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fitifiwi 18. tMn^w y6r^ eiappEft. i3($ Uaiiaeville and ItlinstreL KfrfM most Mtiwi's 'Boiikmiakh. — The nu-rohers of Tom Miucr'a i'.oheinlnns ranlle, merry on two different ulghls in celebration nf r'lirifltioBH.■ The jslrN. headed by Marie ■ma, Wally WkJion, Kcwh York, Helen j'awiflii ami Mouit Dins, arranged a (tinner for Christians live, ill the Hotel 1'errlii, where ii I" rge ireo, illuminated ntul dcconiii.il, <■ccnnk.il lhe centre of tbo roiiiii. Presents inimhrrthg five hundred wire distributed, no member receiving lew than cliflu presents. i In Christmas night the meinhers «f ihc coiu- baar. were I lie guests nt a bannnee given nt -Tt- Hustle Inn," liy 'lorn Miner anil Barney c.orn'ru". TUo congeniality of i lie people wna ■ ittUMrtirftaMH, unit lil^lily commcmlisl in- Mr. (Jenud uinl John 1*. Hill, malinger of tile Iratjerlnl T'lienlre, mid a director ut the Whit* Knrs. ffrau-vr- VArnnvrr.i.K Co. Xatm. —ftc nrd tourlnfr-the Sonlhcrn Slates ami meeting with, big' 'siiccftm. • While passing through New Orleans, Christmas Kve, Manager Bos- ivorili had n surprise up Ills sleeve, culling i/icU one ot the boys and making him n tise- inl present. ' In return lie r ef er red ■ gold bcntled cane with his Initials on II. The pre- v'ntatlons were followed, -by n feast. Our roster ■ W, It. & ". I* Bozciuan, owners: W. Boatrnrth. insr-ni,.-'-: It. Wnsley, a went: .1. Daniel. VMTWtfl c.ile. tl. lleeil, Stanley and company, Tom and Nellie Moore, U. Itenedlel, and Southern-.Military Hand. IIcNftY- Fink am> P. .1. 1C.4XR- are Intliolr treaty-second" week with '"rife Phantom De- tective" Co., -playing the parts of Corporal li'nldber* nnd Setpynnh Balterls;.' _; VVittLV. plnylng the P.IJou Thoiilre, I'lniin', il fiieifnlhwlng people were-made inotnuors ul'nniln Lodge T. M. A.. No. ill: limiclHti; and Uoliiinnl. Kitty .Major, l.uln Thlose, and me Rrohsn:TrJo.i ■■ . Tom lli'mox ■ writes: I nm-in Chicago tor the rlrst -time lit four yours, and I was not In the Western vaudeville oillce live min- utes before Jake Stornad and F.ddle Hayman cooked me solid to May 2", when I open at: S-eepIeclinse Pier Theatre, 'Atlantic City, for Giles W. Clements. I received' :i -henullfut gold wntcb for Christmas (mm Mrs. flefron, and a sold nioiinred fountain jv'b and oilier articles, tbo ininierous m mention." - ftUkNcwi «!i:aviii»v writes: "I closed n •■■a. '■■wwK*' enjtaaenienl In the .ViirlhwOKt, -,nr| then was stnclnj: the IHuMraieil songs at the new theatre in St. Claud, Minn. After the new year 1 will resume my rond work wlrli my new chnmeier net, entitled 'The •lied Domino,' and fe.itnrlns the little Irlc.k doc. 'Funny.*" _ . nunc a?tp Ratttik WntoiiT axo Cart, Vajioo went Into the lodge of T. M. A., al Pinna, No. 01. Inst week while playing Or- nhlnm-Thentre. ■"' . IVu. ii. ImcKSTAnrr. Asn Mrs. Dock- 'itrarMtBj' of the iJarrlik Theatr.-, Wllmlpg- ion, Del., tycre the rm-lplents of luadwiaM lire«eirta frnni the employees or the home. torn rj»npaster, the blnrk fans ••ommilnii, mnrte th» presentation s|ieoclt. Mr. Iioi'li- •stndcr tendered his employ.-es a Chrlsiniai Itre banquet. Afteii having partlv recovered from a se- rere-attaek of -LiryngilK Alice Maglll, ot Waller and Magl'.l, Is mow cimllr.ed in her li.-il wlih the silp and lonsilltls. tlr.nv Mct!.vav»:v wrlles: "I am now lday- ing- my fourth return du'.c In KaaaM t'lty •liice (let. 2(i.' nml am featnred, My Voice, which hnii returm-d in me, Is now two and one-hall! nclnvos In range, and strnnger than ever. After fin'shlng a fe.v Smilhem dalei* I; ri'lnrn tc the Hmt for n visit u> my Imine In 'I'liihiilelpbla. 1 have added an liliitmloii •fcTKmtgcre to my act. nnd It is >;olng IiIk." illclif ;lMrtUBUX opens on Ibe Verlieck e!r- .ult .Inn. I!;, nt the I.yrh: Theatre, Oil Uliy, l':i.. for twelve weeks. Tine Ohkca Tiiio were engaged by llecves & t^iiupbell for the Mnrdi lirns llcautlcs, hi BtreiiKlhen ibe olio while playing Rochester, \. Y., ii ml their .net. "Sweety's Klnlsh." \\t* :i decided hit. The trio Ik at present on iV Maurice Hooiu lluie. with Ihc .Murrls ihiie lo I'lllOW. . • Kr.i,iA - A.\n Raamu write: "IVc bavecluscil four wwks In llnslon, one week at the How- ard ami three nt Austin & fclonc'H. T|M iiv> |:e*C weeks we protlucvd the oflirpli-ees, whirli were Inuslilng successes. . We idny a fi'W iiioio weeks In the vicinity, pi-eseiiliiigllariy liroy's IntcRf sUelch, "A CIi<;w!iib Maidi." I.AIiaivBB AXn f.i:n closed with "The, Irish Senator" Co. Dee. 10, after being wlih It for llftaeoa weeks. Mr. l.iirrlvee. under l.l.eiinmfl of l,arrj' O'Klvun. worked nt Yale's, Kninwa i.'itv. Alb.. Dec 13 and week. In-Irish mono- logue and song.'nnd nint wllh siicccks. WivI: ,. at a:i 4 he ten m, worked at ibe .Majestl.-, .Inaction .City, Kan'., and week of j!l they played the Peoplo's, Uenrenmnlh, Kan. They report having the. Hodklns circuit, through 'he.,Sou'.I), to follow, and then they go Kant In their new one net comedy, "Patsy's Kind, Ltcsldcs writing "Palsy's lllval," Mr. UurlTC* lias written the lyrics anil music ot the four r.-ongs used in l lie act. AMBM axi> WAnxtlt! Bpent Christmas week at the InlterV. home In J'lltshurg, afli-r iilftving; elRht weeks of the fe.mlly tbonttea Uii'iuigh Pennsylvania. They resumed work Dec.. 3d, and are well hooked up. i LonRTTA Ci.axto.v writes: "1 have had ■ three surgical operations; ail have been sac- dKtfoi; ntid I am slowly getllng well. Tills makes iny fifth week In '■Cvnnsrille, 1ml.. rn'd 1 expept to leave Jan. 1^ (or my home in New York." . ... Joum WooDPOBn, of Woodfoi'd mid Marl- boro, writes: "I was made a member of-Klk- lUU'l, Ind.. Lodjce, No. 4L'."i. IJ. P. O. Klk«, being Initiated by a sister lodge. No. -X, Wheeling. W. Va„ bv renuest. I wis pre- sented with n diamond Elk's hend button liy Miss Marlboro. Mvselt nnd partner ni tended the banquet given Dec. S9l hy our own Indpc, No. 81, T. St. A., MIS3 Marlboro being an honorary member. ,. ILv.tnY S.M-MOS axd Ioa CitESTEtt write from Chilstchurch, New Zealand, under date of Nov. 21, na follows: "Just a few lines to wish Tun CLirpun a very Merry Christmas . expects bright, prosperous -New Year, We are Murrh. and _. now on Fuller's New /onload circuit, and jolng.Tery Me. Our acts are n. very big suc- >ess, and'we are hooked on this circuit- hoIIiI for. the next six months. After llnlshlng this circnit y.-e leave for l/mdnn, and ilien will once more see dear old New York. Wo carry our own special scenery." C-EnTilt .lloi'l'MAX. Hie American nilnile, who is- In' London, ling., -yllii lier husband. Mnk. llolTninii, on a ntsaiwra irlp, reivlred :ui Offer from ilarrlnelll's oillce to appear nt ihe Collseuui. London, Rug., opening: dan. tl. AVlLI. AXI> MAY IIkvi Rata llillshed einjllt week* llimiigii liidlniin. an/I nre at present mi ibe Sullivan & Cnnsldlne r-lrciiil. nnd re- port success Willi their eoaiody acrobatic sketch. Tbov are welt honked up. Tin: Tnriiiv.i i'aii which llniiln Itccb. of the'Orpliemn circuit, rallied Dec. :IJ. was won by Jules D.'lmnr, of ihc lulled Dunking «tr- aces. Tharnliiv morning. Jan. i'. Mr. I>el- inar was nt the garage for bis llrst tide. Victob nr.nivi and his family will oiien In their, rldlnis net nt the New- iork lllppii- drume. I'eh. 17, for fix weeks.. V'litiiiM.v liiiAST. wllh Ihe rich harllnne i-oba, will shortly present n new net In vnnde- Mile. Mns. Kuan;; Ci'siimax. w ; dow of tli" well known iiilnsirel. wishes to ihiiiik Trunk l»n- inunr. Fov nml Ward nnd nil the olher nn'in- b?rs of lianioni's .Mlnrlrels, and Jaiui-s Ifar- co. of the Marco Twins, for ccnlrlbiiilons I'.-lileh were turned over lo licr. llius greatly - aiding ner. Mrs. Cushmaii v.-ns left In desll- tule clreiiiontflnces. DArnxl-onr (D.ivtn) MAiisitAl.t.. lending: mnn with liarry.. Corson Clarke, wns pre- teated with a coral tie pin on Chrhtuas, the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke. N\ I aU In receipt of the following unsigned communication: "Harry Kiting, well kimwh • ii tbo South nnd SouthwvHt as n tlienlrlrnl bsent, tnec with n severe Occident a few weeks ngii. >lr. Klileg vM-hwmvil to Kan- J>» <,'lty. Mo., anil plarert In ihe .mi.-i-rsli v lIos|i,ial, where lie has ln>.-n nnilnr medicnl '.-arc f..r 1 lie past three weeks. Mr. Kiting will not be aide to rename Ids Work as aa> vaniii agent-this BOUMt, nx Jot Is form! lo Walk on crutches, lie duds it kHNMNM nt tins hospital, nml w.ailil like to hetir fMin Ills friends In the profession lbat have books, inipets nnd magazines to spar.-. lie Is nhsn lit linaiiclal need, and would appreciate any favor ihnr Is sent him in care nf .Mnnngi-r Jiidiih, UrMd ojierii House, Kansaa Cllv, Mo." . ', TtlR OAnnNta: DnoM, write: "We plnved a successful engiu.'.'iii.''iii at Austin & Slime's, Itostcii. Mass., ivwk of Det>, ill. While there we met our brnlher. Peter II. liiirduer, whom v.e liave nut area for rluhtcn venrn. lie Is With ihe .lice Hiulev Co. of laiglbih (.'ester Singers, playing two weeks nt Percy Wllllnins' lirpbeiini Tbeuirc, l.osiun; lie returns 10 Kiigletu! w'lb iliem in February. 1{MJS. We plnyeil Murnns opera House, Lonnconlng, iid.. I lee. L'1-.lan. d. Joi: LKTITT and Aosks l-'At.t.s. while piny- Jug at the f.yrlo Theatre. ]'.ast Liverpool. O., ■seak ot lb>c. 2.1, were made members of Ihe order mi T. M. A., No. St, Miss Kails was made an honorary member. She wns pre- sented with n gold cmlilcm pin by the mem- bers of tlio Kast l.ivi'i'pool l.Klge. .lolix AMI Ai.iri: Mcliowta.i. write: "Wc were nol at lloioi>tead. Pa.. I'brislrtias week, as we played the Lyceum Theatre, sber- brooke. Can., mid are this week at the Ly- ceum, Pelerboro, Can." . Oij CiieisTMAS nix the members nt (lib Fourlee.n Itlack lliissiirs Co.. under Hie leader- ship of Meuderson Smllli, most, dellglufully surprised I!. A. liidfn wl:;i a beautlfHlly en- amrad gohl headeil cane as ,i loken of ihelr regard for oii';iiiallug Ihelr nci. wlilcb lia>i been so lllliinaflll Neoilles.'! lo sny. Mr. Holle was surprised. At.t. in,- tun acts belonging to the IJ. A. Itolfe Co., wlileh are .seatter.'d in dim-rent parts of ihe Vnlteil f-tnres, nere most de- llglilfully i-nlernilned on New Vear's Kve, as Ihe managers of the dilTeniit. a.:l-s were In- st rlifted hy .Mr. Itolfe to take out ilu-U- re- speclIv.'v conipniilcs lo wiiii- nod dine the old year out." ('ongriituhi.Hniis were extended nu ImiIi sides, nnd. the evnil.-. were ni.i»t deligbt- fiilly celebrated. John \V. Jrks axu lSf.AX-r.iiE imsi: have signed wllh the High Hollers for next e tdji—, making their third year with thai. show. Owixo lo n severe ihroat iroiibl.- Moya naymond-ISiilier, nt Hie Midlers, was nldlged in c-uicel till work for the icxi I wo loonrhs. They are now rosilnjj a! their f.irin, ihe i:im.<. IIIU<-Rti>llixiM Tuio report niceitng wllh preai. success over \\. F. Henderson's Illinois ii'nl lii.lhnia circuit. i.'i.ipi-' \\. liKAvr writes: "I am s|s'niilug ibe holidays at home (I'liicliniiiCI i. My Knsl- era sliov.- Ik doing big, huviiig broken records in many plans. I am iiuvr nrgtinltlag a No. 2 cimpaiiy, to play Hie Western lime. .My route will exlejul from I'lnclliniitl Mi Sun FrciicUui. I fully expejH in remain mi Ihe ma.I at least a year wllh the Utile Kgypl <;nlciy C.lrls. lis I nut Imokid solid. I will cany tweciy peaplc. .Mpfelnl M-eiieiv and new aiiil'eleitinii. isislnines, t'p lo dale lh|s has been n most siieeesKful sensau wlh me." Lillian IIo.swlli. ami Nina I.i'.stkii write Hint I hey clos.il in November, with Kthlle Daily's vandevllle sketch. "Idle In a Knr- nirhed itooin," nnd WW now presenting Ihelr own comedy sketch, eiiillli-tl 'Miss Coddle's Visitor." ni"i:l lire making good. Ltihx Mai: Uitiy write.-.: -,-i-liave been In the South she-,; last May, playing all till big vaudeville houses. My whistling has made a big 'bit, null 1 shall stay Smith for same IhM yet., as the Southern people have been verv Hue to He. This Is lay llrst season In viiiidevllle. and f like it very.much." TllK hiTTi.n Wiii:r.i.i:n Sisriais n-port sne- ciss on the M. .V M. eircull. Tbi-v state (but ■tbey played'two weeks in Krie. P:i., at the .lirand Tlieatre. and Ihat.tlley are bonked Kclbl till -.March. ' Tin: .Mi sii-.u. I..V M«iixi:s are In Ihelr Hindi wi'i-1; plavliig Hie Ilixlkiiis cliviilr. Tun A lulu. l.nWKS write: "We have signed with Ihc He. KrekO llraa.' t!arnlval t'o. for ii linn- of Cuba, and we sailed from 'New York lice. I'T.Toi- iwelity w^eks. opening In Snmhigo He Cuba. On our return we will o|icn ir llfty vrecks' engageineiii which we have -braked. ; Wilson- liourns. "the man who sings to make -you lai'gh," i-v|>orts success 111 Hie Siiutli. singing Ids character soniis and doing ii nioiiologii'V He stales that he Is being fciiliu-ed on every 111II.- I-'ai:i.i:i- ixii Hoi k, "The Germnn Ijiuder- linch -Itevs," who an? meettac wllh success on ibe M. ,t M. circuit, have become members of- Ihe rillsbuig Lodge, No. .T7. T. M. A. They report Hint their new act Is n big lilt everywhere. ■ , Aut ADAirt, principal r.iown comedian and general )iei-fonuer with the 11 iigeuls>ck-Wal- lace Show last season, has been re-engaged In the same eapiicllv for next sensou. Mr. Adair Is playing vaudeville during the Winter monihs, and is booked solid till the week of March BO, under direct Inn of .lake Stcrnnd, of I lie Western Viiiidevllle Association. Sir. 'Adair had I a refuse further o'fers Hum ibfl above dates, as he will have very Utile Utue to spare to mnke pn-parallons for Ihe while top season. Niivtxs ano Kaxi:. Herman eoniedlnns, will shortlv close their fourteen weeks' engage- ment 'on Hie Verheck rlreiilt, with Western time.In follow. Cil.uit.Ti'iN' Milan, who for nearly Ihreo veari has be°n playing In slock companies louring the South, Informs us that he bus entered vniidev'lle for a few weeks, after which he will resume bis former line of work. CMiitrn M. Scott, exponent of physical culture for women, Iisr closed a ten weeks' engagement of Southern family theatres. She to play Middle Western time - ' " ■ I '' | — r • ■■ Noti'.s ram Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ill-own, led of llrown, llurrls.aud Itrown.—We celchmloe! the llflh annlversar}- of our neddhig Tues- day eve, Dec,* 24, at onr-buiig.iblw. There were tihoiit flfry present, hulu-l'.iig: The ltaker Uros. Orcbesira. Mr. nnd .Mrs. Frank i'lea.i ins. Mrs. Julia llarnes. Win, Clement*. Mr. ami Mrs. Oalleitl. Jo.-. 1,'ulle'tl, Mlguon Koklu. Mr. and Mis. Wm. Seven's, Mr. .mill Mrs. Kllshn Wilcox, lierirnde Wlliux. Arnold Wilcox. Mr. and Airs. Ilea..Dover. .Mr. and Mis. Sterner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jlb'ksl Monroe. .Mrs. Potter, and Mr..nml Mrs. 1111- ton. Al twelve o'clock we Mil. down I" siip- jkt, nnd wished cncli other a Merry Christ- mas and a Happy New Year. Mi' wife null 1 recidrvd nliout three lumdreil prew*. In- eluding nonie Iienuilfnl ones fivm Me. nnd Mrs. Itnli Maiiclie<irr. Harry l.conl ."ind wife. .Mr. mid Mrs.- Chai. Wallers. It. 15. llawcs mid Family. .Mr. luirfee. Mr. and Mrs, Veil- dei' mid oihcrs. We all enjoyed ouriclves until l.:;.*i Clirtstnius moriitiig. CilAit".i:s II. Waiiii, KATiujixr. Claiim ano vm Coii'axv wrlie: "M'e will shurlly sinrt Kiisr,.' ' mm* Ansonia. C-its... Nori:. - new, llicnir.i. given over lo lircauil.iiiil. * van b'vllle and Week uf Dec 17 we opened n new i hen tie In Sail Francisco, the llr*t of Hie new I'hiss A- on ihe viiiidevllle circuit. My daughter, Allen, was selected . In clirisleti the house, which Is called Ihe Slxus-iuli Sicei Theatre. Al. Onkin. Hie nuiiiiiger, piesciinil lier will! a beam!fill floral piece, l'rom the wny the bu^llleils sinned out and ennilniied you would h.'irdlr reall/e I here was nny Rirlngeiiey in the money market In ibis locality, mir ret. "The Twin Flats," by Senrl Allen, Imsi proven one of the lien vehicles Hint has been iironghl: out here in some time." Fiiank J. IlliiH.l-.Y, noveliy musical |ier- former. Is on the Sllrerinnn Itros. clival! In I'eniis.vJvnnhi. and he rc'Hirts success. He Is Isioked up in the end «( February, playing Poind; time. Auriri'ii O. Mav writes thai he Is spemlliig 8 couple of weeks nt his home In N'oruian. Ilklii. He opens an llie l.yiie eircull ill .lop- lln, Jlo., Jan. PA, mid will join Clias. Sliiir- mnn about April 11. They will do a comedy talking net entitled "The Soap Peddler." The team will be known ns Stiits-mim nnd May. Urn. (Mix and Maiha Wi:nsm:v have signed contracts foe four weeks, commencing Jan. i|. on the Sullivan & CnnUdhifl eircull. l-'idlowlng ibis lime in Ibe West: ibey nlll go Iniiiiedlaiely to New York cll.v. Ale. and Mils. I!ui:ssinii write: "We opened nt Ihe Mnjesile Theatre, Kl Paso,' Tex., lice. 2S, for ill:* Alpha Vaiideiilie elr- cult. Our act, 'The Surprise Dinner.' made n big hit. We wljl piny all of the Alpha lime, which I j over thirty weeks." ' j JoUN ami May.hi: Si.oani: and Harris nud Harris, while playing Ihe Family Theatre, l'lltslnirg. I'll., week of Dec. 311. on Tiiesdnv evening were transferred to Harry Hnvls' Crnnd Opera House, if Hint city. Ilolli arts report meeting with sn-ress. HiLi.v llAii.. prln--ip.il i-oiipill.in with the Clara Turner Co., wnies: "I will close a iwenlv-iwo weeks' engagement with mar. fompaiiv dan. II. anil.will go,Into vaudeville ngaln wllh my wife. Clli- Pray." » 'I'm: Sistkrs i.a Toi it write: "wo have, clfisid "iir eamRWHl Willi .Miner's. Amer-.- Iciims and are now booking vaudeville." .. i Tin: Tam«o l>rn. . lieorge Seldon ami' Myrtle A. Clo.<e, in-.' none In their sixth week on the Hodklns circuit, mid repori iniillng wlib success. On ciulslniiis Kve they wow •nviieil to ctt I a lMini|ii.t gl)en l/>- Mana- ger llraml. of die Cd.im.il Theatre, tinlvos- ton. Tex., ami were enl-rlnliieil In 'a royal manlier. . , ... • „ Winmk KicitAiiiis will open wlih tlie.Mnrdl f!rn:i Iteiiutles, ill. Ihe Murtay HIU Theatre. Siiiurday evening, Jan. 11, for-Ihe rest of th-> season. -.•«••« .i ,. . J.. II. Frnfipsox Informs ns tniir Manager Aiidersoit, of the SI. John, Ctimidii. Openi llnnse. presented lilai wjili ^i,tlbimond ldn.„ A nANoi'L-r was given on ilirtsliniis Hay by the fireat Lerny and llerl. Darker, In Ihelr hneliclor aimrlnieiits. hi J'itlstiui'g, I'n'. Among ihe Invited guesls wen',: Fraiii'l-i .McCarly. president of Ihe M. jt'M. clreiiil : Mr. Mor- gaiisteru, secrclnry of the eli'i-nll j Mrs. I'. .MiCnrlv. Mrs. Morganslei'ii, and ' Cniuphell and Clarke, The lu'iifih nnd good wlalie< of ail were drunk, and many preseiils were e»- cl auged. ''.•:..•.-. An I'N'Hiuxiai (iiiniltunlcniluii slates Hint J. II. Smith, the old' iiilnsirel manager. 1ms frllcn heir lo ifiriU.iHKi, tlirough Ibe itenlh of n rich uncle In Krigland. M'-. Sudlll Is resting at his liomc lu. IfciiverDain. Wis. TllK' HKMMUM of life Itl'Oiidwliy lialety tilrla Co. (Western wheel) held Ihelr New erut Caviiiiagh's 'resiaiirndl. while lie.lion pictures,' »vns' -ipened SaiuiVay nlubt, Jiiil.4, in a crowded bunco. The. hill runs iiImiiii an luen- mid a onnrl>r. anil l.< miillnu- eiM friiOl :: . i . ■ I.. i - K III Die iit'tri'liuAii nn i U It p. 'i. i.vHan \t>u'ie». Is hi ibe plnno; Mr. Iliik-t. viieelb! : II. T. Tren.ii'1. .maiiaiier. The hoii»e Is np.-niied by the A. O. Swol'd Co,, and has n'mraenil for a nmd Hue <if nci-*. Mr. and Mrs •'. Orceii are doing a neul skclcb. written and staged by Mr. Oreeii. ■There arill be u.-w iilciuii's every d-iv. HiLi.Kiijiiisus Tkhi report nieilue wlih sinves< with llieir .orlglnnl nei. —Ihe Wrong Man." Tbey are In their sixteenth week over W, \. lleiMlerson's eircull, wllh leu more Weeks lo follow. • (tii.Mi; Fu \.\iifi. "The Dlnmoiid tilrl." and Mpude Husliaii. "The I'lvl" Olrl," will Join bnliils once inure on Feb. .". after n separa- tion of six nie'ilh'. The icnui will bo kuowu us Fniiii'ls nud Dushnn. the Dixie lb ml play ibe ciilln? Soul hern elieidl tills II. Itml will Ibeu jlii W.wt for ilp. Seaille jA-cposll Inn. Sti:ini:i;t avu Thomas. liVnmin come- illnns. lire playing chilis, ei.lerialiiuieiils ami Sunday uiulil coiicerls. Tiiev will smri at the mil oi March on ilielr Wesicrn irlp on IIP- Kohl A- CiimIc Hine. Noti:s nuiM Hosn Svnl.i.i.'.s I.onhos faMKH, -Sew Vear's I'.ve was made a fesilve occasion for Hie. members of Huse Syilell'ti I.nml.>u Hi-lies, and »i* Hie Murdl Oriin jli'iuilles, the new hitrh-sipie ciiiupiilly owtieil bv Miss Svdell's liu-liaoil. Wllllulil S. Cninp- hell, and Al. lleeves. Al'ler tlie ibenire nil 'of Ihe placers wended Ilielr wnv lo Miss Sy- dell's home, where a tiooiiMi'iil vatwer had been preparisl, nud wlien- all wal-'bi'd the old year anl ami tlie new one In. Mem- ber* nf. Ibe coiiiidiii'd orchesii-js faralshod Hie iiijlIi' for ibe occasion, nnd ringing ullil datielni' held sway .mill nearly dawn 'at New Year's Imy. Among I In l-rinln- el's were: w. S. Campbell, the iSreal Mm-- IX lie. tieorge A. Ilnrreli. Jonepli Ward. Arthur I'liliiim, Fred Siyies. J nines W. Alack. James llrvsou. Itose Sydell. Kiltie 'Clemens. Itey Wallace, llarrv Smiber, Amy i.Hrdon, Hilda llnrrlngt.iii. ITorcii.e lliuer- i-.iii and Nellie llryi-nii. of the Hose Sydell I'luupaiiv. ami Jack Sydell. manager: Harry Minks Slenari, prliieipnl iiedlmi: l.ee Afieo. Kddle Carroll. S.vdiiev Slone, C. II. Kelyi-a, Oeorge I mini Idsoil. Olio Purls. Joe tiiiiiwiiv. Henry Purls. I'nssle llernard. .Made- I'lie Webb. Mav Smllli, Horolhv Slone. .\iv Flyim ami William Lambkin, of ihe Ma nil Htos Ilea idles. The hi I of Ihe evening, ur rill her morning, wns u III Hi' informal tall: "hy' Miss Sydell iwhn was burn In llroohlyo ami lias lived there nil her Itfel, of the vnsi growlh of the borough. Songs and stories . hy. members of Ihe Willie City iJunilelie nml lilliel' rlever people iiuule Ho' iil-dil nil too Nurts nuiM Tin: tlvv M.\so,i.iai.\ni:iiK.-r Our 'Un«lii!'»s luminger mid siagc nnuniger, .lob'i J. IbOTei-iv nud Itllly Hurl, leiid*rod n< a grand leiuipiel iiiul Phrlsoiias tree In Cbl i-ngo. In-. '.'I, al which every iiieailcr wl Ihe •"■mpniiy nas prcm-m and i-peni a most en- .'.nyiildi! evening. 'Hir dinner wan serreil In .mirues, iiumliei-liie; -.even, a tier which we phyed. sang nnd daneeil Oil .'! A. U. Mii'-lC wiis fiirnlshcil hy our own oivbcstra, Tnai Itrvaiil. violin; Jess.1,. llaynind. piiinl.il i Howard Siiwiin. cornel : Lillian llaluiuiid, iromhone: l.llllnn Lewis. I'rclicb Inuu; ll-iirv llavw.ui!. lime: Oco. Mack, siniiv drum, and la*:, but not l.-a>L Hilly Han. on Ihe buss drum. Among Ihe niiiiU'roiH prneui rxrhaiwed were w a ne ratuaUe ones' ivceheil by .Mntiiii'i-c llnfferly, a dliiiiimiil rlnu. .filvei- uillltiirv lunsbe«. n-iveUng hag nnd an Knullsii siivendgn. Itllly Han. I,mm cigar*, "ilk iniili rwenr, one do?, -u nllk Ibv. Knullsii soveielgu nnd a «me of beer, mil' olio e.i.islils of Su-le KhlHT, felllille ball- lone: Siewari nnd Italiiiuml, musical nci: Smllli ami. linker, lis- daiiilng cillors: I ho Klubl Kngllib Hoses, ipic-iis of Ihe ballet, and llavwnni I'muedv ci.nipaiiy. In "The King ot lllaeknellls." I'r)iiel|ia!s nre: Lou I'lsiel. lie.uge A. Miiek, Kva Itrynnt. Agues Sintlli and .Mlii- Oieib, all inslsleil bjf our HW lemly carpenicr, Claud Hielli. The htapwt Mirprlse of the seiiinii wis baii'led us by ■ mi- iwo pet chicken-!, w'lich are featured III Ihe enteral number. "Itoinler Bill" nud "lleunv Kniiiilifeiie," who iiri's-'uled tile en- tile coiiijiniiy Willi Ihelr 111—• i egg Clii-l-oinas eg until ll.viier O'DKi.t. anii ni.i.ni lUar wrlle: "We are nu our way Hast to produce a big noveltr ac.'. I;» wbieh we will use four people and carry special scenery." I.nw Hii.tox wrlles that h« Joined Pauline Pnuh and her llowery hoys, lo play ihe Hal- Inn, til: lh" Family Theatre, {tending, Pa.. Christmas week. Tun ItfXl'oitn linos, write: "We nre on the Canadian -circuit playing Raster* Canada wllh success. We nre known ai the 'Talkil- Hve Two.' We will Join a well known bnr- jeMiue show next season." Tut! Simmons, louring with Mnbora's Opt-rnlle Minstrels, repori. a n ee me . Aiitiiiii O. Mav. coniedlmi ami eccentric) dancer, will join Clins. Slnlzninn iiboni Ajirll .".. They will present an original miking act In one. enllllcd "The Soap P.sbller," carry- Inc; a special drop for Hie ac:. A. J. K.WANAi-iili. inannger of the Om Fainllv Tliealre. Minneapolis. .Minn.. Hies lo show Ills iippi edition by aeilinis. N'or alone has li« provided clean. Iiirui' dressing rooms, wllh running hot nnd enld water, nml ihe room'. Well llglued nnd hen fed, but uses ev- erv melhod known 10 make ibe performers' i ugngem"nr ill his house one lo be i-enieni- beredfor lis pleasniitncss. On CbHsimas fiily the perforiaer.i nt the Hem were infnrmeil that a Chrlslni.is illnuer wi'.s nwalllng iliem at Ihe lintel Nlr.ollei. and afier washing up. tliey Immedlntelv aro e e eded to do justice lo the chef's dlslies. Pialcs were gel for l.en» Those eujovlng the snrend were: A. J. Knvn-'-Ji- HnniioK FlinilAS' iiiiiikIi, ns Imsr: Hnlil.y c.-uroll. Ilnraey Iviie/'J-mnn. Inform Doll I. Farlarilcnu, Master Johnny .Manning. S. P. Phillips, T. J. Ly.le., pianist•: L. H. Tollefdon. electrician; O. K. ilermauck aild 11. D. Smltberi. Year's dinner. p'.avlug their eugiigeiiienljat Miners Klglilli Avenue Theatre. N"iv Voik fSly. They all were galliereil nfc (he ilible in 11.30, v. .\r. Tbo-co pn-simt were: Julill Wclier. James, ■'iirllii lowiicr of the showi,. fins, lionglnss, Lint Sl.-M-k imauagi f the shiiwl, W. Smith. Ucurgo UeiUlinalprt, 'HJcbfe Covey, Kd. Orlllin. Hen lleiiniiig'oil,. Hurt' Fuller. Ml', nnd Mrs. Vaiighl Comfoii,' Clote,uee . Alarx, P.l.incbe Wi'sbbiirn. Jlrace Orahaw, Lillian Stevens. Conclceiii, liutli He Shop. Heal rice Haves. Florence thirty, lioriha' lliii'it'nan. May Collins. Allen Fuller, .illldrcd' Hellt, ', Hollln- Iteai'ilon, .May Swan, liessle t'.llletle, l.llllnn Coleman nnd Ilatlle Chew. The dlant-r was iii.iiinefl when tlio fmnipiny opened lis sou- son last AiigURl. Sin-e ihen a jienalty of. live renis Imposed on members or the com- pany III: Ibe pleasure nt III" president, Jobit Weber. The affair broke up al Ibe hour Hint the milkman goes lo worn. Speeches we're eliminated, but line., were in order at :i)l limes. Km:n Zoivnnii:. while playing nt Keith-, t Procter's Oie» Hundred and Twenly-llflh Street Theatre, Introduced several new fea- ture!; to lils ner, which nere hi ..ii in novel mid nninile milliner. Jni: A. Ci.-iio has relurneil lo viitirt'ivlUo,- after eight years' retirement, cud lias joined hnnds with Hurt l'rei-s. of Pre,, :l tn| Uolh. Tbey will work under ihe uni-m of libra nnd Press, thlt tenson, In vaudeville. Mr. Press' Is going to Mexico for three weeks, to dote hi.i old time. -, i CttAS and Vcbta Anr..\n:(, the cyclists, will sail for England In June, to tour F.og- Innd nnd the Continent. .u-.. Homy II. ft. S-Mf'ir.'ijin anp CnMriM- pro- diiced n' new skelrli oo Dee. ^;i. at I lie Crand onera. Mouse, ilrnnd Ibiplds. Alii-h.. enlltb-d "Mr. Step's Slep-Roii," li-niii ilie pen of Harry tirny: .liulgliig from Ihe favorable rt-porla. contained In die Crnml Itnplils pa- pern, the nci gave MitlHfncllou. TAMHAKnt.fi: M'-Caiiiv writes: "| opened April ft with Ihe Hrenl Vnli AUiliui'g Show,, and eloseil with'It flee. II. I am ie-engrtgcil for the letitlng Beiisnii of HlfiM with I he utinie r.hnw (my sixth siiasoni.' I niii playing a tun weeks* eiigilgeineiit iit'lbe Star Theriire, Miienn, i in." liivt: Lavu wrlles: "The Lnnc Trio'mil closed wllh Voxel's Minstrels and will ]jl|iy viiiidevllle diil.-s until. Miirch 27. wlleil .ivn •.•/III rejoin Mr. Vngcl's Hln.w at Orulige. N. .1." l'o|„ lilK'iiis I!o|ilii:Vi:i::v reimrl . Hint; Ills net Is going sii'ongi'i- Hinu over. He lias lulroduced two new novel flex, which liilil greelly In his net. Wintiuis an:i I.itti i:i-ir.i.ii repr.rl Hial llity urn doing lib-ely Willi "Side TiMcted" Co.. playing ili» Irainp and Ibe srluhrifHi.'.., They will lie soon in vaudeville again nKI season. In an.entirely new /liiglug ami dan- cing net. H.OIR Kin. Hie illlle. soiibretie, late of Hie Twentieth Ceniury Vimileillle Co.. is rapijljy iilivnlesclng from n serious illness, am ; wn.s rnlllcit no", nnd w»n hy We ore now on our elglili-etil'i IlllVell'l eo.'iuueil an llel. A guild l.lg biisiiti'ss I. all I hat ■ aiv rati- .nere i.lll-O Hay. Tin Susie I'Mli week, ami show nud ; say. • Tin: Miuialliiiv Turn were obliged to eel ihelr Michigan lime, owing lo Ibe s I'liiess nf Lola Milton, wlio Is uiulei' Ibe of a pliyslclnn In Lafnyeile. 1ml. IIaiivi v ASH Akams wrlle: "We are now In-our eleventh, week With Ibe St. lauds Amtiseini'iii Co., doing a tree act, mid arc ;: feature In tbo I'lrclM ilepnrtmeill. We are in i w In lieorgla nnd have not seen a tin lie of enow vet this Winter, While playing llmns- wleli. Its., ClirlMtiitiH «eelt, Ilnrvey II. Apple mle. .of the lliu-vev end nf Ibe team, wan initialed Into Aerie No. 11 S3, F. O. K.. mill now has a nice pair of wings, wbieh were iircM'tiiii) to llliu. i'lirls! nam I my, Wo are having a vci-y siiccc.sl'iil n-lli Ihl'nliali Hie Soulli. mid II seems more like tl fileimnre trip Ill-lit tilling mi cugngi'liiclil ullli (he above company. Tin: Out Kr.i.i viu.r: la u wel- come vMior iiiul everybody is eager to get lr on Its arrival, which Ii. ulwnys n Utile laic in ihe week." • pacta lo Join liands In February wlih l|ul|i, 'XUc■ Im.x olHee tells lb" same story. We nre ..Iron roe ib« inei-vj makers, who «eni in bed ,1li Ibe gray dawn uilb regi'ei Ibal Hie lime "bad passed so ipilckly. •1" llnitirriiv Kllil.l'. Hie "Cowboy Hlrl." vvrlles: "Afier Iweiuyoiie weeks nu Ibe Sul- llVnn is Colisbllne circuit. I closed nl |he llf" lliieuni. I.i'iiveiiwnvlli, Kan., lice. II. nud oiietied 1.'. on ih" C'cn-. K. Hodkliis' rlrenn, hi' Hie Lyric Theatre. Spriitgllold. Mo. I lllll-e been well llkeil old here III Ibe Well, Iiiul like II Hii well myself, I ihliil, I will slay 'i while lomter. I inn Mil I tag my m-w in-l r-nlj, nud .-vpeei hi pin .i mi miirtly. In Ii I Vol niiike rmu- changes. Hall in »ln.y. Mexican mid solllu-elle, Willi songs lo III I'li-ll lb nailer." OiiliilN AMi lliiilll'.s have Ji|s| llnlsliisl .slxlceii weeks for I lie Wesieru Vaiiilerllle Assnclaili.ii, mid opened al .Mllin-iipolls. Minn., Use, ::;!. n Iwamv .*l\ ueeks' i-nganr- laciit over Ibe Sullivan ,v Coiislillne eircull. J. II. ii'Nlii.l, of J. II. O'Neill and enIII- ptiliv. wrln-s: "I have been In the South Side hospital. Piilsliiirg, I'n., since I l.-e. III. wllh lyphold pn.'ii oeiilii, and was discharged from tiuii liisiltiillnii Jan. ;.. Asa resiill of my ill nem I had in ciiucel nil nmlrncls, I was so low Unit I thought surely It was (Whig to bo the iast i in-lain fur me, but. iOnnks to Hie dncliii's. I'n mii's.s .-mil Ho- T. II. A.. No. :I7, of Plllshmg, I was abb' in pull through, mid. nllStoiigh will; yd, will he In harness agiilii Jan.' Ki, ns tins Sun has lived in- up a new ruble." .\'iirt:s up Crystal Tlienlre, Jlenashii. Wis. - -The Cryslal Tlienlre lias Ihtii leased and opened as a family vaudeville I lien I re bv Hie Obi In family, formerly of Sllllwalei'. Ml nil. The opening took idnee Saliinlay erenlaR. '.tan. I, mid 'the citizens liirmil out In full furce and packed the liiemre m lis uimnst inpnclly at liolh peiTorinnmi>a. The entire show was given by Hie Olircrlils, and Ibey Won favor ill: once. '11m family hand nnd orchestra tiitule all liisiiiiilmii'ous lili. wllh a musical pl'ogrniiiiiic. Tlie rsHl nf the hill was well revived, nml the Ohrcrhl* have Im'- .iiiiiic geueiid favnrlles here from Hio start. Tit* cxeciillve HlalT Is as follows: The i:rys- till Theatre Co.. lessees', C. It, Obreebl, nm li- nger; Mrs. Illirecbl. trensiiri-r; line Obreebl, singe nm linger; L. II. fihrecbi, iniislcul di- rect or. Mil ash Mas. Davis Mliii-iu gnv>' n Chrisf- inns parly at their home, yj" Knit Tweiily- lifL'i Slreel. Now York Oily, wllh a uirkey dinner, (.'overs were laid for sixteen. Includ- ing; Mr. nud Mrs. Have Murphy, ciiarleH iluiiin, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce I'. Murpliv. Mr. and Mrs. Illclmrd Hitler. Ales. Iliirmy fbde- man. .Mauler Hartley Colennn, Mr. iiiul All's. A. Klerro and family. Present were es- i.limigeil. Charles liiuin pre.«'nled Ills iun-:- .i.ier, Have Mnrpby, and wife, wlih a filter service. Prefeasor Schmltifc'o's oreheatia .played severul seli-llnns. Tlio parly broke up at three n'Hant. Ikii.i.n; Mil.iiil'i; Wonnwiai wrlles: "My father died m S.iralogs SprlngH.- N. V.. on -)iec. l"i. Ills mi me was Oni. A. Shiirpa, and W-Wtti sivclily-seveii MM of age. He leaves a w'.dilw, ii son and three dniiBhlei-s— Kittle rlltni'pn, Kminn Shtirpe and llollle Sluirjie. His widow la professlonolly known in Roaa i8t. Audlev." i Da\t. Ci.trronD. Hebrew comedian, Into «tnr of "The Trust Uuateri," has Joined hands with Frank and Delia Williams. The ■flrin will he known ns Williams, Clifford and Williams. In u sketch called "Him, Her and 10."' They play I'lisior's neek-uf l-'eh. :i. Net:, a.sp Htau write: "We luive been Iny- Illg oil' for Ihe past uiiiiiIIi owing In the III- jicrV. of-.Mr. liner, who underwent u Hcikius operation fur miaul ironlile. Mr.-liner is at .lilii I in inc. Ponghkeepde, N. V., and bus nol. yd fatly recovered. We will produce u new .act soo:i." ■ Muiiiiv Cmvtov a.vii I.ii.i.ias Dm:w riivo n New Vear's pnilv nl llieir limno Tuesday ■ veiling. Hec. S|, •' Among Ihnw eiilcrlnliied .were: Ihdl and Fmldn. .lames o'llrlen. llarrv W. Murray, Lillian Hf.'w, Ireiin 'i'eiiitile. Air. .nnd Mrs .Michael French, Mr. and Mrs. f,eo ifreipl anil Aiigiislu Kllitikllli. Tin; jinl'ly iroim up in lite-••wee sum'"'hours on N'mv Tour's mum. every-one wishing Marry- clay- ipn uinl LI ilhii lirew ciniiltiiu 1 '! siu'cess, N'OICil l-IPl.'l T'li: (.ILVI'LLII .lll'KS.- -Clll'lst- tiin.ti dealt •very liiiplly wllh us. Kaeh mem- ' tier, mule and feuinle. guv presents In the oiinr, and Midi ivniillful mi's nre seldom .Vt'i-ii. <>f emu-Hi' evciyode fell happy, llilsl- lies' Ii''- been mole lllnll good, anil Ihe panic /las lilinle no liiroiidi on our reliirus. We lire joie.'lng nliiic ii: of yorn, -uri' ivlnuers, and, If things continue 'along ilml line.- we will .eei-tiili'ly have i ii'tse In coiiiplalii. Our .ceillpnhv uinl show reimilns is h was nt tin- sliirl of Hie i-'asi'ii. mid .is mie laughing lill. ieilil, of the "lliunply Duniply" Co., Id it slsler net. Miss Kin Is wllh her, molher at _M'nl uinlnis, O. nf Fulrmnn and Fair- lie nasi i the mi eel .ill their lime until April, on r^iinttot . t'ss of hi* wife. They hope !«',be Mile in piny their April looking* and a]l 'datca to tin nor/ mi mir way We-u, and if lit soih lire anv erllerlmi, ive are on .side of prnhiiU'lly. - CIlAlil.ll) Wtl.KitNi. wrlles : "1 nin no longer coii!>.<cled wlib titty ibiiii'liii; ml under nie ilpniu mime of Kennmly nml Wtlketi*. | wlt]i the Wlsdi'd of fi^' f'o., playing clinincier of Tlnmau, with Ueo. Stone at scarecrow." sea- nay nm the the Porjj of Players. A until lliose v. ho have -n-iit. in hnllilny greeiltigs during ibe |iasi week nre: Mem hers of the Jnines Slielliv show, Churlci II. Ward. Knlliiliie clni" ,v Co., Mr. ami Airs. Illesslng. I>'. MeNiiiry. Aliirlou Illlike, .Ilia Marco, Ih'nrgr II. Adams, Hilly SianfurO. liessle Shun, Ken Feist, John and Alice Mr Howell. Hick ,Miulilo\.' Ferrell I lion, "The Show li'll" Co., I'llill CillellllH. M, J. Cullctl, Mcerelnry .Nevvinl; l.ndge. No. U'S, T. Al. A.-; I'rm Khlrldge, lilotic Ainuseuient Co,, ihe lliulers, IVniHlfoi'd mid Milrllsiru, Kelly nml llerl tin. Maxim and Sights' CniiieillaiiN. Kill,' I'lavers. li'lllell Slsti Is. I'.iu'i MeOlllVl'V. K. N L.nvl". Ill be lirayiluii. the Aerial Lowes. Hurry Cramer, "Tlie llnnslcr tilij" Co., Speildnli-I'iilge Co.. Wesley VnuilevIHe Co.. J. Hiickley. .In.i, J. Kcyiiohls. Hilly Heard. Hie . Haggesemi, Cnden mid Mnek, A. Wlukli'i' and Mndnips, William Morris. How cry Hnldwhi. A. K. I'll Idem, Lmtls II. linker, Oeuigb"ia I'llli'li. Coiinliiiil lite Sisters, Al. FiRttell, Tom WaHrs. Hob Mniicbesler's Cracker Jiiclis,'Mnv Toiirhllloii Truiipi-, Jack i:. Hum, Arllitir Km Mm I'lnlrc, J. I'rniicl-i Mni'lnw. L.nils I". Velier. .Inaepli I'rlce. I Hirii- ih.v Kurle. Mr. nnd Mrs. ,1. W. i'rui:;r, Kapler iiiul .Ma 11 hews, Cross, Tony l.nivniule, llov don MeOiiwd:, Hie I .a lie Trio. 'I. It. U iinu'ii. Ciil. Hiisinii llordevern. Jiu-k K. Ilo.is, Lllllnii Imlui'ly. .Urieil Williams, .May K, Ailillson. i'n.,. MeCoiiiiell Slster-i. James W. Tliiuniisoii, Charles Kiiclde, A i nil fit n ami llurke. SpiHsell Urns, nml .Mink, Lew Hcynolils, llerl Her. Iicrl, liulph and Su-I" l.evluo, Llllhiit Km- nler.'li, I'our lllo llrns., J. |„ TciupeO, Lnnl-i Morrison, Knlder uinl Marlon, lirlllln, nud Oelavla. I inl v and o'llrlen, and Win. ,1. Ale- l/lllllll. l^U'isi: CUMIIV wrlles: "I iimlerwi'ill n surgical .•piirtilnii nl my liniue In ili-unlilyn, His-. '£'•■ I have been III for soniii lime, ami will not In. able lo I," out. for u long ii-rlnd." l-'tin.w "Ills I!■>vim tiik M nun." ,\ti do lit llie audience nt Ibe Itroiidtvav Tlienlre, In New Liilul'.n. Cuiiii., who Iiiul wIiiicksi'iI ii pel fnl'anllice of "His Honor Hie Mayui" on 'lie evening of Jan. '.', was surprised ami |ii haps mysillled at tlie pruloii^eil iilmuls mi Ihe singe afier tin' fall of l! iirlaln. Htngn Mining r J. II. Prut I littil called tin- cuinpiiliy on ibe singe nud minoiin I thai tIf* New Venr's piiriy nf' llie ei'i'tiiiig prevlnii.". wns Ihe olTeilng of Harry Kelly, slur, and S. W. Cnm'e., mining if 1 In- iiggregilloii. nml Hie seeming ill.'lui'hiince was titiuply Hie cum pally vub'l'ig lis .ippri'i'lalliiii of Hm good Hine sbuwn Iliem. The party was given In Hie dining mien of llie Ib-piln llolel, tit New Ili-tialii. i 'nun, ami was alleiidi'd by all niemhers of Ibe eoinpnny a ml by spei.iiilly Invited guesls, mining wboiii were lip if. Tim i. L. Ilellly, .Mtiynf of Merldeit, Cuiiii.. who wits also n gttcn oi u Chrlsimns tree nni'lv of Hie contpiiliy held a' the Alerbleii llolel. In Mrrhlon, on I'hrlsliiins nlglil, nud wliu, by n talk given al Hun Hnii', uiliiie a Instlnt- I'rlend nf every meiuber nf "Ilia Honor tlm Alnyol" eopipaiiy • by tleorgi. Hart, Dr. Hayes, of New Haven; McCnlio nnd.Cnni- well, well known In vnudnvllle, nml several other pi'i-forntei's from the vainlevlllo liounen. Manager S. IV. Combs, acting an MUltr nf ceremonlM, called-upon various of the vis- itors nnd members of the cooipnuy for tpteehet, wlilcb were given nnd much en- joyed, after which songs, inonnloKiies, dmi- clng, etc., furnished amusement, Iritersnerneil with refrechmeiiis, until u late hour In Ha- inornlng, The New Vein's pm-tv nf "Hii Honor the Mayor" will long be i-eiiii'inljered hy i'vet.mie who was In alloiuhiiie<\ • Ht'.iiitiii) W. JiiiNAHPn Is now liiislncss man-' nger for Hick P. Stitinn nl llitile, .Mum., inok- ing. out lifter Hie luteresls of Ihe Hrninl opera House ami Hie new Lulu Tlienlre. Xirrrs rinm Ibe "lilmaond Jack" Co., \o. I.—We nre Inuring VeW Vui'l: Slnle lo good business. Hosier: (ir. W. II. Lung i lilnimuel .luck), propi'lelor nnd iiiaiiiiger ; t'.lllv An- ueintli unit I'lsle May. Hurry Mnrliw I, Nenle ami .Minn MniUwiioil, Jos, llniallloti, Lniiia Cov.'li"! and Llnle Krunccs. T"tmr- I'.ulikiis and Wnllij', .Minn S|iiingl»r, Cltiln. Halleii. Kit Whlilwlml, Mr. and .Mrs. Kelly. Hoy Spongier, the Onruiiiii i'linillj, Initnl mid orcbcsim. Jnllli, Kiillii'.vh, Marie. Miugaiei mid Mutter flulo-rr. the idieiioiueiuil clilld irap lirtiinini'i', only seien yearn of age; i% baud of live genuine IiiiIIiii'ih, and "Hunger liny," Hie prl/i. llostiili terrier Isdoiigbig In Klsle May. Tlie Hiirntnl 1'aiully. who until recently |,nu been v.llb litis cotnpiiiiy, biH been ri'iilaeed by Hie ipirinau Kninliy.' L. Wi'.hi.lv writes: "A ClirlHlimiH iiiiisbnlo win given on ClirlslnuiH nl Hie Hotel Monroe, lliilTt.bi, N. V.. by Ibe fiilbiwiiig pei-fiiiuiern : Mis. Wall Wiiblrnii. I'. II, Wnlili-nn. Stun lliiunver. Leon .Wesley, Arthur II. Mainlnk, Hen tin llniiuver, .Minnie Jitger, Clitts. Irving, Jennie Meade Wculey, I). W. Hairy. Mlus llney. Air. Coucblatil. the elocutionist, cuter. tallied. Numerous nrosiuis wrn evelitingi'd, nud the pleasnnl old lime gathering lunko up In Hie siiiiill lioiu-i of Hie ninnilng." "A llAeilliUiii IIii.iiimiiiis" Co. bad n parly In Norton, Kim.. Chrlstiiinii Kve, nml every member rememhererd every other. inotnbif, with tome token of good fellowship.