The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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TBOB^^m^m ^ORS^L^Si >X9Uffiim* ii. I'pN\SY[.VA.\ I A. Pbiiodoiubi-.- -a i. the Chpntotit Street ffi*niS„ t tS 3pera. TfoiKo- (Xbcon * 'Zimmerman, mim.v ^?, P^h? ft, ten)'Robert Edesrfn nnisontod. "The Sinner." mpiHii « imici .'onsen la the Mo- oard In tho bnrlosnjoei, while tW> olio mention*: Mmo. Clnrk, the ■«, Artlior and Kthcl MUlcr, (Suf cdoro, Horry Knhler, Hurry Hill;. Opei_ axre) Robert Kdcsrtn pposenled. Jab. 2.-.f— ftWfl BCtS Mhn •; dose to Kf-HC : t,ff| lmp/lsOi tor Han Frn OnrilBUM <CVF. Uopfclns, m^HjUl' SSti^^SI^&SS ^fe: M on;^.., SftS g^^^^WtirSgl WflK •« .1.1-v.n r>.in<ri>rhrt>n(t linn 0-3, l'!« Bowser to America as a inlulsiei;. uo h» now » widower Willi a marriageable daughter, and is lu love with a widow. Mr?. Gordon. At ihlR juncture there arrive* upon tne seen* Melon (hanger, an adventuress, who had been ■MoelAlrd with hl.t criminal, career. Bbe ba* Incriminating panei*' In her posnesulon conrcrnlng his past IIP?, nnd threat-ns to <•}- POM; hlnVif he does not support her In It oLilin tliui (the wpr, tho llrit wife nf Uo mar Who*? widow .'the ndnlsi.r i«V ■••• In ">!« nrMlleaiiDiiil he-decide* la resign hto imk- turiiic.'ubd In order \n get .the, piipcr> Hull would diiiiiitge bin reputation ho reiutna lo bh old trade of burglary for the puriinso ol robbing the sure In which Uin paper* arc. con- tained. Al this Junetu.o the unwuipeailnK daughter arrives., nnd on recognising MJ father for n brief litstam. is" dinkMl ny hint Into lim-iimhlllty, The nilyeniuriw* husband enters < Ik- room when-Hie young Inrty nwnkrs. Ho IiiikJusi- cseApcd from Sing Slug, nod an his innluMip' proclaims-top prisoner, the min- ister's daughter nrcsilmcfi that It was at una not her father whom *=hc had observed in nil uitonipt in blow open IM safe. At this JuniTtiro Hie Rev. Mr. Wnynfl comes upon lit* KM« utiiloffiT* (he- former resident of .Mng Sine in <•«,•(!f.0 nl fhh price of rHchco on tho Astliecler.vmanhciIiVr manogen). '—S»Bwi«rVSKi drew to capacity 3i>-.1an. ^nauTSm SutWft (T. K Uopklna. ,-L asilkUl so the Bowery Burlcsq wrs, in Addftta. u, (1««W, strong man iJldSt gj vjg^f^'lgjf 2"%& X |SS ilhlnK hi lu fine order. A li.iff dozen vaniJcvilfy a<is ii p- ■ provided for tho current iveck, hi itddl- Uoit to moving plc>«rpw. . Niitmh. — Walter lacker, of the Ornnd tipern lloui*, hnn rn»Ian.' , d to tnko o..p«<Ulni» laiiiiftf* of tl» tiox office of tho Hroanw** 'i'heutre, Camden Win. Alexander, man- acep of 3oo Uortlz, In "Our TrtrtA. *WW U n rhlbiHpHIn hoy, and mw mmj » lils old friend" whll T\ .'he local Trea! n. nopiilnr Inptltnt.loa. ofllec inw are at lel«iire 11m elnb In nlwaya fhe|r objocflrc point Tho prodwcllon of "The Ilarhor of Seville."' nt tho Aciulenx of Muck', on Pee,. 01. hy iho Metropo)lwti Opera „„„..,.- , ; db n drew a crowded liouw Alt the biir- L'KrihTOA^^^aa^nr^nWrPOMh l«0»e h6»i>«. had packcrf ltouaea for Ibo 'I he piny h« ilecUl^l'iy melodramailc, and Mr. ■ t ■■ h.~ T-' 1 "' of^ Hj'ricky'n "A K1«W. on n ilorit llon«o. i-lins. K. Sem^n. Uncle KmnHt and eorapiiny, Kl.-le l-'av, on.l Jliffi-i nnd M ler.^l. W/WI»f ten. Kecicy Uron., and Wsr OUy Quartette. i'ni,i: jiiiia tn. Nelson Tects, moniiKor).— lerlftlnnHelles (WS, Illue Ribbon Girls Oil, Kose Sydell irt-l. r ». BlMIINM Is rood. Ataii Klhnf. f. Cushman.ninnader).—rho . Merry Mnldena tl-S. the Kolllckew »-U Tli- llle In ■ town. rapt. we.rk. New Centnty tllrU, i-4. to | K oml hoiwesL sMrerH Club taiPtifefiffi . OatHK.itf' <.\, J« Schiller. m<»>m?)•-• n, and whenever the box Week of.fl: Chns. Adam*. Knrah Herbert and ndenniiV iicliiiB Is forceful. Hevcrly nlf- urcnv.'K. as I In: ndveiil HKM. was nlhO mo.iT rilccilvc. Tho oast: ItoUTl. Sliifford, \VallaJc lUldlnaer: Clenay Wayne, Mnrjorle fl n »<}: Jmvld- Newi'Ui. Ceoren \V. Ilarniim; Kltf.v Cordon.. Miniia Adnlnwu ; ilclen "Ininoer, Beverly SUirrcnves; Murray HWW, Ijldpey Alnsworlh ; Unv. John Wayne. Robert hde- non; Wnllnen llntmr;' l-'t-nnk Mclntjre, Mr. Kdesnn'ii lwi» weeks' cnifaReDicnt cuiim to u cbisi! on Viiii. I,. durliiR' which turn •'t.lanH- lunioK" was-seep durlne the cnllre cnaacc- mcoi. •Willi iho oicepilon ot'. fiHir iiorfoym- ii notti of '"•Hie Sinner.'' Oii .Inn. ? «CCU» tho Urnt American presentation of '•Tito Walu ltrenni," by Owar SI muss, for a iwt> week*' Htny: Tho prtulnetloa Is Mint _stft«ed by Hcihort CiiuMlmin, with At:i n »> r Weld as lie muulcAl dltector, Hophle llnindl liiis Hie prima doDlilt ro;e. and (.Varies A.' Ipgelow ?nacit) Hie . principal .iwnetly irtnvt. t'V»f. f Somhers oi! ine: company, nre:, .loscrih \v. erbe/'i.'Wwaiit JnhnHon. BJWM «Jl»nh, DonaW. .Unchnriiiii. Joseph ','."'"«>'•;, Ainpi" r»ahl. CiHherlne In^nnnlT, .|o»lc Sartlet nnd i.iernldlnc Mnlmie. ■ A fenlurc : will l»e' an or- iIioniiu i.'f Women. •' -..a •.(, ,'..■' r.fMti'tVwwm SlKiberlv-manaijersi.—-Aj n rtuili of ii' chaug* in .hooking, '■The ,.<<n.v- VVhlH'.Wav" begins. 4, n ihroe-weoKn* stay. TJ»e Mil 1 'f.'urlO .Opera .'Co. created a' irtoac favorable' Impression la'»t week. • • *'■: •.WiRLiyu. (Mes.irs-. Shuiiett.»),--: Viola. Vlloli given.her JoenJ .prpmjrir if.,-o( •ljciie. WjMherlv.". fOi- a Uvo weeks"enKOKe- incill. luH«--Murtntw» coucludod,-4, n ivo ItMdU' utajf. ller.llnnl week ma devoted to "Glofifl,**'--*'^-'-'•*••'•-• «v''■ - ■'*••' *''• «t' ' ; fc ^•Bn'oAlv-(Nikon'& fllmmorninn. mnimfter*);-- John.Drew, in ••M.v.AYlte.'' continue* to he a mti-ong drawing tan. 'I'he third and ftiml week oegln* ,tl.. •< • ■■• '• ,•' fiAUHH'il. U'ranlt,.].lo»yn,,.tr y . ipopHBen,-- MMMior .llp'Json Rlyes v her ilr^t local view; 0, of •'Haloioy Jane,';, and'v'iontlniies for two weelm. ijraee George innlnlnlned her i^opn- larltv, to' big returns, closing •». W.';t (Frank llowc Jr.. mannger),.-- .Mc.lntyr/i and MMi.h.018. ln- } "ri)Q llnro frta." I'haiuicw Oleoli had n most nrosperoiw fpn- niihfii hunineSi, lii "O'Neill of Oerry," tbob. .fcffci^ou .'0. ■ ' ■ i . |.Viijiu:Hii"iXJXbn k Zimmerman, managefs). — H'w Hollies of ,11107" lia,s strtielf the pdpti- liir fhuev. nickel ni^rWAtsou were wniinly svelcomAd. Svhlle Mile, nar.le, AftttAbfl Whll- ford," IWM'Imp**1HU1' tlrnee Iiii Kites ,»pe- ■■l.ililes I'yoK*i1 plenty'of nllmiriiilon. ■ OCtniOmn llorsYto <ljiiilr, *.Hrtvlln,tna»- ,Htei:s>. wine. : iVonnin-and Soiik"' »l; fiir n icliinr 'VnUUMUUfc 't'he. Uajft In 'Ivlilg •-fa<r(cp."-proved a-pApnlnr attraction.- I'.dgar SelA'Ali. Ul •■8H , 6nKiii>Urt." iiext. ; . . • .. Mfuri it. 17*. 6. -NIsoii-Nlrdllngor, mnnngerl. •.'CeVli Ipoqner iRtveH U. for h iwo nwlr sliiv, l.ast weelj ••Hiimer Hrown" oniertallied I'Uliacliy housei;.- VTIintny KoMfl wan.-a capital Hu^i'i-, « * ' ' « J . nraMRISSM (A.K KcliKnrdl. manager).-— ■I'hlK *v*E "The (ireatWnll 8treeLMysUiry," Wllovlrig. a ,weelt of I'npaclly business dono lo* '•'!>> nocky Mountnln Kxpreus, Cha I'ltUhnrv. - AI the Nixon, rrltzl Scheff, In ".Mile. Modiste rlila week, i.ait 'week Mn'v .Wnns. Cowl houses rule. - i ,- lOiislon.-- -.11 the Able-Opera House (f.!. Tl. Rice, munnger) "Ilie Man oni the Box liec. .10, "The Hum Tree" :tl, "The <«ront. IHvlde" Jan. t, "Tlie IliirgoniflMlei- >. nil fared well. "Qnlncy Adnmn Sawyer' «MI. 'i.'lftv Miles From fioflton"-lit, Irene Myers ii ik Oai-lTBtJi.—The new home of vmidevtlle U9i ilih; clly, n lienulifiil theatre oiiHouth nji Alumni and Htimont, Alt. 'jnint and Ktlic! Hrtng, Sisters Afttrella and Albert. Wnmcr, Kinerson and Vnrt' Horn, Will 'Jtitrttf, Two lVllllnnmiinrt.—At the Lycoming Opera Mnrks, and the i-lncmiitnarHph. House (f.. .f. FMb innnngeri Mclmyre nnd l>GQi;cH.Nn.-—This week, "A Mqn front tho ncnth pleased big houses Dee. 2S. "Horotiiy ftoulh," substituted for R. IT. llolliih<l. he- verneii of Hnddon Mali" delighted One amll- glunliig T'liesdny, 7. Last week .Mnry.fihnw was greeted by good houses.' Itlanclie llrttcs US-IS. " ' Alvi.s;— -ThlH week, "At Yale."?l*<t veek "I^na.lllvcrs" pleased packed hofi<»i; Oavld IHatins ili-tfi. i J* :•" lli.tof.--This.week, Marlon Rallon, pre- senl Ing "Tho.- Mirle Organ - Orlmli'r^—Last week "Tho Orent Hxpresu Rohber)"'dld well. .lames .1. Corhotl: 1.1-lS. * .HiiASi:v'H.'- : -'Phls week. "I'nnhandle l'e|e," featuring James I'ranels HiilllVaiii bMCMVfk "Kldiiiipiiedi-for Uevcn'gc" pledscd. '.'•Ai'oiiiiil the. Clock" l.'tOR. eiiee-i .fsn.-l. "The Time, the l'lace mid the Olrl" drew two good houses L*. "Ynma" hud good rettirns 1. Kirk Hrown Slock Co. week of fl. Al. 0. field's Minstrels US. "The Great l>lvble";1l, "Human Hearts" : 13, "nertha, the s»ewlng Mnehlne r.lrl." 1<J, "In I.oulslnna' IS I'amiiv -O^rert M. Lnmnde, manager).—Rill week of 01 Mnry llerdelle, Mllllnry Ouarlelle, Otis Hrnno, ■ Kennnrd .Bros., Henry Mobkor, nnd ihe V.vnos.; ; . • m ii. ' Alinnna.—At the Mlslilerd. C. MIshler. manng'eri. the- ltiiinroi<ch Oreheslrn. OMW; a ••'0,AVKTv.- r Thls.week. I'-retl Irtijj's Show, KKp^Anatchm BKTaRT vfheUtile Organ feaiiirlng Walsh, Lvn.-h and eomMny. lf\ itrulder" was well received .1.1. "The Mnvoi' week Al. Keotes and bin Renuly rWMr'Meked ihe house. Vlelmore and l.'ee mnda.ailug liic Cracker..lB(!ks lft-18. ' • ' ArADRMy.—This week, Williams' Imperials. of h'nuBhlnnrt" did big JmslneBs Jan. I. "A l'oor Ilelatlon" did well jr. Edha Aollaco Hooper 4, 'The Choir Singer" fl, rield'sMln- "" C.";S, "Mrs. Tem- on Her Brlrtnl and eooipnn.v plelures, Philip. Utile, nnd the moving RpiM nnd l.nrntta. IiIvdhtt. —This week. W. .1. Klllck. Hluiync nnd Kfng, Nelllo Hiim foril, and moving pictures. . x . IfinronnoMH. — Thl« week: dipt, lfsldney lllnmAn and dogs. Vnx nnd Cnrlier K ),nura J'elersoii. Wl|llam Irvine. Kdyinril din} Ililwl fllllen; Eilwln Wilgner, iMins. York, anil the moi'lng picture.;, ., , . I • . ' Ni)tKS.--AI (he Bast Rnd Casino: Mr. and Mrs, l#w J Stanley, t'lrotnsnuc Randolphs, li'rauk Walsh. -Vxot. Hen HralVh.... ...H thd B. JO. IJInpodronie: O'Cotmell aild.OnUJ,eii. lino. CI.-llnrdeii, Louise Rnxhrougn. Sehmlft: iii-ijs ■.'.Thv Majestic. cloAnii laov w'ek " im Is eloi manager!'.—We ek - Yystai Hell, w ISIIINCHIN. ■entile,—At tho Moorq (John Cort, man- ager) "The Alnsknn" opened Dee. 28. for a week'B'Tiln, to a croivded house. Tho hohso was'then dedlcnted, nnd the dedicator/ ad- dress wflj delivered by 'Governor A. R. Menil. The play was enthnslnstlenlly received. The bouse kj one of the most mngnllli'ent in Ihe i'ounlry, marble nnd onyx helag lavishly ns«!i( lii Its construe!Ion. A fenlnre ot |he tlvfatro Is Hie absonce of supporla to the lial- i'Otiy or gallepy. the former being supported ly'ait innrieniic steel girder, 73ft long, which s hung from .'the roof. So for as J! poMjbln everything'has been done to Insure an nip t. ,.„f.. <lM..» A »r I,.„..„, '!'!„. .1.0. la ?1 la !0 "8troaghe»rt," Vfl&V&*** f* 20 - •' B IXokt^ r ^ d C-f^yward, m «nager, ; v«f»v" 29 and the week. . ' ^CUxSktl (Gjo. M..Dreher ■■"■KJ')^: William R. Feeey nnd Marie Van rnsseu Sere the chief factors In "llie Outtaw** Chrlstniai," 22 and week. Mnilne Mlhw UlSSBS, and will be WcceoeflI >u !«*««« woman by Virginia Drlssac, who wps the head of the Shirley stock company Inst B lm- merT She mnde her uppeitKince In fha Life of an Actress" week of 2D. Pantaoes' (E. Clarke Walker, manager). —Cnl Stewart, Mrs. Slewnrt and Clem Ma- gee headed the Christmas week, 1)1 I. _l« in Sketch called "f'nele .lofili on the Itoweiy, ami "cored Others were: Will Ollson., Ihe Three A*nr<K O.inelng Davey, Kred ft tiarjl- ner and his leaping dogs, Arum Moore,.In 'The .Miniature Cowboy," »n<l the pictures. "aVaSJi'inoton- (fl. C Hlnkeslee, manager). Melnntte nnd Lftnoie, ncrobntlc Wire per- formers, headed the card, others being: Mor- ton and iJitrlska, Howen Brothw tho Nellos, James K. Puff, Minnie Mlddlcton and Military Clrls, and the ptctuMS. Ca- pacity brtshiesa rules. ^ Scfcstc <\'. II. (Hover, manager).—New- songs nnd pictures, to good business. Nnw HMnnn M'. if. Clover, manager) — The opening week's business was gratifying. Myrtle Jlnrtonno scored In her songs, nnd Iho Dlcllires plon&ed. ' * ' Cor.i.n n'Ai.Kxi: (K. M. Heel, manager).— Harrv Monlaglie, hurlesiiue, nnd new fflees, in the turns, lo big business. Notch. — David J. Jnmeson, known as "Pnnolne Pnvc.v," nnil Anna Moore, souhrol la at I'nntages' the week of 2'Z, were married, 'ii at the pnrsonnge ot tho Lnlted I'resby- ler'liui C'burelt, llev. M. K. Oiinn oflltflnllpp. They will visit the sound nittl const on their honeymoon trip. .... .Murdeek •!. .McQiwrrle, playing with "The Mnn of the Hour," was the i?.i«M his brother, wom Mcflaiorrle, lending mnn of lh« ..Iqsslo Shirley Co.. during the Cbrlslmns holidays. l'Tve of the lli- Qunrrle brothers are on the f-tngc... .-/KM iiherlln Olee Club, of Qberlln O.. played to big hiislnes* at the Hpokane high school au- ditorium, 20, under the auspices of llie pliiy- grruinila oommlttce »t the 130,0(hl club.... Christmas wnelt was n merry one for players visiting rtpoknnn. They were entertained! at the clubs nnd private homes, mid each war remembered with a souvenir of the dudsonie season. The menng«inenl nf the Shirley and Chrlls Flock companies also were liberal wjib presents lo tlielr people. ■ I , T«eom«."-^-.\t the Tni:omn iC. II. Herald, mnnngerl - "fhe. Man of ihe;Hour" Dec. 'Jfl. .10. JAmes'I'. ^I'ovi-crs.ln "The. Hlue Moon." Jan.- I ; "The Lion and (lie Mouse" 4. Jnn KftbeUk'rt.'"' . f ■ ' ■ .-'.'- '., - '• ' ■•• rSAVF>v.—The t'ierton Stock Co.. In "A Hun- avi?nv. Mutch," weekof. Dec. 20. • 'Cu.iNb'iJean H. Worlev.-mahiiRer).—Queen Ahou Hauled, Preston Kendall, Brother* lie- vAn and dog. Charles arid Cerrrnde .lackjln, Liilng." Aline WilJernere, Hnmond nnd Tor- renter, nnd Crandlscope week'nf .10. «BV.iit"iJohn .MeCnho, manager).7-The S)nr Slock Co., In "The Counterfeiters" wecii of '"flo:' .v. ..."■:.■•••;....•■ <«» : hUlpOBtoiv.ntkl tttlono time advertislfic U» fo^.tho'Cftatea. Oruuditind Olllls. dien E M on'bee. P.^%* coroiJIIcuion irnll^T ....\. Hi n. Clnrk art .V.d-ilme ihenrt^'; man, died, here Dec. .11, from aeiUe HJ8?' Hon., Mr. Clark was the owner of hS phellnt/rjientre^nnd In^thii early daj-j }j tlon^, Mr. Clark was tin phelthl Theatre, and In .1 the old Coliseum...v.'.Ifljte fibifirth»1*-il^ ls w wftb:nlfl oWt nhow t Kntherys o mfiS? dropped, off Wre New \ l ears Day, end Vffi niturfd the Grand. 1 visited ^fit. Jonwh^—At Tootles (C; V. r*Hl« rAanagcr) :/ane Corcoran,"Dee, .an „\Ji* I.oulC "Jflfnes. Jan. 1. had two ™jC -Superba' S, 'J>eggy rrom PnFli" t .Sfc Clansman" 7, Knthryn Osterman 9 "K3 Way of the Transgressor,* 31 Jii* pleased; The NlghtlntrnTes uurlesai \A, «!' "The'Irish Senator" r,; «. Jos. Snntlev■' » Kentileky Belles t»-]l, "Broadway Afterui'tt- "'lAKlf (J. N.' Honlfrow, manaiteri _'Tiu Three Mudkeleers" was a fine drnwimz run •Thn-tHrl i.fidThe omlaw" this Wee!T tliivsTM. imrrd Cosmnn, iniinngeri i.i'i for week of B : T.osiilngwell r'letilieV aV. ciitnpuny. Stnninii and Snnlnirg. Amri'm !S 11.1.,. Ill 'Cnm W,,«l «_.l"*lti" '".'"I I'eie'rs, Jll Tom IJnalness flue, Wiird, nnd' llnrry A\> h ,,| mvi msvRzm mFT i^« t^iMmSm Hr«l* Troll" 13-18 ...-^'Atl Wffliui AenMW ipnnnger).— bevr, A Itnco ' Ich. in 'The Slioemukcr," «-ll 0-.VtheCAntHi'eiK" 'drew big, houaes last lV ...-k. • I'Tony," flio Ittjoililinii" Mir. OiuAitfi' (Miller 'A Kaufhiap, iiiiinngers).— •'Tho ()rlglunl Cohen" il. Tor ihe llrsl time |o- .nllv. Joe llorll/., In ''Our I'YIoiid b'rlln," jiiid' onpaoliy. Lillian Morilmer, In "Huucn In ArlMUin," foliow'H. I'noi-l.i'.'s (K. U, Nlxoii-Nlrdllngcr. maim- ,,,-.!.)..-"Voting Hurfiilo"'U-ll. "Simple Sltnou simple" ro flue pturonnxe. "A Terrible Se- ..w.,i». i<> ( 4 lirllini.lllle. -At the C (Geo. w: l/iwderi mnnager» Place nnd-the Olrl" was dallghtfully given lii-,,-. ,10, to cnpiK'hv buslnes9. "Mnnd Mill- ler." ill. did good biislness. nnd Adelaide Van Wlldtv as Maud, won many encomluma. *'Sw ' in New'York,"'Jan. 1. to lnrgn houses. Bc<- kIc Delmore wim copsplcuona for good work. Sheldon's "Undo Tom:* 7. Vogel's Mlnstiots if, "The Great Divide 1 ' 11. k'jlin.V tl\ U jllalr, nianage.i).—-Week eC n\ Charles A.-Cable, nail nnd Stnley. Al- volo RIM Otbelo, Ihe Miisienl Kllnsls, Belle Culrohlid, Iteese.IloBser, In sona«- lllurtrriled,' and.the klnol"graph.. 'i ' i Niyi-Kf*.-A genulnn wtKldlng ceremony wnn iH'rfnriii' " 1 louse the "How llnrry... peri, of Liibnnon. were made man nail wlfo „„,,, k ,^ „„„. moat,e.omplctci manner.' Week of Jan. 3,"Tho rnn .li (,, W "■' i Man of-ttio Hour i" week of 12. "Brown r of '. il 1 .' 1 ", ii *i'! 10 HnrYftrdii-'Horenoe Roherls. In "Zlrn," Ifl. . iln\Nri OfKliA lloi'si'i (John Cort, ranbn- geir),—Weelc of Dee, 22, "The Lion and tho HaWK" ,lia<t. eacellent attendance. Knlph stunrf-, irwjan. 1. In "BUongbeart;" "The Hide Moos".2-4,4'AM?,ona" week of D. "the f|lhjc?rb»»d'>'Mnn" 12-18. •SBJiTrllfi (Hussell «x Drew, mannger»)L— "Weodldnd" had rccard basinets week of Dec. 2i^'.', "A Desperate Chance" week of 20. "Von Viiii'nm" week of Jan. 5. "At tho Old Crois Jtends" ;week of 12; ,. Vtitnil Avnxvn (Chas. A. Taylor, m gei'l.-^'Nly Ttomhoy C.lrl" week of Dee, Taylor, mnna- .-■/..., ■ MISSOt'lVI..' . si. Lonla.—At the Olympic (Pat:.Short, manager) Olga Nethersole.' vicek of Dec. .10; lo crowded houses, Irr repertory; Otis Skin- ner,' In "The Honor •> fine t''nmlly," Jan. 5- 11; "'Way. Down- F.ast" 12-lS. CamtJII il'nt Short, manager). — Adelo nilehle, In "Fascinating Mora," proved lo be quite'n hll last week. Frank Riwhworlh, who played In slock here, was received royal- ly. . Ada Unrig olso reci'lveil honors. ' will- Innt Collier, in "('might In ihe llnln," 0-11..' ..<;Hl.NI> OITIl 1 I ll li SM I .1 .In 1 ft, I'il-llllllt', manager). — "I'heckers" played to excellent house*' MU week, "iri Old Keutucky" n4.1. H.u-i,rx's llVra, (inren. uiitnnger).—"BroSd- wfly Aftar Dovk" plenscil lust week, "(,'iih- lor'a Last Fight." week of n. . Sr.iNnAnn i.l.eo rtelchenliiioh, mnnngerV,— 'Pho Slrolllug Plnyers, Iri "Tho Belle of Ave- nue A." last week, lo very large audiences. The Illnlln Bounders Week of ft, 64MB tO. I-'. Crawford, jnonnirer).— Grealer, New York.Stars last week, ■ In Iho olio-' were: Virginia Tyson, Bncli Bros., Me- «ioin and Baker, the EanftodM, the wheelers. Buslnosl! was good. Jersey Lilies !V-U. iMCGiefAl. (It: B. Hunsell, mimnger),— "Anlfh, llie SlDglng Olrl" last week,. "A Child of the nenlment" 5-11. u.iunicK (H. X ODpenlielmer, manager). —Simon, Gardner nnd company as the head line attraction week of Dec. 2{t. That Qnnr- tette plnyed n ret urn engagement. Others ■ ware.:. Newhold end Carroll,.Edmund Bosan- niiet. Qulgley tiros,. Mme. F.mmv's pets, the Anglln |i\iinlly, nnd ne«- nnlmnlcd plcinres. Itert'lin Knlleli will picseiu. "Mnrla of the Lowlands" this week In place of h vniitle'villo lUNMwnmmA. drnwlns curd. Week of 20, "Nell Gwynrle." by Aldcrmiin .lohu F. Atklnswn. °Ut>9jgrar4b ■ S-jJTja j Rn ; r , p "A Stronger In a rlirahge Wart. The nupllnl evnnr wns witnessed, by' p-'.-*., I . ' ■ I" «M!t''. IS. llAiir'R (Join) Wi Hart, -manager).-- "Ilertlia. the flowing Machine C.lrl" week of ii, -'A Fighting Chance" drew big hist week. Ciiiis'rSi'T(Grant I^afcrty. manager).—Tho nrphi-uiu Slock ftlves "(irauslnrk" a undweek. ■- Town' "A.ToMMiernnee Towi, revlvnl' fust weeV. m CMWOwl houses. Mlllnn l.uwYi;ncii nu'd Win. hWWMntl ifhnred tho linnors In (lie lending roles. I'oiii-,i>aiiijuV'. (Mliloi' « Knufmari, mana- gitrs). --The l.'o. olToru"Tho Middleman" woeknt'il, avtib fleaMt W. Ilnr- bler'as Cyrus. "The Sixirllpg'Duehess/'Ncw V.e«>V week, drew &t$ lipuKea. "Tho Con- Hiierorii" lih '• • StiiMiAlib VOimy % Speck, •managers).--- The stuck, fl, In "I'ncte Tom's., Cuhlu." Hniu- eey Wulllieo, the nnw leading luan. madeid 'iiuis't'fuviiriihlo Iniprewion, List woeK, in "Ik." hlml' tilieMnsl." I'lipaclty Iioihc.s mUd. Vl.uroil l':rom;Hnmo" next. ..... , KMi'iur., 1'u.tsKi'tnin (Sinufiiril * Weniitru, miniiigerai.-'-The stock offering w "Who. U vVhoTO IIS, and"Monfe ftrhli™ I>11. "iVtr- men" and '.llm BIiuImV mere; rtuely acted hint W'rek, to 'crowded houses, Knttli's (H> T. Jordan, mnungi*»).-!-Moy liwln coiitliiues .1iH the heailllimr Cor Inn s<v- brid week.". II--T1. Noweoiu'erM are; ICu|Nl)C Jepson nnd rothniiny. the Seven .M.iwatrs.'iho Kitnlnurn Japs; the ICnroisky T'roupe, OVth ant! Peril. Meredith Slstefi?, CnllluH «ud in-own; Schonk Urolbers and the) kiuetogrupli. TiiOOiniaio (Fred WUIsiiii, manuaer).—IM Fir.plre IliirleRiiiier.-i (Ml. linger- tmnof cou- tlnues as (he lilfr fertmre,' Fny- Foster Co, onu of the largest audiences that ever giith crwl at the'Ornnd. Tho stage wan honutl- l'uiiv.set and tho whole company were In full dress. Mrs. Snrnh Honheiirt guve a line Sup- per. Mniuigi'i- Ueoi'Ke Boberts, of the Stull company, wan tonHiinnnter. Colonel John Me- . Comb, of this oily, was tho guest of honor, was given a splendid and delivered the first speech.... ,..Mr«.' G. W. f.owder, wlteoMhe munnger of the Grand iiporii llouso, hnn'Po far recovered fmm llii iMwrnllon iierformed Nov. iio, at Hie Bmnrc- ency llospllal. Hut she left that Inirtiiullen IVc. iio, with Ihe prospect of soon being well. Ihe CnmnrUT TJ£ \V*. .Deacon"-drd.. Jtihnnlnwn. — At Seherer, uianpRer.l "Tho VllliiRO gorsl business' Ifce. M. Waller Dnmroscli's' Orchestra cniae to Urge sale Biv .Marlon Million, in "The Llttb: Organ .Grinder, 1 ' played. In lwo largo audleiuv* .Inn. I. J'iuu «ai«s 'tro'DM! V " 'Slnyor of I*nihUlanU" <Imw tw » ftdnn \y " L. T>. lillsw well Flitna Wallace Hopper .did ihm",biulii«:w it. "Ilsworlh, In "A IVior Uoliltlon.'■ drew I. Al.'.l Isitli perforiiiiiiicos. MlnstrelH H, "The Chnlr Slngi Tniii|>le°N Telearnui" S, 0. "Sid Fleld'a '*Mrn. •L'nuln' TAm'ft* Cabin" Trucked'" 11. UAilJUiTIC (L. V. Cool. maileJrefl,—Hill week "of tl: "Adelaide l.lcrnuann; MltUoRou and Siwllmeyer, the Dixie SeiviwIerBrLiiin- beril. BtwualW and Porerto, WbUtlf, the ve.utiiloiinlst; Gilbert, nnd Koten*yi'iid mov- ing plcuires. sBac, PAW (II. W. Seherer, mnuaifcrl.—Weet of 0. Madam' Heiniaon, liauilc.uffiexiiert, nnd Win 1 other.*. Noi'K.r-Aniiise-i: (Ike Silverman., niann- tlnues fisihe big fertuire, I'ny- loster to. „ er \ moving pictures uuil lllnstrntu'l sougH prnvlded mi sllurlng enlerlnlnnieiu lout week. a mw enrirmous bnalness ."SdliiJW'(«l«. .i. The High .links Co. nevi fM#i, hmniiger) the Fusion llav, lu inuring Iti.i.-.i uGeo, W, lllfe, iiiiuMigorl —Will- i^Va; continues lo. draw largo.orowds.: S^r'i *wm C t ; ivl?r J shIm ,, Tu C 4ha r ri&lo"r"hns' seVtirert control of the AmrfE nf*J£L. u™ n SSd'^iil nleaild atre. Ti)cnma. He also controls the Third .'e ni?—BeX The '«iewlni W- Avenue,' Seattle, and the Dominion. Van- hJTJ2r8&3?*f ""SSLSon (tan*'* »V nm will-move his vnrVotia Miirphy nnd Mngee, XommVra nud, Storke, Km ii Fvewa aitd llie (irnetiH. 'Tna Jolly Ulvls ('.!•. gave a lively show, lo hlg reiurua last. week. Miss New. Vnrk Jr, Co. next. ■ . C-tSINu (Bllas & Kocnlg; managera),—Tho Coi.irkum (D. G. Invororlty, manager).— Now people week of Dec. :ui: Adglo nnd )ier I'Ons,: Mlnnln Mlddlelon nnd her Mllitoi-y Girls, Melnotle nnd Ln Nolo Duo, the Great Nello, Joroes McDuff, Horton and I,a Trlska, Bddle Roesch, nnd moving pictures. .ViyVMpi' (Alex. Pnmnges, manager).— New people week of ."?(l: Slicdmnn'x perl'onu- ing dogs, l.'ril Siewnri mid eompiiuy. the Sawodas. Bay Fern, West and llentoa. Ar- thur i;i)\e||, and moving plciures. (Frank Dnnellan. manager).—N'ew people, week of .'10: Onettl Sisters, Hvan» unci lilrlyd, Anna Plum' nnd her Broadway Girls, llwon Bros., I ho Kosnlrea, Hoy Me- Ur<»in owl moving plciures. .. Orfiikvm (T. J. • CoiiHldlne, niiitinger).— New peaplo week of :i0: Moutc Colllna und coDjpdiiy. Maliel CiiMsldy, Foini nod Hnrrls, Seeloy uud Flilburu, Alnri|illse and, Geo. Kenne anil moving plcrurcti. - livniu (S. il. Fi-lMlia inter, nMwaar),—New pinplii week of ,10: I'osty's Orinuliil llnr- HtMUM*, In "The Semiunry Girls." I'.vmii.v (John I^inl, iiiiiuiikui'). —Wei-k nf Jill: Vuii.&i Mortimer's Hl.ioii Stock Co. will preiinnr' "Hearth nud Houor," In iilnce of the iiMtal vaudeville bill. Ml Mrsm: (W. W. Hly, miiuaf!er).--N'.'W features weeknC B«: Hlsiorlcul war ninwiii'.u, the double mnn. Ihe 1'Asslnn Play, (lie benrded l.i|ly, Don Fniano, llie vdiientcd, Fundi nnd Judy Khew, etc.. No'l'HK.—l'olliiwlug Is the executive staff cf I he. New Moore: John Cort, luaamcer: Harry L. Cort, nsBiataut manager; Arthur IVOB, treasurer: Ibilnh llnywnrd, nt-slf-lfiui trenenirer; Gilbert Barry, supcrlntendeui : llnrry West, musical director; Boy Plnklisin, slu ac'director..... .11. L. LeAvItt hat-been iipimlntcd hooking DJauagcr of the Sullivan & Coiisldlne Interests lu this city, siiccoed- inp James MeXIff, reslgued Manager reevree, in i.monmi sujiietti), Inez Mncnn ey and company. Lillian Ashley, the klnortiome. OriKON.—flcrman Stock' Co. pliiyed "Die bamlllo Srhlrarok" lo a very large nudlohce Sum lie. Tine. '"I Siindny, Dee. 20 . » i ,, .. I ^. nnM ,'»" ( l l<r —** 'bo WII1U Wood (O. D. Moodwnrd. mnnnger), Insl: week. Willlum Collier, In—Caught In the Bain." nhniscrl large niidlences. 'I'hls week. Mm-Leslie' Cur- ler. Nbxt week. "Tho Clansmltn." GiiAiJo. QpKOA lloiiHK (Hiiilsnn & Jinlnh, manny-- sen r* llendliiar.—At the Academy, of Music jHy fl. Illir-,' manager) Squnw Man," niidlepee Dee, „ clilne Olrl," had .good returna 31. JHnnr-iion . .*e V . mwi . ^°'S^tfci!L''«Jf Y'^rndFAme-r rfSSS Joswiph nosenDerg win manngo. in, seati Bartlott. Iloyce and Black, iho. ISlght flonlln J'JW^J. h« .^ J 5 n -'", S"",".SSr* n <i? % lateresls; Mr. Rosenborg Is a son of Hen Lin Lltiers. ll-li Collins ami I'lielr- numberk inelnrie: I.n. Belle. John .le's*. Keliy nnd- *how flohih." gave A! cMdlfable performance Io a well flUcd house .1. ''The'Oltl-Hnmeatead" haii manager), capaeit^' huslwta.H. "Flftj Mll#f ftom Bog- Ben t6n" tS ,. atoek' companlci from ona place (ft another, Joseph''nosenberg will manage. Id, SeaiGa *1» ew x'ork.- man, _ t CSm. th« Spolinne (Chas. Mu«hl .butlheii'lHttnfltterT Lionel - AdaaM, In added.. . -,. ,,.,,.. i ,,,, nt. I 11II. IS. Ill « .1III 111 II. fianiigers).—Last 'iveok. Gi-orge Sldnev, nro- enllng "The Maxuma-Mnn." TIUs week, ''flu- -'.'^«. t "i' Mt ,. wc, ' f V' " ,l °. n " Wri '' | i hi "Not let; But Soon." OwriiBiiM (Martin I^hoian, resIiUntt. nimi- ngcr).-—TUIs week: Hilda Snong und com- pany, the IMglit ViiHsnr Olri«. Les Amltls, XtiOM (roar Ulrls, the Christie Uuo. Jlur- Kueiitu niid Hauler, Bandy and Wlhon, nnd MiDwliia.UiJoiniinr. SliiinpitT (Tlios. Davla. manager).—This wer-k-: Alexander nnd llertlc, Uamold'a .Vnl- nials. \iim-o, .sick I/ong and Idiillno Cotton, Ouglley lire*'., Newhold und Carroll, t.llllo hlexmore, nnd Greene imd Werner. f, , ,u ' 1 ?.„ ( . l! ' S Hrlahain, mnnager).—Last iveek. "Billy, the Khl" mnde n hit. This wr.ek. "Hrondway After ibirli." ' XcU week, "Custer'* Lust Fight" (O. D. Woodward, manager). —Lust weeU, "Shadows ou the Hearth" drew well and pleased. Tills week, "Tlio Slunlng Girl of Jawnwy." Next week, -The' Child of the Hcgicacni." CcsTunv (Joe. Douegnn, manager).—Last week. RInltn HoundCrs. Till*' week, Cftmp- Beji? Ni|,n,l "S r,,l,,s - - NVx !- w>k' Kenmeky •SlAiESTto (Cliiitnu Wilson, manager).— fnal weiik. .levscy l.lllas. This week, Tho Hose Hill Co. Next Week. The-Bon Tons. SfABics' Wmt Sinn (Hparks Bros,, moon- gers) —-This week: Alice Boblnsan, Mansfield nnd Harvey, the- Lucas, tho Keltners, John Ftanh. the/ De Nrer Bros., Lew Hamilton, Ben Pagan, nnd John 7xuibqvi|okM. ' CLin>EftiNr:>~Th> Grand dbl not open Its dooM flnnday, Dee. ». As the management decided to remnln cosed until Hie Snndnv dosing- law bag had a lest casei iq llm Siirlnirllelil. — At the Baldwin (Geon. Glendorf, manager) 'Tainting the Tnwn'"hJ,i big Houses .Iflu. 1. Adelaide Thurston nleja, ft Inrge audience 2. "Uncle Tom's Cabin": '■Baftles" H. "The Way of Ihe Triiu^te..„,: I'l. j DF.tMr.n (II.. E..Haines, manager).— "SitM from (he Sen" nnd "Wife In .Name Onlr dwtv well lasr.week. 7 ' I.vnte (Williams'& Wright. manag«;i _ This house jittf changed hnnd^, Stune fc \-, vllle having sold nut to (hi- eomngnv nt .Wlllliuns. Wright & Wllllniris. The hoiinewll' bo, nmne! as lieforc.cilnngliis ihe bin tmier., week. . , . >I.ur.»TlP.—JThis Iiqiin6 lias added .n viniilf- vllle net to Its moving pictures :ind illu,. Ira led songs. ...... .Vp-tE.J— Lclln Graye. Smith, a ponnlni Sprlngfleld 'society youflg lady. Jolneit the Western 'Tudor Southern Skies'' 0a,, st Calrot, 111. Dec, S. r »,.iu»U.rrotn all repnrjs. Ii doing well. j_i- ++-* . „ CAXAUA. MohtrenL—At Ills ffo jesty's (If. (}. BrW« manager) "The; Three of Us" came in goea' utrendanco laat -week. Lillian Bussell, In "Wildllrc," .Tan. 18. Ahxmn Vf Mtsic (Walter ORIVOS. fnait- ager).—"We Are King" lnst. week.' .!Thi> Hnneyihooners" ft-ll, Thos.. K. Shea IS-JS. HExxivrr's (15'. A. McVeiin, maniigMi.- BIII for Ian week: Wlneherroe.n's lx>nrn and monkeys. 141 urn Ordway, C. II. Bradshiwan.i company, tho Five Musical SplllerF, llr- MaoeaM. hit Leroy ilnd Minnie IV'oAittanl. Welch • FranwHa and company, Work am Ower, Marcel'H living pictures, and Ion fitn hctloscope. Fn.iNO.iis. (F. W. Ifl Clnlr, mnnngerl- "The Cowboy Girl" had good (louses :lO-.lar, ■i. '"rrtele ,Tom'» Cithhi" (Ml, "The Four Corners of the.Fnrth" HI-IS. nov.u. (IL CKgeMdii. maiiager).—Belli} «' Wood's Show'proven r slrong - attraction roKlMt week. Tne-Americans (1-11, Dream laitd Btirleaqucra IH-IS. •, - DeiI Noin-rAoTEn (B. T. Demers,'mans gcrl^fhe-pcrmaneni:iiYench utoel: coupani. in' "Les Surprises <m Divorce." to good u tendance, lrtst week. "Kelly-Booler"-4/11. I Natio*nai;, Fh'imcai.i .(Fdul fateneuve, nun- , nger,.—The permanent. French ■ Mock com pnny In '"'Iloineo'et ■ .liillelle," 10 gfuld IW-i ness last week. "Madame Sans Cone" (fl). i ' ;' ' ■ a , ' ' . ' Toronto.—At' the Princess (0. II. Shep- pard, manager) E4watd AMlM, In "Br««' ster's Millions, Inst week drew large houses Blnneho Walsh Jnn. 0-8. In "Tho KwuJmi Sonata-;" "The Three of W-0-11'. • Hoval AxEXANDnA lb Soliimn. monngtri. —"School' for Scandal 1 ' drew well last. nw. "The Chrlatlan" ft-lli _ GnAMD. (A. J.-. Small,, manager). —'Th' Hon/j-mnonerj" last week illd n good tow new. - Tli/iitjaft F.' Shea ,«-H. MATtsTtrr (A. X Small, manager).—"™- handle Pete" hiit'l good business "'last'weet HnWiity Glimbre o-ir, . Li HhkCk-' (J. Shea, mnhagcr).—This weli: Mario 1/I6yd, Mason nnd Keeler, Frank lluvli, De Wilt, Burns and Torrance, .llcldv.fiii! Ciirrt. I'aullon nnd DooJey/'Clara Bnli.'j.lim, ohd the klnelogrnph.,' , ' • ^~.J . Oatktv (T. Henry;mnnngerl.—TheBaelii- lor Club Inst weeh did hlg. bnslnw...WW Bealers (Ml, (ho Golden Crook K1-1S. S'i-,ni' (F. W. Slalr. manager).—Mctioyem nnd Corbetl,-with'the Twentieth• Centari Mnldens, did a hlg biffinW* Wat «eei;.' TM Ittley fl-ll, Miner's Amerlcnns 1R-1R. _■• ■' ■ '.'. ' .'. .. ii. .', ; — . „ A — Hamilton At' the Grand Onera Ilodw (A! II,' Loudon: manager) Jlartw;* 'En* Tom's Cabin," Dee. 28, hart eice lent Busl; ness. Henry Lildlowe, ln-"I!lclmrd 111 n»a "The Merchdnt of Venice 1 ,'" tlO, 31, met wltii considerable, approval. ".'.Ills, tHLsSff* Jnn. 11 had big lmalncss.'. -Dora'1 harite, -. •pleased.' Blanche Walsh, in "'llie BWrS Soiinln," !{. 4: "The Walls" °r .I'-rlclio n, "Our-Inland FrlO!" :I0, II. Tho Fhiir llnw- IngK 1.7, IS. .. 1 . .' , ,....,. Savov (J. G. Applclon, manager).—w<*' of «: lllnke's Ooinesllo Animal CtaM «"; lard's Temple of Music. Diiflln-l.ediJ, Troupe. Carter and Blueford. Ward Wggr mond. Tom Bran (ford, and .'"'< ray, Onetta .. •BKN.vnrr'i, (Goo. V. .Drlsuoll. maiingcr).--- Week of 0: Grace A'nh Htudd font. Win- cherman'n benrHiind monkeys, l-'lre M'J}' 1 .", 1 SpellniH, Olgn I/oralne, llntclilnsnii anil r»»' bridge, Qulnn nnd Mitchell. i ! » i- (ilinivn At the Bussell (P^.C""*''' 1 mnriuger)' "I'nld In Full" dlil liM'li*,?,;: Dec. :i0; 1)1. "Tlireo of L'k" (I. 7,' 'fbi Vail' of Jericho" 1.1, II. Lillian Huiwejl 20.-J,;,, GlIANO Ot'KllA HOI1MH (»- •■• "'f'^KV meantime an extta Tviesday-'mntineD wlll'he (Jack) John filler, an oid-tlme manoBarl.—"Aroiihd'the i.'lnek" &4WSS»i no-Jan. I. "l.'neie Tom'H Cnhn" J--»..'.J P Cowboy Girl" (I-.S, "The Four (Joi-ners.o.l ii Fai:th' v 'fi-tl.. • • '■ • -..;-„„'„, Bi'XNErr's (Gus. S. (irecnhlg. Wnnnt,^ —BUI welil; of «: UradsBnw Mhl «<«BKg Mnxni alul Maactte, Paul La <*>\JJ„ K disc Alley.'.' Jlilck, Wilbur nnd roBWBWi Great Scott, Huiiualyuo L nckiiye. lleH.vl|lo.--Al (he Ciiruinii ttoffiL^•J ts. k. .(.'nVuiHii, uuiiihgt'i') ;:X'i' flfflVai (IHide Ikr" Dee. •.'.", Murlfu'* .1- &%J$ "Doni Thome" Jan.' 1, "AWUud tUo CW* il, "The M'nlls of Jericho"' 14, ' lb ? A 5" ter'g Son" VO. Business couilnue.-. aooa. Note.— Wonderland 0 cent moving pi'"" ore doing bis business. .. ■ ' " n • ' fJnelpU- At the Roynl Oltcra Warn- "'; L. Klgytna. who was recently «l F>' u { p ' r J 1 ,. nn Important position In the customs depa menl. has reared from tho uanaferacnt « tho lloyul. .1. C. Kolcher. owuer ofW ' WJ^,,. nBfluhies control, nud has as bis rannii„ i D; Kg*ti. of Gait Opera Ho«re.ouAuan |r the new maoagunient tho lirHISo wni M » L, mighiy renovated, parttciilarly at (•> «TO ,7 rooms, etc. "No Mother to Guide lie' i ,, 31. pleased. "The Wallfr of Jericho J«. -. "1PQ-Burgomaster" 8. -. ' , ■!' ' OKLAHOMA. „. Ovettolset, raHnftger) •'Tho' W^sEm? q ^rlo« (Alton -i MMJ^ft » % *. •