The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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1300 rTEPB N3pW YOBK OUPPgB. - ' • inn - • ^*" MA8S»Acilt SETTS. Boston.-New Year's week found every bouse In lowrr doing capacity business, und the. local managers nre experiencing one of tli'.- bvbt seasons fur scars, There are two Important changes for the current days— "'rue Kuand Up?' ot the Colonial, and ••Tom .Tones," at.' 1 lie Tremoilt—the latter bouse retiring froni the vaudeville Held last Nairn-• day night. Tbe week MtandH are: F.rnest Began, In "TUo Oyatermnn." at the Olobc. and "Shadowed hy Three," tit the Grand Opera House. The continued. atlrnetliuiM are : "The- Dairy Maids," r.t ike I'nrk: Fmucla Wilson. In "When Knights Were Hold." nt the Hollls: Minnie !>ii|>rc>-. In "The Itond In Yesterday." nt the Majestic, mid "t'teer, Boys, Cheer." tit the Itimitin. Potent nilruc- lions are llsli il nt the stuck, vaudeville and burlesque Iiou'wh, and good bills are provided at the museum* mul moving picture i.-.-toris. Colonial (dins. Froluuau. Ktcli H Harris, managers).—"Tile Hound ITp" Iiiih Its UJCkl prt.mivr Jan. 0, booked fur :ni hide-Unite slay. Montgomery and Stone, lu "TUo Hud Mill," cjfsed nine weeks of capacity business. -I. Tiilmo.nt i.l. II. Schoelfcl. mating. -r>. —The change from advanced vaudeville lu mad at- I tactions will •rent II, when "Todl Jone.-i" up- la'arru Tor the first Unic In this clly 1 . for l wit v.toks. "The Man of the Hour" 40. Ctins. riolitonii. Hleii A HuitIh are Interested lu lie Jeii-ae of litis house with Kluw ft Brlangei. nad Jno. 11. Scboeffel rc.nulns ns resident manager. Holms, Sritixi (Isaac II. Kleli. manager). ~t Francis Wilson, lu "When Knights Woio Bold,'' Ih now in hlx second itml finul week. HuftltleHi has lieen excellent. Frltr.1 Meheir HI. I'.iuk • (Clms. Frnhniun, Itleh * Harris, managers).—"Tito Hairy Mains" seems to liave caught the public fairy. iitljarrtii (A. L. Wilbur, manager).— Mbjuilo Duprea begins her second and last Weak 0. In "'Pile Houd to Yesterday." Large Hliilleiieea have previlled. K. II. SothcNi begin* a fortnight .if rvMcrtury 111. tluiiti: (Sulr, Wilbur & Xlrolol, mnnn- ger«).—After a line fortnight for Urn Dock- studer, Mmest Huauii M W I wtlh -"The Oyalermun," II. ••'Jin.' Wizard of Ox" 13, - (<runi> imau norms' tfiuo. w. ilagce, Manager).—"Sb.iduwi'd bv Three" Ull. It Billows a big tvirk for *"l he.Outlaw's Christ- inas,'' • In wlilrli Biewart Ihrlie and I.Ida Mcrah were feulnrd. Next week, "The IBieliy Miiinilillu Kxpr.w*." Uohtun (Lltidrtty Morton, niaiiugrr).— 'Vinvr. Boya, <*jti'er" had m lln«t Anierlenti )>re«rntatloit Iter.- S3, and will he eoiitlnueil W the caiittbui tfut-k <'oai|tuuy ililw wt'qk. VvJJooti Mclrnve ami Eleanor uunton have the "Hllorlo.'k llolliica" 1ie.xl. 'Quntp (JiRAlti; tHuston Hln tf' 1 Hoeletv, limn- af.'is). —"Itomco aim .lullet" was the «loek opera eompany offering; ". to be eoniliined tailII TMMMjr evening, V. wliiin '•Tlii- Cuiidu- llert" will be put on for a week. ItuwIncK* kf.'im at a linn niautlarU hem, ■ liowoniN KyLAiit: (U. Ji. I.otlirop. innna- *jr).—"The Two priiliiuni," Willi timrloiti. If fin t mid .Krllntr Mnitliind hi lite lead*. 0-11. '•fM'i«p«d from blng King" pli-awd throngs WNt week. "The Worrt WuiiiKn ia London" 33-18. .KEITH'S Hi. K. Keith, utaiiuger).—Week of .0! Cliivton White and Marie KUiart, Waller ti Kelly, IhtKnle Wyun, Ilatuany Opera Ctt, litraa I'ltutlli. Ilert Levy. Lawy'H Qtilntetti'. Cnron und Herbert. Cooper anil Robinson, « I amice Ulslera. Uudley und t.iicslyn. Hiee Jiroa., Kd. listUa, und new unlaialitl pleluiw: OHi'iiisuji (llerey li. Williams, manager).- 'litis week : Lily Lena. Karno'H Couiedluns. will Ulllon anil Adeline Uunlau, Kate ami Harry Jackaon. Three Mtdarie SI«l>'iK. Hie Kelnpa, Die Plvr .Madeapa, Hill and Whll- taker, and the klnctograph. The "All Sold Out",slgil Is tin- rule here. . now.wiij (Jay Hunt, IninncaH'iiiiitiagrri.— Tile Cherry Ulo««imn. U-ll, with LIHie-feriy. Maikcy and Moriin, Jeriti', Altem; and llant- lllnn, tJofT 1'll-fllipi innl Orjuitlllo aud Md;k. The Mowaid'a added .fed ilreti nii". Uiimu- Molr- light pictures, Mathews mid Iiitiils, ilorliiun anil West, Ktegun uud Mai-k. Mr. nad M|-k, |,avr> Hhn.v. |ln. Iluiorfs. I'liil and Cnrrlp HiiEKel), Two.U«.lye. I'llre Broi.. and Ihrvc. BhalTer. The Tiger Ml lea did well last Xcek. The' .Tolly Orana Wtdoa-a i:tJB. Palai'D IC IL ivaidron, wuiiageri.—Jnn llnrilg'a i.ilrl flout lluppylaud this week. In mhlltlon. there will be a guud hill of Hijerlnl- ilea presented by ike hotiM!. The Dainty I'ltehoaa Co. held itrvJllahle MWNMdui last wti-k. Tin; Tiittis Ailiintle-. will arrlie i:i. Coliimuia HI. N. l-'urren, uuuiagerl.—The Hioadn-ii'.v (ialely|s tliN week. Wrestling o.htinittM on Tui ultiy I'Vcnltius, und the uinn- te.ura arc Ju full nany h'rlilay nlghls. TV Pclieiujaiia gave enllre t-atl£<fiii:tii>tr lin-l \vi-!;. Tljtor JUIlles next week. . Lyi xi ?! Hi. Hi llatchcllrr, manager).— Harry Hryanl's UXIravagqnsn Cu. this weok. 'J'bf prlnelpulh nra: CJtarlle Han-is. ltlli Veils. John muck mill ICilllh Ilryanl. In Hie olio ore; Harniudy, Kigbt Stellar lilrla, the lClllotta. and Waller Bolulr. Dnrlns the past •week Hlee it liiirton'a aJEgrncatlMi enjoyed fine business-.■• Nmt week, (lie Umiuway tilrts. At'STIN d 8n>Nf;'H Ml«il.M (A. II. White, manager),—In UK enrlo luills Col. While iii-sents: I'rlUL'e Lueas' Wild Cossack Troupi'. 'ylnei: Helve anil wife, HimiiiIiiihii.n novellv: !an"rey ami tlriint, llio t.n lines, and Trlxlr, snake eneluintvess. The fiin »lage show In- itiidea: IJoliin uud Dillon, Hnghi's llros.. Mr. and itjrs. Harry Mdwards, Chanate. firan- 1\>!cdo. Niii'mn.i'liHru. Venn. Ifi'laseo. Mlrky linn, and Turn Meadows and company. W.U.Kiars Ml.sti.M (L. H. Walker, maini- grrl.—isello. aliHaig mini; I'rol'. .loliu Cnny. Miiglclun: S|i|ini||ig imil lliissell, u.-roli.-i!:-. «uu tile trutiled inunkey* lu the enrln hall, tn the theatre lire: Mabel rnrguson't; linr- J.'sque aud Vaudevlllo Co., Howard'* uiovlug pl.-lurc3 aud the house comedy eoiiiininy NlCICUIiOUKON tW. IL Wdlfl't ■ i 1 TT I . u i fn i III b Meud" t>-ll, HryauC'« Ultravugdnta Co. HMO. UuroiiE the wwtl<flli—Kdniuml Klton baa assumed llic role ot Charles Kdward Henri Hiuart, Uuke of Cluny, in "The Hecret Orchard." i'raneli Wflioii, booked for Court Squirt, li. lias canceled lite engage- ment The club (winging teaib of Lmcr- hon and Italdwlh arc noon tv tall for I<ondoti, where they open hi the Kmplre. after which they will vlaft other ell lea of Europe ('litis, ft. Darl*, manager of I be Nelson, baa sent hln realgiiallon to the William Morris Co., to take i-Bcct Jon. \. It la to be re- gretted that Mr. "Davia la to Icare tin- house, aa lie has gained tile einiltdenef nt the pnlille. and the IhihIivsk has as a result allowed a steady Imiiroremotit. * Full Hlver ,M the Havoy (Mia, D. Itced, resident Diunager) "Hlack Hcaaly," I>ee. JIO- Jan. 4, gave satisfaction. "A Hood Kcllow" 0, "The Isle of Hong Bong" T.' IhldlKll I'layers 8, "Slrontfhrart" U. "The Hy|a>crUc«" 10, Dan Mully. under anaplcea Of 11. 1'. O. Klk«, 11; Li-lgh lie I.l ley I -1. Hi and wruk. I Going Like Hot Cakes Palge'a Tulidevi Ic Mannal. I<» Jo 'Jio pints. f:.m to |6.ou. •LtTtMfWI | TMI ANH KK*V. List aUti partltailar.J lor 2e. siatlll). INTRHSATIOSAl. VtOmSTILW everIX CO., SW Pearl bl., BbTFALO, X. Y. WIIHanw, - AmeHean- Newabova* Vcitre atid Clark, W. E. Baste'r. ,.. mlmaHatgiSlfiik I .^ INDIA*.*. «mrtrt( t Indiana »»»l»Oll».—At 1'ballr-li 1 . niu.r. II (Ad,' F. Millet, tnanairer) cock. Ju"Thc Yankee Toarist." HHIO. (Tiii-liimitl. —Tin- Xi-iv Yea;- win given a miwl la>lsten»is welcomi'. 'rheatrleally spenk- inp, «l* 1HOJ went onl In a golden W of alary, whlcli cmllnacd tluriag the ilebnlant days of 1W>S. Mauy lioaw* did n H. It. <». fa&ht&9 nil treok. Ihitli llortli.i Kaileli nn.l Hen-llur" ejcjKjrleni-ed that sort of Joyotta Ti-occdero Burlcwiuers week of 0. The Uold#n Crook Co. drew splendidly mS**-JmJp Kulllran and Jake Kllrym proving ou.Hlthw.- Hon L'asluo Olrla week of-Kl. .■.•ij-- Sw.-ne 8. H- O. Club la ;n organl.atlon rumpotcd of the mauagers. traoburers^ailil preaVnien of the Cleveland tl^atrof. also the m _ TollrliL"-f^" l 3' newapaper men here. It gave it« Urrt enter. j,i enwd „ , at?r „ BEU »» », tuloiient, v.-hU-h. will be au annuol affa.r f. r u e Bntttta Chick.n.' 31 j„i 1 Lir h>. In hereafter at tiie Opera House, afternoon of 3. h^jS"".'* XiliJ.™' J'i,i a P: •• Pliied 1,. A "fun l-'est" was whjit tbey ealled It., and the eutlw house wna aobJobt. Tiie follow. lie professional people (tfiJRared: -Ultla nePI ami clioros. May Tnlly. rtlolla Maybew. Jo- seph Shwiian,, Jnbu L. HullI van. C'arleton Macr, DljwlCttl ntos., Fay CoiirteliJ» F«- grain Blair, Vaugban Glaser, Jake Ulraln, T'our Fords, and Hmith and lanipocll.. tins ssrsRE gmT rfefcJPv ZmiesvlHe.—At ^ba -Waller ffl. F. Mason, uniiiager) Coleond Johnson, In "ThOjShoo- liy Keslracnt. 1 ' plcaseil I>ec. Sf. Kdiia H«; T'Tfty Miles from Boatoti,' Pai:k I Dickson k Talbort, aiana»»s.\ ftllly B. van. in "Patay In Wiltks" il!i'~ Deef 30, rolled np. one ofithe bist ?, k J' SkK^Ja* fl-K? ** aWn - . " L ' DU0r WK I In curio hall, kocoih) week : miion.'jerl.— Moraudle. iiae oian baud: ilea. Hartford, wander worker, and Cnt6ello. Dollle CHlTorU'a Burlesoners ale listed tor t li.- singe, ami-moving nlelnres are fibo to lie seen. Manugi-r Wolfe a Washing- Ion Theatre, uiovlug pictures pivseuted, Is a Mg laoaw. Nines.—The Senile Temple, formerly Berke- ley Temple, In Hie uplowu illstrlei. was by epeiiod us a moving ph-iure resort. Dee. ill. bj Hie New Kagland Aiuustiueni Co CM A- II. Whlie, of Aitblin & Stone's, has re turned to Ills of)|cn ufler a severe alluek of pneumoulii Curl Meleel. mi pM member of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, died lu Una city lust week, aged eighty years. < 4 v ^prlngnYlit.-. M tin- Onmt Si|iinri> fl>. O. Gllmore, uniiuiger) "Ula Honor the Mayor" W-ua weleountl by 11 host of old frlenda Yf\: SS. "Tho Seerel Hrruard," at», til. enter- lulued well. JwrMtnM Vlelor etinnued with h«r ttne work. "Duvld Itaruia" Jan. 1, Harry Bruwu deacrvrd all (he applause he received. "The Morula of Marcus t. Y'ld- dis'u liraiuulle Co. II, the Kappa nippers, lu rCbrlstopsur Jr." 1 local mienu. if; -The litac. the Viae* and (be C.lii" IS. VoLi'a iliordon Wriuliier, munager). —Card week of 0: N'ovello'a Circus, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Crane, .(vallc ttooncy, I'our Com- rades, Warren uud Ulunehard, the Village Choir. Bob and Tip. uud clcctrourapb. Nkluon.-— UlU weeh of «: Hilly Bailer's Jnbltce, Melveme und Tlloiuns, Katherlne Mlley. Aintrlcnu. Banjd Tour. Lawrence and Harrington, the Nippon Troupe of Jopa. Ilrotherhood. Ilurliiwr and couipmiy. I'uull lui'i Healer, and vllagrhph. On. morl (V. ,1'. Shea, munager).—I'nll Sheridan's. City Sports, pee. ai)-Jun. I. gave n sliow full of fuu. Dick Hrown kepi l'j>- Hi'dlsni-es lu n roar of Uughlct. John Bragg and B&rry Thompson weio .worthy nsbtxiiiniis. BnrtiOIln, espeelnily, si'.'ine.l 1.. pleaae, innl Anna Chandler nnil Anna Sennetle eniue In lor a uharo of the npplauae. Business was'lnrgo. "The' Four Corners of the Earth" (llitsheil the iVe",». In ijm.mI viliirtii. f!i" -ft'ttluty Dilehoss Co. U Si, •iti XcVlW Too Late aii'i cotapeity. iu NickklOduos (Jaa. l-.Hawm. mftnagcl-).— ajrong ns some or the earlier ones, but it Is Week of G. TaunYvllle and tnovlng plct(in.-s. ttie.sfory the stage scttlns^. the chariot rae^ N'otrb.— Premier (Ktigen*. Kerry, anna- rttUier tUan.the aetlng, which W the etrotuj Kcr) movlug Plctur'a and IHilatrated aoaga tnagnet. The cast was capabe. Jgqgg .Tol.ig mJXJSSm Heeiilc (l>»wiH N. HS Include. : Iburslon I all as Ben-It u : Boos, manage:) uio.-Iiij plctunts and lltua- Vltmor L. -WalterH, as. Meaaala: Gertrude Iraletl snugs pleasiit oiiod houses Vurl- 1 nnlillnllPU j I Lee iraieu snugs pieu*<;ii ^0011 nimaea .run- j;!',""v "? "n'T'.,™ Vi _,.;.••" ton (lllll * Hooper, lunnagcrti) coiitlnucs Klglc Janis IS. In ■TJjj' l*oyg«*-^, ,.„ . nlov-jig plctarea and lllUHti-etetl annga. • Hat- Q L™K.. Tin. Hcnek Imn «•«•«<** agcr).— light Bunl and the Jeot-ge Shrewbronk and Bern"''illustrated sorigS.oiTd the moving pictures Ihla week, . . . _ , Bon Tos (B. L. Talley, manager).—Thl? populur lwusi'. with -moving irfctdrca and Illustrated songs, wilt prcaent vaudeville acta from the M. ft M. circuit, beginning ncit week. .'■ . - Xote.— Daniel Sbca, business manager of IJ/lfty Miles from Boston," which was at the Dee. 31, Is seriously ill ut ..n.i.^"<>. -,..., »,CV» Ol O. . «»»sii; OPBfL* Oiyvm (Blufer Zlcglw''nu. agerl.-For week.of d: O Ihnua'sli 1 ^ coiopuuy, Chdrlcs Guy-r 9111I l ua litVf Montrose Troupe, Kleauor Volk, Jollu. t?» non. Barrowa-Uneaiter Co., i. P = >-,,,' LeoneL tl.e;Kbppelts,.and the klnwl'roml, "* hxi'tliB (It. K. Burton, manager) -_n,t» dters, ap-Jfu. 1. filled itSSSSSiTSS. ment..- ta itornla Girls ^-L «inr Kh\.J $?. 0-H. Washington Society oirls «-li t ' l " , GAtKTr (Edward. Hltayuo. mnusirn Rcrllintr's, Big fcliow last week did vctriw Greater Kew York Stars wtek of «. ; Wt -■ '"' i a < h i«yrU»_At the Grand (fieo. U'M M derback, manager 1 "At Yolo." Bee 9 lSl good hujlnesa, olid Clinton Clay, In th*'i«,i fng role, madd aa txcellcnt ttupresslou "j«o«' tann," 30, did well. Jowptj and Willie Jefferson. In "Tb ? nivals," gave aathfS to line huslneas Jan, 1. Mamie FlcmlaViS "The .Girl of Knglc Baneh," 3; laVf&CS M, "Juat Out ort'ollege" 13, Blonihe w«i,i of Music, Is III and ciiuflued to hla bed. L>»n.—At the Uvnn frV 0. Harrison, raauu/.vl.) "The Mltlhitiaire's Itcveuge," Ta.v. ;>». played to excellent business. "The .. HjIMierltea" Jan. 3. "The Isle of Bong Bong" Adal* was u most charming heroine. W ■I, "Slroiiglieiirt" d. 'The Hbadnw Behind HnniuH's h'atlier Berel >oih one of the the Throne" S-to, "I'mie ,IonIi Spfnccby" II. Al'lii'i'onil.M (Harry KtiHcs, inanUgT).- Tills week: Hynn and While, tDHuian and Moore. Tom Moore, Jutlaa Kltluge, Mels- vllle ami Illgglua, the JUUlnu • i'lin. Ilanv Tate** Iaiii.Ioii Co:, and tla 1 lilo'coue plrtilre«. Big Hundiv night budness Uefe, with mov- ing plclu res. ■OEM f.Chaa. W. Sheate. manager).—Cur- rent : Jay ram-. Classen ■ Misters, Kola Brothers. Zarclll, .mil HelktOu and Hood. Frank Jones lifts been engaged ns plaulsl. Walkeh's Audi rott ium, llloueeater (Chns. C. citerry, manager). — Business continues Sood. Here: May Collins' Adamless Eden lurlcsquers. Marlon and 'Vlaer. Hlldero follows U. . Outline (fleorgx- F. fc Luelln Korepaugh l-'lsli, uiiiiagers).—The i'orcpaiigli 8t"'-k Co. will present Mra. Flske'a pluy. "Irfali Klcseh- ho." 6. Last week they weri' w't'U to K«od lldvantngc la "All.-* of Did Vlnecnncs. Ida "'llson most satisfying eliurneier Ktudi.u of the pnsenut- I Ion ttiiit hHoard very large audiences. "Du- vld I la 11110" «:oiucs Hi. .Wai.kut Stbeh-c (Anderson & Zieglev. rjinnagers).—.Nat M. Wills Is due 5. Iu "A Luekj Dog." Lovers of mystery enjoyed a treat last wek. when Kellnr nad his asso- ciate, Howard Tbui-stnu, put nit splendid show In magic. "At Yale" Is due 12. CoiUMntA. (Audersoii & Zlegler. niaua- Dart»M. -At the Victoria. (U. <"- Miller. niButiger) " 'Wav Doivn I'lasl" played to good linslui-ss Dec. 2'n. Jdaics O'Neill did exi-el- Iput business -T. 23. Mrs. Leslie Carter played 10 eniMielty li. Mrs. Valrlek Canip- lK-11. Jan. 1. did big business. Damroscb Ott-liesira 10. "Fascluailog Flora" 11. rj.tTio.vti. (Gil Burrows, luanager).—Billy B, Van played to trood business Dec. -0-2S. "Me. Him and I" did well .'{ii-Jaa. 1. Nat M. Willi 2-4, Kctlar, aud Thuraton 0-8, Four Morions «-ll.- . „ . I.viitl: .'Mas Hurllg. Manager).—«cck of 11: Four Fords; Vmil Kleljt. Three Beynurds. Howell and Keoil-. the MarvUkos. Bertie Heron Green and Franklin, mid tbe T.yrlscope. .Notls. —Bubu'y pel-.-jiiip, usslstuut treas- urer, and Hie genial "man behind tbe wln- do^" at the National., was the recipient of n very handsome mid costly bedroom suit, from "rpcle" A!. Bryan. >t the Bryan Hill Vost- tttg CO.. of Cleveland and Dayton. Borne L Familv (D. W. Maurice, innnager) — Bin for week of On: 30: The MushV TeSk Bears, Cook-nod (Jnkea. Ktliel Young Dan Lewis, Agues.Hdiuuiuls. aud the uiovlai nle. tures. ... * I Majwuio (Miner tfrimtln. - utaoagcri- We*k of 30: .Hllyla Lake, lleii HearrLi company. Cprlls A once. Oscar liana, tad the >fal l mtosoope. , ■ Akc (l.iias. Jones, manager).—Geo. Fos- ter, songs gnd the motion pictures. Sails, factory bURluess. Notes. —The Lyric and la I'lirdetlc reoirt large houses, and give sail*f»tUou..,V Gregg A. Frellnger, mariager of the Mate«t!i resigned Dec. at.'.aiid ifloier Grimtiu; S formerly played the platto ut tin Fiollj has taked lils ploee ns manager and plinljt Mr. .Frrllnger will remain tu ibi; city and teach, piaao, 83 he has quite a large elm li hand. Sera).—Hdudlnf, Ibe Jail breaker, returns B. iVf ' rzjl „„, uaei. ai told Hoiibv ibat SKVSI Si. , 1Cmv tC Ha°,V ,, Cl! , rs F^^jK^ ggjg Itliiiards. Harry GIBoh. Mu"en?r Kfuener h " ■-«»"" »" "'- " hn «" 1 — ^"^ out ' Ceorge W. Day. Mile. Marllia aud Dorothy Kenton. Jim? Hart's Crickets...were tin* hit Juniper and Hayes, and Bert Howe lu the u f wn week's bill, l'nwa Illdrldgc kocps ahead Of the parade, and was new. I.eotia Tliurber and her "picks" were well received. A eood show to good business. HEbcK'a ot't-.tit HubSi: (Heurk Op?ra House Co. A 1-1. 1). 8Ulr, manugcrs).—it. II. Woods' thriller. "Convict :n)9." Is to open I). following tltu very successful week of Colo und Johnson., iu "The Bhoo-Fly llegimcnt." The verdict waa that the erealloti was too serloua and tacked the comedy clement requi- site for a big winner.' The company Is a good one. and, die. chores most cncctlvely used. •'McFuddeu's FlatH" 12; LVetll'-M (lleuck OptMa House Co. & K. D. olio. l-:>[I'iui:. Solcoi (D. J. Landry, nianugcr). —Taylor Stock-Co. played to.good business hist week. "The Hypocrites" 0. "Uncle Josh I'erklns',' 8. ■'Peter. Van" 10. 11. N'oYes. —The ..Cowluue, Alhambra Palace. Electric, Drmmlaiitl. PUstline'. Cryktpl Palace •nd the West Lyiiu picture houses arc doing egcellent buHncis, ebuaglrig the featurestwlee each week. J,. .. .The l'aislon Way Is featured at thil Salem Theatre this week, In moving pictures. ... he would give him a handsome beUroani out- At." Bobby found "the better half," and "Uncle Al." rodde good hla promise ... Git Burrows, manager of the Notional, gave a luni-heoti to Hie employees of Hie house, hi 1 he'glare of tliP fdotllg'.tte; a few days ago. The-luncheon was specially, spiced with au- l>roi)rfaii',.vp2eches frtfn Mr. Burrows. Otw Sllafer, .treasurer, nhd Bobby Delscahip,,as- sIMai'i treasurer. Anioug Oil- guests was Mr. .Mller. -of C.erman.v. brother W"J. B. Mllcr, leader of tbe orehtstra. All enjoyed HiemselVes Immensely; and . departed with nothing but beat wlalies fcr "mine boat.'' Lowell. — At,.the Lowell .Opera House (Julius Calm, uiunuger) "The Chicken Trust" Toledor-At >lhe -ValeuUnc (Otto Klives. ruanagct) Mrs. Vatrlek Campbell eutcrtuifiMl large audiences Dec. 25. •• 'Way Down. Kasl" Stair, iiianngcra).—A.-II. Woods' '.'The Great enjoyed liberal patronage 2U Otla Sklnuer, Loaramport— At the Bowllug ijohn K Dowling. miLUnger) Thud's Advanced Mlr- sttfcls, to^lucss. Dec. 25. I'at Whlif'. (Ialely lllrls drew hearlly 27. 28. KiUab-r Henderson Co. Jan. 1. 2, "The Uirl bLlbf Golden West" 8,'. "Tbo" dlrl QuestlolT II. Myrkie-ljarder Co. Is and week, Chlclp Stock Co. 20 aild week. ... , -.7 Nelson (Fred Smyth, ihanagcr).—'.'Ilea tani;" to line Uuslhesa, Dee. 25. XuelaMoon-. In "Alice Slt-by-thc-hire." scored a good mo .■ess 20; "No Mother to Oulde I lor" S7, "At Yale", did well 28. Cora Latflpu. Mltcbell Co. 3tyi»n. i, the Jeftersons, In -'The fUnli," 2: " *W«y Down Kaat" 4.: Cnvat.u (Thos. llardle, nianagi-ri.-diiiji. neas Is uuiisually good. Wllllaul La Dlur. Clark artti Tdrner. Hk«l Ubod, Aenie Trio. and hlnodromc. . - r ■• '. -• CLirMitug:—The-aeatlng caooeUy of tlif Nelson hat been increased by additional m»'< In the baleonj'.... .Tieuel'i Minitrelf.-cJwM tiieseatioa :..... '•-. :'■-:■ '■,■::. '■ '•:..• canceled Ixe. 3t». "A Cootl Fellow'vpleased lvxprcas ltobberv." comes .". Vance 4 Sulll- lp "The Honor of the Family." packed the 31. "The Isle of Bouk Bong" enjoyed good "Ten's "Little Herora ot the t business Jan. 1. "Strongkcurt." with Kdgar <3icstcr A. Cook and Jessie He... Belwyn. had oicullent buBhiostf !i. "The IIjimi- rotes,.did well lust week. Fred W. Kckhnrt trltcs" did big business) 4. The Taylor Stock nnd Mnrgiurlte Karl are the arch con- Streets," with theatre 28. James O'Neill, 30. 31, was well Strunglicart," with Kdgar Oiestcr A. Cook and Jessie Ucall in leading received. FrlUI Scbolf, in "Mile. Modiste," ' Jan.-1: "The.Hon and the MouscV C.anii Co; 0-11. " " ■ splrators of Uie east, and Hurl McLallea Academy up Meal." (Meflovern & Nichols, and Klrancr Boy drew on Ibii ayiaiiathy of malingers).— Last week tin' MeGoveru & la'ae iiiiilh-nres as Mr. and Mrs. l'hillp Bay. Nichols Slock CO. won another, big success "Through Death Valley" 12. hi "Why Women Sin." Sir. Nichols deserves I'bufi.b'b Ulotivk Opera Ifo'isc Co.. muiia- we*k. tYCEUM (K. B. Kclscy. manager).—Will- itims aud Walker, In "Baiidumid Lnud." made a hit. Alda Overton Walker and the well drilled i-borus shared bonois with tbe prln- clualr, IXx. 2!)-J;in. 1.. "The Futul Flower." special nii-ntloti Tor siuglliK the guiiiblhig pels).—The Yuukee Doodle: Girls are due fi. with Win. Wahvlt and Florence Bosslahil, sivne. Albert McUovrrn made a,big success, .he Oriental Coxy 41oim-r Clrls were seen 2.4; "Lena Itlvera'* fi und week. . r and Ktliel Klder. Baby Maud MeVey, Churles la^t week. In ''The lloiieymwa Trip" anil Brar'.; (Jaek Tlnrhey. manager).—"Lottie. A. Clark grave tint best. Motion "The Sculptor's Dn-aia." The gbrls were the I'oor Saleslady," closed the week with nh'tnres hy James Spllhiliie '•MauV Kneniy." Tills week. H.tTllAw.w a (J. I. Shannon, resident man- whirlwinds of (he olio. The Merry Makers 12. aaer).—Current: The Haitisborgugh Girls." • StakpAuh (It. K. llyiiieku. manager).— Four Itlniios, Charles Kenna, Duryca and Tlie HelnnBii Show opens .".. Charles ltobln- youug and'urelty, but the burlesques have good business Dee-20-28. "MeFaddcn'a Flats" sreu belter days. Smith and Areda. were the l-rpwif prhilefavorlti-s 211-Jau. 1. ."Tempest Mortimer.- I.n V«Kar add Cross. Weston r and Young. William Baylies, and tlie liuthofeupe. Boston (W»a. F. Lyons, resident niana- ger),--;Nellle Hartford's Tyrolean .Burlesque Co. gave a good show last week, lo excellent returns, .tvllh .Iutilfi<">r unU Hayes. I tarry Burns. Muriun and Welser, the .Ji-eat 1111- dera, and the Hoslon bloseope. This week, Nina Searle's lied' Itavcti Burlesque Co. • Mention. — Theatre Vayons 1 Bunker & fli-uncascy. niauugers) did big business with the Passion liny, last week The Al- liaiubrii (I. Sachs, manager I Is packed. soil's own'show, "Tlie Night Owls,' T gave a gfcod let. of Inirlesriui: Und comedy last week. F.dlth st tlr sw u was tin* feature of the ollo--- lltc girl wilh the barllone voice. Buslucss gcod. Al. Beeves' Big Iknuty Show l: uud Hunshluc" 2-1, "Kdnn. tbe Bretty Tvpe- wrlter" 5-8. ••-.*'- Aac.VpE-Cot.r.KiiB (Abe Shapiro, manager). —Week of 0: Cliarlolle Parry and compauv. Liniun. Dow. Job and Sadie Brittoii. KIp and Klnpy. and Lewis und 1'ulmctto eompanv. . KMrtiiK lAbe.Sbhptro. manager) Troea- defo Burlesquers drew well and pleased last ^YI.nL- (Vitihiii lilrla Vfihir,.).... r».. - —.1 Anderioh.—At the -Gsard, ''At ) i.e. Dee. mi, did will. Kafle W'atsou, in "Ttt Hoosier Girl," IS. had two line bouses. Ttot. aud William Jefferson, Si, did good buslcfa, Lucia" Moore, Jan. 1. two periortnatiMn-l" capacity. "McFudden's Flits" 4. "JUBt-Ont of ttollrge" T. "The Time, the Place and t> Girl" 8, "The Ctrl Question" 13, "Texas" 17, Mildred Holtuod IS. CkTSTAt. (W.- W. ■ MeKweli. mauajtr).— Dec. 30 Hud week : Phillips and Burgee, Ber: Turner, Swutri uud Powers, Mrs. Fiath, sail mrftlou pjetures littraetcd gw»U crowds- ... , Xoies. —The BIJou. wkTjeh was scttedolM to .be opened Christmas Day. by T'oiu :B»teL ftlll reuiaipe clused..... .Manager ncanjnji. of the Grapd. bus booked, Blehard Carle, la "The Spring Chicken.".. 7:. .U litre Ssilti. of this city, is leading man with tbi Kltf stock Co. ■: .XT:.- l.niin-ncc (.'iihn, luaiitiger) lloc. HO. Ihm r Jan. 1. pleased crltes" wu« a. . heart" laid a crowded house :i. Yiddish Slock Co.. In "Heiiello." 0; "Peter l'an" 8. P. "1'iuie Josh Perkins" 10. Dockslnder'a Minslrelrt 11. Harvey Stock Co. week of 13. Colonial (J. Fred l.ts-a, waniigerl.—Bill week of 'i: Wilfred Clarke and couipauy. Max 'ronrhllloii Troupe. Wiitrruiclou Trust, Guatoii und Green. Mux York's dogs. Arthur Blgby, Dvrltn aud Bllwood, aud moving pic- tures. hvici'M tW. L. Gallagher, uiauager).-— Week of Ri Hurry Burns. Anderson Sisters. Fred uud Kdnn Hurabiies. Annie Boss, Dally and )/ivell. Casino Burlesipic. and moving pictures. Music Hall. —Fuderewskl is to give a re- week.. Cualuo Girls Bstruvaganra Co. 5 uud cltal 4. The advunce sale Is big- •• week; Gossip ok tub Louuv.—Saw Wellcr Is - , HSp^JBS^.^B^^xbv 18 "" has , «»»«•««»»—At the SouiUeni (Win. San- !r.Hle,i ngit oiKr" U "The Malffima " »t jgg Jlggi, ffl^ffi i",1 M1 ^ 9 tie' bv Herman Bellslidt which will he owe, .delighted eapuelly houses Dee. tJO, tl). glvea lis wrmirr ,1 the \mlll.7rl.ini vX * Mr "- Ifal'c Carter pleas.*) hlg business .Inft. of "The Man of the" Co.. were .■ mile "- ---'■ ■-•- '--'- 0 "- 0 ' ,l,r> il,mr WKk °* »• ._ Mahoticy. H1011 Stiiukt 1 elms. Vi. Harpitr. mana- Clevelnml—At the 0|>era House (H. D. serj—Nat M. Wills. In ""A Lucky Dog," drew Kline, manager) Klsle Junls. lu "The Hoy- ?>'" •'O-Jmi. 1. "I'ndcr Southern Skies" den," week of Jau. tt. Anna Held packed the P , « af ™„K°o l1 L'uu? 0 " -*■ Tlie Four Mortons tonus last week. Itoberl Mantell week or 18. «-8., M'ar and liuimon 9-11. (('has. I., ileii/inan, niiiiiagvr). Gayety (A|. Wlswell, manager).—TheBeb -nie Ulrl WJlh the Orecn lives." hv the SB sho f r - tB< " !»>ir lliilford. At tbo New Bedford (W. 11. Cross, luauager) "'The Hypocrites" Jau. «. llAtii.twAv'M (T. It. Baylies, manager).— Bill week ot II: Hall Merrltt. Mr. aud Mrs. Bacon. Ltiid, tlrln". Mr. and Mrs. Trlk'adnle, Miirlou and Ilidm-s. K1110, Mulsh aud Mont- rose, nlid the 11 martini). Savoy (W. II. Shlue. innnager).—An en- llrely new programme, with new aud uttrnc- tlvn vaudeville. Non..—>lr. Shine was forluuule euongh Vnn;liaii Olaser Slock Co., week" of 0. "Slls iress Nell" drew splendidly last week. "The Goal" week of 18. • Lyckdm (Uco. M. Todd, innnager).—The Four Buntings week ot 0. "Just Out of Col- lege" proved nulle u inagncl last week. Four Mortoua week of ]". Ci.wvKt.Axti (ilea. SI. Todd, manager).— "From Slop Stuff lo Liberty" week of 0. "Tbe Life of an Aelress" hud good receipts last week Barney Gllmore, In "Dublin Dau," week of 1". Pacing llevlew. pleased good business last week. For week of C, Al. Beeves' Beauty Show. Note. —A large circle of friends mourn the sudden death of Boardtaun S. Carnes. ant manager und Interlocutor of tbe AL 0. Field Creator Minstrels, whose funeral serv- ices were held from the Elks' clubhouse, 31. ■ vansvlUe.—At the Grand Opera Hume (I'-rdley & Bnrcli, manager*) "Tbe Lunatic aiid the Ijidj-;" D)c. 20,.liad'aat^aiMRsW "A Dangerous Friend" Jun,'4, "SD.Iu N.cir York" 5. Beopld'u (Pedley & Burch, manascn).— Colonial Belles, Dw. 2»r31, trpved a tvtanrr "Belie of Avenue A" 0-7. . - - Majestic (Frank Ho'llpor. DiminEcr).- l^ist Week: Ijiura Howe <uid' her dwmi Dolts. Jam and Opp; and labiing plelnrcr. IV'ELLM' BiJOL- (Allen Jcnhhis. u)H:iuger>.-- "Wlne, Woman and Song,!*' Die, SMLfag the audience In a good humor, '-'The J}"*; the Blai-e ahd the Girl!.' Jan. 3. "tpibir: Adams Sawyer" 4, "The Illuvk Crook n* Num.—Tiiu Gruiid has oih: of Ihe Iar»*' advance sates of scats In the history 01 ■ w hvnac for 4mi. «, wlien l*adereaT>kl will oi'kr his llrst appearunce in this city. South Bead At the Aqdltotlaiu (E. i Welsh, resldeut nianagcrl "A Wohian * Mystery." Dec. 20, did wc)L "No JW**? Guide Her" 28, "Whirlwind" Jail. ijEWS MacMtllen 0, J. W. JctrrrSDU 10 "OK D > noa" 11, Jluic. f-.-biimunuI|eluk 14. OLtvKii Hi. J. Welsh, rekldeut piauagrr ;- "Jesse James" Dee. 25. "Just Out all* lege." 28. to a good audience, l"f»i Loavo Home" Jan. 4, Jlrrtk-Hordcr HW« Co. 0-11. .-» . Oirkim (Barry Scaulon, Bipffij sti-nhfHTUIr—At the Grand Opera House (C M. Maxwell, ntuuuger) '"nie Lost Tnill.' Juu. 1, drew lurge houses. Mnfy Kmerson. In "On Parole." 2, drew well. Al. O. Field'* Minstrels drew capacity house uud pleased il. Harry Uyil. n local boy with the show, added to Die crowds. = ,n, N '\ T , , .V : i A, 1 (W : G - Harlshon. maunger).— stock forei-H last wvrk. und Kugeulu Blair r,| e bill last week was the best seen here lu ■ " ■ closed her short 'coiiini L -i as leading lady, ui- years and drew capacity. Frankfort. At tbe Bllnil (Langebr , W* ler a very Biieeessfnl ran. Slnjestlc Co. week „ !' , ■' 0, ;<'; ^ct, Biieehe, manager).—Tlie Choir Hufford. managers) "Tho Bhoiillfter' Jan- »; of Bl. ( elestlal. In roneellnn with the moving pie- "Alice Sttbv-thc Fire" 0, "The Girl of W- Keith's (II. A. Daniels, manager).—Bill *>'«». ssslated hy Miss Hllhird. a vocalist of ' MAjcane (Carleton Mucy, manager).— "Hip Van WlnkK" wlih Klorein-e Oaklev back tigiilu as leiullug lady, week of (I. "Du l'arry wiik Ihe OiKllaf of Ihe Maleslle Week of 80: jlerr' Saons, OT| WejS eompany. Daisy Gordon, Togl, aud Barar» Sntiu-kler. ' * . _, j ,^ lt Notks.- Robert Cam|d«II, af ■ *■».■■ of College" Co., reports Kplcudld l)uslnM=: Tlie ndvance sale for "The Bed Mm Is exceptionally large. to ese.-iiie wILliotit lulury what promised lo Ihi a serious automobile ivcideut tbe past week of 0 l The Bleelrle Crickets. Asra. Willie n*"™ •■■■ urdlnarj 1 ability. week. Weston. Willurd Minins und eompany 1 ,.\-..i.i t. 1, null 1,11;, nip .'ill--,, a.n/ni, ,,iv ki.iiui mm • eisu lug ,11 pictures. Reuerl firan, Sadie MeDonougli thut week's vaudeville offering*—Power's ele- and Boy 1'urluutou. and tutu Portland Nickel pliants and Huron's burlesque tnenogerl Orchestra tt. m>,.ir, IMMM Munager Imaln. woml. *"" ■ ——.- | ani f. imperials drew well last: week. "Yankee Una. Strtinlnneo. mannaMi.— Mas -Dmail* 'Sirls week <if IS. linfgiU eoi-lliiii.'s. with plflnres. _ Kvnm: (Uco. Cllrtiel. manngeri Oilier* are: Paul Clnuucvalil.- ArVxirdroff M |Z" u'-naMrTMra l ie S llo B c!f 3 H ^ . (C :.„ J ' •rmms. IJoMiauiueal. iiiid Hnrre Rr„.-n Tl,t 0 »V". l ?5',. u T* l "K cr ' .r'.".-. '*« f s.acter. In "Du xpriiiBHrld. EAMLtxP (J. W. OreWey. mauag.-n.— Troape. Bosunonest. mid Harry Broun. This -fi, rrv" toXafi i*l • u> • iger RlMtajr .report* Chrlslums week's hontu* was entIrelv wild onl last week. Kas '•'nleascii Vl T«n 1 ' \i« r ess as being ihe rcror.1. Pictures, with '" Stab (Cbas. L llerlr.rnnn. munager).- fX3 "CnuUit lfate 1 ' V 4\J, Spears, Harry Nixon and Frank Holly Oriental Co«y Corner Girls week ot 0.AVU1- TP J ' L,mm KM0 " ™ x " ^*< H QBAsn.—^fln Dyke & FJiton Co. ei »S*#5 r5r i. < i«P* JKckaon, mnnaiter).— 'he Meek of rt : llnwiett mid Welwter, Leslie and Way Down . Patrick Camp- Faaclnntlng Flora" Golden West" 8, "Texas" 14., "Our Nev 5* later" 17, ''ihe Little Detcetlve" 18. - , II" lre, Holland 27. . , v „k CBtstal (Choa. Welch, manager).-w«J of tTi'-The Acme Trio. Butb Col Ins, tlark •!■= Turner, Cbas. and Jennie We)ch, tllllUB "* Dear, and the ktnodroinc. . • ■•■ ..,, Nott.—Tlie' Klks' musical 'romedy. .'"• Lemon Pickers," played to two «^}A bouses Dec; «0. 81., A neit »«m rrss rtaH"* tor their new building. DriisH.—At the Sourwino" 6p?ra 9& WlnnFng ncss r Jan. Week of Dec. 8V: Three Hrlnnds. tlie <~*ffJ: Redouble Sims. Anna aifle, Wdlc;(-''» Nancy Bice, and Sidney JcroDle arid crji*.;, Note. *- Fred Egencr, clown, Jaj JESS With Fnrepaugh-Sells Bros.' ClrtOJ, Is {"RJJ the lllniu-nteil" «« for the Arc *°V Hcture Tlinatre... .' ... •