The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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JkNITABY;18. THE OTW YOBK GLIPPEE, 1310 iiaibrttltv Jan.-lVaod Geo--W..Baroum, lohsuxa. j/ib 20. Frank Plxlcy is again In South- Mew <iri..t>. a. .\..m_, '«•.-,«. e-eietf people v Jrin.'-24. • .r»'it -'} ■ ' .! '' ' . ' ' ! * nnkIanJ.^-At;tlif)M(ic<Jonfnipti (Cih'as. p.. ShumbtjT. C.-Campbell, manager).— "a Contented Wwnnn," witn Henrietta Lee nnd ,has. P Morrison lending will be. the Rttrac- Hon Wee* of 12. '. " ■ i • Wixm filnniw (Morgan Dowllng, mana- HaSi mnnnjgpr.):. Klnremre:-Roberts,. In ••Zlrn, 1 '^?^;" N'<\ n PCT* company at ibis popular rtteiv okrtlfpht h.islhcsf. .mn.2-4. "Brown ' of HtttvhM" hrid '"Dm Lund of Nod" u-lL^Inxtflcmh'.vla.''The Man on the flot." 12-15;'The-Blue Man" I0-J8. . l.tnr.ilTv. -,(H.-" Utt Bishop, munagcr).— Elstlop's' Stock! Co.,-.In- "C|eonntrnV''.drcw ex- (Pilfhr. hitflnesg week ending r». li'lrsl appear- ance df. Jane-Kcllon,. nftwr. annhsenre of tivo veflrf, nfld. regular stock company,'-In • Old Heidelberg," ; i-12. "Baffles" to follow. InORA Park -iirntiA House; (H. W. Bishop, manager).—Tho.ldora Opera-Co., In "The Toy '.\l.'»knr,"..rlp« , ct n snccassful two wedkB' can 6. "Fioro-dor*" 0-10. . •. . -.- •, • • mi,tiiitBni(Ii. ('■■ Keating, mnnager).—T\ Danlorrratvleynnd; the Columbia Stock Co., )(i,."Wcll8 of ; Wyoming," plonsed; well filled homes, wceK ehdUis"ft. '••"■'WrsiBn of the l'fciir'"7%l2..; - ■ •• •-■-•-':'•■'■ •';',:.-. OaflJEtut (Geo. Khoy,. resident-manager). ^Attractions (Ml! John C. IHco and- Sally cohei}, Gallagher and Udrftir, Howard and resort rendered "The Mikado" for week or ft, In a most excellent manner, nnd pleased. The'hustling ywiing manager had the entire garden decorated In Oriental fashion, and at the matinee nave the ladles and children a useful Japanese souvenir. "The Two Van- bonds: 12-LS. , Dutiuxfi (John W. Harry, manager).— The finrry-llurke Stock Co. plnyed to big business week- of 5, opening matinee and n'ght to S It. O. "Tho Two Orphans" was the-bill.- Manrico Freeman will he seen as John Storm, In "The Christian," 12-1R. ■ (lr.Rr.Nw.w,n . f Uy. tireenwnld, manager).— The Itentz-Snntloy Co., presenting "A Day's Krollc. nt Atlantic City" and 'The Partings of the Demon," drew hlg crowds .VII, and pleased. The Night.Owls 12-18, Al. Beeves' Show to follow week of Tfl. Fnettcu Orrtn.i Honsi:.—The Milan Orand Opern Co. continues to!hlg business, nnd in winning, rounds of applause. "Mlgnon," Pagllacrr*. were Cavfillerin. Tlnctlenna"' and }^B^h%3&%^&1fo fMrtWk* changeVfWii. ftp* [«,- Mlinellb-Mnmlts Troupe. Mile. SSelle He ,kC 2. "£*.£ Viv «,b,»„ ™«n»...\ , "am. nm' (Oils -Cohen resident rnnnaeerV — P?lr nf stars—Theodore Gamble nod Mnbrl Feitiiris■•fl-12 K■■ KnSfniM Bros' J53? Y.iw Mantgpmery-rprcsenl lng "Paul Itcvcro," drew .,„£<, «hA fine.Voi «n,l tiin M n <rr<,*ih n„.l n >.. —• jDc Matlnep Rlrr drew iTttrd'and I-.ngton. Darlnjtop and g£««ii*k"rt « ImTtoPlb flPrfSS ^ri«r-*P*h; ; *ni 1 .Us. m« nn «r.v_jrh. •I l '«?? ,n ?_ N ?.W«"". «"> Christie Duo, and flmplrc Stock Col,'lit. "Jesne James." turned "*" 0> »""- ' v "«'>".- tofOllA*'-' n - ■ - . WASHIXITON. • Timmism.— At the Tacoma (C. H. Horaia, manager) Jan Knoeltk Jaa. 6. "A Desperate Cbonre' 1 ft, Henry Woodraff, In "Drown.of 1 Inrvnrd," b; Rnlph Stuart, In "Strongheaet," II. 12. , . Havoi (P. floTurta, manager^ — Oerton Slock Co., In "The .ludg-V w^ek of 0. • Stip. tJohn HcCnbe, mnnfiger).—The Star Sloek Co., la "The Klpg of IhePtsert," treek of 6.' • •■ .•■••:. >- Oranp • (Dean R, Worley, roaoBger).—Jo- seph M. Avond, In -"The Surprise Party;" Id:2le llrans, I.lovrt ,I»ITer?on. the Rc-snlres, the Three Heltons, Ned Nye, Allen Wltdtnere, Hart Grit nil I trope' week of «. '' '• • i «.» . ' COLORADO. Poehlo.—At the DrandOpera House (rt. V. (Jruetnller. mnjingcr) H, Miller Ketitplnyed n return engagement, in "llnulos," Jan. f>. 10 n nlco business, ami thoroughly pleased. Frank Unnlels. 7. In ;'Tho To'ltooe<f .Mail," Tdensetl h large midlenec. Mnrle Cnhlll 10, "I'nn College \" In, "I'nder Southern Skies" n, -Whnt 'Happened to Jones" IT, "Circus Mnn" IS, "Mltlo Yennle Vensen" 1!>. Cahi. fn, M. Morris, manager).—.Ian. 13- ID: l.ynnn and Ilonnlc llnrznrd, Hojiclng Darey, Annie Moore. Johnston, BUT' and itanir, Oscar Walch, -Illustrated Bong, mnylng pletnrea. . Zno (H, S. Tyler, manager).—Three trained animal sliuws diiilvi ltusluess good. ■ 'Norn,—Three ofHho snvi'ii moving pleture shows In this town hnvn closed, and-the-re- maining four nro doing a Bin husltiowi, wncNntMtV, Mieboj-jrim.—At I ho Opera Houso <\V. II. Stoddnrd, manager) "The Mnn of the HoiiT," Jaa. 8, hod-capacity business, Mary Shaw. ■ la "Mrs Warrop'n Profession," fit Pleased, Concert by I he-united bands of She- oygnn 12. "Tlifl \'nndeil>lll. Cup" :i«, "The Itoyal Clief IS. • Note.— Krnnk MoVlekT has not leased tho opera -hoiifte of this city, os was erroneously reported. It was the opera hoii^e at Chehoj- gnn, Mich. ' . IIniqiir (Arlhur Ijiue,-manngnr).—The Oypsv Fortune Tollers, the Brnces, the Al- rtenns, Cllen Bun, the Two Stelllngs, Ive lmnu'-iti and dog,. Marguerite; Newton, antt the' Unlqueoaeope. ••.-'' . CnvsTAL. (nilvef Mace, tnajunger).—Mov- ing pictures and lllu*lralcd songs rtmw well. Tlh»-55th Anniversary Number OE THE NEW YORK CUPPER will be issued on FEBRUARY 22, 1908. and no expense will be spared to make it as elaborate and attractive a* '. - • . any of our special numbers previously issued. I HANDSOME ENGRAVED COVER DESIGN is being prepared, which will be richly illuminated in colors, and the.illus- trations and printing will be of the finest quality. As usual, it will be sold at the regular price of Ten Cents per copy, thus insuring a large circula- tion. With the exception of the cover pages, no increase will be made in the advertising rates. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ RATES:—$2.80 per inch, single column. to'folloAr. 1 XOTK—BIJou Dream, 1t*x and Lyric, with motion plrlttreii and Illustrated songs, cou- Mouons ,nerffirronhces,-all "report • good busl- nete weflc ending 5. >.'■. .v. • ' ' . » «nn Oiegro. At tboOarrlck (Mnce Oreen- leaf,,mi»hager) the Oarrlck'Stoet did A1 busi- ness, In "secret Bervlce,". week ending, Jtin. B, Same company of players. In "A '1'ehiporanee Total."'6-12. "The.,Sign .of the Foir" to follow: • "..••.. i 'Pickwick <Pnlmer ,P.ros„ managers)/— The regular stool; playedito-good business, In "Soirfh Carllney," work'ending I>. Snme com- pnoy, in'-'Lord-CnumlcyV'-O-l!.'. "WhySmith Left Home" next. F.MMfirj (II. H. Boslcy, ninnngcri.—Moving picture show, new films twice .tt week. Ursi- ne*) the best' Bl.BfTRiunn.—mtest moving pictures, to rapacity, >..' ..^.... ...'.... . <»» IIINM'.SOTA. ' ',. Minneapolis.—At. Il|e Mel ropolltnn Opera House (I,. N. Hcott, manager) Orace Oeol-ge J«&. 13-t,-,. Italian Grand Opera Co. 10-18. Mtvudi l'cply, In "The Stronger Sei," «-8, and Mabel 'Borrlaon and Joseph I-toward, In "The IClower of the .Ranch." 0-12, had good bust Mli ^Mary 3haw 10-22, "The JBl.tptl QDiR* .Boon (Then. L. Haya, man- ager) .--"Fallwi by the Wayside" 12 and n-eep. -.; tlske O'Haro, Id "Dion O'Dnre," 5 rind't.'eelr. did very good huslne,«s. th«. Kld ,,3 i!>\hd week? "Billy. OnpfiwiM i'p7'fe.] Itnymonil, reald'ent inana- gex)'.—nlll fnf a nnr) .week :'• Pred Waltoh, numond'SllnMrelcHer^ac'B lioraea and Maud, lluieo MccrK Mddle rtlrnrd and .legale Card. nor,' Iji Belle Oterlln, "(I'ln." and Kdtvard La Vine; 'O0o<l business nt< usual. . : Lvrnr.M (Chrlstlno Hill, maDagerena).— illirlsllno Hill Mock Co^, In "la Belle Jlnrlo," 12 and.week. "The Study In Scarlet," by tnmo company. .1 and week, report One houses, "The'Man tfrom Mexico'' 10 a Mime eompnnv. li.Mgci', (John Klllott, manager).—BUI for IS.and week: Warren and Faust. Allare and Llnd, O'Dell and Klnley, Alice,Mortlocl: and company, 'and the Mimical BentleyK. Good business B and week."' ')»:vi:v .(Arohle Miller, DMMfit). — Tb« Avenuo Olrla 12 antl week. Thoroiighbreds 0 and 'w.eeki to large uouneg. Sam lievere.'s Co. 1!) and week. : . .■ ' t St-. Paul. — At the Metropolitan Opera Roitaa <L. N. Scott, manager) "The I'lower or tbe Rnncb" came In for big patronage Jan, •'■*, upon Its return engagement. Maude 1'ealy' la "The Stronger. Hex," ,to very goud DISTRICT OF COLl.MBIA. W«»l.ln«rtoo.—At the New'National (W. II. Rflpley, mannger) this week, Montgomery nnd Stone. In -i'hc Bed Mill." Ltisi week Bohert, Rdenon.' In "Clnnanrntea." bad full homed. "The Man.of the Hour" next. Cc>m;miha (Lucket-t,« Dwjer. mnnncm). —Thta week-. Hone Stnhl, In "The Cboris I^idy." Last, week . '"llift Old llomestend" had packed (.houiies. Chnilncey Olcott, In "O'Neill of Derry," ,2fl*2r.. . Hi i. \m< ■ > if.. Stodimrl 'I'.ivlnr, manager). —This week, the Sim Carlo Grand Opera Co., m repertory., Lest, week, Julia,Marlow.-. In "P.lorla" anil "llomeo nnu Juliet," had excellent business, "The C'reat 01 vide" 20- 23;\ • i* Acidkmt nv Mrsic t.Iohn W. Lyons, man- ager).—This week, "P«rt?d on lior rtrldal TouriV Lnst week "The t"!owboy and tbe Nfiiinw'' hntl capacity business. "Tho Ninety nnd Nine" next. JCUI-.RTtc (KB. Weston, mnnager).—This week, "The Lost frail." Lost week :'In New Toik Town" did well. "W'c Are King" 20-25. >.-.-; CtuRB'S (Miss II. Wlnnl/red De Witt, man- nger).—This wn<k : May Irwin, Juno Bnlino, 1 (olden mnn 11:1 n. Schenck llros,, Charles K. Rnmon, Barr ami Evtins, Nelll nnd Chapman, nnd the vltngraph. .OArETi (W. 8. Clarke, manager.).—Thin olllcklng week. Fred Irwin's Majesties. Last week Manchester's . Cracker. Jacks ■ bad capacity houses. Bowery liurlcsquers next. LlCBiut- (Eugene.Keinsn, manager).—This week, Williams Imperials. I,ast week the Parisian Bellesdld excellent business, ■■ 4»» ." . CANADA. 1.1.1««*...i.—Al.tlie nrnnd Opera I(ohh« (Ii. I'.' I)ranl(rnn, mnnngeri "The Threw of Ca" de'lchled crowded houses Jsn. 8. "The Walls of Jericho" 1,"., Lillian Kussell 22. I'niNCaSH' (.1. 3, Allnn, manager).—This lioiisu, previously devoted to moving pic- tures exclusively, wont Inlo vaudeville «. llrooks nnd Cordon and their wise, dog "Bob" in line nouses. ,, cln „ th(l ope „i n i; nttrnctlon, drawing largo and week, by aU endnnco. 0. A. Hammond, bnrltone Boto- Ist, late of the Williams and Walker Co., vho has been engaged by this house since Iho opening, continues plcnalng tho many patrons. , i Hamilton—At tho Grand Opera House (A. II. Loudon, manager) lllonche Walsh, In "Tho KrcuUor Sonntn," Jan. 3. 4, met with great success.' "Tho WallH of Jericho," d. wns admirably .presented. "Our Friend Krlt7." 10, 11, Burns-Molr moving ploturea 1.1. 14, tho Four Huntings, In "The Kool Houne." 17, 18; Lillian UursoII, In "Wildfire," 24, 25. Hivoy t.f. 0. Appleton. manager).—11111 for week of IS: Harron's burlesque menagerie, I. K, Bmmelt nnd Anna Morland, Ous Will- iams, Marriott Twins and ..Gilbert llldrcd,. htisTfiWo-'llT^a'taiiirD?^pera* , Co'.'', CUaee] shnrn Bros.Tfwo HbiosriJcEcli and Dopreo; ..eorge, In '••Dlvoronnn," 1H-Ifi: • Rnlrv, Kd- and Mai Freeman. , M»|IV.In. ':Tbo..«bllklil»K..rarLV..10i2, »«IQ BEs.NBT*:a_.i,C... I'. Di'lscoll manager).— Mairy Sbnw, In repertory, 2!l,-2fl. Milt for week of 131 Kolfe s ■ 'J*arndiso ORiNn jWin.ll. Hays, mnnngcr).—"Fallen Alloy." the KratonH. l'niil U Croix, Big C ly hy the WHysldu" had good huslness' week of Quawtle, B. K. Uplley and company, Bella .'.. Jnnapr-* Of M! 1.1 week of 19: •'Supnrbn" week'of. 20 Hi'sidu" hadnood hiislnessweek or Quartette, _ .'.. Joseph Santlec In "BJIlr. 'Iho Kid." week Ceoln, and Ahdalnh Bros Ultlo Wlllfams, In -My Tom-boy Girl," ■»»» OilriniuM (C. N. Sutton, matuiser).—Oood builnestt week of 5. People for week of i'ii William HaWtrcy: Ui Hcaln Soxtette, Olym- tiMi JJesvnl, Tom Nnwn and Company, Mayme tamlnfton, Bimm, Uomin, B-r-r-r, iho Four iioldrti Craees, and the klnodrcme. Mamsvic (D. Jack Bondy, ninnnger).—■ Hill. for week, of 12: Oon nnd Mnc Cordon Trio, Grace Teninesl. Trio, \jswi nnd LOpeji, (Iriice Ferrniid. Will nn« May Bcuo, Bella lielroont, and Ihe.cnmeograph. ■ •' - ■t . , JntB (J.-C. Vou Boo, inannger).—Week at 2. 1-nt White and hlk'(Snlely ClrU. Th* l:rlgjd|erB 10-25. WiNDBdr. (Arthur B. While, manager).— Busln.eM w«e good Week of- a, ■ .... , - , ■ »iilutU.—At Ihc Lycoum (C. A. Marshall, mnnagorj r»o Wolf 6, 7. '£h» house was ull sold out. Italian Opera Co. 0, 0, Maude, Ifcnly. 18, "The Uolllcklug Glrr apnea a far« ManURto.—At tho Mankato, "The DoUl Ho.unoV (return engagement) Jan. II, "The Flower, of Iho . Kancl 1 ' .18. "The Country '■Irjqs" (home talent) 21, 22, "The Girl Over There',' 28. , , . VVoHbRRhAsn.—Manager llurop has made ft number of Improvements In his theatre, and is now putting on a single nnd double vnude- tlllo trim..' . -'r- - •':— <»» :. KAXSAH. „Wlhtela^-At the Grand Opera House (0. 'O; Gary, manager) "Peggy from Paris' Sleased a well filled liouse J)ec. 30. "Our Id. Kentucky Home'' had n good house Jnn. f- ■. "."toe Flatnifig Arrow" S. Allen Doolc, In "a. Romance in Ireland," 0, , 25 lines, irO lines, 100 lines, (1 5 01) 10 00 1(5.0(1 Payable in Advance. Address all communications to THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, 47 W. 28th Street, New York, U. S. A. 1I.miiivT,mhi!:ii hns Issued 11 stnlemenl to the effect that the Onumont Co. hnv» the sole right to produ.'i! moving pleturea of lrfmsolf in one or more of I1I.1 character oongs. ■ I'atiik FnmtKa' new IHma Include: "Ola- hollcal Itching," "I,ady Doctor's Husband," "Going lo Swltverlnnd," "Funny Face Com- petition," -'The Sb!p Owner's Imughter," "Adventures of nn Overeonl." "Red Taplsm," "A .Mnn Who Walks on tho Waier," "That Squally Roach" and "Bewitched Son-In-Lnw." rowwrcwrc* tti-efllt Xtitt. ALABAMA. Pipw Dieoatar—Al thr> New Payno (W. H, Sorher, mahngor) Blniinho Bates. In "The Glrlof the Golden West," packed the house, at advanced prices, on Jan. S. .Rr.v« (Thorjhs 1'olk LKtle.lohn, manager). —1'nnsion 1'ltiy nndmovlnu pictures week of Nom—Under the ninnogemfnt of W. _n. Sorher, ttio New Payne Theatre Is securing some of Iho bent attractions on the road, uud business of lain house Is now. much better thnn It has ever been; ■ 1 ■ " — Doentnr AC (ho Lyceum (Thomas Poll! LUIIeJohn. mn-nagerj Oandy Dixie Mlnslrela nacked tho galleries Jan. 10. "Old Aiknn- taw" 11.' „ 80VTH CAROLINA. Cliarleaton.—At tho Academy of Music eae./K.' Mattbens,' manager) the Murray .. UU iedvCo. enjoyed good biislneFs_.ran.u-lI, honifc.i an Sold, out for it he Urst Rhow'every nigh- »,... Ad.Carlls|e'B Dog and Pony Show proved a Brown, mannger) "No Mother o Guide tier hlR,«flrd.- >.! did not, arpenr Jan. 4. "Cupid otVaasnr pieneed a'la'rge "audience «. ' 1/ee, (he hyp- nollst. drew well ,7-10. ''Th;> JWnce of PH- "eu" 11. Maud Powoll 13. *Tl. H. Wilson 16, Bousn's Band 17. "The Yankee Tourist" 23, "The Lion nnd the Moure" 2d. « ■ » • •' OKLAHOMA. MoAIemter,—At the Lyrle (J. II. Shaw, manager) bill week of Jan. 5: Phil Godfrey, J II Heaw. tho Auers, and showoscope. MnriS (B. II. Do Bruler. manager).— Moving pictures nncMtliiBtrated songs. VIHOIMA. Danville.—At the Academy of Miinlc.fS. A. SrMoss. manager) Mary, Mniinerlrar. in •Glorious BeUy," ployed to ihe capacity Jan. 9. "The Prince of Pllaen" 14. - "|p Pcnn Cuit TO Ltrit" Is the latest I.11 bin creation. (Notk.— Wm. I'enn, »orn Ki|, tlttd 1718, wan the tonnicr nf P<mn- tylvanln. A. bransc *1ni\tr of William Pcnn, S7 feet high, weighing SS,tM !!•»., ntnndt 517 ftet above the ttree.t level on the City llnll tinier, Philadelphia). The film openn wild a panorama nt the Oily llnll tower, Rluvw- Ing the statue r,f William Penn. Bnddenlr the statue e^nncn to llf". Turning around, Wiiilnm Penn looks with great snrprlse it. tbe hlg city at Ilia feel. .Climbing-rinton tho itrc-esinpe, he tee?, an airship clrcflnc around the tower. He Is Invited lo take 11 ride, and Bees Philadelphia through a telescope. Com- ing down- to nirtl), he rides In nn electric buss. He Inspects the Htato Hondo therein tie Declaration of Independence was signed. lib goes to the water front nnd sees steam- nlpi; be rides on the elevated rnllrond nnd la an automolille. Ho udmlres tho phono- graph end the telephone: bo even noes n moving picture show. Two policemen nro very inurn surprised to see the old Quaker In (own Instead of on hta lofty pcd^tal. They bring Ulna hack to bis place, wbero be still •lahda to watch over the city of Philadelphia: "Bow the Masher WasMnshed" Bhows.tba. punlanment meted out to one of tbe forward, Bolfsatl6fled woman hunters. "Bachelor's Wedding Bells" pictures-Mr. Barker, a con- firmed bachelor, club man, all around good fellow, wbo has an antipathy to the fomilo six. He likes them nt arm's length— vtxsi nb'wedding bells for hlta." Several' married friends Invito him to their homes, nnd, nftrr neelnglhe ulormy side of mnlrlmony. M copgnitiilnlen lilmAolf on a. life of Mingle Messed now. ■ Oni> evening, nt hl« rlula, sonm of.the member*! and their wives coneoit n plnn to ha've somo fun nt. his espense. Tliey Insert, an "ad." In a papor for "A, charming lsdv—oble.-t, matrimony," giving Hnrkofs iularess as tho meeting plnco. The conao- <|ii»nee Is Bnrkcr (lnds himself besieged U.V orrlent females, who mnko hl« life n nnnrti:- monliim for n few hours. One lady of-morn determination that Ihe rest succeeds in cni>-. iiiiliiB him. Barker confesses himself con. i|iii-ivil, nad yields to his captor, who smoth- ers him with kisses. "lOsKiiflizmi" Is the title of a joke perpe- trated hy the Blogrnpfa, satirizing tbo popu- lar crate for cereal foods. A nackago of this lire-glvlng commodity, caileo) "ICnerglier." falls Into the hands of a lazy, gootl-for-nntli. lag hobo, who after eating generously of the palatable preparation, becomrtt n giant In strength nnd performs feats Ibnl would cause llerculen to turn green with Jealousy, could lie witness them, Ills ndrenlures «re n nerlea of the funniest Incidents ever chron- icled la motion pictures, nnd tho dim as a whole- In tbe race, of iMigh-producctw Is the onn best bet. Two TKHltn has gone to the DoH of popular dramatic productions for tbo latent subject. In "The Shnughrnun" It prcsenU. tho most Interesting poluH of Iloii- e!ca.ult'H powerful ploy. "Tbo IJlst Cart- ildge," nn Incident, of tbo Sepoy Kehelllou, Ii graphically depleted wllh nil lis stirring realism. "I.e*t, Strayed or Stolen" Is a ph;- tliro ot babes In (he wood, who arc discovered and restored to their mother by their faith- ful Ht. Bernard dog, "Th,] WATEn Hahiiih," nn adaptation of KlngRley'* well known romantic story, Is annnimced lo he shown 'in plcturea hy tho Oaumonls. Tho three scenes above and bo- low •Baler are thoroughly Interesting. , The first scenes show Tommy. Ibe llltl« sweep, cruelly Ill-treated by his master, Crimes. Tommy Is brutally thrashed and driven up the chimney, nnd Is seen on the roof.w- hausHd. Presently ho descends by another chloimy In the snme Hlaek, to tho : lnterinr of Elllo's bedroom. Tommy can hardly be- lieve Ids eyes, and when mile nwakenn, the twttcblldren are engrer.sed, each In tho plow of tbe other'a life and nurroiuidins*. Hml- ilenly the nurse etitcy<i. Toinjuy Is mistaken for a thlof and flics, tho Squire and Grimes, with tbo household servants and stable bonds, giving chase. Tommy throws himself Into the river, nnd we follow hlinas ho.slowly nlnka to the bottom of the sen, where Utile alieii maids, Inking pity 011 blm, steal .nwny hip dirty clothes nnd change blm to 0 wnterhaby. He has nanny glorious udventureit flcono t-wo returns' to tbe world above. Crimes, In a drunken fury, falls mid lu drowned, Arriving at ihe bottom of the sen he meets Tommy, and from habit proceeds to attack blm -, .seiz- ing a huge rock he burls It nt the naked hoy, but the rock Is transformed Into n scn-inaldon, who turns the wretch into an enormous fish, nnd he swims away unconscious of ovll Intent. 'fen years later—Kllle. who ban never for- gotten tho little dirty boy, persuadon a mer- maid to take her lo blm,. and nfter she has been duly changed by the shell, mnldensvabn at once recognizes Tommy, -now grown to manhood. The greetings are hardly over when tbe onthuslnstle conplo notice a huge anchor, which Is being slowly hauled up from •bore. They seat themselves on tbe same and are hsnled up to the turface. - ■••'p.- h. Hctz afford a number of excellent Alms for sale at reduced price*. Ills rentnl- nr- rsngementB' at reasonable terms have- met with Urge iiicceis- ; , • Wiikiih simws wivri:n. We append a pnrllnl list of the Winter oiiarters of tent shows concerning which In- formation Is nt hnnd. Corrections nnd addi- tions mm Invited to ennhlo (he publication of nmendod lists'In subsequent Issues, mi It Is our desire to catalogue the permanent head- quarters of nil rented organizations: Alton & Anderson'*. (lleitrock, Pa. Anderson's Cnlled Shows Hleurock, I'd,'H Hal Springs, Ark. Al, r<te,ele's Big 25 Cent, Show, Vnndergrirt Heights. I'n. llnrnnm d liallcy Brldgetiort, Cnnu. I'nrnes, Al. O rii«lilo, Col. liflrlow, lid. P Mouth .Mil font, I'm. Ilavne, .I. T. Alius, Okl. Hncker'H Had.. I24 H Wuler HI„Klmlrn, N. V. liiiclinnnn Bros lies Molncu, In. Itushy ltrn<i I'aim, HI. Il.inhpiir llros \iigusln, (HI. IJnffal.i Bill's Wild West...Bridgeport, Conn. Brnvrii l-'ivniiiy Anderson, hid. ■frown's Untied Shows, 7I1 So. lleoch HI., Hyraruse, N. V. Itlllle ItonglitonV, Oveilaud Show, Itninney, Ind. I'.alley's, Mollle's Sons Hon»toD, Tex. Burke's Ulg'Show.. Lincoln. Neb. Bravn's Combined Little Itock, Ark. Bell Circus :.:Clty of Mexico, Mcx. Colorndo Oraot's Oswego, Knn. ClarTkTiins Alokn, Okl. fnnele Bros.' Union Shows, •lOfi Reservoir Ave., Trovldenee, Hi.I. Clark's' l.'nlled Shows Alexnprlrln, Iji. Colo Bros Ilnrhor f:rn>k, I'n. Campbell Bros Pnlrbury, Neb. Crawford's, col Box 577, lied Key, Ind. I'mimi.i Krnuk .Tlplon, In. Hownle's, Andrew Medina, N. V. Hack's, fain KredorlrMshiirg, Vn. nsslilngton Bros Itunvllli'. III. Oe Ctistro's, Ittvernldo Ave., Jnckiouvllle, Kin. IclMUMrIk, R. N MArleiln, O. Kly's.'Ceo. S .Herlrtlnn, Tex. KIstun'sDognndl'ony Show, Kansas Clly, Mo. & I'l'irlno's I'nton Itnplds, Mich. Plnn, Thns. I,., k Co ll(»o:i!ck rnlls, N. V. Oentry's ling nnd Tony, Nos. I nnd 2, "'■ • Sin Anlnnlii, T«X. IMPORTERS MILLINERY-GOWNS THENTY-TU1RD MKKK1, WEST, M YOKK. Oppmlt* flftl. Av.nur Hotel, 111:1, anii IjIii.ii I'iimiu have signed Keiiruui wllh. tho Vnn Amburg Show. They ore Wintering In Jacksonville, Pin. . S'irrtis I' Tllli Sun Hn.iTHGlts.—Th.i Sou llrot' (In-ntrr ' l'rogreii-ilve Shown ilnidicd tlulr •<• in. hi ut Add. Hn., .Inn. 7. Illislni'ss id I in 1I1 closing perfni-tiuuici's was nnd lib-nl went her jircviilled.- Messr's. Miiglvnti, llnwoi's, Kellug, llrown, of the Van Amhiirg mnnngnrlnl sin if, were «uesln nf the niiiiingemetit nt Adel, After Ihe nlghl i-'i-i'i.i-iiiiiui 1 .. nil of iho help were paid In full, nnd Ibi'ii tin! kIiow nns nlilpiwd direct .tu Ms.-i.ii, tin., arriving In Hint clly nt ft i.j\ next day. Cculrol City. Park wan all In reriiill ness fur the rcrepllon of the idiow. ond..ll win (.liici'ii away wllbniit nny delays. Dur lug Ine past Summer many notable Improve- ments linv, been mude at this Ideal i>ark, It, ii liars, ii, eluding the addition of three new brick b)1Ild- *"ro new • peoiil wMI r.'tualn In Mm-on during the Wlnicf , .Toledo. O. .. .BaralKm, Wis. ..Le.illiBlon, Mo, Peru, Ind. .. . .Denver, Col. .Bbre.voport, 1 .at. llnlf, K. W Atwood, Knn. llHll's, Ceo. W. Jr Hvnnsvllle, Wis, llnrgrenve's Chester, I'n, IliilP.H Show b'ond (In I.iic, Wbt. Ilnrkness & Pox';* Minstrel Circus, McKeesnort, I'n. Cnrtoti'a, S. If, (lulliiinr Bros. (layer, - Chas Hngenheck-Wnllnco Shows llornc & Co Hssg, 1; C K. W .Ilcnuregnril, Miss, ...Slooewnrll, Okl. Newbury, Vt. . .Ulrmlnghnm, Ala. ..rjriH>nwhh, N. V. .... Lansing, Mich. 1'erry, Okl. , Dunkirk, 11. llnlner, I'rof. J. II.., Henry. X M Illhbard'-i, C. A...... Jones, J. AnguotuK.. Joyce, jnmi'ii rc Kollj/s. J. J Kennedy Bros Knight; C. II I.eb \a Vanl'a Big Tent Show, Thomsnnvllle, Mich. l.flmhrlggor'K. fins Orvllln, O. Lnmon: llros Htilem. III. I,i>e Bfos '..Crnnslno, II. I. l.otvrv Hros Shennndonh, I'n. 1 .eiin 111 Pros 11,11 Im. in, M.i. Lucky Bill Box 21(2, Quenemn, Knn. Markay'i Ruropenn ("Ircus, SI! Wost Port St., IMtrnll, Mich. Mnrblfl's. W. It Spotlsvllie, Ky. Mead Dog and Pnnv Show.. .Brooklyn, X. V. Martin Bros.' Amusement Unierprlscs, Snrnnnah, On. MeDndo's Owllgsvllle, Ky. Mlnelli Bros. (Xoo, 1 and 2).. .Helawnre, ft, Norrls & Howe's Sanln Cruz, Oil. Noble's. Clins CHiurlcslou. S. C. Orion. It. Z Ortonvllle, la. 1'lercc Amusement Coldshort], X. «'. 'Piihlllflnes,.... .Cafe Central, Hnvana, Culm. Pnri-Amerlcnn Show IKidsun, Mo. Illppel. C. A Krnnkforl, Ind, Heed's, A. II Vernon, 111. lUiiglliii; BrAs ISnralion, Wis. ItlKK's Wild West I'nrkln, Art;. Koniimon'M, 'Jobu, Terrace Park,Clndanai 1,0. Kolililns', V. A., Cnimpitnlpaw Avenue nnd Olendalc 1'nrk, Jersey Clly. lllce's Hoc and Pony Rhow..New Allmny. Ind. Smith's,.G. (I ; Buekslown, I'n. SeiiK-ii'loto. Venire, Cal. Menu, Win '. Kansas City, Mo. Smith, I'rof. Hnrry flrsu, I'n, Hlilpp. Udwsrd Petersburg, III. Steele's Circus.. .Box .110, Mnuch Cbunk, Pa. Stewart's. Cap Port Wayne, Ind. Sun Bros Mncon. (la. Sliver, Bert Crystal, Mich. Kelh?i Pros Wnlerliiwii. N. jr. Swift Bros Colden flntn, III. Tndt, Win. i .- Ciicrrltoo, Vn. Trets Broi Charlotte I'urnace, Ky. t'den's Hippodrome nnd Wild West. ■ »•••' Plnnagar), 111. Van Amburg Valdosln, On. Wheeler, A I. P Marlon, N, V. ■ Wlniermulo llros. Hebron, O. Whitney Bros Imlay City, MI1I1. Wasbbtirn'a, l^eon Bound Brook. N. J. Wood'* J. L I.attn, S. C. bill Inge and live new stable.buildings. A ■{< many of the people Connocted with tbe r will remain In Macon during the Winter . off. Tbe Ln Panqiie Troupe, Frauds J. Bq and company, nnd William O'Dslo are nnicrtig the big nets that will pnielli" here nil Win i'-i- Jmrlng iho sessnn lust ended, Ihe.Hilii Show ninri" a t.ilnl of I'J.fiOl iiilb'.s.'hnd 241 ■>li !hl H-Dl' iln.v-i, Ull 1 l-lllny lluj.'i, OIIO ll)0W <i..kii. rlslti'il -I I Slulns,'nud cii.'i.iinl.-red '12 «l>iioslllnn iiIi.ih.-. On the hIh.i,', Ii wuh ii lln», plensnin, |.rullto|il.i, nil iiiniliul 11-ln, slid Ki'-to whs ii sidrll of good folluw shl|i display, d nnd n liurnionliiiis fciltng In all di-pni'iiiK'nrs. The next soiihuii. will itgnlu llnd llii' slion- In itin lle(d —the nuuni Nlse, tlm Miiuin policy, it limtei' uradn of ncls nnd ni- trnclloiiH, nnd a l.rnnil new snllnlor niiltll. Charles (lerlnch, bnndmastcr; II. It. Ollllsplr, annex and privilege mnhagnr: Clinton New- ton, ofllidnl represeiii.iiiivo, nud Wm. O'Dnle, eilii.wli'lnii dlreeior, nro rc-ctigngeil for (hn coming lour. Among tho acts honked aru Hie following: Thn Avnllori Troupe, thn.isi I'lisqiiii Trnupo null Llnsley Trio (Walter Llnsley, niniiiiger); KmnelH .1, Ilnylo nnd I'liinpsiiy, llni'vey nud Adtinis, K. IClrkt. Adams nnd i-oniiinny, Pred Konne, Clorin« Wenznll, Then. Arthur, Pred Wright, .laek uud Belle Young, I'lddlo Voriu-llo, and Walter nnd Mlnnl.i Aslihurne, Active work nt tho Winter qiuiiiers In now In operation, nud tbo work will ho turned out with rapidity, so Ihat tho hIioiv will In; enabled to huvn mi early Spring opening. tttmiH niOM TIIU HUIIATKII NoIUIIH .^ HllH'ttl Ciiici'h ami IIii-i'iiiiiiovii:. - Araimg Ihe. per- formers ongnged for 'Ihfl (Irenlei- Xoirls & Howe (.'liens nnd tllppiidriiine, n|s-ned In the «;lty Of Sun I-Ynm-Urn,. Suliinliii-. Jan. II, nro Ihe PeerleiM Pollers, llnm-.v .Mura irntilis of iierlsllsts, llerzog'u high sclioiil lii.rMS, Sholk llniljl Tahnr troupe of Ariihlnii m-rnlmts, the HI. Leon l<'iiiiilly of iirriilmts, ll.irjir-n Webb soil ills rnvolvlng Ks'i-liellc, Tolo till- cro, Wlllbun Senll. Mickey K.-eley. Pnl Law- son, WIIMiim Cllsou, lleni-.v lioynulds, elnwns mi.I jitiiiiiiinlinlsi.-. ; Mi-lioimlil Fiiiully nf lil- eycllsls, Herbert Itiimlev'. ' im-niign borsei-. (.eorge lli.lliind. Crunk Miller, linrii Chslello, llnw lli.ekioll. Nellie CiihIi-IIh, .Mile. Flul, ,1. II.- Hoi'krlll, Austin King, burehneb nnd nieunge riders; ileo.llressler and his romeilv eleplin-nl^, Ilia kVuir I'wrrys, wlrn walkers: lb.. Orion Family, uud n number of oilier per- former*, ll Is Iho nf lli« miinuin- mom (o elinngo tho nets (rout limn lo linn-. nud lo present the hlg sensntloonl featursi.. In conjnocllou with hlg iipecluculiir produ.'- llotiri. Two rings uud nu olcvaled stagn will Is- iisimI. Itacus of nil kinds will hn niv I'l-nted oil the largo hlptindromn truck, lli.i lirtuiivr N'orrtH ft Howe ('Ircus, which will lift u thirty cur show tbo^noti,'will lii'iii' the loud curly in .Miireli, mill will' In in. way Inlorfiirti. orcwilllct'with their pee- niiiiieni Itlppodmnie. Sonm Ki:o.M Loe .and Kiln" !.<■ Vnnt'n Big JI(ii|i.-i-ii Sbuws,—Wo hnvo Just rinsed u very prosperous sensnu-of thirty .weeks. Show did not play one losing stood tbo entire wia- nmi and left the liesl of rejiutlilloii In every plnco visited. Tho Lc Vantu lire now lit their home, Thompsonvlllo, Mich.,- preparing for tho coming Summer season, drdnrs huv.- nlrcndy Iteen given lo the Iturriiy Co., Of Chicago, for enllro new waterproof tents, and u number of new ncls tiavo already signed for (be Rummer season. . . il.itniY OvctiTos-, widely known as a-clrciut agent and superintendent. Is this season man- nglng Ihe Mnjesllc Tbeutrn, Hie leniiuig ii.»>- boiiso of I'lndlny, O., for the Nallnnal Amuse- ment Co,, of New Vorh. . , Joitni'ii Mavi;ii, who for th.: past'twenty. eight years bas.iiei-.u.coiineciijil, with Ihe Jtor- niim ft Bailey Show mid other shows, will hnvn exclusive and sole) control of all tb» udverUsing In the Illinium ft Hnllnr Orestest Show on Carth and tbe ItdrTalo Bill..Wild West Inhibition, os In the pout. Chab. Cobt, of tbo Wallnce-Haifenbedk Shows, irtlreA Friday, Jan. S. from Europe.