The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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January 4. THE NHW YORK CLIPPER. 1279 HAPPY NEW YEARS GREETINGS TO EVERYBODY J.907 a It 1908 -n.i. w u, H? St Y «2Lyy° had "SCHOOL DAYS," and "THAT'S WHAT THE R08E 8AID TO ME." This Year We Have 8EE-8AW," and the Greatest Ballad Since "WHEN THE ROSES BLOOM AGAIN," Entitled I AM WAITING FOR THE SUMMER TIME AND YOU 99 EDWAR Lyrlo by ED. OARDENIER. IVIusslo by OU! This will positively be the real Summer ballad success of 1908. Now being beautifully Illustrated for Song Illustrated Acts. Slides Ready February I. Professional Copies-Quartette Arrangements-Orchestrations In All Keys, NOW READY. GET YOUR 1908 HITS FROM THE HOUSE MELODIOUS. WE HAVE SOMETHIHO NOVEL, NEW AND GOOD FOR EVERYBODY. IBI2 BROADWAY, i\ie\rv york. WIN. H. PENN, Gen. Mgr. CUS EDWARDS MUSIC PUB. CO., LEO EDWARDS, Prof. Dept. "JU8T AHEAD OF THE TIMES B'LD'C." MRi GAY and MRS. A Quizzical Comedy of a Domestic Tragedy. RE MR. OAY and MRS. Ifr. Gay, although paat middle age, Is la Just the foolish period of life. The presence of a pretty girl causes In him an effervescent ebullition of emotional Inanity that la con- stantly getting him Into trouble with the strong minded aa well aa strong armed Mr*. Qay. The pretty house- maid, hi* comely typewriter and the fascinating manicure In tarn contribute to bis mental and physic- al uneasiness, until at last, upon arriving home In a petulent, boozy condition he cuts short Milady Gay'* "curtain lecture" by abutting her up In the folding bed; a quizzical qua.b to a trsgl-comlc film story that for bright, telling comedy sit- uations haa never been excelled. WRITE FOR OUR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS. 6ET ON OUR MAIL LIST AND AfcX PICTURKH AUK KADIS WITH OUR CBLBBBATHD BIOGRAPH tiAMKHAH. OUIl American Mutoscope & Biograph Company, •HOLDING HANDS.' RECENT BIOGRAPH HITS: Dr. SklBDD, • • • • 592ft. The Elopement • • 693ft. Wife Wanted - • - 848ft. Under the Old Apple Tue 378ft. Yale Laundry • • 88511 Love Microbe • - 670ft. Terrible Ted ■ - - 792ft, The Tired Tailor's Dn» • 601ft. The Deaf-Mote's Ball - 787ft The Hypnotist's Ronop • 1030ft Robo Brows- lo Town • 868ft. If Yoo Had a Wife Llki This 698ft. The Truants • • 638ft. Mr. Hurry Up - - 625ft. KEEP POSTED. FILMS RUN OH ANY UAHHIKK. II 14-tK STREET, PACIFIC COAST BRANCH. IKW YORK CITY. 116 ». BROADWAY. LOS ANOELEB, PAX. WANTED, FOB THE BON TON STOCK CO., Supporting AL. LETBURNE, Leading Man, Leading Woman, Heavy Han. Otter Useful People, write. Can place Specialty People who play parte. Balance of tbla season and all Summer work. Booked solid until Sept. 1008. No time for correspondence. Join on wire. P. 8.-R0BT. LB SUEUR, PAUL CASE and JACK HcOORMIOK, Write or wire. COOK R & LKVHIHNK, Mgrs., 01 Pleasant St., Dorchester, Mem. Bennett's Dramatic Exchange Suite 405 Real Estate Board BIdg., Cor. Randolph and Dearborn Bts., Chicago, 111. A. M1LO BENNETT, Hgr. The Pioneer Agenoy of Chicago. Established 18M. Beit Play*. Best People. BobI Manager*. Best Connections. Beit Treatment. Beit of Everything. 5,000 people on onr books. Sole Agent for over 100 standard pUyB. Western Agent »r over MO. Can get any play wanted, It on the market. Eastern Agent, 8ELWYN i OO. Let ns hear from yon. A1°A A K«I'riOIi»T, BROTHER ARTISTS. ,. TREAT yOUBSIXr ON THE ROAD. "SAPA," THE VITAL JUICES OF PLANTS. A positive tan tor "BLOOD POISON" In all .tag».. Contains no mercury, no potash. Do not hesitate. Bend your order at once. ■APA CHEMICAL CO., Imperial Theatre Hulltllng, Ht. Loot., Mo. Prloo 15 oo per Bottle, which constitutes M day treatment. A remedy that has been teatefl. TeBtlmonlala from people yon know, co.reapondenoe strlcUy confldentlal. PLAYS For Stock Companies, (or Repertoire Companies, (or Amataui LABQHST ABOOBTMENT IN THE WOBLIX Boota far hotw amusement, Negro Plays, Paper, Bceaaty, lira. Jaxleja Wai Works. Catalogue Free I Free! Free! _ . BAMOHI. FBEKCH, 17 Weat 8gd ft., Wow Tork. SONG POEMS WANTED. Wo will eompoee the mu.lo and the work will do pub- lished on royalty. COLONIAL MUSIC CO., 001-07 Dearborn St., Chicago. SINGING TAUGHT BY CORRESPONDENCE Success goarnnteod or money refunded. Write today for free JJBtllsBMB. ... Address ILLINOIS CONSEnVATOIlY, l»ai Lakeside Banding. Chicago. 111. The kind that get tho money. Call or write. F. H. ZIMMERMAN, 0 E. 14th St., Alwaya Something Hew. FITZSIMNIONS and GROS RBFIBJBD HNOING and DANCING. FOLLIRS OF im. DlreoOon F. ZIEOF1BLD. HEW UP-TO-DATE 52 PAGE BOOK Catalogue of Latest TRICKS, Books, eto., Just out Settlor IOO. NONE FB8E. W. D. leboy, 103 Court St, Boston, Haas. UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN .COPYfUCHT! PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS WILL-. ... tOUFROrt^-"! flffATES. And make yon a fortune. If you hare a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, SONG or BOOK that Is worth anything-, you should copyright it. Don't take chances when you can secure our serr- Ices at small cost. Sendfor our srfCIAl OrrER 10 MVINTORS before applying, for a patent, it teill fay you. HANDBOOK on patrnturnt FREE. We advise If patenta- ble or not, FREE. We Incorporate BTOCK COMPANIES. Small fees. Consult us. WORMELLE & VAN MATER, Managerav ColB«ibla Copyright I Pateat Co. lac, WASNMilON.D.C . 11.25 Per PoorM. GOLD OR SILTEB. Cotton Tights, pair |1,00 Worsted Tight*, pair 2.00 Platted SUk Tlgbta, pair SAO Best SUk Tights, j 9O0 e laob ootton tope,) ■■" Calf, Thlgb and Hip Paddings. Gold and Silver Trimmings. Send deposit and route with order. TUB BOSTON REGALIA CO., S8T Wsahlngton St, Boston, Mass. MUSICAL 8LAS8ES. Substantial, lond, pore In tone, easy to tune and play. Photos. references, catalogue, with full Information will bo Bent on re- ceipt of stamp. A. llrannelas, Olaasophone Mfg., in Flatbuah Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. IBLOOD POISON FOR MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS I Wo hnvo mode tho euro of Blood Poison a I I nnoclalty. Blood Poison Permanently Cured. I You can bo treated at homo under the same Kunrnnty. Capitol, 1500.000. Wo solicit tho montobiitlnatocasea. If you havo exhausted tho old methods of treatment and still havo lichen and pains. Mucua Patches In Mouth, Soro Throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored Spot*, Ulcers on any part of the body, HnlrorEyo- brows foiling out. write for proofs of cures. | 1100-page Book Free. COOK REMEDY CO., 1111-B5 Slats St, Chicago, III., U. 8. A. nGEBX (FIFTH ■■ FLO.O'fiyf *:■''; Tb^Stafe^Statlifcat ENmiiffi tSTREWdt fib orwm "THE BAY WHITE WIG" Sometimes covers a multitude of baldness! awp n^p THE WIGCERY! 162 8TATE ST., CHICAGO. (KIFTIl FLOOR) Send for Onr Complete Illnstrated Catalogue and Price list of SOUBRETTE DRESSES, ANKLE LENGTH GOWNS. FANCY COATS and STA8E GOWNS of Every Description. Catalogue sent to recognized performer, only. Write on your own letterhead, orsond Intent program, WOLr, FORDIWO & OO., ei-eo Kilo* St., Boston, rvinsae.. 250,000 MILES IN LESS THAN 5 YEARS or which over 100,000 mile. w*r« m*d« on ONE NIGHT STANDS!! The. Trunk ONLY needed the) lining repaired! What was It ? A TAYLOR XX PROFESSIONAL!! OAR VOV BBAT IT I NO! C. 1 TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS. nttSXtLSSl., CENTRAL TRUNKS. tain., IT 00; 2Bln„ IS.BO ; lOln., »».M>; I01r>. 110.60 ; 401n„ §13.00. Circus Trunks, 24il»il8, 1TB0 Bill Trunks, DOr28xl0,lnilde.'»12.06, Lltho. Trunk.,42%l2Hmi2 Inside, 110.00. Shinned on receipt of I8.00.M1. C. O. D., over 100 miles, than remit whole amount. BIlloNB * CoTcuNTHAI, TBCNK FACTOBT,ttt 1884, 8. W. cor. 7th and Arch Ht», PfcHa. 1140 BROADWaV, -fAT V flf'B'V «1» SIXTH AVKNVB, Oor. eg fl«th Street! H • ■• vlllt Oor. of ilBth Street. Llahter and stronger than »ny Irani, on the market to-day. Gaataataeel for 10 year*. Bend for Catalog. WIGS. TOUPEES. GREASE PAINTS, ETC. And (ha LlUlt and Moil Populir Btylai In Ladl.i Hair Drstilnj. A. M. Ill ( II & CO.. 119 N. Ninth Street - ■ - . ■ Phtladaiphia iflS IF ILL MIS. Bketches, MonoloflUM, Parodlei and Bnrleiqnei. Written lo Order. Original Work Of all kinds for Vaudeville and send for Price List and Terms. BUBNNEN'S VAUDEVILLE BVBBAV, BT Weat JIBtn St„ Bew York, DRESSES for STAGE and STREET 8ESAL SKIN COATS and FURS. BAUHBTT, 393 Stat* at <t tjhlcaajo. G^IL.tVIS ^OW SALE OW "TO l=»satr«|-r. ANHATTAN FILM RENTAL CO. IIAHT * DAVIS, Managers. Jobbtr* ami Dtalirt In Evarylhlng Pirtalnlng to hi Main Office.114-111B. UA Bt, New Tort, Tel. MOJ Orameroy. SHOW PROPERTY FOR SALE. 00ft. Itonnd Top, with soft. Middle Piece; wed 89 weeks; no walla; lift. soli. Round Top, imod 30 week*, no walls. IM. Bond stamp for list of bargains. Show property of all kinds bought, sold and oxclianged, " THOB. 1.. FIMN. llooslek Balls, Banr York. tSlwk rlt flll AlflElBlUAH OlnL 8 « nd 2o.8umprorrafetrioi>aia)py 10 BBATJTIPVb SHOES, »».00 o,c,K. 0 r^. p /^lBl.'HR. MA6BEE MUSIC PUB. CO., Box 1713, Pitlsburfl Pi,