The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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JANUABY 11. THE NEW YORK OLIPPEE. 1303 YOU CAN'T IIS WN A G • • 11 THING And that "good thing" is a song that nag only been ont a short time bat is already being snng by some of the greatest vocalists in the business. SOME ONE By W. R. ANDERSON, who wrote "Tessle, You Are the Only, Only, Only," Is without doubt the greatest little song of Its kind ever turned out- that's what everybody says after they once hear It. Just enough of the home sentiment In It to make It a sure winner. Be one ofthe EARLY BIRDS and send for it at once. MAGNIFICENT SLIDES by Al. Simpson--$5.00 per Set-None Gratis. FRE E -Professional Copies and Orchestrations for above to recognized Performers, or those sending Up-to-Date Programs.-NO cards. IVI- 'ViriTlVsIJl.m^: «fc SONS t Witmark Building, 144-146 W. 37th St., New York. A JIGOERY FROM . "A man who would woo a fair maid Should prentice himself to the trade;" If he's bald, he should be Quite discreet, don't you see? At THB WIQGBRY toupees are made. (With apologies to W. S, Gilbert.) TW WICGERY 162 State St., Chicago. (Fifth Floor). BBC ^#V I; N MONEY. PrMCE8 P F A 0R H Y0UR FILM RENTAL IF WB GIVK TOU TWO 10 1WCH REELS WITH SIX CHANGES FOR $12 R W K AKD A GOOD SERVIOB AT 'I'll AT—NO REPEATERS. This offer .tend, good within 1,000 mils, of New Tork city. All that i. required I. A DEPOSIT OF 100.00, WHICH WILL BE RETURNED WHEN SERVICE 18 DISCONTINUED AND FILMS RETURNED. '" For Sail—A large list of Slightly Used Films at half their value, pat op Id 10 Inch Rials. 0 S'SS 0> 3 0 > O °rH Q O S ■M §,53.3 M * •J 2 9 03 8tt From Leadvllle to Aspen. Tii o cab. $10. Scneme that FaUed. MO. A Tenderloin Tragedy. C'ra j on o. -' »M< " Mines and Forge at Decazvllle. An Old Man's Darling. ■M. Bowser's House Cleaning. Colonel's Bicycle, - •14. Trip to Salt Lake City. Trip lo Yellowstone Park. •HO. The Invisible Man. The Poisoned Fowl. SM, OhlldlBh Match, A Quarter-day Episode. Ephemeral Wealth. Lumbering In the West. MO. The Maglo Flute. Six Amorous Dragoons. «ao. The I'arlH Students. A Broken Idol. mo. Julia at the Barracks. A Curious Dream. Impossible Sulcldo. fao. A Tragic Wedding. The Accordion. •MO. Ballopn Ascension. A Dliticult Problem. •no. The Moving Picture Han. Troubles of an Automobile, •no. A Day In the Country. Artist's Dream. SM. Carnival at Nice. Funny Fishing. SM. sultnn of Marro. Norwlck Pageant. •no. Bontack Wornwell. Pay Day. •18. Views of African Life In Congo. For Mother's Birthday. •ait. The Grafter. Boxing Match in England. •30. In the Cause of Faith. The Creditor's Plea. •90. A Forbidden Sport. Cavalry School at Torre dl Oulnto. MO. Lynch Law. Wrestling Match of lWfl. •90. ALFRED J. GANIMEYER 6th Ave. and 20th Street, NEW YORK, Leading House In America for Theatrical and Street Shoes I All Colors In Theatrical Hosiery Theatrical Catalogue ■tolled Free Upon Bequest, Can Fit Oat Com' panlei without Any Delay. Estimates Furnished. Besides the above named service, we can also furnish you with a service of the Latest Pictures, as we buy only NEW and the LATEST Productions. Communicate with us, and we will give you LOWEST TERMS on FlHhT RUN Subjects. I_. HETZ, 80S E. 23d St.. New York. Tol., 5371 ORAM. 1 RESTAURANT CHICAGO— Mr. Abe Frank, for the put five years sole Manager of the Sherman House and College Inn. Chicago, which connection he has severed, announces his association with Rector's. Clark and Monroe Streets. Chicago, a* part owner and Managing Director. Mr. Frank extends to his friend* and acquaint- ances among the profession a cordial welcome to Rector's, assuring them of- a continuation of his personal solicitude for their comfort and entertainment. son ft. or new film For Sale, at 7* Cents per Foot. We have placed In our annual clearance sale, 50,000ft. of oar finest ulm, all brand new .look, many of the Ulm. are manufacturer, apeelal samples. Every foot la wortb la cents, bat we will close the lot oat at 7 1-9 cents per foot. Send <br lists and oar GREAT BARGAIN LIST, Mo, 10A, OF LANTERNS, SLIDES, ETC. WILLIAMS, BROWR & BARLE, Dept. T. 018 Chestnut St., Phlla, Sketches, Monologue*, Parodies and Bvlesqaes. Written to Order. Original Work Of nil kind, for Vaudeville and Burlesque I Send for Price List and Terms. BREMEN'S VAHDEVI1.I.E BUREAU, 57 West Beth St., Hew Tork. ACTS OF ALL KINDS; P-lt-tVIS FOR SALE OR TO PSKIMT. MANHATTAN FILM BBBfTAL CO. HART <fc DAVIg, Managers. NewW"Tel.*»«a Oi3n\5or. Mbwt ,Bd D *' ,m lB Eor * 1l,ln > P - rt " ,nl ". to tn » ■ »■ ' " ■ SONG BOOKS - ABSOLUTELY THE BEST -if ALVAY5 CONTAINS THE LATfST HIT5 I $10.00 PER THOUSAND With Company's Name, S1 1,00 per ihous'd Immediate Delivery La* 1 CmasK Harris JIWVsi $1" 51 New York i^yi < 'in 1 Urttsi iiiiiui housi' iii me voi hi'': Spangles. $1.25 Per r GOLD OR SILVER. Cotton Tights, pair Il.oo Worsted Tights, pair 3.00 Plaited 811k Tlghta, pair 3.H Best Bilk Tights, I 0M » tnoh cotton tops, ( " Calf, Thigh and Hip Paddings, (loldand Silver Trimming*. Bend deposit and rente with order. THB BOSTON REGALIA CO., Ml Washington St., Boston, Maes. ;''$*" ACTOR m U ACTRESS os ORATOR v"-' BEST PAYINO PROFESSION IK TUB WOULD. We teach you by mall in a short time to go upon the 8TAOE or speaker's platform. You can easily earn from $2S.oo to $200.00 weekly. We have thou- Bands or satisfied students. Write for FREE book- let on ilramatlo art by correspondence. CHICAGO SCHOOL OP ELOCUTION, 1389 Chicago Opera House Block, CHICAGO, ILL. Yc°A N U BE ACTOR OR yg • I AN MCTRESS Xi SHOW BUSINESS 5a*lCfi NOW TO BEGIN IN WHAT Acta to Learn and How. l'olnt• on Hilary. How t Obtain KnpstfernontB anil other(iirntlal points. I*rlcr. 2.1 el*, I OtUB BprJy0o.,IlaiJdlDfl fl 370W.30thBt.,MewYori| nan 97 ALUMINUM CHIMES,on double decker (lour ruck, used a llttlo. but good a« new, 989,00. Two Octave Steel MarlmhapTioite, on floor rack with rest, usod a row limes, bnt In f,r«t class con- dition, $36.00. One set conn's Wonder orchestra Bells, IK octaves, in case, One Ket 8 Buwls, 16.00. One set lo Four In Hand liens, taa.oo. One set 8 Poor In Hand Hells, tit. One Banjo. 16.00. Prlrate, Theatrical and Circus Cars Bought, Sold, Exchanged, Leased. Itepalrcd and Stored Under Cover. "Correspondence solicited." HARRIS CAB COMPANY, General Offices. 31 nroad way, K. Y. City. Storage V ard. At Works. Worcester, Has.. TO VAN FLEET, sjq FRINTEJn 4T WEST 28th STBBBT, ROW YORK. ■9 ^rw sfsW JaL V I c Is quick, surefire and honorable, not alone In film Hentala but In sales or Machines, Films and Supplies, and hi. guarantee I. hacked by the firms he represents, the largest la the world. WB ARE BOLE AGENTS FOR Power's Cameragraph. ARD GENERAL AGENTS FOR Edison's Kinetoscopes And FIL.MS. Model, Magaalnes, Bleetrle Attuehsnente and Automat BRAND NEW, IB.I4sO.00 HKRC. $17(1.01) Complete machines and parts for both always In stock. The AMBRIOANPROJBCTOGRAPII. New York Underwriter.' atle Shatter, elsewhere. A letter from a elty ofllelal Is easily obtained, but the opinion of a Fire Mar.hal la one elty has no bearln< elsewhere. Ask New York or Chicago Fire Marshals which machine they recom- mend, and they will doubtless aayi "We have no prefereneo ns to the maker, buy a machine that meets with the rules of the underwriters." ____^___ We have.Power'a and Edison's machines In atock all the time. Try the NA/A A •uCt=?VI< LEWIS M. SWAAB * CO. Hi ■adin 8 q Dealer and ONLY EXCLUSIVE House 338 SPRUCE STREET. PHILADELPHIA, PA. SHOW PROPERTY FOR SALE CHEAP! 70 root Round Top, with 40 root middle pteco, 10 root sldo walls, it El) and W1IITK MAIN KNT1IANUK. every ropo perfect, all In extra good shnpo. oo foot Hound Top, 8 ounoe duck, o foot sldu walls, rod and white main entrance, used but twelve weeks, eomploto with all poles, blocks, (alls and halo ring. One 6 and one 4 BURNER GASOLENE HTEEl. HANOI-:, with stenl oven, cost $180; cook Tont In first class sliupe: have Cook Tont Tables coinpleto far 400 people, light ami strong— will sell any iinrt of It: 10 aets of oiHllll.K WORK HARNESM; 8 sols of Pony lUruess, singles and (IohIiIuh; 3sulsof Ilrlvlng llsniens; IB Ladles' Side Saddlos; 6 0ents'Hsddlos; 6 length or FOI.IUNO REHEHVEl) SEATS; 10 length BLUB BKATo; SMlnlaturo Cages; 1 Bird Cage; 1 Platform Spring Band Wagon, 3 plato glass niltrors on each side, sunburst wheels; 1 Advance Wagon; 1 Platform Box llnggago Wagon, band on top; 1 (JLOWN OART; 4 sets Hand Coats; Parade Wurdrobo of all kinds: Properly Men and Drivers Coats, vory cheap; one BO Jet Double Arm Folding Joint star Light; 'JOiilaldo llesoons; 6 Mingle Lights; LARGE 10 TUNE TltUUl'KT OROAN; COLUMBUS BABY PIANO; ANI> I'oNV Pl.l'MKH; 100 Leather Halters: Sideshow Paintings; so circus Electrotypes; 10 Lead-bars; !tt Lock Shoos with ohnlns; 13 Galvanized Uog ivili'stats: 6 Feed Troughs; 1 Revolving Ladder; two 1,000 candle power (lasollne Aro J.niniis; Beoond-hsnd Side Walls: 8 Traporo Cranes; 10,000 Slieela Mltutrcl Paper; 12 Clnwn HulU and Ring Wardrobe or all kinds; Tight, and Trunks; Ladles' Riding Hsblta; Mexleun Suits for ladles end gentle, men; 1 Fog Horn. All this stuff Is in Urst class condition and can be seen at Medina, N. Y. Will soil any Sartor It or trade ror Shetland Ponies. 2 good Performing- Dogs for sale— one does GOOD HOMER- AULTS; the other, flno hind leg worker and rldor. Address A. l». MoPH BE, Box 12, Medina, N. Y. Send for Oar Complete Illustrated Catalogue and Prloe List of MADE TO ORD«R SOUBRETTE DRESSES, ANKLE LENGTH GOWNS. FANCY COATS and STA6E GOWNS of Every Description. Catalogue sent to recognized performers only. Write on your own letterhead, or sond latest program. WOLFF, FORDING «5c CO., «3l-«3f3 Btllot St., Boston, IN/1 at as at. PLAYS For Stock Companies, for Repertoire Companies, for Amateur LAROaBT ABSOBTMBNT IN TUB WOULD. Book. Car boo. amusement, Negro Flays, Paper, Scenery, Mrs. Jarlej a Was Works. Oatslo ■ AIU'BI. Vim. Paper. Betaarr, un. ilon. Free I Creel Free I i rBBlIfOU, IT West 9241 St., Haw Tork. DRESSES for STAGE »nd STREET SBAL SKIN COATS and PURS. BAIltlKTT. 393 Stale St., Chicago. SONG POEMS WARTKD. We will compose the music and the work will no pub- lished on royalty, COLONIAL. MUSIC CO,, 001—07 Dearborn St., Chicago. SINGING TAUGHT B7 CORRESPONDENCE Success guaranteed or money refunded. Write today for free particulars. Address ILLINOIS COIvBBRVATOHY, 19)11 Lakeside Hull.ting, Chicago, III. The kind that get the money. Call or write. V. S. ZIMNBllMAtl, 0 K. I«th St., X. T. Always Something New, WIGS TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. And the Lattat and Matt Popular 8tyl»« lo Ladle* Hair Drtnlng. A. M. 1IUCH & CO., • i;i v ars-es. •*___*. - a» a» as u Philadelphia 119 H. Klnth Htroet