The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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■ SSifi Iflf flft mmm fPfaP 1 i I llti THE 1STTSW YOBK CLIPPER Febkuaky 1, ACTOGRAPH HOUSEOLEANIN©* * 300.000 £2. tf J^a-^^SSlS^SaSi o^s^c^^oT^r: ; "We are disposing of 300,000 f« Write for lists If jrbu want A. . , _ •-.-•: FROM THE HOPS E OF Q UAIJTY THE ACTOGJ» Tel. 3938 Stuyvesant. iii t i i.i , i ;'-y. (iEniKK. Tin: nwcuii. 'Mile. Adeline-tienoc, whose picture appears on .111* 1 front page oi' I lib; Is^uc, Is known Hlhiiftfbbnr.EtiiOpo 'oh 'The Poetess »f Md- itlob,' and ranks among the greatest dancers In. Ih'c world. Contrary in popular belief, »Ufl If: no[ nil Englishwoman. Inn 11 native, of •JL —— 60 Union Square, N. y. IAivorshom. In "The Snunwman," nt Powers i 'nnd "The Man Prom Home." the record long rim dramatic offering, nt the Chicago .Opera House... Edward A. Rslscb will star-in vaudeville, In -Mylex McCarthy's dramatic sketch. "Brother Against Brother," and will, hsvi. h loenl hearing In the near futon & Moving Picture Shows Win. Important Decision Olvm In Their Fnvnr. Sew Amusiement Park for Chicago. Announcement, wnx made Jan. 1«, j^.jJJ projected opening of a new Summer, nnrjt foi •hlcngo. ft will be known U l'orcst Park, nnd will lie located on the fnr W«rt Wgp. The announcement Is concurrent wltn Hunter, Bradford Jt Itrlil In ' Bankruptcy. Robert F. Hunter, Walton Brndford and Francis K. Held, composing the theatrical' llrm <C Hunter, Bradford & Reld; have fiKti a petition la bankruptcy, with iiahiiitie.,. i ii'ii ,mil auaal u G? ATr*. nmnr.l..t.l . Justices Davis and Oroenbnnni both ran- ^."'"^"Jhat'The only^n'mmcr park" now Slf,27«, nnd assets.- ST.OTfi, conslsttqg ■•( J3%&V on .tan. 21. uphold ng la- ■««£»«.t that .bo^o»b th^ Chutes, offlee furniture. J70> nnd scenery and pro,. for six weeks tix "first dancer" at ihe remain In the purr for the rest of the "eason. ° l '»ot7epur»o° \\£k> "views "exprwed In this Jmplro^Sho ended her orlglna six weeks' ,• • t :--^' W^W^ZlK? w?Sa* <*»M&™ W reference lo any cxblbhloa i-on Met last Novemlwr. Juxl Ion yenrx from n .'"« .^["i P tT V,? \idrv widow "at « pictures of n <xnlac ous oro Indc- ,!*•;J,^i m ' ilJ?! . faj*.iw g^^«^^T»? , w flnJWamTS "5(1"' rile police to aii'pp'rexs such shows on njtr cfub gave u dinner In honor of Denis OM- day of tii* frock Ilvan, the 1 i-isli star, nt. the (Ireen ltooin, at Hector's, after the performance • of "Peggy Machroe," 14, nt which Irish songs were sung, Irish Jigs and reels danced, nnd Irish twinkle and pirouette horse ofLondop's-peoplr. Never hn uuch it celebration an mnrkeit AnnlTerxnry at that theatre. It did more than mark Hie end of her tenth yenr—11 wnx tke«vA of her depuriure for the new world— ir»r>*oy»so to America, there to'make new w G^6fe' «t " hits (Hide. Unncerg of a deende ago. She made her debut nt. the orc of twelve yenrx, and .had the honor-nt that, ilmcot appearing before no, .audience In which wna the King of Hen- mcrk, For Ihree years following this, rtenee toured continental l-liirope with her uncle 'iittd nnnt, and In llils lluie site nppenrcd be- fore-the Empenir or Hermany, the Kmperor fif^AHstrln, the Canr of Kusxla, the King of Italy, and the Trrsldcnt br France, each Hnic by..Tovnl.command or s]icclnl Invitation. It nt the end of Ihtx lour that she went to London to begin what proved to be ber moxi remarkable engagement. Twice she hax ap- peared, by royal command, liefore King F,cl- wnrd and" Queen Alexandra, at chatxwortli, and on one of thexe Oceanians Her Mnjoxty BMclOuxly shook linndx with Uenec and pre- yented her with u mlgnlflcenl Jewel brooch, i7hlch Is the most highly prlsied possession of rhfli' little dancer. Uuncn In the Idol of.the Loudon people' nnd ilio xenxntlmt of. Kurope. tlh*"l» '« most iintheotiicnl little woroan-^- sliiipiC; modest and Ingenuous. Iu_ aiincar «ate shi half-, ■: blue the Danex. Many have been the eonnucsiB nhp.'hax mndo In the past, nnd this In n yyld«; variety of ilnncea.. Shn Is of that won- iiUfai school of dnnclnir that antedates the tendency of modern lull let that makes first rate; terpHtcunronn ability iinniicessary. And at:thff anrne time she Im n representative of the modern dance. Whether It be lu tbe aluS'rt, fluffy skirls of the conventional ballet; ih« long and •cumbersome- skirls nnd high lieeled Hliocs of modern attire, the frock of rbe girl, the page's knlckt'rbockorx, or the fttll riding habit, with boots, It Is one aud ttie-.Mimc to' Oence. Mhe is "The Toetcss ol >TatlQn,!V and, rntiono. London critic said, •;Tbe lllfth I'Mesti'ss of Orace." Oenee Is up- rjDK In "Tl)e Soul Klxs." at: the New \ork !«lrre. und.wlll be seeu horc in fonr dnnces fm - ' her, repertory. Her- nr*t In-*. "Bnlla- .'-' ensemble bailct. When jdio a. to Amorica rveciitly, sbo was- led by. twelve enryphnes,., or line bill et <ralrcers, whom she ihroiight frooi the .Hmplre 'I'hentre.and who have been;associated wltli her there for the past six years. They ap- pear with her lu this "uallablle." Her sec- ond dance Is of Hie modern school, nnd shows her attired In long skirts and high; heeled nhors. Tins third Is one of the most papular of nil her successes In Loauou— mlmely, "The Little alleluia," which Is not only a wonderfully graceful dance, hut gives tJeuee the 'opportunity to show her uiintn- mlmle ability. Her fourth and lust offering J» her famous "Hunthig rmncc," In which she nppears In full riding habit and boots. This has been snld many times to be the moat graceful danco ever pnt on any stage. Thcso four dnnces will show the Amur can pebple (lenee at her liexi, In all ber versatility and grace. , «■» OHICAaO WUTTElt AUIHTIOXAL. ■ AKTEitMATit.—Bertrlci' Shepard was a re- cent caller. She -Is at present playing In- ijenuog with Howard's Stock Co., at Ilowurd 3 Theatre, and has boon very successful as w:t- tie»Bcd-'l>y the many iittentlona sho has r<- qcl^jf,oni^ltj-ous.oi^!^ouse.._. chase. Fourteen acres In addition are bPlng negotiated for, with prospects that n deal will be closed. . The new organization Is known as the Forest Park Fair Orotmds Aoiiiscment; t.o. It will operate under a long time franchise, ,. 4n the Intcwstof public crnn tcd-T>v the village of Forest Park (for- rold tbe bewlldorment and mprly u n flem). The life of the grant Is ten order and to nv_... confusion I') police administration which necessarily' accompanies the cxlsteuco of nit mcroits lujanctt photos, advertising,, money dlse and expenses.. , Channlng Pollock, said'that the producing rights of the piece were now In the posses- sion of himself and.Kdgerton Castle, and that the London and licrllu productions would be mnde ns already announced. ' . •' » years Nearly $1,000,000 wilt be expended in the tertalnincnt. ... .Idaho Hill. In his Cheyenne Frontier 1 Imposition, n! Tatversnll's, last week, was a great success, and gave many Ideas of frontier life A new lense wag placed on record .lau. l!i, for the Ash- land lllock, In which are the offices of the Western Jlurcau of Tun NkwYoiik Ci.trrEu, nnd siso the Olvmplc Theatre.-- It was exe- cuted lii-KeptembeiyluOO, running for nlnety- ulnn years from date, and was from the lute Alexander .1. Alexander, of Kentucky, to-the Aslilr.nd lllock Association, by I,u«-ii.-( Urod- head, Its president. The rcntnt Is $72,750 yearly during the entire lease, which Includes both ground and building. The ground 'fronts 180 feet on Clark Street, with SO feet on ltnndolph Street, and an "L" of ISO feet on Couch Place, on which stands the theatre. ..... .The final echo of the Iroquois Theatre fire has be-.-n heard, and.Judge Wlndcs.has quii;bed the Inst Indictment growing oiiuof the cniusfroplio, namely that.against Oeorgc Williams, former building commissioner. Too «'YJ oii^i.f n^,i olriiui, «.iih the'dViTcn Judge, said, that lieeause of the statute of f.„',? S no/ Mr • LJ1! or linll.illons, Williams cannot, again lie In- itue eyes nnd fair complexion or a , ( . t( , d on , h|g cnargp> IlP (lm I10 * t pns9 . npnn the constltiitlonnllty of the city ordinance, hut: showed two defects In the Indictment, und based his decision on that. The indict- ment failed-to show that Williams luid time to familiarize himself with the duties or 'His rffraiji from molesting iwfi'il business. important to have an appel- late tribunal pasi upon tho questions In- volved because of the contllct of views on this subject In ilIK^rent departments, the mo local' amusements. ' The remainder Is being Invested In novelties constructed by conces- sionaires,-under contract with the park com- pany. „..,'■ The officers of the Forest Park Fair Crounds Amusement Co. arc James J. Oray, rlon-'tii continue ■taelnjiinellon pending the 0 f the law llrm of Orny & Moran, former as- artkm I" grnnleil."' Justice G;-e.iiijt>n'im also uphold the»writ of' Iianens corpus sued out ou hohalf of Lnzare ValensI, who runs a slot machine iCHltthllshmcnt' nt 111' Third Avenue and ^a .moving picture shew at 122 Park Itow. vn- lensl's case was made a test one ky tbe asso- 'ciatlou of moving picture iuen. Justice Oreenbanm says- that there Is no proof ihst Uls tibuws disturbed the public pence. ;:< ■ • ,.- — 4K Mi-h. Klske In Helnsco Theatre. '" Mrs. FIske will end her business relations with the Shiilierts at the end of her present engagement. In "Kosmersliolia." By the terms.of tan agreement: entered Into lust week between Dnvld Bclasco and Harrison Urey FIske, Sirs. Flsko "will npnenr regularly on the stage n ( the llclasco Tficatre. Mmc. Bertha Kallch. another of Mr. Flskc's stars, will play her Now York engagement at the Belasco. The new contract goes Info effect next Fall, nnd contemplates engage- ments running as lute as February, or even until the end of the season. Mrs. FIske will be^'ln her RcU«co Thentrc American mnauy. llr. offlee, or to enforce tb.o laws against th&trfflr" engagcnwnt next, season u tt new Amei ........The Hiiiirc of Itepresentatlvcs, ,ai 1'V. supported by her Manhattan comj Hnrlnirllelil, III. t h8s ordered a probe -into,. the $»*■, "•«*• KllMl, who fl also under condlflnu of affairs exlsllng-at Hie Asylum Flske's mnna^nicnl. will be seen next season for the Youthful Insane, at Lincoln, In .which "' ihe "elns'u. In n new piny. Frank- Olroux, xon of ,l|en01roux, business mnnngcr of the, t'vltorlou Theutre, \v.u» cruelly burned by carelessness. The bllL ask- ing fnr the probe, • was Introduced by flepre- sentnUvo^Hopc Hnlhllng ..Commissioner Hownev savs (lint the live cent theatres lu . this city arc as safe as human Ingenuity can make litem An amendment has been recommended to the building committee, to allow fourth class houses to use two sets br scenery, where now they .only use onc.-gBkls n'pplfcx to theatres having a.-maxlmunrsetit- lug capacity of SOfl. and-ln -which- the ground floor In not moro than three feet Mbov>''«tbe ground. ,. v. ■♦■ .» lliiHiimii & Prntt lit Pnrtiiernhlp. .1. Howard llnuiunn and II, 1). Pratt, of the Pratt Them ileal Poster I'u.,-of'Indianapolis, have entered lata a copartnership for the sessor and circuit conrt clerk and for years clerk of the court of tbe late Judge Murray V. Tuley; Henry Mnlwurtn, president of the State Liquor ■ Dealers'- Protective- Associa- tion; A. Wlnterroth, ,a manufacturer of Forest Parkj and Joseph llrcln, a former member of the. legislature and. city sealer under the Punne administration. .Mr. Gray Is president; Mr. Molwurm, vice-president; Mr. Wlnterroth, treasurer, and Mr. Greln, secretary and general inauagcr. 1 Thomas W. l'rlor. who has been consplcu- ouslv identified with Chicago amusements froni the rtnys when Dnvld Henderson made ihe Chicago Opera House -work famous ns a producing Institution, down lohls connection with nivetvlew Park Inst season, and White i.'lty the preceding one, will be director of nmuseinenis. . ■ .' Work has been carried on in a quiet man- ner for two months'. The realestate end of the transaction has been la the. hands of K. A, CiiDirulngs. The iirojicrty on which the Chutes Com- pany operated Isowned by Hie Chicago Union Traction Co., and the approaching reorganiza- tion. In traction affairs Is uuld to be an ltn- i.ortaut factor lu determining the sale of tbo real estate. The lease Is said to have heeu decidedly- advantngeons v to- the'• Chutes Com- pnnv, nnd the concern, nlthou^h n minor park, Is rspnrted ■ to 'have earned Uva times Its total Investment diirlug lis'llfe.. -Some of those Interested In the chutes are.Inter- ested In the new company, but. there Is no jjr. Kdwhrds will be In personal'charge of consolidation, nor anything approaching a the*house;aiid win; write-much of the mu?l- '•' for. tlice liroductfohs.' ' 'The n llance. John Drew .furnished the second story, which will- be known as the Josephine linker room, Mrs. Drew's, maiden name. .Mrj. Chnrles Slnnlckson furnished .the third story front room In memory of Mrs. John Drew. and it will bear the tatter's name. Father Xevln B. Fisher, of St. John's Church. Thlr tecnth Street, furnished-a fourth story room ns a Tribute to Mary Anderson. The remain- der of the house.was furnished by Rodman Wanamnkcr and Frederick Straw-bridge. The club has fourteen sleeping apartments. Meals will he served to theatrical women al $4 a week, The.membership Is S100 a year. "■■■ " ■ ' <4» ; WilllnniHon (itt» lllltllls of "MlM llook of Holland." The Inst contract which J. C. Williamson, the Australian- thentrlenl manager, made be- fore leaving New York for Australia was an ngrecmeut with Chnrles Frohmnn for the Australian production of. "Miss Hook-of Hoi land." Mr. Frohmnn-has sold tno American, not the English version', to Mr. Williamson, and "hi :fhreo Instances' has 'allowed him to make contracts with members of iht. American cast who will tour • In-Australia sifter the run: of' "Miss nook of Holland"-nt die Cri- terion Theatre. • ■ ' ... .. »»» Circle, New Yoilt City, Changes MnuaKCiueiit. tins Edwnrds.' the'composer.' and Felix Io- nian have the Circle Thea- tre, New York City, for eight,year*, begin ulug. March. i; The-Jlrat performance uuder the nbfr management- Is' to take'.place in March, land changes to .he made la the BOW* will necessitate Iib clbslag. fo^-a time. fusion of name' will l>e Svvr Fireworks Co. In Clilcaira> The• Oregory Fireworks Company WW*lu- eoniing of tiio n'ttract Ions'. of the Tit" Is pretty well'booked. The nttrac- tlon will be n full scenic production. It la a story of tho Pennsylvania slate regions, and Is said to be new and navel throughout. lOlegaut new special paper will herald the not hitherto bf.en heard-In this country. One of tbe new riding devices will Henry . ... pea ring. Tbo. new production will be mad* at the-end of her New York Reason. Alls; perched on n single rail nt the top of the en- ¥,-,,,v:r,„"'"l- •."*■ BTZ^SBiS v.v7.m»i closure fence, and will encircle the ground* ™^^^jn^g^M^.-l^* ...Ade corporated last week at Springfield, 111.,'ttIiIi - ♦ » » the following officers: tlcorgo N'wton.vMinial- dent and treasurer; Joseph Wclgaud.jjvtcr- preuldeut; II. R. Oii'gory, secretary* *jfd manager. Tbev have taken ofllces anil'sales- room at llti Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111., Suite 408, 401), wllb factory located nt Fftiuk- lln Park, 111. This corportilloii has already made several coutrnets with prominent pitrkN. , .stnt^f and county fairs, cnralvats, elc-.^iiid ^V™ In tlie nlai" the political demon*)rations. They M.bmlt pto- i.Tn.e.1 .ml nccrormer Krnmmes, Including set, pieces and n.echnnl- ^'>. f'' !!£'' KW nil devices exclusive with this concern, and r experts are furnished to do the Handling and tiring. Among their offerings is tie; big Dlbllcnl siK'etnete, "The Blew of Jericho, 1 ' wltli the burning of the ancient city ol; Jer- icho ns Its theme. This production, ovlth Its elaborate scenic display' over' three Hum- died feet long, employing a company of,over = _tl«ee hundred and llfly people, and eoftttbSM lautJ^elmwiisi pr^e"nfeir~vntirnir efftinii'iTTir "of tGp iiWst expensive design lltlliig tct'lhat Teddy. Benr ouc evening last week by her fj>- era. Concluding each fierformnnc ous display offBl Bush. C. Frederick Wheeler, press reprosch- . works is used, amount lug to over Sl(),OI)o. nee of;ibts ilny of)ljrl- . em iifto — tntlvo' of this theatre, hiis closed bis connec- tions with the nolbrook-Biirker Co., and will ■♦»» wlili-li Also conlnds the Bush, Is rapidly Isiok ing up dates for next Summer's Chatnaniis season, ilr. Holbrook Is known lis ," Hi' An Initial catalogue of six popular songs and three Instrumental numbers, of a dfrcrsllled nature sufficient to pleuse the various nutillc tastes, will-soon be ready, and the Columbia will, then make Its formal-bow. to the dealers and the profession of the country. Theliusl- Mnyor of i:\iuisvlllc, inil., Kenloas ltt-M'nrill.iu st.iRi- .Uorals. Mayor Besbuo, of Kvousvllle, Ind., wants a guarantee tluit "llti Barry" is not liumnml. Airs. Leslie-Carter Is booked to present that play lu Kvitusvllle on Jan. 20. The mayor Instructed that nHIeers lie placed in the audience, and If anything Immoral up- performance will be I mid managers ur- rested. The mayor also 1ms ordered Chief of Police Ilrciineckc ui stop auy : show and nrresl aiiv nctress anil the malinger of-any troiipe. nnd. the manager of the theatre, when- ever a woniuii- auiiears In tights or abbre- viated costume aud does high kicking. «»» Kntberlni- CSrey as Lnwrencc Stnr. -Walter N. Liiwrenco will produce.a new play by Dnvld limhiim Phillips some lime next month ut the Madison Square Theatre. This production will lutroduce Kntherlne flrey, at. prescnt-'plnylng In "The Ueckonlug," as n-star under the-Lawrence management, (n"the place of Carlnttii Nlllsnu. ■ Mr. Phillips' piny Is a drauiu In fonr nets, with the scene laid-In Indiana, and the title ihosen for It Is "The Worth of a Woman:" Mr. Lnwrcuec's "Three of l"s"' company, lu iVblch -Miss •'Nlllsoit starred, will be con- tinned on lour. ,-, . » . » .,; Uovu-l (lo j ton and M. «.'. nilllnrd '. at varying angles and luellucs, forming a continuous ride. Immediately within other coasting and gilding devices will encircle the grounds, built In double deck to the height of forty feet, with nn automatic automobile track over-topping all. nomination will be made : n strong feature in bidding for public favor. To "The Three of-Cs." ♦ »> "Vlu- isle of Yankl Tank." Cincinnati's KIks are prepnrlng for a mon- ster benefit at Music Hall, March 1(0, when "The Isle of Yanbl T'anb" will be pnsenied. . R. K. Bennett. Is nlreudy directing rehearsal*, accomplish this end one of tho most modern mid the show should eclipse nil previous sue- electric nlnnts luthe country will be estah- cessrul efforts of these Queen Ciiy F.Iks. Ilshcd. II- will be built on lines that will _____*—.*- make It one of tho show places of Forest _,. , V ~ Park. n'Anniiimlo'xi -Nev»- I'lay. The pnrk will be thirty-five minutes from 'W>* l |r8t pretwntnllou of Gnbrlclc DAn- State- St reel on the Oarlleld Park branch of numslo's "Xave" (Ship), symbolizing ihr- the Metropolitan elevated. All the' west sldo greatuess of Venice, was given at; the Thea- tre Argentina, Home, Italy, Jan. 11. Ad- vices i tu to that It madaa-great success. + »■»- surface Hues either run to the gate, or reach It through trimsfcr. Tho projectors announce a policy differing from that of other Chi- cago amusement parks, particularly In rela- tion to'hours. The .park will not open until four o'clock In the afternoon. The park or grove feature will be the ext. elusion of the hoard walk Idea, and a large number of picnics are being contracted for at thin time. "TUe HyiioerUe»." Company.- The principal members of- Charles Froh ; mnn's wmpanv. jjrcsentlnc "Xh.c..Hyppcrlfes, which'clb'sciT'Vts senson la Worcester. Mass-. after the performance Jan.Ml,' have b»a drafted.for other plays be presented Chicago ofllces of the compauv have been I by-Mr.- Frohman, have returned to New ioric ina season. Mr. lloinrooK is known as --lhu Chataiifiua Mem." Cnrllu.has malleil Inn ^jj't^cu'ainkcitrfornViVi'bo'"the d.ioicjs '" -; ■,> v-.^V'.", . Mnrry. Inleiestlng picture postal froni-liogresso HIld t | l( , profM! ,| M1 „f t h,. eoimtry. Theliusl- Mai* fndaV nilllnrd, treasurer of Joe Yucatan, showing the prliielnni street »' » nr a lless po | loy of tue ncw coni ,„ my »m be' «on-. Weber's;Themrei und for some rear* nt the Cr,ui«. It was written on the boat on wuic ,i„ited on strictly conservative and legltlnmle cnslno. and Hanoi Muuster. of Bost.m, were she and her partuer umde^ Hie trip »ust from „ lot | lm i fli -rite olllcers of the new Cnlnmbltt marrlcd-bv tlltv lW.-Dr. Webrge I'. Iloughtuii. Vera Criiu. ou their way to Merlda, lucatiic. , willlnm T. IT Tlicy will piny Ihrongb the central Amerlena States, anil return to -Mexico City Inter on. ..-. .... Pauline De Vere Lltleral and Or" Harvn have leliirned from,Winnipeg, Clio., where Miss Littoral has lieen leading Tmly for live months, In the nmsleiit comedy stock company nt tbe Lyric Theatre, uiti In wblcti she was a great, success. Miss Lltleral will go out lu her old lino, vaudeville, about Feb. I, assisted by Miss Ilarva, lu a little comedy 1'lerson, president; William' at the -Little fihiircb.-Arouud the. Coriior. ou A. Boyd, vice president nn<l trensiirer, and Odcll L. Whipple,.secretary. Nnney W'lthro In Vaudeville.. Xaury 'Wllhro, n Sonlhern Boelety girl, will make her debut shortly on the vaude- ville stage, presenting a plaunlogue. In which she bus been coached by Melville. Kills. Uer act will no doubt prove Interest big, for she caiiuot rend it note of music nnd has no . opened In tho Ashland Block. The perfect transportation facilities! of tile new park will aiske It possible to draw from ' every part of Chicago, and to bring the pco- : pie by elevated and surface cars nt Its very gates. • • -. : Outside of White City, Forest Pork la-Hie - only park having Oils advantage, and ttau concessioner will probably And' lu the new park the best chance for monev making of any of the other big Chicago parks. «»♦ ' ".— . Work to Be Itesniueil ou Sew Theatre. Arrangements have been made bv which the building of the New Theatre, at Slxtv- rhlrd Slrect and Centra! Park West, New to begin'rehearsal*. ^»» Jan. IS. Mlsi -Minister's atttge. name Is Hazel ^ork City, will be resumed lu April. Nothing I'luvloii, Sho created the pari W the French . ninld, in "Tlie-.Prlnee of Plfsen," und hss beou under the msnngciuent of Henry W. Savage since that time. •• has been done on the-work xluee October, Tho architects hope u> have-the tbentre ready within six months after the dnte origi- nally set for Its opening. The pluns havi Robert I'Mi-Hon'x \eiv 1'lay Delivered. Oeorgc Ib-pudhiil^tJins delivered to Henry II. Harris' the ; 'quiiiulvfed uinnuscrlpt of "The I 1 cut. off the original estimate, which excluded n million Julia 3Inrlowe In Revivals. . Julia Marlowe appeared as Mary Tudor. In "When Knlghthobd Was hi -Flower,* at tue Academy of Music, Ball Imore, aid., on Jan IT, for the first- time in some years. Mls» Mnrlowe will .'also play llo«allnd„ln a re- vlvalof "As You'Llke- It." -In.Sf. Louis Jan. 28. . ■ .. ... ,. ^.» ■ \ KlnU' Jlliils' i.lltle 9II*ll>p. . Klsle. Janlg. slipped and. wrenched a Ilea- inent in her ankle wiille'doingher lmituilon of tho danco of the Ward Brothers, at < >; elnnutl. Sho suffered much pain, but plud.ii> remained oil'duty ■ ' ■ •***■ i Lottie ailmon on Ohio Clrcnlt. Lottie Oilsoh, in conjunction with Sully ee„ J smnowbnt nlteSd* t.fmnl^ lK, n T g ^^^W^W^^ w 'ss expetiHlvc. -in nil about KMO.noO will be <""* ,rt ol1 tlK ' Ohio circuit, with great su. and successful engnceiiient through this South west, ns musical director. He will go out to .lollet for a temporary engagement,,-. ..... Mort Singer, manager of the Ly Salle llie ; .„.,,...,,.... atro, has gone lo/Cubn for i a, threiv wceks^ pnsr-eleven;years, and wlm wilt be a three yeiirs* tour through Kurope, opening , i,- r ,, m .cs Wikht. on tbe Moss-Stoll tour, at Liverpool. Feb. K """ ' - m H R ».» Mert Chirk, who has been Identltled with the Cook Opera House, Rochester, N. }"., forjthe | 'The Mantle Adams to Continue • - — .1 extern." rest? Icnvliur'TiioHieatrc affairs In the hands Iwr^'M^un^'o^ld'mtW' of 'the Tire^ai'lnk Maude Adams will continue her season In of his brother, Harry, who has heeu nxse- uct <bnvlitsc toureil Hie world with It diirlMl j "/fhe Jesters," at the Kinplre Theatre, New elated with hlin at Hint bouse ever slncp the. tUf . <70s), Tias been, engaged as iiiaunKcr of \ork City, unitl reb. ■ 2ft. This will com- Slngers look Hie inanngemeul. Hurry Ask In this nrgniilkntlou during Its European tour. ■ plete the two months' Innll originally fixed wan to h nve Jollied his business partner, bur anble to gel away. The Aakln-Stnger ■»»» w|ll be, nimble to Ret away, -rne **«»=»«J"■"^*:^ ii.iliawity nnd 9lei»el Sail.. -, t ^Sffirou the road! 0 '"?..Uehle^ft r> nnd Hathaway and Slegel sailed for London, ?he* distinction ot l.av ng three of'their com- Eng., Jnn. 22. to open at tho New lllrtpo! MlS^^*tf^iWwek^ramelJ•: Mrs. drome. Sl.effield, with other time to follow, fatrlck Campbell, «t tho Oarrlek; William They were booked by George Fowter, for her New York engagement this season. . 4 »♦ "The Ileal Goods." - .. W. Al. White, manager of the Hlckman- tfesscv Co.. writes: "My »d. In The C'Lirrnn brought 478 letters." •'The Thief Iteinuliiis lu New York ,1'ntll M»y. CbarleH Fi-olunnn nituouuccd Inst week that "The Thief" would stay at the Lyceum The- atre, New York City, until May 27, when the company now 1 presenting It, with Miss tiling- ton nnd Mr. Bellow, will go direct to San Francisco for n Summer season nt the Van Ness Theatre. — «.» Savnase Null* for ISurone. Henry W. Savage sailed for Kurope. on the ICrbnprimtcgsin Cccllle. on Jan. 21.' He Is not expected to return to America before April.' ■winIn in J. Uelly'M Stock Benson. William 3. Kelly's stock company season will begin nt nn uptown thcntrc, In Rjw York-CUy, next mouth.' Staudni'd ploys ami Brondway successes will be presented. <«» ■— . ... "Tne. Sew York Wen" for.Spain...... .Contracts have been slgiied for the Spanisb rlnhiB of Langdon Mlteliell's piny,-"Tbe JMg York Idea." It Is one of the first American plays to be trans lated Into Spnnlsli. KFfflE AND WTEB THEATrT MOUQUIN'S 6tb Avt„ fett. 27tt ul 281b SltnHwYlft. mora popiflbAjft ' PARISIAN OAFK. : : MDS10 8,90 TO 1 A, M-