The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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JANUARY 18. THE 3STEW YOEK CLIPPER. 1329 INDIANA. imilanapoli*.—At English'sOpera Honse , \d F. MUler, manager) Mr*. Leslie Cuter, „ "bo Barry,' 1 Jan. 8, 4, scored • big former .cress to Terr Mg business, at advanced „ rices Amelia Bingham, in "A Modern Lady T'cdlva," followed. Adele Ritchie, in "Fas- 'natlnu Flora," 9, Ailed the house, and • nred an unqualified success. William Fsv- r<hara 10, ''The Time, the Place and the •lrl" 11: Otis Skinner 14. IB. I'abk (Dickson ft Talbott, managers).— ■i-nder Southern Skies," 6-8, did moderate business. "Busy Iuy's Boodle" 9-11, Cole nnd Johnson 13-15. Majsstic (K. W. Lawrence, manager).— Thp Foreoangn Stock Co. appeared In an elab- orate proan'tJon of "Qno Vadls," week ot B to very good business. Week of 18, "Alice Li Old Vlncennes." GniND Oram Hoobii (Shafer Zlrgler, man- „. or ) —For week of 13: Ye Colonial Septette, Vicchlanls Troupe. Cnarlea Baron's Menag- rrl» O'Brien-Havel company, Elizabeth Mur- m»' Matweef-Hugoston Troupe, Ines McCau- ■ >j" 'nnd company, Cbarlene and Charlene, and the kinodrome. Fmpihk (H. K. Barton, manager).—Star «how Girls 6-8, featuring "Dopy Dan" and •"■The Sultan's Hsrum," gave a clever ner- 'i.rraance, to very good business. Washing- ton Society Girls 9-11, Gay Toreadors 13-lu, J olonial Belles 16-18. GiTETt (Edward Shayne, manager).— Greater New Tork Stars, week of 6, gave a well dressed and fine singing and comedy per- formance that pleased large audiences. Jer- sey Lilies week of 13. ■ BvansrUle.—At the Grand (Pedley A Htirch, managers) two good audiences to see "Sis in New York," Jan. 6. Paderewaki, 6, drew a crowded house. "A Dangerous Friend" IS. People's (Pedley ft Burch, managers).— Good business for "The Belle of Avenue A" Wells' Bijou (Allen Jenkins, manager).— "The Black Crook" gave satisfaction 5-8. "Coming Thro" the Rye" 11. "When Knight- hood Was in Flower" pleased 9. "Madam Butterfly" 16, Mrs. Leslie Carter 29. Majestic (Frank Hopper, manager).— Week of 5: Hannaher Bros., Jones and Ra- mondo, A. H. Burton, Mexican Zamora I'nmlly. the polyscope and Illustrated songs. Souvenir matinees twice weekly. Note. —Chas. Sweeten, assistant manager of the Wells-Bllou, baa completed all ar- rangements and has leased Oak Summit Park for next season. Oak Summit Park Is Bvans- vllle'a most popular place of amusement In Summer, ana as Mr. Sweeten has been con- nected with it for several seasons past, he needs no introduction to either the profes- sion or the local people. His courteous man- ner has made a host of friends for him. ■ Lojraneport.—At the Dow ling (Jno. E. Dowllng, manager) Elizabeth Henderson Co. opened to fine business week of Jan. 6. "The Girl Question" 11, Myrkle-Harder Co. 18 and week. Nelsos (Fred Smyth, manager).—" 'Way Down East'' drew well 4. "The Girl of Eagle Itancb" had a good house 6. Adele IUtchle, In "Fascinating Flora," 7; "Whirlwind" 8, Eva Bartlett Macy Co. 10, "The Hoosier Girl" 11. Blanche Walsh 17. Crystal (Thos. Hardle, manager).—Ca- pacity houses. The bill: Bert Turner, I'hHips and Bergen, Hazel Good, Morton and Kelly, and kinodrome. Notes. —W. A. Qrover has sold the Ark Theatre to Hlmemaugh and Brower, con- nected with theatres In South Bend, Chicago and Pittsburg, who will open it with motion pictures Philip Rosenthal, of the Cen- tral States Theatre Co.. who controls the Nelson Theatre here, spent a week In this city.... Daniel Hoffman and Edward Shorb have organized the Empire Motion Picture Co., and will open at Wolcott, Ind., Jan. 15. Elmer Griffith, formerly pianist at the Crystal, has accepted the management of the Majestic Theatre, at Lafayette. s Lafayette.—At the Grand (Geo. L. Man- derback, manager) "The Girl of Eagle Ranch" had a good house Jan. 8. Mamie Fleming, in the title role, was very clever. The play as a thriller Is one of the best of Its class. The Flints, 6-11, opened to a full house. "Just Out of College" 8, Blanche Walsh 18, "East Lynne" 22, Mildred Hol- land 2R. I' ahii.y (D. W. Maurice, manager).—Bill for week of 6: Delmore and Darrefl, the Vlo- lette Trio, Ethel Young, Major Le voy, Dan Lewis, and the motion pictures. Business good. Majestic (Elmer Griffiths, manager).— Week of 6 to the usual good houses; Sophie Everett and company, Maude Minerva, Dan Hooey, Curtis Vance, and the Majestoscope. Norm.—The Arc has Woody Cook, Chinese Impersonator; songs and moving pictures. .'.. Manager Ball, of La Purdette, has announced a new feature for week of 13—a baby show. The photos of the babies will be thrown on the screen and voted for by the audience. 8everal fine prizes will be given. At Fowler Hall, Jan. d, tho Skovgaard Concert Co. entertained a large audience.... The Lyric reports good business. ■ Sonth Bend.'—At the Auditorium (E. J. Welsh, resident manager) Mamie Fleming, In "The Girl from Eagle Pass," Jan. 1 pleased. "Whirlwind" 4, Geo. Sidney, In "Rusy Izzy's Vacation," 18; Mme. Bchumann-Helnk 14, "The Girl Question" 17, "Lena Rivers" 18. Ouveb Opeba House (E. J. Welsh, resi- dent manager).—"The Red Mill" gave two performances 1, to capacity, and pleased. "Our New Minister," 2, pleased, as did "Why Girls Leave Home," 4. 'The Vanderbllt Cup 1 ' 18, Olga Nethersole 21, "The Three of Ds" 25. Olympic (Barry Scanlon, manager).—Bill for week of 6: The Four Dancing Shannons, Seamon and Bnrns, Sam and Ida Kelly, Mu- sical Lowe, the Mozarts, and Wilson, the cyclist. Note.— Manager Bert Leigh, of the Myrkle- Harder Amusement Co., reports splendid busi- ness. Will Conlln and Leona Tolson have taken the places of Joe McEnro and May La- ports In his company. s Anderson.—At the Grand (Jos. E. Hen- nlngs, manager) "McFadden's Flats" drew rid business Jan. 4. "Just Out of College," . gave a good performance. 'The Time, the Place and the Girl," 8, had good house. 'The Girl Question" 18. Cbtstal (W. W. McBwen, manager).— •Tan. 6 and week: Allen and Kenna, El Rico, Hoyden and Hayden, Blossom Robinson Flath, and motlonnlctures. Nori.—Tje Bilou Theatre was hooked to open during the holidays, under Tom Bates' management, hut Mr. Bates failed to come, and the house remains dark. Frankfort.—At the Bllnn (LangebraVe A Hufford, managers) Jos. and William Jef- ferson presented ^'The Rivals," to good busi- ness, Jan. 8. "Alice Sit-by-the-FIre" pleased 6. 'The Girl of the Golden West" played to good returns 8. "Texas" 14, "Our New Min- ister" 17, "The Little Detective" 18, Mildred Holland 27. Cbtstal (Chas. Welch, manager.—Attrac- tions for week of 13: Phillips and Bergen, Ruth Collins, Bert Turner, Chas. and Jennie Welch, the Bertrams, and the kinodrome. ♦—p _ Bessie Warbbn. who played Tenderfoot Sal, l n "The Gambler of the West," for four- teen weeks this season, Informs us she has rone to her home In Tuscaloosa, Ala., where ■he will take the "rest cure," being threat- ened with a nervous breakdown. MESSRS. E. F. ALBEE and MARTIN BECK present MR. JOLIt'8 STEGBR, as- sisted by Howard Kyle, Helen Mar Wilcox and John Romano (Harpist), la his own musical-dramatic playlet adapted from the German, entitled: THE FIFTH COMMANDMENT. (Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother.) Colonial Theatre, week of Jan. 18 Orpbeum, Brooklyn, " " '• 20 Ham'steln's Victoria, " " " 27 Mr. Uteger's song, "Castles In the Air," composed for him by Paul Llncke and published by Jos. W. Stern A Co.. N. X. ESTABLISHED 1846. It penetrates and cleanses the minutest crevices of the teeth. It permeates the gums and the' lining of the mouth. It is healthful. It is the only thing to use if you have a real genuine interest in your teeth. The friend of the teeth is SOZODONT. v antiseptic THROAT PASTILLES • IVHH «»< • —« — . T . «M«w«sni#^rvalaa **» la-nn. IVANS SONS LI8CHIH * WCSB United, LIVsMPOOU LONDON *»d NBW YORK. ■sew * issistns saNwIiWiitWi'w* "»" " "■ A|rM, Jar IK. I'aMid A**1S»-— t>««sS*»»L«ntWf aWrtwiU.W WUilatSi ,w |l GUARANTIED UNDER THE FOOD AM0 CRUGS ACT. JUNE 30. "90S. [n\ £g!k F08 HOBH TQICE8%p? Act Like Magic Clear the Air Passages from colds, Coughs, Bronchitis. Full box by mall, 80o. Sample Free. EVANS' SONS, LESOBER A WEBB, Ltd., 99 William St, New York. Tk« Gruteit SUn ol Ihe Slije we Chas. Meyer's THEATRICAL Crease Paints and CHARLB8 MEYER'S EXORA Faoo Powdon EXORA Rouge EXORA Or earn These preparations have been standard in the. profeuion trace 'S70. Use them for best results. Cstahf** and San flu lint Pm OHARLES METER 86-98 Union Squmr*, ffsnr Tor A Cure Hoarseness and Sore Throat.' A simple remedy. Free from opiates, in tow only. MUSIC composed ano arranged tor any Instrument or number of Instruments. Songs, Words and Music, Sketches, etc. Send stamp. 0HA8. L. LEWIS. 429 Richmond St, Cincinnati, 0. TiinKE plays touring Canada (lust across the border). Engagement lasts thro' Summer. Young Leading Man and Full Co. Jno. Boyle, Amelia Reld, win vroolbert Harvey and former associates apply immediately. Hystlo Lindaley. Port Boron, Mloh. M.P. Man with machine, and Eppy and partn er, write. ~NEW PATENTS FOR Mt'SIC ACT — Associate wanted with capital to have his or her special Instruments made, and knowledge of at least pianoor violin. In brief, road season, inventor has puzzled musical audiences with partial adap- tions, and with more youthful learning ability astonishing woodwind playing la possible. Am re- liable musician on « to 8 lnsts. Age, si. B., care Klemme, 1289 Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. ENERGIZES. A CEREAL SEBIAL SATIRE ON THE BREAKFAST-FOOD FAD. Trade Mark. "ENERGIZER" Bow often do we, with muoh amuse- ment, read upon the dead walls ot our city, and also upon the pages of the popular magazines, the blazon adver- tisements of the numerous breakfast food*, setting forth In glowing terms their marvelous virtues. They promise moat wonderful results for the par- takers thoreof—yonth to the aged, strength and vigor to the decrepit, am- bitious animation to tho Indolent—In short, only limiting their restoring possibilities in cot bringing the dead to lite. A packageotthUlltc-glvlng com- modity called "Energizer" falls Into the hands ot a lazy, good-for-nothing hobo, who after eating generously ot tne palatable preparation, becomes a, giant ln strength, and performs such feats that would cause Hercules to turn green wltb Jealousy could he wit- ness them. His adventures are a series of the funniest Incidents ever chron- icled In motion pictures, and the film as a whole ln the race of laugh-pro- ducers Is the one best bet. Trade Mark. THE DVMAN DERRICK. RECENT B1QGRAPH HITS: Professional Jealoasy • - 609ft. Mr. 6ay and Mrs. - 762ft. Dr. Skll», - • • • 592ft. The ElopMint • • 693ft. WIU Wanfid - • • 848ft. Under Ihe Old Appli Trie 376ft. Yala LauDdnr - • 8C5ft. LM Microti - - 670tt. Tirrlbli Tid - • • 792ft. THiTInd Tailor's Driu • 601ft. Tdi Diaf-Mih's Bill - 787ft. Tii Hypnotist's ftamu - 1030ft. Rika Bron Ii Towi • 868ft. If You M a Wlfi till This 698ft. WRITE FOR OUR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS. 6ET ON OUR MAIL LIST AND KEEP POSTED. ALL PICTURES ARK MADE WITH Ol'H CKLKJBRATKD BIOQRAPH CAMERAS. OVA FILMS HUH OH ANY MACIIIHE American Mutoscope & Biograph Company, II E. I4th PACIFIC CO AST BRANCH, NEW YORK CITY. 116 N. BROADWAY, LM ANPEUB, OA1V. m Pathe Passion Play FOR RENT OR SALE Parsifal Films BUFFALO FILM EXCEL, I3ii Genesee St., Buffalo, W. Y. AGENT At Liberty, DALLAS B, MELVIN. Strictly sober and reliable. Rep., one night or Burlesque. Can lola on wire. Address BATOS, 11VP. PLASH like genuine day or night. Yon can own a di- amond equal ln brilliancy to any genuine atone at l-aoth the cost. Barods diamonds ln solid gold rings stand add tests and expert exam- ination. We guarantee them. See them first, then pay. Catalogue free. Patent ring measure Included for Are 20 Stamps. TflK BARODA CO., Depi. 4, £W fturtn state St., Chicago. AT ONCE, FOR THE 10 First Class Lecturers and Doctors; lOFlrstOlass Sketob Teams; 10 First Class Irish and Dptch Co- medians; 10 First Class Black Face Comedians; 10 First Class Piano and Organ Players. All most be up-to-date In medicine business, perform. State all in first letter and Balary. Tickets to anyone I know. No C. O. D. telegrams. Good treatment It you attend to your own business. I pay the salary, will Houghton, Jack Sylvester, Jos. Russell and Ed. Kettner, write. Add. DR. R. J. ATKINS. Stormy Cit y, Iowa. Home add.. Moravia, Iowa. Parodies, 2 Sketches, one for 1 f. 1 no., one for 2 m.; lots of end gags; 1 fine monologue; short gags, and a funny recitation, all for fo 2c stamps to In- troduce my work. O. B. CKANDALL, 100 Dudley St., Providence, B. I. 4 PA I! VHP Handcuff Act, Trunk Mystery, Second FVt» MLIi"~sight Act, Spirit Cabinet, Black Art Outfit. Leg Irons, Galatea, Magician's Complete Ontflt and loootner bargains* circulars for STAMP. GEO. A. HICK. 4 Underwood St.. Auburn. N. Y. Wanted,REAL MED.PEOPLE In all lines ot tbe business. Write qulok or wire. Tickets to no one, bave been there. DR. I. G. BADOHMAW, MarsnUeld, Athens Co., O. MUSICAL! 10KB8, ; MICE!« Retinas! Following for Sale, cheap, 41n. Hand Bells, English Crickets,Bag- pipes and others. Bend stamp for price list PROF. NAjioiT, 181 W. C6th 8t, Chicago. LAUGHTER, TEARS, THRILLS, sen- sational novelties, plays, sketches, monologues, original Hoes, unusual situations, written to order for the Individual to please the public, address PAUL HARRIS, Pelham, New York. JOHN B. WILLS says about Bowans Pneumonia Cure Tho Ors«t External Remedy for Colds, Coughs, Croup, Throat and Chest Troubles. OOWAN MEDICAL CO.. Durham, N. 0. . __ JTannarj«, 1908. Oentlemen:—It Is wltb a feeling of genuine pleasure that I give Gowan's Pneumonia Cure a word of strongest praise and recommendation to theatrical people and others suffering wltb colds, grippe, soreness In cnest or muscular ptlns. By Its use I obtained best results In a few hours' time; In fact, was benefited from first application. Its action Is quick and wondcrfnl, the very kind of a remedy we need as a safeguard and care. I trust my endorsement may be the means of others obtaining It and being benefited by Its use as I bave been. My advice Is to carry It In vonrgrlp snd feel secure. (Signed) JOHN a. WILLS, Manager Wills Comedy Co. For Sail by all RIKER and HEGEMAN DRUG STORES, Niw York aid Brooklyi. Ol. oo. SOo. »»o. ^HARBAGHS ALL LATEST, NEW- * men mire EDISOH DNIVEB8AL AID BXBIB1TI0I -American PB0IECT0OHAPH, THE FLICKEBLES3 HACHIHE — Clneograph, 1907 and 1908 — Optigraph lo. 4 — Power's CAHEBAGBAPH —Ho. 5, Etc., With or Without Fire lagailnes—ELEC TRIO or CALCIDI; also 20th CENTDBT ■ABVEL. NEW SONG SLIDES, PEB SET, $5.00 8. H. S0M SETS, $3.00 UP. P08G AND SERPENTINE BL1DES. ALSO HART USED MOTION PICTUBE IACHIRES SEND FOR 97 SUPPLEMENT * ' Motion Picture Machines, Films, Slides and Accessories Reduced Prices. FILM, $30-140 b'e'eI 800 TO 1.000 FsdBT ON A HKEI, MOSTLY FBATURD. LIST MAILED. PASSION PLAY FILM. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES and FILMS WANTED. 809 FILBERT ST. ,R Hllfaollno TlohU. ja.OO, Wortltd f Mliirto to match, all same pries tlsrhtit Pomps, m csn~ L Ol.OOt Elaatlo Bu Sllholtne TlajnU, ja.oO| Worst** Tights, $H.Wt Cotton Tights, 01-OO, 011k Tights, from 09.VB tip, . . —mo r~* its, i - pporters, 01.U0, Cloth Sapporters.ltS cents. Mend for catalogue and laniplci of tights, free. Positively a ds* required. BstlSfacllOa guaran- teed or mono? refunded. 81'IUKK BKOH., 86 Woodbine Btrcet, Urookljn, N. Y.; Now Yor« omce, Lincoln Uldg,, 1 Union Sq. Private, Theatrical and Clreaa Cars linagtit. Sold, Exchanged, Leased. Repaired and Stored Under Cover. "C'orrcspondonco solicited." HARRIS OAR COMPANY. General OAleeii, 'J'4 Brand way, N. Y. City. Storage Vard« ii Worlia. Worcester, Wats. MrsW-GAULT BROWNE PLAYS AND SKETCHES HOt W. EDDY'-ST.:■: ' *—"""iT""" CAPSULES MI Df OATARSUi effthm BIADDER. Relieves all EkS upnb tmn Um . Wfl'.. sTi 'citii nr DA UUFERTY; PRESIDENT 832854 BR04DW*y;:nEW YORK. ?WfW 10 PB0PES8I0H B0 FA8PIIATII0 OB PH0FITABLE. 1 teaob rod by mall, so yon can go at once on tns Stage, ■end for my beautifully lllas- trated book explaining method, also ptotorej, •oenes ot plays, aetors,aotresaes who tiara become efllolent through my trslnlng—malled FIIBB, address HBRHV DICKIOM SCHOOL otf actiwo. aoa Auditortnm, uaioago. BMh at. STA8E DASCIH6 TAVOIIT BY MAIL JOHN P. HOOAg'l Chart and Diagram system Enables anyone, without tonuer experience, to be- come an accomplished dancer. Bend 2-cent stamp for Circular. Pros- pectus. etOw to JOHN P. IIOOArJ, Teacher of »(•■« Ilanrlns;, KIU.> llall. najestfc Theatre building, and 8th Ave.. Mew York City, !, I . .1 AN £ ACTOR # ACTRESS oa ORATOR -' : BBBT FAYINO PItOPKSHION IN TIIK WOULD. We teach you liy mall In a short time to go upon the 8TAUK or speaker's platform. You can easily earn from liii.oo to iloo.oo weekly. We have thoD- sands of satlniled students. Write for FltKK book- let on dramatlo art l»y correspondence. CHICAGO BCHOOI, OP BLOCUTION, 1389 Chicago Opera House lilook, UIIIUAUO, ILL. 'S3& Actor on r£ Ian Mctre^s AV ICOMPLeTt I SHU31 SHOW BUSINESS H0WT0I BEGIN IN WHAT Act* to Urtrii tail How. l"i.lnn oa Kalirv, (Jtitaln Ilnirigemenii « n d olh*r ciii-niUI iKiliitR, t'lirn Wcti. OttoBBppayOo.sBQlsdiM C 3T0 W.ab thBt. . Mow Yortr MAGICAL APPARATUS Of every description,best make. Large Illustrated catalog loots. Small Illustrated catalog KUEK. BAILEY A TBIPP 00., I'. O. Box 440, Cambrldgeport, Mass. a**f 2uh paid for prompt eiclusive Inrormailfin on live new, "itfirlet" Would It Make Interesting Reading? LM for New York City oewipjpcn. If In doubt, writs or '(.lioncaliflefitjlcrnrat. Co.itjJcntUI. 'I'lluneli Dsjr, 9j4 John| Night, 4S11 Cnlumbiu. EXCI.ISIV I N£WS SERVICE, Si Will JlretL WANTED, A COLOBED COMEDIAIf Thai can sing and dance, to join vaudovllle act. Must play l.rsBK. Iloozcrsnnd trumps, save stamps. Address jnsKI'll II. ilOHKLY, care of C'LlI'PKR. 1*** Wllh Cardl, ■ 'VImi, lUtibont. ii., aiplalaaj ao ai.y .ma can il<i iltr,„. Illii'lrnlml (ataloa lacludad frrr. AMtm OTTO IWrfLT 00. O 1T0 HW itil. ttraat, Saw Tart,