The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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1284 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Jantjaby ii. Grease-Paint and Burnt Cork Removed Without the Aid of Cold Creai It easily, quickly and thoroughly remove* all true of grease-paint, bent cork or may other make-up, withoat the aid of cold cream ox without the attghteat Injury to the moat delicate complexion, leaving the akin feeling cool, clean and comfortable. FOI Silt BT DI000ISTI MP OtOCEIS ^mr WML WALTKE & COMPANY "WASH-UP" MADE EASY TJaed and endorsed by tha leading membera of every breach of the profeaaion. We want every member of the profeuion in the TJnited States, to teat tha merite of Lara 8oap. Send us your name and address, and we will aaad yon ABSOLUTELY FMtt A SAMPLE CAKE OF LAVA SOAP. SAINT LOUIS, U. So A. TBI ABOVE IB A SAMPLE 01 OCB 75c. UTTER HEAD HALF TONE we eaa make a ball tone from photograph yon . _u: Mt up roar name, address end set In typs, and print too Letter Head*, »xxii, for auo, KHOXVILLS K«TQRAVI.f & CO., bib Hay bl, BjaaaarBBa. T»aa. MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES CURED by a tecret procesi "LUCKY STRIKE" be* a fragrance and charm all iu own. LUCKY STRIKE Siloed Plug Pips Tobaooo hulbekifMnknAiwaU. hooka cool to the sad without wuac, and doe, not blow oat or bm bowl, r or ont any yean lbsBBM "PATTERSON" on kbacco has been a saersatas of kifb qiaaty. Pocket Mae, Tea Box. IOa> H EC EM AIM'S COLD CREA CThsatricaIj) It ia not like the cheap, ill smelling; greaaea G'O-SSv CO. s^^ ia^g T. IM FOR SALE CHEAP 7x0 to 60x120 on head. NBW AND SECOND HAND ■'■DEB TENT AND AWKINO DBTBOIT. MICH. 8 usually sold for ••Theatrical Hegeman'a aa good aa we knew how—bet' ter than most creams sold at fancy price*. Hegeman's ia pure, aweet and good. It quickly removes the moat obstinate make- up. Half Pound Tint, 28c; One Pound Tina, 4Bc. SEND FOR LABOR FBBK SAMPLE. Our assortment Of make-ups, powders, grease paints, pufls, paws and pada and other things for stage use ia very complete. Our prices are famously low. Mike-up Boxes at 35c, 48c, 50c., and |1.28 Eaeh. HEGEMAN «*, CO. (A Corporation) 42d 8t. and Broadway (imi BLDO.) 200 BROADWAY 7th A*.nu« end 148th Street and 128th Street 3d Avenue. Lenox Avinus and 844 Fulton Street, 125th Street. Brooklyn. CO* UNIFORMS BARD, MIITMIY, MIHSTUL OUTFITS CARNIVAL COS., USBEtS And AU Other* Sod fir UTA1K. ScitUi Ibd tales Sseclal AltcaUu Given the rWeuste Western Uniform Co. 814 8. CLANK BT. CHICAOO B e ™ LITHOGRAPH" ABOUT HALF THE PRICE NEW LITHO-TIHT-PAPER si in 'o« ■ c* t »j:'_6tt"u'r.' .'■'■ Morrison Show Print 0,,,,,, Fin Miglci. Appmlit, ILLUSIONS, TRICKS, Etc. Oread End of Century, rally Illustrated. BOOli CATA- LOGUE!, 2Jo., tree by man. Catalogue ol Parlor trtoks tree HART1NRA a CO., MXrs., ew sixth atc, A. r. MANUSCRIPT PLAYS ES3'' 'V.4v'. i - ' . ."i. MZZ1 144 LA SALMIS Fr\£EL SAN® CAPSULES' •■' m i if mTAERH aim fflJLBWISl, Roliovaaall DiDchargo8ln S4HOUR- Ett&KpiItlMJlll ■ear A GREAT BARGAIN IN OPERA CHAIRS 830 Full Upholstered Chain like this one must go. We have taken them in a trade and haven't room to store them. They are latest de- sign, upholstered in Nor- mandypluah with corded edgea. AU aa good aa Call qn le k if ye* waa t a bargain. American Seating; Company 18 w. ISta ST., HEW YORK, coughs CW& Invaluable to sneakers and singers for clearing the voice.Absolutely harmless. STALLUArTB DBBHBB TRUNK. Easy to set at everytnl ng wit a- , out disturbing snytfcing. No fatiguo In packing end a npack- lug. Light, strong, roomy drawers. Holda as much and ooets no more man a good box trunk. Hand riveted; strongest trunk made. In email roomeerresas chiffonier; O. 0. D. with privilege of ex- amination, so. stamp for oate- log. P. A. 8TALLHAN, 88 w. Spring Bt, Oolumbus, 0. MU8ICAL GLASSES. Substantial, load, pare in tone, easy to tone and play. Photos, references, catalogue, with tell taformauon will be seat on re- oelpt of stamp. A. Brauutlaa, Otaaoophone aUg.,4M Ratbash Aveaae, Brooklyn, N. T. HOPKINS I ALLEN WILD WEST REVOLVER 33 or 88 Calibre. Write lor new Catalogue ol Shot Guns, RHIee and Revolvers. Frea. I fa. Barel. BI; d Steel. H0PB3KB ft AIATOjl BEVWUVBM are w+flejy need by stage peopi, becaose of their UrbguaMty end low fries. The abovem^]-! WILD WEST BBVOLVm-le eepeetally desirable for melodrama' sad Western Shews, because of Itsshewy stxe and pistol-like appearance DESCRIPTION—A long barreled reyover—large andvery Sswe large stock end Mued octagonal barrel, a half foot long. Makes a swat show from the front, and especially with 88 calibres, a Terr loud ~£" when bounds curate, reUabie, end made of beat material throughout 82 eeUbro, 0 shots. Bent by HAIL, POSTPAID, anywhere In the U. B, for 84.50. gAFB DB LIVKHT AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED—il! not found at nearest gon store. Same gun. with triple nickeled barrel frame and cylinder, 50 cents lese m either 82 or is Mention calibre wanted when yon write. *"• THE HOPKIHB * ALLEN ARMS CO., Theatrical Dept, Norwich, Conn., C. S. a. Larpeet Ifawafaetarera of Etgh grade f sp e lsr fjjnej PVeorsae da the World. - eafe, ae- 88 calibre, S shore; Henrietta Croimen and Hanrlce Campbell Bankrupt. Henrietta Croeman and Maurice Campbell, her husband, filed separate petitions in bank- ruptcy last week. Miss Croeman'a liabilities are 848,889, and nominal assets $8,B74, con- sletlng of debts dne tier, $8,749, of which 11,170 la by Hr. Campbell, and 85,679 by the Maurice Campbell Co.: furniture In storage, 1800; stock, 8225; agreements aa to clays, "Little Gray Lady/' and "Der Heifer," |250; lawsuit pending, $850; 2,098 shares of stock of the "Pilgrim's Progress" Co., $200, and one share of stock of the Hanrlce Campbell Co., of no value. Maurice Campbell he* liabilities $72,558, end nominal assets 820.484, consisting of arreetnenta relating to the Plays, "A Scrap of Paper," "Mary, Hary, Quite Contrary,'' "When we Dead Awaken" end "Sword of the King," $447 : furniture In storage, $800: half Interest In scenery of "When we Dead Awaken." $25; debts doe him. $8,917, of which $8,818 Is from the Manrice Campbell Co., and $99 from the "Pilgrim's Progress" Co.; 200 shares of stock of the "Pilgrim's Progress" Co., $20, and 997 shares of stock of the Maurice Campbell Co., no value; cash In hank, $2. and unliquidated claims, $24,228, of which $21,878 is against David Belasco, growing out of the play, "Sweet Kitty Bel- <■» Bed Wayburn tn Bankruptcy. Edward C. (Nedl Wayburn, of 1188 Broad- way. New York City, has filed a petition In bankruptcy, with liabilities of $28,252, and assets $60. consisting of rash In the Me- chanics and Traders Bank, $4; cash in New Amsterdam National Bank. $5, and notes of J. O. Smith, $51. The debts are for bor- rowed money, printing, rent, advertising, merchandise, machinery, services and notes. There are one hundred and sixteen creditors. 4«» Cas-lotta Nlllaon to Leave ''The Three •f la." It la announced that the contract between Walter N. Lawrence and Carlotta Nlllson. now starring nnder his management In "The Three of TJe," which will expire on Jan. 18, will not bo renewed. Miss Nlllson will re- turn to New York. Boy Haccheeney, the leading role In "The Three of Us," will be played by Mabel Cameron. a »> Ferley Asratn Snea Shubert. Frank L. Perley has again brought suit against Lee Shubert, In the Bupreme Court, to recover $25,000 damages. He alleges that on July 28, 1905. he and Shubert entered Into a contract by which Shubert agreed to fur- nish him certain bookings and six routes for twenty consecutive weeks, and by which he waa to have time for his own productions at the Casino and Lyric Theatres. ' ««» Ida Conunest for Canada. Ida Conquest has been engaged to appear at the head of a special company for a three weeks' engagement at the Boyal Alexandra Theatre, Toronto, Can., opening on Jan. 7. The company la under the direction of Nor- man Perry, and the repertory will consist of plays in which Miss Conquest -has already ap- peared as a star. 4 »» Vtola Allen 1st Hew Play. Anthony P. Wharton's play, "Irene Wycher- ly," with Viola Allen tn the title role, was ^reduced at Ford's Opera House, Baltimore, [d., evening ot Dec. 80, by Llebler & Co. The play met with success, and reports from Baltimore state that Bliss Allan and the pro- duction were highly praised. a»» Hararnret Anglln'a Beer Play. The dramatisation of "The Awakening ot Helena Bltchle," Margaret Anglln's new play, hss been made by Charlotte Thomp- son, author of "A Bait ot Sable,' and co- author, with Alice M. Smith, of "The Strength of tha Weak." 8 i> New Gillette Play Postponed. Wm. Gillette's latest plsy, "That Little Af- fair at Boyd's," which waa announced for early production, baa been postponed, and the company disbanded. The time originally booked for the production In Philadelphia has been canceled aad given to another com- pany. « i» Jeaale Bxtsler tor Vaudeville. Arrangements were made last week with George Tyler for the appearance In vaude- ville of Jessie Busley after tha conclusion of her season In "In the Bishop's Carriage." Her vaudeville season will be for twenty weeks, In 8 new sketch. a i a George Henry Payne Reatsraa. George Henry Payne, who for seversl years has been dramatic editor of The Evening Ttltgram, has resigned from that position In order to conduct a newspaper of his own. 8 il The largeit galoon Bar la New Yorlc. After elaborate alterations the Hermitage Hotel bar was opened on New Year's Day, at the comer of Forty-second Street and Seventh Aveaae. It Is said to be tha largest and one of the bandsomeat saloons In this city. Owing to Its location In the heart ot the the- atrical district, It Is a popular resort with a large number ot theatrical people. ' "I'LL BE THERE ON THE SQUARE" With a WIGGERY wig "For Fair." THE WIGGERY, 162 STATE ST., CHICAGO. (FIFTH FLOOR) WOMEN know the misery attending growths of hair on the face, neck or arms, but there is a balm in this misfortune, for X. Bazin's most efficient Depilatory Powder has been used for over seventy years by women who know the value of such preparations. Has always given satisfaction. An applica- tion of five minutes or even less will remove every trace of hair. Directions accompany each bottle. For sale at all first class toilet counters, or by mail, in sealed packageSi free from advertising matter. Price, including postage, 50c. HALL & RUCKEL, 215 Washington St., N. Y. CITY. Makers of SOZODONT. UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN PATENTS AND JRAOE-flAAKSl call: T ACTORSAND M AN Ar.ERS IN IT'TiBBnlM And make yoa a fortune. If you have a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT. SONG or BOOK tbat la worth anything*, yoa should copyright It, Don't take chances when yoa can secure our «rr- teejjt_8j aa41_cwet._ Sendfor onrSHCUL OlTO TO INVmORS before applying- for a patent. xlwOlpayyou. NAttBOuV on talents ten! (KL. We advise If patents- ble or not, FREE, ffj Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small fees. Consult as. W0RME11E & VAN MATER, ColsasUa Copyright « pateat Co. lac, WASMKTSR.B.C. ESTABLISHED 184A. If there is one member of the human system that will pay you back in full measure for all the in- jury you do it, it is the teeth. Neg- lect is no worse than experimenting with worthless Dentifrices. Both will hasten the day of bitter regret. Stand by SOZODONT and your teeth will stand by you. «^c% C l[)S w-wiu, Ouav o^m, aMssa n- OTTO S7T?LT 00. q ITS Wl istt Stmt. Xnr Tat. M II, oo, eta do I helsd.4 r»«. Adttn WE MAKE YOU A PORTRAIT THIS SIZE AND STYLE.$1.00. Soe the hoir-foncoWE make for 'THE CLIPPER- llfyouaro tfolni^ohnve any CUTS! maderwrireua first WE MAKE UATClta*** tr»«SoienST H PHILADELPHIA. PA. , Ptntes reprint ia OWE or MORE OPUWW PLAYS Beading and Recitation Books, all dramatlo Paper- 4 eoldandmslled.C* talogu? free. Obaa. MaeDonsld. 68 WaablngtonSt-.OMcagr CABINET Photos of yourself $90.00 per 1,000, fg per 100. Send Kegs, or Photo to copy- FlITIIRF HC8BAND or WiFK PH0T08 •»•«> ruiunc mt i,ooo. Fortunes too. Samp. Wc- KDE5A Co., S8U S. Broad BL. Polls.. P*- BlMDWiSP Cured for $10.°° Prescription caa be filled aaywherr. Write far partlealara. THE R. HAHN CO. m Boa laBS. ST. LOTJIB, HO.