The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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THE N1SW YOEm. OlilBPER. JA W4R* ,18. A- ULIXPHU A'«< 1M4TTICO.VT I. am:, chocolate,hlscalls, two o( those Jellied fruits, out of the mouths. wltU llglitulrig raiiidltj:- nnd a largo Wr t^f chocolate croitjri. A p'uiny So waft ttiM p«bS^ ttmp tJMlmftfi^i w »'•■■":.• M FBEO "ROOTS" JIAttTIN. H ^<- ( •• — ». , , , CHUMit LanV' tho great: Sunday fair npljolillon, England, l(i tlifl abode, of elWU- ne'ity.'•' Almost everyone sees there with the lar'i'.'otffotthig Something for nothing, op thereabouts.. Some go tor cheap clothes, books, ornaments, medicine or Jewelry; mhers far.«no.ap amusement, and the "crooks" for cheap watches. The latter gentry urn never disappointed, for-iney roup tin nlnin<l«nt harvest ovorv Sunday. ' At tho entrance lo trie ''Lane," as It Is more popularly known, lire ft number of Itnllitns, vending hnkrd chestnuts,- peanuts, loo cream mid hot tem- perance drink 1 ;. Near hy nre the ensler- rrSKngers, Wllh their various barronvs "honi'lly laden with hannnns. and. hero, there and ♦verywhere nroimd you U h nlimlierless co- hort of petty hawker*, garbed In wretched regis, tanking the place n veritable pntiilc- monlum with their Incessant galihle,- or their trumpcrv wore;. Some of their faces hoar the.stamp of Infamy, some that awful look of patient endurance of the Weak shadow of Intense poverty that forever surrounds them. Others yet evidence slight trace3 of refine- ment and a hippy-KO-lucKv air that seems to tell Of a once good position in the city, a careless life and a gradual descent into the tenlb.'e - morass that now surrounds them. Ah yon BMW on, the crowd heroines dense, and you me onlv it Me to move slowly, hut It affords an rt|ipr.i'Hinli,v in study »he face* of the rliitnr:. to i Ills ccmoptilllnn IhornuRh- frtro. , Here ni*> the prollv 111 lie Ilelivew girls trllh raven linJr training their itnvky fm-es and'hanging wer their HlionlderH lu nrlbulc luxuriance: whether they lie well dressed or not, thifv a'.wayi have IWl, spruce nppenr- ance Her? Is the burgeolsc. .obese, Semitic woman looking similarly spruce with her hnlr almost daintily colfiureoi turquoise earrings, and well cut clothe*. Here la the Jewish merchant with his aotnbre. black frock coat tail, no tie, sill: lint on the back of his head, long, black, square whiskers, and between his lip's the Inevitable cigarette. He 1* probably worth STO.'OOO or ?S0,OOf>. but he still smokes renav packets-of cigarettes. Here Is the tlglit'ng man flaslillv dressed, smoking a fierce smelling cigar. He has won a fight the night previous at "Wonderland." In the White- chapel Road—which establishment, By the wav. Is the first and only place In England where they tried to run a dime museum— and .failed. .' The fistic rentlernnn Is lieltrar greeted and admired by his. many friends; this la per- haps tho'object, of his walk down the "laino.' Here Is the bliia-Jowleil music hull nrtlst of about th"? ."lath magnitude, lie In on the lookout, for cheap "propcl'lles, - ' for' In this. lilstnrjc »tr«el \f> one uf tlio Inrogsl clretis and ihentrl('Hl'. oiitljllej-s ' In Hie; country. Standing In n carriage In ii good-looking fel- low who In about 10 commence huskies*. He removes hla fni'-Uiied coat, Alsollslng an Im- maculate frock emit suit. He does imt greet MS- auditors with any conning smiles, hut rtftltttalns nn nttltudo almost cinouMllng to Indifference. He explains that ho la repre- senting "The Swiss Amalgamated Gold Com- paay, ,p and that ihla llrro, having arrived at the.conclusion that much money la wasted ttpoti'- letterpress Advertising, have devised a,< more profitable method of disposing ot their Advertising allowance. Their scheme lS ; fo'«enrt-agents nil over the country lo nd- firTlso''ihelr wonderful tn-lnl which, lie avers, • 11 .the dliroyery of .'e, oral euilneiit alshnrtHsts. It.lK the nenrrit .ipprnfteh to Wtftiirie'TSM. gold i|i:ith.t» oyer. he»n-pro- crpt*B.. UtwJIl kia nd tho aeld,l(isl, has ihe rfme speclflc'r''avll.v!is go|d, iindU < he. an me color ; ,nll Ihe wriy .IhrnugU. '|'o prove ihe laltiVr.ilie'.pulls iv sntlill iliiiinMs lei|Mier bajr ffftm v hMi iilp pookei niwl vnhtie,s Out n saMtwn', 1 i)t;'.'iiiPtiil'--:»Ji|i;hwla. imfifeil roufcil oTrVn^'stttver hy a'^llvhrlod inerilnl. ' Coh- tlnnlng. he Kiys ■ taut iiffor tho discovery of ihlM metal u xynillrflli* was formed for the parpdmi of iDiinnfnctiirlng Jewelry from li. ruls Jewelry is sold Inilio ■'eogmanion'" shops at live shllllnirs i*l.3.'i) pet" nrilele. He extracts from a Inrgc hamper a iiinrihvr «f watch chains, sillies of Hinds, send' pins, t,r(jo,ches, etc.. etc, which tlio nttcndanl. rlei round for the Auditor*' Inspection, lu rcnHty. they ai'o elicnp nrtlcles well known to^nll/JtetpinniPiH ot ihe Hngllsh ■swa;: ftjiopa"- or whohiHala IMMSM JBTe fakes up n wiilch chain, n senrf pin nna A pnlr ot nut llnlw. fiiylug they ropre- kOBt^luteen' shillings, i¥11.11'.') In the mm- |is,nies''.' shops, but by tno enormous saving on\ahelr new sysioni at naverUsIng, tho com- pany Is «b!o in give ihe pnhllc the entire licueflt. and olVei' the flrioiuvshillings' worth ftt',th«'i6mlnal'ttiirn of one shilling (tweniv- 'lw' cents). lb' wrnps tho nrllcle tip lit lenfv of white tlssuo mper and offow the .rat' lot. ' -)f> koo" as It Is nut up It Is sold, and Another, and Hum another, unlit he lis* disposed ot pcclwtps llilrly dnlliirS' worth. As the sale bruins lo flau lie hecfinien caustic :>nd sneaks eloniientl.v upon the wanl of shrewdness and spcculntlon of l,hrt Ung- uals people, na'l conapai'Mi ihei'n with other nations, lie proceeds to give some clever verbal sketcblngi of tho various types of Eugllshmeu. Tho uudlence become Inter- ested lu the discourse, and the sale keeps on Steadily, simply iu « sequence of bis en- tortaihlug arguments. He Is probably the smartest fellow In his Una, for It takes a clever nthn, diy shesr' vlttuo of his rhetoric, to Sell six pennyworth of common Jewelry for double that amount. Standing on a tcm- Sorary stage Is a fellow who Is obviously u ow. He Is rtrosaed In flaming Jockey suli\ and before hint are a number of deal boxes full of stale confectionery. Whilst he Is arranging his stock ot noods. nn undlence is collecting. He opens business by inking a sovereign out or his pocket, and throwing It down on the ground. "Now, RPntlei'ien," he begins, "vnu see what I 'ave put down then'. Vuu keep your eye on the sovereign (this to an assistant) And I'll keep my eye on the people. 1 have come doVn here lo-itnr. gentlemen, to give you a little bit of Information that I 'ave been waiting a long time to got 'old of. And I'm going to distribute It amongst you as free n$ thc'klr you breathe. Now, all vou people who get down haro in Petticoat r,sne have known me for years, and some ot you "ave profited considerably by my advice In the past. But, gentlemen, this year 1 'ave In- formation which. If you rill only support, trill--repay-you well. I will cause everyone of ,you to follow me through the flat season tram the Lincoln lo the Manchester and No- vember handicap. Now, last (tuml-iy morning I gave yon n ploeo of Informal Ion which no ■lonbt many of you backed, nntl hero Is u let- ier from n goalb-ninn nl n plmvtl called flow- court—you cmi read wluil lie nsflr* and sis* the aenulno iioslitl order ho eticl<i*cK for my'sslecllon. Now, gnntloinen, this 'ero Is goht'.to he one ot Ihe biggest sciisnilons In racing circles, and nil 1 ask you In do when vou rocolvo the Information, which Is free to you All. Is to »:o nwoy this morning and post off your lltll'i amount to Holland while Ihe price Is good. As you know, Indies and gen- tlemen, tipping Is now forbidden In your pnhllc markcis. therefore It Is Impossible for me to follow my calling. Hut—there Is no law lo prevciil a mini from giving nwny that which Is bli< own, Hud Imday '1 'ave brought down with me a jiortlon of it large bankrupt stork of the highest class confectionery, which I am about' to offer yon at n ridicu- lously low price. Now we 'nve, some enkea of finest milk tOjo'cobte. 'Fr.> somo beautiful Jellied fruits, 'fife li n large ease of hcaiitltill cuoenlnio biscuits, anil '••re we 'nye n numoor of boxes of the finest chocolate oreum. Now, genilc- mon. 'ore Is the Information, and 1 ask all those of you wlici conio<lnto pntsceslon of It, ■not Vo show It round.' 'lire's a cake of milk chocolate, a large numhev of those beautiful 1 tho. whole, entire" lot. ' And .people, to \trry li-- ucib Jmld m hja patrotis-vi Jpoiogw-c purchaser I'll give—and free of charge—this patients, In such n manner that li Is eiinnr 'nformntlon wnlcli. If hnclcd, should bring n case ot the tooth coming out or the jaw yotra lot of money." Itself/ There Is a grand rnsh for Ihn ehcan eno- fcctlonery feast—which Would ma!»n fhe fes- tive ostrich weep—,md the "piece of informa- tion." I move on to the next stand. It la owned He pauses after he has extracted a few, and remarks that, whilst. Ii Is Imperative that he should extract the teeth of erery patient, for the sake of hla reputation, linn- ,„■», m ....... .i m ..„...-. dred* of teeth might be saved 1>y a lltl c by an nnildv,'.unshaven Indlvldtnl wearing ft attention. This makes way for the sale or tooih powder, an<l froth that he goes to other things, alvlhg an exhaustive lectnre on his pills and the. marvelous cures they have cffeetMi.' • , ., I have, only touched on Jnst. a few or Hie •I'llcliers 1 ' In I'ettlcoat Une. -There nc« audi n nlimher of Irtterewilng fakirs flown there that one really could, write a half dozen entertaining nrileles, cneh different, on this, the last of tlic London fnlr». Ulorld of Players. Notf.8 mojt the 'Ertsall-Wlnthrope Stock All our company deplore the Ulnsss of Sammy Frels, leads. He was. compelled to leave the companv at Cumberland, Ind., nntf .Terhld Hevener. late of Fnrepangh stork, Thllodelphlo, lolneil to replace Mr. l'rels. whom we hope will have a speedy recovery. Manager ICdsnll will doubtless astonish ihe repertory world by the fai-l. that he recently signed Nllssnn's Plying Hallet. n beautiful spectacular feature vaudeville act, compris- ing eleven beautiful girls, who dance In mid- air and present a rfnmber of spectacnlnr scenes, Including "A Visit to Fairyland" and •The Flight of the Butterflies." Three loads cap and a miillcr. His stock in trade con- slats of hack number* ot popiihir periodicals. These are piled on three orange rnses, which form n specie* of rostrum for him. He Is At- tended by a keen Utile boy. wllh Inltered doilies hanging In his dwarfed frame, .lie wears an efnl>nrnte cap and a flash muffler, either ot which ore worth more than the re- mainder ot his giirments. lie is known as "Jones." The mart obtains his "pitch." or crowd, by banging together piles of hooks.' thereby creating a series of loud reports, and then commences to orate. ".Now, Jones, let's see if we can give a few little lots away. Now, people, 1 haven't long to Btay omonKSt you"—here he extracts □□imaginary watch from his pocket and/af- fects to see. the time—"as 1 'ave to be back tit my 'orei for luncheon at two, with His Majesty, who Instmcled me to come down 'ere and distribute amongst. 'Is pom- peasants a few copies of Ihcse works. Vow. Jones, lake yer 'anils oui of yer imckcts and let's get: to business. "Oh. I didn't introduce Jones lo you. did I ? 'i:'s the 'end clerk of our h'e.ntcrprlHC. T. was found on n desolate h'lslnnd. Part oi *im Li covered with fur, nn' ihe other with J'enthers. He will presently h'lllUatrate to vou ihe manners and customs ot 'Ib native land "Jones, the man .. "Now, Jones," continues the man, laugh- act Is presented. These eleven people play Ing. "hit 1 'are any more of this I shall 'ave no parte, thus making Mr. Edsalrs company rjolKn, Tilly your diet -cut down. Now, people, 'ere's an- one of the largest r.nd strongest 6« four, carter Harrietts other copy of 'Famous Crimes,' glvln' you ihe Hen Hadfleld and Rose Hiibner nre recent Cantor. Etyhel 'ifftry an' full details of the crimes of the acquisitions to our roster. Penrl Wlnthrope, c«rr. MlWred last century wen the earth was like dirt. Tho Is such a strong Southern favorite, Is Clermoat. 'Ere, come on, three-pence—two and a 'art—- mote than repeating her success since the tuppence, just , to clear the last lot—a company came F.ast, Its first adventure cut of the South. She Is pronounced by press it-tier* •■dves-H"'"* * n t ?M". ,u, < ?" Sietop " plainly nddressc.l Malta „m f«r /aieli letter, amd »JJ t ^*» order for tlie letler, nl«ned wi«b «• fall -sinie nnd ndilre.j. «"«» *h* lln« J>1 hndlneaa Colloweil by the sender, innst nlso he enclosed. - ,V. Please mention the ditto. <"»' nn . n ?: her) of the IIMfPKB In wlslok the loiter* aent t>r »ve«e ndvfrtlaoa. nallniroe, Tbos. 0111 fc-TaWott flullfoylc. Jss.A ilransban G. M tlrer, Imnsld nifforil. Itohcrt fllen. flee. W. (tray, Italrui i fide k Wifl'ley Ashley, I.llllnn AfBcom.-flu Ills Aaiicckr. Oisra Aiery. Mrs. D. Anhrey. Helen Bsrtktt. . ^_ joiepoiae Brandon. Lottie Bramwell. • _ Mrs, SI. S. B«te», Louie Bsrile, Elna Bslnbrldge. ' KoliloJs Barry, ■ ' Manrnerlte Berry, Bosa llnrrett Vlnnle •Bnnlnel; ,S|3tcrs Barton Peler Vt Wrwce. Mnisl Uoi'tt.iL'l MndBC Bower. Cove V. Ilslrs. Elltabelli litowlcll MbbjA Benin vl Cassle I'.ui'i'Rcr, Charlotte Bates. Florence Barrlnmon Etbel icon's'; list, FalruVM, iMarlln. Mndge '" FrmicesMott. Viols Framtrs Kiln Fraecls. lUlttt Fey', Winn i'Vouchcr. Mr*. Xhno. A. Farrell. Mrs. ClItT Fiyette. Lottie i-'av, Anna E. fnrlow. 3sdle Fntler. Ida Qottscbalk. i line. 0. Urecr. Leslie Ollrnore riijills ftUleo Mrs. H.B Gdldle,' Aifnle lllerr I'lnrenee lirestism. K.lsle (illiuore Sisters Gales., fiulli Rll.hs/Unth- Holmon, Stella Hnwlhornc Amy Henshaw VInnle of scyiciv nnd five spotlights are-required os," disliking these remarks, strikes for producing the ncLwhich waa invented by fESEEHSS ,...n With 1ils tiny tlst. • tarfNIIsson, under Whose personal care the cSi^rt, "Now, Jones," continues the man, Isugh- net Is presented. .These; eleven people play ^Mra-J. O. Cuuab penny P The3e sell very rapidly. The Fast Enrter has an Insatiable appetite for criminal recoid. Here Is a rancous voiced man standing on a spring barrow. He has a long-haired wig on, and.Is.selling a ring Worth about five cents a dozen, anil giving with It a myster- ious white packet. When Ih"' sale slackens, he lears oiien due, and 'an elaiirtrate kulf.i or a pniiilfi'iiiiK wnk'li chiiln roll-rout. This lias ihe effect of reviving trade considerably miioiiEsI: the juvcnlln audience who, on our- cliuslng, llnd ilio. most inter trash, within. However, one Intro and there gal-ji a-knife or n win eh elm la, hut. they are conspicuous by Ibeir paucity. And this uncultured, shabby knave bus the brawn Impildcneo. to tell his concomitants that he represents a company, and this Is their method of advertising. In fair, this Is the EmtHsh street fakir's stereo- typed exousv for his appearance Jn the streets. "Now, ladles nnd gentlemen," says a shabby- genteel looking Individual 'further on, "K 1 and public as one of the iaost natural son- brettes appearing In repertory. De Loss.P. Edsall, with hfs breezy comedy methods, seems to be "Just what they want," too. J. W. West, general agent of Geyer's "Jesse James" Co., writes from New Or- leans that he closed n wnson of thirty-six we<<ks on Christinas Pay wllh 'the above company, nnd Immediately look the manage- ment of the Flnrenco-linylo Ola, which curries twenty people, band and orchestra, a •fine line of special pnner'nnd special scenery. Lee I'abvik, business mnaager of ike-IW- par l'rlnce (tpern Co., wrlles that the com- pany U doing n very gratifying business In Florida, whore the. organization is extremely popular. The company numbers twenty-two people, nnrry Lea velle Is innnaglng the tour, which will include a senion of opera In Havana. """"Vita Cameroa. Ella Carsoil, _^ Mrs. Cbas Oarewe. lira. Edwin Ollne. Florence Olnus, Martha Oarltod. Abblo iVinwny. Ruby. I'jirinen. llelie llorlnon Marlon <:hln<iulll!i. Princess fiole. Edith ft Hill Clicsler, Kllnnbeth P.. tvinwoy, Ll*tte ('Jirley, Moe Dnrwle Caroline Pnprec, stlnme IWpn*, 'Llbbje llimil.'li »r-I|'asfcl "• ToTTf.*; and MAr write that Bonnie May, of Dovenlxm. that team, was compelled to withdraw from.tho cast of the Armln Players for a lilt- polite attention for a few IW'n Weeks'resti owing to overstudy. She Is moments, t will explain lo you my mission recovering rapidly, and although not able to here (imonj,"-. yon. . rejoin the Armln Plnyerp, was strong "As I was -walking 'ome lust night: 1 was enough to resume vaudeville bookings, be- pn.?slng one of our famous West End dliihs, ginning Jan. II. Mr. Tuttle leaves the •Pearle Du Pree. Marie Dnpree, Msltla Dan?!. Dertha Dwlfeht, Mabel Descrmont Olive MiiDlell. Mrs. Moheri n. Mantell. tti-nec .Miiilee, Eva MniUca. Clara Slnyor. Anna Kelson, Onssle Ne-.vman. lira. Clarence Nicholas. Mra.C Ktlnian. ETelyn N'owak Adfialt'o O'Nicll. 7en<*la Otey, Mrs. Geo. Owens, Ida Dtiel, BlancheT:. t*crsonl;- Camllle Paife, ilnth S. pomew. Hnitlo 1'hllllos. Mrs. W. L. Price.-Millie Pretyman E'lllh Prlchar'I. Mr*. O. W. HowoM, pjnlly (Palmer. Elite D. Uanwy Leonors:Bayiuond, Carrie lanl^on. ReM Hawi bornt. Miss D. HiitTrain, Mme. Hansen. Mille HaiHen.. Ami Bead. Myrtle Bilge, Mrs. Wna. Richmond, -Hattte L. Rnnkel. Mrs. M. •Renaud, Mnude ITnnter Eloilla B'RossIey. Marie rnvens. Cnrrte |Rel«rts. Edyth Howard, Anna HaTlbln. Mae A Houston Bcnttlo Harribston. rtboda Hatch. Mrs. V Hale. Oroce HantiltOn & Co.. 'Van Hnywnr'l. Msnd Helmes, Vera HHrlrti:in* Berihn Hamlltr.n M'rs.S. Halloo l:'i:ni II. Irwin, Mamie foliusnn. Kilty Julian. Oertrade M. Keyea, liiHtithea Keiid-ill Tlorotby KMlr. Gertie Kem, Merle M, Kramer, Marie Kelly. Daisy Kent: Eleanor Kenwooil Klench Kennnnl, SIxt.'R. [jui'rt'nee. Kffle l.sVelle Slstera i.OEay. Marie Boss, Mrs. A. Reeves. LaUTie ttnSsoJI. Mnrvef Roncu. Dora rtedgate. Mrs. G. A. Rjre, riorenee & Mande Ravoinnil. LiiBiie B. Roy. Dorothy St. Clair. • Mirle B. gheldnn. June Bldbey. Nafllne Seynour, D>)nnt Sweet. Mr*. Chas. B. gcott. Carrie Senlirlshl. Bessie Shatnnn. alary Sprosue, Estelle Scott. Amies Stanley, MnMe Stewart. Mary SWrr. Catrle Slmffer. Be3ale «ol. TVinna Thorher Leona Davensort Helen: Lee. Irene Bent La Mnht. Mfs.DUiolur Mara;ar»t ladles QnnrteteiTaylor F.IIinbeth Lorlon. Mlllnn iTracy. Ruth when ii t-eiit lenmn In ovenliiK ilress stepped mil from I he entrance and asked me lb ac- company him ivllliln. I followed, and was le<i Inio n mngtilfteem smoke-room, -where l> whs Inlrodiiccd to ihe ■•niunariy by the geiiilemnii, who I found, In lie Cnpinln He Vere, of I lie I lo vie I liiin'ils Jlliic, ]|i> oaplHllied ihht a wager of Hani hail liel'ii iiKiilc ' lieiwcen Mlljnr Tri'liiwney anil-he, that It .'would; be ell her possible or Impossible fornn Individual In ordinary Httlre io sianrt nt four different parts of London during ihe dny and offer gold rings In Ihe ponple of the orcnl mclropo- IK fqr the itninlnal elinrge ot Iwo-po.uco each. 1 was bunded this (Issue paper, nod here are ihe rings lu ruicstlun. I know nothing-of tlnni. Vnu may ex-ainhic ibeni-they nn gnvenimeiii hull marked, and those ot you who nre Judges of jewelry enn nee that they nlnyerR on .Ian. S, and Tutrle and May will lie kept busy for some lime to come la vaude- ville. • Although.: sale, wllh our-good wishes. we'are sincere when we any-, we look for- ward to our. friend. TUB fllilM . II. comes Inie. .but always welcome,. atid'WC hope ynii spent ov.Merry Christmas, atid will'liave ,n linppymid prosporni'is Nr«',.Year. .. ■' -,. '.-• -Xtftpi kuom fiiri'i, C. RotncwHt.t/ "Scvxt Pornf • Co.—-Wo spent a illiMiafu' illglll long to lie remembered. Manager Uookwell gave a ,hanquet at ibo hotel after the per- iorinance. The dining room was artistically ilis-oriiteil for the occasion. When the com- pany went Into the room they were very pleasantly nnrprlatsl to (Jud It illuminated by one hundred candles Imaging from ft very hnoutlfnl t:hrlstnias tree. Around the tree were IKty-IIve presents to be distributed, and Dnrls. Kate lWanrtoiHnttK 1 De Arinow! Hlsters DiOt'ere. Llllim I'lirhinl Krankie l/n-.iE.m Mi»H I Res«le tj> Chlr. Alrs..-.lf. B. IA Mnii I. I fell I.nwk-s. Bessie De Vsnchn. M*e bMB;Josephine luriviKli, MiiU'l lleinarco, ^ T i Katherloc Emerson. ♦ Rmelloc Kiting, Nellie jiwrence, ■.',- atrs. Chaa.E tnaja, Jnoneltc l!ee,''Helen' Station. I.nellte I Morris. Kunis kaibtee. Jane Mal<<om. Bosle Edwards. Je«»lo Mnrlnn. ltnsy Ellis, P"ay Mitchell. Acnes Esmond. Flo Miirray, Annie - Kvons. Mnude Merrill. Carrie Ellaley 'Florence! Mllhue * Ellne, Ellis, Hay ^ Misses .... «Vi til.,r^ i .......r ii„Vi».» f„. ._.«„»■;. » TIT miy-uve prcsenia ro nc rustriouteo, nnn ? .",'1.' ie W\J "K^'i'S"** l r l/"l tw ,1 n l y «•«■ one received a souvenir of the occasion minutes longer—they arc two-ponce each, and I niUHt not sell more than one ring to inn- person. Not if 'you offered mo Ave hun- dred golden sovereigns. I hnvo said all I have in sny about them. 1 change no money, I lave jour money ready as Innss 'round, for tne greietest sensnllon of modem times. My movements nnd the result of ihe wager will lie fully doscrllied In all your London papers lo-moi'i'ow ioonilng." He sells n good number of rings at two- pence—four eenl*—each, wlllcn nre n well llukilcd arllcle stamped "iScl..," which Is not tbn genuine Kngllsh hull nulrli. This nieilurfl ot side Is alwnys wcdl palronbetl In Engluiid lieciiiise some inimliic. years ago, did sell sovereigns—?n—on London llrlilge, ut sIxiK-nce each, mill the English people have never got over It. Next coinos n north country "Dutch" nnc- lloueer rrom Slioillelil. "Now. chups, It thou wants a lilt of .good stoof, as nil we-nr tin* List thee a llfc-tiine, nh 'ave It 'cer. Ah 'av« clt a ilooien knives an' fowks 'ere, It that' go to the price. I'll guarantee tbe're the finest bit o' sto'of ye ever set eyes on." He proceeds to display some brutally sub- stantial knives and forks. "Look H Vm, ain't they ehump-i-ons? Every zlt of 'em Hhef'll make I I'lnesl al»el olades, 'orn 'amiles tnngeil right through to the bottom When the electric lights were turned on, all did Justice to the elegant repast prepared until "the woe sma' hours." There were fcost- Ing, singing and appropriate toasts. Merrv old nirlsttuaa was never merrier, nob Santa Clnns, more In evidence than AnVtbn«Chrlst- mas 6f 1U07, for the .1. C.Tlockwell "Suntiv South" Co.'ik L. Moone. of Hnp Ward's .show, wife of the manager, and May L. Tavlor. wife of Jack Taylor, of tho Tjis Angeles The- ■"ifhi rimmons. Irene Then. Ml?s Vaughn, Roe . Vernon, ts?3lle Van Camn, Rose Van IVin.' : , Mrs. W. Vlrdler Sisters .Mme. Vlin AtIen : J!va ffariief. Am>. Walker. £; Sirs. Trent Warner. Georsla Waterhouac. Sirs. Chas. Wilson, Daisy D Watson. Ksnnle Williams, Rose Willard. Alice West, Sfarie ■ Walker, Relier Wyltle, nssel Wnnl. May WllROtr, Arlone Enrle. Vers Montand. Anna Kvnns, Ella Mootrose, Kvans, Clottlde Mn>;E.0.(1oc.) Moyn, Madeline ... Florence. Morse Mrs.CE.IAVallace. Trlsle - Genevlevepiiorrls Mrs.Leon 1 young, Marie Plrth. Miss J.a MeJjaln Hlsters iTToiuur. Belle Palls. Mark? iMotgan. Oertruil Zlllmaii. Alice IMIebct. Ctcste B ■ GEXTLEMEX'S U9T. Astley, John Apolbu. The Ascot t & Eilily Alet, Ohas. Ailarua, C. Anderson C B. .Bonham. Jim Armstionc Moil I Bennett. cn»r. Avery, Win. J Bracket!, II. A Ailams. Earl 1'.'lliiuch. Jim Ailnuis, Jess iBnlilvrlo. K, }■'„ Apiilehce. Jai.KlBsll. T. Amlomon ClinsV. Bisnnir. C. W. Avery * Cnrl iBenr. E..J. Ailams. J. K. Antalrcs, Tbe A.nnlil. S. A. Anilerson L. T. Aiinton, Walter Ailams, Eugene Acker, Geo. Ai-mstrcng & Holly The sort o' sloot our grandfathers, used io hnv. A set o' knives nu fo.vks worth fifteen Bhllltn'. Eh. cooot oh, 'nrf n "quid" (sover- eign), nine hMiIIu'— eight—s«ve'.i—six nhlllln' —live nn' n tanner—live bob—not Iho price of 'oulil Iron ! 'Kre you. fower an' six— fowcr IhiIi! Kb, fower-pence. a price. for s.incli goods ns I hey! If thou "na no money I'll milk' lliou wish thou 'nd t-oom. nn' n tannert" Someone suggests three shillings. "Eh, woi ! Wot rlociR thou ink me fo, lad—moog: Ihou can 'nve smell o' bos fn three Khlllln I" On Hie corner of a side street Is an elab- orate cnrtlngo of large proportions. It Is freely embellished with gold scroll work. There are ft wealth of skin rugs lying about, and along it silver plnted rail nre n number of deutnl forceps. At the back of the car- riage, perched at a good height, nre two lie Is a lilt lo man well over middle age. wearing spectacles innl mnstnebe wnxed out lo needle palms. His fingers are smolhereil with rings, on his senrr he wtinrs a large marquise rliisj. There Is nay amount ot ning- nanlnioiiH toleration about him. But he Is shrewd, very shrewd Is Mr. Ilnliniiln. He knows the hnhllues of Pell lentil. Lnne from alpha to nuiegn. lib rnniinfiices In a quiet voice In order lo Induce Iho crowd lo coiit'cnli'iilc. "Ladles nnd gentlemen. In neeordiilice with inv iinimlRo I am standing down here In Petticoat Lane once mum, mid before I com- mence, let me I hunk yon Individually and collectively, very, very much for Ibo kind intention nhd / Keneriius support tbnt you have fsvoivsl me with In the ii,i*t." He Invites those iiersons who have decayed tceih and wish to have them extracted, to step on Hie carriage. This In dune free of Buhl. Geo Belford. Al. Bruno. Chris Barrvmore Jena Black & Jones Blake, G. P. Barry, David Booth, Geo. Barnes, Jus. E. Banulrter. Crystal V. Bnrmist™, Tretl Bates, Clyde Brlgzs, Hal Burnett, Hsrrli Bailer 4 Brown aire, mourn the loss of their grandfather, who tiled In New York Cliv Jan. i Jubu Twyfoni hud many friends In Ihe show busi- ness. NoTRS FROM MCPOXAU) STOCK Co.—\f« nre still doing business at the satno old siiuid. Dm- Missouri ilmn has lieen verv satisfactory, nnd we nre now beaded Soulii for the Spring time that we play every sea- son. There will be two McDonald slock com- panies on Ihe road next season, aud both will open early in August nt the JVirk The- atre, Jackson, Tenn. One companv will b-> under the management of 6, W. McDonald, the other nnder Earl McDonald. One com- pany is booked solid, nnd the other almost. The present company will play the leading Allen, A. O. parks In the South this Summer. The roster Bnckbolt. Geo. Is as follows: (J. W. McDonald, proprietor nnd manager: J. D. McDonald, advance: I!. C. KSMWr. Cliff Wntron. Al. Patterson, Earl McDonald. John Cressett, Sam McDonald. Ilnzelle McDonald. Maud Pllffnrd, Eleanuie Holla, Vloloi Hall, .tliaa Crlppea and liahv Edna Lornlne. E. FiUNKt.VN Mki.vii.i.b writes that he closes Jan. TJ, after n seventeen wceka' eii- llire.e gngement nt ihe Dlnoon Theatre, Springfield, Mo., mi he has been doing the heavies. Tbe seasoii ni: Ihla house has been a most prosperous one. Ci.Ain Ti'TTLn, who hos for the past seven months been associated with vaudeville, will sr „ bo nt the hood of her own company ngnln. SJS: j.U 7 "The Queen of HearU" will be featured in vfixl?' """*• Miss Tnttle's repertory. Lawrence P J. L. WALLKotT writes that he has taken Black St Jone* ' the management of the St. Charles, Mo., Browne, Opera House. Jessie Mie Hall. In "The Raymond large frames bearing hundreds of signatures Cutest Girl In Town," played to packed house Barton k Burton of persons who have had n tooth extracted Jan. 5. . Beitrendt. by Wliyte Dnlmnln. arid "have found him a w. E. Lv Hnan writes: -T am now In my humane nnd skillful dentist.' Mr. Dnlmaln. sixth week wllh the Harris Parkinson Co.. Is situldliiK In the cnrPlnge busy with ploying n slrong Hue of heavies. This rom- iiolhlng In Mirtlciihir. whIHiik I or an audience mny \„ enjnvlng nn excellent bimlbess. nluv- |o nsseinbk. Am soon us ihn people have |,i K „ strong reperlorv of plnvs. nnd Is corii- mustercd lo his snllsfiieilon. he ciiniinenccs. uhsihI ot sniue exceedingly clover people." Hah. axi» Kut gave h "swell'' supper to the memb-rs of the rinra Turner eoiupjnr, Satnrdny. .Inn. 11. at WustMocart, 11. 1. PiNri.v 11 kv w.iiii,. press agent of the Ox- niaii Stock Co., writes: "lluulness In rhn i~-»u»».e., n. South. In nil lines. Is becoming easier, and I'rusle Ed. ihe companies which were able io withstand l*»rret. Kdoiond Ihe llrsl -pimlc fenr' report hotter business Me«»eut,_Claune mid goml prrspaclK. The Osmnn Stock Co. Is now In lis twentieth week, nud we hftvo broken several rei-ords thai we made season. The largest business on (ho week In Savannah. On., was done by this com- , puny last seasou, and a few weeks ago wu Brlccs.' liiil Im-ui our own re-ord by nearly three turn- Bessent. Claude drcil dollars. It Is rumored that a new the- Blrctiman aire will he creeled In Oreenvllle, S. C. lo Amuse. Co. he completed hy nexl season. Savannah, SBfiJ* »''. M- Oa. will no doubt have n popular price hou.-e nrhdley, Mies open In o short lime. It is *4ld that it will ''"weo, Henry J he a Jake Well's theatre. Hoy Willis, scene ' •Bilker. Al. 'Bnisniini Jos. G. 1U«I1, Ernnk I BroMmol. II. S, IBIdwel AMarloii J.SD*. .!««. RisaeeiVn" Uirnoat. Ford Riee. j n \m ' IXwsril, Alls-rt llosve, Ijw.n UiWrcnoe P. J., feid.ipu. t-j,, , f-nnilers, B. 1,. ftayc. Om. ' Lewi* John II. Jlocte. Han 'tioe.lJns.' C. Hansetia, • IHPT » T»'«.-..J wrtr-, mill-.- I . ilnynor. Geo. f tr Dae Teddy Ritchie, si Grant, Geo. A. |I*vfl». P. Ko»». Cha- Hart. Toajr |l>oBrtndt. Joe ftosael). ,, Harris. Fobhy. rjynns * Lyons Kan - , r. \ Iloftle. John Leftcrson. Rn<srll. N|e' K Hn»«. Grant - Lvnnort.Han«etln fc nyctes, Tlie Itemnebj. John •■ Ltrtan Huff, K. ■'. ri.>. llawley Sc OlcottffJi Ho.v. J lllthter. Jas. H. Hayes, W. 1- llnycs^Oco. V. llnnsrnfiml.- jlavncy. Ben llnrrls. T. n. 4lnf« & J»fcr.s.m lllkbert i Bice lianrlay, Jx-W W T/iekwrwt oienB rnihr Baj»l Mahem. S. ttna-1. Arthur Mills rd. Tlllly need. J«s Mueller S. R-irilall, (ft), » .. .Mueller CUU. I'.tcii. w Monroe, riarry Shaimnn. Kred ' Melvtll.: & Spiral. Max Stetson Slater. i>Vn McCottnw;, 8. Swlaher, II. c. Jlanilln, Oins.B. Merrill. Kusene Stewart AttUirl Harrison. Clias iMclnlyre. c D. • BeclfA- Stsar Haaiosmd, F. Hillatstou. Theo. Stall. \t niter Howarils. The Miller. C. F. Strolliecs H. B Hend>rsoo 4 j.Mn'rttii. Datla StShlef, Wa, ■ RowiMcWsttfr. \\. a Bmltii, W»lt«r Hatistfos CM J. Miller. Sam C. Solly. Lew Htldebranlt iMartlul.' Olno ftnith, Chas.^H Tronpe Murpliy 4 Sldd^as. Frrt Hill. J?red .-. Aiidtcws Sweenec. Blllle Hulcbuur., F. L Martin, fc DoyhHst^ Onje. FrM mrt-AsTmell Miller. Kred Sehhllif. Fred J. Hire*. Win. Dowarri JIsrryB llr.iilooa. Tlio Hau. L.J. Uarrlucton k. Martell Iloffmnn. Aaron Hamburg, -U- Holli Hint Ople Havens. Watt A Hackett, Kred C Howard.. Le-.vl3 HUI. Arthor Havllana, -J. B. Harris, Clns. K Hhhlilnsdn, H. Hunt. Melvla Hm-rtngton L. E Howard * TrlolMnrlnt'i fc I'earl smart t Tnns-r MnrtoTC. K. BClooley. W. H .MaVprov J. C. Smllh Milton A Vnrslmll Geo. 0 Sullivan. V. A. Murray. P. II. Solomj-i. G. ili.nrcv, Harry Kiewnru Vt. MeAvoy. Thos. , Stone. B. Jtanu, Tony Starkwevllier, Mnsund Brosr ' " Henry A Stcrgan, Doctor Smith, Cliy McAvny. LessI'.. Serier. John McKertnon ST. A Sjrbllllns, C i McNnlr. Jas. R. SuarTerd, Jas. fe Miles feRavmond Swonk, F.mrett Msskell. Thos: Sloger, Man • Jiereillth. Artb. Smith, C. J Miller. Gny St. Leon. Bcjir Morris. Leon ■ Shaffer. Part Miftth, Paul ._ Shapnon. Walter iMItcliell. F. M. Staunton. P. J. ctcrtasne Mnreeno. Ben Snow.'Oee. w. Et 1, ... 11. 13 ... TT . Hunt, F. Hleks. «Nft Dlatt. Dan Kantian.-Victor Heailerson. F. Adolph Bynt. Ed. lUile. W. Barrett. E. L, Bryeou. Jas, Bostock, W. F. Berg. Carl A.B. Buckley, J. B.ichclder E. A liable. J. It. Brown. F. b lieiiumont, A I'litler, Tom Bnkrr. Al. Block. A. IT. Bell. Chas. R. Barrett. Ernest Bowen, E. K. De Xoe. Pred Delmom, AU. Darnell, j. T." Dare. Frank R. Drew, Clias. K. De'l-rla. iValier Duffer. Harry K Donnelt. K T.O. Donovan. \Y. IKmnctiiie. J. W. Deforest 11. I.. '• 1.'l':l,l(l. U. IJ. Dudley, B. B. Daly. Oco. W. De Voe. E.MIO Dell ft Foniln Drornk. Jnn. J?. Dutton. C. W. DeVoy & Milller Earle. Harry Eve-hardt Etana, Frank B Emerson & Co.R Finerm'n 8 Wrhrht Wllck. WU1 J. Klinourne Willie Ellis, Ray (ilc.i Klter, 5 p. Elmer. Fnxl Fnrr. Will K. Fltiirerald. Richard P. FoM. Fred Ferris, Dlefc Fransworth, Walt, c French. Henri Fields & FieMj I'osrel, Al. Flebls. Harry Frujiela A Cros«e Falls. Billy A. Fulton, Artb 11. Irltses, The Flefils, J. Roger Plynn, Earl Feathers. Lerlle Flatow. Jobn L. Fern. Sid Frobe). O. n. Frevoll.' Fred Frledberj:, chiui Farrell,. CIIT. Fronio Ttlo Fox. Mort Oagy. \\m. Goyif &.0'.Vetl Gourley, Reeoan * Gourley Gardner ft _ Bomers Green, John E. Green, Veno Gllison. Svd. C. Gillette. Chaa. Holder, I^>n Groves, Hal Gardner. W. B. QrmiBtho, Eamllle Green. Ben J. Gonsalea, A. Glosson. M. D. Green. Harry lleotley. Musical Clemo itCnssella Curler, l^tc Clauson, D. Cmnnilnus Ralph Cord, Jas. Oobum. Hilly Cortci Herusndo Crook, L. C Cusbmnn. M'ra.C Creco. Willie COisWy, J. I. Conway, Nick Cooper t Gear Oarew, I'Mmond Coats, Jolin Oarlln, Kohert Cornell. T. L. C'lamun, Den Creaiore'a ■Ibinil. Mgr. Carson, Marry Carter & ■ Bluford Collins & Hawley Crowley fcKlleen Century Com. 4 Clifford. Billy Carson 4 Devereaux Cooper, Leo Conway. Hugh Collins, Leo Carrol. F. W. Charron- Moron Co, Carver. Will Carmody, Jns.F. Carrol ft Baker Olark. II. M. Corson. Walter Cnmpson, J. It. Clemenls II. V. Carroll, loa Cilgonl. C. B. Clay, Clinton Carroll. II. F. Oournl. 3. A. Crocker. Prnf. Campbell. M. Cllffonl Jas. V DeVera ft Hayes Darrell. Edgar Dynes, Wra. Dnimmond (XII flelninr ft Dexter Del.yon. J. F. Davis. J. F. Day. It B. Dclllnn & Delmorn Dlnnioml ft May Doyle ejGraiiaerlGavlD. Mr* iDarling, Fits! ;Glance. John iDe.Fur A F.stesinrt'cnfWd BenJ. Hnlrnen. Oscnr llaiipt. E. Ilanna. Albert llnrrlty ft He. Ilolmnn Harry Hi.illacks. The Hart. Chas. Ilylnnds. X'be Hnyes. W. C. Hollowell. .W. B Halcott. Jiobt Jllalt, W. S. tnaes Bnn.l Mgr Judge, Todd. Jjplscn. Hairy jTArfioa. Carroll .Tiindt, A. 0. .Teuhln- ft Wlllcntrlnh Jonlfrt EloonG ... JUdd. Heorj' 0. Nasoti. Frank W Jones. Ed. G: Xcn.Ver. Ous John;. Johnnie Xort*rc, imbert Joife, Eitwln F. Nalnn. Mnslenl Jetruer. Robt.' b. Norwood. Jack JenSlaslIomerF Nevnro, Jos: Joe, J.-ft Jenny Qwe,n«, J Kdwln Jones. ;Wnj. 11- Orriilhum Com- i JOlitlKoflt It. A. OweU-l.. V. .laeHwns, :i Oliver. J.: Jt JobnsoD. Geo. C faiell. Jiinuny JoScs, Chas. . fi:.Nelll. Ja».. C »a'vons, Thos. O'Connell i^Wia. Klncilon, Das L, O'Boylc ft- Kneroer. Cluis. ■■-.-■■■ Tboinns Kings. The 2 Oakland. Will Kleffer Ctinnncy Palmer. H. T Krc«ko ft Prlmdtx. F Groves Pirake. A. A. Knlll, Mllo J. Port. Jack KInc. Joe Perry, Kd. F. Ketly ft Ashby Packer. B. II Knoll, A. D. Phillips, G. Krawns. The Powers ft Freed K'.nhtirn, Geo. 1' Potts. Cliaa. KentiCily Jerry Potts,' Wro. W. Kraraer, Stitn Petian. F. W. King, Itirrleon Powers. J. T, Keoitgh. Edwins Pcnrson. W^-8 liing .<t Strange rieree. A. W Kelly, XJias. ;T. Ploitlp. The Knight, A. fi. Pelreon. G. H- Knr/PC Pliimeni. The 4 Karl, Albert. Preile. Mr. ft ICsnnody, Steve Mrs. Chas Reams, Jack Porter. Wra Kara, S. ■ Parmer, D. Klllron. F. P. Pemherton. H Lai-kin. J. Price. Harry liroanrd ftDrakc Pronnre. .lean Long, Frank J. Pealoct;. W. A. l*lSli. Fen Phelps, AIM. I }.-»-\". lML'nr Pdtlon. Will La Mont. Don Phllllns. S. P I.awren.*. Jack Pcrrcy. E. E 1/ove, Joe Psntser. Cnrl I^CTalr & Hart price, nnrry M l-lbhv ft Xrayer Qntrk. Ja«. \jt Roy, B. B. Idutslev, Uobert Levers, Jack I .:d!e ft Vllllams f.swton. Tom I."l:e ft Bnssell Lcnliam, Karl Lynch, Great \a Belle, Chiie. Llshiner 0. A D.110 Mnrnetto. Dr. Swentman-W. P Miftv'.'V. Ben 1: wterry. J/ f. • Morton. Mr. ft Stratum. Joe . .. Mrs. Jas SjhroJnhlre fiM, Henuerson. x. Stiller. Frank Svrlnle. J. B. llartlrtan. W. H McClain, Chns. Snlves, Ottlj P. Hnya, Harvey D Mnrrlson ComCo. Schaler. Matt. Hllilerra Chas. Morrl--. fxsm Strnck, J.Mnrt. - Sitrswell. C. M. Smaller. F.d. Morris. Dnve PW». E. K. Miller, v. XI. sebatrcr. Emll litrrlty ft Herr Muller. Carl Sehett. Ohas, T " MorrN. Jlnimle Sllverneld. it. Mantlev. Clay Pcbenwr. A- C McGratbe W. Smith. ('. S. MailiVix. Dick Stephens. Harry Monro. John P. Schhefer. M. J. Mitchell Dram. Sirona', f^w ;' Co.. Mgr. Sievws. Stove Mnrtell. Oliver Vhnhhon. Harrv Mack Amns. Co. Taylor, Clias. t. Menddl. Jncfc TroaiBetta'. . Mire. Mr. , -Mr ft >In. McFnrlabil. Geo.'Tborn:-- Jis. Montssne Harvy'Tmvelle. Great McFnrland ft Tnlchtts. Th* Marty Tavlor, Fred C- Nelson, Wrti. TlmnOBI. E. J. TufM. J:.A.- 'thatcher. 'Geo.- •Joylov A •-. t •"-"-.- Crnvtfert Talbot,. Cithr Tsonn.- A/'F. . Tb'cimr»oti,«' ffio. fdileliT OeoA F.. Tafi. Ged;. W Turners. .TbC' Teed ■ ft l.«*!l Taylor. c'O.-'f'.: fjiTIUr. VSUet Tolver. F.A. •' tUrleh: Frits Von' Stattm m Valonl Mr.lMn Vice ft Viola Valadona. The Vnu Wyct, K*. Vsiddlnis, The Valolse. Chas. A Verandc. Mon«. Van. Geo. Vincent, Jack Vale. IT. West, Dcfoteit Waller. Rolint Wall,- J. V- i William.:, AlfrM Whitney, Ch.Tl.J Willard. Chis. Whipple. Wsblo Will lama, -G. A. is. W. B Albene lean, Hall I.. LleMer. Teddy Lynch. MaJ<)r Tiltx, I*on leonard, J. D. Ie*ent. Frank fee, Frank Williams Wroley. Motl: Walton, Ft*l. We-ley. Joe W'I,yte. v AL ;J. Wilson, Jn^k Wilbur. Bert K. Wiley. B. Worren, Fred Williams. Pant Welgold. nsrry Walton. Frrf Whanlcs. C. r„ Wilson. I. R. .. Winfrey. C. 3. ,:lcbanlsoii W.fl Walhice..B. T. Rnv & Co. Fred Wilbur. C. W. Hitter. Msx Warreq. Cha'R Rlehanl. Joe t Welch. TrnM; Ramsy. G. N. Walker. F. »• Sogers ft Ward. thos. n. Mcintosh Waldron, Joe Rider. Emaunol Warden, Wn. Rotolo. Joe I Word, .Ed. > Roiimlf. Fred S-IWeat.- A. C nos^ Walter ;Wblte. Bert Rvsn ftltltchfleld Williams Alfred Iteslaiid. Mr. I Warden. Wni Rns^elCv. Mr. ftlWrlaht, 0. C. \Ir>. .lack Voeknev, Clia'E. Rotolo. J. Vantarlke. h. Rlmrlcr. Dert .'Zwlchsy, J^ BEE NOTICE AT HRAtl OP ■VlSV-_ ■ To he reviewed neyf week. Lucy WrUTOS, Xcr Vorfc. Mibstbo Axn (Juetto, Xcw York. Lily I'i.ekmohe. Mew York. ThhSe Dajiie Sistebs, New York- Chas. II. Bumm, Tat Tochev asd lom- Hir I'ftstor'E. "CysTHu's Visit" (Laura Morris Co-b Pastor's. Jouxson Alto HicitAims, Pastor's. Mn.nnEr KentirL6, Pastor's. Two JlAiirTs. Pastor's. Will ANn m.mii !. rAHPEB. Pastor's. Saji Williams, Union Square. . Axtuli, ami "Hni.tK." Union Square. Hanson- axo .Iamks, I'nlon Square.. (new, adt).- I'nloa '-Macaht'ii MnXKEM nu.'u-' r*r Xvrus ruo>t the 'CnnsToN-LoNariBiP Co.— We have about completed our fourth annusi tour In tho.South, and after the holidays will go Into Wisconsin nntl Minnesota.. We are having a very successful season, We drs fet; charge; because It Is n pleasure for him to be painter and cartoonist, Joined Ihe Osman i!" r J e "," SS** ! »;•** f J » J **B nhle, In some inensure, to return Ihe con- show a few weeks aco mid Is mnklno-'tool I. . ^"' _ DPnegnnl. I'rnnk'.O ttetwd kltulness of Ills friends In me district. ,,'ST Dave Vk«"lS wit" We J!?e now on E„ n ' t™ "iSSSSIfS.*'-., 1 are now on Brown, P. There Is a long string of people waiting to ihe ScMoss circuit, playing his big ones to BlatoT' Joe receive his nttent on. The foi-cens no n nnd cnrt.roer^rv h,,dn>.. '• SI,'.V.J. receive his attention. The forceps go lu nnd satisfactory business. IDryilcn, H. H. lice, Boy .1, Balnrldge, Roy IDrnmuioud, C. Ifjiant, 0. W, ^aiyror. Afth i; OaMner. ML leyer, Edgar luring "The tlnnd That Dragged Her Down- Our roster Includes: Kobt. Barrimore, Jas. SanbUrn, Franklin I^oug. Jack Dee, Ralph Clayton, Charles Lang, Jack WlUpn, H«ftr Wolf. Lolse Mnrtln, Florence C8p«,.L 1 "A 11 " Dee, Clara nolnnd nud Boby BPlBna, Our vaudevllle acts are: Le Hoy Carroll, the Qrent. and Prnf. Lewis and his trained dogs. Giace Johnson an'd Paul. Wtfc'RJ 1 , 0 ? dosed n vertr pleasant enKureihent *'»«•,$ Hachelor'a Honeymoon" Co., Dec. "'j, W, were prenented bv Managers MM SKS. son with a gold bracslat. with a law* ■■■" thyst setting, and a gold watch, fob, 10,Sr: preclatloD of tbeif work. Miss JdhnsoB jno Sir. Fllklnjton are tsklhg a few IMSW »»J and visiting Mrs. Frankle E. MsJer St B«f home In Kansas City, Mo. , .»...-. '•»