The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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1336 THE TSTESW YORK CLIPPEB. January 25. WHY /' TbeCfcaropajceofBoffled BEER is shipped to the Philippines, Egypt, India and the ends of civil- *f ization ■ Because High Life satisfies the uni- versal demand for a perfect beer. The World Asks For It That's why we were compelled to increase our capacity to One Million Barrels MERRY C. DONER, Distributor 353 Broadway, Long Island City, N.Y. Milwaukee *> i ALFRED J. CAMMEYER, 6th Ave. and 20th Street, NEW YORK, Leading House In America for Theatrical and Street Shoes cktdl tnuKuon All Colors In Theatrical Hosiery Theatrical Calalorjua ■ailed Free Upon Eaqneat. Can Fit Ont Com- panies Without Any relay. Estimates Furnished TUB ABOVE IB A 8AXPLJS OF OCB 75c. LITTER HEAD HALF TONE We can mate a halt tone from photograph yon fornlan; Mt op your nam*, address and act In tyrio, ud print tot) Latter Heads, sxxll, tor IS.S0, ■UIOrVIbLB Blf GRAVING CO., BIB Hay at., Kaorrllls. Team. THOUSANDS have discarded the idea of making their own cocktails—all will after giving the CLUB COCKTAILS a fair trial. Scientifically blended from the choicest old liquors and mellowed with age make them the perfect cocktails that they are. Seven kinds, most popular of which are Martini (Gin base), Manhattan (Whiskey base). The following label appears on every bottle I (inaranlrrd under the) National Part) Food and Drug Act. M Ap- ■erlal proved June 80tb, Wo. 1T07. G. F. HEUBLEIN & BRO. Bole Proprietor* Hartford New York London CAONEY BROTHERS 74 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY eilkollne Tlniito, 09.00| Worsted I ?■(***>..''*# I Cotton Tights, I Tights, f».00| Cotton Tlntiti, I ei.OOi Milk Tights, from Jja.08 ap| I Htilrto to match, all samn pries lastlahtatPamps, aa eents| Galt- I era, gl.OOi lOlaotlo Bapnortera, I |l,O0| Cloth Hupnorters. M» oents. Bend for oatatosrae nnd samples of tights, free. Positively/ a de- poalt roijulrril. Hatlnfactlon guaran- teed or mono; refunded. Kl'lUKH BR08., 88 WooduIno;Stroot, Brooklyn, N. Y.; New York omce, Llnooln Bldg., 1 TJnlon Bo.. I 8 MINUTE MONOLOGS | Irlih, Tramp, Blaok Face, Mo. oaoh; Three aver, i oho. Parodies on late boubb, aod 16 Gags, 26o.; o Parodies and 80 flags, 60o. Ever/thing new and original. Other atun". List for stamp; or froo with an order. BEST OF SKETCHES. I Eto., written to order under the STRONGEST P088lBLK;auAiUNTBB. Price on anything and convlnolng proof of my ability for a 2o. J sump. MARY K. P. THAYBU, 21W llroad Bt, Prov., R, 1 iHiseeioooi In great demand because It contains the goods. Mow In second edition. Three neat, two comedy sketches each for two people. Five monologues. Price, BO cents, money or- deroratampa. BROOKLYN PLAY BUREAU, 74 Bast 7th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. ■edlclne III SOAP "PakerC Oiivainn OET onr prices on soap. THBYwUI Interest yon. Special BepU for making private brands with at- tractive labels. Money-getters of big value for canvassers and fakers. We aatlafy and hold onr customers. E. M. DAVI8 SOAP CO., 10 Union Park Court, Ohlosgo. Stock Dramatic Paper Tha Flnoat L.lane» In th*» Oountry. Write for prices. THE DONALDSON LiTUOflRAPHINO CO. BRWPORT, RMPMTTJCKV. HIGH CLASS MAGICAL APPARATUS At moderate prices. Largo stock, lmmonoo variety. Illastratod Oatologuo Free. Now Mam- moth Catalogue Juat Issued, 20o. Just out, list of new books on Magic and now list of bargains in trtoks. A. ltOTEItBKRO, us Ontario St., Ohloago. CONTRACTS LBTTBR BEADS, ENVELOPES. T1CKBTB, PASSES, CAKDB, Btc. Write /or Samples. Webb Ptg. Co. . 888 Dearborn Bt. Chicago. III. A GREAT BARGAIN IN OPERA CHAIRS 6» Full Upholstered Chairs like this one must go. We have taken them In a trade and haven't room to store them. They are latest de- sign, upholstered in Nor- mandy-plush with corded edges. Alt as good as new. Call quick if yon want a bargain. American Seating Company 19W. 18th ST., NEW YORK, 8TAL.I.MAS'S DIIKHSKK TRUNK. Easy to get at everything with- out disturbing anything. No fatigue in raoctag and unpack- lng. Light, strong, roomy drawers. Holds as muob and costs no more than a good box trunk. Hand riveted; strongest trunk made. In email room serves as ohlffonlsr; 0. 0. ». with privilege of ex- amination. 2o. atamp for cata- log. F. A. STALLMAN, 85 w. Spring Bt, Columbus. O. Is MILLER. HAJIUPACTCIUBB •f Theatrleal Beats Ac Shoes OLOO and BALLET BBOBS a spe- cialty. All work made at short nottoe. W. saat St. New York. Tel. loo Chelsea. NEW UP-TO-DATE 52 PAGE BOOK Catalogue of Latest TRICKS, Books, etc., lost out Sentfor too. NONH FREE. W. D. LKROY. 103 Court Bt. Bos ton. Mass. BOHEMIAN RESORT For Professional People, 26 W. Gay 81., Columbus. 0. TRICKS AND TRICK APPARATUS. YOST A COMPANY, BOO FUbert Bt, (Established 1ST«), Philadelphia. JOT New, Enlarged, niuatratod Catalogue. Wl HAVE FOR L.KABE AND SALS Advance, Prlvllego, Baggage, Stock, Au- tomobile and lnerry-Oo-Hoond Cars. Uft long. DOBlrablo for Show and Carnival Com- panies. Reasonable tonnn. Write for particulars. THE ARMS PALACE HORSE OAR COMPANY, No. 1230 Mona dnooK Building, Chicago, IU. UNIFORMS BAND, MILITARY, HINSTBH OUTFITS CARNIVAL COS., USUEBS And All Others SttS hr UTAIOC. HcttUs Hid tnici Special Attentloa Given the Profculn Western Uniform Go. 814 B. CLARK ST. CHICAGO H9H! »T ALUMINUM CHIMTDB, on double (looker floor raok, uaod a llttlo, but good as new, $ss,oo. Two Ootave Steel Marlmbaphone, on Boor raok with rest, used a few times, but In first class con- dition, 185.00. Ono net Conn's Wonder Orchestra Bells, i \i ootsvcB, In caBo, $7.60. Ono set 8 Bowls, tt.oo. Ono Bet 18 Four In Hand Bells, J82.O0. One BOt 8 Four In Band Bells, $14. Ono Banjo, $6.00, One Sot 8K Oot Chro., 44 Organ Ohlmca, 2 tubes to oaoh tone, very obeap.for 8 or 4 pooplo. Prlco, $126 mi With Ckrd., (."ulna, Klbbooa I etc.* Mptnloed •o any on* nn rln ihvin. IWgO tfjM fbtalof IncturttxJ frvp. AildrtM OTTO ICTftT OO. Hoosa «p 1TO Wart »»ih Btr«tt, Wsw Tort, BLOOD POISON FOR MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS Wo havo made tho euro of Blood Poison a I specialty. Blood Poison Permanently Cured. You con bo treated at home under the canto Kuaranty. Capital. $600,000. Wo solicit tho moetobetlnato cases. If you havo exhausted tho old methods of treatment and still have I aches and pains. Mucus Patches in Mouth, Sara Throat, Pimples. Copper-Colored Spots. I Ulcers on any part of tho body. Hair or Kyo- I brows falling out, write for proofs of cures. | 100-page Book Free COOK REMEDY CO.. 1111 -56 Stats St., Chicago, III., U. S. A. Q0LD MEDAL SPECIAL. eiialetara Railroads for Psrlu, Summer Retorts,«t*. The Greatest Money /lakers and best Attraction In the World. Ns Park complete without them, caraisg $1500 a six days. With proper cars, will last a| taND TOl CaTALOSUS. A Her Shaving MENNEN5I BORATED TALCUM TOILET POWDER tand insist that your barber use it also. It Is Anti- septic, and will prevent any of the skin diseases often contracted. A positive relief for Chapped Haoda, Chafing, and all afflictions of the skin. Removes all odor of perspiration. Qet Menace's— the original. Sold everywhete or mailed for 33 cents. Sample fret. Try ifennm'i Violet (Borated) Yafcvm. GERHARD MENNEN CO. Newark, N. J. Guaranteed under the Food and Drugs Act, Jane 80, 1908. Serial No. 1B42. 2t/l«i*« KELY ^■^imM&iMtik^ MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES /MO -^ //m/L€&w$ftffi'!:A-. T E N FOR SAXR CD BAP 7x0 to 0OH20 on hand. NUW AND SECOND HAND •IDDBB TBNT AND ArTNINO OO. pnTBOIT. RICH. s B E ^MITHOGRAPH % S ABOUT HALF THE PRICE £ HEW LITHO-TINT PAPER 1 Morrison Show.Prlnt ,,„;,; -f ■Mrs,W.CA-UIT BROWNE PLAYS. ANb 5KLTCHES 1166 vV.'EDDV ST. r-i-4 \ f- n r- ^ CURED by a secret process "LUCKY STRIKE" he. a fragrance and charm all its own. LUCKY STRIKE Sliced Plug Plpa Tobacco ha iKelsrgest sals in the world. Il mokes cool to the end without waile, and does not blow out of the bowl. For over City yean the name " PATTERSON " on tobacco has been a guarantee of high nudity. Pocket Size, Tin Bos, 10c. Army Auction Bargains Tints ms« . ARMY BADOLBS a.00 " BriJUs • \JH t'fg'M.PT. -I* ."ai.toup oidPfctoto • - t*j& . I.H" ODtan'SwonUjOiKll", C..»lrr B«kr«« UNIFORMS 1 Sioi Cwblnt US) 1.11 Ml AXJOOV3, S» Urp w«WS* ,( IS «• OOVT. AUOTIOM BAIdll QW nallidfoilSc.nU(i1«nip«). hawmptrsiaW. S01 Broadway, liswvpw Fine Magical Apparatus, ILL08ION8, T1UOK8, tU. Orand End of Century, ,tu\)j llloatrateil. BOOR «»»■ i.Ofidle, 26o., free by "J 5 "; Catalogue of Parlor trieksfree MAIIT1NKA A CO.,Mfr8, 1493 SUth Ave., N. Y. _ '-■■■■-■ ■■" SANTA/. , CAPSULES ' MidV QAYARRH of,A. [31AODER- ; Relieves l Discharges ^24 HOURS Bet an of WW eotuUetftiU-