The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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1286 THE NEW TTOBK CUPPER. Januaby if, THE ACTOGRAPH HOUSECLEAIMIN;o ROR -THE NEW YEAR. v ^ • We are dlipoalngof 300,000 t»«»-t of second hand film which has worked our circuits, some of whioh najrbeen only slightly used, Write for lists of Film, Supplies, Rentals, Etc, and we will send you our NEW YEAR'S PRESENT-a BOTTLE of our SPECIALM. P. OIL-fv® », If you want Al Film s«rvioo, write us, and we will send you full information of our Un»xoall»d F"ilm 8»rvio*. nunc she house or quality. _ Tel. 3238 Stuyvoant. T XX 13 A. C T O Gr JBL -A. I* H_CO • 9 gQ Union Square, N. Y. Is the Mm tlnl.for of the occasion. A series of motion pictures Alio up the bill. Alexandra. Dngnonr, wlm tins made many a pantomime success In her time, Is this reason expounding song and story on the Moss Empires roar. Will Evans la playing Idle Jack at. the Tyno Theatre, Ncwoasile-on-Tyne, In the pantomime, "Dick Whttttngton." George l-nsbwoort In the spruce Dandlnl, in Cinderella, at Hie Shakespeare Theatre, IJverpool. This, part was commonly played by a girl, hut Fragson set the new fashion ft i. Drury Lane, The Dn.yton Family ten Just returned to KLgland, after a tour of the continent. They stay but n. few weeks, then abroad again. For many years. Sir Rdward Moss has In- stalled a great fair In the Waveriy Market, Kdlnburgh. The Oarganls, the Prince Mllner Trio, the Kaufman Troupe, Bert Wlckhaid, who holds two motor enrs at a standstill— holding a rope, as It were. In a tug of war; Maricde, the giantess; Charles Wilson, the champion Jumper: Fred Lindsay, the stock- whip exponent; the Horace and Olga dogs, and many small fair attraction*, are' this year's aggregation. 4»» OIH CHICAGO LETTER. rnoM ot;n own cobrgsi'ondcnt. this week. "The Village Postmaster," week of 15, will take the "•lock bark to rural sim- plicity. "The Heart of Chicago" follows. IIotVAim'a (Howard & Kllrn'y, managers). —"lloolihan In New York" was one Wg laugh this week, Rehearsals have been going oa for the opening, fi, of the new stock com- pany, headed by Laura, .Alberta, wlm Is it great local favorite, .having been leading woman at the old American Theatre for a long time. 8hc will be supported by n, cart' MM the fun. The companr numbers many unfortunate circumstances, will give n series people well known In this Held, and with good of matinees at the Whitney, beginning 8, songs and marching number*, together with when 'Tc oas and Me Isando will be ghcii. good scenic effects, costumes and a brilliant ......William T. Hedgei announces that he olio, the week should be a merry one. The will make thls_ c!ty_ hla home In the future, strolling l'lnyers 13. Trocapbro II. M. Welngarton, manager). —The Knickerbocker Jliirlewjuers did splen- didly here this week, and pleased. Sam Serlbncr's Big Show Is on for the first full week of the Now Year, and brings to this and as "The Man From Home," In which ho Is starring at the Chicago Opera House, is expected to run until well Into the Summer, he already has a good Btart on his desire.. Margaret Severance writes from Bock Island, III., that she passed through Chicago hut f selected company, the opening hill liclDg house ■ number of favorites and also a few Saturday. She will be in the city week 01 unknowns who will become the pets of tho %£*£&*«£l£%J&&&&£& "Twist Love and Money."" The company Includes: Bertrlce Shepard, Alma Holme?, Charles Onrdner, Jnmes '•'ultnn, Chaa. Hunt- ington, Jas. Harlow, Leonard Coryll, Ilarry Whiting nnd Walter Perclval. Mmi.nwF: (Charles B. Marvin, manager). —"Sky Farm" was. a most pleasing produc- tion for the holidays, and did finely. "Fan- chon, the Cricket" Js due for 8; ''A Gilded Fool" will follow . Tdkin (Itohert T. Motts, manager).— 'Tannma," which has been packing this neighborhood before the week is out. The show has nude good elsewhere, and will re- peat the operation easily, what with the num- ber of comedians, singe,**, dancers and other principals, many of whom are at the top of the burlesque profession. The flay Morning Glories come 12. Ejipibb (William Singer, manager).—The Gaiety Girls had a party this week twice a day, and the audiences joined In the fun. which was cast over the footlights In large pretty playhouse, will give way this week to amounts, so that everyone was happy. The "Out All Night," a farce comedy, bv J. I'M. Colonial Belles, with a strong company, will Wfit-rn Bureau of the IV. Y. Clipper, 004 A-lilnad (Hook. Jan. 4, 1008. The new year started In with all the the- atres doing a splendid business, and gives every indication of a most prosperous last Green and Marlon A. Brooks, 'with music by James T. Bryran. Harrison Stewart will be gocn in the principal role. The Pekla ponies will ho In evidence again, and also tho celebrated l'eltln chorus, together with all ihe clever principals, who have done so much In the past to make the local production* successes, J. Ed. Groeo, tho stage director and co-author, will personally direct the staging, and novel effects arc promised. be on hand for the cornice* week, and will offer something new to burlesque patrons. The olio Is a strong one, and will Include several acts of varied types which should make a strong appeal to the people ia front. The Star Show Girls 12. London Dimd Mi'flsr. (William J. Sweeney, mnnngcr).—Business Is up to the top notch all the time, and Manager Sweeney is on hand all the time to see that his patrons Bill for week of Jan. 6 Includes: "'Stella . Mayhew and Billy Taylor, "Tho Rain Dears," half to the theatrical year, the tlrst part of. Rmmct Do Voy and company, Bobker's Arabs, which has been very good. K,vcry theatre .In 'he Three Lelghtons, Gardner and Revere, the city was sold out for New Year's Eve; Daisy Ilarcourt, Teddv Trio, Lew Hawkins, in fact, some of the reservations for seats Ferry Corwey. Clans and Radcliffe, Lea nnd und boxes bad been made a year ahead, and Opp, nnd the kinodrome. already tho same thing has been done at Oltmpic (Abe Jacobs, manager).—Bill tome of tho houses where musical comedy Is week of Jan. C Includes: The Colonial Sep* sure to be the attraction next New Year's tolte, Inea McCauloy and companv, Hnrthoi- Eve. The list of attractions booked at most dv's cockatoos, the I'icclanls, Radio Fnrrajm, of the houses In the Loop for the rest of Kmllie Subers, Marie Florence. ZollnJi Cor- the season Indicates that we are to have many Ington and company, Naomi Ktbnrdo, Harry sterling productions which undoubtedly will Jones, Russell and Church. Ktlacratua, Qor- draw their full quota of box ofBco receipts, don and Chacon, nnd the Kinodrome. Majestic (Lymnn B. Olover, manager).— lose nono of the chances for merriment and Illinois (Will J. Davis, monnger).—Elsie Janls, In "The Hoyden," supported by Joe Cawfhoin and a fine company, has done a line business in (he two weeks she has been here. "Tho Rogers Brothers In 1'nnama" come Jan, 0. Pownits' (Harry J. Powers, manager).— "The Right of Way," with Theodore Roberts nnd Ouy Standing, has been doing splendidly, and great praise is given the I wo men for tlielr Impersonations. Other members of the Haymakket (William F. Newklrk, moaa «yr)i-—Bill week of_6 Included: Hcrraon wonder to be derived from the various acts and freaks which he has on hand. In the curio hail: Lowiey's box mystery, Madame Bowman, pottery worker; Mo lor Nichols, midget; Millie Roy, Albino, and Prince Mun- 5o. In the theatre: Myrtle Day, Madge Inrtlcy, Cecelia Alvordo, and moving pic- tures. CUU S*r*.B[*T Mitseitm (L. M. Hedges, manager).—The holidays have boomed busi- ness here, and many changes have been mado ia tho attractions which draw countless hun- dreds within the portals from week to week. The freaks arc freakish to the last degree. and all the other attractions are of the kind which please the flocks of people, AnF.iiMA.xit.—"And still they come." The She will he seen In her single act, introducing her reflection plates, with special electrical fountain, etc.. at the Teddy, week of 20.... Jack Dresdncr writes from Racine, Wis., that he Is very successful In hla new single act, appearing at Racine and Milwaukee this week, and says he will be in Chicago next week Stutzmon nnd May will shortly he seen in "The Soap Peddler/' a new sketch by Ham- L. Newton, for which they will carry special scenery and effects. They are playing the Sulllvan-Consldlnc time now.and arc booked over tho Orpheum and Kohl & Castle tlrao later on At the Interna- tional, commencing week of 13, grand opera In tho vernacular will be given, under the direction of Joseph Sheehan, on the principle of the old Castle Square Opera Co.. of which he was for a long time a member. "Lohen- frrln" will be the opening opera, to ho fol* owed by "Martha." The chorus Is being as- sembled In this city, and several of the prin- cipals of the old Boston organization will be heard. Mr. Sheehan will he the principal tenor, and William Wndc Hinshaw, the bari- tone Rev. Ia J. Vaughn, a local priest, who is much Interested In the stage, baring been at one time an actor. Is to lecture at the Bush Temple afternoon of 7. on "Tho Story of the Stage," tho lecture being free to theatre patrons .... Principals of "The Merry Widow" Co., at the Colonial, exchanged Christmas greetings over the wire with prin- cipals of the company playing at the New Amsterdam. New York Hyde & Behman will oped their new burlesque house on the West Side about the 13th, naming It the Oreston 10, Nebiaska City, Neb., 11. TtX* City in. St. J<v«ph. Mo., U, U, mmZ, Kan., 10, Lawrence 17, Topcfcn 18. * "Beyond the Rio Grande" (Howard & BnlL injrs.)—Jenner-town, Pa., 8. . "Banker, the Thief and tlio Girl" (Mlttenthil Amuse.-Co.. mgrs.)—Chicago, 111., 12-18 "Brown, of Harvard" (Henry MtUer, mgr)_ Tneomt, Wash., ft, Victoria. B. C. 10 Von. cou-rr 11. Seattle, Wash., 12-18. "Black Crook"—EvansTille, lad.. 5-8. "Berthn, the Sewing Machine Girl," Xo. 1 Al H. Woods'—Philadelphia, Pa., 6-11. "Bertha, the Sewing Machine Girl," No. 2. AL H. Woods'—Jfaueh Chunk. I*n.. 8, Freelnnd o" Mt. Carmcl 10, Haileton 11, Plymouth U Nanl tlcoke 14. Berwick IS, WUibunsport 16, Shtmo. kin 17, Shenandoah 18. ' au " a0 " "Bonnie Brier Bush" (Slilpmnn & Colvin. mars i —Grand Forks, N. Dak., 8. * ' "Big Hearted Jim" (Harry Jncbtoo, nun* 1— Eilcnsbiirg, Wash., 8, Ro 3 i.. n <> f Tacoraa 10 Aberdeen ".ML Vernon 10, Anocortes if. Dolllngbam 18. ' "Blue Moon" (Sum S. & Lee Shobrrt, mm ) — Portland, Ore., 5-8, B«Iem 0, Chlco, Ual 11 Sacramento 12, 13. ' ' '• "Bad Boy and His Teddy Bears." Chas. E. Blonev Amuse. Co., m»TS.)—N. Y. City 0, indefinite "Burgomaster" (IVm, P. Cullen, mgr.)—Queluh Can., 8, Burlln tl, Woodstock 10, Chatham V Ttentoo Harbor. Midi., 12, Jollet, HI 14 Rnefc Island 1.1, Jacksonville 16, Hannibal' Mo., 17. Mobcrly 13. ■■mumi. "Bachelor's Honeymoon" (Oakcs & Gllson, mure ) —Hotelngton, Knii., 8, Larneil 0, St. John 10 Stafford 14, Pratt 10, Kingman 16, Harper IK Anthony 18. ^ ' "Banker's Child" (Harry Shannon, mgr.)—Tarao. 9? a /. Pa V, '■ Statlngtoa 9, Lansford 10, Le. hlgliton 11, ' "Boy Detective"—Chicago. 1H„ 6-18. "Beyond the Rio Grande" (Howard ft rosTs.)—Janncrstown, Pa., 8. C Cahlll. Jrarle (Daniel V. Arthur, mgr.)—Salt Ule City, U.. 8. Cheyenne, w'yo., 9^0010. Springs, Col., 10, Pueblo 11, Denver 13-18 C TiS& M iiT.-. P a s i r 8 ,ck (Llcb,er £ Co " »«"•>- Corhelt, Jas. J. (MIttenlhiil Bros. Amuse. Co.. BBttJffi^ v - •* '**— "■*- Ball, Daintiest Girl In Ireland ;" Josephine Cohan nnd Fred Niblo, Mlsa Lucy "iVeston, Mile. cast, Including May Buckley, do excellent Llano D'Eve. May Belfort. the Yullans, - Hnrdeen, Mnrstrn and Mile. Orettn, Collins nnd Hart, nnd the pictures. Llnne D'Eve und Julian Rose, on last week's bill, failed to appear the opening night. Stah (T. J. Carmody. manager).—Bill week of 0 Includes: Dr. Clark's -'illobe of Death." Lucy nnd Lucler, Laura. Bennett, (he Two Baxseppas. Fred Sosman. Prellc's dogs, tho he Great; Matweef, Hugoston Troupe, Hovei maaager of the Western Bureau is under aad Irftwrence, Berry and Berrv, Grai*o Haz- obligation to many who have sent their writ- nrd. Paul Barnes, Ilnnavar and Lee. Leeds ,en or wired greetings for a Happy and Pros- and Le Mnr, Fiddler and Shelton, and tho Pf ions New Year, and also to many who have kinodrome. given the no less welcome verbal greeting AimiTomtiM (Mllward Adams, manager*. W " B a .hearty handshake. Among those re- —Bill week of « Includes: Mnldle Scott, memberlng this Bureau were: O. I.. Hall Star and darter. A full description will be Carpenter, Frankie (Jere Grady, nigr.)—Lewis. given at the opening. The entrance is on West Madison, between Halsted and Green Streets, and the building is directly back of the Academy and Virginia Theatres. acting, but have not much opportunity. "Tlxe Squaw Man" fallows 13. Gahkirk (Herbert C, Duce, manager).— Mnrgnret Aitgiiii and Henry Miller, iu "The Great Divide," have been playing to capacity for tho post three weeks, and the acting and the ploy have both warranted the buslnesn, for both are splendidly done. The engagement will close Sunday night, 0. Mrs. Patrick Illustrated songs and motion pictures. Cptnpboll comes 0, nppcarlng tho first week as North Avenui* TiinATiu:.—Peterson Brosj. follows : 'The Second Mrs. Tnnquerny," «■& J •The Notorious Mrs. Ebbnmlth," Oil; "Hed- da Oabler" will be given during the second week. "Society nad The Bulldog," Paul Arm- strong's new piny, will have Its premiere HI. Colonial (George W. Lederer, manager).— "The Merry Widow" Is so successful that there Is Utile or nothing to record but tho cci:tinned enthusiasm In the work, and tliu fact that tlio house Is sold out for weeks In advance. SruncRAKEB (Edward J. Sulllrnn, mana- ger).—Kolb and Dill continue la "Lonesome- town," with himlness Increasing, and many imighs given over by tho nudlenceA at the an- tics of the comedian*. Mntide Lambert ia a prominent fnctor In the entertainment. iMcViCKF.n's (Gcorgo C. Warren, mana- ger).—"In Old Kentucky" lias repeated Its work of former years, and crowded this big house at every performance during iho last two weeks. Denis O'Sitltlrau, In "Peggy Machrec," makes his American stellar debut, S, with the promise of splendid business. •'Way Down East." follows 10. Geanp (llnrry Asklo, manager).—Eleanor Uobson has been doing a splendid business, in "Salnmy Jane," where she Is supported by a company of unusual strength, and the patronage Is well deserved. Bsrn Kendall, In "The Land of Dollars," ft; Oils Skinner, In "Tho Honor of the Family," follows. CiiioAno Ores* Hoi'sn (Frank S. Rivers, maunger).— William Hodge, In "The Man from Home." continues to draw lluo nudl- uuccb, and tho producilon Is far beyond Its oue hundredth performance. No attraction Is underlined. Giieat NmtTiiCRN (Vrn\ HI. Eberls, mana- ger).—Little Chip und Mary Marble enter* 1 slued big crowds ihls week. In "Dream City." Clinrley Oronewln, in "The Awaken- ing of Mr. Flmi," 6; Nat M. Wills, In "A Lucky Dog," 12, for two weeks. La BALM (Mnrt H. Singer, manager).— "The Girl Question" keens on t« great suc- cess, wllh the principals and line chorus working hard nil the time. Junto MeCrco Is ill in a hospital on the North side, and will he ininhle to appear for some time, In tho the Seven Russell Comedians, Famous De Graw Trio, Jim II. Rutherford and company, Lesalk and Anltn, and Geo. nil ford and com- pany. ScitiNW.BR'R TrirUTiit*.—Laurent Trio, O'lJle' Pit III Road, For Supplemental List See Another Coloron. DRAMATIC AND MfSICVL. A Adam*, liaude (Cans, Frohmsn, mgr.)—S. Y. City (I IndeDnlte. Alorn Opera, (Milton & Sargent Aborn, mgrs).— Brooklyn, X. Y., 0, indcflulte. Allen, Viola (Llebler & Co., mera.)— Philadel- phia, Ph., A-18. Artliur, John (Follsner k Coleman, mgrs.)—Rex- bnrg, VV.vii.. 8. Rlgby 0, Idaho Falls 1ft, Block- fool 11, Pocatcllo, Ida., 13. i'reslon 14, Frank- lit; 15. Logan, V., 16, Parker City 17, Cole- vllle 18. eara, Jflss E. S. Sanders and Walter American Stock (Arthur B. Herhht, mgr.)—Ra- Sadie Harris, Rowland & Clifford. Otis Col- burn, Warren A. Patrick, Charles I'lrlch, Claude R. Erby, Edward Raymond. Francis Wilson, Fiddler nnd Shelton, Mrs. Elsa Rus- sell-Duncan, Al. G. Kranz, James Jay Brady, Henry S. Sawyer, Jeff T. Brancn, Evans Lloyd. Victor Kremer, Clarence M. Chnpelle, Will Rosslter, Craig Roylston, Jack Dresden, Margaret Severance, Lorln J. Howard, FraDk De Leon. John Nash, Frank S. Rivers, Stutz- man and May, Pauline De Verc Litters!, Flor- ence Sinnott, Harry L. Newton, Viola Ray- mond, Karl and Erma Goth, Ed. A. Raiseh, John ?. Young, Arthur 1. Schwledcr, John tig, Us. P McCullough Harry M. Holbrook, of fhe firm of Holbrook-Barker Co., has succeeded Edwin L. Barker as manager of the Bush Sparks and Sparks, the Honoris Four. T. Roy Temple Theatre, Mr. Barker having sold his Barnes nnd Uesslo Crawford, Dorothy SftS'SL'ft ", lc flr !V,* ," ,3 S, 0 , 1 H| £&£» Vaughan. nnd Jnmes Brown May and com- what Mr. Borker w 11 ilo.....Edward Bledcr- [limy. Tnnnv Thratrk.— Forrest Family, Fielding and Fisher, Qulnn Trio. Le. Conde nnd Lo Clear, Cherry Good nnd company, and Mabel Walker, Ioi.a. Tiibathh.— Tb« Three Daltos, the Grant Pnmplln, Crawford anil Gardner, tho lliren Barneys. Ijcvln and Jackson, nnd Jen- nie Gootle. Imperial Tiibatrb.— M. Samuels, tho Dan- ring Ashwclls. I. Le Vere the Harts, BllJy Mehenzle. and Ruth De Mnr. Kntr Cvstai, Tukatrb (F, W. Schaefer, mHnnger).—Geo. and Paulino Kldd, Eugenia ^\ ood Segliin. and I^vigne and Jordan. National Tiiratrk. manii, of the Daniels Scenic Studios, Chicago, who sailed Dec. 4, for an extensive trip abroad, Is now In Rome, and will go from there 10 Venice, and thence to Florence. He reports that he has made several valuable finds of new material and subjects for the- atrical scenery. Slg- Perbranl, of the Daniels Scenic Studios, left Jan. 1 for Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, South nnd Central in search of rare tropical scenes for theatrical scenery. ...Ed. A. Hats?b was a caller Dec. .%*, having just returned to (ho city with Mylcs McCarthy's Co., which has been making a cyclonic hit in Mr. McCarthy's newest accumulation of fun, entitled "Tho New Found Germ." Mr. Itatsch made a big hit as the detective, and secured fine press . -The Marvelous Mells, \\nlmcsley Brewer and company, Wellington Bros., Demlng and Brogan, Evelyn Pearl, nptlees In all the towns played Walter Jackson Bros., and Fnmoits Wilson. MnCnllough, a young tragedian, wllh which —SOU. LYRIC Tiiisatrh. Chicago Heights.-—Leroy Blntid, Walker and Uurrell, Chas. -8ell«w, Lillian Burnell. Gary Theatiib, Gary. Ind.—Roy Lee Wells, Roach and Hart, Minnie Hesu, Arranmore Sisters, nnd Bessie Lee. MAimn's (Thomas Maher, manager).—Bill week of ll Includes: ]*nns La Petrle, Andy and Jennie Adams. Blanch Mower, Arcarls Duo, and the motion pictures. Academy (William Roche, manager),-— "Convict 1)00" was a melodrama which drew large houses this week, mid the various sen- sational scenes were highly appreciated. "Eight Bells" will open the new year. -The Ranker, the Thief and the Girl" 12. Bi.ion (Win. Roche, manager).—"Through Death \nlloy" was Immensely Interesting to cine, WIr., 611, Appleton 13-18. Atihrey Stock (D. Otto Hltner, mgr.)—Michigan CU.V, Ind., 0-11, Hammond 13-18. Aocell's Comedians, I) (Jnck F.mereon, mgr.)— OonlKnte, Okla., 6-11. Angell's Contortions (Ed. C. Nirtt, mgr.)—Fernh. !'• C.., 0«n., 8, ft, McCleod, Alia,, Can., 10, II. Calgary 13-lfi. ' Andrews, John H.—Orleans, Ind., 6-11. •Alaskan" (John Con, mgr.)—Casir d'Alene, % ash., 8. A\ allace, Ida., ft, Missoula, Mont.. 10 ?- lp ii?„}*' Bu y e 12-15 ' Bozemnn 16, Livingston l*. Billings 19. " A Stranger j n a gt-ange Lund"—Seattle, Wash., ""•iffS! f" 9*W. Co* Hill's—N. y. City 6-11. I'lttsbnrg, p«., 13.18. »«"»r*»»»i "WiiW.'l Ramage. mgr.)—Seattle, Wash.. 5-llMctorla, B. O.. 18, Nannlmo 14 }FKZ* ! XMif8f Ut ' Wm - 16 ' E " OT " b0re Mls»*"o" B IJtllM Murl7, Insr ''~Vlefcsbnrg, "■**„<%• IHLSH" J"""*-',' <Arlhnr 0. Alston, y^is" • o^o • , c '*'' s " ,tt,e ' wn8b - "« « »»* IB tin Hills," Western (Maeraillon & tho theatre-loving public will have to reckon before long, has met with most decided suc- cess in vaudeville in his one man tragedy, mi "vai,. 11 !?!?''" Lcw ^? on ', * TasD " *• OenesceO. ■Tho Absinthe Fiend," which Is entirely dlf' >&£? }L D i^„£ir. p . h 'fe2« }2 W * }l9-J- u - fereut. from anything ever seen on tho variety nw)-%t uEtSS*. 5° u ?' m « <£• B - T,lck "> stage. He has been heralded oa the coast, Bmnwell in"!ff5ft-S-9» f !v.: 0 ™' , « e »!"* r s.O. where he lr. working out a fortv weekB' en- ' gngement. as the coming trngediHii, and It Is reported that hi; v.lll he seen within a com- paruiircly short time la a line of the stand- ard plnys under, the inanagemeut of one of the most prominent imiuagerH In the country. Mr. McCullough possesses a magnificent voice, lias a fine physique;, and has eicelleut eommnnd of himself at all times, and this, with hl» youth nnd determination, should land him near the. topmost rung of the his- trionic bidder In a Jew years Kurl and ton. Me., 0-11, Bsngor 13-1&. Copeland Bros. Stock—Paleotlne. Tex., 9-11. Carter, Mn. t Leslie—Kansas City, Mo., 041, Omaha. Nebr.. 16, 17. Cutter Stock (Wallace B. Cutter, mgr.)—Can- noiisbtirg. Ta., ML Brownsville 13-18. Canuncey-KellTer (Fred. Oiaaneey. mgr.l —Ba. tavln. N. V., 6-11, Horncll 13-18. Corcoran, Jane (Arthur C. Alston, mgr.)—0» li;mhn.i, Kebr., 8, Fremont », Omaha 10-12. Sioiix City, In.. 13. La Mars 14, Cherok« 15 rH£$%£± tT , *8- ' ow, > Pa,)s .*'• Waterloo IS. Cirroll Comedy (Ion Carroll, mgr.)—Bristol, *mr£!!!**££' lU * i nm "' msr ->~ **"■■ Cole & Johnson—Chicago, 111., 6-11. College Widow" iHenrjr W. Savage, mgr.)— ^S; • J> - Mf*-. 8. Trinidad 0, La Junta* Col., 10, Victor 11 Pueblo 13, Colora.lo Springs 14 Boulder 15, Ft. Collins 16, Greeley 17. Cbey' '•Checkers'' (Cornelius Gardiner, mgr.)—Louis- "Clilld'of the Regiment" (Ohas. E. Blaney Amass. Co., mgrs.)—St. IaiuIs, Mo„ 0-H, Kansas CItv "Corner Grocery" (Vance ft Imkoff, mgrs.)— Stowartsvllle, Mo., 8. Osborn 0, La Clede 10, Monroe ;CIty 13 If Parte 14, Centralla 15. I,ad- doalo 16, Vandalla 17. "Covyl'unrher," Central, W. F. Mann's, (Sem U. Lloyd, mgr. — Hlllsboro, TeK.. 8, Weathortord 0. Mineral Wells 10, Thnrber 11. Balrd 13. Abe- W Pecos 18 Sweetwater 16, Big Springs "CowPnncher." Western, W. F. Mann's (JWwl-i Perclval, mgr.)--Sidney, Neb., ij, Cbnppell f', Ognllala 10, North Platte 11, i^xlnglon IB, Kearney 14, Mtndea 15, PhllUpsburg, Kan., in. Oberlln 17, Norton 18. "Card King or the Const" (Vance & Sullivan, J t i"^-Tr ' '' n " *" 11 * Uobok * n ' x ' "Coming 'rhro' the Bye." B (York Co., mgrs.)— JoroMtown, N. V., 8. Franklin 0, Ashtabula, 0., 10, Sharon, ra.. 11, Buller 13, roungstown. *>., 14. L. Liverpool 10, Washington. Pa., 16, Jtorgantown. W. Vs., 17, Connellsvllle, Pa., 16. Convict 000," Al. II. Woods' (Louis Knt*. mrr.i --Cincinnati, O., 0-!l, St. Louis, Mo.. 12-1R. "Convict's puugliter," Jos. King's (B. N. Harrl», , mgr.)—New Britain, Conn.. 0, Merldrn 10, ■ Wsterbury 11. "Cowlioy Girl," Kllroy & Britten's (G. A. White, mgr.)—Ottawa, Cun., 0-8, Wntcrtown, ST. T.. 0, Vtlca 10, 11, Seranton, Pa., 13-10, Wllfce-- Barre 16-18. "Cotuily Sheriff" (O. E. Nee, mgr.)—r/rlchsvllie. „ 0-. 8, Coshocton 0, Zunosrllle 10, Newark 11. "Chinatown Charlie," Al. H. Woods' (Dave Pos- • Brooklyn, N.'f., 0-11, N. Y. City in, X J e , i ?. u prnsy}" (H, Lawrence, mgr.)—Y-eka °«'" 0 I*ed:llng 10. Orovllle ll, Mnryvllle l" ft* a ?*?- ,s '. - N "l wi tfi *^"" 1ft Stockton 1 Merced )7, .Vmlern 18. .'. A . v'l? "'.-•'"■ Sll «"" >>'• V. City 6-U. "At Valley Foroe"—Padueah. Kv., 14. A MnniauoiiK l-'rlend"—I'adn^ih, Ky., 11. meniiilme Joe Whlieliond has taken his placo RSft '"{f.'Hp^ 1 ■•••". ' voc '-' !•"*•. M Cob, nnd to meeting with great success. r"' 1 . 0 "■"■J"''*..■■• l{ otU ': * Wim-XKY (8nu» P. Gcrson, malinger).—"A Sf*> . Biipartcd l>y Mr. Keu Knight, for a good lutslncss this week, nnd was well liked the Little Mad' — unedy, Barbara Jay" will reach Its four Hun- 1,< ", , K ,, f , !l,„ n , < * ",V. ,0 i' 8 ' S™ 09 5 and Iho Girt"—Detroit, Mich., 12-18. —Kansas City, Mo., 13-18. .. Last FlKht"—St. LnuU, JIo., .VII. Kansas City 13-18. D Drew, John (Chas. Frohmsji. mgr.)—Philadel- phia, Pa., 6-U, Brooklyn, N. Y., 13-18. Hay, Anna (Ernest Shlpmnn, mgr.)—IleodorsoD. Ky., 8, Evansvlllo, Ind.. ft, Fulton, Ky., 10. Cairo, III., ll, vine •*•„.; A rk., 13, Toxar- Unnn, Tex., 14, Clarksvlllo 15. ricpcw-Burdclto stock (Prwi K. Lanham, ingr.i Savannah, Ga., 6-11. Daly, Bernard (H. P. Franklin, mgr.l— Los An- geles, Cal., a-11, Santa Barbara IB, Ventura 11, llakersflcld 15, ~ . , viom I.,,,., t «;."».. "T.'.V u"" *•..';"■'."' 'uoranne. ,,"*'. •"»« , ««n.-»i j^, Fresno 16, Stockton 19. Raymond was a caller 81, having been „„'„ , F~',°!i!^ e " r> ' Stau'ord (nrnest Shtp- Dougherty Htock (Payne & Dougherty, mgra.)- ed^t.pv 0B ^wS^ci.M ftitSS^BSnt jgPAStxt^F- 1 ^ ^^m^w^S *^^>^£&&®E*lir'££ ^^^rJffi^w'Y^^ ^:»^^-idW..s M .mgr,-r l «sbar S , I '«^e D aS ! £'^il^ work, and ilie chances In >> nrt-'.P 11 ' 1 •*'*. n ' ! *M the business tills week 11 Alfred Wltsenhau""" '*>"""'i-- — Ra»n» siaai, /n»».i» .. ^..^... . _ _i™. **a** e i' **»•• a 'Pi Homl Rlter 0-11, _v< , . . ' S VU 111 All ♦ hn t\1 "it'll tl *■, .' t \-- ,! I.lltfel .^ ... ..w H _A..l /»..l — . . I r~ »■ n AVI A ill 11 A, ■■■■■■ 11 — ■ a.A_> .^II _ I . exceptionally lino liisen, formerlT as. Parrle Slock (Barrio & Graham, iho cast, mVide necessary hywiidlng'soiiie of ' vu ! c y , the merits nf the play warranted. Colo slstant Treasurer at the ChJcigo fin liaise! «"**:• '■*•"■ D» Ojiecn". A the originals lo New i*ork, Has In no wlso SJ.V, 1 •»«'•-"•«•-•. ■*»> ?|5» Bboo-Pi*** Iteplineiit.-' 6; anil reccnitv manager of the 12th Street The- Benncu-Moulton—Hudtoa, N, weulteneil It. Toby Claude will succeod Lenna l'am, (I, In tin role of Tilly. In which Miss Pain succeeded May Vnkes, An oleclrlc ballet nnd nn electric lire curtain will lie shown at the four hundredth performance. Coi.moh (KHtHhetli Seliolicr, manager).— "David llarum" bus been well rvcelved, and the company has given mi vxrellont iicrform- inice of the anniHlng play. "Dnrothv Vernon of Haddon Hall" Is mi Cor 5, "lluiiel Kirke" follows. Birsiii (Harry L. Unkcr, manager).—"Whon We Were Twenty-one" has met with great approval tills week, and the company bus hardly ever appeared to greater advantage than In this pretty comedy. "Mine Sans Gene," ll. will have Adelaide Kolm In the title mars.)—Te'ret' •18. The Banker, the Thlerand^"he"oTfr"l's: " ^'^Sb^iT'M'4Z"tK^SSSgVt» «»W ir Z~ "' "' 6 ' U ' Vl ' mK •Jmp&SB* .'IC*"? 1,'ros., nianngers). — visit his mother, who is ill. He Is also down „i«'i!?,A■■""'•{ *33*f * Qlmmelcln's (Rov Ap- "The Child of tho Keglmcnt." mndo an In- towm ticket agent for lUngling Brothers. ... niK £? te ' H ?,?£'"^' in ;Vp«o"*o. Tei.. o, Indchnite. stuntnneonn lilt this week, nnd tUo prlnel- Blanch Croilor, who made nor local debut at " y ' nrry aay (C|1 ""- E - ■*'""■" Effl? *PJ* 'V. cl f "Si*. Harry Clny Ulnney, In the Hush, last week, la "Moths," In the role of Fuscbin Leach, has made munv friends by her charming and ingenuous performances, and bids to establish a new record for a favorite of Hie logemio typo ut this house of stock favorites. Sbe Is u von* clover little weimiu, and has played a wide range uf parts lit liai. ii.iiHi\iio.iiiu„l.i „l. .. —i ■ EL. * 12. Salem, Ore. I*ar- 13-1S. Ilarry Clny Ulnney, in *The.Boy Dctcetlve,".wlth Kiltie Wolfe, f.; 'Little Heroeri of tho Street" 12. Cam.-mw (John T. Oui-nor*, manager).— Lottie Williams, In ".losle. the Little Uml* cup" and "The Bunker, the Thief mid tlio <llrl," divided uu nxircllent Sew Year's week. "Through Denih Valley" il-S, "No Mother lo flunk- Her" ti-11, "Tho Lite of Au Actress" 12-14; "The Singing Girl of Klllarncy" 15-1S. Euson's (Sid J. F.iihou, mauager).—The Gay Morning Glories made uierrv this week, lo good business. The rtsy Mnsrpieraders, r«, Illmiey, ^"•ir tn ?";>—Chicago, "iii., "e-ilT'VoMo'"'^' lfi-15, tndianstwlle, l„,i., la-tR, ' ' '•'uftn^fo.i?' R ' « cln " lf,1 <"' -^O-Wash- IIWJJMH stock (,i 09 . n. Mm, tngr.)-Alteu. III., Iu her euiuparatively short career... Mnrv Hill, the new second woman at (he Bush, who niiitle her local delmt at the same time ua Miss Cro/ler. us Lady Dolly A'ander- decicer. has been very warmly received, and th;> feminine portion of tho uudioucca havo lllaefc'' 6 PK N iT. 111 ^ ■'•-«» «■ ladeBntte. Poplar Bluff I liffff &f*£ it. Auan 15, Centndlu 17, /lellc- aiitl is wild to lie full el* fun, music ami danc- ing, with n splendid companv. "Dr, Dinpy'.* Sanitarium" Is the burlesque, and Hilly Hart Is the chief fun coluer. Tlio olio will include: Susie Fisher, Stewart and Raymond, Smith nnd Baker, and Howard. Convoy nnd corn- put known In flock "The Path of Thorns/' a now play, by Otis L. Colburn, will be given its pi-els tore by the Hush. Temple Stock Co. In the near fnturp. Mr. Co I born has written several successful niayH and vaude- loie, with .Mr. Haas ns r<e Fobvrc, anil Mr. -* 1 V 11 .'' ot , J' 01 ' Maiioliester'ii ■jestattrnctlotin, gtne into raptures over her dressing of the Corhott as Fonehe, and narry Long, tho ("id Is said to lie ui I ol fun, music aud d.iue- part. She Is a finished actress, and is well miro director, as Napoleon. Matinees will be * given hereafter Wednesdoy, Thursday, Satur- day and Sunday. "The Girl With the Green Byes" 12. Imkrnatmn.u, (Kills F. Gltckmflii, mana- ger) .—The lost week of the Italian Grand 0|iera Co, will close 0, nnd a varied bill ban been given, -which would enable all tho prin- cipals to bo seen at their best. The season, while not having lu-cn on overwhelming iln.ineloi success, has shown that Chicago will support good operatic performances If given at reasonable, prices, nnd it Is to be hoped lhat Director Abrnmsnu will have bet- ter luck when lid return* nest season, as he Mtys he will Forrester, rnsr.) New Haven>, pniiy. Amateur nights hero have come to bo vlllc rkotches, and Is well known locallv as %££"? At f r -?"' 1 *'" Al. H. Wood.' tw n taken tin by somo of the soctety people, of Ibe the reprcscntatlvo of Tlw yen, yo"fc Dnlmu* SSh BK-2 ~ Ehusai City! MoT O-llT' St ?)U: 1 "•"o'Ik* •«?„<•» Homothlug '-real devil- JHrror.. ..Donald Robertson and his players "BiS h n^2'.. ™-Z_ Z . _ lsb" once la a while, and thev scorn to enjov tlie events, ns each succeeding Friday night witnesses mote and more of this class iu the hexes and orchestra. The New York Stars 12. Koti.v (John A. Fcunessy, manager),—.• The Washington Rortety Girls plnyed to ca- pacity houses this weeH, wllh a lively, clean Show. The Brigadiers nra due 0, and will appeared at Hull Houso 2. In Caldcron'! "Iveep Your Own Secret." then seen " first time la this country. The same bo benefit. "Keep tflttr Gwn Secret" will Pri-rijii'iii, (Frank Benl, manngfr). —"The have a perfprmfnee "which will inlerost "the" Constnnco Crnwiey?who wasTeardhere about 1 nui! \\ adding has lieen n Wg drawing card crowds which assemble here every day to wit* two years ago at Orchestra Hall under rather will be seen In "Sigurd Slembe" nt Music ., demon. X. c. ir. Hall, evening of 7, by which tho Chicago Bonnie Rrler Bush" (Hhlnmnn" * iviri- -— Chapter of the Actors* Church Alliance will —Grand Forks, N. SSWJLSBl* mgrs.) rather Co. oonver, B. 0., Can., D "^H C ' -i! 1011 <Ftauk J.'Lee, iiiii) ' Ullilim City. Kan., 8, Wtnfleld a, Cbauute 10, Em- poria 11, Leareawortb 12, Topelta 13. Ottawa $,*'* J?'-*..* 11 " K Scott 10, Clinton, Jto., 17. Sednlla 18. Damrosch Orchestra—Dayton, 0.. 10. Dog), Mario (Ohns. Frohmon, mgr.)—Providence, "Dalryniaiiis" "(Chns. Frohman. mgr.)—Boston. .Mass., a, Indefinite. •Sk" The" (Wm. K. Sparks, mgr.)—Nava- sota, 'lex., 8 Bryaon 0, Martin 10, Corslcnna 11. Jacksonville 13, PolcstlUc 14, Crockett 15, Livingston 111, orange 17, Port Arthur 18. Desperate Chance," Wouleni (J. C. I'nirlct, mgr.)—'racouin. Wash., 8, Olrmpla 0. Monte- sciia 10, Hoquiaai 11. Aberdeen 12, Eima 13, ,.,tcntrnlla 14. So. Bend 15, Astwlu. Ore,, 16. Don't Tell My Wtfo" (Bcyerle & Berry, mg.-s.) .,— Alva, Okla., 8. Kiowa, Kan.. 0. rjenilwood Dick's Lnst Phot," Al. II. Woods'— Lrooklyu. N Y., (Ml, Palersoo. N. J., 18-13- Trenton 16-18, "Down Mobile," Eiler's (Cbas. B. Brown, mgr.) —Port LnTocn. Tex., 8, Victoria 0, Oaltnd 10. Beeville ll, Rocknort 13, Skldmore 11. Ful- ..tS."!*? i 5 ' M,e * !«• San Diego 17, Laredo 18. Dnnlol Boone on the Trail," Robert H. Harris' *2 arr - v Feltus, mgr.)— Deunl-on, Tos., 8. Enid, Okla., 0, HI Reno 10, Guthrie 11, Oklahoma Olty 13. Chlckashs 14, Rbawaee 15. Doniterons Prlend" (Harry P. Brown, mer.)— Marlon, Ky.. 8, Princeton 0, WaylieM 10. P»- dncah 11. Charleston, Mo.. 13, New Jtodrlrt U, Kcnnelt ir., Port tgerlllo 10, Campbell 11. Moorchonse 18. Dak-", 8. Rosllndo: nSSo Bdeson. Robert (Henry B. Harris. mgr.)-Scran. IlilBter rtrown," Western («■»«.> »_ ,on > Pa., 15. j^s j*sE&»j?*^?&£ Ms™ Amaw - ^?EaIs \ ato - '> *»•»••■. «W'>- S ' r< "Bnsler llriiwo," Central (B-uter Ul . „"'**' f*i Indeflnlte. mffra.)-Osk.| TO M, ( ir e 8. B oT«tnw , . , ''»; "•^jffi^ fi^?,* Klfoa-Nirdllnger, mgr.) goilld 10, Cairo, 111, vlllc tS. Blodlcy, Ftorenee (II. i?. Bridgeport, Conn., n-n, I'nrltord 1C-1S. B "vfue ln kv Am ft.i''r ,nd " I " lp0 " ! '' lm - •. I«WI* "^^fe*?^! ffi*. Ton",' MB 0. nirminghnn ll! Ati.nti' n'a Ta' ^SSlwi?! «-> « wood.- 10.