The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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1352 . ■» r. m ■ * f THE NEW YORK OIJPPER. January 25, y TTT PUNNHYLVANIA. ' ; Philadelphia. — The event-of tbe cur- rent wee* is Hie premiere ot "The Soul Kiss," at the Cbsstaat Street Opera Houac. •• . "'CIIEBfXt'T 8THEET Ol'fcUA MOUSE (MXOn & Zimmerman, managers!. — Ziegfcld's uew tlctlon;' "Tbs Soul Kiss," receive* Its ,,jftrc Jan. 20. It will lino le the pc- lio* of jhe American debnt of Adeline »rwe, (lie lCuropeau dancer. Tlio production enlists tbe services of: It. C. Here, Lillian tiny, Cecil Lean, Nils Alien, Barney Ber- nard, Florence Ilolbrook. Ham Colllna. Stella Tracry, Jonathan Kccfe. KdlUi Whitney. Harry Stone and Grace Itankln. "A Waltz TJresm" concluded two weeks of rapacity UUajMM 18. "The Heel Mill.' with Mont- gouWy and Stone. 27. for three week*. U.m'cicK (Frank Howe Jr., manager).— UOso Stabl coaies 20 for the flrnt time lu this city. In. "The CliontH Lad}'." The cn- cagtmeut Is for four weeks. Klcnnof Rob- son, lo "Soluuiv Jane." departed IS, nfter a fortnight's amy to Knllsfiictory returns. .Auelphi (Messrs. Sbnbcrt. jiiaBBgers) .— The Ben (Ircet Players 20. Vloln Allen. In "Il-ene Wycherlv," to two prosperous weeks ending 18. Mr". Plskc follow*. , , ,-LMIC (Messrs. Bhuberl, mnnagcrs). — "Tlic Oay White Way 7 ' begins; 20. fu third ami ubjiI week. Flue houses last week. "TUa Hose of tbe Rnncho" 2". JiaoAD (.N'lxon * Zimmerman, managers). --Francis Wllaon rondo a big lilt last week, In-"When Knights Were Bold," to big audi- ences.- Mary Boland shared honors with the star. • The second week begins 20. KontiKST (Nixon & Zimmerman, managers). -~"TUu Follies of 1007" ban settled down for a:, ran,' the fourth week beginning ZO. The current week the show will be sirengthened ortJay.ed ttro prosperous weeks, ending 18 'ills Honor the Mayor" 27. Giumi Opbba Iloi)HF.(Htalr & Havlln. man- aaafa).—Kdgur Helwyii. lu "Sfronalieart. Ml- 20. "Wine, Wotuiui nnd Hong" departed 18, after. tWo weeks of good business. "Mrs. WJmb of the Cabling!! Fntcli" follows. Fabk (V. «. Ntxoii-Nlrdllnger, manager). —Williams and Walker. In "linndaiinn Land, t«o weeks, beginning 20. Cecil Spouncr bad a prosperous fortnight, iitdliig IN. •• BtJutEX'B (J. I'- KcHmrdt, manager).— Tjrttt week "Tlic Curse of DHnk.*' Lust week, '•foe Bod of the TralT proved Interesting. to,'big sudluueoB. "Parted on Her Bridal ^Naiion.w. <J. 31. K-lly. manager!.—Flor- epec"BfDdley, In ."The Street » ORer,« 20 end tteffe Geriaro and Bailey scored big la Tony, tUc Bootblack," last week, to tlue returns. 'PnnUondlo F^tc'' next. . . It KanfroBB, manonorj). (iiiiAiiu (Miller 'Tb^ Cowboy Ulrl" 20-1 . Lillian'Mortimer. In "Bunco In Arltonu," «|el|glited houses of tlue proportions last week. •Thu Volunteer Organist" 27. ■ ■ ■.gRSuf* (F. fl. Nlaon-MnlllnBcr, uiatrn- Kl .!f)7-i''DeaiJa\)oU Dick's l.twt Shot" 20-li5. R ll(ft Terrible Uecrut" thrilled In floe style IMt week. "The phantom ileti-ctlvc" «cxr. ftt'a (J- IV. Hart, muunger 1 . — l»w .• In "The rtbooinuker," 20-2^. I-a«t '•.'The Scuufn Uovongc" found fnvor big attendance. Maw Mue Hall, In ,k Cutest Olrl In Town." U7. ' .CMBHTNtiT (tlrant Ijiferty. mtinngcr).— 'Cift'OriSUcUni Btock ban grown steadily In pdSdlarfty.'• The current week will be de- v3f«»'fo "A Hoyal Faifilly." "The Boys of I'ompuuy U" was given In lively style last Aetkito.llttc bouws. A feature of the pro- lUtctlins Is the (lac Htugo management o£ Htrfv Mcllue AVebstcr. "A Man Irom M«leo" 271. ■•l?ontrAitntrs (Miller & Knttfninu. mnna- f*fiy—:j%e MldilletoliBurbb^ - Stock pre- wnft "Tin} Holy tlt.v" 20-13. "A meritorious ufinliiuiloli of "The Cniiniterors" n-rveil to at- trtBt.Ma bouseb last week. I lurry. C Brown, tUTtblg nouses jumi wees, iiuitj v. pii»n«, S:n*tv leading man, alHo soured u pcrsuual Ittmpli.". "Marcliliig Tbtuilrfli georgla" 27 and week. vStandaiiu (Durey & Hpeck, managers i.— "Secret Service Bam," 111, by the stock. •'Lined Krow Home" enjoyed prosperous re- tulm .-"The Hoiino of Mystory" BT. ' pir«. Fbankpoiiu (Htan fori" " 1 J* Br Bears, the Tltreo Aruivtroiigs u: Dnore.' The lllih Jli)U« Hltrlcsi|uerH cttericy," n clever «KH on vioih Aliens y', nmde n |irououueuu |ilt lust week und continued. "I'lni Nen* 'Veur'a Bbuolers" y Vfnlslns. A uctv bitriesuue. entitled theatres and moving picture shows, and tbe probabilities' are .that councils will pass a Dicaeurc compelling alt ju»vlng ujctnrc shows Unit are not In the Urst diwra of buildings ,to discontinue business. ' E •■ - 4 .- 5 • P . * ' ' " '. ?5E. ,*A r-iHTlsr A'O. Duncan, Dnaedln Hoger, John Mlcsen,-:ltcjtln"^d'Ttav'ert w^i Ma'nnger H, W. Rogers wl|l give bis grand Bcldy ™, Pj"'? c r BC jL, w - ' ter 1'bomjs. Fred A Tliomsuii, lt«i„ \[\& »' lllu,| u K n, uul Uit-mo ? lug_pJcqrcs. EBSBiSS ffi!ff3S&»»V-*«l County wrmW tawm: crrtrt.,,..« IMUshurs.—At the .NKon tins wecK, juua irlowc. l^ist week Margaret Anglln and nry M11I..T presented "Xlic (Jrcat Divide" packed houses. Olga Kctlicrsole 27. 'BltrtnB, Fbankfoiiu (Stunford & Western, riliBagers).—The stock will' put on "Tho tJUange Advuntures of Mm Brown," 20 22, "afar"when Women Love.' 1 2H-2I5. last week, tine bouseswltUfssed "auf Jltu" oml "(,um- bSrlafld, Ml." '•' TOlWB'8 (H. T. Jordan, manager).—Car- ria D« Mar Is the topuotelivr MM. Otliera: R. T O. Kbowlcs, Itomuuy Operatic Troupe. Tlba Miirrdef, Hyroii' and' Langdou,' Almiw ufa'dLorralni', Hollnorc mill Ixv. Fuutelle and Curr. 'Nichols Slslom, Thif Trjllers,;Mnroriia. Nevarrtf and Marucua. I.uiiiile' Follutr, mil npd. H'». "lack mid Miller, and the kluoto- k-rapb. • aiiocAoimo (Fretl WIllsoB. manager).— Taylor's Parisian Helms 20. and week. Iho olio feature.", ur«: JaMmiJW W>, *F ! ' and Julia Seym, La folllo Desetlt. tiludys a ml Loulp ««vo tine cutcrlelnnienl lust week to big houses. Watson's BnrlosQiiera 27. Bijou (Ueo. W, n|fc, Manager!. — Ibe Coanipaguo (ilrli 20-2ri. Vaudeville uum- bers aru-bv: Kmmtiy und Holll.'. Revere and Yitlr. •the' Col tons, uo Dent, and Putter and Hartwell. Uwen Moratt, tltu Hugllsh llghler. is au udded iittrottlon. Tho Miss- New lork Jr. Co. lnul pleuty of pntrjuago 13-18. 'Ibe Iniparlals "7. ■ • , Cabino (Kllas & Koeitig, roaiingors).— TUe Rlei! * Barton Co., 20-20, Including Cburles llarlon.-. The 1'fli'ltlju Widow* last >rc«k provided a Klug«ry mqw to largo re- turns. Tbe Clly Sports 27. . rNtsw Uajetv (t:imh. J„ \Vniters, manager). —Rose Sydcll'a London Bcl|«« 20-23. Tho olio Includes: M|inyi|l»c, Woodfjrd'8 animals. Harry Saiiunr, the tUiltctl yuurtette, und Campbell anil Mock. Tho Afarill Ores lleuu- tlea last week, to big liousca. Tim Ulrl from .llsnpylnnd 27 BtKVBNTII 8-,'ntET OrtJIlA HUPBB (H'unk Dumout, .lunnugcrl.—'"My Wife, or Violation WCMrtey." a davcr skit m Vlolu Allen's ijlsv Ir'"^" '*' "-".-■"*»■•*"***! lu t f .innl^ nil,) Is com also .rtnialns. A' uciv burlesqut •'B'urulfcherl Itooua." w||| plso be seen, lu tho tlrrt part Charles Dooiu. the buselmll pluyer, makes.hlii debut us u biillnd sluger. '.' NlNfll AND Allclt JlliBlitM (T. V. Hop- kins, mauugcr).—Utinilluii, the iirmless und legless mum Is tlic mnlii'ftiiturc In the emio ball, lb addition to the .liillns. Mile. Thru, Young Klnuey, Merrill ouil Itcso Monroe, lu tbe theatre ure: Stuwiirt and iK-smoud. Hutu Wright, tlio |'o«bI»vo-. Mf l'aig!-, Hnggorty aud Claire, aud LuWn's clacograpU. BON Tos (Lillian Tyson, miiiuigerl.—Week of-20: Bristol's Pooy Show, Alfred Hairlng- lon. K. M. LowciiwIUIi. All.-e HUowe. James Callftbau, Del Baugu; and Meyers, Havllu and Tburnton, and uiuvlug pictures. '•' Notes.— Urete Huns, tin- leading lady of fb.0 German Theatre, was tendered u benellt Jan. 14, In wlileh slio appeared In "The Iron Master." to o crowded house Treasurer Howard ft Evans, uf Iho Klnventli Street OnttTH. House. Ji»m lis iinmnil beiinllt Feb. 8. ll(c Cdshwan Club, u home for women of the theatrical uro[e«slmt, opened \\u dubrs on Jan. IB. A'roomv old bouse, 'tlic rcllt'rs Mtinshui. at 322 South Tenth Street, has been leusiia- ,wid appropriately (urnl<>1icd by wnibers of the profession.' Jn honor of toe opening of the home mlsplccs of reception tuub ulucc under tho the Actors' Cb,urcU Alliance. which ws3 largely uUendtd ay prominent society people. Tho home has tlfteert sleep- ing rooms, some of which liavo already been occupied by nicmbu* of John Dreiv s and Francla Wilson's oompaniiB The terrible ralumlty nt Rorert^wn lins prompted Mayor Iteylaini to order utloiiiei' lurvstlgnllyn tit ' Pittsburg.—At tbe Nixon this week, Julia Marl Henry to pack... OiiANo.—This week: Wlllard Slmms and company, Hlectrlc Crickets. Htuley's trons- formatloii. Holden's manikins. Orccne and Wrrtifer. Welch. Mealy and Montrose. Hasscn Ben All's Arabs, the Rlalto Comedy Four, Irving Jones, Three Nightingales, Five .Mac- Larens, Alpha Trio, Decry'and Francis, and tbe cinematograph. DlWUKflNB.—This wcrk, "Mrs. Temple s Telegram." I^tst wock "The Ulrl from tlio l Jolilen W<-st" pneked the Uouec. .Intncscm Leo Finney 27. Al.vts.—"The Old Homestead" began a two weeks' i-nzngenient 2n. I^ist week D'tvJ'l Hlg- glns was lllcrnlly pnti-onlnt-d. IIMoi-.—TUls Week, "Simple Simon Slwtile." T,hhI wi-ek Jnmes J. Curbitt pleased.' Four Morions 27. Hi.Axnv's Ksil'iiii..—Thlsw-eek. Tom Waters. in "Tlic Mayor of Lnughlntid." 'Last week ••Aroitnd .the Cloak" pliycd to aatlsfactory business. Win. II. Turner 1!7. Ua»etv. —This ,we«k, it-wlu's Majesties, featuring Cook and Madison. Last week, Manchester's Cracker Jacks, with Boh Van Oaten nnd Ititby Lconl. packed the bouse. Manager Itrowur Is advertising DnrgUln nidtl- liees for the ladles. Bowery Burlesiiuei-s 27 and week. Ai.'apkmv or Mcsic. — This week, the Yankee Doodln Girls, with .Tnmcs F, Uxiuard. Last Jveek, the Coay Corner Girls gave a good show to the usual large houses. Cali- fornia Girls 27 and week. Fajiilt. —This week: Princess Snsnna. Mile. Tlieresa, Yankee Dflodle Four, Crafty Trio, Dc cotiiit nod Upward, La Centra anil La Hue Jack and Clara Idiot. JarnN Rowand, Alice lllshop. and moving pictures. LinanTV.—Tills week: Fagon and Merrlnm, Brothers Kennord, Helen Tliylls Sblpmau. Daly and Paxtou, Freda I'errlll, and moving pictures. Hiwodiiomb. —'1'lils week: Williams. Clif- ford and Williams. Kennedy. Doll und Kvans, Kddlc Owyer, Bllllc llurker's Couicdiuns, ■ireacnttux "Irish .Ittstlce-." Kdwln Wagner, in llusttuted sbugs; Dc Weird, liaudcuti ex- pert, as a .special added attraction. ,Hast ISM) CASl.vo.—The Great Bingham, Belle Vera, Kitty Bingham, Three Aubums, nnd Prof, tlcp Suiltll. ft — Serslnton.—At the Lyceum (C'.-M. South- well, manager) Eddie Foy, In "Tlie Orchid," Jan. 2.1. ■"'XVInc, IVomau and Soug" !M, Ly- man Howe's pictures 25. At O. Field s Min- strels, IS, were received by large nnd de- lighted audiences. AcaOkmK ((.'. M. Southwell, manager).— "Nellie, the Beautiful Cloak Model." 20-22; "Why Girls I-cave Home" 23-25. "The Out- law's Christinas." 10-18, wns well received. Pom f J. II. Docking, manager) .—Week of 20: Sn-Hcra, Lambert), Jack Wilson and company, Scott anil Wright, Kltnmura's Japs, Astrella Sisters, Geo. Abel und company. Colombia lO. Nelson TeetB, manager).— City Sports 2D-Z2, Itlce and Barton's 2.5-25, Dainty Duchess '.'7-20, "Ulrl From Happy- land" 30-Feb. 1. MtAh (Chos. C. - Cuibmnn.' manager).— Cherry Hiossoins 20-22, tho Umpires 23-3B, Tiger Lilies 27-28. Miss New York Jr. 80-lcb. J. Tfcti Jolly Girls, 1018. were well received. OitHHKr.M (A. I.. Sclilliitr, •niiiaager).— Week of 20: iOsmoud and Esmondette,,.Geo. W. Van and. Snm J. Hyuii. ■ ".'' * ' I '. , ——— .Inhnstavin.—At tic Majestic (L. B. Cool, manager) week* of Jan. 20: Kadette's Oreli^i- tili. ITdwards Duels und conipuny. Billy \ mi, (rulletll'S doK" nud iiionk<-vs, MlgnonaUc Ko- kfii. ChsTles and 1'niniy \av, nnd Jlfeogitiph moving pletuK-k. • • • ■ ■ Cr.oiiK (J. G. Foluy,,iuuuager).—Bill week of 201 Meiuiy ami Audersoii, Murtlin Wels, Alvlh Brothers; Eva Thatcher and moving pictures. • v Cambiiia (II. W. Bchcrcr, manager).—"His Terrible Secret" 20, French Ma'ds 21, "Com- ing THro" the Rye" 22. . . 1'AliK (II. W. Schcrcr, manager).—Bill week of SO: J. K. Lminott, with Anna Mort- land and four others. . ' '" s Knston.—At the Able Opera.House (Chea- ter Rice, inanager) ISdus .Wallace Hopper, }n "Fifty Miles From Bostou," p uycdito.a very lurirc and iexiretuoly delighted uudlum^..her iiirtuin calls being numerous. Irene Meyers Co., U-1H, winced to good houses, hlrk Brown Co. 20-25. oni'iiKfJi (Fred Osterslock, tuannger).— Large and well pleased uudleaccs.twice.cacU day. ■ • , » . . Plttston.—At tlic Broad '"Street (II. J. Sinclair, manager) "The Great Divide" Jan. HI did good business. ".Mrs. Temple's Tele- gruiu." 1-i. pleased. 'Ai. 0. Field's Minstrels IT. "The isle of Spice'' 2IJ. Family (llnrry Sc-otl. resident manager). —Week of 13: Italia, llisnoncttc und New- man. Atwpod and Terry, Harry Green, Jumcs T. Kelley and Mlllttp M. Masscy,' kud tbo klnctugrapb. Coed business. ' ■' ""'• ' » l.iiiicnslcr.— At .the Fulton Opera House (Cbas. A. Ycckev, manager) lllmmclcln's ideals drew large houses Jan. HI. 10-18. "IHie Old Homestead" hud good busliiuss 14..11i11ii- delphlu Orchestra 21, the Blogruuh 22, local concert 23, "Are You a Mason V' 24. Famiia' (lid. Moiat't. manager),—-purrent: Wormwood's bears, monkeys and dogs. Whlt- mau and Davis, Four Bragdons, Irene Bul- ger, and Joliu Fredericks' lmully. . ' * ' m Altoona.—At the Mishler (I. C. Mlsblcr. manager) 'Jlios. Jefferson, In !*HB Van Wlukle," was well received Jan. 10. "The Old Homestead" drew a good house 17. Kcl- lor and Thurston 18, 'Tinman Hearts"'20. "His Terrible Secret" 21, 22. '■Coming Thro' the live" 23.. the French Mulds 21. "The Great Divide" 25, Wilton Luekuye 27, "Muud Mltller" 28. Vogcl's Minstrel's 20.. • Casino (Julius Botrou, maiiugcr).—Week of 20, Bert Marshall aud the Peerless Mucs. . ' ■ n'i i . * Wllllnmiport.—At the liycoutng Opern House <L. J. Flsk, manager) AI. O. Field's Minstrels hud big returns Jau. 13. "The Great Divide" was) well rtcelved 1J. "Human Hearts" pleased IP.' '•'Bertha; tho Sewing Machine Girl" did well 10; "In Loulsiaba" 18. "The Prince Chti|i" 20, 15ddle Foy 22, "Ills Honor the Mayor" 24, "The Girls From tUe Sunny South" 2S. t Family (Fred M. Lamadc, manager).— Good bill 20-25. t^t — . ♦! ». . WEST VUIOIMA. Whe««H«at.—At tho Court (H. U Moore, uiatmgcr) 'The Man on the Box," Jan. IX lnul good returns. Kellm, 14. did well. Amelia lllngliain. Id, had liljr returns. "Coming Thro* the Rye." 17. fared, well. Mary t'mer- wui. hi "Ou Parole," 18, dhl nicely, lilslc Janls 25. ' „ , , Vikoinia (Clins. A. Felnler fl manager>..— After u long ik-iiir In bulktlog' ihls new the all*. tUe lUnirs will be upeiieil villi "Around the CliHk" 20-23. TUe Four Mortons 211-25. Grand Opbiu Hocsk' (Pibs. - A. ■ Felulcr, inunuger).r-"I'he Llltlo Organ Grinder." lit- is, had good returns. "Paiitinudlu lVIc," 1U- 18. did well. Week of 20 will be dark. Mr. Feluler will devote this bouse to vaudeville in lUo near future. WoNtiKKiAKD (If. W. Rogers, manager).— Week of ?0: Martinet ant) Mattinef, Scajmon am! Burns, the Tlirec FlrnestB. Nnhel Fltx- «ibl'oit!j nod .cwwimuy, Ihtlsj' Gordon, tiiul Illusion* and the moving pictqres. Bijol- (0<-o. Hbafer, mouager).—Week of 20': Williams aud Mayer, Dart ItaDdnll, >ew- ton and Doyo, Musical Dcsays, tUe Great bate Gibson and Connors. Lcwelllaa and Walters. L«y/ Bates, the live Leublns. De- nullJo. Dan Bice and the moving pictures. Notk —Manager Geo. Shafer nnd llnrry Hearley hnve leaseAl tho premises at the cor- ner of "Market Str-x-t and Alley » for a ferlod ^l!^ U^B , "TSi I »B.-"TI,e Connty SherllT 2T. ' ■ ' j •■ ''* f-'- : . ? Colnmbus.—At tbo Southern (Wm.8aii ; rter. mannier) "The IJon nnd the Mouse ple'^secfg^d 6 business we^oyan. 18 Ame- fia BiDgEam 20. 21, Blnuche wrush 2J, fcisie Janls 23, Jilnnle Duprec 24, 2o. ncr of lartct Strx-t and Alley » ror a penoa Ksnit's (W. W. Prosscr, pHMcr«M of t?n yea" Vnd wlliereet a n«r vaudeville of 13. Barry SUuuk, who was /orm«lT wl h ru'ea^hereon, commencing the work May 1. ^Jftflffi&tfgNM S»J Eat!, nod Mr. Sbunk was well received In hi* clever mouologue. For week of 20: Tbn UUItarv'.Octette. Wlo Hip. 1**1« MeCord nnd company, liobker's Arabs Herbert and witllnc Asm, aud Grant nnd Howie. II "5 Btbkbx (Cbas. W. .Harper, raana- cer -"AulU, the Singing Glrf." pleased goort houses. JU-15. "Jnst Out o Colleee entertained good bouses 1C-JS. At laic ''0-2" Barney Gllniorc 2.1-2»k" : • Givrtfv (AI. Wiswll. uuuiager).—1-red lrwins Big Show eiit^rtainwl big houses week- of J». Cracker Jacks »)-25. • ■ ; ■ Nf<riw.—The Boston Symphouy OrcliesUa, at kteSorial Hall, MJ.^ .Vuife,Veston a former local boy, appeared at Jtcitb s ttoo.past week, and was well received. .. i Cleveland.—At tl|o-Opora.-Uousc (11. D. Kline, mauagcr) uarle.Doro appears tj "Ihc Morals of »rr Marcus'.' week or.Jan, JO. I.ol• crt Manlell. In, repertory, drew {Plerid" houses -week of 18. Week of 27, Wm. IL %Wt' (Chas. U Hcrtwntn. manager). —The Voughan Olaser Stock^Co.^wlll pre- sent 'H J eabKle.'ichria"'WCck of 20.. Their AI th" Comforts of Home," week of 33, drew well. Bortua Kalleb week of-27. lAcECM^Gco. M. Todd, manager):—Ben- laU l'oyntcr appears in "Lena Rivera week of 2(1 The Four Mortons had good receipts week of HI. Week.of-27, Geo. Sidney. **¥ OHIO. ciiiui it nut I. — Only one new play, and Dint a melodrama. Is among this weeks of- Gbaxd Or-F.iu Hoisn (llalnforth * Ilovlln. mauagcrs).—Gertrude Coghlan, Jan. 20, In "Tin- Lion and the Mou«e." I/ant week. Klsle Janls was a delight In "The Hoyden. Joseph Cawtbome. Arthur Senford and WW Wnl-li wore strona- facto'.*. -The Ward Brothers nud La Xovcte addeil liue special- ties. Business was good. Anna Held 2i. I.Ylili: i lleuek Opera House Co.. directors). —Jnmesoii Lee FLincV lit. Last week, "Fas- cinating Flora," Allele Ritchie. Ada Lewis, Hadle Jaascll, George Schiller, Janles E. Su'- llvah nnd Satn Edwards were notably good. Business was good. "The Koad to Yesterday" 20. .:'...-: : ' '■'• OLTMPIC (George F. & Lueila Forcpaugli Flsp. ro«U4ger»).—"Buuday," this week, by the Forcpaugli S.tock Col.after a very suc ; cessfuf tatorpretatlon of •'.•David Harum." tlersehel Mayall illd well In William'. II. Crane's old role. Gilbert Ely. Ida Adnlr and Wilson Ilummctl did splendidly. "Her Own Way" 20. Coi.CJiniA (Anderson & Zleglcr, managers). —The Colonial Sextette, 10-25, with Inez Mncauley aud company, the Plcchlanls, O'Biicn-IIavcI company. Elizabeth Murray, "The"' Quartet, and Charlcne and'Charlenc. W.U.SCT 8thk>:t- (Anderson & Zlegler, man- agers).—"Texas" 19-25. I*st week. "At Ynlo" proved a dramatized stroke oar. Ernest X. Baxter was a heroic Seelcy. "In Old Kentucky" 20. .Huui'K'sOi'KBA not'SK (Ilciick Opera House Co. fc K. D. Stair, managers).—James J..Cor- belt. 111-25. lu "The Burglar and the Lady." "Mei'Yiddea's Flats* 1 13-18. The WashcrE— Juke uud Henry—»x-re the kids. Aunle Hart was a line Widow Murphy, uud Alma Buckley proved a spry soubretle. Audiences Were large. "Bedford"* Hope" 2a LvcBOM (Heuck Opera House Co. & K. D. Stair, directors).—Agues Cameron, in, la "Anita, the Singing Olrl." "Through Death Valley" caught on well last week. Muretta Smart aud James Edwards were principals. Dark-Cloud, full blooded Sioux, made a splen- did Impression. "Kidnapped for Revenge, 20. Pbovms's (Heuck Opera House Co., direc- tors).—Washington Society Girls 10-25, fol- lowing a successful week of the California Girls. La Belle Marie led a clever rUortis. (leorge A. Street's war specialty look well. Colonial Belles 20. Stanoaxd (It. K. Hynlcka, manager).— Fred Irwin's Big SUow 10-25. AI. Reeves* Big Beauty Show was rated the best he ever put together. Andy Lewis was a scream In the closing "conology," and Reeves' parod- was eojoyed. Manchester's Cracker Jacks 2> Gossip.—John II. Havllu lias been la town on hotel business Arthur Fablsh, per- sonal representative of William Morris, cre- ated a stir daring bis visit here. Some i>eo- pie begun talking mother vaudeville house when they heard of his presence, . ' i ' ' « ' Hoge ter 1 ltoyiio t~ MelsOn,i:Bessle -Bacon, -Reginald Barker^ Alllecn Flavor. The opening play w m u •The Pride of Jennico. «."■"' wni •* QamyjM (Martin Lehman, resident ■«„ agcr).—This week: Nance 0">cll ami r^' pany. Kdwin Stevens and companr tS.' (YDay. Ward and Curran. Three C^a It ters,. Bertie Fowler, Kronemann Bro a Z tbe Petchlng Bros. ' ""a Oitt.19 (B. S. Brlgham, manager) _r,.t week Coster's Last Fight" proved tbrliw Thl! week, "Convict 90»." Sen ^'jS Pattl. ' ° u AuplTOBiUH (0. D. Woodward, inuuairm —lAst week. "The CUUd of the llc-lui-nt ; drew well nnd pleased. TUIs week. "Th« New Black Crook." Next week, -fuilfr Southern Skits-.":'' uf ' OurxCIX (Jos. Donegan. manager).—Uit week.'Keutuckv Belles, with SbepparU Cuiuu drev well. This week, Thoroughbreds. x e » week. Avenue «HrlB. Majwtic (Clinton Wllsnu. monnger) — lA8t week, tho Bon Tdu Burlesquerf, ni| a tho Bed Domlim us the principal feature prtired entertaining. This week, the Itcuti! Santiey v Co. 'Next.week,; The Mgbt Owls, Ct.iFFEM.NCs.—kausaB Clfy hu« a llaencw skating rink—the Coliseum—which 1ms re- cently been built ot the comer of Thlrtr. tduth and Mala Streets. The rluk Is ven- modern and up to date, aud has a .beautiful hard maple Door ot 2.1.U0O j<g.uarc feet. t>, ■ jacal manager Is Sol. Wutcrmmi. formerly of New York C'lty. He Is. an...old time skatluc rjnk man. The Attebnry Baud of tirctu- pieces has been engaged; nud J. B. Tuaui- sen', the famous faucy skater..,1s-chief la- structoh ' Tire' Uculcy skutc Is used...... Convention Hal) announces: a six days' bi- cycle Face the week of 27. aijd week uf rc-u. •J tbe annual automobile sliow nin be Lc:a. ,' ' "'. '..' * . ' » '" ■ ■- OREGON.-. Portland.—At taeHelllg (W. T. Panglf, Clcvelaxo (Geo. M. Todd, manager).— "It's Never Too Latn to Mend week of /JO. .^ un "p r) .. T i, c jmn of the Hour" lad a «rV Barney (illoiore proycKl quite n magnet week SJTiL&t house Jan. ,12.- Jatacs 1. °%Sw*«£ ! ila!U.- I owers P dld good basinet 5-fc Kobe. '•The Slaves of Rpssla'Ms the n ofIerbig by the Majestic Stock Co. week of 20 'The Black Flag" week of 1st, marked the llrst presenla- tlouof melodruBiu at this ucw house, olid from the Urst week's receipt* it looks us thouiili the Majestic has discovered what the .'oners Uiu good llnlst, had two good houses Oand nfteraoei ot'll. The house w-as dark ercaingsot'lO, 11. rBrown »f Harvard" 19-31, "Tho.Gli- gerbreud Man" 20. TfliMirlii GiiA,\D (S. Mortvn CobB, mom- ger).—"A Ten Thousand Dollar Beauty" ia4 capacity .house 12. The .Basaloa Play nlc- ture^ did enormous business p.7. Fmjcr west slders 'waut, big business rullug. llnycs and Johnoou, n.v. rwius. rreu "io;o, i,,*,!:*i, m "'Wiiv r>own t--i«t" 211 - ' •Tnat" Ouartctte, Fnrrcll-Tajlor Trio. Belle- Auction ]»; «ay„up i^o. _. <lalre and Kracmcr, aud Kph Thompson's clepbants- . . ,- . Hipr-bunoMK (Max lactkonlieucr, mann- ger):—Hill week ot 20: "Coaching Days" and "The Cloudburst," the two big specta- cles that hnve been running since the house nueiicd: Powers' Hippodrome elephants,Ethel .' ...... ■»,,.,_.,.. ...i.l ,-,.^,'.1.. ' Xlul-rlnl, Leglnska, Mldgeiy nnd Carlisle,' MatrloLt Twins' au'd Fldred. and the Gaudaclimldts. Lfutc (II.'H. Bnmctt. manager).-^Bill week of 20: noffiuaBs. bleyele riders; Mile. Mulile Co.. Jullu llohiahic and company, Trusk and Gladden,; Bessie Babb, William D. Mills, ng."eonoi SB** es^ piirodr and^gl^^ u nertiman, nianascr).- ' California Girls week of 20. Tkc Tankcc Doudlc'Glrls lmd good busPiess week of 13. W,eek of 27. Washington Society Girls. .Yoaimstown.—At .ibe Pork (A. C Irons. manager) .Francis MeMllleu, violinist, Joo. i:i, rendered line selections to.tin apprecla- ■tlvc'.audlcuce. - "Comlnii Thro" the Bye,". 14, dri'W well. "The Mayor of laiiigblimd,". 15, did good busiueSs. ' vf. It. Crati6 T7. "The Three lot UsV'20. fl'he Governor's Pardon" 21, "The Girl From'-Broadway" 22.' "Faust" 2:t. Howe's muvlug. pictures 2-1, Amelia Blug- Uabi 25. :..'.' T Guano (Joe Seliugrlu. maoager).—"Pun- handle l\te," 13-15, and "Tlic Little Organ Grinder," 10-18, divided the week to good re- turns: Tlic Four Morions 20-22, 'TtfcFad- den's Mala" 2^25. ". '■"-Tkjifms (tleo. Olnliouser. manager).— Vaudeville aud illustrated sougs. Including Bert Parker, Burlesque Prima Donna, and Carrol and Carrol-."' Notkm.— The, official stuff of tUe Park The- atre, ot this city, now slauds: Tlic Ohio Circuit Theatrical Co.. .lessees; 8.' F.'NIxui), president: Geo. M. Cohan, vlce-presldeut; J. S. Tullinmi, si-crolarv: Sum II. Huit:.;, treasurer 1 Kdward Ij. !Moore, generul "lUasn- ecrt'Al'C. Iran, resident inauiger; John It. Klllolt. treasurer und prograuiaic publisher; Cbas. Lelbniau, musical director; lJVuu' lid- wards, advertising agent. .. :Sldtiey Brough- ton, one of Younggtowu's favorite youilg ac- tors, ploying tbe Press "Coming Thro', tbe Rye,".was enthusiastically met by his many admircrawbllc here. Mr. BrougU- ton is doing In this role.' . ! •*'. ' . ' . . » ._' ' Tol«rto^--At the Valentine (Otto Kllves, miiniiger) "The Mun of the Jlour," with. Orrlu- JolniBon aud Frauds King, dellulited capacity business Jnti. i:;-l(<. Blauebi! Walsh. In "Tim Kreutxer Sonata," 20. "The Road to Yesterday" 21. 22. I.vitKltrf (K. It. Kelsey. mauugcr).—"Wine, Woman and Song" bad liberal patronage 12- .18. Charley Grupewlu, In "TUc Awakening of Mr. 11pp." 10-22. " BimTN (Jack TIerrey, manager).—Jnmes Kyrlc JlacCurdy. In "The Old Clothes Man," hud good business 1)11. .Harfy lllauey. as- sisted by Kitty Wolf, in vThe Boy Detec- tive." made n decided hit 1215. Will II. Vcdder, In "Kidnapped for Revenge," 10-18; "TUe Little Organ Grluder" 10-22. AnoAnB COI.LEQE (Abe Shapiro, manager). —Week of 10: Curlyle Mooro and company, Mabel Ucrrn, Barry and Johnson, American Trumpeters. Capt. Treat. Kmi-ibb (Abe Shapiro, manager).—Knick- erbocker Burlesque Co. drew big houses 12 cud week. Guy Masqueradcrs 10 and .week: « . /anrsvl'llr.—At the Wellcr (W. F. Ma- sou, manager) Kellur und Thurston bad big business und pleased Jan. 13. Jaiueson Leu Finney, lu "The Man ou the Box," did nice biibluev-J 14. Ameliu Blnghaiu 17, Fifth Avenue Stock Co. 20-21. "UTio Choir Singer" 2*5. PlCTOtlcw (W. C. Quimby. tuunuger).— Week of 13: Three Fauuhigs, Frederick the Great. Fanua. Auberg aud .Wagner. O'Couuor, Suuuder-i uud Jeiiuiugs, Lew Gllek,' ney songs aud moving "pictures. Mrs. Quimby has made a'lilt by her sluglug tbo Illustrated tongs. She has u very pleating voice." ' .GuAND (1. R. Johuson, inanager}.—Busi- ness good. Cunipbell nud Clarke,-Jack Dasso. O'Conacil and Gold-m, Ray Wray, songs nud uiuvlug pictures. Xotb. —F. C. Bantu, at present manager ot the Orphluui Theatre, :'. Sun & Murray vaude- ville house, lu Newark, O., will be the maia- gvr of the new At a a Theatre, In tbbj'r'ty, which will be opened to the public about March t . ' . , .' " : r « ' llayliiu.- -Ai i"he VletoriB (G. C. Miller, liainagcri Walter Dainrutu'ti, New York Syw- plinny Orcliestm. cuiue Jau. 10 to a largo nnd culhiislastle li'udleiicv. ' "FuscliiftlHig Flora" drew two large bouses 11. Franc's Mucmllleu Id. Juiuesou Lee.. Flnutjj lit, Auiella HlUifbum. lu "Tlie Modern Lady Go- diva," IS: Blaucbe Walsh 23. . . Natio.nai- (Gil BurroUs. manager ).— Four Morions drew U'g bouses 0-11.' "Klduappcd for Revenge" played to exceileut business 13- 15. Cole and Jnhflson 1(1-18, "Under South- ern Skies" 20-22. "At Yale" 23-26. LiRiC (MBk Hurtlg. OatMtgerJ.-^Week of 20!" Mason. Keeier nnd eompniiy. Hawthorn rtnd Burl, Klein,' Oft Bros, and M«kcr?an, EurrnB (Oed. Mn-nct.- msoager).—Robles KiilckirboekcrR week' of Irf). : TUe .Casino Glrli lmd good crowds week of 13. Week Of 27, Gay Musyuc'raders.' s HprinkHelil. — At the i'nlrbanks (C. J. MUbT, manager) "Faseluatlng Flora" came to good bt'islnes-i Jun. 10. Jubiesoii I/Ce Fin- ney had u good house IS. Francis Mi'Mlllan 10, •'The County -Sheriff" 18. "Just Out of College" 20. Amelia Plagium' 22. GkAND ' (Sorli«lleliI "Theatn: ■ Co., rauua- cers).—C. S. Sullivan -.ilock Co.. la-18, •deuBed. Cari W.'Cook Sbj-:k Co. 20-25. Lvct.i'51 .(C. ; E. Pastier, manager).—Heu- derrfiiir Stock Cfe., 20..lilUelluiie. ; •'• N'BW Sbn (M. JncksoU. mauugcr).—Weak of 20: Harris, Beauregard und company, Kllet Brothers. Slms-Wballey and Wballcy, and the Campbells. ; . , 1 HnmlKon— At Smith's (Tom A. Smith, manager) "The Choir Singer." Jau. 12, came to good, business, aud Julhitte Alkluson scored big. . Cole olid Johnson 23, "tinder South- ern Skies" 2i. Barney Gllmorc 20. GB4NP (McCarthy:& Ward, .managers).— mil vreek ot:20: Vclalr A Clark, Lottie-Gll- sou and company, Fraukic Wallace, Bow- ielt and Webster, Harry Hedging nud blo- aeope.' .. . .*-.-:-: . ' ". Nr»TE.—Vldocq and Murphy were easily the hit of the snow last week ut tbe Grand. ■'- . *»» : : MISSOVIII. ■ St. l.oul»._At the .Olympic (Pat Short, muuuger) " 'Way Down East" pleased week of Jan. 12. Mrs. Leslie Carter, lu "Dn rtarrj'," Tfeek of 20. Julia Marluwo 27 aud week.: .' ' .' -— : '..,; .Obatukb (Pat Short, mauugcr).—"Coai- lnpTliro'4he Bye" drew crowds, week of 12. •■The Right of Way" week of 111. (lu\M> Ofiiru House (J. B. Fleming, mun- agcr).TT-"Mc, Him and 1" drew 8.11. 0. week of 12. "Uup" Ward, in "Not Yet, But Soon," Havli.\"s (Wot. Garcn, manager).—"Con- vict WW" pleused week of 12. "The Life of an Actress" 10-25. Ihpi:i;im. (It. E. llusscll. niauogcr).— "Wbeti Kufghtlooil Was In Flower" week of 12. BUiek Pattl Troubadours ltt-25. : BTA>i)Ann (Leo BcleUcnbacU, manager).— The Nightingales 12-18. . Kentucky Belles 10-25. Oavbtt (O. T. Crawford, manager).— Rose Hill Folly Co. pleased week of 12. The Bou Tons nud the Girl with tUe Red Domluo week of 18. Gauuick (S. N. Oppcnliclmer. manager):— Week of 13: Joseph Bart's "Raia: Dears." Lucy Reach Turner Co., Dulsy llureourt, Wtil- thour Troupe. Vankleb, Fredo and Dare, Paul iiurnes, (111 Brown. Columbia (Prank Tate, nwnagur).—>Wcek of IS: Stella Muyhew uud Blllie luvlur, Trlxle Frlganxa. Mile. Nadgl, Murle Florcuce. Berry unu Berry. Kara aud company, the Ccorgcttys, Lucy and Lucler, tbo klnodromc. Obgom.. — Germuu stock couipnhy; upder direction of Wni. Welb, produced "Bluer vou uiiserl'Lcut" C?One of Our People") 12, be- fore a very large audience. George Helue- mnn made ids llrst appcamuee this seusoii us Isaac Stern. Ou 10. the St. Louis Symphony Society rave ihclr fourth tvmphony concert, tinder direction of Max SiueU. CUus. W. Clarke, baritone, gave a solo. ■ — .' Katniins Cltr>—At the Willis Wood (0. D. Woodward, manager.!, lust week, "'The Clansman." pluyed to packed houses, with un extra matinee Friday; Franklin Ritchie. Jas. J. ltyan, Murry Woods, Bulb Hart and Eu- gmhi Hay den scored well. Isabel Irving and the Italian Grand Opera Co. dlridc week of J . n, V.Jr!'„. N ,9 x . t ,' vvc F k ' Wnudq l'-caly and •The lied Mill divide the week. Guano (Hudson -fc .ludah. managers!.—Last wci* "Hup" Ward. In' "Not Vet. But Suuli." cauue to line business. ThLs week. "Sis Hop- kins. * Next VcoK, "Cumins Thro' ibe Rv> " MmuuBT (Flavcn i; Barker, iniiiiagtrsi.— Lost week Bcrlhu Kulleb, in "Maria of tUc Lowlands," reuvuled' Uer last season's sue- l^fe-i 10 .! '-■apacity bouses. Henry Kolker. It. b. Mrtland. Rubcrt McWude. LdttU 'lalta- ferro, Mary Hughes Slid Genevieve Bllini guvo her tine supirarf. The Shubert has once more changed It* managerial nspeet. The new mnn- nger3 are C. J. Flaven & Reginald J. BaHt«r. and th«y will maturate en Feb. 7 a Stli class stock company. The niemhers so far (■u;si:,i'd are: Wallace Wi.rsl.y, Wilfred Pakbb (Geo. n: Baker; manaicr).—Th> Baxer Theatre Co. present-id "The Other Girl" 12, to- two big' houses.; The cempaar dldi fair business week of 6, with "Soldiers of Fortune," "3'hc Mills of the Guds" 10. liMPtnr: (M.'W. Seaman, uranagcr).—"A Texas Outlaw'' bad two good IMm fit ."At the Old Cross'ltoads" dlii well week of 0. "A Beapcrjitc Chance" ll),-'!lUg ||car|i-d Jlw"i'0. liiBtc' (Kiratlng & MuruJi'y. nmitngers)^ TLe'.,Allen Slock Co. week of 13. la '"I'Ut Ijiiid of Hie Midnight San." : Jjtab'(J. H. Ertickson, maucger).—Th» ni-E: French Stock Co:, prcse-JllUg "Ths Wihte Caps." week of 12. • Gbaxd (J. H. Errlcksou. manager).—Bill for 13 nud .week: Ameer AbOu Humid, Liz- ;le Evans ami Jefferson Lloyd, Haummn ntnl Forrester, the Rdsolres, Joseph M. Wood pre- loots "Tlic Surprise Party," Joe TUompsuu, auJ luutiou pictures. : : '..": !"j £antaobb' (J. A. JoliBson. n'apogor):— BllC' for 13 aBd week: Jo ly iieh. Cbps. Lcora. Marie Stuart Dodd, Wilson Bud -Rica. tbe.Mizkuff Troupe, Fraak Hull, Fred Bauer. and the bloarnpll. . :_...' ' FaiTz's (Joo J. West, mauugcr).—Bill far 12 nnd week: Roouey and lurrestcr, Becd and Hred. Jones and Ruivclle. Virginia Kr- uou, Jllrdle Dlllurd. Lillian Soutliwfijk, Malar. and Hoivuru. Fred Doay, Lotta Go|dmso, Mue Tariiou, Maggie Colemun, Dau fliitt, ' .Woods. Martelio. Bobby Fttllium, T0C7 I>a Rose, Alberta Hadley, Mealo, Billy Bry- ant, aud Banks'' "Doomsday." . : ' . 4 » ; > MICHIGAN. Detroit.—At tic Detroit. Opera House (R C.-Whitney, manager) Olga Nethcrsule playei! to large and'appreciative audiences week 01 Jon. 13. Robert-Mantcll, hi. aUukespcareua repertory, week of 20. " s . ■-.'. . .-. lyckim; (K. D. Stair, manager).—Janm O'N'elll pla'vrd to crowded houses 1--IS. beu- .Sidney, lu ""Busy l/.«y's Boodle,t , .ll)-'J&. UvFAT*rrB;(Dr.Cumpbell;.woi|ugLr).—la? Lafotette Players gave u'foe presentation.«r "The Cherry l'Jckers,'" to good bouses,-mi Same computiy, Ui-"Thc Linio Grey Ladf, week of!«.- " ", .„. WiitTNBV (E. D. Stair.- monugcr).—Tto Convict und the Girl" played lo capuclly U- 18. "The Singing Girl from Klllarlie)" ftVg . Tbjjplb (J.. IP. Moore, manager). — hin week of 20: Minnie Sellgman und wlllhiw Hrniuwcll. Ben Welch. Japies and Jeniile Jc Kitlv Troncy. the Dnrrus Hrotjiqrs. Swp*; Meredith. Qulhn and Mitchell; Joliu.V. World and Mlndel Kingston, and thc:kUietOgrapli. Gayetx (11. II. Hedges, oiunager).—«'■ Gay Jtusquefuders were well received, and at- tendance wus up to the uvemgii 12-18. "« Morning Glories 10-25. -'j ; • „.,' .AvBxli: (Drew 4 Cawnbe II, inaiiagcra),— TUc'Twentleth Century Maids guv« 11 y^-- InK entertainment., and pntroiifBi! jyyis^foyji 12=18.' Rcllly &. Wood's jBlg SUow UMUP' her'S Burlcsquers week of 20. '•■' ■ ' Grand tl*jltd»,—At tlio. New v l'u" ( '" (H. O. SdmiBofB'4 Co., Biuiiagcrs) Miik- fithumaun-llelnk, Jan. lo. played lo crowd a Rouses. Olga Netb,ersole 20, the Jeffcr-oas " Gkaxp (Davis |i Churchill,' roanigcrel.— Week of 20: Golbrotb and Farrel. Oa"l'- T Slaters. Elmer Jerome, Leonard aud Louie, and Slug Foug Lee .v Cop" 10-22. cuarlay - vs-ao, "The Convict add the Girl" -b-«u . . " ■ :. .i » i. . i n" ' ' . ., Ann Arbor—At the -Whitney (A. 1.; Abbott, manager) "A Knight fox »,£"£•• pleased a Unc oudlenee Jan. 10. '^bo Mvat 5», BdberfJMeson^, U. of 1». Coine^ ^1=° . MAJ6SIK (Fred.T. McOmber, WgSKSi —Week of lit: L. A. Street, F»J»«lll «»« U'Wls.Edmoiid Bbsauqn'ef, Hurry Booker mo company. Mubel Berra. aw}: Alejanoto» Troupe, und the Mnjestlseope. . _ ' . ' . NotES.-r^Ciialuo."Star' uud Tueutvriuw «« doing good blisluess with inoviug P lct "' E :. ......Bijou (Hovvurd Phelps, mamtper^ »»■ ing pictures. .Illustrated songs, lw0 ,flW vllie acta. Big bual ness. ' - But tl.- Creek.—At the Font'(E. «. Srolth, muuuger 1 Grace Cameron, In "LltGc v^>- Dlmurc." pleased n good l^oulCi.jW 1 -. ■<". "lHlty, the Kid," 12. "LostTg«B* \o.k pleased 10. Tom Marks' Co. 10.-22. the Jeff" sous,'In''Tl« ;Rlval9." 23.: ... . VL ,. k Duou (W. S. Buftordcld, manager).—»{■" of 20 : Klns-Ners, Leouurd nnd Drak". ^« MeN'ell, Cecils leopards, and Bfjp«scv|ie j'i lures. . .' " '_". '' ' ' -1 • _ FH»«.—At'Htouc'j'(Albert it*. Fegg- uui'J aspr) '"llic Govcruor'o Pardm" did JEH-rS 10.. "The nine. tli'o'Flaco nhd the Olrl "• "Bliir, the Kid," 23, Tom Mark* Stock *.!• 2T-2I). Charles. GrapBwlB 30.7 " ' ., BiJoi; (Jaa. B. McKowen, re«Weat g>B» ger).—Garrlly Sisters, By'rou Jamet, »»w Jerome. Fyvle Bench, Haatlnga and Wiuon. and Bljousc ope. ' - ; " '• : ' JoilDaMN'nasioiBedVOijrTriaJld ?' M ' for thereat of the Benson. . . ■ '-