new shutter has been so perfected that 30 to 40 per cent less non-exposure (.Which has heretofore caused the tremulous vibration producing so many tired eyes and headaches) is found In the Monograph than in any other machine, making perfect brilliancy of picture and sharpness of outline. Together with the rock like steadiness ci the pedestal the Flicker is thus entirely eliminated. Five-cent Theatre and Vaudeville-House Managers increase their bank account with the Monograph. Patrons who come : will always come again where they know they can see the best pictures, positively rest their eyes instead of tiring them, once and where all fire-risks are removed. Twenty points of Superior Merit over any other Machine on the Market. THE MONOGRAPH 1908 Thiatn Modal, Especially Approved by the Underwriters' Association Other Points of Excellence In the Motlograph Pound in no other machines are: A Special Film Rewind by which the film can be rewound with the main crank In two minutes without removing either reels or magazines, saving time between pictures and entertainments; perfected Fire-Proof Magazines; Fire Traps, with four rollers and with spring actuated flanged guides, preventing side movement and making it impossible for fire to pass them; never failing Automatic Fire-Proof Shatters; perfect framing device; Flanged Sprocket Rollers to prevent film being torn or ruined by accidentally running off sprocket wheels; Enclosed Gears and working parts; perfect take-up with new form of belt-adjuster; Lid Off, Wide Open Lamp House making it easily accessible; Improved Arc Lamp with all Hand Wheel Adjustments { Slide Carrier Swing, saving one-third more illumination for the Motion Pictures. * Z :( m?i >. FILMS and SLIDES Headquarters for the finest, largest and most complete stock in the United States. The success of an entertainment depends on never allowing the interest of an audience to flag; patrons who have come once will come again when constant change of programme is made. Chicago Projecting Co. e. d. om, » g r, ENTERTAINMENT SUPPLY CATALOGUE explaining everything and showing how big money can be made entertaining the public, sent free. Special literature describing the advantages of the Monograph for professional entertainers and theatre managers. THEATRICAL DEPARTMENT 226 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO, ILL MAHLER BROS. SIXTH AVE. and 31st ST., NEW,YORK. Loading Theatrical Specialists. Headquarters for Dance Underwear. SPECIA1V FOR JANUARY. Our Annual Muslin Underwear Sale Consisting of OHBKIISB, DlUWKIll, GOWNS, SKIRTS, GORBBT COVERS, at Eilrrmrl; Low Prlrei for Dependable Merchandise. Our Fimtui Shoes, made on the Latest Model Short Vamp Lt.l, for Stage and Street Wear. Estimates cheerfully given on quantities and company orders. MAKE-UP BOXES 3p«ol«l For Thin Sal., Prlees Below Coat of Mannraclar*. « OUR GOLD OREAM ISxpressly prepared for the Theatrical Profession, guaranteed to be absolutely pare and never become rancid In any climate. Put up In pound Bcrew Top Tin Cans at 45e.| half pound at 2Ho. saiPLif or obeai seii nn ALL HAIL OBDBR8 MOBT Bfl ACCOMPANIED I1Y MONHY OHDEK, NONE BUNT C. O. D. BEND FOR OCR THHATKICAI, OATALOUUB MAILBD FRBB. (/ 77-81 WOOSTER ST, T HE A 77-81 WOOSTER ST, (Bot. Spring and : Brocme),V*ow,MorK THEATRICAL'TIGHTS HOSIERY -SYMMETRICA" GOLD AND SILVER BROCAD. . TRi!rnrnNG3 Wo allow NO As Wo sell; b-WHOLESALE^PRJiGJESSt n P R O F SS"6 T I o N Ew;s; & W: SATIN, EATHERWEIGHTVSPA PA'NGLES^(A]1 Colors) ■ViAftSi lit (A'l'Ai.oci ;ii;s : UiM),v i it i;;ur WIGS Auentumi DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Why handle rooky goods wlioti you oan lmndlo goods that will coll thomselTosf Eleotrlo Helta from 11 por doa. np. Largo variety to ooleot from. Inbaloni, Tfro. per doa.; Voltnlo Kleotrlo Insoles, wo. doa. pairs. Puro Ooeoannt Oil Soap, {9.40 per groaa. Flno Medical llattorlos. GOO to 1,000 por cent profit can bo mado. Trial order will convince Ono-thlrd ciuih required. Largest Manufacturers of Klootxlo Bolts and Ap plianc es In u. B. A. Established 1878. Looluro and prlco list free. THE ELECTBIO APPLIAHOB 00., too., Bnrficrjlon, igg, WILlLIAMllBPiVEB WIG CO., LBADIlfO WIG HAHCBR8. Largest itook In America. Wigs made to order. Foil line of paint*, powder* and oold oream. Bend for Catalogue "0," to either ~'~ --»Opera He 1M WEST Oath ST.. N. T.; Chicago i r plaoe. [loose Blook, Chlcasro. dJmf SHORT TAMP SHOES, SIZES 1 TO 8 ALSO FULL HUB SATIH SI.IPPErtS. INDIVIDUALS AMD ENTIRE COMPANIES FITTED OUT J.' OLASSBBRO, u Third *e.. sear loth St, Raw Tork. Bend tor Catalogs.*. SPECIAL FOR WKKK OF JAN. «, "-3T, - — ----— — ALT. C0L0B8 WAA8 tc SON. 228 NORTH 8th ST., PHILA., PA, PRIOB LIST FRBB. 924-926 80DTH STREET, PHILA., PA., MRS. L. SCHEUER, lias In stook a large line OP I.ADIKB* K VKNIKfi, DINNER AND ItKOEPTlON GOWNS, both high and low nook; SKAL8KIN and PERSIAN LAMB OOATS and FUR SETS: GENTLEMEN'S FULL DRESS, TCXKDO, SACK and 0UTAWAY SUITS, l'rlnoe Albert Ooata and veita, Medium and Heavy Weight Overcoats In Sack, Prince Albort and Boml Fitting styles. We oarry everything pertaining to a Lady's or Gentleman's Wardrobe, suitable for Btage or Street Wear. All orders moat be acoompanled by a deposit of not loss than %t. Ms R |6?r KELY MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES T IM S FOR BALB CHEAP 7x1) to 00x120 on hand. NEW AND SECOND HAND BIDDER TBNT AND AWN1NO CO., DETROIT, MICH. CALL MoMAHOITS Famous Theatrical RE8TAURANT Vt% SIXTH AVE. net 28th and atbSts. NEW YORK CITY. Boat of Food, Perfect- ly Cooked .Dellclously Served. Prices rea- sonable Bpeclal Din- ing Room for Ladles. Fine Magical Apparatus, Illusions, triors, Etc. Grand End of Century, fully Illustrated. BOOK. CATA- IiOOUB, 2Jo., free by mall. Catalogue of Parlor tricks free MART1NKA k CO., Mfia., 403 Sixth Ave., N. r. SANTA/; CAPSULES" Mlfp OATARRH «/M*> BZADOBL , Relieves all, Discharges In 24H0URf Kadiapnl.s* naaaOC/ - • Btwmof [N BE UP- -OET TOUR INSTRUMENTS AND fiUPPLIES^ROM- t. h. McAllister co. (The Oldest nonso In the Business—Established 1188.) Dept. 2, No. 49 Nassau St., New York. Ml the Latest Modal}!Moving Picture Machlnar!anaj8t«rt- optlcom. Edlion Xlnatotcopn, Powar't C*m*rafriph*,and Gai-mak- lug Oullits, always In stock. Prices within the Reaob of All. Write to-day for our new cata- logue, which tella yon how to make big money at publlo en- tertainments. HOHNER. Harmonioaa, Accordions, Blow Accordions Por those rrUlrol professional players whose artlstle reputation* ar»na.rtly dependent upon the fine tone quality of the particular Instrument they may Rlay. These Instruments have no equal, and fill the bill for Vaudevllia) Per* inner, who MUST I1AVB TUB IIKHT. HOHNER GOODS ARE FOR SALE BY AIL DEALERS EVERYWHERE. 475 Broadway, NEW YORK. CANADIAN OFFICE, 78 TORK ST., TORONTO. W.B.MOORE. MANAGER MOORE—BON D CO. LECTRIC BJ*en\A*kuim& SEND FOR I0S FRANMimsX.: CHICAGO, ILL ^USB^^^ NEW YM\M\) AGENT FOR POWER'S Cameragraphs WITH FIREPROOF MAGAZINES new mmm mm FOR EDISON FILMS ALSO Kinetoscopes WITH FIREPROOF HACIAZINE8 l™* tm n™~%}? > 2, ua . p , rlcel1 «°p»l»teiitwltii the time, always gnaranwed. Utest sobjeooi alwayspn a d rlo aD lnS t^^nlane ' , for Sundaya and all other occasions. Send for list F\ J. HOWARD. W* Wa ahlnaton St^ Opp. Adam. House, Boston, Mass. New York Film Exchanae (WILL O. SMITH, Manager) MOVING PICTURE MACHINES, FILMS AND SUPPLIES LARGEST STOOK IN NEW YORK 0ITT. IMMEDIATE DBUVERIia GUARAHTBBD. TWO SHOP-WORN NO. 5 N. Y. APP. POWER'S CAMERA6RAPHS AT A BARGAIN ExpTtHipalrlng at Short Notice. 7 E . | 4th 8t>| aj ew Y ork The Greater New York Film Rental Company,, »i 0k JOBBERS AND DEALERS IN m\ f *Mu MOVING PICTURE FILMS, STEREOPTICON SLIDES,COMPLETE OUTFITS *Mc MJV 24 Union Square, naar 15th Strtst, N.wYork. Te i., woe a.uyves.m. J3m? l»V 1 SLIGHTLY USED FILMS, 2X TO 4 0ENT8 PER FOOT. JFJ Ash for "Film Rental Paet." booklet. It', free. ** ** JllfiCI LCDQI CIIDDI IEC 01abl < Batons, anna, Rolling Globes, noons. WUUULCftO •jUrrLll-U"" W|r « w&1,or, '' A VP» r » tu » l R o™ k oAlfR. Stampf.T w/w. a snatannp catalog and list, RdwTVan WJok, Cincinnati, 0.