The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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1360 THE NWW YORK OLIPPEB. Febbuaky 1. WASHINGTON. " Spokane.—At tbe Spokane (Cbas. Muehl- man. business manager) Ralph Stuart played "Stronghenrt." Jan. 10-18, and was well ta- ct Wed. "Arizona" 19, 20, Barry Woodruff. In "Brown of Harvard." 28-26; Do Wolf Hopper. In "riappyland," 26-29; Spokane High School exercises 30, Grace George, Id •'DlTorcona," 81, 1/cb. 1; Florence Roberts, In "Zlrs," 2-4; Spokane Elks' Minstrels 6. 7, "The Devil's Auction" 9, "George Waeblug- ton Jr." 10. 11. Colombia (Geo. M. Breher, manager).— Virginia Brlssac, ob Dolores, was the fea- ture of "In tbe Palace of tbe King," Jan. 12 and week, to big business. Tbe play was well staged and costumed. "The Great Wall Street Mystery" 10-25. Auditorium (ii. c. Bay ward, manager). —George McQoarrle, Jack Araory and C. F. Ralston had tho chief parts In "Tbe Man from Missouri," week of 12. Robert Bidden handled the title role In a satisfactory man- ner. Jessie Bhlrley was strong as Helen Lentworth, and Laura Adams and Anna Cleveland wera satisfactory. Big business all the week. "The Real Man," by the Shirley company, for its one hundred and forty-flfth week 10-25. Washington (G. C. Blakeslee, manager). —Gilrpy, Hnynes and Montgomery, In "The Good Ship, Nancy Lee," headed the card week of 12. Others were: Ed. B. and Rolls White, Brown and Schumer, Bnmia and Arno, tbe Flottls, Armstrong and Holly, and the moving picture. Capacity. Pantaobs' (B. Clarke Walker, manager).— The American Newsboys' Quartette, present- ing the phenomenal basso, beaded the bill 18 and week. Others were; Alburtus and Albui, Banth and Budd, John T. Chick and com. f pany. Lois Fcurt, the Juggling Fair, Will tillson and the pictures. Capacity. Itsmb. — Chief of Police Rice's men "pinched" a sidewalk stand of framed pho- tographs of "Arizona" Jan. 16, under tbe "no sign" order. ....The New Scenic and the Empire theatres presented new pictures week of 12 Ople Read, author and humorist, delivered a talk on "This and ihat" before 1.260 people at the High School Auditorium Jan. 10. Ho occupied a chair during the entire talk, suffering from rheumatism, which forced him to can- cel several engagements In various parts of the Spokane country Isaac D. Holland, proprietor of the Comlquo Theatre, closed a week ago, having failed to get control of the Empire Theatre at Wallace. Ida., announces he la going to California to grow walnuts. .Jacob Qoetz. millionaire mine owner and proprietor of tho Coeur d'AIene Theatre, which was cloned Jan. 11, throwing sixty people out of employment, opened the house for religious services afternoon of Jan. 19, when Rev. D. E. Wilson delivered a sermon. Rev. Or. Henry 1. Rasmus, pastor of First M. 10. Church, announces services for Jan. 26 on behalf of variety theatre em- ployees being thrown out of work by the re- cent closing order. Efforts are being made to And employment In other lines for the chorus women. Francis H. Blair, a variety actor, called on Rev. Dr. Rasmus a few days ago, asking bin to explain the church's ad- verse position toward the theatre. Virginia Bvelyn Hoyden made a similar request. The doctor will answer at an entertainment for the benefit of the players P. W. Colb and James Jennings are organising a stock company to build a playhouse at St. John, Wash. There will be 600 shares of stock, at 820 each. a Seattle.—At the Moore (John Cort, manager) "Brown of Harvard," presented by an excellent company, had good attend- ance, week of Jan. 12. Florence Roberts, In "Zlra" and "Sham," week of 10. Local week of 20. De Wolf Hopper, In "Happyland," ROFob. 2. Grace George, In "Dlvorcons," 8- 5; "George Washington Jr." 6-8. Gband <Joha Cort, manager).—"The Gin- ■ gerbread Man," week of Jan. 12, had capacity business, giving a capital show. Dark week of 10. "The Dovll's Auction" week of 20. " 'Way Down East" week of Feb. 2. Siattlb (Russell & Drow, managers).— "At the Old Cross Roods" had good housos week of Jan, 12. "Big Hearted Jim" week of 10. "Peck's Bad Boy" weok of 20, "As Told In tho Hills" weok of Feb. 2. Thibd Avinus (Cbas. A. Taylor, maim- er).—"The Female Detective," week of Jan. .2, presented by the Taylor Btock Co., bad good houses. "A Chicago Tramp" week of 10. I,oia (Ales. Pantages, manager). — The Pantages Players. In ,T Becret Service," drew big business week of 12. "Are You a Ma- son ;'' week of 19. "Blue Jeans" week of 28. Comsbpm (D. G. Inversrlty, manager).— New people weok of 20: Ollroy, Hayes and Montgomery, Armstrong and Holly, Ramsa and Arno, the Plottes, Brown and Bchomer, Hush Emmett, Eddie Roosch, and moving pictures. Pantaqbs' (Alex. Pantages. manager).— New people week of 20: Mlskoff Troupe, American Newsboys' Quartette, Jolly Zed, Marie Stewart Dodd, Cbas. Leora, John T, Chick and company, Arthur BIwell, and mov- ing pictures. stab (Frank Donellan, manager).—-New people week of 20: Gray.and Graham, Ed. and Holla White, Minnie Mlddleton'sj Mili- tary Girls, IQvan Evans, May Archer, Roy McBratn, and moving Dicfctre".. Oni'iiEuit (I. J. Consldlne, manager).— New people week of 20: Blgnor Tcmaso, Ida Elliott and company. Hart and Mack, Lau- retta Boyd, Ray and Rockwell, Geo, Keane, and moving pictures. Ltbic (B. ii. Frledlander, manager).—H. C. Whitney presents his burlesque, "The Baal Estate Brokers," with specially augmented cast, also living pictures. Family (John Lord, manager).—The Don- ald-Bell Dramatic Co., supporting Btbel Tucker, had excellent business week of 12, the offering being "The Brand of Cain." Week of 10, "A Parisian Princess." . Noras.—Jane Aubrey left 16, to Join "The Man of the Hour" Co Arthur L. Ives, formerly treasurer at the Moore, will succeed F. G. Taliaferro as treasurer at the Coliseum. Mr. Taliaferro leaves for Los Angeles, 24, to engage In a business venture there Managers Russell A Drew have secured a lease on a now theatre, as yet unnamed, In Vnncouver, I). C, and will present tbe Stair A Havlln attractions. s Tseoma.—At the Tacoma (C. H. Herald, manager) "At the Old Cross Roads" Jan. 22, "The Gingerbread Man" 24, 26. Star (John McCabe, manager).—The Star Stock Co., in "Dangers of Working Girls," week of 20. Grand (Dean B. Worley, manager).—Abd- Rl-Kader, St. Onge Brothers, the Great Nello, Marquise and Linn, Devoy and Evans, James McDuff, Alice Wlldemere, and the Grandt- scope, week of 20. Savoy (P. GeTurts, manager).—The Gor- ton Stock Co., In "The Russian Spy," week of 20. Coast Vaucbviixb Thsatrb. —Moving pic- tures. This Is a new house. 4»» ILLINOIS. Peoria.—At the Grand (Chamberlln, Bar- rlngton A Co., managers) "The Man of the Hour," Jan. IT, 18, played a return engage- ment, to largo houses. "The Lily and the Prince," 10, bad good business. Mrs. Pat- rick Campbell, In "Tho Second Mrs. Tan- , querav," 21, played to excellent business. Earn Kendall, In ''The Land of Dollars," 22. had a large house. Lyman Twins 26, Howe's moving pictures 27, Blanche Walsh 81, Marie Cahltl Feb. 1. Majestic (Chester A, Sargent, resident manager).—"Dream City," 16-18, played >;o capacity. "Me, Him and 1," 10-22, did Urge business. Mamie Fleming 28-26, "Bight Bells" CHAS. B. 11 Will be at Liberty, Feb. 3, WHY t My loyal and worthy friend for tbe past four seasons, ■VI r. nat tva. vwna-.i-.J3, Goes Into "VAUDEVILLE." MY L.IME) Hobo's, Irish, French, Eccentric. Character, Comedy, Hinging and Dancing Parts. ' PRODUCE)! YBS. ORIGINAL HITBI- BEJIS AND IMPROVE "OLD OtIES." Permanent address, care of N. Y. CUPPER. ESTABLISHED 1846. Experimenting with new and un- tried Dentifrices is dangerous. Keep to SOZODONT, a stand- ard for sixty years. Called "The Honest Dentifrice" because, in all that time no effort has been spared to produce a Dentifrice the teeth require. It purifies while it cleanses. IMPORTERS MILLINERY-GOWNS TWESTY-TUHll) STBELT, WEST, Fifth Atoms Hotel, NEW YORK. JSSL POO HOBS VOICES MS Free. BVAN8' 80N8, LE8CHEK A WEBB, Ltd., Aet Like Mario. Clear the Air Passages from Colds, Oongns^ronobltls. Full box by maO,— ,soo. Sams n William St, Hew tort. Cosmetics are more or less poison- ous, and the only way'to keep healthy is to use a pure antisep- tic soap.; Nothing better for the removal of theatrical make-up can be found than flUNN'S SULPHUR SOAP it gets right into the pores of the skin and washes out all bad effects of the different kinds of cosmetics. Once tried, always used. Sold by all druggists. Pike's Toothsohe Drops care In one minute. NEW EDISON FILM FIRESIDE SYNOPSIS OF SCENES. mSCEMCES PARTED BY A BROTHER: a of a fashionable home—The butler answers the bell and admits a young naval officer who ,n Q „j£;?o7Ve*m^^^ .Tart ZftSfig SS^^^^%^^^^ ^ifteiSM s^me'd seSed and cheerless- " THREE YBABB LATER: Wo «ee the Joshnnd seated at bis lone y «™ D | ™°' t ^;yatVbalred girl who kisses him g<nS-^l^l{ he rises and sinks in th* hUI t.OgB jgggrjg" %%££&& the fire-/rnere behind fhe glow, past remfnlacencSTest. face of the child brings back the memory °\ n " ™° n n "i, D e at him—Then tbe Joys of the first tours of love—Then that greater ill tWead&Ed* no^^ ?h U e'm n -^dW EH. .M&JK AWam» °" »~ *— * >* mSUfftSfi deat BBCONCILIATION: The woman Is brought la-It Is his wire-Again the mother claspi her child In her arms and all 1. forgot^ £ «•&" OODB.VEEB1VOON. 1^«H. JSLSH*™-. .n.«ftH5. * ""^ »™5 26-29, "The Royal Cher' S'j-JVk 1, Flake O'Hara 2-6. MAIN Strict (Davls-f^iu't-' i Circuit, managers). — BIU for v~sc-k m Jan. 27: O'Bourke, Burnett Trio, Fernando i£av Dno, Caldera, Lillian, Ashley, Sogers and Mackin- tosh and *he klnodromo. Dimpsbi's (E. II. Brash, manager).—For week of 20: De Vine and Fuller, Little Oiga, Foster and Hughes, Tuny Wilbur, and moving pictures. Wsabt'b (Cbas. F. Bartson, mana^T).— Bill for week of 20: Stock burlesque, lit "The Baby" and "The Joke on Him;" Charlie Ells- worth, and moving pictures. Nona.—Frank Burt, president of the Na- tional Amusement Co., controlling tbe Ma- jestic, was here 17, 18 William I'roctor. local manager, and Ira Budwlg, treasurer, have retired from the Majestic, and are suc- ceeded by Chester A. Bargent and Roy Bell, as resident manager and treasurer, respective- ly. Mr. Sargent was formerly connected with the " noTiF VEEHLOON. LENGTH, 806 FEET. CLASS A. * CMHDWOa. ILI.USTIIAT11D DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR 5». 345. RESCUED FROM AN EAGLE'S NEST SYNOPSIS OF SCENES. a iiim.wm.n's cabin in the mountains--Esrly morning—The lumberman off for his day of toll—Bidding wife and child good-bye. in ttTSSSS^BWlU?. treS^e^babr at play In fronTof the cabin—The eagle seen hovering above—He sights his prey-;The downward JMg fta g -BB'Sl egLsffltggsslsHL'SisiB skyward-JThe night of the eagle with the child towards the eagle', crag i. ,£ flight—The eagle picks i last retches her husband —The chase through a rock the eagle has placed the d Is safe, but the father now ' 8ftni2£c?£$fl^ No. 6339. CODE, VEEBXIEDEN. LENGTH, 516 FEET. CLASS A BEND FOR ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTIVE CIRCCJjAR No. 344. A mother's anguish—She at PRICE, mm No. 8338. THE SUBURBANITE'S INGENIOUS ALARM. CLASS A. CODE, VEEBKRACHT. 595 FEET. PRICE, S89.2& FOR COMPLETE 8YNOPBIH BBRD FOR OIROVLAB No. 349. No. 6336—LAUGHING GAS - - - - no. 6335—COLLEGE CHUMS - - - no. 6329—STAGE STRUCK - - - - No.6334—THE TRAINERS DAUGHTER ■ no. 6333—MIDNIGHT RIDE DF PAUL REVERE No. 6332—JACK THE KISSER - - ■ no. 6331—A RAGE FOR MILLIONS - - no. 6330—THE RIVALS - - - - ho. 6228—THREE AMERICAN BEAUTIES No. 2 Code Veerboot. B7B Feet. Class A. For Complete Synopsis send for Olroular No. 840. Cod. Vesnw.rtel. TOO Feet. Class A. For Complete Sraopsls send for Olroniar No. 889. Code Vs.adamp T8B Feet. Class A. For Complete Synopsis send for Olroniar No, 837. Code Teeawerker. 800 Feet. Class A. For Complete Synopsis send for Olroular No. 888. Code Vnoirsltr. OlB Fees. OlSMS A. For Complete Synopsis send for Olroular No. 8M. Code Teesureek. TBB Feet. Class A. For Complete Synopsis send for Olroular No. 881. Code Veengrond. OTB Feet. Class A. For complete Synopsis send for Olroular No. 838, Code Veensnswer. T80 Feet. Olaas A. For complete Synopsis send for Olroular No. 82T. Hand-Colored Code TeeabsuM. 8B Feet. Class A. Complete. For Complete Synopsis send for Olroular No. 887. Fries, iKfl.a* Price, 1105.00 Price, In7.00 Pries, •1110.00 Price, llST.m Price, lin.M Price, |i*fl.a» Price, s)uy.oo Pries, IM.50 ATTENTION! ATTENTION!! ATTENTION!!! Nickelodeon and Vaudeville Managers, Dealers, Renters and Exhibitors Th* following list of haadlln.Iand feature subjects are KSTIRHLY HHW to a large numbor el* those NOW Identified with the motion picture business, a. well as to a majority of the patrons of the PHBBBrlT DAV of motion picture ex- hibitions. We have Just tilled a bIHOLB order from one of tho largest aad oldest exhibition and rental houses In the country for 40,000 feet of flint selected from the subjects given below, whloh tells It. own slorjr plainer than words. and rtnt \j\J UiiVI Jr ave TV.UUU «»' v S. s^a a. . ass Sf'W-'t^'ll sswi.s «■■«., vsshj uub. w\ ■ w vmm m*v»vv*e WW ■Pssss^* ».■■ — » bbsp^ •»»» aa ^« ««b j g" ** m mm^j m ftusiB* fT Why should YOU not take this opportunity to profit by existing conditions 1 All ordinary six. orders made up and ■hipped within lie hours AFTBR receipt of order. "This Is mot a clearance sale of Stock Films. Bach and every print will bo mad. np fresh and new on customer's order, as we have not a single print In stock of any subject In this lilt." 6460 Jack and the Beanstalk 626, A 6761 Robe and Mandy, Coney Island 726, B 6700 The Great Train Bobbery 740, A 6866 Little German Band. 160, A 6026 Doc Factory 240, A 6028 Bold-Up In Country Grocery Store. 160, A 8020 Cop Pools Sergeant. 176, A 6081 Buster Brown Series 710, A 6008 Scenes In Infant Orphan Asylum 876, A 6015 Elm and Flames, Luna Park, Cons* Island 800, A 6010 How a French Nobleman Got a Wife Through the New York Herald "Personal" Columns. 676, B 6020 European Best Cure..., 080, A 6025 Annual Baby Parade, 1(04, As- bury Park, N. 377! 870, A 6084 Capture of "Yegl" Bank Burr- lars 080.A 6044 Wesrr Willie Kisses the Bride 140, A 0045 Parsifal 1875, B 0052 Maniac Chase 880, B 6076 City Hall to Harlem in 15 Mlrrates «h\ the Subway Bouts 160, A 6088 The Ei-Convlct. 660, A 0105 "Strenuous Life," or Antt-Itace Suicide 880.A 6110 The Kleptomaniac 670, A 6120 The Seven Ages 415, A 0127 How Jones Loet His Boll 6133 The Burglar's Slide for Life.. OKIB On a Good Old 5c Trolley Bide 6180 The Whole Damm Family and the Damm Dog 6146 Coney Island at Night 6147 "Baffles;' the Dog. 575, A 265, A 646, A 800, A 240, A 845, A 6156 Stolen by Gypsies. 6102 Boarding School Girls 980, A 6108 Scenes and Incidents, Busso- Jspanese Peace Conference, Portsmouth, N. H 800, A 0181 The Little Train Bobbery 726, A 6187 The White Caps 886, A 6100 Poor Algy 816, A 6181 The Miller's Daughter 875, A 8211 The Watermelon Patch 725, A 6214 Down on the Farm, 440, A 6221 Everybody Works But Father.. 850, A 6222 Train Wreckers 816. A 6226 Life of An American Policeman, with section showing Hirer Tragedy 1000,1 6228A Life of An American Police- man, with section showing Desperate Encounter Between Burglar and Police 6280 Dream of a Bareblt Fiend 6241 A Winter Straw Bide 6245 The Terrible Kids. 6260 Life of a Cowboy 6268 How the Office Boy Saw tbe Ball Game. 6265 Waiting at the Chnrch 6266 Kathleen Mavoumeen 1000, A 8276 Getting Evidence. 080, A 6277 Scenes and Incidents V. B. Mili- tary Academy, West Point.. 845,A 6278 Vanderbllt Cup, 1006. 400, A 6270 Honeymoon at Niagara Falls.. 10(H), A 6812 Daniel Boone; or, Pioneer Days In America 6818 The Teddy Bean 6824 Lost In tie Alps. 8820 Cohen's Fire Sale 8827 The Nine Uvea of a Cat 100O.A 470, A 60O,A 600,1 1000, A 785,1 470,1 1000,1 886, A 880, A 900, A 880, A EDISON !OJm , ACTTJEIN& CO., MAIN OFFICE AND FACTORY: 70 LAKE8IDE AVE., ORANGE, N. J. NEW YORK OFFICE: 10 FIFTH AVE. GHIGA60 OFFICE: 304 WABASH AVE. OrFIOB FOR UNITED KINGDOM I 80 CLIRKK1IWKLI, IIOA1), LONDON, K. C, HNOLAND. CCII HIP IPEIITC • "IE} KIUKTOGRAPH CO.. 41 Bast Slst St., New York. OtLUItU AULlllo. aBORGB BIIECU, 0SO-804 Grove St., Baa Fraaelseo, Oal. SlieALCnS IN A l_ l_ PRINOIPAL CITICS. dally, bare decided to give two shows every night, one at 7.40 and the other at 9.16. These are In addition to the regular dally matinees at 2-15. i s Alton.—At the Temple (W. M. Sauvage, manager) Frank Mahnra's Minstrels drew Sod .business Jan. 10. "Jesse James, the Issourl Outlaw," 17. Stetson's "D. T. C." drew big houses 18. "When Knighthood Waa In Flower" had good business 10. "The Smart Set" 28. "At Valley Forge" 20, "The Yankee Doodle Boy" 28 (return date), the Flints 27-Feb. 1, "The Han of the Hour" 2. iue Arcade, Toledo, O., and Mr. Bell comes from the Lyceum. Toledo Gaiety, Oalos- burg, III., has been added to the Davis- Churchill circuit, end opens 27, under the . new management. Ben F. Wheeler will be edy In Bismarck, Ltbic (W. M. Sauvage, manager).—Week Jan. 28: Bhepp's Dog and Pony Circus, Dave and Percle Martin, Hy. Qreenway, Carrie Simpson, and the blogtaph. Nora.—Cbas. OToole, formerly of this the resident manager, and at present he Is In charge of the Main Street, while a P. Churchill Is In Oalesburg Bex Be Bos- selie, late of the stock company at the Star, opened 20, at Woaet's, to do leads In the bur- lesque stock company. city, reports doing successful eccentric com -, N. I>. K SprtnaAeld. — At the Main tic (Earl Karma, manager) "The Olrl of Eagle Bench" Jan. 10-21, "His Excellency the Governor" 22, by Springfield High School! "Me, Hun and P 28-26. Cbattxbton'b (Geo. Chalterton, nana- ir) "The Confessions of a Wife" 10, "When nlghthooa Was In Flower" 20, Mrs. Pat- rick Campbell 22, "The Man of the Hoar" 23-20. -Oiflw (Burton « Smith, managers).— Week of 20: Dixon, Bowers and Dixon, Anna Burt, Dancing Demntbs, Tom Ripply, Wllllsrd and Brlggs, Ida Mlaco, and motion pictures. Notjc.— The managers of the Gaiety Thea- tre, who have been giving but two shows Qulnoy.—At the Empire (W. S. Busby, manager) the Grace Hayward Co. packed the house all week Jan. 18-18. "Coming Thro' the Bye" played to capacity business 10. "The Lily and the Prince" had good business 20. "The Prince of Sweden" 28, The Second Mrs. Tanqueray" 28, 'The Man of the Hour" 20, Mary Cabin, In "Marrying Mary," 80: Grace Hayward 81. Feb. 1. Bijou (Patrick A McConnell, managers). —Good business. Bill week of 27: Mien's doge, J. H. Rutherford and company, Adams Bros., the Gossards, Ruth Chandler, illus- trated songs snd the blograpb. i s Canton—At the Grand (F. B. Powelson, manager) "The Man of the Hour" to a One sudlence Jan. 20. "The Lily and the Prince" 22, the Erlangsr Concert Co. 24, 20, Winnin- gs Bros.' Comedy Co. week of 27. Nora.—The Fire Cent Theatre has been re. furnished, and a new machine added. It Is doing nice easiness. NBW HAMPBHIRB. Manchester—At the Park (John Stiles, manager) "The Two Orphans" was satis- factorily given by the house stock company. Notib. —Nickel (Manuel Lorensen, mana- ger) crowded houses Mechanics' Hall TDan B. Gallagher, manager) J. C. Lalng's ''Passion Play" was given week of 20, to rd audiences Ed. H. Telle, former- em employee of the Park Theatre here, now has charge of the State of Pennsylvania State buildings at Norrlstown, Pa Col. William Austin, founder of the Austin A Stone enterprises In BoBton, who died at Duxbury, Mass., Jan. 16, was well known here, as he Btarted the Austin Theatre, later known ae the BIJou, In this city several jeam ago... .Malcolm Bradley, of this city, who Is now playing In E. H. Bothern'a pro- ductions, sent local friends several clippings of Boston newspapers that praised his work. Ernest A. Provencher, with tho Gngo Stock Co., paid a dying visit to his home here 12 Ed. Knox, formerly with "Adrift In New York," writes that ho Is doing well with the Southern "Gambler from the West" Co... .Hoffman's Sccnlctorlum (A. P. Jcague, proprietor) has Just returned from a suc- cessful tour through Vermont.. ..Al. Marts, formerly proprietor cf the Palace Theatre here. Is now touring New Hampshire with the Marts A Brunelle Vaudeville Co. Keene.—At the Keeno Opera House (A. W. Qulnn, manager) Hadley's moving pic- tures, Jan. 20, were well received. Grant, Hayes A SwalTord's moving pictures, 22, Blessed. "Under Southern Skies 1 * 28. Grant, [ayes A Bwsfford's moving pictures Feb. 4. Drxaulamd (C. B. Fuller, manager).— Moving pictures and Illustrated songs draw crowds dally. , Nickel (Hollls A Fuller, managers).—Mo- tion pictures and songs and Passion Play, to capacity, last week. PROFESSIONALS AND EMPLOYEES OF THEATRES Are Eligible (e Membership IN THE I T. M. A (THEATRICAL MECHANICAL ASSOCIATION) Purely a Bonovolont Association organized to aid the alok and distressed, and to bury the dead. Lodges In 70 cities In United States and Gamuts. Opens lt B lodges to the theatrical world. Doctor s services iroe. Weokly slott benefits. Small ones. Talk to tho employees of any theatre and be con- vinced of its value to members of tbe profession, or for Information concerning the organizing or new lodges, write to R. O. NEWMAN, OR AND MOY., ■HEfVa THKATRB, Toronto, Ontari o DIAMONDS! As* K. F. Oarruthers, Ed. 0. Haynian or W. F. Keofo In the West Vaud. Chicago offloe about "Doo" Weber. I sell Dlanwadi »t wholesale prices to the profession, gaare'f- teetag to retara jroar taoaer any time ii looks bettor to yon than the cUasaond. yon Terras If you osn't pay all cash Write when you arelnChl. I wsnt von to bavba lookanrv/ay. ■•DOO - II. V. WEOKK, R. 310, HOD Dearborn Bt^ Obleafo.