The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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JANUAEY 18. THE NEW YPBJff OtlFKKR. XW "ckauncev-Keln'er (Fro.l ("hauiiery. nigr.)—Hor- aell.X. V., 13-tB, Corning »«.-. caKowtC Ida—Toronto. Can., 13-18. rrMmJn, Henrietta—Full Hirer, Mum.. 11. Corcoran, June (Arthur C. Alston, nigr.)—Chero- kee, la.. 1*. WelMier Liu It, Iowa. Falls 17. Waterloo 1C Coir noil Johnson—liutlannpolli. (nil.. 13-1.1, Dty ton. 0., Ill-IB. CViloiilcl Opera (Bradford Milts, nigr.)—Jackson- rllle. Fl«.. 194th "Cnudy Kid*'—Brooklyn. X. T„ 13-18. Klluliptu, X.-J.t 20-32. "College Wlilow" (Henry W. Savage, nigr.) — Boulder, Oil.. 13. HI. Collins lit. (Im-lsv IT, Cheyenne. Wyo.. IS. Ucivor, Col., 2(1-25. "Child of the Regiment" ICliaa. I'.. DUocv Aunise. On., nigra.)—Kansas City. Mo.. 13-Id. 81. J..- we»u 1H, 20. Dpi Moines, la.. 23, It, Driven- port 24. 33. "Comer Grocery" I Vance A luitio(L nigr*.)—On. irulln, Mo.. 15, Lsduiila ill. Vmulnlln IT. "Cow-Panclier" Central, W, Y. Mann"* (Sam M. Lloyd. Burr.)—Mcrtel. 'Hex.. 15. Sweetwater II., Big Sprlnga IT. Pecos IS, M Puw. 10, Sllvci "Itjr, N. Mex., 20, Denting 21. Moroni 22. OHf- loir, Arli. 23, l.onlsbur;. N. Mex.. 24. (.lota, .\rli.. 23; 20. "Cow-Puncher," Western, W. F. Mima's iKdwiu Perclrnl. nigr.)—Mimic.i. Xeb., 15, Phillips- bunt. Kan.. 10, Obcellu IT, Norton IS. Alm.i. Neb., 20, Red Cloud 21, Helle vlll... Kail., 22. Superior, Keli., S3, Nelson 24. Grand Island S3. "Card Kind of the Coast" (Venc? 4 Sullivan, ilgrs.)—Hobokcn. N. J., 12-1".. "fomented Woman"—New Orleans, l.«.. 12-18 "Owning Thro' the live." II (York Co., uigr*. i— !■:. Liverpool, ().. 15. Washington. I'll:, 111, Mm-. cantown, W. Va.. IT, Counellsvllle, Pa., 18, I'lilui.towii 20. Grccnxieirg 22, Altoona 23, Cbauibrrsburg 24, Carlisle 25. ■cm.vicr 1109," Jos. Kbit's iUml» Kats, mgr.) —*»., LonK ( Mo.. 12-18, n'mivn City 10-25. '"Convict's Dmichtcr." los. King's ill. N. Har- ris. iugr.1—Newport. 'S. I., 18, Pall Illver. M.isu.. 91*32. ' "Cowboy Olrl," Kilter 4 Helium's IG. A. While, incr.)—Screiiton, P.i , 13-15. Wllkes-Burre 10- .-•• 18. Vlilladelphln 20-83. "Chinatown Cherllc." Al. II. Woods' (Dare Poa- . tier, nigr.)—X Y. Oily 13-18, Trentou, X. J., 20-22. Pateraon 23-25. "Cojrlrt ttnd the Olrl" 'Mlllmthnl tlroa. Amuse. Co.. lugn>.)—Detroit. . Mleh.. 13-18. Saginaw 13-22. "Custer's Last Fight" il. I-:. CIIITord. mir.)— Kansas Clly, Mo., 12-18, Omaha IS. 20. - "Cowboy and the Soius,-" iP. it. Sullivan, awtr.) . — Rochester. X. Y.. 10-18, Buffalo 20-25. "Cnrse'ot Drink"—nmaj, N. .1.. 10-18. Phila- delphia, Pa., 20-25. . . ■ ■•• i 1> Drew, /olio (C'birles rr>liiu.iu, mitr )—Brooklyu, > K Y.. 13-18. '•Uaj, Anna. (Enjent Khlnimn. mjr.l—Clarksrllle. Tex.. IS. Boubam 10, Denlson IT. slicrinan 18. ' DbIIiik 20.- UretuTllle 21, Terrell 22. !«• Voiulc, Chester, Stoek (K. 8. Daly, bus; nigr. I .-^Cambridge. O.. 13-18. Butler, Pa.. 20-25. - Ualr, Bernard (II. P.'Franklin, lagr.>—llakera- ' ' ileljl. Oal.. 15. Fresno 10. Hlockton lti, San -low 20,- Hnenracnto 21. (ialdrleld. Ner. 23, 24. Tcitoiuib 25, 20. Huttiriieriy Sluek (Payne i Donglierty. mirre.)— Hrition. 8. D.. 13-18. Andotcr 20. Webster 21, Hls-ttloti 22-23: Theatre (Vlclor J. Donald, bun. iinrr.i— Selem. Ore.. 13-18. A-iorlu 19-23. Uooiie. Allen (Frank .1. Lee, nigr.I—lolo. Kan.. 15. Ft. Srntt 10. Clinton. Mo., IT, Sednlla 18. l.cslneloii 20. Hrookleld 21. Clillllcotbe 22, ■Trenlon 2J; KlrUsrllle 24. Mnberly 25. Dudley. Frank—Brooklmren. Mliw.. 13-18. Iiot-o, Morle (Chas. Fruliuan, mgr.l—Prorldeuee, K. I., 13-18, Cleveland. II., 20-25. l)e J^irey, Leljth—Fall Hirer. Mass.. 13-18. ••LlcrH's Auetlon." Chas. II. Yale's—Portland, Ore.. 19-23. "Dairymaids" (Clias. Frvhiuan, nigr.)—Dostou, -. Mass.. 13. IndeBnlle. . "Duel. The" (Wm. K. Sparks, nigr.)—Crockett. Tes. 15. Llrlugston 10. Orange IT. Port Ar- thur 18. Crowley. Lav, 10. Jennings 20. Onelou- i-as 21. Lafayette 22. New Iberia 23, Franklin 21. Thlbodeaux 25. "Ix-siieralc. (Eunice." Western ii. C. Patrick, nigr.)—Astoria. Ore.. 10. . "Down Mobile," Rller's (Clins. !•:. llrown. uigr. I -Fulfurlns. Tex.. 15, Alice 10. San Diego IT. Uredo-18. Enelnnl 20, Cntutla 21. Peartsall 22. Devlne 23. Kyle 24. Hound Hock 23. "Deadwooil Dick's Last Hliot." • Al. II. Woods' . • ■_—Paleraon. X. J.. 13-J3. Trenton 10-18. Phil- adelphia; Pa.. 20-25. ■ "Dreniu Woltx"—Pbllailfl-iiil.i. Pn.. 13-18. Clly"—Peoria. III., 10-18. "Daniel Boone on the Trail. " Robert 11. Uarris' Ularry Fellus. rairr.l—ijliawuee. Okla.. 13. i:iilormlo. Kim.. IT. Herrlagton 18. Salluu 20, Topeka 21. Lairre'ice 22. "Daiiirernns Friend" (Harry P. In-own, iuvt. ) —Kenr-ctt. Mo.. 13, Partagevllle 10. Camp- hell IT.. Moorvliomo 18, Monnd City. III.. 20. llnrrlshun: 21. 'laleonda 22. Cirterrllle 25. lli-rrlu 24. Henton 25. "DlHtrlrl Lender" (Frank J. Sanlain. ingr.l — Colnniliits. Neh., 15, Fr.-mmt JO, Klonx City. 1»., IT, 18. Yniiktm, S. Dak.. 20. Mitchell 21. Sioux Kails 22, Siwncol 23, ft. Dodge 24, Web- ster Cltr 33. 1. Fdew'iu. Itobert (Henry II. Harris, nigr..—Srlan- . Ion, 1 15. 10. Aim lruor. 22. Klllolt, Muxluc (Ceo. J. .i|i|>lotoii. nigcl—N. Y. City 1.3, IndeHnltv. I.lwyn Hlocu (Lome EIwvii, nigr.I—Burlington, Vt., fo-23. "Kll and Jane" fllnrrv t!r:-ne. mgr.I—Winches- ter,-111.. 15. Cmiiln 10, I'iltanehl IT, Barry 18. Orlgjarllle 20, Mt. Sterling' 21. Clayton '22. Camp Point 23, Vovren 24. Plymouth 23. ''Kwl.ot tbe Trail," Lincoln J. Carter's (W. J. ■J aekau n. mur.)—Phlladelplilu. i'a.. 13-18. "KhrM L'ells"—cirlmgo; II!.. 13-25. "Kdtia. Hie Pretty Typewriter." Al. II. Wuod.i' (Hubert II. Goodman, mgr.I—Chicago, 111.. 12- "Fasl I.ynne." Jn*. King's i'T. W. Uooilwlu, mar.I —Spriugrleld, III., 13, Pans 10, Paris IT, Terre Haute. In.I. IS. "I-asi I.ynne." Jos. Klng'i (lidwlu O'Connor, mgr.I—Bayyune, \. J., :018, Youkers, X. Y.. 20-22. • "Knar L.vnrie.". Jos. King's (V. A. Sfymour. nigr. i • —JoneslioTO. Art:.. 15. ilalrsTllle 10. Ki wfsilt IT. Arkadelplila 18. '1'exarkana. Tex.. 20. Shrcvi- ' l«tt. Ln., 21, Monriw 22. Nachitocbes 23. Alex- andrla 24, Opeluusus 2-3. V Flelda' All stars (Lew Fields, nigr.)—X. Y. City ' 13, IndeUiilte. I'lKuian. Mux (John Oirt, nigr.)—Onklund. Cul., 13. San Jose 10, Slocktjn IT, Sacrnurento 18. ■ Suit Lake City, U., 20-22. Ogden 23. Cbeycnu- Wyo., 23. l'lske. Mrs. (Harrison Grey Flake, mgr.)—X. Y. City 13-23. l'uy. Eddie (Sam S. -A ijk Slmbert, nigra. I— i. - Rochester. X. Y.. 3-15. Bngalo 10-18. Krle. Pn.. 20, Elnilni. X. Y.. 21. Wllllniusisjrt. P.i.. 22. r Scran ton 23. Wllkes-Burre 24, Allcntown 2o. •:•: FeMy. .Mande (Jiihn Con. nigr.'l— Clair-. Wis., 15, Milwaukee 1018. lloekford. 111.. 20. '.:'•' Uurciiixirt, la., 21. Duliu-iuc'22, Ohir Rnpids 23, Murshalltoivn 21, St. Joseph.'Mo.. 23. ' , Fcnberg Stock. Easlem (G.». M. Kenberg. mgr.) , "—-Mlddleton-u, Conn.. 111-18, Danbnry 20-25. - Fleniliig. Mamie (W. II. Grace)', uigr.) — Chicago. .III.. 12-18. SprlngUeld 20-22. Peorlu 23-23. . .-Fenberg Stock. Wniteni (Oen. 11. Feubcrg. nigr. I —Kecue, X. IL. 13-18. Faverabaiu, Wllllaui (Laaghf 4 Co., uigrs.)—Oil- - . • :eniw, ill., iu-23. '. Fords.. Famous—Browiilleld. Pa.. 13-13, Fmr- cbancc 10-19, Monoiiguhela £1-25. '. "I'lgbUng OijBiice" (I). K. Forrester, mgr.)— X. Y. City 18-23. Forty-Bvc Minutes Frein Ilnuulway," Klaw & Krluuger'a—Houston. Tex., 15, Sail Antonio 10, KI. Paso 18, Ut Angeles. Cul.. 20-23. "FnllleH of i»oT" (Florvna Zlegfeld, mgr.)— Plillailelptila. Pn.. I3-25. "Ka'ual." White'* lOlcn Verae. mgr.)—New Phll- . iidelphla. O.. 15. Bellnlre Id. Wasblogloo 1.. Vu.. 18. . '1'iillen by the Wayside." Al. II. Woods' (jVred Plei-k. mgr.)—Mlnueiiiiolls, Minn.. 12-18. • "Flaming Arrow," Eastern. Lincoln-J. Carter s . ../—Chntet. PH.. 13. Camden. X. J.. 10-18. Head- ing.'Pn., 20-22, l.o!»inmi 2:1, llnrrlsburg 24. 2... "naming Arrow," Southern. Lincoln .1. Curler s —tttaaBAfr. OKI»„ 13. El Iteno 10. Anadnrka IT. Chlckashaw 18. Cadilo U3. Dealsou. Tex.. 21, " Bcmhara 25. ,. "P»UH," Morrlwfu's—ChlllksJlIie, (>.. I* Oska- Iciosa. la.. 10, Klrksrllle, .M«.. IT, Ottumwn. .In.. 1, Ymtngalnwn 23. ... , ■•-•■■Ki*-liiatll« Flnrn" iSnm 8. A- lss> 8l.uls.rt. niL-rs. i_ Cliiclunull. O.. 13-18. I'ltlslmn;. Pa., "'30-23. ' , . "l-'inir t.'.irwrx i.f the Kurtli." Klhnl * (iaxanh. « '!>aiilel lleeil, mgr.i — Muilrral. linn.. i:.-l». •For Molker's Suke," Eajuru (Holland * HI- Bj* ni«T>>.)--Aiiaapul!B. Md.. IS. Cbealer 10, h",°»-J*'■• IT. Brllirelo,!. X. J.. 18. Laurel. Del.. 20. CrlsSeld, M(T, 21, Kallslntry 22, lam bridge. X-tl-uston. Del.. 21. Doter 25. lonabaslil" (g 3 m S. * I« Shubert. mgrs.)— .->. Yf City 13. IndeOnllc. I torn SI113 Slag tn Liberty" (Chas. at Ulaney Aruuae. Co.. rugrs.l—Male, X. Y.. 13-18. lor Mother's Sake." Wealera I Holland * Kll- flia. mgr*.)—Mesa, Arl«.. 15. I'UiriiK 111, I'rescuit IT. Williams 18. WH.sWw l». Unllup. N. Mex.. 20, Alrsiqiieriiin' 21. Vegas 22. , ,?1"'* Fe -'• I'liJ-tnn 2J. Union 23. 'latty Kellx" (Itwlle IVpplr. ingr.i—Morgan- ti.ivii. W. Va.. 13. Gnt'inh-ir-r, I'a.. 10. Jean- file IT. .Mmicssen IS. Washington 2ii. Wn»iic«- Imrg 21. Caunnusbnrg 22. Wellsrllle, O.. 23, liimnln 21. R.s>h-sler, Ps.. 23. "Fifty Miles rnmi HusUm" M'.iluiu ft Harris, mgrs. I—Fall River. Jlnss.. 23. (i Ornnil (i|^i-,i (o.rur .'Uiiiiu'i-stelu. uixr.i—-N. Y. <3iy 13,. Imlrrlulir. Crarul tiuent ■-1 Ilelnrleli Coiirleil. uiir.i--N. Y. Clly i:t, Imtciiiiiie. <■«■/• Knlherlue—X. V. Clly 1.1. Imlenullr. imodwiiij, N. C. H!eo.«). Weedon. mgr.i—llrook- lyll, V. Y.. 13-U, Allantlr Cite. X. J.. 20-23. Ik-otps. Ilniee (Win. A. Brady. u'i»r.l—St. Paul, Mliui.. 10-18. •jowl. Adam. Xlis'k- -Hntlniid. Vt.. 13-18. Grmittey. Helen Uns. It. Delolier, uigr.l—Shrere- port. 1.9.. 15. Monroe 10. Vleksbiira. Mis*.. Ii. Xnichrx 18. Port (HIismi 20. Jockson 21. OraUarae, Fenllpniul—Anluiru, N. Y.. 13-18. Wa- lerluwn 20-23. Cenaro ft Bulley (Al. II. Woods, uurr.l— Plilladel- lililn, Ph., 13-18. Newark. X. J., 20-25. (Irniicwln. Clias. K. (Wells. Duune ft Harlan. mgrs.)—Milwaukee. Wis., 12-13, Grand Hnplds, Mich.. 23-25. • .olden Rule Comedy (Cordinler Bros., mgrs.)— Mel'nII. Mn.. 13.18. •iooilwlic Slock—Annapolis. Md.. 1.1-18. Greet, lieu. Players (Bon Oieet. mgr.)—Hartford. Conn., I3-IS. Oernisn 'lliemre Ca.—Peorlu. 111.. 15. Harney illarlln & Xlcolat. ingrs.)— Clereland. O.. 13-1S. "Geonee Washington Jr." (Cohan ft Harris. iiurrs.)—San Francisco. CM., 13-18. "Gay White Way" iSnni 8. ft Lee Shubert nigrs.)—Phlludelplilo. Pn., 13-33. "Gambler of the Went." ALII. Woods' (Al. Itleh, mt'.)— Chattenooga. Tern., 13-18, Erausvllle. 1 ml-. 20-22, So. Chicago. HI., 23-25. "Girl Question" iM. II. Singer, incr.)—Chicago. III.. 12. Inileflulte. "• Sw a t Exnre>« Hobbery." Al. H. Woods' (Bert Howard. Burr. I—loulsvllle. Ky.. 13-18, In- •llsnnpolla. Intl.. 20-25. '■Grimes' Cellar D-sir" (W. C. Hanks, mgr.) — Hickory Comer. X. V.. 13, Hanging Uock 10. Waosknticta IT, Oshkosli 19. Oivusso 20, Ulaek Hirer Falls 21, Green Point 22. Mos|ieth 23. Fresh Pond 24. "Olrl ami tit* Stampede" (V. E. Lambert, nigr.) —Snndy. U-. 15. Eureka 10. Mammotli IT. "Cay Xew York," Gus Hill's—Vlrkaburg. Miss.. 15. Greenville 10. Columbus, Ga.. IT, Home 18. Chatlauoogn. Tenn.. M. "Great Divide." Southern (Sam 8. A Lee Sbnbert. mgrs.)—Memphis. Tenn., 13, 10. Corinth, Miss.. ■ IT. Jaekaun. Teun., 18. "Olrl from Broadway" (John A. Muek. mgr.)— Cndlx. O.. 15. Wellsvllle 10. tloehealer. Pa.. IT, Conloii. ()., 18, Akron 20. Maaalllon 21. Yoiiiigatowii 22, Lisbon 23. Marietta 24, Park- ersuunr. W. Ya.. 23. "Girl of the Sunny Sooth" I J. W. Hnrtiuun. mgr.) •-Mahnnoy City: I'a.. I".. Haaletuu IT. Sbamo- kln 18. Mnnch Chnnk 20. itenrlek 21. Lewls- liurg 23. Milton 21. Wllliainsport 25. "lirent Illvi.le," Xonlieni (Sam S. 4 Lee Sliu- liert. mgrs.)—la a wlsliurg. Pn.. 15, Danville 10. Suubury IT. Potlsrllle 18. Slienuudoali 20. llur- rlsburg 21. "i.'ood Fellow (Bobby Xeweoioh. mgr.)—Derliy. i.'mm.. 15, Paiihurv 10. Ktarafonl IT. New Ito- ihelle. X. Y.. 18. Burlington. X. J.. 22. Bridge- Ion 23. pliu-uixvllle. Pa.. 21. Lebunou 35.' " Man"—Seattle. Wash.. 13-18. Port- land. Ore., 20-25. "Governor's Pardon"—Canton. O., 15, Akron 10- 18. Youngsl.iw.i 21. E.. Liverpool 22. Rochester. Pn., 23. "Olrl nf Kaele lluucb" — Ciiteago, 111.. 12-18. II Hitchcock. Raymond (Henrv W. Savage, nisr.i—• lllriulnghani. Ala.. 15. Cliattanuoioi. Tenn.. 10. Atlanta. Ga.. IT. 18, Macau 2V,-Savannah 21. Charleston, 8. C, 22, Columbia 23, Richmond, Va„ 24. Iluilertnan. Jennie, nib-ago Ladles' Orchestra (I.. IL Iliidermau. mgr. i —Columbia, Mo.. 13-18. Huntings, the Four—Ilumllton. Can.. IT, 18. Mon- treal 20-25 Hunfonl, (3ms. If. (F. Liiwrenee Walker, mgr. i— l«s Angeles, Oal., 13-15, Reillands 10, Sim Ber- iiunlluo IT. Klversldc IS, Han Diego 20. 21. Sautu Ana 22. Passadeua 23, Santa Barlwra 24, Ventura 23. Holland. E. M. (Jas. K. Hjckelt. mgr.)—X. V. City 13-1T, Philadelphia. Pu.. 20-25. Hendrlclrs. Ben i\Vin. Gray, mgr.i—llolse City. Ida., 15. Mountain Home in, Pocatcllo IT. llluck |."oot 18. Ogden HI. Mulad, Ida.. 21. 1.0- aim. P., 22, Preston 23, Park Clly 24. Cual Clly 25. Held, Anna (I'lorcnx Zlegfeld. mgr.)—X. Y. City ' 13. Jmledl.lte. Hortlx. Joe (Xleoial ft Miller, mgrs.)—Tordnto, Cnii.. 15-18. Montreal 20-25. Ikuwn. EriK-st—Pi-orhlenee. It. I.. 13-18. Hall. Geo. F, (Frank W. .Niison, ipgr.)—Davis, W. Va.. 13. Piedmont 10, Keyser IT. Meyers •bile. Pa.. 18. Ixniaconliii.-, Md,, 20. Midland 21. Hancock 22, .Murtiunbiirg. W. Ya.. 28, Winches- ter 24. Waynesboro. Pa.. 25. Higglna. David (Stair &. Xlcolal. mgrs.l—Pltls- - burg. Pn., 13-18. lilmuteleln's Ideals, Burgess & lllniinclcln'u IL. A. Eerie, mgr.)—Lancaaicr, Pa., 1318, Snir- lsjry 20-25. Hlinmelelu's Imperial StoeK (II. F. lalaantlrin, mgr.)—Suudtisky. <■., 13-18. Erie. Pa.. 20-25. Hopper. De Wolf (Sam S. ft Lee Sbitbert, m»rs.) —Winnipeg. Can.. 13-1S. Hill Stock (Otto A. Hill, mgr.)—Murray, Ky., 18-18. Princeton 20-25. Ilollend. Mildred (lidwurd C. White, mgr.i—Dan- vllle. 111.. 13, Paris 10, Terr* Haute. Ind.. i"i. Aiu'.ersuB IS. Xew Castle 20. Muncle 21. Tlpiou 22. Kokonio 23. Ixiguuspjrt 24, Lafayette 25. Hlckiuan-Uesaey (W. Al. White, mgr.)—Mollne, III.. 13-18, Davenport, In.. 19. Danville, 111., 20-23. Herald Square Stock. Hitter ft Dillon's—Clear- Held. Pa.. 13-18, Itenoru 20-25. Harder-Hall Stock (Eugene J. Hall, mgr.)—Am- ■ stcrdam, N. Y.. 13-18. Onconla 20-2o. Hlllinnn. May (Ernest Scliiiabel, mgr.)--Cobocs, ML Y., 131 8. , . Harvey Stock (Geo. A. SiilllTim. mgr.)—Law- rence. Mass.. 13-18, Portland. Me.. W-33. Huntley Shows (Hen Huntley, mgr.i—Plnlnvlew. Minn., IB, 10. Hochcaler IT. 18. Galeavllle. Wis.. 20. 21. Trempclo 22. West Salem 24. 2... Harrls-Parklnsou Stock (Robert II. Ha-rls. mgr.) —AshMllle. X. C. 13-18. "Holy Cltr" (II. M. Baelkuller. mgr.i—Ijlilghu.n. Pa.. 13. Manrli Chunk Id. Lnnstwrd IT. Ml. Carroll 2D. Poltsvllln 21, i-'reelninl 22. Slienuu- iloali 1*3. Ixorlstowu 24. Illoonsbiirg 25. "llolr Obr." West (l-e Comle & Flesher. mgisj -sSonta Cru«. Cal.. 20. Waisonvllle 21. Monte- rey 22. Modesto 23. Fresno 24. 23. • "lliimun lleurls." Euste.-u. W. E. Xsukevllle's — iMCtt Hiivei.. tab, 15, PlilllluMlnirir 10. I*wls- ton IT. Reading IS. Altuoiia 20, Lutrobe 21, i.ieens!airg 32. .... • , "Ilniuau Hcurls.'" Western .'Win. Iruuklln Hlley. mgr.i—Salt Lake Clly, I.'.. 13-13, Proro 10, Florence 18. Dm 10-'J5. "Happy Hooligan." Gua Hill's—Bayomie. X. J.. 13-15 PUnllelil 10. Perth Amboj It. Xew Itrunswlek 1*. Wlliuimjlou. Del-, 20-22. Cam- den. X. J.. 23-23. "I Imieriiioiiners"—Jersey City. X. J.. 20-23. "Ills Honor the Mayor"—Troy. X. Y.. 10, Bur- lington. Vl.. IS, Wnlki'H-Burre. Pa., 23, I IsaUd Irving (I.leblcr & Co., mgrs. I—Omabii, Xel... 1313,81. Joseph. Mo.. 18. Sedalla 23. Intenintlonsl Opera—Mli|iK-.i|Kills, MlnB.. U-L'. Italian Grand Opera (Chicago C«.)—St. Paul, " Ham.. 13-13. Mliineapolls tO-lS. •I.J0 of 8n4<-e." II. II. Fraxw's—Taylor. Irs... 15. Gnlvestuii 10. Pt. IT. HmbbwiiI 18. iBmiiaaW. Lav. 19, Monroe 2«. Alexumlrlu •21. Billon Rouge 22. Nutcliex, Miss., 23, Jack- son 24, Vlckabnrg 23. ' "In New York Town" IH.irUg 4 Seanain, mgrs.) Baltimore. Md., 13-18. "IrlsU Seonlor"—nirrllugti'ii. la., 19. "ICs Xerer T«> l.ol.' |o Meml"—(ileveluiid. 0., 21-23. J Jnnls. Klsle IP. II. Dillingham, nigr.)—Clnelii- lis*I. U . 13 is. J.-Ocrsoi.. Joseidi and William IS. VI. Donalds, -unr.)—lpallantl, Ulcb., 13, Port iltirou 10. I . . lail-mni ■ i i^. ... I " I Bay Clly IT. ttagUitrw-Hi , O wo a ao 1 0. - hwiwrlmr- 21. Jaekaun 23, Battle Creek IK). Grand llapldi 24. MuggegonJS. .IclTarsoii. Thus.— Altoina. Pa.. 10. Philadelphia 20-23. * "Joabua Sltupklni." Wesleci, ('. II. Reno's—San- born, la., 15, Hartley 10. Silencer IT, Sioux Itaplda 18. CgtrokM 20. Storm Late 21. 8ac ;3ty 22, Lake City 23. Uoekvllle 34, Fl. Dodge "Jerry From Kerry!" (Patten t Klelelier. iiiirs.) —Hall. Oat., cmi.. 15, llm-lpi! Id, llruiilrinil IT. 81. Callierlm-s IS. , . "Jnkey. Mlkwy ami Ikey" (AlUti aTirlls. mgr.i-- Texl»>. N. Mex. 13. Koawell In is. Cnrlsb,:id '.'ii. I'm.* 21. Midland. Tex., 22. Big springs 23. Olorndo 21. Sweetwater 23. "Just (lot i.l College" (tins Itnthiiet, mgT. t - Cnluml'iis, <)., 10-18, Tolittu 10-25, - K ICclscy-slmuiKiti iKinest Sblpumti. uigr.l-Hal. • vest on. Tex.. 13. llouslon III. IT. Austin 18, Snu Antimto 19. Temple 20. Keystone Draumtle—Kuuxvllle. Tenn., 20-25. Kellur anil Thurston (Dudley McAdow, mgr.i — Stcnueiirlll*. Its. 15. Jobnstuwn. Pa.. HI-IT, Al- Iooiiii IS. Ilrooklyn. X. Y., 20-23. Kallseh. llcrlbn—Kniisus Clly, Mo.. 13-18. Kolli « Hill--Chicago. HI.. 13, liuleflnite. Keiii,e>!y. Nellie (Pellx llurdrtte, mgr.I—CVirt- 'ar-rt. \. V.. 13-18. * Klllles Hand (T. P. J. Puwers. mgr.)—Paebitea, Mex.. 13. Mexico Clly 10-19. Puebla 20 22, ihlsitvi 23. 21. Vera Crua 25. 20. Kemlnll. Exra—Chicago. 111.. 13-23. Kutrkerbovker Stock—Portland, Me.. 1 I l.s. ' Knight for n Day." 11. C. WhlttieyV—X. Y. Clly 13, In.lellnllc. "Ki.lght for a Day," II. V. Wliltuey's—CUIcagb, III,. 13. Iiidetlulte. "KliiuapiHxl for Kcvoiigc"- -Dayton, O.. 1315.' Chicago, 111., 20-35. L Leslie. Koaabele (Sim L. Allen, nigr. i- K. I.lccr- pool. O.. 13-18. Canton 20-26. I.n Tour, Marie, Stock—Rome. Ga.. 13-18. Lockes. 'Die (Will II. Ijwke, mur. I—Loiireuci'. Kan.. 13-15. Gornclt 10-18. Madlaon SO'22. l.inlb.M. Henrv— l.'tlca. N. Y.. IT. 18. Lang Slock. Frank E.—Ft. Dodge, la.. 13-18.' Luke. Svlvli (Alston 4 Zllluiuu, mgrs. i—Simliuiy, •>.. 15.- Ml. Gllend 10. Cnrrlngtoii IT. Mnrlni 18. Hlehwuotl 20. Kenton 21. Belle Ceulcr 22. - tjulucy 23. Sidney 24. TnvJ 23. Lyceum Comedy (Al. S. Evans, ingr.i—Plant CIU,. Fin., 1318. Ltickayc. Wilton I Win. A. Urndy. mgr.)—Brook- lyn, X. V.. 20-25. "Lily and tbe Prince" (Frank Holland, uigr.)--- Clii.rletton. HI.. 10. Iloopcston IT. Penrln 111.' tjuiucy 20, Peapbuown 21, Canluii 22, Mnti" mouth 23, Kewauee 24. Goleibui'g 23. "Lion and tbe Mouse" (Henry I). Harris, mgr:) —Wilmington. X. C, 20. Columbia. 8. C 21. "Lion nnil tbe Mouse" (Henry U. Harris, mgr.i —Columbus. 0.. 13-18. Cincinnati 30-23. "I.ii rod from Home"—Philadelphia. Pa., 13-18. "l.*iin lllvers." Western (Frank Burl. nigl'.)-» Grand Rapids. Midi.. 12 15. Benton Harbor in. So. Beml. Ind., 18, Fl. Maine 10, Clereland, o.. 20-25. , "I*na lllvei-s." Eastern IL. J. Slcrln. mgr.)-- Pr.lmjro, X. V., 15, Albion HI, Medina IT. Niagara Falls 18. "Ij»t In Iba llllla" (11. W. Frnser, mgr.)— Wa- ivllo. la.. 13, Went l.ran«» 10, Kuionn II. What Cheer 18. Slguuruey 21. Hedrlck 22, Ouka- lousn 23. Otluraaa 21. Edilyrllli; 23. "laittle. the Poor Solcslaily" It'll as. E. Illauey Amuse. Co.. mgrs.)—N. Y. Clly 13-18, Hoslon, Mass.. 20-25. "Little Organ Grinder" (II. K. Furreiler. ingt,)-- WLcellng. W. Va.. 13-15. Youngalnwn, O... Hi- . IS. Toledo 19-22. Chicago. HI.. SO-Feb. 8. "Isiot Trail." Wills Amuse. Co. (A. Wills, mgr.i -'-Wnshlugtou. D. C. 13-18. Brooklyn, X. V.. 20-25. "Little Johnny Jones"—Xew Orleans. La.. 12 Is, Selma. Ala.. 24. "Lltile Proigiector" iFrank G. King, mgr.i—Wm iiebugo. Mluu.. 15, Albert Lea 10, Maaon city. in., IT. Osage 18. Spring Valley. Minn., 30, I'ristun 21 La Crusw. Wis.. 22, Hocheslei. Minn., 23, Ow'itouun 24. "Life of iin Actress"—So. Chicago. III.. 13|s. "Ixisl In New York" il. X, Brouson. .mgr.)— Battle Creek, Mich.. 10. Jackson 18; "L'tlle Detective"—Frankfort. Ind.. IS. "Little Heroes of the Streets"—Chicago. III.'. IS- IS. . Jf. , j , ; .. Miller, Henry, ami Margaret Augliu lllenrr Mil- ler, mgr.i—Plttsurg, P.I., 13-18, Wanhliiglon. 14. C. 20 23. , • Myrkle-llorder Stock. Eastern . ,W. II., Harder, mgr.)—Taunton. Mnsa., 13'18. Salem 20-So. Myrkle-IIaiilcr Stock, Wc«teri:---lji|Bna|>vrt, llid., 12-18. .Mason. Jolm (8am S. A Lee Shubert, mgrs.) — X. Y. City 13, Imlellnile. Muutgoinrry ami Stone II'. B. Dillingham, mgr.) -Washington. D. C„ 13-lSi Baltimore, Md.. 20- "5 Jlclnl.vrc and Heath (Klaw 4 Erluiiger. mgrs.)— Phlludclpblu. Pa.. 13-18. . Miiutell, ltoliert (Win. A. Drady. mgr.)— Clerc- . Inud. O., 13-18. Murllnier, Lillian (J. I* VMtam Amuse. Co.. ingis.i— Phlliidelphhi. Pa.. 13-18, llubukru, X. J.. 19-22, Ellaaheth 33-23. MotHt>. Lucln (Ernest, Shlpmau. mgr.)—Hot Springs, Ark.. 13. Pine illi'fl 111. Shieveport. Jit,, IT, Texarkniiu, Tex., 18. Mitchell. Corn I.uwtou—Wabauli. Ind.. 3-18. S.tcl- l.yvllle 20-20. Murray and Muek (Muirny 4- Mack Anutac. (.'»■■ nigra.)—Allmquemue. N. Mex.. 15. Las Vegas 10. Trinidad, Col., IT. ■ Rocky -Ford 18,'Fl. Scoti. Kar... 20, Indepeudctico 21. Jopllii, Mo., 22, lola, Kan.. 23. Pnrsous 24. ColTeyvllle 25. Murtoua, Tlic Four (Frank McKee. nigr.)—Cleve- IdiHl. i.e. 13-18. Yoimgstown 20 32. Wtieellng, W. Vu.. 33-23. Mneiulllan Van Dyke lllueiisel 4 Junes, nigra.I— Payton. 0'.. 15, SprlngUeld 10. Canton IT. Flud- lay 18. Erie 20, Itutiulu. X. Y.. 21. Xlugnvu Falls 22. Oswego 23. Klmlra 21. ' , ' Marlowe. Julia (Sam 8. & U*e Slmbert, uigrs.)— Del I [more Md., 13- IS. Pltlnbtll-g. Pa.. 20-25. ' Mux am 4 Sights' Comedians (J. W. Sights, mgril —Tower. N. Dak.. IB-IS, HulTalo 10-18, McVllle 211-22, Sharon 2343, Merrill. Grace (Ernest Shlpniun. uigr.)—SI. Louie. Mo.. 13-18. Alien. H... 19. SprlngUeld 20,. Charleston 21, Terre Haute. Ind,. 22. Murrsy-Mnekey Stock (Jonu J. Murray, mgr.)— Warren. O., 13-18. Murrny-Mackey Cmned.v (Jolm J. Murray, mgr.) —Xcwburg. X. Y.. 13-18. .McDouuld Slock (O. W. McDonuld. mgr.)—Neo- ileuba, Kan., 13-18, Columuus 20-25. Mlldicd ami Roiiclere--OiKMiiln, N. Y., 10. Hlng- hiiiuton 18. Wnrerly 33, Cortland 21, HOaci- Mnrks. Jlay A. Bel! (R. \V. Murks, mgr.(—Ol- taws, (.'an.. 13-25. Mcliilyrr and Heath (Kldw & Ertiuigrr, iugrs.1 — Phlladelplila. Pa.. 13-18. Ilrooklyn. N. Y.. 29-83, .Morgan Stock (J. D. Morgan, mgr. i—Webb Clly, Mn., 12-18. . ... . Moore, Vlclor (Cohnu 4 llurrK mgrs.I— X.. ,>.. City 111, Indeflnile. MHiiiterlut*. Mary (Sum S. A Lee Stiubcrl. mgm.) <—Colambiis, On.. 15. Atl'inia 10. ciinttniiouga. Tenu., IT. Knoxvlllu 18. IHriniugliain. Aln.. 20," .Montgomery 21. Pensd'Mla. Flo.. 23, Mobile, .tin.. 23. Meridian. Miss.. 53. ' ' Slyers. Irem., Sbsr-t (Will II. Myers, uigr.l— fusion. Pa.. 11-18. Manhattan Theatre (Jick Pursotis. mgr. I—Ln- Cross... Kan.. 13-15, Mar-i'jetle 10-18 Llnds- lairg 20-22. Gypsum 23-85. Melville. Rose—Kansas «3ty. Mo.. 20-25. ".Mttdnin tlltilertly" lUaai W. Huvngc. mgr.i — Xashvllle. Tenn.. 13, Kvaiiavllle, Ind., 10, Pa- ilwaih. Ky., IT. Mempiila. Ttiin.. 18. Little Rock, Ark., 20. Hot Sprlnva 21, Pino HIitlT 22, Sbreveport, La„ 23, VI. Wor-lli, Tex., 34.' Dal- las 23. "Merry Widow" I Henry W, s usage, mgr.)—(Mil- dly 13. Imlellnile. "Merry Widow" (Ileil.T W. Savage, mgr.)—Chi- cago, III. 13. Indeilnlte. "Mrs. Wlggs of Hie Cabbage Pi.tvh" (I.leblcr 4 IV).. mgrs.)—Newark. X. J.. 13-18. "Man of Hie Hour" (Brady 4 Galruicr. nigra. 1 — Pm-tlat-il. Or.-.. 1218. "Mayor of Toklo"—"McVldlsin. SHss.. 24. "Man of Hie Hour" (Brady 4 Grlsmer. 'iiKrs.i-- N. Y. City 13-18. Ikiston. Mans,. 20. Ind<r|iil|e. ' Mali of I lit- Hour" (Brudy 4 Grlsmer, ragrs.) -Tokslo. O.. 13-18. "Ma's New Husband," Eaat;ni (Harry Srolt Co.. mgrs.)—Monossen, Pa.. i5, Cuunonsliurg Hi, Wuinridairi. IT, llellaln-, <>.. 18, New Martlu. idle, W. Vu.. 20, Hnni»sTllle. (».. 21, \'e(r Philadelphia 22. ( 25. I?nillx 21. - "iridnlglil Flyrr" IJ. II. Plclinr.bvin. mirr.i T - Muivdoiilu. la.. 15. Cnrsmi 10. Audubon an*. (*aon Rapids 18. Manila an, llnulnp 21, Ma) Ion 24. iefeiwii; 25. "Mo's Xew lliialanid," Westvru (Harry Siolt i>. ., titste..!— Slieritmrj. Tex., 15, IX-nleuu 10, M<: Slliis.r IT. lialnosvllle to. Ar.lns.rc, Okla., 211. lU'kusha- 21. (3 Item- 32. okislioma Clly 23. HMwittw-W^Ugthrjei2.1. :■ M»n on lite BoxV—Hayton. 0., 10. "Mlaa Hook of Holland" (Olus. Freliumii. uiajr. ■ - ■ X. ¥. CIU' 13. IndeUiilte. "Man From Home'' (I.Wiler A Co.. nlgvs.i— Chi- cago, lib. Itl, liideOiill*. "MeFadileu's .Tatar •ins inti's (Joe Peltiiigia. Han"' 13-19. uinlltiiu 1.1. nigr.i -Cincinnati. Yoitiigstowu 23 25. ".Mlssuiirl lllrl." Eastern. I'.isl llajmunil'f Kleo. Ikslee, mgr.) llcllc Cooler, ii.. 13, 1 ji lllw 111, Mechimh-shlllg IT. Splilutll'lll 18. l.oinlllli tU. .tenia 21. Hilihiu 22, Gis.-eullebl 23, Cm-levllte 34. Chiokivllle 23. "MUstHirl Olrl." Wektrrn. l-'red Rayniouil"s (M II. Xortoii. 'agr.)--Lvons Nan., 13. Great Ileinl ' 111, l.i, moil IT, GariJe,, i'ltv IS, Kinsley 2H. SI. Johns 31. Stafronl 22, iilnuninit 23, llntiu-r .4. . Mcdlclue Isslge 23 ."MhiH, Pettlcooii-" lAlkliisiui k Tlialeber, mgrs. i • -Cutio, X. V.. 13. Port Allegany. I'a., Hi, Sir.etlitiort IT, Kills.' 18. Issoitrl Exptwa"—4'hleuiii. III,. 20-25. IIIIoiiiiW's Revenge" IMII'cntlinl Bros, Amu— , Cxx, [niirs. I—Halcm. Musi., 13-15, LoiicII in 19, BallHuore, Mil,. 30-23. , "Mr« Temple's Teleytain"—Wllkesllarre. Pa.. 13. Xorrlalowii is, Pittsburg 2023. "Mooimhlnui's uatigliter" ilinrlluglou 4 Kings- 'loll, nigra,l-Oukei. S. link.. II, Als-rilecu III. Unroll IT, Pierre Is. Miller 20. He siiiel 21. Mlidlsiih 23. Kluiiili-cuii 21, Howard ai.-Yiiu.t- IUII KI. L . "My Wlff's Family." Biistij.-n (tV. M. .McGuwan. . nigr.I—Grafton. W. Va., id, Fairmont 18, l:i . kltia 20, lMeilniotit 31. .Munrrsel 24. Johnstown , 23. ' '•M» Dltle Girl" (bodge 4 DnBlehl. mir*.)— (Ji.tau-a. NT. 15. (tweula 10. Crottuti 11, Cla- rlinla 18. Hamburg JO, SI. JtMvpli. Mo.. 21. 33. Omaha Neb.. 23-25. "Moyur of Lniigbluml" (Jus. It. tlllck. tttgr.) — Pittsburg. I'll.. 20-23. ' "Miiiul Mullet" tL. E. Blondell. tiutr,)—Amtlti. Pa.. 111. l-iliixirluiu 10, Du Hols tl. SI. Mary* 18. Jiiliiisiiiilnlrg 20, I'mixiulawner 21. Iliad- ford 32, Brodkvlllc 33. deafrll'ld 21. Indiana • 35. "Me. IIIm and 1"—St. Louis. Mo.. 12-18, I'rorla. . . III., 19-22. ■ : ->; x Netlicriole. Olgu (l.oula Vclheranle, .ingr.i—Ue- ..i.trolt. Mich.. 13-18. Crnnil Rapids 20. So. •Beml. Ind., 21, Ft. Wayne- 22. laiulsvllle, Ky.. : 28-35. Xaglmiiti, Mine. Alia (Rsiii B. 4 Lea Slmbert, •'.-■nigra.)—-S Y. city IH. IndeUiilte. 'iNo Mother tu Uulde Her "-Ulrand llatilils, Wis.. • : 13. Itliiilaial Collier HI, I'lativllle IT, Dubtiiliiu . 1*, I.n l'ri.iiii< Hi. Oler.-lu, la., 30. Waterloo ' '31. Webstio City 33, Lliicjltt, Neh.. 21, 25. "Xlitelr ami Nine" (J. 1), barton 4 Co., mgrs.) ' -—Baltimore. Mil., 1318. "XMU,. Hie Beautiful Cloak Model." Al. II. ■■Woods' I Jolm Ptilluii, itigr.l—Jersey. Ultj, X. J.. 13-18, Huaiiliiti, I'a., 20-22. W'llko-llntic 23-25. U OUtUi tlmilncey i.Vug. Pllou. mgr.I—lliillluioie, 'Jill., IU-IN. O'xXolll. Jus, UMgiir I'urrrsi. mgr.)—Uelrolt. Mich.. 12-18 " O'lUia. Flake (Clins. E. tllailcv Amuse. Co., rtuirs. I--Mll«illikee. Wis.. 20-V3. •J'Sollltaii, lu-iils— Clileiigu. HI.. 12 IS. Osilian Stock (Jolm Osuian. mgr.)—CiiliourU, X. (.',. HI-IU, Wlualon IT. 18. "Outlaw's I'lirlatttlrw" (P, II. Sltlllvnn, mgr.i— Wllkea-llarni, Pu., 13-13. Hrrgiiluu 10-18, Jar- "qollli'kliut. Olrl.': . W. I-:. Nankevllle''■'- Mtiiti.,' IT. 18.. St. Paul 111-22. Mlliueupolls aw ltla|t'o Riitindera—Decatur. III.. IU. •IttiUrV'- Little Kock. Ark., 18. ;• •■ - » Sluy. Mary (Ernest Slilpnnii. mgr,)—Madison. Wis., 13. Wlhoiia. Minn., Itl. lied Wing IT. Faribault IS. St. Paul 10-23. Minneapolis 33«».*. Sidney, George (Stair 4 Xlcolal, ingra.)—Miwke- gon, Midi , '15, Grand lliplds In is. Detroit III- Stuart, Itntph (Henry II. Harris, mgr,I—Spokane, Witlh,, HI-IS. . Skliiiier, nils- Louisville. Ky.. ltl-18. Sojliem, K. II. (Hani 8. 4 Shubert. mgrs. I— kisloii. Muss.. 13-23. Selwj'ii, Edaiir tlltiiri' II. Harris, mgr.)—llrook- l.iii. X, \„ l.'t-is. i'liHiiilolnbla. I'a., 20-2iV Sniitley, Jiwi-pIi (Win. Woods, mgr. i—St. Paul Mum., IJ 18. Mlniieupiills lb-25. Situ I'riiiiePjis. Oiwru i Frank W. Ileol.r. ill r- > - r.m Angeles. Cul., tll-l'i'li, 4. Sisilt, Cyril (W. X. Lawrence, mgr.i —L'llca. X. X., Hi, WllkesHarre, l'u„ IT. 8|«ant(<r. t'ei'll utias. E. Blimey Auntie. Co., Iitgrs.l-Philadelphia. Pu., in Is. Ilrooklyn. N. ¥.. 20-23. Slewart 0|Htra (lieu. L'linudler, mgr.)— UuCfalo, N,, Y.. HI, liuleflnite. Siilunifra Slis-k (W. B. Summers, mgr.)—Kiluiou- ton. Can., 13 IN. Sluiiiiley Theatre (Onier J. Keuyoti. uigr,)—Win- Held, Kan.. l:i- t'chciT. Fi'llsl (P. H. Ulllliigliam. mgr.I—BisslLin, Mikb.. 13, Indrlhillo. Slahl, Hose III iny II. Harris, nigr.)— Waililng- ton, D. »',. Ill IS. Philadelphia, Pa,. 20-20. Strung. Klirln, and Players (Waller Satldge, ingr.i- -Wiilcrleo, In., 1313. San Carlo i.i rand HlHira I Henry Ruasell, mgr.) — WuHlllnglmi, I). I)„ 13-18. Standing. Guy, ami Tli vdoro Rolicrln—Mllwuukcc, Wis., 13-lft. St, Louis, Mo.. 19-23. . sey CHy. k. .1... 20-23. '•Old " • B iV ... .. Nbca. Thus. E, IColimi 4 Harris, treiil, Catt., 1:1-18. Slew.u-l, Muv IJ. V„ Cllue. mgr.) " Columliln IT. Arkansaw," kuslprji, l-'red Raymond'* (l,oo Mueller, ntkv.i—Lsuvlabing, Tenn.. 13, Shelby .. vtllu III, Tnlliihonm It. McMIiiiitIIIc 18. Hn. plllsbitig 20, t Incbiii.l 21, Adieus 21. Johnton Clly 34. "Old Arliiinsair," Wealern, Fred llnyiiioiiu'a IU. M. lllckncH. hii|i-.)—llsmford. Cul.. 13, San • Fernando 10, Curlnu II, Sun Bernardino 18. Rrdlands 20, Riverside 21, Coivlm 22, Sautu Aim 23. Long flench HC. 'tlur Xew Minister" l.luu. Conyers, uigr.l—KI- •■und. Ind., IS. Frnnkfonl IT, l.'ruwforilavllle It*, llrdall 21. Purls, ill.. 23. Terre liable. Hid., 24. i'3. "Old Farmer Hopkins" (Wheeler 4 Frlilk, mgrs,) -—West I3iest«r, I'm, 18. N'orilalown IT.... "Old Homestead"—ATltioiia, PH., IT, JobHtlunu 18, I'lttslmri; 20-23. "Oblrltioniu" < ft". J. Iliiynes Amine-. Co., nigra.)— Xeivark. 0., 23, Xew Stfultarllle 21, Sbuwitre 23. "i)n tlm Bridge ut Midnight" Monessen. Pa., 22. V Palloli. W. II. I J. M. Stout, mgr.) — Luke Charles. La.. 13, Crowley 18. Lafayette 10. U|ielousus 20, I'ratiLllii 23. 1 IckcriH, the Four (Willis Pleken, mir.)—De Land, I'll,. 10-l.s, St, Augustine Sil-Jil. Pilee 4 llnllcr Stuck (Prln- 4 Butler, nigra.) — I Inn tlnglon. IM , 111-18. Ml. l.'nloii 20-23. Purnell, Kiillirvu—Newiirk. X. .1.. 12-18. I'urlolln Slack (W. A. Hiillcllo, mgr,)— Ik'illn, Can., L'l-ls, Guelph 20-25. "Polly of Hie Cireun" ( I'imIiuIc Tliuuiutuii. mgr.) —S. Y Cllr 111, linlclhilic, "PlfT! Pniri! I'oiif:!!" 11. t!. Whitney's—Atlanta, Ga„ 13-18. Illrtiilnglmiii, Aln., 20.25. "Parted on Her llrlilul Timr" It.'liiis. K. Illoni'i' Aniusp. Co.. nigra.)—M'Hsblngloii, D. C 1818, Baltimore, Mil , 20-25, "Piiiilisiidle Pole" (Abe Levy, uigr.l— Wheeling. W. Va., IH-18. Haltliimrc. Mil.. 20-25. "Phantom Dclrotlve." Koivland 4 Cllfford'a (Dave Meyinour. mgr.)—tlultliimro, Md.. 13-18. liny- oiltie, X. ft, 2'i-22. Ilolsiketi 23-23. "Prince of I'llseu" (llein* W. Savage, ingr.i- Itoanokc. Vs., 15. Lynchburg III. Illclimotiil IT. Norfolk 18, Harrlsburr. Pa., 30, Wllkos-Barrc 21, Hcriintini 22, lliitruln. X. V.. 23-25. "Poor Kcliitfon" (F. V. Peterson, iiigr. I Putts- town, Pa.. 15. Heading 10, York IT, Sliiiiuuklii 20, Ml. i.'armel 21. Anhlaml 22. Laiilford 23, Matisiioy (illy 21. Ilntleloii'25. "Pair of Cotmlcy KliH" i'^isiern IC. Jay Hmllli. nur.i—Salem. V. Vn„ 13, Peunsboro 10, West l.'iiloil IT, Clarksburg 13, .Marietta. O., 20. St. Mans, W. Vs.. 21, r'lal.M-irllli! 22, Wrwdslleld. U.. 23. lliimesvllle 24. Ciuibrldge 25. "Fainting the Tuwu," Cllas. IL Yale's—Purls, . 'Tex., 15, Texnrkaiiu 10. Little Rook, Aik,. IT. Hot Springs IS, Pine lllunr JO, Moiivw. Lit.. 21. . Slireveisirt 22. Alexniidrlii 23. Ileauinonl, Tex., ^ 24, Houston 25. II "Quiney Adams Sawyer," I'asiirn (Alkliison 4 ■ Tbulober. mgrs,)— O.innll'11, Arlt , 15, Msguolla • ID. TVxiirkniiu. Tex.. IT, l'.ldnrudu, Ark., 18. "Quiney Adams Hnwyr," l>utr:il i Atkinson ft . Thatcher, mgrs. I — Somerset, Ky., 15. Danville -10. Bowling Green 17. Iluukluavlllti 18. K llob-oji. Eleanor (l.lebler A (*o., nigra.)-- -Phils- dolphin. Pa.. 13 18, Ilrooklyn. X. 1',. 20-25 HotKrls. Floreiiee iJolm Coll, mgr.)—San Fritto . |exam, Cul., 12-18, Seattle. Waah., 19.23. Russell Bros. (Cliiio. E. Itlaiwy Amuse. Co., uigi'i..) ..„—>', Y. Clly 13-25. Russell. I. Illlm. .Jus. Ilroo'.s. mgr.i—Monlrvnl. .' ,1'uli.. J-'J 18. Kingston 22, Isjudun 23. llamllloa lliwl-sriiart Stock lA.'l*. I.'oeil, mgr. I—Charles- -' Mi. W. \'«.. 111-18. Hlpl'lra Slock ((.'rank Salisbury, uigr. i-Alcxau- drla, La.. 13. iinlellullc. Rynu. Dun- Brldgouurt. Cimii.. Ill Is. "It.ok) Muimtuln Express." Klluil 4 llumolo's i, i i.bilni Itoinciu, iugr.)--llosliai, Muss, 1318. "ltlp Van Winkle/' IlaluV-Alislo, III.. 13. "lujiainku 10, New Liitulo-.i, la.. 17, WluUeld la, Yuylund 29, Wuisdlo 21, Riverside 23, Wei.nun 21- Moiilexumn 23. "lloife of the llnnc.ho" (Uaval Belusisi, mgr.i—X. Y. City 13-18, Pblladelnlilii, Pa.. 20-25, "llotitul L'p." Kiuxv 4 Krlltigvr'a--Boston, Mass., 13, Indctliilio. "Roger* Bros. In Panama" «)us 4 Mai lingers, lagrf. i—Chicago. III., 13-23. "Hiice lor Life" (P. II. Sulllvuii Alimso. Co.. . tsgrs.)—Wo-eesler, Mos^., 13-15, Piilliioii, Conn., 10, Xew London I., Norwich IS, llol- yoke. .Mass.. 20-22. Hiulitglleht 23.25. ."Itovol Chef," II. II. Fraaee'a— Manirailtc, Mich.. 15. Isliiuunlng 10, Meiioiiiltns. IT, L'helxiygn i . 18. Milwiillkee. Wis., 1ll-2o, '"Road to Yest.vilay" (Sam 8. 4 Lest Hliiibrrl. mgrs.)—I la verb III. .Muss.. 15. Lawrence 10. Won.-ester IT. 18. I'llclihiirg 20, Wwiiaoekel. II. I., 21. Atilclsiro, Mass., 22, New lied ford 2). Fall itlver 21. 25. '."Hue* Across tbe Continent." Al. II. Watty (II. .< F. winsiiiau. uur.)—Xec.ark. X. t.., /. I'ulersoli 211-22 •/'RiiiiiI to Yeslerdnr"--Lliwreius., Mass., HI, Wor- ■mler IT. 18. fall Itlver 21. 25. "Ilnynl Hlnve"— Mlmcvn. <».. 15, Mlllerslninr Ml, i , Murray Cllv 17, Culitodl 18. Iliiruesi lllle 20, "Siillnevllle 21, .MelVmiiellsville 22. New la-xlng- ii.ii 23. Hliuwnee 21. 'il msler 25. "lied leather"- Suit ISonlirdlno, Can., 13, lis- kvislleld 10. ... mgrs.)—Mou- , -Decatur, Aln., 13. t'ulaixl HI, Columliln 17. Sherman Hlock (Rola-rt Hbermati, mgr.)— Wash- Ingloil, Ii.. 13, Risk Island. III., 10-18, Mo- llne 211-22, Miiscnlluc, In., 23.23. "Secret Serrice Ham"—I'lilladelphlu, IM.. 20-23. Secret Orchard" (llimter. Bradford 4 Meed, litgTi.)— H, Y. Clly Ill-Is. "Since .Nellie Went Awey," AL II. Wuoils' (J. K. Roboris. mgr.i—N. Y. Clly 13-18, Newark, N. J.. 30-23, "Siiinlt Set." litis Hill's—Peoria. III., 13 13. iViiunii III. I'unxllle IT, Decatur 18. H. St. Uuils 2022, Alton 23. .lackaouvllle 21. Chain- I'lircv." W. F. Mann'* (II. M Oar- -llurlfurd. Conn,, 13-13, Spring Mass.. 1018, Newark, X. .1.. 20-23. "ibuw (.111)*— Kliiltnaii. Kau„ 13, Ilutcbluiou 10. McPlieraon IT, Newlou IS, Wichita 20, Arkuti- "BiiVlely and the IHtlltlog"—X. Y. Clly 18. ludcD- "Tie. "Sliovintlber," Oils lllll'a—Brooklyn, X. V., I3- 18, Plillnilr-l-illla. Pa..20-25. "Swenleat tllil In l)lxl-.>," Xurlheru (Will It lliiglns. uigr,) -Miifslmll, Mn., 15. 8lmer 1l<, Lexington 17, ItlKgluavlll.i 18, HoolieVIlls' lialgn 3ft. 'SKniluivcti by Mil, ingr.i. Ill-Ill. Moss,. Ilgglua fliilili Wnrrvilabilfl 21. . Ilarrlsiitlvlili' 31. Iluircr 33. Dixie,' 1 "sViulli Plciminl Hill 23. "Sweelfsl Lllrl 111 Dl»le, '«\iiUliern (C. 8. Ilul.le. nigr. I Hill-nut. Miss., 15. Winona 10. (Irxaiadn if; WiiIIt Vnlley, 18. uxfoixl 20. Holly Ktirlngs 21, Corllitli 22, Tupelo 23, Amory 2t, Alr.-nlivn "Sliiglng lllrl (ruin Klllunioy"—8u. Clilcggo. III., 1*1-1*. -.j; ••'*, "Siihriy Sodlli" (J. C. Ro-ltwell. uigr.)—laxwlvu, Mlefi.. 13. I'a«■ !'«»' 10. So. Haven 18. "Slk III New York," No. 2 ll'rnnk llopklh*, mur i York. Cul., 15, llivld city Itl, Madlsim Ii. Xul- I oik 18. "Simple Hlmliii Simple" iNlxon 4 Zlmuicnr.ali, UHrs.l --Plttsliurg. I'a.. 20 23, 1 Sbailutv llelilnil lltu Throno"—Luwifiice. Sinks.. 22. "Satisl from tho Mliuns" (P, K. Corrlgnn, nixr.)— Colitutlins, o„ 13, Mldilcliomi 10, Sstnluiky IT, So. lloild, lllil., 18. "81s III New York," Xd. 3 (I'louk llopkina, mgr.i -Marietta. O., 15, Wnverly IU. Ulil lli'ollie 18. "8I« 111 Htw York," No, 3 (I'rauk HujiblpB, mgr.i Tiimaliii.-i, l'n. r 13, l.ol.iimn 111. Blalliigtun II, Iledilehnu 18. "Snis'rba (Will. 4 I'div. Iluuhii), nigl's.)—Uhiillni, Neb.. 12-18 "Meoufa Revenge"— ChlLidelplila. I'a., I.'I-1S, Blnney Annuo. Co., , 13-18. MuKvesuurl Tiiruei', W, II. (L'luiH. mgrs. I— Phlliiilelpliln, 21). 23 Taylur Hlwk (II W, Tuylor. mgt,)—OloiKealer, Mass., nils, IIoIjoko 2023. Tnylur, Allwrl (llliu*. It, MeAdains, uigr.)—Alls- flu, Tot,, 13. Itl. Isi»klmrl 1T. 18. Vorklown 10, Vlcinrla 20, 21, lleevlllo 22, 23, Yoakum 21, 33 "Ten Tlmutanil Dnllnr ilctuty"—I'orllanil, Ore, 12-18. "Talk of Nen* Yurk" K.'olmu 4 lliiriln, iu«ra.)• - N. V. Clly 13, linlell'ilte, "Tims! of Ija" (W, X. I^wreuee. uwr.)—HutTulo, X.Y.. 13-15, Yutlliiisluwii. II.. 20, Canton 21. "Too Proud tu Hrg, l.lihxiln J, Curler's- I'M- •Hunt. W, Vu., 15, Lou.irniilNg. Mil,, III, l-'rout- burg IT. Ilauersloivn IS, Martlusliiirg, W, Va,, 20, I'eislerleli, Md., 21, Annapolis 32, Wlluilug- Itili, N, C,, 21-23. "Texas," BnimlliiirKl 4 Curr-la'a—.Mulerwu, Inil,, 17. Cliicloiiiill. O, I0-J5. "Time, tin- Place uiul Ine Girl"— Siirlngfleld. Muss,, 18. "Temiiesl nnd Mnnshltie," W. I'. Mann's (rtlohiird Cliapinmi, Ingr.i— Collnn. O., 15, New llrcioi-n 10. Wiiiiiikuiiciii 17, I'lipm 18. Ml. Paris 211. Itolleroniiilni' 21. Mmysvllle 22, Delowure 2.1. Loudon 24. Mprluiiltelil 25. "ThoriiH nnd Orange IHosxoiux," F.asl, Rowland A Clifford's (IM, Wevcrsuu, mgr, 1—llulyuke. Muss., 13-13. Full Illver 1018. Xoaporl. II. I . 20, Xew llcdfonl, Mass., 21. Taunton 22. Sprlnglli'iil 23-25. "Tom Jones" (Henry IV, Suvage, mgr.)—Boston, Muss.. 1318, Providence, II, I.. 23-25, "Toyioiikers" (Atkinson 4 Thalclier, nigra.)- • iloiivernour. N. V.. 15, Fiilloti 10, Clyde 17, I'a buy re. 18, Seilulla, Mil.. 25. "ThlMilgb Denlli Valley" (J. D. Burton 4 Co.. mgrs. i -Cliiolnuatl. <>.. 13-18. "Telegrupli Stkllun 21" llliipler 4 Mullirwu. mgrs. I -Ada. Okla., Id. ColgnlD 17. Duraiil is. Iloiilmiii, Tex,, 20, Sliermuil 31, ilalnosvlllo 22, Aiibuorc. liklu., 23, I'iiuIh Valley 21, Nuriiiiiti 25. 'Trump iiml Hie Luily"--I,lllle Ruck. Ark., 111. II "Hnajrr Huutltolii Skies," Cenlful (lluri'.r Duel Parker iiigr.i-Lculsvllle, Ki„ lll-IS. Diiyltai. O., 20-22. I^lintliill 23, llaliiflloa 31. Lllllil 25 'Under Suiilliern Skies," ICaslcn (Harry Duel Parker, mgr.)- Sjirliigtleld. Mans.. 15, Nnv Haven, Cain.. IT, IM, Duiibury 20, Wulcrlntry 21, ILi.rtr.i .1 22, Wllllmntitli! 23, Wts/iisocket 24, Lynn, Mass,, 2<">. "Ctiiler Southern Skh".," Western (Hurry Duel Parker, mgr.i—Trinidad. Col.. 13. Union, X. Mc... Id, l,n Juiilo. Oil., 17, Hutchliinon, Khii., 18, Kingman 20, Wlelillu 21, Neii'tou 22, Km- uorlft 23, iillawa 24, Lawrence 25. "Coder (lie Rod Lights of Purls" (J. A, Nrliwenk. mgr.i- ill,-is«oiv, Mini., 15, Beavcrtoii IU, F.ure- kit IT, Harlem 18, Toledo 20, Dayton 31, Ft. Ronton 22, Helena 23-25. "I.'ncle Tom's Cabin." Al. W. Martin's— Pro»l- deuce. It, I.. 20-25. "Iliirto ,li*h Perkins"—Fall Illver. Mans,, 13-I5. "Cnole S>b"—Alhxiini, Kou., 1313, VMhUI IR- IS. V Van. Billy V. (P. II. Sulllvuii Amuse. Co., mgri.) —Nashville. Tenn.. 20-25. Vmi Dyke 4 I'atoii (F. Muck, nigr.)—Ft. Wgjne, Hid.. 13-25. Vnu Hon Bern Oiieru -Montirnl, Can.. 30-25. '■Voliiitleer lirgaiilsl"--llnffulo, N. Y„ 13-18, Rmdieslor 20-23. Syracuse 23-25. "VaiMlerbllt Cup"—Clrund Haplds, Midi.. 10-22. "Veinletta" (I'.rncst llnrrliigloii. mgr, )—Shernmii. Tex.. II, Diirnut. Okla., 15, Ualniisvllle 10, Paris 18, Clarkeavllle 20, 21, Little Keck, Ark.. W Walsh. Illnnolic IWngi-nliiils A Keni|srr, ingrs.1 — LogsusiHirl. lluL. IT. Lafiivrllw 18. Wnrllejd. Duvld (llavhl Bulgn-u, nigr.)—N. V. (illy 13, litdidlnlle. Weber's All Sl»r (Jj«. Weber, togr.l— X. Y. City 13. lirdetuiTti'. Wilson. Frnncls (diss. Frolinnui, mgr.)—Pblln- ilelpliln. Pu,. 13-25. Wliyte Hmiimlle Hlhiiu. P. While, mur,)—Al Ilium, Knn., 13-15, I'reil.mhi Hi- is, Iliitclilutsoi 20-25. M'idlniun's (tolinslliins—Pnledlil-'. Tex.. IJ.I8. Whlrlivhid (.'outeilv, J. P. Gorlng'r—Murloli, I ml., 1.',. Xcnowlla 10. KokoifW IT, MLell.j rlllc IS,