The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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JANUARY 25. tstiimmtiK CLIPPER __THE NESW YORK CLIPPER. 1337 DttUIrAlID BSSDiaSS 1 MiKlOM. < ■ *,1 : HI 4 , ? *'7 KDITUttMIr I ; 8A.CTftDAY, JAHDARTf 26, 1908. . Buttlta Moo *l. 18(0, at the I'oat OBee at N.iiv Vorlv N. \., an tecoud class matter, tlniitc Jlc act of March 3. 1BTI). -•- RATES. 'i. AdTertlsi'HMiiiUH|2.8ft-|H!f Inch, single column. AilTcrtlsculciitD act with lalrdcr, 10 per ct. extra, SUBSCRIPTION. Oue yeor, In advance, S* j six mouths, S2; three meiith«. *!• Foreign postago extra; Mingle copies nill ba sent, postpaid, on receipt of 10 cents. ■ (Inr Titjiw are Cnnh. TllE CLftftlitt is lss'ucd'cvcry Wednesday morn. Inf. ThO'Inst four {advertising) pngea 00 TO FBES8 on ■ Butoriiay nt II a. it., and the oUjur iMgcTeu'' aud TUPSDAY. ' ™ Tuc pWtim 'Closing Prompt ]>-, Toes- ilaj- ut 10 i.'e|atlt A. M. • Plea60 "teollt liy express; money order, cheek, I'. O. order ut registered letter. Alt cash euclosjd irllU lottfV Is nt ttio Link of fender. Ailtlrcalll ''All « niuiiiiniieiitloiia to TUB N1CW VOItK (LH'l'KH, ■ ' •• v, :: t 9ft.n'yA'WW ~9 9m> .w join. lUylihTcii Cullo AAVrvia, "Airxnonttr." ' THE WESTERN BUREAU ,01 TtUt CtfrlWl W: located nt : i:oom .004, Ashland Illuch, Chicago, .tohu T. 1'rhce Jr., manager and lurrespuutlcut, where hiIvitUrcuiwiIh and aobscrlo- lions oro received at our regular rates. THE'LONDON BUREAU Iflcaledtat : 1.4 .Leicester Street, T^lccster Square, Louden, w."C'-Henry George Ulbbcrt, manager, irlicro advertisements mid subserlptlooa are re- ceived at our regiilor rates. :■' TUB CLUTCH C'.VN IIU OBTAINED WIKILIHILS ANtl RBTAit, at otir agculB, Brentono's news depot, 87 Avenue de l'Opern, Paris, Frnncc; Diamond Newa 09.,' 120 Preno. Havana; Manila Book and Sta- tionery Co., 1H8 FjcoIiu, Manila. 1'. 1.; Albert 4 t>«n, :137.1tlO'lCluir St.. Sydney, Aurtrolfa. THIS NEW l oiik cl.Il'l'i :u pnbllabca only'onfc edition, auu timt in dated Iroai Hew Vmlt. !■' ln#WH "'''"'.'''..'. '■■■■ '■ ' ' ' == QUERIES ANSWERED. \o ltcjullea by Mall or Telctfrapu. AotmussiH or Whemiibouts mit asvag. Ail im (iuebt op neon should wnrr* N tiiobs whom Sr/iuv oniiK, is drus otr THIS CLIPPER I'osr OWtCB. -Am, nrrrtRO will no nuvaiTisni onb W»B« ONLI. If TTIJI BOOTH OK- 4NV TUBATBICAL 'VdltMrfk is aov'Git'fj nurai r<> uur. list otf Uoct».h ON' JNOTitlSK r*'IH. Wll'OAKNUr BEND kOUTIS SI ILklL OB '4'CUlUBAl'n. . . 1JKAMAT1C. T. Y.. EureliM^— Vfe huvo DO knowledge of tlio' pruseiit' whereabouts of the vsltty. Ad- ilreistt n letter In en re of 11lls orllee, und we , will ndvort'sL- It In Tuu t'Lifi'KK letter list. S.'ll.'AJersey City, . . ■' Axxiow, nuO \}.i ~M., Dcs Molucs.—See answer to T. Y., above. ' It. I.tV., New Yorl:.—"TIic Little Trouper" tvus .orlgtuallv produecd A us. <S0, 1KVM, nt tUt' Cdsfuft'Ncw Y6rk City. '.V.'.W- U., C'liawpitlun.— -l'h« best way Is to given mil perforiunute for luauagcrs una uyi-ut«.."-i- ■" ■ ■ ' ' ■ '. 'V. • U., liiUlailupoliN.—Address the editor of oilo of tin* local paper.* of tlio city you uleutlOu. ••••!■■',• 'C; V. If., ClIUUlO,—You tan prmuro whut you, Uenlre from uuy leudlai; evstutaer. F;'H.','Biiyomie.—1. Address 'uuiuuger nC Side: SuowV cafe of iilii'iiiun & nalloy, 27 Htst U'weuty-seeoiid Street, Nc)V York City. .. Quote your salury. B. C.| Troy.—Addi-esH Wm. J. Murray, llroudway TUeulrc Bulldlua, New York City. ('. H. A., rtultlniore.—The advei-tlscrucnt uppeared lu Tub Ouppuk, dated Jan. 11, K «. 1).. UuillUBtop.—While the Btoco muhagur would not allow Win to lmus It, lie ltl|e'peL'fi,liiiei'i limsl SCO tlllll it Is liilUX lu every thedtru in which tlip »ho\v plays.' Vi. )'. Mi, New York.—Ve Ww UO wcuub 91 kpotvlug. ' ; •';' • ' , ■.B. !>;, iHiuiJou,—Ye», If the limlrunieiiis urc a|l- piayea. ■ - !V;i» V misi i :i.i. \ \i; ( .1-. ' : 0.' K.. iii-:i Molues.—We never ludulgc lu ecmipurlsous. . • ' I «IPjft L OSDOX LK TTEn, ..■ , yjioM ut'li OWN coi:iiu:;i'0NOliNX. Illyjii-r lliirrau, 1>1 |i«lo<:atcr Sired, .-,, .i ■ ■ | iC i C0B ( cr Hnunrc, ',•:., Jiiiudiiii, W. 0. ' "jAw;'ii.ibo8. . Thero wua u urcat eoouuotlon' lu the miiirle linlls world on Friday, when 'fltr JMIIt) T*.l«-'- •jr<il)h: usually slow to ncccpt wlldeut stories, described, in elreiiiustniice aud tlefall, n nt'lfenie Tor tlui uiii,il»uiuatlou of the hnlls ro- updctlvcl}/ c Cv^* 1 Manihs aad OrtMto. ' ,.Thf Auaerleati debut of u team known na ftt'W^'W'^W" r,.„- I i nt tUc ™ ' m Yo * Inst week, the for- B^j>akW JUttlS. ,md {in latt'r prouuff to be a wornau ut no monu Btrcnitth. il«'60 is set with billiard table, hie IrlniI ill?! !!'!L 1>el ' f0 !' u . , "L 1<; !V " Ul l Marstro lie- lu( uif<». auu acts lum frequent applause. He dues a hnrid S3L&2! itSILS i.'!!:.. 11 !" 1 ^ .t'«lnuc.!« liliitsclf ^awyw^w ^ A^^vy v ^v nini «.iiu f I'uiuiuiiiuir, nun Marstro ie- ■ id ?. f ni,i?! , . lnc R5? r u ¥, llu E- »•« tumblluB i m "f 1 ! 00 " 1 ^ ^'"'I 1 ' s Jjlelt. «• n.-x, and gets lum frequent npidause. He dues a hnrid ifflfffl iS?!* I ", ra Cl "' s - *W slants thetiliiiarO Miss Orctto then holds upon lier chest and knees the heavy bll|hwU table, .aptl Murslri Htatidlu* tipou tlie. table, balaneos liluiself 25,H lH hn ( l ! ll f , U 1 ,D " tw « hllllurd cues. The «►; J? wc Jl-'OVtt"H(«tl,-.ntia mudc » One'tnt- press p U i M t aeelt.- It: rau About twelve minutes, on the full stajre. w : i„\f' tMnrBtid Is Germau. and Miss Orotto s IdiKllsb. Tlicy have been appearing In the act for about four years, onMlie Contl- ?.'.»■ "v? Ia ^"Blouil. Tbu team Just come now Mcc; ami will return iuuuedlately to fjic other side, hcfauso (lielr buoklugs In tills country were disarranged through Iho KCMU vnudcvlllo compromise. The long .lumps now matin necessary will make the transportation of their licurv baggage too expensive and flic team asked for a release from their coutructs here. Lucy tVtutnii. Songs Ihnt arc illntluctlj: sung nod well acted pre.always worth bwulUK, and I.ucy Weston, nil English comedienne, who made her Anietlcan (lebut nt the New York last week, .fills the want completely In that re- ' Miss Vest on Is n rood looking woman, slim mid thtllity, nnd she knows the art of Illustrating'a song by Vocal expression and acting. She has pulse nnd magnetism, ah.l above all she cnuucliUen clearly—which la .more limn half the battle, either irfdescrln- ,tlve singer or nclreSK. ... The audiences nt: the Xew Yorlr were quickly won over to this little singer who •'"»e frciln the land of Vesta Vlctorln auu Marie Lloyd, nnd her success woa complete. Bite had the people In the audlciico humming the choruses of her numbers, and lier cn- -corea. tvern bearty add sincere. The. tltoo eon8iiiaed by Ucr net was about tweuty-elght mlnntw. In one. . J MIM Weston is Irish by birth, and her pro- fessional career has extended over a'period of .ten years, In Kngland. In mi Interview she staled that she wu's engaged by Florena SSIcgfcld Jr., after.her npuearaneo hero last Moudar, to replace Norn Buyes hi ,i Xuo Fol- lies of 1H07.*' beginning this week. Her eontrnct with Mr. Zlcgfeld Is for twelve months, nnd she Intends to remain lu Ameri- ca indefinitely. •• .i « B at — i U. Ilurkc, l'ftt Toukoy nml Com linny. " "The Birthday I'atty," as played l>y Cbas. II. Durke, Vnt 'J\>uhoy anil company, at Pas- tor's last week, was a genuine laugh winner, with eouiq good lines, humorous situations, nnd a hit of homely sentiment that struck right home. This Is a cnpltul little act, with u yrent deal of Its success resting upon tlio Interpretation It. received. Chan. II. Hit rite, well known as an Irish co- median who tins few equals, was droll as the son of rirln whose daughter gives a birth- day party white he receives his old friend, Pat Casey, lu auotlier room of the house, l'at tells Ilnruey (Jlr. Ilurkc) of a number rif Ills thrilling experience", then Pal's daugh- ter caters, nod after a little bagpipe playing Pat Is left alone, the eurtalu descending As he bemoans the fact thul nil his friends say "good-nlght" just when he seeing- to need them niosl. l'at Tmihry Is a eupltnl Irish eoiiiedhin, aud lie tind .Mr. iiurhe did some work that was really line !ii eharticlcr. drawing. A number of humorous Hoes kept the uudlence Interested and amused, and the net tiCorcd a genuine success. Harrlctte Carter nnd May Touliey, as the duugutcrs, guve good old. 'fho Fhutch run about twenty-two minutes, on the lull stage. i Johnson aud Hlctiardn. .Johnson nml ltlchards, presenting "The College Hoy and the Kurnier," appeared at Pastor's lust week lu sonic ucrobatlc work of gllt-edge-I ipiallly. Itotli iiicuibcrs of this team are well known lu I heir line, and their lUdtvliltial ability eutltlcs thorn to trout- rank honors. Mr. Johnson, ns (he Italic, got: more fun oul'oC Hie offering tliiin Is usually the cuso In an act of this kind, and Mr, Itlchuids, who wurkcil straight, did some rciuurknble soiocniiiiH imps iroui i lie gruund, both for- ward aud buekwurd, llotli uiombitru of the tealii grt duwu to some tlnu work in uero- billies', Hid the iipplittlNU flint rewanleil them at t rei|iiciii intcrvtils proved how ludch tlio utidlunccM lattt week uppre'tluted tlio things they tuViiiupllsheil. The lilt of comedy that cutled the- olfcrlug, lit one wus diverting, und the team bowed their way off the stage with n good fdzed hit to Uielr credit. The net .van about fourteen minutes, opening on the full singe, and closing lu one. a iicMmIi una .Tenfold. and Penfold. at the Plfly-clglith street lust week, offered some comedy, sing- ing und dancing, and worn product H o of c,on- sldurable tiitertalniuent. Mr."MeMsli, In black iiu'i . and Mr. Penfold, ivorkltig stralMht, told some good Jokes us u slurler, und then the former gavo an Interesting exhibition of how lite old time mlnstruls danced. Thin part of ihe net wns very well liked, and doubtless recalled to tlio old timers many nights spent at the "nlKger minstrels" In duys gone by. Mr. Penfold, who.has a good singing voice, t hen ln'iil his Inning, and good comedy be- tween the two iiicnibirii uf llio team lliilahcd Ut)' tilings 111 elleetlve manner. The net run about eighteen minutes. III one. < lias, nnd l'miuio vnu. "A Cuae of taiiergcney," t'huu. and 1'nunle Van's new act. was shown for the urat time In New York nt the Flfty-elghth Btroot Thn- alro last week, l«> the great delight of the au- diences", pbo wci-o quick u> .appteclnto tlio ract that there was merit as well as noveltv In the offoriiig. Mr. Von linn struck a new Idea In lids act, ntid has worked It out cupt- tiilly. Three people are used. Mr. Vim's nsslslnnl. In ulabiimta iiinkeup, appearing with Miss van. and opciilng proccedlugR wltll a bur- tannic "sierao." Thn aatiirnl liupressloii made niKin the iimiieiiee nt the start Is that Miss \nu aud the asiisiant urn the team, Mr. von, an the stage carpenter, then comes on and requests!.the quarreling: couple to stop, hud tin) assistant thoii. "quks the act." Mlaa Vuu. ut a pliii'ti. hires the stuge curpeular, n part cleverly carried out by Mr. Vnn. and tlicse two go oil Wlta Hie songs and Hues, The assistant rolui us after n while, tells thu bogus stngu enrpeuter that tho thoutro munugemetit has hind him (the asaistnut) lu the stage carpeuter's place, and the latter then blames Miss Van for thu loss of his position. ITCHING HUMOR ON BOY His Hiils win i Solid Miss, and "' fltoasa Sp nad All O ver Body. CURED IN 4 DAYS BY CUTICURA 1 1 "One day wc nolicctl lltat our little boy was all bruken out witli ilcliing sores. \Vc first iioticwl it mi his little hands. His hands were not M bad then, und wc didn't think anything serious would re- sult. Biit the next day wc,heard of the Ctlticura Kcmeilics licine; so good for iiching sores, liy this tunc the disease hud sprcntl till oyer his body, and his hands were nothing but a snlid mass of this itching disenVe., I purcliiiscd a box uf Citliciirn Soap :uiil one box of Cuti- ctiro Ointment, nnd Unit night I took the Ctiticura Soap and lukewarm water and washed liim well. Then I dried him and took the Cuticura Ointment and anointed him with it. I did this every evening, nnd in four nights he wus entirely cured. Mrs. Frank Donahue. ao8 Fremont St., Kokunio, Ind., Sept. 16, 1907." Mr^u being SlIcTln hla'clSii'lieter luiu >''k" t!Ulr "«' actress, eonsi.ltl.ig^oTin Miss vSa do^ug equullv as well.^anf 0 tC . r ssist- WW -»' tt WwS .-'«».• 'file, aume night IK Ciiuully I njit ulsj) llts In nicely. The sketch tuns about eighteen minutes, In oue. Chas. uilU'J'anuy Van have been appearing together for some time, aud several uioutlin ago Mr. Van conceived the Idea of tlio om- en t act, aud added tho muu who now aids him. ' controlled liy Wulter Clblsjiis, yVal- ter De Prove and Thomaa Bun-usfocd. Tho 'l&u Wtkulars wern so exact, and the statement .iVtts'.ao nutborUatlv\ .tliat.cvcu music..hull muguutes .thought there must be something in It—so there is, but nothing tike The Ttlc- ilhltfli. sehemo, which wus categorically de- nied uiatt day, by Mr. (Jlbbous, tell*. l>e e'recc, uhd by: Miv Barrasford. It tue-schci.oo s h(iiild'cver"coinc otf,:lt would menu terrible [hairy to tbc Mossf-Stoll tour. But the face Is. Mr. Clhbuna Is much too eoalldcnl. to go Into ''hdteh'potch" with anybody: 116 coa- "< > lltlllH'H, Visit." A New Kngluiid sketch, vcyulhla's Visit," was plgyed Inst week at Pastor's by Laura Morris, Lily rjeou Hurt nnd Harry Morgan, with Miss Morris as the typical nnntlc of the rural districts, who stands rendv to be- friend Ihe young married couple of the story, nnd creates 1 little fun by her mistakes made while vlslllng them. Auntie Cjiit.'ilu comes to call upon Jack Weston and his young wife, helps them out of financial difficulties, brings tbout general Kootl eheei*, has an experience with ghosts. and enters Into singing and general Jollity with the.young people. Tlio sketch proved moBt ngrccnble, and I.nurn Morris, an Cynthia, lundo that estl- taalile old lady a funny and likable person. .Lily Deon Hurt, trim and comely, pluved the young'wife who Is Inclined to be pessimistic, und (ltd well with Ihe pari. Her dnnelpg was strohgiy fenttired and won geOetal approval. Ilurrv Morgan, Who has a line' voice, sang delightfully, and acted well'us the young iiiikbiiiiii. The act ran about twenty minutes, on tho full stage. ■ ' • s 1 . Mnvnrt'n Monkeys. Prof. Pied Mneurte's huboon uud monkey coluedluns. at the Union Sguare lust week, were one or the biggest hits of the Mil. The net tins been added to und Improved recently, which brings !t Into more proiulueucc than ever. ' ■ ■ • ' The bicycle riding monkey, one of tho"neur- luimnus" of the troupe, is tortnluly worth going n long dlsluucc to sec.' lie has heou riding a bicycle, niountlug Mini starting It by himself, nt olllir.cHy lUMWW this season, lo Ihe great delight of Ihe .iiidlou-'cs, uud now he hurt all automobile In iiddlllou tu his "bike." This unto is it euuiplulu little affair, uud looks like it mluluturv rent Miliar from the front'. Mr. Monk gets' In It and runs It ■about Ihe singe several times, Inindlllig It like a human would. This purl of thu act Is 11 big feiliurv.' " : '' . . . .1, * The Two Ifardta, A burlesque ucrobatlc net," offered by tlio Two Hindu, at Pastor's last week, hud some- thing 'In'the wuy of novelty to recommend It, and brought the teurn. unite a few laughs. Some weight llfllng <» supposedly heavy dumbbells and weights serves ua the pre- liminary, ami then tho mull of the team breaks a hem v chola aud smashes it brick with his Ibjt In highly approved burlesulio fnfiiiuer; Tho boat part uf tho uet,'however. Is .where the man, fastened on pulley.nml tackle Ih ''raised" up on the hands of the WOtnsn, balances ulnmeir with one;linger on lice nose, und llich bnlnnceshlpmclf In the air on u haudkercblef. There Is qulto a little of u humorous' nature In the offering. It ran about tea minutes, on the full stage. , a ■ Mildred JCeniVlil, Mildred Kcnfleld and her Uliikey Kids Is the wuy Hie'Pastor programuiu read last week, mid four dancing,nod singing plckauln- « -willlniiiii. gS"'iaa ^rd C 10"iSpOTu^S DM M-llliums. in a pluuoluguc, appoarcsl nl1 ' 'KM™ ."v.."- 0 " I0 n at tlio TJulon Hquuro luat week, aud with 11 good list of songs to buclc him up, uu made a most gratifying success. Ho tauken a ncut nppeuraacc, renders his mnnhors with expression, uud evidently knows what Hind of muig to select tu make the iu<jHt direct appeal to his uudlence. The 1 nue consumed by the act,,eleven minutes, was most agreeably tilled. very favorably. Miss J<enUcld appeared In a couple W lircttv costumes uud fuug her vurlotts uuni- ,ers cijsdltobw. ,T|ip little, coloicd eouipnoy snug in typical darkey uiuuner, One of the clrls uppe irliig In ■ "mauimy'.' muke-up. lho il 11clus wus spirited und ihoroughly sntls- fecto"y. Tbte art rau ubout Uftceu minutes, ou the full stage. Iilly Plcxmorc. LILv Mexiinnv has selected a good naiuo for her professional work, for shu Is undo- nliihly one uf thu most llexlhle duneeni seen hero In uiany u day. Shu appeared at tho r>ew York last week, opening'the act with a *mng, which sho sang In one, white attractive- ly gowned III whlto.' Cbttiujliig to Hie full Htugc, sho iictst Intro- duced her dance, which allowed hor to ha giucoful and supple to a marked degree. 1 bore Is matneas uud rellnement ubont her dimclng. which Is soiaethlng that Is frequent- l.v lacking about dancers In liar line. She doen some remarkable work, too, twisting oito leg about In an nma-.lng inunncr while jilrou- j'ttlng about on thu other limb, uud continu- ing tlirouuhout to make tho specialty one well worth witnessing. Her act run ubont teu minutes. . Miss Fli'xiiHite Is nu English girl, nml haa appeared lu her native country about uuven years, her professional experiences having itlso extended to engagements at Vienna, Heiihi, Brussels ami Antwerp. She lu now playing her llrst engagement In America, di- rect from Vletmu. She Is booked up In tills country fur live months, und then lenves for Purlin. a Three Dniile,Sinter*. The. Threo Daulo Sisters, who appeared at the Now Yurk, lust week, In uu acrobatic tlaiieliig jiet, weru 11 very ngrceublo addition to the, bill. Thu girls arc small of statute, mill mlike 11 ncut and ntl motive uppcuruuii;, opiating with 11 soug, and pushing Immediately tu their dancing novelty, which.Is swift mov- ing und gives them opiiortiiiilty for uopiu cnpltul work, of which they tuku full udvan- tutc; The acrobatic part id (he act presents some excellent features, and thu applause It M- cclved HjAiku well fur tie way In which It was out tu front. Tills act bus bevlt seen la aud nrouud tills city before,' In combinations, but luat week's uppouruuee at the New York was Its llrst vaudeville Introduction us 1 a trio. The girls are Americans, aad two of them have ap- peared In un net together, previous to the formation of tho trio, wlillo the third has been plgylng In traveling couipuulcs. The present act was put together last Hummer. It run about six minutes, on tho full stage. ' . .' . S " 1 . '' ' Ax till I mi U "11 el in ." ., Axlell, "the India rubber tnan, - ' at tho Union B-iuarc lust week, had the udviiutngu of a good mnkc-iip nt the sturl, and his work was at times gciiulncly funny. He apncnroil OS u tramp, und Jul reduced some contortion work Unit was' excellent lu Itself, und was given with line comedy effect. "Heine," the little dog which Is put through Its paces, Is 11 well trained iiniiiinl, and Axtelt also takes three other little dogs out of a box during tlio progress of thu uet. The tricks of thu doc. -however, are not mo prominent, Axtalri contortion work und comedy huhig thu best part of the pet, which ran about fourteen minutes, In .three. £— . ' '■■ ; Ilrtiiaoii and James. Tbu colored teu 111 huuwn us Uausou und -Tuiuu, who appeared ut thu Union Hq.itir'i lutt week, ottered sluglng of the 11 mini I vnu la this kind of un net, aud hud souiu fair comedy. 'Hm offering would bu greully streiigiiieneil If both thu man und tho woman coinpoilug tho teani would perfect themselves lu sumo good dancing ut the llnlsb, Tho uet rau about ten mlnutea, in one. templates the.-formation ot u ^',500,000 syn- dicate, with MCO.rgo' Pancc,' the Uiegtrlcal [miiingcr, for Ueorgo • Its chair aiuii. to luko over his Bill. Me. Waller, of course, plays 3lin Wynne- gate, PavciDliom's original part. 'Jho thai- oi'ler of the Indian girl Is eutrnsted to a clever young iictrcss just making greut hcad- "iiMW&nm who died rather suddenly from pcunioniu the other day, was no more than ifotyfpnr. hut a "^"^ftWfSeV^r He was citdliur iiiau with Mitrle lie liicy ior a long time; afterwards, with Miss Furies- cue Mrs. Iituigtry ami actrotsus of that tank. . tterly he played Nnliuleon, uu ic vaude- villi! stngc, lit a skulch culled "Ihu DflRfr Austin'Breteto'.' who has wrllleu a good deal ubiut 'Ilvu'rv Irving, In various clrcuui- jvhplo gaiety Vcolupauyrn^w appearing, -In ^,,U^ ^ r ^^ l wtXi& "TRe.-Glrls of Gotlieuberg." tu America uhout of tin dead ucto , himcu n»* w u KuSturtlde. He will lbcu, probably, uroduco aud.s import of, his *ous, 11. «. .inmi, u ^7rWnTrtVssiiiTess'wltlilMwlnDrood Curr'K plflv wus leurodiieed ut Ills Mujuslv s Tlieutre! The truth Is.' Ulekcus novels .ay huhluess. .Worklpg iirrutigeuicntS are ulwuys ttilked of utuoiig the suinller people. Aud, our of muuy rumors, Thu Valla 'J'ulcorwp/i <>eomS'to":iiave rormululed uu heroic structure. vhlch falls duwirliku u puck of cards wttn lib itoucTlud. ' - • ' '.•••'■ ' Georgb Bdwordcs thluka uf sending tha -lu IN atthe.Galoty.ii musical pleco with Havana for Its environment, concocted by George firossthitn dr. and Clarence Hill.' Heroin Rvlo .Greone, und perhaps Mux Dearly, lho l r reucb coniefllutt. will appear. Mr. M- Wardck IntA also in hand "Tho nollnr Prln- ceti',"' a'' Viennese, opera with an Amcrluun bejoluc, composed by Dr. lntlls. , Itehrl do Vrleu, the Dutch proteno actor. Is now appearlug nt the Garrfek Theatre in a playlOt called fi Pn«c p7," os an adjunct to "HlmpIO" Simon." He enacts seven characters with cxtraordliinry facility. Plrsf, us u uu- McS detective, 'dulelly at home with Ids wife, be makes It known taut hu holds a document eopvlcllng Lord Curlelgh or u irlme which ttiuC hobrgiiiftu..ullows tube ussoclalcd with tho.rcputiit)ou of'hls Inuoceut.secretary, 'lho •lttnutlvc, lu uummuuud to headquurtecs—MepJ■ Ipnd Yard— -eutriittlng tlio document to his wife, who bun a series ot lufatuous visitors, hent on obtululug (hu ducumeul. lint their object Is defealed, the secrelury Is expucr- ated, Lord Carleigh und his confederates ttWftllfcd. ' . ■ :. ..,„-„ 'At the lyric Thenlio tu-nljiht Lewis jailer liislalis illltoh Uoyle'rf Play, • The Squnw Mlin, ,[ rennmed "The White -Man," and.other- . Wise .altered n little. A ndmbsr of Amor- lorins are In the Suit, riotnlily Genrge Itnw- «'i'| ►, who. plays his original .cbaraelcr, 1U« veur's holiday wbou lie left America, Is Oil to Monle Carlo. ICItcu Terry will shortly go ou tbc rond with Shut's pluy, "Cupluln Brussbouud's CouveriiIo:i." After wltncDsIng tli« jicrforuiance of "Tlie Baben in the Wood," at Drury Lane the other evening, the Princes of Slum went behind the scenes, nml hud nil tho uiccuuolsal ex- plained tu Ihem. "Mrs. Vt'lggs uf tlio Cabbage Patch" goes on the road pext week. At lho Queen's 'i'heulre "The New York Idea" Is still ntti active. Kills .icffrlcii takes this pluy Uli'UlV loud ut Easier. At the Court Theatre they continue to ninl.e a feature of tentative aftu'iiuuii i»cr- I'oenitiiices uf new pluys. "Tho Subjection of Kozluhi" by Mih. Huvclock lilies, was ap- proved ou Tuesday. It Is a village story. Keilah bus the mauuer uf 11 shrew, uud her husband resorts to lilu crouy, u sutip-ululc count i-yinun, for udvlcc. "A woniuii, u dog, nml 11 walpul tree, the more you beat Ihem, the tetter (hey be,' Is un English proverb. .toe Pcugllly Is accordingly commended to the judicious use of u cane, uud braces him- self up to the desperate remedy of layipg a stick serosa Kezlah's shoulders. But at this Juncture Ihe woman tells her secret, tihu Is III anil nervous, because an event long hoped for U iu yrospcel. She Is ubout to become n mother. Mrs. lilies' pluy, which bus Gru- iicvur"luade very Kooil/una rarely very pupu- .ii- S iilnv"; This does not promise to be ut Is vaitltely reminiscent of his Svcngali, is held to ho* very due. There was a largo ati- iHe ee on Huturdny, and, cerUln It la Kdw 11 Brood" will run for a few mouths— Mr7 Treeh belug well supplied with plays io °Wuy hack in Ihe centuries, lladdolcy, tlio oetor left ll'oliey f«r lie provl.lon of 11 eiikP ?o bb [ad on 'Wvelflb ulghl. nlid dlsltlbuted umoUg ueh icis of the" Irury Liilic cu.u- pTuy t>ho huvc quullUed iiv a leia.i ,of wr- lYeu there "or. the Drury I-ijlic .Cenevoleut lriud Augustus Harris used to muku lho occ'isott un xciisu' for expansive merry muklng -and the Buddcley Cake Bu I was a a'lir/doSic X.Wt£mfm$ tt. irs-audfoun; .^ with Barry llunter." of tho MmtfHif sbdI rtrt?rry reserved to Its proper Mohawk Mlu-trels, Is dead. Kor a loag l inn 'Rtwii??..' - Vnnilnr last was Twelfth Night. lho domhfiiiit InflUflnco In the mimic publish- ^^S^*m^ba%m^um^Miln lng firm his been that of David Day. The «»»_*«? (K.JMIPJBCL'^JSBh Mohawk MlnBtrels went out of hUBlueB<i r.omo while ago. Their henilqiiiirtirH was the Agrl- (■iilturnr null, Ifllngi-'u. When mlrMroley hum llruwu. Beryl Know uud Arthur Whltlv for Its prluclpill exponeiils, In ruttxir Inborl- oils In huuior, nml, llieiitrle.illj, not very vf- fecllve. Cecil Italclgli uud lleury Hiimlllnu am 111 ready ut. work <m the next Drury. i.nue diiiiiiii. which Is iillni-iiioileni. They huvc the Druec eSui In lulud. William frauds, founder of tho firm of Kmiiels uud Duy, thu fumuus music publish- Jatass'Welch, who nus ueea 111, is *«»■« cppsnliafr in "When KnightH W<!rc Bold," ^'l.vS"^'ll"ard, whu promlseil him-elf 11 full began to wane here ns a popular satcrtulo- ineui, the first collapse wum that of the Moots k Bargoss allustrula, at Ht. James' Hall, The IMohuwks bought up that muribiiDd concern, left I lie If olrf home at I si lug toll, add came Into thu city, currying ou business ut hi. .1 limes' Hull as the Moore and Burgess ix. Minstrels. When tho icami of the hall expired, Ihe minstrels concluded not to seek nnothur home, but to go out of business altogether. Ou the Site of Ht. .lumen' Hull I-i now a greut hotel. Walter Gibbons wised the idil Agricultural Hull, nml turned It Into an Knrplrc, uud we have no mlnutrels—UH old I'ouy Moore, living lu comfortable rctlrcuioiit at St. John's Wood, sadly reflect-.;. Krugsou, the vomealua, now ut Drury Lane," vlulius to huvo Written six hundred souge, Many pcoplu think he Is 1'rcucb, but ho Is Bugllsh. When ho Urst appeared la vuuduvlllc an English uiuuugcr rofuasd to furulsii Krugaun with u pluuo for his uet, so lie went to Paris In disgust, stayed there aad became fuuioiis. ' Hurry Titto's chauffeur was summoned to tli(' police court tor ovor driving tho other day. He did not'.upncur lu person, sending as his excuse tho statement that ho wus Op- peurlug lu pantomime—us tho bind legs of au elephant. Arthur Huberts came Into tbc Tlvoll hill on Monday, with a sketch, entitled '"Till Huuduy; or, Thu Girl Who Took the Wrong Towing Path." lu which ho burlesques a mclo drama-detectIvc, playing half u dozen charac- ters. Ills profcfsliiiiiil purliier, Iliiliy Celeste, who 11 us badly hurt In 11 mot or smash, sumo time ago, uude Iter reappearance. By a curious, coincidence Mr. Kobcrfs was smtiNlied tip mutorlng home. In IbeMl ulreiilustuiicea Caryl Wilbur got his West Und chance. The directors gave him tho rest, of the Week fur 'VI Prospect Street" which hu played with great success. Will Van Allen Is a, mtmbar of the company hero. I' unity Urouab makes ber first appcaranca In vsuilevlllo al tho Palace Theatre on Mon- day, fihe will figure In a sketch, cilled "Law and Order," written by Tom Gallon, thn novelist. Hfrelo MUi -Brunirlt appear" ao a inuru nci'iv iiiun Ilo says: "Thu h of n piny, the gnu rilnllile Tilrrlss Lionel lirotigli, who han been III for a long time, will appear nt the Metropolitan Music Ball, its a raconteur. Mr. Bcough. who Is nu fild man now, recalls that he began life a* ISMnl hoy in the oillce of 77io IUmliaiet //uiiifon Arms. ' London lu to have its grent historical pageant on the lines of those that huvo bean popular during tha past twu or threo yeata In tho older cities of the provinces, Mr. Tree nnd Mr. Alexander urn tuklng u great Intatsat in the functions, lived tor July. But nil too iletalla will used In be carefully considered. for soino of tho provincial pageants lod to lass, and not a llttlu iicaiidnl. • W. 8. Glltiort Is talking to tho reporters more freely tlmn lie would lu tho old days. "Thu higher (ho literary quality inter Its chance of fallurn." Ann nml her husband oro or- gnnlilng a great matinee lo provide tbu poor children of London Willi shoes. Robert f'oiirlnuldgii promises an early re- vival ot "The Dairymaids" lu London. At the recent meeting uf the Crystal Pal- ace stockholders If wus slated that under George Htan's umuugcinulil. many economist! had been effected, und thn iilluiidnucu had greully Improved. Much Is expected from Ibe Mexican exhibition, und the hope Is ex- pressed' that this vast undertaking may lu time become a paying concern. Urnrraby William* snvs his llrst salary fig- ured out al two shillings. He complained as to the uuiouut, uud was vjuctcd front the theatre. rtjrlill Aruildale was suffering from pneu- iiionlu when "Itoblnsun Ci-uson" wus prodacsil at the Lyceum, nnd, nflvr the Unit perform aucu, went buck to bed. But shu Is well, and at work ugulu now. Another wrestling mutch uu the Pavlilnu singe, having eiiilud 111 a wrangle, the ill rue tors hum decided to cut out such shuws. Charles Kroliiiiiui declares thul Jiu IS not la any ivay coiuiected with Albert Ollmor's uc- qulsllloa uf the,Princess Theulru, except tv wish hi in well, A lung established theatre which lanolthor In vchtrul LodiIoii, nvr the suhurhi. hut mid- way, Ihu Ulupliuul apd I'asilii uniiioly, has been uciiulred by the Iliiniuril 1'iiuHlly—tHrta brothsrs, who run quite a number of dra- matic uud vuuileviii'.i houses tu greater Lou (lou and tbu provinces. Popular drama will ba run ut tliq Klepliiuit, and smoking per- muted. It was t|ie rather of the Bnriinrtls Who llrst ran two houses nightly. , A llceuso, luvolrlug coutlnuuuu vaudeville, has been refused by lho Liverpool magistrate" to nu American syndicate, lu respect to the local Tlvoll Then Ice. On Huuduy lust \v. 11. cicuinrr, Uia ven- triloquist, who luiu played su Important a part In Ihu recent labor troubles, woo In Mailed king ot Ihu Water Kills. Tim annual dinner of lho plger viiiidcvllln iioclaty, thn Terriers, luok place un thu niiiuu 'flVonlrig The Hats are cxclilslvu pciloiinmw, hut thn Terriers take In uuuiagers, so Jesse Hparrow, of tbu Umpire, Caiiiburwcll. presided. Terry niid Lambert sull lor Nuw York to- day, by tlie Muiirutuiiln. Walter Htiiuton, who should pluy a cocka- too III the Lyceum pantomime, had to In- troduce uuutbiir bird, us tlm necessary prop- erties wuru duluycd lu Chicago. But they huvo now arrived, uud a cockatoo It Is, Walter Gibbous and the lints urc now quar- reling as to •wbetuur or nut thn manager withdraw Wood, who was tried fur tho Cum- den Town inunlcr and ucqulltod, In response 10 the ptrfuruiiirs' prnlest. Glbhous said h n hud alvuudy decided upon bis Coursu of iictloii HO thu Itutti cumo on ihu scene. But tlioy wore ceiiululy alert uud determined. liming liorrowml frjun yuur Hlppodroiaa the Idea of Ihu iiiorumlds, Ibe'dlroulotato of our lllppudroiiui Is now trying to work up a wedding tiuder the water, Tho trouble Is that such 11 cui'iiiuuuy would need tlio sand ou of a hJgh ucclcsluulloiil authority, uud tuts Is nut likely to bu nlitalueil. ..-.«., Ida Itiiiu was said lo bavu broken her Irg: but angrily ilenlts Ihe slutoiiuilil. Bhn Is to npiHtar lit "lioaeyhiiid," ut tbu Hippodrome, next week. ; ' ., Alice Lloyd was In a uiolur car soiaaU tba other day. Ilvr facu was cut by broken glass, aud tbu wound bud lo be stitched up, out. It Is nut serious. „ . „.. . A Coney Island show, culled "Uatisoajfim- nw Curtln," la the money piaker at fori Munimoili b'un City, Olyinplu, this year. It Is 11 durk bouM of uuiuy pusiagss, which sialics and shrieks In n moat dletrcsilng fushlou iih yuu wander through It. Bluke and Amber urn In town. They novo mudc u lilt at Waiter Gibbous' now house—- the old Hluuilurtl Theatre, fihorodltcb. Tliey cuius lo Uiu:W«iit l?n<i Bliorlly. : , Jack Joyce iiou booked soiiioguodcontliiontiil time -with his bucking boi'tctt: meanwhile his address S ut mtTCuma bureau. Genaro and Tlieol record a 6iiccelsftil lour of Ciemiuu.v. The Apollo 'fhcatru, Koalgs- burg, was their Ius.t iiddraiiS. .Morris Croulu and ' his club Jugglsrs ars still 11 uopuliir feature of Ike Empire .pro- gramme, Tlio I'lvo Voruoas, Inutrnuicumlllts, are due hern Immediately. ,„ .. Ilrunshy Willlunis bus been recalling pla eurly days. Ho tried the city and mlSBloa preacblng oro lie reached (lie Btugfc. _ Courtlcc 1'ouuds' cinncn Into tho Collseuni ou Moiiduv, with hie musical sketch, "Cbai'lcs, His l'rlcnd." „ , ... , Arthur Wllllums, Ihe comedian, Is 111, and has hud lu ai-'i'd out his vAinlovlllo sketch. "Not » Word t" tho Wlte," with a substttute. Kurlouoii, Ih" uluglug c'/niluctnr. ftgurci at (tie Oxford Music .Hull on Monday. lliulfid'd pud Valeiilluc aro popular favor- lies still at tho Tlvoll. Iliiliiieford's i.'iinailliin Clreus In Ihu central 11 tiruefli-n lo the Inlluglon World's Fair. lllchunl Warner, the ngeut, has beau veiy III. but ho Is uli.ui. uguln. Benry Irving's sou, Lawrence, In going In- to .vaudeville with his wife, Mabel Hackney. They will fin 11 senne from, "Mnsks dud l'-ncow," rmiectlvlily playing Triplet and I'eg WoftlUgloll. Carl I-viio aallfi for ftoulh Africa to-day. Mario rHiflua on«l Jcusln Merrllcos are liofa«- (I'liieru, 1