The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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MM " -y. • .• ; .-^.- . ; . .;. . THE NEW YORK CLIPPER JAKTJlRY 1& ,A JHH5KHY FIIOM .... A UiAdtrlsl Who wan on'• "WnlT" <§&« bought auiiir. clotheI; . 'Then,» ovory one know, AtffHB W IOOBtyY tot a ljl| "puff." Franklin 2o, Columbus 11, Madlfion 22. >nonr AS;' fledfor.1.21, nioomlnfton 25. 162 8tat» •tMfet, Chlcag. O (Filth Floor). 'VTHlHinio, l.m(lo,ifllin l srs.) — Milwaukee, R, IHoncv Amuse. Co., Wis.. 1216, SI. I'aul, Sey- .Mnlesllca i(Pwrt Irwin, mir.')—W«ililnoWb, D. 0., la-lR, Pltmbiire. Pa.. 20-2S. Si air, mgr.)—Chicago. HI.. Theatric, Norljtern (Dnhlnnky Bros., «,-fti? r ',- *—* t «.'*" ,c It^'nwl, -.IH*. 13, Indefinite. Week's Thenlrr-. Southern (imbluaky Bros., .. -Mrs. I—Atlanta. On.; (II, Imlrnniio. Vajfack's Theatre. Western (Dnhlnnky Bros.. . mitrs. i— Silt Ijikc City. IT.. IB, Indellnlte. *«« ...Musical Oiimnly (John B. Wllla, mgr.)— . Sfw Bern X. C.. 1.1-15, Klnnion 10-18. (Told*- thro- Sli-22. . . . . Wfnjiliurrr Vro«.,.B (Krnpk wmnlnger, mer.)— ■ •Dixon, .III., is-in. nitoinlnmon 20-25. \U llnmt aril Wnlker -(Jack Shoemaker, mur.) — ■ Iflrr.nli., Can.. 1JIIS, I'hllaUtlphln, Pa., 20- Wirrt,'nip (E. n. stair, mgr.)—Kansas Olt». WUmiit. Al. If. (Sidney B.• Kill*, mgr.)—Atlanta, "On., 15. Columbia, H. C, 10, Cltnrleatnn K. , Snvnnnnh. Ha., 18, Jnek«un»llle, Pin., 20, Ma- ' oou, -Oa/, 31, Columbus 22, Montgomery, Ala., .R PenSncoln. Kin., 24, Mobile. Ala., 25. wllhor. Slock I Fred W. Roman, mgr. >—Holyoke, 'Haps.,- 1.1-18. 7. WhUMlilev Wolker (I.leblcr * On., mgrs.,1— (JKtnvIlle, lllFm.. IB, .tacason 16, Xatenet 17. , viekrl.ureis. WUlbrnia, Ifnttle (Chns, Frohman. mgr.)—To- ■JtifM, Cn:i„ ln-18, Ihilftilo, N. y„ 20-22. "WnaSh* to Blame?" (J. 0. Stuts, mgr.)—Fln- <pttN~Dak., lu, Hope 21. Pa«e S3. "■WarrMia of Virginia" (Davnl lielascn. ragr.)— fff.-Y. Clly IS, Indellnlte. '•When We Were Friends" 'Win. Macauley. mgr.) 1—Victoria, Tex.. 15, (incro 10, HailetlsTllle IT, ■-S*r>. Marcos-1«. New lirnnnrcl* l|), Smlthvllle -26 Taylor.2|, Mnrlln 2.i, Honaton 24, Onlvc»- ton-25. -•'■ "Wtte «be-.ti)-m»nier , -(Ze<1- Cnrttnn, mgr.)—Ln- ienif.;Jlai,: l.VAtgona 10, llolmond It, Garner Savage, mgr.)—San "W/iO(fltiW (Henry W, Ettnefscn.' Cul., 13-18. •'WfAre King," Central (A. W. Cross, mar.)— Btit: Prairie, Mo., 15. Charleston 10. Poplar Tfltll 'IT, -Joneahoro,- AW«., 18. flateKTllle 2l>. llftreniloD; 21, llrlena 22, lirlnklev 2::, Pine PIT 21. I.lttle Roek 25. Woman and Song," Snntlienf (II. M. iJCr mgr.)—Toledo. O., 12-15. f,"Woman anil Song," Unstern (11. M. *lne. mar.)—Waahlngton, D. O., 1.1-18. [Ut« lilni;"—Jersey Olty, X. J., 13-18. hen- ..Imllh Came-Home" (J. Karly Hnghe.«, ■M-HSelmn.' N.- 0„ .15, Dunn 10V Payette*- »ter'17. Re.1 Spring* 18. Ignrfl of Wall Street" (Lew Vlrrten, mcr.) — JjT* City, Okln.. 15, Bl tcUell IT, PonO Creek ^.'llenoefiaey 21, Klngllsber 22, • V'tkon 2r,. alckoalm 24. Mlneo 25. JWM'.pf Oz" (Itnrllg U fteninnn, mgra.)—llos- 15. Ualll- K-W»>i 13-18, Hrooklj-n, X. Y.,'20-25, Wt Orenm^Phllniletphln. Pa., 13-18, Brady, mgr.)—St. II.. 20-25. ,.. Sd;, 2025. i» fjown Bant" (WntrA. 1218. CIiIciijo, III Jr. Clrlp l*nve Home. 1 K. J. Cnrpenter'w Jakefii. X Y... 13-15, Honoken, X. J., lij-18, Vltkea-llarre, Pa., 20-22, Mrnnton 23-23. #4*:. v ■'Yofke nnd Adams—X. Y. City 1.1, indeOnile. *c«ng itioek- -Pi. Huron, .Mich., 1.1-I8. Vahkee Lkiotlle Slock, Hnrg,i«-Hln)meleln> (W. B* llnllla. mgr.)—Jameatown, • X. Y., 13-1S, . .Oil CHy.Pn., 20-35. "Wftn'B "Itiiffaln, King of the Wild Wect" (Chaa. IJ! Illniley Amuae, Co., mgr«.)—Wllmlngiou, fi:." 1305, Cnmden, X. J,, 10-18. llmotlyn, - V - 2U- n 5 ■ M' ! — York, Pn., 10. Wee Ilegenl" II. II. Prnwe'a—Alpenn. Mien.. I, "Boy«l|ty HI, Snglnnw 17, Lansing 18, Jntk- Jli 20, Knl.imnKOO 21, ' (l(ft«ntfr 21. Adrliui 22, JoiiohtUIc 23. "»ie,)he Country Boy' . *S«»|P0»Mle. 'let.. If,, '■ltftHtinUYllle 18.. A 9(:n).rosqi i, and v ai dk % ii.i.i : fl-enn Allen. niKr.)— Palesllne lit, Crockett HmIw ' JlellPR (0; II. itnielielor, mgr.)—X. Y. tMjOn-it, Prorlir--• - Plhbon|» lilt AmjftlfanH «T. ;K. AIM>enry. mgr.)—Toronto, i58l).. 13-18, Rulfnlo, X. Y., 20-25. Ayt»n»-<Jlfl\ *W. X. I>row,.-mgr.)—.Mlnncapoli". .Vf on..'13-18, St. Joneph, Mo., 23-20. " ■Ilea (fl; II. Bnlc 18, ProTldenee, It. l„ 20-25". on :t\lr'|H. Una. Hyde, uigr.)—Newark, ..«•., 13-lS, X..y.. Clly'20.55. '. Jlrai\J«p-Kxlra*ngtinr.n (llnrry t), Bryant, mgr.) 9mK]Mm 13-13, Albany, X. Y., 10- liifWronklyn. 20-25. Bpwftf BiirlesaiierH (K. II. ltonenllial, mgr.)— Hallloiore, Mil,, 1318, Wnslilneton. D. ('., 20- 25: . ' ... . . Bolitailana (Barne.v,'.1li-«rd, mgr.)—Scranlon, Pa., 13115, PnterKon, X. J.. 18-18, Troy. X. Y., 20- 22. Albany 2.1-25. Bon Ton* .1 Weber & Knnh. mcra.)—Kauaaa Cl(y, .Mo... 13-18, Si. I.fliila 20-23. BrVwdfrra ■ (Cbaa. Cromwell, mgr.)—Milwaukee, Wl*„ ft-18, Si. Paul, Minn.. 10-25. Belimon Slimv (.lurk Singer, mirr.)—New OrlranB. Iji.. lals. Birmingham. Ala., 20-25. Ilaalielor Club (Amnhl ft Uiuulngx, mgra.)—Al- bany; K. Y.. 13-15, Holyoke. Ma*a., 10-18, Barton 20-25. Broadway flnlely Olrln (Jna. II. Onrtln, mgr.)— Providence. II. I., 13-18, Bonlou. llnaa., 20-25 OallfrtrnlnOilrla—Olnclnnnll. 0., 13-18, Oleyelnnrt 2j\.8n. - . <'lly. v Bhnrt» (Phil. Sherlilnn, mgr.)--N. \. City 13-18. Mernnlnii. Pa.. 20-22, Bending 23.2.1. Cracker Jnckn (Harry l,«onl, .mir.)—IMttabtirg, Pn.. 1.1-18,-Cnluinhiia, <>., 20, 25. IWUMUwIg (Jeaae Biirnx. tame,) —fllwilnil. 0., HE'li"Toronto, Can., 20-25; •' '• Cherry .Blosaoma .(WUI .A, J'yne. mgr.)—X. Y. fflrjrKMSr-fleranlov, ,Pnn'-eo.2S,.-Paterxnu-Sa-SA." folmlal BWles iCljok'.' Fatke, mgr.)— Milwaukee, .Win., 13-18. I.OulHrille, Ky., Su-25. :»l{ltpa(hlO•.' Olrlai tTlill .-b'l«her, .wgr.)-Jeracy "",!., l.'l : 18; 'Plilladelplila'.- Pn., 20-25. 05a DeVeWa; fkm U.l- .Slmoui'ls,■ iiigf.)'—I>nluili, Mian.; 1,1-18, MLWiipolla. 20'2fi.. Dainty tJuelien» (Welter 1»W;.',N. Y.. 13.25J-•■".■ rtreamland B»rlesmiern tBurl Kenilrlek, ragr.)— Hnntresl, Can., 1.1-18, Vo.-tmlo 20-25. < Kmplre Miirleanuer" (J. 1'enneMiy, ragr.)—X. Y. <Uly> til-'lft, Pnlerson, X.. .1., 20-22, Scrnnton, Kt. 23-25. '■ . F»y J-Vter (Joe Onpenlieliner. mgr.)—X. Y. Clly tll-lS; H115I011, Mn.<K„ 20-23. Urenier'New York M*r>r<]aeaa« & .lernton, nigra.) ■-•ChlencO. III.. lfl-IS, Milwaukee, Wla., 1H-25. \ Hush, nigis.i —Brook- ' 'lav ' MnrnlnK Olorien Cuieairtt, HI.. 13-18. IWeh-'r S: niiah, nigra.)— UoumIi, Mich., 20-25. Oay '.Marquerailera (Joint 'i'urner. mgr.)—Detroit, MlOh^., 13-18, CWveland,' 0„ 20-25. «;lii',from najmylanit (Joe llurtlg, tngr. I—Brook. lyn.'N. ».. 13-18, ,' ■ ' (lay-ToreniloTO tOeo. , M. Hale, mgr.)—Indian. upolla. Ind., 13-15.' Chicago. III., 20-28. OJIetV Olrla (Pm White, mgr.)—St. Paul, Mlnu., r?l8.rH. Unlttlh- 20-25.. • .. .. ■ • Colden Crook (Jacolw A- Jertnon, mgm.)—Toronto, Can.'. 13-18, ltocuealer, N. Y., 20-25. Illrii Mot] Olrla .(T. W. IMnklna.'mgr.)—Al- Rihy. X. Y., 13-U, TO* 10-18, Monlrcnl, Con., 20-23. 11 lith J Ink* (Uolierl MI1I,h. nwr.l—PhUnilelolila,' Pa.,'Jll-18, TitKuito, tlaii., 26-25. . Irkyln'a Big Sho»-(Preil Irwin, tiirr.)—Oolumtms, 0k„ i:l-|8. Ciiiehumil, <!:. 10-25 . IninerluN (II. W. ft Sim WUllatna, mgr.)— lt|«IOn. I). C.. 13-18, niiltliinre, Mil., 20-25. Ideflatll. W. Jr Sim'William*, mgr.)—Xewnrk, X. J.,. 13-18, X. Y. City 80-23. ' .lolly (tirla ioiih Menlng, nier.)--Pater*ou. X. J. 13-lh. Scrnninn, Pn., 10-18, Tniy, X. Y., 20- 23.'Albany 2S-J0. Jolly'TlraaH Wldnwa''(tln« W. tlognn, mgr.)—Boa- ton. Mas... I3-1S. ■tereer - IJIIn (.1. VMialiln, mrr.l— Indlniiniwlls. Ind... 1.1-18. Chlcng.1, 111., 20-23. Kentucky Belles (Itobert t'inrdon, mgr.)—KanKaa Clir. Mo., 1.1-18, Knlekeru»ck*i-a (I/inla ttolilc, mgr.)—Toledo, (.>., iljjnrniiiiiiitii 2025. . . I.Id Lifters (It. S. Woodhilll, .. mgr.)—Heading, 13-13, .Scronton 10-1S, Newark, X. J., So- Ijdy Bird*. Alf, 0; tlrrrliigton, mgr.)— Brooklyn, Marlll 'Orna (jnek S.vdell. mar.)— Philadelphia, Pn;, 13-18. lleodltuj BO-22, Amnion 23-25. Mlaa New York Jr. (I,. M. Herk, msr. I— Phila- delphia, Pfl., 18-18, X..Y. CltJ 13-23. . Merry Maldena (C. vt'..Hnnlels, m?r.)—Trenton X. .t., 1313. Merry Mnkcrs (Jobn C.rlevra, m«r.)~Clnelnna(i. O., 13-lfl. ' Matta & Bdfnelle Vanderllle (Al. Maria, mgr.)— OorarillO In., Norlliwtixl 17, Clilcuealer 18. Nlaht OwlM (Oliaa. B«bln*)n, mgr.)—New Or- leaaa, I,k.:,i0>l8. New Century Oltla (John J. Mornlhan, mgr.)—X Y. City i%-\#. Xigbtinnale* - (A. Jack Ifamt, mgr.)—St. Loul?, »lo., 13-18. •• ' • OrAheUm MaMft-to Angelas, C«l.. 13-18. Oriental.CoayfCOrngr; Olrla (Hum Itopinaon, mgr.) —MUgMbj Tn., ilH;18, WnihlDfefon, D. C. Pnrlalnn Wliiowa (nplfer-fc Eu«h. mora.)—Balti- more, Mfl.. 20-25. .;' ... Tnrlalan Bellen (Ch'ga. R, Tnytor, rngr.j—Balli- more, \Ti:, 13-181 Phllal?lpbla, PaV, 20-23. nolllckrWIIt. H, Palton. mgr.)—Tro>, X, Y., 13- Jfl, Allwn'v. IK IH, X. Y. City 20-25'.' R'lntwny OirU (Peter S. Clark, mgr.)—Bonton. ««*»., 13-11, Brooklyn. X. Y„ 20-21. Eeeten' Beauty Shew (Al. .leere*. mgr.)—Cincin- nati, 0., 13-18, New Orleana, l.a.. 20-23. BaaU-SaMley (Abe l-eavltt. mgr.)—Kanaa* City. Mr.., 20-23. Roto Hill Kngllah Folly (Bice & HafInn. raaraji^-- K,anana Cl|y. Mo., 13-1", St. I,<nil» io.;.i,— Blce ft Bartop'a Gaiety Olrla—X. Y. Clly. 13-18, Pnlladolphln, Pa- 20-23.. „• ^„,. lloa> SyileU'a linden llellea (W. 8.. Campltell. nfaT.)—Scmnton. P«„ 13-15, Beadljg'. 1018, PillladelphlB gl)-25. !"f , •- nell|y & Wo«|a (Oen..K. Leonard. msT.)— niifTnlo. S.Y., 18-18. Detroit, MlfU., 20-23. ■ • ; ■ Bla)ro Kimpilern (Chae. Ii'ranklln, mgt.i;—St. CSata, mo.; 13-18. •■■-■.*: Slar Shaw (llrla (W. I'ennfsay. mgr-l-^Chleago, I|l., 13-18,: Milwaukee, wV.,10-25. ' Sam Heritner'a. Big. Shon- I.Morfl* " Walnatoek. nurr.)—Milwaukee,-Wla., 13-18, Chicago, ULt 80-23. .■'••' -,'&■ 'franH-Allanllc Burleaqwra (llurllg Sc Seanion. mi.'r«.l-^»o#ton, Maaa.. 13-18, Springfield' 20- 32. Alhanv. X. Y.. 33-23. THr 'f.lllri'i|aay Orodi, mgr.)—Boston, Mass.. IS-'S. A . ' . Troegileroa. (Oaa. II. Wnldron, mgr.)—Buffalo, X. Y., JB.|8. . . TlOgoiiglibreilK (Frank B. Carr, mgr.)—St. Jo- tejth, .Mc.. l«.)8. Kaflaaa City 20-25. Twentieth Century Makla (Jlaury Krnua, mgr.)— l)«Virolt. Jllcii., 13-1R. lnolannpollH, Ind., 20-22. Vpillty Pair: (Robert .Maneliesler, mgr.)—Provj- ilrtii-e. 1|. ]., 13-18, lloaton. Mnaa., 20-23. Woihl Bec.tcra (J. .Herbert Mnck, mnr.)-JIoch- ealer. X. Y.. 13-18. Albany 20-22,. llotjoke, MaaH.. M-25. n " WalR.on'n 'Biuleaipera (W. B. Wittaon, mgr.i-- >(;• Y.' Oily'' I."-I8, 'Jewey City,- X. J., 20.M, Walliinglolt,'.Bnelely OlrlK (Lew Watson, mgr.) — I«lilavllle. K)'., 13-18, Cincinnati. O., 19-25. ■ Yndtee Doolie Olrla VS. W. Uinklna, mar.)— Clprelnnd, O., 1-1-18, Plltauurg, Pn,'20-25.- MI>'NTRKi,S. Dockatnder, I,ew ichas. I). Wllaon, mcr. j — I.vnn, Mnaa.. .15. Salem 1«,. Pall Rlver'20. Handy Dixie—Seluia, Ala., lO. "* ■ Honnellyft flalllelil'x—Thlhxleaiii. I,n;. 15. He Rue Ilroa.—Whitehall, N. Y.. 15, TlrondewKa I", Port Henry 17. .MIuAllle 18. Keewrllk. 20. Plnltahiirg-21. 22, toadhle Porka 2.1-23. Plejd'e. Al. a.-.(Doc 'lulgley. mgr.)—A'llkea- Barre. Pa.. 10. Scrnnton 18. Corlon'a (C. C. Pearl, :ngr.).—Blnlne. Wash... 15, SMro Woole.v 10, lirerelt 17. Cheballla 18, Van- coiirer, B. O., 19. Ill Henry's—Onllon, O.. til. l.ondonTllte HI. Al- liance 17, Mortlllon 18. . ricflfmls k Prliigle's (llollir.d & Pllklns, n'gr>.) —IwilsOit, Tex., 15. Sherman 10, Ikmlinra 17, PnrlR 18. nreenrllle JO, MrKlnney 21, Kl. Worth 22, Dallae 18, Wax.'ilu.ehle 24, Coral- cgiia 23. ■ . . (IHf IS. Xnrrla fc Rowe'a Winter Circus—San Prnnclaeo. Cal.. 13. liuleDnlle. MI8CI:t,l,AXr.OI :s. Kntprprli* Amuserocnt Co.-'-PIenaant' hnke, Ind., IMS. , •' .' ■ . ' IMnr. Mr. t .Mrs. Herbert f.'(H. I„ Flint, mgv.' —<7h»mp)ilmi." HI.. 13-18. lieeatiir 20-»5. floitltl, Koyal U. I p. o. Warren,'mgr.)—Marlon, Kiln., 1S-JB„ Penbprly 1(1-13, Newton 20-22. Geotglu Tninbadoiirs, Wm. McCabe'a—Westlaml, It:, -15, Wlilllewore 10,-Wesley 17, Mason ftly 4»,,10. Btttl 211. Oarner 31. Hntff'K ,Mpf|ng Picturop—Oifilioudnle, Pa^, 24. uTr STOI^t THINK!! Are you .Infl nj Hf .f OUX aturrs-e. t If »ot, Impror. yoar «el *1 +T d>l«g " WAT QDA1TETTE BAUAJ, DEAR OLD FOLKS tmk: orkat home ballad (MEXICAN gRBBNADRj BY I*EO» g B Bg>SES!#DI>flC^^ J^ COMMON SENSE (Soma Coon Song) GLORIOUS HIOII-UALL (Stein Song) IN THE GOOD OIJ> UNITED STATES I WISH I HAD A. GIRIi MAYM I WAS MEANT FOR YOU UY j»t^ART 18 CALLING POOR, OLD GIHL _ THEN YOU'LL REMEMBER ME, I KNOW WHEN VACATION DAYS ARE OVER YANKEE BOY Thompson Music Co, GRAND OPEHA HOUSE, CHICAGO. il.ll WRITE US AT ONCE. M OE LUXT :: $ S . OQ llitltinioe. —At the tlrnod Opera House l\Vn. I.. Bniitley, man.tger) "Hi flaskins," Jan. 4, two performances, scored well. Jlnllnn flrariA Upera fri., la "Kaust," $; "What Women Will Do" 11. Iti.Toi: (Jake lloscnthnl. manager).—Bell- clnlre Bros., llolph nnd Susie Levlno. Kl Zoh Sl«ier*. CI. Herbert Mitchell, Al. Tler- ney, In llustrated snnpi, nnd the klnodrome. lARio (Bradley ft Mat-lay, manager*).— Moving pirtttrees nnd Illustrated songs, by Mr. Mnhnn, enjoys eood pnlronnge. Xotk. —Rudolph Ohm, pianist, under the niisplcefi of llnrry Culbertnon. delighted a packed house at Ibe I-'Irat Congregational Church, 6. > P.nnch"' IS. ■»»» iilcWy'"-ijo.Tlijg Wetnres—llurlhigton. Vt.. 11-lft f.«iir«.nt—N»>v4rk, N. J., 15, Perth Ambor 10, Ha-iklnRilUtlge.l?. . -s I.eerPror.-r-Ohnrleaion, g. 0„ H-W. I*e,'s Olnss Hln«er*—SinlthiloliI, W. Vn., 13-18.. New Vork AJl Star Specialty—Cumberland, M<1., 19-18. Opel Novell; Co.—Brent, Ala.,'IS, 10, Cenlervllle 17. 18. Panllne, Creat (Stewart Llilutow, mgr.)—Seneea J'nlls. X. Y„ 18-18, .Newark 20-25. Proctor's, Oeo. n.—Conroe, Tex., lfl-18 1-iencellc, & Kdim Way .Marion (V. W. Magnon, ■ mgr.)— l.jiiti, Urea., 1.1-lR. llnvcrlilil 20-25. Kmintln' Ladles' Orchestra ill. O. Itontxls. mar i —Iietrolt. 5llch.. 13-18, Sprlngneld, O.. 20. Koa- tnrla 21, X. Baltimore 22, Deaheer 23, Oarrctt. li-.iL, 24, Hretnen 25. lOW.V. lien MolnetM. — l'«:;r'i Opera rtonsc (Wm. Fomcr, manager), after having h;ea (lark since Jnn. 1, tvIII have "The Canlalp of the Team" on Monday, Jsn. 18. This piny was written by J. Huff, of Prsko University, thin city, and will ho nrodticed bv sltldCnts or that Institution. Mrs:, resile. Cnrter, in "Pu Barty," lfi:,"Tbe Kail Mill",I'll.. , • . . ..(jEajiD.QiiPot*. JJ.o.intMJVnu. V oste,r,.Junna- gor).—The Smart Sot .tur.icted good crowds 2-4....".Han".>VnitMa..' , Not'yct, But Soon,'.' showed 1o big Imsluoas 3-S. "The , Hidden Hotid" 12-15, "A UlndStrl Boy" 1Q.J8. ■ • ■ ■N'fWilOjij'iRt: |ufM| IIvok., mnoagcrs).—- This hmtso changed,(Yam,, vaudeville toAbnr- leHOite on Jr.n. S. ,.: Hhq Kentucky Belles plnved In well filled . houses 5-S.- C'nrr'k Thnrnttghbretjs 12-.1B. . . ■-'. . JiotsTii' ti-'rcti nti-:hint»i,' manager).— Packed houses dally enjoyed Hie excellent.' hill offered last weolf. Week-of 12:-Kdwlif St*vens onrt company, Brwg lCldrldgc/'f'iir-' non Sinters, Kronetnna Hros., lleih Stone, nnd 'I'hoBj t'otu,ClrlK.' . ■'' . Osknlooso,—At- thr firnud Opera House (A. 1', On-ens, nssldtanti'mnnawirr Klwln Stiong Stock Co.; week of Dee. .10, :pitiyt>rt"to good.liitglness. It ,\vn,s one of Ihe' oiAst ttgtis- fnclory repertory comimnlix. plnvinp here in years. •, "Bualer Brown" Jan. 8, - HHnton's moving pictures t). 10: "Olo Swnuaon'Ml, May AluVtlt, in "My Dixie Oirl, ,r M. -"J'he VA\ih' l.iiiiy MlnstrelH, benefit local lodge, .Inn. 21, under direction of Virginia Knjglit l.ognn. "At Ynlc" 25, "Rip Van Winkle" 27. Ohiknt ' (f!it.ii C.' Stntblo, manager).— liecofd hreaking busDiesa during the holiday »eek.. • ■ . • ' (fttockei- A Lytic, managers).— Tito, houce continues . to do targe Imslne-su, with luipitUtilt.v growlnjr. >CoTKS.-^fieorg(' Still, joined the Ktwlu Strong Co. here, replnclng Clyde Tressell, ■inn. ;; Horace- U. Coltoan, We of King ling's Shown, has accepted a position with 0. I.. Hnniliouse, iWr.fowft music publisher. The Oskiilomi.H' ICIks were cnlertained Jnn. 3. by UaymontVColeman, bantolnt. nn.l Anna S. Xoitrse. piano speclnlist, who laid (fl In tht*-city last week. .< ; Hurllnirlon.—At the Orand tChauiberllu, Harrington & Co., mnn.HiM-s). "Tito Yankee Doodle Boys," Jnn. 6, gave satisfaction. "Montana," 8, to 0 top heavy house. "Toy- land" 14. "Tb» iriah Senator 1 ' 18. "The Mnn of the Hour" 22, .lam?* Oorrnn 28. .! • O.viinicK (.1. M. Hoot, manager).—flood hill and good tiuslness. 11111 13-1." : The Byrne Tulson l'lavefn, the l&ata Otrl, Krnest -Le- noM'. and Minnie St. Clair. BUI 16-18: Blanche, Aldmcb, Seanun VJitldits nnd I.eoti- ard Kane. ' . MICHIGAX. Iietrolt.—At the Detroit Opera House (B. C Whitney, manager; Ornce tleorge, in "DI- vorcons," entertained large and appreciative audiences Jan. B-8. Blanche Walsh. In "The Kreulxrr Sotmla," closed the. week to good houses. Olga Xelhersole week of IS. .I.Ycm-M (K. D. Slalr, manager).—Williams and Walker, In "Bandanna Land," played to liberal pulronngi- n-ll. James O'N'clll 12-18. JarAVKTTK (Dr. Campbell, manager).— "Blue Jeans," presented by the I.nfnvetie I'lO.vers, did good buslnesa ML The same <i7n>pany, in "Tho Cherry Pickers," week of 1 si. •■JViirrrosT (K. D. Stair, monager).—"Tlic Lire of An Actress," presented by n capable company, played to capacity 5-11. "The Con- vict and the t;lrl" 12-18. Tkiim.p. (.1. 11. Moore, manager).—Ijtst , week s. bill was of a high order,, and packed houses ruled. Attractions week of 1.". in- clude: "I'olly Pickles Pels," \Y. C. Field, Litlgl Rossi's horse. -Rmlr ;" Smith and Cami)- heil, Dp. Witt, Burns and Torrance. Dora Itoncn. Herbert nnd Willing, ltiggoiettoBros., and the klnetngraph. n.vvirrr (II. H. Hedges, manager).—Bo- -bies Knickerbockers gave a pleasing enter- tainment and drew good house* 0-11. Oay Mnsjiuerader*. ,12-18, Morplog Olorles 10-25. _ Avbsiih (Brew & Campbell, managers).— The flay Toreadors gave a good show and big tonnes rilled 1-11. Twentieth Century Maids week pf.12. Bellly and Woods 1(1-25. Notes —The Temple ran a half page news- -papet'-ad. on Its anniversary, last week, and the theatre played to Its capacity. Press Agent Finn did himself proud with the nd- vcrtlsetnent-.,*;.,.: Frank Worthing, the lend- ing man: for fimce George, was stricken with pneumonia after lbs matinee performance .loo. 8, and Is In n very serious condition at tae Hotel Douobartraln. this eltv. William A. 1 Brady, husband and manager for MIkh George, played Mr. Worthing's part In "I)i- vorcons," and continued in the role. »« f ' ■ Adrian^—At the Oroswcll (f. D. Hardv. manager)- the' Jelferaons, in "The Itlvals!" Jan. 14.. "Billy, the Kid," IS; "The Yankee Begent" 22. ■.'Bijou (E. R. Hogate. manager).—Bill week of 13: Rowo and Company, Helen Hlllardo. Comedy Trio.- . CaESCBxr (Wm. Thorpe, manager).—Hnrrv Hall, songs, moving pictures. Kxccllcnt bns,(- nest rilles. .. -Qusen (C. B. Klllol't. manager).—Hcurv I.urji, songs; Business to pucked houses, ■ ' -. • .: K'otbr.— The Stair Auditorium wns opened lu Morencl. 4«q. fl, to a packed bouse, the nfay being "The Fatal Flower," which pleated. Mr. Stair..of Detroit.-whose hoybood home Is" in. itflren>I. very kindly gave onc-hntf of *l..,onn to.tUe building fund of this theatre, which fund finally amounted to $27,000. mak- ing a vrty'beautiful IHIln plnvhhuse, which Is verj' w,'l! appointed•!« every way, ■ . * Ann Arbhtr.—At the New Whitney, Jan. IS. "A Knight for n Day." Itobert r>leson 22. Majestic (Fred T. McOmber. mnnairer) --Week of a: "Silent Tnll," Miles nnd ltith- ar,dii. rrrnnnrtc May Into, Florence Modena and company.-Doric Quartette; Sharp Bros., and Majesllsvope pleased good husttiestt. Xorns,—Mntagrr Abbott h doing fine wnrl> for. the opening of Ann Arbor's largest the- atre, nnd everything poinis to a line-opening night Thealorhtm (Clllard, manager) moving pictures;. business good star < B-'E-. Reynolds, manager) mnrlng pictures to pletrlng business The Cnslnn has ..BIJou (Harold Phelps, manager) .Ortice nnd l.'llnton. Harold 1'helps, Subrettc. moving pictures, IlitiFlrnted songs;' dolug big bitsluess Nsrinon Hnckett. an old 1°. of M. mau, ami this season with James O'Neill, gives, a lecture. Jay. 10. in Anu Arhor. a Grnaad Hatplds. — At Iho New Powers (II. 11. .Soiiiiiit'i's & Co., nutnagers) Grace tleorge. Jan. I), played to n crowded house. Mow. Si-li'ini.iiin-IIolnkviri. "The Time, the Place nnd the Girl" lit, Olga Nethorsole 20, the JeOTersons 24. Majestic (Orltl Stair, manager).—"Dream Clly," 0-8, played to good business. "Wine. Woman and Song." 0-11. drew crowded bonnes. Bettlnh l'oynter. In "Lena Rivers." 12-15 ;.fl>o. Sydney, in "Bnsy I«y's Boodle," t«18; "The'Vanderbilt Cun'" 1(1-22, Charles K. Orojpewln 23-25. Giianii '(Paris k Churchill, managers).— Week nf fSi James K. Fulton, Garnel and Dnberly, Kstelle Hlrscb, Ln To^ka, and Mt- ■ Inno and Alvln. » Bay Clly.—At the Washington (W, f. Daunt, manager) Grace Cameron, booked for Jan. S. canceled. "The Yankee Regent", lfl, flard, In Not \ct. But.Soon:" next mtjk, the Jeffersons. In "The Rivals," 17. itnse Velrllle In »«4!a iia.tidi,. •• Ai.TABAno (VY. J. Dannt. manager).—"The Beauty Doctor" pleased large houses ri-S. Lottie, the Poor Saleslady" canceled for 0-11. Bijou (J. D. I'llmore, manager).—Bill week of <! Included: Hanvey, Clark nnd l'rldenn. Atnot nnd Gnnn. I^e Wallers. F.l- mer Jerome, aid the Rljousrope. Bttslnesj Is big. . Ro«e Melville, in "Sis Hopkins." OnPltEim (M. l.e.iin.u, n:unagcr) —La«i week's bill was .a good ine nnd drew S lions:*. This, week: JLtster (,'nhrlel, iie 0rv Lee. the Three Yoscarys, Vitlst Dale jn'mp", nnd Hadle I#onnrd :iad lilcbnrd Ander^n Tlvolft Quartette. Meljnl-'I'rin, nnd P?t» Baker. n»%-eni»ort,—At the Bnrtls Opera House it.'luimhcrlln. Kindt ft Co., managers) tbe Hickman-Hessy Co., In repertory. Jan. 0-11. - Ki.iTt: iCbas. Berkcll. mnoager).—Bill for 0 nnd week: Chinese Jjtwson. the Diamond Comedy Four, Brown and Wllmont. tbe Hnut Trio, Latahert and Pierre, Nan Rngelton nnd company, Melroy Trio. Lena Kline and mov- ing pictures. • Famii.t (Monro ft Oelkrrs, managers).— Bill week of (I: Burke's musical comedy dogs. Howard and Itoher, Harry L. Webb. Francis H-nyt and company, the ISooneys, Kmest Le- nure, Max X West, .-Kleiner Trio, Rlenore Mullen nnd moving pictures. Kalamaino,—At tbe Academy of Music (B. A. Bush, manager.) "No Mother to Guide Her," Jan. 2. pleased. "Under Southern Skies" 11. Majestic (II. W. Crnll, manager).—Bill week of It: The Klns-Ners. Leonard and Emerson, Itayno and Hmersnn. 1'aullne Rus- sell and her trained leopards, aud moving pictures. ■Notes. — Colonial and Vaodelte, moving pictures and Illustrated songs, are both do- ing business. JSIJ011 is in Ine same line. Siicbprt (Mnrtln Lehman, resident maaa gcr).—Ijst week wa» the Inst of yandeviiia' Iowa City—At toaCoMrcn (Will Collier, mnnager) Tlnv Murphy came Jan. S. to good business. "lly Dixie Girl" 8, •'Toylantf - 0, ."Hilly the Kid'' 10, "Peggy from Paris" 15, "The Red Mill" 17, "The Klower of the Flint,—At Stone's (Albert C. Pegg. man- ager) Grace Cameron, in "Little Dollle Dim- ples, Jan. S, ployed to a good house. "Tbe Governor's Pardon" 9, Marks Bros. 10-18, "The Time, Ihe Tlace and tbe Girl" 24, •'Billy, the Kid" 25. Charley Crapewln, la "The Awakening of Mr. Plpp," 80. Buor ' (Jas. B. McKeown, manager).— Clorke Jonason, Wilfred ond Lottie, Kstelle Hirsh, and Mllono and Alvln. Lansing.—At Balrd's Opera House (Fred J. Williams, manager), week of Jan. 0, Him- melein's Imperial Stock Co. illled the house nightly. "The Yankee Regent" 18. William W. nnd Joseph JoOTerson 21, In "The Rivals;" "Billy, the Kid." 22. Bwou (D. J. Robson, manager).—Byme- Go.snn Players, the Great Klns-Ners, Frank Moston Kelly company, nnd BIJouscopc, IKirked the hntiao every night and two mati- nees lost week. » Snulnnn. — At ihe Academy (Chas. W. Porter, manager) Cameron, in "IJltlc Dollle Dimples," pleased a crowded house Jnn. 4. \V. II. Crane, In "Father nnd the Boys," 11; "The Yankee Regent" 17, the JeBersons, in "The Rivals," 18. jKt'Fitns tCatis. W. Porter, manager).— "The Governor's Pardon*" u-7, pleased very gotsl houses. "The Beauty Doctor" 9-12,' "The Cortvict and the Girl" 19r22, "Lost lu New York" 2:1-2.1, "Little Heroes of the Street" 20-29,. "Nobody's Onlm" 30, 31. a ■tattle Creek,—At the Post (E. R. Smith, manager)- "The Whirlwind" came Jan. ft, and W. II. Crone 9. Grace Cameron 10, "Billy, the Kid," 12. "Lost in New- York" 18. Bijou (W. S. Bnttcrfleld, manager).—Bill for -week of 13 : The Apollo Four, Tlulgb and Thomas, Ames and Corbetl, Arthur Demlng, and BIJouscope pictures. . m Jackson.—At the Athcnanim (II. J. Por- ter, manager) Grace Cameron Jan. 9, Gracj George 10, "Billy, the Kid." 11: Blanche Walsn 1-1, "Losria New York" 18, "The Yan- kee Itegent" 20, the Jeltersons 22, Robt. Ede- son 23, "The Vandcrbllt Cup" 24. » «» MISSOURI. SI. Louis.—At the Olympic (Pat Short, manager) Otis Skinner, week of Jan. r>, la "The Honor of the Family," proved to be a good drawing bill. " 'Way-Down. East" 12- 18, Mrs. Le>,!lc Carter irj-25. Ct'NTfiiv (Pal Short,'mnuager).—William Collier, who returned to tnls city after ou ab- sence of- two ycarj, pleased large houses week of 5, In "Caught In the Rain." "Com- ing Thro' the Rye" 12-18, "The Right of Way" l9-2."t- Gakkicic (S. N. Opp;nacimer, manager). —Vaudeville was temporarily suspended at ihe Garrick week of 5, 'when Harrison Grey Klsfce presented Bertlui Kalleb, in "Marta of the Lowland," to large audiences. The sap- portlug company, wnlch is very competent, includes Tlar'dee; 'Klrkl'.iad, formerly of the Odeon stock company of this city. Miss Knlli'h's piny, was .xtcyyed by. sl Louis au-„ dlences wllh great fjvor. Vaudeville will be resumed this week.' . Gn.t.\t> Ot'iir.v (John 3. Fleming, mana- ger 1 .—"In. 0!d Kencicky,'' well known to u!l, attracted good .houses week of ft. "Me, Him and 1" 1218. . -,ix'a (Win. Gnren, manager).—"Cm- ter s Last I'lght" enjoyed good business Just vceW.. ''Convict 000' 12-18.' ^J,i l i rt: ' llX '' (".- K. Russell, mancger). —"A Child ot the Seginicnt," • with Vivlau lTes- cott. created qnlte a sensation, and crowded the house a| each performance. "When Knighthood A\'an In Flower" week of 19. Cobi'MttiA (.Frank Tate, manager).— It/tlenne Glrardot, In "A Game of Cards," proved ,to be a good drawing card. Mr. tllra'-- remembered as the creator of "Chai- .«••» Aiini." Others: Joan Clermont's circus, Ldward Clark aud his Winning Widows, Clllt Gordon,.-Snyder nnd Buckley. Masou and Bart, Willy Zimmerman, Conn, Downey nnd \Mllard, the kia-islrome. Business Is good. , SBPHfcrl*? ^"hn'tt Stock Co. produced a double bill before n large audience last Sun- "• Knihryn Oslermnn day night,. D, "Dor Strom" (The Stream). There" 11, Mrs. Lesl and "Guten Worgen, IL-cr Fischer." Othir ' iitiracllops: Ignace PndcrewKliI, ihe famous Polish planiat. gave « reellal here Jnn. s and taxed the capacity of this large house. •»i S ; r . AN ?. A,m , ll * co Kefchenbnch, manager).— Rlalto Iloiitidcrs, .week of ft, played to good business, those who appeared In Ihe olio -were: Harvey and Do Vt.rn. Sam Howe and company. Gladstone and Howe, Mile. Orcndla. and Bison City Quartette. The Mgbtlogales Uurlesquers 12-18. - - S Oar : kVa l Ve™evS r nI» 0 S^ m ^'.? er) -,r^ m - , Tremoat^-At the New Ijirson (William last week Ynn.l'.vM n ?■,,&** t7,e cl fe nteIc '-."wry, manager) Rose Melville, in "Sis IIo|h Ver«il?r'|J, Frroi.h»^& ? erc: %",'}>' kiI » , •" ar ™ » 8»od house Dec. 31. -lane Cor- 7JSS i SlHSR.W»^J^S' mCS «•»'«•- coran. In "Tlie IJoll's House." 9: "The Dis- trict Leader" 10. Seddler ft Paige Comedy Co. 20 and week; "Tbe I.and of Nod" 29. Ltnic (W. J. Wesl, manager).—I'.tislne-" continues good. —. 4» » * Notes most the White Stock Co. (No. 1). at Escaoaba. Mich.—This comiutny '■' now in its twcnlr-ninth week, without a loser- All productions are stiigod under the pergonal direction of Cecil J. Lionel. Laura vt'lnslo.- nt this theatre, tbo houae having mhmiIS tbe hands of the'Orph?um Circuit Co with Mr l.elimnn as resident maniizer. iVerih?- Kallch, Mr.». t-'lske and "The tW 01|S Rnn-'ho" will be played; and nol-ide of ihes^ attractions- the house will probablr remain closed, except for any local rentals'1 hut'oaT come up. It Is not. itnowu what the plan U for next season. I.asr week's vaudeville hill consisted of: Mile. Alexandra, In a novel aerial act: 'Lilllc Floxmni-e, Green and Wer ner, Nick Long nnrt Idalene Cclton, the Quit-' ly Bros., Vas.v> an-l Barnnld's tmg ,in,l Monkey Pantomime Co. Thrs week Bantu Kallch, lit "Marta of ihe I.ownlnds." ,-- ? Gillis (E. S. Bnghnm, manager). La«r week, "Broadway After Dark" proved In M a good show. Harry Meld and Mildred Str.i. ler lioth did excellent work. This week "Custer's Utst Fight." Next week. "Coni Tlct 1)09." '. . AcDtTORit.'it (O. D. Woodward, manager) —La»t week, "The Singing Girl of Kil- larney," with Lillian Bines In the tllle pi n pleased well filled houses. Other promlnenf members of the company were Ned Norton Fred Adams, May Thompson. This weet*' "A Child of the Regiment." Next 'week! "The Black Crook." * Centum: (Jos. Donegnn. manager).—Iai»t week, Campbell's Nightingales gave ex.-elleni performances. Kennedy. Lewis aud Adinu all wore amusing. This week. Kentucky Belles. Next week. Thoroughbreds ■■■ Majestic (Clinton Wilson, innnngeri.— Last week, the Rose Hill Co. 'ITila week ;he Bon Tons. Next week, Ihe Itoniz-Ksatln Co. ' z Ct.rrrf!nixas.—Tbe theatres continue their fight agillnst Sunday closing, and all art open with ibe exception ot the Wlllli Wood ihe Grand nnd the Majestic Chat St urges paid his linnunl visit last week. He continues to represent Hap Ward, in "Xnt Yet, But Soon." a St. Joseph.—At Tootle's tC. 1!. Phlller. manager) "Superhu" drew a large anil well pleased audience Jan. 3. "Peggy from Paris," 4. did well. "The Clansman. 7. gave a ant performance to S. R, 0. . Kathrvn Osterman. 9. pleased. Mrs. Carter 13, Isabel IrTlnz 16. Maude Fealy 2ft, "The Red Mill" 29. firace Cameron 30. Lyckl'U (C. I!.' Phllley.iman.tger).—"The Irish Senator," n, d, pleased. "Billy, tbe Kid." 7. 8. did well. Kenluckv Belles'. 9 II. business big. "Broadway After Dark" 12. U. "Buster Brown" 14, 13, Tliorniighbreils in- 18. "4k Child-of the.Regiment" it). -.'0. "My Dixie Girl" 21, 22, the American Girls 2S-B.V '. Lt'nic (J. N. Rentfrow, tniiniigeri.—Busi- ness continues line. Bill for week of li ".Mother and Son." - CnvsTAL (Fred Cosmnn, manager).—Big business nil Inst week. Bill for week of 12: Bell Trio, Don and Thomp.ton, Delln Stacey, Stanlnn and Staberg, Ed. and Nettle Maw, and Harry Webb. .-..'■ . « Sedalla—At ihe New Sedalla (Ceo. P. Olendorf. manager) North Bros. Co.. week ending Jnn. 0, played to good buslnes*. "f.'ncle Tom's Cabin" 10. "Thu Clausunin" 11, Lyman Twins 32. Allen Doone lS.-'l'be Burgomnstcr" in, "Coming Thro' the Rye" 21. Isabel Irving 23, "Toyland" 25. Wood's (Dr. 11. H. Wood, manager).— Bertha Kallch, la "Marta of the lx>wTantls." Notes. —Unique (G. F. Clark, manager) business Is steadily Improving and show giv- ing food satisfaction .Electric Theatre, moving pictures and Illustrated songs to S, R. O Nickelodeon, moving pictures and Il- lustrated songs to good business. 4 »» - MvBHAStvl. Omaha—At Boyd's (E. J. Monaghan. manager) Isabel Irving Jan. 13-15. Mrs. Leslie Career 10. 17, Mario Cablll, in "Marrying Mary.", .lfl-21. "The Girl Over There" dM Kootl business 5-S. Jane Corcoran had good houses 10-12. Obphki.m -(Carl.Belter, local manager).— Master Gabriel nnd company, In "Aunty's Visit.'' headed a good hill, the past week, in crowded houses. Week ot 12: Delia Fox, Elgin Yassar: Girls, -•W4trd and Cnrrnn. Fred Watson and Morrlsey Sistcrs/'Hanvaar and 1 je-' Nasslius O'Connor, Fetching Bros., and klnodrome. Kkno fDocV Breed, manager).—"Superba" 12-18, -Cnster's l^ist Fight" ill, 20. "HIIU'. the Kid." hud'big business ft, ti. "The lrl»!t Senator," good houses, 7, S.' "Not Yet, But Soon" 9-11. Lincoln.—At the Oliver (F. C. Zehrung, manager) "The Clansman." Jan. 4, was greeted by big business. "The District Leader" 10. "The Girl Over .. Leslie Curler 14, "What Women Will Do" 17, 18. "No Mother l» Guide Her" 22, "The Red Mill" 24. 2ft. Majestic (F. II. Rntris!reer. manager).— Fultou Stock Co. presented "Woman Against Woman" week of 0. ■ Lvkic (||, M. Miller, mnnager).—Week of «: Clayton, • Jenkins aud "Jasper." Beth stone, Washburn nnd Kecley, Browning nud {.emu. Nat Franco. John J. Wilde, anil the Lyroscope. Business Is excellent. •- ■r—~ .»*■•■ ..^i.,. i/ii ui, »i-f: " •!» 1 fttX r "* ^TPII^ i.Tiatnlliie. Franklin and Williams, Ward and) l^ , i?o r ily an c d o. N 12.Vs McKUlley - ^ H1U En «" haaiai City—At the Willis Wood (O. L'-a 0 ^" 11 ' manager) Mrs. Leslie Cnrter. Jan. 9-11. nrrsentlag "Du Barry," to bii bouaes. ;J'b( s week. "The Clfcnslcan'.'" Next ssf-A. 1 Bed Sr ***** i *° m ,rv,B « nuXB _(Hnx ■arciB (Hudson 4 Judah, mansgerr.l —H«t week 'Superlai" had lti usual good business. Anna Leon Venctln Brown all did good work. This week, "Hap" is featured, with the following support: Harry M. Royale, AValter H. I^oog. Willis Van. 'tool , Henry Dettmair. <-• Sophia Lamiyk and .... nv^aiv, liwiicr ri, uuuj, 11 ill... . - Sillcncc. Otto iUzelbaucr, Heni-y Detimatr. u. F. Nebel. pearl Stearns, Sophia " Violet Van.