The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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1304 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. January n. ABSSBi^i * LAROB8T MANUrAOTUMR O^ ^ PHILADEI PM.iTl UU^g^fl *LIFE MOTION PICTURE MAOHINESSfr FILMS I 2!" ulmEtZ** UNDERWRITERS APPROVED MODEL equipped with improved Fire Magazines, Au- tomatic Fire Shutter and Au- tomatic Fire SkUUfiSSS As- beatos covered Wire Connec- tion*, new im- proved Lamp- style Fireproof Rheo- stat, improved Electric Lamp. Goiplih with miyttlif sni li Ml tut, licMlig pollstii CARRYING CASE lor imiii III, $135. Til nn, wHI Aijistalli Bicycle Stall Lags, to h- tiii onr fin hit, $145. SUCH A GOOD JOKE BUT Henry Clay, Director John Lattimkr, Fire Marshal DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF PHILADELPHIA FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Room 388, City Hall Philadelphia, December 3d, 1907 Mr. S. LUBIN, 926 Market St, Philadelphia Dtar Sir: Having examined different makes of Moving Picture Machines in regard to their safety in case of Are. I have come to the conclusion that your 1908 Cineognph with Stereopticon com- bined, equipped with Fire Magazines, new Automatic Fire Shutter and new Automatic Fire Shield is absolutely fireproof and comes up to all requirements of the Fire Marshal's Department. I have suggested to the Fire Underwriters to accept your machine as the Fireproof Model lor general use. Respectfully yours, (Signed) JOHN LATTIMER, Fire Marshal. ALL OUR FILMS CLASS A. PRICE, 11 CENTS PER FOOT. WHY DON'T HE LAUGH? A. RKGULAK SCREAMER, IWXrX, OF* HTHV. L-ENOTM, 373ft. II if »» CO MBINE D WITH UNI TEREOPTICON Inolndlng Eletirio Lamp. Calcium aft Ass Lamp and Ad]nitable Rheostat, 900 SILVER KIIMG WILFRED DEN- VER is ruined at the races. His wife fries to induce him to go home. She is insulted by GEOF- FREY WARE. He afterwards is shot by SPIDER. Den- ver, thinking he is the murderer, leaves the country. A vision reveals to him the real murderer. He re- turns as THE SIL- VER KING Spider is denounced as murderer, and Denver and his family live happily thereafter. THE OILY FHODTJCTIOH IN LIFE BOVIBO PICTUBES OF THIS HOST POWEBFUL DRAMA. LENGTH, SBBft. OUR BEAUTIFULLY ILLU8TRATEP CATALOGUES FREE OF CHARGE. MAHLER BROS. SIXTH AVE. and 81st ST., NEWiTORK. lilalag Tbutrieil Specialists. headquarters for Dance Uadimir. SPECIAL FOR JANUARY. Our Annual Muslin Underwear Sale < on.l.tlng of (HIBMIIB, DRAWER*. GOWN*. SKIRTS, CORSET COVERS, at Extremely Low Price, for Dependable Merchandise. Oar r.raoai Shoe., made on the Latest Model Short Vamp Last, fer Stage aad Street Wear. Ultimate* cheerfully sjl-ren on qaanttttes aad company orders. MAKE-UP BOXES Thla Sal*, Prices Below Cost of Haaaraetare. OUR GOLD CREAM Eipreaslr prepared for the Theatrical Profession, guaranteed to be abaolutely pure and never become rancid In any climate. Put up in pound Screw Top Tin Cane at «Be.| half pound at SSe. 8A1PU8 OF OBEAi BEIT nil. ALL BAIL ORDERS MUST BB ACCOMPAMIBD Dl MONET OBDBB, NONB BBNT C a a SEND FOR OCR THEATRICAL OATAX.OUUB MAILED FREE. MRS. L. SCHEUER, 924-926 80UTH STREET, PH1LA-, PA., Du In Btook»l»r«e line OK LADIES' EVENING, DINNER AND RECEPTION DOWNS, botn high and low neck; SEALSKIN and PKItSIAN LAMB COATS and FDR SETS; GENTLEMEN'S FULL DRESS, TUXEDO, BAOK and CUTAWAY SUITS, ITlnoe Albert Ooata and Vesta, Bedlam and Heavy Weight Orerooats In Saoi, 1'rlnco Albert and Semi Kitting styles. We earn everything pertaining to a Lady's or OenUeman'a Wardrobe, suitable for Stage er street Wear. Allordeiamaatbeaooompanledbya deposit or not less than it. CENTRAL TRUNKS. 8.01a.. 91.OV i ZOIU., CD.OV , eviu,, f v.uv i .«u.t , wiu.,.i..vy. urcua aiubh, a**.o&.o, TM. BUI Trunks, 80i2oxl6, Inside, $12.00. Lltio. Trunks, 42V4«28V,«12. Inside, $10.00 tipped on receipt of S8.00._bal. C. O. D.. except over 100 miles, Uses remit whole amomnt BIltONS A CC CONTBAL TIIDNK FACTOBY, Bet 1884, 8. W. cor. 7th and Area Dts.. Phlla Perfect FOOT COMFORT Sure Relief for WEARY FEET A Bare Remedy Air Coras, Uunloni and all other afllletlons of the feet lOHNSON'S BORAX, IODINE AND BRAN SOAP THOS. QIIX SOAP CC Haaatactared only by Ino., Deut. O, 711 Kant Ave*, Brooklyn, M. T. At all Drag and Department Stores: Large Cake, 16 oents, or this adi, jroar dealer's name and address aad BO eents, In coin or stamps will bring It to yon. Agents Wanted. AirrKJ.lTION', BROTHER ARTISTS. TREAT YOURSELF ON THE ROAD. SAPA," THE VITAL JUICES OF PLANTS. A pesltlre care for "BLOOD POISON" la all stages, cantatas no atereary, no potash., Do not hesitate. Send yonr order at oaoe. ■APA OHEMIO AL CO., Imperial Theatre BalMIng, Ht. Lonli, Bo. Prloe |S oo per Bottle, which oonstltntes 30 day treatment. A remedy that has been tested. Testimonials from people jon know. ooirespoBdencestrleUy confldentlal. WIGS WILLIAM HKPNER WIG CO EdBaJMlf O WIO aUUEBRI Largest stock In America. Wigs made to order, powders and sold mam. Ui WB8T SStn ST, rail Use of palate, Wlga Band for ostaiorue "o," to either piaos." BJ. T.; Ohloago Optra House Bool, onioago. Oldest in the Film Renting Business in America Tet Newest in Methods and Manner of Meeting (be Present Day Demands of the loving Picture Exhibitor Such is the Stains of the NATIONAL FILM RENTING GO. 62 N. Clark St. CHICAGO, ILLS. Conld an Association of This Kind be Otherwise Than A Benefit to Ton? Stop and Consider! PARIS and LONDON GAUMONT Films prove instant successes because of their originality and photographic qualities, natural wit, superb acting, snappi- ness and moral cleanliness. EVERY SUBJECT USABLE EVERYWHERE CAUMONT PASSION PLAY Is considered by many critics the finest Passion Play ever made. The action is dignified, the settings are grandiose, and the development of the Divine Trag- edy goes forward to its climax with simplicity and truth that arise to the heights of sublimity, a quality which is indispensable in this subject, but hitherto rarely achieved. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR. HIND COLORED. LEN0TH, 2200ft. PRICE, $395.00 CHICAGO. NEW YORK. IA PATRIB bloc, MONTREAL, CANADA