The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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1308 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. January is. BET IN AT ONCE ON THE SURE-FIRE MARCH S0N8 NOVELTY, I WANT TO BE A MERRY, MERRY WIDOW Word, by EDWARD MADDEN. W tWItJSBi© by TMbEODORsE MORSE. tVlui Jo by THE MORSI Here's the Chorus: I don't want to be a Gibson girl, Nor a fluffy ruffles maid, I don't want to be a Mariutch, When the Hootch! Kootcbl dance If played. 1 don't want to be a Bowery pearl, So° fBZSZ PSHSa •»<*« *e lock, man. For I want to be a merry widow. ANOTHER NOVELTY BY THE SAME WRITER8 CHING-A-LING A CHINESE-COON COMBINATION, Read the Chorus: Published by Won't yon be my little Colnx-a-llng, I'll lust change my name to Dlng-a-)lng, In a Chinese bungalow, I'll Just let my pigtail irow, Wedding belli wilt then ring tlog-a-llng, Foon we'll have a little Wing-ailing, Won't you be my Ching-a-llng-e-llng. •9 125 West 37th St., New York du, DDluni uu supported by Clat ton, Phil H. Byll In "The Bine Hoi WASnlHQTOH. ■pokane.—At the Spokane (Chai. MuebJ- man, basinets manager) James T. Powmi, ~ Clara Palmer, Frank Farrlng- Byley and a clever company, _J Moon," did big business Dee. 29, 80. Primrose's Minstrels 81, Jan. 1. David Irwin, interlocutor, scored with bit ■one, "The Last Rose of Btunmer It the Bweeteit Son* of All." Mr. Primrose, Billy Beard and Meal Abel were well rewired. "At Told In the Hint," featuring Russell L. Hampton, played to good builaees 2. "Big Hearted Jim" 6, "The Gingerbread Han" 8-8, "The Lion and the Mouse" 9-12, Ralph Stuart, In "Btrongheart," 16-18; "Arisoaa" 10, 20, "Brown of Harvard" 28-25, Do Wolf Hopper 28-29, high school commencement 80, Grace George 81. Colombia (Geo. M. Dreher, manager).— Virginia Brittac scored nicely at Mery Hel- rate, In "The Life of an Actress " Dee. 29 and week, Marie Van Tassel, Wlllard H. Feeler, Noel Travers, Monte Carter, Douglas Lloyd and Bngene Mockbee gave excellent rapport Because of the non-arrival of the manuscript of "The Banker, the Thief and Girl," the Cartlts company presented 'Ten Nights In a Bar Boom," Jan. B and week. "In the Palace of the King," with Hits Brlftac and Mr. Feeley In the cast, 12 and week. Auditorium (H. C. Hayward, manager).— "The Girl Patsy." with Testis Shirley In the title role, Dec. 29 and week, the 142d week of the company's itay la this house. Jennie Lee, Ethel Van Wtldron, C. F. Balaton, Geo. McQoarrle and Jack Axnory gare good sup- port "The Undertow" la the next play. Washington (0. C. Blskeslee, manager). —Alblnl beaded the bill week of Dec 29. Others were: Pant Stephens, Virginia Nlles and her Virginia Belles, Bessie Allen, Joe Byron and May Blanch, Zlnrell and Bontelle, Pete Dunsworth, and) the moving pictures. Big business. Pantaoeb' (B. Clark Walker, manager).— De Laur-Debrlmont Trio opened the card 80 and week, others being: Hall and Col- burn, Davis and Walker, Coleman and Mexlt, Cells Hobson, and moving pictures, Capacity. . _ _. Haw Hmtim akd Scenic (V. BL Glover, manager).—Myrtle Bartonne, orchestra and moving pictures. Capacity business la both houses. Coidb d'Alknb (B, M. Beel, manager).— Harry Montague and stock company. "In Bo- hemia," new facet in the olio. Big business. Norm.—George Primrose, who was a bell- boy in a hotel at London, Ontario, forty years ago, waa entertained New year's even- ing by C. Herbert Moore, mayor of Spokane, who waa a clerk in the hostelry where the veteran minstrel responded to "Front" The two talked over their youthful daya, and passed a pleasant evening Managers of the Spokane, Auditorium, Columbia, Washing- ton and Pantagea' theatres declare that 1907 wat the best year In the history of the city. They played more and better attractions, and the S, B. O. sign waa displayed oftener than in any two previous rears. The outlook tor 1908 it brighter Jan Kubellk, assisted by Mile. Bertha Boy, planltte, and Herr Lad- wig Schwab, accompaultt, played to 12.500 business in First Methodist Church, 4. Sev- eral hundred were turned away. Paginal'! Fantasia wat the feature number by the violinist Mr. and Mrs. 8. M. Cur- tlts entertained the players of their com- pany and the attache! of the Columbia Theatre, at a New Year's party on the ■tags the morning of Jan. I The Countess Stoky-Csell. wife of Jan Kubellk, wat robbed of 81,800 worth of jewels, Jan. 8, 4, while en route from Denver to Spokane In her private car Professional talent wat employed at the sixth annual "high Jinks" at the Spokane Club, New year's Eve, alto at the Silver Grill, Davenport's and the Windsor, where even standing room was at a premium. The Town and Country Club an- nounce! a society circus at the Spokane Ar- mory for Jan. 29. H. C. West It chairman of the committee In charge of arrangements. The city park commission will exhibit Its wild ani- mals as an added feature...IsaacD. Holland, manager of the Comlque, toe oldest variety theatre In Spokane, who recently made appli- cation for the renewal of hit annual license. has not received the permit The board of Are commissioners hat turned down the application of J. P. Wagner for a moving picture theatre at 810-12 Main Avenue Employees of the Wentworth company are preparing for a mlnitrel performance, to be ?:lven in Spokane and several nearby towns, or charitable associations, some time In Feb- ruary. B. B. Hubbard It manager of the enterprise, the end men being W. J. Kerwlck, C. B. Storey, Guy C. Gilbert and Harry Ford. ... .A. Valk has Just completed a roller skat- ing rink at Pullman. Wash., south of Spo- kane. . .The town of Spirit I ke, Ida.,north- east of Spokane, built ont o' a forest wilder- ness in ten weeks by F. < . Blackwell and Spokane associates, is to have a theatre within three months The town his a popu- lation of 800, which be Increased to 2,000 as soon at the big lumber mills open next Spring Russell Lee Barrett and Adelaide Knight, formerly with the Curtlia Stock Co., of the Columbia Theatre here, are playing leads In stock at Santa Cms, Cal. s Seattle.—At the Moore (John Cert, man- ager) "The Man of the Hour" week of Jan. 8, "Brown of Harvard" week of 12, Flor- ence Roberts, In "Zlra." week of 19. Gbanp (John Cort, manager). — Ralph Stuart, in "Btrongheart,'' 29-Jan. 1, old heavy business. James T, Powers, In "The Rlue Moon." had excellent attendance. "Ari- zona" week of 0, "The Gingerbread Man" week of 12. Seattle (Russell A Drew, managers).— "A Desperate Chance," week of Dec, 29, drew the usual good business. "Yon Yon- son" week of Jan. 5. "At the Old Croat Rotdt" week of 12, "Big Hearted Jim" week of 10, Tmi» AVaNTja (Chat. A. Taylor, mana- ger).—Week of Dec, 20, "The Cricket on the Hearth" attracted good nouses. Week of Jan. 6, "A Celebrated Cats;" week of 12, "The Skating Rink." Lois (Alex. Paatagea, manager). — The Pantaget Players presented "Nell Qwynn" tt their holiday attraction to good attendance week of Dec. 29. " A Stranger In a Btrange Land" week of Jsn, 8. "Secret 8erv!ce" week of 12. ' Coliseum (D. O. In re rarity, manager).— New people week of 8: Pant Stevens, Alblnl, 8j;» '.« 4! .«P. Keller's Vlrginlt Belles, Bdd'e Roesch, Zinnell and Boatelle, Byron and Blanch, and moving pictures. „ Pantaoes' (Alex. Pantages, manager).— New people week of 6: De Laur-Debrlmont Trio, J. Francis Dooley and company. Dan Harrington, the Browns, Little N. Wilton, Arthur Blwell, and moving pictures. Stab (Frank Donellan, manager). — New people week of 8: Blnaldo, NeDle Martini, St. Onge Brothers, Bob SHckney, Ameen Abou Hamad Troupe, Boy McBraln, and mov- ing pictures. OBPHsntit (T. J. Consldlne, manager).— New people week of 8: Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKentte, Bran Brans, Hammond and For- rester, Anna Mae Lmdsey, Mack and Shaw, George Keane, and moving pictures. Ltbic (8. H. Fried lander, manager).— Potty's Oriental Burletquert, In "The Ga- tekV' and "A Foul Tip," week of 6. Eden Mosra (W. W. Ely, manager).—Al. Mastiff, L. Sauken, Howard and Lorn, Mile. Hardy, Caldl Cherlff, Harrison, Bsby incu- bator. Presto, historical war museum, penny arcade, and moving pictures. Notes. —Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bletben en- tertained Manager and Mrs. Cort, Stage Man- ager Rochester, Musical Director Radln and Mrs. Radln, and the chorus girls and men. at luncheon, at the Flrloch Club, 8, at. iuiivucuii, Bl lut ruiLn-u tiuu, o •*• T. Daniel Frawley, who Is too well known for further mention, will direct the presenta- tion of the plays at the Lois, commencing 12. Faithful attention to detail, a neces- sary qualification In stock company direc- tion, predominates In Mr. Fran-ley's work. Kubellk, the violinist will appear In concert, at Dreamland Rink, 8 The com- bined musical clnbs of Stanford University gave a clever musical and vaudeville enter- tainment, to a capacity audience, at Egan't Hall, 1 W. F. Moll tor, basinets mana- ger of "The Alaskan," wat the recipient of a handsome pipe of meerschaum, amber and gold, from the members of the company, 2. .Chas. Gildden It on the door at the Ottawa. —At the Buatell (P. Gorman, manager) "The Three of TJs" did big busi- ness Jan. 6, 7. Lillian Russell 20, 21. Qband Opeba Hocsi (B. J. BIrdwbtstle, manager).—"Around the Clock" had capacity 80-Jan. 1. "The Cowboy" did good business 2-4. Bennett's (Gut 8. Grenntng, manager).— Bill week of 18: Grace Van Btuddlford, Bowers, Walters and Crooker, Phil and Net- tle Peters, Patrice, Goldsmith and Hoppe, Valonl, Quinn and Mitchell. s Gnelph.—At the Royal Opera House (I. D. Bgan, manager) "The Walls of Jericho" bed good business Jan. 4. "The Burgomaster" played to a good house 8. "Dora Thorne" 10, 'Jerry from Kerry" 18, Partello Stock Co. week of 20. Quebec.—At Bennett's (J. H. Alox, man- ager) week of Jan. 8: Valonl, Laurie Ord- way, Frederick Bros, and Bums, Manello and Mlllay, Mat Le Roy and Minnie Wood- ford, Welch, Francis and company, and the Bennettoscope.. Berlin.—At the Berlin Opera House (Meyer Cohen, proprietor) "The Burgomaster" bad n packed bouse Jan. 9 and people were turned nway. "Dora Thorns" played to a large audience 11. Partello Stock Co. opens a week's engagement 18. 4»» by talent from the vaudeville playhouses In St. Lonls—simply a number of cleverspeclal- ties Introduced between the sets... .The New Broadway Is now open even night, com- panies playing two, three and four night stands. The house bas been refurnished and remodeled throughout The report that the Aveneau was to be changed to an exclusive vaudeville house, Is denied by Manager Lund. ....Pete Raymond, present comedlsn of the* Avenesu Stock Co., and for many years a player at the old Family Theatre, ttatee- that he will go with a road company next Grand. + »» OAR ADA. Montreal.—Hit Majesty's (H. Q. Brooks, manager) waa dark week of Jan. 8. L'lllan Russell, In "Wildfire," 1818; Van den Berg Opera Co. 20-28. Academy or Mcbic (Walter Greaves, man- ager).—"The Honeymooners" came to good business laat week. Thos. B. Shea, In reper- tory, 18-18. The Four Huntings 20-26. Ben-nett'b (R. A. McVean, manager).— Vaudeville, to good business, 6-11, with • Thompson's elephants, Herbert and Welling. Patrice, La Veola, the Krotons, Herbert Cy- ril. Goldsmith and Hoppe, Marcel's living Slctures, Bowers, Walters and Crooker, and i« Bennettoscope. Fbancair (F. W. LeClalr, manager).— "Dncle Tom's Cabin" came to good attend- ance 6-11. "The Four Comers of the Earth" 18-18. "Our Friend Frits" 20-20. Royal (H C. Egerton, manager).—The American Burlesquers, to good houses, last week. The Dreamland Burlesquers 18-18, the High School Girls 20-28. Dbs NoDvaAtrrss (R. J. Demers, mana- ger).—The permanent French Stock Co., In "Nelly Roller," to good business 6-11. ''On Pere Prodigal'' 18-18. National Fbamcaii (Paul Caseneuve, manager).—The permanent French Stock Co., In "Madame Sent Gene," to good business last week. "En Slberis" 18-18. « Toronto.—At the Princets (O. B. Bbep- pard, manager) "The Kreuttsr Sonata" did good basinets Jan. 6-8. Carlotta NUlson, In ^Ths Three of Us," 9-11; week of 18, Hattie Williams. Rotal Alkxandbb (L. Solman, manager). —"The Christian" had big business last week. Ids Conquest 18-16, in "The Girl with the Green Byes." Qbant> (A. J. small, manager).—Thomas B. 8bea, 6-11, drew well. Week of 18, Will- tarns and Walker. Majestic (A. J. Small, manager).—Bar- ney Gllmore, 6-11, did big business. Week of 18, Joe Hortlx, in "Our Friend Frltt." Shea's (J Shea, manager).—Week of 18: Minnie Sellgman and William Bramwell, Paul Conchas, the BUnore Sitters, World and Klnston, Bellclalre and Kramer, Dixon Bros., Murphy and Francis, and the klnetograph. Stab (F. W. Btalr, manager).—Relflv & Wood'a Co.. 6-11, did big business. Week of 13. Miner's Americans; week of 20, High School Girls. Gatett (T. Henry, manager).—The World Beaters,.611, did big business. Week of 18, KENTUCKY. Louisville.—At Macauley's (John T. Ma- cauley, manager) "Checkers' 1 came Jan. 6-8, to good business. Hans Roberts, In the title role, was entirely satisfactory. Stephanie Longfellow scored well. Amelia Bingham fol- lowed 9-11, presenting "A Modem Lady Go- dlva" In a very artistic manner. The play attracted crowded houses, end Miss Bingham was given an ovation. Willie Collier 13-15, Otis Skinner 16-18. Avenue (Chas. A. Shaw, manager).—"Mc- Fadden'i Flats" proved a popular attraction week of 6, playing to capacity. Thomas A. Hoarn and Joe Mason, In the leading roles, kept the audiences In continued laughter. Anna Hart and Alma Buckley deserve special mention. For week of 12, "The Great Ex- press Bobbery." Masonic (Chat. A. Shaw, manager).—"Me, Him and I" came week of 6, drawing large audiences. It wat one of the most attrac- tive and enjoyable musical comedies that hat been seen nt this house this season. Bdd Lee Wrothe, Billy W. Watson and Billy Ar- lington Impersonated Me, Him and I re- spectively, and with considerable cleverness. Agnes Lynn, Emily Sanford and John J. Mc- Cowan were exceptionally good. For week of 12, "Under Southern Skies." Mabx Andbbson (Max Frteburg, manager). Trlxle FrigansA was the beadllner week of B, and made a decided Impression. Jack Nor- worih, Foresto and his dog, Defaye Sisters, Leroy and Clayton, and Prince Kokin proved entertaining. Hopkin's (Win. Beichmas, manager).— Kara, in his wonderful stunts, was the head- liner week of 6. Second honors went to PreBs Eldrldge, who kept the house In a con- tinual roar. For week of 12: The Ruppelts, the Six GUnserettls, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Barry and company, Anna Mettgtr. Cliff Dean company. Mile. Martha, Win. Wlndom and the klnodrome. Buckingham.— The California Girls, last week, proved a strong card. The company --id to capacity. Bam. J. Adams, come- furnished the fun, keeping the house in Peoria.—At the Grand (Chamberlln. Har- rington * Co., managers) "Jesse James,' Jan. 5, played to a large house. " 'Wsy Down East," 6-8, had good business. Mildred Hol- land 10, ''Montana" 12, German Theatre Co. 15. "The Man of the Hour" (return) 17, 18, "The Lily and the Prince" 19, Exra Ken- dall 22. Majestic (William Proctor, resident man- ager) ."Hap" Ward, In "Not Yet, But Soon." 2-4, did capacity business. Billy a Van, In "Patsy In Politics," 5-8, had large houses. Jessie Mae Hall 9-11, the Smart Bet 12-15, "Dream City" 16-18, "Me, Him and I" 19-22. Main Stbbbt (Davis-Churchill Circuit, managers).—Bill for week of 18: The Fow- lers, Adelyn, Richards snd Grover. Singing Four, Grade and Reynolds, and the klno- drome. _ . Dempset'b (E. H. Brash, mtntger).—Week of 6: Hlll-Kdmund Trio, Hugh Emmett, Two Fantas, Alice TtfTee and moving pictures. Weabt's (Chas. F. Bartson, manager).— Week of 6: Stock burlesque, In "Dlnkle and McGlnty" and "La Belle Iia;" Mile. Hilda, Alberta Davenport and moving picture!. Notes. —Star is closed For a benefit the stock company presented "The Moths of Society," at the Grand, 9. s Qnlncy.—At the Empire (W. L. Busby, mansger) "Buster Brown" was well received Jan. 3, 4. "A Millionaire Tramp" had good business 5. Katbryn Osterman pleased 6. Bendlx and Gsnz, In concert, under auspices of the Qulrcy College of Music, gave splendid satisfaction T. "The Messenger Boy" 9, "When Knighthood Was In Flower" 10, Montana" 11, "Humpty Dompty" 12, Grsce Hayward Co. 18-18. Bijou (Patrick & McConnell, managers). —Bill for week of 18: Fukino Japs, Brown and Brown, Rentfrow and Jansen, Du Muth. novelty dancing act; illustrated songs and the BIJougraph. Notes.— The W. H. West Minstrel Co. dis- banded In this city Jan. 1 The Bald- win Wonderland Association decided to in- crease their capital stock from $6,000 to 810,000. New officers have been chosen, and they expect to add several new amusement devices In their park next Summer. s Alton.—At the Temple (W. M Sauvage, manager) the Monte Carlo Girls drew ca- Sadty Jan. 4. Mildred Holland, in "A Para- !st- of Lies/' pleased a large house, 5. Bur- Slayed to capacity. Sam. J. Adams, come- Ian, furnished the fun, keeping the house in an uproar. In the olio: La Belle Marie and M. J. O'Rourke. the Sisters Towner, May Or- Ictta and Fred W. Taylor, and George A. Street were entertaining. For week of 12, Washington Society Girls. Week of 19, Co- lonial Belles. t Psdtieah,—At the Ken tuck (Carney A Goodman, managers) "The Virginian," Jan. 6. delighted s good slxod audience. "Alice Slt-by-tne-KIre," 9, had good business. "Coming Thro' the Rye," 10, played to big business. "A Dangerous Friend" 11. Black Paul's Troubadours 18, "At Valley Forge" 14, West's Minstrels IB, "Madam Butterfly" 17, "The Gingerbread Man" 20. Winchester—At the Winchester (8. Dl- nelll, manager) Scotch Singers, Jan. 7, played to 8. R. 0. "My Wife's Family" 8, "Qulncy Adams Sawyer" 18, "The Gingerbread Man'' 14, "The Holy City' 1 22. «■» — ILLINOIS. Springfield.—At the Majestic (Earl J. .l i Lnv ^a —- ■»• i>i»uroa. nm vi u, Karm. manager) "Wlno, Woman and Song," the Golden Crook; week of 20, C asino Glrla. Jan. 5, 6,. had good business^ The Smart Se St. John.—At the Opera House (A, O. klnner, manager) the Kiark-Urban Co. opened its third week Jan. 8, to good bust- Skinner, manager) the Kiark-Urban Co. opened its third week Jan. 8, to good 1 ness, presenting "The Silent Partner." In addition to regular vaudeville features, Kar- land, "Jail breaker," was engaged for week of o. . Notes.— The M. P. houses still continue to draw big houses. On May 1 next the Olograph, owned by I. B. Qulmet, of Mon- treal, and the Unlgue, owned by the Bennett Vaudeville Co., of Upper Canada, will be compelled to seek new quarters. Both art) situated on Charlotte street, and adjoin each other. The bunding has been acquired by a mercantile house. The Unique has al- ready secured quarters further along on Charlotte Street In a very large store, oppo- site Duffer la Hotel Sydney Beck ley, basto-cantante, brought here from London. Bug., by D. R. Jack, of the Bijou, Joined the Nickel itaff a . i London.—At the Grand (L. H. Bowers, manager) Henry Ludlowe, Jan. 8. 4, in "Richard III" and ''Merchant of Venice," gave excellent portrayalt of these Shake- spearean plays. Partello Stock Co. opened 0, for a week's engagement. "Jerry from Kerry" 14, Lillian Russoll 28. Bennett's (J. D. Blms, manager) Busi- ness has been good. Bill week of 18: Chas. H. Bradtbaw and company, Le Roy snd Woodford. Karrell Bros., Vernon, Five Mu- sics) Splliers, and Beanottogrsph. Notes. —General Manager Bennett, of New York, was a visitor list week This city now hat three moving picture shows. The Lyric wat opened last week, and It a hand- some place, garnished with all the latest ef- fects used In these amusement placet The "Bijou Dream" recently commenced a light vaudeville bill Tht Florence Hop- kins Co. opened week of 6 In connection with moving pictures. Jan. 6, 6, had good business. The Smart Set, with S. H. Dudley, In "The Black Politician, 11 7, 8; Billy B. Van, in "Patsy In Politics," ager).—Katbryn Osterman, in "The Girl That Looks Like Me." had a good house 5. "Jesse James" 6, Mildred Holland 7, " 'Way Down East" 0-11. Gaibtt (Burton & Smith, managers).— Week of 5: Rome and Ferguson, Art Adair, Fero and Wilton, Herbert and Rogers, Mor- rlsey snd Rlcb, Hong-Kong-China, and mo- tion pictures Notes. — "The Beauty Doctor," which flayed to full houses at the Majestic Thea- re, has gone to the wall. The company made money here with the three perform- ances, but poor houses greeted the produc- tion at nearly all other stands. The com- 8 any went from here to Decatur, where It lBbanded All records for theatre at- tendance In the city were broken New Year's Day, when "Hap" Ward, in "Not Yet, But Boon," was presented In two performance! at the Majestic to practically 8.800 persons. At the matinee the number of paid admissions was exactly 1,888, while the evening perform- ance attracted 1,036, totaling to 8,774 for tbe day's business. This mark exceeds by fsr sll former records. Besides giving Man- ager Karm a great deal of credit, It indicates that the citizens of Springfield are attending theatres. s Bast St. Louis.—At the New Broadway (John P. Barrett, manager) "The Black Crook" had heavy business Jan. 9-11. "Bait Lynne" had good patronage 7, 8. "The Sing- ing Girl from Klllamoy" 12-15, "Broad- way After Dark" 16-18, the Smart Bet 19-22 Avenbatj. —Aveneau Theatre 8tock Co. (L. B. Lund, manager) week of Jan. 6, "The Mltsourlsns," Increasing business. "Capital Versus Labor" week of 12. Notes. —The Aveneau has inaugurated a new feature In the form of a "vsuoevllle car- nival," which It glren each Thursday night Ltbic (W. M Sauvage, manager).—Week of 6: M A. Hunt and company, Tom Ripley, Cleone Pearl Tell, Carrie Simpson, and the Mograph. Note.— Electric (Hallway A Mnrry, mana- gers) holiday business was very satisfactory. s ^—^— Decatur—At the Power's Grand (J. F. Given, manager) "Custer's Last Fight,'' Jan. 4. to a top heavy house. "The Girl Ques- tion," 6. was well received. Jesse May Hall 8. in "Tbe Cutest Girl In Town," pleased. "Just Out of College," 0, scored a hit "The Lily and the Prince" 10, "The Little De- tective" 14, Rlalto Roonders 16, Max Bendlx and Budolph Gtns 17, the Smart Set 18. Bijou (A, Slgfrled, manager) .—Week of 6: Trans-Atlantic Four, Dave and Percle Martin, the Great Fowler, Mexleas and Mexl- eaa, Cleona Pearl Fell, and the BIJoudrome. *> » TEWES9EE. Nashville, —At the Vendome (W. A. Sheets, manager) Richard Carle, In "The Spring Chicken," came Jan. 6 to capacity, and gave a delightful performance, victor Mprley, a popular favorite In this city, waa with tbe company and received an ovation from his many friends. "Coming Thro' the SS,*'l 7 '.A. BCored - Robert Man tell 9-11, "Madam Butterfly" 15. Btjou (Geo; H. Hickman, manager).— "The County Chairman" week of 6 to ca- PJ^it/' .^. ,t ?- a . 0r »t rinss production. Week of 13, "Bedford't Hope." Cbbscbnt (W. P. Ready, manager).—Busi- ness contlnnes big. This week's bill: Rice's dogs, Billy MeClsin, Mualcal Cloes and Nemo. Cbtstal (Wm. Wassman, manager).— Week of 6 opened to big business with: Figaro' t Electric Doll, the Hlllardt. moving pictures and Illustrated songs. . Knoxvllle—At Staub's (Frits Stsub, manager) "The Prince of Pllsen," with Dan Mason, came to big retirns Jan. 8. "Madam Butterfly" wsb sung twice, 4, to large audi- ences. "Ben-Hur," 6-8, broke all records, ca- ?5 cl &v RD ?: B „ ?•» °.\ rnl,n «- A1 - H. Wilson 11, "Checkers" 13, Mary Miinnerlng 18, Key- Btono Dramatic Co. 20-25. «•=•»/ Colombia (Jae. Price, manager). —Thlt popular house plsyed to capadty til last SSL*-,-? 0 ^ Robeson, as the hero, In "A Big City After Darit." and Catherine Hadley, both scored In this piece, as they did In "Mr. Tay- lor's Telegram 15 and "A Night In Paris," the other offerings. The vaudeville features, as ususl, were first class. Abcaob (Earl C. Way, manager).—Thu and with the excellent bill which Manager Way Is giving excellent business Is alwayt In evidence. The people appearing last week were : Hex McAllenTBob Cottley, firissey Sit- £!?: ££& H ^S"™' Florence TurnVr, it telle Nerblt, Earl Way and Harry Williams. n jnn < i?n LX .^ J V,, B - Uort0D i mansger).—Robt. B. Joplln and hit excellent company gave A broses* D1 * r4te -" lMt week, to well niled Begin the New Year right, with New Collars, New Cuffs of the right kind LITHOLIN — «nrn which U tester', proofed. You wipe them clean snd white as when new with a damp cloth. The saving In laundry expenses will swell your liank account, and you will have style and comfort at nil times. Collars 20c. Cuffs BOc Free booklet on requett thoiHng latett ftuhioiu. If not at vour dealers remit to n$, giving tiee, ityle, number icanted. and tee urlllmuil, postpaid. THIS FIBERLOID COMPANY Dept.18 TWaverlyPl.,J!ewYork ^^•n«»K, u »«oo»c» i^^tsaisi Hur," 811, played to 8. R. 0. This was the only attraction given at the opera bouse thus far this season. Olympic— Blanche Bates, In "The Girl of the Golden West," drew big houses 10, 11 Wells-Bijou (0. A. Seal, manager) — "Bedford's Hope," week of Jan. 6, drew well and pleased. "The Gambler of the West" 18 " la _ j List a x » VIRGINIA. Norfolk.—At the Academy of Music (Otto Well, local manager) "The Prince Chap," Jan. 4, to very good business. Mary Mannerlng, 6, gave one of the most enjoyable perform- ances of the season, delighting a well filled house. Al. H. Wilson, 7, played to good re- turns. "The Prince of Pllsen" 18, Raymond Hitchcock 25. Colonial (W. T. Kirby, manager).—New people for week of 13: Dan Burk and His Girls, Pantzer Trio, Grace Leonard, Bellman and Moore, Levllle and Sinclair, Olympla Comedy Four, and Barry and Wolford. Obanbx (Otto Wells, local mansger).— The Rays, In "King Casey," week of 13. Business Is very good. Buoc (Abb Smith, manager). — People week of 13: Charles Swift, Howard and May, Adams and Holden, Archer and Barr, and Nellie Monroe. Acme (Wllkerson A Manzle, managers).— New people for week of 13: Johnson and Rents, Frankford, Laurie and Frankford, Harvey snd Cook, and the Merrel Sisters. AuDiioaruM (J. M. Barton, manager).— Week of 13: Harry Perkins, Nellie Orman, Raymond and Raymond, May Kirk, Josle Al- len, Minnie Patterson. Clifton and Spring, Jas. M Barton Jr. and Fanny Barry. Manhattan (Crlnnlan Bros., managers). —People for week of 13: May Lemuels, Elsie Fay, May Kelly, Downey and Leonard, Helen Lambert, the Lascelles and Dolly Young. Joe Downey and Arthur Lane have personal di- rection of the stage. 1 S""i t "".'?*"»— At Albert'! Opera House -r) Rltmaffcarie, in Dandy "*• • ' «. *.»»■_*t_dM waU. (Paul R Albert, manager) "The Soring Chicken? 1 J«n. fmLjB SjJBSSA ALH. wSion!£ l 8RDStgT (Harry Stoop, manager).—"Ben- Staunton.—At the Beverley (Barkman ft Shultz, managers) Thos. Jefferson, In "Rip Ver Winkle," Jan. 2, to large and well please! audience. "Buster Brown" 8, "Nip and Tock" 11, Florence Davis 30. Petersburg-.—At the Academy of Music (Jake Wells, manager) 'The Prince Chap" wa6 well received, by a large audience, Jaa 2. "Nip and Tuck" pleased 4. ♦ ■» RHODE ISLAND. Prowldenoe. — At the Providence Opera House (F. B. Wendelscnaefer, manager) B H. Sothern did the largest week's business of tie year, Jan, 6-11, appearing In "Hainlet," "Dundreary," "If I Were King" and "Tie Fool Hath Said In His Heart,' 7 to S. R. 0. Marie Doro, In "The Morals of Msrcus," IS- 18: "Tom Jones" 28-25. EairiBB (Spits A Nathanson, managers).— 'Tony, the Bootblack," won his way to tie hearts of good houses. 6-11. Ernest Ilogan. In "The Oyster Man," follows 13-18; Martins "Uncle Tom's Cabin 1 ' 20. Keith's (Charles Lorenberg. manager).— The bill 13-18: White and Stuart, Lasiy Quintette, the Basque Quartette, Vlnic Dalr. Mme. Herrmann, Spissell Brothers and Mack, Frank Bush, Billy Clifford, the Romanofs, Ilia Grannon, Hill's dogs and goats, Jim Dllka, Dudley and Chealyn, and Frank Mr man. Impebial (John P. Hill, manager).—The Tiger Lilies went strong week of 6. They are followed by the Broadway Gaiety Gins, 13-18. Wbstuinsteb (Geo. H. Batcheller, mana- ger).—The New Trana-Atlantlcs attracted old friends and made new ones, week of 0. 1 sapa Fair 13-18, Batcheller's Boston Belles 20-25. 4 '» MAINE. Portland,—At the Jefferson (Julius Cshn, manager) the Elmer Stock Co., Jan. 0-11. ex- cept T>. Vaudeville and tbe Passion lltJ were additional features. Lew Dockstnse. and his Minstrel Co., 0, drawing the ttsosl generous patronage. Minnie Dupree, In "i™ Road to Yesterdey," 18; Knickerbocker moci Co. 14-18. Pobtlanu (J. B. Moore, mannper).— Crowded houses last week. The p '««• were of much Interest, and the singIv.c « l Jennie Evans, Robert Oreen snd Roy R-j.-mr ton pleased. , Dr.gAVT.AND (J. W. Oreeley, mantt-'c")- . Tlll's marionettes, with the plr'"^ "^ songs, by Harry Nixon and Frank Holly*** drew capacity business 6-11. , , c „ Bavoi (Jae. McGulnness, manager .--»"■ Gilbert, Mr. Turner and Mae Goggln. «"■ the pictures, drew the usual crowd! Its' '""•