The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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1330 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. January is, Read what TRULY SHATTUCK, .. WHO WAS ONE OF THE VERY FIRST TO SING LOVE ME AND THE WORLD IS MINE, If Wrote us last week, while playing at Hammersteln's Victoria Theatre, N. Y. f where she sang, for the first time, the new [ballad by the sama composer, ERNE8T R. BALL, with words by GEORGE GRAFF Jr., Is going splendidly-better every performance: In fact, I am sure It is going to be another "LOVE ME, AND THE WORLD IS MINE;" and she surely knows what she's talking about, for she called the turn on the other. The only way we can prove this to you, however, Is for you to write us for a copy and orchestration, and try It over, or, If you are In town, call! and hear it," and convince yourself. MAGNIFICENT SLIDES BY WHEELER. $5.00 PER SET. NONE GRATIS. :--Professional Copies and Orchestrations for above to recognized Performers, or those sending Up-to-Date Programs- IN O \ 9 Witmark Building, 144-148 W. 37th St., New York. 1VI. ^l/ITIVIARK: <& SONS, THE BARNUM & BAILEY GREATEST SHOW ON EABTH Offers at its Winter Quarters, Bridgeport, Conn., ALL KINDS OF CIRCUS PROPERTY m. R KELY Consisting of Flat Care, Elephant Cars, Box Care, Sleeping Cars, Baggage Wagons for all department., Tableau Wagons of all kinds, including those suitable for carrying loads, Band Wagons, Ticket Wagons, Open and Closed Cages, Racing Chariots, Circus Seats, Spectacular, Tournament, Entry and Parade Wardrobe, Tights, Armor, Swords, Guns, Military Uniforms, Etc., Etc INTION 18 OALLCD to an immense amount of wardrobe suitable for all kinds of street spectacles, carnivals and masquerades. All communications will be promptly and fully answered, and every attention givon visiting purchasers. Address, or call on BARNUM & BAILEY, Bridgeport, Conn. WANTED, FOR All newly equipped And tremendously enlarged. Featuring the grant thrilling Flro Drama the Pitmen," In nddltlon to one of the largest Circus utnl Menageries in the world Fighting Correspondence Kxporloiicod Commoting Agents, Cnr MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES 30'ftfft/00o^ >^SAMPt£-5 : 7/7 c 7/3MtLM3, GOS S CO, "THE OLD RELIABLE" There are only two of mi THE NEW YORK CLIPPER •» THE WIGGERY at 162 8TATE ST., CHICAGO. (FIFTH FLOOR) Neither ever goes back on a statement, because both tell ON 1,1 the truth. WHY PAT HIUH I'llK KSforVOIIl A V K T N FOR SALE CnBAP 7x0 to 00x120 od hand. NK W AND SECOND HAND B1BDKI1 TENT AND AWNING CO., DBTBOIT, MICH. s solicited from pooplo in all brandies of the olrctie profession. Manager for No. 2 Car, Honor and reliable droits Itlllpoaiors, capable 24-hour Agent, people In nil brnnolios of tho circus business except riders and big aortal acts. Especially want 00 Clowns to doable clown btnd and concert, Knee Riders, Conuert I'coplo, Muslolans (or throe bands, etc All performors mutt do at least two nuts nnd lako part In the spectacle. Honest nnd lober Bobs Canvasman, capable of hnndllug men and ennvns; Mnstor of Transportation, capable of rebuilding cars: iloss I'roport jman who la capaple of handling IIibho props.; Hobor nnd reliable Light Man who undoisiauda Ilolte A Wolro lights; Elephant Man. capable of hnndllug and performing the largest troupe of Iralnod elephants In the world. For Cook House: I'coplo In all brunches. Including cooks, waiters, etc. For Halo: Two Worklngmen'B Sleepers, In good condition; One Advertising Car, Sevemi Cross Cages, suitable for railroad or wagon ahowa. Address OOLLMAR BROS., Banboo, Wis. UlAaVITm for the PRIVILKOB8 of th« WAN I tU, BUFFALO BILLS WILD WEST, Season 1908, FOR THE SIDE SHOW t THK WORLD'S (IKK ITKMT LIVING CURIOS, High Class Novelty Ada of every description, miy and everything New and Novo) to lutervst, please and amuao the American l'ulillo. I MIlBlfll TPIM Man and Wiro, with One A IHl'ftiLjlli IMI!l,w»rdrobo atidHingesctling. AMIlMlET not ovor 3ft - "■>• |n helgbl. to do miUUEi 1, comedy boxing act with the Midget Major Page. FOR THE BLACK TENT OR MOVING PICTURE SHOW t A FIRST 0LA88 OPKIIATOR who can furnish machines and Due collection of fllma. whoso appearnnce, " and habits lit! 1 IVfl 1 MiHI to makosocond openings and nil M 110, 1 ITIrlll nnnouucoiucnta. Must havo good nppearanco, strong voice, und thoroughly undorstund his business nnd be onorgoUo 4 ALL HAY (IlilMKIIS, must be Al. A WHITE BAND tiOJr* "* ^ A SOBER, RELIABLE BOSS dUVAS MAS. FOR THE CONCERT: A BTRONQ SENSATIONAL ACT TO FEATURE, sketch Teams, Slater Acta, Coon 8»ng Singers, Comedy Acts of every kind, Singers and Dnnoers, Strong Single Aots. Address QEOUOK V. CONNOR, Manngor of Privileges, limmio Dill's Wild West Shows, Chllllcotho, O- MAGICAL GOODS AND SUPPLIES. TOST A COMPANY, 800 Filbert St., (Established 1870), Philadelphia. W New, Enlarged, Illustrated Catalogue. mmBB.\ ST ALUMINUM OHIMKs, on doable decker floor rack, used a little, but good as new, $88,00. Two octavo Stool Marlmbaphone, on floor rack with rest, used a few times, but In first clasa con- dition, $86.00. One Bet Conn'e Wonder Orcheutra Hells, 'i\- octaves, In ease, $7.60. One Hot 8 Bowls, $6.00. Onoeet 10 Four In Hand Hells, $32.00. One eel 8 Four In Iland Bells, $14. One Banjo, $8.00. WANTED, FOR JAMES ADAMS' VAUDEVILLE SHOWS PERFORMERS FOR TWO SHOWS. Southern and Eastern Co. butch, Irish nnd Dlnckfaoe Comodlan. 10 Good Sketch Teams, 10. Two Good Song and Danoe Tennis, nlao Sister Aots. In fact overy act thai Is Buttabe for vaudeville show. Performers doubling brasa given preference. Musicians for two bands, must double stago or orohea- tra, also Piano Player (hat can double brass. Two Good Contracting Agents that oan aud will paste paper. All week stands, tliereforo performers must he ablo to change specialties for one week. 1 pay all after joining, an everybody oats nnd sleeps on private care. Mnke salary low, as you get It here. The bestot aooommodnllona, nil married people have state rooms. Address J AUKS ADAMS, Florence, S. O. F. B.—Would like to buy llaby Grand Piano. WAIV'TKI), YOUNG MAN FOB TREASURER Of big burlOBnuo company. Muat havo $i,«m,oiih)i. Grer' addreu HARRY P. 8.—Oan use a few more Chorus (llrla and Clever Soubretto to feature. Must havo $i,600,oa8Ii. Grent opportunity. Only thoae meaning business " B. TUAYKG, Star Theatre, Soranton, Pa, ¥V¥«hlillW VWI ■ ■olooW Catalog and list, Edw. Van Wyok. Cincinnati, o. AT LIBERTY, JAN. 18, Frank W. Richardson, JUVENILE LEADS, HEAVIES AND GEN. BUSI- NESS, Rest wardrobo In tho imainoss. Thoroughly oxperleaoed, sober and reliable. References given. Age, 26. Height. 6ft, MB. Can Join on Wire. Address care of Theatre, alexia, Tex. HTHAVE TOD EVER SEEK THE 8PI0E- LAHD FOLDING CH4IR 7 OAK WOOD CHAIR MFO, CO., 1007 Race St., l'hlln., Pa, Strongest folding chair In the world. 59 REELS of 8EC0ND HAND FILMS $ao to a Reel. Send for Mat IDKAI, FILM KXCIIANUK. 112 K. Randolph Btreol, Chicago. WMTFn moving pictukr maouinr with nAIIICU films. Prloo must bo low for cash. W. H. RHODES, 111 Retreat Avo., Hartford, Conn. Dougola, Illinois, Opera House On III. control, between St. Louis and Cairo. III. Good connections. Capacity 600. Splendid snow town. IteaBonablo tormi. Can Play Companies 6 to 15 People First seaion. Plenty open lime. Would Like Good Minstrel Jaat Now. 8, Q. BOYD, M anager. AT LIBERTY. MOREAV CARPENTER Comedian, Characters, Monologue and Songs, 2d Tenor. Age, 28; ti., 6ft. fin.; w„ 18aibs. „ BRUCE. CARPENTER Juveniles, nil llns. Ago,l»i li., 6ft lOIh.; w., lailbs. Joint or single engagement One piece, rop. or slock. Add., 1442 Bedford Avo., Brooklyn, N. v. STORKD, BOUGHT AND SOLD. J. J. BliAHOK, 6344 Ponn Ave., Pittsburg, Fa. CARS UNIFORMS BaND, military, minstrel outfits carnival cos., ushers And All Others feii ftr catalog, uaiii. uii w«m Special nutrition Given tbe Profession Western Uniform Co. IF WH GIVB VOW OHR 10 INCH It KKL WITH TllllKK I 11A Miles FOR BETTER GRADES FOR j^^AHD AMO FOB $0-ArVD A GOOD SERVICE AT This offer^standi good within I 000 miles of "few Vork Oily. All (Bat Is required la A DEPfAlT OF $l)5.0b, WHICH WILL BE RETURNED WlIEiT SERVICE IS DISCONTINUED AilD FILMS RKTURHBd" For Salt-A large list of Slightly Used Films at half their value, put up le 10 Inch Reels. ISnnt' Mama n_i-.. .— _» mm 814 8. CLARK ST. CHICAQO I. MILLER. MANUFACTURER of Th«»trloHl Boots A: Shoes CLOG and BALLET SHOES a spe- cialty. All work made at short notice. St.. New York. Tel. 100 Obeiaea. Learned by any Man or Itoy nt homo. Small cost. Sjnd today 2o. stamp for particulars and proof. A.O. SMITH, Hoom601.2Q4» Knnivliio avo., Peoria, 111. BLOOD POISON FOR MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS Wo havo mado the euro of Blood Poison a specialty. Blood Poison Permanently Cured. You can be treated at home under tho snmo guaranty. Capital. $600,000. Wo solicit the most obstinate cases. If you have exhausted tho old methods of treatment and still have nches mid pains. Mucus Patches in Mouth, Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored Spots, JJlccra on any part of tho body, Hair or Eye- brows falling out. write for proofs of cures. 100-pago Book Free. COOK REMEDY CO., 1111*65 Slate St., Chicago, III., U. 8. A. Feet. Name. Price. 500 Blgnmlst $20 377 Shooting Exhibition 10 810 The Park Keeper 12 750 Fights of All Nations 22 475 The Black Beauty 12 377 Billiard Fever 10 080 Hchemo that Failed 20 850 Circus in Town 80 050 Winter Day In the Country 18 800 The Wish Bone * 20 740 Anna's Love Story 20 C40 The Waif io 230 Perry on the RooseveltI 6 058 Climbing tie American Alps 20 185 Georgia Camp 5 T51'Mrs. Smlthcra' Boarding School .. .24 442, Utile Tfch .... 12 240 Tommy at Play , 508 - Ski Competition 20 344 Bob Sleighing ' in 650 Orsnd Ilotel to Big India IB 410 Great International Cross Boad 12 541 Pompeii jq Feet. Name. Prlet. 250 The Hero $5 150 Unexpected MesI 5 050 Herring Fishing IB 131 Man Without Scruples 4 800 Distress IB 278 Police Inspectors Hypnotized 5 688 Tho Fencing Master 12 285 Rogues Tricks B 481 Tenderloin Tragedy 16 877 A Free Pass 10 428 Crayono 10 857 Mines and Forge at Decaavlllo IB 278 An Old Man's Darling B 875 Bowser's Houso Cleaning 20 170 Trip to Salt Lake City B 213 Colonel's Bicycle 4 658 The Invisible Man 12 180 The Poisoned Fowl 4 B24 Childish Match 10 350 Quarter-day Episode 8 475 Ephemeral Wealth 10 370 Lumbering in the West 18 m Sr h m e rM a £?l r •.••:•:/.• '■•■•••.•." I.BM The Pnrls ShEeX! ,.'.'.,],. ! .* 1 W Students VtVvH SRlS? t*w J-KKraoTkHM E&7S*$&£&& U Mrrl™ K&VP' Ml ^^ thRt the y "«ve robbed you.'nnd1 n sU„ , are win Batlsaid y ° U nre g9ttln8 our Mryko for * 10 «»)• wwk, and that you week W8 if n r*h^ J» „ t ?* eMn,ln 5 our fllm8 that H wl » Ornish you for $10 and $12 per L,i ^ y . are DOt 8B eooa M we say ' we wlu <-'hoerfully refund you? money we but^nlv',S?ff ntt&JB l S n 5' 80 MmUh you with a serrtoe of the Latest IWiW^&S^^^S&^SP *»™»»«* w"h m, and we wlU give j.u *— w C*aS. 302 B. 23d Bt, New York. TeL, 6871 ORAM. WANTED QUICK, FOR THE FRANK DUDLEY CO wardrobo both on and off. salary la stated. Othcra, mafSStSfSi om . wu . K00d B P e( :l ft "y proferrcd. AI WOMAN FOB iff He? SSrtSL wo chsrftct(lrB ' »<>«' ntnat be good looklog and have Al j writJ y .iS«i.^ y »J ure l.?, 0 . n, ,7 le " "asonable. All mall answered where j, wnto. Address quick, with full particulars, to FRANK DUDLEY, HAZELHURST, MISS., JAN. 20-23. Downie's Big Uncle^Tom's Cabin 50 PEOPLE, WHITE AND COLORED, WANTED Jtff^s^Tn&aagftfVl- lMa Tn »*»°"Jor Its Western trip. Bin* Geo, Shelby, Haley and Bkc«g* oti'mnHnn f-niift?JHJ Le 8rce Tom. Marks and Deacon, doo. llari!*. .. «, v .. u abB nvM, I CUJJIO lUr till pft C'UlVf !*To y A n 2n 8 d offie^ beat ^nZttl'f^e^^'^S^^m ■»** »P««««]ty. flood stage Manager. Want the 'rtotte siniVnfrSSfJESSft ln ?, t Tj"„«««» "ie parts as required by the manufo- leal niimbcr. in^tJii^ V w ' S2ft Reo1 and J '8 Dancers for plantation see.:.-; K.»i uumoora, specialties, o work hoii»^,.n n,. »„•„ ■ ».n»- ™..„. «,„.v in ,'■■ ■ n mont. Colored (juartotte, „ Man to put on musical numbers ■■■■■■ i jcr. «n£iiiii.. . • ,V Reo1 8nd J '8 Uancera for plantation scer:i-'; corps. Leaders fo? band in "orc'lio t« with £2?& bot ." cen tl10 « ct «- Ladles must work In dtnui Hi.ii 4>,„.„k — m... , !. , L'i "IL a g jgg s jgia K 00 ^," 1 ?. 0 ' ninslc; Musicians for band and orclies. i, , r .i"x,'*F Uo ' le '. A " 0 ' Tr »!» Drummer with line of traps, eto. Act mi uur[in, ueaacrs ror band and orpiinoirA «,,,7. -.--■». ■" ■ •■ ■■■ ,,,w ■«■. i.uuiwh iuub. wm. Hide Trombone. Clarinet, two Cornets IW J?*L!l?% ot "IS 1 " 0 ' Ml "l='""> ^r band and or that double ur«BB. ktualclans that Sto SfiLo 0, b AUo ' ? r8I> "fammer with line of traps, eto. » v ■- ced pooplo onlr, that cftii P; men to fake care of basonurs and nnniM. «tn. Oan nlace ■ ■'■ o nega'tive! "EF^R &£$ fflk»S»ffiftg^SS^^SOT ^^ po"' more HusUIng B„. WSgiL^JSrB&tt ttMUK WUkSb- ?