The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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1290 THE N!E^ YORK OI^^: JANTJABY 11. billy KEENE & ADAMS •**« PV=t OO UO I NO ^^ IN "THE PIJSRRO'T'vS CARNIVAL. Kng»s«d for »0 w..k« ovf UH Ktitn * P*»et*r Circuit Xf^g^^g^^* ^gil^a^ "> «"«"*' Bt hom ''- THANKS FOH NVMBBOVB OFFERS. mum 1 i L Lb Maze Bros., Poll's, Waterbnry, Conn., 0-11; Poll's, Bridgeport, 13-18. _ ^ __ La Blanche, Greet, Automatic, Cbattanooga, Term., 6-13 Lorrlvce A Lee, Majestic. Springfield, Mo., 6*11; Unique, Carthage, 13-18. LnCell ft Crouch, Ortb.eum, Mllwnullte, 8-11J Or- paoum, St. Paul, 18-18. _ ' . _...,. •Lnsky Quintette," Keith's, Boston, Mil Keith's, Providence, R. I., 13-18. __ Lamb's Manillas, Majestic, Dallia, Ttx., 6-11; MSJestlc, Houston, 18-18: __ , La Fleur. Joe. Orpheum, Sioux City, la., 8-11; Orpbeum, Memphis, Term., 13-18, Ln Dclles (4), Fantastic, Orpheum, Portsmouth, 0.0)1: Huntington, W. Va., IB-IB. La Tour Slaters, Voting's Pier, Atlantic City. X J., 0-11. Laurence, Pete, Cotonbu*, O., 0-11; Gaiety, CIS- donatl, 18-18. La Nole Bros., Keith's, Boston, Ml. m .. Lamport A Pierce. Elite, Davenport, la., 8-11. Lampe Bros., Uoppyland, Punxtutawney, Pa., 8- 11. Lawrence * Lawrence, Bllon, Norfolk, Vs., 8-11. Lanbert A Williams, Novelty, Bkln., Ml. . Lascellea, The, Manhattan, Norfolk, . Va., 8-11. La Dcur, Wm., Crystal, Frankfort, Ind., 6-11. La Carmen Troupe, New York, N. I. 0.. 6-11. Ln Gardenia, Orpbeum, Lot Angeles, Cal., 8-11. La Tosko. Phil, BIJou. Muskegon, Mich., 8-11 1 O.O. H.. flrnnd R*plds. 13-18. lawton Sisters, Lyric, unlontown. Pa., 8-111 Beaver Falls, 1315: New Castle, 16-18. La Vounds, Grand, Pltcalrn, Pa., 6-8; Grand, Turtle Oreek, Ml. , ■ La Petri*, Paus, Maber'a. Chicago, 6-11. Lawrence 4 Harrington, Nelson. Springfield, Matt., 0-11. Lokola, Harry, Orphlum, Canton, O., HI, I.evrrerce, Bert, Lyric, Oil City. Pa., 13-18, Lnmbertl, Majestic, Johnstown, Pa., Ml. Laaraot Trio. Bchlndler'e, Chicago, 0-11. In Telle, White ft Fuller Co., Park, Milwaukee, 8-11 La Vlne-Olmaron Trio, K. * I'., Jersey City, N. Lackaye. Emmalyn, Bennett's, Ottawa, Con., 0-11. Larlne, Ed., Orpheiiia, St. Paul, 8-11. Lambert ft Wllllnmn. Novelty, Bkln., 8-11. La Pine. Lyls. Windsor, HI. Paul, Ml. Langdons, The. "Show Olrl" Co. Laveen & Crosc, Hnlbnway's, Lowell, Moss., Ml. La Mar, Pete, Luhln's, Baltimore, fl-U. L« Croix, Paul, Bennett's. Ollawa, Can., 0-11. La Tell Bros,. O, H-, Allentown, Ph., 0-11 i O. H., Newhnrgh, 13-18. Lloyd, Mnrle, Shea's, Toronto, Can.,.Ml. . Mvcy. Ethel, Colonial, N. 1". C fl-U; Orphenm, Bkln., 13-1S. ... Levy, Mrs. Jules, Pastor's. N. Y. 0., 8-11. Leslie, Deri, * Co., Orphean, Salt Lake City, U-lli Oipheum, Denver, 13-18. Leonora, Ln Belle, Keith's, I nwtucket, B. 1„ 0- Lewis ft Delmore, Thoroiighhr'iil (X Le Yards. The Marks Bros.' Bbow. Lee Tung Foo. Poll's, Worcester, Mass., 8-11; Trent, Trenton, N. J.. IB-IB, LCTltt A I nlln, ri'lncCRn, rnllimbos, O., 0-11; Qrplicura, Ashland. Ky., 13.18. Leonard, (Ins, Star, Seuiile. Wash., 0-18, i.ionnril, Orsee. Chase'*, Washington, P. 0., Oil. f* Fovre, Johnnie. HIJoo. Duliith, Minn., 6-11. Leo & Snlltey, Podge's, Keokuk, In., 0-11. Leo A Bulker, Dodge's. Keokuk, Ia„ fl-1. r.e Boy ft Clayton, Mary Anderson, Louisville, Ky., Ml. Lena Lily, Orpheum, Boston, 6-11. Levy, Bert, Keith's. Boston, Ml. Lee A Oneida, Star. MclCres Docks, Pa„ 8-11; Star, Clarendon. 13-18. I.eonnrd, Kddle. ft Gordon Bros., Colonial, Nor- folk, Va.. Ml. Le limn Opera Trio. Keith's, titles. N. X„ 8-11. 1 i-ecb, Al., St Three Itosehiuls, filh Avenue, N, Y. 0., 18-18. Lewis A I'.ilmelto Co., Arcade, Toledo, O.. 8-11. Lester i. Miller, Kellh's. III.,., N. Y., 0-11. Tea Amntla. Orpheum, KsnHnn f'lty, Mo., nil . Le Moyue Bisters, Arende, Wfishlogton, Pa„ 0-11. I.eonnrd, Jos. & Biidle, Orpheum, Omaha, 0-11. I.evlno, Doluli & Himlo, BIJ011, Dnhuqne, Is., fl- 11, Domlnoo, Winnipeg. Cnn., 13-111. I.elghioiw, Tliree. .Mnlesilc, Clilrngn, 0-11. lewis, Duve, 0. O, II., Pittsburg, 0-11. Leeds A Lamar, Itaymnrkot, Chicago, 6-11. Leslie & William*. New Sun, Hprlngoeld, 0., 6-11. Lestera, The, Mnrjr Anderson, Louisville, iCy Lenuon, Bert., Mnjesllc, Hnnstoo, Tex., 6-11. Auhln. L«uiei, 11 0. II., Indianapolis, 6-11. I.esslk & AuKii. Nonli A<i'., Chicago, 0-11. I.i' Coude it I a- nlenr. Teddy, Olilcago, 6-11. Lewis & flrecn, roll's, Brldgvport, Conn., 6-11. Levin A Jaekwui, tola, Clilmign, 41-11. Le Vere, 1., Imperial, Ohlcnw, tt-ll. l«vlne A Jordan, Cryxtal, Chlrago, 0-11. ice, Bessie, Onry. Gary, Ind., Oil. I.evolo, Pat A .lulls, Aodllorlum, Cbsttanoogs, Teau,, 0-11; Crescent, Moutgoraory, Ala., 1S- 18. l*o ft Opp. Mojcalic, Chlcngo, 6-11. l*ltlngwell. Fletcher, ft Co., Crystal, Bt. Joseph, Mn.. tl-11. le Htrt, Man*., Family, Xrle, I 1 *., 6-11; Star, Wuihlngtnn, 13-18. Llnd, Hnilinway's, New Bedford, Mass., 6-11. Utette's Dogs A Cockatoos, Empire, Milwaukee, 0-11. l.oclies. The, rmporls, Kan.. 8-8; Lawrence, 18- 1A; Qiirni-l, 10-18,'kiviniiK Mimical, No. Adnms, Mass., Oil; PoiiBhkeepsle, N. Y„ 13-18. Lola. Orphliiiii, W ouster, ()., (ill ; Ornhlnm, Lima, 13-18. ■ Long >* Cotton, Hliuherl, Ksnsas City, Mo., 6-11. Locliau A l'rmii'.li, Hnvoy. Beaver Falls, Pa„ 0-11; Cnscndei New Caetle, 1U-18. Lorenr., John. Keith's, Providence, It. I., 0-11. Loialno, Olita, Bennett's, Hamilton, Can., Oil. it Payne, Family, Luurunii-r. Pa., Oil. Lilt/. Uros., Itljotl, Qillncy, III., tl-11. Lucy A Lurler, Itiiyiiinrket. Chicago, Ml; ©0- lumMa, St. l.niilK. lil-lK, i.i.iv A Luce, Kinplre, I'ltlsOeld, Mass., 6-11; Shcctly's, Brneklon, 18-18. 1 uctti-. >lr. A Mrs. Fred, ltlcbmond. No, Adsma, Mass., 0-11; Poll's, Worcenler, IMS. lAtbliiH, Five. Malinuoy City, l'a„ 0-11. I.ucnr. Jlinmle, 'I'rent, Trenton, N. J., (ill; Kclrh'K, I'lilln.. I'll., Kt-IH, Mnriio. Pave A Percle, Lyric, Decatur, III., 6-111 Mnleitle. Gvnino'llle, Ind.. IS-1S. Manolo Family, Five, National, Sleiihenvine, 0„ OH ; vim. ii'-viiii-. n. Liverpool, 13-18. Mason-lioolcr Co., Shen'it, Toronto, Can., 6-11. M/irni.ltil, l.itlgl, Oalety. Qalesburg, 111,, tl-11; I'lj-iiul, Milwaukee, 13-18. Manning, Frnnk, Usehelor Chili Co. Mnlveni Troupe, Tut While's (lately Olrla. .ii.iln, AaneH, Maryland, Baltimore, nil. Mans Aiilruals, O. II,, New llnuiswlck, N. J., 6- 11. Matwcef lliiitiistnn Troone, Hoymarket, Chlcngo, ll-il. Mi.rinii A l'.'nrl. Majestic, Dallas, Tei., 6-11; Mnjevtle, lUuwInu, 18-1K. Miisiii.iie Itiih.v Florence. "The Outlaw's Christ- mas" Co. Martin, civile. Locust Rt., Ht. Louis, 6-11. Muiin-ii. 'i'lie tllrl In Bed." Mitulimetlle A Sylvester. Orpheum, Bkln., fl-U; KcltU'K. Phlln., Pa„ 13-1S, Mat*", Two. (I. 0. H„ I-lllsbunt. fl-lt. Miismi A IVirnii, Sheedy's, Fall Itlver, Mass., 0-18. .Mormi, Aib.nil,' Onriten, N. Y. 0., (111. Mack A nngtil. Acme, Sacramento. Cal., 0-11; Natlonul, Snn Fran., Cal.. 13-18. Mnyhew. Stella, Mnjestle, Chicago, 0-11; Colom- lila. SI. l.i.iilH. 1MB, Mn.:.. Wilbur. A Co.. Bennett's, Ottawa, Can., ■Ill: lleniicll'a, Queliei-, 1:1-18. Mavnlln, Colonial, I'ltlslleld, Mass., 6-11; 0. H.. Lynn, 13-18. Mares. Rita, Pine lllnir, Ark., 0-11. Malln A Matin. "Fully Fell*" Co.. Bonthern. Mann, Louis, A Co.. Alhamhrii. X. Y. C. 0-11. Mack, William .!.„ Bljeu. Mnrlneite. Wis., 0-11. Majestic Musical Four, Cvlnolal, Norfolk, Va., Oil. Malitenka's, The, Lyric, Dayton, P., 0-11, Matthews A Uarrls, ilownnl, Boston, 0-11, Matguerlte A Uanley, Oreheiim, Kansas City, lib., 0-11, Mdnelo Morula Troupe, Orpbeoin, Oakland, Cal., Mncnrt'e Slaters (3), Ornnenm, Boston, Ml. Msdcnps, FlTe, Omhenm, Boaton, Ml. Mtcauley, inei, A, Co., Olympic, Chicago, 6-11. Mason A B«rt, Colombia, St. Lonls, Ml. Mitntell's Marlohettes, Family. Butte, Mont, 0- 11; Bijou, Great Falls, 18-18. _, Mnfstro ft Mile. Otetta, Atidltorlmn, Chicago, 6-11. Mgrtln Bros., Umpire, Hoboken, N: J.. 6-11. MnV, James Brown, A Co., Schlndler's, Chicago, Martyne Slaters, Metropolitan, Tampa, Fla., Ml. Marlon A Wlsrr, AmUtorlum, Oloncester, Mass., Manning Twin Sisters, Bllon. Dnlntn, Mlorj;, Ml, Marstro A Oretto. New York, N. Y. C, 13-18. Marsclla's Coetatoon, Umpire, Pnterson, N. J., 8-11 MacDowell. John, BIJou. Dnlntb, Minn., 6-11, Martlnek Btoa., Shubert, Mllwaokee, Ml. Majestic Trio, Empire, Peterson. N. J., Ml. Marzelo A'Woolfe, Orpheum, Atlanta, fla., (ill; iKecney's, Bltln.. 13-18. _ ... Marco Twins. Poll's, New Haven, Conn., Ml, Mariir A MaMttc. Bennett's, Ottawa, Can., 6-11. Mnrno Trio. Keith's, lltlca, N. Y., Ml. Martha, Mile., Columbia, Cincinnati 8-11, May, Arthur 0.. Norman, Okie., M8, Martin A King. BIJou, Conaellsvllle, Pa„ Ml| E. F... Hippodrome, Plttruurg. 13-18. Manning Trio, "Cowboy Oltr Co. Mnrone, Anna, Comedy, N. Y. 0„ Ml, Marlowe-Plunkctt Co.. Mnln St., Peoria, 111., 6- 11; Orpheum, Rockford. 13-18. Maxwell, Joe; A Co., Sheedy's, Fall River, klasa., 6-11. Marcel's Art Studies, Bennett's, Montreal, Can., Ml; Keith's, ProvmVnco, B. I., 18-18. Mscart's Dogs A Monkeys, Trent, Tn-ntoo, N. J., Oil. Marlon A Urines, HaUinway's, New Bedford, Mass., OIL MacBannB, Juggling, Orpheum, San Fran., Cal., 6U- McDowell, John A Alice, Petcrsboro, Cnn., 6-11. MeAvoy, Dick A Alice, Lyric, Cleveland, Ml. McLaughlin. Bob, Ouy Bros.' .Minstrels. McWllTlnms, 0. R., Orpheum, New Orleans, La., 611. McDowell. John A Alice, Lyric, Rentfrew, Can., All. McSamee, Whitney O. II., Fllchhlirg, Mass., 6- II. McCnnn, OeraliUne, A Co., Pastor's, N. T, C, 13-18. McCiillongb, Walter, Acme, Snernmento, Csl„ 13- 18. McDonald A Brans, Oem, Mlssnnla, Mont., 0-18. Mclr.losli, Burr, Ohpse'a, Waiiilngton, D, ('.. 6-11, McKenrle, Billy, Imperlnl, Chicago, 0-11. McKenrle A Shnnnnn,'s, Albany, N.' Y., 611. McClellnn, Jamon, Bllon, Dnlntb, Minn., 6-11. McCnnn Children, Bijou, Whiollng, W. Va., 0-11. .Mcl.lnn Bros., Rmplre, Mllwnukee. 0-11. McCord, Lewis A Co., Family, Lancaster, Pa., Oil. McFarlaae A Murray, Savoy, Hamilton, Can., 6- MeWnile A Mar. Family, Rlmlra, N. Y.. 0-11. .McCnlie A I'otcra, Palace, Memphis, Tenn., 13- IB. Mel! loin A Smith. Empire, San Fran., Cal., 0- McDonottsb, icthel. Proctor's, Albany, N. Y., 0- Mc.vtahon's Mlnatrel Maids, K. A P., Jeraey City, N. J., 6-11; Orphenm, Boston, 13-18. Mi'MalKinV I'lilliiinii Porter Maids, Victoria, N. Y. 0., 0-11; Keith's, Boston, 13-18. McOrea ft Poole, Proctor's, Newark, N. .L, 0-11. McCune A flront, BIJou, Kenoili.i, Wis., 6-11. Menney, Lottie, A Co., Bljm, Wlnnl[eg, Can., 6- 11: BIJou. Diilutb, Minn., 13-18. Merrltt, lint, Untlioway's, New Bedford, Mass,, 6-11. Milkers, Five, Bnrherton, 0., 0-11; Comlque, Asb- ituiii. 11. 1:11s. Meruit, Frank It., Family, Clinton, la., 0-11, Meadows, Tom, A Co., A. A s„ Boslon, nil. Mrlverne A Thomas, Nelson, Springfield, Mass., 0-11. Melville, Jean, Kmplre, Ashtnluila Harbor, 0„ 0-11. Metis. Marvelous, National, Chlcsgti, 6-11. Melville A Hlgglns, Auditorium, Lynn, Mm., 6- Meyer A Mnsou, Mabanoy Oily, Pa., 6-11. Merry Mlnslrel lloyii, o. 11.. Rldgeway, Pa., 0-11. Mi'ln.y Trio, Rllle, Davenport, la., 0-11; Family, llnck lalnntl, III., 13-18. Mend, Will, 0. 0. 11., Plltnhnrg, Ml. .Mervlltli Slaters, Keith's, . Phlla., Pa., 6-11. Mimic Four, Cedar Rapids, la., 6-11; Molina, III., 13-IB. Mllnnl Tito, Majestic, Des Moines, la., 6-11. .Millar Bros., jlljon, Kalamaaoo, Mich., 6-11; BIJou, Dnllle Creek, 13-18. Milton A Pe Long Sisters, "PlrTI Paltl! Ponflll" Co. Mitchell A Cain, K. A P., Jersey City, N. J., 6-11. Military Quartette, Mourt, WIlllatUBporr, Fa., 6- Mllle'r A Dutedo, BIJou, Wheeling, W. Vs.. 8 11. Millers, Three Musical, Dodge's, Keokuk, la., 0- II; Mnjestle, Madison, Wis.. 13-18. Miller, Helen, Hippodrome, Moundsvllle, W. Vs., 0-11. Mller, Kntherlne. Nelson. Springfield, Mnia., Ml, Mlddlelon A Hpcllmeyer, Majestic, Johnstown, Pa., 6-11. The, Proctor's, F.llrsbetb, N. J., fl-ll. Mlles-Stnvonlslo Quintette. Proctor's, Newark, N. J., fl-U: Vlctorln. N. Y. C....13-18. 6- Mudge,.Eva, Orphenm, El Paso, Tei., 6-11. MnUen A Corelll. Orphenm. San Fran,, Cal., Ml, Orphenm, Oakland, 13-18.' Nngel A Adams, Geo. H. Summers Co. Naimrth, Billy, Empire, Greeley, Colo., 6-18. Newhold A Carol, Snnbert. Ksnsas City, Mo. Nettler, Joe. A Co., BIJoo, Battle Creek, Micb., 6-11 Needhsm A Wood, O. H., Framlngham, Mass., 6- Newell, Jlmmle, Union St., Knwtvllle, Term., 6- 18. Newell A Nlblo, Popular. London, Eng., 6-11; Shoredltch. I^ndon. 1.1-18; Woolwich Empire, London, 20-2fi; Hippo., Sheffield, 27-Feb. 1; riotherlthe, London, 8-8; Holborn Empue, Lon- Nevada AEti'en. Lyric, Oil City, Pa., 64; Family, Warren, l-li; 0. ,H., Rldgeway, 13-16; Won- derland, St. Marys, 10-18. Nichols A Knne, Proctor's, F.llznbeU), N. J., 6-11. Night on a House Boat, A." Poll's, Scranlon, Pa., Ml; Trent, Trenton, ft, J., 18-18. "Night With the Poets, A," Orpheum, New Or- "Nlghtlngales, The," Century, Kansas City, Mo., 6-11; Standard, rft. Louis, 13-18. . Nichols Sisters, Cook O. U., Rochester, N. Y., 0- Nippon Troupo of Jnps, Nelson, Sprlngfleld, Mass,, Novelloa, The, Poll's, Sprlngfleld, Mass., 6-11. Noblette A Marshall, Lyric. Lincoln, Neb.. 1318. Normans, Jiuxsllng, Orpheum, Memphis, Tenn., 8- 11.' Norworth, Jack, Mary Anderson, Ioolsvllle, Ky., Nugent, J. O., & Co.. Crystal, Milwaukee, 0-11. O'Coanor, Naislas, Orphenm, Kansas Olty, Mo., O'LVll'A Kinsley, Mnlesilc, St. Paul, Ml. O'Harn A Watson, Orjihlum, L]ma, O., 0-11 ... Ml. N. Y., 6- j'Uara at. vyatson, urpnium, una, v>., ••-»•, ning A Wliiiamn, i.yceuro, airnnvuir, rm.. Hippodrome. Lctlngton. Ky.,-13-18. Blnnldos, Three, flalety. So. Chlcsgo. 6-1 3'Hano San, A Co., d. 0. If.. Indianapolis, Ml. Kitehle Duo. Keith's, lltlca. N. Y., 6-11. fiSP WSnfccma Bego'/jinimy. Family. HttriMM 6-11. Ilcynaras,Ifhree. Lyric;, Pjyton, O', 8 ' 1 . 1 .',, Helff Bros:, Keith's, Providence, B. I., 6-11. Brtdy.A Currier. Shea's, Jo«""\ c »?.-' 6 ih . Been A Ear), Chutes Park, Los Angelee, Cal., 6- 11: Fisher's; Los Angeles, 13-18. Reld Sisters. Proctor's, Ellrabctn, H. a. B»fb?d A Winehes/er,. Proctor's, Troy, 11: 0. 0. 1L. Syracuse, 13-18. RetUck, Carl F., Lyric, Meridian, Miss., MB. bIpo. Will A May, Unique. Au Claire, Wis., 6- 11; Majestic, _St. Paul, 13-18. Reed, Hnrry. Blulto. Elmlci, JN. Y„ 6-11. Bemlntton, Mayme, A Picks. Orpheum, St. Paul, Reynard', Ed. P., Proctor's, Albany, N. Y., 6-11; yhnbert's, Dtlca, 1318. Bice A Cohen. Orpheum, Sun Fran., Cal., Hl| Orpheum. Oakland, 13-18. Blceletto Bros., Q. O. H., Syracnae, N. Y„ 6-11, lenrple. Detroit, 18-J8. ' . t . „ T .„ Bice A Elmer, proctor's, Elltabeth. N. J., Ml. Rlttcr A Foster, Alhumbra. Paris, Bralicej 0> . Feb. Rlnlto Rlfe' , A riaiQjSr^ifaitfa'. W i'7 67, Ml; Poll's, Scrnnton, Pa.. 13-1S. Iltch Duo, Roselnnd, Boselnnd. III., MI. nice Bros., Kelth's t Boston, Ml. Richards, Oreat,' Keeney's, New Britain, Conn., Ml. Rice. Fanny Empire Pnterson N. J., 6-11; Em- pire, Hoboken, 13-18. . . ... , Rlvnrds, Three, Crystal, Elkhart, Ind., 6-11; Ir- win. Goshen, 13-18. alarms, Fonr. Hnthaway's, Lowell, Mass,, O-ll; Orphenm, Boston, 13-18. Ring A Williams, Lyceum, M.-ndvllle, Pa., 0-11. - 6-11. ance, 3-1B. 1; Albambra, yrnssels, Belgium, 3-15. Comedy Quartette, Orpheum, Allentown, 0-11; Poll's, Scranton, 18-18. ... ' ... a|Bi (Jardaer Co., Majestic,,Des Molnqs, la., e ika, WlllarS, 4 Co., Kef.h'3, Cleveland, 6-11. Btecva Pantofnime Co.,-Victoria, N. Y. C, 6,11 Slosstm, PflttUne, Licenm, Srdsrt, C. B., Casl 6-11; Lyceum. .New Glasjrcrw, N.S., IMS. Slat« ATFlnch. Flora Pe.vass Co., EtMt, ThaV colonial, N. t-C, 13,18. Sloane, John A Mayme, BIJou, UnloitoTm, Pa, SnUths! Aerial I G rent. Young's Pier, Atlahtk City, N. J-, 6-11: Broadwayf Camden, m 8 Smith, Tom, "Modern OfDce Girls" Co. Smith A Van, VpgoJ's Minstrels. Smith A Arn.lo. Star. Cleveland. 8-11, Snyder A Buckley, Columbln, St;.-Lonla, 81 li Haymarket, Chicago, 13-18. "Soptfeern Belles, Four," Family, Lancaster, Pa. 0-11. Boors, The. Stdldart Stock Co. "Song Birds, The," Oth Avenue, N. Y. 0.. 8-11 • !5$th Street, N. Y. 0., 13-18. ' Sosman, Fred. Star. Chicago, 8-11. Sparks A Sparks, Schlndler's, Chicago, 6-11, Splfsel Bros. A Mack, Union Square, N. Y. (1 6-11; Keith's. Providence, R. I„ 13-18. SpHler Musical Bumpers (5), Bennett's. Hamil- ton, Csn., 6-11; Bennett's, London, 13-18. SpoDg, Hlldn, A Co., Orpheum, Kansas City, Mo., Union Srinare, N. Y. 0., - Peoria, 111., 6-11; 8-11; 0-11; Y. 6- 6-11. 6-11. Ky., Bobby, ft lira., Trent, Trenton, N. .T, Miller, i). II., Neenab, Wis., 0-11; O. IL, Applo- ton, 13-18. Mlt.'liellN (::>, Pnnelng, Niagara Falls, N. X., 8- 11. Military Octette, Armory, Btnghaniton, N. Y.. 0- 11; Poll's, Mrrnuton, Pa., 18-18. Mlllernhlp Slalt-rs. Imperial. Bkln., 0-11; Miner's Uowery, N. Y. C... 13-18. Moore. Tom. Awfliorlnro, • Lyon, Mass., 0-11, Morse, Hon, Touring Smith America. Morrison. John. Raymond, Stockton, Oal.. 6-18. .Morion, Phil., .Martina Kerry, O., 0, 7; Wheeling, ■ W. Vs.. 8, II; Bsllntrr, O.. in. 11; Monroe, Klyrla. 13-1X; Itljon, Lornlu, 10-18. Moon, I'lMIe, Mnjcatt.', Fl. Worth, Tex., 6-11; Mujeatlc, Dnllas, 18-18. Moek-SoilAll, l'"rank Fl. Long Stock Co. Motion, Jamos &., Maryland, Baltimore, Ml. Muriiu ft Miner, Casino Girls Co. .Mnereinans, .lean, Lyric, llolontown, Pa„ 6-11; Beaver Falls, 18-18. Mowatw, The Seven, Keith's. Phils., Tn., Ml; ■".Hi Avenue, N. >. C, 1.3-18. Morn. "Silent," 0. IL. Johnatown, N. Y„ 6-11; Glovcravllle, Kl-18. Mosart, Fred ft Eva. Olympic, So. Bend, Ind., 6- 11, Morris A Hetumlngivny. Mojestle, little Rock, Ark,, 0-11; Majestic. Ft. Worth. Tea., 18-18. Moore, (leorgo Austin, Orpbeum, Sioux City, la., Ml, Montugim's Oockntoo Circus, Flying Jordans Co,, Tmirlng So. America. Mower, Hlsncb, Maker's, Chicago, 6-tl. Montrope 'Itoupe, O. O. n., Indianapolis, 0-11. Morion, lumen J., ABlli Nlreet, N. Y. C, H-ll. Montgomery A Moore. Trent, Trentoo, N. J., 0-11. Moaher, lloughloii A Mualier, Orphenm, Memphis, Tenn., o-ll. Morgan. Tboaina, Pmelur's. F.lltahelh. N. J., 8-11. Morris A Kramer, The Dainty Duchess Co, Morris A Morris, K. ft P., Jersey City, N. J., 8- Monroe. Harry. Scenic, Everett. Man., 0-11. Murphy, Nichols A Co., Empire, Hoboken, N. J.. 0-11. Mulligan, May. lady Birds Co. "Muslenl Tnyn," Myrkle.Harder Co., Easlern .Murphr, Whitman ft Co., Nnilonal. San Fran., Cal., (1-11: Bell. Oakland, 18-18. Muehlncrx, The, Orphlum. Ohlllleolhe, 0., O-ll. Mueller ft Mueller, Hopkins', Louisville. Ky., 6- Mnsl'ral Midgets. The, Windsor. St. Panl. ML. Murpliy A Francte. Shea's, Buffalo, 8-11. _ Murphy ft Vldocq, Wonderland. Wheeling, W. Va„ 6-11. Murray Bisters, Colonial, Norfolk, Va., 6-11. Murray ft Alden, BIJou, Wheeling, W. Va,. 6-11; Wlelaad, Moriantown, IS-18. Oklto Family, Orphenm, Salt Lake City, 6-11 Oknbo Japa, Orpheum, Denver, 0-11. Ollfnns, The, Castle, Bloominglon, til., O-ll; I.yrlc, Slreator, 13-18. ' Oliver, Clnrence. Olympic, Chlcngo, Mil O. O. H„ Indlanopolls, 13-18. ... O'Meers Sisters, Orpheinn, New Orlesns, 0-11. Orheia Trio, Orpheum, Rending, Pa., 6-11. OnrI, Adele Purvis, Young's Pier, Atlantic City, N. J., 0-11. O'Neill, J. IL, A Co., National, Erie, Pa., Mil Family. Knne. 13-15; Family, Frle, 16-18. Onella, Savoy, Hamilton,-Can.. 6-11. O'Neill, Great, Majestic, Cincinnati, 0-1B. O'Nell A Barry. Mnjestle, Ashland, Ky., Mil Family, Washington, .0., 16-18. O'Nell A Rankin, Orpheum, Denver, 0-11. O'Nell, Sadie, HMteion, Pa., 0-11. O'Neill Trio, Grand, Fargo, N.D., 6-11; BIJou, Winnipeg. Can.. 13-18. .' ... Orplmns Qunrteth". BIJou. Muncle, Ind., 6-1.1; Lyric, Joplln, Mo., 12-1J: Lyric, Sprlngfleld, 1M8. Ortb-A Fern, Keith's, Phlln., Pa.. 8-11, Oskln, Frank. Midway. Charleston, W. Va., 8-18. iltifl ilrov., '.Hi Avenue, N. Y. C, 13-18. Paillton A. Daley, Shea's, Toronto, Can., Umpire, Puierson, N. J , 13-18. 'Toradlse Alley," Bennett's, Ottawa, Can. Be.rnelt's, Hamilton. 13-18. Pr.mrer Troupe, Cook 0. IL, Rochester, N. Parnielee A Mack,'Lyric, Cleveland. 0-11. Parry. Charlotte, A Co., Arcade,. Toledo, 0. Patrice, Bennett's, Montreal, Can., 6-11. Puyge. Jay, Gem, Lynn, Mass.. 6-11. l'aull A llealey. Nelson, SprlngOeld, Mass., Pnnna, Mme. Cslnkn, Hopkins', Louisville O-ll. Palmes ft Boyd, Orand, Hamilton, O., fl-U I'ainpllii, (Ircal, loin, Chlcngo, 0-11. Pamnn 0-11. Palmer A Allison, Family, Woonsocket, R. I., f- 11. Parros, Four, Orphenm, El Paso, Tei., 6-11. Pecks, Two, Pastor's, N. Y. C, 6-11. Permnne Bros., Orphenm, Bkln., 6-11. Petri, Evelyn, Naliontl, Chicago, 0-11, Peyser A McDonald, Night Owls Co. Perkins ft Cnlvette, Auditorium, Norfolk, Va., fl- 11. Fetching Bros., Orphenm, Minneapolis, fl-U; Or- pheum. Omaha, 13-18. Pete's Monkeys, Ruber's, N. Y. 0., 6-11. Peterson Bros., North Ave., Chicago, 6-11. Phar.i, Norma, A. A 8., Boston, 8-11. Phillips A Farlardeau, a. 0. IL, Athland. Wis., Oil; loin. Chicago, 18-18. Phillips A Lang, Golden Crook Co. Phillips Sisters, Irwin's New Majesties, Phillips A Nlemeyer, Fsyp's, Pa*tnctet, R. I., O-ll. Piccolo Midgets, Orpbeum, New Orleans, 0-11. Tike Bros.. Howard, Boston, 0-11; Woonsocket, Mass.. 13-18. "Plonoptileiuls. The." Jacques, Waterhury, Conn., 0-11; Shea's, Buffalo, N. v., 13-18. PlrisCofOs. The. Armory, Bingham ton, N. Y., 6-11, Plcclunl Troupe, Olympic, Chicago, O-ll. Polriers. Three. Cadtle, Bloomlnpton. III., Oil. Poole, Frederick A Poole, "Modern OBce Girls" Co, Potter ft Hnrrla, Crystal, Braddock, Pa., 0-11; Tftnt. Trenton. N. J., 13-18. 'Tolly Pickle's Fore," d. O. IL, Syracuse, N. Y„ fl-U; Temple, lietrolf, 13-1S. Powell. Tom, Bijou, Qulney, III., 0-11. Pope. J. C„ ft Dog, Keith's, Soolhhrlilge, Mass., Power's Elephnnls, Hippodrome, Cleveland, 6-11. Prellc's Pokh, Star. Clilcngo, Ml, Price,. Harry M., "Buster Brown" Co., Eastern. Prliurosca, Musical. Bachelor Oluh Co. Purvis, '.lames, "MeFsden's Plats" Co. Qulgg, Muekey ft Nlekerson, Fenherg Stock Eastern. . Qnlnn Trio. Teddy, Chicago, 0.11. Qulr.n .& Illtiiiell, Bennett's .Hamilton, Can, Qnlgley Bros., Shuhert, Kansas City, Mo., fl-U. "Ralri Desrs,". Mnjestle, Chicago, (111; Hay. market, Chicago, 13-18. llnslils A Hanks, Flora, Amsterdam, Holland, fl- 13: Palace, Cardiff. Wales, 26-26; Palace, • Oloncester 27-Feb. 7; Palace, Perth, 3-8; Gaie- ty, Chatham, Eng., 10.111. Ray', Fred. A Co.. Hopkins', Loutsvllle, Ky., 6-11; Majestic, Chicago, 13-18. Raymond, Kiina, Podge's, Keokuk. In., nil. Rnnretta A Lyman, Trneadern Bnrlesqiiers. Raymond, Ruby, A Pnnelng Boys, Orpheum, Rcsd- Inc. Pa., 0-11; Orpheum, Allentown. 18-18. Banff,. The, dnind, Forco, N. P., (1-11; BIJou, Winnipeg, Can., 13-18. lialsinn A Bon, Phillips. Richmond, Ind., 0-11. Ralulow Sisters, Prenmlsnd, MeKresport, Pa., 6- II; Amiisec, Rraddnek, 13-18. Rnmsey Slaters. Temple, Ft. Wnyne, Ind., O-tlj .Haymarket, Chicago. 13-18. Rankin. Virginia. Tliearnrliim, Maasllloo, 0., 6-11; Orphlum, Shelby, 111-tK. Rasarfs, The. Hownnl, Boston, 0-1, Raymond, Riiny, A Pnnelng Boys, Orpbeum, Read- ing, Pa., fl-U. Raymond A Cnverly, Bennett's, Montreal, Can,, 0-11. Rawson ft June. New York, N. Y. (1. 8-11. llaflln'ft Mnnkevi. Novelty. Bkln., fl-ll. Rankone, John W., Young's Pier, Atlantic City, N. J., 0-11. Rayno's, Al., Rnlldegs, Burtls 0. 11., Anlitim, N. Y.. 13-18. Bswls A Von Kaufman, Temple, Ft. Wayne, Ind., ill I: dnlety. So. Chicago, 13-18. Richards A drover, BIJon, Qulney, .HI., 6-11 Rlchnrds, Chris, Columbia, Cincinnati, 6-11. Bio Bros., Four, Albnmbra, Brussels, Belgium, fl-13. Rivers ft Rochters, Lyric, Cleveland. 6-11. Rich, Jack A Berthn, Grand, Portland, Ore., fl- ll ; Acme, Snernmento, Cnl. 13-1, Richardson, Lavender, ft Co., Sheedy's, Brocktm, Moss.. Ml- , _ . .. Rogee, Leon, Union Square, N. Y. 0., 6-11, Lolnnd, Atlantic Garden, N. Y. 0., Ml. Roger Brothers. Lyric, Lincoln, Neb., fl-ll; BIJoo, Kenosha Wis. 13-18. Roust's Musical Horse, Keith's, Colnmhns, 0., fl- ll. "RoL.'nson Crusoe's Isle" Poll's, Worcester, Mass., 0-11; Majestic. Johnstown, Pa., 13-18 ItohUli A Childress, (J. O. H., Orand Rapids, Mich., (ill; Majestic, Kalamaioo, 13-18. Ross Sisters, Orphlum, Manslleld, O., fl-ll, Bockwny A Conway, Temple, Ft. Wayne, Ind., nil; Haymarket, Chicago, 13-18. Rd-.e A Julian, Alhamhra. N. Y. 0., 8-11. Ross A Vnek, Young's Pier, Atlantic City, N. J., 0-1-1; Orpheum Yonkers, N. Y., 13-18. Roberts, Hayes A Roberts, Gaiety, Galesburg,,lll„ fl-l|. ''• Bomanoffs, The, Savoy, Poltstown, Pa., 0-11; Keith's, Providence, R. I., 0-11. Romany Opera Co., Keith's, Boston, 6-11, Rome. Mayo A Juliet, Hopkins', Louisville, Ky., OIL Rogers A Mackintosh, Hopkins', Louisville, Ky., Ml. Ronca,. Horn, Proctor's, Troy, N. Y., 11-18. Roberts. Four, Schlndler's, Chicago, 6-11. Roach A Hart. Oary, Gary, Ind., O-ll, Rogers, Will IL, Cook O. I!., Rochester, N. Y„ nil. Roaaer, Reese, Family, Carbondnle, Pa.. 6-11. Rose, Julian, Victoria, N. V. 0., 13-18, Rooney, Kstle, Pnll'N, Sprlngfleld, Mass., 6-11. Ross. Walter, Princess, Cleveland, 0-11. Roberts. Slgnnr,-Unique, Minneapolis, 8-11. Roy A French, Rlalto.Elmlra, s. Y., 0-11. Uoehifort A JSLiy, Kxlilhl:, Zaneavllle, O., 6-8; I'rlncess, Cnmlirldge, O-ll. . Rohlnoon A' Fanchette, Proctor's, Troy, N. Y„ fl-ll. Rowley, Snm, Majestic, St. Paid, 0-11. Roscoe A Sims, Ilents-Santley Co. Bosaer, Edward, Lubln's, Baltimore, 6-11, Roberts, Mlten, Orpheum. Yonkers, N. Y., 6-11. Rudd, Joe A., "Brewster's Millions" Co. Russell A Church, Olympic, Cblrago, fl-ll. Butherford, Jim it,, ft Co., North Avenue, Chi- cago. 0-11; (Imul. Madison, Wis., 13-18. Runselis, Seven, North Avenue, Chicago, fl-U. Russell A Davis, Paxtliue, Atlanta, fin., (118. Ruppelte, The. 1:. 0. IL, Indianapolis, 0-11. Russell, Phil A Cnrrle, Howard. Boston, fl-ll. Ryan A Pnnglars, "Flaming Arrow" Co, Ryan A White, Orpheum. Yonkers, N. Poll's, Bridgeport. Conn., 13-18. Ryan A Rlcbtleld, Colonial, N. Y. 0 pheum, Bkln., 13-18. Ryan A White, Auditorium, Lynn, Masa., fl-ll. Salerno, Temple, Detroit, fl-ll. Saraols, Siv, Union Square, N. Y. C, 6-11. Snlmon A Cheater, Fitller'a, New Zealand Circuit. Sato, O. K., Apollo, Vienna, Anatrla, Ml; Or- pheum, Gras, Feb. 1-13. Sampsel A Arnsmnn, Kalbryn Oaterman Co. Jaheras, K. A P., Jersey Cits', N. J., fl-ll. Salmo, Juno, Maryland, Baltimore, 0-11; Chase's Washington, D. C. 13-18. ' Salisbury,-Cora Folsom, Main St., Peoria, III,, Sartella, Keith's, Providence, R. 1„ fl-ll. " Suinui-K M., Imperliil, Chicago, (111. Sang Pong Lee, BIJou, Bottle Creek, Mich,, fl-ll. Scbtt, Csrrle M„ ICmplrc, Sprlngfleld, III., 0-18. Brlissr Trio, Vnrletles, Te.-re ilnute, Ind., fl-ll; Temple, Fort Wnyne, 13-18. .Southern. Y., 0-11; O-ll; Or- Temple, Fort Wnyne, 13-18. ' Tr 8™/£"t "J- * • y „ r, ,, F ^ I0WDM Co., SC Orphhmr^yr^:^: ,3rWn ' , »^' 0 -»i ^^ S^^ k A Scott A Wright. Poll's. Worcester. Moss., 0-11. ^JMg ^»igtf B W*aLJrM „. "% t M 9 * 01rl "*" 0fpbnira ' 84 " Fr,n - !m.^TO •1 ° _ V. 1 "'.' ■»•'»• __ flh,,,.. b««l. ft>'..„..l .ril„,„,,l Schenk Bros.. Keith's. Phlla., Pa., Ml Scott; Orent. Bennett's, Ottawa. Can., Ml, Beolt A Harris, Grand, Hamilton, 0„ fl-ll. Seott, Maidle, New York, N. Y. 0., 18-18. SeVetignlo, Woreealer, Mass., fl-ll; Brockton, 13- Seeley. Musical. Fnmlly, Slum City. Ia„ fl-ll 1 0. H„ Fort Podge, 18-18. ' ' * Seymour. 0. G., A Co., Pomlnlon, Winnipeg. Obn.', fl-ll; People's, Cednr Rnilids, la., 13-18. Seftoii, Hnrry, ft Co., Empire, SprlngUeld, III., SfimonTrlo, The, MoJcMIe, Kvantvllle, Ind., fl. Segiiln, Eugenia Wood, Crystal, Chicago. Oil. Belles, Chas., Lyric. Chicago, ii-11 . ' Severance, Mar B nret. RoBcliind, Chicago, 13-18. Semon. Cline. 1;'.. Poll's, Meruulnn, Pa., fl-ll; Marylun.l, Bnlllmore, 13-19, ' Sellgman A Branwell, Shea'j, Biiffalo, 6-11. Shattuok. Truly, Victoria, N. Y. C, fl-ll. Slinws, Aerial, Allnnllc Garden, N. Y. 0.. fl-ll. Shannons, Four, Olympic, So. Bend. Ind. fl-ll s Orand. Mndlsou, Wli„ 13-18. ' ' Shnlter. Dave, Howard, Boston. (Ml. Shields A Rogers, Keith's, Providence, R, I., «. Bheffer ft Trimmer. BIJou, Dululh. Minn., Ml. Shields A Guile, Euclid Ave. Rink, Cleveland, ■Jbttr, Mr. Slmt M Slramonds. 11. A. Skating nink, Greenshnrg, Pa.. „.Ml; Skating Rhik, Phllllpshurg, lli-isf Slddnn Bros., ••Black Crook Jr." 0-11. tiw, Mr. A Mrs. Larry, Howard, Boaton, fl-ll. npaon,, Cosh, Me.Jesile, Ft. Wonh, Tei., 8-11; Majestic, Dallas, 1H-18, «».,»»., IT'S NOT A FAIR COMPARISON It Is not Diving 1 he heavy, old fashioned, ennvns covered wood trunk a fair ahow to corrmare It tn the HAL KIDIlfi TRUNK for a F1BRB TRUNK linllt like the BAt, In simply hound uoutwear and ontlmt the best wood trunk sintie. ^ 'tr miUAU nttra of IZflJ BMIBSIONAL 110 West *M SL, New York city. 8RND FOR NEW 0ATAL00CS 0. TRUNKS: *ng, Ml. "Stunning Qrenndlers,' 611. Stuart A Keeley,. Main St., (ialety. Bo. Chicago, 13-18. Stapleton A Chnney, Lyric, Muskogee, Okli., fl- ll; Lyric. Ft.^Worthi Tex., 13-18. Stanford. Billy, Washington, Pn., 6-8; Star, Mc- Kees .Rocks, till; Star, New Kensington, 13. Strickland, F,. 0„ Mnjestle, Ann Arhnr, Ulch.. fl-U. Stanleys. The, Grand, nomcctead, Pa., O-ll; Star, Beaver Falls, 13-13; Hippodrome, Sharon. 18-18. Stevens, W-, O. O. H„ Geneva, N. Y., Ml. "Stunning Grenadiers," Union Square, N. Y. p., fl-U; 68th Street, St. Y. C, 13-18. Stuart, J.Frnncls. E. F„ Hippodrome. Plttsbnrg, 6-11. Btemm A.Ln Cr.ince, Vogel's Minstrels. Stone, Beth, Orphenm, Lincoln, Neb., fl-U. 8teger, Julius, A Co., Poll's, Prldgeport, Conn., : fl'll; Colonist, N. Y. C, 1318. Stadium Trio, Mnjestle. St. Paul, 0-11. Stelllng A Bevelle. Gotham, Bkln., 8-11; Empire, Rending, Pn., 18-18. ■ . , Stanton A Sniihnrg. Crystal, St. Joseph, Mo„ 6-U. "Star Bout. The," rlth Avenue,. N. Y. C, 13-18. Stevens, Al., Lyceum, Stamford, Conn., 6,11; Dttrp, Schenectady. N. Y., 13-18. Blend, Walter, 0. IL, So. Framlngham, Mais., 0-11. Stanley, Mr. ft Mrs. Lew, Casino, Allegheny, Pa., O-ll. ... St. Leon Fnmlly, "Polly of the Circuo". Co. St: John, Fraukle. BIJou. Puiulli. -Minn., fl-ll. St. i'Iitio, Leo, Orpheum, Allentown, Pa., 6 ; 11; Pastor's, N.Y. 0.. 1318. Sluart A Keeley, Mnln Street, Peoria. 111., fl-ll. Sutcllfle Troupe The, Fjnplre, Tour, Kog. Stilly -ft Phelps, Bennett-Monlton Co. Snbcrs. Iimli, Olympic, Ciilencvi.' fl.-U. Sullivan. W. J., BIJou, Great Falls, .Mont., (lis Sulllvnns, Four. Orand. Hamilton. O., Ml. . Swor Bros., Kellh's, Cleveland, A-U ; Lyric, Day- Swarle, ifrancla,' 4 Co., 5Ialn Street, Peoria, lit., Symonda, Jack, Lyric,'Danville, 111., fl-ll; flrsnd, Marlon, ind., 13-18.. • _ Byte; ft Svta, Colonial, Onlvraton, Tex., fl-ll', Lyric, lloiiston. 13-18. ... , . Tnniho Pno, Lyric, Galveston, Tex., 6-U ; l.yrlf, Snn Antonio. 13-18. . •'..'.. Tannen, Julius, n. 0. IL. Inillanapolls, 6-11. Taneans, The Musical, C. K. Cbamplln Co. Tanner A Gilbert, Ninth nnd Arch, Phlla., Pa., Tiirlioii A Tnrllon, Kearney, Neb., fl-ll; Greeley, .Colo., 13-18. .... ,.u . Tnnnuay, Bvn, Providence, It. L, fl-U; nth Ave nuc, N. Y. C. 13-18. ' ' . Tartpa. Masonic, Cbllllcolhe, O., fl-ll J Prlncesi, Cambrlilue, 13-18. '■' Tacinnu. Temple, Petrolf, fl-ll. Tate.' Harry, A Co., Auditorium, Lynn, Mass., Taylor'Twin Sisters, Arcado Sliailng Rink, Tren- ton, N. J., fl-ll. „, .,,, Temrest Trio. Grace, BIJou, Superior, WIf.. 6-U I MaleBtlc, St. Panl. 111-18. Temple, Irene, Spring Hill, Bprlnp; Hill, N. B., Oil- .... Teddy Trio. Majestic, Chicago, fl-ll. _ „ Those Four Girls, Oniheum, Kansas City, 1M.. o-lI; Msjestle, Pes Moines, la.. L'l-18. "The" Quartette. Orphenm, Denver, Ml. Thorapaon, W. U., A Oo., Keith's, Columbus, 0„ "That." Quartette, Snnbert, Milwaukee, fl-U. Thornton, Anns, Odeon, Canton, O., fl-ll. Tbompson'B Elephants, Bennett's. Montreal, Cbb., TIppelA Kllment, Family, rle, Pa., fl-ll; a* ceum. lleadvllle, 13-18. ,. ... -. Tlvoli Quartette Orpheum. Minneapolis, 0-11; Or pheum, Knnsas City, Mo., 13-18- - Tom-Jack Trio. Orpheum, Los Angeles. Cal., »-», Torcat. Mohnwk. Schenectady, N. Y.. 6-U. Tourblllon, Max, Troupe, Colonial, Lawrence, Mass., 0*11.- ' .',. Tomklns, William, Orphenm, Rnlt Lake City, fl-U- Toledo, Grace, A. ft S., Boston, Oil. „ .... Trlllers, Tlie; Union Sqnare, N. Y. C-. Ml, Kellh's. Boslon, 13-18. ... . , „ .... Tnidoll, I^cwla F,., Vandetto, Holland, MICH., Troc.udero Qunrtelte, Dlxlel|ind, Jacksanvllle. Fin., 6-U/ ■ ._ , u ._ Trueadell, Mr. ft Mrs. Howard, Hathaway s. New Bedford, Mnss., 0-11. ., .... Mobile, Ala,, «-i'S ft .... Minneapolis. Mil _-8. Treat's Seals, Orystal, Milwaukee, Ml. . Translormatlon Trio, Unique, Minneapolis, 2 ,; Tully, Mny, A Co., Cook 0 H.. Rochester, N. L. 11-11. ■ . . . ,,, Tnnicr. Bert,. Crystal, Lngoosporr, Ind., »■« • ■ Crystal, Frankfort, 13-18. .. ...^ "Ttvenueth Century Burglars," Family. Carton- dale. Pa., fl-ll. Tyler Trio, Pastime, Atlanta, Oa., 0-18. _ Tyaon, Fennell ft Tyson, Family, fclralrn, n. «-, Oil. Ilrma Sisters. Orpbeum, Psnver, n-ll. Vnne?, Clarice, Maryland, Baltimore, fl-U. Vorln A Burr, North Bros.' ConVdlins... , Vagge's, The, Star. Hannibal. Mo., 0-U i »'/>"■ ■ Dubuque, IB.. 1M8. Valpoa, Tho, Franklyn Comedy Co. '.,,^.,1 Vardon. Perry A Wilbur, Olaycry, Washington, Van' Gofre" ft Cotrely, INslier's, Los Atigelr*. Oal.. Ml. „., Van, Oeo., A Dog, Camhrldjp'. P.. 0-11. Van. Billy. Keith's, Columbus. 0-. 0-11. Vnlaral, Orpheum, Bl Paso, 1'ex., 0-U. Valelse Bros. Arausee, So. Pittsburg, Pa„ Orphlum, Turllc Creek. 13-18. Vnssnr Girls, Orpbeum, Kansas City. Mo.. Valadon, Keith's. Providence, R. L. fl -ll. .., Vnladon's, lTie, Broadway, Mlddletown, 0., 0-11, Orphlum. Cambridge, 13-18. Vangliaa, Porothy, Schlndler's. Chlcs«s>, o-J'- Van Hoven, Prleo-Bnller Sloek Co. Vasco. Shuliert, Ksnsas Oily, M0..0-11- Van Sliidillford, Grace, Bennett's. Ilarallton, lum* Veatoi'Netta. Empire, Hoboken; N. J., 0-U- VerV>na, O. IL. Port nuron, Mleh.. Ml .... Vema. Belle, Hippodrome, l#tlnglon, hy.. aeiai Mnjestle. Pittsburg, 13-18. w Veda A Qulnlarouw. Wlelanfl. Slotpntown. »s- Va.. Mil Star. Monesseo. l's-. jg*, ... Vendetta Musical Puo, Savov, McKeesport, r»i 0-U- - ... Vernon, Bennett's, Hamilton, Can.. M". ... Veola La nclle, Bennett's, Mnotree , Can., o«' Velore A Clnrk, New Snn. Sprlncdeld, P_ii & Victoria, Vesta, New York, N. X. 0„ 0-U • , -" lonlnl. N. Y. C, 13-18. „ _ „,. Victoria's Dogs, Proctor's, Albany, N- X-i.", 1 Village Choir, Poll's, Sprlngfleld. Mnss., 0-"- . Von bell, Harry, Casino, Atlantic City, N. tn r fl-U I 6-11.