The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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\ { H i " l ' ' **" • PENEW l %M OIJPPEB. 1285 YOKKOMPPEB mm fljf fittM QB!EN PUBLISHING CO. (llmHid) MtRHMk ALBERT J. BOR1E, KorrocuL AND BtHiKtss Ma.vauub. * ;»»T1?BDAT. JAKUAJTC 11, 1908. Wm tit* wi»e mmfa Bt HANK. Ktnir mill A Jbiiik. Ouo of the best tinging testa* tliat hnve Whit CunllnTe. OUB 10NB«.\ LETTER. v -, ■-■ - r FROM oub wn eOMujuroHBBsr. i ■*,. ; i.ii iiwiwi. * .-. Clipper £«rea«, •> - - It Lcioi<«ter Street. ' Leicester square, London, VT, O. DEC. S!8. At no mmsou of tin' year la tbo coarse of urontH In I.utkIi a lew Interesting to students i'I the singe than lit ClirlHtinfij—nnO At 00 other tlhl* in tho Londoner so cotnpletelr en- grossed In the UiCfttrc. "I'nutnnilroo hu»l- A ynuug. Knglbtk ootneillau of robust tolec -HSvS^^^"^^ 1 S'a^^SSSteS £SS5^»?ilP s^ n ffir5?s?«2 s B?s th ^e, ct M.rckJi^lB*. 1 BTrt *«or. ,1m, week how flcscr.pnvo g^Wg.^^.H fifSSfatf, gBSfaSf rt&'t &*T<A!« songs should bo son„. , Tfecjr.catt the net "The Pierrots' OtraltnV ™t,-J2.»n per inch, slntfe colnsvn. gQPJH* ■ j » :>grtg rostume*, suggestive, ditty Adr ct . t !:£. u ^. ']". IgJSi.'Ti s7 ul nerct. extra. ,,f tnBt "I'''- Introducing a reiiartiiry of vocal for ttATfiCS. SatertWeutclitH roi with border. 1 StBSOHlPTIOX. fitimberfi thnl they Iia™ brought from Rug SAID USE CUTICURU Doctor RuorW Id R—II M Call tf Eczm in Child Dlsiue Hal Reached a FmiM SUti-Pals ail Mini Wire Twrlbli. HIS ORDER RESULTED IN CURE as siiiiill T was troubled villi tjntt three months. It was face and entered nearly all the trig. , *j ■StiliHJ The Forinr- CIoxIbe Promptly, Tacs- J ■ dar «" W o'clock A. M. Please renilt, by cipreM. money order, check. P O, on** or registered letter. All cash enclosed with l«««r '« * l U)0 rti,k ot «* l,,,cr - t.wires* Alt Cooimnnloallous t» A * a '*HE ftBW YUBK CLIPPER, . , ■ * < . • 47 WOtt. Mill stwcti New Sort. '• Ha/tttervl'Cable AidrcH, "A eTuoldtT." equally a* agreeable rvori os tier portlier. The T'Astor r.uilli'iii'.M liked theai ho much that tiiey were loalu to liave tlicm withdraw-, atiil lUelr encore uuuitier. a clevor little mmi about tbi> boy aud IiIh bttnjo, wak rccelvetl eoren on lilm with poslllvo entliuelaani. Tin* ocl. ran about |iiea«cd lilm, iwenty-two tnlmitcn. on llic fiilJ stage. IIo held tbc ■ . Keeno nnd Adams hav? been nppeorlog In two, logelher for twelve, years, Jllllr Kecne being a nattvn of Coventry. I'nx., and Jennie Adara^ lx.'lng of Seoteli paivntati". In England they .i »u.v>: >n iiunvruii nun mrairai, nou u-unni Aggregate- V1AV,IH)V I llni) tllWhl Ul'ltry IAI1C. Cliril IvtlllCUIV!'. hiiii.ii » mu w . "•••■ r ; i.,"T . r?u iii lol l ie br ,ili J0 , "i HJ ' "UHH ho «f eQiirge, tin Iho hMm Iiw. !iut. there entirely cured. I have not been bothcreil it lllusirntea It. Luat Thurailaj afU-ruoop. a „ r e VwrtAiit pantoiuluicH at tin) Lyeoiim w |,|, V ,|,ire 1 used Cuticura Soap and <l big nmi ence gavei hltn to t.nioratnud Uint ho ftu ,l tbf, Adelrlil. ana nut fewer tlian two ^ttli .t Since. ^J"^.^?^™ ?H "" u g Ml welcomft .to town, and tliey piled up en- hundred lu tin' tirovlntlul ell lea. Vnt the en- CntlClirn Ottltnicnt. bill do not know ex- ii .v.Ki,a ntn lit i.i !■> n b-,ii. -)l.,if »ii .ii-(- hntfn i :...•_. . •:■ _ - • ■ * . ml ». ... •(..!„ . i * . *. . I I .^ ,.,i«aIa1a lli.i '. '.'1 ?, .*"r y J!" 11 "V^ 1 ,!ll v " tettnlniiicUt of towiia too smull to run their nc tly ln>\v much was used to coinritetc the If It tlhl tire uint out a little. ow „ SvMnmicti llioio niv touring nunto- ,.u te . i „,, u a i t \ v sav that Cuticiirn did tage twentyfotir minutes, m J nKH } KhMi stnv H \ t iug | lt( , )n cn ?, ' t0 wn. c ", rt ; . l ca " b . I ,j ^ » a ^,V„\ u'iU,,,i Nor I , , „ , T a tew>*»» ago suburban Loniion w«h iMiflly ft lot (oriiic. Miss Anauol VV ilson, Norm , Mr. <-unl!flc a orlsiually from Lnticnsblre. attacked by rJio Uiititouiltne fever, aud tbo Branch, Mich., Oct 20, 1^7. and bag been before the .■•.ncllsli public In olitlvlng Iiouhm aggregated llilrij panto- ,, ■ - - ■ thy balls of Loudon for only Hbout three and uilmea. This brnvctl to be the hegftiuuig of - B.-C.;;ttf1.n, K ... C. & Co.. Chicago, Vr.:P.-.8., .MllwauKre, 3,'C Ktt| Falls, , •P. B.C.. Portland. M: M., anrhla, mwl " ..-. _ „ f. £ J., BlaltmorC.—Sec answer to D. h.. Pror. Wufff made his first appearance In been before fh« nubile en acrobats for fwerity Auictira oil Bee. 28. bringing with lilm el* year*, during wbleli .tline tbey bavo lroui the otller side uioic horwis than be naa traveled praetliially all ojdr the world. Last it*-jet shown here. He JhtenUa fo churtgtt week. bo\yeyet, was tliotr first professloual bla act later on, and will tbcu uw tliCM- otb«f experience on Aiaerlcani «oll. :» win — antindla. tic Is well known on tbc other side, and for years was proprietor of Wulff's t>«..i Circus; -which traveled extennh'oly nnd was &.*H., Chicago.—Bruee *Nl la with Mrs. a , onP tlult . Mnuanently loeuti-d fii Bruasols, and also in Berlin. ■ »» > , Vft^jfeti Uockford.—Address Wni. GI1- l«te caffl of. CharkM *'robnjaB, Hmplre Tnc- ntrf BulWlng. N«;w. YorS Clly, „■ Wt , : „ C. Q. TI-. Peoria.—Addresa T. II. WInneli, Uffi -Broadway. New fork City._ -: tfisa U. J. K:. New York.—Tbe, Ditty to wtiom'-jhotf i' thd prolicr one to aaswer Keltr. anil >Iu*»*> tforaoln nnd noasell. Borsvb luid Kuescll, at the -Tweoty-lhlrd Street, luat week, did not pi-i.'n.-Mit ii gew act but ohTvred cntcrta' " mafty sil tobbed of Its borriir. llobln lluod, the „]».. <»j| W cijrlitluii." on tie read. outlinv, Is aetually tbc Karl of Huulhigdon. " fl al iy vitlnnhl;- oooka perlnltili\g (o Khaki'; Villa Khoulu have been tjuecab> liclghton's ^ w ^i. uie p. orrty of Lord lluwe, were solil BHTt, but mt lllnvas has proved the oppoi- tt ^ nuellou lisi week. A "rourlli iiuarta' eou- lunlly of prolty Agnes Krueir. Tlitoughout t |, m 0 f "Hanilct" ii'iillawl fif)W. the iMiitouilino lloliln Is tins object of the nctlve liaft-id ot the usurping Karl, who nut only wants his nnmc itnd estate, but also bis James T. Kelly and 1/llllau ;il. JIassey, ductione, that tbey ha<l somcibiug very much - jifr llllil VI ■■EMMIC*- " , ? , . ,B "' '■'.:", a ■ ,, m Perfotuiauucs of "lltu .New \ork lilou will be reatinted on Monday, lit tbi- Qtieeii s The- atre. raiiiKlou Jlllehi(li Imw enblml eongrulu lulions lo Kl'tlo iefftnya ou her success lu bla play. ered to mahy JiiiprVeiueiiUi lu their n "IlTiuiatlc iiUutltv esaeiillul lo llio Impel- ' u ^ ,, m „ u , T .wrltlug bin first ipuli>. inlng -Bwllctfiuun^otterJoi'. with lis «? iV'SjLJffi *»?„ ™*\. tf.i"!**.-^ *TZ flrama. "Tb.! UgliiH of Loiluoii," which la J.. lUrpfli-es in tbc line of musical Intro- ^!"» B|ereOro la well ublo to su^iuly. Mi- b wv i Tu d at a. London hoiiio. It was.with true love, Maid Marlon, who bus a charming reprcstfntutlve In Madge Vincent. There ft assisted bv flherldnu Ilollnes, appeared at In the way:of A novelty to commend tbetu. Pitflto'r's last v.-cck, in a sketch by Kdgar Tlielr new back drop, with lit- view ot a Setdcn, entitled "TWo Kings uud a Queen," mountain streaai, Its rising moon and Ita rall- wblcb had to dowith ibe love-milking of two rood bridge, ovar which u passenger train lu >'*«■.WiS™}:, ,,„-.„ r-ii-_\(,*if.-h our route IrisTi'mcn; Waablhgton ileSweaney and Ma- seen rumilug. Is well painted, end Adda very M. BbOS.,:Bellows 1'alU.—waltn our route .^up,, McG i lin ,, 3r V Il0 a d ore the fair Widow much to the effectIvem-sa of rbe apeclalty. «• t. u \0-oi.i n ,rfnn in,n,.« iiieiimnnil Mcllly. Thej court her .urdeutlj, only to The iinmermm liitle oddities la musical in- iM: T -. 8,! . w«siiington.—Jnmcs Illcbmond f!liJ ' aIter ; B f, lhc | r attentions lo ber.tliat strumedts that arc concealed lu tbc switch- ulfuroy H deatt „...^ '-....i.-,„~ nh» hsn tust been married tu another uau, board, in lanterns aud Ibe like, make the done lu tiiU plu'y."ttrilM'Tfluri>aB r 'Jtbuatri.', that Wll fiarrett nalde Ills first monuy. other American xuccc-sa Ik lo be tfoied— that iiHiuelv of Murlu (leorge, who la tbc girl bAbe, nor t'h-urtfo beltiit Walter l'asauiore. In act'iiic iplcndur tbc iiantvuilni<i nchlevos tbu apparently linpoaalbk. It Is im Improve- ^mm Imviwrionpi wualcal 'ago-fit. "•' '"," r-iV„ B ,L 0 l/" s . >' c - a ';,. 'PttiES 'Z&BEL *£".» ' "WimCI critics'fc allowed, to"sen dress tv Henry Unpieaon, who has long; tuslded In Paris, liua settled In London ugalu, as, an opem lumreaarlo nnd musical nguui. ■ , , vcHK will, i ceutriil partition into ..^ff A fejKl^'.&to, 'parts." so that tbo evo ot the onlooker way ^^ M ttH tt gera. Most, of thctu think not, bare tint minutes rest. Must of the critics r.nt kv» irell dJi"iwaid to u sen ure of the opinion that It would liavf, been ^.".'.Lier. mvulia w ' wiser tn utllMt oiin story And tell It espllcltly. pc Sn, S inidi made <nllt<- a t^ttbly >i r . Oyllhm' Jealre wu lo pmNl w^Tiugton «.tBS Ouud.'n Tl piijs. Krtcfcerbbcker Annex. Tljlrty-nlntn Strei't and $&£&£* "g- ffily oo'K. Miss Broadway, new lork l itj more opirortuulty for pictorial illustration 'i'hen: ja a Hurveai home, there urn Itiusylvai: surroutidliijia of Uic nutlnws, leading to a ni)ni< , Wbltllngtott Law ton, the Meini-ptlruto first lilt US DiCK riiratre. ITrank W&vFilvLZ! ive"rrin onlv advise you Massey plujedthe widow well. . , .-». .B.,' I.a J forte.—»e ton onii nuiisi sou 'rii*> sti'ti-li litis u number, of comleAl sltua to.'lalte a course lit one ot the lending Jra- if ^gg%E Ul"riid^inny-Woot bill "'T: r! B.? Uangor.-Addresa PredcrlcTbomp- "^"''i'f 11 ...} 1 * ■£ 'BmplVc ThW-e Building. New York City. a "^'> c k °ch la. h. L. P.. I'hlladelphra.— YTe have no record « * u, ..VLiJ liel! 0 °of New ?or!!""R »\Sth IhCwuto The principal coiiieillttii Is Marry ' Hlndbnil , and to- bleb lie of thejduAth df the party. . H.-V. B.rI*uliWkK—i;.Not without pcnala- slwi of the owner. -. It protects a play from all. performances. b7 B. V.— Address the party to whom you refer. ness, wbti-b show Mr. S<')dcu nl his best. The Kenua'i bat be tklll lu penning, auiucthing act ran about sevculee- stage. Paiian and .Merrlitni. .lolm Kaguu and Uattle Merrlnim, at Pas- liiiikcs'n moWt ln-eKciitablo t'rnsoe. ISho proves ' oshkusb—Sec vaudeville route list to business and keej) things moving. ...... tor's, last week, made a decided bucccbs with i„ be A pleuaunt alnger, nnd.nii effective nct> 'tasiie The member o£ tbo tcuiu. who. works stralgbt u bright Hue of talk uud some well helcet-' Is a rcurarkable kicker, and reaches, wltbbotlj fgSkai numlaTs." Mt Kngnn hsa sonic good etM) gift',' Wtoi-~inTl,"«>u"tin- ilfH'f lilgllt/aii'l feet,. lit a Bouicrsa^t klcV^ait^.««Je*t_"i;lu material lu the. dialogue, aud there were very enartalug Kbe was. 'J'lun hIio fell sick BtojcA Black .and: Miller. .-.W. B„ .lancsvllle.—Address the editor of week, opened the bill a focal paper of the town youinentlon. . a J , comc J 1) ;,'! L '' ob S. Uc ( ,, B.-Z. It. Co.. Sew York.—formerly tbc tbe- of good things .In tb AtrJcal season was cunsldcred forty weeks In of llio team apweurt g-y—^g- ^j-^t^- length. Now the seasons run Into-one an- other works btralglit, AnctfMW B Kf D j*l otlier to stlch un>*vrln that It Is dlftlcdlt to talk, iriilch Is abort and could Tory wi 1 be suy wlterc 'o. e begin" n id the other ends. dispensed with entirely. »'ey get right down In this 'issue CAIIUS "ApeLVN.''—A player <an meld out or u Uii above liis""bcA3r lfe~gbt bubjo. big ap, count .out on taking Hie trlrk that puta him |,i3 U3( ., U nd the work of ibe team throughout out. If, however, ho rails to call out and Ills , nis worthy of praise. The act ran about ten opponent, take* .the next triek. theu be can- a ,i nn tes, on tho full stage, not call out Until lie takes anotber trick.. m i » CoShtanV Rejdkr. —As both Arc out. on- The Gro»sy». . otbor hand Is necessary to decide who wins. A Kuropean novclt}- act, tbo Grassyff, ap- occupied tbe stage about fourteen uiluiites, MliSCHLLA^KUUS. pea red at tbe Afhaiubra last week, present- cnc. C. A. 55..- Clilcago. — Address the Scott fiie a specialty that made a sli-oiig appeal to ».» Stamp & Coin Co., Twenly-lblrd Street, K. 1. the audience, the uppluuse being hearty ami oerUt Us Clair and Pick* ^'ffire ire two men and ■ woman In tlie The pickaninnies In Otrtle Lo Clair's act ■- up to look made u hit nt tbu Union ifeiuaro luat week, one In particular, an ucrobultc youngster who does some during and clever work, eoni- iug lu for hearty applauxr. Tbe singing In tbo act Is not especially quality; Dorothy (!rtt*ke, who bus bllborto been best known as a dancer nt the Kmplrr. ■during niss. Sybil Aruudnle was able to olay prln- j 10 !** , ivlifi musleill Interludes, sailed for Australia under engugeiucut with llurrv lllcktiida, on Krblny. , , Marti; Urenaler Is an Invalid still, but tjioj no lo have ber buck nl lh» Pulacu 'Ilioutre In u few duj'S. Woe n full year u Interlndn ar- rouged by the 1'uluec cliul d'nrvlu-ulrv, Mer- man 1'lnck, frt>;n tte uupulur Hongs of tin- inany laughs In It, as wits'sbowu bj ; It* effect ugiilir. George Brooks Is the Mrs. Crusou, ou the audience. and John & Coyla the Will Atkliis. As Qw ;-•■•- r tb — .Tm r. -,-•- ■;„;. ,,.:;,.. , Tho tcani erldenlly appretlates the fact priuccso, t»uld« Muedermott, u dangbter of P" 8 ^" 1 ';, *■ »&'",',* "' ,., ini P it a n«v that n great deal depands upon tlio manner fhe fnuious coinlr. singer, makes uu uuspl- prograiiniie. *ln«« has. Ihougl in- wbleli u Joke 1b told, ami Ibcy got the clous beginning of ber career as a West ICud most .out.of their bits of repartee. They nrtreaa. Brown uud Lcclcrco,. well known us progriiuuii , H'.-ltetue. now iilid promise* n pul-fmunl or dunce music, wbTch will form u kind of bla- City. w. P H Cleveland.—A nnd B divide tbe prb-es j or. by Borne means (sucb as tbrowlng offering, the mw.**« JWSJWJg-JSg Cite), dfciac wblcb ot tbc two sliall ttiko exactly alike, and beginning their cnberialn 5!?t-Wl»* The loser of tbis contest wina ment ty usuig the make-befle »Urjr. ;•« Svetmd prlie. C Is out or It altogether. aaws-aggg g.-..-, ', "u. 1 ,. A» 1 neldcn I of • - Jomci.Ii • Ottynr'n 1'opnlnrll) evlth London PliOgsera. The popularity of Joseph C'oyae of theatrical Incidents (hot happen .tines pectedly, hut please everybody. Since Mr. Coyne first sang, danced and capered through ths "fat" role of the prluce. lu "The Merry Widow,': there has been a reirukir Coyne fad Id the British metropolis. The lutcst proof of this is tho starlras of a guessing contest as to tbe age and antecedents of thb bonair Joseph, and about several tbou Impressionable Engllsb girls are wrltlu the Loudou weeklies ' Itb oiu" posing ln'trmit rti'id tlie other acting as the supposed-to-be reflection Later tlieyperrorni sonic capital acrobatic r.otewortby, but tbe Tour pIckttnlnuli'B. two feats, liiilsb'fng with bead to bead work, both gins and two boys, carry tbc offering through i.lavinc niundolliis ivbtle engiigid In tbc bol- bv their dancing und tbu ucrobutlc work of anelne. The act, which Is n most agreeable Ibe colored boy already mentioned. Tbe act one, ran about twelve miuutcs, In three. Mcc serin: are alt, In their wuy, huiidaoiiie. "Aladdin," ut tln> Adelplil, Is also on con- ventional Macs, so far as tbe book und mini- KH-tcehf arc concerned—all excellent, but wibservleiit to tbc humors of I wo (MM* for driving dhios, who are likely Io draw Loudon. Tbeie Mayo mamT ill" pollen wen . ■ ■ .*_.*. ' , m ..■_.... .... k....h«<A B «.. & KA r .1 l , . >.. .1 LlllllHllHll Ills iierforniancB linn iinivcd most iwuiilsr llirougbout hli tour of tho Kuropbau Cohti- llent. 8am Mayo, the comedian, has been Unci for driving hoine too fnat in tils motor Mr. "down on" him Hubert Kileson - s If'eST Pliiy. Kobert lSdeson Appeared at tbc Cltestuut ran ubout tea minutes, in one. Al. Irleud Iloea St ra l«ht Hebrew. Al. Krlend, of Friend uud Downtug, Intro- union, «nu uie- nnvriA luiliun ,/inju.ju. i un, ».»^v ........ ....,,.--..--■ -- , - ■--; -- .,-- is Malcolm Hcott, a* Widow Tuiiuliey. us bci-niisi; lie sings a wtlrli-n song about them. •jrnlnt a representation of the old ludy ua one , HfeeMaM, whore the cutlery comes from. icincnibcra j ami there Is Happy Paliny Ptelds, bag u new llllipuilroiue, tium ted in loiim-c- itlld. reproducing lu tloti willi Ibi: ottlce. features of ber well Oc«r»o Kobty, who Is engng'dfor litei'I lie- he prlucluul bovben: nlre Itoynl pniiloiuline nl Nnwcaatlu. has ul- ins many ijunloiuimo ''endy lay up. He Is suffering from '"'l*' Street Opera House, Phlladelpblu, evening doced at Ibe Colontal Tbculre, New lork '" <tt- ; of Jan. aVln a uew play-by George Middle- City, last week, bis new Idea of a struigbt i.-mid , 011 axii Lconldus Westervell, entftlcd 'The Hebrew cbunictcr. w.'thout^rldlculou^nHike. 'I? to Miuner " * •itloi, ■ tuu 'story Is of a elergyronn who was one* , ^ a a thief and. In prison, nnd It concerns bis: re- fr.nny sample of one wise ( t) editors an- j UTeDB || 0 u and struggle to keep his past a*gy ., , - from Lls'dnuglitc'r, wbo beeomeH engnged to . MiB6 PiSAMLbY.—1. Mr. Joj. Coyne was tne brotl) . r C £ u !s flnncec. The play Was born in Manhattan, N. i., July 4, IStO. J. jjgj rcC cived. in search ct lutorm-itloi. Hi- Is unmarried. At this rato "Miss Plcadllly will hardly get the first prise In, the iguessing contest. tub Ci,iprEa renders ore more fortunate, in that they may now learn authoritatively that tbeiclover comedian confesses to forty years; Stuter"' " vy "'" ' ' ' up. Meniude tbo cbaructtr u natural one, The'storv Is of a elergyronn wbo was one* appearing lu n neat drea^.ault, And did not even resort to drawing hi* bit down over bis ears, The act appeared Immodlaloly after tbo Intermission, aud niAds A dBcldsd lilt. W*9> '■»•»• ■ Dim Shea l« III. .Manager Dan Sheo..of "Plfly Miles from Boston." Is seriously III with pneuiuonlt. «....»..,, „..„., .^.. .,_. ...... _. lie I.i nt the Siivov Hotel, Cincinnati, and Colllngswood. Out., Cuuado. She ba^ been Jcaale lleiandrlo. Itodgsoo. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Krcd A. Hodg- son arc congratulating tbcni ou tbe arrival ol ii uew buby girl, Dec. T, at their bouie lu us u Dutch laundry uitild. reproducing lu tbitc circumstances -the known, vutKhivlllc uct. T is Mllllu Lcgardc, wbo bus many pa successes to ucr credit. At tbe ItIpnudroroouu'e.vtriiviigBiiw entitled "lluiicylfod. Is ibe C'lirli-tmus ullrucllou. II Is c.ild to be suggcitcd by Maeterlinck's "Life of A line," hutlu truth bus uoL niueli to do wltb Ibut curious composition. It Is mainly an excuse for on aerial ballet, nblcti lu very beautiful. The wuler effects of the H'npedrome are In this luslunco utilized to ludlealc a lake of boney, from wbleli iiymphs appear and disappear again. Tills Is u nov- elty lo us. There are tbc usual pantomime factor*—a pleasant prluclpiil boy in Leila Ilozc. wbo, bowevcr, promptly fell III; u .uoibogo and laryngitis. On Christmas Eve the manunnlb Kun CI}/ nt Kb niplii go) Into working ufiler. It will probnbly do nven betler than last year, for Itin iiifiina of I'ouiiiiiiiilcntlou with Central liinsVin bns heeir very ifrently improTefl. A frcn circus la the moat prominent attraction Tills JiBU beeh sublet lo Hckctol, wbo also runa Mengler's CIleilM In Argyll Street. Budd Snyder doe« u sunautlonul somirsault, mid- air, In ii hiotor car. I''rcd Olnnett cxblbltf a wonderful man-monkey, wbleli he picked up u while ago. AVilin Urtgory. who for many years wu« that he wos bom oil tbe Kast Bide of this Htogp Mariager Cnrls'toa is la chargo of tbe christened Jeoflc Al-.-xundrla city, and that nine years ago be married, on show. cMJeiaBtn and talented acti-ess, Anna Boyd, ' "A Trip to Cbbia- ■**■»■ lite original Widow, in <o*n." , Miss Boyd, since tbe close of M. M. Tbelse'a "Across the Pond." has accepted «n olf<-r for mp of the London iinislc lialls, now Dreparlhg London vi fioftce, ' «•»' Hippodrome for Boilon. A Ve>< Moiaatl* for "Ben-Har." \. u. nogert, Ot New l'drk City, baa se- revised the farce. Bentluicnt Cbarles M^ Marrls, a nepbew of Ksggle cured a lease of Mechanic*' Building, Boston, nuenced Iiliu in choosing tbe Itoyaltr Tlio- Mltebeti. hat. ten»po?arlly sheceeded Wlltner Mass., and will present mm k W« eltoni ntrc. for It was at this jioiuw that the. Mrs L Walter na Moasalo, in "Ben-Hur." 'Hie fMtiirea during tbc month, of April, MOT. London performances of "Charley's Annt Ih'i'asMClld'W'lnatwiTrnrd^ ehanire was-'raW ilnrlng the nncltis"«l »«- If Ibe nnderliiklng prorcn AUcceMful, Mr. verc given, afUr« tentative porformnnco In H^»v-otrs rjsst is %?* *°i*»** i » «****» m a boitdor losing the Ijoyaltr The- atre, for It was at this house that the first temper. the "Alice In Wonderland" las Joined Imtdr nntituili. Bornid'-ir Micks is responwl bio for tbls year's revival, also at the Apollo. nfturliiKina olilv. If' 1 has foiuiil 'i nortsctl.t ngcr, who pi-ni|iji«l the pbiy wfth the aid Ideal Allc* .lit ..MnUlli- Anilrewa. K. If. Kelly