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1325 THE NEW YORE OiLIFFMR pjAjNPARY 18, ,: , . l»I3«>N!m,VA?fIA. v plillatleiuli In.—At' tha «J1i)>sMiut Street Oftci-n House i Shun ft Zimmerman, uitnn- #ffj. *JA Wulta Bream? .received It* .flwt American presentation (in .Inn. tl. It Is mi operetta lii ihM MM, with.tbc music by Ownf fltrnus, and tho llhrerto by Felix Oor- mftnn and I.oopnld Jneormon. which Jibs, re- invert nn American adaptation by Joseph Xt. Herbert. The story tells of Joachim XIII, ot the mythical country of Flnijsen- thurn. who In nnxlou* for nn heir to hi.* lhrtinc:, and brings nhoiit. I he mnrrlniin of 111* daughter. Princes llelcnc, with Lleutennnt. JClliF. of the AtiHlrhin unity. Nlkl only mar- lleg (tie pr'neca* by reason (if an Impcrlnl command, unil on the wedding night lie spurns bin lil'lile find necks diversion ur Ilia Garden Stilon, n public iiiiihIc park. There lip liecnme* Infatuated with Frnnxl, Ihe enp- ilvnllnir direct res* of/n Indies'' orohpslra. 'i'lie king neck* Nlkl In the music garden, nml urescnilv ~ . llie llnnwlwl princes* appear*. When the first struins of n *en*uoii* wttlix. which I* Ihe mot If «r lite opiTCtin, roaches bis cnr*. the lleiitetiiitif I* do H*nycd by IIh ilinrni tlim he dnnco* with hm wife. rouble to'stand Hip spectacle of her sweetheart in the tirutri of iiuollier, ITail/.l throw* dawn Iter baton, nml tear* blin from his wife, unit wnltte* with him,, only ro relinquish hhn when she leiirns his Identity. The. Interfer- ence of the king fnrcPS ihe llcitloii.iiil to Imw to (lie riant* of bin npnu*e, unci hIio I* on bin unit as ihey qutv lite garden, lenvlnit tlh! hoar! broken Fnuir.1 prostrate on Ihe *tops of her bnnil piivliloti. r'ninKl. nhwnw. hm* the right I'liiiterlnl.'iiiiil. touched liy tin- plight of tile iinhitppy wlfi*. she. goes to her nml icucbos her the snag iiiui. charmed hint. I'liu* forrlded, the princess make* n renewed as- sault on the nffoellnns of l|er husband, nnd complefoIV onlhriill* hint Inio n most willing Hove. The operetta scored It mom pro- nounced success, the iirnditi'llon being received with thunder* of applniiMe. The music Ik of toe Viennese school, nnd 1» gav. sparkling and fiiKClnniltig wiili Its hiiuilfiil melodies. ThP operetta litis also Jhc. hdvillilnge of nn oscelh'hL east, lieildisT by Mugihi ]>.ihl. who tiiitdc n decided lilt: by her vnenI efforts. Sophie llrnntlt nnd Josie S.irtler linve •roles nlso I tint ennhle them to illHplnv their ilhlllllcH. In Kdwnrd .lohn- ton wn» revenleil it letior will) n voh.it of rare eicflllencp. while tTli'irlPH A. Hlpelow; In the eomcdv putt. tvn« most ratertiilnltie. The cant! Jonchlm XIII, CIioHob A. Blgelow; Princess Hclcne, Magda Doltl: Count Lothnr, Joncph W. Mprbnrf, I.Uurennnt Nlkl, Kd- wnrd Johnson; Llciiienant MonUchl, bilwht Wilson: rrlederlelic, i^ntliertne IngnnofT: Wcndolln. lionnld rtin.*linit»n '• Hlnlsmnnd, Jot*iih('nrey: Krnnv.t. Snttliie llrunill ■; Kltl, Josliv Unifieri Anncrl. ilcrnhllite Mnlotie. t:«- nncltv houses were In nlleinlnncn Iflct week, with' Ihe imetticciK of nln return* for the llhnl week cndliin IK. 'Around the World With; l> rhineer" W). AW.r.fiii (McfcHfi", Hbttharti nutnattPW).— Vibla Alleti ncliiovd it >n tllttcl huccmh hwt Weefe, In "Irene Wyelierlv." lite t*in» llleinry flflnllty nf the pliiy beltin hlijlily entnhtolitWtl ity lh» pres*. Spieiulld hitjiBBH urctpd the itai" litn week. The >nw(«cment wiines to nW eh(l IS, to be followoil 2H by K. ST. Ilol- Innrt, lit .'•The IIiiiihc of it 'ritoiiHiiiiil Ciindlcs." I^tRti:. iJliwHi'd. ShitlMTl, miinnitei'M.— -Thi! t;nr While Wny" tlrew well hint week. lUniiche ltlu». Jeffermm He Auuells nnd Alex- ii'itdor I'nrr riii'lvetl n roynl welcuntc. The nt;ci-,Dil, week U'lrlns l.'l. "The Hone of ihe Itiidno" ^7. liiioAli.(Xlxnn & Zlnitncrmtin, mftiinBrr.'i). -—KrititH*. Wllsmil given hU llrst locitl vlnw Iff,- of "U'licti KnlKhti* Wiirn Hob!." runmlii- Inir > three- wtiiltH. JiMlt Iti'p'w'dcpnriml 11, nXter n. three weeks' slny of highly iirolttnhle btiWncrts. hi."My'Wife." '.r-'oiiiii-.s-i'. t'XIxon & /.liiiliierniQii. miinnger.1). --is'l'tje Kolllcs of .11107" linn Walled down for n.ivWj tlic tblfiUvvcelc »ti)t'llit(f 18. rc/Xhiiir'tt tKtuuk ' Mowf Jr.. uinnnsert.— Klennor Itobson <llHJilnyeil her line nblllty Ins. week, In "SHlouiy Jnne," to splendid ret tints. The second week Htnrls j:i. Hose Stnhl, lu "The'Choru* I.«dy." 'JO. . WAi..Nt:-f (Priiiik Howe Jr., tuiinngor).—Mc- Inl>rc and llnnlh tcpontcd their hint mmoh'h suecec* In "Tbc llnttt Tree," which brouuht out Ihe pntrons, In largo numbers Inst week. The fiirtnlglH's engiigeinettt ends 18. Tlieiim ■> Jeffphirtn, In "lllp Van Whtkle." next. OtiAKii UTKIUi llni'ni: (Stair & llnvllii, iiinnncerBt.—"Wlhe. ■ Wiiintm und Song" Is now hi Its Heeimil und Until week. Snlettdld bouses Just iv<vk gnvv cortlliil greottngn t» Nut Onrr nnd Konllu. IOtlgiii' Hclwyu, lu "Htronghcnrt," ao. • PAlttt IV. H. Nlxnp-N'lrdllngcr, manager). -Ce<'U S|ioo'npr begins bur second week i:t. In" "The"t!Irl llitllhm" and "Tho Unnrer and the King." I.iihL week the Hinr'H cffortH won the cotniiienibillon of bit-go luiilleliees. Will- ininn nnd Walkei' follow. ■ Ilt-ASinVrt tJ. r, I'Vkhnnlt, ntmuiger).— ••The Knil of ihcTrnll" 1II-18, folluwlitg n week of gooil btixInvHK dntte hy "Tito (Ircttt Wnll Hlrect Mystery." "TIlO Cnrao of Uftnk" 20;" N\Ttov\f, (J. M, Kelly, mnnngflv).—"Tony, the nonthliiek." wllh Oonnro nml Hnlley, III- 1S. Labi week Lew Welch won ninny phiudlts, In. "The rtlKK'hmkcr," to hlg luislntiss. l-'lor- enej Bindley. Iri "The Street Hlnger," follows. Cl.IB.inp (Mil cr * K(infi»nn, ii)tiniigeiiii;—• IJIIInu Mortimer l;:-is, hi "Bunco In Arl- V.onB." "The Original t'nheti" nos*e»«ed till the elements of popuhirliy nml wnnwell nai- ronlied lust week. "The t.'owhor Rlrl next. rcoJ'LP.'s iw, (I. Mlxon-Nli'tllliigtiv, ninnn- Sif).— "Hts Terrible Secret" lil-18.. "Voiing Uffolo, King nf the Wild West," had ex- celljnt attendnnce till. "Dciulwood Hick's Lost Shot" i'0-2,1. , ,.„, 'Hart's (John W, Hurt, mntineer).—ThH week, "The Scout's lievenge." "Betthn. the Sewing Muchlne tilrl." liitfrcsled'big hftlKert Inst week. Lew Welch, hi "The Shoemaker," i!0. ' CKf.sT.siiT (Qranl I.<iforty, mnnngetL— The Orpnrtiui Shock Co. rn'Odttces, week of Hi, "The Hoys ot Company. I)." "lirniislnrk was given a cnrcfitl iircscntflllon Insi. week. Hitslnetw w.na good. "A Uoyill Fnmlly next. l' , OHKi-.M , iiii , H t.Mlller & Kaufman, iniinn- «er»L— Th" Mlddlcloti lliirb'cr vloeh. In "The ceuo,ucroi's." in. Lust w»p|i, llcorge W. Ilnr- tiler gnvc a line iinriruydl of Cyrus llleiibutii, 111 "The .Middleman," til excellent, reiums. ••Tile Holy City" -JO, KcAsatnn utnvcy & s<|ieck, nimingerst.—• •Xiirctl From llodw," hy Hie Kloi'k, 1.1 unit week. "Uncle Tom's Cubltf! wii* 1 given" In nn-to-dnte fnshloti hisfVvelt, mid tiitrnetctl pneked hottsvs. "Secret Service Bum" Mil. KAU'ltiB, Krnnkfonl lUtantonJ & Wesiern, ■nfltingei'si.—Tito slock offering U "Our Jim' ia-lCi, nml "CinnlierlniHl Y.l" ItllS. "«ho In WbnV nnd "Monie frlsio :vw well lift- ed, lu excellent returns !nsl ivcvk. KKtTil'H "II. T. Jiinliti, iiinimgerl.—lien- ininlii I'lmplii anil I'hirlc Vnnee lire ihe big ".•iii'ds wee:; of ill. Others are: Joe Mynn, "A Xfthf I" n Police Mlnilon," HalWH'H mnnkeys, lleniv nnd Ijiuitg. ChnrlcR llnwl- soti, ihe Hiiileys. the ileniB Kninlly, llnw- thoi'tie nml II. fl. MU'i'iltelle Kokln. Mnrll- nelll mid Fvlvesier. llPimler nnd tjourdler, Mr. and Mis. frederlek Voelker, nnd the liliii'(iigni|ih. The linuso' wits liniulsomely deeorittml lii"i week lit honor of Mr. Keith's twpiiii-llllii •uii'lveri'ii.-v. TiiOi'Alif.lin ll-'red Wlllruilt, llinitng.ifl.— Illi:li Jluk.< lliuicsiiuei's week ol III. Tlielr plinelp.-il burles,|iie Is "IIospIihiiI." Ill wldcli WckI mid Wllllniiis enrry Ihe totiiedy btirdcn. The l-'mplre lnirle«|uun Inul the usiinl «- itnolty houses Insi we-.'k. Thi Piirlsluu Belle* ne*t. • . „„ ... Bum' (Oeo. W. Hlfe. Innnnger^.—The Miss New York Jr. t'o. l.'l :uid Week. The nmi- p-|iiv hes the services of Abe llpynnlds. Have I'eriiusou. ileiirg' Perry, the llslerbronks, linvls mill Hinis, nml l*e While. Williams' lilfuls "ii|otI'd line pnirmiiji' Ins; week, 'the athletic cawlYitla on tmisiliiy nlglitt, .and Ihe amateur'.feature* oti KTIuajr iilglil* nlwny* B^«r*Mi»-W, W^S'JM* »h, 0 m*m> W^W* *'Y ChatrtlHigiie Jgjj^ §j^^,*„Mn^ „ Stab (Cbns. C. fushninii, nMnagcr).~-Tl)e Olrl» 20. ■ Oahi.no (Milan »VKocnlg. nmnngprs).—The I'arlldiin Widow* IM-18, headed by Jeanne Brook*. The I.lcl Lifter* furnished nmu»p- ment to big houses last WPPk. The Bice * liiu-ion Co. next, Xt!W Oavkti <Cl£ns: h. Walters, mannger). -—The Mardl ft ras" Beau lie* 1II-18. I luVr.v Mnrk* Stewart furnishes the comedy In the burlesque, while the' olln mi-ntlon*: C. K. Be|ren, the White City Quartette, Inia nnd Lorxelln, linrothy Stone nnd t'assle Bernard. Tlio Itowery Burlcsnurrs hnd a succession of large audiences, fl-11. Hose Hydeir* t.'o. next. Bf.KVKsfit Htbkkt Oi-hha. Hochi: (Triiiik Onmont, lnannger).—A new burlesque "My Wife, or Vlolallen Wycherly." ha* Its' first view l.TlS. The hill nlso has 'The Xew year'* Shooters." which Is continued from last week, lu, the llrsl pnn a number of new songs w'll be rcidered, while I be olio wjll contain n new sketch by Beiinv I'rnnklin. , Ninth am» Atu'tt Mi:kbiim <T. V. Ilopklrta, innnnger).—A female hod carrier*;' ronlesc If, the feature In the cnrlo hall. In rtddliion to Barrett, Hm hei' king, flnsnler. Mile. Then, Hose Monroe, Merrill and the Thomp- son*. Ill l hl>'then I re lire: Anna Hnblle. Her- bert, and .lope*, Irving Clous, l.ce Bros., nnd Lubin's rlneogrnph. IP>n Ton tl.illlnn Tyson, n-nnngnr,).—The house bus again re*iuneil Its old name. In- stead of the New Pill lee. Hill VMS con- sists of: Nellie HIL'ngo r.nd cniiipiiny, John licmpsoy, ^biijons Brother*, Dutibftr'* gouts, II(mI«ps nml Li'imcbini-re, Litvelle Slslers, I'lorenee Sunnir and. lierlrude l-'itMn. NoTiis.—llesldeui Malinger McFarlniid, of th" Lyrle, litis been bild up wllh a cold. anil, during lih abwncp, his diitlca Imve been looked after liy 1'ress ltenreipnlatlve l*. i.'noka Wnnmnnker Kied A lies has reslgneil Ihe inaiingeincnl of ilu> sknlJug rink at I lie (iriind Opera House, In lake lite mnnagemeiil tx Bla- uey"* Theatre, In Newark, N. J. "l.'nele Sam's Ulli'h, or Pniitimn l'p-lol>nle." Is tlio tin,' of the Miisk and Wig t'lnb. of Ihe I'nl- vpi-sily of I'emisylviinin. protbnlloii. which lakes nlnre Kasn-r week, at the t'hpsintit Slreet Opera House The -nniinmii'einent of Opcnr Hnniniersteln's wltltdrawiil fivun the Philadelphia o|iemiI<' Held..will nlso re- sult In Ihe abandonment of I ho project to build a ih'iiire for Havlil ltebisco, at Broud nml I'unliu- Street«. At the lime Mr. Hum inerslelu bought: Ihe Harrah mnnslon. a three month*' ontlon on it lor 100 by ISO feet on the. opposite slrio of the street was also ohiniiicd. and $2,~>00 paid on account. A* the ofttlon has nol been renewed, It Is pre- sumed Ihnl tills Kchcmo hn* also fallen through I'hnrle* Hovln, of the phlinih-l: pit In Nnllonul loage ha.si'btill club, becomes a member of liiunonl's .Minstrels, where ills line biirllone Voice will tic lieu I'd Id tile first part, beginning .bin. 'Jft. Bohemlarii VMS, the Jolly Girls 10-18. ihe Chnrrr Blossom* 20-22, the Kniplre* J.I-->. Tiie llolllckers. H-ll. to good houses. ■ . " •lohnnldjTti:—At the. Majestic (f>. B. Coot innhaKer) week of rtn. IB: Jewell s Manikin*, Welch, Mealy nnd Montrose,'iton- ree. Mack and Ijiwrence, Will* and Hassan, Hanson nod Nelson, Alsace and Lorraine, I'ntsv Doyle, nnd moving pictures. ('.•..ttKtiiAdl.W. Scherer, mnnpger].—Al. (». Field's Minstrels" »t. 'The Choir Singer' ;, •Mr«. Temple's Telegram" 8, "Lucie loms Cnhln" 0. ".Side Tincked" U, ."BID \M» Winkle" 'V>. Kellnr and Thnraton 1(», li. •The Olfl Homestead" 18 SHl& m» TiW» 'msiom'^iellKitc. 'one of the largest andiencp* <*J» ' »«» on '.£ ••The OTtl Hr>n!e^teari; , 13, "\atmi l« Vf '"uAui^n (Silverman fc Co.. managersL—Tnc folloVlng Wll drew favornble hotiswrweek tif «,: Ilobert fiarnelbi andI |J«Ie mli 08™* James A. Welsh «ut eoiilpany, Slddon I^rot m Tl'-ngnn and Merrlnm, and the camera- grapTi. -. ' . • mi. ■ ; 7— IIen.Una:.—At the Academy of *»*« ftJbr S. IHM, manager) Kdnn Wallace Ilop- jK-r. In "l-'IOJ! M»e« l'"'f>m lloston,' hnd n urge nnd well pleaited audience Jan. 1. Cyril S.'nil. In "The Prince Chan," drew ^ V;.o;;;;;J7^: , ;Peyrin„nn 8 er) r 0^n i ii ) j -rrJr!!S^f|n™i»«:t^ week's bill drew big biisraess. Ill I week, of iw,,L fi ••Tlip Lost Trail" had good re- V.} Sniewbi^k and .Berry, gggrinnjl »»■ j-nn* ^ ^ "g^Jf* hV,,",! 1:!. ••Yi.Tnn" (re- turn enitngemenl) 1-1. ,, ... . Onritrt'M (C, )•'. Hopkins, manager).— Bill for week nf't.".: Le Brun (Jtiint Opera Trio Stelllng nnd Herelle, keeley Brother*, llern'nrd and Coleman. -Montgomery ...tun Mome, Devlin nnd Klwood, Onyton mid tireen. nnd Ihe klnelograph. Business <olt- tltiues uniformly good. ^. -j. v Pami.'.v (lily RV 1118. litnnnger).—The fdl- lowing nt Irnetions drew to cupacily: l"irp- ihy Handall. the Musical HiirlHI*. Omlor iind CiicIIh. Delnmre and Oneldn, Ihe Omega Trio, mid (he drnmeseone. • , ; . llt.ipi' iL'iidegriin* & llrnwnell, mnnngers). —Tim llliie Itlhhon Hlrln and the rnrlHlnn Widows gave satisfactory performnnces lo crowded liotmes week ot il. I'tttMliiiru'. —.\| the Nixon, Margaret. Al- gllu and Ib'nry Miller, In "The Ureal H1- vlile," Jnn l!MS. IjisI week. Kflr-tl SchelV parked the house to en pa 'Ity. Julia Marlowe, In repertory. 20-33. Cn.iNii.—This week: Louis Mnnn nnd coin- INiny. Jones, Oevn and ciunpnriy, LII I to Hip, bViurtirn Itlack .Hussars, Kltitmiini Jiips, Jack Wilson mid eoinimny. John. I). IIii/.zhiiI. Auni'S Mnhr und company, lister nml ijiilnti. Itlack nnd. .Miller, Price and Virginia. I'hns. Wolcb nnd compnny, nnd the cincogriiph- Busi- ness lias been Rnml. I»ih)Ii:sm:. — This wok, Blanche Hates, Firearm'ns "The tllrl Vr.nn the tioldon West." jisf we,>k. 'The Miin Kruni the Spnlh" pre- w'liieil a nice show. "Mr*. Temple's '1 ele- crum" 20--'». Al.viS.--ThIs week, D.ivld lllffglns, In "Ills 1.11*1- Hollar." I*isl week, "At Tale was en- tertaining, and olareil lo good business. "Tile I lid Homestead" 2tl-2.->. , HIJ.MP.—This week. .Lime* J. Corlielt. 1.'. •ffhe Bitrglur hiiil the Lady." Last week, Marlon Ballon packed the '.muse nil week, nml intvc 1;, good Kiiow, Her Pittsburg' friends lemieied her n big repetition 'on last Wednes- day. She I* very popular here. "Simple Si- mon Simple" 20-25. llt.ANiiv's KmI'IILH.— This week, "Around the Clock." l^ist. week, "Panhandle Pet;'" played to satisfactory biisi:ie«s, end pleased. "The Mayor of Uiugblnii'l" 20-2.1. tlAvirrv.—Thi* week, Manchester's Cracker Jack*, with Bob Van Osvn, Huby Leolil nud nn nil slur olio. Ui*t w»w», Irwin's Big Shotv wn* one of the - best of ihe season. Walsh, Lynch mid company were glren several cur- Til In calls m every peifortiiniii-e. Irwin's Mn- JChtles 20-2.1. Acapumy ot' Urate.—This week. Watson's Cor.y Corner Hlrls. ',nsl week Williams' lin- per'iil* plnicd in go-id buslnesA, nnd gave a good show. Lurry Mci'tile, Ben Cook and Joe Love, t'iek care of I he comedy role*. The show was berp nl :!ip opening of Ihe sim- .-■Dii. nml bus iimlergone several elmugi 1 * since it was here hciciv. The Yankee lKiwIle tlirls 20-2.1. |,'.\.mii,v. — This we?^ : PrlniTss Chliptlta. the lluvllnns. Marie *;lrard. Jaeger nnd Lewis. Margnret Semi, Slinne and King, Ilitiin nnd llnrrv, Korhes and l-'orbes, King nml Williams, lloward Kyrle, mid moving picture*. Business has been very good/ Li inner Y. — This week: Hoberty s poodles, flotirley nud Keetinu, llnllllv l-lilllli (llbboiis, Ihe W'llonx. Plunk J. Hurley, Win. .1. Klllck. mid the moving pleinre*. HilM'oiiitovtt.'.—This week: Prod It. Sleele. O'Mulley nud liolden, Wilson Sisters, John Buckler, Madeline lie Vei"<, liisi. nml l.lhhy llnpree, Kilwlu C. Waga"'.', nnd the moving pictures. The. imlrons are gi-tilng u good 1J10W every week. Kast-iah Camixo. —l-Mw-irds nml Vmiglin, Lottie La Piiue, C,n* Uurvm, nnd Prof, lieu Smith. Buslines fulr. > tin 1 rUhi.ru. -Ai the Lyceum (M. ltels. manager) "Tie- Prince Chnp" won plnudlls Jan. 1). Al. <i. Field's Minstrels played to the rapacity 8. ami won much praise. "Plfic .Mites from Boston" did big business ti. "Mrs. Temple's Telegram" 10. "Simple Simon Simple" won big pmrnuitgc II. Ilobt. I'deson, in "Classmati-s." l:i: "Ynilin" 1.1. "Tim Old llomesleud" HI. Tlimiins Jefferson IS. MiriM. -Mnnilger N. Appell wit* here 10, looking after ihe lien* Mil Jest le Then I re, which expects lo open Jan. 27 Lewis Mct.'oril ami company scored a big lib, lu "Welly Jones' SciHip," nt l.iinensier. -week ot 0. Mr. McCord wn* here nl his home, 12 The reception, und npprovnl nccorded Mdnn Wal- lace Hopper on her iipikmi' .nice lure, 'n "fifty Miles from Boslon,'' Jan. (1, was ot an 1111- usnnl cbiiracter, mid a new departure In that: city. On her arrival nl ihe Lyceum Them re. In the evi'lihii;. Miss Hopper Mils met Wllh cheers frmii 11 big crowd of mlinhvrs, and the little sine was more 1,11111 delighted. She responded lirielly wllh thanks and expression* of plenstire. Al Ihe close of Ihe second net Alls* Hopper wn* given n nninlier of curtain cnllii. and wns forwd to make 11 speech. Mis* Homier was equal to ihe task, and made one of (lie neiilesl speeches heard from the .singe nt the Lyceum since that theatre wns o|iPiied. The show, star nnd entire company made n big hit. The,event was. too third 'lu. the WVto-hW.. cnurie. -While'lu ihl* city seheillng wi, fhi giW. Ot Charles O. .Itneiillng. "vBton 1, • Ettyo, In "The Bondman," U. n L, " > . .'TMMT (Alnntgomery 'Mosett, manairer) _ Good houses during the past week. Wml-'Ti Jan. 13:. Lasky'n "Fun on 0 House n 00 |.( l,ee Tnng »eo, Klsle Boehm, ltlaneh„r,i Brothera, Toller and Harris, Mb"llo l,n '§EffittSiiiS£ com * n7, aM Elsle "55S ... Statr StiiEBT (P. .B. ahalters. manitteri -'•nappy Hon gan," 8-8, played to ^oj bilRlnca*. • "A Itacc Acras* the t'onilnen, " 9-11..was well received. . "DcadWo<«i ",;"[■, Jjm Shot" 12-tl. the .Merry Maidens i:.1- ■ - -■ — _ Jl '' Vllsnhotli.—At the New Lycemii (Drstr. Elroy, jiianrtgers) ••The Hnd of ihe r«li' tmc Jan. fi-8. This comnnny proved e*i!L olinlly strong. ."Hajroy Hooltgnn" oiv.-ir.i lit. i-iiiir-fiMiieim f "■•rft ----•-* 7-- - , bert, .Morgan nnd Crone, JTugornld pud moving picture*. Paiik (H. W. Selicrer, manager).~Weekof it: Minerva, He Chimin! Twin*, Sllbor lour and Kenmird Brolher*. AMi'Si^-C. tike Silverman, manager).-— Moving pictures drew big busluess nil week of it Notes.— Ur. IL M. Pry. of Ihls city, to- gelher wllh severnl lnleresKsl parlies, will in the near future embark on ihe seas nl cliviisdiiiii. In a new vent lira to. tic Iai'»wu its the Pry Ponv untl Dog Show, which is sched- uled -to open Its season hi Johnstown on April 21, Large consignments of Irnlned OiilmaU and ring purapheriinlla have been contracted for, witn specialists tn Ihl* line, which are nrrlvlng dally, and will be nuni'- tered Here till the season opens. Tho showj It Is aald, ■will rank wllh Ibe beat of Its kind lu the show business The Koibnry rnrk Amusement Association, of this city, proprie- tors uf Liniii Park, hns been ndtnlUed to membership hi the Mittonal Amusement Park Assoclailon. This"will Insure better allrnf- tloiisfor ImiHi outdoor and Indoor nmnsrinu'iils for Ihls Juhiislown park. .... .l.nurniit, ihe luaglcliin nnd llluslonlsi, with his company, appeared at Ihe Johnstown High School iiudl- torlnm on Tuesday evening, 7. as Ihe ilrSt enlerlitintnenl of the course, for Ibis Winter. "The Ureal Casket Mystery." which Intro- duce* the "Witch at the Flames." la Ids fea- ture act this Winter.... .Johnstown's newest theatre, the Olobe. opened .Monday. 1.1, Willi continuous raudevllle and moving pictures us permanent attractions; The. new place or amusement Is centrally located In Ihe busi- ness district of the city, nnd the interior pre- sents fine of the most elnliorntely finished urtd decora led llllle playhouse* In ihls parr of Ibe Stule. The ili'cnniilng nnd pnlutlng were done hy W. S. lloffnuni Pn., of Pittsburg. The singe has n width of Ihlriy-llve feet, with 11 thirty, foot depth nnd a drop of thirty feet. The seating capacity of the house Is 400. Munngcr .1. XI. Foley stale* that tho show would consist of iiIjoiii live good vaudeville, acts, hooked through Hurry Davis' Family Theatre, In Pittsburg, in nililltlnn tn Hie very latest moving picture*. 1 l.niieiiNli-r. —At Ihe Fulton Opera House (('has. A. Vecker, mnrtnger) tidna Wallace Hopper, In -'Firiy Mile* From Huston," pleased n large house .lull. fi. "The tllrl of the Sunny South" did well 7. "A Poor Ue- htlion" had a good audience S. "Ilnollgiin in New York" litul good bnsbie** !). "Old Far- mer llooklns" drew well In. .Moving pic- tures II, IHmmelein'H Ideals 18, 15-1S, "The Old Homeslend" 11. Family (Kd. Moznil, manager).—Current ciii'i'.ciloiis ihclude: Ituchel Acton, su|ipnrled by .luck Clover nnd compnny, lii "The Night- ingales:" J. Bernard Hyllyn, Powers HroM., t'nnard, the Inughlng horse, nnd the moving pictures; . , .'XuTKH.—-John It. Blsshiger has caaceleil hlH.ledse of Hie Columbbi, Pa., tlperii Hod*-.'. The borotigh nulliorltlp* will rtiti It for the present. There I* *nlil to be only one other nitinlelpnllv mannged theatre In Hie United States The Pennsylvania Theatre Co,, which Is under ihe nianngciiieni »f Kd. Mo- zart, ol the Family, tin* lust added llrod- t.'ock and Lnlontown, Pn.. to its circuit. ' i 1 iilontoTvii, —At the West Hnd (Harry Bceson, manager) week of U: Houehcrt) a nandles, Alabama Comedy, C. W. Wlllliimi, Jlorgmi und Chester, Nelainn's Kuropenii nov- elty. Business Is good. lln.'.M) (Fred Kobhina. manager).—"Tiir Mayor of Luttgliland," 7, to guod hnshicsa. '•ToO Proud to Beg," I), did well. "Mil's New Hiubmid" 11. "The Olrl From llroadwcy" itj. "Am Yon a Mason V" Vt. Lvute (Loul* Sltuek. niannger).—Bill week of 11: Mr. and Mrs. John Crossor, Final; .1. Hurley, John Moreninn, Lawton Slslers. Win. IllIInor und pictures played lo cuiiaeity nil wwk. WoMiEiiLAxn (H. L. Mclntyre. nie.»igei-). —Bill week of 0: Millar Bros,, i-'.ddie Uorun, Wnlly Chirk, Harry Slsc.i and pletiu-es. Notks. —Aniuse-R (Paul tinlford, manii- ger) penny arcade, bustneaa Is nig f.yccnm (Ikivi Logue, manager) roller sknt- Ing. Ilusinco* Is tine.' lluiletoii.--At Ike Ornnd Onera House (Cto. Albert Haley, resident manager) "Ihe Ureal Divide," Jnn. -I, pleased two large niidl- t-lices. •Tama." plays a return dnto 0, "T ho tllrl From the Soiilb" 17, "The Prince Chnp IS 1 . .,■ Family (Knoblauch & Hersker. proprle- toi-s).—Hill for current week: btmM and Hlake. Hmnlltiin and Howlelt. the Knlmns, Smile O'Neill, l>, J. Davis, Fred I'ltrrell, pic- (lire songu and klqeimtrnph. Hood huslnest. Coming: Heed Bros., Jennings mid llenfrew, Orr, Ott and Co., and othPts. .' 1 1 .:. . ' Wllllrnnsporl.—At the Lycoming Opera House (L. ,L llsk. manager) Kirk Brow'n Stock Co. did line business week of Jan. ft. Field's Minstrels lfi, "The flreat.Divide" It. "Human Jfcarls" 1,1. "Bcrtlia. the Sewing Machine filrl." J*I "tn .Louisiana" IS. Faxiii.y (Fred M. Lniaade, mnnmter).^— Wrek nf JRi Smtlh and Champion, Hawson and Whlllleld, Cnmphcll and Brady, Kimball and Donpvan. Tyson, Kennel! and Tyson. 1 « Flttuioii. Al ih» Ilrond Street (II. J. Sanclulr, niannger) "SI* in New York" Jnn. II. Local Minstrels 7, X. to very conil business. Tim French Maids II. "The Ureal Divide" Hi, "Mrs. Temple's 'Telegram" 14, Al. O. Fluid's MlnHlrcl* 17. Family 1 Harry Scott, resident nmnngei'). —Week of tl: John and Mamie Conroy, the Mysterious Mimical lleiinetis, Dawson and Whitfield, Harry Creen, Oro, OH nnd com- pany, und tbc klnelograph. Business very tood, .. ■■!■ 1 a 11 Vltooiin At the Atlshlrr ((. C. Mlshler, mnungert Tlih I:imlr-ShiRer," Jan. (I; Field's Minstiel*. 7: Al. W. Martin's "linde Tom's Cabin." S. nud "Mrs. Temple's Telegram." 0. nll-dld well. •Tufted on Her Bridal Tour" tl. moving pictures VI. Tims. Jefferson Id, "The Old liiinicMiniid" 17. Kellnr and Thurs- ton IS, "Human Henri*" 20,. (Casino (Julius Barron, manager).—Week of 13: Wnlly Clark, Miller Bros., und movinr pictures. J. < orbouilnlo.—At the 1.rand Opera House (Oeo. W. Lowder, m:iuugeri St.'tson'H "Uncle Tout'* Cnhln" played lo big business Jan. 7. Vogel's Blir City MlnstiviM hud cnpnelly H. and pleased. The French Maids. 10, did good work In their line, and were frcnucntly applauded. "The (ireat Divide" 11, Howes moving picture* 2t, "Bertha, the Sewing Mu- chlne Hlrl," 25. "Coming Thro - the live' 28. Family (F. L. Illatr, niunngeri.—week of 1.1: .Charles A, Cable, Fi-ink Cotton's South African donkey, printing "The Three Jacks;" Omeun Trio, Lnrldo and Dialer, Jen- nings nud Bent'rew. Wllllau: Simile rs, In songs llluatrnied, and (he klnelograph, Scriiolon. —At the Lyceum (C. M. South- well, miiimgc.ri "Mrs. Temple - * Telegram" Jan. VI. Kobert Vdexon 15. III. Al. II. Field's Minstrels IS. "Fitly Mile* from Hon ton." II. was well received. "The Prince Chap," Hi, came tn a good house. Acaukmy (C. M. S»tit;-well, ninuager).— "The Coyuoy und the nlri" I:i-I5, "The Out- law's Christmas" HI-IS. "Human Hearts," 11-11, drew good house*. I'm, i'n (John II. Docking, manager).—Week of HI: Military Octette. Mr. and Mrs. Alli- son, Josephine Aluslcy, Kuaene Jepsnn ami comnnny. Major Doyle, und lllee and Prevosl. Business com limes Hue. Cui.t'MHlA |U> Nelson Teets, mnnnger).-— niUnhetli. * Kin came tionnlly Birong. nappy nootigiur m*mU a three nights' slay ft, tn excellent reniX. 'the. comnnny, proved eatlafaciary. a'ii" E ",; Stock Co. Vl-13. Wllh change rrfJ>fn mcjTm' formmice: "Tho Cnndy Kid" 2ft-22 i 111„„ Mortimer 2.1-25, -A Cow hoy MlJIIjmJlr,.'" 57! "'rnncfdn'B (W. J. Lloyd, mnnngeri.—Wwlt of fl: Kane, Ventrllnqwist: the llradfanls Thfimas Morgan. Held Sister*. "C'y thli-i Visit," preKented hy 'Laura. Morris: HarrJ .Morgan/Lilly Dean Hurt, Waller WIlMam.? ••Ateela." l'rnctor's kik?s out of exlsteni* after 11, for ji period at least, an a viiiulo ■ylHe theatiie. NOi'r.. —■ Proctor's Theatre -will herenfler l*> known a* Proctor's Bijou Dream. Movln* pictures nnd It lust rut ad songs will bp the only feature at th|« house, comnteaclng la Unsketbnll -will -be plnved on tho atava nt intervals In the month.. W- J. Llovd the present manager, will remain, and will V* assisted hy Fred.Thompson. ■■ ' ' y j »' .. Paterion.—rAt the Umpire (A. K|. Brim- gemoiin. manager) week of Jnn. lii : \| r ,,n,\ Jlrs. Sidney Drew, Sancl, Madden nod Fit*. Patrick, Pnlton nnd Honloy, Two I'nrUs, cinii Ilallerinl, Norton nnd Tussell, nnd the kihfio. Ki'nph., , EvoEiiM (F.J.Cllbert,manager).—"SnpUa" with Kathryn ,1'urnell la the title role, had good holmes ll-S. "Tlie End of (he Trull"'fared well OUT. ■•■DeadWood Hick'* Lnsi Shoi" UH5.. "The Curse of Drink" III-IS. Fot.t.v (M. .lacobf!, nuunaer).—Tim Koi- llckcrs envc.satisfaction to good skted, h(mw* ti-8. Jlerry Maidens hud. good average busi- ness 9:11. Jolly Olrl*. wllti Ed. Haves fea- tured, 13-15: Miner's Boliemlons 10-18. i NoTES.-rThe Gllbort Bill Posting Co., can. trolled Vf, Manager Oilbert, of the J.yceutn, 'have disposed nt their business la this city :..... Frank"Fogerly, while playing an en- gugemenr at ihe Kmnlre. In this city, was a guest at a meeting of the local lodge of P.ikx, Manendi.—At Ihe Oiand (A. N. Sllllsier, malinger) Ceo. F. Hull, In "I Am Married." Jan. 1'. drew a large and appreciative eudl- encc. "Too Proud to B.'jt." :i, had gnnd p.i troiiaije, and nleased. "The Linn nml Ihe Mouse" Hi, "Tln» tllrl From Ihimdwav" 11, ".Mil's New lllisbaud" Vi, "Fully Felix" IS, "On the Bridge nt Midnight" SS. Htaii (Win. McShnrfi'i'.v, loiniager).— Hill weak of tl: Hlllmore Sister*, Hall (irove.t, Devon und Kennedy. Huby ernoii, Alzadl, Will Fielding. Harry Willi ice, nnd Hiarowtone. Business is excellent. AvKNi'i'n (A. Roldlierg, mnnnger).— Life million pictures nnd Illustrated songs. ii ' 1 Wllfcoa-nnrre.—At Ihe Nesbllt; (II. A. Brown, inimiiget-i "Fifty Mile* from Bos- ton" gave a pleasing show, lo a good house. Ilohcrl I'.deson Jon. H; "Mr*. Temple'a Tele- gram" 1.*i. Al. I), Field'* Mln'lre's in Cvr'l Scott 17. "The Isle of Spice" 22, Dr. Mason's Singing Snclcly 2il, l-.dmc coy z-t, "ills iio.n).- Hie Mayor" 'JR. (lii.iNii Oci'.iia Iloi'sr. ill. A, Brown, innn- ager).—"Tho I'niil King of the Const" hnd S. It. O. "The Outlaw's Christians" l.'l-lo, "The Cowhov Olrl" ItllS. -Ihe Orlglnnl Cohen" ai-as. "Nellie, Ihe Benullfiil Clonk Model" iT-'.Ti. N,'cn:.--Tlie l.tizern 'I'lienlre Is iituler roof, and expect* to open Feb. 1. sii, 111111,11, nil. — At the New O'Hnra (J. W. Major, resident..manager) "Maud. Midler" Jan. tl. "OM.Farmer Hopkins" 7, Harry Hast- ing* - French Maids 8, to n very liirge stag audience. "The LOst Trail." II (return en- gagement), secured the largest box ofilcn rt- colpl* of the week, and It \va* fully justified In lis returns. The general verdict prevails Ilia I: tho production wa* even belter Ihl* tlmo than ou lis iirsi appearance In llils.c.lty. "Sis In New York" II, matinee und night. Al, fi. Field's Minstrel* in, "Mrs. Tetnple'a Telegram" HI, "Bertha, the Hewing Machine Girl". IS, "The (Jrent Divide" 20. , , NnrrlBtovi 11.—At the Ornnd Opera House (C. L. Iiurhiin, mnnugarl 'The Olrl from tho Sunny.South," Jan. -I," pleased good hnslness. Irene Meyer* Co., Week of fl, pleased stood business. V, M. C. A. 10, "Old Farmer llop- kln>:' 17, "Mrs. Temple'* Telegram" IS. Karl Burgess Stock Co., week of SO, 4«» NEW JMERSBY. Xcwnrlc.—At the Newark (Geo. W. Bob- bins, innnnger) "Mrs. Wlggs ot the Cabbage Patch" Jnn. VJ-18. Wilton Lackuye drew good business 11-11, In "The Bondman." •BrcwMter'B Millions" 20-25. .I'liOiTfig's (It. C. Stowart. resident mana- ger).—Several new thing* ugnln this week. Bessie Wynne head* the list, which mnnen Itulie Welsh and eoinimny. Nellie Plnredn and Hocking Chair Olrls. Kddle Leonard and boys, Farley. Haffonl uod Mmilell, ihe Olrl Behind the Drum, mid Fosler mid dog. Big houses tl-ll. roi,i;.MiiiA (Geo. (.'. Jacobs, manager).— Kathryn Purnell, in "Sapho," 13-18. "Nellie, the Beautiful Cloak Model" received good at- tention il-ll, ".Shadowed by Three." l!0-'J!>. Blanev's (F. W. Alles. mnanger).—"A Unco Across the Continent" 13-1S. "Thi} Ninety and Nine" did well ll-ll. "81000 Nel- lie Went Away" l>0-20. Wald.iiaxn's (Lee Ottolengul, mnnnger).— Hyde's Blue Ribbon Olrls. this week, offer Lnwreneo Crane, Weston Slslers, VI Holmes uod Cyclone, Nlemeyer und O'Dell, nnd, as c.u added attraction, Dunkhnrst and Engllsli .lack O'Brien wrestle. Boston Bellea Co. drew good average hii3iBC9s (111. The Lid LHlera 20-25. Km rial) (It. M. Ilyams, manager).—Will- lnm<,' Ideals. In addition to the liurlesoiie and chorus, feature an utlo, this week, whlcli nuuieit: Hulli Kverett, Mucphv and Mttgee. Souiers and Si 1 ik. Frye und Ullen, nml Ihe Griicts. Fny Foster .'.'0. dVew good houses O-l'l, Tom Mloer'n Merry Btirles'iliers 20-20. Nctk, —Mr. and Mf*. Morris Lnvutt enter- tained their friends ut the Hnrgcnnt with ,1 Christmas tree ami holiday celebration on Jan. 1. J«th«y .City*— At the Mnjesllc ([■'. R, Hendei-son, manager) "Wo Are KIliR*' Jnn Lt-18. '"ITie Honeymonners" iid-25. "Diifo- thy Vernon ot Hnddon Hull" elosod n gnol week II. 'AMDtatr. (F. E, Henderson, mnnnger).— "Nellie, .the Beautiful Clonk Model," VMS. '"fhc.Onlluw'H Chrlatma*" iiO-20. "Tlie Cnartr Kid" did well week of tl: Bon, Ton (T.. W. Dlnklns. manager).—The Champagne Gfrla 18-18. Watson's liar lesguors 20-2>"i, High Jinks, a clever lot nf peonle. closed a lino woiik II, Kfcrrit & Panci'iitt's.—Week of VI: Fred- erick Ilond nod compnny.. Kitolwiran i»\n t Armstrong and Clark,. Crane Unit Iters, 'ami Konornh. ilolinUco.—At lh« Lyric (II. P. Rniiller. manager)' "The Card King of thp Const, Jan.-lS-lfl, "Why Olrls Lea*'e Home" Hits, "Bunco In Arlxona" 1(1.-22, "The Phantom Defective" ,23-25. Business is good. ... KUPlBK v(.A.. M. . ItnuWiimiuin, proprietor). -—K'ii - Week ot-18 : Htiiry CoraoaClarke nhd company, Tom Eckirt. and Einroa Brrg, Fanny Rice, Majestic Trio, AfnreMta s blnb, Cnrlltta and Frank Fogarly. Htisiness It good. ' . lews. HonMton.—At the Auditorium (M. C. Ml chenls, mHnnger) Helen Ornalley, Jan. 4,hail good business. Walter Wkllcsidn, d, In "The Mnglc Melody;" had two good houses. "Ml (In Johnnie Jones." 7, 8. enme to good htisiness. "A Texas. Steer" !l, W. IS, Pulton II, "Forty- live Minutes P'rom Hroidway" IB. Kelcey nnd Shannon 16, Paul (Ulmoro.lS, "ThoVJr- gttilnn" tin. JUmtie IV. F. Sturgis, roantlger).—The people d-11: McDowell nud Treseott, 1'lve Columbians, Arthur Huston, Da. Merger. Itert l.etiiion and movlnjr pictures. Hiit-lnes* lu Hit capacity. Lyme (Brand & lloffmum^mannaersl.— Pi ople It-11 : The Pntrlcoliw. Mary .Vlndrtei. Wilma Woods, Ihe Mxcellh SialOi'S, and OH- l.uilac. Impersonator. Pkoi'i.k'm (II. B. HmHtor, managor).—llttsl- tics* continues excellent, with..11 change of piogrnmme nightly. People same on last. Notks. —Moving picture show*, those Ihsf are still In business, continue to havn rrowdefl houses Tho Houston .Thoulrn Will tw rebiillr. on the same place as tho old line re- ccnlly slood Ibiil was deslroyed li.V lire, mul all energy ptil forth to have It In rcadlncs'i lor the.;September opening. ... ,, tialvestoii, -At the Grand Opera Hnus» (Dave A-' Wela, mnntigeri ljeleh llrnntlfj' (return eneiigemenl) drevir a good house Jan. .'). Walker Whiteside pleased good nleed housps 4, 5. Mcintosh's moving pictures ntirt Illustrated, songs (j. ,7. "Utile. Johnny Jnnorj" 8. "A Texas Steer'! 0. "Parsifal" 11. CuMWiAi, (Hoffman A lira nil. managers). —Business continues good. The following forweek of 5: Harry Iloyt, Mao McDonabl, Andy Bankin.AInbel lerauklln, 8>ii and Sytj, nnd Arthur McKlnzlc. San Antoiilo.-—At Ihe Grand Opera Hntire (Sid. H. Wels. manager) W. II, 1'atton. ,laii. it EsiPinB. — The Burgess -Hlninielelii Hlaek Co., with Annie Bimllng a* leading lady, Mi- Unites to do very large nud Hatlsfne.lory Inisi- ness. ... . Uric.—At the Mnjesllc (J. L. Ollson. man- ageri Wllliani Favershani, Jan. II, In "The rlmmiv Mini." wn* favored wllh large busi- ness. Lyman II. Howe's picture*, 10, showed to Hie capacity, giving great satisfaction. '•The Volunteer Organist, 10 Hue attend- ance. 11. Paiik Oimsba Horn (John L Ollsnn, man- ngeri,—Billed for 19 nnd week, Helen Oravce ami compnny. Family. — l.nrgc business in continuous vaudeville. Cnmden.—At Ihe Camden (H. W. Tay- lor, maunder) "A Hurt) Across the Cotitl- rient." Jan. svs. caught large mullcnce* fa- vornbly.. Kathryn Purlioll. 11* "Sniiko." 0-11 ; "Young Buffalo" VI-Vi, "The Flaming Ar- row" 10-18. New Bhoauwav (.Tno. C. Peebles, iunnn- gea).—La*t week: ltotiert Hnlley and his company. Mnriinettl nnd Sylvester, the Three Nlglitlngnlcn. Kmll lloch nnd company, Hoey and Lee. Pull, Benuetl, and Zarell Brother*. Notes.— "We've leased 11 theatre In Cam- den for vaudeville, go see what you can do with It"—that's the letter that Mnnnger Peebles got. from the lessees of the New Broadway Theatre here. Messrs. Nash & Hoilgdoii, Inst Fall. Now. wllh the house playing In s. II. I), mallaee.s. It seems that Mes*r«, Niii-li & Hodgdon surely knew their man William Murphy ilmr of ''Why Women sin," "Why lie Hlv.ire.'d Her," elc, has written a new thriller, In which a bal- loon I* oue of the chief features. M Ptt«o.—At. Ihe Crawford (Frank J|Hli. manager i "Bed Feather," Jan. 2, .'I, came to tine business. "The College Wldon'," v •'• to K. B, 0. Chan. II. llanford 8, 0, Mnrrny und Mack 11. 12. Oai'iinuM (Marlln Beck, general m/ytinitcp. —Week 8-1,41 Mvn Mildge. the Tliren Wes- lens,. Valnikl, Hie Three Kcalohh Four Pi""- ros and klnodrome. * Ma,ikrtk: (Frank Blch, manager).—week M4 : Olive and Muck, Hldcr's mookeys. tour Andersons, Lillian Starr, and Onslaw aim O'Brien. ■4- ■ ■ ■■■ ' ■ ' : . ■ ■ ■ fit red * " Isle ol' Spice" 0, 10; "Forty-live Mmub's From ilroiidwnv" II, .• MA.tr.H'no (li. ft Mimkenfuss. mnnngeri.-- fi Bnllna ^At the Pallas Oparn jlplise (Oei Anzy. mnnnger) "Tlie Mayor of. Toklo farrii well Jan. fl, 7. "The flreat IHvldo" 8. "Tin Isle ol' Spice" I), 10; "Forty-live Mmub' From ilroiidwnv" 11, .• MA.TRHTIO (II. ft Miiekehfiitw. manflgerl.-- Week ot «: L'anm aad Farnilin. Colettu Power and company, JaB. F. Maciloiinld, CWJ- He <;amo and dog, Usmeiulda, apd Marian and pearl. ♦ »< Trenton. —At Iho Taylor Opera House (Montgomery Moses, mnnngeri mart Sclicl- ling, tic- nolitl planlHt. gave an artlallc re- cital In this playhouse. .Inn. II. Sulielllng proved himself 11 wizard of the Ivorv key*, llosThl! nv the Olfard Stock Co. (on lib" road).—ftimnel P, (Jltdrd. pl^prlntor: Iter; liert C. Pnrde.v. hiialnons manliifer: Caroline Klohe. director: llnrrtlno I'lckmnn. Ejg nmiMMr i.llo.v Sampson, in advance 1 J. ,»"!' del Bavin, Thoiims Coinieshil, Arihiir.l'aF. Lola Stewart, Mabel Kruerfer ami KBtle <;' hn. 'nil- company carries hljrh elaas apecim- ty acts. ' '. •