The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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1328 — THE, KEW; YOBK OLIPPEE. — _ -^ Jamba** is; ■ nq *t iOR :T,H«:i NiCW VEAR> ' . We are^ disposing of 300,000 feet of second Band film which has worked our circuits, some ot which has been ,only slightly used Write for lists of Fibn, Supplies, Rentals, Etc., and we w.illsend yon our NEW YEAR'S PRESENT-a BOTTLE of our SEECIALM..P. OIL-F- roo ; If you want Ai FMIm Service, write us, and we wjllsend. you full information of our %Jv%mxomUmm.WM§tnn ",.■.. ■ * FROM THE HOUSE OF_QUAWTY, jw Tel. 3238 Stuyve.ant. THE A C T OL,€* "S3L & S* H • CO.* 60 Union Squa re, N. y. Harmonicas, Accordions, Blow Accordions For tliqas iTlfli'Bt professional player* who** arllntlr reputation, ai'e partly itattendiwl upon iln. tln» mm- ■ il in]ily of tli» parllralnr instrument th.y may Stlmy. Casjsaa InkfrnnianU have no miu*I. anil ill l the r.lll for vaudeville Per* .ii iiiaii whit MUST HA VK f IIK BEST. ! IIOHNER GOODS ARE FOR SALE BY A I,L SEALERS EVERYWHERE. . , , . . L 416 Broatlwey, NEW ^ORK. CANADIAN OPFICK, 76 iouit. KT.. TOIUI\T<>. -I- Bg . i JOHN H. SPARKS SHOWS WANT FOR SEASON 1908 Circus performers in all'linos, musicians for complete band,'c^rt'fract- ing agent,'car manager, bill posters, animal man that can work elephants, lions a*nd other animals;, boss canvas man for hi*^ show, boss_ hostler, boss, "property, man, four and six horse driver^, good superintendent, for lot.. Show opens in Augusta, Ga„ early in--March. AllV r teoplc]eifeagcd.wi& this sjiow must answer this ad. anclKgive permanent address,- Address all mail to CHAS. SPARKS, , : .*;'■ •'.*.... Manager- John- H,..Sparks', Shows, Hast Brady, Vn. Armond Anthony Mabel Hawthorne ....... a* IM1M. AUMOMl AVrtlOSrT" MKORGEH BUSINESS Xplieaninci:, ability, wufdrolie and i>.\.jK>riouoc (M1M. AUMOMl ANTUON«T iHGFNUfS. LIGHT JUVFNILE8 AHU SPECIALTIES Per. add... N». :!17 Mt ICtl) St,, New York OlfJ W ANTED— SIDE SHOW ATTRACTIONS FOR GOLLMAR BROS. BIG 3 RING RAILROAD SHOWS. tuirioaitle* unit H<Mi< of all kiuds; uotliiu:-' hat ilic dot mated. Conic house and ideeplng earn us pood iimIIii! licit. Sntirt nlioiosniid rorerwe If ymi don't know mt.» Addressnil idlers, in 1BW UNMi Sine show Itlanspm'. Itljou Theatre, Baralioo, Wt*. • Al SKETCH TEAM S. and D., One to Play Piano, Bead or Fake; also 3. and D. SOUB., ORE GEN. BUSINESS ACTOB. Others Write. l'Aik.4 nil Summer, sin!.' nil Ill llrpl. cm! use liMy i>lmil<r If yon run sine MIih- i.OXNIOUS the llarrol .lumper, either ioln ur retmn moner. Address .1. 11. lilioiih'i, enreof Southern 8tm-l, tin* Columbia, S. r. l\R.-\Vauled. pj.ljuy a TillMC .11Y ST Ell Y. - Three, niiiiii qinudn. innoil HiinKB. JAOI MRS. L. SCHEUER, 924-926 SOOTH STrtEET, PHILA., PA., |l^lilHtock»UrfelluoOliU,AI)IKS'KVKXlNfl ( DIXNKR AND KKOEPTION U0WN8, bolli hlghand l.ivf■ wtofc; SEALSKIN Ht»l PF.HSIAN J,AMI! COATS ami PUR SKIS; OKNTLF.HKN'S FI'LL IIRBSS, ■I'DXKIKI, SACK anil OUTAWAV SUITS, ITlnee Alburt Ooats ami Vests, Medium and Ilbnvjr Weleh! orarr.iian InHank, Prince Allienuud Scud Klttluit styles. Wo curry everything pertaining toa l,a<{y's <it flenllorosii's WHnlroUo, sultitiilu fur Stngu or street Wear. All ordem must lio nuuoninitnled l>y a itHpntlt »r not iam Uian ID. . ■...'■ JII-lL-'l- l L-. CENTRAL TRUNKS. lain., »r.RO; L'SIii.. I8.B0; I Jin., 19.50; Iflln., 110.00; ICiln.. 112.00. Oltcuo Trnnkf, SixIBxlS, •7.110. Rill Trmili, IIO1JS1I6, linlde, fl-MU). I.ltbo. Trunki, 4aV4s28H«ia, \nt\Ae, *16.0o! Jthlpped on receipt at tS.OO. bit. C. 0. I»., except over 100 rnllea, then remit whole amount ■lltONS k CO.. CBNTltAL TRUNK FACTOBT, Est 18(14, B. W. cor. 7tU and Area Stt., Phiia. r%i THAT "TANGLE FOOT" ACT. \OT »OMR" IN "U!»K" LIKE THIS "O.M.. Karojir, .rune 13. LEATHEROID TRUNKS. MOIITHIt THAN HTF.KI.. Mwinl for Kntr Theatrical Caialogue. nO TimifiH 8TRONOKH TIIAJj WOOD. i,i;Aiiu:itnin uva. en., ouii'way, K.i.,near«nrlng.St. * HHOIt I 1 VAMP FOOT WEAK in V£\2&3$SF* STAfJK SI'IXHAIVI'IRS MAtlK Tit .MIOASUIti; AT SHOUT XOTIi'K. .Miill rtfdrci illicit, ristlinntcs cheerfully slveu. 1UVP4.TT Slion SHOP. ... .107 Xlvlh Avenue. Xch- York. . Ileta-ten »Olh .tud .".Ist-Mrei'tB. AXDKBW ^{KLT.RB. lfroprlctor.,. ,■'..;,.. Tit* kind that get (in luiany. tall or writ*. N.V. V. S. 7.1MMKRMAN, 5 K. 14th 81., Alway. Kom. tiling !^ew. •^^SW DAVIES FOR QUICK RESULTS. •OH. HO Oearliorn HU, t'lt'caK". HI. WANTED, AT TYSON'S NEW BON TON VAL'UKVII.Ii: THKATUK Utim liltDt wlll> Ml ,0 '"'oak Jump hoiiU full IlinUL luliu liitonnatjoii in iirst loiter to ■|'r^ON•.H »KW 110N TON, Sth, (h>I. vine. Phllit. Wanted to Purehttiie 1IIQH SCHOOL AMD BENAOE ACT HORSE, AlHO HIGH JOMPIRQ HORSE. WANTfin-A Trick llnrxi', Pom »r nonkoy. KUlf Inwitil prl.'O In ilrm IrttfT. Would like lu hi'iir I nun .lolinl,. Werner. Addn-w ^(J. i/iitNMHl). rare of QMlf KB.^ FOR SALE -cintograpb Moving Plclore Oitlit It ill- ijiinp and UlieontMi, with 'J.ooofi. l-'ilin, ni.iiM'iili-I.Kood n« Wmr.iit, KltKU l,AM)KR8, i!M0 8ial« Rtrool. Se|ieneetad.>\S i J|(._ WASTED, Perlormers In All Lines Of the Medicine Business, LO.NU i)HO<„ Camden, N. Y. WAWTKO, Combination Theatre, Also SUMUKIl TIIKATKi: 11 HANAIIK hy 1.1 VK I1C8T1.KII (Soitlhern States only Kast or Weal of Mississippi'. POK HAI.K—I.KASI! of UKST PAV- 1N« UO.MUINATION Til RATH K IN j&MOUHJ. LivingitiarteraIII linildltij!. (Aoi'nuntnrit|hctltli.) Wltoi>rwrlieM.\NAGKM,llo\Si»,ltnf(ftt.Ma. A Troupe of Dogs AND ALL PROMl.TfT " Propcnv of i no lato cm,, macini i -sciui.t. Add. MltS. COI,. hClll'l.T,' care P. Oerkih, .list, WondclliT, nohoken, N. J, ANDREWS. Ladles' Gowns. Slight.? Worn. FHHM OK M.I, KINDB. Also Carry liantleineii'a Het'oiidllnnd f)lotlil>i<r, 34)1 Male Mtraet CIUCAOO Open lint in Jaauasy. February and-llarch, at Oxford Opera House, 1IOI.I.IN li. llKll.V, M«r.. OiYiW, i>a. Snslc Composed to Song Foems. Termn roAMMiable. "Ilolna Some," two-alop; in tiamlAimn eoiiy to any adrtresa for tic. In tlatnps, 1.. TIL. AUA11S, llerrlek, 111. Send hj your correct ad- drees. We will mail to you every week the full de- scriptions of all our frtms, Pathe* Frcres, 41 West 25th Street, New York. IE 1HEINKBIIIE HIT ON Power Camerftgraph Edison Kinefoscopes SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. Repairing Staving Picture Marhlnea Our Specialty. 8EN1) FOR CATALOOUR P. , C B. KLEINE. ' • ' m-tai Sixth Avenue, Naw York. MOVING PICTURE PRINTINO SAMPLES $1.00 Ifelllw 6 BIlSl Hy Mall, Postpaid. For Dressing Lobt.y. CATALOlilK PIUCB. AUEH: SHQff HURT, "Bg- T - "Tell It To Me" EZRA KENDALLS :itl BOOK. . ALL NEW -JUST OUT. For sale on all trains and news stands, or by maU, a •■*«. Addiess KZOA KKMDAXl-, a CRdwellATAq Nayfleld Uelclits, Cleveland. 0. Do You WW MILITARY GOODS? HANI) UNIFORMS, ARMY or KAVT SUITS, TENTS, fiUNS and KQD1PMENT OF KVKItY DESCRIPTION. From Ooveriiment Anutiou. Xo matter ivlut you wane in that line I can supply H. New or second hand. Send for catalog lie. 1), IS. ABRAHAMS, 2-3 South St., Philadelphia, Pa. FOB THE STAGE, GOWNS SLIGHTLY USKI). ALSO STREET OOWNS. We have on hand a large assortment of ullghtly worn Evening flowns, Dinner, Reception and Tea nowns. ThcBo robes urn perfect In every respect, and are especially suitable forvrear In Jlltlli CLASS DRA- MATIC PRODUCTIONS. Wa have a full line ol Seal Skin Coats and Furs of all kinds. MRS. 11. STARR, 3«7 South state St., Chicago. WANT TO KBEP BUST? USE A "GROSS" LETTER HEAD Free Samples, Contracts, Tickets, Envelopes, etc CROSS -S8 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO STACK MONEY, 160. Boot: of Herald Cats, 2So. II FOR ALL THIS r>o gags, 10 for 10c. or all 46c; 10 fnany I wants and ads., 10c; 6 conilo hotel rules, 6 i-omlc epitaphs, 10c.; recitation, "He's Ne'er | Forgot, 1 ' to lines, loe.; gaglet recltaUon, 48 lines, 2M.; talking turn, straight and com.. 26c; ■: paroilles, n gags with each, Sic. In lota tti suit, or all for $1; other stair. Liar ror stamp, or free wlUi order. Sketches, etc., to order. Price and references for stamp. Mary E. P. Tliayer,2190 Broad St.. Prnv.. R I. — GST "THE GOODS" ^Bi^BJ HIGH GLASS MAGICAL APPARATUS At moderate prices. Largo stock, Immense variety. Illustrated Catalogue Free. New Mara. moth CaUloguii jait issued, 20c Just out, lint or new uoolts on Magic and new list of bargains in tricks. A. KOTKKHKKO, ITS Ontario St., Chicago. ~~mtt aUSBSBie a rv. 1- M K LANSH A \A/ B oi:o. J.—Juveniles, l^ada and Heavies. Age, 24yrs.; holght, dft. lln.; weight. lTiiltis. UKNTtl AI.AYNK—Char.. Ingenues and 5d Bus. Age, -.'Ovrs.; height, 6ft. Cln.: weight, la'ilba. Joint einntgement only. on« nlgnter or rep. Write, 0.1.. LAN8HAW, Forest Hill, Mlcli. ■ ■ ■ ■ ; :- Wire. Alma, Mich. SONGS ► end iir your songs and Instru- ment*] pieces for lnspcotlon. We arrangn compose, revise and PDDLISIt available mannscripts. Write m today. Victor Kremer Co., add Marine Bldg., Chicago, 111. HO n. OF For Sale, at 7^ Cents per Foot. Wis have placed in our annual clearance nalo, ."0,000ft, or our Untmt dlin, a|| bruml new stock, many of the Hint, are manufacturers npwlal aaniple.. Ever foot la worth 1% cents, but ■*.• will eloae the lot out at 7 l-!4 rents psr foot. Mead for lists a nil onr GREAT BARGAIN LIST, Ho. 10A. OF LANTERNS, SLIDES, ETC. WIU.IAM8, BROWN Ai B/aRLE; T,; 918 Chestnut St., Puis !VRff EflGLAIVD AQDiT FOR POWER'S Cameragraphs WITH fireproof mm\m KWLVMi FOR EDISON FILMS . ALSO Kinetoscopes WITH FIREPROOF IMflUI The best ot service and prices consistent wit h the times always guaranteed, fjatest subjects always ou hand. Operators, machines ami Alms furnished for Sundays attd all other occasions. Send tnrUst and prices. . F. J. HOWARD, •'■ 504 Washington St.. Opp. Adnmi lions., Motion, M«n. New York Film Exchanae ( O. SHIT II, Manage i'I MOVING PICTURE MACHINES, FILMS AND SUPPLIES LARO EST STOCK IN NEW YORK CITY. IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES nCAIlANTF.EI). TWO SHOP-WORN NO. 5 N. Y. APP. POWER'S CAMERAGRAPHS AT A BARGAIN . Expert Repairing at Short Notica. 7 E. I 4th St., New York The Greater New York Film Rental Company INC, * JOISIiKRS AKIl DKALEP.S IN' M0VIN6 PICTURE FILMS, STEREOPTICON SLIDES, COMPLETE OUTFITS 24 Union Squart, ritir 15th Strait, NiwYork. TeL.eoosstuyvesant. SLIOHTLY USED FILMS, 2.S' TO 6 OE.NTS;I'BR FOOT. Ask for "Film Rental Facts" booklet. It's free., Send for Onr Complete Illustrated Catalogue and Price List of ; MADE TO ORDER SOUBRETTE DRESSES, ANKLE LENGTH GOWNS. FANCY COATS and STA6E GOWNS of Every Description. Catalogue sen t to recognized pcrtornicrs only. Write on your own lei tcrhcad, or send Litest program. WOLFF, FORDING <3fc CO.', 61.65 glio* St., Boston, iVIosa. THEATRICAL PHOTOS $8.00 PER HUNDRED FULL CABINET SIZE. ARTISTIC MOUNTINC. Four Positions Finished. Expert Work. Quality Guaranteed. Prompt Deliveries. m If 111 Ml I 111 Aft 111 13 Broadway. N.w York. Iiet. :i"»th and Jfllli Sis, ■ AH ALLIH Will| 'leUpltone, 5U«iO jxth St. A'TOTKiU'riQiV, BROTHER ARTISTS. t . _, . . TREAT VOURSELF ON THE ROAD. _ . SAPA," THE VITAL JUICES OF PLANTS. A nosltlvo cur* for "UI.OOD l'OISON" In all «tago.. Contains no mercury, im On not kesltats. Send your onlcr at once. 8APA CHEMICAL CO., Imperial Theatre Building, St, Louis, Mn. Price $6 00 nor urn tip, wlinrh eonstilntns ?o day treatment. A remedy that has been feated- Testimonials from people ymi know. .uo.respondent's strictly cnnfldontisl.' ^^^ 8kerOueg, Monologaes, Parodies and Burlesques. Written to Order. Original Work Of all kind, for VaadevlUe and Bnrleiq" _ ■ Send for Price List and Terms. BRENKEB'B VACDEVIIU.E BURBAV, 87 Wort aHth St., Sewjforb. fiUIVIS FOR SAUK OR TO RBNT. MANHATTAN FILM RENTAL. CO. „ . . II AltT Ai DA VIM, .Manager.. i^SS^mmSm^. i«"»ta» and In Evarythlng P.rtilntng io Ihi Buitow- WIGS. TOUPEES. GREASE PAINTS, BIO. And tha Latsitind Mott Popular Stylai In Ladles Half Drawing- A. M. Ill VU afc CO., M 119 N. Ninth Street - - . . - phlladelpM; PLAYS For Stock Companies, for Repertoire Companies, for Amiiw i.Ai»;i:sT AssonrxncN'r i\ tiik would, uook* m m** mniiseniPiit. Negro 1'lnys. 1'npcr. Siienery, Mrs. Jariey * IV'irka. Catalogue Free! Kree! Krec! • . ,. ... JS.lMttiL. 18i:\cil. 17 WaaK 22(1 St., ^cav A'" 1 - WIIiLIAM HiCPNKR WI« CO., LEADI.1Q WIO MAKK11H. a Largest stock In AmerlcH. Wigs msdo to order. FuU line or P»'" powJers and cold cream. Send tor Catalogne "0." to either r:a«. U4 WEST 3«tu ST.. N. Y.: Chicago Opera lionse Bloct. Cbir»g"_ DRESSES for STAGE and STREET SEAL HK1K COATS und FCRS. BAIIJIKTT, JUS State gt,. Cliltatta^ snrcrar&TAu&itT by correspondence .S'^Pi.'" 1 or tnoncv refnnded. Write today for free nartlcnlars. ., IS tOMSKRVATOHY, EBl Lakeside Building, Chicago, »'• sastMaa, Address lLLINOI