The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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to THE NEW YOM. OMPPEik January is -KeltliAl'roctor'.KlItj-rlttbih Street i "*tktn {K.-f. Artec, gtfnettii wnnjjgorf.— A'ltirgo audience wan In attendance n V Monday. Jan! 1 at'•.thlii house. "The Song- Birds, I'astor'n Thralre (Tony Postor,. mana- 'ger)-—A' r large < hoiiso ' wa» present ot'. the (({■Monday. Jan.' 18, to enjoy the. excellent gftl ot.thlii house. "The Song Birds," With William Burress, was undoubtedly thehcad- Jiiumber, presendng their travesty on tho i war. The solo and chorua' singing good, and the whole net went with n that cnochr the lionae. I Alio Selblnl, I c* the Parisian Bathing fienuty, won ■MM* 'for he* rlerer plcyole riding. Ruth alien and'company," In "We Need the Money," wiv another prominent-'feature of the hill fcffi) trail "warmly Applauded. AieNish nnd Tenfold sfiofntirt rtnrreed' themselves Into.the ■Jooo gne*s of The "inldleiu-e; Others • .n I ho Tlll'.Were: .MofHs rind Morris, in'lhelrgro- fewiilo'nci : llnrry P'etiiolljsnnd.Rddln Cnrr, In if. J ."sikti.'"Out. Wild Junction:"-1'has. nwl Wrinv V'ai), who found'favor In-fA case of r;(n>r(tori« " ItHnrj wfhS opening performance of the current week, Jan. l;i,'nrld -enjoyed an unusually good hill. Chn». -II. Burke, Plr, Touhcyond company 01.1} ton Kennedy and Mai He ItioijA",:'fii their eccentric-eom'cdv diversion, \'mw Mr . ptesenied 'governf Mfdlum." Tho-moilnn Centres jntcraf Interesting subjects nod clciicd'the show. •■ • , Uprrny Hill Theatre f.l. Herbert Muck. mnnnaer.)i—Hlcn and Barton's nip ,<lmintit 04, 'drew 'good' houses Jan. 13. An oxcel- lont company, -rfspri'lally selected for suitable Iiyr"t'i*l|)l5 roles iisvlgnod them, has been se- hMCd l>.v Cbnrles Ha rl on, who. In hie'well known cpnnieier of "Ilenjamln. Dowser," Jkept f Jig. Bouse In roars throughout the entire first ' jit^' 'tK'cry minute o? '"Broadway Aflor l\tyi\ cApnls for some: Inlorosirng fenture BeVolop'oioiii, llerL Baker. In.Rood oldboy ■MM a sketch,-ontllDd "The Itlrthdnv Party. It ]>mvM lo contain mjinj laughter-provoking sttunlldtm nnd firnhy lines t tint were .well handled. It Is - iilWnys pleasant to see old friends;-as wn* prow by the reception given lo Johnson' anil Richards.' Their comedy ?,vnrk -III-'-'The CollAiJe Boy and the Fnrtnesf was productive of -many laughs, and' the wonderful sometsaultlng won much npptaqtie, ■MJfldfed'Kcnpyirt nnd her' Dinkey: Klua-won ihe IrfleW^ nfinlli Ml*) ICendeld was charming, qrtd' HP wrtrk of llle hoys'en|»yahle. • The two IHrdln' were very interesting In Rome comedy/Acrobatic work of n' high order. Their- efforts, .won' recalls.' Will a ml MAAel Cnsfier have "n, ' rural ulay.lM, called "HI 'I'crkTns' VlaJt t->- New vork." The odd' ehnrnclers were well played, -arid the humor veil taken crirc' of. • "fyhlhla'ti Visit"" onll«t.» the nw- vice* of fjinra Morrl)!, Jjlllv Jlean Hart nnd llnrry Morgan. Mis* Morris wan very flippy na a country rclal Ion come to IS'ew York.- Mica lfart and .Mr. Mcrgnu did w.'ll wlih-.thety 'hjractars. Home nongs were eleyerly glvfn- 'tile nhovo a<:tn will be more-fully rovwwed' In our next Issue. Kelso anl J.eljlium wr>n Iota of upplaiiM with their good' w«rt In'n sltoich, eoflUM~'"J'he'.l4tdy jtnrglor." JJIIajf I/flKluon was .charming mas^, n mnn, nhd Atr.'Kelwi wiis comical ns ri.'col- lege liny, "Wood nnd f ( o.\y?op wing wrtto fcitkl «elonmeiu, llerL Baker, In. good oldboy nopg«1h a plensltiS why*, and;did WireS grai'e WWLjwnjI (he llxer, who trnd.lo help fn( <(ilnelng. Tllnlf elTorid'Avcrn- I eartliy jer ,ont of Ills dllemmaa wl(.h' more or nppls.uded. .fJniWqfne Mc'Cajn,.jntl. e/imTnnv. idcreKA, Alf. I'. Jarac-ngave n thoroughly Jrotltrt Impersonation of-Ihe "strnlglit ' ;JoUq ttonilholder, wlilt- Whom llowser wonted to'straighten out. the Impression of n ill Mullen ployed Mrs. Bowser with her jtl; g0(rrt -Judgment hi hiicIi- matters: Kfllo M- wftft ri.. Is. ax Ihe staler; Tessle Burns J. 1 a .aultablc .-.-tilntIon nf the servant U prwlem, nn«t Alloc Molzee looked I; 1 acleifl I be parr- of Maud, tho eABSei ,B(: -Bowser'n Tioulile. . The choniB lfl'SllldeiViV.Viny ^?Wf;iin, 'It aui'lie lie Annornl, M^BA'Mrker.'{WDM . Itnfstim,. -Mildred filh- nM.'BBillv'.l'arkera'nille I'rtpe. Jhiy Heovcy, Kd Ih'Uluwell, I'lowslc liny, Mildred Ollmore, SJ| ill-flolmcp, Myrn linmont, Haille fienny, Wj AHidide.. Itot Wlilard, Daisy Winter, ffn IMVfence, Rita Htoiie and Kitty Todd, Mrrttty linndwune and shapely young wom- I'JjP.'. ntiHvAl iinmlierH ■I'liettided : "Slnno Cy.'.Wftnf to Paris," liy 'May GMfiVW nnd fubnfua; ,"||onry "Boy." led'by'Amy Nelson: rolean; ', by Miss Nelsop and aovernl the girl;:, In pretly oionnjalii costumes; Inn'.eong, liy the male wpi' whoopers; "I • 'Ihe-Jihly Mnn Wre," by Frank I. PMrce:'."Happy I>«,'! My Alf. James. The minstrel i)Hrade,,by Ihe enllrn'eompany, with bSnil, was'it rousing llntiln, and wnh rcenlle;d ceTeral llmefi. The vnudcyllle peetloa fol- lowed, opened, hv Mildred- nilimre. In several popular'Jinrtij.'-, w-'l l rendered ; -Nlek ttlynn, lljllcr nAd Hint pri'sen't^n their musical net, being especially swvMWpli'Jn (heir nelcetlonw on; t'le Atitophones and corn-its; Nick Cilynn htdd, up the ftsmedy portion of the offering In, good style; Frank Pler,;e nnd Allen Malice lind'S singing and dancing nri of great nt- tlAiV.lvone'sti, MIsh Mal*e»H happy aeleellnn ox.'^cosl nine greatlv adding to the effect. Vgk^k Plnreo Iias reason to be proud of Mng- liag'-of pongs of n light vein. Bon Hritor qime a»,(.lie "Tad," wllh his pipe nnd (lilnlnt rejtiprka. His Irish NPleeilona And Infer hla lm)»rompln song ohoiil different peohle In tho U|t(llenen l:opt lilm nu until he beggedi off. Roes M.-Kee and • 1'ipent, Van nreseitlW n negro nod wcuch aei.i wbnreln iliejr dnifo- djiced some novel steps In- buck dancing. "3Jbo Bed L|gUt Jjlotrlct" wan the bluWqu*, tjUl- lng. the story of two farmer!', visit;, to, ir UVtly section of New York, %l «y«»ti tt bifift them. Bert Baker and a n<ttfi the «^i»y njarlie In; grotW Chnrljn Barton and a-.Hf&Bjfhii s.'Annlt NJullin and Alice Matrce wfre j»ught;^ttract!niir', and Kate Prior nnd C Tl^lmpie. 'jtferc tjoipe of (he boys —Jt'/Mhtvp of« excllepieht. r-A • "sporly," R!" ".Oct iJio Ajopey," by Barton, .lames feofflpADS.! "■ gypsy song, n Spanish danc . 'onsliipieu, and the girls In tl lively lirsneli' danen. added interest nt op- portune 'moments. Bnrlou waathe leader of the funny hand, nnd this nnnihar was ex- erliclatlngly funny In the iinny inskctin In face nnd costiim* of tho various miislelans, vjjo overplayed tbemnelvea to', tho limit. Thorn Is not n dull moment during tho entire nfiu*-. Holinrt Thonins Is treasurer; I). Bar- rt/ird Denny, representative; Kd. Morhaeh Jf., .tnitslent director; George Knlslon. car- peri ter. .\o«t week, the (llrl from Ilnppy- linijdsoVn.-ly yely liran lilUL, in. lljoii Drrnni 11:. F. Albce, general man- ager).—This moving picture house, with Its hourly shows, Is doing very satisfactory husl- nejiB, nnd entered upon Us second week under Its present policy ou Jan. I.'t, I'leorge Mnrnn fa '.at. the. helm rirre, and Is dolug nil kinds of tptod work In booming ihlngs for the house. Tlid' following singers of Illustrated songs iif> lu evidence, nnd It Is expected thnt thev will remAln here nermnnenily: Sol Lovoy, ticorgetio Hoeor, CUAs. Taylor and Florette Downea.. . ' Mliicr'n IOIhIiIIi A venuo Tbenlrr (Bd- wlfi D. , Mfne'r, iAuAnger):--A lArgo atlend- ancit saw (tie. opentni KBfMrt week, .Ian. tfl, lite f'«i pevfoimaiiee of (ho Ivte Fail H(w i " r "«»»• )>i\»ii hi. tile iilirni'iliin. and ti the ujidli rtflS dm Hotter Com- Monday ijjidlcnce -wns any crllerlmi, big business will '' for tho week. ••Dress Pnrnde"' was (he burlesque, nnd Its muny good sonus, N«m mnrohes, i|ne choruses, nml tlm driver voar-K" of the principals "caught on': Jn great shape, lu the olio: l,enn Liieonvler's charm- ing voice .mid' pleasing nppnurniiec won her idneh: npplAiise; Allen nnd lyilmi piajcl loiwi.-ni iiisiriinieniii wllh raurh skill and to flic enjoyment nf nil; ihe Miirvelous Hil- ton s gave an-extremely clover turn, eonslel- Jng:or aerotiAlIc hlcycle work: "ThA-Vankoe Amniral" won the closing burUsque., and will so Jnl<<re»lln(} thai overyone waited lor tile (Inpl eitrtnm. The costutnlug and both burlesques worn excellent, slid -whoever was responsible for the sdiglug deserves n of credit, for. good work. Next-week. Williams' Idenl ltyctrnvogaiiaa Co. <dnieily Tliealre \.\. V.ukor. manager). —A .large attcnilsuce saw (ho excellent bill toi» the current wc.«k nt tho opening perform- Unce,'-MonchtT nfloruouu, Jan. IS. The bill coiii'lnts of ttio following: The Itiihsells, mn- •leAl: fioko nud Korgc, "The Hebi-.-w Wre- iniih.;' Harry Haw, souhrettu; Kditlo Joyce, fiollnrtlst: Miss Kolluer. Illustrated songs. |,tlier«y Tlieutro (Kluw& Krlnugrr, man- AiafA),—Mabel TallJl'ero, in "fully of the Qlrnts," hegnn her fourth week Jan. l", ,llav«keii i'licntre (Jnincs K Hnckell, Ipajlfigeri.—John Mason, in "The Witching Hoiffti'Jiogon his ninth week Jnu. 1.1, M"aItB*>k's (Charles Itiirnhani, inannger). -.—",5 Knight, for a Day" began Its llfth week '.- HinrvesBiit Thentro (David Belaseo. niailuger),— linvld WarQcld, la "A flrand AUAy Man,'' '" Mn *i'^ ff.nrteentt J 8. besnn his fourteenth week Jan. ' New Auslerdsm 'I'lientre (Klnw & Br- UMtHt, mnnagersi.—''The Merry widow" he- p*n He Uilrtecnth week .Inn. in. »lu«t««ii Theatre (Henry B. rtnrrls, ninn- 4tteM.—rthel Bnrrymore, In "Her Sister," bfsnii tier fourth week Jan. 13. Oljon Theatre (A. P.-Campbell, inann- eefi,—lltae. Alia .Vnslmova liegan her third werkV-Jji "Thn('orool,".JAn. 13. \tl»rrleV Theatre (Cbas. Frohman, man- •tar),—Maxlne Blllolt, In "Under the Oreen- arowi Tree," began her fourth week Jan, 13. pole in led. (Jefajgine MCCAMj In'a one net; ftlfcjr. pntrtlpit,. '•'riVo Ofiniiters'.l' liiid some brI«ht,''*!(Qv>>r,thliigR-io-,(lo- nnd-.pat. Thjfy won enuftlnawlp>- 4im)ai(B>k;'i-'Anmfi Bernstein hns n deep, ex'r/rcssivo voice,-which slM»;.uses eleverlj-, In somp.: ehnrjcKr -saogs. Vhtt "Mnrluteii" sorlg'WM-OttMclaUy :WJ|sra- • cAjvcd. l>>o Ht. Blmo. a:i ?Thn AltiHlenl /le,R- man;"-hA<l his customnry recreiillnn, nnd - Von oilt'V with Inlerestlng mnsl-.'il ,cfrortse rfbo 'Dlinu - Sinter* nro A sprightly-pajr,' not He ; KV.effi credit for their good Fjlnglng «ud uhaim- InAVdnr.elnc. •it ■ < ■:• j,- ; ' I>e»ej Theatre (Sullivan & KraiiAvmon- nfiWS).—7'fte Kmtfn: Hitrbviqurm began'. A wAfJl's oogngement At l his house Monday- af- terhiion. Jan, I:'.. -.This is (ho compnny's:flrst vlAlt, u> New Vork IhK season, nhd- a'Well QIDn hiiiiKA gnve ihem- a henrly Welcome. I'M; company,' bearieil byBnger Irn'luif, -Is a Rood one and met with .tlieapproval-of the nitlllcnco from the Mart. The ojienlng-bur- loHa, ontllled vfasiiy, (he l'iphr,**.|A full of! ginger nnd went with a.rnsh from 5'ltl'' to llnlsh. Itnaor linhi.f, ns Mlrhnnl rnsey, nn Irhih musician, was very amusing anil was a hlg success. The following worn also deserving of much credit, for ibelr'ex- cellent performances: Rd. Johnson. Al. 'Zim- merman, ' Kd. ft. iliii'lfiitis and Najpoleon Moii- tnmho. The full cA'st: Michael Canev, Bogpr Imlmf; Mullhew (j'RIelly, Bd. • Johnson;: Cousin Ike,. A I. Zimmerman : Billy Biiils, Kd.: B. ■ Ilurlfails : Olissln Pbosphnte, Oeorge Klein; Owen McHcrap, Napoleon Monlnmlio'; Dairy AleDerry, .leaimetle Buckley ; Mamie iVIUMly, KrnmnWeslon; .(iwendolin tV-Brlea', KliKHnnp ('orrlne; Persevernnee Morlnrllv', Jane MpCn.huI Ter v So O'Doulln. Vloln.Ku's- sell; MogglO lloyle. • pjorcnee Dalne-il; Delia O'Ponor, Fanny Weston; Ttedelln MeBrlile, MAiide Mnllsry ; Mnnilc Mulligan, Flora Otis ; Hieeinh Brennnn, Itosle Be'lde; l'egglo Ma- lone, Lnrcttn Monlnlne; Bridget Doona. May Mora. The chorus: Katie Burst, IVllalto- . malne, May Harris, Alta Pound, Don Belle, Henrletrn Tatsall, Alice Myland, Marie Walsh and i.ucy Johnson. An excellent alia- fol- lowed. Bmmn Weston, contralto) soloist, has n (Inn voice, and was -compelled to re. nnnnit to several encores-; Montambo nnd llni-lfalls. comedy acrobats, hrtve n enpVA' iwt.nnii were one of the bits of the hill, linger Imbof and Huxanne Corlnne, In a uew sketch, colled "In a Strange Hotel/' kept -tlm- audience in on uproar: 1M. Johnson Ahd Jeannette Buckley, comedy duo, found faVor. "The Slave Mart," which again employs file whole company, to good advantage, closes the Show. The chorus, which Is well drilli'd^-wan,- finely costumed. The musical numbers. ^Ib-- eluded: "The Seventeenth of-March,"-snag by;•■ Roger Imhot and chonn; "fJet Happy,' by Stuuinno (.'orrlne'and (he ponlei), nnd "Op n Merry-Oo-noiinrt," by .lennnede Buckley nnd company, nil nf which won approval, ifreeii- tlve staff :• W. 11.' Hiss,- manager; I,ew il. Rponliir, musical director; Frank flormnn. carpenter; Itoger Imhof, stage director; Mrr.. .lone McCnbe, wardrobe. Scxt week, Miss New Vork Jr. Miner's. Bowery Theatre (Kdwln I>. Miner, manager).— The Vherrg Jllofmom* On. drew good hoiiKCs Monday, Jan.. IS. "Boos- ter's .Millions," tho Jolly first part, hs wcaDaK "Three Old Cronies," tho burlesque gave ex- cellent opportunity to tho members of tlm company to make good In suitable inut:. Tho olio Included: l.llllo i'crry, the elovor singor and dancer; Markey and Moran, us "The Heotchman and Ihe Soldier," during which net Bddy Markey gave a rnallsile imi- tation of Harry Bander; BugoiiQ .Icrge, Manio Alrene and Mrl.vth Hamilton, in A good com-, edy act; Doff Philips, negro comedian, and OrAnvllle nnd Mack, comedians. Next week, (he f,adv Birds. .-',. i.oiiiIoh Thenlre (jamos M.Purtln.'rann- ngcr>,— Ifm. B. IKatsoii'* Jlwr/es^ucis, pro- ducing "Krnusomeyer's Alley," fllledi-tjioXo'rf- don Jan. lit, the well known comedian hea«l- ed the company with the usual good Imbu- ing-results. AIL the ineldenlal' ulimhers Iti- ti'odticed during the two nets earned'encore^.' Tho olIA preseiilcll The Bijou Trio (Ddrspy',' and Bxgani, In n novel comtdy and singing aid: Htvnn nnd llimimvd, n!\ tbo . two recruits, Indulging In their lai'gliahle' a'c- rohntlc nnd knockabout nasi lines, nnd'. the Miltcrshlp Sisters, lively llttln dancers and singers. Tho moving pie:uiei, woro ; nev and interesting. Next week. tho'/J'laor liljlei'. Htiber'M Vtasram (John 11. Anderlinn, nianagftr).—A visit to this popnUir family renin h).troll repaid hv tho excellent line. of curlLi and-freaks lo ho seen In the curio halli. In die thenlre nn excellent vaudeville i.Ml Is given to capacity business nt every pcrfurmnnfo. . iiyrle Theatre (Sam S. J: Leo Hhnbert, I iici managersi.—Mrs. Flake, In "ltnsmer- sliolm," liegan ber third week .Ian. 13. Ortlys Theatre (Sam S. & Rhnhart, Inc., managers).—"The House ot a Thousand Ohnrllca">hcga'n Its second and last week Jau. 13. "Society nnd (be Bulldog" follows IS. l.'nnino (Snrti S. & l.e-e Hhubert, Inc.. man-' ngorH).—"Fiinnbashl" began Us wcond week Jan. IS, ■. ■■>:'..* Mnjestlo Thenlre (W. I.. Bowland, mtiu- nger).—"The Ton o 1 tu" World" begau Its ihlrtcenth week Jnu. 13. tutor Theatre (WagenhaU Jc Kcninur, waimgers).—"Tho Secret O'rcliard" began Its second nnd last week Jan. lit, Noxi week \ 'loin Allen Is iiiiuniinccd to open, -In "Irene Wyehcrly," on;.lan. 20.' Orsad Opern llonne (John H. Springer, mnnager).—-"Brewster's Millions" Is tbc ci^ reot attraction, opening to the usual large iiHcndnnCi' JntQ. til.' Next weofc, "Mrs. Wlggs ot the Ciibalige l'alch." Uilsnia Thrktro (David Belnsco, mnna-' jrer).—"The Warrens of Virginia" began Its seventh week Jan. 13. M.ulinttan 'llientre (Archie Ti. Stiep- paid, manager).—Moving pictures and vaude- ville continue to the usual large at tendance. liVMsun Thenlre (Daniel Frohman, man- ager).—tCyrlc Bellow and'Mnrgaret Bllng- ton. In "i'be Thief," began their ■ nineteenth week Jan. 13. ' Herald Munarc Theatre (fion. W. Sam- nils, manager).—I>w Fields, In "The (llrl Behind the Counter," began bis sixteenth week Jan.. 13. Criterion Theatre- (Charles Frohman, manager).—"Mlag (look-of Holland"; began Its third week Jan, 13. Academy of Mnslc (Ollmoro & Tompkins, managers).—"The Kose of tho IUmcaq," fea- tnrtog-Frances.Starr, begun Its third week Jan. IS. t ■ ■• ■ ■ :'■• Vorkvllle Theatre (Prank Qfirsten, man- nKtV.-rfiia Russell Bros., in "The Hired rflrl'B'Millions/' began a week's engagement here Monday, Jan. 13. .„.'•■■ Broadway Theatre (Mtt & Dingwall, managers).—Anna Held, in ."The Parisian Model." began her second week pad list fort- night Jan. 13,. .- Empire Theatre (Charles Frohmor, man- ager).—MnuderAdnmslsflnnouncodtoopealn •ll(c. Jntlrm on Wedneiday, Jnn. J5. The Ibeniro remnlRed elnsed Monday and Tuesday for- rehearsals, •■•• .'■•" ■ Harlem.—U Keith & Proctor's, llnriem Opern House.(IC. F.. Albce,- general manager; ••Shenandoah," the old -war-play. Is tbc offer- ing of the stock company-this week,; find an enjovablo performance .was-.the result Mon- dav, Jan. j;i., John Oralg nhd Beatrice Mor- gan, In the leading rotes, were excel ent. Ulnars were :--Loiilse nondolpb, Dudley llaw- 1 ley, lieorgc Howell, Chns. Meay,' Wm. i.nrr and n host (it others. Tho vaudeville: Hulli Alvoy and pictures. .- ,KKITI1. A. I'HOCTOB'N Ond IK'ndriw and TWENTV-FIKTII SThKRT THKATmi [ft \l~ AllWC, general manager).—Business for the past few .weeks has been, great, and all Indications point, to continued prosperity. The current hill'-save entire satlsf net ion Monday. 13. It Included: clarence Wllbur.-nnd his "Ten Funny- Folks," Jnmes Harrlgan,.liOnn Jlarr- rter, lloev and Lee, the Five. Madcaps, l.e«u llOBce. JfaXtren and Poole, l.oulae Henry, and AUeliuo luiiilnp nnd.Lester Chambers. WiisTel-'/Jin (J. K. Canteen, rnnaager).—■ fl'COfgefXitohaB'A'Ployi ""Thn Iloneyrnodners, urtnib'tC'.'lInrleni for a weckV btay 13, ntid drtw'opn of-■ I he best Monday night aiifll- ruMMAK the season. The • advance 'sale is large. "The singing- Is espe.'ially lln?, and, with .the comedy work In eapiihlc hands, a giirtd v/eek-la-predicted.- Next week, "QoUKf Adnnis. Sawyer," • • • Mirriionii.iR•■•- (Ham Burtlg, manager).— TJ)ls.-week,-.•Dlgby- Bell, In "Snore Acres.' Next week, the lUissell llro<hrrs. Hr'Aii (Wra-.T.Keogh, mhnngei').—"China- town Charlie" began g reliirn-engngcment l:i, itnrler favorable' clrcumstnn cob, ns the house was packed from top to Imtiom. -. Ar.HAiiiiiu (IV^rcy 0," WlllJIams. manager). —It In aiwavs.iiie same hnre, (ho.8. It. 0. nign' being displayed almost before the doors opna, 'nnd rhls- weak' Is not nni exception. This week's bill presents' several good acts, besides'seyiifeaij.tWtara new. "Clin .hill -for this week, la -headed by Mr, ilyntaek; n.eomc- iilnn. Others: Freil Knrnn's !<ondon Pan- tomime coa'PAny, Nellie Wnllneo, the Quaker City Qiinrtetre, Dotau nnd Ls'nhnrr, Clifton t'inwtoi'd, liVlend and Downing, Felix and llnrry, nnd tbe. PermAn'e'Ilrothers. • Hinrfio. & Skamon's Slrsic lfAlx (I.iw Bose,-manager).—Balcheller's Boston Belles made'their tlrsc.Hnrlem Appearance 13, to a crowded house, and were wnnnly received. The show Is more like farco comedy than l>iit/ej«jlle, And Is. In three nets, and the pcr- fofina'nce .made a good hupreislon. Next week, (He-Blue Blbhou (Jlrls. riOTliAM . (8am Kruus, manager). — The Nv-*''Century., Girls come lo Harlem with ;:end advance reports and opened 13 to ft. It. 11. business--. The show Is well costumed and the company eontnlns good comedians and Hlngers: ; Next' w'eek, The Boll Inkers. Famiia- (C. D. McCoy, manager).—The bill for (his -weol; Is>a> good-one and Includes: f.e Boy Slaters, Hnrrv Itowley, May. 1.. Bell, Jhmes B." Mackle, Cinra Tbropn nnd corn- puny, True and Swisher, And Bertha, the model. • •' • Brooklyn. — Al the .\ion,taiik (Edward Troll, manager) John Drew; ; assisted by "Ullllo" lltirke. Is »e*n in his letcjt comedy, "My Wife," Jan. 13-18. Montgomery - and Stone pleased last week. . Next, Eleanor Bob- son, in "SalomyJane." • Majestic (W. C. Frldtey, manager).— "StronghearV'-wlth Edgar seiwjn, is the orfering 4,hls week. "O'Neill of Darry" did w«fl. Next, Mclntyre ond Heatb, In "Tho Ham Tree. 1 ' fnUit'D''(W. T. <?rover,' manager).—The Ahoxn Opera Co. has. proven Its worth dur- Inglbe short lime It. has been nt this house, nnd large attendance rules nt. elttry perform- ance. "The Pontine Teller" 1.1, and will continue throughout tho week. Next, "The Mikado." Hi.Kii; (Wm. Hyde, manager).—"A. Child Shall Lend- Them" 13 ond week. ;,'Dend- wood Dick's l.nst Shot" won foror. "Tho Lost Trail" Coi r.uni.v (Chns. H. \\'uer«, inannger I.— "The Boy With the Boodle" is the current attraction. "Ths Phantom Delecllvo" had pood reluruR, OitPilKUM (Percy <J. Williams, mnnnger). —A bill made up of hooilllnerti is offered by Mnnnger Williams 13 and week. It includes: I'.l.liel Levey, with her latent. Ringing nnd dancing novelty : It. 0. Knowles, Horace Cioldln, Joe Welch nnd company, Blnns, Blnnn and Blnns, Thos. J. Itynn-Blehllcld company, Alcldo CnnJtnlne, Donald and Car- son. Knrtelll, nnd vilagraph. Trie Usual big business last week. - Kw:xgy's (Oeo. Slnnno, manager). —Bill tills week: Bomany Operatic company, Mar- zt-Ilo nud Woulf. Byron nnd Langnon, Sidney Gibson, Cariin and Herbert, dm .lolly Prices, Bay Cox; Unnttiua nud Slovens, and' Kceney- eeone. rJr\n' (Rdw. ■ l'.ehman, manager). — The Bninly DufkHH Co. started a week's eiigagn- ineiu 13. The company Is strong. The olio liii-li'ile,-. : MoitIs and Krnmcr, Kceler nnd llnwiey, Frnncllln and company, ((anion's Famoini Auto Bee, and, us nn nxtrn, the Avon Comedy Four. Big business last week. Next, llnrry Bryant's Mxtmvaguma Co. Oi.TMnc (Nick Norton, manager).—The Olrla From llappyland, n good bdrlesiine or- gaalrntlnn, owned by Louis nnd Joseph Ilitr- llg, opened here 13 for tlie first time In Brooklyn. Nat Fields, who linn been with several Broiidwny siictioseew, lends in fun- niakihg, and In assisted by Harry Hurvev, J. Jl. Drown and Sam llyams, while Carrie .Stella nnd thn Misses Mnnnlita aad Dora hnre ihe lending feminine roles. The clioius in- troduces twonly-dvo pretly girls, full of dash nnd spirit, and well trained. The costumes ore rich.and"beautifully designed. The bur- lesques, "The Doings of Paris" aod "On Hoard Ship," ore-very amusing, and the music in good noa entirely, up-to-date, lu the olio tiro: "The Great Deluge," u spectacular net; Doro and.Wolford, Hurry Harvey, tjbe Slon- "ttrch Comedy-Four, Saw Hyanis; Mouolltu. As nu extra at! ractinu, Conkley nud McBrltle, tlnckfiice c.nmedlnus, ami .lennctte Duplet-. The show l« good and won favor, nud should be a big- money, maker for the Hurtles. Finn business Inst week. Next, Clark's Runaway Girls. . P.mK (J. B. Glldllan. msuager) The Ijidy Birds, with Mlko J. Kelly nnd a hlg company. 13-18. Tbe olio Includes: Oertrudo I'lsk, Halley and McKlnnou. Adams and Kirk, "The Great Chick." and Be Veide and Zelda. Wrestling Tuesday nlgut, Jim Qalvln vs. llurkhnrdt.'nnd Young Monday vs. Bd. Casev. Watson's biirlcsquerg drew well. Next week, New Centurv Molds; Bactrim- (Leo C. Toller, leasee).—Nat C. Goodwin. ln : repertory, this week. During the week, Mr. Goodwill will ho seen in '"In MUzoura," "X Glided Fool," "An American Cltliten" and "The 'Mostei- Uahd." f,n»t Carter%lcnard Brown. Bartollta, tbo Mn- siJnl Beli BMIet^Anna^handlcr. the Five SaHngcIs, and the Wlto-Wolart- Wgt*jS? on added attraction. ■ t.Jood bualncsA last week, with Rose Sydell's ixmdon Belles Co. Noitltt (Benedict-Blodi.-manageT).—Thla week's 1)1)1: Harry Howard's Comedy •l'on eg and Dora tit Ca?Hlo, flaymond and Caverly, ?he Keams.'the «Mn* Astrella Ulsters and Alf warneV.' Fm3 D'veil, ; and Watertary Brothern. and Tenny., Business .contlnuea "' m*a*T* (T. J. Williams; mrjriager).^-r-Ha'y Bnvtnond, in—The. Candy; Kid." thisLW ••cfilnatown Charlie" cjosrd n good week, end- lng II. Next, Cecil Spooner. • ' GoTjr.i.11 '-VB. F.-GIrard, manager).—A hlR hill If: iiffefed this week. It I«c J^_OJ£ don. Belle DnVIs nml pli'knnlnnles, Baffin* moakevK, Diamond nnd Smith, llflppy Jack llardner, McKithn- nnd McCohon, MATsellles, nnd Pat Booney and Marlon Bent. Big houses PUTO.v's (Joe Pay too, manager). —"A Lndv of Qunllry (h(s week. Good houses last' week wllh "Tho Three of Ls." Next, ••The Heart Ot Maryland." ' lycgvm (Louis Phillips, manager).— A Dangerous Woman" this week. Niii'Ks:—.lame.-t Hyde will leavo Brooklyn. 1ft. for Chicago, whero ho will remain untB (lie new Hyde & Bebmnn burlesilue. hoiise, tho Star- and Garter, opens. 20. after which lie will so direct to -Florida on bis nnminl hunting-trip.. The Associate Alumnfts .\dclphl Aendemy Iwuight out tho -Montniik, IS. for a Inrge theatre party to John Drew, who is appearing in "My Wife. •■••••A n'K wrestling carnival, under the -dlrecHon of John Donne, will he given at (he Star The- atre everv Friday night. In conncelion with the regular burlesque shows A Ore year lease of the old Montmik Thentro has been siened hv Percv 0. Williams. The house will be opened obout March 1. With Its improve- ments It will he. one of (he handsomest In this borough. It Is planned .to. moke..the house Hie stock house of Ihe ftponner family. The people or this (own nro anxiously nwnlr- Ine the return otthla' popular stock company. . ., 4«» 1 rkvv vciiik sT.vrir.. aorTolo.—At the Star (P. C.^ornell, mam- a«er) Carlotta NIlis6n,'ln-"Tli? Three of Its'- Jan. 1315 ; Kddle Foy' In "Tho Orchid," 16- 10; Hnttlc Williams 20-1:2. "The Prlhce.of Pllsen" HK-23. "Brcwstar'K MHUoosV proA'ed tnagnellc nnd pleascil. 'Tb'ck'i'U. B. Oshcl. naandger).—The ftlew- art Opera Co. giro "The Mikado'' this week. Opening week, with "Tbe Pirates ot 1'onMnce,;' did well. ■ JT" ' „ , . .„ ■ Shka'si (M. Shea, manager).—Week of 13: "Planoptilends."".May Tully nnd l-iroma Fran- ces, Minnie' and others. Attendance very.large. - GAnnBN (C. 13. White, manager).—Tho Trocadcros are assured a warm greeting this week. Casino'Girls-20 and week. John L. Hiilllvnn. Jake- Klira In, and the Golden Crook swept everything before them list week. LAi-AVK-irR (C. M. Bngg. aianagor).—Twen- tietli Century Muliis, Terry McCtovern ntid Voung. Curb, tt. held their own nicely last week. Bellly & Woods' Big fthow this week. Miner's Americans follow. Lynic.i.l. Lutighlln. manager).—"The Vol- unteer Organist" tills -.veok. "Shore Acres" next week. David Hl,i;gins pleased a good following. •■ .ii'.iiinii' (P. C. Cornell, manager).—"From Sing Sing to Liberty" week of lA. "The Clow- boy and we Squaw" next. "Lottie, tbo Poor Saleslady" proved Interesting. Note. —The United Film Association Con- vention, to be held here, has been postponed from 11 to S3. I Honiiester. — At the Lyceum (M.- ID. Wolff, manager) Dossenbach Orchestra (lo- cal) gave Its third concert of the present series to a large-bouse Jan. 0. William Faversham duplicated hl3 former hit.' 7, In "The Squaw Man." House was told out long before the rise of the curtain. Henry Lncf- lowc. In "Richard HI" and "The Merchant of Venice," entertained two large audiences H, 0. The star, although unheralded,'made a. most profound Impression by his Imper- sonations of Richard and Nhylock. Sheridan Itloek and K-»lt'h Wakemsn were prominent, In his support. Productions.were excellent; Kddlc Koy, In "Tho'Orchid," 13-16. N.vnnx.w. (Frank It. I'arry, manager).— "The Outlaw's Christmas" played to largo i-crurns «-S. "The-Burglar nnd tbe Lady," with James J. Corhetr, had immenso houses / fl-11. Play and player scored heavily. "It's .Never. Too Lnto to Mend" 13-13, "Tho Cow- boy and Ihe Squaw" 1(1-18. Bakkh (Richard Baker, manager).—Tho Bellows-Spencer Stock made a decided hit Inal week, "The Jlnsqueraiters" being tho bill.- George Sonlo Spencer, Laura Lang and N. Sheldon Lewis were well cast. H. Percy Main.-Gazabo":,as tho laughable '—■-•■■ and In the olio tho Bovrtry Qnarlette il!*"' han and'Monahan,- Mkflon and Thomn/,',"" and the Rlslcys. liig houses were see?*' ffi Dainty Duchess Co.,.fl-l 1, In "Chile ConCniiS! and "The rnlversKy Girls" with iw4^.. and Geo.. B. Scanlon, and the Francelln'- i,. the. olio, -Good, business thmighont tte e» gagenient. Bachelor Clnb. Bnrlesquera is.;-,' Jinrry Bryant's, Bjirlesquer.i 10-18 • ' ■ ■ ■ GAiF.-rr 'IfyJB. Nichols, taanneer) ~rjir. Marlon's Dreamland Hiu-Tcsqiier*. -6-8 2 ••Netvfj»r.I T' ffi,\ e ,' ft „ Plefts'ldg pefformanjr. New-Centiyv'glHs, 9-U,wlA >ohn. Mc(\ ? b,'. • Bn-rreTt'nnd Bell, Drenttnn end lUm*. S? 'liAhilha-nhd'Corey, FraUc-s Uishop'and Joel'' MnrshnH. An. Excellent bill; was given iC, ;nesa, cnntlnned; good throughout the' SSz Mrs. AfeneiC Barry's HlsaSchdol fsftU lfr,' ; (Jie Bofllckers DM*. " - .. "- **H. Ora. Fin.Lowsy, llAL^-wKnilllo de Goiot za. In song recital, 13. •.. .. -'■ . "°«' > '" AfnrroRinii-SK.ATtKO'lSt.Ni! hnd-for we. els! ottrActlon, Prof. nnd Miss ffii lerson. In, fancy skating. Attendance m-' Unites big. ... , * ... . , a ; Troy,—At Band's Opera House (B t Tliompson, resident mnnnger) the Chas' r' Champlin Siot-k Co., la repertory,,did arwCi business:, all. last week," Axeept Jna i(i when "The Time, the-Place and the. Girl" pnclen the •house on a return visit. Henry Liirt lowe, in ."Richard HI" nnd. "The Merchint of Venice," UL-U-i Wilton Laclinye, In "The itonilmani'Viri,; llarry.Kell.ey,lri,"ii| c Honor tne Mnyoi 1 ." 1ft ' ■ PmH'wa's to. O. Graves resident mana- girj.— Bill for. 13 and week: Walter C. Kel- ly, Cnmopmjund Flnnngari, Three Sisters Mn- inrl:,' Carter and Taylor',' Adaminl nnd Tay- lor, Clarence .Sisters, nnd r^slio Le.lgh and company, . ' • *. LmSMIW (R.. -If., Keller, mnnnger).—The New- Century, Girls.drew good'houses (l-s ■ The, Dteo tula ifds played to •,"?.' B,. O. ^-i i i r »; turn visit i. . The. Rolllekers 13-lfi.'Hlrh •' SclinoLGIrlsi.lB.18. •... ..', ,-...... :. ' ■ E " ■ « ; _ t , ■ Flralra.—At 'the: Lyceum '(Lee' Norton : resident manager) .^Our Friend Frite" nlnTC.!' t.> good business Jan. fl, fcllowed-10, by Bea : Irlee Noyes, In "l.ena Rivers," lo paying re- r-elplg, matinee and evening..'Cyril Scott, in " "The Prince' Chnri,'.' far>-d well 11. Family («.- W. Mlddleton, manngen.— Bill week of 13: "Welly Jones' Scoop,'' John '• win Mnrvlllfl and coinpony.'ihe. Vyoos and' John Jack Dempsey,' ■ (F.- W. McOonnell, manager) -- People for week of 13:' Three ' Danclnr- rilWt^lfj, M.«rry .ReVd; Ijinra -MeRn, Minnie WlUon, Llna Conley and lilzzlc II. Itayraonii l'.nnlrifjs hlg. .is usual. 0»wearo.—Vt Hie ItlchardKon (W. A. Wen. ley, manager) "The Time, tho Place and lh<- Girl," with Arthur Ucngan, played to ea> pnclly upon Its return engagement, Jan. (!'. Chicago Stock Co. opened 7, to big bMnMi "A Itngged Hero" 18. .-. ■ ,' . . OnciintM 11Mini. P. Gllmore, manager).-:. ■' England's moving pictures, with high cln<9 vnudeville, week of 13. .• LviBiM (Mr. Vedder, mnnager).—kiOTlni pictures and vaudeville week of 13. ■■ " ■■'■■ ■ utiigiiiiniioii. —At the Stone Opera Home . (J. P.. B. Clark.. manager) 'Tbc Time, tin- IMace nnd the Girl" played to good buslnora . and pleased Jan. 4. The Bohnct't-MoultonCo. had good houses fl-ll, except 8, when Stet- son's •'(', T. C." appenrcd. Antral (Weber & Rtlsh, managers).—Bill week of 13: Tho Boys Jn Blue. Barry and Kale. Jackson, Gilbert, nnd Knilcn, Windier- mail's )>ears and monkeys, Oscar Loru'lie'. Daily Brothers, and the Moredllb sinter , - 1-rtiM.—Maliel Keith, of tho Military Oc- tette, Was received with great.favor,'-as tfas Hal Merrltt, who was one of the fen tin.;.;, ■ —-* la L- T >«»•.■. Geneva.—At Smith's Opera House (B. • K. Hardljon, manager) "No Mother to Guide Her" pleased Jan. 8. Week of d, except x,. motion pIctmoB ond vaudeville. ' • ■: Noir..—ine? and Debt Kaufmann, In soW«, toe dances and novelty, have given very- sar j Isfaetbrjj.performancos, and receiwd nniner,- out-ehedrsa: They hnre.given. nciforranncM . before the King of F.ngland and'the Rmperor '!• of (lermopi\, .'They .srn Veyy. cFver,., •r^— * • • ""..' VonKhkeciisle. —.-At -the Collingwivsl Opera House (W. G. Miliar, monnger) "'llie Convict's Daughter" pleased Jan. U. Hatile Williams, 8, In "The Lltllo Cherub." did good business. Mildred And Roudero, P. did well. "Hnppy-Go-Lucky" 10, "Ills Honor. thn Major'' 12, Bonnett & iionlton 1S-1JL «»» " cilll'otlMl. i.os AuKeie*.—At the Mason Opera Houm (II. C. Wyatt, managor) Mario CAlilll, in "Marrying 'Mary," closed Iter engagement Jan. A. Clierldnh Simpson, In "Bed Feather,'.' , lt-11 ; Charles B. Hanford 13-l(t. last week. Bill week of 13: "Tbe Futurity Winner." Salerno, Oatherluo nayes and Sa- lmi Johnson, Bxposltlou Pour, Lola Cotton, Howard nnd Howard, Four Dainty Dancers, and Newhold and Carroll, jiany, and Whistling (ierltlldc WM'e vVeTI liked. Tlie scenic effects- were nmoug i.ho host that have been shown at (his house. World Beaters 13 and week, Golden Crook Co, i'O and week. ■ n .. Utloa.—At the Majosllc (N. C. Mlrick, maangcr) "Tho Ttagged Hern" wok the nr«r iirtraetlon last ween, aad did well Jun. R. K.idle icov. In "The Orchid." which was well presented to a big house 0. Hattle WIIHiIiiih ,..c«ou„ni "Tjie i.liin- Chcrnli" |,> a good hniuirt 10. "The Cowboy Girl" 11, "Pro- fessor Napoleon" 13, si, Cyril Scott Id, Henry Luulowe 17, 18. Oiipiieum •-{Ford Anderson, manager);— ltiislness Is big. Tho Sunday night benellt performanco, Jan, 4, did well, hut the new city government says no more Sunday shows, so Hint will ho the Inst for a time. Tbln ivcet:: Ada Joacs. tho phonograph dinger. H nn « I • " ar , n " m will assist with songs, nnd nine Beard pictures will be a feature the last ur week Kami's (Fred Berger, manager).—The Lo t.rund Opera Trio headed « good bill last week, and turned people away. This week: Ueo. Abel and company, Kd. Reynard, Un- ion, and Lawrence, Clifford and Burke, Ten- Wells Uobei,l ° Ke '' ,n ' n " a Johnaon nud tiJSFB!!Z?j!Pt N "P> , '*»>." a local .prodiit- loh, heat all records for an udvnhec nolo Ji,',. ,J ri -' , "" irc '' DrookH vas kept busy for Mr hours steady, and it«c lino reached a block away from the theatre. 13 and week. Rr,i,.wrj (John 111. Blackwood, manager). —"Charley's Aunt," by tho Belanco Slock Co., drew good business week ending •!. "The Three of Its," by the atock company, drew •well 0 nnd week. "A Gilded Fool" 13 and week; -The Kducaliott of'Mr. L'IJH>".1!0 """ wee];.'.'" MonoBco's Bi.'iuuMc (Oliver Mnrosco, man- uger).—The stock company presented "Tli" 1'Hacn And tho I'aiirier." to good mwlncn. week ending 4. "Baflles," as presented b.v (lie stock company, B and week, tlrcw.good busl noss. "Pretty Peggy" IB nnd week. -. v •• l/).s Axrii!i.i:s ICorti Hol!lg. managers!.-- Thl-mn Fraurisco Opera Co. returned for « five weeks' engagement, 5. "The Toy Maker" was their first otTerlng. . (Jn.tN'0 (u'kiijl Hoimn (Clarence Drown, niahager).—"Kerry Gow" drew tho usual business, week ending 4. Master Bloc, as Bustpr Browrt, returned for his annual visit, C, to capacity business. liKriiKii's (A. 1-1. Fischer, manager).—"A Mnthcr-iii-Law (o Order" was.tbe new farce presented by Fischer's Comedians.' ft and week. . New vnudeville acts and songs com- pleted the bill. Ohi'iii'ipm (Clarence -Drowti.-ii^nl- Dtatiu- ger)—Features 13 ond week: The Ornbomn Road Show, under the direction of Martlu Beck, Is continued for a,second week, with Keno and D'Arvllle, -Tom Jack Trio, Brii Welch, Fdward Connelly mid company, "i "Marse Covington :" Kelly and Kent, La Gar- denia, Coram, Roslna Cassolll's Midget Won- ders, Milc.ZclIc do Ltisuan,'and-motion ph'- tures. n A i?J5.? y *~ At Hanaanita Blceckor Hall (n. Ltt, JP&t Kt K 13<ldlo Foy, In "Tho rt?rt*™n W S^ rc , I > 1 ?/'^- Bt popular prices, il* wti.'i™?"^ ¥ l i 16 5 h "ub,'' ft, wltli nat- il a ^ Vlll t? ms ' "^"fh'ed two excellent audi- ences. Henry Ludlowe, 10, 11, appeared , ?,te^ r 7^. Ml f^'-''*«*ArdiiFW^h' Merchant of Venice"—to well please Ini/ii week "Kl^fr^arpr^Hafe raVcii" S25V- ^** -™». J»8.«*W And (bo Girl" Bergere and company. Netta Vesta the sri F0I.I.Y (Henry Kurrtmnn,' manager).-r- "Tho, Shoe.maker." with Lew Welch, this week. Crowded houses last week, with "The Wliard of 0»." . • OhbiHm. Clayk, manager),-~The.City Sports BitraTAfama Co. rajs week, In tho and the I7niqnescope. >nmn (Sullivan & Consldlne, proprle- tors).—Features 7 and week: Mav Vone. Nei- son-Farnnm.Troupe, Chus. B. AVarde,- -Knth- . erlno t'lnlra Co., tho Great ISIvertoha, Nick Conway. Janlo Bolln. and.iunlIon pictures. • Hunan (Billy Bnnks, rcelilt-nt mnnnger). —Features 7 aud week : Now vaudeville ae-U Illustrated songs, by Laura Banka", inovtni: pictures, nnd, fnroe comedy, by Empire Stock Co.. complete tbo-Mil. * '• i j ' Xotba. —Judged by the number nnd ; vnltie of Christmas presents . received, Manager Tom Baker, of the Grand Opern>, I* an excecdlagly pnpnlor man..:. "Kate Shnfi- non" Is the name of'a plAy written by Mrs. Gerrrude Nel«on Andrews, and presented for the first time at- tho Auditorium by inc. Fer- ris,Stock Co., Jna. ft- Mrs. Andrews. Is IW wiro of- Fred G. Andrews., manager, of (he Ferris Co......Old favorites are returning to the Belaaco In the persona of Joseph A.